Pertemuan 4-Dikonversi Ni Kadek Ayu Riantini

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1. Internal Environment Analysis

1.1 Analysis Of The Business Factory Bakery
Internal Factors Strength Weakness
Marketing  Attractive
promotions to find
 Help increase Brand
 Cooperate with
stalls, restaurant and
event organizer
Finance  Get a supply of sales
for capital
 Get High
contribution with
low raw material
Production  Good product quality
pay attention to taste
and hygiene
Personnel  Have a human
resources who master
the field

R&D  Having and

 Have a service
application system
for orders to
HRM  Plays an important role
in planning, managing,
selecting and
controlling the required
human resources

Management  A unique and  Many other mineral

attractive brand name, water brand
which is easy for
many people to
 Extensive network

Integration Table on IFAS Table
1.2 IFAS to find out the Strength of The Mineral Water Shop
No Factor Strategy weigh Ratin Scor Description
t g e
1 Attractive 0,08 4 0,32  The promotions carried out
promotions to find will or course vary greatly,
customers ranging from online business
promotions, creating blogs,
brochures, and social media
2 Help increase 0,05 4 0,20  Able to strengthen the
Brand Awareness relationship between products
and consumers for the long

3 Cooperate with 0,05 4 0,20  Building partnerships with

stalls restaurant stalls, restaurants, even
and even organizer can help brands
organizer become better known

4 Get a supply of sales 0,04 3 0,12 Income is generated with money

for capital spent to earn a profit

5 Get high-contributing 0,04 4 0,16 high contribution with low raw

with low raw material materials to target high sales
No Factor Strategy Weigh Ratin Score Description
t g
6 Good product quality 0,08 3 0,24 Good product quality to
pay attention to taste improve customer satisfaction.
and hygiene In the producing products with
attention to hygiene with good
7 Have a human 0,06 2 0,12 have human resources who
resources who master master their fields which refer to
the field employee efficiency

8 Having and 0,04 4 0,16 Has an extensive

extensive distribution network, in
distribution network several branches on the
island of Bali and Java plus
many distributors
throughout Indonesia
making the products more
well known to many people
9 Have a service 0,09 4 0,36 Ordering application systems
application system for play an important role in
orders to customers inventory and ordering
management systems, can
provide information whether it
is available, provide information
at a glance, customer requests
can be fulfilled quickly.
No Factor Strategy Weig Ratin Sko Description
ht g r
10 Plays important 0,05 4 0,20 Have an important role in
role in planning, planning, managing, selecting
managing, and controlling the required
selecting, and human resources.
controlling the
required resources.

11 A unique and 0,03 4 0,20 Have a unique and attractive

attractive brand brand name that is easy to
name, which is remember by many people in
easy for many Indonesia
people to
12 Extensive network 0,03 4 0,12 Extensive network owned by
company because it can reach a
wide market too

Total 2,56
Tabel Integrasi pada Tabel IFAS
1.3 IFAS to find out the ( Weakness) dari Fictory Mineral Water
No Factor Strategy Weig Rating Score Description
1 Many other 0,05 2 0,10 The more advanced, the more
mineral water varied products appear with
brand many companies to complete in
developing ideas to launch new
and interesting product

Total 0,10

TOTAL 0,71 2,56

1.4 Internal environmental analysis interpretation
By looking at the final score above 2.56, this proves that the mineral water
factory is indeed a strong factory in determining the strength and weakness
factors above, it turns out that mineral water company report, we concluded that
the strength of the mineral water factory is having attractive promotions for
customers, already working with stalls, restaurant and big event organizers in
Indonesia financial strengthening, etc. AS for the weakness, there is 1 weakness
namely many other mineral water brands. However, despite there weakness, the
final score for mineral water factory is still high.
2. External Environment Analysis

2.1.1 Social and Cultural Environment

No Social and Culture Description
1 Indonesian Habits  People in Indonesia still use
Most in Indonesia, especially in water from rivers or other
rural areas still use water from springs because the water is
spring because the water is cool cool and can be drunk directly.
Culture in Indonesia only boils
the water and then it can be
consumed directly

2.1.2 Technology Environment

1. .Tecnological  Technological sophistication that
Innovation continues to develop opens up new
Development: opportunities for sales and accelerates
Sales dominated the relationships between consumers and
online sallers as well as makes it easier to
convey on going promotion.
 Buyer can rate the water sold through the
application, where this can affect the
sales of mineral water factory

2.1.3 Economic Environment

1. Improvement of  The increasing economic development
the economy in in Indonesia also encourages every
Indonesian: industry to increase competitiveness
Indicated by the and increase value to continue to grow,
factor of improving including in the mineral water industry
the Indonesian where the Indonesian population has
economy started to be more critical in assessing
what they drink
 The increasing economic development
is also an assessment of the welfare of
the Indonesia people

