CT - Kub
CT - Kub
CT - Kub
UHID : APD4.0000427784
Patient Location :
Patient Identifier :
Completed On : 07/05/21 09:31 AM
Ref Doctor :
Observation : Technique: Serial axial sections of the CT KUB were obtained from the level of the
domes of diaphragm upto the symphysis pubis, after administration of CT KUBKIDNEYS: Bilateral
kidneys appear normal in size with smooth and regular contour. The renal parenchyma displays
normal attenuation pattern with normal parenchymal thickness. RIGHT KIDNEY: 87 x 50 mm. Mild
dilatation of pelvicalyceal system and ureter due to vesicoureteric junction calculi measuring 6.9 mm
and 2.5 mm. Mild periureteric fat stranding noted. LEFT KIDNEY: 84 x 46 mm. Normal in size and
attenuation. No evidence of hydronephrosis. Very tiny calculi noted in both kidneys, largest
measuring 2.1 mm in lower pole calyx in right kidney, 1.8 mm in interpolar calyx in left kidney.
URINARY BLADDER: Distended. Normal wall thickness. No focal lesion. PROSTATE: Normal in
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