Social Groups: Society and Politics Social Organizations
Social Groups: Society and Politics Social Organizations
Social Groups: Society and Politics Social Organizations
Relationships within social groups begin when its members start to have a
Subject: Understanding Culture, communication and interaction. Working together in a social group is a
Society and Politics necessity to achieve the common set of goals and mutual impact of the
Topic: Forms and Functions of
Social groups
Social Organizations A group is a collection of individuals but its members may differ in
terms of what binds these individuals together. Groups are smaller units
that organized the members of the society into categories.
This module was designed and written to help you in defining culture and Social group can be defined as a collection of people who regularly
society in the perspective of anthropology and sociology. interact with one another on the basis of shared expectations concerning
behavior who share a sense of common identity (Contreras, A. P.,
After finishing this module, you should be able to: (2016). Social groups were classified into different categories according to
1. analyze the forms and functions of social organizations its set of standards: (1) primary groups; (2) secondary group; and (3)
a. traces kinship ties and social networks (UCSP11/12HSOIIi-20) reference group.
b. describe the organized nature of social life and rules governing behavior 1. Primary group is a small and intimate social group whose members
(UCSP11/12HSOIIi-21) share emotion-based, close, and personal interactions. This group
c. compare different social forms of social organization according to their is commonly long-lasting and the interdependence among its
manifest and latent functions (UCSP11/12HSOIIj-22) members is endured by profound relationships, shared activities,
strong personal identity, and concern for one another.
Primary groups include family and friends.
Lesson 2. Secondary group can be a small but larger than primary groups.
This group has more specialized terms of membership with mostly
1 Social Groups
impersonal, short-term, and objective-oriented for a certain period
of time. In contrast with the primary group, interdependence in
secondary group is usually not deep and no intimate interaction
among the members.
Examples of secondary groups are typically found at work and
school. Mutual benefit among the members is the driving force of
In the society where we live, there are different social groups and they
these groups to cooperate with each other. There is no emotional
organize the social life of every individual. Each member of the society has
affinity but there is immediate objective to achieve.
their own given social space to consume. A person may find his own
Secondary groups include workmates, classmates, and
personal identity when they discover what it means to be in a social group.
workplace committees.
Technically speaking, social groups are not made physically by the people
who belong to it. Sociology defines it as a simple collection of people who
happened to be together in a particular place because of their same
interest and common characteristics. You see yourself with others who has
the same interests as yours.
UCSP – Quarter 1: Module 5
Comparison of Primary and Secondary Groups according to Contreras, A.P., Reference groups as Identity Groups according to Contreras, A.P., (2016) (2016)
Basic Features (in terms of level Type of reference Basic Features (in terms feeling and
group belongingness) Examples
of intimacy, duration of
Group interaction, and reason for Examples
church groups,
interaction) Social groups to which and interest clubs,
Small; characterized by long- individual feels he or she belongs. neighbors,
lasting intimate relationship One feels loyalty and aspect for these schoolmates,
family, childhood groups. fraternity, sorority
Primary which binds
friends, best friends
the members together more than
the goal Social groups that an individual does sports team
not identify with. One feels opponent, fans of the
Can be large or small; common Out-group antagonism and competitiveness for rival team, cliques at
interests bind the members project group,
these groups. school, rival gangs
Secondary together more than their research group,
relationship working committee
The behavior of primary, secondary, or reference groups doesn’t
3. Reference group is a group where an individual compare himself or mean that they are only limited in terms of membership requirements. An
herself which can create an impact to one’s standard of attitude individual often had a complex membership with different social groups and
and behavior. Reference groups are used to guide its member into sometimes there is variation in terms of interaction and relationship.
a specific social attitude and social norms. These groups are Networks refers to the set of linkages, ties, and interconnections
commonly knowns as identity association group because these are among or between the members of the different social groups. This can be
created by a person’s desire and choice to provide a character created formally or informally. With the presence of networks, the
connection. connections of a certain social group is widened when it comes to specific
personal, economic, religious, or political reasons and concerns.
The reference group is considered as a source of role models since the
individual uses it as a standard for self-assessment (Atienza, M.E., et. al,
2016). This can also serve as an agent of socialization and enculturation
because it falls to the category of peer groups and they can be peer pressure
in becoming a member of reference groups.
Reference groups include interest clubs, dance groups, or
sports teams.
UCSP – Quarter 1: Module 5
These ideas are vital in social institution because they perform a huge role
in the society. Social order is attained and maintained through these social
institutions as it affects the lives of the members of the society. There are two principles of descent: (1) unilineal descent; and (2)
bilateral descent. Unilineal descent is usually traced through a single line
Types of Kinship of ancestors from either male or female or commonly known in two basic
forms: (1) matrilineal or the links of the female line ancestors; and (2)
patrilineal or the links of the male line ancestors. Both males and females
Kinship is a socially accepted relations that defines the relationship of are members of the unilineal family and links are only recognized through
individuals linked and developed by blood, marriage ties, culturally relatives of one gender.
accepted rituals, and legal adoption.
The figure below shows the patrilineal form of descent.
UCSP – Quarter 1: Module 5
The figure below shows the matrilineal form of descent. Marriage Across Cultures
UCSP – Quarter 1: Module 5
UCSP – Quarter 1: Module 5
ASSESSMENT: _______________ 7. Mutual benefit and the immediate objective to achieve are
the driving force of secondary groups to cooperate with each other.
Part I. AGREE OR DISGAREE. Analyze each statement below. According _______________ 8. We commonly see reference groups in corporations,
to the lesson discussed, write on the blank if you agree or disagree with professional gatherings, and religious organizations.
the statement. _______________ 9. Reference groups are used to guide its member into a
_______________ 1. Consanguineal kinship is achieved by birth. specific social attitude and norms while primary and secondary groups are
_______________ 2. Descent can be traced through lineage or the line where used to form the membership of an individual in the society.
one’s descent is tracked in father’s line only. _______________ 10. Reference group is the standard for assessing the
_______________ 3. Ego is the person to whom all kinship relationships are individual’s choice of primary and secondary group.
referred and with specific gender.
_______________ 4. Both males and females are members of the unilineal Part III.
family and links are only recognized through relatives of one gender. A. How does an individual form a relationship or kinship with another
_______________ 5. Nonunilineal descent principle links of the ancestral lines person or group? Enumerate and define each one by writing your
of both mother and father. answer using any graphic organizer that you know.
_______________ 6. When marriage occurs, new forms of relationship are B. List down the types of marriage using any graphic organizer.
developed. C. List down the kinds of families using any graphic organizer.
_______________ 7. The practice of having ninong and ninang as witnesses of
communion, marriage, and baptism originated in the Philippines. Note: Use three (3) different graphic organizers. Be creative!
_______________ 8. Traditional marriage is a special contract of permanent
union between a man and a woman.
_______________ 9. Endogamy marriage is practiced to prevent incest.
_______________ 10. Diplomatic marriage occurs to establish political
Part II. Write YES if you agree with the statement and NO if you don’t.
Use the space provided for your answers.
_______________ 1. Social groups often have its own terms of what binds the
member together.
_______________ 2. Groups are larger units that formed, shaped, and
organized the society.
_______________ 3. The basis of social groups are the shared expectations
concerning behavior who share a sense of common identity.
_______________ 4. Shared activities, strong personal identity, and profound
relationships are the keys to bind the members of the primary group.
_______________ 5. Primary group is larger than secondary group.
_______________ 6. Secondary group is objective-oriented for a long period of