Diagnosis For Physical Therapists - Davenport, Todd E. (SRG)
Diagnosis For Physical Therapists - Davenport, Todd E. (SRG)
Diagnosis For Physical Therapists - Davenport, Todd E. (SRG)
Diagnosis for
A Symptom-Based Approach
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Diagnosis for
A Symptom-Based Approach
Todd E. Davenport, PT, DPT, OCS James Gordon, PT, EdD, FAPTA
Assistant Professor Associate Dean and Chair
University of the Pacific University of Southern California
Department of Physical Therapy Division of Biokinesiology and Physical
Thomas J. Long School of Pharmacy and Therapy
Health Sciences Los Angeles, California
Stockton, California
Hugh G. Watts, MD
Kornelia Kulig, PT, PhD, FAPTA Adjunct Associate Professor
Associate Professor of Clinical Physical University of Southern California
Therapy Division of Biokinesiology and Physical
University of Southern California Therapy
Division of Biokinesiology and Physical Los Angeles, California
Los Angeles, California
F. A. Davis Company
1915 Arch Street
Philadelphia, PA 19103
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As new scientific information becomes available through basic and clinical research, recommended treat-
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Diagnosis for physical therapists : a symptom-based approach / Todd E. Davenport ... [et al.].
p. ; cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978-0-8036-1528-1 — ISBN 0-8036-1528-0
I. Davenport, Todd E.
[DNLM: 1. Diagnostic Techniques and Procedures. 2. Physical Therapy Modalities. 3. Signs and Symptoms.
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1528_FM_i-xxxii 08/05/12 6:06 PM Page v
Direct access to physical therapy is a central The purpose of this book is to present a
tenet of the American Physical Therapy Asso- framework and body of content necessary to
ciation’s Vision 2020 statement. Vision 2020 support the acquisition and maintenance of
anticipates physical therapists being “recog- diagnostic reasoning skills for physical thera-
nized by consumers and other health care pro- pists. Special emphasis in this book is placed
fessionals as the practitioners of choice to on diagnostic reasoning at the level of pathol-
whom consumers have direct access for the ogy. This book proposes a detailed approach
diagnosis of, interventions for, and prevention for diagnosis at the level of pathology, based
of impairments, functional limitations, and on the notion that physical therapists must be-
disabilities related to movement, function, gin with the patient’s symptoms and signs as
and health.”1 One clear assumption of Vision the starting point for reasoning. The book’s
2020 – with its emphasis on consumer direct format supports the needs of both clinicians
access – is that physical therapists must func- who must make rapid decisions in the context
tion autonomously to determine whether of a busy clinic environment, as well as stu-
physical therapy is appropriate for their pa- dents who are in the initial stages of learning
tients. This function involves being able to de- and refining their diagnostic reasoning skills.
cide whether to begin physical therapy, refer
their patient to another health care provider For established clinicians:
for additional consultation or management, or ● The diagnostic reasoning framework pre-
both. If the decision to refer to another health sented in the book encourages a systematic
care provider is made, then the appropriate yet flexible approach to diagnostic reasoning
disposition and urgency must be established. ● Organization of the book into Adult Pain,
Determining the appropriateness of physical Adult Non-Pain, and Children sections en-
therapy for patients assumes physical therapists sure usefulness of the book across areas of
must engage in a process of diagnostic reasoning practice and the lifespan
as part of their overall evaluation. Diagnostic ● Symptoms of special diagnostic concern are
reasoning allows physical therapists to develop a presented at the beginning of each chapter,
well-reasoned plan for addressing the patient’s so this important information is available at
concerns, adequately communicate with other a glance
members of the health care team using the uni- ● Chapter previews organize possible conditions
versal language of the health care system, and by a pathologic category and the likelihood of
appropriately educate patients. In order to ade- causing the symptom of chief concern
quately determine the appropriateness of physi-
● Conditions are divided among remote and
cal therapy for patients, this diagnostic process
local pathologies that may manifest as the
must lead to a decision regarding the probable
symptom of chief concern
pathological or pathophysiological source of the
patient’s problem. It must be emphasized that ● Succinct descriptions of each condition in-
Vision 2020, with its emphasis on direct access, clude details regarding their clinical presenta-
presupposes that the physical therapist will be tion, contributing pathology/pathophysiology,
able to reach that decision without provision of confirmatory tests, and potential treatments
a diagnostic label beforehand by a physician or For physical therapy students and instructors:
other health care professional. However, to date,
no resource exists to support daily efforts of ● A series of foundational chapters provide
physical therapists to engage in diagnostic rea- the basic rationale for diagnosis by physical
soning and student physical therapists to learn therapists
diagnostic reasoning.
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vi Preface
● The framework for diagnostic reasoning Many physical therapists have developed excel-
presented in this book will integrate seam- lent diagnostic skills, but these skills were hard-
lessly with existing coursework in pathology/ earned through independent study, on-the-job
pathophysiology and clinical management training, and trial and error. In order to reach
● Chapters are presented in a similar format the goal of direct access as described in Vision
that enunciates each step of the diagnostic 2020, the physical therapy profession must con-
reasoning process tinue to develop systematic, evidence-based
● Pathologic categories are presented using a approaches for diagnosis that are taught in en-
mnemonic ‘TIM VaDeTuCoNe’ in order to try-level curricula and refined in post-graduate
assist recall of categories of pathology that educational programs, so that all physical ther-
may contribute to the patient’s symptom of apists demonstrate a certain level of skill in
chief concern diagnosis. This book represents a first attempt
● Case chapters demonstrate the stepwise to describe and formalize diagnostic reasoning
application of the diagnostic reasoning by physical therapists at the level of pathology.
process presented in this book Much like the collective understanding that it
represents and to which it contributes, the ma-
Despite the overwhelming need for more sys- terial presented in this book remains an exciting
tematic approaches to diagnosis by physical and dynamic work in progress.
therapists, there remains a level of controversy
surrounding the topic of diagnosis by physical Reference
therapists, particularly as it relates to pathology. 1. www.apta.org/vision2020. Accessed 13 April 2012.
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Ragen L. Agler, PT, DPT, ATC Bernadette M. Currier, PT, DPT, MS, NCS
Physical Therapy Faculty Adjunct Instructor of Clinical Physical
USC Lung Transplant Program Therapy
Los Angeles, California University of Southern California
Division of Biokinesiology and Physical
Michael A. Andersen, PT, DPT, OCS
Adjunct Instructor of Clinical Physical
Los Angeles, California
University of Southern California Todd E. Davenport, PT, DPT, OCS
Division of Biokinesiology and Physical Assistant Professor
Therapy University of the Pacific
Los Angeles, California Department of Physical Therapy
Thomas J. Long School of Pharmacy and
Lucinda L. Baker, PT, PhD
Health Sciences
Associate Professor
Stockton, California
University of Southern California
Division of Biokinesiology and Physical Sharon K. DeMuth, PT, DPT, MS
Therapy Adjunct Assistant Professor of Clinical
Los Angeles, California Physical Therapy
University of Southern California
Kyle F. Baldwin, PT, DPT
Division of Biokinesiology and Physical
Adjunct Assistant Professor of Clinical
Physical Therapy
Los Angeles, California
University of Southern California
Division of Biokinesiology and Physical Jesus F. Dominguez, PT, PhD
Therapy Assistant Professor of Clinical Physical
Los Angeles, California Therapy
University of Southern California
Robin I. Burks, PT, DPT, CHT*
Division of Biokinesiology and Physical
Former Instructor of Clinical Physical Therapy
University of Southern California
Los Angeles, California
Division of Biokinesiology and Physical
Therapy Kathy Doubleday, PT, DPT, OCS
Los Angeles, California Physical Therapy Affiliate
Pacifica Spine
Julia L. Burlette, PT, DPT, OCS
Ojai, California
Assistant Professor of Clinical Physical Therapy
University of Southern California Elizabeth L. Ege, PT, DPT
Division of Biokinesiology and Physical Therapy Adjunct Instructor of Clinical Physical
Los Angeles, California Therapy
University of Southern California
Jason R. Cozby, PT, DPT, OCS
Division of Biokinesiology and Physical
Adjunct Instructor of Clinical Physical Therapy
University of Southern California
Los Angeles, California
Division of Biokinesiology and Physical
Los Angeles, California
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viii Contributors
Contributors ix
x Contributors
Stephen F. Reischl, PT, DPT, OCS Christy L. Skura, PT, DPT, PCS
Adjunct Associate Professor Physical Therapist
University of Southern California Therapy West Inc. and Play Studio
Division of Biokinesiology and Physical Los Angeles, California
Claire Smith, PT, DPT, NCS
Los Angeles, California
Adjunct Instructor of Clinical Physical
Jeffrey S. Rodrigues, PT, DPT, CCS Therapy
Instructor of Clinical Physical Therapy University of Southern California
University of Southern California Division of Biokinesiology and Physical
Division of Biokinesiology and Physical Therapy
Therapy Los Angeles, California
Los Angeles, California
Josiane Stickles, PT, DPT
Cassandra Sanders-Holly, PT, DPT, PCS Clinical Instructor of Physical Therapy
Clinical Instructor of Physical Therapy University of Southern California
University of Southern California Division of Biokinesiology and Physical
Division of Biokinesiology and Physical Therapy
Therapy Los Angeles, California
Los Angeles, California
Katherine J. Sullivan, PT, PhD, FAHA
Alison R. Scheid, PT, DPT, OCS, NCS Associate Professor of Clinical Physical
Staff, Financial District Clinic Therapy
San Francisco Sport and Spine Physical Therapy University of Southern California
San Francisco, California Division of Biokinesiology and Physical
Stephen Schnall, MD
Los Angeles, California
Specialist, Orthopaedic Surgery — Hand
USC Center for Spinal Surgery Shirley Wachi-See, PT, DPT, OCS
Los Angeles, California Clinical Instructor of Physical Therapy
University of Southern California
Chris A. Sebelski, PT, DPT, OCS, CSCS
Division of Biokinesiology and Physical
Assistant Professor
Saint Louis University
Los Angeles, California
Department of Physical Therapy & Athletic
Training Hugh G. Watts, MD
Doisy College of Health Sciences Adjunct Associate Professor
Saint Louis, Missouri University of Southern California
Division of Biokinesiology and Physical
Cheri Kay Sessions, PT, DPT, ATC
Clinical Instructor of Physical Therapy
Los Angeles, California
University of Southern California
Division of Biokinesiology and Physical Katherine M. Weimer, PT, DPT, NCS
Therapy Adjunct Instructor of Clinical Physical
Los Angeles, California Therapy
University of Southern California
Robert C. Sieh, PT, DPT
Division of Biokinesiology and Physical
Pediatric Physical Therapist
Mercy Riverside Rehabilitation
Los Angeles, California
Des Moines, Iowa
Michael S. Simpson, PT, DPT
Assistant Professor of Clinical Physical Therapy
University of Southern California
Division of Biokinesiology and Physical
Los Angeles, California
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xii Reviewers
Manuscript Support
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This book owes its very existence to the Our families, close friends, and colleagues,
passion, dedication, and support of a host of whose encouragement sustained the process of
people: creating this book. Each page of this book is
The dedicated and expert physical thera- infused with their influences, ranging from the
pists who strive to provide efficient and high ideas that stemmed from countless hours of
quality healthcare for their patients every day, conversation to the inspiration of knowing
as well as the talented students who are train- that they may someday benefit from the appli-
ing to become physical therapists. Without cation of this book’s content by a physical
them, this book would not be necessary. therapist. Without them, this book would not
The many leaders and luminaries in the be meaningful.
physical therapy profession who have advo- We offer this book in memory of Robin I.
cated for the professional responsibility of Burks, PT, DPT, CHT, our friend and col-
physical therapists to determine the appropri- league, whose life was cut short by a brain tu-
ateness of physical therapy for their patients. mor during the creation of this book. His
Without them, this book would not be family, friends, colleagues, students, and pa-
relevant. tients miss his caring and gentle manner, his
The individuals who contributed to this sense of humor, and the simple personal wis-
textbook, including its authors, editors, illus- dom that complemented his expansive profes-
trators, and publishers. All their contributions sional knowledge. As Dr. Burks encouraged
are the result of their knowledge and hard the Doctor of Physical Therapy students at the
work; they have indelibly shaped our collective University of Southern California in his 2008
understanding of diagnostic reasoning by White Coat Ceremony address, we similarly
physical therapists. Without them, this book urge you to “…put on your coat, roll up your
would not be possible. sleeves, and make the world a better place.”
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Contents in Brief
Section I Foundations 1
Chapter 1 Why Should Physical Therapists Know About Diagnosis? ________________ 1
James Gordon, PT, EdD, FAPTA • Hugh G. Watts, MD
Chapter 2 Beyond the Diagnosis: The Search for Underlying Etiology ______________ 8
Chapter 3 Diagnostic Reasoning __________________________________________________________________ 16
Todd E. Davenport, PT, DPT, OCS
Chapter 4 How to Use This Book ________________________________________________________________ 22
Hugh G. Watts, MD
Chapter 5 Case Demonstration: Shoulder______________________________________________________ 31
Hugh G. Watts, MD
Acknowledgment: Susan Layfield, PT, DPT, OCS
xx Contents in Brief
Section I Foundations 1
Chapter 1 Why Should Physical Therapists Know About Diagnosis? ________________ 1
James Gordon, PT, EdD, FAPTA • Hugh G. Watts, MD
Introduction __________________________________________________________________________________ 1
Five Critical Issues Frame the Topic of Diagnosis by Physical Therapists ________________ 2
Critical Issue 1: What is a Diagnosis? __________________________________________________ 3
Critical Issue 2: Should Physical Therapists Diagnose Pathology? ______________________ 4
Critical Issue 3: Should Physical Therapists Adopt a Different
Definition for Diagnosis Than Other Health Professionals Use? __________________ 4
Critical Issue 4: Should Physical Therapists be Expected to
Diagnose Given the Current Legal Environment? ________________________________ 5
Critical Issue 5: What Information Should Physical Therapists
Use to Make Decisions About Treatment and Prognosis? ________________________ 6
Conclusion ________________________________________________________________ 6
Chapter 2 Beyond the Diagnosis: The Search for Underlying Etiology ______________ 8
Introduction __________________________________________________________________________________ 8
Physical Therapists Use the Diagnostic Label ______________________________________________ 9
Physical Therapists Elaborate on the Diagnostic Label __________________________________ 10
The Diagnostic Label Alone is Insufficient to Guide Physical Therapists ______________ 11
A Process Guides Physical Therapists’ Search for an Underlying Etiology ______________ 12
Physical Therapists Identify the Functional Chief Concern ______________________________ 13
Physical Therapists Perform Task and Movement Analyses __________________________ 13
Physical Therapists Create and Test Hypothetical Relationships ____________________ 13
The Search for an Underlying Etiology is Dynamic and Ongoing ____________________ 14
Conclusion ______________________________________________________________________________________ 14
Chapter 3 Diagnostic Reasoning ____________________________________________________________________ 16
Todd E. Davenport, PT, DPT, OCS
Introduction __________________________________________________________________________________ 16
Both Diagnosis and Medical Screening Have Roles in Physical Therapy ____________ 16
Diagnosis is a Unique Combination of Reasoning Patterns __________________________ 17
Backward Reasoning Involves Creation and Testing of Clinical
Hypotheses ________________________________________________________________________ 17
Forward Reasoning Involves the Attempt to Recognize Patterns in
Clinical Presentation ________________________________________________________________ 18
Experts Create “Small Worlds” of Information to Use in
Diagnostic Reasoning ______________________________________________________________ 19
Preferred Diagnostic Reasoning Processes Depend on the Clinician
and the Case ____________________________________________________________________ 19
Conclusion ______________________________________________________________________________________ 20
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xxii Contents
Contents xxiii
xxiv Contents
Contents xxv
xxvi Contents
Contents xxvii
xxviii Contents
Contents xxix
xxx Contents
Contents xxxi
Why Should Physical Therapists Know
About Diagnosis?
■ James Gordon, PT, EdD, FAPTA ■ Hugh G. Watts, MD
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tradition of diagnosis.3 Many experienced Second, ongoing changes in the health care en-
physical therapists have developed excellent vironment shape the needs of patients and
diagnostic skills, but they have succeeded the clients and, as a result, the requisites of physi-
hard way—by independent study, on-the-job cal therapy as a profession. Therefore, our
training, and trial and error. To reach the goal discussion is a snapshot in time of current
of direct access, the physical therapy profes- thinking on this topic that continues to evolve.
sion must continue to develop systematic, In addressing the current controversy re-
evidence-based approaches for diagnosis that garding diagnosis by physical therapists, we
are taught in entry-level curricula, so that all believe five critical issues must be discussed:
physical therapists can be presumed to have
adequate skill in diagnosis. 1. What is a diagnosis? We assert that forming
This textbook adds to the effort to develop a diagnosis is a clinical reasoning process re-
physical therapists’ diagnostic skills for recog- lated to the patient’s underlying pathology that
nizing pathologies in a significant and unique concludes with a clinical label. The fundamen-
way. The purpose of this book is to present a tal relevance of the diagnostic label in main-
framework for physical therapists to become stream health care is as an identifier of the
more skilled diagnosticians of pathology and underlying pathology that is the cause of the
provide a ready resource to support the work patient’s condition. Physical therapists also
of physical therapists in direct access environ- use diagnostic reasoning to determine working
ments. It proposes a detailed symptom-based hypotheses regarding the physical impair-
approach for diagnosis based on the notion ments that may either result from, or con-
that, in starting the process of diagnostic in- tribute to, their patients’ presenting pathology.
vestigation, the physical therapist must begin 2. Should physical therapists diagnose pathol-
with the patient’s symptoms and signs. Much ogy? We propose that physical therapists are
like the collective understanding that it repre- profoundly involved in the diagnostic inves-
sents and to which it contributes, the material tigation of the patient’s pathology and that
presented in this textbook remains a work in they make critical decisions based on their
progress. conclusions about the nature, location, and
severity of the pathology. Even when making
Five Critical Issues Frame the most basic determination of whether a pa-
the Topic of Diagnosis by tient’s or client’s condition is amenable to
Physical Therapists physical therapy, the physical therapist makes
a diagnostic decision.
Despite the overwhelming recognition of the 3. Should physical therapists adopt a different
need for more systematic approaches to diagno- definition for diagnosis than other health pro-
sis by physical therapists—especially approaches fessionals? We contend that it is a mistake to
that can be taught to physical therapists during have a separate “physical therapy diagnosis,”
entry-level educational programs—considerable because the diagnostic label belongs to the pa-
controversy surrounds the topic of diagnosis by tient or client and not a specific profession.
physical therapists, particularly as it relates to We also propose that physical therapists’ use
pathology. of diagnostic reasoning to determine the un-
The rest of this chapter is devoted to dis- derlying mechanical etiology for the present-
cussing a conceptual perspective about diag- ing pathology is similar to the process by
nosis by physical therapists. In understanding which many other health care providers use
the physical therapist’s role as a diagnostician, their unique expertise to elaborate on the
we must agree to acknowledge two items. First, diagnostic label in order to determine a prog-
physical therapists fill similar professional nosis and appropriate interventions for a
roles, despite often substantial differences in patient or client.
practice area and physical proximity to refer- 4. Should physical therapists be expected to diag-
ring physicians. With this in mind, we will de- nose given the current legal environment? We
velop a unifying philosophy regarding the role propose that physical therapists have an eth-
of diagnostic reasoning in physical therapy. ical responsibility to use their skills to ensure
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that patients receive the best possible care than consider it as a well-characterized, specific
and that this responsibility need not conflict label of pathology or pathophysiology. Sackett
with legal restrictions. defined the target disorder as:
5. What information should physical therapists
The anatomical, biochemical, physiologic,
use to make decisions about treatment and
or psychological derangement whose etiol-
prognosis? We suggest that detailed inves-
ogy (if known), maladaptive mechanisms,
tigations of the causes of movement dys-
presentation, prognosis, and management
function, and classification systems based
we read about in medical texts. Although
on clinical decision rules, are important
this element is usually called the disease,
evaluative processes conducted by physical
the usefulness of this ambiguous term is
therapists that characterize the search for
hampered by the inability of both patients
an underlying etiology. These approaches
and health scientists to agree on its appli-
will be strengthened by an association with
cation to specific situations. Accordingly,
the diagnosis of pathology made by phys-
we shall call this element of patient’s sick-
ical therapists, because they cannot be con-
ness the target disorder when it becomes
sidered conclusive without considering
the objective of the diagnostic process.4
In this passage, Sackett and his colleagues4
Each of these critical issues is discussed in
are expressing what is generally accepted about
greater detail throughout the remainder of this
diagnostic labels: the diagnostic label frequently
fails to precisely identify the disease or pathol-
Critical Issue 1: What is a Diagnosis? ogy. Nevertheless, a clinician’s application of a
diagnostic label represents the best attempt at a
As it is ordinarily understood in health care, di- shorthand categorization of the patient’s or
agnosis is defined as the process and product of client’s condition with a link to the underlying
a clinical investigation related to the pathology cause of the patient’s signs and symptoms.
underlying a patient’s or client’s symptoms and Physical therapists must make a decision
signs. The process of diagnosis involves a com- regarding the nature of the pathology and its
bination of inductive and deductive reasoning. severity in order to determine whether physi-
The product of the clinical reasoning process of cal therapy is appropriate to address the pa-
diagnosis is a label, which serves as shorthand tient’s condition. In Chapter 2, Dr. Rob Landel
communication between providers. This label discusses how physical therapists make deci-
is called a diagnosis. We put forward that the sions based on diagnostic information. For
term diagnosis should be used by physical ther- this discussion, deciding that the pathology
apists in the same manner as the rest of the causing a patient’s pain is not cancer or not
health care system. To be certain, all health care myocardial infarction or not an infection in
practitioners are constrained by their training, the kidney requires the physical therapist to
resources, practice-related legislation, and cur- undertake a diagnostic process in which the
rent knowledge. Therefore, there are many in- nature of the pathology is investigated, and
stances throughout the health care system in these pathologies are ruled as less likely
which the precise cause of the condition can- causes of the patient’s symptoms. Although
not be determined due to a lack of knowledge. the physical therapist does not always make
In these cases, the diagnostic label will neces- the definitive determination of the diagnostic
sarily be descriptive. Nevertheless, even in these label that will go in the patient’s medical
cases, the presumption is that the label would record, this does not mean that the therapist
identify the pathology if more information is not actively engaged in diagnosing pathol-
were available. ogy. Therefore, we propose that two interme-
Because the result of diagnostic reasoning diate stages of labeling are important for
is a label that may lack pathological specificity, physical therapists:
Sackett and colleagues4 proposed that we
might think of diagnostic labeling as an at- ● Physical therapists may form a diagnostic
tempt to identify the target disorder, rather impression, which is a working diagnosis
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linked to diagnoses. Finally, the database of physical therapist engages in the screening
clinical research evidence that physical thera- process, the patient is asked a series of general
pists both use and contribute to is primarily questions, often referred to as the systems
organized around the mainstream pathology- review.7 The goal of this part of the history
based diagnostic system. taking is not to define a diagnosis, but to make
Adoption of a differing definition for diag- sure that the patient has not neglected to men-
nosis may expose physical therapists and the tion an issue that may have an impact on
physical therapy profession to a communica- the patient’s overall well-being. By contrast,
tion disconnection from the mainstream the diagnostic interview uses directed ques-
health care community. One example of such tions and focused physical examination tests to
ambiguity arises in the term physical therapy answer the specific question “What is the dis-
diagnosis, which is often used in contradis- ease process that is causing my patient’s symp-
tinction to the term medical diagnosis. This toms?” Indeed, physical therapists should be
seems acceptable if these terms refer to the prepared to engage in both diagnosis and
processes of diagnosis in which physical thera- medical screening, because they serve different
pists and physicians engage, respectively, al- and important functions in practice.
though it would be more precise, then, to refer
to a physical therapist’s diagnosis and a physi-
Critical Issue 4: Should Physical
cian’s diagnosis. However, more often these
Therapists be Expected to
two terms appear to be used to distinguish the
Diagnose Given the Current
diagnostic labels that are assigned by physical
Legal Environment?
