2013 06 June
2013 06 June
2013 06 June
don’t call
me junior
8 Guns of
OF indiana jones
Contributor Rob Reed takes a
look at some of the not-so-period
correct firearms of the Indiana
Jones movies.
At the 2013 NRA Annual Meetings,
Beretta unveiled a new .380 ACP
pocket pistol that may not be quite
what you expect.
The traditionally traditional NRA has
been making some big changes to
address different demographics.
26 3-Gun Division
GunUp sponsored shooter B.J.
Norris gives a basic breakdown of
the different divisions in 3-Gun and
what gear works for each.
30 Workout:
Eat, Lift, Walk
Shooter, writer, GunUp Publishing
General Manager and personal
trainer Caleb Giddings discusses
what’s necessary to be basically fit
and how it can help your shooting.
40 Battlefield Vegas
If you like machine guns and
armored vehicles, you should
probably read about Zack
Warburg’s experience at the giant
Battle Vegas facility in Las Vegas,
Neveda. GunUp the Magazine at the Bianchi Cup
GunUp the Magazine’s Managing Editor, Shelley, and General Manager,
Caleb, both shot in the 2013 Bianchi Cup. Shelley won second in the
Ladies Metallic Division and took home a medal, Caleb got a much higher
score and didn’t win anything.
New Products
There is a lot to see at the NRA
Annual Meetings – here’s what
we found, what we liked and what
products we’ll be keeping an eye on.
48 Vehicles of the
nra Annual Meetings
There’s even more cool stuff to
see at the NRA Annual Meetings
besides the products, like these
awesome vehicles that were parked
on the show floor.
Tactical balls, a pocket shotgun and
Sponsored Shooter BJ Norris wins an FN SCAR
B.J. Norris won an FN SCAR at the side match at the Bianchi Cup. It
a shot timer app, read about some
wasn’t cool enough to write a press release about, but he went through
of the more interesting industry
that mini 3-gun match really fast.
Memorial Day
In honor of Memorial Day 2013, we
would like to thank all those who
have served and remember those
who have paid the ultimate sacrifice
doing so.
B.J. Norris
B.J. Norris is professional competi-
tive shooter and firearms instructor
from Tyler, TX. Though best known
for multiple Steel Challenge World
Championship titles, he also began
shooting 3-Gun in 2012 and earned
a place on the 3 Gun Nation Pro Se-
ries for 2013 season.
Caleb Giddings
Caleb Giddings is a gun writer and This last week I had the opportunity to It really makes you think: why are we here?
competitive shooter based out of attend my first ever Midway USA/NRA What gets us so invested in our shooting?
Sioux Falls, SD. When not shooting Bianchi Cup. The match is historically For many of us it’s more than a sport or a
guns or writing about them, he is held right around Memorial Day and fea- hobby, it’s a lifestyle. I realize that this is
probably asleep. tures the top prize table in U.S. Action what GunUp the Magazine is really trying
Zack Warburg Pistol sports. Many of the top shooters to embody; the lifestyle of the shooter, no
Zack Warburg is a firearms and mov- turn out for the opportunity win cash, matter what shooter that is.
ie enthusiast who works for GunUp’s guns and other cool prizes. I hope moving forward we can continue to
partner site, imfdb.org. The match was emotionally charged, provide information and entertainment for
and watching Tiffany Piper and Jessie those who are invested in their shooting and
Duff duel it out for the women’s title on firearms ownership – whether it be for sport,
their final event, the Mover, was one of self-defense, hunting or whatever has driv-
Dan Hall, Marcus Brody
the most intense events I have witnessed en you here. It’s important to us to hear from
Caleb Giddings, Short Round
in the shooting sports. Going into it, Tif- our readers and know what motivates them
editorial fany was a few points ahead of Jessie, and what they want to see. So we’re asking
SHELLEY SARGENT, but Tiffany dropped 15 points on her 25 for you to talk to us, whether it be through
Marion Ravenwood yard target. Tiffany still walked away with email at [email protected] or by signing on
ART the Junior title, but you could feel her dis- to our GunUp the Magazine Facebook page
STEVE RUML, appointment in not winning the Women’s at facebook.com/gunupthemagazine we
[email protected] Cup as well. want our readers to be a part of the mag-
Grail Knight azine and to share their passion the same
SALES way we have had the opportunity to.
