Application Guide: Reserve Power
Application Guide: Reserve Power
Application Guide: Reserve Power
EnerSys® has optimised the very successful Thin Plate Pure Lead Commissioning Charge
(TPPL) PowerSafe® SBS battery range to create the revolutionary EON Before conducting a capacity discharge or fully loaded duty cycle test,
Technology™, a new concept that utilises highest purity materials the battery must be given a commissioning charge. The
and state of the art manufacturing processes to deliver energy commissioning charge shall consist of 7 continuous days of float
storage solutions that can meet the requirements of emerging charge at the recommended float voltage (2.29Vpc at 20°C) with no
applications whilst offering the end user enhanced performance in load connected to the battery.
existing applications. Historically, the useful service life of reserve
power VRLA battery systems was measured by their float life but as Freshening Charge
applications evolve from pure standby to cyclic applications, some
Charge the monoblocs or strings at a constant voltage equivalent
traditional VRLA technologies find that these new requirements push
to 2.29 to 2.4Vpc with 0.1C10 Amps current for a period of 24 hours.
them beyond their scope of operation.
PowerSafe SBS Eon Technology batteries retain the long float Float Operation
characteristics of standard PowerSafe SBS cells and monoblocs, with EON Technology is designed for continuous float operation on
the added benefit of improved cyclic ability in both float voltage and constant voltage chargers. Constant voltage charging is the safest,
fast charge applications. most efficient and recommended method of charging VRLA batteries.
The recommended float voltage setting is 2.29Vpc at +20°C/+77°F.
Therefore the system voltage setting equals the number of cells in
PowerSafe SBS EON Technology monoblocs are fully interchangeable
series x 2.29Vpc.
with standard PowerSafe SBS battery equivalents (where applicable).
When used in conventional float applications the fit, form and Battery life and charging characteristics are affected by temperature.
function remain unchanged and their mixing will have no detrimental Optimum battery life will be achieved when the battery is operating
effect to either the performance or expected service life. However, between +20°C/+68°F and +25°C/+77°F (see figure 2).
where a PowerSafe SBS EON Technology monobloc is introduced as
a replacement into an equivalent standard PowerSafe SBS battery it Float Life
(Float @ 55°C using recommended FV for 20°C)
must be understood that the improved cyclic capability afforded by
EON Technology will not be achieved. 110
Nominal Capacity (%)
Operating Temperature Range 80
The recommended operating temperature range for optimum life and 70
performance is 20°C. However, PowerSafe SBS EON Technology 60
batteries can be operated in the temperature range -40°C to +50°C. 40
In order to maintain mechanical integrity of the plastic components, 30
the battery temperature in operation should not exceed +50°C. 20
Storage 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Batteries lose capacity when standing on open-circuit because of Figure 2 Calculated Life (years @ 20°C)
parasitic chemical reactions. The self-discharge rate of PowerSafe
SBS EON Technology monoblocs is very low because of the high Battery life is reduced by 50% for every 10°C/18°F increase in
purity of the grid lead and electrolyte. Batteries should be stored in a temperature. Float voltage compensation reduces the charging
cool, dry area. High temperature increases the rate of self-discharge current as battery temperature increases and partially negates the
and reduces storage life. adverse effect of high temperature.
Figure 1 shows the relationship between open-circuit voltage (OCV) The recommended float voltage temperature compensation is:
and storage time at various temperatures. • 2.29Vpc +4mV per cell per °C below 20°C
• 2.29Vpc -4mV per cell per °C above 20°C (refer to figure 3 for further
Open Circuit Voltage per Cell
2.17 100
Approx. State of Charge (%)
Voltages > Recommended promote
The maximum storage times before a freshening charge is required 2.29
overcharge & high float currents resulting
in accelerated end of service life
and recommended open circuit voltage audit intervals are: 2.27
Temperature Storage Time OCV Audit Interval 2.24 Voltages < Minimum recommended
result in undercharge, reduction in
(°C / °F) (Months) (Months) 2.23
capacity and irrecoverable capacity
loss leading to premature end of life
+10 / +50 48 6 2.21
+15 / +59 34 6 2.19
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42
Fast Charging Time to Full State of Charge
In addition to the long life characteristics inherent in traditional As a Function of Current Limit and Depth of Discharge
PowerSafe® SBS TPPL battery designs, EON Technology™ has been (Recharge 2.40Vpc)
developed to provide high performance in applications where the 18
battery is subjected to repeated cyclic duty, where power reliability 16
Time (hrs)
10 0.3C10 Amps
0.5C10 Amps
applications. The high charge acceptance of EON Technology is 8
1C10 Amps 0.3C10A
suited for applications which require a faster recharge with reduced 6
voltage. 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 110%
90 and has the added capability to deliver high performance in harsh
70 applications where cyclic duty predominates.
50 Extensive testing has shown that in traditional float cyclic
30 EON Technology Fast Charge FV Recharge applications PowerSafe SBS EON Technology surpasses the excellent
performance of standard PowerSafe SBS battery designs, typically
0 delivering a 33% increase in the number of cycles during evaluation
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Time to 100% State of Charge (hrs) to international benchmark standards (figure 7).
