Warf Rmies: Dwarf Army Special Rules
Warf Rmies: Dwarf Army Special Rules
Warf Rmies: Dwarf Army Special Rules
Dwarf Armies
The ancient race of Dwarfs has long can be earned through physical toil and
dwelled in subterranean holds, and trace martial prowess, and they go about these
their history back farther than any race but pursuits with grim seriousness. Though the
the Elves. In the oldest tomes in darkened average Dwarf stands less than shoulder-
halls, the Dwarfs record the legends of the high to a man, they are immensely broad
first of their race, born of stone and tears. of back, barrel-chested and thick-skulled.
They believe the goddess of the underworld A Dwarf’s hands are large, with thick,
wept for her lack of children in a darkened strong fingers that belie their remarkable
cave, and over long ages those tears formed dexterity. Their heads are set forward from
a stalactite in the semblance of what we their shoulders, giving them a downwards
now know as a Dwarf. The character of countenance that contributes to their dour
Dwarf-kind reflects this poetic myth – they reputation, though other races comment
are a race as strong and enduring as the unkindly that Dwarfs must always look
rock they mine, and as passionate as the down so as not to trip over their trailing
goddess who made them. beards and massive feet. Long hair trails
from their heads, varying in shade from
Dwarfs are tenacious, hardy and determined, russet red to flaming orange, while their
possessed of physical strength and mental flinty eyes and hawkish noses speak
fortitude that makes them ideally suited for volumes about their suspicious and insular
warfare and backbreaking work – both of character. For the Dwarfs, above all races,
which they not only excel at, but enjoy. For keep themselves to themselves. Before
a Dwarf, the greatest rewards are those that the time of King Golloch, the conqueror,
David Azofra (order #7420850)
Force Lists
Force Lists
it was rare for the Dwarfs to leave their the mountain holds, Warsmiths experiment
strongholds. They mistrust other races, endlessly with new engines of war, their
particularly Elves, with whom they have blackpowder weaponry and intricate
long shared the world, and instead look to clockwork devices prized by kings and petty
gold and gems dug from their cyclopean warlords alike. Warsmiths live an almost
mines for companionship and succour. monastic existence, their guilds more akin to
temples, dedicated to the fire god who blesses
As can be expected of a race so obsessed their instruments of war and flows deep
with stone and wealth, Dwarfs are stolid magic through their forges. In vast forges in
and unyielding in almost all facets of their deep volcanic chambers, Warsmiths create
lives. Treaties signed with Dwarf kings have armour and weaponry that are the envy of
oft been invoked centuries later, when all the world. Every helmet and breastplate is
the original signatories have long passed; perfectly tailored to its wearer, sturdier than
wars have been fought over the refusal any artefact forged by men or Orcs, and yet
to uphold such pacts, even though none adorned with delicate gold icons and valuable
but the Dwarfs even remember the cause. jewels; every axe-head is etched with intricate
Likewise, Dwarf merchants are infamous runes and chased with precious metals. For
for their contracts, which will always be a Dwarf, if something is worth making, it’s
adhered to the letter, if not the spirit. It worth making well. Every artisan, from the
is no coincidence that Dwarfs often carve smiths to the masons, passes down his secrets
binding agreements into granite tablets, and methods to his apprentices, ensuring
literally setting a bargain in stone so that that his unique creations will live on forever,
none dare break it. embellished and improved upon in time-
honoured tradition by those he trains.
Dwarf craftsmen are renowned across
Mantica for their great skill and ingenuity. Such commitment to craft developed in part
The men of Basilea covet the services of because the Dwarfs lack a natural affinity
Dwarf masons to bolster their fortresses and to magic, which men and Elves have come
lay foundations for their expanding cities. In to rely upon so much. However, there are a
handful of Dwarfs born in every generation
who stand apart from their kin, displaying
an innate mastery over the element of earth.
These Dwarfs are recognised by their tough
skin and dark eyes, cutting solitary figures
in the deepest halls, where they wander
apart from their kin to converse with earth
spirits. Their strange talents sometimes
manifest themselves violently, causing them
to become outcasts until others of their kind
find them and induct them into the Order of
Stone. Eventually becoming Stone Priests,
these Dwarfs command the elements upon
which Dwarf-kind has built its civilisation,
summoning shambling Earth Elementals to
fight alongside their hold’s armies. They are
a breed apart from their kin, rightly feared
and respected in Dwarf society.
