Richard Gunawan, Xiang Li, Caroline Lievens, Mortaza Gholizadeh, Weerawut Chaiwat, Xun Hu, Daniel Mourant, John Bromly, Chun-Zhu Li
Richard Gunawan, Xiang Li, Caroline Lievens, Mortaza Gholizadeh, Weerawut Chaiwat, Xun Hu, Daniel Mourant, John Bromly, Chun-Zhu Li
Richard Gunawan, Xiang Li, Caroline Lievens, Mortaza Gholizadeh, Weerawut Chaiwat, Xun Hu, Daniel Mourant, John Bromly, Chun-Zhu Li
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Article history: Bio-oil cannot be directly used as biofuel mainly due to its abundant oxygen-containing functional
Received 24 December 2012 groups. Therefore, bio-oil must be upgraded to produce high quality biofuels. As the first part of this ser-
Received in revised form 15 March 2013 ies, this paper reports the transformation of GC-detectable light components during the hydrotreatment
Accepted 1 April 2013
of bio-oil using noble-metal catalyst Pd/C over a wide range of reaction temperature (150–300 °C). Our
Available online 16 April 2013
results show that aldehydes were easily hydrogenated, with cyclopentanone and 2-methyl cyclopenta-
none among the observed products. During hydrotreatment, carboxylic acids such as propionic, butanoic
and pentanoic acids were also observed in the liquid products. Furthermore, evolution of propyl guaiacol,
ethyl guaiacol, methyl guaiacol, guaiacol and syringol confirms the depolymerisation of the lignin-
Hydrotreatment derived oligomers during the hydrotreatment of bio-oil. The hydrogenation of the phenolic compounds
Palladium catalyst also took place. In addition, the FT-IR analysis of the O-containing functional groups, especially carbonyl
Biofuel groups, confirms the trends found by GC–MS.
Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0016-2361/$ - see front matter Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
710 R. Gunawan et al. / Fuel 111 (2013) 709–717
Fig. 1. Effects of (a) temperature (holding time: 3 h) and (b) reaction time on the water contents in aqueous and oil phases after hydrotreatment.
R. Gunawan et al. / Fuel 111 (2013) 709–717 711
Fig. 2. Total ion chromatograms of raw bio-oil and liquid products after 3 h of hydrotreatment at 250 °C.
glass chamber containing hydranal composite 5 K, and was titrated The distribution of the carbonyl functional groups of raw bio-oil
with hydranal ketosolver. All measurements were performed in and the liquid products was determined by FT-IR. Details of the
triplicates. FT-IR method can be found elsewhere [10,11].
The GC–MS analysis of the liquid products was performed using
an Agilent 5973 MSD attached to an Agilent 6890 GC, equipped 3. Results and discussion
with a 30 m 0.25 mm 0.25 lm HP-Innowax column (cross-
linked polyethylene glycol). 1 lL of methanol solutions containing 3.1. Phase distribution, yields and water contents
7–8 wt% of sample were injected into the injection port set at
250 °C with a split ratio of 50:1. The oven temperature was kept Almost all hydrotreatment experiments resulted in two liquid
at 40 °C for 3 min then heated up to 260 °C at a rate of 10 °C/min phases, i.e. a yellowish aqueous phase (40 wt% of the liquid prod-
and then held at 260 °C for 10 min. uct) and a brown oil phase (60 wt% of the liquid product) with a
712 R. Gunawan et al. / Fuel 111 (2013) 709–717
Table 2
Identification of the compounds labelled in Fig. 2.
Fig. 3. Effects of (a) temperature (holding time: 3 h) and (b) reaction time on the yields of cyclopentanone during the hydrotreatment of bio-oil.
density higher than the aqueous phase. Exception was the hydro- bio-oil. Reaction time was clearly an important parameter affecting
treatment of bio-oil at 150 °C where only single dark-brown liquid the formation of reaction products. However, it was interesting to
(oil phase) was obtained. This phenomenon was also reported in note that significant amounts of water were produced during the
the literature [12] for the mild-hydrotreating of bio-oil at 175 °C. first hour of hydrotreatment but with little additional formation
During the hydrotreatment of bio-oil, multiple reactions oc- even when the reaction time was extended up to 12 h. The coke
curred, including hydrogenation, hydrogenolysis, decarboxylation, formation was also determined for experiments at 250 °C and
decarbonylation, hydocracking and polymerisation leading to the 300 °C (both after 3 h). They were 1.20 wt% and 1.22 wt%, respec-
formation of coke. Clearly, through all of these reactions, gases tively. This is in agreement with the literature [5] that Pd/C gave
(CO, CO2, CH4, ethylene, ethane, propylene and propane), water, the least amount of coke among several noble metal catalysts
and solids (heavy polymer and coke) were produced [13]. Table 1 tested for the mild hydrotreating of bio-oil.
details the yields of gas + coke, total water and total organics as a Fig. 1a demonstrates that the water content in aqueous phase
function of reaction temperature and time. As expected, the higher increased while that in the oil phase decreased with increasing
the reaction temperature, the more gas and water were produced hydrotreatment temperature. The decreases in the water content
and the less organics produced from the hydrotreatment of of the oil phase indicate that more hydrophobic/non-polar
R. Gunawan et al. / Fuel 111 (2013) 709–717 713
Fig. 4. Effects of (a) temperature (holding time: 3 h) and (b) reaction time on the concentrations of 2-methyl cyclopentanone during the hydrotreatment of bio-oil.
