Histopath Lec (Module 1) : Iintroduction To Pathology
Histopath Lec (Module 1) : Iintroduction To Pathology
Histopath Lec (Module 1) : Iintroduction To Pathology
Pathogenesis of COVID-19
Pathology o Transmitted through respiratory
droplets – can migrate to lungs esp.
Refers to the study of disease alveoli
Patho – disease, logy - study o Will then triggers the immune
Devoted to the study of the structural, system of patient (cellular immunity
biochemical, and functional changes in and humoral immunity)
cells, tissues, and organs that underlie o Biochemical changes –
disease. chemoreceptors, secretions of
This is made possible by application of chemicals
various techniques such as the use of o Molecular levels – translation etc.
molecular, microbiologic, immunologic, and
morphologic techniques.
Because of these, Pathology, help
clinicians explain the whys and wherefores
of the signs and symptoms manifested by
patients while providing a rational basis for
clinical care and therapy.
Structural changes – lesions, any form of
tissue damages
Biochemical changes – in enzymes, proteins
that are present in a tissue sample
Molecular technique – PCR is to amplify,
reproduce multiple copies of gene
Microbiologic technique – culture is
cultivating bacteria that are
synthetically/manmade prepared using
culture media. Sensitivity – application of
antibiotic test, to check what antibiotic is Etiology
resistant to bacteria. Staining – gram
staining, acid fast, hot and cold method Study of causes, the cause of diase
o Histopathology staining techniques – Pertains to the cause or origin of a disease
hematoxylin, Papanicolaou stain process. According to Robins, etiology can
(pap smear) to diagnose cervical be classified as genetic or acquired.
cancer, alcian blue o Intrinsic/Genetic - (e.g., inherited
o Hematology staining techniques – mutations and disease-associated
wright stain, giemsa gene variants, or polymorphisms),
Immunologic technique – special test, breast cancer, testicular cancer,
detecting antigen and antibody, rapid test diabetes mellitus
kit, ELISA, enzyme immunoassay o Extrinsic/Acquired – caused by
Morphologic technique – aims in the infectious agents like bacteria,
identification of structural changes in a viruses, fungi, parasites, basically
particular sample you acquire from the environment
(e.g., infectious, nutritional,
Pathogenesis chemical, physical), lung cancer,
bacterial diseases, COVID-19,
Refers to the development or evolution of
the disease
o Idiopathic – cause of disease is
Refers to the sequence of cellular,
biochemical, and molecular events that
follow the exposure of cells or tissues to an
injurious agent.
** Please note that portal of entry, portal of exit
and mode of transmission also play a role in
WHAT IS DISEASE? disease to occur.
Structural or functional change in the Manifestations of Disease
body that is harmful to humans.
Signs - physical observations made by the
person who examines the patient
o i.e, fever, unexplained weight loss,
clubbed fingers, coughing
Symptoms - evidence of disease perceived
by patients
o i.e, feeling of fullness in the
abdomen, pain, feeling of tightness
in the chest, lumps, fatigue, loss of
smell and taste
Laboratory Findings - observations made by
Morphologic changes
the application of tests or special
refer to the structural alterations in cells or procedures
tissues that are either characteristic of a o i.e, x-rays, blood counts, biopsies,
disease or diagnostic of an etiologic chemistry test, CT scan, MIR
process. infection increase in WBC
DISEASE PARADIGM differential count if viral
(increase in lymphocyte) or
bacterial (increase in
anemia – hematocrit and
Causes of Disease
Development of cellular injury
Cell Adaptation - reversible functional and
structural responses to changes in physiologic
HISTOPATH LEC (MODULE 2) states (e.g., pregnancy) and some pathologic
stimuli, during which new but altered steady
Cellular Adaptations, Cellular Injury and Cell states are achieved, allowing the cell to survive
Death and continue to function.
Cell injury occurs for many reasons. Some Cellular response to cell injury
represent spontaneous alterations in the ability
of a cell to proliferate and function normally, CELL INJURY:
and in other cases, disease results when external Irreversible – if reversible injury progress
stimuli produce changes in the cell's this may lead to cell death, severe
environment that make it impossible for the cell progressive
to maintain homeostasis. In such situations, cells o Cell death – either by necrosis or
must adapt to the new environment. These apoptosis
adaptations include hyperplasia, hypertrophy,
atrophy, and metaplasia which can be classified
as physiologic or pathologic depending upon
whether the stimulus is normal or abnormal. A
cell can adapt to a certain point, but if the
stimulus continues beyond that point, failure of
the cell, and hence the organ, can result. If cells
cannot adapt to the pathologic stimulus, they
can die.