Day 29 Dynamic Analysis Using Response Spectrum Method
Day 29 Dynamic Analysis Using Response Spectrum Method
Day 29 Dynamic Analysis Using Response Spectrum Method
Dynamic Analysis shall be performed to obtain the design Seismic force, and its
distribution to different levels along the height of the building and to various lateral load
resisting elements for the following buildings:
User will provide Ak and Wi. In these Ak can be provided by specifying Seismic
parameter configuration.
Wi can be provided by specifying Selfweight contribution in X, Y, Z direction with
factor 1 and dead load and appropriate live load in all three direction.
Response Spectrum Method of analysis shall be performed using the Design Spectrum
Ah= Z I Sa
2 R g
STAAD utilizes following procedure to generate the lateral seismic loads:
User provides the value of Z I as factors for input spectrum.
2 R
Program calculates time periods for first 15 modes or as specified by the user.
(earlier 6 modes)
Program calculates Sa/g for each mode utilizing time period & damping for each
The program calculates design horizontal acceleration spectrum Ak for different
The program then calculates mode participation factor for different modes.
The Peak lateral seismic force at each floor in each mode is calculated.
All response quantities for each mode are calculated.
The peak response quantities are then combined as per method (CQC or SRSS
or ABS or TEN or CSM) as defined by the user to get the final results.
The design base shear VB (Calculated from the Response Spectrum Method) is
compared with the base shear Vb (Calculated by empirical formula for the
fundamental time period).
If VB is less than Vb, all of the response quantities are multiplied by Vb/VB
as per clause 7.8.2.
Rules for Spectrum Load in STAAD
Response spectrum Load definition you have to define within Seismic Load
If you have to define all other load cases before defining this definition.
Design of seismic shear (VB)
Total design seismic base shear VB also any principal direction is given by
VB= Ah W
1. Live load upto and including 3.0 KN/m2 =25% of imposed load.
2. Live load > 3.0KN/m2 = 50% of imposed load.
3. For calculating design seismic forces imposed load on roof need not be
Floor Loads: Dead Load for Floor slab: 4 KN/m2 and Roof slab: 5 KN/m2
Live Load for Floor slab: 2 KN/m2 and Roof slab: 1.50KN/m2
1. Geometry Creation :
New Project Select Space Length =meters; Force=KN;
File Name=Dynamic Response Spectrum method Next
Select Open Structure Wizard Finish.
Change to Frame models from Truss models Select Bay Frame and double click on
Length X=24.0m No. of Bays =6 Each Bay =4.0m
Height Y=21.0m No. of Bays=7 Each Bay =3.0m
Width Z=24.0m No. of Bays=6 Each bay =4.0m Apply Transfer Model
Go to front view.
2. Member Property :
Click General Property Define Rectangle YD=0.40 ZD=0.40m Add
YD=0.30 ZD=0.30AddClose. Highlight YD=0.40 ZD=0.40
Main menu Select Beam parallel to Y Assign to selected beam Assign
Highlight YD=0.30 ZD=0.30 . Main menu Select Beam parallel to X axis and
Select Beam parallel to Z Assign to selected beam Assign Yes
Close. Deselect the member.
3. Supports :
Go to front view.
Click Support Create Fixed Add. Highlight support 2 and select bottom support
nodes of column by windowing using node cursor Assign to selected nodes
Assign Yes Close De select the nodes and change to beam cursor.
4. Loading :
Following Load shall be considered for Response Spectrum Method:
1.Define Seismic Parameter Configuration.
2. Load case 1: DL+LL
3. Load case 2: Seismic loading-Response Spectrum.
Page Control Click Load & Definitions Definitions Seismic Definitions Add.
Seismic parameter screen will appear.
Select Type: IS1893-2002 Click GenerateAdd.
Select city or Zone: (Table 2 of IS1893-2002) say zone V Z=0.36
Response Reduction Factor(RF): (Table 7 of IS1893-2002) : 5 for SMRF
(Special Moment Resisting Frame)
Important Factor (I) : (Table 6 of IS1893-2002): 1 ( for Ordinary building)
Rock or Soil sites factor (SS): (Clause 6.4.5 of IS1893-2002): 2 ( for Medium soil)
Type of structure(ST)(Optional) (Clause 7.6 of IS1893-2002): 1 ( for RCC Frame
Damping ratio (DM): (Table 3 of IS1893-2002) DM= 0.05 (for concrete).
