Ph1F1-PhBioSCi1a-Activity 2-Individual-Gloria

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Name: Allysa Rose Gloria Course, Year and Section:_Pharm1F Score: _______
Instructor’s Name: _Mr. Balili & Ms. Adorable_ Group No: ____ Member No: ____ Date: 9/24/2021


a. Label the parts of plant cell and animal cell.

Chromatin Nucleolus
Golgi Apparatus Nucleus

Cytoskeleton Central
Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum
Middle Lamella

Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum

Cell Wall
Mitochondria Chloroplast
Plasma Membrane

Nucleus Lysosome
Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum

Golgi Apparatus

Mitochondria Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum

Cytoplasm Ribosomes
Plasma Membrane
b. Fill in the table below.

PARTS (Present or
(Present or Absent)

This is the rigid outermost

layer of a plant cell. It makes
the cell stiff -providing the
1.Cell Wall Present Absent cell with mechanical support
- and giving it protection.
Animal cells do not have cell

The plasma membrane,

therefore, has two functions:
first, to be a barrier keeping
the constituents of the cell in
and unwanted substances out
2.Plasma Membrane Present Present
and, second, to be a gate
allowing transport into the
cell of essential nutrients and
movement from the cell of
waste products.

It provides support to the

internal structures, is the
suspension medium for the
3.Cytoplasm Present Present organelles and maintains the
shape of a cell. It is also jelly-
like substance, where
chemical reactions happen.

The function of the

mitochondria in both plant
and animal cells is to produce
4.Mitochondria Present Present
energy for the cell via ATP
production as part of the
Krebs cycle.

A cup-shaped array of
flattened membranous
vesicles found in plant cells.
Dictyosomes modify proteins
5.Dictyosomes Present Absent
from the endoplasmic
reticulum and may also
polymerize sugars to
The endoplasmic reticulum
can either be smooth or
6.Endoplasmic rough, and in general its
Present Present
Reticulum function is to produce
proteins for the rest of the
cell to function

Ribosomes receive
information from the cell
nucleus and construction
materials from the
7.Ribosomes Present Present
cytoplasm. It translates
information encoded in
messenger ribonucleic acid

Their main function is to

convert fatty acid to
8.Microbodies carbohydrate. They are
Present Present
prevalent in the germinating
seeds in their fat-storing

Plastids are responsible for

photosynthesis, storage of
products like starch, and for
the synthesis of many classes
9. Plastids Present Absent of molecules such as fatty
acids and terpenes, which are
needed as cellular building
blocks and/or for the function
of the plant.

Microfilaments assist with

cell movement and are made
of a protein called actin.
Actin works with another
protein called myosin to
10.Microfilaments produce muscle movements,
Absent Present
cell division, and cytoplasmic
streaming. Microfilaments
keep organelles in place
within the cell.
Animal cells have one or
more small vacuoles whereas
plant cells have one large
central vacuole that can take
up to 90% of cell volume. In
11.Vacoules Present Present
plant cells, the function of
vacuoles is to store water and
maintain turgidity of the cell.
Vacuoles in animal cells store
water, ions and waste.

It is a large organelle in
eukaryotic organisms which
protects the majority of the
12.Nucleus Present Present DNA within each cell. The
nucleus also produces the
necessary precursors for
protein synthesis.

It is found in both animal

and plant cells. The nuclear
envelope protects the cell's
13. Nuclear Envelope Present Present
genetic material from the
chemical reactions that take
place outside the nucleus.

The principal function of the

nucleoplasm is to program as
a suspension substance for
the organelles inside the
nucleus. It also helps to
14. Nucleoplasm Present Present maintain the shape and
structure of the nucleus and
plays an important role in
the transportation of
materials that are vital to
cell metabolism and function.

Chromatin are coiled and

condensed to form
chromosomes. It makes it
possible for a number of cell
15. Chromatin Present Present processes to occur including
DNA replication,
transcription, DNA repair,
genetic recombination, and
cell division.
The nucleolus makes
ribosomal subunits from
proteins and ribosomal RNA,
also known as rRNA. It then
16. Nucleolus Present Present
sends the subunits out to the
rest of the cell where they
combine into complete
c. Draw the following specimens under LPO and HPO.
1. Onion epidermis

2. Tomato epidermal

3. Hydrilla young leaf

4. Squash stem trichomes


1. What are trichomes for?

Trichomes is the term used to refer to tiny outgrowths from the plant epidermis. It is also typically
used to refer to the tiny hairs that can be seen emerging from the surfaces of leaves and other epidermal
surfaces of plants. There are different types of trichomes that serve different functions for plants. There
functions are largely dependent on the type of trichome as well as their location on the plant. First, for
protection of developing buds by such trichomes as the Ephemeral trichomes and it also enhances the life
span of the plant and ensures their survival; Second, for absorption of water and moisture in order for the
plant to live and to survive longer; Third, elimination of excess toxic substances and salts from such
plants as the Atriplex; Fourth, waxes protect plants from extreme heat and sunlight, as it is also a
protection in an environmental stress especially in some deserted places; Lastly, oils from such plants as
Cymbopogon act as insect repellent, for all we know insects has always been a harm to plants and with
the help of trichomes, the survival level of plants longer. Thus, trichomes is not just a tiny hair that
outgrowth from the plant epidermis but is also a protection or barrier to the plant’s danger threats.

2. Why are lysosomes called as suicide bags?

Lysosomes are known as suicide bags of the cell because they contain lytic enzymes capable of
digesting cells and unwanted materials. autolysis and burst open when the cell is damaged. This causes
the hydrolytic enzymes to be released. The released enzymes then digest their own cell, causing the cell to
die. As a result, they’re known as cell suicide bags. For, its main function is digestion and waste removal.

3. What is chlorophyll? What its significance to photosynthesis?

Chlorophyll absorbs mostly in the blue and to a lesser extent red portion of the electromagnetic
spectrum, hence its intense green color. Green substance in producers that traps light energy from the
sun, which is then used to combine carbon dioxide and water into sugars in the process of photosynthesis
Chlorophyll is vital for photosynthesis, which helps plants get energy from light.

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