BHGE-T2 Thread Inspection and Rework Procedure - All Sizes

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Level: L2 - Procedure Tier: GLB - Global

Document Type: Procedure

Sub Element: Quality and Reliability
Doc Number: QP200-006
Rev: AD
Effective Date: 27 Jun 2019

BHGE-T2 Thread Inspection and Rework Procedure – all

Table of Contents
Purpose ................................................................................................................................................ 3
Scope .................................................................................................................................................... 3
Responsibility and Authority .............................................................................................................. 3
Governance Documents ...................................................................................................................... 3
Terms and Definitions ......................................................................................................................... 3
Inspection Status / Color Coding........................................................................................................ 3
BHGE-T2 Thread Glossary .................................................................................................................. 4
BHGE-T2 ............................................................................................................................................... 4
BHGE-T2 mod (mod = modified) ......................................................................................................... 8
BHGE-T2 OS (OS = oversize) .............................................................................................................. 9
BHGE-XT2 OS (X= extended, OS = oversize) ..................................................................................... 9
BHGE-T2 timed .................................................................................................................................. 10
BHGE-T2S (S = Sealed) ..................................................................................................................... 11
BHGE-XT2 (X = extended) ................................................................................................................. 12
BHGE-T2 OS DS (DS = Double Shoulder) ........................................................................................ 13
Interchangeable BHGE-T2 Connections .......................................................................................... 17
Connection inspection - All Types / All sizes .................................................................................. 18
Visual Connection Inspection and Acceptance Criteria ................................................................. 19
Geometrical Inspection ..................................................................................................................... 23
Dimensional Inspection ..................................................................................................................... 24

Revision History
Rev. RDR Amendment Detail Reviewer Approver Effective Date
Current Revision
The rework data for the new BHGE-XT3 thread connection used for
AD 2620 the 4.3/4" Transformer Platform should be added to the document. Bowman, David J Scala, Ricardo A 27 June 2019
Dimension (W) in table 21 has to be updated.
Three Previous Revisions
AC 2592/dc Updated thread shoulder imperfection criteria. Bowman, David J Scala, Ricardo A 29 January 2019
Blue Sr., William
AB 2597/dc Added QP000-002 to refer to AMO color code procedure Scala, Ricardo A 15 January 2019
There is a conflict at QP200-006 page 21 and page 30.
Blue Sr., William
AA 2538/dc Page 21 allowed shot peening as per mpm 219 for tools bigger 4.75". Scala, Ricardo A 10 January 2019
Page 30 not mention the different tool size. Removed Note 8.
MA-GLB-En-100030 Rev. E.2

Copyright 2011, 2012, 2015, 2017-2019 Baker Hughes, a GE company, LLC (“BHGE”) (unpublished work). All rights reserved. The information contained in this document is
confidential and proprietary property of BHGE and its affiliates. It is to be used only for the benefit of BHGE and may not be distributed, transmitted, reproduced, altered or
used for any purpose without the express written consent of BHGE.

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BHGE-T2 Thread Inspection and Rework Procedure – all Sizes

Non Destructive Testing (NDT) ......................................................................................................... 24

Inspection Documentation ................................................................................................................ 25
BHGE-T2 thread rework .................................................................................................................... 25
General Rework Remarks ................................................................................................................. 26
Rework Limits .................................................................................................................................... 27
1 BHGE-T2 Pin Thread – All Sizes ................................................................................................. 27
2 BHGE-T2 mod Pin Thread – All Sizes ......................................................................................... 30
3 BHGE-T2 OS Pin Thread .............................................................................................................. 31
4 BHGE-XT2 Pin Thread ................................................................................................................. 31
5 BHGE-XT2 OS Pin Thread ........................................................................................................... 31
6 BHGE-T2 timed Pin Thread ......................................................................................................... 32
7 BHGE-T2S Pin Thread – All Sizes ............................................................................................... 33
8 BHGE-T2 Box Thread – All Sizes ................................................................................................ 34
9 BHGE-T2 mod Box Thread – All Sizes ........................................................................................ 37
10 BHGE-T2 OS Box Thread............................................................................................................. 38
11 BHGE-XT2 Box Thread ................................................................................................................ 38
12 BHGE-XT2 OS Box Thread .......................................................................................................... 39
13 BHGE-T2 timed Box Thread ........................................................................................................ 39
14 BHGE-T2S Box Thread – All Sizes .............................................................................................. 40
15 BHGE-T2 OS DS Pin Thread ........................................................................................................ 41
16 BHGE-T2 OS DS Box Thread ....................................................................................................... 42
17 Transformer Platform Thread Connection 4.3/4“ BHGE-XT3 .................................................... 43
BHGE-XT3 .......................................................................................................................................... 43
Pitting repair ...................................................................................................................................... 46

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BHGE-T2 Thread Inspection and Rework Procedure – all Sizes

Due to wear, corrosion and stress corrosion cracking, defects can occur on BHGE-T2 thread
connections, which can result in failure of the thread connection or in the modular connection.
This procedure is intended to standardize your work by means of the corresponding inspection and
rework instructions and reports.
Carry out the inspection strictly according to this instruction! The individual steps are shown briefly
in this document and have to be carried out in the given order!
After having completed the thread inspection, the BHGE-T2 Thread Inspection Report has to be
filled out.

This procedure is applicable to Baker Hughes, a GE Company (BHGE) and all associated operating
It shall replace all BHGE-T2 inspection and rework drawings! It must be used for the inspection and
rework of all BHGE-T2 and BHGE-XT threads.

Responsibility and Authority

 The Management of each functional unit shall be responsible for the implementation and
compliance to this procedure.
 The VP of Quality has the authority to define the minimum requirements for this procedure.

Governance Documents
 Quality Manual
 Control of Records

Terms and Definitions

BHGE Oilfield Services Glossary

Inspection Status / Color Coding

Threads which have been inspected need to be marked as described in "General Inspection and
Repair Remarks for Inspection / Repair procedures" (QP200-008). For Color Coding please refer to
AMO Color Code Procedure QP000-002.

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BHGE-T2 Thread Inspection and Rework Procedure – all Sizes

BHGE-T2 Thread Glossary

There are various types of threads named as BHGE-T2.
Each of these different types is based on the original BHGE-T2 thread design and shows only slight
modifications. Never the less the thread needs to be inspected and reworked strictly to its design
related criteria given in this procedure.
Following is a brief description of the different BHGE-T2 threads and how they can be easily
visually identified.
Always use the given terms for documentation and communication.

Most commonly used thread type on Baker Hughes INTEQ products. Usually combined with
Modular (M30 bus technology) connection. This is the original thread design which can be fitted
with the optional seal / blind adapter (refer to BHGE-T2S (S = Sealed) on page 11).
BHGE-T2 Identification Criteria
Pin with Stop Ring Area
Thread shoulder with modular connection groove

1. Stop Ring Area 2. BHGE-T2 Pin Thread

3. Modular Connection Groove

Figure 1 BHGE-T2 Pin Thread identification

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BHGE-T2 Thread Inspection and Rework Procedure – all Sizes

1. Pin Outer Diameter 2. Feedthru Bore

3. Feedthru Chamfer 4. Feedthru Counter Bore
5. Thread Shoulder 6. Thread Crest
7. Thread Height 8. Thread Flanks
8.1. Load Flank
8.2. Stab Flank
9. Thread Root Radius 10. Thread Blunt Start
11. O-Ring Seat 12. Stop Ring Area
13. Pin Inside Diameter 14. Pin Face
15. Thread Run Out 16. Bevel Diameter
17. Modular (M30) Ring Groove 18. Pin Length

Figure 2 BHGE-T2 Pin Thread - detailed

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BHGE-T2 Thread Inspection and Rework Procedure – all Sizes

BHGE-T2 Box Identification Criteria

Thread shoulder with modular connection groove
Thread shoulder with Axial Seal Ring groove

1. Modular Connection Groove 2. BHGE-T2 Box Thread

3. Axial Seal Ring Groove

Figure 3 BHGE-T2 Box Thread identification

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BHGE-T2 Thread Inspection and Rework Procedure – all Sizes

