(Greedy Paradigm) : Chapter: Greedy Paradigm Design and Analysis of Algorithms

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Chapter: Greedy Paradigm Design and Analysis of Algorithms

[Greedy Paradigm]

Design and Analysis of Algorithms (CSc 523)

Samujjwal Bhandari
Central Department of Computer Science and Information Technology (CDCSIT)

Tribhuvan University, Kirtipur,

Kathmandu, Nepal.

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Chapter: Greedy Paradigm Design and Analysis of Algorithms

Greedy method is the simple straightforward way of algorithm design. The general class
of problems solved by greedy approach is optimization problems. In this approach the
input elements are exposed to some constraints to get feasible solution and the feasible
solution that meets some objective function best among all the solutions is called optimal
Greedy algorithms always makes optimal choice that is local to generate globally optimal
solution however, it is not guaranteed that all greedy algorithms yield optimal solution.
We generally cannot tell whether the given optimization problem is solved by using
greedy method or not, but most of the problems that can be solved using greedy approach
have two parts:
Greedy choice property
Globally optimal solution can be obtained by making locally optimal
choice and the choice at present cannot reflect possible choices at future.
Optimal substructure
Optimal substructure is exhibited by a problem if an optimal solution to
the problem contains optimal solutions to the subproblems within it.

To prove that a greedy algorithm is optimal we must show the above two parts are
exhibited. For this purpose first take globally optimal solution; then show that the greedy
choice at the first step generates the same but the smaller problem, here greedy choice
must be made at first and it should be the part of an optimal solution; at last we should be
able to use induction to prove that the greedy choice at each step is best at each step, this
is optimal substructure.

Fractional Knapsack Problem

Statement: A thief has a bag or knapsack that can contain maximum weight W of his
loot. There are n items and the weight of ith item is wi and it worth vi. Any amount of item
can be put into the bag i.e. xi fraction of item can be collected, where 0<=xi<=1. Here the
objective is to collect the items that maximize the total profit earned.

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Chapter: Greedy Paradigm Design and Analysis of Algorithms

n n
We can formally state this problem as, maximize xi vi using constraint xi wi <= W.
i =1 i =1

Here in this problem it is clear that any optimal solution must fill the knapsack
completely otherwise there will be partial space left that can be filled by some part of
some items. i.e. xi wi = W.
i =1


Take as much of the item with the highest value per weight (vi/wi) as you can. If the item
is finished then move on to next item that has highest (vi/wi), continue this until the
knapsack is full.
v[1 … n] and w[1 … n] contain the values and weights respectively of the n objects
sorted in non increasing ordered of v[i]/w[i] . W is the capacity of the knapsack, x[1 … n]
is the solution vector that includes fractional amount of items and n is the number of

for(i=1; i<=n; i++)
x[i] = 0.0;
tempW = W;
for(i=1; i<=n; i++)
if(w[i] > tempW) then break;
x[i] = 1.0;
tempW -= w[i];
if(i<=n) x[i] = tempW/w[i];

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Chapter: Greedy Paradigm Design and Analysis of Algorithms


We can see that the above algorithm just contain a single loop i.e. no nested loops the
running time for above algorithm is O(n). However our requirement is that v[1 … n] and
w[1 … n] are sorted, so we can use sorting method to sort it in O(nlogn) time such that
the complexity of the algorithm above including sorting becomes O(nlogn).

To prove the algorithm’s correctness we prove that the strategy chosen for greedy
approach gives optimal solution.

Lemma 1: when the sum of all weights is <=W, then xi = 1, 1<=i<=n is an optimal

Lemma 2: All optimal solutions will fill the knapsack exactly

Proof of correctness:
Let vh/wh be the maximum value to weight ratio. Then we can say that vh/wh >= v/w for
any pair of (v,w). Now if the solution does not contain full wh then by replacing some
amount of w from other highest ratio value will improve the solution. This is greedy
choice property. When the above process is continued then knapsack is filled completely
giving the optimal solution. Say A be the optimal solution to the problem S then we can
always find that A-a is an optimal solution for S-s, where a is an item that is picked as the
greedy choice and S-s is the subproblem after the first greedy choice is made. This is
optimal substructure.

