WHLP Personal Development Week 7
WHLP Personal Development Week 7
WHLP Personal Development Week 7
Subject: Personal Development Date: May 3-7, 2021
Day and
Learning Area Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery
Monday, MELC 7 Learning Delivery Modality: Parents/guardian will hand-in the
Tuesday, Personal Mental Health and Well- MDL using Lesson 7Personal Development Quarter 3- Unit output, answer sheets,
Wednesday Development being in Middle and Late 2Aspects of Personal Development
worksheets of the learner to the
and adolescence
Thursday Week 7 Read the Objectives/Expectations after going through the school based on the date and
EsP-PD11/12MHWB-Ih-7.1 module. time scheduled.
8:00 am– EsP-PD11/12MHWB-Ii-7.2 *As the parent enter the school
12:00 pm EsP-PD11/12MHWB-Ii-7.3 Learning Delivery Modality: strict implementation of the
1:00 pm – EsP-PD11/12MHWB-Ii-7.4 MDL using Lesson 7Personal Development Quarter 3- Unit 2 minimum health protocols will
5:00 pm Aspects of Personal Development be followed as prescribed by the
Specific Activities Quarter 3- Module 7Mental Health and Well-being in Middle and
Late adolescence
1. interpret the concepts of Read Module 7
mental health and Do the following written works: Teacher can communicate to
psychological well-being in 1. What I Know p. 3-6 his/her learners and do oral
everyday observations 2. Assessment p. 25-27 questioning and assessment to
about mental health Do the following performance tasks: the learner.
1. What’s In p. 6
problems during
2. What is it
adolescence Activity 1 p. 15
2. identify his/her own Activity 2 p. 16
vulnerabilities Portfolio output p. 18
3. make a mind map on ways Activity 3 p. 19
of achieving psychological Portfolio output p. 20
well-being 3. What’s more
Activity 1 p. 20-22
4. create a plan to stay
Activity 2 p. 22
mentally healthy during Activity 3 p. 23
adolescence 4. What can I have learned p. 23-24
5. What I can do p. 24-25
6. Additional Activities p. 28