to visit
We Lithuanians love Lithuania, a country situated at
the geographical centre of Europe, washed by the Baltic Sea, covered
with dense forests and meandering rivers and lakes, respectful of its
traditions, proud of the Lithuanian language, nurturing its UNESCO
world heritage sites, and open to innovations. Visit Lithuania and fall
in love with our country.
If you are at all interested in art and culture, then do visit Lithuania.
In 2009, Vilnius, the Lithuanian capital, will become European Capital
of Culture. During the same year, the country will also celebrate a full
millennium since first being mentioned in historical sources, in 1009.
A packed programme of culture and entertainment will continue
throughout 2009.
If you enjoy trips to the countryside to see spectacular natural land-
scapes, visit Lithuania. The stunning Curonian Spit and Lithuania’s
lovely national parks leave an indelible impression on every visitor.
If you prefer vibrant city life, visit Lithuania. You will find all types of
dazzling entertainment in each of our cities.
If you feel like indulging in a blissful spa experience, visit Lithuania.
Our spa resorts offer some of the highest quality services.
If you’re a sports fan, you must visit to Lithuania to see our basketball
stars and get first-hand experience of our passion for sport at the Eu-
ropean Basketball Championship that will take place in Lithuania in
If you love celebrations, visit Lithuania. Lithuanians mark all their jovial
holidays with traditional celebrations, merrymaking and festivals.
If you like hearty food, visit Lithuania. You’ll be able to try our delec-
table national and international cuisine.
If you want to experience some genuine hospitality, then you must
visit Lithuania!
For Vilnius old town 1
National Park
Curonian Spit
National Park
National Park
One of the largest and most Cosy and very close. Vilnius
beautiful. Vilnius old town is one of old town boasts the abundance of cosy
the largest (about 360ha with over 1,500 cafes, restaurants, souvenir vendors and
buildings) and most exquisite old towns fancy boutiques. Narrow curvy streets
Trakai in Central and Eastern Europe and the promise new discoveries round every
National Park
most northernmost capital city which corner: an angel on the roof, a picture
took over the architectural styles of old in the window or a century-old build-
Southern and Western Europe. ing... Spending time here is fun. All’s so
close and so appealing! Remember to
Assorted architectural sty-
bring home souvenirs for your family
les. Vilnius ensembles of churches and and friends!
palaces reflect Italian renaissance and
River banks talk to each ot-
National Park
ies and art performances.
Denmark Main Roads
Routes de grande circulation
Routes nationales
National Roads
2 For fragile, unforgettable and
unique Neringa
For unique traditions and
Sands right in the middle of Peace and snow-white Baltic mythology and pre- or wooden bells – wooden cow bells at-
tached to a frame and beaten with sticks.
Europe? Unbelievable, but true! Over beaches. Neringa enchants with Christian traits. Do you know All year round Lithuanian cities and
five thousand years ago the waves and tranquillity. Professional yachtsmen and who a priestess is? What have bees
towns host many traditional festivals. It’s
winds of the Baltic Sea drifted dunes and lovers of yachting, power kites and pa- meant to Lithuanians until our days?
always fun and exciting here!
eventually shaped the Curonian Spit – a ragliding like to recreate here. Strolling (The word ‘bičiulis’, which means ‘friend’,
stripe of land which separates the Cu- along the seacoast, holidaymakers can derives from the word ‘bitė’, Eng. ‘bee’). A real touch of authenticity.
ronian Lagoon from the Baltic Sea. The find Lithuanian gold – amber rinsed Why is the oak-tree a holy tree? Why has Have you ever been to an authentic fes-
unique Neringa resort located on the ashore by the waves of the Baltic. By the fire been worshiped to date and consid- tival or felt the spirit of an ancient life-
Curonian Spit stretches for even 50 kilo- way, Nida boasts the highest number of ered the patron of home? Lithuanian old style? Drop in to Rumšiškės! Here you’ll
metres connecting the settlements of sunny days among all Lithuanian loca- traditions and folk-lore stand out from find a folk lifestyle museum – Europe’s
Juodkrantė, Preila, Pervalka and Nida. tions. the heritage of European nations for pre- largest museum under the open sky. In
Rumšiškės you can travel around Lithua-
Wandering dunes. Nida dunes Delicious fish. When in Nida you served links with Baltic mythology and
nian ethnic regions and visit ancient
leave all visitors astounded. Standing on must taste the fish! The exclusive dish pre-Christian lifestyle.
