Immigration in USA

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Immigration to the United States 1

Immigration to the United States

Immigration to the United States has
been a major source of population
growth and cultural change throughout
much of the history of the United
States. The economic, social, and
political aspects of immigration have
caused controversy regarding ethnicity,
economic benefits, jobs for
non-immigrants, settlement patterns,
impact on upward social mobility,
crime, and voting behavior. As of
2006, the United States accepts more
legal immigrants as permanent
residents than all other countries in the
world combined.[1] Since the
liberalization of immigration policy in 2000 Census Population Ancestry Map
1965, the number of first- generation
immigrants living in the United States has quadrupled,[3] from 9.6 million in 1970 to about 38 million in 2007.[4]
1,046,539 persons were naturalized as U.S. citizens in 2008. The leading emigrating countries to the United States
were Mexico, India, and the Philippines, and China.[5]

While an influx of new residents from different cultures presents some challenges, "the United States has always
been energized by its immigrant populations," said President Bill Clinton in 1998. "America has constantly drawn
strength and spirit from wave after wave of immigrants [...] They have proved to be the most restless, the most
adventurous, the most innovative, the most industrious of people."[6] Cheap airline travel post-1960 facilitated travel
to the United States, but migration remains difficult, expensive, and dangerous for those who cross the United
States–Mexico border illegally.[7] Family reunification accounts for approximately two-thirds of legal immigration
to the US every year.[8] The number of foreign nationals who became legal permanent residents (LPRs) of the U.S.
in 2009 as a result of family reunification (66%) outpaced those who became LPRs on the basis of employment skills
(13%) and humanitarian reasons (17%).[9]
Recent debates on immigration have called for increasing enforcement of existing laws with regard to illegal
immigrants, building a barrier along some or all of the 2000-mile (3200 km) U.S.-Mexico border, or creating a new
guest worker program. Through much of 2006, the country and Congress was immersed in a debate about these
proposals. As of April 2010, few of these proposals had become law, though a partial border fence was approved and
subsequently canceled.[10]

American immigration history can be viewed in four epochs: the colonial period, the mid-nineteenth century, the
turn of the twentieth, and post-1965. Each epoch brought distinct national groups, races, and ethnicities to the United
States. During the seventeenth century, approximately 175,000 Englishmen migrated to Colonial America.[11] Over
half of all European immigrants to Colonial America during the 17th and 18th centuries arrived as indentured
servants.[12] The mid-nineteenth century saw mainly an influx from northern Europe; the early twentieth-century
mainly from Southern and Eastern Europe; post-1965 mostly from Latin America and Asia.
Immigration to the United States 2

Historians estimate that less than one million immigrants—perhaps as

few as 400,000—crossed the Atlantic during the 17th and 18th
centuries.[13] The 1790 Act limited naturalization to "free white
persons"; it was expanded to include blacks in the 1860s and Asians in
the 1950s.[14] In the early years of the United States, immigration was
fewer than 8,000 people a year,[15] including French refugees from the
slave revolt in Haiti. After 1820, immigration gradually increased.
From 1836 to 1914, over 30 million Europeans migrated to the United
States.[16] The death rate on these transatlantic voyages was high, Immigrants arriving at Ellis Island, 1902

during which one in seven travelers died.[17] In 1875, the nation passed
its first immigration law.[18]

The peak year of European immigration was in 1907, when 1,285,349 persons entered the country.[19] By 1910, 13.5
million immigrants were living in the United States.[20] In 1921, the Congress passed the Emergency Quota Act,
followed by the Immigration Act of 1924. The 1924 Act was aimed at further restricting the Southern and Eastern
Europeans, especially Jews, Italians, and Slavs, who had begun to enter the country in large numbers beginning in
the 1890s.[21] Most of the European refugees fleeing the Nazis and World War II were barred from coming to the
United States.[22]
Immigration patterns of the 1930s were dominated by the Great
Depression, which hit the U.S. hard and lasted over ten years there. In
the final prosperous year, 1929, there were 279,678 immigrants
recorded,[23] but in 1933, only 23,068 came to the U.S.[13] In the early
1930s, more people emigrated from the United States than immigrated
to it.[24] The U.S. government sponsored a Mexican Repatriation
program which was intended to encourage people to voluntarily move
to Mexico, but thousands were deported against their will.[25]
Polish immigrants working on the farm, 1909 Altogether about 400,000 Mexicans were repatriated.[26] In the
post-war era, the Justice Department launched Operation Wetback,
under which 1,075,168 Mexicans were deported in 1954.[27]

The Immigration and Nationality Act Amendments of 1965, also known as the Hart-Cellar Act, abolished the system
of national-origin quotas. By equalizing immigration policies, the act resulted in new immigration from
non-European nations, which changed the ethnic make-up of the United States.[28] While European immigrants
accounted for nearly 60% of the total foreign population in 1970, they accounted for only 15% in 2000.[29]
Immigration doubled between 1965 and 1970, and again between 1970 and 1990.[30] In 1990, George H. W. Bush
signed the Immigration Act of 1990,[31] which increased legal immigration to the United States by 40%.[32]
Appointed by Bill Clinton,[33] the U.S. Commission on Immigration Reform recommended reducing legal
immigration from about 800,000 people per year to approximately 550,000.[34]
Nearly eight million immigrants came to the United States from 2000 to 2005, more than in any other five-year
period in the nation's history.[35] Almost half entered illegally.[36] Since 1986, Congress has passed seven amnesties
for illegal immigrants.[37] In 1986, Ronald Reagan signed immigration reform that gave amnesty to 3 million illegal
immigrants in the country.[38] Hispanic immigrants were among the first victims of the late-2000s recession,[39] but
since the recession's end in June 2009, immigrants posted a net gain of 656,000 jobs.[40] 1.1 million immigrants were
granted legal residence in 2009.[41]
Immigration to the United States 3

Contemporary immigration
Until the 1930s, the gender imbalance among legal immigrants was quite sharp, with most legal immigrants being
male. As of the 1990s, however, women accounted for just over half of all legal immigrants, shifting away from the
male-dominated immigration of the past.[42] Contemporary immigrants tend to be younger than the native population
of the United States, with people between the ages 15 and 34 substantially overrepresented.[43] Immigrants are also
more likely to be married and less likely to be divorced than native-born Americans of the same age.[44]
Immigrants are likely to move to and live in areas populated by people with similar backgrounds. This phenomenon
has held true throughout the history of immigration to the United States.[45] Three-quarters of immigrants surveyed
by Public Agenda said they intended to make the U.S. their permanent home, and that if they had to do it over again,
80% of immigrants say they would still come to the US. In the same study, 80% of immigrants say the government
has become tougher on enforcing immigration laws since 9/11, and 30% report that they personally have experienced
Public attitudes about immigration in the U.S. have been heavily influenced by the aftermath of the September 11,
2001 attacks. After the attacks, 52% of Americans believed that immigration was a good thing overall for the U.S.,
down from 62% the year before, according to a Gallup poll.[47] Half of Americans say tighter controls on
immigration would do "a great deal" to enhance U.S. national security, according to a Public Agenda survey.[48]
More than 80 cities in the United States,[49] including Washington D.C., New York City, Los Angeles, Chicago, San
Francisco, San Diego, San Jose, Salt Lake City, Phoenix, Dallas, Fort Worth, Houston, Detroit, Jersey City,
Minneapolis, Miami, Denver, Baltimore, Seattle, Portland, Oregon and Portland, Maine, have sanctuary policies,
which vary locally.[50]

The United States admitted more legal immigrants from 1991 to 2000, between ten to eleven million, than in any
previous decade. In the most recent decade, the ten million legal immigrants that settled in the U.S. represent an
annual growth of only about 0.3% as the U.S. population grew from 249 million to 281 million. By comparison, the
highest previous decade was the 1900s, when 8.8 million people arrived, increasing the total U.S. population by one
percent every year. Specifically, "nearly 15% of Americans were foreign-born in 1910, while in 1999, only about
10% were foreign-born." [51]
By 1970 immigrants accounted for 4.7 percent of the US population
and rising to 6.2 percent in 1980, with an estimated 12.5 percent to this
date.[52] As of 2010, a quarter of the residents of the United States
under 18 are immigrants or are immigrants' children.[53] Eight percent
of all babies born in the U.S. in 2008 belonged to illegal immigrant
parents, according to a recent analysis of U.S. Census Bureau data by
the Pew Hispanic Center.[54]

Legal immigration to the U.S. increased from 250,000 in the 1930s, to

2.5 million in the 1950s, to 4.5 million in the 1970s, and to 7.3 million Little Italy in New York, ca.1900
in the 1980s, before resting at about 10 million in the 1990s.[55] Since
2000, legal immigrants to the United States number approximately 1,000,000 per year, of whom about 600,000 are
Change of Status who already are in the U.S. Legal immigrants to the United States now are at their highest level
ever, at just over 37,000,000 legal immigrants. Illegal immigration may be as high as 1,500,000 per year with a net
of at least 700,000 illegal immigrants arriving every year.[56] [57] Immigration led to a 57.4% increase in foreign born
population from 1990 to 2000.[58]