therapists and physicians. With this definition,
physical therapy diagnosis implies that when a Certainly, several legal and economic barriers
physical therapist engages in diagnosis, a dif- impede diagnosis by physical therapists who
ferent type of label results than when a physi- practice in many areas. These include state
cian engages in diagnosis. We assert that there practice act restrictions on diagnostic labeling
should not be a physical therapy diagnosis that and ordering of diagnostic tests, as well as the
is separate and distinct from the medical diag- lack of reimbursement by third-party payers
nosis. In the mainstream health care commu- for services related to diagnosis performed by
nity, there is simply the diagnosis and it belongs physical therapists. Any meaningful discussion
to the patient—not to a specific health care of the complexity of the laws, regulations, and
discipline. payment related to physical therapist practice
At best, introducing a separate category of is beyond the scope of this textbook. Neverthe-
diagnostic label for physical therapists invites less, we reiterate our assertion that the physical
confusion; at worst, this separate category will therapist has a professional and ethical respon-
invite derision and isolation from colleagues in sibility, regardless of how the state practice act
the health care community. The nursing pro- may read, to use his or her professional judg-
fession’s attempts to establish nursing diagnoses ment to make the most accurate determina-
were unsuccessful. If the physical therapy pro- tion of the underlying pathology, to inform
fession adopts a complementary and alterna- the physician of findings that may conflict
tive diagnostic language, it risks being viewed with the physician’s diagnosis, or to suggest
as providers of complementary and alternative tests that might clarify the diagnosis. Indeed,
treatments. Indeed, a private diagnostic system in the modern health care system, such a col-
in the physical therapy profession will not help laborative approach to diagnosis has become
it to foster optimal communication using a more the rule than the exception; physicians
common language. and health care professionals of different
It might seem politically advantageous to specialties all provide input to the diagnostic
avoid conflict with physicians by using the decision-making process.
term medical screening in place of diagnosis To summarize, physical therapists use
of pathology; however, this also leads to confu- diagnostic skills to first differentiate whether a
sion by redefining a word that has a common patient’s presenting pathology appears amenable
and consistent usage in medicine. When a to physical therapy intervention. In turn, this
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information is used to determine whether the and different practice patterns within the
patient should receive physical therapy treat- physical therapy profession. It is critical for
ment, be referred to another health care physical therapists to elaborate on the referral
provider for additional testing or treatment, or diagnosis with information that further re-
both. Also, physical therapists should deter- fines the description of patients’ disablement,
mine the appropriate disposition and speed of or to further classify the patient within an ac-
referral based on their estimate of the nature cepted schema to define the appropriate treat-
and acuity of the underlying pathology. ment. Indeed, the first assumption in any of
Implicit in these decisions is a specific these approaches is that physical therapy is
consideration by physical therapists of how appropriate for the patient. Therefore, diag-
each form of pathology presents and con- nosis of pathology by physical therapists
tributes to the patient’s symptoms or disable- should play a prominent role in physical ther-
ment. As we discussed previously, the speci- apist practice, similar to the search for an un-
ficity of the diagnostic label that the physical derlying etiology that is represented by the
therapist provides reflects the training of classification of patient clinical presentation
physical therapists, constraints on ordering according to disablement models, impairment
tests, and the perceived acuity of the patient’s clusters, and clinical decision rules that pre-
condition. Physical therapists also use infor- dict response to treatment.
mation regarding the nature of pathology in We propose that, in the long run, linking
making treatment decisions when that pathol- classification-driven evaluative systems with
ogy has been determined to respond to physi- pathology-based diagnosis will strengthen the
cal therapy interventions (i.e., tendinitis physical therapy profession by establishing re-
versus tendinosis). If the diagnosis of pathol- lationships between our unique professional
ogy is excluded from physical therapist prac- reasoning and knowledge and the established
tice out of concern about inappropriate diagnostic language of health care.
consideration of the systemic disorders be-
yond the scope of physical therapy, this also Conclusion
would preclude the ability to diagnose muscu-
loskeletal and neuromuscular pathologies to The physical therapy profession has set as one
the extent that physical therapy treatment of its highest priorities the achievement of direct
decisions can be made. access. Refining the ability of all physical ther-
apists to carry out the process of diagnosis of
Critical Issue 5: What Information pathology is a necessary prerequisite for direct
Should Physical Therapists Use to access and, thus, is the focus of this textbook.
Make Decisions About Treatment We do not believe that accomplishment of this
and Prognosis? objective will result from downplaying the im-
Since the publication of several papers in the portance of diagnostic skills. Indeed, the major
1980s advocating for more detailed evaluative argument of organized opposition to direct
processes by physical therapists, several differ- access is that physical therapists are inade-
ent systems have developed. Some have sug- quately trained to recognize serious diseases.
gested that physical therapists should classify Over the long term, the physical therapy pro-
problems according to the constellations of fession will achieve direct access by continuing
impairments.3 Others have developed systems to demonstrate that physical therapists are well
that are intended to identify the relationships trained to systematically investigate the disease
between impairments and functional limita- processes that cause physical disablement with
tions, using disablement models.8 Still others sufficient specificity to assist in the achieve-
have argued for classification systems based ment of an accurate diagnosis within the con-
on clinical decision rules that identify the in- text of the health care team.
tervention of choice.9–11 In principle, none of
these approaches is mutually exclusive. In References
1. American Physical Therapy Association. Vision 2020.
fact, it appears that different approaches are http://www.apta.org/vision2020. Accessed June 20,
considered more useful for different patients 2009.
1528_Ch01_001-007 07/05/12 12:52 PM Page 7
2. Goodman C, Snyder T. Differential Diagnosis in Physical 8. Sullivan KJ. Role of the physical therapist in neurologic
Therapy. Philadelphia: WB Saunders; 1990. differential diagnosis: a reality in neurologic physical
3. Sahrmann S. Are physical therapists fulfilling their therapist practice. J Neurol Phys Ther. 2007;31(4): 236–237.
responsibilities as diagnosticians? J Orthop Sports Phys 9. Fritz JM, Cleland JA, Childs JD. Subgrouping patients
Ther. 2005;35(9):556–558. with low back pain: evolution of a classification
4. Sackett DL, Straus SE, Richardson WS, Rosenberg W, approach to physical therapy. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther.
Haynes RB. Evidence-Based Medicine: How to Practice 2007;37(6):290–302.
and Teach EBM. 2nd ed. New York, NY: Churchill 10. Childs JD, Fritz JM, Piva SR, Whitman JM. Proposal
Livingstone; 2000. of a classification system for patients with neck pain.
5. Davenport TE, Watts HG, Kulig K, Resnik C. Current J Orthop Sports Phys Ther. 2004;34(11):686–696; dis-
status and correlates of physicians’ referral diagnoses cussion 697–700.
for physical therapy. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther. 11. Delitto A, Erhard RE, Bowling RW. A treatment-based
2005;35(9):572–579. classification approach to low back syndrome: identify-
6. Davenport TE, Kulig K, Resnik C. Diagnosing pathology ing and staging patients for conservative treatment. Phys
to decide the appropriateness of physical therapy: what’s Ther. 1995;75(6):470–485; discussion 485–489.
our role? J Orthop Sports Phys Ther. 2006;36(1):1–2.
7. American Physical Therapy Association. Guide to phys-
ical therapist practice, second edition. Phys Ther.
1528_Ch02_008-015 08/05/12 5:46 PM Page 8
Beyond the Diagnosis: The Search
for Underlying Etiology
■ Rob Landel, PT, DPT, OCS, CSCS, FAPTA
1528_Ch02_008-015 08/05/12 5:46 PM Page 9
the pathology denoted by the diagnostic label. might well be referred to physical therapy with
Diagnostic reasoning at the level of pathology a referral diagnosis of Shoulder Pain. Upon
is a similar process for both physicians and questioning, however, it becomes apparent
physical therapists and also for other health that the pain is aggravated by activities such as
care providers in allopathic settings. The walking or ascending stairs. A review of his
search for the underlying etiology, however, is medical history reveals he is a smoker, has high
specific to the discipline, and therefore physi- blood pressure and hypercholesteremia, is
cal therapists’ unique professional focus and sedentary, and had parents who died young
expertise characterize their search. of a stroke and a heart attack, respectively.
Another patient is referred for a diagnosis of
Physical Therapists Use Balance Retraining who in her history relates
the Diagnostic Label no imbalance but does have short-duration
dizzy spells that occur only when she rolls over
Given a particular patient problem, the first in bed onto her left side. Whereas the first
goal of the physical therapist’s evaluation is to patient requires an urgent referral to a cardiol-
determine if managing the causative pathol- ogist to investigate his angina, the second
ogy is within the scope of physical therapy. patient can be treated effectively for benign
This critical first step ensures the safety of the paroxysmal positional vertigo by the physical
patient, integrates the physical therapist into therapist in one or two visits and a physician
the health care system on a collegial basis, and consult is not needed.
results in an appropriate plan of care. This first In cases where caution is indicated as the
decision-making process leads to three possi- examination proceeds, the physical therapist
ble outcomes: must decide if the examination (and subse-
● Physical therapy is not indicated, quent intervention) can proceed without the
● Physical therapy is indicated but a consulta- need for further consultation with other
tion to another health care provider is health care providers. If so, in a patient with
required, or ankle pain who does not meet the criteria
necessitating radiographs,4,5 for example, or a
● Physical therapy can proceed independent
patient with transient dizziness whose clinical
of additional consultation.
examination reveals benign positional parox-
If physical therapy is not indicated, then ysmal vertigo,6–9 the diagnostic process con-
the physical therapist must decide how tinues until the underlying cause is found.
urgently the referral should be made. The Clearly, if the physical therapist’s evaluation
physical therapy episode of care ends when it does not reveal a specific pathology, then a
becomes apparent that referral to another consultation request made to a provider in the
health care provider for additional evaluation area of practice most likely to uncover the di-
and treatment will be more beneficial to the agnosis is warranted. It is likely that most cases
patient than either beginning or continuing will require this type of referral. The physical
physical therapy. This may be immediately therapist should proceed with the diagnostic
apparent, for example, in the patient referred process as far as is safely possible in order to
for shoulder pain who presents with shortness provide the consultant with as much informa-
of breath, bilateral extremity edema, general tion as possible.
pallor, and tachycardia. At the other end of the Even if physical therapy is deemed the
spectrum, it may not be until the patient has appropriate management strategy for the
had several treatment sessions but has failed to patient’s disablement, it remains essential to
meet expected goals for improvement that identify the presence of a medical condition
physical therapy is halted and referral to an- that will affect the outcome of any physical
other health care provider is made. Either way therapy intervention. Medical comorbidities
the diagnostic process should still be com- must be taken into consideration when de-
pleted beyond the simple identification of the signing a physical therapy intervention. For
presence of Red Flags. For example, a 67-year-old example, the presence of osteoporosis may
male patient’s report of left shoulder pain affect the nature of any intervention provided
1528_Ch02_008-015 08/05/12 5:46 PM Page 10
to a patient with a history of thoracic spine label to determine the most appropriate
pain, since the patient’s symptoms may be intervention and prognosis. Physicians can
related to compression fractures. Because often treat the pathology directly, whereas
confirmation and grading of osteoporosis physical therapists can do so only in some
requires access to imaging modalities outside cases (e.g., treating inflammation as noted
the scope of practice for physical therapists to above). Most interventions that a physical
order, referral to a physician for additional test- therapist can employ do not directly address
ing if a high index of clinical suspicion is present the pathological tissue. For example, physical
would be prudent, even though osteoporosis therapy interventions cannot directly address
itself is not a life-threatening condition and an intervertebral disk defect, heal a torn
would warrant a nonemergent referral. meniscus, or repair a sprained ankle. Rather,
Establishment of a tissue-specific diagnosis the role of the physical therapist is to provide
is important when the physical therapy inter- an optimal healing environment for the tissue
vention itself can directly influence the course that is injured, reduce abnormal mechanical
of the pathology. An example of this is the stresses placed on the injured tissue, and re-
presence of aseptic inflammation. Physical store optimal movement once the tissue is
therapy includes anti-inflammatory interven- healed. Ameliorating the contributing or asso-
tions that can directly treat the inflammation: ciated physical impairments can achieve these
ice, iontophoresis, and phonophoresis. Ion- goals. Therefore, even if the pathology is
tophoresis, in particular, needs precise place- known, the physical therapist must go beyond
ment in order to be effective, so knowledge of the diagnostic label and identify how it relates
the precise location of pathology is required. to the patient’s impairments, activity levels,
Shoulder impingement, for example, is a com- participation, and health. In addition, the
mon diagnosis in patients referred for physical physical therapist must determine which im-
therapy, yet the diagnosis is not specific enough pairments are causing the activity and partici-
to direct the application of iontophoresis. Fur- pation restrictions, and how they are doing so.
ther investigation must be done to identify the Accomplishing this provides the best chance at
exact location of the pathology (differentiating intervening with respect to the most relevant
between the supraspinatus or infraspinatus impairments.
tendon, for example). Physical therapists’ professional emphasis
Another specific tissue pathology directly on movement creates a unique and specialized
amenable to physical therapy intervention is goal in the search for underlying etiology, in
tendinopathy. Tendinopathy may present that physical therapists typically infer cause-
either as tendinitis or tendinosis, but the and-effect relationships between tissue pathol-
underlying pathologies are different and the ogy and a client’s movement patterns based on
interventions differ accordingly. Tendinitis im- skilled assessment. One of the major factors a
plies an inflammatory process, and appropri- physical therapist must determine is whether
ate anti-inflammatory measures should im- the abnormal movement resulted from the tis-
prove the condition. Tendinosis, however, is an sue pathology, or whether abnormal move-
alteration in the structure of the tendon and re- ment caused the tissue pathology. For example,
quires rest followed by progressive reloading of a patient with a chief concern of knee pain
the tendon through exercise.10 Providing an without a history of traumatic onset may re-
inappropriate treatment due to misdiagnosis will ceive a tissue-specific diagnosis from the
at best fail to improve the patient’s condition (eg, physician that is related to the root cause, such
using ice on a tendinopathy) and at worst exac- as a sprained medial collateral ligament of the
erbate it (eg, exercising an inflamed tendon). knee. One could argue that, upon having iden-
tified the pathology and arrived at the diagno-
Physical Therapists Elaborate sis of the sprained ligament, the differential
on the Diagnostic Label diagnostic process is completed. In this case,
however, the sprained ligament is not the re-
Physical therapists, like all other members sult of a single traumatic event, but due to
of the health care team, interpret the diagnostic overuse. Confronted with this situation, the
1528_Ch02_008-015 08/05/12 5:46 PM Page 11
physical therapist must now identify whether determine the stage of healing, so that appro-
any abnormal movement patterns led to the priate treatment is directed to the appropriate
overuse and overstress of the sprained liga- tissue at the appropriate time. In medicine,
ment, and then implement an intervention when a specific cause or source of the problem
strategy that will alleviate stress on the liga- is known and amenable to treatment, treat-
ment. Suppose movement analysis of the pa- ment of the cause or source is usually consid-
tient revealed a knee valgus thrust during each ered more effective than treating individual
weight acceptance phase of running, which signs and symptoms. Likewise, in physical
would repeatedly stress the medial collateral therapy, identifying specific patterns of move-
ligament. Knowing that the hip abductor mus- ment dysfunction (for example, aberrant
cles should control this aberrant movement, movement patterns14) may be a more effective
their strength is tested and they are found to be basis for determining interventions than man-
weak. The result of this search for the underly- aging individual impairments as isolated phe-
ing etiology of medial knee pain is a hip nomena. This concept has become known as
strengthening program. This case illustrates essentialism.15
the direction of investigation specific to physi- The essentialist approach to diagnostic
cal therapy that extends beyond the pathology classification states that an etiologic mecha-
identified by the medical practitioner. nism exists for every disease, whether or not
Physical therapists often attempt to isolate that mechanism has been discovered. This ap-
the patient’s or client’s movement dysfunction proach arose from the discovery of microor-
to the narrowest practical level in order to pro- ganisms as a causative agent for disease. The
vide treatment. Often, this involves a hierar- fact that a specific microorganism could be the
chical organization of the movement-related cause of a specific disease suggested that each
disablement using enablement/disablement and every disease must also have a singular
models. Physical therapists commonly con- cause. Furthermore, regardless of our current
sider the interrelationships among physical limitations in knowledge, it appears to be only
impairments, activity limitations, and partici- a matter of time before science identifies and
pation limitations.1,3,11–13 Physical therapists explains the diagnosis for every malady. Essen-
identify and manage movement dysfunctions tialism is the driving force behind science’s re-
as their unique elaboration on the diagnostic lentless pursuit to identify the origins for all
label, and this allows for the enhancement manner of disease causes. After the narrowest
of physical and functional abilities through possible level of cause has been identified, an
focused intervention. They restore, maintain, essentialist approach to treatment is to elimi-
and promote not only optimal physical func- nate or modify the cause.15
tion, but also optimal wellness and fitness Important limitations exist in the essen-
and optimal quality of life as it relates to tialist approach to diagnosis in consistently
movement and health. Finally, they prevent guiding physical therapists’ interventions and
the onset and progression of symptoms due prognoses. As mentioned earlier, the outcome
to impairments, functional limitations, and of the differential diagnostic process, the diag-
disabilities that may result from diseases, dis- nostic label, should provide clues as to the
orders, conditions, or injuries. Thus, the proper intervention and prognosis. In other
physical therapist must identify abnormal words, the diagnosis is just one driver of the
movement when it exists in a patient and choice of intervention. Unfortunately, the re-
restore optimal movement.1 ferral diagnosis provided to physical therapists
by a physician is tissue specific less than one-
The Diagnostic Label Alone is third of the time.16 Over two-thirds of referrals
Insufficient to Guide Physical to outpatient physical therapy clinics have as a
Therapists “diagnosis” terms like Shoulder Pain, Low Back
Pain, Knee Pain, and so on. Even a casual
A basic precept of patient management is look reveals that these are not diagnoses at
that it is important to determine the anatomi- all, but are simply restatements of a patient’s
cal or pathological source of symptoms and to or client’s symptoms. They are not specific
1528_Ch02_008-015 08/05/12 5:46 PM Page 12
regarding the pathology or tissue involved diagnostic system, some authors have gone so
and provide no indication of the appropriate far as to label them forms of physical therapy
intervention. Therefore, the ability for physi- diagnosis.23–25 Although relatively recently
cal therapists to establish a diagnosis and introduced into physical therapy practice,
search for underlying etiology even in the there is some support for the value of a specific
case of vague referral diagnoses becomes movement classification to help guide physical
critical to making treatment and prognosis therapy intervention.2,15,26–30 Impairment-
decisions. based classification systems are problematic,
however, when they fail to account for
A Process Guides Physical pathoanatomical and psychosocial factors and
Therapists’ Search for an the stage of the disorder.31 In addition,
Underlying Etiology although movement and motor control im-
pairments certainly manifest themselves in
So how do we proceed after a diagnosis is common ways for particular diagnoses, there
established? The foregoing situation reveals a is no certainty of cause and effect without the
significant shortcoming of the essentialist ap- relevance provided by the context of move-
proach. With the patient sitting in our clinic ment. For example, directing intervention at
we do not have time for science to “catch up” the movement impairments resulting from
and deliver us a clear treatment plan for each neuropathic or inflammatory pain would be
individual. We must act as best we can with the ineffective compared to treating the cause of
information currently available to develop a the pain directly. Similarly, psychological
plan of care. In contrast to essentialism, the processes such as depression, stress, and anxi-
nominalist approach to diagnostic classifica- ety can produce impairments that affect move-
tion uses groupings of signs and symptoms as ment. Identifying and treating impairments
the basis for establishing and labeling a dis- alone irrespective of other contributing factors
ease.15 A classic example of nominalism is the will result in physicians and physical therapists
management of a patient with the chief con- alike missing a significant aspect of the pa-
cern of low back pain. The literature has estab- tient’s disorder and thereby rendering care that
lished that lumbar pathoanatomy correlates results in poor outcomes.31
poorly with symptoms,17–21 leading to findings The health care community accepts nomi-
that 85% of the time the exact cause of low nalist diagnoses on the basis of consensus.
back pain remains undiagnosed.22 Of course, There is much research, debate, and revision
this does not mean low back pain cannot be that occurs prior to reaching a strong enough
treated effectively. The impairments relative to consensus that nominalist diagnoses should
the chief concern such as pain, or activity lim- become a part of the general standard of care.
itations such as the inability to stand, sit, or Along these lines, more research is necessary to
walk, or participation limitations such as the determine the validity and reliability of and
inability to work can still be identified and the clinical outcomes related to the proposed
guide formation of a plan of care. If specific nominalist approaches that involve classifica-
impairments can be identified that are directly tion according to impairment clusters before
related to the chief concern, and these impair- they can be universally accepted. Indeed, the
ments are addressed through an appropriate search appears to continue for a nominalist
intervention plan, then the patient stands the classification system for movement in health
best chance of realizing a positive change in and disease. In the meantime, considering the
their chief concern. patient as a whole—including hypothetical
Impairment-based classification systems cause-and-effect relationships among pathol-
have developed because of the physical thera- ogy, psychology, sociology, symptoms, and
pist’s emphasis on intervening at the level movement dysfunction—will remain the physi-
of physical impairments. Because the classifi- cal therapist’s challenge.
cation of disablement according to enablement/ Physical therapists’ search for underlying
disablement models and physical impairments causes requires impairments to be identified
takes on the characteristic of a nominalist and linked to function. Since the goal of physical
1528_Ch02_008-015 08/05/12 5:46 PM Page 13
therapy care is restoring function and healthy individual would accomplish this task.
reducing disability, and interventions may be The healthy individual possesses the resources
directed toward ameliorating impairments, it necessary for successful task completion: a
is imperative for the impairments being prerequisite amount of joint motion, strength,
treated to be linked to the patient’s functional motor control, proprioception, and so on.
losses and disabilities using a systematic ap- These resources are readily available to the
proach. This approach involves three steps: person who is able to rise from the chair with-
1. Careful identification of the functional chief
out difficulty. We can observe the patient’s
concern, performance of the task, compare it to the
2. Completion of a task and movement analy-
optimal performance, and hypothesize what
sis, and resources are lacking to interfere with task
3. Testing of hypothetical relationships between
accomplishment. This lack of resources is
physical impairments and functional limita- synonymous with impairments.
tions during physical examination. Physical Therapists Create and Test
This specialized approach is dynamic and Hypothetical Relationships
continues throughout an episode of care. The third step to linking impairment and func-
tion is testing the hypotheses via the physical
Physical Therapists Identify examination. To thoroughly test the hypotheses,
the Functional Chief Concern appropriate tests and measures must be chosen.
The first step to linking function and impair- Thus, for a patient having difficulty rising from
ments is to ask what impairments could be the a chair, we would ensure there is enough hip
cause of a given set of activity limitations or, flexion mobility,33 ensure there is sufficient hip
conversely, to ask “What activity limitations extensor strength,34 and so on. Any impairments
could ensue for a given set of impairments?” In found would very likely underlie the functional
most orthopedic settings, the patient’s chief limitation; amelioration of these specific im-
concern corresponds to an impairment. For pairments would stand an excellent chance of
example, a patient with a torn meniscus may decreasing the functional limitation.
report having pain. Given this impairment, the A very important by-product of this ap-
physical therapist must ask not only what proach is that the choice of tests and measures
pathology could be the source of the pain, but used in the physical examination is dictated by
also what activity and participation limitations the predictions made during the task analysis.
arise as a result of that pain. The key question For example, if strength is required to perform
for the patient is “What does this pain prevent the task optimally, then the clinician has no
you from doing?” Possible answers may be an choice but to measure strength to determine if
inability to squat, rise from a chair, or negoti- weakness prevents optimal performance. The
ate stairs. In the neurological setting, the clinician can choose how to determine if the
patient’s presenting concern commonly and impairment is present, for example, testing
conveniently identifies the functional limita- strength using manual muscle testing, hand-
tion, such as “I can’t walk” or “I can’t get up held dynamometry, or isokinetic dynamome-
from a chair.” try, but not whether it will be tested.
