Skeleetal Muscular System

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Vocabulary  Compound Fracture – Fracture with an open skin wound;

also called open fracture.
 Callus – Mass of bone tissue that forms at fracture site  Compression Fracture – Fracture with loss of height in
during healing. vertebral body; often from osteoporosis.
 Cast – Solid material to immobilize a fracture; may be made  Fracture (FX, Fx) – Broken bone.
of plaster of Paris or fiberglass.  Greenstick Fracture – Incomplete break; one side of bine is
 Chiropractic – Practice of treating patients using broken, the other is bent; common in children.
manipulations of vertebral column; practitioner is a  Impact fracture – Bone fragments are pushed into each
chiropractor. other.
 Crepitation – Noise produce by bones or cartilage rubbing  Oblique Fracture – Fracture at an angle to the bone.
together.  Pathologic Fracture – fracture caused by diseased or
 Exostosis – Bone spur. weakened bone.
 Kyphosis – Abnormal increase in curve of thoracic spine;  Spiral Fracture – fracture line spiral around shaft of bone;
humpback. often slower to heal.
 Orthopedics – Branch of medicine specializing in diagnosis  Stress Fracture – Slight fracture caused by repetitive low-
and treatment of musculoskeletal system; physician is an impact forces like running.
orthopedist.  Transverse Fracture – fracture is straight across bone.
 Orthotic – Brace or splint used to prevent or correct
deformities; specialist in making is an orthoptist. Bone Pathologies
 Abnormal Spinal Curvatures – Kyphosis, Lordosis, Scoliosis.  Ewing's Sarcoma – Cancerous tumor of shaft long bones;
 Podiatry – profession specializing in diagnosis and spreads through periosteum; amputation is necessary to
treatment of disorders of feet and lower leg; practitioner is prevent metastasis.
podiatrist.  Osteogenic Sarcoma – Most common type of bone cancer;
 Prosthesis – Artificial device to substitute or a missing or begins in osteocytes.
damaged body part.  Osteomalacia – Softening of bones caused by calcium
 Prosthetics – Profession specializing in making prostheses; deficiency; caused in children with insufficient sunlight and
specialist in making is a prosthetist. Vitamin D.

Fractures Spinal Column Pathologies

 Closed Fracture – Fracture with no open skin wound; also  Ankylosing Spondylitis – Inflammatory condition resembles
called simple fracture. rheumatoid arthritis; gradual stiffening and fusion of
 Colles' Fracture – common wrist fracture. vertebrae.
 Comminuted Fracture – Fracture where bone is shattered,  Herniated Nucleus Pulposus (HNP) – Protrusion of an
splintered, or crushed. intervertebral disk; also called raptured disk.

 Scoliosis – Lateral curve of spine.

 Spina Bifida – Congenital anomaly; vertebra fails to fully
form around spinal cord.
 Spinal Stenosis – Narrowing of spinal canal; causes pressure
on spinal cord and nerves.
 Spondylolisthesis – Forward sliding of lumbar vertebra over
vertebra below.

Joint Pathologies
 Bunion – Inflammation of bursa at base of great toe.
 Dislocation – Bones in joint are displaced from normal
 Osteoarthritis – results in degeneration of bone and joints;
bone rubs against bone.
 Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) – Autoimmune inflammation of
joints with swelling, stiffness, and pain; results in joint

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