1. Bore Back Cylindrical Length 2. Bevel Diameter

3. Axial Seal Ring Groove 4. O-Ring Seal Bevel
5. Thread Shoulder 6. Counter Bore Depth
7. BHGE-T2 Bore Back 8. Bore Back Cylindrical Diameter
9. Counter Bore Diameter 10. Thread Flanks
10.1. Load Flank
10.2. Stab Flank
11. Box Outer Diameter 12. Thread Root
13. Thread Crest 14. Inner Diameter
15. Blunt Start 16. Thread Run-Out

Figure 4 BHGE-T2 Box Thread - detailed

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BHGE-T2 Thread Inspection and Rework Procedure – all Sizes

BHGE-T2 mod (mod = modified)

This thread is used on subs with sleeve protected electronics. The main difference to the BHGE T2
thread is the elongated Pin with a different style of Modular Connection (Contact Ring).
BHGE-T2 mod Pin Identification Criteria
Elongated Pin
Groove for Contact Ring

1. Elongated Pin L > 100 mm (3.937 inch) 2. BHGE-T2 mod Pin Thread
3. Groove for Contact Ring

Figure 5 BHGE-T2 modified Pin Thread identification

BHGE-T2 mod Box Identification Criteria

Box with milled slot for Contact Ring
Box thread with Gage Stand-In > 40 mm (1.575 inch)

1. Milled Slot for Contact Ring 2. BHGE-T2 mod Box Thread

3. Gage Stand-In > 40 mm (1.575 inch)

Figure 6 BHGE-T2 modified Box Thread identification

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BHGE-T2 Thread Inspection and Rework Procedure – all Sizes

BHGE-T2 OS (OS = oversize)

This thread is used on subs with increased ID. The main difference to the BHGE-T2 thread is the
enlarged Pitch diameter which causes a different thread gage to be used.
BHGE-T2 OS Pin Identification Criteria
 Bigger Pitch Diameter than BHGE-T2
 Pin with Stop Ring Area
 Thread Shoulder with Modular connection groove
BHGE-T2 OS Box Identification Criteria
 Bigger Pitch Diameter than BHGE-T2
 Thread shoulder with Modular Connection groove
 Thread shoulder with Axial Seal Ring groove
Unfortunately there is no visible identification criteria for this thread type. The thread looks the same
as the standard BHGE-T2.

BHGE-XT2 OS (X= extended, OS = oversize)

Combination of the BHGE-XT2 and the BHGE-T2 OS thread version.
BHGE-XT2 OS Pin Identification Criteria
 Bigger Pitch Diameter than BHGE-T2
 Pin without stop ring area and O-Ring Seat but with similar looking design
 Thread shoulder without Modular Connection Groove

1. Pin Base (diameter) 2. Pin Base Radius

Figure 7 BHGE-XT2 OS Pin Thread identification

BHGE-XT2 OS Box Identification Criteria
 Bigger Pitch Diameter than BHGE-T2
 Thread shoulder without Modular Connection Groove
 Thread shoulder without Axial Seal Ring Groove

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BHGE-T2 Thread Inspection and Rework Procedure – all Sizes

1. Thread Shoulder without Modular Connection and without Axial Seal Ring Groove

Figure 8 BHGE-XT2 OS Box Thread identification

BHGE-T2 timed
This is a special type of the BHGE-T2 thread where the thread is cut with a defined position in
circumferential direction, e.g. the thread is oriented.
The orientation is measured with a special (oriented) thread gage to a reference point (scribe line)
on the tool.
BHGE-T2 timed Pin and Box Identification Criteria
Same identification criteria as for the BHGE-T2 thread
Scribe line on the tool OD

1. Scribe Line on Tool OD

Figure 9 BHGE-T2 timed Pin and Box Thread identification

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BHGE-T2 Thread Inspection and Rework Procedure – all Sizes

BHGE-T2S (S = Sealed)
Optional feature which is usually used in combination with the BHGE-T2 thread. Therefore the
description refers to the sealing feature and not to the thread itself.
BHGE-T2S Pin Identification Criteria
Pin with additional cylindrical box thread

1. Internal BHI / Metric Cylindrical Thread 2. Pin ID Seal

3. Internal Shoulder

Figure 10 BHGE-T2 Sealed Pin Thread identification

BHGE-T2S Box Identification Criteria

Box with additional ID seal area

1. ID Sealing Area

Figure 11 BHGE-T2 Sealed Box Thread identification

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BHGE-T2 Thread Inspection and Rework Procedure – all Sizes

BHGE-XT2 (X = extended)
New design with enhanced thread profile for some profiles, also "standard" profiles are used. No
modular connection as part of the thread connection. Enlarged Pitch Diameter than BHGE-T2.
BHGE-XT2 Pin Identification Criteria
Thread shoulder without Modular Connection groove
Modified thread profile (in some cases)

1. No Modular Connection Groove 2. Modified Thread Profile

Figure 12 BHGE-XT2 Pin Thread identification

BHGE-XT2 Box Identification Criteria

Thread shoulder with or without Axial Seal Ring groove
Thread shoulder without Modular Connection groove
Modified thread profile (in some cases)

1. No Modular Connection Groove 2. Modified Thread Profile

Figure 13 BHGE-XT2 Box Thread identification

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BHGE-T2 Thread Inspection and Rework Procedure – all Sizes

BHGE-T2 OS DS (DS = Double Shoulder)

New design with enhanced MUT capacity, due to additional inner shoulder. A modular connection is
not part of the thread connection.
BHGE-T2 OS DS Pin Identification Criteria
Thread shoulder without Modular Connection groove
Elongated pin with additional inner shoulder

1. No Modular Connection Groove 2. Elongated Pin with Inner Shoulder

Figure 14 BHGE-T2 OS DS Pin Thread identification

BHGE-T2 OS DS Box Identification Criteria

Thread shoulder without Modular Connection groove
Additional inner shoulder

1. No Modular Connection Groove 2. Additional Inner Shoulder

Figure 15 BHGE-T2 OS DS Box Thread identification

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BHGE-T2 Thread Inspection and Rework Procedure – all Sizes

Table 1 BHGE-T2, BHGE-T2 Sealed, BHGE-T2 mod, BHGE-T2 OS, and BHGE-XT2 Thread

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BHGE-T2 Thread Inspection and Rework Procedure – all Sizes

Part Thread Tool Profile

Number Type Size No.
N990140005 PIN 4.75" 551
N990140003 PIN 6.75" 550
N990140006 PIN 8.25" 565
N990140004 PIN 9.50" 563
N990190001 PIN 5.50'' 551
N990700005 BOX 4.75" 551
N990700003 BOX 6.75" 550
N990700006 BOX 8.25" 565
N990700004 BOX 9.50" 563
N990760001 BOX 5.50'' 551
N990140011 4.75" 551
RING Sealed
N990140009 6.75" 550
RING Sealed
N990140012 8.25" 565
RING Sealed
N990140010 9.50" 563
RING Sealed
BHGE-T2 N990190002 5.50'' 551
RING Sealed
N990700011 4.75" 551
RING Sealed
N990700009 6.75" 550
RING Sealed
N990700012 8.25" 565
RING Sealed
N990700010 9.50" 563
RING sealed
N990760002 5.50'' 551
RING Sealed
BHGE-T2 551, 550, 565,
No Standard Thread Drawing available - refer to tool related drawing
mod 563
4.75" 551
BHGE-T2 N990200001 THREAD,PIN,5.50BHGE-T2,OS,W/DS PIN 5.50'' 551
N990770001 THREAD,BOX,5.50BHGE-T2,OS,W/DS BOX 5.50'' 551

4.75” 574
BHGE-XT2 No Standard Thread Drawing available - refer to tool related drawing
6.75” 572
N990040068 THREAD,PIN,6.75BHGE-XT2OS, W/O SRG Pin 6.75" 550
N990610033 THREAD,BOX,6.75BHGE-XT2OS, W/O SRG Box 6.75" 550
BHGE-T2 No standard Thread drawing available-refer to the related timing procedures 6.75" 550
timed 6.75” 10000025985 and 8.25”1000008684 8.25" 565