While immigration has increased drastically over the last century, the foreign born share of the population was still
higher in 1900 (about 20%) than it is today (about 10%). A number of factors may be attributed to the decrease in the
Immigration to the United States 4

representation of foreign born residents in the United States. Most significant has been the change in the composition
of immigrants; prior to 1890, 82% of immigrants came from North and Western Europe. From 1891 to 1920, that
number dropped to 25%, with a rise in immigrants from East, Central, and South Europe, summing up to 64%.
Animosity towards these different and foreign immigrants rose in the United States, resulting in much legislation to
limit immigration.
Contemporary immigrants settle predominantly in seven states,
California, New York, Florida, Texas, Pennsylvania, New Jersey and
Illinois, comprising about 44% of the U.S. population as a whole. The
combined total immigrant population of these seven states is 70% of
the total foreign-born population as of 2000. If current birth rate and
immigration rates were to remain unchanged for another 70 to 80
years, the U.S. population would double to nearly 600 million.[59] The
Census Bureau's estimates actually go as high as predicting that there
will be one billion Americans in 2100, compared to one million people
Crowd at the Philippine Independence Day
in 1700 and 5.2 million in 1800.[60] [61]
Parade in New York City
The top twelve emigrant countries in 2006 were Mexico (173,753),
People's Republic of China (87,345), Philippines (74,607), India (61,369), Cuba (45,614), Colombia (43,151),
Dominican Republic (38,069), El Salvador (31,783), Vietnam (30,695), Jamaica (24,976), South Korea (24,386),
Guatemala (24,146). Other countries comprise an additional 606,370.[62] In fiscal year 2006, 202 refugees from Iraq
were allowed to resettle in the United States.[63] [64]
In 1900, when the U.S. population was 76 million, there were an estimated 500,000 Hispanics.[65] The Census
Bureau projects that by 2050, one-quarter of the population will be of Hispanic descent.[66] This demographic shift is
largely fueled by immigration from Latin America.[67] [68]

Top Ten Foreign Countries - Foreign
Born Population Among U.S.

Rate of immigration to the United States relative to sending countries' population size,
Immigration to the United States 5

Country per year 2000 2004 2010 2010, %

Mexico 175,900 7,841,000 8,544,600 9,600,000 23.7%

China 50,900 1,391,000 1,594,600 1,900,000 4.7%

Philippines 47,800 1,222,000 1,413,200 1,700,000 4.2%

India 59,300 1,007,000 1,244,200 1,610,000 4.0%

Vietnam 33,700 863,000 997,800 1,200,000 3.0%

Cuba 14,800 952,000 1,011,200 1,100,000 2.7%

El Salvador 33,500 765,000 899,000 1,100,000 2.7%

Dominican Republic 24,900 692,000 791,600 941,000 2.3%

Canada 24,200 678,000 774,800 920,000 2.3%

Korea 17,900 701,000 772,600 880,000 2.2%

Total Pop. Top 10 498,900 16,112,000 18,747,600 21,741,000 53.7%

Total Foreign Born 940,000 31,100,000 34,860,000 40,500,000 100%

Immigration by state
Percentage change in Foreign Born Population 1990 to 2000

North Carolina 273.7% South Carolina 132.1% Mississippi 95.8% Wisconsin 59.4% Vermont 32.5%

Georgia 233.4% Minnesota 130.4% Washington 90.7% New Jersey 52.7% Connecticut 32.4%

Nevada 202.0% Idaho 121.7% Texas 90.2% Alaska 49.8% New Hampshire 31.5%

Arkansas 196.3% Kansas 114.4% New Mexico 85.8% Michigan 47.3% Ohio 30.7%

Utah 170.8% Iowa 110.3% Virginia 82.9% Wyoming 46.5% Hawaii 30.4%

Tennessee 169.0% Oregon 108.0% Missouri 80.8% Pennsylvania 37.6% North Dakota 29.0%

Nebraska 164.7% Alabama 101.6% South Dakota 74.6% California 37.2% Rhode Island 25.4%

Colorado 159.7% Delaware 101.6% Maryland 65.3% New York 35.6% West Virginia 23.4%

Arizona 135.9% Oklahoma 101.2% Florida 60.6% Massachusetts 34.7% Montana 19.0%

Kentucky 135.3% Indiana 97.9% Illinois 60.6% Louisiana 32.6% Maine 1.1%

Source: U.S. Census 1990 and 2000

Effects of immigration

The Census Bureau estimates the US population will grow from 281 million in 2000 to 397 million in 2050 with
immigration, but only to 328 million with no immigration.[69] A new report from the Pew Research Center projects
that by 2050, non-Hispanic whites will account for 47% of the population, down from the 2005 figure of 67%.[70]
Non-Hispanic whites made up 85% of the population in 1960.[71] It also foresees the Hispanic population rising from
14% in 2005 to 29% by 2050.[72] The Asian population is expected to more than triple by 2050. Overall, the
population of the United States is due to rise from 296 million in 2005 to 438 million in 2050, with 82% of the
increase from immigrants.[73]
In 35 of the country's 50 largest cities, non-Hispanic whites were at the last census or are predicted to be in the
minority.[74] In California, non-Hispanic whites slipped from 80% of the state's population in 1970 to 42.3% in
Immigration to the United States 6

2008.[75] [76]

In a late 1980s study, economists overwhelmingly viewed
immigration, including illegal immigration, as a positive for the
economy.[77] According to James Smith, a senior economist at Santa
Monica-based RAND Corporation and lead author of the United States
National Research Council's study "The New Americans: Economic,
Demographic, and Fiscal Effects of Immigration", immigrants
contribute as much as $10 billion to the U.S. economy each year.[78]
The NRC report found that although immigrants, especially those from
Latin America, caused a net loss in terms of taxes paid versus social Immigrants march for more rights in Northern
California's largest city, San Jose in 2006.
services received, overall immigration was a net economic gain due to
an increase in pay for higher-skilled workers, lower prices for goods
and services produced by immigrant labor, and more efficiency and lower wages for some owners of capital. The
report also notes that although immigrant workers compete with domestic workers for low-skilled jobs, some
immigrants specialize in activities that otherwise would not exist in an area, and thus can be beneficial for all
domestic residents.[79] About twenty-one million immigrants, or about fifteen percent of the labor force, hold jobs in
the United States; however, the number of unemployed is only seven million, meaning that immigrant workers are
not taking jobs from domestic workers, but rather are doing jobs that would not have existed had the immigrant
workers not been in the United States.[80] U.S. Census Bureau's Survey of Business Owners: Hispanic-Owned Firms:
2002 indicated that the number of Hispanic-owned businesses in the United States grew to nearly 1.6 million in
2002. Those businesses generated about $222 billion in revenue.[81] The report notes that the burden of poor
immigrants is not born equally among states, and is most heavy in California.[82] Another claim supporting
expanding immigration levels is that immigrants mostly do jobs Americans do not want. A 2006 Pew Hispanic
Center report added evidence to support this claim, when they found that increasing immigration levels have not hurt
employment prospects for American workers.[83]

In 2009, a study by the Cato Institute, a free market think tank, found that legalization of low-skilled illegal resident
workers in the US would result in a net increase in US GDP of $180 billion over ten years.[84] Jason Riley notes that
because of progressive income taxation, in which the top 1% of earners pay 37% of federal income taxes (even
though they actually pay a lower tax percentage based on their income), 60% of Americans collect more in
government services than they pay in, which also reflects on immigrants.[85] In any event, the typical immigrant and
his children will pay a net $80,000 more in their lifetime than they collect in government services according to the
The Kauffman Foundation’s index of entrepreneurial activity is nearly 40% higher for immigrants than for
natives.[87] Immigrants were involved in the founding of many prominent American high-tech companies, such as
Google, Yahoo, Sun Microsystems, and eBay.[88]
Immigration to the United States 7

On the poor end of the spectrum, the "New Americans" report found
that low-wage immigration does not, on aggregate, lower the wages of
most domestic workers. The report also addresses the question of if
immigration affects black Americans differently from the population in
general: "While some have suspected that blacks suffer
disproportionately from the inflow of low-skilled immigrants, none of
the available evidence suggests that they have been particularly
hard-hit on a national level. Some have lost their jobs, especially in
places where immigrants are concentrated. But the majority of blacks The number of garment factories in Manhattan's
Chinatown has fallen from 400 in 2000 to about
live elsewhere, and their economic fortunes are tied to other
150 in 2005. Most of the garment industry has
factors."[90] moved to China.

The analysis shows that 31% of adult immigrants have not completed
high school. A third lack health insurance.[35] Robert Samuelson points out that poor immigrants strain public
services such as local schools and health care. He points out that "from 2000 to 2006, 41 percent of the increase in
people without health insurance occurred among Hispanics."[91] According to the immigration reduction advocacy
group Center for Immigration Studies, 25.8% of Mexican immigrants live in poverty, which is more than double the
rate for natives in 1999.[92] In another report, The Heritage Foundation notes that from 1990 to 2006, the number of
poor Hispanics increased by 3.2 million, from 6 million to 9.2 million.[93]

Hispanic immigrants in the United States were hit hard by the subprime mortgage crisis. There was a
disproportionate level of foreclosures in some immigrant neighborhoods.[94] The banking industry provided home
loans to undocumented immigrants, viewing it as an untapped resource for growing their own revenue stream.[95] In
October 2008, KFYI reported that according to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, five
million illegal immigrants held fraudulent home mortgages.[96] The story was later pulled from their website and
replaced with a correction.[97] The Phoenix Business Journal cited a HUD spokesman saying that there was no basis
to news reports that more than five million bad mortgages were held by illegal immigrants, and that the agency had
no data showing the number of illegal immigrants holding foreclosed or bad mortgages.[98] Since USCIS is 99%
funded by immigration application fees,many USCIS jobs have been created by immigration to US, such as
immirgation interview officials,finger print processor, etc.
Immigration to the United States 8

Benjamin Franklin opposed German immigration, stating that they would
not assimilate into the culture.[99] Irish immigration was opposed in the
1850s by the nativist Know Nothing movement, originating in New York in
1843. It was engendered by popular fears that the country was being
overwhelmed by Irish Catholic immigrants. In 1891, a lynch mob stormed a
local jail and hanged several Italians following the acquittal of several
Sicilian immigrants alleged to be involved in the murder of New Orleans
police chief David Hennessy. The Congress passed the Emergency Quota
Act in 1921, followed by the Immigration Act of 1924. The Immigration
Act of 1924 was aimed at limiting immigration overall, and making sure
that the nationalities of new arrivals matched the overall national profile.

