ALL Excercises

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Barbell reverse wrist curl over bench

Machine triceps dip

Underhand-grip inverted row
Dumbbell renegade row
Barbell underhand-grip bent-over row
Dumbbell one-arm reverse preacher curl
One-arm dead hang
Bodyweight triceps extension
Weighted pull-up
Barbell drag curl
Cable reverse preacher curl
Lying high cable curl
Cable reverse wrist curl
Close-grip EZ bar curl
Lying dumbbell supination
Lying dumbbell pronation
Dumbbell preacher curl
Smith machine JM press
Machine front pull-down
Seated barbell wrist curl
Machine preacher curl
Lying cable skull crusher
Barbell JM press
Barbell skull crusher
Machine triceps extension
Lying cable curl
Behind-the-back cable wrist curl
EZ bar reverse preacher curl
Rope lat pull-down
Barbell preacher curl
Decline EZ bar skull crusher
Supine dumbbell curl
Standing overhead one-arm cable triceps extension
Incline dumbbell triceps extension
Side-lying biceps bodyweight curl
Kneeling bodyweight triceps extension
Biceps leg curl
One-arm towel row
Dumbbell one-arm reverse wrist curl
EZ bar reverse curl
Bent-knee bench dip
Cable curl
Lying barbell triceps extension
Behind-the-back Smith machine wrist curl
Cable preacher curl
Double cable neutral-grip lat pull-down
Machine-assisted close neutral-grip pull-up
Machine-assisted triceps dip
Dumbbell reverse curl
Seated dumbbell overhead triceps extension
Smith machine underhand Yates row
Standing dumbbell preacher curl
Incline cable triceps extension
Straight-back underhand cable row
Close-grip barbell bench press
Diamond push-up
Seated twisting cable row
One-arm overhead cable curl
One-arm lat pull-down
Cable rear drive
Seated dumbbell wrist curl
Cable triceps kickback
Seated overhead EZ bar triceps extension
Diamond push-up on knees
Decline dumbbell triceps extension
Behind-the-back barbell wrist curl
Cable wide-grip upright row
Dumbbell reverse preacher curl
Prone incline barbell curl
Underhand Yates row
Isometric wiper
Incline dumbbell curl
Medium-grip lat pull-down
Machine-assisted pull-up
Dumbbell hammer preacher curl
Cable one-arm reverse-grip triceps push-down
One-arm bench dip
Decline barbell skull crusher
Seated bent-over two-arm dumbbell kickback
Tate press
Cable concentration triceps extension
Close-grip push-up
Overhead cable curl
Weight plate reverse curl
Lying one-arm dumbbell triceps extension
Behind-the-neck lat pull-down
Close neutral-grip pull-up
Dumbbell reverse-grip concentration curl
Dumbbell hammer curl
Dumbbell armpit row
Bench dip
EZ bar curl
Dumbbell cross-body hammer curl
One-arm dumbbell preacher curl
Overhead barbell triceps extension
Barbell reverse curl
Barbell wide-grip upright row
Triceps rope push-down
Dumbbell curl
Wide-grip lat pull-down
Dumbbell kickback
Triceps dip
Barbell curl
Dumbbell concentration curl
Elevated pike press
Pike press
Bent-knee inverted rear delt row
Barbell front raise
Cable Y-raise
Smith machine upright row
Barbell rear delt row
Seated Smith machine behind-the-neck shoulder press
Dumbbell wide-grip upright row
Dumbbell one-arm lateral raise
Side-lying reverse dumbbell fly
One-arm reverse dumbbell fly
Leaning dumbbell lateral raise
Dumbbell Scott press
Smith machine shoulder press
Dumbbell w-press
Prone incline wide-grip upright row
Lying reverse dumbbell fly
Seated elbows-in alternating dumbbell overhead press
Standing cable rear delt row with rope
Double cable front raise
Seated dumbbell front raise
Seated behind-the-neck barbell shoulder press
Seated elbows-in dumbbell overhead press
Bent-over barbell reverse raise
Smith machine seated overhead press
Head-supported reverse dumbbell fly
Twisting cable overhead press
Cable rear drive
Seated alternating dumbbell front raise
Cable one-arm front raise
Cable wide-grip upright row
Incline dumbbell front raise
Kettlebell swing