Figure 4
gives the recommended compensation to charge voltage for SBS EON Float Charge
Number of Cycles
Where it is not always economically viable to use higher charge
2.35 currents it has been demonstrated that increasing the charge voltage
at a given current limit, the time to full state of charge can be
2.29 radically reduced.
2.25 The electrochemical designs of PowerSafe SBS EON Technology
10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
batteries have been developed to take advantage of this
Figure 5 Temperature (°C)
characteristic. The low internal resistance ensures that PowerSafe
SBS EON Technology batteries can operate with charge current limits
In cyclic applications, optimal life and performance are obtained by ranging from 0.1C10 Amps to 6C10 Amps affording a high degree of
limiting recharge at 2.40Vpc to the time taken to return 103% of operating flexibility encompassing a wide range of operating
discharged Ah before disconnecting the battery from the rectifier or scenarios. It should be remembered that lower current limits increase
switching to float voltage. In systems where control of charge factor time to full state of charge, regardless of charge voltage (shown in
is not possible, the battery will be returned to full state of charge figure 8 below).
(from 100% depth of discharge C10) in 6.5 hours at 2.40Vpc with
0.25C10 Amps available. Higher charge currents will reduce charge Effect of Charge Voltage on Recharge Time to 100% of Discharge Ah.
time, lower currents will increase charge time. 2.29Vpc vs 2.4Vpc following 100% DOD at various rates.
Where rectifier voltage cannot be adjusted to values >2.40Vpc to Current limit 0.4C10 Amps
Time to 100% of DCH Ah Returned
In addition to the influence of charge voltage, the available charge Discharge Rate
Figure 8
current will impact on time to repeat duty. The low internal resistance
of PowerSafe SBS EON Technology batteries lends itself to The high charge acceptance of PowerSafe SBS EON Technology
absorption of in rush currents as high as 6C10 Amps but is equally batteries that enables the use of fast charge techniques provides the
capable of operating with current limits as low as 0.1C10 Amps. user with the advantage of reduced time to repeat duty and further
Figure 6 below illustrates the typical time to full state of charge extends the number of cycles available during service life to
(2.40Vpc) as a function of available charge current from varying unparalleled levels (figure 9).
depths of discharge.
PowerSafe® SBS EON Technology™ Connectors
Cycle Life as a Function of Depth of Discharge (C10 Rate)
(Charge Using Optimum EON Technology Recommendations) PowerSafe® SBS Connector Part No.
Battery Type
SBS B14, C11 2205-8919
SBS B14F, C11F 2205-8891
SBS 100 2205-8750
SBS 100F 2205-8749
SBS 170F & 190F 2205-8769
Figure 9
SBS 410 2205-9887 (A)
Maintenance SBS 410 2205-8865 (B)
In practice the user usually specifies the maintenance schedule based
on site criticality, location and manpower.
The following is a suggested maintenance schedule. SBS B14, C11, 100 SBS B14F, C11F, 100F,
170F, 190F
• Monthly (record all readings)
Measure the battery string voltage. If necessary, adjust the float
voltage to the correct value.
• Every six months (record all readings)
Measure the battery string voltage. If necessary, adjust the float
voltage to the correct value.
Measure individual bloc voltages. The blocs should be within 5% of
the average.
Inspect for contamination by dust, loose or corroded connections. SBS 410
If necessary isolate the string/bloc and clean with a damp soft cloth.
Do not use solvents or scouring powders to clean the blocs.
Contact EnerSys® if you have any questions regarding maintenance.
PowerSafe® SBS EON Technology™ batteries are recyclable. Scrap
batteries must be packaged and transported in accordance with A B
prevailing transportation rules and regulations. Scrap batteries must
be disposed of in compliance with local and national laws by a
Publication No: EN-SBS-EON-AG-003 - September 2009 - Subject to revisions without prior notice. E.&O.E.
licensed or certified lead acid battery recycler.
General Specifications
Nominal Capacity (Ah) Nominal Dimensions
PowerSafe® SBS 10 hr rate 8 hr rate Typical Internal
Battery Nominal to 1.80Vpc to 1.75Vpc Length Width Height Weight Short Circuit Resistance Terminals
Type Voltage (V) @ 20°C @ 77°F mm in mm in mm in kg lbs Current (A) (mΩ)
SBS B14 12 62 62 280 11.0 97 3.8 264 10.4 19.1 42.0 1800 7.0 M8 F
SBS B14F 12 62 62 303 11.9 97 3.8 264 10.4 19.1 42.0 1800 7.0 M6 M
SBS C11 12 92 91 395 15.6 105 4.1 264 10.4 28.0 61.6 2300 5.5 M8 F
SBS C11F 12 92 91 417 16.4 105 4.1 256 10.1 28.0 61.6 2300 5.5 M6 M
SBS 100 12 100 100 395 15.6 108 4.3 287 11.3 32.6 71.9 2210 5.6 M8 F
SBS 100F 12 100 100 395 15.6 108 4.3 287 11.3 32.6 71.9 2210 5.6 M6 M
SBS 170F 12 170 170 561 22.1 125 4.9 283 11.1 52.5 115.7 3400 4.0 M6 M
SBS 190F 12 190 190 561 22.1 125 4.9 316 12.4 60.0 132.3 3800 3.3 M6 M
SBS 410 2 410 410 200 7.9 208 8.2 239 9.4 23.2 51.1 4725 1.3 M8 M
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