Px =Period in X direction: (Optional)
Pz=Period in Z directionOptional)
Depth of foundation (DT):( For under ground structures):
Click Generate Add.
Self weightSelfweight Factor :1Add.
Floor weights Load pressure: 4KN/m2 (Dead load)
Define Y range Minimum =3.0m Maximum= 18m Add.
Load pressure: 5 KN/m2 (Dead load)
Define Y range Minimum =18 m Maximum= 21.0 Add
Load pressure : 0.25KN/m2 (25% of LL 2.0 KN/m2 )
Define Y range Minimum =3.0m Maximum= 18m Add
*Load pressure : 0.38 KN/m2 (25% of LL 1.5 KN/m2 )
Define Y range Minimum =18m Maximum= 21.0m Add Close.
Note: As per IS1893-2002 Live load on Roof need not be considered for seismic
Load case 1 (DL+LL):
Click Load case details Add.
Number 1: Loading type: None
Title: Dead Load+Live Load Add Close.
Click Load case 1Add.
Selfweight Selfweight Y Factor: -1 Add.
Floor Load (Dead Load of Floor slab except top roof) Pressure:-4 KN/m2
Global Y Define Y range Mini.= 3.0m Max.=18.0m Add
Floor Load (Dead Load of Roof slab ) Pressure:-5 KN/m2
Define Y range Mini.= 18.0m Max.=21.0m Add
Floor Load (Live Load of Floor slab except top roof slab) Pressure:-2 KN/m2
Define Y range Mini.= 3.0m Max.=18.0m Add
Floor Load (Live Load of Roof slab ) Pressure:-1.50 KN/m2
Define Y range Mini.= 18.0m Max.=21.0m AddClose.
Highlight Selfweight Y -1 Assign to view Assign Yes.
Load case 2 (Response Spectrum Load)
Click Load case details Add.
Number 2: Loading type: Seismic
Title: Response spectrum Add Close.
Click Load case 2 Add.
Click Selfweight Direction X Factor: 1 Add.
Selfweight Direction Y Factor: 1 Add.
Selfweight Direction Z Factor: 1 Add.
Floor Load (Dead Load of Floor slab except top roof) Pressure:4 KN/m2
Define Y range Mini.= 3.0m Max.=18.0m Direction X Add
Direction Y Add. Direction Z Add
Floor Load (Dead Load of Roof slab ) Pressure:5 KN/m2
Define Y range Mini.= 18.0m Max.=21.0m Direction X Add
Direction Y Add. Direction Z Add.
Floor Load (Live Load of Floor slab except top roof slab) Pressure: 0.50 KN/m2
(25% of LL=2.0 KN/m2)
Define Y range Mini.= 3.0m Max.=18.0m Direction X Add
Direction Y Add. Direction Z Add
*Floor Load (Live Load of Roof slab ) Pressure: 0.38KN/m2
(25% of LL= 1.50 KN/m2).
Define Y range Mini.= 18.0m Max.=21.0m Direction X Add
Direction Y Add. Direction Z Add Close.
Highlight Selfweight X Assign to view Assign Yes.
Highlight Selfweight Y Assign to view Assign Yes.
Highlight Selfweight Z Assign to view Assign Yes.
Click Seismic Loading Add.
Response spectra Select Code: IS1893
Combination Method: SRSS
Sub soil class: Medium soil DM=0.05 □ Include Torsion IS 1893
□ X= Z I =0.36 x 1 = 0.036
2 R 2 5
Scale: 1 Add Close.
5. Analysis Type :
Page control Click Analysis/print Mode Shapes Add Close.
Click post print Define commands Analysis resultsAdd
Storey Drift Allowable Drift factor =0.005 Add Close.
Note: Save the File and Run the Program.
6. Analysis :
From Main Menu ` Analysis Run Analysis
View output file Done.
7. Results :
Go to post processing mode. Results
Eigen solution -Fundamental frequency
Response Spectrum Load
Peak Storey Shear
Peak Storey Shear Torsion
Modal base actions
Mass Participation factors in percent
Analysis Results
Joint Nodal Displacement
Member forces
Reactions forces
Storey Drift.
By reviewing the results, if the modes are very close, change the SRSS Method to CQC
Also see whether the mass participation factor is more than 90% as per code.
Check whether Missing weight is Dynamic Weight – Modal Weight.
Also check the design base shear VB is compared with the base shear Vb.
If VB is less than Vb, multiply the value of X by (0.036) x Vb/VB as per clause 7.8.2
and again Run the analysis once again to get accurate results.