After the September 11 attacks, many Americans entertained doubts and

suspicions about people apparently of Middle-Eastern origins. PBS in 2010
fired a prominent black commentator, Juan Williams, when he talked
The largest mass lynching in American
publicly about his fears on seeing people dressed like Muslims on history involved the lynching of eleven
airplanes.[100] Italians in New Orleans in 1891.

Racist thinking among and between minority groups does occur;[101] [102]
examples of this are conflicts between blacks and Korean immigrants, notably in the 1992 Los Angeles Riots, and
between African Americans and non-white Latino immigrants.[103] [104] There has been a long running racial tension
between African American and Mexican prison gangs, as well as significant riots in California prisons where they
have targeted each other, for ethnic reasons.[105] [106] There have been reports of racially motivated attacks against
African Americans who have moved into neighborhoods occupied mostly by people of Mexican origin, and vice
versa.[107] [108] There has also been an increase in violence between non-Hispanic Anglo Americans and Latino
immigrants, and between African immigrants and African Americans.[109]

Immigrants differ on their political views; however, the Democratic Party is considered to be in a far stronger
position among immigrants overall.[110] [111] Research shows that religious affiliation can also significantly impact
both their social values and voting patterns of immigrants, as well as the broader American population. Hispanic
evangelicals, for example, are more strongly conservative than non-Hispanic evangelicals.[112] This trend is often
similar for Hispanics or others strongly identifying with the Catholic Church, a religion that strongly opposes
abortion and gay marriage.

The issue of the health of immigrants and the associated cost to the public has been largely discussed. The
non-emergency use of emergency rooms ostensibly indicates an incapacity to pay, yet some studies allege
disproportionately lower access to unpaid health care by immigrants.[113] For this and other reasons, there have been
various disputes about how much immigration is costing the United States public health system.[114] University of
Maryland economist and Cato Institute scholar Julian Lincoln Simon concluded in 1995 that while immigrants
probably pay more into the health system than they take out, this is not the case for elderly immigrants and refugees,
who are more dependent on public services for survival.[115]
Immigration from areas of high incidences of disease is thought to have fueled the resurgence of tuberculosis (TB),
chagas, and hepatitis in areas of low incidence.[116] According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC),
TB cases among foreign-born individuals remain disproportionately high, at nearly nine times the rate of U.S.-born
Immigration to the United States 9

persons.[117] [118] To reduce the risk of diseases in low-incidence areas, the main countermeasure has been the
screening of immigrants on arrival.[119] HIV/AIDS entered the United States in around 1969, likely through a single
infected immigrant from Haiti.[120] [121] Conversely, many new HIV infections in Mexico can be traced back to the
United States.[122] People infected with HIV were banned from entering the United States in 1987 by executive
order, but the 1993 statute supporting the ban was lifted in 2009. The executive branch is expected to
administratively remove HIV from the list of infectious diseases barring immigration, but immigrants generally
would need to show that they would not be a burden on public welfare.[123] Researchers have also found what is
known as the "healthy immigrant effect", in which immigrants in general tend to be healthier than individuals born in
the U.S.[124] [125]
Various researchers have criticized the position held by Simon and others that increased U.S. population growth is
sustainable. David Pimentel, professor of ecology and agriculture at Cornell University, and Mario Giampietro,
senior researcher at the National Research Institute on Food and Nutrition (INRAN), note in their study Food, Land,
Population and the U.S. Economy the maximum U.S. population for a sustainable economy at 200 million. To
achieve a sustainable economy, the United States must reduce its population by at least one-third.[126] [127]
Perceived heavy immigration, especially in the southwest, has led to some fears about population pressures on the
water supply in some areas. California continues to grow by more than a half-million a year and is expected to reach
48 million in 2030.[128] According to the California Department of Water Resources, if more supplies are not found
by 2020, residents will face a water shortfall nearly as great as the amount consumed today.[129] Los Angeles is a
coastal desert able to support at most one million people on its own water.[130] California is considering using
desalination to solve this problem.[131]

Empirical studies on links between immigration and crime are mixed. Certain studies have suggested that
immigrants are underrepresented in criminal statistics.[132] An Op-Ed in The New York Times by Harvard University
Professor in Sociology Robert J. Sampson says that immigration of Hispanics may in fact be associated with
decreased crime.[133] A 1999 paper by John Hagan and Alberto Palloni estimated that the involvement in crime by
Hispanic immigrants are less than that of other citizens.[134]
Native-born American men between 18-39 are five times more likely to be incarcerated than immigrants in the same
demographic.[135] In a study released by the non-partisan research group The Public Policy Institute of California,
immigrants were ten times less likely to be incarcerated than native born Americans.[136] In his 1999 book Crime
and Immigrant Youth, sociologist Tony Waters writes that immigrants themselves are less likely to be arrested and
incarcerated; he also noted, however, that the children of some immigrant groups are more likely to be arrested and
incarcerated. This is a by-product of the strains that emerge between immigrant parents living in poor, inner city
neighborhoods.[137] According to Bureau of Justice Statistics, for example, as of 2001, 4% of Hispanic males in their
twenties and thirties were in prison or jail, compared to 1.8% of non-Hispanic white males. Hispanic men are almost
four times as likely to go to prison at some point in their lives than non-Hispanic white males, although less likely
than non-Hispanic African American males.[138] There was an estimated 30,000 street gangs and more than 800,000
gang members active in the U.S. in 2007, up from 731,500 in 2002. New immigrants are susceptible to gang
influences and activities because of language barriers, employment difficulties, support, protection, and fear.[139]
[140] [141] [142]
Immigration to the United States 10

Some commentators have suggested that increased immigration has a negative effect on the environment, especially
as the level of economic development of the United States (and by extension, its energy, water[143] and other needs
that underpin its prosperity) means that the impact of a larger population is greater than what would be experienced
in other countries.[144] There is, however, no empirical evidence linking immigration to the degradation of the

Forty percent of Ph.D. scientists working in the United States were born abroad, an example of brain drain.[87]
Immigrant children have historically been greatly affected by cultural misunderstanding, language barriers, and
feelings of isolation within the school atmosphere. More recently, however, immigrant children are finding a more
welcoming school atmosphere. This does not undermine the difficulties immigrants face upon entering U.S. schools;
immigrant children maintain their native tongue can leave them feeling disadvantaged within English speaking

Public opinion
The ambivalent feeling of Americans toward immigrants is shown by a positive attitude toward groups that have
been visible for a century or more, and much more negative attitude toward recent arrivals. For example a 1982
national poll by the Roper Center at the University of Connecticut showed respondents a card listing a number of
groups and asked, "Thinking both of what they have contributed to this country and have gotten from this country,
for each one tell me whether you think, on balance, they've been a good or a bad thing for this country," which
produced the results shown in the table. "By high margins, Americans are telling pollsters it was a very good thing
that Poles, Italians, and Jews emigrated to America. Once again, it's the newcomers who are viewed with suspicion.
This time, it's the Mexicans, the Filipinos, and the people from the Caribbean who make Americans nervous." [145]

In a 2002 study, which took place soon after the September 11 attacks, 55% of Americans favored decreasing legal
immigration, 27% favored keeping it at the same level, and 15% favored increasing it.[147]
In 2006, the immigration-reduction advocacy think tank the Center for Immigration Studies released a poll that
found that 68% of Americans think U.S. immigration levels are too high, and just 2% said they are too low. They
also found that 70% said they are less likely to vote for candidates that favor increasing legal immigration.[148] In
2004, 55% of Americans believed legal immigration should remain at the current level or increased and 41% said it
should be decreased.[149] The less contact a native-born American has with immigrants, the more likely one would
have a negative view of immigrants.[149]
One of the most important factors regarding public opinion about immigration is the level of unemployment;
anti-immigrant sentiment is where unemployment is highest, and vice-versa.[150]
Immigration to the United States 11

Legal issues

Laws concerning immigration and naturalization

Laws concerning immigration and naturalization include:
• the 1990 Immigration Act (IMMACT), which limits the annual number of immigrants to 700,000. It emphasizes
that family reunification is the main immigration criterion, in addition to employment-related immigration.
• the Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act (AEDPA)
• the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act (IIRIRA)
AEDPA and IIRARA exemplify many categories of criminal activity for which immigrants, including green card
holders, can be deported and have imposed mandatory detention for certain types of cases.

