Section 26. Vested Right. - Automatic Registration of Practicing Agricultural and Biosystems
Section 26. Vested Right. - Automatic Registration of Practicing Agricultural and Biosystems
Section 26. Vested Right. - Automatic Registration of Practicing Agricultural and Biosystems
(a) Each registrant shall, upon registration, obtain a seal of such design as the Board may
adopt and prescribe. Plans and specifications prepared by, or under the direct supervision of
a registered agricultural and biosystems engineer, shall be stamped with said seal during the
validity of the professional license. No person shall stamp or seal any document with the seal
of a registrant after his/her professional license has expired or lost its validity unless he/she
has been reinstated to the practice and/or unless his/her license has been renewed.
(b) No officer or employee of the government, chartered cities, provinces and municipalities
now or hereinafter charged with the enforcement of laws, ordinances or regulations relating
to the implementation, construction, repair, operation and maintenance, testing and
evaluation of agricultural and biosystems buildings, structures, machineries and equipment,
irrigation, soil and water conservation structures and other agricultural and biosystems
engineering facilities, shall accept or endorse any plans, designs, specifications or project
studies which have not been prepared and submitted in full accord with the provisions of this
Act, nor shall any payment be approved by any such Officer for any work, the plans and
specifications of which have not been so prepared, signed and sealed by a duly registered
agricultural and biosystems engineer. This provision shall be implemented by the
Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) and Local Building Officials in the
issuance of building permits and certificate of occupancy under the National Building Code,
and by all concerned national government entities and local government units (LGUs) in the
procurement and in the discharge of their regulatory and auditing functions pertaining to
agricultural and biosystems buildings, structures, machineries and equipment, irrigation, soil
and water conservation structures, and other agricultural and biosystems engineering
(c) No agricultural and biosystems engineer shall sign his/her name, affix his/her seal or use
any other method of signature on plans, designs, specifications or other documents made by
or under another agricultural and biosystems engineer’s supervision unless the same is
made in such manner as to clearly indicate the part of such work actually performed by
him/her, and no person, except the agricultural and biosystems engineer-in-charge shall sign
for any branch of the work or any function of agricultural and biosystems engineering
practice not actually performed by him/her. The agricultural and biosystems engineer-in-
charge shall be fully responsible for all plans, designs, specifications and other documents
issued under his/her seal or authorized signature.
The Board shall formulate, adopt and promulgate all necessary rules and regulations for the
effective implementation of the provisions relating to the design of the seal, the signing and
sealing of drawings, reports and other documents by agricultural and biosystems engineers.
(d) Drawings, plans, designs and specifications duly signed, stamped or sealed as
instruments of service are the property and documents of the agricultural and biosystems
engineer, whether the projects for which they were made is executed or not. No person
without the written consent of the agricultural and biosystems engineer or author of said
documents, shall duplicate or make copies of said documents for use in the repetition of and
for other projects, whether executed partly or in whole.
(e) All drawings, plans, specifications and other documents and reports to be used for the
design, construction, test and evaluation, research and extension of agricultural and
biosystems buildings, structures, machineries and equipment, irrigation, soil and water
conservation structures and other agricultural and biosystems engineering facilities/p rejects
shall be signed and sealed by a licensed agricultural and biosystems engineer.
Violation of any of the foregoing shall be ground for administrative and/or criminal action.
Section 28. Indication of License Number and Professional Tax Receipt Number. - The agricultural
and biosystems engineer shall be required to indicate his/her professional license number, the
duration of its validity, including the professional tax receipt number on the documents he/she signs,
uses or issues in connection with the practice of his/her profession.
(a) The firm, partnership, corporation, cooperative, association or foundation applies for and
is issued a COR (Certificate of Recognition) by the Board and the Commission to engage in
the practice of agricultural and biosystems engineering in the Philippines: Provided, That the
majority of the partners of the partnership are registered and licensed agricultural and
biosystems engineers; Provided, further, That the majority of the members of the board of
directors or members of corporations or cooperatives shall be registered and licensed
agricultural and biosystems engineers; and
(b) The practice of the firm, partnership, corporation, cooperative, association or foundation
in agricultural and biosystems engineering shall be carried out by duly registered and
licensed agricultural and biosystems engineers.
