Bromelain: Methods of Extraction, Purification and Therapeutic Applications
Bromelain: Methods of Extraction, Purification and Therapeutic Applications
Bromelain: Methods of Extraction, Purification and Therapeutic Applications
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4 authors, including:
Ikram ul Haq
Government College University, Lahore
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Bromelain is a concoction of sulfhydryl proteolytic enzymes. Depending upon the site of extraction it can be regarded
as either stem bromelain (SBM) (EC or fruit bromelain (FBM) (EC Bromelain remain enzymatic
active over a broad spectrumand endure a range of pH (5.5 to 8.0) and temperature (35.5 to 71 ºC). It is one of the
extensively investigated proteolytic enzyme owing to its astonishing applications in various industries. This
necessitated employing a strategy that result in highest purified bromelain in less steps and lowest cost. Use of
modernistic approach such as membrane filtration, reverse micellar systems, aqueous two phase extraction and
chromatographic techniques have shown promise in this regard. Besides its industrial applications, bromelain has
been widely utilized as a potential phytomedical compound. Some of its reported actions include inhibition of platelet
aggregation, anti-edematous, anti-thrombotic, anti-inflammatory, modulation of cytokines and immunity, skin
debridement and fibrinolytic activity. It also assist digestion, enhance absorption of other drugs and is a potential
postoperatively agent that promote wound healing and reduce postsurgical discomfort and swelling.
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and crown etc. Extraction of bromelain from these exposed to numerous purification stages to eradicate
parts is attractive not only from environmental point impurities that may interfere with bromelain to
of view but also economically (Novaes et al. 2013). hinder its application and reduce the specific activity
Bromelain can be easily extracted from the juice of of the enzyme (Illanes 2008). Product purity is the
pineapple by ultrafiltration (Larocca et al. 2010) but key factor which may constitute a large proportion of
still FBM is not commercially available due to being the total enzyme production cost (Lightfoot 1990).
different from SBM (Pavan et al. 2012). The Several conventional isolation and purification
marketable bromelain is mostly extracted from the techniques are now obsoleted because of their low
stem of pineapple through centrifugation, purification potential (Soares et al. 2012).So the
ultrafiltration, lyophilization (Corzo et al. 2011) and extraction and purification strategy (Figure 1)
two-step Fast Protein Liquid Chromatography designed should be selective for the desired product,
(FPLC) (Harrach et al. 1998). Once extracted, the cheap, high yielding and speedy (Gupta et al. 2004).
crude mixture containing required enzyme is then
extract biomolecules through diluted samples. with ultrafiltration was also studied which resulted in
Reverse micellar system possess higher sample an activity recovery of 95.8 % and purification factor
loading capacity, are specific and easy to operate after ultrafiltration of 8.9-fold (Hebbar et al. 2012).
(Chen et al. 2008). The use of affinity based reverse micellar extraction
RMS are also being used for the extraction and and separation technique to extract and purify
purification of bromelain from ananas stem and bromelain from pineapple waste yielded purification
waste. Pineapple core yielded 106% active recovery of 12.32 fold with an activity recovery of 185.6 %
and 5.2 purification fold (Hebbar et al. 2008). There (Kumar et al. 2011). Moreover the process
is also reported use of RMS for extraction of optimization studies for RMS had been reported
bromelain from pineapple where it yielded 97.56% (Fileti et al. 2009; Dhaneshwar 2014) and both the
activity recovery and 4.54 purification fold batch and continuous extraction of bromelain from
(Hemavathi et al. 2011). Researchers are pineapple juice by under optimized conditions was
implementing various modifications in RMS to also studied (Fileti et al. 2007). A neutral model
upgrade the yield and purification fold. To purify developed for bromelain extraction from pineapple
bromelain at larger scale, scale-up studies by phase juice by RMS under optimized conditions gave 4.96
transfer mode of reverse micellar system are also purification factor with productivity of 1.29 ml/min
performed which yielded purification fold of 2.43 (Fileti et al. 2009).
with an activity recovery of 81.3% (Hebbar et al.
2011). To uplift the efficacy of process RMS coupled
Aqueous two phase system (ATPS) used in initial stages (Gupta et al. 1999). High active
The aqueous two-phase systems consists of a recovery of enzymes during ATPS is due to the
polymer and a salt (or two polymers) and have been presence of PEG which causes alteration in the
regarded as extensively used tools for extraction and structure of active sites of the enzyme. Researchers
purification of biomolecules (Rabelo et al. 2004). It have reported the used ATPS for extraction and
is low cost, rapid, possess reusable polymers purification of bromelain from stem and peel of
(Johansson et al. 2011), scalable (Asenjo and pineapple (Ferreira et al. 2014).