Several advantages emerge from this
process. First, the resulting physical examination
Physical Therapists Perform Task
is focused and efficient, because unnecessary
and Movement Analyses
tests are avoided. Second, the findings have
Once the activity limitation has been identi- meaning, because they relate to the patient’s
fied, the second step in linking impairment to concerns. Third, since the impairments stand a
function is to perform a task analysis, that is, to reasonable chance of being linked to activity and
compare how the patient does the activity and participation limitations, intervening in those
how someone in good health would optimally impairments will have the highest likelihood of
do it.32 For example, when a patient states she producing positive results in the activity and
cannot rise from a chair, one can ask how a participation limitations.
1528_Ch02_008-015 08/05/12 5:46 PM Page 14
The Search for an Underlying If the expected goals have been met, the out-
Etiology is Dynamic and Ongoing come is clear and the patient is discharged.
When the goals have not been met, however,
As noted previously, there are times when a the therapist must assess each step taken dur-
hypothesis is made about the pathology that ing the episode of care to determine the cause
causes a patient’s or client’s disablement. Based for lack of progress. The first step to review is
on this hypothesis, an intervention plan is de- the implementation of the intervention. If not
signed, complete with objectively measurable done well, treatment is repeated with im-
goals that have a time frame for success. At the proved implementation and the problem is re-
conclusion of this time frame, remeasurement assessed. If the treatment was implemented
is completed to determine whether the patient properly but the goals were still not met, the
or client has met the treatment goals. If the choice of treatment is reassessed. For example,
goals have been met, then not only was the when mobilizing a joint to gain range of mo-
intervention a success, but it is also possible tion fails to yield positive results, perhaps
that the initial diagnostic hypothesis was cor- stretching the muscles will. If the choice of in-
rect. For example, in the case of a patient with terventions was appropriate but the goals were
unilateral low back pain of nontraumatic still not met, then perhaps the overall strategy
onset, aggravated by extension and ipsilateral was incorrect and needs to be rethought. In
lateral flexion, one might surmise based on the this case, perhaps the problem was not lack of
history and physical examination that the range of motion, but lack of strength.
symptoms are due to a facet joint impinge-
ment. Following this biomechanically based Conclusion
hypothesis, a decision might be made to initi-
ate interventions that decompress the offend- Determining a tissue-specific diagnosis ini-
ing facet joint. If the patient improves, this tially drives decisions regarding intervention
might provide indirect evidence supporting and prognosis. Arriving at a diagnosis, how-
the initial treatment hypothesis. This type of ever, is not always the end of the process for
thinking is often used as a form of content va- determining the best possible intervention and
lidity for clinical reasoning; however, it neg- prognosis in physical therapy. In some cases, it
lects the possibility that many other structures is impossible to arrive at a diagnosis for lack of
could have been positively affected as the facet adequate differentiating tests or current med-
joint was decompressed (eg, the surrounding ical understanding. In some cases, although
musculature could have been stretched). It the offending tissue is identified, the interven-
would be better to know the exact underlying tions available to the physical therapist do not
pathology, of course, using tests and meas- allow direct treatment of the tissue itself.
ures that have criterion-related validity (in In all cases, the physical therapist must
this example, a diagnostic facet joint block), proceed beyond the diagnosis and determine
but this is not always feasible, practical, or the presence of movement abnormalities. Fur-
possible. As noted previously, a gold standard thermore, the therapist must determine
diagnostic criterion may not exist. Alterna- whether identified movement abnormalities are
tively, the patient may fail to improve within the cause or result of the pathology. The physi-
the specified time frame or even worsen, cal therapist must create hypothetical links
which may be interpreted as evidence against between function and individual physical im-
the initial hypothetical underlying etiology. pairments, and then test the hypotheses. This
Thus, the search for underlying etiology con- requires a clear understanding of the patient’s
siders not only information gathered from the or client’s functional chief concern, a thorough
history and examination, but also the response task and movement analysis, and testing hy-
to treatment. pothesized movement deficits during the phys-
Determining whether the response to ical examination. Finally, the patient’s or client’s
treatment was appropriate implies that response to treatment—or lack thereof—serves
progress is compared to an expected outcome. to verify or disconfirm the diagnosis.
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Diagnostic Reasoning
■ Todd E. Davenport, PT, DPT, OCS
1528_Ch03_016-021 07/05/12 12:54 PM Page 17
for Health Care Policy and Research3 released enough to allow physical therapists to consider
a brochure describing symptoms and signs how pathology may cause an individual pa-
that may indicate the presence of serious tient’s symptoms and signs given the patient’s
pathology in patients with low back pain, unique situation.
which have become known as Red Flags. Red
Flags are commonly interpreted to signal an Diagnosis is a Unique Combination
automatic need for patient/client referral to of Reasoning Patterns
another health care provider.4,5 However,
emerging literature indicates a lack of diagnos- The goal of the diagnostic process is to move
tic accuracy for individual Red Flags.6 Indeed, from uncertainty to a sufficient level of cer-
the diagnostic relevance of individual or clus- tainty regarding the cause of a patient’s pre-
ters of Red Flags must be interpreted for a senting symptoms or signs for referral and
given patient situation; a symptom or sign treatment decisions to be made. It is this cer-
considered a Red Flag for one patient/client tainty that allows for labeling of the pathology
may not necessarily be a Red Flag for another. hypothesized to be responsible for the patient’s
For example, a patient who received gastric by- clinical presentation. To achieve this goal,
pass and a patient with malignant cancer may physical therapists must answer a fundamental
both demonstrate significant weight change; question: “What disease is causing the patient’s
however, the etiology of weight change is far symptoms?” A formal process for finding the
less insidious in the patient who received a gas- answer to this question is necessary, because
tric bypass than in the one with metastatic the rate of errors in medical decision making
cancer. Also, a history of smoking may not be has been shown to decrease with implementa-
considered a Red Flag by itself, but it takes on tion of formal processes.
significant diagnostic relevance in a patient Several characteristics are important in a
with shoulder pain and upper extremity pares- well-designed diagnostic process. The process
thesias due to the elevated risk for a Pancoast should allow consideration of all the impor-
tumor. tant clinical data without missing any data that
Some authors advocate screening for mul- might be salient to the patient’s case. At the
tiple Red Flags in order to screen for certain same time, the process must be efficient and
forms of pathology.7 Scientific determination flexible to allow consistent application
of symptoms and signs that have the highest throughout the day and for different clinical
likelihood of indicating a disease is important. presentations and clinicians at various levels of
However, organizing this information around knowledge and skill. Efficiency and flexibility
the details of a specific patient’s case may be in a diagnostic process relates to the ability
more clinically meaningful than synthesizing a of clinicians to integrate several patterns of
collection of unrelated facts, as we discuss in a diagnostic thinking within the process. Each of
later section of this chapter. Organizing the these patterns is discussed in the following
search for underlying pathology around a sections.
process rather than fragments of information
Backward Reasoning Involves
enhances the search’s consistency and speed,
Creation and Testing of Clinical
because the clinician can recognize features of
the case that point to a diagnosis rather than
needing to remember all of the Red Flags in a Backward reasoning involves the creation
cluster. In addition, the patient/client does not of hypotheses to be tested. The process of
always present with signs and symptoms that testing hypotheses has been referred to as the
fit dysfunction in a well-defined physiological hypothetico-deductive model. Pure use of this
system. Memorization of Red Flag clusters form of diagnostic reasoning would suggest
would impair perception of the necessary cues that a clinician should collect all the possible
to integrate diagnostic information from data by taking an absolutely complete history
across body systems. from the patient. This would be followed by an
These issues reinforce the importance of exhaustive physical examination and collation
establishing a diagnostic process that is flexible of an exhaustive set of tests. At that point, all
1528_Ch03_016-021 07/05/12 12:54 PM Page 18
data would be sorted by the probabilities of a perceived frequency, variability, causation, and
specific disease being found in a patient or prototype of a disease.12
client based on relevant demographic charac- Clinicians may make rapid judgments
teristics and clinical test results until the most about the perceived frequency of a disease
likely diagnosis is reached. Although backward based on specific variables that are identified.
reasoning is a pattern that aims to carefully For example, you might consider a genetic
consider much information, this pattern is also basis to be more likely in children with motor
characterized by a slower processing time and delay and a family history of a heritable ge-
a higher potential for distractions that affect netic disease than in children with motor delay
decision accuracy.8 and no family history.
The exhaustive nature of pure backward Judgments regarding disease variability oc-
reasoning models makes them too time cur when a clinician makes inferences about
consuming for consistent use in the clinic, al- the entire population with a disease based on a
though their use has merit in computer mod- small subset. In this manner, you might infer
els. One example of backward reasoning com- that the entire population of patients with dif-
puter modeling is the use of expert systems or fuse leg pain has peripheral vascular disease
decision support systems. A decision support based on your experience with a few individu-
system is a computer system that is intended als with peripheral vascular disease.
to simulate the knowledge and expertise of a Clinicians may rapidly consider causation
human expert. The system is composed of a in determining whether a patient has a disease.
large computer database containing informa- In this scenario, you might consider the prob-
tion related to the diagnosis and treatment of ability of brain trauma to be most prominent
disease. The database can be searched using an in a patient with loss of consciousness follow-
inference engine, and the computer is pro- ing a motor vehicle accident.
grammed with software that provides a set of In making judgments about a prototype to
rules for basic deductions. After the patient’s determine if Mrs. Juarez has a certain disease,
presenting symptoms and signs have been en- you would compare Mrs. Juarez’s presentation
tered into the search engine, the computer to what you saw last week in Mrs. Smith. If
yields a likely diagnosis and treatment options. Mrs. Juarez and Mrs. Smith have the same
Of course, there are many advantages to this symptoms and signs, they must have the same
type of system, which are beyond the scope of pathology.
this chapter to discuss in detail.9,10 However, The pure use of forward reasoning has
computerized decision support systems have both advantages and disadvantages. One ad-
yet to be widely implemented into health care, vantage of forward reasoning is that decisions
emphasizing the need for clinicians to con- can be made faster than with backward rea-
tinue to develop hypothetico-deductive rea- soning.8 Problems with the use of forward
soning skills. reasoning alone relate to the fact that forward
reasoning is subject to errors,13,14 especially by
Forward Reasoning Involves
novice clinicians.12 These errors would be ad-
the Attempt to Recognize Patterns
dressed if a clinician has seen at least a repre-
in Clinical Presentation
sentative sample of all pathologies, which is
Forward reasoning (or forward-inductive rea- impractical and impossible. The need for ex-
soning) is the attempt to recognize patterns in perience with different patient presentations
clinical presentation that may indicate pathol- to engage in a forward reasoning process is
ogy. This approach also is called pattern recog- supported by studies that suggest expert clini-
nition. In this manner, hypothesis generation cians demonstrate behaviors consistent with
is triggered by the patient’s presentation.11 forward reasoning processes more frequently
Certain features of the patient’s clinical pres- than beginners,15–17 and also demonstrate
entation commonly facilitate hypothesis for- better recognition memory for salient and
mation. These features include clinicians’ nonsalient clinical information than begin-
judgments about how representative the pa- ners.18 However, our experience indicates that
tient’s clinical picture is with respect to the variations among patients can make it more
1528_Ch03_016-021 07/05/12 12:54 PM Page 19
then, for a symptom-based diagnostic process efficiency, as well as the flexibility needed for
to be flexible enough for clinicians to preferen- the various patient/client presentations and
tially use the pattern of reasoning that best types of clinical thinking displayed by clini-
fits the situation and the clinician’s level of cians at all levels of experience.
Characteristics of the case also influence References
the type of reasoning processes selected. Find- 1. Edwards I, Jones M, Carr J, Braunack-Mayer A, Jensen
ings from one study established that straight- GM. Clinical reasoning strategies in physical therapy.
Phys Ther. 2004;84(4):312–330; discussion 331–335.
forward cases were better processed by medical 2. Guide to Physical Therapist Practice. Second Edition.
residents than ambiguous ones, although the American Physical Therapy Association. Phys Ther.
memory for facts that characterized the cases 2001;81(1):9–746.
was higher in the ambiguous case than the 3. Clinical Practice Guideline, Acute Low Back Problems in
Adults. Silver Spring, MD: Agency for Health Care
simple case.25 In another study, the time spent Policy and Research Publications Clearinghouse;
on the diagnosis, the memory for case find- 1994.
ings, and the number of inferences from case 4. Boissonnault WG. Examination in Physical Therapy
findings were found to be significantly ele- Practice: Screening for Medical Disease. New York, NY:
Churchill-Livingstone; 1995.
vated in a problematic case compared to a case 5. Sizer PS, Jr., Brismee JM, Cook C. Medical screening for
that was seen as simple.26 Medical specialists red flags in the diagnosis and management of muscu-
also processed cases in their specialties faster loskeletal spine pain. Pain Pract. 2007;7(1):53–71.
and more accurately than cases outside their 6. Leerar PJ, Boissonnault W, Domholdt E, Roddey T.
Documentation of red flags by physical therapists for
expertise, although recall for findings within patients with low back pain. J Man Manip Ther.
the cases and pathophysiological explanations 2007;15(1):42–49.
were not significantly different.27 These find- 7. Henschke N, Maher CG, Refshauge KM. A systematic
ings indicate the importance of case complexity review identifies five “red flags” to screen for vertebral
fracture in patients with low back pain. J Clin Epidemiol.
or ambiguity to the pattern of clinical reason- 2008;61(2):110–118.
ing employed, in which cases that are per- 8. De Neys W. Automatic-heuristic and executive-analytic
ceived as complex are characterized by a more processing during reasoning: chronometric and
careful backward approach, and cases that are dual-task considerations. Q J Exp Psychol (Colchester).
perceived as simpler are characterized by a 9. Lobach DF, Hammond WE. Computerized decision
faster forward approach. Although the rate of support based on a clinical practice guideline im-
recall for findings between ambiguous and proves compliance with care standards. Am J Med.
simple cases may differ with clinical expertise, 1997;102(1):89–98.
10. Sucher JF, Moore FA, Todd SR, Sailors RM, McKinley
the goal of the diagnostic process remains BA. Computerized clinical decision support: a technol-
to identify underlying pathophysiological ogy to implement and validate evidence based guide-
explanations for patients’ symptoms and signs lines. J Trauma. 2008;64(2):520–537.
regardless of case complexity. 11. Crowley RS, Naus GJ, Friedman CP. Development of
visual diagnostic expertise in pathology. Proc AMIA
Symp. 2001:125–129.
Conclusion 12. Payne VL, Crowley R. Assessing the use of cognitive
heuristic representativeness in clinical reasoning. AMIA
Diagnostic reasoning involves a combination Annu Symp Proc. 2008:571–575.
13. Dawson NV. Physician judgment in clinical settings:
of pattern recognition and hypothetico- methodological influences and cognitive perform-
deductive reasoning. The type of reasoning ance. Clin Chem. 1993;39(7):1468–1478; discussion
that is involved with diagnosis depends on the 1478–1480.
expertise of the clinician. This highlights the 14. Elstein AS. Heuristics and biases: selected errors in clin-
ical reasoning. Acad Med. 1999;74(7):791–794.
need for a diagnostic process for physical ther- 15. Noll E, Key A, Jensen G. Clinical reasoning of an experi-
apists that is flexible yet thorough to accom- enced physiotherapist: insight into clinician decision-
modate for all levels of experience. Subsequent making regarding low back pain. Physiother Res Int.
chapters in this book are organized around a 2001;6(1):40–51.
16. Crespo KE, Torres JE, Recio ME. Reasoning process
process for symptom-based diagnosis, which is characteristics in the diagnostic skills of beginner,
described in the next chapter. This approach competent, and expert dentists. J Dent Educ.
supports the need for thoroughness and 2004;68(12):1235–1244.
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17. Young JS, Smith RL, Guerlain S, Nolley B. How residents 23. Ferreira MB, Garcia-Marques L, Sherman SJ, Sherman
think and make medical decisions: implications JW. Automatic and controlled components of judgment
for education and patient safety. Am Surg. 2007; and decision making. J Pers Soc Psychol. 2006;
73(6):548–553; discussion 553–554. 91(5):797–813.
18. Norman GR, Brooks LR, Allen SW. Recall by expert 24. May S, Greasley A, Reeve S, Withers S. Expert therapists
medical practitioners and novices as a record of use specific clinical reasoning processes in the assess-
processing attention. J Exp Psychol Learn Mem Cogn. ment and management of patients with shoulder pain:
1989;15(6):1166–1174. a qualitative study. Aust J Physiother. 2008;54(4):
19. Patel VL, Groen GJ, Arocha JF. Medical expertise as 261–266.
a function of task difficulty. Mem Cognit. 1990; 25. Mamede S, Schmidt HG, Rikers R. Diagnostic errors
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20. Kushniruk AW, Patel VL, Marley AA. Small worlds and 2007;13(1):138–145.
medical expertise: implications for medical cognition 26. Mamede S, Schmidt HG, Rikers RM, Penaforte JC,
and knowledge engineering. Int J Med Inform. Coelho-Filho JM. Breaking down automaticity: case
1998;49(3):255–271. ambiguity and the shift to reflective approaches in clin-
21. Norman GR, Eva KW. Doggie diagnosis, diagnostic suc- ical reasoning. Med Educ. 2007;41(12):1185–1192.
cess and diagnostic reasoning strategies: an alternative 27. Rikers RM, Schmidt HG, Boshuizen HP, Linssen GC,
view. Med Educ. 2003;37(8):676–677. Wesseling G, Paas FG. The robustness of medical expert-
22. Joseph GM, Patel VL. Domain knowledge and hypothe- ise: clinical case processing by medical experts and subex-
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Making. 1990;10(1):31–46.
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How to Use This Book
■ Hugh G. Watts, MD
1528_Ch04_022-030 08/05/12 5:47 PM Page 23
only make it more complex when absolutely problem concerning them or a friend or rela-
necessary. This principle—the economy of di- tive. A coworker might come to you in a hall-
agnoses—has been a cornerstone of differential way and say, “I fell this weekend and now my
diagnosis and is still the best approach to mak- knee is swollen. Would you take a look and
ing a differential diagnosis. tell me if I need to see a physician?” In this in-
The process of making a diagnosis out- formal situation, the questions you ask of
lined in this chapter is modulated by the need “the patient” and the physical examination
for efficiency by the physical therapist. A phys- might not be as complete as in a formal situ-
ical therapist cannot spend several hours with ation. There will be no record of the visit, nor
each patient. It is important to develop a clin- will a follow-up visit be arranged. This poten-
ically viable process that gets to the diagnosis tially dangerous situation is compounded by
as efficiently as possible. the personal relationship, because we are un-
likely to think of some of the very serious dis-
The Diagnostic Process eases that might be involved, or that this
friend or relative is subject to socially stigma-
Barriers to Communication tized activity that might be the basis of a sex-
ually transmitted disease.
In order for a physical therapist to make a rea-
sonable diagnosis, information must flow
The Starting Point: Identify
freely between the patient and the therapist.
the Patient’s Chief Concern
Barriers to communication are those situa-
tions that may interfere with this proper flow The process of making a diagnosis starts with
of information. the patient’s presenting concern or symptom.
Why then does our discussion of the diag- Classically, the subject of differential diagnosis
nostic process begin by listing barriers to com- has been taught to physical therapy students
munication? Any information that is gathered using a body system approach. Here the term
is always filtered. Hence, the physical therapist system refers to the anatomical or physiologi-
should be aware of the presence of possible bi- cal system of the body involved in the disease
ases so that the information that is collected such as the cardiac or neurological system.
can be as free of distortions as possible. Early on, physical therapists learn about the
In trying to make a diagnosis, obtaining pain that can result from cardiac disease or the
accurate information is paramount. Anything particular limp that might result from a neu-
that interferes with the proper flow of infor- rological disease. Patients, however, do not ar-
mation needs to be identified and dealt with. rive at the clinic or office announcing that they
Barriers to communication warn the therapist have a cardiac or a neurological problem. In-
to recognize possible interactions between the stead, a patient presents, for example, with
therapist and the patient that may lead the shoulder pain. That shoulder pain could be
therapist astray when trying to make a diagno- caused by cardiac disease or gallbladder in-
sis. An obvious example would be a patient flammation irritating the underside of the di-
who does not speak the same language as the aphragm or cervical disk disease or a rotator
therapist. Even among patients who think they cuff tear. Another patient might be concerned
are speaking the same language, slang and about a feeling of generalized weakness that
other alternative word usages can impair com- could be secondary to a metabolic disorder, a
munication. Wide cultural differences between neurological disease, or psychological depres-
the patient and the local community, wide sion. Hence, the method taught here begins
generational gaps, or gender-sensitive issues with a patient who presents with a symptom,
may also impede the flow of information. the cause of which may originate in any of a
Another barrier to communication is the number of different body systems.
informal referral. Physical therapists are fre- Is a system approach the wrong way to ini-
quently subject to direct informal referrals. tially teach students differential diagnosis? We
These are the people, often fellow workers or believe not. The student first needs a ground-
relatives, who casually ask about a medical ing of information to work with. Ultimately,
1528_Ch04_022-030 08/05/12 5:47 PM Page 24
however, the student needs a method for information that a 45-year-old male smokes
integrating this knowledge learned from the three packs of cigarettes a day would cer-
system texts into a useful clinical tool. tainly represent a cause for caution if he
were presenting with shoulder pain because
Symptoms Versus Signs of the possibility of a malignant lung tumor
as the cause, but not necessarily if he was
We have based this text on the symptoms that
concerned with foot pain that appears to be
a patient brings to our attention. Some of the
secondary to plantar fasciitis.
chapter titles suggest signs rather than symp-
Some situations that require special atten-
toms. Is there a significant difference between
tion are patients who arrive with:
terms symptom and sign? By some definitions2
● A nonspecific diagnosis from a referring
a symptom is “a subjective indication of a dis-
ease or change in condition as perceived by the physician. A patient referred with a diagno-
patient,” whereas a sign is “an objective finding sis of Shoulder Pain, Low Back Pain, or Neck
perceived by the examiner.”2,3 Other defini- Pain should be seen as one who arrived with
tions,4,5 however, do not make as clear a differ- no diagnosis. Pain is a symptom, not a
entiation. Instead, they define a symptom as “a pathology. The fact that a patient’s symp-
characteristic sign or indication of a disorder tom is translated into Latin (eg, cervicalgia
or disease.” In practice also, the distinction is for “neck pain”) does not change the situa-
not always clear. If a patient limps in to your tion that this is a patient who arrived with-
clinic and says, “I limp,” is that a sign or a out a diagnosis.
symptom or both? If the mother of a child ● Changes in symptoms since the last visit
says, “My child limps,” is the limp the mother or since the patient last saw the referring
has observed a sign or a symptom? We feel that physician.
this is not a productive debate and, therefore, ● Unusual pain patterns.
use the term chief concern as including both ● Night pain that is felt as a deep ache and not
signs and symptoms. affected by positional change. However,
note that the isolation and silence of dark-
Special Concerns ness often makes patients feel worse at
In this book, the term special concerns denotes nighttime.
situations in which the therapist needs to be ● Unrelenting pain.
especially wary. It does not mean that the ther- ● Migratory pains.
apist should stop thinking through the diag- ● Nonanatomical distribution of pains.
nostic possibilities and immediately refer the ● Acute changes:
patient elsewhere. ● with increased body temperature
We are all aware that some cardiac pathol- ● sudden weakness
ogy may be felt by the patient as pain in the ● sudden inability to bear weight.
medial aspect of the upper arm on the left.