Cable front raise
Lying one-arm reverse dumbbell fly
Plate front raise
Seated dumbbell lateral raise
Seated reverse dumbbell fly
Supine cable reverse fly
Cable rear delt row
Dumbbell Cuban rotation
Cable one-arm lateral raise
Alternating dumbbell front raise
Dumbbell armpit row
Dumbbell lying external shoulder rotation
Cable face pull
Dumbbell one-arm shoulder press
Seated barbell shoulder press
Cable external shoulder rotation
Barbell shoulder press
Arnold press
Barbell wide-grip upright row
Reverse dumbbell fly
Dumbbell lateral raise
Seated dumbbell overhead press
Pike push-up
Dumbbell fly on a stability ball
Wide reverse-grip barbell bench press
Incline dumbbell press on a stability ball
Incline push-up on a box
Side push-up
Incline push-up
Smith machine JM press
Decline push-up
Smith machine incline bench press
Barbell JM press
Superman push-up
One-arm hammer-grip dumbbell bench press
Incline dumbbell fly
Spiderman push-up
Bent-knee bench dip
Lying cable fly
Shoulder tap push-up
Decline dumbbell bench press
Incline cable bench press
Machine-assisted triceps dip
Decline barbell pullover
One-leg push-up
Decline dumbbell fly
Decline cable fly
Close-grip barbell bench press
Diamond push-up
Incline reverse-grip dumbbell bench press
Knee push-up
Hammer-grip dumbbell bench press
Diamond push-up on knees
Weighted push-up
Standing cable chest press
Cable straight-arm pull-down
Bodyweight fly
Decline bent-arm barbell pullover
Isometric wiper
Stability ball push-up
Decline hammer-grip dumbbell bench press
Stability ball decline push-up
Tate press
Svend press
Machine chest press
Machine fly
Close-grip push-up
Dumbbell fly
Incline dumbbell bench press
Incline straight-arm pull-down
Cable bench press
Incline barbell bench press
Decline barbell bench press
Cable cross-over
Incline reverse-grip barbell bench press
Incline cable fly
Dumbbell pullover
Standing incline cable fly
Standing cable fly
Dumbbell bench press
Barbell bench press
Triceps dip
Cable Russian twist on a stability ball
Seated cable cross-arm twist
Captain’s chair straight leg raise
Weighted front plank
Weighted hanging leg and hip raise
Cable side bend
Frog crunch
Hanging leg raise
Crunch with stability ball leg raise
Weighted stability ball side bend
Lying weighted neck flexion
Cable down-up twist
Seated cable twist
Superman push-up
Bent-knee oblique v-up
Cable vertical Pallof press
Cable horizontal Pallof press
Side plank hip abduction
Side-lying biceps bodyweight curl
Side plank hip adduction
Spiderman push-up
Standing twisting cable row
Hanging windshield wiper
Decline sit-up
Standing twisting cable high row
High bird dog plank
Shoulder tap push-up
Smith machine bent-knee good morning
Cable twist
Weighted stability ball crunch
Flat bench hyperextension
One-leg push-up
Lying weighted lateral neck flexion
Machine seated crunch
Twisting crunch
Twisting hip extension
Twisting cable overhead press
Weighted captain’s chair leg and hip raise
One-leg front plank
Twisting hyperextension
Cable wood chop
Captain’s chair leg and hip raise
Stability ball jackknife
Standing ab wheel rollout
Dumbbell side bend
Barbell rollout
Stability ball side bend
Lying bent-knee oblique twist
Machine leg raise crunch
Stability ball leg extension crunch
Seated barbell twist
Vertical leg crunch
Weighted Russian twist
Bicycle crunch
High reverse plank
Decline twisting sit-up
Hanging leg and hip raise
Lying side hip raise
Lying leg and hip raise
Kneeling cable crunch
Front plank
Wheel rollout
Hanging straight leg and hip raise
Reverse crunch
Incline straight leg and hip raise
Barbell overhead shrug
Back extension on stability ball
Underhand-grip inverted row
Dumbbell renegade row
Bent-knee inverted rear delt row
Barbell underhand-grip bent-over row
Dumbbell farmer’s walk
Barbell sumo Romanian deadlift
Weighted pull-up
Barbell bent-knee good morning