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BHGE-T2 Thread Inspection and Rework Procedure – all Sizes


Table 2 Profile Drawings

Profile No. Profile Drawing
551 N990995512
550 N990995502
565 N990995652
563 N990995632
574 N990995742
572 N990995722

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BHGE-T2 Thread Inspection and Rework Procedure – all Sizes

Interchangeable BHGE-T2 Connections

Some BHGE-T2 Connections are interchangeable with other BHGE-T2 connections having different
names. "Interchangeable" means that the connections will mate together, make-up and function,
though function may not be as good as with the preferred connection. This situation has occurred
because efforts were made to maintain interchangeability with existing products as improvements
were made to connections over the years.
Connections marked with an "X" are interchangeable
Table 3 Interchange List BHGE-T2 Connections
Box mod OS S OS timed

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BHGE-T2 Thread Inspection and Rework Procedure – all Sizes

Connection inspection - All Types / All sizes

Before performing any connection inspection the thread need to be cleaned of dirt,
drilling mud, grease etc. The cleaning area shall include the OD and ID of the
connection with an additional overlapping area of minimum 50 mm (2 inch)!
Use a high pressure cleaner, brushes and solvent for cleaning connections that are
bare or assembled with high pressure plugs ONLY!
If the connection is wired or do not have a high pressure plug installed, Do Not Use a
high pressure cleaner.
Take special care to the thread root which may be cleaned with a fiberglass
wirebrush and straight grinder.

Inspection Criteria given in this procedure shall apply for all BHGE-T2 thread types if not otherwise
Refer to the tool related manufacturing or Repair and Maintenance Manual (BHGEdms, Section 8) for
additional / exceptional dimensions overriding general dimensions given in this procedure.
The connection inspection of any BHGE-T2 thread can be classified into 3 groups, each group
corresponding to the related status. Refer also to Page 25 for rework explanation. Post rework NDT
only needs to be done, if the rework was triggered by crack indication or imperfection in thread root
radius during the incoming NDT inspection.
Incoming inspection
required inspection:
Visual Connection Inspection
Geometrical Inspection
Non Destructive Testing (NDT)

Post rework Step 1 and/or Step 2 inspection

required inspection:
Visual Connection Inspection
Dimensional Inspection
Non Destructive Testing (NDT)

Post rework Step 3 inspection

required inspection:
Visual Connection Inspection
Dimensional Inspection
Non Destructive Testing (NDT)
Any area showing irregularities shall be further investigated using the applicable inspection methods
and acceptance criteria given in this manual.

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BHGE-T2 Thread Inspection and Rework Procedure – all Sizes

Visual Connection Inspection and Acceptance Criteria

Crop (cut-off) all connections behind the fatigue crack. Fatigue cracks shall not be
removed by grinding, recutting, chase-and-face or any other repair operations.
1. Any polishing to remove imperfections shall be restricted to the area of
imperfection in order to keep as much as possible of a consistent machined thread
profile to prevent galling caused by uneven thread profile and removal of shot
peened surface. Excessive polishing shall be avoided.

All areas: No fatique cracks allowed! Fatique cracks appear in transverse (circumferential or max.
45° orientation)
All areas: No stress corrosion cracks or cracks induced by material inclusion allowed (!) but need to
be polished out following the limits given below for the individual areas of the connection..
Thread Root Radius: max. 5 pits or other imperfections along the full thread length allowed but must
be polished out following the rework instruction of "Pitting Repair Of Thread Root" on Page 46.
Crest and Flanks: max. 15 pits or other imperfections accepted along the full thread length without
polishing but shall not exceed 3 mm (0.118 inch) in diameter and 2 mm (0.078 inch) in depth. If the
pits or other imperfections exceed these limits they need to be polished out. Polished areas shall
have a smooth transition to remaining crest and flank. Polished area should not exceed 6 mm (0.236
inch) in diameter and 3 mm (0.118 inch) in depth. Galling on maximum 38 mm (1-1/2") in length
along any thread helix allowed. Raised material must be removed.
Stop Ring Area: See repair 11 Pitting Repair of Thread Stop Ring area BHGE-T2 and BHGE-T2S -
All Sizes with Figure 23.
O-Ring Seat: Pitting or other imperfections which not exceed 0,1 mm (0.004 inch) in diameter and
depth allowed, with or without polishing.
Pin Base Diameter and Radius (Figure 7): BHGE-XT2 OS, BHGE-XT2 and BHGE-XT3 Pin, rework
surfaces according to Additional Requirements for BHGE-XT2-OS, BHGE-XT2 and BHGE-XT3 Pin
Connection (Figure 7
Pin Inside Diameter: max. 30 pits or other imperfections below the pin accepted but each one shall
not exceed 2 mm (0.079 inch) in diameter and 1 mm (0.039 inch) in depth with or without polishing.
The Pin ID can also be reworked by turning (refer to Page 27 for rework limits).
No pits or other imperfections allowed with maximum reworked Pin ID!
Pin Outer Diameter: No tong marks or similar damages deeper than 1,5 mm (0.06 inch) on
4-3/4" and 6-3/4" OD, and not deeper than 2,5 mm (0.1 inch) on 8-1/4" and 9-1/2" OD allowed.
Raised material must be removed.
Box Outer Diameter: No tong marks or similar damages deeper than 1,5mm (0,06inch) on
4-3/4" and 6-3/4" OD, and not deeper than 2,5 mm (0.1 inch) on 8-1/4" and 9-1/2" OD allowed.
Raised material must be removed.
Box Bore Back: max. 30 pits or other imperfections accepted but each one shall not exceed 2 mm
(0.079 inch) in diameter and 1 mm (0.039 inch) in depth with or without polishing.
Box Counter Bore: max. 20 pits or other imperfections accepted but shall be ground out using a ball
shaped head milling tool. Maximum grinding shall not exceed 3 mm in depth and 5 mm in diameter.
No sharp edges or burrs are allowed.
Box O-Ring Seal Bevel: Pitting or other imperfections which not exceed 0,1 mm (0.004 inch) in
diameter and depth allowed with or without polishing.
Box Axial Seal Ring Groove: Pitting or other imperfections which not exceed 0,1 mm (0.004 inch) in
diameter and depth allowed. No polishing allowed!

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Bevel: An approximate 45 degree OD bevel at least 1/32" wide shall be present for the full
circumference on pin and box. The bevel can have any kind of damage or imperfection (no cracks
accepted) as long as those damages are not affecting the sealing function of the thread shoulder (see
Thread Shoulder).
Modular (M30) Ring Groove: Visually inspect the correct deburring (rounded edges) of the groove and
especially the transition to the feedthru counter bore and the 2 location bores.
Incorrect or missing deburring will cut the insolating rubber of the M30
ring which can cause electrical shorts and tool malfunction! See
Figure 50 to Figure 53 for reference,

Thread shoulder: Surface imperfections that are estimated to cover not more than 50% of each
individual radial seal width allowed. Imperfections starting from the Axial Seal Groove or the M30 Ring
groove are not allowed. Minimum a shoulder height of 0.5mm (0.02 inch) must be without any
imperfections (see Figure 1). Imperfections on pin shoulder in the axial sealing area are prohibited. The
location of this area for all sizes can be taken from Table 4 (measuring the diameter) or Table 5
(measuring the radial distance).
Estimated imperfections shall not be deeper than 0,4mm (0,016inch) at any given location (see Figure
16). Circumferential scratches which are not deeper than 0,2mm (0.008inch) allowed. Elevated spots
must be removed. Shoulder flatness shall be verified using a straight edge, no gaps greater than
0,05mm (0.002inch) allowed.
Maximum allowed area of imperfections must not exceed 10% of overall shoulder area.
See Figure 54 for reference.
Sealing Areas Box