Lithuanian homesteads. All structures
the peak of dunes you’ll enjoy a breath- in this area is smoked fish: eel, bream, Distinctive music and dance and household utensils at the museum
taking view: hills of white sand and waves mackerel, pike-perch, herring and cat- traditions. We, Lithuanians, have are authentic and brought from different
of the Baltic, the verdure of pine-trees and fish. Fish is smoked according to special original music instruments which you locations in Lithuania. The folk lifestyle
calm Curonian Lagoon. You get the feel- tradition passed on from generation to won’t find anywhere else: daudytė (em- museum cherishes the tradition of cel-
ing of listening to the symphony of wind, generation. Just wait and find out your- bouchure aerophone), long shepherd’s ebrating ancient calendar festivities.
sand and water performed by nature. self – it’s more than delicious! horn audible dozens of kilometres away
Enjoy the tranquillity of dunes and the freshness Discover the meaning and charm
of the sea and the lagoon! of unique ancient traditions!
In 2000, the Curonian Spit was included into the UNESCO List of World Natural Heritage as one of Eu- In 2003, UNESCO announced the Lithuanian tradition and symbolism the masterpiece of the oral and
rope’s most beautiful and unique landscapes. intangible heritage of humanity.
4 For Kernavė, which traces
back ancient civilisation
For song and dance festivals 5
The memory of ancient civi- large settlements with mounds used for Songs. Folk songs have always been The song festival. Lithuanian song
defence. Mounds, as the main type of
lisation. To go back to very very old the pro-historic settlement, functioned
Lithuanian’s distinctive media to express festivals have been running since early
times you have to visit Kernavė – the national identity and a phenomenon of twentieth century. Now they’ve settled
in Lithuania from the Bronze Age to late national culture. Songs reflect Lithuanian at once in four years involving more than
distinctive site, which traces back the
fourteenth century. history, work, lifestyle, lifecycles and natu- 30,000 Lithuanians from round the globe:
unique and extinct cultural tradition and
civilisation. It boasts the Baltic States’ Live archaeology. Every year in ral phenomena. The unique songs, glees, singers, dancers and musicians. The song
only complex of five mounds. Moreover, early June, on the occasion of State Day, have been sung at festivals to date! Even festival continues for several days includ-
Kernavė is Lithuania’s ancient capital. Kernavė hosts spectacular “Live Archae- if you don’t know the language, you can ing the folk-lore day, the folk art exhibi-
Back to the past 10,000 years ology Days” featuring demonstrations of second all right. Just try! tion, the ensemble night, the dance day
whys... whys...
ancient crafts, performances by ancient
before Christ. Traces of unique cul- music companies and fighting shows of Dances. Our dances are joyful and rat- and the song day. Lithuania also holds
tling, telling different stories: “Kepurinė”, schoolchildren’s song festivals, whereas
tures from the tenth millennium BCE to soldiership clubs from round the globe. Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania take turns
“Polka su ragučiais”, “Pliauškutis”, “Suktinis”.
early Middle Ages are found in Kernavė. You can try it, too! in hosting student song festivals of the
Join! And we’ll party till dawn!
you should visit
During the early centuries after Christ,
Pajauta Valley experienced formation of you should visit
Baltic countries “Gaudeamus”.
Lithuania Lithuania
Discover the ancient civilisation Discover how song and dance
and ancient lifestyle. drive huge crowds together!
In 2004, Kernavė mound quintet was included into the UNESCO World Heritage List. In 2003, UNESCO announced the Lithuanian tradition and symbolism the masterpiece of the oral and
intangible heritage of humanity.