Barbell good morning
Trap bar farmer’s walk
Smith machine Yates row
Machine front pull-down
Side-lying reverse dumbbell fly
Standing cable row
Superman push-up
Rope lat pull-down
Prone incline wide-grip upright row
Lying reverse dumbbell fly
Elbow lift
One-arm towel row
Standing twisting cable row
Standing cable rear delt row with rope
Standing twisting cable high row
Double cable neutral-grip lat pull-down
Machine-assisted close neutral-grip pull-up
Decline barbell pullover
Smith machine underhand Yates row
Head-supported reverse dumbbell fly
Straight-back underhand cable row
Landmine row
Seated twisting cable row
One-arm lat pull-down
Weighted inverted row
One-leg hyperextension
Cable straight-arm pull-down
Bent-over one-arm cable pull
Decline bent-arm barbell pullover
Underhand Yates row
Straight-back seated cable row
Barbell sumo deadlift
Medium-grip lat pull-down
Machine-assisted pull-up
Bent-over two-arm dumbbell row
Lying one-arm reverse dumbbell fly
Machine back extension
Machine one-arm row
Gripless shrug
Barbell rack pull
Machine high row
Seated reverse dumbbell fly
Supine cable reverse fly
Machine reverse hyperextension
Incline straight-arm pull-down
Behind-the-neck lat pull-down
Inverted row
Close neutral-grip pull-up
Cable rear delt row
Seated one-arm cable row
Dumbbell deadlift
Cable face pull
Barbell Romanian deadlift
Bent-over barbell row
Reverse-grip lat pull-down
Close neutral-grip lat pull-down
Dumbbell shrug
Wide-grip cable row
Bent-over dumbbell row
T-bar row
Dumbbell pullover
Seated cable row
Wide-grip lat pull-down
Barbell shrug
Reverse dumbbell fly
Barbell deadlift
Barbell glute bridge
Captain’s chair straight leg raise
Barbell-between-legs split squat
Barbell split squat
Stairmill climb
Hack squat
Hip thrust
Dumbbell farmer’s walk
Dumbbell overhead squat
Hack machine one-leg calf raise
Hack machine calf raise
Lying scissor kick
Barbell overhead lunges
Barbell sumo Romanian deadlift
Barbell bent-knee good morning
Barbell good morning
Seated dumbbell one-leg calf raise
Smith machine squat
Trap bar farmer’s walk
Trap bar deadlift
Assisted inverse leg curl on lat pull-down machine
Machine seated hip abduction
Dumbbell box squat
Hanging leg raise
Prone hack machine calf raise
Crunch with stability ball leg raise
Barbell step-up
Inverse leg curl on lat pull-down machine
Barbell front box squat
Bodyweight squat
Inverse leg curl
Stability ball leg curl
Side plank hip abduction
Side plank hip adduction
Lying single straight-leg hip extension
Cable hip adduction
Smith machine bent-knee good morning
Jump squat
Captain’s chair leg raise
Weighted one-leg hip thrust
Straight-leg cable pull-through
Twisting hip extension
Lying alternating straight leg raise
Standing cable hip extension
Machine seated one-leg calf raise
Weighted captain’s chair leg and hip raise
Barbell one-leg hip thrust
Dumbbell one-leg split squat
Cable hip abduction
Standing dumbbell one-leg calf raise
Lying straight leg raise
Twisting hyperextension
Smith machine kneeling rear kick
Dumbbell forward-leaning lunge
One-leg hyperextension
Captain’s chair leg and hip raise
Barbell sumo squat
Barbell hip thrust
Stability ball jackknife
Barbell side lunge
Barbell straight back stiff leg deadlift
Standing ab wheel rollout
Kettlebell swing
Kneeling cable hip extension
Bodyweight sumo squat
Dumbbell sumo squat
Dumbbell rear lunge
Barbell sumo deadlift
Barbell Bulgarian split squat
Barbell kneeling squat
Barbell rollout
Dumbbell leg curl
Weighted sissy squat
Smith machine chair squat
One-arm bench dip
Jefferson squat
Hanging straight leg raise
Barbell rack pull
Stability ball leg extension crunch
Kneeling leg curl
Cable squat
Sled calf press
Dumbbell squat
Barbell hack squat
Dumbbell Bulgarian split squat
Machine reverse hyperextension
Dumbbell step-up
Bicycle crunch
Zercher squat