Section 30. Integration of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineers. - The agricultural and biosystems
engineering profession shall be integrated into one (1) national organization registered with the
Securities and Exchange Commission which shall be recognized by the Board and the Commission
as the one and only integrated and accredited association of agricultural and biosystems engineers.
An agricultural and biosystem engineer duly registered with the Board shall automatically become a
member of the integrated and accredited association of agricultural and biosystems engineers, and
shall receive the benefits and privileges appurtenant thereto upon payment of the required fees and
dues. Membership in the integrated and accredited association shall not be a bar to membership in
other associations of agricultural and biosystems engineers.
Section 31. Foreign Reciprocity. - No foreign agricultural and biosystems engineer shall be issued a
temporary license to practice the agricultural and biosystems engineering profession or consultancy
thereof or be entitled to any of the rights and privileges under this Act unless the country of which
he/she is a subject or citizen specifically permits Filipino agricultural and biosystems engineers to
practice within its territorial limits on the same basis as the subjects or citizens of such foreign State
or country.
Section 32. Temporary/Special Permits for Foreign Agricultural and Biosystems Engineers. - The
practice of foreign agricultural and biosystems engineers in the Philippines shall be limited to natural
persons only and shall be governed by the provisions of Republic Act No. 8981, otherwise known as
the "PRC Modernization Act of 2000": Provided, That any foreign national who has gained entry in
the Philippines to perform professional services as an agricultural and biosystems engineer or
render such services or prepare or produce such documents which are within the scope of practice
of agricultural and biosystems engineering as set forth in this Act such as, but not limited to, being a
consultant in foreign-funded or assisted project of the government or employed or engaged by
Filipino or foreign contractors or private firms, whether or not the nomenclature of his/her profession
is specifically called in his/her country of nationality as agricultural and biosystems engineer, but who
does not meet or wish to comply with the requirements for admission to take the licensure
examinations shall, before assuming the duties, functions and responsibilities as agricultural and
biosystems engineer or consultant, secure temporary/special permit from the Board, subject to the
approval of the Commission to practice his/her profession in connection with the project to which
he/she was commissioned; Provided, further, That the following conditions are satisfied;
(a) That he/she is a citizen or subject of a country which specifically permits Filipino
professionals to practice their profession within the territorial limits on the same basis as the
subjects or citizens of such foreign country or State;
(b) That he/she is legally qualified to practice agricultural and biosystems engineering in
his/her own country, and that his/her expertise is necessary and advantageous to the
Philippines, particularly in the aspects of technology transfer and specialization; and
(c) That he/she shall be required to work with a Filipino counterpart, a natural person who is
a registered and licensed agricultural and biosystems engineer, and professional services
fees and expenses of documentation pertaining to the project shall be proportionately shared
by both foreign and Filipino agricultural and biosystems engineers, including liabilities and
taxes due to the Philippine government, if any, relative to his/her participation therein, or
professional services rendered to the project in accordance with established rules and
Section 33. Positions in Government and Private Firms and Establishments with Agricultural and
Biosystems Engineering Functions.— Only registered and licensed agricultural and biosystems
engineers with valid PRC license shall be appointed or designated to all positions in government and
private firms and establishments with agricultural and biosystems engineering functions and
responsibilities, which shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
(a) All levels of engineer positions in the Agricultural Engineering or Agricultural and Fishery
Engineering and Forest Engineering Bureau/Division/Section/Unit of the Department of
Agriculture (DA), LGUs, and in the Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR), the Department of
Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) and other concerned government entities
whose duties, functions and responsibilities constitute the practice of agricultural and
biosystems engineering pursuant to Section 5 of this Act;
(b) All levels of instructor/professor positions in public and private schools, colleges and
universities whose main duties and functions involve the teaching of Agricultural and
Biosystems Engineering subjects for Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering Degree,
Agriculture/Agribusiness Degree, Fisheries Degree and other related curriculum or degrees;