Fig. 5. Effects of (a) temperature (holding time: 3 h) and (b) reaction time on the concentration of acetic acid during the hydrotreatment of bio-oil.
in the aqueous phase and moved to the oil phase. Similar trends
can be seen for the effect of reaction time during hydrotreatment
at 250 °C (see Fig. 1b). It is however interesting to see that the
water content in the oil phase decreased initially during the hydro-
treatment of bio-oil at 300 °C. This may imply that some hydrolysis
reactions could have taken place at this higher temperature of
300 °C.
Fig. 7. Yields of C3–C5 carboxylic acids as a function of reaction time during the hydrotreatment of bio-oil at (a) 250 °C and (b) 300 °C.
Fig. 9. Yields of propyl and ethyl guaiacols as a function of reaction during the hydrotreatment at (a) 250 °C and (b) 300 °C.
R. Gunawan et al. / Fuel 111 (2013) 709–717 715
It is, however, interesting to note that acetic acid was not the
only carboxylic acid observed in the liquid products from the
hydrotreatment of bio-oil. Figs. 6 and 7 show that the yields of pro-
pionic, butanoic and pentanoic acids increased drastically with
increasing reaction time and temperature respectively.
To the authors’ knowledge, the evolution of C3–C5 acids during
the hydrotreatment of bio-oil was never reported in the literature
by previous investigators. The formation of formic acid, acetic acid
and levulinic acid from the hydrolysis of sugar or sugar oligomers
were reported in the literature [19]. It is hypothesised that C3–C5
carboxylic acids were possibly formed from the aliphatic chains
connecting between lignin-oligomers and/or with sugar-oligomers
in bio-oil.
3.4. Phenolics
Fig. 11. Yields of methoxy phenols, phenol and methyl phenols as a function of reaction during the hydrotreatment at (a) 250 °C and (b) 300 °C. Yield of syringol is shown in
secondary (right side) y-axis.
Fig. 12. Effects of (a) temperature (holding time: 3 h) and (b) reaction time on the yield of toluene during the hydrotreatment at (a) 250 °C and (b) 300 °C.
716 R. Gunawan et al. / Fuel 111 (2013) 709–717
Table 3 derived from hardwood biomass have both guaiacol and syringol
Band assignment [10,11] for the FT-IR analyses of raw bio-oil and liquid products. proportionally, while the ones derived from softwood biomass
Wavenumber Functional groups are rich in syringol.
(cm 1) Figs. 8 and 9 show the yields of propyl and ethyl guaiacols as a
1767 Ester, cyclic esters lactones function of reaction temperature and time. The concentrations of
1740 Unconjugated alkyl aldehydes and alkyl esters propyl and ethyl guaiacols increased significantly with increasing
1713 Aliphatic (and fatty) acids reaction temperature, confirming their formation from the break-
1696 Unsaturated aldehydes and unsaturated ketones (very
wide band)
down of lignin-oligomer, as shown in Fig. 8. For the effects of
1654 Hydroxy unsaturated aldehydes/ketones reaction time at 250 °C, propyl and ethyl guaiacols increased sig-
1606 nificantly during the first hour followed by constant yields up to
1565 Aromatics C@C ring with various substitution 12 h of hydrotreatment, as shown in Fig. 9a. At higher tempera-
ture (300 °C), similar trends were observed, but the yield de-
creased substantially for the longer reaction time (see Fig. 9b).
The yields of simpler methoxy phenols (syringol, methyl guaia-
col and guaiacol), phenol and methyl phenol as a function of tem-
perature are shown in Fig. 10. The yield of all these compounds
decreased at 150 °C, but increased at higher temperatures. Similar
to propyl and ethyl guaiacols, the increasing yields of methyl guai-
acol, guaiacol and syringol must be due to the depolymerisation of
lignin-oligomer, while the decreasing yields at low temperature
might have been caused by the hydrogenation reactions. Interest-
ingly, at 300 °C, the yield of syringol decreased significantly sug-
gesting that it was hydrogenated at high temperature. Syringol
and guaiacols contain two different oxygenated functions (pheno-
lic and methoxy groups), and their hydrogenation products are cat-
echol, o-cresol, phenol, cyclohexanol, benzene, methoxybenzene,
and toluene [2,21]. In fact, Fig. 10 also shows that the yield of total
methyl phenol increased drastically at 300 °C, as well as the yield
of toluene (Fig. 12a). Similar trends can also be observed for the ef-
Fig. 13. Band areas from the spectral deconvolution of the FT-IR spectra of the raw fects of reaction time where, at 300 °C, the concentration of syrin-
bio-oil and liquid products as a function of reaction temperatures. gol decreased with increasing reaction time. In the same time, the
yield of total methyl phenol (Fig. 11b) and the yield of toluene
(Fig. 12b) also increased evidently.