Solution of The Equation Ze A: Communicated by Richard Bellman, December 15, 1958
Solution of The Equation Ze A: Communicated by Richard Bellman, December 15, 1958
Solution of The Equation Ze A: Communicated by Richard Bellman, December 15, 1958
Communicated by Richard Bellman, December 15, 1958
The roots of the equation zez = a (a7*0) play a role in the iteration
of the exponential function [2 ; 3 ; 11 ] and in the solution and applica-
tion of certain difference-differential equations [l; 9; 10; 12]. For this
reason, several authors [4; 5; 7; 8; 9; 12] have found various proper-
ties of some or all of the roots. Here we "solve" the equation in the
following sense. We list the roots Zny where n takes all integral values,
and define Zn precisely for each n. We give a rapidly convergent series
for Zn for all n such that \n\ >n0(a); the first few terms provide a
very good approximation to Z n . In general, n0 is fairly small. Finally
we show how to calculate each of the remaining Zn ( — ^ o ^ ^ ^ ^ o )
numerically by giving a variety of methods to find a first approxima-
tion to Z n and showing how to improve this to any required degree of
We cut the complex s-plane along the negative half of the real axis
and take | arg z\ Sir in the cut-plane. If we put w = z+log z, we have
dw/dz = (z + l)/z and there is a branch-point at z— •—1. The cuts in
the w-plane are the two semi-infinite lines on which w = u ± m, u ^ — 1.
It can be proved that there is a one-to-one correspondence between
the points of the s-plane and those of the w-plane, excluding the cuts
in each case, so that the function z(w) is uniquely defined in the cut
We write A = \ a\, take log A real and log a = log A+ia, where
— x < a ^ m. All the roots of our equation are given by Zn
= z(log a-\-2nwi), where n takes all integral values. Zn is thus precisely
defined except when <x = w and log A<—\, (i.e. when a is real and
— e~l ^a < 0 ) . In this one case, log a and log a — liri lie one on each of
the two cuts in the w-plane; s(log a) has two real values, one less than
— 1 and one between —1 and 0, while z (log a — 2iri) has the same two
values. If — 6 ~ 1 < a < 0 , we define Z_i and Z 0 to be these two real
values, distinguishing them arbitrarily by Z _ i < — K Z o < 0 . If
a— —e~x, the equation (1) has a double root at z— —\ and we put
Z_i = Zo= — 1. In addition, when a is real and positive, Z 0 is real.
There are no other real roots for any a.
For every nonreal root Z», we write Zw = X n + i F n . It is easily
proved t h a t F 0 lies between 0 and a, t h a t
(2n - 1)TT + a < Yn < 2nr + a (n è 1)
and t h a t
90 E. M. WRIGHT [March
11 1 25 25 1
P 4 = t + 3t* + — t3 + — t\ P 6 = t + 5t* + — ts + — t' + — <6.
6 4 6 12 5
For every sufficiently large positive n, we write H = 2nir+a — w/2,
(8 = log (i4/fl) and
(i) u = Zc-iyiw^ff-2'-1.
We can show then that
F n = H + 77, Xw = (ff + ij) tan 97
or, if we wish to calculate Xn only without first calculating t\, we
may use the series
(2) Xn = 0 + £ (-l)iPvQ3i)H-*>:
(3) Zn = iH + £ ^[dmz/dwm]l=iH.
are both satisfied, which they clearly are for large enough n.
To calculate 77 from a reasonable number of terms of (1), we must
have jS/fiT fairly small. We observe that the series in (1) and (2) have
real terms, a matter of importance for numerical calculation.
For n negative, we write H= —2mr—Tr/2 —cuX), /3 = log (A/H) and
define rj by (1). We have then
Yn= - H -rj, Xn = (H + V) tan rj
and (2) is still true.
There will remain a few values of n for which the series (1) and (2)
diverge or converge too slowly to provide a convenient means of cal-
culating Zn. For such an n, we have to calculate z(w), where w = log A
+ (2mr+a)i. Now
dw z+ 1
dz z
dz z
dw z+ 1
dz dz d / z \ z
dw ~ dw dz \z + 1/ (s + l ) 8
Hence, if ôz, 8w denote corresponding small changes in z and w, we
(4) ôz = z(z + l)~l»w + 0{z(z + l)-*(Ôwy}.
Thus, if we have a first approximation Zo to z, we calculate z£/o = z£>(2o)
and take 8w = w — w0. We then apply the correction ôz — Zoizo + l^ôw
to Zo to obtain Zi (say). If we write w = u+iv and z = x+iy, we may
calculate X= {(xo + l ) 2 + ^ o } _ 1 and use the correction in the real form
ox = {1 — X (XQ + l)}ôu ~ ^oXôz;,
ôy = yokôu + {1 - X(#o + l)}ôv.
Next we calculate Wi=w(zi) and, if this still differs appreciably from
wf we repeat the process. It is usually possible to use the same coeffi-
cients of du, ôv in (5) at each step. Provided z0 is not near — 1, the
process converges fairly rapidly by (4).
But 0o is near —1 if and only if w is near —1 ±wi. Let us suppose,
for example, that w lies near — 1 +7ri, so that z must be near — 1 . We
can show that
(6) z = - 1 + X) ^cow,
W l = l
92 E. M. WRIGHT [March
and co = i2 1/2 (w + l — iri)112. If ze> lies on the lower edge of the cut in
the w-plane ending at — 1 +wif we take co real and positive; if w does
not lie on this cut, we take £(a>) > 0 . The radius of convergence of the
series in (6) is 27r*. If w lies near — 1 — 7ri, the same series gives us
z(w), but oy — il112^-^!-^^)112 and tf(co) < 0 , unless o> is real. Thus if
(say) log a is near — 1 +iri, (6) enables us to calculate Zo and Z_i.
If w lies between the cuts, i.e. if u < — 1, we have (see [ó], for exam-
For u^—2, the first few terms give the value of s with sufficient
accuracy. This gives us Zo when \a\ Se~2.
Even if the series (1) does not converge sufficiently rapidly to be
useful to calculate Z», the first one or two terms may provide a suffi-
cient approximation to enable us to apply our correction procedure.
(A similar remark applies to (7) and even to (6).)
If \w\ > 4 and w does not lie between the cuts in the w-plane, a
useful value for Zo is w — log w, where log w has its principal value. The
next approximation Z\ will be accurate to at least one decimal place
and further approximations converge rapidly. For \w\ ^ 4 , we have
constructed a table of w(z), which gives a satisfactory value of ZQ by
inspection, except near z — — 1.
Alternatively drawing can be used to obtain the first approxima-
tion. Given u, v, we have to solve
(8) x + log r = u, y + 6 = v,
where r2 = x2+y2, tan d=y/x. To solve these equations graphically,
we use (i) a sheet of paper, the (x, y) plane, carrying circles r ~k and
radii 0 = h for various values of k and h, and (ii) a sheet of tracing
paper, the {X, Y) plane, on which the lines X— —log k and Y= — h
are drawn. We place the origin of the (X, F) plane at the point (uy v)
on the (x, y) plane, make the corresponding axes parallel and then
plot on a second sheet of tracing paper (the second (#, y) plane) placed
over the first the intersections of X = —log k with r — k and that of