Gender and Society Final Quiz 1

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In 2011 and 2015, ________ has recorded 40,000 dowry-related deaths.


Activities heavily associated with violence are overwhelmingly shaped by understandings of

gender and gender roles.


It is a euphemism to prostitution during World War II.

A=Comfort Women

FGM is not only a matter of equality among females, but it protects a person's rights to
health, security, and physical integrity. 


 Anyone can be the victim or perpetrator of gender-abused because of class, race, age, or


The effects of gender-based abuse are long-lasting and wide-ranging that leaves the victim
a devastating life, social ills, and/or death. 


According to the World Bank, _____ % of women worldwide, have experienced either
physical and/or sexual intimate partner violence or non-partner sexual violence.

_________________________  justifies that GBV are main cause of international homicides and
the record was set from Nepal and Bangladesh. 

A= Asia Foundation
 According to the World Bank, globally, ____% of women have been sexually assaulted by
someone other than a partner. 


In history, one of the most noteworthy acts of violence against women is the sexual slavery
that happened in World War II. 


According to the World Bank, ____% of murders of women are committed by an intimate


In WWII, the minority of young Asian women occupied by the Imperial Japanese Army were
forced into being the sex slaves.


Europe also has a long history of gender-based violence including violent periods of
religious persecution through eras such as the ____________.

A = witch hunts

Violence can and does occur for females only.

A= False

The Australian Bureau of Statistics data shows that a third of all women in Australia have
been assaulted physically and a fifth of all women have been assaulted sexually.


In Canada, most provinces have passed legislation based on Saskatchewan’s Victims of

Domestic Violence Act (1995), which increases the options and material support available to

European countries with a prevalence of GDV are Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan, and


There is no nation free from gender-based violence.


It is the harm inflicted upon individuals and groups that is connected to normative

understandings of their gender.

A=Gender-based violence 

South Africa was also found to have the highest rate of rape in the world at 132.4 incidents
of rape per 1,000 people. 


By: Franz

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