● Signs of ischemia, for example:
Understandably, most therapists would be
● decreased pulses in the extremities
alarmed if a patient stated that the upper me-
● smooth, shiny skin
dial arm hurt, especially if the pain was wors-
● loss of hair over extremities.
ened by exertion. However, therapists are less
● Sensory changes:
likely to be aware that gallbladder inflamma-
● paresthesias
tion irritating the underside of the diaphragm
● sensory loss
may give right-sided shoulder pain, or that hip
● pain that radiates.
disease can be felt as pain in the anteromedial
aspect of the knee. Although the consequences ● Recent unintended weight loss.
of missing these connections are less grave ● Genitourinary problems, especially urinary
When such conditions are noted, this does the use of the method. One convenient ap-
not mean that the patient needs immediate re- proach is to use a mnemonic. A mnemonic is
ferral back to the physician, because the condi- an aid to memory (from the Greek mnemos,
tions may well be part of the disease for which meaning “memory”). We have developed a
the patient was referred to the physical thera- mnemonic that we have found helpful in
pist to begin with. For example, a patient teaching the method of differential diagnosis
might be referred for a program to regain to physical therapists: TIM VaDeTuCoNe
range of motion of the hip following a hemor- (Box 4-2).
rhage in the psoas muscle resulting from anti- Who is TIM VaDeTuCoNe? TIM VaDeTu-
coagulant therapy for her atrial fibrillation CoNe is an artificial construct. It was de-
(Box 4-1). signed to allow the physical therapist to list
the potential diseases in an organized fashion.
TIM VaDeTuCoNe: A Database The order chosen for those items was one that
of Possible Causes would be relevant to a physical therapist. Why
are some letters in uppercase and some in
When using our method of making a diagno-
lowercase?—Simply to provide enough vow-
sis, one cannot overemphasize the impor-
els to make the word easier to sound out and
tance of making a list, mentally or written, of
to remember. To someone new to this
all possible causes. This is the database from
mnemonic, it may seem clumsy and no more
which the diagnosis is determined and forms
convenient than other mnemonics or than
the basis for future decisions concerning in-
not using a mnemonic at all. However, we
tervention. This list is a starting point and
have used this very effectively with both
needs to be sorted by the discriminating
entry-level doctoral students and post-
questions asked during the history taking
professional DPT students with many years
followed by the re-sorting done with the help
of clinical expertise. They have found it
of the appropriately discriminating physical
easy to remember and that it guides them
in making a list of possible diagnoses so
Such a list of possible causes of a symptom
that uncommon problems are not over-
can be very long, making it difficult to remem-
looked. Many students refer to it as the
ber them all. Lists of diagnoses, subdivided by
“TIM list.”
anatomical/physiological system, such as those
In this book, each chapter that describes
given in the American Physical Therapy Asso-
possible causes of a symptom will begin
ciation’s Guide to Physical Therapy Practice,6
with a Chapter Preview (see Chapter 7).
are not as useful to a physical therapist whose
The previews are sorted using TIM VaDeTu-
starting point is the patient’s presenting symp-
CoNe, and also by the estimates of the
tom. Just listing diseases as they come to mind,
condition’s prevalence in society.
however, also is not an efficient approach.
The physical therapist needs to organize
the disease processes in some way to facilitate
BOX 4-2 TIM VaDeTuCoNe—An
Artificial Construct
BOX 4-1 Getting Started with
the Diagnostic Process Trauma
● Barriers to communication are potential prob-
lems with any patient who arrives with any Metabolic
symptom; hence, we have not listed them in Vascular
each of the following chapters. Degenerative
● Special concerns may differ from one present-
ing symptom to another. As a consequence,
we have listed them at the top of every diag- Congenital
nostic list in the following chapters. Neurogenic/Psychogenic
1528_Ch04_022-030 08/05/12 5:47 PM Page 26
A moment’s reflection shows that such an ap- dealing with body organs that have no surface
proach is inappropriately limited. The source component, the brain has difficulty deciding
of such a pain could be remote instead of local. where the pain originates. It will assign the
By local pain we mean pain caused by a patho- source to the region on the surface that shares
logic process in the immediate region of the the same innervation as the structure deep in-
symptom, eg, muscle tissue rupture. By remote side. Hence pain from the heart may be misin-
pain we mean the pain that is caused at some terpreted as coming from the medial aspect of
other point than where the patient feels the the upper arm or axillary region. Pain in the
symptom, for example, pain felt in the foot as hip may be misinterpreted as coming from the
a result of a tumor at the fibular head pressing anteromedial aspect of the knee that shares
on the peroneal nerve or referred pain felt in the same innervation by the obturator nerve.
the anteromedial aspect of the knee due to a However, the pain experienced in the hand
pathologic process in the ipsilateral hip. Be- secondary to a thoracic outlet compression of
cause physical therapists are more likely to the nerves is not referred pain. The brain is not
overlook remote causes of pain, we give em- confused as it is when a patient feels pain in
phasis to these remote sources of pain. For this the axilla after injury to the heart muscle. Thus
same reason, in the diagnostic lists in the indi- we have two separate ways in which a patho-
vidual chapters of this book, the remote possi- logic process that takes place in one location is
bilities are always given first so they will be less felt in another. We have combined these two
likely to be overlooked. and use the term Remote Pain.
When dealing with pain in the knee the
difference between Remote and Local causes is What Follows the Making
reasonably clear. However, the closer the pain of a TIM VaDeTuCoNe List?
is to the trunk, the more difficult this differen- A diagnosis begins by gathering a complete list
tiation becomes. For example, when consider- of potential diagnoses that could result in the
ing neck pain-is a disk impingement on the patient’s symptoms. These are then sorted by the
nerve roots at the neck Remote or Local? Is likelihood of occurrence given the patient’s de-
mid-lumbar back pain that is the result of pan- mographics. Directed questions are then asked
creatitis Remote or Local? To answer these to eliminate as many inappropriate diagnoses as
questions, ponder how most physical thera- possible. Specific physical examination tests are
pists think about the particular clinical prob- selected to sort the remaining diagnoses to elim-
lem. In the neck, most physical therapists inate inappropriate ones.
would certainly think of cervical disk disease We have provided Case Demonstration
as a source of pain in the neck, hence we have chapters throughout this textbook to show the
included this under Local. However, with mid- application of the diagnostic process to exam-
lumbar pain, many physical therapists would ple patient cases. These chapters are structured
not think about pathology in an abdominal around the steps of the diagnostic process pre-
organ (eg, pancreatitis) or great vessel pathol- sented in Box 4-3, which are discussed in more
ogy (eg, an aortic aneurysm) as being a source detail next:
of the pain so could benefit from being re-
minded about the other possible sources of the 1. Identify the patient’s chief concern.
pain. Thus they are listed under Remote. 2. List barriers to communication.
Some readers may be unsure whether we 3. List special concerns.
consider systemic diseases, such as gout or 4. Draw a timeline and sketch the anatomy if
rheumatoid arthritis, Remote or Local. We con- needed. It is often useful to sketch a hori-
sider them as Local, in that the pathology, ie, zontal line, to an approximate scale, repre-
the swollen, hot joint is local. senting the time over which the patient’s
Is Remote pain the same as Referred pain? various symptoms and signs appeared,
Referred pain, as it is usually understood, marking significant events (Fig. 4-1).
comes from confusion on the part of the Drawing the anatomy can be especially
brain at deciphering the source of pain. When useful for remembering the location of the
1528_Ch04_022-030 08/05/12 5:47 PM Page 29
Step 1 Identify the patient’s chief concern. Step 8 Re-sort the diagnostic hypothesis list
Step 2 Identify barriers to communication. based on the patient’s responses to
specific questioning.
Step 3 Identify special concerns.
Step 9 Perform tests to differentiate among
Step 4 Create a symptom timeline and the remaining diagnostic hypotheses.
sketch the anatomy (if needed).
Step 10 Re-sort the diagnostic hypothesis list
Step 5 Create a diagnostic hypothesis list based on the patient’s responses to
considering all possible forms of specific tests.
remote and local pathology that
could cause the patient’s chief Step 11 Decide on a diagnostic impression.
concern. Step 12 Determine the appropriate patient
Step 6 Sort the diagnostic hypothesis list by disposition.
epidemiology and specific case char-
Step 7 Ask specific questions to rule specific
conditions or pathological categories
less likely.
internal organs in regard to remote causes 6. Sort all of the potential causes into clusters
of pain. This can be particularly useful if the based on the patient’s demographics:
reader’s knowledge of visceral anatomy is ● Reasonably likely
These are listed first since these are more 7. Take a history. Ask the most discriminating rel-
readily overlooked: evant questions to rule out as many options
● List the anatomic regions possibly in- as possible with the fewest questions. Ask
volved: thorax, abdomen, pelvis, etc. yourself, “Does this question asked exclude
● Within each anatomic region, list the or minimize the likelihood of one or more
possible organs that could cause the of the diagnoses on the TIM list?” If not,
symptom: abdomen, pancreas, gallblad- change or eliminate the question.
der, liver, spleen, great vessels, etc. 8. Based on the answers to the questions, re-sort
the potential causes into clusters as you did
For each of the organs, one could make a
in step 6:
TIM list of possible diagnoses, but that would
● Reasonably likely
be excessively tedious. If a reader’s knowledge
● Possible
of visceral anatomy is not strong, however,
● Unlikely.
then he or she should consider this step.
1528_Ch04_022-030 08/05/12 5:47 PM Page 30
9. Conduct a physical examination. Look for raise special concerns. It continues with the
the most discriminating physical findings to formation of a diagnostic hypothesis list—a
rule out as many options as possible with database—consisting of all possible local and
the fewest tests. Again, ask yourself, “Does remote causes of the symptoms and signs. The
this physical test that I’m doing exclude or database is then sorted by probability on the
minimize the likelihood of one or more of basis of epidemiology, specific questions, and
the diagnoses on the TIM list?” specific physical examination findings. Now
10. Once again, re-sort the potential causes into turn to the next chapter for an example of how
clusters: one might go through the process.
● Reasonably likely
● Possible References
● Unlikely. 1. Drachman D. Occam’s razor, geriatric syndromes, and
the dizzy patient. Ann Intern Med. 2000;132:403–404.
11. Select the most probable diagnosis (the
2. Mosby’s Medical, Nursing, and Allied Health Dictionary.
diagnostic impression) for further evalua- 4th ed. St. Louis, MO: Mosby; 1994.
tion to establish a treatment plan. Remem- 3. Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary. 11th ed. Spring-
ber the principle of economy of diagnoses field, MA: Merriam-Webster; 2003.
4. Stedman’s Medical Dictionary. 27th ed. Philadelphia, PA:
(Occam’s razor). Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2004.
12. Determine the appropriate patient disposition. 5. Oxford English Dictionary. 2nd ed. New York: Oxford
University Press; 1989.
6. Guide to Physical Therapist Practice. 2nd ed. Alexandria,
Conclusion VA: American Physical Therapy Association; 2003.
This chapter described the process for making
a diagnosis. The process begins with identifi-
cation of the patient’s chief concern, commu-
nication barriers, and features of the case that
1528_Ch05_031-040 07/05/12 1:39 PM Page 31
Case Demonstration: Shoulder
■ Hugh G. Watts, MD
Acknowledgment: Susan Layfield, PT, DPT, OCS
quit 10 years ago. In his family history, his STEP #2: Identify barriers to communication.
father died of a heart attack at age 70 and his ● None
mother is 80 years old and healthy.
STEP #3: Identify special concerns.
Several special concerns were identified during
the initial intake and questioning that raised
concern regarding potential underlying etiolo-
gies of the patient’s chief concern. These
● Age of the patient
● History of smoking
● Obesity
● Sedentary profession.
STEP #5: Create a diagnostic hypothesis STEP #6: Sort the diagnostic hypothesis
list considering all possible forms of list by epidemiology and specific case
remote and local pathology that could characteristics.
cause the patient’s chief concern.
Remote Remote
T Trauma T Trauma
Cervical spine disk herniation Cervical spine disk herniation
Internal organ injuries: Internal organ injuries (very unlikely due to
lack of trauma to the trunk)
• Diaphragm • Diaphragm
• Liver • Liver
• Lung • Lung
• Spleen • Spleen
1528_Ch05_031-040 07/05/12 1:39 PM Page 34
Local Local
T Trauma T Trauma
Dislocation such as acromioclavicular, Dislocation such as acromioclavicular,
glenohumeral, or sternoclavicular glenohumeral, or sternoclavicular joints
joints (presentation)
Fractures Fractures (presentation)
Glenohumeral joint sprain/subluxation Glenohumeral joint sprain/subluxation
Glenoid labrum tear Glenoid labrum tear
Muscle strain, such as pectoralis major, Muscle strain, such as pectoralis major,
rotator cuff, upper trapezius, levator rotator cuff, upper trapezius, levator
scapulae scapulae
Subacromial impingement syndrome Subacromial impingement syndrome
I Inflammation I Inflammation
Aseptic Aseptic
Adhesive capsulitis Adhesive capsulitis (presentation)
Biceps tendinitis Biceps tendinitis
Bursitis Bursitis
Complex regional pain syndrome Complex regional pain syndrome
Fibromyalgia Fibromyalgia (patient sex, age,
Myofascial pain syndrome Myofascial pain syndrome (presentation,
time course)
Neuralgic amyotrophy Neuralgic amyotrophy (initial presentation)
Polymyalgia rheumatica Polymyalgia rheumatica (initial presentation
with activity)
1528_Ch05_031-040 07/05/12 1:39 PM Page 36
STEP #7: Ask specific questions to rule ● Do you have stiffness or pain in other
specific conditions or pathological joints of your body? Answer: No. Makes less
categories less likely. likely gout of the shoulder, osteomalacia,
and pathologies of the cervical spine.
Teaching Comments: The therapist ● Has there been any swelling, redness, or
should strive to ask the most discriminating warmth in area? Answer: No. Makes less
relevant questions to rule less likely as many likely deep venous thrombosis such as the
options as possible with the least number of subclavian, gout within the shoulder, septic
questions to the patient. The phrase “makes arthritis of glenohumeral joint, osteoid
less likely” is used rather than “rules out” be- osteoma, and unicameral bone cyst.
cause there are enough exceptions to the
usual behavior of diseases that the less con-
crete term is less liable to lead one astray. Teaching Comments: The user should
note that the majority of questions were
asked specifically to rule less likely a number
● Do you have neck pain? Answer: No. of the diagnoses or diagnostic categories that
● Does your shoulder hurt if you move your were remaining on the potential list for Mr. T’s
neck? Answer: No. Makes less likely cervical chief concern. This is an efficient method
spine disk herniation, levator scapula and of questioning—not only questioning the
upper trapezius strain, rheumatoid arthritis– patient for the answer but asking questions
like disease of the cervical spine, and specifically toward a particular diagnoses or
osteoarthritis/osteoarthrosis of the cervical diagnostic category.
● Do you have any restriction in your range
of shoulder motion? Answer: No. Makes less STEP #8: Re-sort the diagnostic
likely avascular necrosis of humeral head, hypothesis list based on the patient’s
tendinitis, osteomyelitis of shoulder, os- responses to specific questioning.
teoarthritis/osteoarthrosis of the shoulder Remote
complex joints, and unicameral bone cyst.
T Trauma
● Is the pain constantly present? Answer: No.
Makes less likely avascular necrosis/ Cervical spine disk herniation (absent neck
osteonecrosis of humeral head and unicam- pain, shoulder pain with neck movement)
eral bone cyst. Thoracic outlet syndrome
1528_Ch05_031-040 07/05/12 1:39 PM Page 38
Teaching Comments: Clinicians should
Not applicable
look for the most discriminating physical
findings to rule out as many options as Co Congenital
possible with the fewest tests. Not applicable
Ne Neurogenic/Psychogenic
● Shoulder active range of motion. Full and Not applicable
pain free. Makes less likely biceps and rota- Local
tor cuff tendinopathy, chondrosarcoma,
T Trauma
bursitis, and osteoblastoma.
● Palpate for mass; listen for bruit over Glenohumeral joint sprain/subluxation
region including auscultation over lungs. (pain-free shoulder range of motion)
Negative. Makes less likely breast tumor. Glenoid labrum tear (pain-free shoulder
range of motion)
Subacromial impingement syndrome
Teaching Comments: Breast cancer in (pain-free shoulder range of motion)
males exhibits similar signs as in females with I Inflammation
a lump or swelling in the breast tissue,
skin dimpling, nipple retraction or discharge
Bursitis (pain-free shoulder range of
from the nipple, and/or redness of the nipple/
breast skin.
Not applicable
STEP #10: Re-sort the diagnostic
hypothesis list based on the patient’s M Metabolic
responses to specific tests. Not applicable
Remote Va Vascular
T Trauma Aneurysm (auscultation negative for
Thoracic outlet syndrome (pain-free bruits)
shoulder range of motion) Compartment syndrome
Deep venous thrombosis, upper extremity
I Inflammation
De Degenerative
Aseptic Biceps tendinopathy (pain-free shoulder
Not applicable range of motion)
Septic Rotator cuff tear/tendinopathy (pain-free
Not applicable shoulder range of motion)
M Metabolic Tu Tumor
Not applicable Malignant Primary, such as:
Va Vascular • Chondrosarcoma (pain-free shoulder
Aneurysm (no bruits on auscultation) range of motion)
Coronary artery insufficiency • Lymphoma
• Osteosarcoma
De Degenerative • Synovial sarcoma
Not applicable Malignant Metastatic, such as:
Tu Tumor • Metastases, including from primary
Malignant Primary, such as: breast, kidney, lung, prostate, and
• Breast tumor (negative palpation) thyroid disease
• Pancoast tumor Benign, such as:
Malignant Metastatic: • Osteoblastoma (pain-free shoulder range
Not applicable of motion)
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Adult Pain
Diagnostic Considerations of Pain
■ Todd E. Davenport, PT, DPT, OCS ■ Lucinda L. Baker, PT, PhD
Introduction 41 Introduction
All People Share Common Nociceptive
Processes 42 Disability and distress related to pain are among
Nociceptors Respond to Various Forms of Tissue the most common reasons that lead people to
Injury 42 seek rehabilitation. Pain is a somatosensory
Nociceptors Transmit Pain Signals Along Organized modality—along with thermoreception, touch,
Neural Pathways 42 and proprioception—that is defined as the
The Perception of Pain Severity Depends unpleasant sensory experience associated with
on Anatomical, Physiological, and actual or potential tissue damage.1 Pain serves
Cognitive Factors 43 sensory, emotional, and cognitive functions.2,3
A “Gate” Controls the Transmission of Pain Signals Pain’s sensory-discriminative function allows for
at the Spinal Cord and Elsewhere 43 self-preservation. When a hand is placed on a
Input from the Cerebral Cortex and Midbrain Also hot stove, the sensory-discriminative func-
Plays a Role in the Gate’s Function 44 tion of pain compels the withdrawing of the
Emotional, Anticipatory, and Previously Learned hand and inspecting for tissue damage. Tissue
Responses Also Modulate Pain Severity 46 damage results when the sensory-discriminative
Timing of Pain Suggests the Etiology of function of pain is impaired. One example of
Underlying Pathology 46 this phenomenon is the skin ulceration often
Factors in the History and Physical Examination seen on the plantar surfaces of the feet in peo-
Can Implicate Affected Tissues 46 ple with diabetic polyneuropathy. The affective
Descriptions of Pain May Relate to Either Injured function of pain provides emotional unpleas-
Tissues or Emotional Features 47 antness to pain sensations. This causes people
Locations of Pain and Its Underlying to avoid additional pain and the tissue damage
Cause May Differ 47 that pain represents. The cognitive-evaluative
Misinterpretation by the Central Nervous System function serves to encourage learning and
Causes Referred Pain 48 foster behavioral adaptation. Disorder involv-
Long-Term Pain Causes Cyclic Anatomical, ing the affective and cognitive-evaluative
Physiological, and Cognitive-Behavioral functions of pain may result in maladaptive
Changes 49 behavioral responses to pain, such as a
Prolonged Activation of Nociceptive Pathways disabling avoidance of work, family, and
Causes Maladaptations Throughout the recreational activities.
Nervous System 50 The same basic anatomical and physiolog-
The Sympathetic Nervous System Can Contribute ical processes that generate and conduct pain
to the Perception of Pain 51 sensations are found in all people. However,
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there are vast differences in how people are most likely to transmit information at low
respond to pain sensations. This causes a great levels of an adequate stimulus, whereas silent
variation in how people will demonstrate pain nociceptors are characterized by such high
in the clinic. Individual differences in how activation thresholds that they must be sensi-
pain sensation is processed often make it tized by inflammatory chemicals to facilitate
difficult to interpret for both patients and their function (Box 6-1).7
clinicians in the diagnostic process. This chapter
discusses pain as it relates to the diagnostic Nociceptors Transmit Pain Signals
process. The chapter first describes the processes Along Organized Neural Pathways
that all people have in common, and then
Axons transmitting nociceptive information
describes anatomical and physiological reasons
from the periphery project onto the dorsal
for individual differences in pain perception.
horn of the spinal cord. Six subdivisions of
dorsal root ganglion receive input from axons
All People Share Common transmitting information about one nocicep-
Nociceptive Processes tive modality each.8 The A␦ axons of mechan-
ical and thermal nociceptors make unisynaptic
The association between pain and actual tissue
connections with neurons that transmit pain
damage suggests that all people share common
signals to the central nervous system, referred
anatomy and physiology that mediate pain
to as projection neurons. In addition, A␦ axons
perception. Nociception occurs when pain is
synapse with wide dynamic range neurons that
perceived through the activation of peripheral
integrate pain signals from multiple regions of
pain receptors due to tissue damage.
the body. The C axons of polymodal nocicep-
tors make multisynaptic connections with
Nociceptors Respond to Various
projection neurons by way of interneurons in
Forms of Tissue Injury
the substantia gelatinosa of the spinal cord.
Pain receptors are free nerve endings called The functional relevance of these local neural
nociceptors. Nociceptors are broadly categorized circuits is discussed in a later section.
by their location. Nociceptors located through-
out the skin and musculoskeletal structures are
called somatic nociceptors. Somatic nociceptors BOX 6-1 A “Toxic Soup” Sensitizes
are primarily classified by their adequate Nociceptors
stimuli—stimuli to which they respond. Me- Among their many functions, inflammatory sub-
chanical nociceptors are activated by intense stances released during tissue injury sensitize
pressure.4 Thermal nociceptors respond to nociceptors, enhancing the primary hyperal-
temperatures less than 5°C and greater than gesia that results from mechanical stimulation
45°C. Mechanical and thermal nociceptors of nociceptors.2 Histamine, the first chemical
transmit action potentials along A␦ axons released in the inflammatory process through
when activated. The A␦ axons are thinly myeli- mast cell degranulation, activates polymodal
nated and conduct at velocities of 5 to 30 m/s.4 nociceptors. Bradykinins are potent pain-producing
substances that result from conversion of a
Polymodal nociceptors are activated by mechan- plasma protein in the blood clotting cascade.
ical, thermal, and chemical stimuli, sending Prostaglandins and leukotrienes are derivatives
action potentials along C fibers to the spinal of arachidonic acid formed after damage to the
cord when activated.4 The C fibers are small, cell membranes that sensitize nociceptors. The
unmyelinated axons that conduct at velocities neuropeptide substance P is released from
less than 1 m/s. activated nociceptors, leading to additional
Visceral nociceptors transmit information nociceptor sensitization. Other inflammatory
about distention, ischemia, and chemical chemicals increase nociception by promoting
irritation of the deep organs along C fibers.5 tissue damage adjacent to the initial area of
injury, including cytokines and oxygen free radicals.