Seated leg raise
Single leg glute bridge
High reverse plank
Decline twisting sit-up
Dumbbell deadlift
Lying alternating knee raise
Cable pull-through
Hanging leg and hip raise
Lying side hip raise
Lying leg and hip raise
Barbell Romanian deadlift
Dumbbell lunge
Barbell lunge
Barbell front squat
Seated leg curl
Machine standing calf raise
Lying leg curl
Machine seated calf raise
Barbell squat
Wheel rollout
Hanging straight leg and hip raise
Leg extension
Incline straight leg and hip raise
Incline leg press
Barbell deadlift
Chest dip
Cable Russian twist on a stability ball
Barbell overhead shrug
Seated cable cross-arm twist
Barbell glute bridge
Back extension on stability ball
Barbell reverse wrist curl over bench
Captain’s chair straight leg raise
Machine triceps dip
Underhand-grip inverted row
Pike push-up
Barbell skull crusher
Machine triceps extension
Lying cable curl
Behind-the-back cable wrist curl
EZ bar reverse preacher curl
Rope lat pull-down
Barbell preacher curl
Decline EZ bar skull crusher
Supine dumbbell curl
Standing overhead one-arm cable triceps extension
Incline dumbbell triceps extension
Side-lying biceps bodyweight curl
Kneeling bodyweight triceps extension
Biceps leg curl
One-arm towel row
Dumbbell one-arm reverse wrist curl
EZ bar reverse curl
Bent-knee bench dip
Cable curl
Lying barbell triceps extension
Behind-the-back Smith machine wrist curl
Cable preacher curl
Double cable neutral-grip lat pull-down
Machine-assisted close neutral-grip pull-up
Machine-assisted triceps dip
Dumbbell reverse curl
Seated dumbbell overhead triceps extension
Smith machine underhand Yates row
Standing dumbbell preacher curl
Incline cable triceps extension
Straight-back underhand cable row
Close-grip barbell bench press
Diamond push-up
Seated twisting cable row
One-arm overhead cable curl
One-arm lat pull-down
Cable rear drive
Seated dumbbell wrist curl
Cable triceps kickback
Seated overhead EZ bar triceps extension
Diamond push-up on knees
Decline dumbbell triceps extension
Behind-the-back barbell wrist curl
Cable wide-grip upright row
Dumbbell reverse preacher curl
Prone incline barbell curl
Underhand Yates row
Isometric wiper
Incline dumbbell curl
Medium-grip lat pull-down
Machine-assisted pull-up
Dumbbell hammer preacher curl
Cable one-arm reverse-grip triceps push-down
One-arm bench dip
Decline barbell skull crusher
Seated bent-over two-arm dumbbell kickback
Tate press
Cable concentration triceps extension
Close-grip push-up
Overhead cable curl
Weight plate reverse curl
Lying one-arm dumbbell triceps extension
Behind-the-neck lat pull-down
Close neutral-grip pull-up
Dumbbell reverse-grip concentration curl
Dumbbell hammer curl
Dumbbell armpit row
Bench dip
EZ bar curl
Dumbbell cross-body hammer curl
One-arm dumbbell preacher curl
Overhead barbell triceps extension
Barbell reverse curl
Barbell wide-grip upright row
Triceps rope push-down
Dumbbell curl
Wide-grip lat pull-down
Dumbbell kickback
Triceps dip
Barbell curl
Dumbbell concentration curl
Elevated pike press
Pike press
Bent-knee inverted rear delt row
Barbell front raise
Cable Y-raise
Smith machine upright row
Barbell rear delt row
Seated Smith machine behind-the-neck shoulder press
Dumbbell wide-grip upright row
Dumbbell one-arm lateral raise
Side-lying reverse dumbbell fly
One-arm reverse dumbbell fly
Leaning dumbbell lateral raise
Dumbbell Scott press
Smith machine shoulder press
Dumbbell w-press
Prone incline wide-grip upright row
Lying reverse dumbbell fly
Seated elbows-in alternating dumbbell overhead press
Standing cable rear delt row with rope
Double cable front raise
Seated dumbbell front raise
Seated behind-the-neck barbell shoulder press
Seated elbows-in dumbbell overhead press
Bent-over barbell reverse raise
Smith machine seated overhead press
Head-supported reverse dumbbell fly
Twisting cable overhead press