Asylum for refugees

In contrast to economic migrants, who generally do not gain legal admission, refugees, as defined by international
law, can gain legal status through a process of seeking and receiving asylum, either by being designated a refugee
while abroad, or by physically entering the United States and requesting asylum status thereafter. A specified
number of legally defined refugees, who either apply for asylum overseas or after arriving in the U.S., are admitted
annually. Refugees compose about one-tenth of the total annual immigration to the United States, though some large
refugee populations are very prominent.
Since World War II, more refugees have found homes in the U.S. than any other nation, and over two million
refugees have arrived in the U.S. since 1980. Of the top ten countries accepting resettled refugees in 2006, the United
States accepted more than twice as much as the next nine countries combined; for example, Japan accepted sixteen
refugees in 1999, while the United States took in 85,010 for resettlement, according to the United Nations High
Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). Since 1975, an estimated 1.4 million refugees from Vietnam and other
Southeast Asian countries have been resettled to the United States.[151] Most Asian countries were unwilling to
accept these refugees.[152]
The U.S. will accept 70,000 refugees in fiscal year 2007, and President Bush stated that his eventual goal is a
program that resettles 90,000 refugees in the United States each year. In 2006, the State Department officially
re-opened the Vietnamese resettlement program. In recent years, the main refugee-sending regions have been
Somalia, Liberia, Sudan, and Ethiopia.[153] The ceiling for refugee resettlement for fiscal year 2008 was 80,000
refugees.[154] The United States expected to admit a minimum of 17,000 Iraqi refugees during fiscal year 2009.[155]
In 2009, President Bush set the admissions ceiling at 80,000 refugees.[156] In FY 2008, the Office of Refugee
Resettlement (ORR) was appropriated over $655 million for the longer-term services provided to refugees after their
arrival in the US.[157]
In 1991-92, Bhutan expelled roughly 100,000 ethnic Nepalis, most of whom have been living in seven refugee
camps in eastern Nepal. The United States has worked towards resettling more than 60,000 of these refugees in the
third country settlement programme.[158]

Miscellaneous documented immigration

In removal proceedings in front of an immigration judge, cancellation of removal is a form of relief that is available
for certain long-time residents of the United States. It allows a person being faced with the threat of removal to
obtain permanent residence if that person has been physically present in the U.S. for at least ten years, has had good
moral character during that period, has not been convicted of certain crimes, and can show that removal would result
in exceptional and extremely unusual hardship to his or her U.S. citizen or permanent resident spouse, children, or
parent. This form of relief is only available when a person is served with a Notice to Appear to appear in the
proceedings in the Immigration Court. Many persons have received their green cards in this way even when removal
Immigration to the United States 12

or deportation was imminent.

Members of Congress may submit private bills granting residency to specific named individuals. A special
committee vets the requests, which require extensive documentation. Congress has bestowed the title of "Honorary
Citizen of the United States" to six people. The only two living recipients were Winston Churchill and Agnes
Gonxha Bojaxhiu, while the other instances were posthumous honors. The Central Intelligence Agency has the
statutory authority to admit up to one hundred people a year outside of normal immigration procedures, and to
provide for their settlement and support. The program is called "PL110", named after the legislation that created the
agency, Public Law 110, the Central Intelligence Agency Act.

Immigration in popular culture

The history of immigration to the
United States is the history of the
country itself, and the journey from
beyond the sea is an element found in
American folklore, appearing over and
over again in everything from The
Godfather to Gangs of New York to
"The Song of Myself" to Neil
Diamond's "America" to the animated
feature An American Tail.[160]

From the 1880s to the 1910s,

vaudeville dominated the popular
image of immigrants, with very
popular caricature portrayals of ethnic
groups. The specific features of these
1888 cartoon in Puck attacks businessmen for welcoming large numbers of low paid
caricatures became widely accepted as immigrants, leaving the American workingman unemployed.

accurate portrayals.[161]

In The Melting Pot (1908), playwright Israel Zangwill (1864–1926) explored issues that dominated Progressive Era
debates about immigration policies. Zangwill's theme of the positive benefits of the American melting pot resonated
widely in popular culture and literary and academic circles in the 20th century; his cultural symbolism - in which he
situated immigration issues - likewise informed American cultural imagining of immigrants for decades, as
exemplified by Hollywood films.[162] [163] The popular culture's image of ethnic celebrities often includes
stereotypes about immigrant groups. For example, Frank Sinatra's public image as a superstar contained important
elements of the American Dream while simultaneously incorporating stereotypes about Italian Americans that were
based in nativist and Progressive responses to immigration.[164]
Immigration to the United States 13

The process of assimilation was often a

theme of popular culture. For example,
"lace-curtain Irish" referred to
middle-class Irish Americans desiring
assimilation into mainstream society in
counterpoint to an older, more raffish
"shanty Irish". The occasional
malapropisms and left-footed social
blunders of these upward mobiles were
gleefully lampooned in vaudeville,
popular song, and the comic strips of
the day such as "Bringing Up Father",
starring Maggie and Jiggs, which ran
in daily newspapers for 87 years (1913
Maggie and Jiggs from Bringing Up Father (January 7, 1940).
to 2000).[165] [166] In recent years the
popular culture has paid special
attention to Mexican immigration[167]

Immigration in literature
The Swedish author Vilhelm Moberg wrote a series of four novels describing one Swedish family's migration from
Småland to Minnesota in the late 19th century, a destiny shared by almost one million people. These novels have
been translated into English (The Emigrants, 1951, Unto a Good Land, 1954, The Settlers, 1961, The Last Letter
Home, 1961). The musical Kristina från Duvemåla by ex-ABBA members Björn Ulvaeus and Benny Andersson is
based on this story.[168] [169]

The Immigrant is a musical by Steven Alper, Sarah Knapp, and Mark Harelik. The
show is based on the story of Harelik's grandparents, Matleh and Haskell Harelik, who
traveled to Galveston, Texas in 1909.[170]

The Hareliks (1919).

Immigration to the United States 14

Interpretive perspectives
The American Dream is the belief that through hard work and determination,
any United States immigrant can achieve a better life, usually in terms of
financial prosperity and enhanced personal freedom of choice.[171] According
to historians, the rapid economic and industrial expansion of the U.S. is not
simply a function of being a resource rich, hard working, and inventive
country, but the belief that anybody could get a share of the country's wealth
if he or she was willing to work hard.[172] This dream has been a major factor
in attracting immigrants to the United States.[173]

Legal perspectives
University of North Carolina law professor Hiroshi Motomura has identified
three approaches the United States has taken to the legal status of immigrants
The Statue of Liberty was a common
in his book Americans in Waiting: The Lost Story of Immigration and
sight to many immigrants who entered
Citizenship in the United States. The first, dominant in the 19th century, the United States through Ellis Island
treated immigrants as in transition; in other words, as prospective citizens. As
soon as people declared their intention to become citizens, they received multiple low-cost benefits, including the
eligibility for free homesteads in the Homestead Act of 1869, and in many states, the right to vote. The goal was to
make the country more attractive, so large numbers of farmers and skilled craftsmen would settle new lands. By the
1880s, a second approach took over, treating newcomers as "immigrants by contract". An implicit deal existed where
immigrants who were literate and could earn their own living were permitted in restricted numbers. Once in the
United States, they would have limited legal rights, but were not allowed to vote until they became citizens, and
would not be eligible for the New Deal government benefits available in the 1930s. The third and more recent policy
is "immigration by affiliation", which Motomura argues is the treatment which depends on how deeply-rooted people
have become in the country. An immigrant who applies for citizenship as soon as permitted, has a long history of
working in the United States, and has significant family ties, is more deeply affiliated and can expect better

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Immigration to the United States 16

[42] The New Americans (http:/ / books. nap. edu/ openbook. php?record_id=5779& page=52), Smith and Edmonston, The Academy Press.
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[43] The New Americans (http:/ / books. nap. edu/ openbook. php?record_id=5779& page=54), Smith and Edmonston, The Academy Press.
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[44] The New Americans (http:/ / books. nap. edu/ openbook. php?record_id=5779& page=56), Smith and Edmonston, The Academy Press.
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[45] The New Americans (http:/ / books. nap. edu/ openbook. php?record_id=5779& page=58), Smith and Edmonston, The Academy Press.
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[46] http:/ / www. publicagenda. org/ specials/ immigration/ immigration. htm
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[65] Latinos and the Changing Face of America - Population Reference Bureau (http:/ / www. prb. org/ Articles/ 2004/
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[66] More than 100 million Latinos in the U.S. by 2050 (http:/ / www. coxwashington. com/ blogs/ content/ shared-gen/ blogs/ austin/
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[67] US - Census figures show dramatic growth in Asian, Hispanic populations (http:/ / cnnstudentnews. cnn. com/ 2000/ US/ 08/ 30/ minority.
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[68] Population Growth And Immigration, U.S. Has Highest Population Growth Rate Of All Developed Nations - CBS News (http:/ / www.
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[69] Mary E. Williams, Immigration. (San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 2004). Page 83.
[70] Pew Research Center: Immigration to Play Lead Role In Future U.S. Growth (http:/ / pewresearch. org/ pubs/ 729/
[71] U.S. Hispanic population to triple by 2050 (http:/ / www. usatoday. com/ news/ nation/ 2008-02-11-population-study_N. htm),
[72] Study Sees Non-Hispanic Whites Shrinking to Minority Status in U.S. - February 12, 2008 (http:/ / www. nysun. com/ new-york/
study-sees-non-hispanic-whites-shrinking/ 71104/ ), The New York Sun
[73] Whites to become minority in U.S. by 2050 (http:/ / www. reuters. com/ article/ domesticNews/ idUSN1110177520080212), Reuters
[74] Asthana, Anushka (2006-08-21). "Changing Face of Western Cities" (http:/ / www. washingtonpost. com/ wp-dyn/ content/ article/ 2006/
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[75] Whites Now A Minority In California, Census: Non-Hispanic Whites Now 47% Of State's Population (http:/ / www. cbsnews. com/ stories/
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[76] "California QuickFacts from the US Census Bureau:" (http:/ / quickfacts. census. gov/ qfd/ states/ 06000. html). US Census Bureau. .
Retrieved December 26, 2009.
Immigration to the United States 17