Visceral nociceptors are further classified by These substances serve to sensitize surrounding
their activation thresholds into low, high, and nociceptors, producing a secondary hyperalgesia.
silent nociceptors.6 Low-threshold nociceptors
1528_Ch06_041-053 07/05/12 1:39 PM Page 43
thicker myelination of the A axons also pro- the inhibitory interneuron is itself inhibited,
vide faster conduction speeds than the A␦ and causing an increase in activation of the wide
C axons that carry pain signals. Because light- dynamic range neuron and perception of
touch sensation signals reach the wide dynamic pain (Fig. 6-1C). When both the A and C
range neuron faster than pain signals, light- axons provide input, pain signal transmis-
touch sensation is perceived first. sion by the wide dynamic range neuron is
Interaction among A, C, and inhibitory modulated (Fig. 6-1D).
interneurons also modulates the transmission
of pain signals at the level of the spinal cord Input from the Cerebral Cortex
(Fig. 6-1A). In addition to their synaptic con- and Midbrain Also Plays a Role
nection to a wide dynamic range neuron, A in the Gate’s Function
axons also make an excitatory synapse onto
inhibitory interneurons that project onto the Descending inputs to the dorsal horn of the
wide dynamic range neuron. Normally, the spinal cord from the midbrain and cerebral
inhibitory interneuron prevents the activa- cortex modulate pain perception by way of
tion of the wide dynamic range neuron. Con- two interrelated neurotransmitter systems:
sequently, the inhibitory interneuron normally serotonin and enkephalin. Neurons in the pe-
inhibits the perception of pain. Touch input riaqueductal gray matter of the midbrain
increases the level of inhibition of the wide synapse onto serotonergic projection neurons
dynamic range neuron and decreases the per- in the raphe nuclei of the medulla. These sero-
ception of pain (Fig. 6-1B). The C axon makes tonergic projection neurons descend to the
an inhibitory synapse with the inhibitory dorsal horn of the spinal cord, reducing pain
interneuron. When C axonal input is greatest, perception by two mechanisms (Fig. 6-1E).9
Pain Pain
afferent afferent
Wide Wide
dynamic dynamic
Cutaneous range cell Cutaneous range cell
afferent afferent
FIGURE 6-1 (A) Somatosensory afferents also synapse with two different types of neurons—one excitatory synapse
with an excitatory interneuron (1) and one excitatory synapse with the wide dynamic range cell. The excitatory
interneuron makes an excitatory synapse with the inhibitory interneuron and the wide dynamic range cell. Noci-
ceptive afferent makes two synapses—one inhibitory synapse with an inhibitory interneuron (2) and one excita-
tory synapse directly with the wide dynamic range cell. The inhibitory interneuron synapses with the wide dynamic
range cell. (B) When somatosensory input is greatest, touch signals are propagated in two ways. The cutaneous
afferent excites the wide dynamic range cell directly and indirectly through activating the excitatory interneuron.
1528_Ch06_041-053 07/05/12 1:39 PM Page 45
Pain Pain
afferent afferent
Wide Wide
dynamic dynamic
Cutaneous range cell Cutaneous range cell
afferent afferent
inhibitory pathways
Cutaneous range cell
E afferent
FIGURE 6-1—cont’d (C) When nociceptive input is greatest, pain signals are propagated in two ways.
The pain afferent excites the wide dynamic range cell directly and indirectly by inhibiting the inhibitory
interneuron. (D) When somatosensory and nociceptive input are present, input from the somatosensory
afferent mitigates the transmission of pain signals by activating the inhibitory interneuron. (E) Descend-
ing inhibitory input from serotonergic projection neurons in the raphe nucleus of the medulla reduces the
transmission of nociceptive signals directly by inhibiting the wide dynamic range cell and indirectly by
exciting the inhibitory interneuron.
1528_Ch06_041-053 07/05/12 1:39 PM Page 46
Serotonin inhibits the wide dynamic range indicator of rehabilitation outcomes. Bandura16
neuron that transmits pain signals to the cere- broadly describes efficacy expectations as an
bral cortex. In addition, serotonin excites individual’s task- and situation-specific estimate
enkephalinergic inhibitory interneurons in the of personal mastery. Bandura16 suggested that
dorsal horn of the spinal cord, which further individuals would avoid environments and
reduces the transmission of pain signals. The activities that seemed to exceed their own esti-
primary somatosensory cortex also gives rise mate for coping. In addition, self-efficacy is
to a network of projection neurons that inhibit positively associated with the magnitude and
perception of somatic sensation.9 The targets persistence of coping behaviors once they are
of these neurons include the thalamus and initiated.17–19 Therefore, pain-related self-efficacy
dorsal horn of the spinal cord. influences an individual’s choice of environ-
ment and activities in response to anticipated
Emotional, Anticipatory, and symptom coping. These ideas appear to explain
Previously Learned Responses Also the significant association between self-efficacy
Modulate Pain Severity and pain-related activity avoidance, in that
Axons connecting the frontal cortex, hypo- patients with low self-efficacy more frequently
thalamus, thalamus, and amygdala to the tended toward increased pain-related activity
periaqueductal gray matter of the midbrain avoidance beliefs12,20–22 and poorer functional
may provide the neuroanatomical basis for outcomes.23 Perhaps unsurprisingly then, patient
integrating pain perception, cognitive- education with the intent of modifying patient
emotional state, autonomic regulation, and self-efficacy is an area of developing interest and
motor activity.11 This neural circuit appears research in physical therapy.24
at least partially responsible for the unique
psychological features of people that power- Timing of Pain Suggests the
fully influence how pain is perceived. Emo- Etiology of Underlying Pathology
tional and cognitive aspects of pain both
positively and negatively affect coping. Cog- Temporal aspects of pain provide important
nitive factors that negatively influence pain clues about affected tissues and the nature of
coping include increased fear of pain and pain-producing pathology. Short-term pain is
catastrophizing about pain. Fear of pain is more often the result of an active pathology.
defined as “a highly specific negative emo- Long-term pain is more likely to be the result
tional reaction to pain involving a high of neuroplastic changes within the central
degree of mobilization for escape/avoidance nervous system. The nature of these changes
behavior,”12 which relates to excessive anxiety are discussed in a later section of this chapter.
about pain. Otherwise healthy people with a
high fear of pain report a higher severity of
Factors in the History and Physical
experimentally induced acute pain than peo-
Examination Can Implicate Affected
ple with a low fear of pain. Catastrophizing is
defined as “an exaggerated negative mental Differentiation among pain-producing patholo-
act brought to bear during an actual or antic- gies depends on their dissimilar patterns of
ipated painful experience,”13 reflecting “a factors that aggravate, alleviate, and associate
tendency to focus on pain and negatively with the perception of pain. Aggravating factors
evaluate one’s own ability to cope with are those activities of daily living, exercise, work,
pain.”14 Although fear of pain and catastro- or recreation; active, passive, or resisted move-
phizing are related, catastrophizing behavior ments; or palpation that worsen pain. Conversely,
more strongly predicts the self-reported alleviating factors relieve pain. Associated factors
severity of experimentally induced acute pain include a wide variety of constitutional, derma-
than fear of pain itself.15 tological, mental, and neurological signs and
The importance of metacognitive processes symptoms that may appear simultaneously
on pain perception has led some authors to with pain. To be certain, clinicians should also be
hypothesize that self-efficacy is an important alert for aggravating, alleviating, and associated
1528_Ch06_041-053 07/05/12 1:39 PM Page 47
presents with pain. The answer may be mis- pain is a specific type of neuropathic pain,
leading. Pathology that is remote or local to which originates from a lesion of the nervous
the painful area may be responsible for the system. Projected pain is another type of
patient’s symptoms. Local pain is perceived at neuropathic pain that occurs when injury to a
the location of tissue damage (Fig. 6-2A). peripheral nerve occurs along its course
Remote pain is perceived at a distance from the (Fig. 6-2C). One example of projected pain is
location of the responsible pathology.30 medial forearm pain due to an ulnar nerve
Pathology causing remote pain is often confused entrapment at the cubital tunnel. Referred pain
with pathology causing local pain, making it is perceived at a distance from the site of
important to consider remote causes of pain pathology, though not secondary to irritation
first in the diagnostic process. of a spinal or peripheral nerve. Pain may be
Remote pain may be neuropathic or referred from one somatic structure to another,
referred. Neuropathic pain occurs with damage a visceral structure to a somatic structure, or
to the nociceptive system itself. Examples of one visceral structure to another (Fig. 6-2D).31
neuropathic pain syndromes include diabetic Pain referred from one somatic structure to
polyneuropathy, post-herpetic neuralgia, and another often follows predictable, irregular
traumatic nerve injury (formerly referred to as soft tissue patterns called sclerotomes.32 Pain
complex regional pain syndrome type II). referred from a visceral structure to a somatic
Radicular pain is a type of neuropathic pain structure may also follow a dermatomal
that occurs when mechanical impingement of distribution.33
a spinal nerve root causes the sensation of pain
in a dermatome, or peripheral distribution of a Misinterpretation by the Central
spinal nerve root (Fig. 6-2B). One example of Nervous System Causes Referred Pain
radicular pain is medial forearm pain due to
C7–T1 herniated nucleus pulposus with While direct activation of the nociceptive
impingement of the C8 nerve root. Radicular pathway causes local pain, referred pain results
FIGURE 6-2 Possible causes of medial elbow pain (red ellipse) include (A) local pain secondary to medial
epicondylosis; (B) radicular pain secondary to C7–T1 herniated nucleus pulposus (arrow);
1528_Ch06_041-053 07/05/12 1:39 PM Page 49
FIGURE 6-2—cont’d (C) projected pain due to cubital tunnel syndrome (arrow); and (D) referred pain
secondary to myocardial infarction (arrow).
from a misinterpretation of the origin of pain ated with heart pathology is often erroneously
signals by the central nervous system. As attributed to the jaw and shoulder.
sensory information is passed rostrally along
the neuraxis, sensory information from somatic Long-Term Pain Causes Cyclic
and visceral structures converges. Convergence Anatomical, Physiological, and
of afferent inputs in spinal and supraspinal Cognitive-Behavioral Changes
centers, such as the thalamus and cerebral
cortex, results in the loss of region specificity Long-term pain is a prevalent and disabling
in processing of pain signals. Convergent chronic health issue. Chronic pain is defined
processing of several body regions leads to the as persisting beyond 3 months, which has
perception of poorly localized pain that exists been established as a reasonable average tissue
beyond the area of tissue injury. In addition, healing time. In addition, chronic pain has
excitability of the dorsal horn neurons leads to no biological value because it provides no
an expansion of their receptive fields, also useful sensory-discrimination information.1
leading to an overlap in processing of nocicep- Chronic pain is a negative result of learning,
tive inputs from various somatic and visceral characterized by structure-function mal-
structures.34,35 Parallel processing of informa- adaptations throughout the nervous system
tion carried by a segmental innervation shared due to psychosocial pain behavior reinforcement
by somatic and visceral structures also causes and psychological predisposition. Although
referral from a visceral structure to a somatic chronic pain is an accepted term in the neuro-
structure. For example, sensory innervation of physiology literature, persistent pain may be
the heart, shoulder, and jaw overlap.33 Because a more acceptable term for use in the clinic
experience with shoulder and jaw pain from because of the negative connotation of chronic
local pathology is more common than pain pain. Persistent pain has also been adopted by
originating from heart pathology, pain associ- some authors. In general, authors may also
1528_Ch06_041-053 07/05/12 1:39 PM Page 50
The Sympathetic Nervous System coupled outside the spinal cord, where noci-
Can Contribute to the Perception ceptors become abnormally sensitized to
of Pain sympathetic autonomic signaling. Coupling of
nociceptive and sympathetic autonomic nerv-
Abundant research and clinical evidence sug- ous systems may be direct or indirect.45 Direct
gest that the sympathetic autonomic nervous coupling occurs after complete or partial nerve
system can contribute to chronic pain disorders injury, when nociceptors become sensitized
involving neuropathic pain. Complex regional to autonomic signal molecules called cate-
pain syndrome (CRPS) refers to a group of cholamines. Catecholamines may also cause
chronic neuropathic pain disorders. CRPS is indirect coupling by triggering the formation
divided into two types based on etiology22: of prostaglandins during tissue inflammation
● CRPS I refers to chronic neuropathic that, in turn, sensitize nociceptors.
pain without identifiable nerve trauma
(formerly known as reflex sympathetic Psychological and Social Factors
dystrophy). Perpetuate Pain Through Behavior
● CRPS II refers to chronic neuropathic pain Reinforcement
that corresponds with previous nerve Continual activation of nociceptive pathways
trauma (formerly known as causalgia). may cause cyclic disorders in thoughts, beliefs,
emotions, and consequent interaction with the
CRPS I and II share a common pathologi- environment. Fear and avoidance of pain after
cal progression, which has been divided into tissue injury initially serve an adaptive role by
three hypothetical stages23: allowing damaged tissues to heal. In some
● Acute/warm phase—The first phase of CRPS people, initial pain avoidance behavior causes
occurs immediately after the precipitating a maladaptive anxiety involving movements
event, if one is present. The affected limb is and activities that may cause pain. Increased
warm and swollen. There may be increased fear and anxiety regarding pain result in the
hair and nail growth, spontaneous burning formation of fear avoidance beliefs. Correspond-
pain, and pain with normal non-noxious ingly, fear avoidance beliefs cause initially
sensory stimulation (allodynia). adaptive pain avoidance behaviors—intended
● Instability/dystrophic phase—This second to avoid pain—to become maladaptive fear
phase of CRPS typically begins 3 months avoidance behaviors—intended to avoid anxi-
after the precipitating event, and is charac- ety related to movements and activities that
terized by pain in a more extended area, cause pain. Fear avoidance beliefs and behav-
limitation of movement, joint stiffness. iors are maintained and amplified through
Osteoporosis and muscle wasting are typically social and environmental reinforcements, such
evident in the second stage of CRPS. as rest, medication, attention, or compensation.2
Eventually, fear avoidance beliefs and behav-
● Atrophic phase—This third phase of CRPS
iors may be more disabling than pain severity
generally presents 6 months after the initia-
itself.46 Fear avoidance beliefs and behaviors
tion of symptoms. In this stage, pain may
may become magnified by a spiraling cycle
actually decrease, although the skin over the
of decline, in which progressive disuse and
affected area becomes cool, cyanotic,
deconditioning contribute to additional fear
smooth, and glossy.
Surgical ablation of the sympathetic chain Cognitive factors that influence the percep-
has long been known to partially or completely tion of acute pain severity also play important
resolve CRPS in some patients, even though roles in the perception of chronic pain. Cata-
the sympathetic autonomic nervous system strophizing is associated with limited confi-
does not directly participate in nociception. dence in one’s own ability to cope with symp-
This suggests that the nociceptive afferent toms, leading to the perception of pain as
and autonomic nervous systems may become inescapable and unpredictable. This perception
1528_Ch06_041-053 07/05/12 1:39 PM Page 52
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n Michael O’Donnell, PT, DPT, OCS, FAAOMPT
1528_Ch07_054-074 15/05/12 12:30 PM Page 55
Chapter 7 Headaches 55
T Trauma
Cervicogenic headache 57 Post-traumatic headache 67
Not applicable Temporomandibular dysfunction 71
Not applicable Not applicable
I Inflammation
Not applicable Aseptic
Not applicable
Fever-induced headache 63
Meningitis 66
Sinusitis 68
Not applicable Aseptic
Encephalitis 62
Temporal arteritis 70
Not applicable
Not applicable Not applicable
M Metabolic
Not applicable Hypoglycemia 63
Medication overuse headache 65
Not applicable Not applicable
Not applicable Benign exertional headache 60
Benign sexual headache 61
Hypoxia 64
1528_Ch07_054-074 15/05/12 12:30 PM Page 56
56 Chapter 7 Headaches
Va Vascular
Not applicable Not applicable
Not applicable Arterial dissection (carotid and vertebral) 60
Carotid artery dissection 60
Idiopathic intracranial hypertension
(pseudotumor cerebri) 64
Idiopathic intracranial hypotension 65
Stroke or transient ischemic attack 68
Subdural hematoma 69
Not applicable Arterial dissection (carotid and vertebral) 60
Subarachnoid hemorrhage 69
Vertebral artery dissection 60
De Degenerative
Not applicable Not applicable
Not applicable Not applicable
Not applicable Not applicable
Tu Tumor
Not applicable Not applicable
Not applicable Not applicable
Not applicable Tumors (brain) 72
Tumors leading to headaches:
• Acoustic neuroma 72
• Central nervous system 72
• Leptomeningeal metastasis 72
• Meningeal tumors 72
• Primary brain tumors 72
• Skull base tumors 72
1528_Ch07_054-074 15/05/12 12:30 PM Page 57
Co Congenital
Not applicable Not applicable
Not applicable Not applicable
Not applicable Not applicable
Ne Neurogenic/Psychogenic
Not applicable Migraine 66
Tension-type headache 71
Not applicable Not applicable
Not applicable Cluster headaches 61
Note: These are estimates of relative incidence because few data are available for the less common conditions.
TABLE 7-1 n Diagnosis of Headache Based on Features of the Symptom Timeline—cont’d
Hours Days Weeks Months Constant
• Subarachnoid • Intracranial • Subdural
hemorrhage hypotension hematoma
• Subdural (fistula) • Temporo-
hematoma • Meningitis mandibular
• Temporo- • Sinusitis dysfunction
mandibular • Stroke or • Tension-type
dysfunction transient headache
• Tension-type ischemic attack • Tumor
headache • Subarachnoid
• Subdural
• Temporo-
• Tension-type
occipital, unilateral
n Arterial Dissection (Carotid frontal.
and Vertebral) Precipitants Sustained exertion, trauma,
Chief Clinical Characteristics or cervical manipulation.
This presentation often involves steady pain in a Onset 85% of cases of headache
pattern that loosely follows the distribution of are characterized by grad-
the affected artery, associated with Horner’s ual onset. On occasion,
syndrome, ipsilateral tongue weakness, diplopia, onset can be sudden with
syncope, tinnitus, amaurosis fugax, or dysgeusia. “thunderclap” qualities.
Background Information Duration Carotid artery-related
Dissections are typically seen in people ages 30 headaches resolve within
to 39 as compared to cerebral ischemia. The 1 week. Vertebral artery-
most common symptoms of internal carotid related headaches may last
artery dissection (ICAD) are headache and/or 5 weeks.
cervical pain.7 Zetterling reports the character- Frequency Related to the precipitating
istic pain to have a sudden onset,7 whereas incident.
Biousse reports that 85% of patients with Time Course Headache may appear
ICAD have a gradual onset of pain.8 The 1 hour to 90 days prior to
headache pain is severe and is located in the dissection.
ipsilateral periorbital, periauricular, or upper Associated Horner’s syndrome, hy-
cervical region. Dodick states that components Symptoms/ poglossal nerve palsy
of the clinical presentation greatly assist in Signs (ipsilateral tongue weak-
making the diagnosis. He states that the onset ness), diplopia, syncope,
of pain is frequently temporally related to cer- tinnitus, amaurosis fugax,
vical manipulation, sustained exertion, or dysgeusia.
trauma. Horner’s syndrome accompanies the n Benign Exertional Headache
headache and there may be ipsilateral tongue
weakness.3 Vertebral artery dissection is less Chief Clinical Characteristics
common than ICAD and may go unrecog- This presentation involves head pain that is
nized until an ischemic event occurs.3 Pain is associated with exertion or a Valsalva-type
localized to the occiput or posterior neck bilat- maneuver.
erally or the frontal region unilaterally. Verte- Background Information
bral artery dissection (VAD) can produce When the headache occurs with a sudden on-
brainstem or cerebellar ischemia. This can set, it is thought to be due to acute venous dis-
result in Wallenberg’s syndrome. A young person tention.9 In cases with a more gradual onset, it
with occipital or posterior neck pain presenting has been shown to be due to arterial spasm.10
with Wallenberg’s syndrome is highly likely to Despite having a vascular nature, Sjaastad and
have a VAD.8 Individuals suspected of this condi- others have demonstrated there is no convinc-
tion require emergent medical attention. ing association between this condition and
Clinical Features of Headache migraines.4,10 Sentinel headache associated
Secondary to Arterial Dissection with subarachnoid hemorrhage or subdural
Pain Character Severity ranges from mild to hematoma must be ruled less likely in individ-
excruciating. uals suspected of benign exertional headache.
Carotid artery—constant, A combination of avoidance or modification
steady ache. of aggravating activities and nonsteroidal anti-
Vertebral artery—steady inflammatory or beta-blocker medications is
pressure or throbbing. typically considered in order to manage exer-
Location Carotid artery—neck pain tional headaches.
or headache that radiates
to eye, ear, or face.
1528_Ch07_054-074 15/05/12 12:30 PM Page 61
Headache lowing sexual activity.
Pain Character Throbbing or pulsatile. Frequency Related to precipitating
Location Bilateral. activity.
Precipitants Physical exertion, particu- Time Course Preorgasmic type—occurs
larly in hot weather, with sexual activity and
high humidity, or high intensifies with sexual
altitudes. excitement.
Onset Rapid. Orgasmic type—very sud-
Duration 5 minutes to 24 hours. den onset occurs with
Frequency Related to precipitating orgasm.
activity. Associated Neck and jaw pain.
Time Course Begins quickly following Symptoms/
activity. Signs
Associated May be characterized by
n Cluster Headaches
Symptoms/ migraine-like symptoms
Signs in those who are suscep- Chief Clinical Characteristics
tible to migraines. This presentation can include an excruciating
unilateral headache in the trigeminal distri-
n Benign Sexual Headache bution, lasting a short period of time but occur-
ring relatively frequently, and associated with
Chief Clinical Characteristics
ipsilateral facial autonomic signs (Fig. 7-2A).
This presentation may include variable head and
This condition generally comes in bouts of sev-
facial symptoms related to sexual activity. Three
eral headaches of short duration that occur sev-
different subtypes of headache related to sexual
eral times a day over a period of several weeks.
activity have been identified. The first, regarded
It is rare and occurs more commonly in males
as the dull type, comes on as the sexual excite-
than females.11,12 The pain associated with clus-
ment increases.
ter headaches is very severe and is often de-
Background Information scribed as “boring, stabbing, or a hot poker in
Sentinel headache associated with subarach- the eye.”13 This condition is localized to the or-
noid hemorrhage or subdural hematoma bital and temporal region. Attacks of pain are
must be ruled less likely in individuals sus- accompanied by one or more autonomic features
pected of benign sexual headache. A ipsilateral to the pain. These signs include pto-
combination of avoidance or modification of sis, miosis, lacrimation, nasal congestion, and
aggravating activities and nonsteroidal anti- rhinorrhea or conjunctiva injection. Each attack
inflammatory or beta-blocker medications is may last anywhere from 15 minutes to 3 hours
typically considered in order to manage exer- and the attacks come in clusters of one per day
tional headaches. to as many as eight per day. Cluster periods can
Clinical Features of Benign Sexual last from 7 days to 1 year. In the episodic state
Headache there are periods of remission that last from 6
to 12 months.
Pain Character Dull, throbbing, or explosive.
Location Bilateral occipital, temporal, Background Information
or facial. This condition is triggered by alcohol con-
Precipitants Sexual activity or posturally sumption, although it does not appear to pre-
related. cipitate headaches during periods of remis-
Onset Depending on type, may be sion.12 Other vasodilators have also been
gradual onset, which in- shown to induce attacks, such as nitroglycerin
creases as sexual excitement tablets and histamine.14 Altitude hypoxemia
increases, or may have sud- and sleep apnea–induced hypoxemia also
den onset in the case of have been documented to induce cluster
orgasmic headaches. headaches during cluster periods.15 A seasonal
1528_Ch07_054-074 15/05/12 12:30 PM Page 62
62 Chapter 7 Encephalitis
A Cluster B Migraine
C Sinus D Tension
FIGURE 7-2 Locations for common types of headaches: (A) cluster; (B) migraine; (C) sinus; (D) tension.
preponderance of cluster attacks occurs in the Frequency Range from one per week to
spring or fall. There is also a clock-like regular- eight or more per day.
ity with the onset of individual attacks.12 The Time Course One to 4 months separated
pathophysiology of cluster headaches remains by remission that can last
unclear, but the trigeminovascular system, hy- 6 to 24 months. Chronic
pothalamus, and autonomic nervous system cluster headaches con-
appear to be important components. Lifestyle tinue for 1 year without
modification to reduce risk factors, abortive remission.
medication, and prophylactic medication may Associated Parasympathetic overactiv-
be considered in the management of cluster Symptoms/ ity causes lacrimation,
headaches. Signs nasal stuffiness, runny
Clinical Features of Cluster Headaches nose, forehead and facial
sweating. Partial sympa-
Pain Character Excruciating intensity, bor-
thetic paralysis causes
ing or tearing, described
ptosis, miosis (Horner’s
as “hot poker” or “eye
being pushed out.”