Activity Selection (Scheduling) Problem

There is a set S = {1,2,3, … ,n} of n activities that are competing for resource which can
be used by only one job at a time.
Each activity i is associated with start time si and finishing time fi.

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Chapter: Greedy Paradigm Design and Analysis of Algorithms

Selected activity i takes place during interval [si , fi ).

Two activities i and j are compatible if they do not overlap i.e. si >= fj or sj >= fi.

Problem: To select the maximum size set of mutually compatible activities.


Sort the input activities in order if increasing finishing time i.e. f1 <= f2 <= … fn.
This step can be done in O(nlogn) time.

n = length(s);
A ={1};
j = 1;
for(i =2 ; i<=n; i++)
if(si >= fj)
j = i;
return A;


Let S = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11} and the respective start and finish time are
(1, 4), (3, 5), (2, 7), (5, 7), (3, 8), (5, 9), (6, 10), (8, 11), (8, 12), (2, 13) and (12, 14).
Considering the above algorithm

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Chapter: Greedy Paradigm Design and Analysis of Algorithms

A = {1} Initialization
A = {1, 4} 1st execution of if inside for loop
A = {1, 4, 8} 2nd 1st execution of if inside for loop
A = {1, 4, 8, 11} 3rd 1st execution of if inside for loop
Out of the for loop and Return A = {1, 4, 8, 11}


We can easily see that above algorithm has time complexity O(n) if the input is assumed
to be sorted. If we are applying the algorithm without sorting then there is a need of
sorting step also thus the complexity becomes O(nlogn).

To prove the correctness of the GreedyAS algorithm if we prove for its optimality then it
is done so lets state the following theorem and prove it.

Theorem 1: Algorithm GreedyAS produces solution of maximum size for the activity
selection problem.

Idea behind the proof of the theorem is show that the problem satisfies
i. Greedy choice property.
ii. Optimal substructure.
Now lets apply the above idea

i. Let S = {1,2, … ,n} be the set of activities such that the order of activities are
sorted in terms of the increasing finishing time so that it is guaranteed that the
first activity that will be selected is 1.suppose A is a subset of S such that A is
an optimal solution. Here activities in A are sorted by finishing time. Let first
activity in A be a.
If a = 1 then the algorithm starts with greedy choice and we are done.

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Chapter: Greedy Paradigm Design and Analysis of Algorithms

If a is not 1 then we can show that there is another solution B such that it starts
with activity 1(greedy choice).
Let B = A –{a} + {1} since f1 <= fk activity 1 is still compatible with A. then
we have |B| = |A|, so B is optimal that starts with greedy choice 1.

ii. Once we made the greedy choice we must be able to show S’ = {i∈S : si>=f1}
with optimal solution A’ =A –{1}. The above solution must be optimal since
if there is B’ that solves S’ with more number of activities in B’ then adding
activity 1 in B’ must be the solution for S contradicting the optimality of A
because since B is also an optimal solution with more number of activities
than A.
Hence the Proof:

Huffman Codes

Huffman codes are used to compress data by representing each alphabet by unique binary
codes in an optimal way. As an example consider the file of 100,000 characters with the
following frequency distribution assuming that there are only 7 characters
f(a) = 40,000 , f(b) = 20,000 , f(c) = 15,000 , f(d) = 12,000 , f(e) = 8,000 , f(f) = 3,000 ,
f(g) = 2,000.
Here fixed length code for 7 characters we need 3 bits to represent all characters like
a = 000 , b = 001 , c = 010 , d = 011 , e = 100 , f = 101 , g = 110.
Total number of bits required due to fixed length code is 300,000.

Now consider variable length character so that character with highest frequency is given
smaller codes like
a = 0 , b = 10 , c = 110 , d = 1110 , e = 11111 , f = 111101 , g = 111100
Total number of bits required due to variable length code is
40,000*1 + 20,000*2 + 15,000*3 + 12,000*4 + 8,000*5 + 3,000*6 + 2,000*6.
i.e. 243,000 bits
Here we saved approximately 19% of the space.