By Rob Reed
To read more about the
guns in the Indiana Jones
movies, please visit our
partner site IMFDB.org
that showcases firearms
in movies, video games,
television, and anime.
uses a Chinese copy of the Soviet RPG-2 Indy gets more use out of his gun in
mocked up to look like a WWII-era Ger- the third movie, Indiana Jones and the Last
man weapon. The only problem is that Crusade, released in 1989. In this movie he
the Germans had not yet developed an- uses a Webley “WG” Army Model revolver
ti-tank rocket launchers during the time in .455 Webley instead of the S&W. (The What some Tweeters
of the movie’s setting. change was apparently made because the had to say when asked
In the second movie, 1984’s Indiana screenwriter saw a Webley in a gun store
about their favorite
Jones and the Temple of Doom, Indy los- and liked how it looked!) This revolver was
es his revolver early in the movie when designed for commercial sale to British guns from the indiana
nightclub singer Willie Scott (Kate Cap- Army officers, who were expected to pur- jones franchise:
shaw) drops the hot gun out of a car win- chase their own sidearms. The gun utilizes
dow during a car chase with Lao Che’s a top-break design that automatically ejects
gangsters. Although seen only briefly the the empty cases when the action is opened. “9mm: when you need
gun appears to be a Colt Official Police This feature can be clearly seen when Indy overpenetration.”
revolver. The Official Police was a popu- breaks the gun open on the beach while be- LES
lar double-action police issue and civilian ing strafed by a German plane only to find @WIILSHOOTCOM
revolver manufactured from the 1920’s six empty chambers. The Webley “WG”
through the 1960’s in several calibers. The Army Model was manufactured from 1895
movie gun appears to be a blued revolver to 1912.
with a 4” barrel. “Something witty about
holster retention.”
Edward Osborne
To read more about the guns in the
Indiana Jones movies, please visit our
partner site IMFDB.org that showcases
firearms in movies, video games,
television, and anime.
first look:
14 GUNUP.COM | JUNE 2013
The Beretta Pico was a last-minute introduction made at the 2013 NRA CALIBER .380 ACP
Annual Meetings. It was developed for ease of use and concealment, and
therefore has a low profile, snag free design that can accommodate either
right- or left-handed use. The semi-automatic pistol uses a barrel locking ACTION DOUBLE
system and is double-action, hammer-fired.
The steel sub-chassis is the serialized part number, allowing the grips, BARREL LENGTH 2.7”
sights and caliber to be interchangeable. Drop in barrels allow users to OVERALL LENGTH 5.1”
switch between .380 ACP and .32 ACP with minimal effort. The frame, made
from a fiberglass-reinforced techno polymer, is available in a variety of colors, FRAME WIDTH .73”
depending on the user’s preference, including white, purple, pink, flat dark OVERALL HEIGHT 4.0”
earth and black.
The Pico will ship with two 6-round magazines one of which will give shoot- WEIGHT 11.5 OZ
ers the option of using a finger extension. The magazines are capable of
holding both .380 ACP and .32 ACP ammo so that users may switch be-
tween the calibers more easily. MSRP $399
“These pistols
appear to be
extremely com-
pact, so they
definitely can
increase the The Beretta Pico fits neatly into the pocket pistol category, and is comparable, even smaller, in size to its
likelihood that competitors. For example, the little handgun is .09” thinner and .06” shorter than the popular Ruger LCP.
someone would The frame is smooth and rounded to prevent snagging and to keep corners from printing during carry. The
carry it, and size would make it ideal for a pocket holster, a bra holster, or for those with a smaller frame who have trouble
therefore have concealing larger compact guns.
it on hand if The .380 ACP and .32 ACP pairing in the Beretta Pico is a brilliant idea for an easy-to-shoot pocket gun.
they needed it.” In this small of a gun, larger calibers such as the popular 9mm Luger would be difficult to control and would
gunsholstersandgear.com require a lot of practice to stay proficient with. The ability to switch easily between calibers also gives shooters
the option to decide which they are more comfortable with, for both practice on the range and carry.
The different colored frames are also a nice touch for the Pico, allowing shooters to further personalize the
gun to their liking. The interchangeable grips allow shooter to make the Pico more comfortable for them
depending on their preference. This is a great addition to the pocket gun, since often people are looking for
different sized grips not only depending on hand size.