Location Almost always unilateral in n Encephalitis
a trigeminal distribution,
typically orbital, retro- Chief Clinical Characteristics
orbital, temporal, supra- This presentation often involves an abrupt on-
orbital, and infraorbital. set of severe bifrontal headache associated with
Precipitants Smoking, ethanol consump- fever, confusion, altered level of consciousness,
tion, other vasodilators focal neurological deficits, and seizures.
such as nitroglycerin Background Information
tablets, histamine, altitude Several viral sources can lead to encephalitis
hypoxemia, sleep apnea. (eg, arbovirus, mumps, herpes simplex and
Onset Rapid onset reaching its herpes zoster, Epstein-Barr, measles, and
peak in 10 to 15 minutes. chickenpox), but the specific virus often can-
Duration 15 minutes to 3 hours. not be identified.16 Sudden and severe
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Chapter 7 Hypoglycemia 63
headaches may occur early and may be the appear to be related to more chronic presenta-
only manifestation of encephalitis.3 Magnetic tions in which headache occurs after fever
resonance imaging is the imaging procedure of subsides. In these cases the headache may be
choice to confirm the diagnosis.3 Individuals caused by meningeal involvement. Manage-
suspected of this condition require emergent ment of fever-induced headaches involves
medical attention. treatment of the underlying bacterial infection
Clinical Features of Headache or supportive intervention for viral causes.
Secondary to Encephalitis Clinical Features of Fever-Induced
Pain Character Abrupt and severe. Headache
Location Bifrontal. Pain Character Variable intensity.
Precipitants Viral or bacterial infection, Location Bilateral and diffuse; occipi-
such as herpes simplex, tal, frontal, or retro-orbital.
Coxiella burnetii, and Precipitants Viral or bacterial infection.
Listeria monocytogenes. Onset May occur concurrently
Onset Rapid. with or following onset of
Duration Several days to 4 to 5 months fever.
in some chronic forms. Duration Related to acute phase of
Frequency Incidental to underlying illness. Resolves in less than
disease. 1 month after successful
Time Course Headache occurs with en- treatment or spontaneous
cephalitis. Resolves within remission of infection.
3 months after infection is Frequency Occurs with frequency of
treated effectively with an- underlying disease.
tibiotics or spontaneously Time Course Variable.
ends. Associated Fever, nausea, vomiting,
Associated Fever, confusion, altered Symptoms/ malaise, chills, photopho-
Symptoms/ level of consciousness, Signs bia, skin rash, myalgia.
Signs focal neurological deficits,
seizures. n Hypoglycemia
Chief Clinical Characteristics
n Fever-Induced Headache This presentation includes a pressing or
Chief Clinical Characteristics pounding bifrontal headache occurring within
This presentation may be characterized by a 16 hours after fasting or 30 minutes of ingest-
bilaterally distributed diffuse headache that is ing food. Headaches due to hypoglycemia are
associated with fever, nausea, vomiting, more common in individuals with diabetes
malaise, chills, photophobia, skin rash, and mellitus and those who skip meals. Headaches
myalgias. due to this condition also may be associated
with nausea, light-headedness, confusion, and
Background Information
Noncephalic causes may be viral in nature
such as influenza or adenovirus. Bacterial Background Information
causes include Rocky Mountain spotted fever Headaches associated with fasting may result
and Rickettsia. The cause of headache in these from metabolic changes such as hypoglycemia
acute cases is unclear but may be related to the or the accumulation of certain metabolites.17
interaction of inflammatory mechanisms with In those individuals who suffer from more
pain transmission. Some infective agents have chronic types of headache such as migraine or
a predilection for the central nervous system. tension-type headaches, hypoglycemia may
They may invade the brainstem nuclei where be a precipitating factor.18 A small percentage
the release of toxins activates headache mech- of individuals have the onset of headache
anisms. In more chronic situations, headache within 30 minutes of breaking their fast.
may be caused by delayed septicemia. Viral ill- This could be due to postprandial hypo-
nesses such as herpes simplex or Epstein-Barr glycemia. Management of headaches secondary
1528_Ch07_054-074 15/05/12 12:30 PM Page 64
64 Chapter 7 Hypoxia
surgical intervention in patients with deterio- ment, and surgical leak repair.20
rating visual field impairments.19 Clinical Features of Headache
Clinical Features of Headache Secondary to Idiopathic Intracranial
Secondary to Idiopathic Intracranial Hypotension
Hypertension (Pseudotumor Cerebri) Pain Character Aching, dull, deep, con-
Pain Character Throbbing or pressing. stricting, or throbbing.
Location Can be the entire cranium Location Bilateral, frontal, occipital,
or may be unilateral. or generalized.
Precipitants Obstruction of the cere- Precipitants Lumbar puncture or devel-
brospinal fluid flow at any opment of fistula in which
of several sites. upright position produces
Onset Acute or gradual. headache rapidly.
Duration Typically 1 week (in the case of Onset Rapid—within 20 seconds of
lumbar puncture), or may assuming upright posture.
be several weeks or months Duration Typically 1 week (in the case of
(in the case of fistula). lumbar puncture), or may
Frequency Daily. be several weeks or months
Time Course Prolonged. The condition is (in the case of fistula).
not always self-limiting. Frequency Incidental.
Associated Papilledema, visual field de- Time Course Initially headache occurs
Symptoms/ fects, loss of visual acuity, rapidly when assuming
Signs nausea, and to a lesser upright position. In the
degree vomiting. Occa- case of lumbar puncture
sionally hearing difficul- headache comes on more
ties and tinnitus. gradually over the course
of 1 week.
n Idiopathic Intracranial Associated Dizziness, nausea, vomiting.
Hypotension Symptoms/ Occasionally hearing diffi-
Chief Clinical Characteristics Signs culties and tinnitus.
This presentation typically involves a deep,
aching headache that occurs rapidly after assum- n Medication Overuse Headache
ing an upright posture. This condition most Chief Clinical Characteristics
commonly is caused by a lumbar puncture. In This presentation may involve progressively
the case of post–lumbar puncture headache, worsening daily headaches present greater than
onset is within 7 days and resolves within 14 days. 15 days per month in the presence of regular over-
Headaches are worse when standing and use of a medication for greater than 3 months.21
decrease when lying down. Those that do not Headaches due to medication overuse resolve or
resolve within 14 days may be due to a persist- revert to their previous pattern within 2 months
ent fistula. of ceasing the overused medication. Headache
intensity may be widely variable from day to day.
Background Information
In either case the underlying problem is a leak Background Information
of cerebrospinal fluid. Major trauma, neuro- Inappropriate use of headache medications—
surgery, or erosive lesions also may cause such as ergotamine, triptans, opioids, and sim-
cerebrospinal fluid leaks. With a decrease of ple or combination analgesics—may con-
cerebrospinal fluid, there is a decrease in pres- tribute to the development of chronic daily
sure and volume that causes cerebral veins to headaches.22 This condition also is known as
dilate. The brain then loses its cerebrospinal analgesic rebound headache, chronic daily
fluid cushion. Management may include op- headache, chronic migraine, medication-
tions ranging from bed rest, epidural blood induced migraine, or transformed migraine.
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66 Chapter 7 Meningitis
In addition, cardiovascular drugs (eg, calcium into the upper thoracic region and even the
of cases.29 Even in individuals who commonly Females—menarche.
experience them, auras may not accompany Duration 4 to 72 hours.
every headache. Auras can be visual, somatosen- Frequency At least five attacks per year,
sory, olfactory, or involve speech disturbances. but chronic migraines
The location of headache may switch sides from may occur daily.
episode to episode. Time Course Typically upon awakening
in the morning and takes
Background Information
several hours to build to
The pathophysiology of this condition is very
maximum intensity.
complex. Current theories postulate that a cas-
Associated Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea,
cade of events occurs that involves vasodilata-
Symptoms/ anorexia, abdominal
tion of meningeal blood vessels, irritation of
Signs cramps, polyuria, sweat-
perivascular sensory nerves, and stimulation of
ing, pallor of the face,
brainstem nuclei. Additionally, extrinsic factors
photophobia, or phono-
such as hormonal fluctuations, fatigue, or anxi-
phobia. Impairment of
ety may be triggers that initiate the pathophysi-
concentration, memory
ological cascade. This condition also has a
impairment, depression,
strong familial tendency and begins at a young
fatigue, anxiety, irritabil-
age, suggesting that genetic factors may predis-
ity, and light-headedness.
pose individuals to migraine attacks. The use of
neuroimaging is not indicated in individuals n Post-Traumatic Headache
with migraine symptoms and a normal neuro-
logical exam. Certain pharmaceutical agents, Chief Clinical Characteristics
such as triptans and ergots, are effective in pre- This presentation may be characterized by a
venting migraine attacks from becoming too vertex or band-like headache that develops
severe.30 Other medications can be considered within 7 days after head trauma or regaining
to prevent migraine attacks. consciousness following head trauma and
persists for 3 months or greater.21 Acute post-
Clinical Features of Migraine traumatic headaches may last 2 to 8 weeks
Pain Character Very severe and is typically after trauma, and chronic post-traumatic
described as pulsating and headaches may last up to 6 months to 4 years.
throbbing. The headache Post-traumatic headache may be associated
may start out as a dull with somatic symptoms (eg, dizziness, photopho-
steady ache and progress bia, phonophobia, tinnitus, blurring of vision,
to the more characteristic and rapid fatigue) and psychological symptoms
features. (eg, depression, anxiety, apathy, insomnia,
Location Typically unilateral (but can decreased libido, irritability, and frequent mood
switch sides). Localized to swings).
temple, forehead or eye, or
back of head. Background Information
Precipitants Stress, relaxation after stress, Rebound headache must be ruled out before
fatigue, too little or too the diagnosis of chronic post-traumatic
much sleep, skipping meals, headache is reached.31 The severity of the head
menstruation, weather injury does not correlate to the duration or in-
changes, high altitudes, ex- tensity of this headache. This condition occurs
posure to glare or flickering in 30% to 90% of people with concussion, and
lights, loud noises, physical it was the most common symptom reported in
activity, food triggers such professional football players who sustained a
as red wine, food additives mild traumatic brain injury.32 Patients sus-
such as MSG, nitrates or as- pected of post-traumatic headaches should be
partate, caffeine or caffeine monitored for signs of skull fracture, subarach-
withdrawal. noid hemorrhage, and subdural hematoma.
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68 Chapter 7 Sinusitis
managed with rest and nonsteroidal anti- membrane. The inflammation causes an
inflammatory medication. obstruction of the orifices of the nasal sinuses.
Clinical Features of Post-Traumatic Management of headache secondary to sinusi-
Headache tis centers on appropriate treatment of the
underlying infection.
Pain Character Mild to moderate intensity,
steady ache. Clinical Features of Headache
Location May be a vertex or may be Secondary to Sinusitis
band-like around the Pain Character Strong pressure sensation.
head. Location Frontal—frontal region,
Precipitants Trauma and, if present vertex, behind eyes.
prior to trauma, concomi- Maxillary—maxillary region,
tant primary form of upper teeth forehead.
headache. Ethmoid—behind eyes,
Onset Acute form—within 2 weeks temporal region.
of trauma. Sphenoid—occipital region,
Chronic form—begins when vertex, frontal region be-
amnesia resolves. hind eyes.
Duration Acute form—2 to 8 weeks Precipitants Viral or bacterial infection
following trauma. of the upper respiratory
Chronic form—may last up tract.
to 6 months and in about Onset Gradual.
25% of cases can persist Duration Days to months.
for up to 4 years. Frequency Variable.
Frequency Daily. Time Course Strongest after waking.
Time Course Develops within 7 days fol- Associated Purulent discharge, swelling
lowing trauma and in the Symptoms/ of eyelids, and lacrimation.
chronic form headache Signs
can last 3 months or
longer. n Stroke or Transient Ischemic
Associated Somatic symptoms include Attack
Symptoms/ dizziness, photophobia, Chief Clinical Characteristics
Signs phonophobia, tinnitus, This presentation may include a sudden onset
blurring of vision, easily of atypical hemicranial pain ipsilateral to the
fatigable. Psychological affected cerebral hemisphere, associated with
symptoms include depres- hemiplegia, aphasia, excessive salivation,
sion, anxiety, apathy, in- facial symmetry, and altered level of conscious-
somnia, decreased libido, ness. The presentation of headache due to a
irritability, frequent mood cerebrovascular event is similar to migraine
swings. and tension-type headaches except for the
associated neurological signs.
n Sinusitis
Background Information
Chief Clinical Characteristics
Headache occurs in about one-third of cere-
This presentation typically includes a strong
bral infarcts and in 10% to 15% of patients
pressure sensation associated with facial
with transient ischemic attacks (TIAs).3
headache and upper respiratory infection (see
Headaches associated with stroke or TIA pres-
Fig. 7-2C).
ent as a new symptom or for people
Background Information with chronic headache as a different presenta-
This condition results from inflammation of tion of headache.33 A sentinel or premonitory
the nasal membranes and the nasal sinuses. It headache may occur in approximately one-
is caused when an upper respiratory infection third of cases.3 According to the IHS, focal
1528_Ch07_054-074 15/05/12 12:30 PM Page 69
nervous system signs or symptoms should be- of blood in the subarachnoid space that sur-
gin within 48 hours after onset of the rounds the central nervous system.35 Ruptured
headache.21 The severity, quality, and duration aneurysms and arteriovenous malformations
of headache pain associated with cerebrovas- can lead to this condition. Hypertension and di-
cular accident (CVA) or TIA is variable as is abetes mellitus are two significant risk factors,35
the location of the pain. Dodick3 reports that and polycystic kidney disease, Ehlers-Danlos
the headache symptoms more closely resemble syndrome, systemic lupus erythematosus, and
tension or migraine headaches than the pregnancy are also known risk factors.36
headaches of hemorrhagic stroke. According Polmear37 reported that between 50% and 60%
to Jousilahti and colleagues,34 chronic of patients with this condition described a pre-
headache is an independent predictor of vious history of an atypical headache days to
stroke, especially during a short follow-up. weeks before the event. This warning sign is
Therefore, chronic headache may be a marker known as a sentinel headache.37 The headache
of an underlying disease process that leads to may be accompanied by signs of meningeal
acute stroke.34 Individuals suspected of this irritation (which produces nuchal rigidity),
condition require emergent medical attention. along with varying degrees of neurological
Clinical Features of Headache dysfunction such as seizures, hemiparesis, and
Secondary to Stroke or Transient dysphasia.36 The diagnosis is confirmed with a
Ischemic Attack CT scan without contrast along with lumbar
puncture.36 Emergent medical attention is neces-
Pain Character Variable, resembling mi-
sary for individuals suspected of this condition.
graine or tension-type
headache. Clinical Features of Headache
Location Hemicranial, ipsilateral to Secondary to Subarachnoid
ischemic hemisphere. Hemorrhage
Precipitants Risk factors for stroke or Pain Character Severe.
transient ischemic attack, Location Hemifacial with possible
including hypertension radiation to the cervical,
and smoking. thoracic, or lumbar regions.
Onset Abrupt. Precipitants Physical exertion, such as ex-
Duration Hours to 2 to 3 weeks. ercise or sexual intercourse.
Frequency Related to the precipitating Onset Abrupt.
incident. Duration Days or weeks prior to sub-
Time Course Within 48 hours preceding arachnoid hemorrhage.
stroke or transient ischemic Frequency Related to the precipitating
attack. incident.
Associated Hemiplegia, aphasia, drool- Time Course Abrupt onset occurring
Symptoms/ ing, facial symmetry, and al- within seconds of hemor-
Signs tered level of consciousness. rhage and can continue
for several hours. The
n Subarachnoid Hemorrhage headache typically re-
Chief Clinical Characteristics solves within 1 to 3 weeks.
This presentation can involve a sudden onset of Associated Slight change in level of
severe and abrupt hemifacial pain that is asso- Symptoms/ consciousness, blurred
ciated with a slight change in level of conscious- Signs vision, diplopia, asym-
ness, blurred vision, diplopia, asymmetrical metric pupil response, and
pupil response, and nuchal rigidity. Headaches nuchal rigidity.
due to this condition may radiate to the cervi- n Subdural Hematoma
cal, thoracic, and lumbar spine.
Chief Clinical Characteristics
Background Information This presentation involves a new onset of
Subarachnoid hemorrhage accounts for 3% to unilateral or occipital headache associated
9% of all strokes and is defined as the presence with a decline in level of consciousness and
1528_Ch07_054-074 15/05/12 12:30 PM Page 70
Associated Jaw or tongue claudication, Chief Clinical Characteristics
Symptoms/ temporal artery swelling This presentation can involve a band-like
Signs and pulselessness, diplopia, distribution of nonthrobbing headache radiat-
elevated erythrocyte sedi- ing from frontal region to occiput, associated
mentation rate, altered with stress, anxiety, and neck tenderness (see
level of consciousness, Fig. 7-2D).
fever, weight loss, malaise,
or myalgias. Background Information
This condition is the most common headache
n Temporomandibular Dysfunction presentation, accounting for more than two-
Chief Clinical Characteristics thirds of all headache episodes (Rasmussen)
This presentation may be characterized by and affecting 33% to 80% of the popula-
headache radiating from the muscles of masti- tion.45,46 Women are affected slightly more
cation, the periauricular region, or the tem- often than men.45 Prevalence peaks in the
poromandibular joint associated with abnor- 30- to 39-year-old age group45 and is found to
mal jaw function, asymmetric chewing, increase in incidence with increasing educa-
bruxism, neck pain, tinnitus, and vertigo. tional levels.45 It is important to differentiate
Background Information between the episodic type of tension headache
Headache pain related to this condition may be and the more chronic form because the man-
caused by pathology of the temporomandibu- agement of these two variations differs.46 This
lar joint or may be an associated symptom of differentiation is based entirely on the fre-
another form of headache. This condition is quency and duration of occurrence. This
believed to be an aggravating factor in condition lacks the IHS migraine-defining fea-
headaches and only the cause if clearly related tures of nausea, phonophobia, or photopho-
to the clinical signs and symptoms involving bia.45 Increased muscle hardness has been
the masticatory system.44 Typical management demonstrated in patients who suffer from
involves a combination of rehabilitative and chronic tension headaches, whether or not a
pharmacological interventions for headaches headache is currently present.47 Rehabilitative
related to temporomandibular dysfunction. interventions, non-narcotic analgesics, and
triptans may be used to manage this health
Clinical Features of Headache condition.
Secondary to Temporomandibular
Dysfunction Clinical Features of Tension-Type
Pain Character Dull ache.
Location Muscles of mastication, periau- Pain Character Mild to moderate tightness,
ricular region, or the tem- pressure, or dull ache48
poromandibular joint. Most that is nonthrobbing.49
often headache is unilateral Location Usually bilateral (but may be
but may be bilateral. unilateral in 10% to 15%
Precipitants Abnormal jaw function, asym- of cases), radiating from
metrical chewing, bruxism. forehead to occiput. Ten-
Onset Within minutes to hours of derness can radiate into
precipitating activity. the posterior cervical mus-
Duration Hours or weeks. cles. In more involved cases
Frequency Incidental to precipitating the pain distribution is
incident. “cape-like,” radiating along
Time Course Variable, depending on under- the upper trapezius mus-
lying cause of temporo- cles covering the shoul-
mandibular dysfunction. ders, scapula, and inter-
Associated Neck pain, tinnitus, and scapular areas.50 Also
Symptoms/ vertigo. may be described as
Signs “band-like.”
1528_Ch07_054-074 15/05/12 12:30 PM Page 72
ing on time, fatigue, and related to tumor should be referred for appro-
lack of sleep are common priate evaluation including neuroimaging.
precipitants in those expe- Headache features that are most suggestive
riencing this condition.52 of a space-occupying lesion include3:
Onset Variable.
l Headache that is subacute and progressive
Duration Can last from 30 minutes to
in nature
several days.
l New onset of headache after age 40 or
Frequency Infrequent episodic—less
significant change in an existing headache
than 10 times per year. Fre-
quent episodic—at least 10
l Headache associated with:
episodes occurring more
l Nausea or vomiting not due to migraine
than one time but less than
or illness
15 times per month.
l Abnormal neurological signs
Chronic—occurring greater
l Altered level of consciousness or seizures
than 15 times per month
l Night pain.
for more than 3 months.1
Time Course Variable. Tumors leading to headaches include:
Associated Tenderness is the most com-
l Malignant primary, such as:
Symptoms/ mon physical finding in
lMeningeal tumors
Signs patients with this condi-
l Primary brain tumors.
tion.53 Palpation may re-
l Malignant metastatic, such as:
veal tenderness in pericra-
l Central nervous system parenchymal
nial muscles and tension
in the nuchal musculature
l Leptomeningeal metastasis
or trapezius.48 This condi-
l Skull base metastasis.
tion does not worsen with
l Benign, such as:
l Acoustic neuroma.
Chapter 7 References 73
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J Postgrad Med. 1997;101(5):1–12. troublesome adverse reactions to drugs. Curr Drug Saf.
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5. D’Amico D, Leone M, Bussone G. Side locked unilater- tures and prognostic factors in adults with bacterial
ality and pain localization in long lasting headaches: mi- meningitis. N Engl J Med. 2004;351:1849–1859.
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7. Zetterling M, Carlström C, Konrad P. Internal carotid Neurol. 1997;17(4):303–306.
dissection. Acta Neurol Scand. 2000;101(1):1–7. 30. Maizels M. Headache evaluation and treatment by pri-
8. Biousse V, et al. Carotid or vertebral artery pain. In: mary care physicians in an emergency department in
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10. McCory P. Headaches and exercise. Sports Med. 2004;34(1):81–97.