6 For monument to Frank Zappa For remarkable natural
The world’s first! It’s the world’s mission from Zappa’s fan club it was cre- Organic products. Lithuanian Plenty of everything! The natural
first monument dedicated to Frank Zap- ated by sculptor Bagdonas, author of the forests are good for picking mushrooms environment which is spectacular and,
pa. Emerged in 1995 on the background Zappa monument in Vilnius. and berries. Wild strawberries, bilberries most importantly, untouched by hu-
of graffiti-painted walls in the centre of The voice of freedom. Com- and cranberries are fragrant with the man activity is Lithuania’s precious asset.
Vilnius, the monumental bust of Frank poser, guitar player, singer, film director scent of the forest and taste fantastic! Forests cover as much as 30 per cent of
Zappa (sculptor Konstantinas Bogdanas) and satirist Frank Zappa has no direct Fishing in the river or lake is great enter- Lithuania’s territory.
is powerful attraction for Lithuanians ties with Lithuania. However, his impact tainment and a valuable catch! First-rate services. In Lithuania
and visitors who want to pay symbolic on Lithuanian artists and intellectuals Different entertainment! Hik- you’ll find superb agritourism home-
respect to the patron of modern music was so great that they decided to erect ing on Lithuanian lakes and rivers, swim- steads and guest houses offering cosy
whys... whys...
and of non-conformist approach to life. a monument for the famous provoker. ming, canoeing and rafting – all enter- and convenient accommodation and
Gift to America. A similar monu- According to photographer Saulius tainment is hard to enumerate! Lithuania different outdoor entertainment. Stay-
ment should shortly appear in the USA Paukštys, who initiated creation of the has 5 national and 30 regional parks of- ing at a countryside homestead, in the
city of Baltimore, where Frank Zappa was monument, Frank Zappa was the voice fering assorted entertainment. Although open air, enjoying the tranquillity of the
you should visit
born and lived until he turned ten. The of freedom for Lithuanians when before
1990 any criticism over country regime
here specific protection requirements you should visit
forest, or maybe going for some enter-
most impressive fact is that this monu- and visitors’ rules of conduct apply, they tainment? Everything is possible! Feel
Lithuania Lithuania
ment is a gift from Lithuanians! On com- was outlawed. won’t prevent you from enjoying the like children of nature and rest from the
beauty of the natural environment. turmoil of metropoli in the embrace of
the natural environment!
Discover how an even alternative personality Enjoy the retreat to pure and
can be respected in Europe’s old capital. wonderful nature!
8 For the opportunity to unveil
the iron curtain
For geographical centre
of Europe
Soviet ideology. Most post-Soviet Survival drama. In Lithuania The centre of Europe is in Art in the centre of Europe.
countries removed symbols which re- you’ll be offered the opportunity to re- Lithuania! Didn’t you know that? The geographical centre of Europe is
mind of the horrifying times from public turn to the past. Performances “1984. Now you do, so just have to visit it! The conveyed in the language of art at the
places or destroyed them. In Lithuania, Survival Drama” take place 25km away flight from any European metropolis will Park of Europe. Here, on the area of 55ha
demolished sculptures and other sym- from Vilnius 5 meters underground in take not more than three hours. It’s won- under the open sky, more than 90 works
bols of Soviet ideology were collected the two-storey labyrinth of 3,000 square derful, isn’t it? In 1989, researchers of the by artists from 29 countries are displayed
and set up in one location – Grūtas Park meters built during the years of the cold French National Geographical Institute including famous creators of contempo-
near Druskininkai. war on instruction from Moscow as an found that Europe’s geographical centre rary art such as Magdalena Abakanow-
Base of nuclear missiles. Es- alternative TV station. The survival drama was in Lithuania, 26km westwards from icz, Sol LeWitt and Dennis Oppenheim.
whys... whys...
tablished during the times of the Cold starts from security guards with dogs. Af- capital Vilnius. The museum develops as an integrated
ter depositing your personal belongings, ensemble of nature and pieces of art.