Andrews 2011) and can withstand high biomass load Extraction and purification of bromelain complexed
as compared to rest of the separation systems (Kaul with polyphenol oxidase through ATPS from the
2001). ATPS is reported as a challenging technique pineapple resulted in 228% active recovery with 4
for the separation of molecules that are hard to be fold rise in purification (Babu et al. 2008). ATPS has
separated through other methods and preferred to be been used to recover bromelain from the peel of
pineapple and gave 113.54% and 206% active equilibrium and ATPS were employed together for
recovery with 2.23 and 3.44 purification fold the purification of bromelain, purification fold came
(Ketnawa et al. 2010). In order to optimize the out to be among 25-62 (Ferreira et al. 2011).
separation of bromelain response surface Moreover, thermoseparation of bromelain resulted in
methodology has been worked in ATPS that yielded active recovery of 79.5% with 1.25 purification fold
90.33% enzyme and its purification factor was 2.4 (Rabelo et al. 2004).
(Navapara et al. 2011). When thermodynamic
Figure 3 - Extraction and Purification of Bromelain through Aqueous Two Phase System (ATPS).
considered quite useful for enzymes seclusion as well recovery and purification fold. Ammonium sulfate
as concentration (Cassano et al. 2003). Membrane precipitation is a cheap and extensively used method
filtration is being used for the isolation and for protein purification (Saxena et al. 2007).
purification of bromelain. Simultaneous use of Ammonium sulfate precipitation resulted in 2.81
microfiltration and ultrafiltration in order to separate purification fold of bromelain (Devakate et al. 2009).
bromelain from pineapple pulp resulted in active In a study ethanolic extraction, isoelectric focusing
recovery of 85% (through microfiltration) and 10 and ammonium sulfate precipitation were compared
fold concentrated bromelain (through ultrafiltration) for the extraction of bromelain. Amongst these three,
(Lopes et al. 2009). When microfiltration, ethanolic extract resulted in highest bromelain yield
ultrafiltration, ammonium sulfate precipitation and (Silvestre et al. 2011). Likewise, a comparison was
ultracentrifugation were employed in a sequence also made between ethanol, PEG and (NH₄)₂SO₄ to
98% yield was achieved (Doka et al. 2005). precipitate bromelain in order to recover it from stem,
Membrane filtration in conjugation with other bark and leaves of pineapple plant. The purification
processes results in enhanced purification of factor achieved after using ethanol was 2.07 fold with
bromelain. When stem bromelain was adsorbed on 30-70% recovery. 20-40% recovery and 4.4 fold
nano-TiO2 and then passes through ultrafilters, 5.3 purification factor was achieved after precipitation by
purification fold and 64.7% active recovery was ammonium sulfate whereas poly (ethylene glycol)
achieved (Chao et al. 2009). In a study three methods failed to precipitate bromelain (Soares et al. 2012).
(Kaolin adsorption, ultrafiltration and tannin 1400 GDU/ml proteolytic activity with a protein
precipitation) were performed and compared for content of 9.33 mg/ml was achieved after using
bromelain purification. Bromelain with highest homogenization process for bromelain separation
proteolytic activity was obtained by ultrafiltration (Li (Loh et al. 2005). The use of recyclable mesoporous
et al. 2009). silica to adsorb bromelain from pineapple juice
resulted in 6.2 fold purification with 97.89%
Other methods recovery (Arumugam and Ponnusami 2013).
Various other methods have also been worked to
separate bromelain and resulted in enhances active
Table 1 - Some modern techniques for the extraction and purification of Bromelain
, Inhibit Leukocytes
platelets adhession
permeability, (Thrombox
pain ane A2)
Rhinitis and rhinosinusitis 2004). Recently it has been found that bromelain,
Rhinosinusitis results in inflammation of nasal cavity when used in conjugation with other nutraceuticals
and paranasal sinuses (Guo et al. 2006) whereas such as turmeric, results in enhanced efficacy in the
chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS) is more persistent and treatment of degenerative joint pain diseases
long-term inflammation which causes disruption of (Conrozier et al. 2014).
mucus membranes (Mehdi et al. 2014). Bromelain is Colonic inflammation
an effective mucolytic agent and is being efficiently Bromelain notably reduce the harshness of colonic
used in rhinitis, rhinosinusitis as well as in chronic inflammation and when taken orally, it significantly
rhinosinusitis (Guo et al. 2006; Buttner et al. 2013). reduces the severity of ulcerative colitis (Hale et al.