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11. Manzoni G. Gender ratios of cluster headaches over the stroke and intracranial hematoma. In: Olesen J,
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1997;17(4):313–323. Headache and the risk of stroke: a prospective observa-
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15. Kudrow L, Kudrow DB. The role of chemoreceptor logical characteristics of subarachnoid hemorrhage in
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74 Chapter 7 References
Headaches. 2nd ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & 51. Steiner TJ. Guidelines for all doctors in the diagnosis
Temporomandibular Joint and Facial Pain
n Sally Ho, PT, DPT, OCS
1528_Ch08_075-099 15/05/12 12:25 PM Page 76
T Trauma
Headaches: Anteriorly displaced disk with or without reduction 86
• Cervicogenic headache 81 Dental trauma:
• Edentulism and denture wear 87
• Malocclusion 87
• Tooth injury 87
• Dislocation of the mandibular condyle into the middle
cranial fossa 89
Internal derangement of the temporomandibular joint 92
Trismus 95
Headaches: Dislocations:
• Post-traumatic headache 82 • Dislocation of the mandibular condyle 89
• Mandible 90
• Maxilla 90
• Orbit 90
• Temporal bone 91
• Zygomatic arch 91
Not applicable Dislocations:
• Botulinum toxin–induced dislocation 89
I Inflammation
Aseptic Aseptic
Systemic lupus erythematosus 84 Adhesion of the temporomandibular joint 85
Ankylosing spondylitis 85
Septic Capsulitis of the temporomandibular joint 86
Otitis media 84 Herpes zoster 91
Myofascial pain disorder syndrome 92
Retrodiscitis of the temporomandibular joint 94
Rheumatoid arthritis of the temporomandibular
joint 94
Synovitis of the temporomandibular joint 94
Temporal arteritis 95
Acute viral parotitis 85
Dental infection:
• Tooth abscess 87
Osteomyelitis of the mandible 93
1528_Ch08_075-099 15/05/12 12:25 PM Page 77
Inflammation (continued)
M Metabolic
Chronic fatigue syndrome 80 Gout of the temporomandibular joint 91
Fibromyalgia 81 Pseudogout of the temporomandibular joint 93
Adverse effects of medication 80 Effects of radiation/chemotherapy 90
Not applicable Not applicable
Va Vascular
Angina pectoris 80 Avascular necrosis 86
Not applicable Not applicable
Not applicable Not applicable
De Degenerative
Osteoarthrosis/osteoarthritis Ankylosis of the temporomandibular
of the cervical spine 83 joint 86
Osteoarthrosis/osteoarthritis of the temporomandibular
joint 92
1528_Ch08_075-099 15/05/12 12:25 PM Page 78
Degenerative (continued)
Not applicable Not applicable
Not applicable Not applicable
Tu Tumor
Malignant Primary, such as: Malignant Primary:
• Brain tumor 84 Not applicable
Malignant Metastatic: Malignant Metastatic:
Not applicable Not applicable
Benign: Benign, such as:
Not applicable • Acoustic neuroma 96
• Ganglion cyst of the temporomandibular joint 96
Not applicable Malignant Primary, such as:
• External auditory canal tumor 96
• Neoplasm in the temporomandibular region 97
• Parotid gland tumor 97
Malignant Metastatic:
Not applicable
Benign, such as:
• Osteochondroma of the mandibular condyle 97
• Parotid gland tumor 97
• Synovial cyst of the temporomandibular joint 97
Malignant Primary, such as: Malignant Primary:
• Nasopharyngeal carcinoma 84 Not applicable
• Oropharyngeal carcinoma 84 Malignant Metastatic, such as:
Malignant Metastatic: • Metastases from adenocarcinoma of the colon 96
Not applicable • Metastases from intracapsular stomach tumor 96
Benign: Benign, such as:
Not applicable • Synovial chondromatosis of the temporomandibular
joint 97
• Temporal bone chondroblastoma 98
Co Congenital
Not applicable Not applicable
Not applicable Developmental defects of the temporomandibular
joint 88
Mandibular hypoplasia 92
1528_Ch08_075-099 15/05/12 12:25 PM Page 79
Congenital (continued)
Ne Neurogenic/Psychogenic
Anxiety 80 Atypical facial pain 86
Depression 81 Trigeminal neuralgia 95
• Migraine 82
• Tension-type headache 82
Neuralgias involving the cranial Dislocations:
nerves: • Recurrent neurological dislocations of the
• Glossopharyngeal nerve 83 temporomandibular joint 89
• Vagus nerve 83
Not applicable Not applicable
Note: These are estimates of relative incidence because few data are available for the less common conditions.
reconditioning, and medication for relief of substance P in the cerebrospinal fluid. Pre-
82 Chapter 8 Migraine
than that in the general population. The dysphonia, vocal fatigue, and effortful
n Acute Viral Parotitis
Chief Clinical Characteristics FIGURE 8-2 Deflection of the mandible with mouth
This presentation typically includes low-grade opening.
fever, malaise, and pain and swelling in the
affected side of the face. The pain and swelling
may last 3 to 10 days and subside gradually is termed the anchored disk phenomenon.
without sequelae. Magnetic resonance imaging that reveals the
characteristic adherence of the disk to the gle-
Background Information noid fossa during the opening phase confirms
Inflammation of the parotid gland may be the diagnosis. Treatment ranges from rehabilita-
caused by viral infections, such as mumps, tive interventions to arthroscopic release.
Epstein-Barr, and influenza A. Analgesics and
cold compresses are helpful in relieving pain n Ankylosing Spondylitis
and swelling during the early stage of the con- Chief Clinical Characteristics
dition. Supportive treatment of the underlying This presentation typically includes temporo-
viral infection also may be indicated. mandibular joint (TMJ) and facial pain and lim-
ited TMJ range of motion, associated with a
n Adhesion of the slowly progressive and significant loss of general
Temporomandibular Joint spinal mobility. Symptoms may be worse in the
Chief Clinical Characteristics morning and improve with light exercise.
This presentation typically includes a sudden
onset of extremely limited mouth opening Background Information
(between 10 and 30 mm), with deflection of the This condition is a progressive disease that
mandible toward the ipsilateral side (Fig. 8-2). affects primarily the axial joints of the spine and,
There usually is no pain in the involved joint or eventually, the TMJ. It is more common in
the adjacent muscles. males, as well as people of American indigenous
descent, less than 40 years of age, or who carry
Background Information the human leukocyte antigen B27. It also may
Temporomandibular joint overloading caused be associated with fever, malaise, and inflamma-
by macrotrauma (eg, injury) or microtrauma tory bowel disease. The diagnosis is confirmed
(eg, bruxing) may lead to damage of the joint lu- with plain radiographs of the sacroiliac joints
brication system. The decrease in lubrication and lumbar spine, which reveal characteristic
may cause increased friction between the articu- findings of sacroiliitis and “bamboo spine.” The
lar disk and glenoid fossa. An adhesive force TMJ dysfunction with this condition may be
created by this condition may keep the disk from associated with TMJ ankylosis, which may be
sliding down the slope of the articular eminence apparent on plain radiographs or computed to-
during normal month opening. This condition mography. Blood panels including erythrocyte
1528_Ch08_075-099 15/05/12 12:25 PM Page 86
FIGURE 8-3 Bite abnormalities in malocclusion: (A) crossbite; (B) open bite; (C) over bite;
(D) under bite.
paresis and the decrease of mouth opening. associated with shortening of the affected
This method is the treatment of choice for mandibular ramus, deviation of mandible to
recurrent neurological dislocation.10,42–44 opposite site, and premature occlusion with
Clinical examination confirms the diagnosis. open bite.
n Effects of Radiation/ Background Information
Chemotherapy Mandibular condylar fractures usually occur
after trauma, and most often present in
Chief Clinical Characteristics
either condylar neck fracture or dislocation
This presentation involves severe pain and
of the temporomandibular joint. Condylar
discomfort in the face and neck area, trismus,
fractures account for approximately 25% to
and difficulty swallowing.
35% of all mandibular fractures. This diag-
Background Information nosis is confirmed with computed tomogra-
Radiation therapy and chemotherapy for car- phy. In children with this condition, the use
cinoma of the head and neck and regional of a functional appliance immediately after
lymphoma may lead to pain, mucositis, stom- the trauma is recommended. It has been doc-
atitis, avascular necrosis, change in taste umented that the functional activation of the
sensation, dry mouth, tooth decay, and gum masticatory muscles can prevent mandibular
disease. The soft tissue effects of radiation and asymmetries and facial malformation.45
chemotherapy can alter the normal tissue ex-
tensibility and flexibility that permits usual n Maxilla
facial and jaw function. Rehabilitative inter- Chief Clinical Characteristics
ventions such as physical therapy modalities This presentation can involve pain and edema
and exercise may help relieve symptoms and of the lips, midface, and eyes, possibly associ-
improve function. ated with sunken deformity of the involved side,
diplopia, malocclusion, anterior open bite,
n Facial Nerve Palsy
and upper airway compromise.
Chief Clinical Characteristics
This presentation typically includes unilateral Background Information
motor deficits of the muscles of facial This condition may include compound frac-
expression that are innervated by the seventh ture of the articular eminence and fracture
cranial nerve, demonstrated by paralysis of of the glenoid fossa. This health condition
ipsilateral facial muscles, drooping of eyelid, may be caused by blunt trauma involving a
inability to close eyes tightly, deviation of direct blow to the maxilla, such as a motor
mouth angle, and flaccid facial expression. vehicle accident. It may be associated with
Individuals with this condition often report injuries to the orbit. Computed tomography
pain in the facial area of the involved side. confirms the diagnosis. Surgical repair of the
fracture and correction of perifracture
Background Information trauma to the upper airway, overlying soft
Changes to the muscles of facial expression that tissues, and associated trauma to the orbit
are responsible for these symptoms and signs may be indicated in complicated cases.
often occur rapidly, such as over the course of
1 day. This condition, also called Bell’s palsy, is n Orbit
caused by a viral infection. Clinical signs and Chief Clinical Characteristics
symptoms confirm the diagnosis. Treatment This presentation typically involves orbital
includes steroid dose pack and pain medication. and cheek pain, vertical diplopia, orbital
edema, enophthalmos, ecchymosis, tender-
FRACTURES ness of the orbital margin, and reduced cheek
n Mandible and upper gum sensation.
Chief Clinical Characteristics Background Information
This presentation may include pain on A direct blow to the eye such as might occur
mandibular movement, preauricular pal- in a motor vehicle accident or boxing match
pation, preauricular depression, possibly or with a ball may cause fracture of the orbit.
1528_Ch08_075-099 15/05/12 12:25 PM Page 91
Enophthalmos may suggest herniation of the in the case of differing intensity of color
exhaustion. Treatment includes the administra- surgeon for diagnostic workup of the specific
tion of antiviral agents as soon as the zoster deformity, because this will guide manage-
eruption is noted, ideally within 48 to 72 hours. ment. In general, several different surgical
If timing is greater than 3 days, treatment is procedures ordered in stages may be necessary
aimed at controlling pain and pruritus and to optimally address mandibular hypoplasia
minimizing the risk of secondary infection.49 depending on the extent of involvement and
functional compromise.52
n Internal Derangement of the
Temporomandibular Joint n Myofascial Pain Disorder
Chief Clinical Characteristics
This presentation is characterized by joint pain, Chief Clinical Characteristics
headache and facial pain, joint noises, closed lock, This presentation involves diffuse muscle pain
and occlusal disturbance.50 with exquisite trigger points in the head, face,
and neck area. Symptoms may also manifest in
Background Information headaches, earaches, and tinnitus.
This condition involves disharmony of the
disc–condyle relationship during mouth open- Background Information
ing and closing. Disk displacement with or This condition is the most prevalent cause of
without reduction, masticatory muscle dysfunc- chronic orofacial pain and temporomandibu-
tion, synovitis, and malocclusion are among lar joint dysfunction. The etiology of this syn-
causes of this condition. Advanced cases involve drome is multifactorial and includes chronic
bone marrow edema, osteochondritis dissecans, overuse, poor postural habits, and internal
and avascular necrosis. The microtrauma caused derangement of the temporomandibular joint.
by functional and parafunctional activities leads Individuals with chronic rheumatological con-
to the release of free radicals that cause oxidative ditions such as lupus, fibromyalgia, chronic
stress, which in turn reduces the effectiveness of fatigue syndrome, and irritable bowel syn-
synovial fluid. Over time, this process leads to drome have a higher incidence of this health
osteoarthrosis/osteoarthritis of the temporo- condition. Brass and woodwind musicians,
mandibular joint.2 Magnetic resonance imaging voice-over artists, and professional public
and laboratory findings of joint effusion, speakers may also experience overuse syn-
synovial hypertrophy, adhesion, and pathologi- drome due to the exaggeration of mandibular
cal synovial fluid confirm the diagnosis. Nons- movements required by their professions. This
teroidal anti-inflammatory medications and diagnosis is confirmed by clinical examination
physical therapy modality treatment are benefi- primarily. To relieve symptoms, patients must
cial for this condition.51 be instructed in proper head and neck posture,
frequent practice breaks, diaphragmatic
n Mandibular Hypoplasia breathing, relaxation, and stretching exercises
Chief Clinical Characteristics for oral balance.
This presentation may include facial and
temporomandibular joint (TMJ) pain associ- n Osteoarthrosis/Osteoarthritis of
ated with uneven growth of the mandibular the Temporomandibular Joint
rami, rotated facial appearance, overgrowth of Chief Clinical Characteristics
mandibular alveolar bone, or malocclusion. This presentation typically includes pain in the
temporomandibular joint (TMJ) with crepitus
Background Information
during mouth opening and closing.
This condition is commonly thought of as a
congenital malformation of the maxillofacial Background Information
structure, but it is possible blunt trauma also This condition may be caused by acute, direct
may result in this condition on an acquired trauma to the jaw or chronic microtrauma from
basis. Often, congenital mandibular hypopla- bruxism, tooth loss, and malocclusion.39
sia presents early in life. It may be present Biochemical processes related to chronic trauma
at birth or present during development. The adversely affect the bone, synovium, and articu-
patient should be referred to a craniofacial lar cartilage. Over time, these processes affect
1528_Ch08_075-099 15/05/12 12:25 PM Page 93
the structure of all these tissues in concert, caus- intervention. Treatment may include irriga-
mediate its characteristic joint pain and Younger age of onset is associated with a
articular cartilage destruction. Blood tests and greater extent of disability later. Temporo-
microscopic examination of aspirated synovial mandibular joint inflammation was found in
fluid confirm the diagnosis. 87% of the juvenile rheumatoid arthritis pa-
tients through the use of contrast-enhanced
n Retrodiscitis of the MRI.57 The diagnosis is confirmed with
Temporomandibular Joint the presence of rheumatoid factor in blood
Chief Clinical Characteristics tests. A regimen of nonsteroidal, steroidal, or
This presentation may include preaurical pain, biological anti-inflammatory agents may be
palpable tenderness in the external auditory used to manage this health condition.
meatus with the examiner’s fifth finger, tinni-
tus, and altered mandibular dynamics during n Sinusitis
mouth opening and closing. Chief Clinical Characteristics
This presentation involves swollen maxillary,
Background Information
nasal, or paranasal sinuses, along with
Inflammation of the retrodiscal pad results
tenderness and pain in the paranasal and
in retrodiscitis of the temporomandibular
anterior facial area with possible fever. This
joint. The inflammation may be caused by
condition also may be associated with sinus
local trauma, overuse, or disk displacement.
headaches, nasal congestion, facial pressure,
In addition, it also may occur secondary to sys-
nasal discharge, discolored postnasal drainage,
temic connective diseases. Biting down on a
fatigue, and tooth pain.
cotton roll with the back molars on the ipsilat-
eral side can relieve pain because of the Background Information
distraction of the temporomandibular joint. Sinusitis is caused by infection of the sinuses.
This maneuver can be used to confirm the di- Important differential diagnosis includes mi-
agnosis. Undiagnosed systemic disease or local graine in individuals presenting with headache
infection can be further worked up by appro- and tumor in individuals with chronic unilateral
priate imaging and laboratory studies. Treat- congestion. Differentiation between this condi-
ment of retrodiscitis is based on the etiology. tion and migraine without aura occurs based
Anti-inflammatory medication, modalities, a on lateralization and quality of symptoms.
soft diet, and an intraoral appliance are usually Computed tomography or nasal endoscopic
effective. examination is necessary to make an accurate
diagnosis. Treatment includes antimicrobial
n Rheumatoid Arthritis of the agents directed at the specific infective agent.
Temporomandibular Joint
Chief Clinical Characteristics n Synovitis of the
This presentation typically is characterized by Temporomandibular Joint
morning stiffness and generalized pain through- Chief Clinical Characteristics
out multiple joints in a symmetric distribution, This presentation typically includes tenderness
with possible tenderness and swelling of af- and pain in the temporomandibular joint and
fected joints, as well as temporomandibular its immediate vicinity, possibly associated with
joint crepitus and limited mouth opening. headache, crepitus, clicking, or locking.
Background Information Background Information
Women are twice as likely as men to be This inflammatory temporomandibular joint
affected. Symptoms associated with this pro- arthropathy is defined by the inflammation
gressive inflammatory joint disease are of the synovium. If left untreated, this joint
caused by synovial membrane thickening and pathology may result in malocclusion, degener-
cytokine production in synovial fluid. Articu- ation, osteochondritis dissecans, and avascular
lar cartilage erosion, synovial hypertrophy, necrosis of the mandibular condyle. The char-
and constant joint effusion56 eventually cause acteristic joint effusion may be demonstrated
bony erosions and joint deformities that have on magnetic resonance imaging. Treatment
1528_Ch08_075-099 15/05/12 12:25 PM Page 95
Chapter 8 Trismus 95
This is a very rare condition. One case report n Parotid Gland Tumor
may be caused by displacement of the syn- 9. Glaros AG. Emotional factors in temporomandibular
ovial tissue during embryogenesis or hernia- joint disorders. J Indiana Dent Assoc. 2000;79(4):20–23.
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tion of the synovium into underlying bone tions and directions. J Oral Pathol Med. Nov 2002;
due to trauma. Clinical imaging and biopsy 31(10):615–619.
confirm the diagnosis. Surgical resection may 11. Carruthers BM, Jain AK, DeMeirleir KL, et al. Myalgic
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working case definition, diagnostic and treatment pro-
functional compromise and symptoms. tocols (a consensus document). J Chronic Fatigue Syndr.
n Temporal Bone 12. Selaimen CM, Jeronymo JC, Brilhante DP, Grossi ML.
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Chief Clinical Characteristics a case-control study. Int J Prosthodont. Mar–Apr
This presentation typically includes hearing 2006;19(2):154–161.
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orders. J Prosthet Dent. Nov 2002;88(5):479–484.
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poral bone. Computed tomography, mag- Headache. 1994;34:526–530.
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the diagnosis. Treatment typically involves nostic criteria. Headache. 1998;38:442–445.
resection of the tumor and reconstruction of 18. Spierings ELH. Mechanisms of migraine and actions
of antimigraine medications. Med Clin North Am. 2001;
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poromandibular joint (TMJ) may need to be 19. Ferrari MD. Migraine. Lancet. Apr 4 1998;351(9108):
dislocated or removed, causing postopera- 1043–1051.
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References primary care physicians in an emergency department in
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30. Pichichero ME, Casey JR. Otitis media. Expert Opin 49. Chen TM, George S, Woodruff CA, Hsu S. Clinical
Case Demonstration: Jaw Pain
■ Jesus F. Dominguez, PT, PhD ■ Michael S. Simpson, PT, DPT
NOTE: This case demonstration was devel- discomfort began about 8 months earlier after
oped using the diagnostic process described eating popcorn. There were several unpopped
in Chapter 4 and demonstrated in Chapter 5. kernels in the bag and he felt the pain in his left
The reader is encouraged to use this diagnostic lower jaw immediately after biting down on
process in order to ensure thorough clinical one. The discomfort occurred only with
reasoning. chewing for the next few days and he went to
see his primary care physician who prescribed
THE DIAGNOSTIC PROCESS ibuprofen and a soft diet for 1 week. Mr. K.D.
states that over the course of the next several
Step 1 Identify the patient’s chief concern.
weeks, the discomfort resolved completely.
Step 2 Identify barriers to communication.
Approximately 6 months ago, he again felt
Step 3 Identify special concerns.
left lower jaw discomfort after helping his
Step 4 Create a symptom timeline and sketch
brother move heavy furniture. At the time, he
the anatomy (if needed).
thought that he had “strained some jaw mus-
Step 5 Create a diagnostic hypothesis list
cles” because he remembers clenching his teeth
considering all possible forms of remote
during the strenuous lifting. He mentioned
and local pathology that could cause the
this in passing to his primary care physician
patient’s chief concern.
who advised him to begin taking ibuprofen
Step 6 Sort the diagnostic hypothesis list
again and return in 2 weeks if the jaw discom-
by epidemiology and specific case
fort did not resolve. Mr. K.D. stated that he did
not find the ibuprofen helpful this time, but he
Step 7 Ask specific questions to rule specific
did not return for a follow-up visit.
conditions or pathological categories less
Over the course of the next 6 months, he
noted that his jaw discomfort would come on
Step 8 Re-sort the diagnostic hypothesis list
when he would push his lawnmower or push
based on the patient’s responses to specific
trashcans to the curb, though these activities
would not always provoke his symptoms. He
Step 9 Perform tests to differentiate among
described the severity of the symptoms as 4/10
the remaining diagnostic hypotheses.
on a visual analog scale (VAS), with 10 being the
Step 10 Re-sort the diagnostic hypothesis list
most unbearable discomfort that he could
based on the patient’s responses to specific
imagine. The symptom required 3 to 5 minutes
to dissipate after stopping the activity, but he
Step 11 Decide on a diagnostic impression.
would be left with a dull ache that persisted for
Step 12 Determine the appropriate patient
10 minutes. At a yearly dental cleaning visit
2 months ago, he mentioned the symptoms to
his dentist who noted that the left temporo-
mandibular joint was mildly tender to palpa-
tion. Dental x-rays at the time did not reveal any
Case Description evidence of dental abnormalities. The dentist
then recommended the patient be evaluated
Mr. K.D. is a 57-year-old male accountant re- by a physical therapist with a provisional diag-
ferred to physical therapy with a diagnosis of nosis of temporomandibular dysfunction and
“jaw pain secondary to left temporomandibular instructed the patient to make an appointment
joint dysfunction.” He stated that the jaw within a week.
1528_Ch09_100-107 14/05/12 12:22 PM Page 101
Beginning 3 weeks prior to his physical referred by his dentist. This pattern of
therapy evaluation, Mr. K.D. also began to behavior could most likely present a
notice shortness of breath associated with the barrier to a timely diagnosis and effec-
jaw pain. He attributed this to a recent increase tive treatment. He also demonstrated a
in smoking because of job-related stressors. limited understanding of the need to
The severity of the symptoms was now 6/10 inform his physician of the change in
on the VAS and would persist for more than the quality of the jaw discomfort, the
15 minutes after he sat down to “catch his associated symptoms, and the new pat-
breath.” He also reported that the “quality” of tern of provocation. Failure to inform a
the jaw discomfort was different than what health care provider of new symptom
he had felt 8 months prior. Although the jaw patterns could significantly confound
discomfort and the shortness of breath would the diagnostic process and could lead to
resolve simultaneously, he was now experi- the development of ineffective treat-
encing these symptoms daily. He denied any ment strategies.
concomitant nausea, vomiting, dizziness, or
STEP #3: Identify special concerns.
Past medical history was significant for ● Unusual symptoms occurring with
hypertension, for which he took metoprolol, physical exertion. Raises the index of
100 mg daily, and smoking (64 pack-years). clinical suspicion for contributory car-
There was no known family history of coro- diovascular or pulmonary pathology.
nary artery/peripheral vascular disease or dia- ● Patient’s age and a diagnosis of hyper-
betes. Mr. K.D. said that he did not engage in tension. Raises the index of clinical sus-
any regular exercise. He weighed 90 kg and was picion for contributory cardiovascular
168 cm tall. His body mass index (BMI) was or pulmonary pathology.
calculated to be 31.9 kg/m2, placing him in the ● Smoking history, including a recent in-
“obese” category. crease in smoking. Raises the index of
clinical suspicion for contributory car-
STEP #1: Identify the patient’s chief diovascular or pulmonary pathology.
● Unresponsive to previously effective
Mr. K.D. reports his chief concern as left treatment. Raises the possibility of a
jaw pain. different pathology presenting to create
STEP #2: Identify barriers to a similar previous chief concern.
communication. STEP #4: Create a symptom timeline
● History of limited communication and sketch the anatomy (if needed).
with health care professionals. Mr.
K.D. did not return to his primary care
physician for a reassessment and waited
2 months to make an appointment with
the physical therapist after being
8 months 6 months
1992 ago ago Today
STEP #5: Create a diagnostic hypothesis STEP #6: Sort the diagnostic hypothesis
list considering all possible forms of list by epidemiology and specific case
remote and local pathology that could characteristics.
cause the patient’s chief concern.
Remote Remote
T Trauma T Trauma
Poor posture Poor posture
Whiplash Whiplash (absence of whiplash mechanism)
I Inflammation I Inflammation
Aseptic Aseptic
Chronic fatigue syndrome Chronic fatigue syndrome
Dental caries Dental caries (absence of positive findings
on recent dental examination)
Fibromyalgia Fibromyalgia
Sjögren’s syndrome Sjögren’s syndrome (gender not typical)
Subacute granulomatous thyroiditis Subacute granulomatous thyroiditis
Systemic lupus erythematosus Systemic lupus erythematosus
Septic Septic
Dental abscess Dental abscess (absence of positive
findings on recent dental examination)
Otitis media Otitis media (absence of ear pain or other
associated symptoms)
Post-herpetic neuralgia Post-herpetic neuralgia
Rheumatoid arthritis Rheumatoid arthritis
Septic arthritis Septic arthritis
Sinus abscess Sinus abscess
Sinus infection Sinus infection
Suppurative parotitis Suppurative parotitis
Tetanus Tetanus (time course)
M Metabolic M Metabolic
Carnitine deficiency Carnitine deficiency (age of onset not
Forbes’ disease Forbes’ disease (age of onset not typical)
Hypocalcemic tetany Hypocalcemic tetany (age of onset not
McArdle’s disease McArdle’s disease (age of onset not typical)
Medication-induced dyskinesia Medication-induced dyskinesia (no history
of Parkinson’s medications)
Mitochondrial myopathy Mitochondrial myopathy (age of onset not
Paget’s disease Paget’s disease (age of onset not typical)
Pompe’s disease Pompe’s disease (age of onset not typical)
Tarui’s disease Tarui’s disease (age of onset not typical)
Va Vascular Va Vascular
Angina pectoris Angina pectoris
Coronary insufficiency Coronary insufficiency
Cranial/temporal arteritis Cranial/temporal arteritis (symptoms are
intermittent, worse with exertion)
1528_Ch09_100-107 14/05/12 12:22 PM Page 103
Co Congenital Co Congenital
Not applicable Not applicable
Ne Neurogenic/Psychogenic Ne Neurogenic/Psychogenic
Trigeminal neuralgia Trigeminal neuralgia
STEP #7: Ask specific questions to rule Systemic lupus erythematosus (no fatigue
specific conditions or pathological or malaise)
categories less likely. Septic
● Have you had any associated numb- Post-herpetic neuralgia (no change in facial
ness or tingling in your face? No, sensation)
making less likely forms of pathology Rheumatoid arthritis (no fatigue)
involving neurogenic pain. Septic arthritis (no fatigue)
● Have you had congestion in the ear or Sinus abscess (no nasal congestion,
nose? No, ruling less likely sinus or ear fatigue)
pathology (ie, infection and acoustic Sinus infection (no nasal congestion,
neuroma). Fever? No, would also rule fatigue)
out (r/o) infection. Suppurative parotitis (symptoms not worse
● Have you experienced any uninten- with eating)
tional weight gain or loss? No, ruling M Metabolic
less likely cancer as a contributory cause
Not applicable
of the patient’s symptoms.
