Education by Ellen White

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The main concepts of the book Education can be summarized as follows:

The Christian formation of children and youth is the first duty of parents, starting in the
home, and later working in cooperation with teachers and church leaders. “Fathers and
mothers and teachers need to appreciate more fully the responsibility and honor that
God has placed upon them, in making them, to the child, the representatives of Himself”
(Education, 244). Students learn that they belong to a special people with a history, a
mission, and a destiny in which they can play an important role.

The Bible constitutes the basis and reference point of all educational endeavors. “The
Bible contains all the principles that men need to understand in order to be fitted either
for this life or for the life to come” (Education, 123). The curricular and co-curricular
programs must reflect the worldview revealed by God in the Scriptures. The same Holy
Spirit that inspired the Bible writers will motivate them in their search for truth if they
submit to their guidance. Thus, students will become “thinkers, and not mere reflectors
of other men’s thought” (Education, 17).

Teachers and students acknowledge that all truth is God’s truth, and that each field of
study can broaden and deepen their understanding of truth. God’s creation, from the
molecular to the stellar, reveals His wisdom and opens up vast areas of learning.
“Nature testifies of God. The susceptible mind, brought in contact with the miracle and
mystery of the universe, cannot but recognize the working of infinite power” (Education,
99). Faith must be based on evidence, which appeals to reason.

The life of Jesus Christ and His teachings should occupy a place of privilege on
campus. Students are encouraged to accept Him as Creator, Savior, Lord, and coming
King, and to commit their lives to His service, whatever the vocation or profession they
choose. “Redemption… is the subject of education” (Education, 16). Accepting His
grace and establishing a personal friendship with Him bring meaning, purpose, and
hope to life.

The main objective of Adventist education is to develop in students a Christian

character as they embrace biblical values and learn to make principled choices. This
goal is best reached in an atmosphere of responsible freedom and redemptive
discipline. “True education does not ignore the value of scientific knowledge or literary
acquirements; but above information it values power; above power, goodness; above
intellectual acquirements, character. The world does not so much need men of great
intellect as of noble character” (Education, 225).

Educators exemplify and foster a balanced development of their students’ lives.

Students adopt a simple, healthy lifestyle modeled after God’s original plan in the
Garden of Eden. They learn a basic trade to strengthen their body and prepare to
sustain themselves. Learning and labor are integrated. Education, then, “is the
harmonious development of the physical, the mental, and the spiritual powers”
(Education, 13).

Service to fellow human being, motivated by God’s love, is the main purpose of life.
Education “prepares the student for the joy of service in this world and for the higher joy
of wider service in the world to come” (Education, 13). School programs include
opportunities for students to alleviate human needs in the neighborhood, their homeland
or abroad. Priority is given to active compassion, generosity, and honest work.

Education on this earth is the beginning of a process that will continue for eternity on the
New Earth, after Jesus’ second coming. “There every power will be developed, every
capability increased…. All the treasures of the universe will be open to the study of
God’s children” (Education, 307).

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