Unlike its big brother, the Nano, the Pico has a slide lock lever. The level is flush with the frame, so that it
does not extrude from the gun, giving the Pico the same smooth surface that helps make the Nano so con-
“If you’re look- cealable, but with the increased functionality of having a slide lock.
ing for a small Beretta has set themselves up for success by working with manufacturers to make sure accessories will
gun, this is it. be available when the Pico hits the market. The gun is going to be available, for example, with a LaserMax
The best part integrated laser or light, an ideal option for a carry gun. The sights were also made to be easily adjustable or
about it is the replaceable, so that changes can be made without the help of a gunsmith. Beretta has also teamed up with
LaserMax inte- a variety of holster manufacturers, including DeSantis and Gould & Goodrich, as well as Trijicon, whose night
grated laser or sights can be found on the Pico.
light that will If you don’t like the three-dot set up that comes stock on the Pico, Beretta has a system that is not only
be available for easy to swap, but is compatible with multiple other systems. Because they used the quick-changed dovetail
the PICO.” system, it will be possible to mount much larger sights than is found on many other pocket pistol. Many of the
womensoutdoornews.com Pico’s competitors don’t even bother with a legitimate sighting system, so it’s a nice change to see a 3-dot
system, much less than one that can easily be swapped out for other systems.
Since the Pico is such a new release, it’s hard to say for sure with larger hands, that’s the nature of the beast.
what all the upsides and downsides are. Some concerns have There have also been some concerns raised about the gun’s
been raised though, as bloggers and other internet media-types reliability. The truth is it’s impossible to tell without putting rounds
begin to express the opinions they had the opportunity to form down range, but the good news is Beretta has a reputation for
during their first look at the NRA Annual Meetings. building reliable handguns, after all the Beretta M9 is the standard
For some, the Pico is just going to be too small for their hands. issue sidearm for the US Armed Forces. The .32 and .380 ACP
It’s a common problem among pocket pistols; the smaller con- swap out does raise some interesting concerns in this department
trols can be difficult for those with larger hands to manipulate, and though, since the only other gun that swaps calibers like this is
maintaining a good firing grip on the tiny guns can be extremely the Sig Sauer P250, which never really took off in popularity. It will
difficult for some. The flush slide lock lever, for example, is posi- be interesting to see if the little pocket gun can perform equally
tioned perfectly for carry and makes the gun smooth to prevent well with both calibers, or will be best served sticking with the
printing and reduce the possibility of snagging. However, because .380 ACP it comes chambered in.
of its position it can also be more difficult to manipulate for those
THIS YEAR, although only half way over, has seen some major
changes taking place in the National Rifle Association.
Even while they continue to support their regular
demographic they have begun to reach out and embrace
their newer, younger and more unique members. A change
that will help them out in the short run, and may become
essential moving forward.
The NRA News has arguably led the way, hiring a set of young and
vibrant commentators to add a different perspective to their network.
In March, NRA News announced that they had hired YouTube per-
sonality Colion Noir, a law school graduate who just recently passed
the bar and refers to himself as “The Urban Gun Enthusiast.”
Colion addresses a lot of issues surrounding the Second Amend-
ment, minorities and posts some really cool pictures on his website.
Colion likes to call out people’s ignorance on both sides of the debate,
and is ready to speak the truth even if you don’t want to hear it. He’s
more than happy to make fun of himself and just about anyone else
and is willing to make controversial statements, including calling out
those who carry a 9mm (like himself ) as afflicted with “capacity obses-
sive compulsive disorder.”
Not too long after Colion was hired, NRA News announced Dom
Raso as a new commentator as well. Dom Raso is a U.S. Navy Seal
veteran who believes very strongly in freedom. In his introduction
on NRA News’ website he’s quoted saying, “As long as humans exist,
there will be weapons in this world. We’re better off knowing to use
them and apply them for the right reasons – than not knowing how
to use them.”
Natalie Foster was also introduced as one of the new NRA News
commentators. Natalie runs the website A Girl’s Guide to Guns
(girlsguidetoguns.com), meant to serve as a comfortable place for
women to find information on the shooting industry. Natalie is (we’ll
say it, hopefully she’ll forgive us) a girly girl from California who we
have had the opportunity to watch grow into a rising star in the gun
industry who is truly passionate about firearms and freedom. Natalie
does an excellent job reaching out to different demographics and peo-
ple who might otherwise be uncomfortable around firearms, and mak-
ing everyone feel included while making excellent points about the
Second Amendment and women’s issues within the industry.
Adding these personalities to NRA News is an excellent sign of the
changes the NRA is making to reach a wider audience.
Join at www.nra.org/gunup
or call 1-800-672-0004
By BJ Norris
Getting into Multi-Gun Competition can be
daunting. There are more terms and nomenclature
used in 3-Gun than almost any other shooting
sport. What do they mean: “TacOps”, “Heavy
Metal” or any other of dozens of things involved
the sport? Well, by the end of this article, you
should have a good understanding of the basics
of equipment divisions.