[77] Survey results reported in Simon, Julian L. (1989) The Economic Consequences of Immigration Boston: Basil Blackwell are discussed
widely and available as of September 12, 2007 at a Cato group policy paper by Simon here (http:/ / www. cato. org/ pubs/ policy_report/
pr-imopi. html). They find that 81 percent of the economists surveyed felt that 20th century immigration had very favorable effects, and 74
percent felt that illegal immigration had positive effects, with 76 percent feeling that recent immigration has "about the same effect" as
immigrants from past years.
[78] The Immigration Debate / Effect on Economy (http:/ / sfgate. com/ cgi-bin/ article. cgi?file=/ c/ a/ 2006/ 05/ 21/ MNGFQIVN991. DTL&
[79] James p. Smith, Chair. The New Americans: Economic, Demographic, and Fiscal Effects of Immigration (1997) Commission on
Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education (CBASSE), National Academy of Sciences. page 5
[80] Lowenstein, Roger. "The Immigration Equation." The New York Times 9 July
[81] U.S. Census Press Releases (http:/ / www. census. gov/ Press-Release/ www/ releases/ archives/ facts_for_features_special_editions/
007173. html)
[82] Smith (1997) 7,8
[83] Perez, Miguel (2006) "Hire education: Immigrants aren't taking jobs from Americans" Chicago Sun-Times Aug. 22, 2006, available here
(http:/ / findarticles. com/ p/ articles/ mi_qn4155/ is_20060822/ ai_n16689233)
[84] "CATO Institute Finds $180 Billion Benefit to Legalizing Illegal Immigrants" (http:/ / washingtonindependent. com/ 55152/
cato-institute-finds-180-billion-benefit-to-legalizing-illegal-immigrants). .
[85] Riley, Jason. Let Them In: The Case for Open Borders. p. 95. ISBN 978-1-592-40349-3.
[86] Immigration (http:/ / www. cato. org/ pubs/ handbook/ hb108/ hb108-63. pdf)
[87] Council of Economic Advisers | The White House (http:/ / www. whitehouse. gov/ cea/ cea_immigration_062007. pdf)
[88] Immigration: Google Makes Its Case (http:/ / www. businessweek. com/ bwdaily/ dnflash/ content/ jun2007/ db20070606_792054. htm)
[89] " Manhattan's Chinatown Pressured to Sell Out (http:/ / www. washingtonpost. com/ wp-dyn/ content/ article/ 2005/ 05/ 20/
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[90] Smith (1997) page 6
[91] Samuelson, Robert (2007) "Importing poverty" Washington Post, September 5, 2007 (Accessible as of September 12, 2007 here (http:/ /
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[92] Center for Immigration Studies (http:/ / www. cis. org/ articles/ 2001/ mexico/ poverty. html)
[93] Importing Poverty: Immigration and Poverty in the United States: A Book of Charts (http:/ / www. heritage. org/ Research/ Immigration/
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[94] Immigrants hit hard by slowdown, subprime crisis (http:/ / www. reuters. com/ article/ domesticNews/
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[95] Banks help illegal immigrants own their own home (http:/ / money. cnn. com/ 2005/ 08/ 08/ news/ economy/ illegal_immigrants/ ),
CNN/Money, August 8, 2005
[96] HUD: Five Million Fraudulent Mortgages Held by Illegals (http:/ / 74. 125. 113. 104/ search?q=cache:N_j55O69X2MJ:kfyi. com/ pages/
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[97] KFYI - "The Valley's Talk Station" (http:/ / kfyi. com/ pages/ money-matters. html?feed=268721& article=4381201)
[98] Sunnucks, Mike (October 9, 2008). "HUD cries foul over illegal immigrant mortgage data" (http:/ / www. bizjournals. com/ phoenix/
stories/ 2008/ 10/ 06/ daily54. html?ana=from_rss). .
[99] Digital History (http:/ / www. digitalhistory. uh. edu/ documents/ documents_p2. cfm?doc=233)
[100] PBS Newshour, "Juan Williams Firing: What Speech Is OK as Journalism Evolves?" Oct. 22, 2010 online (http:/ / www. pbs. org/
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[101] The black-Latino blame game (http:/ / www. latimes. com/ news/ opinion/ commentary/ la-op-hutchinson25nov25,0,1144425.
[102] Gang rivalry grows into race war (http:/ / www. latimes. com/ news/ local/ la-me-firestone18oct18,0,6500817. story?coll=la-home-local)
[103] Race relations | Where black and brown collide | (http:/ / www. economist. com/ world/ na/ displaystory.
[104] Riot Breaks Out At Calif. High School, Melee Involving 500 People Erupts At Southern California School (http:/ / www. cbsnews. com/
stories/ 2006/ 10/ 14/ national/ main2089618. shtml)
[105] JURIST - Paper Chase: Race riot put down at California state prison (http:/ / jurist. law. pitt. edu/ paperchase/ 2006/ 12/
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[106] Racial segregation continues in California prisons (http:/ / newsmine. org/ archive/ security/ incarceration/
racial-segregation-continues-in-california-prisons. txt)
[107] A bloody conflict between Hispanic and black American gangs is spreading across Los Angeles (http:/ / observer. guardian. co. uk/ world/
story/ 0,,2036580,00. html)
[108] The Hutchinson Report: Thanks to Latino Gangs, There’s a Zone in L.A. Where Blacks Risk Death if They Enter (http:/ / www.
blackamericaweb. com/ site. aspx/ bawnews/ stateof/ hutchinson105)
[109] African immigrants face bias from blacks (http:/ / www. post-gazette. com/ pg/ 06044/ 654613. stm)
Immigration to the United States 18

[110] Hispanics turning back to Democrats for 2008 - (http:/ / www. usatoday. com/ news/ politics/
2007-06-27-hispanics-dems-cover_N. htm)
[111] Exit Poll of 4,600 Asian American Voters Reveals Robust Support for Democratic Candidates in Key Congressional and State Races (http:/
/ www. aaldef. org/ article. php?article_id=213)
[112] USC Knight Chair in Media and Religion (http:/ / www. uscmediareligion. org/ ?theScoop& scID=108)
[113] Brown, Richard, et al. (1998) "Access to Health Insurance and Health Care for Mexican American Children in Immigrant Families" In
Marcelo M. Suarez-Orozco, ed. Crossings: Mexican Immigration in Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Cambridge, Mass.: David Rockefeller
Center for Latin American Studies and Harvard University Press pages 225-247
[114] in fact, Simon, Juliana (1995) "Immigration: The Demographic and Economic Facts". Washington, D.C.: The Cato Institute and National
Immigration Forum (available here (http:/ / www. cato. org/ pubs/ policy_report/ pr-immig. html#contents)) finds that estimates of the cost of
public health care provided to undocumented immigrants that have been used by the press have been extremely inflated
[115] Simon (1995)
[116] National Institutes of Health. Medical Encyclopedia (http:/ / www. nlm. nih. gov/ medlineplus/ ency/ article/ 001372. htm) Accessed
[117] Tuberculosis in the United States, 2004 (http:/ / www. cdc. gov/ od/ oc/ media/ pressrel/ fs050317. htm)
[118] U.S. tuberculosis cases at an all-time low in 2006, but drug resistance remains a threat (http:/ / www. cdc. gov/ tb/ WorldTBDay/ 2007/
WTBD_Factsheet. htm)
[119] Tuberculosis among US Immigrants (http:/ / www. cdc. gov/ ncidod/ eid/ vol11no05/ 04-1107. htm)
[120] AIDS virus invaded U.S. from Haiti: study (http:/ / www. reuters. com/ article/ topNews/ idUSN2954500820071029?feedType=RSS&
feedName=topNews& rpc=22& sp=true)
[121] Key HIV strain 'came from Haiti' (http:/ / news. bbc. co. uk/ 2/ hi/ health/ 7068574. stm)
[122] Mexican Migrants Carry H.I.V. Home (http:/ / www. nytimes. com/ 2007/ 07/ 17/ world/ americas/ 17mexico. html?hp)
[123] Lifting Of HIV Ban Leaves Many Immigrants In Limbo : NPR (http:/ / www. npr. org/ templates/ story/ story. php?storyId=113704086)
[124] What Happens to the "Healthy Immigrant Effect" (http:/ / paa2006. princeton. edu/ download. aspx?submissionId=61199)
[125] notably, National Research Council. (1997) "From Generation to Generation: The Health and Well-Being of Children in Immigrant
Families". Washington D.C.: National Academy Press (Available here (http:/ / www. nap. edu/ catalog. php?record_id=6164))
[126] Eating Fossil Fuels | (http:/ / www. energybulletin. net/ 281. html)
[127] Threat to our food security (http:/ / www. soilassociation. org/ peakoil)
[128] See, for instance, immigration reform group Federation for American Immigration Reform's page on Immigration & U.S. Water Supply
(http:/ / www. fairus. org/ site/ PageServer?pagename=iic_immigrationissuecenters19af)
[129] A World Without Water -Global Policy Forum- NGOs (http:/ / www. globalpolicy. org/ ngos/ role/ policymk/ conf/ 2002/ 0827water. htm)
[130] Immigration & U.S. Water Supply (http:/ / www. fairus. org/ site/ PageServer?pagename=iic_immigrationissuecenters19af)
[131] State looks to the sea for drinkable water (http:/ / www. contracostatimes. com/ portlet/ article/ html/ fragments/ print_article.
jsp?articleId=6057081& siteId=571)
[132] On immigration and Crime (http:/ / www. cjtoday. com/ pdf/ 7cjt0105. pdf)
[133] Sampson, Robert (March 11, 2006). "Open Doors Don't Invite Criminals" (http:/ / www. marginalrevolution. com/ marginalrevolution/
2006/ 03/ does_mexican_im. html). New York Times (Op-Ed). . (http:/ / www. wjh. harvard. edu/ soc/ faculty/ sampson/ articles/
2006_NYT_OpenDoors. pdf)
[134] John Hagan, Alberto Palloni. (http:/ / links. jstor. org/ sici?sici=0037-7791(199911)46:4<617:SCATMO>2. 0. CO;2-W&
size=LARGE#abstract) Sociological Criminology and the Mythology of Hispanic Immigration and Crime]. Social Problems, Vol. 46, No. 4
(Nov., 1999), pp. 617-632
[135] Rumbaut G. Ruben and Ewing A. Walter, The Myth of Immigrant Criminality and the Paradox of Assimilation, (http:/ / www.
americanimmigrationcouncil. org/ sites/ default/ files/ docs/ Imm Criminality (IPC). pdf)
[136] Preston, Julia (February 26, 2008). "California: Study of Immigrants and Crime" (http:/ / www. nytimes. com/ 2008/ 02/ 26/ us/
26brfs-STUDYOFIMMIG_BRF. html?ref=us). The New York Times. . Retrieved May 5, 2010.
[137] The Immigrant Gang Plague by Heather Mac Donald, City Journal Summer 2004 (http:/ / www. city-journal. org/ html/
14_3_immigrant_gang. html)
[138] Hispanic prisoners in the United States (http:/ / www. sentencingproject. org/ Admin/ Documents/ publications/ inc_hispanicprisoners. pdf)
[139] COPS Office: Gangs (http:/ / www. cops. usdoj. gov/ Default. asp?Item=1593)
[140] L.A. Gangs: Nine Miles and Spreading (http:/ / www. laweekly. com/ news/ news/ la-gangs-nine-miles-and-spreading/ 17861/ ?page=3)
[141] Measuring the Extent of Gang Problems—National Youth Gang Survey Analysis (http:/ / www. iir. com/ nygc/ nygsa/
measuring_the_extent_of_gang_problems. htm)
[142] Into the Abyss: The Racial and Ethnic Composition of Gangs (http:/ / www. faculty. missouristate. edu/ m/ MichaelCarlie/
what_I_learned_about/ gangs/ racial_composition. htm)
[143] Overpopulation and Over-Immigration Threaten Water Supply, Says Ad Campaign (http:/ / www. reuters. com/ article/ pressRelease/
idUS11201+ 21-Oct-2008+ PRN20081021), Reuters, October 20, 2008
[144] The Environmental Impact Of Immigration Into The United States (http:/ / www. carryingcapacity. org/ DinAlt. htm)
[145] Mary E. Williams, Immigration. (San Diego: GreenHaven Press, 2004). Page 85.
Immigration to the United States 19

