The document outlines a land use structure plan for Tabaco City with the goal of making it a center of excellence in education, trade, tourism and sustainable development. It divides the city into four categories of intervention and proposes land use allocations including protection of forest zones, production zones, urban development zones, and a heritage zone. Specific policies are outlined for residential, commercial, industrial and agricultural land use to guide the city's development.
The document outlines a land use structure plan for Tabaco City with the goal of making it a center of excellence in education, trade, tourism and sustainable development. It divides the city into four categories of intervention and proposes land use allocations including protection of forest zones, production zones, urban development zones, and a heritage zone. Specific policies are outlined for residential, commercial, industrial and agricultural land use to guide the city's development.
The document outlines a land use structure plan for Tabaco City with the goal of making it a center of excellence in education, trade, tourism and sustainable development. It divides the city into four categories of intervention and proposes land use allocations including protection of forest zones, production zones, urban development zones, and a heritage zone. Specific policies are outlined for residential, commercial, industrial and agricultural land use to guide the city's development.
The document outlines a land use structure plan for Tabaco City with the goal of making it a center of excellence in education, trade, tourism and sustainable development. It divides the city into four categories of intervention and proposes land use allocations including protection of forest zones, production zones, urban development zones, and a heritage zone. Specific policies are outlined for residential, commercial, industrial and agricultural land use to guide the city's development.
LAND USE PLAN Tabaco City Land Use Plan 4 Categories of Interventions: 1. Proposed arrangement and location of different land uses and resources in the city. 2. Rationalizing the efficient and equitable positioning of urban services and facilities. 3. Proposed new interventions to encourage the envisioned development of the city. 4. Development incentives and controls. 1. Proposed arrangement and location of different land uses and resources in the city. GENERAL LAND USE ALLOCATION a. Protection of Forest Zone. Maintain a strict protection zone: “No Touch, No Development.” b. Production Forest Zone. Engage in sustainable forest product utilization. i. Water Easement Zone. Easements strictly imposed on both sides of waterways: “No Development, No Structures.” Easement Regulation
Location Width (m)
Urban Areas 3 Agricultural Areas 20 Forest Areas 40 GENERAL LAND USE ALLOCATION b. Production Forest Zone. ii. Tourism Zone. Develop Eco-Tourism, Plantation Tourism and Spiritual Pilgrimage Site. iii. Agricultural Zone. Predominantly agricultural, development plan shall support the main economic activity. iv. Quarry Zone. Formulate a “Quarry Extraction Plan”- framework for quarry management/ regulation; encourage rational and sustainable quarrying activity. Proposed General Land Use
Land Use Category Area (has.) Percentage (%)
Agricultural 8,555.9000 71.18 Forest Lands 1,579.8032 13.15 Built-up Area 1,487.6795 12.38 Pasture land / Grass 231.2500 1.93 Lands Mining / Quarrying 100.0000 0.82 Tourism 50.0000 0.42 Heritage 14.0000 0.12 Total 12,013.6327 100.00 URBAN LAND USE ALLOCATION In areas identified as safe from natural hazards and outside the protected areas. City center regulated to reduce congestion; decentralize investment and facilities; encourage development to other sections of the city. City’s transport terminals relocated; light industrial park proposed. Residential expansion encourage in safe areas of the city (around growth centers). URBAN LAND USE ALLOCATION a. General Residential Zone (GR-Z). Primarily for dwelling housing purpose. b. General Commercial Zone (GC-Z). Intended for business, trade activities and services establishments. c. General Industrial Zone (GI-Z). Manufacturing and processing industries: Non-pollutive/non- hazardous/hazardous industries; Pollutive/non- hazardous/hazardous industries. URBAN LAND USE ALLOCATION d. General Institutional Zone (GI-Z). Government; institutional and social services (region/country). i. Waste Management Zone. Allocate spaces for the management of the city’s liquid and solid waste. ii. Parks and Open Spaces. Establishment of a network of parks: city’s attractiveness; areas for community interaction, emergency evacuation, buffer against fire & emergencies; recreation URBAN LAND USE ALLOCATION e. Heritage Zone. Creation of the Tabaco Heritage Zone. Tourism activities, shops, restaurants and hotels; and activities for the promotion of the city’s rich cultural heritage. Proposed Urban Land Use
Land Use Category Area (has.) Percentage (%)
Residential 880 43.21 Commercial 180 8.84 Institutional 45 2.21 Industrial 100 4.91 Parks and Open 50 2.45 Spaces Agricultural 781.74 38.38 Heritage 14 0.68 Total 2,050.74 100.00 LAND USE and WATER USE POLICIES Total Land Area: 12.013.6327 hectares (120.136327 sq. km.) Alienable and Disposable: Production and Settlement Use. 86.85% (10,433.8295 hectares) Agricultural: Dominant Land Use: 71.18% (8,550.9000 hectares) Forest Land (Protection Forest and Production Forest Lands) LAND USE and WATER USE POLICIES Residential Use: Biggest urban land use of the city’s built-up area. Commercial Use: Fastest growing land use in Tabaco City. Industrial Land Use: Light industries Institutional Land Use. Parks and Open Spaces. LAND USE and WATER USE POLICIES Coastal Area: Rich in traditional fishing grounds. Lagonoy Gulf: Fishing ground of fishermen living in the thirteen (13) coastal barangays. Four (4) major resource units along its shallow coastline: (1) Coral Reefs; (2) Sea Grass; (3) Mangroves (Wetlands); (4) Beach System. 35 km. Coastline; 15,000 has. Municipal waters; 23 has Sandbars; 56 has. Inland fishery development. LAND USE and WATER USE POLICIES Coastal Area: Rich in traditional fishing grounds. Lagonoy Gulf: Fishing ground of fishermen living in the thirteen (13) coastal barangays. Four (4) major resource units along its shallow coastline: (1) Coral Reefs; (2) Sea Grass; (3) Mangroves (Wetlands); (4) Beach System. 35 km. Coastline; 15,000 has. Municipal waters; 23 has Sandbars; 56 has. Inland fishery development. Vision “A center of excellence in education, trade and tourism in Bicol with God-centered, healthy, empowered and disaster-resilient people living in a world-class, well-designed, and balanced environment, with a progressive and globally competitive economy led by gender sensitive and competent leaders committed to good governance and sustainable development. “ Mission “To ensure the promotion and development of healthy and progressive TABAQUEÑOS through wise utilization of, and equitable access to, resources and opportunities, human resource development, shared responsibility in local governance, efficient and effective delivery of basic services and sustainable economic growth“ Strategic Goals Development of Tabaco as center of excellence in education, trade and commerce, and tourism Human resource development Environmental management Efficient and effective delivery of basic services Agro-fishery development People’s participation in local governance Establishment of Tabaco as an international tourist destination