Probably about 99.99% of competitors use an AR-15
pattern rifle, chambered for .223 or 5.56 in TacOps.
They are simple, plentiful, accurate and with a little bit
of mechanical aptitude and basic tools, very easy to
modify to your liking. TacOps allows for the use of a
single optical sight on your rifle. Most people choose a
low-power variable, such as the Vortex Razor HD 1-6x.
This allows you the advantages of a red-dot up close,
while being able to dial up the magnification for long
range. Most matches will also allow the use of a red-dot
or flip-over magnifier combo, provided that the magnifier
doesn’t contain a reticule by itself. Compensators are
allowed, but generally limited to a 1-inch diameter and
3-inch in length. Rifle gear to leave at home? Bi-pods
and drum magazines are almost universally prohibited in
this division.
The vast majority of competitors use a semi-auto, 12
gauge that holds at least 8, but up to 12 shells in the
tube. Benelli M2, Mossberg 930 and FN SLP are all
Got Glock? This model 34 is a
popular choices and mostly have barrels in the 21-24”
great choice for TacOps and
Tac Irons. range. Most matches will let you start with 8-9 rounds
in the gun and then load to full capacity after the start
signal if you like, though some matches do limit you to 8
rounds in the tube.
EQUIPMENT DIVISIONS Generally, birdshot is the name of the game, and you
One thing to remember about 3-Gun is that since should look for #7 ½ shot at around 1250 FPS. Always
there is no national governing body that controls the check the match website to see if you need to bring slugs,
rules, each match has its own set that it goes by. Most buckshot or both. Be prepared though, some matches
of them have become pretty well standardized over call for slug shots out to 125 yards, so it’s best to have
the past several years, but it’s always important to some kind of low-profile Express-style sights buried into
understand the rules of the match you are heading your vent-rib.
to that weekend. Just recently, a top-level competitor Keeping the shotgun loaded up is always the hardest
was disqualified at the end of the match when it was part, but TacOps does not allow for the use of box
discovered his equipment was illegal for his division at magazine shotguns (like the Saiga or AKA M1919), or
that particular match (at which his score would have speed sticks from Tecloader. Belt caddies or a “Load 2”
earned him the national title). system from a company like Carbon Arms are the way to
go for TacOps.
Anybody have a striker fired, polymer-framed 9mm
Tactical Optics / Tactical / sitting in their safe? Thought so. That style of pistol is by
Tactical Scope DIVISION far the most popular for TacOps. Easy to use, affordable
Call it what you will, Tactical Optics Division (or TacOps) and easy to work on are the reasons why. Grab a few
is by far the most popular division. It always has the extra mags, a 140MM magazine extension so you can
most shooters, the highest number of Pros and the best run 22 to 23 rounds like the big boys and you’re ready
prizes of any other. Rules are pretty straightforward and to go. Since there isn’t a power factor requirement for
I’d be willing to bet quite a few people has suitable guns this division at any match (at least that I’m aware of),
already waiting in their safe. shooting .40 or .45 will simply put you at a disadvantage
in both recoil and round count.
Caspian’s Bruce Piatt
“I have a dream!” Well, I think that’s what they said
rounds a barricade about the equipment that now falls into Open division. If
with his pistol.
you can drag it up to the line, you can pretty much use it.
All those pesky rules for optics and things in TacOps?
Gone. Shooters can use both a variable power scope
with a red-dot on an angle mount, bi-pods, drum
magazines and a muzzle break that makes the Barrett
50 Delta design look cheesy.
Optics are now also allowed on the shotgun, and
most people stick with a red-dot. Also gone are the
capacity limits and prohibition against magazine fed
guns and speed loaders. I’ve seen a 16-round straight
tube, a 28-round XRAIL and 20-round drum magazine
Saiga all on the rack ready-to-go depending on the
user’s choice. Tube-fed guns are still the popular
choice, but as the reliability of the magazine-fed guns
increases, so does the number of shooters using
Probably one of the biggest differences in Open
is the pistol. Instead of being limited to iron sights
and 140mm long magazines, you can now use red-
dot sights and longer magazines, as well as recoil
Definitely not for the faint of heart (or wallet), Open is
the fastest and most advanced division there is.
Rifle: Rifle:
.308 Win is pretty much the minimum caliber you Again, you’ll need a rifle in .308, though now you’re
may fire for Heavy Tactical. Other than that, the rules limited to iron sights only, with very few matches
are generally pretty similar to TacOps when it comes to allowing a red-dot or similar optic.
optics and other equipment. Most matches will limit you
to 20 rounds in the magazine, which allows platforms like
Get ready to pump it up! You’ll definitely need a solid
the SCAR-H, M1A and FAL to stay on even footing with
12 gauge pump shotgun to shoot He Man.
the AR platform.