[146] Rita James Simon and Mohamed Alaa Abdel-Moneim, Public opinion in the United States: studies of race, religion, gender, and issues
that matter (2010) pp 61-2
[147] "Worldviews 2002 Survey of American and European Attitudes and Public Opinion on Foreign Policy: US Report" (http:/ / www.
worldviews. org/ detailreports/ usreport/ html/ ch5s5. html)
[148] New Poll Shows Immigration High Among US Voter Concerns (http:/ / 128. 11. 143. 113/ english/ archive/ 2006-10/ 2006-10-17-voa56.
cfm?CFID=19132808& CFTOKEN=34215369)
[149] Summary (http:/ / www. npr. org/ news/ specials/ polls/ 2004/ immigration/ summary. pdf)
[150] Espenshade, Thomas J. and Belanger, Maryanne (1998) "Immigration and Public Opinion." In Marcelo M. Suarez-Orozco, ed. Crossings:
Mexican Immigration in Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Cambridge, Mass.: David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies and Harvard
University Press, pages 365-403
[151] Refugee Resettlement in Metropolitan America (http:/ / www. migrationinformation. org/ Feature/ display. cfm?ID=585). Migration
Information Source.
[152] " Migration in the Asia-Pacific Region (http:/ / www. migrationinformation. org/ Feature/ display. cfm?id=733& feed=rss)". Stephen
Castles, University of Oxford. Mark J. Miller, University of Delaware. July 2009.
[153] A New Era Of Refugee Resettlement (http:/ / www. ilw. com/ articles/ 2007,0129-barnett. shtm#bio)
[154] Presidential Determination on FY 2008 Refugee Admissions Numbers (http:/ / www. antaoandchuang. com/ en/ 2007/ 10/ 24/
[155] U.S. Goals for Iraqi Refugees are Inadequate (http:/ / www. refugeesinternational. org/ content/ article/ detail/ 10835), Refugees
[156] " Refugees struggle as jobs dry up, fueling debate over U.S. obligation (http:/ / www. dallasnews. com/ sharedcontent/ dws/ news/
localnews/ stories/ DN-recessionrefugees_01met. ART. State. Edition1. 4ac0e99. html)". The Dallas Morning News. March 1, 2009
[157] " Office of Refugee Resettlement: Programs (http:/ / www. acf. hhs. gov/ programs/ orr/ about/ divisions. htm)". United States Department
of Health and Human Services.
[158] Bhaumik, Subir (November 7, 2007). "Bhutan refugees are 'intimidated'" (http:/ / news. bbc. co. uk/ 2/ hi/ south_asia/ 7082586. stm). BBC
News. . Retrieved 2008-04-25.
[159] James H. Dormon, "Ethnic Stereotyping in American Popular Culture: The Depiction of American Ethnics in the Cartoon Periodicals of
the Gilded Age," Amerikastudien, 1985, Vol. 30 Issue 4, pp 489-507
[160] Rachel Rupin and Jeffrey Melnick, 'Immigration and American Popular Culture: An Introduction (2006)
[161] James H. Dorman, "American Popular Culture and the New Immigration Ethnics: The Vaudeville Stage and the Process of Ethnic
Ascription," Amerikastudien, 1991, Vol. 36#2 pp 179-193
[162] Yasmeen Abu-Laban and Victoria Lamont, "Crossing borders: Interdisciplinary, immigration and the melting pot in the American cultural
imaginary," Canadian Review of American Studies, 1997, Vol. 27#2, pp 23-43
[163] Michael Rogin, Blackface White Noise: Jewish Immigrants in the Hollywood Melting Pot (1996)
[164] Michael Frontani, "'From the Bottom to the Top': Frank Sinatra, the American Myth of Success, and the Italian-American Image," Journal
of American Culture, June 2005, Vol. 28 Issue 2, pp 216-230
[165] William H. A. Williams, "Green Again: Irish-American Lace-Curtain Satire," New Hibernia Review, Winter 2002, Vol. 6 Issue 2, pp 9-24
[166] Kerry Soper, "Performing 'Jiggs': Irish Caricature and Comedic Ambivalence Toward Assimilation and the American Dream in George
Mcmanus's 'Bringing Up Father'", Journal of the Gilded Age and Progressive Era, April 2005, Vol. 4#2, pp 173-213,
[167] David R. Maciel and María Herrera-Sobek, Culture across Borders: Mexican Immigration and Popular Culture (1998)
[168] Philip J. Anderson, "Introduction to Vilhelm Moberg's 'Why I Wrote the Novel about Swedish Emigrants'", Swedish-American Historical
Quarterly, July 2008, Vol. 59#3 pp 137-144
[169] Roger McKnight, "Vilhelm Moberg, the Emigrant Novels, and their Changing Readers," Swedish-American Historical Quarterly, July
1998, Vol. 49 Issue 3, pp 245-256
[170] A NOTE FROM THE BOOKWRITER (http:/ / www. colonytheatre. org/ shows/ theImmigrant. html). The Immigrant
[171] Gabor S. Boritt, Lincoln and the Economics of the American Dream (1994) p. 1
[172] Elizabeth Baigent, "Swedish immigrants in McKeesport, Pennsylvania: Did the Great American Dream come true?" Journal of Historical
Geography, April 2000, Vol. 26 Issue 2, pp 239-72
[173] Jim Cullen, The American Dream : A Short History of an Idea that Shaped a Nation. 2004. ISBN 0-19-517325-2.
[174] Hiroshi Motomura. Americans in Waiting: The Lost Story of Immigration and Citizenship in the United States (2006)
Immigration to the United States 20