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BHGE-T2 Thread Inspection and Rework Procedure – all Sizes

Sealing Areas Pin


Axial Seal Ring Dimensions
size SD-OD [mm] SD-ID [mm] SD-OD [inch] SD-ID [inch]
4.75" 121,78 118,10 4,79 4,65
5.50" 129,28 125,60 5,09 4,94
6.75" 162,02 157,10 6,38 6,19
8.25" 197,60 192,20 7,78 7,57
9.50" 225,70 220,10 8,89 8,67


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Axial Seal Ring Dimensions
L1 [mm] L2 [mm] L1 [inch] L2 [inch]
4.75" 15,12 16,94 0,595 0,667
5.50" 16,03 17,82 0,631 0,701
6.75" 18,73 21,16 0,737 0,833
8.25" 24,15 26,75 0,951 1,053
9.50" 24,75 27,45 0,974 1,081

1. Additional Requirements for BHGE-T2 Sealed Connection

Sealing area in Box Bore Back: Pitting or other imperfections which not exceed 0.1 mm (0.004 inch)
in diameter and depth allowed with or without polishing. If greater pitting or other imperfections are
observed, they can be accepted as described in "Box Bore Back" on page 13, but with the possible loss
of sealing for the sealing adapter. This will increase the risk of pitting within the connection as it is with
the non-sealed connection. A DWR (Deviation Waiver Request) is required to accept the "enhanced"
acceptance criteria!
Pin ID seal: max. 15 pits or other imperfections accepted but each one shall not exceed
2 mm (0.079 inch) in diameter and 1 mm (0.039 inch) in depth with or without polishing.
Pin Internal shoulder: No washouts or other imperfections exceeding 3 mm (0.118 inch) in diameter
and depth allowed with or without polishing. Raised material must be removed. Surface damage of no
more than 30% of the shoulder width area allowed.
Pin face: No raised material allowed.
Internal BHI / Metric Cylindrical thread: max. 30 pits or other imperfections accepted (at thread
flanks, crest and root), but each one should not exceed 2 mm (0.079 inch) in diameter and 1 mm (0.039
inch) in depth. Galling on one thread helix (circumferential) allowed. If necessary polishing off one
complete thread helix allowed. Raised material must be removed.

2. Additional Requirements for BHGE-XT2-OS, BHGE-XT2 and BHGE-XT3 Pin Connection (Figure
7+Figure 30)
Pin Base Diameter: Pitting or other imperfections which not exceed 0,1 mm (0.004 inch) in diameter
and depth accepted without polishing. Maximum 5 additional pits or other imperfections allowed but
shall be ground out using a ball shaped head milling tool. Maximum grinding shall not exceed 3 mm
(0.118 inch) in depth and 10 mm (0.394 inch) in diameter.
Pin Base Radius: Pitting or other imperfections which not exceed 0,5 mm (0.02 inch) in diameter and
depth allowed, with or without polishing.

3. Additional Requirements for BHGE-T2 mod. Connection

Thread flanks: Defective or removed copper coating of no more than 50,8 mm (2 inch) in length
cumulative along the entire thread length is acceptable.

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2. Removal of the copper coating on the entire thread increases

the friction factor during connection make up to an unacceptable level
which could cause damage (twisting) of the tools.
3. It is recommended to apply new copper coating (MPM 302)
for all 6.75” and larger tools to reduce friction and avoid imperfections
like galling. Shot peening per MPM219 should applied, if no new
copper coating is applied.
The copper coating must be intact/renewed for tool sizes smaller than

Geometrical Inspection
Used connection geometrical inspection:
Deformation / Wear of thread profile
Use the applicable thread profile gage to check the profile for deformation and / or wear. Place the
profile gage at 2 inch distance away from the first thread lead. Repeat the check at least 3 times around
the circumference.
The profile gage shall mesh with the thread load and stab flanks so that no light is visible at any of the
thread flanks or roots. Uniform flank wear estimated to be less than 0,1 mm (0.004 inch) is permissible.
However, any visible gaps at the thread flanks require Pin lead measurement (or Box belling as
described below). Measure the Pin thread over a 2 lead interval beginning at the first full-depth thread
nearest the shoulder. Pin stretch shall not exceed 0,15 mm (0.006 inch) over the 2 inch length.
Cold worked (CW) Pin connections may show an acceptable light
Note gap at the thread root in the range of 0,05 mm - 0,12 mm (0.002 -

Deformation of thread shoulder

Use a straight edge to check the thread shoulder for plastic deformation. Repeat the check at least 3
times around the circumference.
Any visible gap more than 0,05 mm (0.002 inch) shall be cause for rejection. Use a feeler gage to
check the gap.
Box Belling (Swelling)
Use the applicable (flat) cone gage from Table 8 (Gages) and push it into the connection. Align the
gage to the center line of the body. Jiggle (shake) the gage to check for a possible gap between gage
and connection.
Any gap between connection and gage shall be measured using a feeler gage. Any gap greater than
0,3 mm (0.012 inch) shall be cause for rejection.
Alternative to the use of flat cone gages (which is the preferred inspection method!) box belling can be
checked with a straight edge. Place a straight edge along the longitudinal axis of the box tool joint. If a
visible light gap exists between the straightedge and the tool joint, the OD must be measured using
calipers. Compare the OD at the bevel to the OD 50 mm
(2 inch), +/- 12,5 mm (1/2 inch) away from the bevel.
If the OD at the bevel is greater by 0,8 mm (1/32 inch) or more, the connection shall be rejected.

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Dimensional Inspection
4. Post Step 1 Rework Dimensional Inspection
Inspect reworked areas to comply with the given maximum rework dimensions given in this procedure.
In doubt the use of a mold could help to "measure" the size of reworked areas.
Use the applicable thread drawing from Table 1, the applicable tool drawing or the given rework
dimensions in this procedure for reference.

5. Post Step 2 Dimensional Inspection

Inspect reworked areas to comply with the given maximum rework dimensions, the applicable thread
drawing from Table 1 or the applicable tool drawing.

6. Post Step 3 Dimensional Inspection

Inspect reworked areas to comply with the applicable thread drawing from Table 1 or the applicable tool

Non Destructive Testing (NDT)

Magnetic Particle Testing (MT) per QP100-001 and Liquid Particle Testing (PT) per
QP100-003 must be used.
If a relevant indication is detected, the connection has to be labeled following the Inspection Status /
Color Coding on Page 3 and dispositioned according to the applicable rework step (1, 2, 3) of this
procedure, the individual tool Repair Procedure and/or respective Locations Material Review Board.
Perform PT inspection prior to the shot peen and cold working processes as these
processes could close small surface imperfections.
4. When using the PT inspection method, special care must be taken to
fully apply the developer to the thread root of the box connection.

Areas to be inspected with MT or PT are marked with a dashed line ( _ _ _ ). See Figure 19 below for
The Box OD marked with an additional dashed / dotted line ( _ . _ . _ ) should be MT or PT inspected if
possible. However due to tong marks it could be difficult to evaluate the inspection. In this case a good
visual inspection may be used as an alternative.

Figure 19: NDT Inspection Area on Pin and Box

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Inspection Documentation
All inspection (Incoming, Geometrical, Dimensional and NDT) have to be documented using the
applicable Inspection Reports QP900-001 and QP900-007.

BHGE-T2 thread rework

All reworked connections need a post rework inspection containing of:
Visual Connection Inspection
Dimensional Inspection
Non Destructive Testing (NDT)
Post rework NDT only needs to be done, if the rework was triggered by crack indication or imperfection
in thread root radius during the incoming NDT inspection. BHGE-T2 thread rework can be classified in
3 general steps:

7. Step 1 Rework
Local spot repair (grinding)
Single areas can be repaired by grinding. Follow the inspection limits of section Visual Connection
Inspection and Acceptance Criteria on Page 19 and spot repair instruction of section Pitting Repair Of
Thread Root on Page 46 , Pitting Repair Of Thread Profile (Step 1 Rework) All Types / All Sizes on
Page 47 and the following.