It decreases the formation of pro-inflammatory 2005). The chief anti-inflammatory mechanism of
prostaglandin and reduces swelling in nasal passages bromelain comes out to be proteolytic in nature by
(Helms and Miller 2006). Bromelain also decrease which it eradicates cell surface receptors involved in
mucus production and aids its drainage (Tochi et al. leukocyte defection and activation (Hale et al. 2010).
2008). Beneficial effects of bromelain have been Bromelain also vary the emission of certain
viewed in allergic rhinitis as well where it reduces chemokines and thus reduces the prevalence and
edema and inflammation (Thor and Kelly 2000). sternness of spontaneous colitis. Due to these
researchers regard bromelain as a novel treatment for
Arthritis inflammatory bowel disease (Onkan et al. 2008).
NSAIDS are commonly prescribed in arthritis
(Henriksson et al. 2014). Bromelain can be used as Anti-cancer agent
harmless alternative and researchers have found that In healthy cells, autophagy occurs naturally whereas
bromelain exhibits promising efficacy in arthritis in tumor cells, this process is deactivated. Cancerous
(Osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis) (Pavan et al. cells metastasize through circulation and transport
2012). Osteoarthritis, the major form of arthritis, is a system to nearby tissues. In many types of cancer p53
leading cause of disability these days. Bromelain is a gene, which induces apoptosis, is inactivated thus
potent analgesic and displays a direct effect on apoptotic cell death is evaded in such cancerous cells
certain mediators of pain like bradykinin (Brien et al. (Baez et al. 2007). Researchers have recognized
numerous anti-cancer mechanisms of bromelain such Akt (a protein kinase) controls numerous cellular
as switching off the essential gene signal NF-kappaB, processes and is a key player in cardiovascular
suppression of Cox-2 expression, upregulation of p53 diseases. It is activated upon phosphorylation
and Bax and by initiation of autophagy (Tochi et al. (Chaanine and Hajjar 2011). Apoptosis is a chief
2008; Bhui et al. 2010). Bromelain exhibits stimulator of several cardiovascular disorders
antimetastatic activity, stimulates several caspases (Maulik and Das 1994). Upon its activation, Akt
and promotes apoptosis. Moreover the use of inactivates several proapoptotic genes that causes
bromelain in cancer lessens tumor size and results in cessation of apoptosis to some extent resulting in
reduced damage to healthy cells and possesses less cardioprotection (Shiraishi et al. 2004). Bromelain is
after effects as compared to chemotherapy (Bhui et an effective cardioprotective agent. It possesses
al. 2009; Amini et al. 2016). Bromelain remarkably antithrombotic and anticoagulant activities and
results in tumor regression for certain cell lines. reduces platelet aggregation. It also prohibits the
These include P-388 leukemia, sarcoma (S-37), A- attachment of platelets to endothelial (Metzig et al.
431 epidermoid carcinoma, A-375 melanoma, lewis 1999). Bromelain results in enhanced
lung cancer (Batkin et al., 1988) and ADC-755 breast phosphorylation of Akt which causes inhibition of
cancer (Bhui et al. 2011; Pavan et al. 2012). apoptotic cell death (Juhasz et al. 2008). Bromelain
Furthermore, the use of bromelain in conjugation inhibits clumping of platelets and also put a stop to
with chemotherapeutic medicine improves the thrombus formation (Metzag et al. 1999; Bhatacharia
efficiency of these drugs to certain extent (Pillai et al. 2008). It has the ability to reduce angina and also
2013; Amini et al. 2014). possess antihypertensive action (Maurer 2001).
Bromelain is quite specific in its action. It selectively as changes the proportion of CD4+/CD8+ (Secor et
acts upon the effected tissues without harming the al. 2005a; 2007b; 2012c; 2013d).
normal ones (Rosenberg et al. 2012). Bomelain
simplifies the debridement process and offers Blood Coagulation and Fibrinolysis
improved and accelerated healing and quick Fibrinolysis is a process to prevent fibrin clot from
reepithelialization (Singer et al. 2010a; Hu et al. growing and allows the body to clear fragments of
2011; Rosenberg et al. 2012).Researchers have found clots safely (Maus and Hajjar 2005). Bromelain is
bromelain to be useful in healing post-surgical regarded as an effective fibrinolytic agent and
wounds and aid to lessen their aching and swelling prevents blood from coagulation (Taussig and Batkin
etc (Graf 2000; MacKayand Miller2003). 1988) by exaggerating the transformation of
plasminogen to plasma which in turn inhibit fibrin (a
Asthma protein involved in blood clotting) synthesis
Asthma refers to the inflammation of air passages (Bhattacharia 2008). It also decreases the proportion
resulting in swollen or inflamed airways. of fibrinogen in serum,represses ADP induced
Inflammation in asthma is caused mainly due to platelet aggregation and delay both prothrombin time
amplification of eosinophils and T lymphocytes level (PT) and activated partial thromboplastin time
in the bronchial mucosa and broncho-alveolar lavage (APTT) (Kaur et al. 2014; Errasti et al. 2016). Both
(BAL) fluid (Leblond et al. 2005). Bromelain is an extrinsic and intrinsic pathway results in the
efficient therapeutic agent and is being used formation of fibrin ( as shown in Figure no. 5).