Further reading

Early period
• Alexander, June Granatir. Daily Life in Immigrant America, 1870–1920: How the Second Great Wave of
Immigrants Made Their Way in America (Chicago: Ivan R. Dee, 2007. xvi, 332 pp.)
• Archdeacon, Thomas J. Becoming American: An Ethnic History (1984)
• Bankston, Carl L. III and Danielle Antoinette Hidalgo, eds. Immigration in U.S. History Salem Press, (2006)
• Berthoff, Rowland Tappan. British Immigrants in Industrial America, 1790-1950 (1953).
• Bodnar, John. The Transplanted: A History of Immigrants in Urban America Indiana University Press, (1985)
• Briggs, John. An Italian Passage: Immigrants to Three American Cities, 1890-1930 Yale University Press, (1978)
• Daniels, Roger. Asian America: Chinese and Japanese in the United States since 1850 University of Washington
Press, (1988)
• Daniels, Roger. Coming to America 2nd ed. (2005)
• Daniels, Roger. Guarding the Golden Door : American Immigration Policy and Immigrants since 1882 (2005)
• Diner, Hasia. The Jews of the United States, 1654 to 2000 (2004)
• Diner, Hasia. Hungering for America: Italian, Irish, and Jewish Foodways in the Age of Migration (2003)
• Eltis, David; Coerced and Free Migration: Global Perspectives (2002) emphasis on migration to Americas before
• Gjerde, Jon, ed. Major Problems in American Immigration and Ethnic History (1998) primary sources and
excerpts from scholars.
• Glazier, Michael, ed. The Encyclopedia of the Irish in America (1999), articles by over 200 experts, covering both
Catholics and Protestants.
• Greene, Victor R. A Singing Ambivalence: American Immigrants Between Old World and New, 1830-1930
(2004), coving musical traditions
• Isaac Aaronovich Hourwich. Immigration and Labor: The Economic Aspects of European Immigration to the
United States (1912) (
pdf?vid=OCLC00593905&id=PLQJAAAAIAAJ&output=pdf&sig=ieLK3Ab3sc9gGdFaxXxOKQle3B8) full
text online]
• Joseph, Samuel; Jewish Immigration to the United States from 1881 to 1910 Columbia University Press, (1914)
• Kulikoff, Allan; From British Peasants to Colonial American Farmers (2000), details on colonial immigration
• Meagher, Timothy J. The Columbia Guide to Irish American History. (2005)
• Miller, Kerby M. Emigrants and Exiles (1985), influential scholarly interpretation of Irish immigration
• Motomura, Hiroshi. Americans in Waiting: The Lost Story of Immigration and Citizenship in the United States
(2006), legal history
• Pochmann, Henry A. and Arthur R. Schultz; German Culture in America, 1600-1900: Philosophical and Literary
Influences (1957)
• Sowell, Thomas. Ethnic America: A History (1981), by a conservative economist
• Thernstrom, Stephan, ed. Harvard Encyclopedia of American Ethnic Groups (1980) (ISBN 0-674-37512-2), the
standard reference, covering all major groups and most minor groups
• Waters, Tony. Crime and Immigrant Youth Sage Publications (1999), a sociological analysis.
• U.S. Immigration Commission, Abstracts of Reports, 2 vols. (1911); the full 42-volume report is summarized
(with additional information) in Jeremiah W. Jenks and W. Jett Lauck, The Immigrant Problem (1912; 6th ed.
• Wittke, Carl. We Who Built America: The Saga of the Immigrant (1939), covers all major groups
• Yans-McLaughlin, Virginia ed. Immigration Reconsidered: History, Sociology, and Politics Oxford University
Press. (1990)
Immigration to the United States 21

Recent: post 1965

• Beasley, Vanessa B. ed. Who Belongs in America?: Presidents, Rhetoric, And Immigration (2006)
• Bogen, Elizabeth. Immigration in New York (1987)
• Bommes, Michael and Andrew Geddes. Immigration and Welfare: Challenging the Borders of the Welfare State
• Borjas, George J. ed. Issues in the Economics of Immigration (National Bureau of Economic Research
Conference Report) (2000) 9 statistical essays by scholars;
• Borjas, George. Friends or Strangers (1990)
• Borjas, George J. "Welfare Reform and Immigrant Participation in Welfare Programs" International Migration
Review 2002 36(4): 1093-1123. ISSN 0197-9183; finds very steep decline of immigrant welfare participation in
• Briggs, Vernon M., Jr. Immigration Policy and the America Labor Force Johns Hopkins University Press, 1984.
• Briggs, Vernon M., Jr. Mass Immigration and the National Interest (1992)
• Cooper, Mark A. Moving to the United States of America and Immigration. 2008 ISBN 741446251
• Fawcett, James T., and Benjamin V. Carino. Pacific Bridges: The New Immigration from Asia and the Pacific
Islands . New York: Center for Migration Studies, 1987.
• Foner, Nancy. In A New Land: A Comparative View Of Immigration (2005)
• Levinson, David and Melvin Ember, eds. American Immigrant Cultures 2 vol (1997) covers all major and minor
• Lowe, Lisa. Immigrant Acts: On Asian American Cultural Politics (1996)
• Meier, Matt S. and Gutierrez, Margo, eds. The Mexican American Experience : An Encyclopedia (2003) (ISBN
• Mohl, Raymond A. "Latinization in the Heart of Dixie: Hispanics in Late-twentieth-century Alabama" Alabama
Review 2002 55(4): 243-274. ISSN 0002-4341
• Portes, Alejandro, and Robert L. Bach. Latin Journey: Cuban and Mexican Immigrants in the United States.
University of California Press, 1985.
• Portes, Alejandro, and Jozsef Borocz. "Contemporary Immigration: Theoretical Perspectives on Its Determinants
and Modes of Incorporation." International Migration Review 23 (1989): 606-30. (
• Portes, Alejandro, and Ruben Rumbaut. Immigrant America. University of California Press, 1990.
• Reimers, David. Still the Golden Door: The Third World Comes to America Columbia University Press, (1985).
• Smith, James P, and Barry Edmonston, eds. The Immigration Debate: Studies on the Economic, Demographic,
and Fiscal Effects of Immigration (1998), online version (
• Zhou, Min and Carl L. Bankston III Growing Up American: How VIetnamese Children Adapt to Life in the
United States Russell Sage Foundation. (1998)
Immigration to the United States 22

External links

• Immigrant Servants Database (
• Asian-Nation: Early Asian Immigration to the U.S. (
• Irish Catholic Immigration to America (
• Scotch-Irish Immigration to Colonial America (
• Immigration Archives of Historical Documents, Articles, and Immigrants (

Immigration policy
• Brookings Institute: Immigration Policy (
• Urban Institute: Immigration Studies (
• The Real Political Purpose of the ICE Raids (
html) from Dollars & Sense
• Federation for American Immigration Reform (

Current immigration
• U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (
• U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (
• Cornell University's Legal Information Institute: Immigration (
• Yearbook of Immigration Statistics ( - United
States Department of Homeland Security, Office of Immigration Statistics 2004, 2005 editions available.
• "Estimates of the Unauthorized Immigrant Population Residing in the United States: January 2005" (http://www. M. Hoefer, N. Rytina, C. Campbell (2006)
"Population Estimates (August). U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Office of Immigration Statistics.

Economic impact
• The New Political Economy of Immigration (
by Tom Barry in Dollars & Sense magazine, January/February 2009
• Immigrants and the Labor Market ( from
Dollars & Sense magazine, May/June 2006
• Immigrants in Black & White: A Review of “Communities Without Borders" (
?p=723), The Indypendent, Susan Chenelle
Article Sources and Contributors 23