8. Step 2 Rework
Thread rework without re-facing of Pin / Box shoulder (for slight damages).

Note Step 1 rework can be applied in addition!

A standard T2 thread can be re-cut without re-facing the Pin / Box shoulders in order to use the full
allowed rework stand -in / stand -off values (Z) of the threads, which are described in the section
"Rework Limits" on Page 27 and following.
The stand –in / stand –off values for used threads are higher than for new manufactured threads in
order to avoid disassembly of the M30 modular connection for a minor thread rework.
Shoulder damage can be reworked within the rework stand-in / stand-out values (Z) of the threads from
Page 27 and following. However this practically applies only to reworked threads with reduced stand-off
on pin connections or increased stand-in on box connection.
Stand-off on box connections and stand-off above the maximum
Note limits on pin connection is not acceptable!

5. Thread gaging (stand-off / stand-in measurement) on used connections

requires special attention to avoid false readings and damages to the thread and
thread gage. Thus, prior to the gaging the thread profile must be 100% checked for
cleanliness and deformation, preferably the profile should be chased (Step 3

9. Step 3 Rework
Complete thread re-cut with re-facing of Pin / Box shoulder
Always use the applicable BHGE-T2 thread drawings from Table 1 on Page 14 or the applicable tool
drawing with the given "standard" stand-in / stand-off values!

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General Rework Remarks

The given Rework Limits are exemptions, all other dimensions must
be taken from the related standard BHGE-T2 thread drawing from
Note Table 1 the related thread profile drawing from Table 2, the
applicable tool related drawing or the applicable tool related
inspection manuals.

Use only the applicable BHGE-T2 threading inserts for the thread recut per step 2 or step 3 rework. Do
not use any "self made" threading inserts! The BHGE-T2 threading inserts can be purchased via SAP
order. Please contact the Celle Technology Center Client Services Group for assistance.
When reworking the 8-1/4" and 9-1/2" BHGE-T2 (all types) it is absolutely necessary to have the
applicable cone ring and plug gages available for stand-off / stand-in adjustment. This is because the
threading inserts for these sizes are of the "non full profile type" and thus will not cut the crest (taper) of
the profile.
All reworked Pin threads either re-cut without re-facing of the shoulder or complete thread re-cut require
a post Cold Working process per MPM 209.
All reworked Pin threads made from SSxx or NIxx material, either re-cut without re-facing of the
shoulder or complete thread re-cut, require shot peen per MPM 219.
All reworked Pin and Box threads either re-cut without re-facing of the shoulder or complete thread re-
cut require a Blunt Start per MPM 215 or 216.
Refer to the applicable tool related manufacturing drawings for further requirements (i.e. additional
features like Pressure Plugs, shot peen, cold working, copper coating, etc.)!
All connections need to be deburred and cleaned after rework. Special care must be taken to the
feedthru bore and gun bores.
Stand-off values given in the thread drawings from Table 1, or the rework stand-off values (Z) from
Page 27 and following are to be considered as the value measured before any cold working and shot-
peen operation.

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Rework Limits

1 BHGE-T2 Pin Thread – All Sizes

Figure 20 BHGE-T2 Pin Thread – All Sizes

Maximum ID (Y):
For 4.75" = 44,50 mm / 1.73 inch
For 5.50'' T2 = 48,00 mm
For 5.50'' T2S = 46,00 mm
For 6.75" = 67,00 mm / 2.64 inch
For 8.25" = 86,00 mm / 3.39 inch
For 9.50" = 90,00 mm / 3.54 inch

Stand–Off value (Z) for either Cone Gage or Thread Gage:

Note: Only valid for Step 2 rework before Cold Working, refer to Page 25!
For 4.75" = 12,87 to 16,13 mm / 0.507 to 0.635 inch
For 5.50'' T2 = 36,74 mm to 40,00 mm
For 5.50” T2S = 36,74 mm to 40,00 mm
For 6.75" = 11,30 to 15,60 mm / 0.445 to 0.614 inch
For 8.25" = 12,41 to 16,13 mm / 0.489 to 0.635 inch
For 9.50" = 11,60 to 15,88 mm / 0.457 to 0.625 inch

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Maximum Length (T):

For 4.75" = 150,00 mm / 5.906 inch
For 5.50'' = 165,00 mm
For 6.75" = 184,00 mm / 7.244 inch
For 8.25" = 195,00 mm / 7.677 inch
For 9.50" = 208,00 mm / 8.189 inch
Minimum Length (B) of Stop Ring Area:
For 4.75" = 15,00 mm / 0.590 inch
Not applicable for 5.50''
For 6.75" = 15,00 mm / 0.590 inch
For 8.25" = 15,00 mm / 0.590 inch
For 9.50" = 15,00 mm / 0.590 inch

Minimum Diameter (S) of Stop Ring Area:

For 4.75" = 87,80 mm / 3.4567 inch
For 5.50'' = 93,50 mm
For 6.75" = 119,60 mm / 4.7086 inch
For 8.25" = 143,85 mm / 5.6634 inch
For 9.50" = 170,55 mm / 6.7146 inch

Figure 21 Modular BHGE-T2 Pin Thread – All Sizes

Surface Condition (X) of Feedthru Bore:
Ra 1.6: For Subs where electronic boards will be connected to the M30 wiring
Ra 3.2: For Subs without electronic boards, just M30 wiring (i.e. Mod. Stabilizer)

Minimum Radius (R) with flat middle section:

For 4.75" = 2,25 mm / 0.088 inch
For 5.50'' = 2,25 mm / 0.088 inch
For 6.75" = 2,50 mm / 0.098 inch
For 8.25" = 3,50 mm / 0.138 inch
For 9.50" = 3,50 mm / 0.138 inch

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Table 6 Required Minimum Length for Feedthru installation (L min)

L min
Part Number Description
mm inch
10206691 Spacer Sleeve 58,00 2.28
10148841 Mach. Connector 58,00 2.28
Spacer Sleeve with
N917600064 68,00 2.68
Rubber Centralizer

Table 7 Gages for BHGE-T2 Pin

Thread Size Gage Type Part number
4.75" Cone Gage Flat for Pin 10159541
6.75" Cone Gage Flat for Pin 10159349
8.25" Cone Gage Flat for Pin 10145836
9.50" Cone Gage Flat for Pin 10109752
8.25" Cone Ring Gage 10146114
9.50" Cone Ring Gage 10072966
4.75" Thread Gage Ring N000012497
5.50'' Thread Gage Ring 10431764
6.75" Thread Gage Ring N000012493
8.25" Thread Gage Ring 10083291
9.50" Thread Gage Ring 10083272
4.75" Profile Gage N990985512
5.50'' Profile Gage N990985512
6.75" Profile Gage N990985502
8.25" Profile Gage N990985652
9.50" Profile Gage N990985632
4.75" Function Gage for M30 10154911
6.75" Function Gage for M30 10154912
8.25" Function Gage for M30 10154913
9.50" Function Gage for M30 10154914

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2 BHGE-T2 mod Pin Thread – All Sizes

Figure 22 BHGE-T2 mod Pin Thread – All Sizes

Stand-Off value (Z) for Thread Gage

6. This BHGE-T2 mod Pin thread cannot be completely recut (No Step 3
rework possible), therefore chasing the thread must be performed with special care
and only as little material as necessary must be removed!
7. It is not allowed to recut the shoulder (!) in order to correct the stand -off


The below given stand-off values are always to be used with the
Note given stand-off value from the tool related drawing.

