Review Article: Rare Earth Elements: Their Importance in Understanding Soil Genesis
Review Article: Rare Earth Elements: Their Importance in Understanding Soil Genesis
Review Article: Rare Earth Elements: Their Importance in Understanding Soil Genesis
Review Article
Rare Earth Elements: Their Importance in
Understanding Soil Genesis
Copyright © 2012 M. T. Aide and C. Aide. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution
License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly
The rare earth elements (REEs) are commonly defined as lanthanum (La) and the 14 elements comprising the Lanthanide series.
The REE’s typically exhibit trivalent oxidation states; however, Europium may also occur as Eu2+ and Cerium may occur as Ce4+ .
The REE’s ionic radii decrease on progression from La to Lu, which results in a slight but predictable change in their chemical
affinity. Typically, the light REE (La to Sm) reside in trace minerals such as apatite, epidote and allanite, whereas the heavy REE (Gd
to Lu) are associated with minerals such as zircon. Investigations typically show that the REE are depleted in near-surface horizons
and accumulate in deeper horizons or the regolith as clay-oxyhydroxide adsorbates or REE-phosphate precipitates. Numerous
studies show the heavy REE accumulating in the deeper soil regions to a greater extent than the light REE, whereas other studies
show the light REE’s preferentially accumulating at greater soil depths. The degree of interhorizon transport has great potential
to become an index of weather intensity. The various REE soil migration pathways have been isolated, including lessivage, soil
organic matter complexation, leaching in percolating water, adsorption by inorganic colloids, and precipitated by phosphate-
bearing minerals.
1. The Inorganic Chemistry of The uniqueness and importance of the REEs stem from
the Rare Earth Elements their chemical similarity attributed to the predominance
of trivalent REEs species forming an array of minerals
The rare earth elements (REEs) are commonly defined as lan- [1]. Although the lanthanide series is defined as elements
thanum (La) and the 14 elements comprising the Lantha- having partially to completely filled 4f-orbital ground-state
nide series: cerium (Ce), praseodymium (Pr), neodymium electronic configurations (Table 1), the Ln3+ species result
(Nd), promethium (Pm), samarium (Sm), europium (Eu), from having three electrons removed from their d, s, and f
gadolinium (Gd), terbium (Tb), dysprosium (Dy), holmium orbitals. The number of f orbital electrons remaining in each
(Ho), erbium (Er), thulium (Tm) ytterbium (Yb), and Ln3+ species corresponds with their order in the Lanthanide
lutetium (Lu). The Lanthanide series consists of unique ele- series (La has no f orbital electrons, Ce has one f orbital
ments characterized as having a ground state electronic con- electron, Pr has two f orbital electrons, to Lu having 14 f
figurations having at least one electron in the 4f electronic orbital electrons). The REEs display considerable ionic bond-
orbital. Yttrium (Y) is frequently included as a rare earth ing character and are considered hard acids, features attrib-
element because of its small ionic radius, approximately the uted to their s, d, and f orbital interactions [1].
same ionic radius as Ho. Lanthanum is frequently associ- Europium has a ground state electronic configuration
ated because of its position in the Periodic Table and its ([Xe] 4f7 6s2 ) with a half-filled f orbital, allowing particular
similar trivalent chemical affinity. The symbol Ln3+ is fre- stability for the Eu2+ species. The ionic radius of Eu2+ is very
quently used as a generic representation for the rare earth similar to that of strontium (Sr); therefore, Eu2+ participates
elements having trivalent cationic form. Promethium under- in isomorphic substitution with Sr2+ in selected minerals.
goes radioactive decay (half-life is 2.62 years) and its presence Similarly, Ce exhibits oxidation-reduction behavior and
in the natural environment is virtually nonexistent [1]. its electronic ground state configuration ([Xe] 4f1 5d1 6s2 )
2 ISRN Soil Science
Table 1: Chemical properties of the rare earth elements, including La, Sc, and Y.
Number Weight Ground state Configuration1 Name
Trivalent REE
La 57 138.9055 [Xe]5d1 6s2 Lanthanum
Ce 58 140.12 [Xe]4f1 5d1 6s2 Cerium
Pr 59 140.9077 [Xe]4f3 6s2 Praseodymium
Nd 60 144.24 [Xe]4f4 6s2 Neodymium
Pm 61 145 [Xe]4f5 6s2 Promethium
Sm 62 150.36 [Xe]4f6 6s2 Samarium
Eu 63 151.96 [Xe]4f7 6s2 Europium
Gd 64 157.25 [Xe]4f7 5d1 6s2 Gadolinium
Tb 65 158.9254 [Xe]4f9 6s2 Terbium
Dy 66 162.50 [Xe]4f10 6s2 Dysprosium
Ho 67 164.9304 [Xe]4f11 6s2 Holmium
Er 68 167.26 [Xe]4f12 6s2 Erbium
Tm 69 168.93 [Xe]4f13 6s2 Thulium
Yb 70 173.04 [Xe]4f14 6s2 Ytterbium
Lu 71 174.967 [Xe]4f14 5d1 6s2 Lutetium
Other notable elements
Sc3+ 21 44.9559 [Ar]3d1 4s2 Scandium
Y3+ 39 88.9059 [Kr]4d1 5s2 Yttrium
Ca2+ 20 40.078 [Ar]4s2 Calcium
Mn2+ 25 54.938 [Ar]3d5 4s2 Manganese
Sr2+ 38 87.62 [Kr]5s2 Strontium
Th4+ 90 232.0381 [Rn]6d2 7s2 Thorium
U4+ 92 238.0289 [Rn]5f3 6d7s2 Uranium
:see [1].