Seated alternating dumbbell front raise
Cable one-arm front raise
Incline dumbbell front raise
Kettlebell swing
Cable front raise
Lying one-arm reverse dumbbell fly
Plate front raise
Seated dumbbell lateral raise
Seated reverse dumbbell fly
Supine cable reverse fly
Cable rear delt row
Dumbbell Cuban rotation
Cable one-arm lateral raise
Alternating dumbbell front raise
Dumbbell lying external shoulder rotation
Cable face pull
Dumbbell one-arm shoulder press
Seated barbell shoulder press
Cable external shoulder rotation
Barbell shoulder press
Arnold press
Reverse dumbbell fly
Dumbbell lateral raise
Seated dumbbell overhead press
Dumbbell fly on a stability ball
Wide reverse-grip barbell bench press
Incline dumbbell press on a stability ball
Incline push-up on a box
Side push-up
Incline push-up
Smith machine JM press
Decline push-up
Smith machine incline bench press
Barbell JM press
Superman push-up
One-arm hammer-grip dumbbell bench press
Incline dumbbell fly
Spiderman push-up
Lying cable fly
Shoulder tap push-up
Decline dumbbell bench press
Incline cable bench press
Decline barbell pullover
One-leg push-up
Decline dumbbell fly
Decline cable fly
Incline reverse-grip dumbbell bench press
Knee push-up
Hammer-grip dumbbell bench press
Weighted push-up
Standing cable chest press
Cable straight-arm pull-down
Bodyweight fly
Decline bent-arm barbell pullover
Stability ball push-up
Decline hammer-grip dumbbell bench press
Stability ball decline push-up
Svend press
Machine chest press
Machine fly
Dumbbell fly
Incline dumbbell bench press
Incline straight-arm pull-down
Cable bench press
Incline barbell bench press
Decline barbell bench press
Cable cross-over
Incline reverse-grip barbell bench press
Incline cable fly
Dumbbell pullover
Standing incline cable fly
Standing cable fly
Dumbbell bench press
Barbell bench press
Weighted front plank
Weighted hanging leg and hip raise
Cable side bend
Frog crunch
Hanging leg raise
Crunch with stability ball leg raise
Weighted stability ball side bend
Lying weighted neck flexion
Cable down-up twist
Seated cable twist
Bent-knee oblique v-up
Cable vertical Pallof press
Cable horizontal Pallof press
Side plank hip abduction
Side plank hip adduction
Standing twisting cable row
Hanging windshield wiper
Decline sit-up
Standing twisting cable high row
High bird dog plank
Smith machine bent-knee good morning
Cable twist
Weighted stability ball crunch
Flat bench hyperextension
Lying weighted lateral neck flexion
Machine seated crunch
Twisting crunch
Twisting hip extension
Weighted captain’s chair leg and hip raise
One-leg front plank
Twisting hyperextension
Cable wood chop
Captain’s chair leg and hip raise
Stability ball jackknife
Standing ab wheel rollout
Dumbbell side bend
Barbell rollout
Stability ball side bend
Lying bent-knee oblique twist
Machine leg raise crunch
Stability ball leg extension crunch
Seated barbell twist
Vertical leg crunch
Weighted Russian twist
Bicycle crunch
High reverse plank
Decline twisting sit-up
Hanging leg and hip raise
Lying side hip raise
Lying leg and hip raise
Kneeling cable crunch
Front plank
Wheel rollout
Hanging straight leg and hip raise
Reverse crunch
Incline straight leg and hip raise
Dumbbell renegade row
Barbell underhand-grip bent-over row
Dumbbell farmer’s walk
Barbell sumo Romanian deadlift
Weighted pull-up
Barbell bent-knee good morning
Barbell good morning
Trap bar farmer’s walk
Smith machine Yates row
Machine front pull-down
Standing cable row
Elbow lift
Landmine row
Weighted inverted row
One-leg hyperextension
Bent-over one-arm cable pull
Straight-back seated cable row
Barbell sumo deadlift
Bent-over two-arm dumbbell row
Machine back extension
Machine one-arm row
Gripless shrug
Barbell rack pull
Machine high row
Machine reverse hyperextension
Inverted row
Seated one-arm cable row
Dumbbell deadlift