Article Sources and Contributors

Immigration to the United States  Source:  Contributors: -Ril-, 16@r, 1836311903, 3.14159265,, A D 13, A. B., Abductive,
Acroterion, Agsftw, Ahoerstemeier, Ajitk, Alan Liefting, Alansohn, Albatross48, AlbertR, Alcuin, Aldrich Hanssen, Alerhed, Alex S, Alicianr67, Allstarecho, Altenmann, Alucard (Dr.), Amillar,
Ancheta Wis, Andonic, Andrevan, Andrew0921, Andy Marchbanks, Angela, Angr, Animum, Anna512, Anotonov, Antodav2007, Aoeu, Appraiser, Archanamiya, Argon233, Arnon Chaffin,
Asenine, Atoric, Aude, AutoGeek, Avillia, B2bhandshake, BanyanTree, Bbatsell, Bcegroup, Beaumont, Beetstra, Beland, Belligero, Bender235, Bgold4, Bibliomaniac15, Bienbien, Big texas
lump, Bigjimslade, BillC, Blood Red Sandman, Bobo192, Bogey97, BornintheUSA, Borofkin, Brad101, BrendelSignature, Brian0918, Bsilverthorn, Btm, Burnin240sx, C.Kent87, Calabraxthis,
Calamari, Califorumer, Caligvla, Calih, Calliopejen1, CallmeDrNo, Caltas, Calvin 1998, Calwatch, Cambrasa, Can't sleep, clown will eat me, CanadianLinuxUser, Canzione, Carrite, Carrt81,
Casewicz, CasualObserver'48, Cb6, Cbankst, Cdc, Celarnor, Celebere, Cenwin88lee, Charivari, Charles Baesler, Charles Matthews, Chevymontecarlo, Chorny, Chris Roy, Christinam,
Christopher Parham, Chriswiki, CieloEstrellado, ClovisPt, Clpo13, Comet Tuttle, Commonbrick, Condem, Contralya, Conversion script, Corvus cornix, Cpsteiner, Cultofpj, Cuvtixo,
Cyanidethistles, D'lin, D-Rock, DHN, DVD R W, DanAllenDotCom, Dandanar, Dandv, Daniel J. Leivick, Danny, Darklilac, Davecrosby uk, Dcandeto, Delrust, Delta G, DerHexer, Derumi,
Digitat, Dinoguy2, Discospinster, DividedByNegativeZero, Dogbert, Doom1320, Dr. Zaret, Drdr1989, Drumguy8800, Dvavasour, Dwarnett, Dwo, Dynaflow, Eargang, Eastlaw, Echuck215,
Econprof, Edward, Ejército Rojo 1950, El C, Emcho, Ensignyu, Ericleb01, Escape Orbit, Eskimoice, Ezn, Faithlessthewonderboy, Fanopanic, Farras Octara, Fernirm, FifeOpp08,
Fingers-of-Pyrex, Fireaxe888, Foolishben, FrancoGG, Francs2000, Franzeska, Freakofnurture, FredR, Fredrik, Freechild, FullMetal Falcon, GHe, Galaxiaad, Garylhewitt, Geographyteacher,
Ghewgill, Gjamal, Gjenvick, Globalfix, Gogo Dodo, Goodoldpolonius2, Graham87, Grant65, Greg Grahame, Grenavitar, Griffy013, Grosu, Ground Zero, Grover cleveland, Gtstricky, Gurch,
Guy Harris, Gwandoya, Gwguffey, H.Musleh, HDC, Hackah, Hadal, Haemo, Hajor, Haymaker, HeXonX, Henning Makholm, Heron, Hmains, Hmarcuse, Hubertfarnsworth, Huryco, Husond, Hut
8.5, INBLOOMy2, Igorwindsor, Infobacker, Inteconlaw, Interwebs, Irainbow, IronCrow, Itsjesst, J intela, J jiffer, JCO312, JJstroker, JNW, JW1805, Jacek Kendysz, Jack.Hartford, Jacquerie27,
Jaimemrm2002, James Dragonfly, JamesMLane, Jareha, Jauerback, Jayjg, Jborocz, Jbuckpitt, Jcheckler, Jebba, Jeepday, Jeff G., Jeff3000, Jehar, Jengod, Jerry, Jersyko, Jk212, Jnlwriter,
Jnothman, JoanneB, JoeBlogsDord, Joelr31, John Shaffer, JohnWittle, Johnleikauf, Jonas Salk, Jordanw2009, Joseph E. Saad, Joseph Solis in Australia, Jossi, Joyous!, Jtdirl, Justforasecond,
Jwlx, K. the Surveyor, Kafziel, Kaibabsquirrel, Kain Nihil, Kainaw, Kakofonous, Karlthegreat, Keilana, Ken Gallager, Kevin, Kevin B12, King of Hearts, Kisun, Kizor, KnowledgeOfSelf, Kotsu,
Kozuma, KrakatoaKatie, Kransky, Kukini, Kungfuadam, LGagnon, Lame00, Lapaz, LegitimateAndEvenCompelling, Leslie Mateus, Levineps, Liem, Lightmouse, Lights, LilHelpa, Lin
mcdevitt-pugh, Lisangelyk, Lmc169, Lochaber, Logophile, Loren36, Luk, Luna Santin, M5891, MC10, MIT Trekkie, MONGO, Malangthon, Male1979, Malinaccier, Man It's So Loud In Here,
Mana Excalibur, Mangoe, Marielleh, Marine 69-71, Markles, Markvs88, MartinHarper, Matthead, Max Naylor, McElwaine4, Mckyj57, Me12341234, Meelar, Megan Patricia McVey, Melaen,
Memoryboy520, Menthaxpiperita, Mentifisto, Mets501, Mforg, Michael Hardy, Mikael Häggström, Mike Rosoft, Mikepjones, Miraculousrandomness, Mitchell8R, Mitchumch, Moncrief,
Moron283, Mr Stephen, Mrwishbonetoy, Mrwojo, Msavidge, Muhandes, Mukhan, Mwanner, Mytwocents, NMChico24, Nakon, NawlinWiki, NeilN, Netesq, Netkinetic, Neutrality,
NewEnglandYankee, Newts, Newyorkgame9, Nick, NightFalcon90909, Nishkid64, Node ue, Noren, NorsemanII, Northmeister, Notmyrealname, Novem Linguae, Nricardo, Nuster, Nyttend,
Obli, Ocivis, Oleg Alexandrov, Omicronpersei8, Omnicog, Onesloth, Oreo Priest, Ourshalf ourshalf, Owen, Oxymoron83, PJM, Pacificus, Pacodelapampa, Pacomartin, Panfakes, Patcat88,
Pepe123, Pfly, Pgdudda, Phaedriel, Pharos, PhilipMW, Phoenix00017, Phoenix7777, Pilotguy, Plasin, Poeloq, Pol098, Pol430, Portalian, Portland78, Postdlf, Poxywallow, Propaganda328,
Purpleturple, Qnaalor, Quackslikeaduck, Quasipalm, Qxz, RJFJR, Radagast83, Radon210, RandomP, Rangerdude, Rannpháirtí anaithnid (old), Rawling, Realm of Shadows, Reconfirmer, Red
Director, RedWolf, Reddi, RepublicanJacobite, Rettetast, Reudnitzer, RexNL, Rich Farmbrough, Richard Harvey, Richc80, Ricky Critchfield, Rjensen, Rjwilmsi, Rmhermen, RoadTrain,
RobHar, Robartin, Robchurch, Rockero, Rocket71048576, Roscelese, Roving Wordslinger, Rrenner, Ruhrjung, RxS, Rydia, Ryz05, S.S. Miami, SNIyer12, SamMichaels, SameOldSameOld,
Sander123, Sannse, Sardanaphalus, Sasquatch, Savidan, Scarian, Scarykitty, Scope creep, Scottwiki, Scuttlest, Sdestaffany, Seabhcan, Selket, Sexisportsbabe, Shanes, SimonP, SiobhanHansa,
Sixtytwohundred, Sjwk, Skinnyweed, Skyfaller, SlimVirgin, Slly ben, Smack, Smalljim, Smashyourface86, Smmurphy, Snowolf, Soccerdad45, Soccerplayerstar04, Sonyray, SorryGuy,
Spacepotato, Sparky the Seventh Chaos, SpartanSam, Splarka, SqueakBox, Srich32977, Stack0verflow, Stallions2010, Starspace1, State of the border, Staxringold, SteinbDJ, Stephen, Steven J.
Anderson, StevensCourt, Stevertigo, Student7, StuffOfInterest, Superslum, Sushilover boy, Swishdawg, Sylvain1972, THC Loadee, Tang23, TastyPoutine, Tazmaniacs, TeaDrinker,
TejasDiscipulus, Terjen, Terrell j shields, Tfine80, TheKMan, TheresaOlsen, Thiseye, Thor progeny, Tim Q. Wells, Tim010987, Time3000, Titoxd, Tobby72, TootsMcGee, Transborderinstitute,
Trasman, Trevor MacInnis, Triona, Triwbe, Trusilver, Turalay, Turnmeon, UC Bill, UberCryxic, Ultron, Ursako, User2004, User27091, Userpd, Vary, Vata, Venu62, Vera Cruz, Verdadero,
Vicki Rosenzweig, Violetriga, Viriditas, Visionaryct, Volksgeist, Vox Humana 8', Voyagerfan5761, W0lfie, WFinch, Wallie, Wambeter, Wangry, Warofdreams, Wasted Time R, Wavelength,
Wdflake, WhisperToMe, Wiki alf, Wikilibrarian, Wikiwatcher1, Wildthing61476, Will Beback, Williamdewellington, Winhunter, Wintersweet, Wiplar, Wmahan, Woofa, Wordsmith, World,
Wtanaka, Wtmitchell, Xanzzibar, Xerkid, Yamamoto Ichiro, Yossiea, Yvwv, Zack Holly Venturi, Zantastik, Zapper85, Zephyrus67, Zizonus, Zleitzen, Zoe, Zweifel, 1378 anonymous edits

Image Sources, Licenses and Contributors

Image:Census-2000-Data-Top-US-Ancestries-by-County.svg  Source:  License: Public
Domain  Contributors: Conscious, Davepape, Editor at Large, Gpvos, Jmabel, Kintetsubuffalo, Man vyi, Mikael Häggström, Myself488, Nagy, Ras67, Tryphon, UpstateNYer, ZooFari, 7
anonymous edits
Image:Ellis island 1902.jpg  Source:  License: Public Domain  Contributors: AnRo0002, Aude, Infrogmation, Kjetil r,
UpstateNYer, 8 anonymous edits
File:Polish berry pickers color.jpg  Source:  License: unknown  Contributors: user:Robek
File:Mulberry Street NYC c1900 LOC 3g04637u edit.jpg  Source:  License: Public
Domain  Contributors: Original uploader was Debivort at en.wikipedia
Image:Pinoydayparade2.JPG  Source:  License: GNU Free Documentation License  Contributors: Natsirtj, Viridae, 2
anonymous edits
Image:2001-2005 imm rate US.PNG  Source:  License: Public Domain  Contributors: Original uploader was
BGManofID at en.wikipedia
Image:San Jose May Day 01.jpg  Source:  License: Creative Commons Attribution-Sharealike 2.0  Contributors:
File:chinatown manhattan 2009.JPG  Source:  License: GNU Free Documentation License  Contributors:
Image:1891 New Orleans Italian lynching.jpg  Source:  License: Public Domain  Contributors: E.
Benjamin Andrews
Image:Immigrants1888.jpg  Source:  License: Public Domain  Contributors: Rjensen
Image:Jiggsslum1740.jpg  Source:  License: unknown  Contributors: Pepso2
Image:Thehareliks.jpg  Source:  License: unknown  Contributors: S.S. Miami
Image:Statue-de-la-liberte-new-york.jpg  Source:  License: Creative Commons Attribution-Sharealike 2.0
 Contributors: FlickreviewR, Kelly, Multichill, Poco a poco, Wehwalt, Zzyzx11, Евгений Пивоваров, 4 anonymous edits

Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported
http:/ / creativecommons. org/ licenses/ by-sa/ 3. 0/

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