permits either Ce3+ or Ce4+ , with electron configurations and U4+ have smaller ionic radii than Ln3+ [1, 2]. The ionic
corresponding to [Xe]4f1 and [Xe], respectively. radius of O2− is 140 pm and corresponding octahedral (CN
The influence of f orbitals on the chemical attributes 6) and cubic (CN 8) cavities accommodate ionic radii from
of the REEs is readily apparent by observing the regular 58 to 102.5 pm and greater than 102.5 pm, respectively.
decrease in the ionic radii on progression from La to Lu
(Table 1). The so-called “Lanthanide Contraction” arises
because of the incomplete electric field shielding by the f 2. Rare Earth Element Rock and
orbitals and unit increases in nuclear charge on transition to Sediment Abundances
greater atomic numbers. The importance of the lanthanide
contraction phenomena is revealed in the greater chemical Chondrite meteorites are generally considered to be com-
affinity for hydrolysis and greater stability of selected com- posed of igneous materials that have not had an extensive
plexes on progression from the LREEs to the HREEs. LREEs history of melting and recrystallization, thus the REEs
are the light rare earth elements, comprised of the elements composition is considered to be representative of magma
La to Eu, whereas HREEs are the heavy rare earth elements, prior to any fractionation processes. Historically, igneous
comprised of the elements Gd to Lu. petrologists have used chondrite REEs concentrations to
The ionic radius of any cationic species is experimentally index or “normalize” rock samples (REEs ratio of the sam-
determined and is largely dependent on its atomic number, ple/chondrite) to estimate the type and extent of magmatic
oxidation state, the coordination number (CN), and the processes responsible for lithosphere evolution.
radius of the anionic species. The ionic radii of REEs having Rock REEs concentrations vary markedly with rock type
octahedral coordination (CN 6) ranges from 103.2 pm for La and source area. In general, most parent materials have
to 86.1 pm for Lu (pm = picometer = 10−12 meters), whereas REEs compositions ranging from 0.1 to 100 mg/kg, thus the
the ionic radii of the REEs having cubic coordination (CN 8) REEs actually have moderate concentration ranges compared
ranges from 116.0 pm for La to 97.7 pm for Lu. The ionic with many other trace elements. Rhyolites and granites
radii for Ln3+ species are generally smaller than the ionic typically have greater REEs concentrations than basalts
radii for K+ , Rb+ , Cs+ , and Ba2+ , whereas Mn2+ , Y3+ , Th4+ , and peridotites (Figure 1), with the LREEs concentrations
ISRN Soil Science 3
160 100
40 20
0 La Ce Pr Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu
La Ce Pr Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu
MORB Sandstone
BC horizons of Menfro series
Rhyolite Limestone
Figure 1: REEs concentration values for an average rhyolite, mid- Figure 3: REEs concentration values for a typical loess. Loess REEs
ocean ridge basalt, sandstone and limestone. Concentration values concentration values were reported in Kabata-Pendias [4], whereas
were reported in Kabata-Pendias [4]. the REE concentrations from two soils of the Menfro (Missouri)
series are unpublished data by the author.
Mineral La Ce Nd Sm Eu Tb Yb Lu
Microcline bdl 20 23 bdl 0.2 bdl bdl bdl
Oligoclase bdl 27 49 bdl 1.7 1.1 0.6 0.17
Hornblend 5 7 31 3.2 0.7 bdl 1.2 0.05
Augite 36 39 57 4.4 0.4 1.3 5.1 1.25
Detection limit 1 3 10 0.5 0.2 0.5 0.5 0.05
bdl: below detection limit.
Unpublished analysis by instrumental neutron activation analysis by authors.
100 9
90 REE + H2 O = REEOH + H+
80 Hydrolysis
Eu speciation (%)
− log K (25 C)
50 8
20 7.5
0 7
4 6 8 10 12 14
La Ce Pr Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu
10 140
9 120
8 100
− log K (25 C)
REE complex with
6 HCO3 and 2HCO3
2 La Ce Pr Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu
La Ce Pr Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu
HCO3 Eutrochrepts
Figure 9: Water extraction of REE from Endoaqualfs in Missouri
(mean of 27 observations, coefficient of variation is less than five
Figure 8: REE complex constants for HCO3 and 2 HCO3 (values
percent) and Eutrochrepts in Missouri (mean of 24 observations,
reported in [36]).
coefficient of variation is less than five percent).
70 500
REE (mg/kg)
40 300
30 200
0 0
Ce Nd Sm Eu Tb Yb Lu Lu La Ce Nd Sm Eu Tb Yb Lu
Ap Rock
Btvx2 Soil
Figure 11: REE concentrations of a Lithic Haplustoll (Brewster
Figure 10: REE concentration values for the Ap, E, and Btvx2 hori- series in Texas) showing parent material-soil similarity.
zons of a soil of the Irvington series.
50 Plant uptake
REE (mg/kg)
20 B
10 Eluviation-
Illuviation Adsorption
La Ce Nd Sm Eu Tb Yb Adsorption on clay
and oxyhydroxides
A Precipitation
Figure 13: An illustration of the potential pathways for REE
Figure 12: REE concentration values for the A, E, and Bs horizons migration and sequestration.
of the soil of the Padus series.
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