State Eligibility Test

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(SET - February- 2020)


LBS Centre for Science and Technology

Palayam, Nandavanam, Thiruvananthapuram 695 033.
Phone : 2560311,2560312,2560313,2560314 Fax : 0471-2337055
Website :
Email : [email protected] or [email protected]
The Candidate must Log on to or and click SET-
December-2015 link for Online Registration using Application Number and Site Access Key.
After successful registration the candidate will be provided with a Registration ID.

Application Number .......................................................................

Site Access Key .............................................................................

Registration ID ..............................................................................

(Fill in the above details and keep this for future reference)


1. INTRODUCTION ---------------------------------------------------- 1

2. SCHEME OF THE TEST --------------------------------------------- 1

3. REQUIREMENT FOR PASS ------------------------------------------ 2

4. SYLLABUS ---------------------------------------------------------- 2

5. CONDITIONS OF ELIGIBILITY -------------------------------------- 2

6. AGE LIMIT ---------------------------------------------------------- 3


8. PROCEDURE FOR ONLINE REGISTRATION -------------------------- 3



10. TEST CENTRES ----------------------------------------------------- 4

11. ONLINE ADMIT CARD FOR THE TEST ------------------------------ 5

12. ANSWER SHEET ---------------------------------------------------- 5

13. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE TEST --------------------------- 5

14. PUBLICATION OF ANSWER KEYS ----------------------------------- 5

15. VALUATION -------------------------------------------------------- 6

16. DECLARATION OF RESULTS ---------------------------------------- 6


18. ISSUE OF CERTIFICATES ------------------------------------------ 6

19. ISSUE OF DUPLICATE CERTIFICATES ------------------------------ 7

20. NOTIFICATION ----------------------------------------------------- 7

21. JURISDICTION------------------------------------------------------ 7

22. POWER OF GOVERNMENT TO MAKE RULES ------------------------ 7

23. SAMPLE OMR ANSWER SHEET -------------------------------------- 8



SET-Feb - 2020 SCIENCE &


(Approved by G.O. (Rt) No.5650/2019/Gl.Edn. Dated:24/12/2019) TABLE 1
1. Introduction
Codes Subjects
In order to ensure the standards of teaching 01 Anthropology
in Higher Secondary Course, the 02 Arabic
Government have decided to conduct the 03 Botany
State Eligibility Test for the candidates to 04 Chemistry
be selected as Higher Secondary School 05 Commerce
Teachers and Non-Vocational Teachers in 06 Economics
VHSE. A pass in the State Eligibility Test 07 English
(SET) is stipulated as a mandatory
08 French
requirement for appointment as Higher
Secondary School Teachers in the State 09 Gandhian Studies
as per the Special Rules in force. 10 Geography
11 Geology
12 German
As per G.O.(Rt)No.2138/11/Gl.Edn. Dated
13 Hindi
6/6/2011, the Government have entrusted
14 History
with the Director, LBS Centre for Science
and Technology, Thiruvananthapuram, the 15 Home Science
conduct of the SET on the basis of the 16 Islamic History
syllabus approv ed by the Board of 17 Journalism
Examinations for the conduct of State 18 Kannada
Eligibility Test. Candidates are requested to 19 Latin
go through the Prospectus carefully to get 20 Malayalam
themselves acquainted with the rules and 21 Mathematics
regulations before submitting the online 22 Music
23 Philosophy
24 Physics
2. Scheme of the Test
25 Political Science
2.1 There shall be two papers f or the 26 Psychology
SET- Feb - 2020 . 27 Russian
Paper I 28 Sanskrit
29 Social Work
Paper I is common for all candidates.It
30 Sociology
consists of two parts, Part (A) General
Knowledge and Part (B) Aptitude in 31 Statistics
Teaching. 32 Syriac
33 Tamil
Paper II 34 Urdu
Paper II shall be a test based on the subject 35 Zoology
of specialisation of the candidate at the Post 36 General Paper (Paper 1)
Graduate (PG) Level. 37 Biotechnology
2.2 Subjects for SET 2.3 Duration of the Test
There shall be 31 subjects for Paper II The duration of the Test shall be 120 minutes
of the SET-Feb-2020 as listed. for each paper.
Candidates having qualification in the subjects 2.4 Number of questions and marks
other than those mentioned in table 1 should Paper I: There shall be 120 questions for
furnish Equivalency and Eligibility Certificates Paper I with 60 questions each for Part A
obtained from any one of the universities in and Part B. Each question shall carry one
Kerala mark.

SET-Feb - 2020 SCIENCE &

Paper II :There shall be 120 questions 4. Syllabus

carrying one mark each for the subjects
under Paper II except for Mathematics and The syllabus prescribed for the Test will be
Statistics. For Mathematics and Statistics based on the core areas in the syllabi in the
there shall be only 80 questions carrying subjects concerned f ollowed by the
1.5 marks each. Universities in Kerala.
2.5 The questions of both the papers shall be The approved syllabus of the subjects
objective in nature and based on single for SET - Feb - 2020 is available in the
response, ie., for each question four official website of the LBS Centre.
suggested responses (A, B, C, D) will be 5. Conditions of Eligibility
given of which, only one will be the most
appropriate answer and the candidates will 5.1 Those who have acquired Master's Degree
have to select and mark their response in in the subjects concerned with not less than
the appropriate space provided in the OMR 50% marks or equivalent grade and B.Ed.
Answer Sheets. degree in any discipline from any one of the
universities in Kerala or have acquired these
2.6 For each correct response the candidates qualifications from any other university
will be awarded 1 mark in both the Papers recognised as equivalent thereto are eligible
except for Mathematics and Statistics for to apply for the SET Feb - 2020 with certain
which each correct response will be awarded exceptions as mentioned in the following
1.5 marks. Marking more than one response paragraphs.
against a question shall be deemed as
incorrect answer. No marks shall be 5.2 For Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry,
deducted for incorrect answers. Botany and Zoology, those having MSc.Ed
Degree in the subjects concerned with not
less than 50% marks or equivalent grade
Detailed instructions for marking the OMR from any one of the Regional Institutes of
Sheets is given in Page 10. Education sponsored by the NCERT are
3. Requirement for Pass eligible to apply. For Botany and Zoology,
The minimum requirement for a pass in the those having MSc.Ed Degree in Life
State Eligibility Test shall be as follows: Science (with not less than 50% marks or
equivalent grade) from any one of the
Minimum Percentage of Marks Regional Institutes of Education are also
Category Paper I Paper II Total eligible.
Gener a l 40 40 48 5.3 For the subjects Commerce, French,
OBC (Non Creamy Layer) 35 35 45
German, Geology,Home Science,
Journalism, Latin, Music, Philosophy,
Differently Abled/SC/ST 35 35 40 Psychology, Russian, Social W ork,
Sociology, Statistics and Syriac candidates
Note : OBC and SC/ST candidates availing this need not acquire B.Ed. Degree for applying
concession should submit non-creamy layer/ for the State Eligibility Test.
Caste/Community certificates from the revenue
5.4 Those who have acquired II class Master’s
authorities of the Government of Kerala. In the
Degree in Communicative English with not
absence of above valid certificate the mark less than 50% marks or equivalent grade
concession will not be given. and BEd. are eligible to appear for SET in
The percentage of marks for pass shall be English.
calculated as 5.4(a)Candidates who have acquired DLEd/LTTC
Marks secured for ( Paper I + Paper II) in Arabic,Urdu and Hindi but do not have
X 100 B.Ed Degree are eligible to apply for SET
Maximum marks for (Paper I + Paper II)
In computing marks, fraction shall be rounded off
5.4(b)For the subject Biotechnology, those who
only to the first two decimal places in the calculation
have masters degree in Biotechnology with
of aggregate percentage of marks. No rounding not less than 50% marks or equivalent grade
off of marks shall be made for calculating the and B.Ed degree in natural science are
percentage for pass for Paper I and Paper II separately. eligible for applying SET-Feb-2020

SET-Feb - 2020 SCIENCE &

5.5 Candidates who have acquired B.Ed Degree candidates have acquired II Class Master’s
in Hindi conducted by the Dakshin Bharatha Degree with not less than 50% marks in any
Hindi Prachar Sabha are exempted from the discipline.
requirement of producing the equivalency 6. Age Limit
certif icate, as the degree has been
No age limit is prescribed for candidates
recognized by the Universities in Kerala.
appearing for the SET.
5.6 Candidates who have acquired their
7. Mode of Registration for SET-Feb - 2020
qualification through Correspondence
Courses/Open Universities which are not 7.1 Candidates intending to register for the State
recognized by any one of the Universities Eligibility Test are required to submit the
in Kerala are not eligible to appear for the application form and fee through online
SET. Candidates who have acquired their mode. The candidates may pay the exami-
qualif ications through recognized nation fee electronically either by credit/debit
correspondence courses/Open universities card/Net Banking or other modes provided
and candidates acquired their qualification in the website. The fee shall be ` 1000/- for
from a university outside Kerala should General/OBC candidates and `500/- for SC/
obtain and furnish certificates of recognition ST/Differenly abled candidates. Processing
and equivalency from any one of the charges and GST are to be paid by the can-
Universities in Kerala. didate as applicable.
5.6(a) Candidates possessing qualification in the 7.2 Mode of Remitting fee
subjects other than those mentioned in The mode of payment shall be only be paid
clause 2.2 should furnish an equivalency and through online mode. Cash/Money Order/
eligibility certificate obtained from any one Cheque will not be accepted. The applica-
of the universities in Kerala. tion fee will not be refunded under any cir-
5.7 Candidates who have acquired their Master’s cumstances.
Degree with the minimum required marks
for eligibility to appear for SET and are 8.PROCEDURE FOR ONLINE REGISTRATION
undergoing the final year course for B.Ed 8 Candidates who want to apply for SET-Feb-
Degree are eligible to appear for the test. 2020 are required to fill the application in
Similarly candidates who have acquired their online mode only.
B.Ed Degree and are undergoing the final a) visit
year of their Post Graduate Programme are b) In the online services select SET and
also eligible to appear for the test. Such other Exams
candidates must produce the Certificates of c) Select SET-Feb-2020
their qualifying examinations passed with the
minimum required marks within one year STEP 1 - Mobile Number Registration
from the date of publication of the results of As the first step in the registration process,
the State Eligibility Test, failing which they a valid mobile number of the candidate has
shall be treated as disqualified. to be registered. An OTP (One time Pass-
word) will be sent to the submitted mobile
5.8 Relaxation of Minimum marks for SC/ number for confirmation.
ST Candidates
STEP 2 - Filling online application form
Candidates belonging to SC/ST categories
shall be granted a relaxation of 5% marks Fill in all the required details (Personal and
in the minimum marks prescribed for Academic) and submit. A Registration ID
eligibility to appear for the State Eligibility will be displayed after the successful sub-
Test. mission. This ID has to be kept for future
5.9 For the subject Latin, candidates who have STEP 3 - Uploading Photo
passed their degree examination in any
discipline from any one of the Universities Select the photograph file of 200 pixel height
in Kerala or from any other University and 150 pixel width and file size maximum
recognized as equivalent thereto with Latin 30 KB. (see instructions for uploading
as their Second Language under Part II with photo).
not less than 50% marks for that Part II are STEP 4- Online Payment of Fee
also eligible to appear for SET, provided such Candidates can make the payment of appli-