1911’s are an extremely popular choice for He Man,
Be sure to check the match rules! Some venues let you
since you are almost always restricted to an 8-10 shot
stick with the same semi-auto as TacOps, others might
45 pistol.
limit you to an 8-shot pump action gun.
Pistol: Hopefully now you have a good idea what sort of
Same with the shotgun. Sometimes you can shoot your guns you need to get started in your division of
double-stack 9mm, other times you might have to use choice, whether it be full-on race gear for Open, or
a single-stack .45, still others might require a minimum the classic choices in Heavy Metal.
power factor of 165 like USPSA. Until next time, Train To Triumph!
in only 10 minutes a day. Most often these are marketed by
professional trainers/fitness models whose sole occupation
is working out and looking good. It’s marketing. Some of
it certainly works, but not because it’s whizzbang miracle
fitness, but because the ones that do work require a high
level of effort and a rigid food intake.
But what if you’re not interested in six-pack abs? What
if you want to lose a little weight so you’re a little quicker
shooting USPSA? What if you want to be stronger so your
arm doesn’t get tired during bullseye matches? Or what
if you don’t want to get winded hiking the back country
tracking a huge elk?
Getting fit for shooting is just like shooting – there are no
shortcuts, and it takes work. Fortunately, you don’t need
to buy some huckster’s ultimate fitness program. You just
need to do three little things: Eat, Lift, Walk.
Why not run? Well, as it turns out, un-
less you’re training for a running event, if
you want to get in better cardiovascular
condition, you just need to walk. Walk
hard, for sure, but walking is sufficient.
The goal with this exercise isn’t to move
LIFT a specific distance, but rather to elevate
Strength is everything. Being stronger your heart rate to above a certain point
means you’re less injury-prone, have for a certain amount of time. For most
more energy, and don’t tire when hold- people, getting the heart rate above 120
EAT ing out that 2.5 lb. bullseye gun. Before for 30 minutes is sufficient, but again,
This is the first simple step; and it’s also you start any weightlifting program, seek talk to a doctor first. If you’re incredibly
the hardest for a lot of people. The sys- the advice of a medical professional, and out of shape, you may need to work on
tem by which Americans consume food consider hiring a trainer to help coach that. Here’s a simple time based walking
is created to fuel consumption and not you through the lifts if you’ve never schedule to get you started:
necessarily nutrition. But you don’t have done them before. Lifting three days a
to do anything drastic like give up beer week with gradually increasing weight Day 1: Walk 45 minutes or 2.5 miles
or pizza to get healthy, just introduce a amounts will improve your conditioning
concept called “moderation.” In the food Day 2: Walk 90 minutes or 5 miles
for hunting or the shooting sports.
category, there are three simple steps Day 3: Walk 30 minutes or 1.5 miles
that you can take to drastically reduce 1. Bench Press and Squats – the
the amount of garbage masquerading as two most basic lifts. On all lifts,
Add hills to your walk to get that heart
food that you take in. using good form is more important
rate up; keep yourself moving. Don’t stop
than lifting heavy weight. So if you
and lollygag, get the arms going, get
1. Stop drinking soda – I’ve can’t keep good form, use less
moving. It’s not a pleasant stroll through
personally seen people give up soda weight until you get stronger.
the neighborhood, so you need to move
and immediately drop 10-15 lbs. of
2. Overhead Press and Deadlifts – at a pace like you’ve got somewhere to
useless weight. Soda can replaced
be careful when deadlifting. Doing be in a hurry. If you want to add some
with un-sweetened tea, coffee, or
deadlifts correctly will strengthen sport specific training for USPSA, throw
best yet, water.
your lower back, not hurt it. But in the occasionally 30 second sprint.
2. Get rid of most condiment doing deadlifts wrong can lead to
sauces: Ketchup, mayo, and any injury, and injury time is not training
dressing other than oil and vinegar. time.