David Azofra (order #7420850)
Force Lists
Force Lists
Shieldbreakers Infantry
Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
Bulwarkers Infantry
Troop (10) 4 4+ – 4+ 10 10/12 90 Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
Regiment (20) 4 4+ – 4+ 12 14/16 130 Troop (10) 4 4+ – 5+ 10 10/12 105
Horde (40) 4 4+ – 4+ 25 21/23 215 Regiment (20) 4 4+ – 5+ 15 14/16 150
Horde (40) 4 4+ – 5+ 30 21/23 250
Crushing Strength (2) Special
• Dwarven Throwing Mastiff (+10 pts) Options
• Dwarven Throwing Mastiff (+10 pts)
The strongest Ironclads go to war equipped
with heavy, two-handed hammers, whose Trained to withstand enemy cavalry charges,
weight alone is enough to break bones and and armed with long spears and thick armour,
splinter shields with equal ease, earning the Bulwarkers are masters of close formation
Shieldbreakers their name. fighting, even when on the move.
David Azofra (order #7420850)
Force Lists
Rifles, Piercing (2), Reload!
Force Lists
David Azofra (order #7420850)
Force Lists
Special Special
Crushing Strength (3), Pathfinder, Shambling Breath Attack (Att).
While within 6" of a Friendly Warsmith, the unit also
These black-stone giants are massive constructs has the Elite special rule.
of impenetrable rock. When the power of such
creatures is harnessed by the Stone Priests, what This weapon belches gouts of flammable liquid
over the Dwarfs’ foes, consigning them to a horrible
foe would dare stand in the path of the Dwarfs?
death. Despite its short range, it is the ultimate
area-denial weapon due to its fell reputation.
Range 24", Piercing (2), Reload! Battle Driller Monster
While within 6" of a Friendly Warsmith, the unit also Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
has the Elite special rule.
1 4 4+ – 5+ D6+6* 10/12 70
This five-barrelled cannon discharges its deadly
payload in a tight spread, chewing through
Base Size: 25x50mm, Height 1, Brutal,
closely packed enemy formations.
Crushing Strength (1), Individual
* Roll for the number of Attacks every time you resolve
a melee.
The Dwarf Miners Guild has long used
technological innovations to aid in its excavations.
Some members of the guild take their drilling
devices to battle, charging them into the enemy
ranks with spectacularly unpredictable results.
Force Lists
Special Special
Base Size: 50x100mm, Breath Attack (10), Crushing Strength (1), Individual, Inspiring
Crushing Strength (3)
The noble rulers of Dwarf-kind come from
*Roll for the number of Attacks every time you resolve
ancient lineages, and inspire utter devotion in
a melee
their people. With a lifetime of warmongering
These innovative fighting vehicles are powered behind them, and bearing magical rune-
by ingenious internal combustion engines fuelled encrusted weapons and armour, they are mighty
by the black blood of the earth. Protected by warriors in their own right.
thick metal plates and equipped with flame-
spitting weaponry, they are a nightmare made
manifest for the Dwarfs’ enemies.
David Azofra (order #7420850)
Force Lists
King on Large Beast Hero (Lrg Cav) Army Standard Bearer Hero (Inf)
Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
1 7 3+ – 6+ 7 13/15 170 1 4 5+ – 5+ 1 10/12 50
Special Special
Crushing Strength (1), Thunderous Charge (2), Individual, Inspiring
It is the greatest, most solemn honour to carry
Giant rodents and other unnaturally large one of the Dwarfs’ revered banners to battle,
burrowing creatures make excellent mounts for and only the most loyal retainers of the noble
high-ranking Dwarves. houses are entrusted with this duty. These
ancient banners are older than any living
dwarf, often inscribed with the feats of one of
the noble houses.
Force Lists
Berserker Lord Hero (Inf) Sveri Egilax [1] Hero (Lrg Cav)
Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts Unit Size Sp Me Ra De At Ne Pts
1 5 3+ – 4+ 8 -/17 120 1 8 3+ - 4+ 10 -/19 240
Special Special
Crushing Strength (1), Individual, Crushing Strength (1), Elite, Inspiring,
Inspiring (Berserkers only)
Thunderous Charge (1), Vicious
Renowned as the most dangerous Dwarf
• Mount on a Brock (+30 pts), increasing Speed to 8,
alive, Sveri Egilax is the Berserker King of
gaining Vicious and changing to Hero (Cav).