SET-Feb - 2020 SCIENCE &

cation fee through Debit/Credit card/Net IMPORTANT: Results of the test shall be pre-
Banking or other modes provided in the pared based on the details furnished by the
website.The application fee will not be re- candidates in their online application regard-
funded under any circumstances. ing their eligibility for relaxation of minimum
STEP 5- Print Application marks for a pass in the test. Subsequent claims
for inclusion in the list of eligible candidates
Candidates can take the printout of the filled
for such relaxation shall not be entertained.
application only after performing the above
Pass certificate shall be issued only after veri-
steps. The printed application form may be
fying the genuineness of the original caste/
kept for future reference. In order to avail
category certificate. Verification of documents
scribe facility and the relaxation in
will be done only for those candidates who
marks the differently challenged candi-
pass the test.
dates must send the printout of their
online application and the copy of the Original Non-Creamy Layer Certificate valid
medical certificate (attested by Gazet- at the time of online registration for SET-
ted Officer) to LBS Centre. Others need Feb-2020 only will be accepted along with
not sent hardcopy of application. the application for SET- Certificate
Since there is no provision for editing the ap-
plication after submission, the candi-
dates are advised to verify their infor- 9 Important points for filling in the online
mation. (Especially District opted for the application form
test, Subject appearing for the test and
9.1 The name of the candidate should be filled
reservation category) before submission.
in exactly as given in the SSLC book, as
If any discrepancy found after submission, con- SET Certificate will be issued only in the
tact helpline numbers provided in the name furnished by the candidate.
9.2 The District opted as the Centre for Test and
the subject opted for SET should be filled in
Instructions for uploading photo
i) Photographs should have been taken within
one year from the date on which applica- 9.3 A candidate will be allowed to appear for the
tion is sent. SET only in the District opted by him/her.

ii) The face and shoulder of the candidate 10. Test Centres
should be clear and the background should There will be Test Centres at all the District
be white/light colored. Head Quarters in the State (Districts and
iii) Uploading photographs should be of 200 pix- District Codes are given below). A candidate
els height, 150 pixels width, not exceeding can select a District Head Quarter as Test
a file size 30 KB, in jpg format. Centre. Change of District Centre once
selected will not be allowed under any
iv) Face should be centrally focused and be circumstances. The Venue will be allotted
at the center of the photograph. by the Director, LBS Centre for Science &
v) The eyes should be open and vivid. Technology, Thiruvananthapuram which will
be intimated to the candidates in due course
vi) Photographs should be without cap or when Admit Cards are released online.
goggles (except those worn in adherence
Codes Districts
to religious custom). Photographs showing
a portion of the face, unclear face and pho- 01 THIRUVANANTHAPURAM
tograph wearing uniform shall not be used. 02 KOLLAM
vii) Photos taken by mobile phone, webcam or
Polaroid camera and photos which are com-
puter generated are not acceptable. 05 KOTTAYAM
viii) Light coloured dress should be used in the 07 ERNAKULAM
The applications with photographs not as 09 PALAKKAD
per the instructions from i to viii above will 10 MALAPPURAM
summarily be rejected.

SET-Feb - 2020 SCIENCE &

11 KOZHIKODE for two subsequent chances.

12.5 Candidates are warned that they should
enter only the necessary information as
14 KASARAGOD required on the left part of the OMR answer
11. Online Admit Card for the Test sheet. Any additional information which is
not required and which may help to identify
The admit card for the SET will be prepared
the candidate, that is made on any part of
for only those candidates who have
the OMR sheet, will disqualify the candidate
successfully registered The District opted
and his candidature will be cancelled without
for the test and Subject for the test in the
any further intimation in this regard. Further,
admit card will be based on the data
such candidates will be debarred from
furnished by the candidate in their online
appearing for SET for two subsequent
application. The admit card will be available
in the website of the LBS Centre from the date 12.6 Facility shall be provided for issuing a carbon
which will be announced later in leading copy of the OMR sheet to the candidates.
dailies and in the official website of the LBS The invigilator in the examination hall shall
Centre. detach the carbon copies of the OMR
sheets on completion of each paper, and
Candidates are advised to visit the hand them ov er to the candidates.
websites and keep a constant watch on Candidates can verify the same with the
the leading print and electronic media, answer keys published subsequently. No
pertaining to notifications/instructions complaints from candidates regarding
regarding SET valuation of answer sheets will be considered
11.1 Procedure for obtaining Admit Card if any tampering with the entries in the
a) Visit the Website carbon copy is detected. Moreover any tampering with the carbon copy will invoke
legal action against the candidate amounting
b) click the link SET-Feb - 2020
to debarring from appearing for SET in future.
c) click `Print Your Admit Card’
d) Enter the Registration ID, Site Access 13. Special Instructions for the Test
Key when prompted.
13.1 The candidates shall be present at the
e) Take a printout of the Admit Card Examination Hall 30 minutes before the
displayed on the screen. prescribed time for the commencement of
Read the instructions printed on the Admit the test.
Card carefully before going for the test.
13.2 The question paper will be given in the form
12. Answer Sheet of a Question Booklet bearing a Question
12.1 Separate Answer sheet (OMR Answer Sheet) Booklet Number, Version of the Question
will be given to mark responses for each Booklet (A/B) on the front page. The
paper. candidate shall mark the Booklet Number
and Version of the Booklet correctly on the
12.2 A specimen copy of the OMR Answer sheet OMR Sheet.
is attached.
13.3 The candidates will not be permitted to use
12.3 Only blue/black ink ball-point pen shall be calculator, logarithm table, mobile phone or
used for marking in the OMR answer sheet. any other electronic equipment in the
12.4 Each answer sheet has a unique printed Examination Hall.
BAR CODE that will be used as a secret 13.4 Rough work/calculations can be made only
code against which the evaluation takes in the blank sheet of the Question Booklet.
place. If a candidate tampers, mutilates or
damages the bar code, he/she will be 14. Publication of Answer Keys
disqualified and his/her candidature will be 14.1 The answer keys of all subjects will be
cancelled. The answer sheet in respect of published in the official websites of the LBS
such candidates will not be valued and they Centre immediately after the examination.
will be debarred from appearing for the SET Complaints, if any, from the candidates
regarding the answer keys may be sent to

SET-Feb - 2020 SCIENCE &

the Director, LBS Centre, in writing, within have to produce the required documents for
five calendar days f rom the date of verification and issue of certificates.
publication of the keys. The complaint should 17. Documents to be Produced by Eligible
be accompanied with a DD for `300/- for Candidates
each question challenged by the candidates. Eligible candidates as per Clause 16 shall
The DD should be drawn from any branch of send the following document to the
a nationalised bank in favour of the Director, Director, LBS Centre, Nandavanam,
LBS Centre payable at Thiruvananthapuram. Thiruvananthapuram for verification.
If the complaint/complaints regarding a
question or questions is/are found genuine, 1. Filled in application form for SET Feb-
the fee remitted for that question/questions 2020 Certificate downloaded from the
will be refunded to the complainant. official website of the LBS Centre
Complaints not accompanied by the 2. Copies of the following documents
prescribed fee and supporting documents attested by a Gazetted Officer
will not be entertained. The complaints, a) Provisional/Original Certificate and
received will be placed before a panel of Marklist/Grade Sheet of PG Degree
experts constituted by the Director, LBS b) Provisional/Original Certificate of
Centre and the decision of the experts will B.Ed Degree
be final. Complaints received after five
calendar days from the date of publication 3. Recognition and Equivalency Certifi-
cate from any one of the Universities in
of answer keys will not be entertained.
Kerala, if applicable.
14.2 Exclusion of Question(s) from Evaluation 4. Equivalency Certificate from any one of
The Director, LBS Centre is authorised to the Universities in Kerala, in the case of
exclude from evaluation any question or candidates possessing qualifications in
questions found to be wrong or question/s subjects other than those mentioned in
with answers not appropriate, as the list of subjects in Clause 2.2.
recommended by the panel of experts. 5. Original Caste/Category certificate
When a question(s) is/are excluded from (valid during the online registration
evaluation, the mark(s) allotted to that of SET-Feb-2020) of the candidate
question(s) is/are also excluded from eligible for relaxation of minimum
evaluation. marks for a pass.
15. Valuation 18. Issue of Certificates
15.1 A fully computerized system has been Candidates who have been declared as
adopted for the valuation of the answer successful in the test shall produce their
scripts using Optical Mark Reader (OMR) qualifying certificates within a period of one
for the preparation of the results. year from the date of publication of the results
of the test along with their application for
15.2 Since the valuation will be error free under SET certificate.
the above system, there is no provision for
revaluation or rechecking of the answer Those who apply for SET certificate after the
scripts or recounting of the marks scored. elapse of one year from the date of
However, those who want to get a photocopy publication of results shall pay a late fee of
of the OMR Answer Sheet shall be provided `500/- (Rs.Five hundred only) for the next
the same on payment of a fee of `500/- per one year and an additional amount of `250/
paper. Application for providing photocopy - (Rs.Two hundred and fifty only) for each
shall be made within a period of one month subsequent year, thereafter. The fee shall
from the date of publication of results. Late be paid as Demand Draft drawn from a
applications will not be considered. Nationalized Bank in favour of the Director,
LBS Centre for Science and Technology
16. Declaration of results payable at Thiruvananthapuram.
The details of marks and the eligibility This condition is not applicable to
status secured by the candidates appeared candidates admitted to the test according
for SET Feb - 2020 will be published in the to Clause 5.7 of the prospectus.
websites of the LBS Centre. Those who are
eligible to be declared as successful shall Certificates signed by the Director of General