That’s really it though. You’re looking
Just get rid of them. Most mustards
3. Clean and Press – one of the at a time investment in your workouts of
are still okay.
great Olympic lifts, the clean and 4ish hours a week, assuming you take
3. Reduce the fried foods: I like press combines the motions of the about 30 minutes to do your lifts. People
French fries. I like fried chicken. I deadlift and overhead press into one say that they “don’t have time” to work
hardly ever eat them, because fried motion. Great for building explosive out, but ask yourself – how much time do
foods are full of the sort of fat that power foods are full of the sort of fat you spend on Facebook or watching TV
my body doesn’t need. that my body doesn’t need. each day? Next time you’re on a USPSA
stage or hunting that trophy bear, you’ll
There are quite a few more steps that Again, form is important here. If you’ve thank yourself for enhancing your awe-
you can take to get a healthier diet, and never done the lifts before, get a coach someness.
there’s plenty of information out there on to teach you. Make sure you’re not over-
good vs. bad fats, sugar intake, sodium, loading your weights to do ego lifts,
etc. This is just a starting point. We’re and instead using weight that provides
not trying to win a marathon here, just a challenge while still maintaining good
get a little healthier. form.
NRA few protestors that did show up had to set up across the
street and were monitored closely by Houston PD.
The very first thing apparent upon entering the floor
at the NRA Annual Meetings was the large registration
desk, which was constantly busy up until Sunday after-
noon. Beyond the desk were rows and rows of different
colored booths decorated with firearms, TVs and giant
company logos.
Lone Wolf Distributors had set up a trailer in the
middle of the show floor. Stairs served as an escort up to
a display of handguns customized with their parts and
THE SHOW FLOOR accessories. The top of this trailer was one of the first
stops of the week for the GunUp crew, and the view
video from DART that was basically just suppressed machine gun shooting and
therefore really awesome. You could easily spend the entire weekend just watching
videos and demonstrations.
But who would want to when there was so much else to see?
The major manufacturers pull out all the stops for the NRA Annual Meetings.
It’s the one time they get to interface with consumers on a personal level and show
off what exactly they can do in the process of building their booth. XS Sights, for
example, had a “dark room” that customers could enter to see how their sights
performed in a low-light setting.
Walking through the big booths is almost overwhelming, there are a lot of
bright colors and a lot of bright lights and it can be a lot to take in. This isn’t
true for the entire floor, though. As you proceed toward the back of the floor the
booths get smaller. Here is where treasures can be found.
Visiting the lesser-known companies at the back of the show is a must-stop for
any NRA attendees. There are a wide variety of products that NRA is the best
place to hear about. From jewelry and handbags to holsters and ammunition, it’s
surprising what’s to be found. There are also a lot of collectors associations hidden
back here with interesting and impressive guns on display that are fun to browse
and informative to learn about.
There were a few food options on the show floor as well. It was a toss-up be-
tween talking yourself into an over-priced hotdog from one of the show floor ven-
dors and having to leave the floor but having the opportunity to dine anywhere in
downtown Houston. For many people, the Starbucks on the second floor served
as a primary food stop.
The first floor of the NRA Show is where it all happens, it’s the life of the party
and where everyone wants to be. The booths, the guns, they’re all there for attend-
ees to ogle and enjoy, and while it’s impossible to see it all, it’s a lot of fun to try.
Annual Ambassador John Bolton MAJOR DAN ROONEY TED NUGENT
Meeting How Barack Obama is Endangering
our National Sovereignty
A Patriot’s Calling Ted, White and Blue:
The Nugent Manifesto
he brainchild of Ron Cheney, Battlefield Vegas is any firearm fan’s
dream come true. Located just over two miles from the heart of
the strip, this five acre complex features an indoor shooting range
and military vehicles scattered across the tarmac to create a modern mil-
itary theme.
From the moment you pull off the road into the parking lot — and are
immediately greeted by a half-track — it is clear this is no ordinary gun
range. The complex is encircled by camo-covered fences and sandbags
are stacked high as if to ward off incoming mortar fire. Humvees and an
M35 truck all sit waiting for their next rider. Oh, and let’s not forget the
UH-1C Huey! In total, Battlefield has a fleet of more than twenty-five
military vehicles, from Jeeps used in WWII to 2.5- and 5-ton carriers
used in conflicts from Vietnam to the present day. Don’t feel like driving
from your hotel to the facility? No problem. They will pick you up from
your hotel in a Humvee.