successfully in allergic airway disease (AAD) (Secor However bromelain limits its formation by reducing
et al. 2012). Bromelain treats asthma by decreasing some of the intermediates of clotting cascades (factor
the level of total BAL leukocytes (eosinophils and X and prothrombin) and increase fibrinolysis. It also
lymphocytes) and cellular infiltrates (Secor et al. decreases prekallikrein and thus inhibits the
2005) and also notably lessens BAL CD4+, CD8+ T generation of bradykinin at the site of inflammation.
CD4+ and CD25+T cells (Jaber 2002; Darshan and This results in reduction of pain and edema as well as
Doreswamy 2004). It also reduces interleukins IL-4, increases circulation at the site of injury.
IL-12, IL-13, IL-17 and IFN-α in the serum as well
Dermatological disorders After treatment all the victims of PLC were fully
Pityriasislichenoideschronica (PLC) recovered with zero side effects which is a virtue of
Pityriasislichenoides is a rare cutaneous disorder and its immuno-modulatory and antiviral trait
is characterized by the development of multiple, (Massimiliano et al. 2007).
scaly, erythematous to brown papules on the trunk
and extremities (Someshwar and Udare 2012). Scleroderma
Bromelain has been investigated for use in PLC.
It is a disease characterized by progressive skin Bromelain has also shown promise in treating
hardening and induration that is caused by abnormal scleroderma (Gaby 2006).
growth of connective tissues (Gabrielli et al. 2009).
Table no. 2: Summary of clinical applications of Bromelain.
Disorders Observed effects References
Asthma Change CD4+ to CD8+ T Jaber et al. 2002;
lymphocyte ratio and decreases AAD Secor et al. 2008
(Allergic airway disease).
Chronic Retards formation of pro- Bakhshaee et al.
Anti-Inflammatory Rhinosinusitis inflammatory prostaglandin resulting 2014
agent in fast recovery.
Colonic Decreased the occurrence and Darshan;
inflammation severity of spontaneous colitis Doreswamy 2004
Osteoarthritis Reduces in joint tenderness, pain and Klein 2006; Walker
swelling et al. 2002
Rheumatoid Reduce joint stiffness Maurer 2001
Soft tissue injuries Have high wound healing capacity Baumann et al.
2007; Lemay et al.
Breast cancer Decrease tumor size and cause Baez et al. 2007
Leukemia Causes tumor regression Maurer 2001;Pavan
et al. 2012
Anti-tumor agent Lung carcinoma Bromelain possesses antimetastatic QIMR 2005
and anticoagulant functions
Ovarian cancer Decrease tumor growth and invasive Maurer 2001
Melanoma Inhibits nuclear factor-kappab (NF- Kalra et al. 2007
kb), a protein involved in cancer
Postoperative Recovers abdominal distention and Wen et al. 2006
Improvement of gastrointestinal increase water content of fecal pellets
Gastrointestinal dysmotility (ileus)
Tract related Constipation Improves stool release in patients Wen et al.2006
discomforts Exocrine pancreas Improves digestion Knill-Jones et al.
insufficiency 1970
Nausea, vomiting, Neutralizes the effects of Pavan et al. 2012
diarrhea intestinal pathogens that causes NVD
Angina pectoris Bromelain stops aggregation of Taussig and Nieper
Inhibition of platelets and causes blood thinning 1979
thrombus Transient ischemic Reduces its severity Taussig and Nieper
formation attacks 1979
Thrombophlebitis Treats thrombophlebitis Kelly 1996
Thrombosis Break down cholesterol plaques Kelly 1996
Burns/Eschar Topical bromelain results in Rosenberg et
Treatment of complete debridement al.2004
Dermatological Wrinkles Conditions skin Reddy et al. 2013
disorders Pityriasislichenoide Complete clinical recovery Massimiliano et al.
schronica 2007
Scleroderma Resolves lesions Gaby 2006
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