SET-Feb - 2020 SCIENCE &

Education will be issued to the candidates

who pass the SET, after verification of the 20. Notification
documents produced by the candidates as
per Clause 17. Notifications containing the time schedule
and other related matters of SET-Feb - 2020
19. Issue of Duplicate Certificates will be issued by the Director, LBS Centre
If the Certificate once issued is irrecoverably f or Science and Technology,
lost, a Duplicate Certificate will be issued Thiruvananthapuram.
to the candidate who apply for the same to 21. Jurisdiction
the Director, LBS Centre for Science and
Technology on payment of the fee of In matters of disputes, the jurisdiction will
be the Honourable High Court of Kerala at
`1000/-. The following documents shall be
attached with the request for the issue of
Duplicate Certificate. 22. Power of Government to make rules.
i. A Demand Draft for `1000/- (Rupees one Any other items not specifically covered in
thousand only) drawn from a Nationalised this Prospectus will be decided by the
Bank in favour of the Director, LBS Secretary to Gov ernment, General
Centre for Science and Technology, Education Department, Kerala and his
payable at Thiruvananthapuram. decision shall be final.
ii. An affidavit in stamp paper worth `100/-
to the effect that the SET Certificate
issued to the candidate has been
irrecoverably lost, duly attested by a
Notary Public/First Class Judicial S/d.
Magistrate and other relevant certificates.

Attention of Invigilator: At the end of exam, please fold at the perforation and then tear
Attention of Candidate: Please do not separate the pages of the Answer Sheet


 Please read the general instructions given overleaf for CANDIDATE  Please read the Instructions for marking answers
filling IN each item given below. TAMPERS WITH given overleaf.
 Any error in filling the required items may upset your  Start answering only when you are asked to do so
THE BARCODE, by the Invigilator.
1. Paper (Mark only if applicable) 2.Version DISQUALIFIED/ 1. "#$% 61. "#$%
DEBARRED "#$% "#$%
IA A B 2. 62.
II 3. "#$% 63. "#$%
4. "#$% 64. "#$%
"#$% "#$%
5. 65.
3. Roll No. 4. Qn Booklet No.* 6. "#$% 66. "#$%
7. "#$% 67. "#$%
8. "#$% 68. "#$%
9. "#$% 69. "#$%
10. "#$% 70. "#$%
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11. "#$% 71. "#$%
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 12. "#$% 72. "#$%
13. "#$% 73. "#$%
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
14. "#$% 74. "#$%
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
15. "#$% 75. "#$%
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 16. "#$% 76. "#$%
5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 17. "#$% 77. "#$%
BAR CODE 18. "#$% 78. "#$%
6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
19. "#$% 79. "#$%
7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
| 20. "#$% 80. "#$%
8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 21. "#$% 81. "#$%
9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
| 22. "#$% 82. "#$%
| 23. "#$% 83. "#$%
| 24. "#$% 84. "#$%
5. Name of the Examination 25. "#$% 85. "#$%
| 26. "#$% 86. "#$%
| 27. "#$% 87. "#$%
28. "#$% 88. "#$%
| 29. "#$% 89. "#$%
| 30. "#$% 90. "#$%
6. Date of the Examination | 31. "#$% 91. "#$%
32. "#$% 92. "#$%
| 33. "#$% 93. "#$%
| 34. "#$% 94. "#$%
| 35. "#$% 95. "#$%
36. "#$% 96. "#$%
7. Roll No. 8. Qn. Booklet No.* | 37. "#$% 97. "#$%
| 38. "#$% 98. "#$%
| 39. "#$% 99. "#$%
40. "#$% 100. "#$%
| 41. "#$% 101. "#$%
9. Name of Candidate | 42. "#$% 102. "#$%
| 43. "#$% 103. "#$%
44. "#$% 104. "#$%
| 45. "#$% 105. "#$%
| 46. "#$% 106. "#$%
| 47. "#$% 107. "#$%
48. "#$% 108. "#$%
10. Certified that the above entries are checked | 49. "#$% 109. "#$%
and found to be correct | 50. "#$% 110. "#$%
51. "#$% 111. "#$%
| 52. "#$% 112. "#$%
| 53. "#$% 113. "#$%
Signature of the Candidate | 54. "#$% 114. "#$%
55. "#$% 115. "#$%
| 56. "#$% 116. "#$%
| 57. "#$% 117. "#$%
……………………………….. | 58. "#$% 118. "#$%
Signature of the Invigilator 59. "#$% 119. "#$%
| 60. "#$% 120. "#$%
* Should be filled in after receiving the Question-Booklet. (Please Turn Over)


The OMR Answer Sheet has an Original Sheet and a Candidate’s Copy Mark your answers by darkening the appropriate bubbles with a
below it glued together at the top. Candidate should not separate the black/blue ink ball point pen. Do not use pencil.
pages of the Answer Sheet. The Items marked by the candidates in the Use of fountain pen, Gel pen or sketch pen and use of any color
original OMR Sheet will be carried over to the candidate’s copy in the form ink other than black/blue are not permitted.
of Impressions. Hence while marking in the Original Sheet, Candidate
should ensure that the pages are aligned properly and enough pressure is Marking should be dark and the bubbles should be filled
given, so that the markings made in the Original Sheet against each item completely.
are exactly reproduced in the Candidate’s Copy.
Please darken only one bubble for each question.
The Answer Sheet has two parts - "Basic Data" on the left side and
"Answers" on the right, with a thin perforation in between, length wise. Once darkened, the bubble should not be erased.

All entries in the Answer Sheet are to be made in the Original Sheet only. Please make the marks only in the spaces provided. Do not
make any stray marks ELSEWHERE in the Answer Sheet.
Fill in the boxes and darken the appropriate bubbles using a black/blue
ink ball point pen.

Fill in all the entries on the "Basic Data" part before beginning to answer
Correct method of marking answer.
questions on the "Answers" part.

Entries regarding the Question Booklet No. should be filled in only after
receiving the Question Booklet.

At the end of the Examination, the Candidate will hand over the OMR
Answer Sheet to the Invigilator, who will first tear off the original sheet from
the Candidate’s copy. The Candidate’s copy will be handed over to the
candidate. Thereafter the Original sheet will be separated along the
perforation in the presence of the Candidate. Here are some wrong methods of
marking answers

WARNING Use of tick mark

Use of Cross mark
• Pen Marking once made is final. Use of dot (.)
Use of Line Mark
• Trying to erase an already marked bubble might leave a
hole (tear) on the OMR Sheet or make dark smudges which Partially or Half filled Bubble
will give an improper result with OMR reader.
Marks outside the Bubble
• Trying to darken an already erased bubble will also lead to More than one darkened bubble
an unpredictable result.
More than one Marking
• In the case of Improper bubbling/erasing/whitening etc, the
reading of the OMR Machine will be taken as final and any
arguments to defend such actions will not be entertained.

• To avoid any such misinterpretation, make sure that only

one bubble corresponding to the correct response is
darkened against each question. All other options should
be left blank. Start darkening the bubble only after reading
the question thoroughly and deriving at the correct

• Use of white fluid or any other correction fluid to erase the

pen marking once made is not permitted.
SET-Feb - 2020 SCIENCE &


(Please refer to clause 12 of the Prospectus)

1. Candidates appearing for SET shall ensure that his/her OMR Answer sheet has two sheets
- the Original and a thin Carbon Copy attached to it. The Candidate should not separate the
pages of the Answer Sheet. The items marked by the candidate in the original sheet will be
carried over to the carbon copy in the form of impressions. Hence, while marking the
original sheet the candidate should ensure that the two pages are aligned properly and
enough pressure is given so that the markings made in the Original Sheet against each
item are exactly reproduced in the Carbon Copy.
2. All entries in the Answer Sheet are to be made in the Original Answer Sheet only.
3. A specimen copy of the OMR Answer sheet is attached to the Prospectus for familiarisation.
4. The Answer Sheet has two parts- “BASIC DATA” on the left side and “ANSWERS” on the
right, with a thin perforation in between, length wise. Fill in all the entries on the left side
(Basic Data part) before beginning to answer the questions.
5. Filling BASIC DATA part (left side of the sheet).
The following boxes and appropriate bubbles should be filled in with black/blue ink ball
point pen.
i. Paper: As there are two papers for the SET, fill in the bubble corresponding to the
paper the candidate is appearing (ie; Paper-I or Paper-II) in Box No. 1
ii. Version: The question papers are printed in two versions(Version A and Version B)
Candidates should write the version of the question booklet received by them in Box
No. 2
iii. Roll number: Enter/Fill in the Roll Number as given in the Admit Card in boxes 3
and 7. The Roll number should be entered without any correction or over writing.
iv. Question Booklet Number*: In the boxes 4 & 8 of the OMR sheet, the candidate
should enter his/her Question Booklet Number
* Note: The “Question Booklet Number and Version” should be filled in only after
receiving the Question Booklet.
v. Name of the Examination: W rite the name of the examination
as SET- Feb - 2020, in Box 5.
vi. Date of Examination: Write down the date of Examination in Box 6.
vii. Name of Candidate: Name of the candidate is to be entered in Box 9 as given in
the Admit Card.
viii. Certification: The candidate has to sign in Box 10 and the signature should be
identical with the signature affixed in the Admit Card and in the Attendance Sheet.
6. ANSWERS: (Right side of the OMR Sheet)
Do not write your Roll Number or Name or make any stray mark on this part of the sheet.