2. Many other mineral  Many businesses with the same product

water businesses will increase competitiveness
offer the same
2.1.4 Political and Regulatory Environment
1 Micro  developing
small and UMKM in the
Medium food sector, one of
Enterpris which is cake.
es Every business
UMKM: that is in a
. developing
condition must
have many
entering, for that
we need the right
strategy so that the
business can run
Based on the
source, this
research data
consists of
primary data and
secondary data. In
data collection, the
techniques used
are interviews,
observation, and
documentation. a
strategy taken by a
company to
increase its sales
of existing
products and
markets through
more aggressive
marketing efforts
UMKM in the
food sector, one of
which is cake.
Every business
that is in a
condition must
have many
entering, for that
we need the right
strategy so that the
business can run
Based on the
source, this
research data
consists of
primary data and
secondary data. In
data collection, the
techniques used
are interviews,
observation, and
documentation. a
strategy taken by a
company to
increase its sales
of existing
products and
markets through
more aggressive
marketing efforts
2.2 EFAS Table Factory Bakery Table
External Strategic Factor Weigh Rating Score Description
0,11 3,5 0,385 • Technological advances that
1. Indonesian Traditional continue to develop open new
Food (01) opportunities for distribution
channels and accelerate relationships
between consumers and conduct
online transactions
2. Tecnological 0,3 3 0,9 business partners who can sell bread
Innovation directly and also deliver bread to
Development customers according to the order
(02) schedule in the application or
website, without incurring shipping
3. Improvement of the 0,13 4 0,52 The growth of the food industry is
economy in able to provide a large enough
Indonesian (03) contribution to economic growth,
this increase is proportional to
Indonesia's economic growth which
is also increasing Since ancient
times, bakery products are products
that are close to everyday life.
However, most industries bakery still
sells with the same system, namely
by selling at outlets that do not have
a place to enjoy bakery products
directly on the spot, Fictory Bakery
where consumers can enjoy directly
in stores and introduce Indonesian
specialties to domestic so that
Indonesian food is better known and
economic growth increases
4. Micro small and Medium 0,16 4 0,64 developing UMKM in the
Enterprises UMKM: food sector, one of which is cake.
(04) Every business that is in a
developing condition must have
many competitors entering, for that
we need the right strategy so that
the business can run continuously
Based on the source, this research
data consists of primary data and
secondary data. In data collection,
the techniques used are interviews,
observation, and documentation. a
strategy taken by a company to
increase its sales of existing
products and markets through more
aggressive marketing efforts
developing UMKM in the food
sector, one of which is cake. Every
business that is in a developing
condition must have many
competitors entering, for that we
need the right strategy so that the
business can run continuously
Based on the source, this research
data consists of primary data and
secondary data. In data collection,
the techniques used are interviews,
observation, and documentation. a
strategy taken by a company to
increase its sales of existing
products and markets through more
aggressive marketing efforts
External Strategic Factor Weigh Rating Score Description
5. Perkembangan Inovasi 0,23 4 0,92 Kecanggihan teknologi yang terus
Teknologi R&D (05) berkembang membuka peluang
baru untuk saluran distribusi dan
mempercepat hubungan antara
perusahaan dengan nasabah serta
kemudahan dalam menyampaikan
informasi-informasi atau layanan
jasa didalam website, sehingga
perusahaan dapat lebih mengerti
keinginan nasabah. Memudahkan
nasabah dalam mendapatkan
informasi terbaru mengenai produk
– produk di PT Prudential Life
Assurance dan melakukan transaksi
secara online.
Total 3,365
Ancaman (Threats)
1. Technology 0,8 3 2,4 If consumers are dissatisfied with
developments the services they get, technological
can also cause sophistication can make it easier for
risks (T1) this to be known and published to
other potential customers so that the
risk is that the company's reputation
will be bad

2. Many other bakery 0,7 4 2,8 Many business with the same
business offer the same product but with a minimal selling
products, at lower price that makes costumers more
prices and in larger interested in a low price, regardless
quantites (T2) of the quality of the bakery
Total 5,2
Total 1 3,62
2.3 2.3 Interpretation of External Environmental Analysis


EFAS Opportunity Threat

1. Indonesian 1. Technology
I Traditional developments
F Food (01) can also cause
A 2. Tecnological risks (T1)
Innovation 2. Many other
S Development bakery
(02) business offer
3. Improvement of the same
the economy in products, at
Indonesian (03) lower prices
4. Micro small and in larger
and Medium quantites (T2)
UMKM: (04)
5. Development of
Innovation (05)
Strength SO Strategy ST Strategy
1. Attractive Growth Strategy Service
promotions to (New Product Quality (S2,
find customers Development) S10, S14)
2. Help (S9, O5)

3. Cooperate

4. Get a supply of
sales for

5. High-
products with
low raw
material prices

6. Good product
quality pays
attention to
health with

7. Have potential
resources in
their field

8. Pioneer in
having an

9. Have a service
system for
orders to

10. have an
important role
in planning,
managing, and
controlling the

11. A brand name

that many
people already

12. Extensive
Weakness WO Strategy WT Strategy
1. Operating Pause Turn-around
profit Strategy (O1) Strategy
(profit (W1, W2)
interest and

2. many
tidak tepat waktu
4. Strategik Alternatif (Pro and Contra)
Alternatif Strategi Recommended Strategy
Pro Contra
SO Strategy
1. Growth Strategy Product Requires large costs,
(New Product innovation, requires internal company
Development) developing readiness and commitment
company and work
hard and have to be ready
whether it will work or not
ST Strategy
2. Service Quality Helping to form a Requires commitment
company image with from the company's
good service quality, internal parties, financial
become the standard of readiness of operational
quality competition in human resources,
the industry, improve
quality control
WO Strategy
3. Pause Strategy Providing competitive creativity must be well
advantage and creativity thought out to make sure it
through internal and is different from the rest
external support
business strategy
WT Strategy
4. Turn-around Untuk mengkaji ulang additional time in the
strategy seluruh aktivitas process of reviewing
transaksi dan berhati - transactions and not
hati sehingga mencapai necessarily accurate, don't
tingkat efisiensi let it get out of balance
Alternative Strategi dari BCG
5. Diversifikasi Develop the company It takes time in the process
strategy by widening the of assessing consumer
product line so that needs or consumer tastes to
many people know gain share
the product Market
Alternative Strategi dari GE Matrix
6. Stabilitas Helping companies Requires the intensity of
Strategy concentrate on serving the company to
market segments understand the market it
existing has served


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