(c) All levels of science research specialist/assistant positions in government and private
institutions whose main duties and functions involve research and development and training
and extension on agricultural and biosystems engineering;
(d) Head or assistant head, director or manager and other executive positions of agricultural
or agricultural and biosystems or agricultural and fisheries engineering or aquaculture
engineering or forest engineering group, unit, section, division, bureau, department, center
and branch in all national government departments or agencies, government-owned and
-controlled corporations, LGUs and colleges and universities, private offices, firms and
(e) Head or assistant head, director or manager and other executive positions of a group,
unit, section, division, bureau, department, center or branch of any of the specialized areas
of agricultural and biosystems engineering in government and private firms, offices and
(f) All levels of planning officer, project evaluation officer, project development officer,
development management officer, environmental management specialist and technical audit
specialist positions in government and private firms and offices that deal with, or undertake
any of the specialized areas of agricultural and biosystems engineering or its main functions
and responsibilities which involve the planning, project development, evaluation, inspection,
monitoring and technical audit of agricultural and biosystems infrastructure, facilities,
machineries and processes and other agricultural and bioystems engineering facilities; and
(g) All professional and sub-professional positions either supervisory or non-supervisory and
career executive positions in government, and all other positions in private firms,
establishments and enterprises whose duties, functions and responsibilities mainly constitute
the practice of agricultural and biosystems engineering.
Moreover, registered and licensed agricultural and biosystems engineers may also qualify for
appointment in all positions in government and private firms and establishments whose duties and
functions partly constitute the practice of agricultural and biosystems engineering. This include,
among others, Provincial/City/Municipal Engineer, Agriculturist, Building Official, Environment and
Natural Resources Officer, and Planning and Development Officer of the LGUs, subject to the
candidate’s compliance with the rest of the requirements imposed by the law or issuance creating
the said positions.
(a) All concerned national government agencies, LGUs and SUCs implementing, regulating,
funding and undertaking research, development, training and extension, testing, evaluation
and inspection as well as technical audit of irrigation, farm mechanization, post harvest and
agro processing facilities, agricultural and biosystems infrastructures, farm-to-market roads,
agro-meteorology, forest mechanization development programs, and environmental
protection and conservation programs and projects shall employ the required number of
agricultural and biosystems engineers, and for this purpose, create various levels of
agricultural and biosystems engineer positions;
(b) All agricultural and biosystems engineering facilities/projects supervised and maintained
or accredited by the government such as grain/agro-processing complex, slaughterhouse,
communal and national irrigation system, agricultural machinery and equipment service
centers, and testing and evaluation centers must have at least one (1) registered and
licensed agricultural and biosystems engineer;
(c) Firms, companies, partnerships, cooperatives or associations which are engaged in the
installation, fabrication, manufacture, distribution or sale of agricultural and biosystems
machinery and equipment, facilities and other agricultural and biosystems engineering
processes, shall hire or engage the services of at least one (1) licensed agricultural and
biosystems engineer;
(d) All contractors of irrigation, farm-to-market roads and agricultural and biosystems
structures and facilities shall have at least one (1) registered and licensed agricultural and
biosystems engineer as part of their sustaining technical employees; and(e) The following
offices and establishments shall also employ or engage the services of at least one (1) or the
required number of registered and licensed agricultural and biosystems engineers:
(1) Agro-processing establishments such as rice mills, feed mills, sugar mills,
coconut oil mills, fiber extraction processing plants, meat processing plants, fish
processing plants, poultry and meat processing plants, food processing plants and
agricultural and fishery products storage facilities;
(3) Financing and banking institutions engaged in providing credit and financial
assistance on agribusinesses which are commercial in nature such as irrigation, post
harvest facilities, agro-processing and storage, forest products, aquaculture, food
and fiber production facilities and machineries; and
The Board shall promulgate guidelines and standards on the required manpower complement of
agricultural and biosystems engineers in concerned public and private offices and establishments.