SET-Feb - 2020 SCIENCE &

a) Method of marking answers:

Each question will have four suggested answers given as choices (A), (B), (C) & (D). The
most appropriate answer will have to be selected. Thereafter, using black/blue ink ball
point pen, darken the bubble corresponding to the most appropriate answer. For example,
if the answer to question No. 2 is A, bubble A has to be darkened as shown below.

Qn. No. Answer Choice

1 A B C D

2 B C D

3 A B C D

b) Darken only one bubble for each question. The bubble should be filled as completely as
possible as shown above.

c) Here are some wrong methods of marking answers

Use of tick mark

Use of Cross mark

Use of dot (.)

Use of Line Mark

Partially or Half filled Bubble

Marks outside the Bubble

More than one darkened bubble

More than one Marking

In the above cases even if the candidate has marked the correct answer, it will not be
correctly read by the OMR scanner.
Warning: Extra care is needed while handling the OMR Answer sheet. Any mistake in
filling in the data required in the OMR Answer sheet will affect the valuation of the
script adversely.

SET-Feb - 2020 SCIENCE &

kwØm\ tbmKyXm \nÀ®b ]co£ (sk-äv) -þ s^{_p-hcnþ2020

kÀ¡mÀ D¯-chv Pn.H..(BÀ.Sn)\w.5650/2019/s] XobXn 24/12/2019
{]Imcw AwKo-I-cn-¨Xv
(Cw¥o-jn-epÅ t{]mkvs]-IvS-knse {][m-\-s¸« `mK-§-fpsS aebmf ]cn`mj am{X-amWv
NphsS tNÀ¡p-¶-Xv. Cu ]cn-`m-j-bpsS hymJym-\-¯n Fs´-¦nepw A`n-{]mb hyXym-k-
ap-­m-bm Cw¥o-jn-epÅ t{]mkvs]-IvS-knsâ ASn-Øm-\-¯n-epÅ hymJym-\-§Ä B[n-
Im-cn-I-ambn IW-¡m-¡-s¸-Spw.)
1. BapJw
lbÀsk-¡­dn tImgvkns³d DbÀ¶ A²ym-]\ \ne-hmcw \ne-\nÀ¯p¶Xn\p-th­n,
lbÀ sk-¡­dn, shmt¡-j-WÂ lbÀ sk¡-­dnbnse t\m¬ shmt¡-j-WÂ A²ym-
]-I-cmbn sXc-sªSp¡s¸-tS-­-hÀ¡mbn kÀ¡mÀ Hcp kwØm\Xe tbmKyXm \nÀ®b
]co£ (skäv) \S-¯p-hm³ Xocp-am-\n-¨p. kvs]jy dqÄkv {]Imcw kwØm\ tbmKyXm
\nÀ®b ]co£ (skäv) bnse hnP-b-amWv lbÀsk-¡-­dn kvIqÄ A²ym-]I \nb-a-\-
¯n-\pÅ Hcp tbmKy-X-bmbn IW-¡m-¡n-bn-cn-¡p-¶-Xv.
kÀ¡m-À cq]o-I-cn¨ t_mÀUv Hm^v FIvkm-an-t\-j³kv AwKo-I-cn¨ kne-_Êv {]Im-c-
apÅ skäv ]co-£-bpsS \S-¯n¸v, _Ô-s¸« kÀ¡mÀ D¯-chpIÄ {]Imcw FÂ.-_n.-Fkv
skâ-À Ub-d-IvSsd-bmWv G¸n-¨n-cn-¡p-¶-Xv. ]co£mÀ°n-IÄ t{]mkvs]-IvSkv ]qÀ®-
ambn hmbn¨p a\-Ên-em-¡n-bXn-\p-tijw am{Xta At]-£- ]qcn-¸n-¨v Hm¬sse-\mbn kaÀ¸n-
2. ]co-£mcoXn
2.1 skä-vþs^{_p-hcnþ2020 ]co-£bv¡v 2 t]¸-dp-IÄ D­mbn-cn-¡pw.
-t]-¸À I FÃm-hÀ¡pw s]mXp-hm-bn-«p-ÅXmbn-cn¡pw. Cu t]¸-dn\v c­v `mK-
§Ä D­m-bn-cn-¡pw. F. -s]m-Xp-hn-Úm\w, _n. A²ym-]\ A`n-cpNn.
- t]-¸À II _ncp-Zm-\-´c _ncpZ Xe-¯n ]Tn-¨ hnj-bs¯ Bkv]-Z-am-¡n-
2.2 skäv ]co-£-bpsS hnj-b-§Ä
]«nIbn (t]Pv 1 ImWpI) ]d-ªn-cn-¡p¶ 31 hnj-b-§Ä¡v skäv (t]¸À
II) ]co£ D­m-bn-cn-¡pw. t]Pv H¶nse ]«n-I-bn ]d-ªn-«n-Ãm¯ hnj-b-
§-fn _ncp-Zm-\-´c _ncpZw t\Sn-b-hÀ, tIc-f-¯nse FsX-¦nepw kÀÆ-I-
em-im-e-bn \n¶pÅ AwKo-Im-chpw Xpey-Xbpw sXfn-bn-¡p¶ tcJ-IÄ lmP-
2.3 ]co-£m-ssZÀLyw
Hmtcm -t]-¸-dn\pw 120 an\n«v ssZÀLyw D­m-bn-cn¡pw.
2.4 tNmZy-§-fpsS F®hpw, amÀ¡pw
t]¸À I - Hcp tNmZy-¯n\v 1 amÀ¡v F¶ coXn-bn ]mÀ«v F bv¡pw, ]mÀ«v
_n bv¡pw, 60 tNmZy§Ä hoXw (BsI 120 tNmZy-§Ä) D­m-bn-cn-¡pw.
t]¸À II - IW-¡v, Ìmän-ÌnIvkv Hgn-sI-bpÅ hnj-b-§Ä¡v Hcp tNmZy-¯n\v
1 amÀ¡v F¶ coXn-bn 120 tNmZy-§Ä D­m-bn-cn-¡pw. IW-¡n-\pw, Ìmän-Ìn-
Ivkn\pw 1.5 (H¶-c) amÀ¡v hoX-apÅ 80 tNmZy-§Ä D­m-bn-cn-¡pw.
2.5 Hcp tNmZy- ¯n\v Hcp {]Xn- I-cWw am{Xw Idp- ¸n- ¡pI F¶ {]Im- c-¯n- epÅ H_vP-
IvSohv kz`m- h-apÅ ]co- £-bm- bn- cn¡pw Ccp t]¸- dn\pw D­m- hpI. Hcp tNmZy- ¯n\v
A,B,C,D F¶n- §s\ \mep {]Xn- I-cW D¯- c-§Ä D­m- bn- cn- ¡pw. Ch- bn Hsc®w
Gähpw A\p- tbm- Py- am- bn- cn¡pw. Gähpw icn F¶v ]co- £mÀ°nbv¡p tXm¶p- ¶-
Xnsâ {]Xn- I-cW Ipanf am{Xw H.- Fw.- BÀ. joän Idp- ¸n- ¡p- I.

SET-Feb - 2020 SCIENCE &

2.6 IW-¡n\pw, Ìmän-Ìn-Ivkn\pw Hgn-sI-bpÅ hnj-b-§Ä¡v Ccp-t]-¸-dn\pw Hcp

icn-bp-¯-c-¯n\v 1 amÀ¡v F¶ coXn-bm-bn-cn-¡pw. F¶m IW-¡n\pw, Ìmän-
Ìn-Ivkn\pw(t]¸À II) Hcp icn-bp-¯-c-¯n\v 1.5 (H-¶-c) amÀ¡mbncn¡pw
\ÂIp-I. Hcp tNmZy-¯n\v H¶n IqSp-X D¯-c-§Ä Idp-¸nbv-¡p¶Xv
sXämbn ]cn-K-Wn-¡-s¸-Spw. sXämb D¯c§Ä¡v amÀ¡v Ipd¡p¶XÃ.
Ipdn¸v:-þH.-Fw.-BÀ joäv AS-bm-f-s¸-Sp-¯p-¶-Xn-\pÅ hni-Z-amb \nÀt±-i-§Ä {]tXy-
I-ambn \ÂInbncn¡p¶p.
(Z-b-hmbn t{]mkvs]-IvS-knsâ 10,11 t]PpIÄ ImWp-I)

3. hnP-bn-¡m³ Bh-iy-amb \n_Ô\IÄ

skäv ]co£ hnP-bn-¡p-hm³ Hcp ]co-£mÀ°n¡v e`nt¡­ Fähpw Ipdª
iXam\w amÀ¡v Xmsg sImSp¯ncn¡p¶p. amÀ¡ns³d iXam\w
hn`mKw t]¸À 1 t]¸À 2 BsI
P\d 40 40 48 35 35 45
(ta¯«v hn`mK¯n s]Sm¯hÀ)
Differently abled/SC/ST 35 35 40än hn`mK¯nÂs¸Sp¶-hÀ¡v amÀ¡v Cfhv e`n¡p¶Xn\v tIcf
kÀ¡mcnsâ dh\yq A[nImcnIfn \n¶pw e`n¡p¶ t\m¬ {IoansebÀ/PmXn/
hn`mKw F¶nh sXfnbn¡p¶ kÀ«n^n¡äpIÄ lmPcmt¡­XmWv
hnPbiXam\w Xmsg ImWp¶hn[w IW¡m¡p¶XmWv