Barbell Romanian deadlift
Bent-over barbell row
Reverse-grip lat pull-down
Close neutral-grip lat pull-down
Dumbbell shrug
Wide-grip cable row
Bent-over dumbbell row
T-bar row
Seated cable row
Barbell shrug
Barbell deadlift
Barbell-between-legs split squat
Barbell split squat
Stairmill climb
Hack squat
Hip thrust
Dumbbell overhead squat
Hack machine one-leg calf raise
Hack machine calf raise
Lying scissor kick
Barbell overhead lunges
Seated dumbbell one-leg calf raise
Smith machine squat
Trap bar deadlift
Assisted inverse leg curl on lat pull-down machine
Machine seated hip abduction
Dumbbell box squat
Prone hack machine calf raise
Barbell step-up
Inverse leg curl on lat pull-down machine
Barbell front box squat
Bodyweight squat
Inverse leg curl
Stability ball leg curl
Lying single straight-leg hip extension
Cable hip adduction
Jump squat
Captain’s chair leg raise
Weighted one-leg hip thrust
Straight-leg cable pull-through
Lying alternating straight leg raise
Standing cable hip extension
Machine seated one-leg calf raise
Barbell one-leg hip thrust
Dumbbell one-leg split squat
Cable hip abduction
Standing dumbbell one-leg calf raise
Lying straight leg raise
Smith machine kneeling rear kick
Dumbbell forward-leaning lunge
Barbell sumo squat
Barbell hip thrust
Barbell side lunge
Barbell straight back stiff leg deadlift
Kneeling cable hip extension
Bodyweight sumo squat
Dumbbell sumo squat
Dumbbell rear lunge
Barbell Bulgarian split squat
Barbell kneeling squat
Dumbbell leg curl
Weighted sissy squat
Smith machine chair squat
Jefferson squat
Hanging straight leg raise
Kneeling leg curl
Cable squat
Sled calf press
Dumbbell squat
Barbell hack squat
Dumbbell Bulgarian split squat
Dumbbell step-up
Zercher squat
Seated leg raise
Single leg glute bridge
Lying alternating knee raise
Cable pull-through
Dumbbell lunge
Barbell lunge
Barbell front squat
Seated leg curl
Machine standing calf raise
Lying leg curl
Machine seated calf raise
Barbell squat
Leg extension
Incline leg press
Chest dip
Barbell reverse wrist curl over bench
Machine triceps dip
Underhand-grip inverted row
Dumbbell renegade row
Barbell underhand-grip bent-over row
Dumbbell one-arm reverse preacher curl
One-arm dead hang
Bodyweight triceps extension
Weighted pull-up
Barbell drag curl
Cable reverse wrist curl
Close-grip EZ bar curl
Lying dumbbell supination
Lying dumbbell pronation
Dumbbell preacher curl
Smith machine JM press
Machine front pull-down
Seated barbell wrist curl
Machine preacher curl
Lying cable skull crusher
Barbell JM press
Barbell skull crusher
Machine triceps extension
Lying cable curl
Behind-the-back cable wrist curl
EZ bar reverse preacher curl
Rope lat pull-down
Barbell preacher curl
Decline EZ bar skull crusher
Supine dumbbell curl
Standing overhead one-arm cable triceps extension
Incline dumbbell triceps extension
Side-lying biceps bodyweight curl
Kneeling bodyweight triceps extension
Biceps leg curl
One-arm towel row
Dumbbell one-arm reverse wrist curl
EZ bar reverse curl
Bent-knee bench dip
Cable curl
Lying barbell triceps extension
Behind-the-back Smith machine wrist curl
Cable preacher curl
Double cable neutral-grip lat pull-down
Machine-assisted close neutral-grip pull-up
Machine-assisted triceps dip
Dumbbell reverse curl
Seated dumbbell overhead triceps extension
Smith machine underhand Yates row
Standing dumbbell preacher curl
Incline cable triceps extension
Straight-back underhand cable row
Close-grip barbell bench press
Diamond push-up
Seated twisting cable row
One-arm overhead cable curl
One-arm lat pull-down
Cable rear drive
Seated dumbbell wrist curl
Cable triceps kickback
Seated overhead EZ bar triceps extension
Diamond push-up on knees
Decline dumbbell triceps extension
Behind-the-back barbell wrist curl
Cable wide-grip upright row
Dumbbell reverse preacher curl
Prone incline barbell curl