For 4.75" = given Stand off value minus (-) 3,26 mm (0.128 inch)
For 6.75" = given Stand off value minus (-) 4,30 mm (0.169 inch)
For 8.25" = given Stand off value minus (-) 3,72 mm (0.146 inch)
For 9.50" = given Stand off value minus (-) 4,28 mm (0.168 inch)

Table 8 Gages for BHGE-T2 mod Pin

Thread Size Gage Type Part number
4.75" Cone Gage Flat for Pin 10159541
6.75" Cone Gage Flat for Pin 10159349
8.25" Cone Gage Flat for Pin 10145836
9.50" Cone Gage Flat for Pin 10109752
8.25" Cone Ring Gage 10146114
9.50" Cone Ring Gage 10072966
4.75" Thread Gage Ring N000012497
6.75" Modified Thread Gage Ring N000012495
8.25" Thread Gage Ring 10083291
9.50" Thread Gage Ring 10083272
4.75" Profile Gage N990985512
6.75" Profile Gage N990985502
8.25" Profile Gage N990985652
9.50" Profile Gage N990985632

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3 BHGE-T2 OS Pin Thread

Refer to BHGE-T2 Pin thread for general rework limits. So far only the 4.75" BHGE T2 OS exists.
Stand-Off value (Z) for Thread Gage
Refer to the applicable thread drawing from Table 1. No rework Stand-Off allowed!
Table 9 Gages for BHGE-T2 OS Pin
Thread Size Gage Type Part number
4.75" Cone Gage Flat for Pin 10159541
4.75" Thread Gage Ring 10163914
4.75" Profile Gage N990985512

4 BHGE-XT2 Pin Thread

Stand-Off value (Z) for Thread Gage
Refer to the applicable thread drawing from Table 1. No rework Stand-Off allowed!
Table 10 Gages for BHGE-XT2 Pin
Thread Size Gage Type Part number
4.75" Thread Gage Ring 10206646
6.75" Thread Gage Ring 10200761
4.75" Profile Gage N990985742
6.75" Profile Gage N990985721

5 BHGE-XT2 OS Pin Thread

Stand-Off value (Z) for Thread Gage
Refer to the applicable thread drawing from Table 1. No rework Stand-Off allowed!
Table 11 Gages for BHGE-XT2 OS Pin
Thread Size Gage Type Part number
6.75" Thread Gage Ring 10262204
6.75" Profile Gage N990985502

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6 BHGE-T2 timed Pin Thread

Stand-Off value (Z) for Thread Gage

9. The BHGE-T2 timed Pin thread is very sensitive to any machining

operation due to its orientation. Thread recut must be performed strictly in
accordance to the timing procedure 6.75” 10000025985 and 8.25” 10000008684.
10. It is not allowed to recut the thread profile or shoulder using any repair
limits! No rework Stand-Off allowed!

Table 12 Gages for BHGE-T2 timed Pin

Thread Size Gage Type Part number
6.75” Cone Gage Flat for Pin 10159349
8.25” Cone Gage Flat for Pin 10145836
8.25” Cone Ring Gage 10146114
6.75” Thread Gage Ring (timed) 10117317
8.25” Thread Gage Ring (timed) 10113632
6.75” Profile Gage N990985502
8.25” Profile Gage N990985652
6.75” Function Gage for M30 10154912
8.25” Function Gage for M30 10154913

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7 BHGE-T2S Pin Thread – All Sizes

Refer to BHGE-T2 Pin for general rework limits.

Figure 23 Modular BHGE-T2S Pin Thread – All Sizes

Table 13 Gages for Cylindrical BHI/Metric Thread

Thread Size Gage Type Part number
4.75" Thread Gage 10128942
5.50'' Thread Gage 10459323
6.75" Thread Gage N000045369
8.25" Thread Gage N000045724
9.50" Thread Gage N000016018
4.75" Profile Gage N990985432
5.50'' Profile Gage N990995432
6.75" Profile Gage N990984631
8.25" Profile Gage N990984641
9.50" Profile Gage N990985332

Pitch Diameter measurement is also acceptable as an alternative for using the thread gages from Table 13.
Max. Pitch Diameter shall not exceed the given maximal Pitch Diameter from the applicable BHGE-T2S
drawing from Table 1 + an additional 0,3 mm (0.012 inch).

Minimum full Thread Length (L)

For 4.75" = 28,87 mm / 1.137 inch
For 5.50'' = 33,50 mm / 1.319 inch
For 6.75" = 28,50 mm / 1.122 inch
For 6.75" Cartridge Protected Version = 31,00 mm / 1.220 inch
For 8.25" = 36,00 mm / 1.417 inch
For 9.50" = 36,00 mm / 1.417 inch

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Maximum Diameter d1
For 4.75" = 60,20 mm / 2.370 inch
For 5.50'' = 69,30 mm / 2.728 inch
For 6.75" = 87,35 mm / 3.439 inch
For 6.75" Cartridge Protected Version = 87,35 mm / 3.439 inch
For 8.25" = 98,30 mm / 3.870 inch
For 9.50" = 112,20 mm / 4.417 inch

8 BHGE-T2 Box Thread – All Sizes

Figure 24 BHGE-T2 Box Thread – All Sizes

Stand–In value (Z) for either Cone Gage or Thread Gage:

Note: Only valid for Step 2 rework, refer to Page 25!
For 4.75" = 0,00 to 3.26 mm / 0,00 to 0.128 inch
For 5.50'' T2 & T2S = 0,00 mm to 3,26 mm
For 5.50'' T2 OS DS = 28,00 mm to 31,26 mm
For 6.75" = 0,00 to 4.30 mm / 0,00 to 0.169 inch
For 8.25" = 0,00 to 4.20 mm / 0,00 to 0.165 inch
For 9.50" = 0,00 to 4.40 mm / 0,00 to 0.173 inch

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Figure 25 Modular BHGE-T2 Box Thread – All Sizes

Surface Condition (X) for Feedthru Bore:
Ra 1.6: For Subs where electronic boards will be connected to the M30 Ring
Ra 3.2: For Subs without electronic boards, just M30 wiring (i.e. Mod. Stabilizer)

Minimum Radius (R) with flat middle section:

For 4.75" = 2,25 mm / 0.088 inch
For 5.50'' = 2,25 mm / 0.088 inch
For 6.75" = 2,50 mm / 0.098 inch
For 8.25" = 3,50 mm / 0.138 inch
For 9.50" = 3,50 mm / 0.138 inch

Table 14 Required Minimum Length for Feedthru installation (L min)

L min
Part Number Description
mm inch
10206691 Spacer Sleeve 58,00 2.28
10148841 Mach. Connector 58,00 2.28
Spacer Sleeve with
N917600064 68,00 2.68
Rubber Centralizer

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Table 15 Gages for BHGE-T2 Box

Thread Size Gage Type Part number
4.75" Cone Gage Flat for Box 10159542
6.75" Cone Gage Flat for Box 10159350
8.25" Cone Gage Flat for Box 10145837
9.50" Cone Gage Flat for Box 10109753
8.25" Cone Plug Gage 10146115
9.50" Cone Plug Gage 10072967
4.75" Thread Gage Plug N000012498
5.50'' Thread Gage Plug 10431765
6.75" Thread Gage Plug N000012494
8.25" Thread Gage Plug 10083292
9.50" Thread Gage Plug 10083273
4.75" Profile Gage N990985512
5.50'' Profile Gage N990995512
6.75" Profile Gage N990985502
8.25" Profile Gage N990985652
9.50" Profile Gage N990985632
4.75" Function Gage for M30 10154911
6.75" Function Gage for M30 10154912
8.25" Function Gage for M30 10154913
9.50" Function Gage for M30 10154914

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9 BHGE-T2 mod Box Thread – All Sizes

Figure 26 BHGE-T2 mod Box Thread – All Sizes

Stand-In value (Z) for Thread Gage

11. This BHGE-T2 mod Box thread cannot be completely recut (No Step 3
rework possible), therefore chasing the thread must be performed with special care
and only as little material as necessary must be removed!
12. It is not allowed to recut the shoulder (!) in order to correct the stand-in

The below given stand-in values are always to be used with the given stand-in value from
the tool related drawing.