Cwl Gen. Often mounted upon the fearsome
Few Berserkers live long enough to amass wealth and bad-tempered Helbrokk, Sveri’s rage is
and status, or even a hold of their own, but boundless, such that he has been known
those who do master the red curse are mighty to cleave through entire enemy regiments
warriors indeed. Usually carrying a pair of single-handed!
magical axes as a symbol of their power, they
are nigh-unstoppable killing machines in battle.
Individual, Inspiring (Earth Elementals only), Surge (8)
• Bane Chant (2) for +15 pts
Within the Dwarf holds, Stone Priests are
outsiders, for their innate mastery of earth
magic is treated with suspicion by all right-
thinking Dwarfs. In battle however, they
are capable of summoning and controlling
powerful Earth Elementals to smash apart the
Dwarfs’ foes.
David Azofra (order #7420850)
Force Lists
Herneas the Hunter [1] Hero (Inf) Garrek Heavyhand [1] Hero (Inf)
Unit Size Sp Me Ra De At Ne Pts Unit Size Sp Me Ra De At Ne Pts
1 5 3+ 3+ 5+ 3 12/14 140 1 4 3+ - 6+ 5 14/16 150
Special Special
Skewerer, Crushing Strength (2), Individual, Inspiring Warp Hammer, Shield of Miph, Individual, Inspiring
(Rangers only), Pathfinder, Stealthy, Vanguard
Warp Hammer
Skewerer The bearer has Crushing Strength (3).
The Skewerer is a magic crossbow that in rules terms
is treated as a bow with Piercing (3). Shield of Miph
The bearer has Regeneration (6+).
Leader of the Hunt
If your army includes Herneas, you may upgrade one Garrek, mightiest scion of the Heavyhand clan,
unit of Rangers to represent his handpicked Ranger is a Dwarf cursed by the sins of his forebears.
patrol (+20 pts). This unit has the Elite and Stealthy His deeds are celebrated across the length and
special rules. breadth of Mantica. In battle, his legendary
hammer earns him more renown with each kill,
Herneas is a living legend amongst the Dwarfs, though he can never atone for the shame of
a solitary hunter who embodies the tenets of the his ancestors.
Rangers’ way of war – a master of stealth and
ambush, and an unmatched warrior.
Force Lists
David Azofra (order #7420850)
Force Lists
“I’ll be glad when this is over,” Njorri Forkbeard “Too heavy!” Jorin snorted. “And the sights are off,
grumbled. “My back’s killing me.” too. Not like in my day.”
“Aye, mine too,” agreed Jorin. “It’s these “In your day it’d be as like to explode in your hands
firebelchers. Too heavy. Not a patch on the old as hit anything,” Guttri scolded. “And think of the
design.” range. Marvellous what they can do with rifling
these days.”
“Maybe you’re just getting too old,” Guttri Half-
nose chimed in. Njorri sniggered. Guttri was the A distant cheer went up across the battlefield.
oldest Dwarf in the regiment, his white beard tied
about the waist to stop it tripping him over. “What was that?” Njorri asked. “Can’t see anything
from up on this hill.”
“I think it was the Brocks charging in,” Jorin said, thunder, they fired. When the smoke had cleared,
squinting against the sun. “Won’t be long now. three massive eagles lay dead at the foot of the hill,
There won’t be much left for us.” and another was flapping away from danger as fast
as it could go. The Ironwatch cheered.
“Spoke too soon,” Guttri said, his joints clicking
as he raised his firebelcher. Sure enough a dark “Well, that’s us done for the day,” Njorri said. “And
shadow swept over head; more followed. Eagles, I told you the sights were off on these belchers.”
four of them, circling above, their grotesque riders
eyeing up the Dwarf Ironwatch for a diving charge. “Come off it!” Guttri chided.
“Right, looks like we’re up,” said Njorri. “Well, one of ’em got away, didn’t he? Wouldn’t
“Ironwatch! Give ’em what for!” have happened in my day.”