Underhand Yates row
Isometric wiper
Incline dumbbell curl
Medium-grip lat pull-down
Machine-assisted pull-up
Dumbbell hammer preacher curl
Cable one-arm reverse-grip triceps push-down
One-arm bench dip
Decline barbell skull crusher
Seated bent-over two-arm dumbbell kickback
Tate press
Cable concentration triceps extension
Close-grip push-up
Overhead cable curl
Weight plate reverse curl
Lying one-arm dumbbell triceps extension
Behind-the-neck lat pull-down
Close neutral-grip pull-up
Dumbbell reverse-grip concentration curl
Dumbbell hammer curl
Dumbbell armpit row
Bench dip
EZ bar curl
Dumbbell cross-body hammer curl
One-arm dumbbell preacher curl
Overhead barbell triceps extension
Barbell reverse curl
Barbell wide-grip upright row
Triceps rope push-down
Dumbbell curl
Wide-grip lat pull-down
Dumbbell kickback
Triceps dip
Barbell curl
Dumbbell concentration curl
Elevated pike press
Pike press
Bent-knee inverted rear delt row
Barbell front raise
Cable Y-raise
Smith machine upright row
Barbell rear delt row
Seated Smith machine behind-the-neck shoulder press
Dumbbell wide-grip upright row
Dumbbell one-arm lateral raise
Side-lying reverse dumbbell fly
One-arm reverse dumbbell fly
Leaning dumbbell lateral raise
Dumbbell Scott press
Smith machine shoulder press
Dumbbell w-press
Prone incline wide-grip upright row
Lying reverse dumbbell fly
Seated elbows-in alternating dumbbell overhead press
Standing cable rear delt row with rope
Double cable front raise
Seated dumbbell front raise
Seated behind-the-neck barbell shoulder press
Seated elbows-in dumbbell overhead press
Bent-over barbell reverse raise
Smith machine seated overhead press
Head-supported reverse dumbbell fly
Twisting cable overhead press
Seated alternating dumbbell front raise
Cable one-arm front raise
Incline dumbbell front raise
Kettlebell swing
Cable front raise
Lying one-arm reverse dumbbell fly
Plate front raise
Seated dumbbell lateral raise
Seated reverse dumbbell fly
Supine cable reverse fly
Cable rear delt row
Dumbbell Cuban rotation
Cable one-arm lateral raise
Alternating dumbbell front raise
Dumbbell lying external shoulder rotation
Cable face pull
Dumbbell one-arm shoulder press
Seated barbell shoulder press
Cable external shoulder rotation
Barbell shoulder press
Arnold press
Reverse dumbbell fly
Dumbbell lateral raise
Seated dumbbell overhead press
Pike push-up
Dumbbell fly on a stability ball
Wide reverse-grip barbell bench press
Incline dumbbell press on a stability ball
Incline push-up on a box
Side push-up
Incline push-up
Decline push-up
Smith machine incline bench press
One-arm hammer-grip dumbbell bench press
Incline dumbbell fly
Spiderman push-up
Lying cable fly
Shoulder tap push-up
Decline dumbbell bench press
Incline cable bench press
Decline barbell pullover
One-leg push-up
Decline dumbbell fly
Decline cable fly
Incline reverse-grip dumbbell bench press
Knee push-up
Hammer-grip dumbbell bench press
Weighted push-up
Standing cable chest press
Cable straight-arm pull-down
Bodyweight fly
Decline bent-arm barbell pullover
Stability ball push-up
Decline hammer-grip dumbbell bench press
Stability ball decline push-up
Svend press
Machine chest press
Machine fly
Dumbbell fly
Incline dumbbell bench press
Incline straight-arm pull-down
Cable bench press
Incline barbell bench press
Decline barbell bench press
Cable cross-over
Incline reverse-grip barbell bench press
Incline cable fly
Dumbbell pullover
Standing incline cable fly
Standing cable fly
Dumbbell bench press
Barbell bench press
Cable Russian twist on a stability ball
Seated cable cross-arm twist
Captain’s chair straight leg raise
Weighted front plank
Weighted hanging leg and hip raise
Cable side bend
Frog crunch
Hanging leg raise
Crunch with stability ball leg raise
Weighted stability ball side bend
Lying weighted neck flexion