For 4.75" = given Stand-in value plus (+) 3,26 mm (0.128 inch)
For 6.75" = given Stand-in value plus (+) 4,30 mm (0.169 inch)
For 8.25" = given Stand-in value plus (+) 4,20 mm (0.165 inch)
For 9.50" = given Stand-in value plus (+) 4,40 mm (0.173 inch)

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Table 16 Gages for BHGE-T2 mod Box

Thread Size Gage Type Part number
4.75" Cone Gage Flat for Box 10159542
6.75" Cone Gage Flat for Box 10159350
8.25" Cone Gage Flat for Box 10145837
9.50" Cone Gage Flat for Box 10109753
8.25" Cone Gage Plug 10146115
9.50" Cone Gage Plug 10072967
4.75" Thread Gage Plug N000012498
6.75" Modified Thread Gage Plug N000012496
8.25" Thread Gage Plug 10083292
9.50" Thread Gage Plug 10083273
4.75" Profile Gage N990985512
6.75" Profile Gage N990985502
8.25" Profile Gage N990985652
9.50" Profile Gage N990985632

10 BHGE-T2 OS Box Thread

Refer to BHGE-T2 Box thread for general rework limits. So far only the 4.75" BHGE T2 OS exists.
Stand-In value (Z) for Thread Gage
Refer to the applicable thread drawing from Table 1. No rework Stand-In allowed!
Table 17 Gages for BHGE-T2 OS Box
Thread Size Gage Type Part number
4.75" Cone Gage Flat for Box 10159542
4.75" Thread Gage Plug 10163913
4.75" Profile Gage N990985512

11 BHGE-XT2 Box Thread

Stand-In value (Z) for Thread Gage
Refer to the applicable thread drawing from Table 1. No rework Stand-In allowed!
Table 18 Gages for BHGE-XT2 Box
Thread Size Gage Type Part number
4.75" Thread Gage Plug 10205774
6.75" Thread Gage Plug 10200762
4.75" Profile Gage N990985742
6.75" Profile Gage N990985721

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12 BHGE-XT2 OS Box Thread

Stand-In value (Z) for Thread Gage
Refer to the applicable thread drawing from Table 1. No rework Stand-In allowed!
Table 19 Gages for BHGE-XT2 OS Box
Thread Size Gage Type Part number
6.75” Thread Gage Ring 10262205
6.75” Profile Gage N990985502

13 BHGE-T2 timed Box Thread

Stand-Off value (Z) for Thread Gage

13. The BHGE-T2 timed Box thread is very sensitive to any machining
operation due to its orientation. Thread recut must be performed strictly in
accordance to the timing procedure 10000025985 and 10000008684.
14. It is not allowed to recut the thread profile or shoulder using any repair
limits! No rework Stand-Off allowed!

Table 20 Gages for BHGE-T2 timed Box

Thread Size Gage Type Part number
6.75” Cone Gage Flat for Pin 10159349
8.25” Cone Gage Flat for Box 10145837
8.25” Cone Plug Gage 10146115
6.75” Thread Gage Plug (timed) 10117320
8.25” Thread Gage Ring (timed) 10113631
6.75” Profile Gage N990985502
8.25” Profile Gage N990985562
6.75” Function Gage for M30 10154912
8.25” Function Gage for M30 10154913

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14 BHGE-T2S Box Thread – All Sizes

Refer to BHGE-T2 Pin for general rework limits.

Figure 27 Modular BHGE-T2S Box Thread – All Sizes

Minimum Length (L) of Cylindrical Diameter (d1)
For 4.75" = 117,00 mm / 4.606 inch
For 5.50'' = 185,00 mm / 7.284 inch
For 6.75" = 165,00 mm / 6.496 inch
For 6.75" Cartridge Protected Version = 165,00 mm / 6.496 inch
For 8.25" = 180,00 mm / 7.087 inch
For 9.50" = 200,00 mm / 7.874 inch

Maximum Diameter (d1)

For 4.75" = 78,00 mm / 3.070 inch
For 5.50'' = 88,60 mm / 3.488 inch
For 6.75" = 104,50 mm / 4.114 inch
For 6.75" Cartridge Protected Version = 104,50 mm / 4.114 inch
For 8.25" = 127,50 mm / 5.0197 inch
For 9.50" = 142,00 mm / 5.590 inch

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15 BHGE-T2 OS DS Pin Thread

Figure 28 BHGE-T2 OS DS Pin Thread Rework Limits

Shoulder Distance (SD):
For 5.50" = 159,85 mm to 159,91 mm / 6.293 inch to 6.296 inch

Stand-Off value (Z) for either Cone Gage or Thread Gage:

Note: In case of rework, the shoulder distance must be within the given tolerance. That means
it might be possible to re-dress both shoulders even if only one is damaged.
For 5.50" = 64,74 mm to 68,00 mm / 2.549 inch to 2.677 inch

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16 BHGE-T2 OS DS Box Thread

Figure 29 BHGE-T2 OS DS Box Thread Rework Limits

Shoulder Distance (SD):

For 5.50" = 159,95 mm to 160,05 mm / 6.297 inch to 6.301 inch

Stand-In value (Z) for either Cone Gage or Thread Gage:

Note: In case of rework, the shoulder distance must be within the given tolerance. That means
it might be possible to re-dress both shoulders even if only one is damaged.
For 5.50" = 28,00 mm to 31,26 mm / 1.102 inch to 1.231 inch

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17 Transformer Platform Thread Connection 4.3/4“ BHGE-XT3

Thread designed for Transformer Platform thread connection with Central Connector.
Not interchangeable with BHGE-T2 or BHGE-XT2 (shorter pin thread than BHGE-XT3)

Standard BHGE-XT3 thread drawing (without Central Connector features)

 Pin N990040071 THREAD,PIN,4.75BHI-XT3,W/O SRG
 Box N990610037 THREAD,BOX,4.75BHI-XT3

BHGE-XT3 Tool connection thread drawing (used for Central Connector

connection/Transformer Platform)
 Pin N990230001 THREAD,PIN,4.750BHI-XT3,F,CNTR CONN
 Box N990790001 THREAD,BOX,4.750BHI-XT3,F,CNTR CONN

BHGE-XT3 Pin Identification Criteria

 Pin shoulder without Modular Connection groove
 Modified thread profile, CCR (Combined Curve Root)
 Thread Feature for Guiding Sleeve connection (3.200-12 Stub ACME Pin)
 No O-ring or Stop Ring area

1. Pin Base Diameter 2. Pin Base Radius

3. Combine Curve Root 4. Bore optional, depending on tool
5. Connection for Guide Sleeve 6. OD-Grooves for Tool End Identification

Figure 30 BHGE-XT3 Pin Thread identification

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BHGE-XT3 Box Identification Criteria

 Thread shoulder without Axial Seal Ring groove
 Thread shoulder without Modular Connection groove
 Modified thread profile, CCR (Combined Curve Root)
 Bore Back for Guiding Sleeve

1. Thread Shoulder without grooves 2. Combine Curve Root

3. Bore Back for Guiding Sleeve 4. OD-Grooves for Tool End Identification

Figure 31 BHGE-XT3 Box Thread identification

Table 21 BHGE-XT3 Thread Data


Thread Profile No. 584

Thread Profile Drawing N990995842
Taper 1:8 / 1.5 TPF
Lead 6.35mm / 4

Thread Inspection of BHGE-XT3 according to Connection inspection - All Types / All sizes

Other applicable chapters

 Inspection Documentation
 BHGE-T2 thread rework (Step 2 Rework Limits see Table 23, Step 3 Thread Drawings
 General Rework Remarks (use Stand-off values from the Thread Drawings BHGE-XT3
or rework values from Table 23)
 Pitting repair Item 1,2 and 4

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Table 22 Gages for for BHGE-XT3 Thread and Stub ACME Pin

Description Part number

Gage Ring BHGE-XT3 GA S-TPR 04.00TPI 03.849PD R 10206646

Gage Plug BHGE-XT3 GA S-TPR 04.00TPI 03.929PD P 10205774
Cone Gage BHGE-XT3 Not available
Profile Gage BHGE-XT3 GAGE,THREAD- N990985842
Gage Ring Stub ACME 3.200-12 Stub ACME-2G ANSI B1.8 10509606

Figure 32 BHGE-XT3 Rework Limits

Table 23 BHGE-XT3 Rework Limits

Description Value

Maximum ID 58.50mm / 2.303 inch

STAND-OFF 16.13 to 13.20 mm / 0.635 to 0.520
(X) inch
Box STAND-IN (Z) 0.00 to 2.90 mm / 0.000 to 0.114

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Pitting repair
Pitting can be ground out following the rework limits given in "Visual Connection Inspection and
Acceptance Criteria" of this procedure.
All repaired areas on the pin should be shot peened per MPM 219 if applicable.

