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SubTopic: Memory as the subject in research


Memories are the track fields of the past that lingers in every array of sands that reminds us the path it
took us. Memory became the key feature of the popular culture and the key site which lived experience
of time can be experience. Hence, through memory we could extract and track events, experiences and
people present in the time it occurred. In which it is an essential tool in retrieving data especially “mga
surumatanon” were some of this fragments of our culture is not published in any platforms.

There are methods and modes of investigating memory as a key feature of social experience that can
take several forms and these are the followings:

 Memory can be examined through the social factors such as gender, age, race, ethnicity or class
enacted through and encoded into memory acts or texts. It can be retrieve through the lenses of
discourse representation where readers construct and store in memory at least two interrelated-
representation a text based containing the explicit ideas in a text and a discourse model that contains
the overall meaning of a text. (“ A Memory- retrieval view of Discourse Representation: The
Recollection and Familiarity of Text by Debra L. Long, Clinton Jhons, and Eunike Jonathan”)

 “To be communicable and meaningful, memories have to be reconstructed as representations.

Private memory can be represented through spoken narrative or family album, public memory can be
encoded from feature films to political speeches. Both private and collective remembering draw in
contributing to cultural representation. Keightly 2009” as memory is utilize as a mode of action or
engagement in an examination of its performance, ranging from the private time and space were the
mediated memories have gained significance in the collective cultural past that connects and propose
probabilities of engaging it with our own historicity and provides us in our contemporary lives.

 As for Andrew Hoskins, memory can be investigated considering the changing role of memory –
saturated everyday life in a largely theoretical way. In the process of reminiscing, the socially situated
individuals are the agents of remembering in the way their use of cultural tools for remembering reflects
social-cultural settings but it might illuminate the ways in which the memory and time is constructed in
both public and private domains.

 Memory can also be studies using empirical approach that the lived experience as a mode of
temporal consciousness and action rather than attending only to the textual forms of memory may take.
Live experience are the stored images, objects and visions registered in personal memory. Naturally the
mind can be triggered by a film or object that flares an individual’s memory without any conscious
efforts to remember something.

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