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Chapter: Greedy Paradigm Design and Analysis of Algorithms

Prefix Codes

Prefix codes are those that are not prefix of other codewords. We desire prefix codes
because it is simple to encode and decode using prefix codes. For example using above
derived variable length codes (they are prefix codes) we can encode word
fag as 111101.0.111100 = 1111010111100
Above . is used for concatenation.
Since no code is prefix of other codes the codefile is unambiguous. So to decode the
encoded file we just parse the codefile so as to break like 111101.0.111100 that is fag.
The whole decoding process is represented by binary tree where all leaves are characters
and path from the root to the character is code. We assume 0 as go to left child and 1 as
go to right child.
Remember: Optimal code for file is always represented by full binary tree.

Theorem 2: A binary tree that is not full cannot represent optimal prefix codes.

Consider a tree T of binary prefix codes that is not full then there exists an internal node,
say x that has only one child, say y. Consider another Tree T’ that represent same binary
prefix codes with same number of leaves as of T and has same depth as T except for
leaves from the subtree rooted at y. These leaves will have depth T’ implies that T cannot
corresponds to optimal prefix codes. The question here is how to get such a T’. To get T`,
merge x and y into a single node, say z. z is a child of parent of x (if a parent exists) and z
is a parent to any children of y. Then T` has the desired properties: it corresponds to a
code on the same alphabet as the code which are obtained, in the subtree rooted at y in T
have depth in T` strictly less (by one) than their depth in T.

Hence, the proof.

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Chapter: Greedy Paradigm Design and Analysis of Algorithms

Some points to be noted

If C is a set of unique characters in a file then optimal prefix codes tree T will have
exactly |C| numbers of leaves and |C|-1 numbers of internal nodes.
f(c) denotes the frequency of character c in a file. dT(c) is depth of c’s leaf node in T.
Number of bits required to encode a file is
B(T) = f (c)dT (c) , where B(T) is cost of the tree T.


A greedy algorithm can construct Huffman code that is optimal prefix codes. A tree
corresponding to optimal codes is constructed in a bottom up manner starting from the |C|
leaves and |C|-1 merging operations.
Use priority queue Q to keep nodes ordered by frequency. Here the priority queue we
consider is binary heap.

n = |C|;
Q = C;
For(i=1; i<=n-1; i++)
z = Allocate-Node();
x = Extract-Min(Q);
y = Extract-Min(Q);
left(z) = x;
right(z) = y;
f(z) = f(x) + f(y);
return Extract-Min(Q)

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Chapter: Greedy Paradigm Design and Analysis of Algorithms


C = {a, b, c, d, e, f, g}; f(c) = 40, 20, 15, 12, 8, 3, 2; n = 7

Initial priority queue is

g 2 f 3 e 8 d 12 c 15 b 20 a 40


5 e 8 d 12 c 15 b 20 a 40

0 1

g 2 f 3

d 12 13 c 15 b 20 a 40
0 1
e 8
0 1

g 2 f 3

c 15 25 b 20 a 40

d 12 13

e 8
0 1

g 2 f 3

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Chapter: Greedy Paradigm Design and Analysis of Algorithms

b 20 40 a 40
0 1

c 15 25

d 12 13
a 40 5
60 e 8
0 1 0 1

b 20 40 g 2 f 3
0 1

c 15 25

i=6 d 12 13
0 1 1

a 4 e 8
0 1
0 1
g 2 f 3
b 2 40
0 1

c 1 25

d 1 13

e 8
0 1

g 2 f 3

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Chapter: Greedy Paradigm Design and Analysis of Algorithms


We can use BuildHeap(C){see notes on sorting} to create a priority queue that takes O(n)
time. Inside the for loop the expensive operations can be done in O(logn) time. Since
operations inside for loop executes for n-1 time total running time of HuffmanAlgo is
Now we need to prove for the correctness of the algorithm for this as usual lets try to
prove that the problem shows greedy choice property and optimal substructure.
Lemma 3: Greedy Choice Property: Let C be an alphabet in which each character c∈C
has frequency f(c). Let x and y be two characters in C having the lowest frequencies.
Then there exists an optimal prefix code for C in which the codewords for x and y have
the same length and differ only in the last bit.

