This Study Resource Was Shared Via: Key Partners Key Activities Value Proposition Relationship Customer Groups

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template for designing triple bottom line business models

key partners key activities customer value proposition customer relationships customer groups
key partners: who do you work with to deliver key activities: what do you do yourself to value proposition: what jobs do you perform for what kind of relationship do you maintain with which customer groups do you service? note
your value proposition? deliver your customer value proposition? your customers? what pains do you alleviate? your different customers? see link for that multi-sided business models may have
do not forget to list your partners in your what gains do you contribute? also list what examples many different customers! also distinguish
social impact mission – e.g., charities, makes your value proposition distinctive relative between ’users’ (e.g., facebook users – who
community groups, and so on to others! see link for further detail customer channels would also be their key resource) and paying
ecological impact mission – e.g., eco- customers (e.g., advertisers)
certification agencies, closed-loop partners, how do you reach your customers? how do
reforestation initiatives you integrate with their routines? also
describe your multi-channel strategy, if any!

key resources social impact mission community relationships community stakeholders

what resources you draw on to deliver your describe here your social impact mission. how do what relationships do you maintain with the who are the beneficiaries of your social impact

value proposition? consider physical, human, you demonstrate good citizenship? how do you local communities where you are present? mission? note that your business may have
and financial resources. specifically consider contribute to your local community? how do you how do you engage these communities? direct beneficiaries (those directly targeted)
your intellectual assets: ip plus intellectual improve people’s lives and the general societal and secondary ones (those experiencing
capital! well-being beyond your core business mission? social channels secondary benefits such as greater prosperity,

lower unemployment, reduced crime rate)
what are the specific channels and activities

through which you deliver on your social
impact mission?

ecosystem services governance ecological impact mission ecosystem channels ecosystem beneficiaries
here list the natural ecosystem services your how do you ensure you do not lose sight on how are you going to deliver a positive impact on what are the specific channels and who are your ecosystem beneficiaries? these

operation uses: biomass, minerals, water, air, your social and environmental missions? list your natural environment? e.g., how do you mechanisms through which you deliver your may be living things (inhabitants of the
soil, forests, non-renewable energy. we are the governance structures and procedures minimise your ecosystem footprint, deliver a impact on the natural ecosystem? these might ecosphere) and non-living ones (ecosystem

interested in your environmental footprint that ensure that these impact propositions are specific ecosystem impact beyond your business be internal (e.g., recycling, repairing, resources such as air, water, minerals)
incorporated in your corporate decision mission (e.g., reforestation projects), or, for rematerialisation) and external (e.g.,
making! example, eliminate resource-consuming activities participation in specific ecosystem initiatives)

from your business model? how do you make
your business and the natural environment more
ecologically sustainable?

m ce
cost structure surplus streams and mission revenue streams
what is the cost structure of your business? indicate both direct costs generated by your internal .co ur integration how does your business generate revenue? indicate both primary sources of revenue (from
activities as well as costs generated through outsourcing, license agreements, and similar. also primary interactions within the business model) and secondary sources (e.g., monetisation of
does your business generate specific surpluses to
elaborate costs associated with your social and ecological impact missions data resources and additional ip generated by the primary interactions)
support your social and ecological impact
ro so
missions? these might be financial (e.g.,
donations by customers, share of profit) or
material (e.g., collected materials for recycling).

also describe here how your business, social, and

ecological missions integrate and reinforce one

Designed by Erkko Autio (2018). PowerPoint version available from me.

This canvas builds on and extends the business model canvas by Strategyzer AG. Hyperlinks point back to Strategyzer.
This study source wasThis work is licensed
downloaded under a Creative from
by 100000833023611 Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
on 10-06-2021 License.
14:17:39 GMT Feel free to use and build on with appropriate attribution to my LinkedIn page.
why this canvas?
Today, managers are increasingly aware that making money at any cost is not the sole You do not have to become an environmental crusader or a social campaigner in order to
purpose of business. Yes, you have to make a profit to ensure long-term financial advance a social or ecological mission. The goals can be more modest: simply defining a
viability, but you have to make that profit responsibly, without causing undue harm to the clear objective and actions to minimise your CO2 footprint will do, as will the articulation
natural environment or society. Far too many businesses today generate profit at the of good citizenship principles that the business will adhere to, combined with governance
expense of the natural environment or society, for example, by over-exploiting natural mechanisms that ensure their consistent application. The key is building these principles
resources, by not cleaning up their waste, or by employing business practices that into the business model from the outset for seamless integration and maximal synergies.
undermine local communities. Although such businesses may make money for their
Much of your ecological impact mission is likely to be operationalised in the way you
owners, the overall balance will be negative if you factor in the harm caused to the
configure your physical activities, such as manufacturing, logistics, energy use, and so
environment and society. That kind of ’profit’ is not cool nor honorable.
on. These may involve, e.g., the application of closed-loop principles in your supply chain

Although managers increasingly recognise the need for triple bottom line thinking when design and the adoption of ’R’ principles: Renewable use, Recycling, Regeneration, Reuse,
managing their businesses, far too often the social and ecological missions are treated

Repair, Refurbish, and Rematerialisation. You can also incorporate ecological missions into
as a profit drag – as something that is accomplished at the expense of the primary your revenue and cost models by, e.g., committing 1% of your profits for donations to
business mission. This is reflected in, e.g., the widespread budgeting of Corporate Social environmental causes.

Responsibility activities as marketing expenditure. We still lack frameworks to think through
Much of your social impact mission is likely to operate in the social communities where
the social and ecological missions of the business as a core, integral element of the

your business is present. Possible models could include, e.g., ’buy one, give one’
mainstream operations and not as an afterthought, an add-on distraction that is primarily
models, inclusive sourcing of labour and materials, and other constructive forms of
undertaken for PR purposes.
participation in the local communities.

I designed the Triple Bottom Line Business Canvas to address this gap. Business model
The Triple Bottom Line Business Canvas builds on Strategyzer AG’s business model
design provides the most effective way to achieve triple bottom line sustainability
canvas template and extends it to support the systematic incorporation of social and
because it builds those missions into the business’ activity system, customer and

environmental impact missions into the firm’s business model. Also Anthony Upward’s
community relationships, and its value and revenue logics. Triple bottom line business
academic work and his Flourishing Business Canvas provided inspiration.

model design is the art of translating the three value missions of your business into a
coherent, logical sequence of organisational design decisions: it is the art of designing For those boxes that are compatible with Strategyzer’s canvas, links are provided back to
the organisational vehicle that actualises and delivers the three missions. Strategyzer’s support page for helpful elaborations and explanations. For the boxes I

have added, explanations have been inserted straight into the box.
The key purpose of the Triple Bottom Line Business Canvas is to support the definition and
operationalisation of the social and ecological impact missions of your business right at the

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beginning, thus ensuring that these missions are built straight into the activity system of your
business. By building the social and ecological impact missions into your business model
from the outset, you will be better able to build synergies with your primary business mission,.co ur
such that the three become mutually reinforcing. There is no law of nature stating that your
social and ecological missions will always have to act as profit drags. Used correctly, the
ro so
Triple Bottom Line Business Canvas should also help you discover how you can harness your
social and ecological missions to drive your profits.

Designed by Erkko Autio (2018). PowerPoint version available from me.

This canvas builds on and extends the business model canvas by Strategyzer AG. Hyperlinks point back to Strategyzer.
This study source wasThis work is licensed
downloaded under a Creative from
by 100000833023611 Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
on 10-06-2021 License.
14:17:39 GMT Feel free to use and build on with appropriate attribution to my LinkedIn page.
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