Upon walking in the front door, you instantly feel as though you have
walked into another world, you are no longer a block from the Vegas
Strip. Over eighty percent of the employees of Battlefield Vegas have
served in the armed forces, and those who haven’t are mostly sons and
daughters of those who have. Ron makes a determined effort to help
his brothers and sisters in arms and goes to great lengths to hire veter-
ans. Additionally, they are encouraged to wear the uniform from their
branch of service, which means it feels something like walking around a
Ron Cheney shows off one of his personal
favorites during our tour of the vault. military compound. That being said, there are little things that are done
to distinguish these vets from those on active duty. First, rather than
the standard nametape for their branch on while giving you a bit of history. On the exactly a new concept. Within a mile of
their left breast, all employees wear a patch range our RSO asked us about our expe- the strip there are at least a dozen differ-
saying “Battlefield”. Second, rather than rience level with the individual firearms, ent ranges where you can rent and shoot
listing a vets last name, as is done in the full-auto, and shooting in general so he guns. Having only visited this one, I can-
military, all employees wear a patch with could tailor his instruction to our experi- not speak to the experience at other ranges,
their first name. These little touches serve ence level. As we moved from one firearm though it is hard to imagine better custom-
as an homage to the military backgrounds to the next he explained how to operate er service than I experienced at Battlefield.
they all share. each one and detailed the peculiarities of What I can tell you is that the gun selection
What stood out most for me was how each. While shooting the RSO remains at Battlefield is second to none. There are
much every person at Battlefield Vegas by your side to help with any issues you not many places that I know of where you
seems to love working there. I mean, what’s may have. A large part of the Battlefield can walk into a room and see an MG42
not to love? You help first time full-au- Vegas clientele are first time shooters and laying next to a Mk 48, or an Uzi sitting
to shooters — and often times first time the RSOs do an excellent job of making next to a PPSH-41.
shooters — have an amazing experience. sure everyone is comfortable and safe at all They have the standard assault rifles
Bursts of fire on the range were regularly times. like M4s, M16s and SCARs (both light
followed by smiles, laughter and amaze- We were particularly interested to learn and heavy) as well as the classics like Uzis,
ment. I asked Carlos Munoz, our Range that our RSO had used a few of the weap- Thompsons and Garands. While these fire-
Safety Officer (RSO), whether he ever gets ons we were firing during his last deploy- arms are not readily available to the average
tired of people getting positively giddy ment in Afghanistan with the Nevada Joe, they are commonly found at ranges all
over shooting a machine gun for the first Army National Guard. A member of the around Las Vegas. What sets Battlefield
time. “Are you kidding?” he said, “That’s 1st squadron, 221st cavalry (aka Wildhorse apart from their competition is their col-
my favorite part of the job!” Squadron), Carlos served as a Specialist E4 lection of less common guns; from Ger-
I was also impressed by the individual in Afghanistan from April 2009 through man MP40s, Soviet PPSH-41s and Stens
attention that each and every customer re- April 2010. Having used these weapons toSturmgewehrs 44s, MG42s and even
ceives. Safety is the number one priority of in actual combat, he was able to provide Vickers machine guns. Battlefield’s collec-
the staff at Battlefield Vegas, but customer his own insight into how the weapon per- tion is not to be beat. In fact, Battlefield
satisfaction is a very close second. Once formed on the battlefield and the difficul- boasts what they claim is the “largest col-
you have purchased your package, you are ties of carrying a full MG kit. This added a lection of US and foreign weapons avail-
paired up with your own RSO who loads bit of perspective to the exhilarating expe- able for public use in the United States”.
your magazines and personally walks you rience of shooting these firearms. During our tour of the “vault”, we were
through the operation of each weapon, all A machine gun range in Las Vegas is not also treated to a history class in which
we learned various tidbits of information The quantity of each weapon they have door airsoft field as well as a nearly 16,000
about the weapons. Once again, I was very in stock is another feature that sets Battle- square foot indoor shoot house where
impressed by the depth of knowledge that field Vegas apart. The biggest complaint shooters can compete against the seasoned
Ron possesses about each of the weapons. that Ron heard from his research of other veterans in a real world special operations
One story in particular stuck with me. ranges is that popular weapons were con- scenario. Needless to say, we look forward
During World War II, Germans we able to tinually unavailable leading to wait times to giving that a try when it opens. There
easily pick out their British counterparts measured in hours. You arrive at the range are also plans to open a military museum.
on the battlefield because of the “Chick- to shoot an MP5 but have to wait for the On a personal note, I want to thank
en Wing” stance they adopted when fir- three other people who want to shoot it Ron and his staff for the wonderful time
ing the Sten Mk II, this stance resulting first. Or worse, the weapon is out of com- that they showed us while we were visiting.
from the way the weapon is held due to mission for some reason so you can’t shoot Also, as a computer nerd who never has
the side-mounted magazine. During the it at all. Ron vowed not to let this happen. served a day of combat in my life, I want to
war the, Germans managed to capture a Their most common weapons, (MP5s, express my sincerest gratitude to Ron, his
small number of Stens and were forced to Thompsons, AK-47s, etc) are stocked by at partner David, all their staff and everyone
adopt the same “Chicken Wing” stance least the dozen. With their less common else who has served in the armed forces.