(t]¸À I sâ amÀ¡v + t]¸À II sâ amÀ¡v) X 100

BsI amÀ¡v (t]-¸À I + t]¸À II)
Zimwiw c­v A¡w-h-sc- du­v sNbvXmWv BsI iX-am\w amÀ¡v IW-¡m-¡p-I.
Hmtcm t]¸-dn\pw {]tXy-I-ambn hnP-b-i-X-am\w IW-¡m-¡p-t¼mÄ Zimw-i-¯n\v
tij-apÅ A¡-§Ä du­v sN¿p-¶-X-Ã.
4. kne-_kv
skäv ]co-£-bpsS kne-_kv tIc-f-¯nse kÀÆ-I-em-im-e-I-fn _ncp-Zm-\-´-c-_n-
cpZ tImgvkp-IÄ¡v AwKo-I-cn-¨n-«pÅ AXmXp hnj-b-§-sf B[m-c-am-¡nbpÅXmWv.
Hmtcm hnj-b-¯n-\p-apÅ AwKo-I-cn¨ skäv kne-_kv FÂ.-_n.-Fkv. skâ-dnsâ
sh_vssk-äp-I-fn e`y-am-Wv.
5. tbmKy-X-bv¡pÅ \n_-Ô-\-IÄ
5.1 tIc-f-¯nse GsX-¦nepw kÀÆ-I-em-im-e-I-fn \n¶v _Ô-s¸« hnj-b-¯nÂ
_ncp-Zm-\-´-c-_n-cp-Z-¯n 50 iXam\¯n Ipdbm¯ amÀ¡v AsænÂ
X¯pey t{KUv, IqSmsX GsX-¦nepw hnj-b-¯n _n.-FUpw Ds­¦nÂ
AhÀ skäv s^{_phcn 2020\v At]£n¡m³ tbmKycmWv. A\y kwØm-
\-§-fnse kÀÆ-I-em-im-e-I-fn \n¶v ta ]dª tbmKyX t\Sn-b-hÀ
{]kvXpX tbmKyX tIc-f-¯nse GsX-¦n-epw kÀÆ-I-em-ime AwKo-Icn¨
XpeyXm kÀ«n-^n-¡äv lmP-cm-t¡-­-Xm-Wv. -C-Xn-t·Â hcp¶ hyXn-bm\-
§Ä Xmsg-¸-d-bp¶ JWvUn-I-I-fn {]Xn-]m-Zn-¡p¶p­v.
5.2 N C E R T AwKo-I-cn¨ doPn-b-W C³Ìn-äyq«v Hm^v FUyq-t¡-jsâ IognÂ
IW-¡v, ^nkn-Ivkv, sIan-kv{Sn, t_m«-Wn, kpthm-fPn F¶o hnj-b-§-fn 50

SET-Feb - 2020 SCIENCE &

iXam\¯n Ipdbm¯ amÀ¡v Asæn X¯pey t{KUv t\Sn M.Sc.Ed

hnP-bn-¨-hÀ¡pw At]-£n-bv¡mw. ta ]dª C³Ìn-äyq-«p-I-fn \n¶pw
Life Science  M.Sc.Ed _ncp-Z-ap-Å-hÀ¡v (50 iXam\¯n Ipdbm¯
amÀ¡v Asæn X¯pey t{KUv) t_m«-Wn/kpthm-f-Pn- F¶o hnjb§fnÂ
5.3 Commerce, French, German, Geology, Home Science, Journalism, Latin, Music,
Philosophy, Psychology, Russian, Social Work, Sociology, Statistics, Syriac F¶o
hnj-b-§-fn _ncp-Zm-\-´-c-_n-cp-Z-ap-Å-hÀ¡v skäv ]co£ Fgp-Xp-¶-Xn\v
_n.-FUv tbmKyX \nÀ_-Ô-a-Ã.
5.4 Communicative English  50 % amÀ¡v/X¯pey t{KUn Ipd-bmsX t\Snb
_ncp-Zm-\-´-c-_n-cp-Z-hpw _n.-FUpw DÅ-hÀ¡v Cw¥ojv hnj-b-¯n skäv
]co£ FgpXmw.
5.4(a) lnµn, Ad_n, DÀZp F¶o `mjIfn DLEd/LTTC ]co£ ]mÊmbn«pÅhÀ¡v
_n.-FU v_ncpZw Csænepw sk- äv s^{_p-hcn þ2020 \v At]£n¡mhp¶XmWv.
5.4(b) _tbm-sS-Ivt\m-fPn hnj-b-¯n- 50 % amÀ¡v/X¯pey t{KUn Ipd-bmsX
e`n¨ _ncp-Zm-\-´c _ncp-Zhpw \mNz-d kb³kn _n.-FUpw t\Snb-hÀ¡v
_tbm-sS-Ivt\m-f- Pn-bn skäv ]co£ FgpXmw.
5.5 Z£n-W-`m-cX lnµn {]Nm-c-k-`-bpsS _n.-FUv _ncpZw tIc-f-¯nse kÀÆ-I-
em-im-e-IÄ AwKo-I-cn-¨-n«pÅXn-\m B _ncpZw t\Sn-b-hsc Xpey-Xm -
kÀ«n^n¡äv lmP-cm-¡p-¶-Xn \n¶pw Hgn-hm-¡n-bn-«p-­v.
5.6 tIc-f-¯nse kÀÆ-I-em-im-e-IÄ AwKo-I-cn-¡m¯ Id-kvt]m-­³kv tImgvkv
hgn-tbm, Hm¸¬ kÀÆ-I-em-im-eIfn \nt¶m tbmKyX t\Sn-b-hÀ skäv
]co-£bv¡v At]-£n-¡m³ AÀl-c-Ã. AwKo-Im-c-apÅ Id-kvt]m-­³kv
tImgvkv hgn-tbm, Hm¸¬ kÀÆ-I-em-im-e- hgntbm tIcf¯n\p ]pd¯pÅ
FsX¦nepw kÀÆIemimeIfn \nt¶m tbmKyX t\Sn-b-hÀ tIc-f-¯nse
GsX-¦ nepw kÀÆ-I -em-im-e-b n \n¶pw B _ncp- Z-§ Ä AwKo-I-c n-¨ p-
sIm­pÅ Xpey-Xm -kÀ«n^n¡äv lmP-cm-¡Ww.
5.6 a ]«nI 1 (t]Pv 1 -JÞnI 2.2)-  ]dªn«nÃm¯ hnjb§fn _ncpZm\´c
_ncpZw FSp¯hÀ tIcf¯nse FsX¦nepw kÀÆIemimebn \n¶pw
XpeyXm kÀ«n^n¡äv lmPcm¡Ww.
5.7 Ct¸mÄ Ahkm\ hÀj _n.FUv . tImgv k v ]Tn¨psIm­ncn¡p¶
_n cpZm \´c _ncp ZapÅ (\n ÝnX amÀ ¡v / t{KtUmSv IqSn b)
hnZymÀ°nIÄ¡pw, _ncpZm\´c _ncpZ tImgvkns³d Ahkm\ hÀj
hnZymÀ°nIÄ¡pw (_n.FUv. ]co£ ]mÊmbn«ps­¦nÂ) skäv ]co£¡v
At]£n¡mhp¶XmWv. C{]Imcw skäv ]co£ FgpXp¶ hnZymÀ°nIÄ
AhÀ ]Tn¨psIm­ncn¡p¶ _ncpZm\´c _ncpZw/_n.FUv. ]co£ \nÝnX
amÀ¡v/t{KtUmSv IqSnb kÀ«n^n¡äpIÄ skäv ]co£bpsS dnk«v
{]kn²oIcn¨v Hcp hÀj¯n\pÅn t\Sn- b n- c n- ¡ Ww. C{]Imcw
sN¿m¯hsc AhÀ FgpXnb skäv ]co£bn AtbmKycmbn
5.8 hn`m-K-¡mÀ¡v amÀ¡n Cfhv hn`m-K-¯nÂs¸Sp¶ ]co-£mÀ°n-IÄ¡v skäv Fgp-Xp-hm³
th­ Ipdª amÀ¡n 5% amÀ¡v Cfhv A\p-h-Zn-¨n-«p-­v. ChÀ¡v _ncp-
Zm-\-´-c-_n-cpZ¯n c-­mw-¢mÊv F¶ \n_-Ô-\bpw _m[-I-a-Ã.
5.9 emän³ F¶ hnjb¯nse skäv ]co-£mÀ°n-IÄ tIc-f-¯nse GsX-¦nepw
kÀÆ-I-em-im-e-bn \nt¶m AsÃ-¦n tIc-f-¯nse GsX-¦nepw kÀÆ-I-
em-im-e- AwKo-I-cn-¨n-«pÅ atä-sX-¦nepw kÀÆ-I-emim-e-bn \nt¶m GsX-