War in spectacular Plateliai surround-
you’ll dive into two hours in the stressful
Guinness record. The fact of the
ings in Plungė Region. Here you’ll find geographical centre of Europe is reg-
a militarism exposition. Visiting the grim life of an USSR citizen.
istered in the Guinness Book of World
you should visit
catacombs of the nuclear missile base is Records. you should visit
shocking to the bottom of one’s soul.
Lithuania Lithuania
Experience the horrors of totalitarianism and Feel the immensity of Europe standing in the
understand why freedom is so precious. very centre of the old continent!
Water and mud cure. It’s defi- and treatment technologies and a wide Substantial and tasty. Lithua- Different world cuisines. Apart
nitely true! For ages Lithuanian resorts range of procedures: underwater mas- nians like pampering their palates and from inns offering national dishes, Lithua-
Birštonas and Druskininkai have been sage, vortex-, mineral-, bubble-, oxygen-, eating substantially. The most popular nia has many restaurants with differ-
known for springing mineral water and vertical and curative herb- and mud- traditional Lithuanian foods include black ent world cuisines. Here you can enjoy
mineral curative mud with curative fea- baths. Procedures use natural products. bread, cream cheese, cold beet-root soup your favourite Italian, French, Hungarian,
tures as good as at Europe’s most famous In Druskininkai both young and old en- (šaltibarščiai), zeppelins (didžkukuliai), Greek, Russian, Chinese, Japanese, Indian,
wellness resorts. joy the huge water park. potato sausages (vėdarai) and for desert Thai, Latin American and other cuisines
Exclusive environment and Oh, and the sea, the sea! deep-fried biscuits (žagarėliai) and and spend hours of gourmet treat.
services. Resort towns are situated Lithuanian seacoast resorts Palanga, Bankuchen (šakotis). During the warm Top-class entertainment. Viln-
whys... whys...
Šventoji and Nida boast extreme popu- season you’ll be offered cold beet-root ius and other Lithuanian cities offer con-
on exclusively picturesque curves of
larity. We can assure you that you won’t soup in nearly all cafes and restaurants. temporary metropolitan-style entertain-
Nemunas River surrounded by pine for-
ests. Pleasing strolls and cycling hikes are
find such snow-white beach sand any- Zeppelins and many types ment with modern and cosy shopping
where round the globe! Not to mention
out there for you. Here hotels and sana- of beer. Zeppelins (didžkukuliai) are centres and exclusive boutiques, beauty
you should visit
toria conforming to European standards
the spectacular dunes! And of course,
loads of entertainment!
dumplings made of potato grate with a you should visit
salons, night clubs, global brand stores...
are at your service with latest diagnostic minced meat, curd, carrot or other kind Enjoy top-class services!
Lithuania Lithuania
of filling. Zeppelins go perfectly with a
pint of cold beer, which boasts over two
hundred recipes in Lithuania.
Refresh your body and soul in unique resorts! Feel like a real gourmet of taste and
12 For amazing
culture events
For The Hill of Crosses 13
Classical music and jazz. contemporary theatre directors are Symbol of faith. The Hill of Cross- Let your hopes and dreams
known worldwide. Virtuoso of philo-
Lithuanian symphony and chamber or-
sophical and visual expression on stage
es is Jurgaičiai Mound overgrown with come true! In 1993, Pope John Paul
chestras, choirs and theatre and ballet innumerable crosses. Supposedly, this is II visited the Hill of Crosses. John Paul II
troupes hold impressive performances, Eimuntas Nekrošius, who for several years the place where an ancient Lithuanian also put up a cross here – the symbol
which have gained generous appre- has been referred to as Europe’s best castle used to stand. The Soviet govern- of love to humanity. All visitors crave for
ciation at international competitions. Art director, staged “Hamlet”, “Faust”, “Mack- ment had started to destroy the Hill of leaving their little cross here in token of
lovers are attracted by names of such beth”, “The Song of Songs” and other Crosses, but without success as new hopes and dreams which come true.