Let T be arbitrary optimal prefix code generating tree. Take T’ such that it also generates
an optimal prefix code for the same set of alphabets as of T and has x and y as sibling
nodes of maximum depth. If we can transform T into T’ with changing the prefix code
representation we are done since sibling nodes differ by last bit only with same length.

T T’’ T’

x b c

y y b

b c x c x y

Let b and c are sibling leaves of maximum depth in T. we can assume that f(b) <= f(c)
and f(x) <= f(y) since x and y are of lowest frequency and b and c are of arbitrary
frequency. Now swap the position of x and b to get figure T’’ then we have

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Chapter: Greedy Paradigm Design and Analysis of Algorithms

B(T) – B(T’’) = f (c ) d T (c ) - f (c)dT ''(c)

c∈C c∈C

= f(x)dT(x) + f(b)dT(b) - f(x)dT’’(x) - f(b)dT’’(b)

= f(x)dT(x) + f(b)dT(b) - f(x)dT(b) - f(b)dT(x)
= (f(b) – f(x))(dT(b) - dT(x))
>= 0
Here f(b) – f(x) is positive since x is of lowest frequency and dT(b) - dT(x) is also positive
as b is leaf of maximum depth of T.
Similarly, we can swap y and c without increasing the cost i.e B(T’’) – B(T’) >=0 (as
above). So we can say conclude that B(T’) <= B(T). But T represents optimal solution we
have B(T) <= B(T’), so B(T) = B(T’).
Hence T’ is an optimal tree in which x and y are sibling leaves of maximum depth.
This lemma suggest that we can start merging by choosing two lowest frequency
characters to get an optimal solution so this is greedy choice property.
Hence, the proof.

Lemma 4:Optimal substructure: Let T be full binary tree representing an optimal

prefix code over an alphabet C, where frequency f(c) is defined for each character c∈C.
Consider any two characters x and y that appears as sibling leaves in T, and let z be their
parent. Then, considering z as a character with frequency f(z) = f(x) + f(y), the tree T’ =
T – {x , y} represents an optimal prefix code for the alphabet C’ = C – {x , y} + {z}.

Proof: T


x y

Since T represents optimal prefix code for C x and y are sibling leaves of lowest
frequencies. We can represent cost B(T) of a tree T in terms of cost B(T’). Here we have
for each c∈C - {x, y}, we have dT(c) = dT’(c)

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Chapter: Greedy Paradigm Design and Analysis of Algorithms

So , B(T) = f (c)dT (c) and B(T’) = f (c)dT '(c) differ only for x and y
c∈C c∈C −{ x , y }

Then, f(x)dT(x) + f(y)dT(y) = (f(x) + f(y))( dT’(z) + 1) [since dT(x) = dT(y) = dT’(z) + 1]
= f(z)dT’(z) + f(x) + f(y) [since f(x) + f(y) = f(z)]
So we can write B(T) = B(T’) + f(x) + f(y)
If T’ does not represent optimal prefix code for alphabets in C’, then we can
always find some other tree T’’ that is optimal for alphabets in C’ i.e. B(T’’) < B(T’)
since z a character in C’ it is a leaf node in T’’. if we add x and y on the node z then we
have B(T’’) + f(x) + f(y) < B(T). This is contradiction since T is optimal. Thus T’ must
be optimal for C’.

Hence, the proof.

Theorem 3: Procedure HuffmanAlgo produces an optimal prefix code.

Proof: Using Lemma 3 and Lemma 4


1. 17.3.2(pg 344)
What is an optimal Huffman code for the following set of frequencies, based on
the first 8 Fibonacci numbers?
a:1 b:1 c:2 d:3 e:5 f:8 g:13 h:21
Can you generalize your answer to find the optimal code when the frequencies are
the first n Fibonacci numbers?

Samujjwal Bhandari 14

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