SET-Feb - 2020 SCIENCE &

¦nepw hnj-b-¯n _ncp-Z-ap-Å-hcpw, ]mÀ«v II - emän-³ sk¡­v emwtKzPv

Bbn FSp¯v 50%  Ipd-bm¯ amÀ¡v e`n- ¨n-«p-Å-hcpw Bbn-cn- ¡-Ww. ChÀ¡v
GsX-¦nepw hnj-b-¯n 50%  Ipd-bm¯ c­mw-¢mÊv _ncp-Zm-\-´-c-_n-
cpZw \nÀ_-Ô-am-Wv.
6. {]mb-]-cn[n
skäv ]co-£bv¡v {]mb-]-cn-[nbnÃ.
7. skäv s^{_p-hcnþ2020 \v cPn-ÌÀ sNt¿­ coXn
7.1 skäv ]co-£bv¡v cPn-ÌÀ sN¿phm³ At]£ t^mdhpw, ^okpw Hm¬
sse³ aptJ\ \ÂtI-­-Xm-Wv. ]co£ ^okv s{IUnäv/ sU_näv ImÀUv,
s\äv _m¦nwKv apJm-´-ctam IqSmsX sh_v sskän ]d-ªn-cn-¡p¶ aäp
coXn-IÄ aptJ-\tbm HSp-¡m-hp-¶-Xm-Wv. P\-d hn`m-K-¡mÀ¡v 1000 cq]bpw.
SC/ST/Differently abled hn`mK¡mÀ¡v 500 cq]-bp-am-Wv ^okv. Hm¬ sse³
^okn\v _m[-I -amb Pn.- F-kv .-än., t{]mk- ÊnwKv NmÀÖv F¶nh At]-
£mÀ°nIÄ \ÂtI-­-Xm-Wv.
7.2 ^okv HSp-t¡­ coXn:þ At]£mÀ°nIÄ¡v Hm¬ sse³ Bbn am{Xta
^okv HSp-¡p-hm³ km[n-¡p-I-bp-Åq. sN¡mtbm, aWn HmUÀ Btbm,
]W-amtbm ^okv kzoI-cn-¡p-¶-X-Ã. Hcp {]mhiyw HSp-¡nb ^okv bmsXmcp
ImcWhimepw XncnsI \ÂIp-¶-X-Ã.
8. Hm¬sse³ cPnkvt{Sj\p th­nbpÅ \S]Sn{Iaw :
Hm¬sse³ Bbn cPn-ÌÀ sN¿pI.
(a) F¶ sh_vsskäv kµÀin¡pI.
(b) sh_v sskän ImWp¶ online services se SET & Other Exams sXc-sª-Sp-
¡p-I. AXn SET February 2020 ¢n¡v sN¿pI.
H¶mw L«w
Mobile Number registration – cPn-kvt{S-jsâ BZy-]Sn-bmbn At]-£mÀ°nbpsS
Mobile Number cPn-ÌÀ sNt¿­Xm-Wv. AXnsâ Ønco-IcW¯n-\mbn Hcp OTP
(One Time Password) B samss_ \¼-dn e`n-¡p-¶-Xm-Wv.
c­mw L«w
At]£m t^mdw ]qcn-¸n-¡p-I þ At]-£mÀ°nIfpsS hyàn-K-Xhpw hnZym-`ym-
k-]-c-hp-amb hnh-c-§Ä sXäp-Iq-SmsX \ÂIn Submit –sNt¿­Xm-Wv. hnh-c-
§Ä sXäp IqSmsX \ÂIp-t¼mÄ e`n-¡p¶ Registration ID `mhn-bnse Bh-
iy-§Ä¡mbn kq£n-¨p-sh-bv¡p-I.
aq¶mw L«w
Photo Upload sN¿pI. (t^mt«m A]vtemUv sN¿p¶Xn\pÅ \nÀt±i§Ä
\memw L«w
Hm¬sse³ Bbn ^okv HSp-¡p-I.
Credit/Debit card/Net banking Asæn sh_v sskän kqNn-¸n-¡p¶ aäv
coXn-IÄ aptJ-\tbm At]-£mÀ°nIÄ ^okv HSpt¡-­-Xm-Wv. Hcp {]mhiyw
HSp¡nb ^okv bmsXmcp ImcWhimepw XncnsI \ÂIp-¶-X-Ã.
A©mw L«w
At]-£-bpsS {]nâu«v FSp-¡p-I. apI-fn ]d-ªn-cn-¡p¶ \mep L«hpw
]qÀ¯nbm¡n-bm am{Xta At]-£mÀ°nIÄ¡v Ah-cpsS ]qcn-¸n¨ At]-£-
bpsS {]nâ v FSp-¡p-hm³ km[n-¡p-I-bp-Åq. `n¶-ti-jn-¡mÀ am{Xw kvss{I_nsâ
tkh\w e`y-am-¡p-¶-Xn-\pw, amÀ¡n Cfhp e`n-¡p-¶-Xn\pw At]-£-bpsS

SET-Feb - 2020 SCIENCE &

{]nâu«v (K-k-äUv Hm^o-k-À AäÌv sNbvX saUn-¡Â kÀ«n-^n-¡-änsâ ]IÀ¸v

klnXw) FÂ.-_n.-FÊv skâ-dn-te¡v Ab-¡pI.
At]-£mÀ°nIÄ k_vanäv sNbvXv Ignª At]£ t^mdw Xncp-¯p-hm-\pÅ
(EDIT) hyh-Ø-bn-Ãm-¯-Xn-\m At]-£mÀ°nIÄ Ah-cpsS hnh-c-§Ä ({]-
tXy-In-¨pw Reservation Category, Subject for test, District opted for Test F¶n-
h) k_vanäv sN¿p¶Xn\p ap³]mbn ]cn-tim-[n¨v Dd¸p hcpt¯­Xm-Wv.
k_vanäv sNbvX-Xn\p tijw Fs´-¦nepw sXäv {i²-bnÂs]-«m sh_v sskänÂ
\ÂIn-bn-cn-¡p¶ Help line \¼-dn _Ô-s¸-tS­XmWv.
t^mt«m A]vtemUv sN¿p¶- -Xn-\pÅ \nÀt±-i§Ä
1. A]v-temUv sN¿p¶Xn\v D]-tbm-Kn-¡p¶ t^mt«m At]-£- A-b-bv¡p¶ Xob-
Xnbv¡p Hcp hÀj¯n\pÅn FSp-¯-Xmbncn¡Ww.
2. shÅ/Cfw \nd-¯n-epÅ ]Ým-¯-e-¯n apJw hyà-ambn ImWm-hp¶- coXn-bn-
epÅ t^mt«m Bbn-cn-¡-Ww.
3. A]vtemUv sN¿p¶ t^mt«m-bpsS Dbcw 200 ]nIvkepw, hoXn 150 ]nIvkepw
BsI ^b sskkv 30 KB ( JPG FORMAT)  Ihn-bm³ ]mSn-Ãm-¯-Xp-am-Wv.
4. apJw t^mt«m-bpsS a²y-`m-K¯v Bbn-cn-¡-Ww.
5. I®p-IÄ Xpd-¶ncn-¡p¶-Xpw, hyàXbp-Å-Xp-ambncn-¡Ww.
6. sXm¸n, I®S ( aXmNmc{]Imcw DÅh Hgn¨v) Ch [cn¨psIm­pÅ t^mt«m-
A\p-h -Z - \o-b -a - Ã. apJw `mKo- I -a mbn ImWn- ¡ p- ¶Xpw, hyàXbnÃm-¯ Xpw
bqWnt^mw [cn-¨psIm­p-Å-Xp-amb t^mt«m D]-tbm-Kn-¡p-hm³ ]mSn-Ã.
7. samss_Â t^m¬, sh_v Iyma-d, t]mf-tdm-bnUv Iymad F¶nh D]-tbm-Kn¨v
FSp¯ t^mt«mbpw Iw]yq-«À \nÀ½n-X-amb t^mt«mbpw D]-tbm-Kn-¡p-hm³ ]mSn-
8. Cfw \nd-¯n-epÅ hkv{X-§Ä [cn-¨p-sIm-­pÅ t^mt«m D]-tbm-Kn-t¡-­-Xm-
apI-fn ]d-ªn-cn-¡p¶ 1 apX 8 hscbpÅ \nÀt±-i-§Ä¡v A\p-krX-amb-ÃmsX
D]-tbm-Kn-¡p¶ t^mt«m-tbm-Sp-Iq-Snb At]-£-IÄ \nc-Ên-¡-s¸Sp- -¶Xm-Wv.

{]tXyI {i²¡v: skddv ]mÊmIp¶Xn\pÅ amÀ¡n Cfhv e`n¡p¶Xn\v AÀlcmb

]co£mÀ°nIfpsS ]co£m ^ew AhÀ Hm¬sse³ Bbn kaÀ¸n¨n«pÅ
At]£bn \ÂInbncn¡p¶ hnhc§fpsS ASnØm\¯nembncn¡pw
X¿mdm¡pI. C¯c¯nepÅ amÀ¡v Cfhn\p th­n ]n¶oSv kaÀ¸n¡p¶
At]£Itfm, kÀ«n^n¡äpItfm kzoIcn¡p¶XÃ. amÀ¡v Cfhn\v
AÀlcmbn«pÅ ]co£mÀ°nIfpsS ]mÊv kÀ«n^n¡äpIÄ AhÀ \XvIp¶
PmXn/hn`mKw kw_Ôn¨ AÊÂ tcJIfpsS hniZamb ]cntim[\bv¡p tijw
am{Xta \ÂIpIbpÅp. hnPbn¨ ]co£mÀ°nIfpsS At]£bpw A\p_Ô
tcJIfpw am{Xta ]cntim[\¡v hnt[bam¡pIbpÅp.

skäv - þ - s^{_p- hcn 2020 At]£ kaÀ¸n- ¡ p¶ Ime- b - f - h n km[p- h mb

t\m¬- þ - { Ioan sebÀ kÀ«n- ^ - n ¡äpIÄ am{Xta, skäv ]mÊm-b-h-cpsS
skÀ«n- ^ n- ¡ - ä n- \ m- b pÅ At]£tbmsSm¸w ]cn- K - W n- ¡ p- I - b p- Å p.