world-famous performers as opera sing- plays. None the less famous is master of crosses continued appearing.
avant-garde theatre Oskaras Koršunovas
er Violeta Urmanavičiūtė-Urmana, con- The sanctuary of spirit. Today
whys... whys...
ductor Gintaras Rinkevičius and many with his plays “The Wonderful and Sor-
the Hill of Crosses is the spiritual sanctu-
others. Lithuania hosts many famous rowful Story of Romeo and Juliet”, “Lust”,
ary of many Catholics. Here you won’t
jazz festivals. For more than 25 years it “Master and Margarita”, “Loneliness for
find a church, a sacred picture or graves
has held the international jazz festival Two”, etc. His theatre is permanent par-
like in other holy places. It amazes the
you should visit
“Birštonas Jazz”, for 15 years Klaipėda
Caste Jazz Festival, traditional Vilnius and
ticipant at the Avignon Theatre Festival.
Culture is alive! In 2009 Vilnius
whole world with expression of prayer. you should visit
Written sources first refer to crosses
Lithuania Lithuania
“Kaunas Jazz” festivals and many others. will become European Capital of Culture. ‘growing’ on the hill more than one and a
Events of classical music are also popular: With its programme “Culture live” Vilnius half century ago.
Kristupas Summer Festival, Vilnius Festi- declares that art is created by not only
val, Pažaislis Music Festival, Ch. Frenkel’s professional artists, but also all city resi-
Villa Summer Festivals, etc. They attract dents and visitors – each and every one
performers from around the globe.
Masters of theatre. Lithuanian
who constantly creates life. Events of the
capital of culture are already under way! feel love for the
Reinforce your hopes and
14 For the fabulous castle
surrounded by lakes
For an air balloon flight
above Vilnius
East Europe’s largest caste Karaites. Trakai is also attractive for Explore the city in a differ- Get your diploma! Organisers
on an island. You can visit it in Lithuania’s interesting links with Karaites. ent way. Vilnius is one of the few of air balloon flights are knowledgeable
Trakai – Lithuanian capital of the six- In late fourteenth century, when the ter- European capitals which can be viewed and experienced to guarantee maximum
teenth century situated near Vilnius. Sur- ritory of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania from a hot air balloon. What is also amaz- security for travellers. Before the flight,
rounded by lake waters from all sides, extended as far as the Black Sea, Duke ing is that air balloons can take off and you’ll assist in preparing the air balloon
Trakai Castle and the museum inside it Vytautas brought Tartar and Karaite land in the very heart of the city – next and will learn how it’s operated, whereas
proudly track back to the glorious times families from Crimea to settle them in to Neris River in Vingis Park and other after the flight you’ll be baptized into bal-
in Lithuanian history. You can reach the Trakai. They used to protect the castle of places. loonists and will receive a flight diploma.
the Grand Duke and were his devoted You’ll have a brilliant remembrance from
castle after passing two bridges across Unexpected discoveries. The
whys... whys...
Galvė Lake! guards. In Trakai you can see Karaite your stay in Lithuania!
flight on an air balloon above Vilnius
dwelling houses and a temple.
Spectacular events. Trakai Castle will leave you with the most remarkable
hosts opera performances, concerts of You’ll have lots of fun. Trakai is impressions and will give the chance to
classical and contemporary dance mu- surrounded by even five lakes! It boasts look at the narrow streets of Vilnius old
you should visit
sic, etc. The wonderful castle and the rip- splendid beaches, and you can row a town from a bird’s eye view. You’ll discov- you should visit
pling vastness of lakes render fresh and boat, go yachting, wheel the pedalo and er a different Vilnius than you’ve known
Lithuania Lithuania
surreal colours to music and stage art. enjoy other entertainment near water. walking.
This is simply unforgettable! And you must try the famous Karaite ky-
byns and other national dishes!
Enter the fabulous castle and admire the Rise above city roofs and get a bird’s eye
vastness of the lakes! view of Lithuanian capital.
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Phone / Fax: +7 4952036790,
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