1. Pitting Repair Of Thread Root (Step 1 Rework) All Types / All Sizes
With increasing depth of the local rework it becomes important to smooth the groove in circumferential
direction (tangential to the thread, see Figure 33 / Figure 34). For the different thread size use the specified
ball shaped head milling tool from Visual Connection Inspection and Acceptance Criteria.It is not sufficient
enough to only round the edge. Ideally the profile of the milling tool should be drawn completely through
tangentially, however a large radius most likely is more practical and thus regarded to be ok, too. To further
increase fatigue resistance and compensate for residual stresses shot peen per MPM 219 for the reworked
area/groove is strictly recommended.
Table 24 Rework parameters for pitting repair of thread root
4.75" 4.75" 4.75” 5.50" 6.75"
Thread Size 6.75" 8.25" 9.50"

Profile No. 574 584 551 574 550 572 565 563
1,4 mm 1,4 mm 1,4 mm 1,4 mm 2,0 mm 2,0 mm 2,4 mm 3,0 mm
Radius of grinding tool (R)
0.055“ 0.055“ 0.055“ 0.055“ 0.078“ 0.078“ 0.094“ 0.118“
2,8 mm 2,8 mm 2,8 mm 2,8 mm 4,0 mm 4,0 mm 4,8 mm 6,0 mm
Max. width of grinding (W)
0.110” 0.110” 0.110” 0.110” 0.110” 0.110” 0.110” 0.110”
0,9 mm 0,9 mm 0,9 mm 0,9 mm 1,3 mm 1,3 mm 1,6 mm 2,0 mm
Max. depth of grinding (t)
0.035“ 0.035“ 0.035“ 0.035“ 0.051“ 0.051“ 0.063“ 0.078“
Max. local thread depth 3,5 mm 3,5 mm 3,5 mm 3,5 mm 4,7 mm 4,7 mm 6,1 mm 8,0 mm
after grinding (T) 0.138“ 0.138“ 0.138“ 0.138“ 0.185“ 0.185“ 0.240“ 0.315“

Figure 33 Tangential 'rounding' Figure 34 Tangential 'run out'

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10. Pitting Repair Of Thread Profile (Step 1 Rework) All Types / All Sizes
As an alternative to polishing out pits or other imperfections locally on the thread crest and / or flanks with
the given limits from section "Visual Connection Inspection and Acceptance Criteria" on Page 19, it is also
accepted to grind off the complete thread profile of one of any thread helix.
Table 25 Rework parameters for pitting repair of thread profile (crest & flank)
4.75" 4.75" 5.50” 6.75"
Thread Size BHGE- BHGE- BHGE- 6.75" BHGE- 8.25" 9.50"
XT3 5.50” XT2

Profile No. 574 584 551 574 550 572 565 563

Max. length of reworked area 38 mm 38 mm 38 mm 38 mm 38 mm 38 mm 38 mm 38 mm

(L) 1-1/2“ 1-1/2“ 1-1/2“ 1-1/2“ 1-1/2“ 1-1/2“ 1-1/2“ 1-1/2“
1,41 mm 1,41 mm 1,45 mm 1,41 mm 1,82 mm 1,76 mm 2,43 mm 3,46 mm
Max. depth of grinding (T)
0.055“ 0.055“ 0.057“ 0.055“ 0.071“ 0.069“ 0.096“ 0.136“

Figure 35 Ground-Off Thread Profile (Pin)

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Figure 36 Ground-Off Thread Profile (Box)

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11. Pitting Repair of Thread Stop Ring area BHGE-T2 and BHGE-T2S - All Sizes
Pitting or other imperfections which not exceed 0,1 mm (0.004 inch) in diameter and depth
accepted without polishing. Pitting in Stop Ring Area can be polished out according to Table 26 and
must have a smooth transition to the surrounding surface, or reworked acc. to the max. rework
limits. No imperfections are allowed in O-Ring Seat (SO). Maximum 5 additional pits or other
imperfections allowed but shall be ground out using a ball shaped head milling tool.

Figure 37 Pitting Repair in Stop Ring Area

Table 26 Rework parameters for pitting repair of Stop Ring Area
4.75" 4.75" 5.50” 5.50" 6.75" 6.75" 8.25" 9.50"
Profile No. 551 574 551 574 550 572 565 563
Max. width of 10, mm 10, mm 10, mm 10, mm 10, mm 10, mm 10, mm 10, mm
grinding (W) 0.394“ 0.394“ 0.394“ 0.394“ 0.394“ 0.394“ 0.394“ 0.394“
Max. depth of 3,0 mm 3,0 mm 3,0 mm 3,0 mm 3,0 mm 3,0 mm 3,0 mm 3,0 mm
grinding (t) 0.118“ 0.118“ 0.118“ 0.118“ 0.118“ 0.118“ 0.118“ 0.118“
Minimum 5,0mm 5,0mm 5,0mm 5,0mm 5,0mm 5,0mm 5,0mm 5,0mm
O-Ring Seat 0.197” 0.197” 0.197” 0.197” 0.197” 0.197” 0.197” 0.197”
Length (SO)

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12. Pitting Repair of Thread Run-Out on BHGE-T2 and BHGE-T2S Pin – All Sizes
As an ultimate alternative pits or other imperfections can be repaired on the BHGE-T2 and BHGE-T2S PIN
with a "Rework Groove" (see Figure 38 below). This repair offers a good "stress profile" when reworked,
but impaired for future thread rework. It should only be used if all other repair options have failed to give
acceptable results!
Please contact QA or Global Reliability and Product Support department of the Celle Technology Center
for further details.

Figure 38 Rework Groove on BHGE-T2 / BHGE-TSS Pin

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Sample Pictures

Figure 39 Ground out pitting at Stop Ring area

Figure 40 Pitting on Pin thread root  must be ground out or thread rework required

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Figure 41 Ground out pitting in thread root (tangential run out)

Figure 42 Ground out and partly shot peened per MPM219 pitting in thread root (tangential
run out)

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Figure 43 Pitting in box thread root  must be ground out or thread recut required

Figure 44 Crack in box thread root  crop connection!

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Figure 45 Pitting in box counter bore  need to be ground out

Figure 46 Pitting in pin o-ring seat  step 2 or step 3 rework

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Figure 47 Multiple deep pitting at Pin Inside Diameter  ID enlargement required

Figure 48 Pitting (<30% of shoulder area) on Internal Shoulder of Pin sealed version  no
rework required

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Figure 49 Pitting on Internal BHI thread of Pin sealed version (< 30 pits in total) no rework

Figure 50 Requirement for rounded edges on Modular (M30) Ring Groove

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1. Edge not deburred

Figure 51 Edge not deburred on Feedthru Counter Bore / Modular Ring Groove

Figure 52 Edge correct deburred on Feedthru Counter Bore / Modular Ring Groove

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1. Cut

Figure 53 Cut on M30 ring caused by sharp edges on Feedthru Counter Bore

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1. Not acceptable imperfection, estimated to cover 100% of individual radial seal width.
2. Not acceptable imperfection, location of imperfection is inside axial sealing area.
3. Acceptable imperfection, estimated to cover not more than 50% of individual radial seal width and not deeper
than 0,4mm.
4. Acceptable circumferential scratch, not deeper than 0,4mm, estimated to cover not more than 30% of individual
radial seal width
5. Not acceptable deformation, M30 Ring groove must be correct deburred (rounded edges).

Figure 54: BHGE T2 Pin Shoulder Imperfections

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Figure 55: Acceptable M30 bores

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