SET-Feb - 2020 SCIENCE &

9 At]-£m-t^mdw ]qcn-¸n-¡p-t¼mÄ {i²n-t¡­ Imcy-§Ä

9.1 Fkv.-F-kv.-FÂ.kn _p¡n tcJ-s¸-Sp-¯n-bn-«pÅ t]cp-Xs¶ Bbn-cn-¡Ww
Hm¬-sse³ Bbn cPn-ÌÀ sN¿p-¶- At]-£-bn \ÂtI-­-Xv. Cu t]cm-bn-
cn¡pw skäv kÀ«n-^n-¡-än tcJ-s¸-Sp-¯p-¶-Xv.
9.2 ]co£ Fgp-Xp¶ PnÃbpw hnj-bhpw sXäp-Iq-SmsX ]qcn-¸n-¡p-I.
9.3 ]co-£mÀ°n Bh-iy-s¸-«n-cn-¡p¶ PnÃ-bn am{Xta ]co£ Fgp-Xp-hm³ A\p-
10. ]co-£m-tI-{µ-§Ä
FÃm PnÃm BØm-\-§-fnepw ]co-£m-tI-{µ-§Ä D­m-bn-cn-¡pw (Pn-Ã-Ifpw AXnsâ
tImUp-Ifpw Cw¥o-jn-epÅ JÞnI 10  tNÀ¯n-«p-­v). At]£ Ab-bv¡p-
t¼mįs¶ ]co-£mÀ°n¡v ]co£ Fgp-Xphm-\pÅ Pnà sXc-sª-Sp-¡m-hp-¶-
Xm-Wv. AXn-\p-tijw Hcp Imc-W-h-imepw PnÃ-IÄ amän \ÂIp¶-X-Ã. Hmtcm PnÃ-bn-
tebpw ]co-£m-tI-{µ-§Ä FÂ.-_n.-Fkv skâÀ Ub-d-IvSÀ Xocp-am-\n-¡p-¶Xpw
Ah Hm¬sse-\mbn e`n-¡p¶ AUvanäv ImÀUv apJm-´ncw ]co-£mÀ°n-Isf Adn-
11. ]co-£-bv¡pÅ Hm¬sse-³ AUvanäv ImÀUv
taÂ{]Imcw At]£ kaÀ¸n¨n«pÅ ]co-£ mÀ°n-I Ä¡p am{Xta AUva näv
Im ÀUpIÄ Hm ¬sse- \ mbn FÂ .- _ n .- F kv skâ- d n sâ s h_v s sk- ä nÂ
( \n¶pw e`yamIpIbpÅp. CXv e`n-¨p-Xp-S-§p¶ XobXn
{]apJ -]-{X-§-fnepw FÂ.-_n.-Fkv skâ-dnsâ sh_vssk-änepw {]kn-²o-I-cn-¡p-¶-
]co-£mÀ°n-IÄ \nÀ±njvS sh_vsskäv , {,]apJ ]{X-am-[y-a-§-Ä F¶nhbnÂ
skäv s^{_qhcn- 2020 kw_-Ôn¨ hnh-c§Ä¡mbn \nc-´cw {i²n-t¡-­-Xm-Wv.
11.1 AUvanäv ImÀUv e`n-¡m³ sNt¿­ Imcy-§Ä
(a) F¶ sh_vssk-äv kµÀin¡pI.
(b) sh_v sskän ImWp¶ online services se SET & Other Exams sXc-sª-Sp-
¡p-I. AXn SET February 2020 ¢n¡v sN¿pI.
(c) Print your Admit card ¢n¡v sN¿pI.
(d) Bh-iy-s¸-Sp¶ apdbv¡v cPnkvt{Sj³ \¼dpw, sskäv AIvkÊv Iobpw \ÂIpI
(e) kv{Io\n sXfn-bp¶ AUvanäv ImÀUnsâ {]nâ v FSp-¡pI
]co-£bv¡v ap³]mbn AUvanäv ImÀUnse \nÀt±-i-§Ä ]co-£mÀ°n-IÄ k{i²w
12. D¯-c-¡-S-emkv
12.1 Hmtcm t]¸-dn\pw {]tXyIw D¯-c-¡-S-em-kp-IÄ (OMR sheets) \ÂIp-
12.2 km¼nÄ H.-Fw.-BÀ B³kÀjo-äv t{]mkvs]-IvS-kn-t\m-sSm¸w e`n-
12.3 H.-Fw.-BÀ B³kÀjo- än AS- bm-f -s¸-Sp- ¯p-h m³ \oe/Idp¸v ajn-b pÅ
t_mÄt]m-bnâ v t]\ am{Xta D]-tbm-Kn-¡m-hq.
12.4 Hmtcm H.-Fw.-BÀ jo-än\pw AXn\p am{X-amb Hcp _mÀtImUv D­m-bn-cn¡pw.
AXns\ ASn-Øm-\-am-¡n-bmWv D¯-c-¡-S-emkv aqey-\nÀ®bw \S-¯p-¶-Xv.
_mÀtIm-Un Fs´-¦nepw tISp-] m-Sp-IÄ hcp-¯n- bn-«p-s ­-¦n B ]co-
£mÀ°nsb Atbm-Ky-\m-¡p-¶Xpw ]co-£mÀ°nXzw \nc-kn-¡p-¶-Xp-amWv.
IqSmsX XpSÀ¶p hcp¶ c­v Ah-k-c-§-fn ]co-£mÀ°nsb skäv Fgp-Xp-

SET-Feb - 2020 SCIENCE &

¶-Xn \n¶pw hne¡v GÀs¸-Sp-¯p-¶-Xp-am-Wv. C¯-c-¯n-epÅ ]co-£mÀ°n-I-

fpsS D¯-c-¡-S-emkv aqey-\nÀ®bw sN¿p-¶-X-Ã.
12.5 H.- F w.- B À joän Bh- i y- s ¸- « n- « pÅ hnh- c - § Ä am{Xw ]qcn- ¸ n- ¡ p- I .
]co£mÀ°nsb Xncn¨dnbphm³ klmbn¡p¶ Fs´-¦nepw Ipdn-¸p-IÄ/
ASbmf§Ä H.-Fw.-BÀ joänsâ GsX-¦nepw `mK¯v tcJs¸Sp¯nbn«p-s­-
¦n B ]co-£mÀ°nsb Atbm-Ky-\m-¡p¶Xm-Wv. AbmfpsS ]co-£mÀ°nXzw
d±m-¡p-¶-Xm-Wv. Ahsc ]n¶o-Sp-h-cp¶ c­v Ah-k-c-§-fn skäv Fgp-Xp-¶-
Xn \n¶pw hne¡p-¶-Xp-w, C§-s\-bpÅhcpsS D¯-c-¡-S-emkv aqey-\nÀ®bw
12.6 ]co£ Ign-ªm-ep-S³ C³hn-Pn-te-äÀ H.-Fw.-BÀ joänsâ ASn-bn-epÅ ImÀ_¬
tIm¸n IodnsbSp¯v ]co-£mÀ°n¡v \ÂIp¶Xm-Wv. FÂ.-_n.-Fkv skâ-dnsâ
sh_vssk-än {]kn-²o-I-cn-¡p¶ D¯-c-kq-Nn-I-bp-ambn ]co-£mÀ°n¡p CXv
Xmc-Xayw sN¿mw. ImÀ_¬ tIm¸n-bn amä-§Ä hcp-¯n-b-Xn-\p-tijw AXnsâ
ASnØm\¯n kqNnI kw_-Ôn¨v ]cm-Xn-s¸-Sp-I-bm-sW-¦n Ah ]cn-K-Wn-
¡p-¶-X-Ã. IqSmsX C{]-Imcw sN¿p-¶-hsc \nb-a-\-S-]Sn aptJ\ `mhn-bn skäv
]co£ FgpXp-¶-Xn \n¶p hne¡p¶XpamWvv.
13. ]co-£-bv¡pÅ {]tXyI \nÀt±-i-§Ä
13.1 ]co£ XpS-§p-¶-Xn\v 30 an\näv ap³]mbn ]co-£mÀ°n-IÄ lmfn lmP-cm-
13.2 tNmZy-¡-S-emkv
]pkvXI cq]-¯n-epÅ tNmZy-¡-S-em-km-bn-cn¡pw \ÂIp-I. AXnsâ BZy-
]p-d-¯n ]d-ªn-cn-¡p¶ _p¡-vseäv \¼À,thÀj³ (A/B) F¶nh ]co-£m-
k-a-b¯v H.-Fw.-BÀ joän \nÀ±njvS IÅn-I-fn Fgp-tX-­-Xm-Wv.
13.3 Im¡p-te-äÀ, temK-cnXw tS_nÄ, samss_ t^m¬, aäv Ce-Ivt{Sm-WnIv D]-
I-c-W-§Ä F¶nh ]co-£m-lm-fn A\ph-Zn-¡p-¶-X-Ã.
13.4 tNmZy-]p-kvX-I-¯nsâ Ah-km-\-t]-Pn IW-¡p-Iq-«-ep-Ifpw aäpw sN¿m-hp-
14. D¯-c-kq-Nn-I-bpsS {]kn-²o-I-cWw
14.1 ]co£ Ign-ªm-ep-S³Xs¶ FÃm hnj-b-§-fp-tSbpw D¯-c-kq-NnI FÂ.-_n.-
Fkv skâ-dnsâ HutZym-KnI sh_vssk-äp-I-fn {]kn-²o-I-cn-¡pw. D¯-c-§sf
kw_-Ôn¨v Fs´-¦nepw ]cm-Xn-I-fp-s­-¦n Ah A©v Ie­À Znh-k-¯n-
\p-Ån FÂ.-_n.-Fkv skâÀ Ub-d-IvS-dpsS ap¼msI kaÀ¸n-¨n-cn-¡-Ww. C{]-
Imcw Ab-bv¡p¶ At]-£-tbm-sSm¸w Hmtcm tNmZy-§Ä¡pw 300 cq] ^okv
Bbn AS-bvt¡-­-Xm-Wv. Cu XpI Un.-Un.-bmbn GsX-¦nepw Hcp tZi-kmÂIr-
X-_m-¦n \n¶pw F _n Fkv. Ub-d-IvS-dpsS t]cn Xncp-h-\-´-]p-c¯p
amdm-hp¶Xmbn-cn-¡-Ww. ]cmXnIÄ hyà-amb sXfn-hp-IÄ AS-§nb tcJ-I-
tfm-Sp-Iq-Sn-bmWv \ÂtI-­-Xv. A§s\ e`n-¡p¶ ]cm-Xn-IÄ Ub-d-IvSÀ \nÝ-
bn-¨n-«pÅ hnZ-Kv[-k-an-Xn¡p ap¼msI kaÀ¸n-¡pw. Cu kanXn ]cm-Xn-IÄ ]cn-
tim-[n¨tijw FSp-¡p¶ Xocp-am\w A´n-a-am-bn-cn-¡pw. ]cmXn {]Imcw
D¯ckqNnIbn amäw hcpt¯­n h¶m B ]cm-Xn-/]cmXnIÄ¡v AS¨
XpI XncnsI \ÂIp¶XmWv. \nÝnX Znh-k-¯n\p tijw e`n-¡p¶ ]cm-Xn-
IÄ, ^okv \ÂImsX kaÀ¸n¡p¶ ]cmXnIÄ F¶nh ]cn-K-Wn-¡p-¶-X-Ã.
14.2 aqey-\nÀ®-b-¯n \n¶v Hgn-hm-¡-s¸-Sp¶ tNmZyw/tNmZy-§Ä
hnZ-Kv[-k-an-XnbpsS ip]mÀi-{]-Imcw sXämb tNmZy-§fpw, icnbmb D¯-c-
§-fnÃm¯ tNmZy-§fpw Hgn-hm-¡m-\pÅ A[n-Imcw FÂ.-_n.-Fkv skâÀ
Ub-d-IvS-À¡mbn-cn-¡pw. C§s\ Hgn-hm-¡p¶ tNmZy-§-fpsS amÀ¡v BsI-bpÅ
amÀ¡n \n¶pw Hgn-hm-¡n aqey-\nÀ®bw \S-¯p-¶p.