of the British when using the weapons. guns such as thePPSH-41s and Stens, I did We owe you an eternal debt of gratitude
This resulted in multiple cases of friendly not see a single one that was stocked at less and thank you for your service.
fire where another German, spotting the than 5. Even their specialty guns like the
Ron Cheney served in the Army as a 97 Bravo
stance, would shoot one of their own. The MG42s and RPDs have at least a second, Counter-Intelligence Assistant. His partner David
German solution was to cut the weapon in if not a third and fourth. Famiglietti served 13 years as a combat engineer
with the 820th Red Horse (Rapid Engineer Deployable
half, rotate the front 90 degrees, and weld Ron says there is still more to come for Heavy Operational Repair Squadron Engineers)
it back together. This resulted in a weapon Battlefield Vegas. There are plans in the Squadron. He left the Air Force having achieved the
with the same profile as an MP40. rank of Technical Sergeant E-6.
works to add a 32,000 square foot out-
Each year companies use the NRA Annual Meetings as an opportunity to roll out new
products for consumers. While we spotlight the splash-making Beretta Pico, there are
plenty of other interesting and awesome products that just can’t be left out.
And don’t miss our exclusive library of free, compelling documentaries and reports of
the patriotism and sacrifice displayed by heroes like you.
T here’s a lot to see each year
at the Annual Meetings,
and as much as we all want
to look at the guns, some
companies pull out some
pretty nifty vehicles too. From
painted trucks, to race cars, to
Magpul’s mini-gun-VW here’s
a look at some of the coolest
cars on the show floor!
small but mighty: Heizer Defense HD2
Shot Timer
The IPSC Shot Timer app does exactly what it
sounds like it does. Designed for USPSA, IDPA,
brite-strike IPSC or other action sports, the app acts as an
tactical balls rid-3 alternative to expensive shot timers for those
who are not ready to make a several hundred
Brite-Strike Tactical Balls RID-3, or Rolling Illuminated Distraction and
dollar financial commitment. While the timer
Disorientation, are flashbang alternatives designed for police offers with
does not work as flawlessly as an actual shot
no specialized training. They are designed to take the bad guy’s focus
timer, for a cheap and dirty way to set up par
away from the user.
times or check split times the IPSC Shot Timer
Small, lightweight and shock resistant, the balls are concentric and
app works great.
weighted to wobble and spin around when tossed. This creates a strobe-
The simple interface is easy to use and provides
like effect that will settle down before landing upward, backlighting the
a wide variety of adjustments to help get the
bad guy. The idea is to disorient the bad guy without causing a continuous
timer set to work right for the environment.
affect that will detriment the good guys who enter the room after the balls
Users can adjust the decibel threshold the timer
are thrown in.
registers, set a random start and edit the echo
While Brite-Strike’s Tactical Balls don’t work quite like a flashbang, their
delay, which helps avoid the timer registering
websites puts a flashbang at a 10 and the Tactical Balls at 2, they serve
its own beep. Different timer modes include Par
as a good back up for those who lack training. Plus, we think they’re pretty
Time, Comstock, and Virginia.
cool and have the feeling they might turn into a Halloween prank.
The timer registers split times, the number of
Available for $39.99 at midwayusa.com. shots fired, the overall time, and the maximum
time in between shots. While the app is a work
in progress, the price is right for an easy way to
get set up on the range.
This year, May brought both Memorial Day and the National Rifle Association’s Annual Meeting.
The 142nd NRA Annual Meeting was held this year in Houston, Texas with over 86,000 members in attendance.
This was, by far, the largest annual meeting in the history of the NRA, a strong sign that gun ownership and support
for the Second Amendment is not dead nor dying – quite the opposite. It is on the rise. Responsible, law-abiding
Americans of all shapes and sizes, of varying ages, races, walks of life, backgrounds, genders, and creed are
buying firearms in record number. Please support the NRA and other organizations like the Second Amendment
Foundation and the National Shooting Sports Foundation that are fighting to preserve our freedom but most of all let
us not forget those brave American who paid the ultimate price to preserve our freedom.
On Memorial Day the flag of the United States is raised briskly to the top of the staff and then solemnly lowered to
the half-staff position to remember the more than one million men and women who gave their lives in service of our
country. At noon their memory is raised by the living, who resolve not to let their sacrifice be in vain, but to rise up in
their stead and continue the fight for liberty and justice for all.
Let us not forget. Rest in peace, fallen comrades. You are in our prayers and you are not forgotten.
Dan Hall
CEO, GunUp.com
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