Cable down-up twist
Seated cable twist
Superman push-up
Bent-knee oblique v-up
Cable vertical Pallof press
Cable horizontal Pallof press
Side plank hip abduction
Side plank hip adduction
Standing twisting cable row
Hanging windshield wiper
Decline sit-up
Standing twisting cable high row
High bird dog plank
Smith machine bent-knee good morning
Cable twist
Weighted stability ball crunch
Flat bench hyperextension
Lying weighted lateral neck flexion
Machine seated crunch
Twisting crunch
Twisting hip extension
Weighted captain’s chair leg and hip raise
One-leg front plank
Twisting hyperextension
Cable wood chop
Captain’s chair leg and hip raise
Stability ball jackknife
Standing ab wheel rollout
Dumbbell side bend
Barbell rollout
Stability ball side bend
Lying bent-knee oblique twist
Machine leg raise crunch
Stability ball leg extension crunch
Seated barbell twist
Vertical leg crunch
Weighted Russian twist
Bicycle crunch
High reverse plank
Decline twisting sit-up
Hanging leg and hip raise
Lying side hip raise
Lying leg and hip raise
Kneeling cable crunch
Front plank
Wheel rollout
Hanging straight leg and hip raise
Reverse crunch
Incline straight leg and hip raise
Barbell overhead shrug
Back extension on stability ball
Dumbbell farmer’s walk
Barbell sumo Romanian deadlift
Barbell bent-knee good morning
Barbell good morning
Smith machine Yates row
Standing cable row
Elbow lift
Landmine row
Weighted inverted row
One-leg hyperextension
Bent-over one-arm cable pull
Straight-back seated cable row
Barbell sumo deadlift
Bent-over two-arm dumbbell row
Machine back extension
Machine one-arm row
Gripless shrug
Barbell rack pull
Machine high row
Machine reverse hyperextension
Inverted row
Seated one-arm cable row
Dumbbell deadlift
Barbell Romanian deadlift
Bent-over barbell row
Reverse-grip lat pull-down
Close neutral-grip lat pull-down
Dumbbell shrug
Wide-grip cable row
Bent-over dumbbell row
T-bar row
Seated cable row
Barbell shrug
Barbell deadlift
Barbell glute bridge
Barbell-between-legs split squat
Barbell split squat
Stairmill climb
Hack squat
Hip thrust
Dumbbell overhead squat
Hack machine one-leg calf raise
Hack machine calf raise
Lying scissor kick
Barbell overhead lunges
Seated dumbbell one-leg calf raise
Smith machine squat
Trap bar farmer’s walk
Trap bar deadlift
Assisted inverse leg curl on lat pull-down machine
Machine seated hip abduction
Dumbbell box squat
Prone hack machine calf raise
Barbell step-up
Inverse leg curl on lat pull-down machine
Barbell front box squat
Bodyweight squat
Inverse leg curl
Stability ball leg curl
Lying single straight-leg hip extension
Cable hip adduction
Jump squat
Captain’s chair leg raise
Weighted one-leg hip thrust
Straight-leg cable pull-through
Lying alternating straight leg raise
Standing cable hip extension
Machine seated one-leg calf raise
Barbell one-leg hip thrust
Dumbbell one-leg split squat
Cable hip abduction
Standing dumbbell one-leg calf raise
Lying straight leg raise
Smith machine kneeling rear kick
Dumbbell forward-leaning lunge
Barbell sumo squat
Barbell hip thrust
Barbell side lunge
Barbell straight back stiff leg deadlift
Kneeling cable hip extension
Bodyweight sumo squat
Dumbbell sumo squat
Dumbbell rear lunge
Barbell Bulgarian split squat
Barbell kneeling squat
Dumbbell leg curl
Weighted sissy squat
Smith machine chair squat
Jefferson squat
Hanging straight leg raise
Kneeling leg curl
Cable squat
Sled calf press
Dumbbell squat
Barbell hack squat
Dumbbell Bulgarian split squat
Dumbbell step-up
Zercher squat
Seated leg raise
Single leg glute bridge
Lying alternating knee raise
Cable pull-through
Dumbbell lunge
Barbell lunge
Barbell front squat
Seated leg curl
Machine standing calf raise
Lying leg curl
Machine seated calf raise
Barbell squat
Leg extension
Incline leg press

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