SET-Feb - 2020 SCIENCE &

15. aqey-\nÀ®-bhpw ^e-{]-Jym]\hpw

15.1 H]vän- ¡Â amÀ¡v doUÀ (H.- Fw.- BÀ) F¶ ]qÀ®- ambpw Iw]yq- «-ssdkv sNbvX D]-
I- cWw D]- tbm- Kn- ¨mWv aqey- \nÀ®bw \S- ¯p- I.
15.2 ta¸-dª hn[w \S-¯p¶ aqey-\nÀ®bw Ipä-a-ä-Xm-I-bm ]p\Àaqey\nÀ®-
b- t am, ]p\:]cn- t im- [ - \ tbm D­m- b n- c n- ¡ p- ¶ - X - Ã . F¦nepw H.- F w.- B À
D¯c¡Semknsâ t^mt«mtIm¸n BhiyapÅhÀ Hmtcm t]¸dn\pw 500 cq]
\nc¡n ^okv AS¨v ^e{]Jym]\w \S¯n Hcp amk¯n\pÅnÂ
At]£n¨m Ah \ÂIp¶Xmbncn¡pw. Xmakn¨v e`n¡p¶ At]£IÄ
16. ^e-{]-Jym-]\w
skäv s^{_p-hcn 2020 Fgp-Xnb Hmtcm ]co-£mÀ°n-bp-tSbpw amÀ¡pÄs¸-sS-bpÅ
hnh-c-§Ä FÂ.-_n.-Fkv skâ-dnsâ sh_vssk-äp-I-fn {]kn-²o-I-cn-¡pw. hnP-bn-
¨-h-cmbn {]Jym-]n-¡s¸Sm³ AÀl-cm-b-hÀ Ah-cpsS skäv kÀ«n-^n-¡äv e`n-¡p-¶-
Xn-\mbn tbmKyX sXfn-bn-¡p-¶-Xn-\pÅ tcJ-IÄ ]cn-tim-[-\-bv¡mbn lmP-cm-¡-
17. tbmKy-cmb-hÀ lmP-cm-t¡­ tcJ-IÄ
JWvUnI 16 {]Imcw AÀl-cmb ]co-£mÀ°n-IÄ Xmsg-¸-d-bp¶ tcJ-IÄ FÂ.-
_n.-Fkv skâÀ Ub-d-IvS-À ap¼msI lmP-cm-t¡-­-Xm-Wv.
1. FÂ.-_n.-Fkv skâdnsâ HutZymKnI sh_vsskän \n¶pw Uu¬temUv
sNbvsXSp¯ skävþs^{_p-hcnþ2020 kÀ«n^n¡ddv e`n¡p¶Xn\pÅ ]qcn¸n¨
2. a) _ncp-Zm-\-´-c-_n-cpZ kÀ«n-^n-¡-äpw, amÀ¡venÌv/t{KUv joäp-IÄ (KkddUv
Hm^okÀ km£ys¸Sp¯nb ]IÀ¸v)
b) _n.-FUv kÀ«n-^n-¡äv (KkddUv Hm^okÀ km£ys¸Sp¯nb ]IÀ¸v)
3. tIcf¯nse GsX¦nepw kÀhIemimebn \n¶pw e`n¨
AwKo-I-cw, XpeyXm kÀ«n-^n-¡äv (B-h-iy-sa-¦nÂ)
4. JWvUnI 2.2  ]d-ªn-«n-Ãm¯ hnj-b-§-fn _ncp-Zm-\-´-c-_n-cpZw t\Sn-b-hÀ
X§-fpsS hnj-b-§-fpsS XpeyXm kÀ«n-^n-¡ä,v tIcf¯nse GsX¦nepw
kÀhIemimebn \n¶pw e`n¨Xv.
5. PmXn/hn`mKw sXfnbn¡p¶ kÀ«n^n¡änsâ AÊ tcJ þ At]£ Ab¡p¶
XobXnbn {]m_ey¯n DÅXv. (t\m¬ {IoansebÀ kÀ«n^n¡änsâ AÊÂ)
18. kÀ«n-^n-¡äv hnX-cWw
hnPbn¨hcmbn {]Jym]n¡s¸«hÀ AhcpsS tbmKyXm kÀ«n^n¡äpIÄ skäv
]co£m^ew {]Jym]n¨ XobXn apXÂ Hcp hÀj¯n\Iw ]cntim[\¡mbn
kaÀ¸nt¡­XmWv. ]co£m ^e {]Jym]\¯n\v tijw Hcp hÀjw Ignªv
ASp¯ Hcp hÀj¯n\pÅn tcJIÄ lmPcm¡p¶hÀ ]ngbmbn 500 cq]bpw
]n¶oSv hcp¶ Hmtcm hÀj¯n\pw 250 cq] hoXhpw A[nIambpw ]ng AS¨mÂ
am{Xta AhÀ¡v skäv kÀ«n^n¡ä v \ÂIpIbpÅp. C{]Imcw ASbvt¡­ XpI
UbdIvSdpsS t]cn Xncph\´]pc¯v amdmhp¶ Unamâ v {Um^väv aptJ\bmWv

JWvUnI 5.7 {]Imcw ]co£ FgpXnbhÀ¡v Hcp hÀj¯n\v tijw ]ng HSp¡n
kÀ«n^n¡äv \ÂIp¶ ta ]dª hIp¸v _m[IaÃ.

SET-Feb - 2020 SCIENCE &

JWvUnI 17 {]Imcw tcJ-IÄ lmP-cm-¡nb hnP-bn¨ ]co-£mÀ°n-IÄ¡v tcJ-I-

fpsS ]cn-tim-[-\-bv¡p-tijw P\-d FUyq-t¡-j³ Ub-d-IvSÀ km£y-s¸-Sp-¯nb
skäv kÀ«n-^n-¡äv \ÂIp-¶-Xm-Wv.
19. Uyq¹n-t¡äv kÀ«n-^n-¡äv
Hcn-¡Â \ÂInb skäv kÀ«n-^n-¡äv ssItamiw h¶p-t]m-bn-«p-s­-¦n FÂ.-_n.-
Fkv skâÀ Ub-d-IvS-tdmSv Uyq¹n-t¡äv kÀ«n-^n-¡än\v At]-£n-¡mw. -At]-£n-
¡p-t¼mÄ Xmsg-¸-d-bp¶ tcJ-IÄ lmP-cm-¡-Ww.
1. FÂ.-_n.-Fkv skâÀ Ub-d-IvS-dpsS t]cn Xncp-h-\-´-]p-c¯v amdm-hp¶ 1000
cq]-bpsS Unam³Uv {Um^väv
2. 100 cq]-bpsS ap{Z-¸-{X-¯n skäv kÀ«n-^n-¡äv \jvS-s¸-«-Xmbn t\m«-
dnsbsImt­m, ^Ìv¢mÊv aPn-kvt{S-än-s\-sImt­m km£y-s¸-Sp-¯nb kXy-hm-
Mvaq-ew. CXp-ambn _Ô-s¸« aäp tcJ-IÄ
20. hnÚm]\w
skäv- s-^{_p- -h- cn 2020 s\ kw_-Ôn-¡p¶ hnÚm-]\§Ä Ub-d-IvSÀ, FÂ.-_n.-
Fkv skâÀ t^mÀ kb³kv Bâ v sSIvt\m-fPn {]kn²oIcn¡p¶XmWv.
21. \nb-a-]-cn[n
skäv s^{_phcn 2020 ³ taepÅ XÀ¡-§fpw ]cm-Xn-Ifpw tIcf sslt¡m-S-Xn-
bpsS A[nImc]cn[n-¡p-Ån-em-bn-cn¡pw.
22. \nb-a-\nÀ½m-W-¯n-\pÅ A[n-Imcw kÀ¡m-cn \n£n-]vX-amWv
t{]mkvs]-IvS-kn ]cm-aÀin-¨n-«n-Ãm¯ Imcy-§Ä Xocp-am-\n-¡p-¶Xv tIcf kÀ¡m-
cnsâ s]mXp-hn-Zym`ymk hIp¸v sk{I-«dn BWv. At±-l-¯nsâ Xocp-am\w A´-na-


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