● Are your symptoms worsened or alle-
Va Vascular
viated by eating? No, ruling less likely Angina pectoris
upper gastrointestinal pathology as a Coronary insufficiency
cause of this patient’s symptoms. De Degenerative
● Do you feel fatigued or “out of it”? No, Not applicable
ruling less likely systemic forms of
Tu Tumor
aseptic inflammation (ie, rheumatoid
arthritis and chronic fatigue syndrome) Acoustic neuroma (no aural congestion)
and neurogenic problems (ie, multiple Co Congenital
sclerosis), which are associated with Not applicable
Ne Neurogenic/Psychogenic
STEP #8: Re-sort the diagnostic hypothesis Depression
list based on the patient’s responses to Gastroesophageal reflux disease (no
specific questioning. change in symptoms with eating)
Remote Hiatal hernia (no change in symptoms with
T Trauma eating)
Multiple sclerosis (no fatigue or malaise)
Poor posture
I Inflammation
T Trauma
Chronic fatigue syndrome (no fatigue or
malaise) Bruxism
Fibromyalgia (no fatigue or malaise) Temporal tendinitis
Sjögren’s syndrome (no fatigue or malaise) Temporomandibular ankylosis
Subacute granulomatous thyroiditis (no Temporomandibular dysfunction
fatigue or malaise)
1528_Ch09_100-107 14/05/12 12:22 PM Page 106
I Inflammation Co Congenital
Aseptic Not applicable
Capsulitis or synovitis Ne Neurogenic/Psychogenic
Septic Trigeminal neuralgia (no change in facial
Acute suppurative sinusitis (no nasal sensation)
STEP #9: Perform tests to differentiate
Lyme disease (no fatigue or malaise)
among the remaining diagnostic
Osteomyelitis (no fever)
M Metabolic ● Cardiac and pulmonary auscultation.
Sialolithiasis (no change in perceived facial Normal first (S1) and second (S2) heart
status) sounds without murmurs. A fourth
Va Vascular heart sound (S4, often associated with
Not applicable long-standing hypertension) was also
noted. Auscultation of the lungs
De Degenerative revealed mild inspiratory crackles
Osteoarthritis/osteoarthrosis throughout both lower lung fields.
of the temporomandibular joint ● Temporomandibular examination.
Tu Tumor Localized tenderness to palpation of
Ameloblastoma (no change in perceived the masseter and temporalis muscles.
facial status, fatigue/malaise, weight Mr. K.D. stated these symptoms were
change) unlike his current chief concern. Mild
Ewing’s sarcoma (no change in perceived and painless reciprocal click was noted.
facial status, fatigue/malaise, weight STEP #10: Re-sort the diagnostic
change) hypothesis list based on the patient’s
Giant cell tumor (no change in perceived responses to specific tests.
facial status, fatigue/malaise, weight
Multiple myeloma (no change in perceived T Trauma
facial status, fatigue/malaise, weight Not applicable
change) I Inflammation
Neoplasm/tumors of the mandible and
maxilla (no change in perceived facial Aseptic
status, fatigue/malaise, weight change) Not applicable
Odontoma (no change in perceived facial Septic
status, fatigue/malaise, weight change) Not applicable
Oropharyngeal cancer (no change in M Metabolic
perceived facial status, fatigue/malaise,
Not applicable
weight change)
Osteosarcoma (no change in perceived Va Vascular
facial status, fatigue/malaise, weight Angina pectoris
change) Coronary insufficiency
Parotid (Warthin’s) tumor (no change in De Degenerative
perceived facial status, fatigue/malaise,
Not applicable
weight change)
Pathological fracture secondary to Tu Tumor
metastases (no change in perceived facial Not applicable
status, fatigue/malaise, weight change) Co Congenital
Squamous cell carcinoma (no change in
Not applicable
perceived facial status, fatigue/malaise,
weight change)
1528_Ch09_100-107 14/05/12 12:22 PM Page 107
Neck Pain
■ Larry Ho, PT, DPT, OCS ■ Shirley Wachi-See, PT, DPT, OCS
A Anterior B Posterolateral
1528_Ch10_108-132 11/05/12 3:54 PM Page 109
T Trauma
Shoulder pathology 115 Blunt trauma to larynx or Brachial plexus/nerve root lesion 118
Thoracic outlet trachea 118 Cervical disk herniation 120
syndrome 116 Cervical dystonia 120
Cervical facet dysfunction 120
Cervicogenic headache 121
Coital neck pain 122
• Lower cervical spine (C3–C7) 124
• Upper cervical spine (C0–C2) 124
Muscle strain 125
Internal organ injuries: Digastric and stylohyoid Entrapments:
• Diaphragm muscle strain 122 • Greater occipital nerve (occipital
• Liver neuralgia) 123
• Lung • Spinal accessory nerve 123
• Spleen
pneumomediastinum 115
T4 syndrome 116
Stylohyoid syndrome Not applicable Subluxations/dislocations:
(Eagle’s syndrome) 116 • Congenital 128
• Degenerative 128
• Traumatic 128
I Inflammation
Not applicable Aseptic Aseptic
Not applicable Cervical lymphadenitis 121
Fibromyalgia 123
Septic Rheumatoid arthritis of the cervical
Cervical lymphadenitis spine 127
Not applicable
Aseptic Aseptic Aseptic
Not applicable Complex regional pain Ankylosing spondylitis 117
syndrome 122 Chronic fatigue syndrome 122
1528_Ch10_108-132 11/05/12 3:54 PM Page 110
Inflammation (continued)
M Metabolic
Not applicable Not applicable Osteomalacia 126
Osteoporosis 126
Medication overuse Not applicable Crowned dens syndrome 122
headache 114 Paget’s disease 126
Not applicable Not applicable Retropharyngeal calcific
tendinitis 127
Va Vascular
Acute myocardial Not applicable Not applicable
infarction 113
Acute coronary Arteritis 117 Not applicable
insufficiency 113 Hemorrhage 124
Pericarditis 114
1528_Ch10_108-132 11/05/12 3:54 PM Page 111
Vascular (continued)
Dissecting aneurysm Dissection of the Arteritis 117
of the thoracic aorta 113 internal carotid artery Epidural hematoma 123
123 Internal carotid arteritis 125
Subarachnoid hemorrhage 128
Subdural hematoma 128
Vertebral artery dissection 130
De Degenerative
Temporomandibular Not applicable Cervical degenerative disk
dysfunction 129 disease 118
Cervical degenerative joint
disease 118
Cervical stenosis (bilateral and
unilateral) 121
Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Riedel’s struma 115 Not applicable Subluxations/dislocations:
• Congenital 128
• Degenerative 128
• Traumatic 128
Tu Tumor
Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Malignant Primary, such as: Malignant Primary, Not applicable
• Breast tumor 116 such as:
• Pancoast tumor 117 • Anaplastic carcinoma 129
Malignant Metastatic: • Carcinoma of the
Not applicable esophagus 130
Benign: Malignant Metastatic:
Not applicable Not applicable
Not applicable
1528_Ch10_108-132 11/05/12 3:54 PM Page 112
Tumor (continued)
Co Congenital
Not applicable Not applicable Cervical stenosis 121
Marfan’s syndrome 114 Not applicable Not applicable
Not applicable Not applicable Subluxations/dislocations:
• Congenital 128
• Degenerative 128
• Traumatic 128
Ne Neurogenic/Psychogenic
Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Not applicable Post-traumatic Not applicable
cephalgia 127
Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Note: These are estimates of relative incidence because few data are available for the less common conditions.
important conduit for innervation and vascu- This condition is a medical emergency due to
larization to and from the rest of the body. the risk for significant myocardial damage
Some systemic diseases such as rheumatoid and death.1
arthritis, fibromyalgia, and lupus erythemato-
sus can have profound effects and present with ■ Dissecting Aneurysm
pain in the cervical spine. of the Thoracic Aorta
Chief Clinical Characteristics
Description of Conditions That This presentation may involve severe tearing or
May Lead to Neck Pain crushing pain along the chest, anterior base of
the neck, or interscapular region. Symptoms
Remote may include ischemic neuropathy.
■ Acute Coronary Insufficiency Background Information
Chief Clinical Characteristics Dissecting aneurysms of the ascending aorta
This presentation is mainly characterized by may manifest with symptoms of brain is-
chest pain or tightness, but can present as pain chemia, whereas dissecting aneurysms of the
radiating down one or both arms or as neck or descending aorta typically present with
jaw pain. This constellation of symptoms is symptoms of spinal ischemia. Systolic blood
similar to those experienced for myocardial pressure may drop below 100 mm Hg, and
infarction. heart rate may increase to greater than 100
beats per minute. Risk factors include male
Background Information sex, hypertension, lung disease, arteriosclero-
Temporary occlusion or spasm of the coronary sis, and connective tissue disease. Abdominal
artery causes the onset of symptoms related to computed tomography confirms the diagno-
regional hypoxia of the myocardium. Symp- sis.2 This condition is a medical emergency.
toms may occur at rest or during activity. In
contrast to acute myocardial infarction, pain is INTERNAL ORGAN INJURIES
relieved by administration of nitroglycerin. ■ Diaphragm Injury
This health condition merits urgent consul-
Chief Clinical Characteristics
tation with a physician, particularly during
The presentation of diaphragm injuries typ-
the first onset of symptoms or changes in
ically includes shoulder or lateral neck pain
symptom pattern, due to the risk for hypoxic
with chest pain.
myocardial damage.
Background Information
■ Acute Myocardial Infarction
Diaphragm rupture can occur with blunt or
Chief Clinical Characteristics penetrating trauma to the chest or abdomen.
This presentation often includes chest pain or Deep breathing and changes in position also
tightness, but can present as pain radiating may aggravate the symptoms. The mecha-
down one or both arms or as neck or jaw pain. nism that causes shoulder pain may involve
This condition also may be associated with the phrenic nerve.3 Chest radiographs con-
dyspnea, diaphoresis, pallor, weakness, and firm the diagnosis, with characteristic find-
nausea. ings of irregular diaphragmatic contour or
Background Information elevation, contralateral mediastinal shift,
This health condition occurs when there is and gas collection in the hemithorax. This
an acute disruption of blood flow to the my- condition requires urgent referral for med-
ocardium. Women are more likely than men ical evaluation.
to report neck and jaw symptoms associated
with this condition. Symptoms may be ag- ■ Liver Injury
gravated by exertion but also may occur at Chief Clinical Characteristics
rest; symptoms are relieved neither by rest The presentation of liver injuries can include
nor with administration of nitroglycerin. pain in the midepigastric region or right
1528_Ch10_108-132 11/05/12 3:54 PM Page 114
neck, back, left shoulder, or left supraclavicular corticosteroids, tamoxifen, and levothyroxine.
region. Pain is worse with deep inspiration, Surgical resection of the affected thyroid may
coughing, trunk rotation or side-bending, and confirm the diagnosis and assist in the man-
lying supine. It is alleviated by sitting up or agement of this health condition.
leaning forward. This condition may be
associated with a history of recent respiratory ■ Shoulder Pathology
illness, fever, chills, neoplasm, or heart disease/ Chief Clinical Characteristics
myocardial infarction. This presentation typically involves shoulder
pain, instability, and/or crepitus in combination
Background Information
with paracentral neck pain.
Pericardial friction rub may be auscultated.
This health condition commonly occurs in re- Background Information
sponse to viral infection of the pericardium. A variety of conditions in the shoulder can
Chest computed tomography and magnetic res- lead to neck pain, usually through compensa-
onance imaging confirm the diagnosis.10 This tory actions of the pectorals and upper trapez-
condition is a medical emergency due to the ius. These actions also may cause cervico-
risk for cardiac tamponade. brachial neural tissue provocation, resulting in
pseudoradicular symptoms of the upper ex-
■ Pleurisy tremity. These conditions include upper
Chief Clinical Characteristics trapezius strain, levator scapula strain, gleno-
This presentation is mainly characterized by humeral or sternoclavicular osteoarthrosis/
pain in the chest over the affected site, short osteoarthritis, rotator cuff tear, and subacro-
rapid breathing, coughing, dyspnea, and fever, mial impingement. Usual treatment for neck
with pain referred to the shoulder and neck re- pain related to this condition involves address-
gions. Aggravating factors include coughing, ing the underlying shoulder pathology through
deep inspiration, and laughing. use of appropriate surgical or nonsurgical
Background Information
This condition involves inflammation of the
■ Spontaneous
pleura. Common causes of pleurisy include in-
fection, trauma, rheumatoid arthritis, systemic
lupus erythematosus, and tumor. Chest radi- Chief Clinical Characteristics
ographs confirm the diagnosis.11 Treatment This presentation may involve moderate to
commonly involves addressing the underlying severe pain in the anterior neck and chest,
infective agent with antibiotic medication. accompanied by shortness of breath, throat
soreness, or dysphagia. Symptoms are aggravated
■ Riedel’s Struma by deep breathing, coughing, or lying supine, and
Chief Clinical Characteristics they are alleviated by sitting up or leaning
This presentation includes anterior neck pain forward.
in association with a firm mass, hoarseness, or
Background Information
signs of tracheal compression. Women in
This condition is most common in young
the sixth decade of life are most commonly
men. It is caused by the presence of free air
within the mediastinum due to alveolar rup-
Background Information ture. Violent coughing, acute asthma, or in-
This rare condition occurs due to an idio- halation of illicit drugs may contribute to the
pathic autoimmune process that results in etiology of this condition.13 Treatment in-
fibrosclerosis of the thyroid, impinging the re- cludes analgesics and bed rest. Spontaneous
current pharyngeal nerve, trachea, and other resolution typically occurs within 3 to 5 days,
adjacent structures. Individuals with this condi- but patients suspected of having this health
tion should be monitored for secondary condition should be referred for additional
hypothyroidism.12 Common treatment for medical evaluation emergently to monitor for
this health condition includes management with signs of serious complications.
1528_Ch10_108-132 11/05/12 3:54 PM Page 116
disease. Blood tests for carcinoembryonic Chief Clinical Characteristics
antigen, ferritin, and human chorionic go- This presentation includes an insidious onset of
nadotropin confirm the diagnosis in individ- spinal and symmetric posterior hip pain asso-
uals with metastasis. Treatment may include ciated with a slowly progressive and significant
resection of the tumor and involved axillary loss of general spinal mobility. Symptoms may
lymph nodes, mastectomy, chemotherapy, or be worse in the morning and improve with light
radiation. exercise.
■ Pancoast Tumor Background Information
Chief Clinical Characteristics While lumbar spine involvement is classic, the
This presentation includes sharp, pleuritic cervical spine also may be involved. This con-
pain in the axilla, shoulder, or subscapular dition is more common in males, as well as
regions with referral pain to the neck. Clin- people of American indigenous descent, those
ical findings also include shoulder-arm less than 40 years of age, or those who carry
pain, Horner’s syndrome, and neurological the human leukocyte antigen B27. It also may
deficits affecting the C8 and T1 nerve be associated with fever, malaise, and inflam-
roots.18 matory bowel disease. The diagnosis is con-
firmed with plain radiographs of the sacroiliac
Background Information joints and lumbar spine, which reveal charac-
True Pancoast tumors originate in the ex- teristic findings of sacroiliitis and “bamboo
trathoracic space. However, primary lung tu- spine.” Blood panels including erythrocyte
mors and abscesses in the superior thoracic sedimentation rate are useful to track disease
sulcus also may mimic this condition by in- activity. Individuals with this condition are en-
vading or impinging the subclavian space. couraged to exercise to improve posture and
Risk factors include smoking, exposure to maintain joint mobility in combination with a
secondary smoke, prolonged asbestos expo- regimen of nonsteroidal, steroidal, or biologi-
sure, and exposure to industrial elements. cal anti-inflammatory medications.
Cervical spine radiographs confirm the diag-
nosis.19 Treatment may include a course of
■ Arteritis
radiation therapy prior to surgical resection,
along with medical management of pain and Chief Clinical Characteristics
paraneoplastic syndromes. This presentation typically involves pain and
swelling of the carotid sheath and carotid artery,
Local and is characterized by inflammation of the
arterial wall that may result in occlusion or
■ Abscess or Cyst Infection aneurysm formation. Symptoms may include
Chief Clinical Characteristics general malaise and fever.
This presentation is mainly characterized by
Background Information
pain, tenderness, and swelling anteromedially
Essential hypertension and atherosclerosis are
to the sternocleidomastoid. Skin erythema is
risk factors. Carotid sheath infection may also
also common.
present with Horner’s syndrome and dysfunc-
Background Information tion of cranial nerves IX through XII. Rupture
CT scans may reveal an abscess or cyst in the of an aneurysm may result in bleeding
deep soft tissues of the neck. Suppurative from the nose and mouth.21,22 Individuals sus-
adenitis is the most common etiology. Other pected of this condition require urgent med-
causes include puncture or perforation ical evaluation.
from a foreign body, thrombophlebitis, or
osteomyelitis of the spine. This health condi- ■ Bacterial Meningitis
tion is typically treated with antibiotics, Chief Clinical Characteristics
and the abscess or cyst can be drained or This presentation may include neck pain
excised.20 and stiffness that is aggravated by flexion and
1528_Ch10_108-132 11/05/12 3:54 PM Page 118
rotation movements, associated with headache, of brachial plexus dysfunction may present as
fever, nausea, vomiting, photophobia, and cen- a constellation of sensory deficits, motor weak-
tral nervous system dysfunction including altered ness, reflex changes, and the pattern may vary
mental status, seizures, gait disturbances, and with the level of involvement and may present
paresis. Symptoms may progress rapidly or over either unilaterally or bilaterally.
a period of several days.
Background Information
Background Information Pain typically precedes motor and sensory
Bacteria can enter the host via the upper air- signs in brachial plexus injuries. Up to 50% of
way and then invade the subarachnoid space. patients with this condition will eventually
Lumbar puncture and obtaining cultures are present with central cord signs and symptoms.
important for correct diagnosis, as well as to Horner’s syndrome may be present if the
guide medical management.23 Usual treatment stellate ganglion is affected. Computed tomog-
for meningitis includes antibiotics for causes raphy, electromyography, and cervical myelog-
other than viral etiology, antipyretic and anti- raphy confirm the diagnosis.26 Treatment is
seizure agents, and supportive interventions to palliative. Recovery is sometimes incomplete
maintain oxygen and fluids at homeostatic and may take months.
■ Cervical Degenerative Disk
■ Blunt Trauma to Larynx Disease
or Trachea Chief Clinical Characteristics
Chief Clinical Characteristics This presentation can include pain in the
This presentation is mainly characterized by posterior or posterolateral region of the neck
pain in the anterior neck/throat. Other symp- with or without radiculopathy.
toms can include hemoptysis, hoarseness of the
Background Information
voice when speaking, dysphagia, odynophagia,
This condition is associated with the degener-
and obstruction of the airway.
ative changes of the cervical spine, and most
Background Information commonly affects the C5–C6 and C6–C7
Hyperextension injuries or direct trauma to levels (Fig. 10-1). Patients may develop osteo-
the larynx occur most commonly with motor phytes, degenerative annular tears, loss of disk
vehicle accidents. Penetrating trauma injuries height, narrowing of the spinal canal, or
associated with violent crime are increasing in compression of the spinal cord or nerve roots,
frequency. Other common mechanisms of in- resulting in radiculopathy. The diagnosis is
jury are direct blows from a fist or other object confirmed with plain radiographs and mag-
and attempted strangulation. Physical exami- netic resonance imaging. Treatment is vari-
nation may reveal laryngeal swelling with able; operative intervention may be required
tenderness to palpation, tracheal shift or devi- for individuals with extensive or rapidly pro-
ation, or subcutaneous emphysema. Depend- gressing neurological symptoms, but nonsur-
ing on the mechanism of injury, radiographic gical intervention including rehabilitation is
findings may include pneumomediastinum or typically considered a primary treatment for
pneumothorax. Computed tomography, bron- most individuals with this health condition.
choscopy, and indirect and flexible laryn-
■ Cervical Degenerative Joint
goscopy can be used to assess the injury.5,24,25
Surgical repair with or without placement of a
stent may be required. Chief Clinical Characteristics
This presentation is characterized by pain in the
■ Brachial Plexus/Nerve Root posterior or posterolateral aspect of the neck. This
Lesion condition occurs in the older population and
usually without radicular symptoms.
Chief Clinical Characteristics
This presentation may involve a traumatic on- Background Information
set of variable symptoms in the cervical spine Osteoarthritis of the zygapophyseal joints,
and the upper extremities. Signs and symptoms hypertrophy of the ligamentum flavum, and
1528_Ch10_108-132 11/05/12 3:54 PM Page 119
FIGURE 10-1 Reported referral patterns of the cervical intervertebral disks during discography.
1528_Ch10_108-132 11/05/12 3:54 PM Page 120
bral foramen can all contribute to symptoms but nonsurgical intervention including reha-
(Fig. 10-2).27 Plain radiographs and magnetic bilitation is typically considered a primary
resonance imaging confirm the diagnosis, with treatment for most individuals with this
joint space narrowing in the cervical facet or health condition.
intervertebral joints, subchondral sclerosis of
affected joints, and presence of periarticular ■ Cervical Dystonia
osteophytes and articular hypertrophy. Treat- Chief Clinical Characteristics
ment is variable; operative intervention may This presentation is mainly characterized by
be required for individuals with extensive or anterior or lateral neck pain and rotational
rapidly progressing neurological symptoms, position of the head and neck.
but nonsurgical intervention including reha-
Background Information
bilitation is typically considered a primary
The sternocleidomastoid muscle is contracted
treatment for most individuals with this health
or spastic, causing cervical spine ipsilateral
side-bending and contralateral rotation to the
■ Cervical Disk Herniation side of involvement. This idiopathic condition
also is known as torticollis. Congenital torti-
Chief Clinical Characteristics
collis occurs in infants, whereas acquired
This presentation involves pain in the poste-
(spastic) torticollis presents itself in adoles-
rior or posterolateral aspect of the neck with or
cents and adults. Certain illicit drugs may
without radicular symptoms down the arm or
cause temporary dystonia. Radiographic stud-
through the midthoracic region.
ies are important to rule out congenital anom-
Background Information alies and to detect unilateral atlantoaxial ro-
A cervical disk herniation can result from tary subluxation. Medications, botulinum
trauma, occur spontaneously in midlife (be- toxin, exercise, and cervical repositioning or-
tween 30 and 40 years of age), or result from thoses may be considered as treatment options
degenerative changes in the geriatric popula- for this health condition.
tion (spondylosis). C5–C6 and C6–C7 are
the most common levels of disk herniation in ■ Cervical Facet Dysfunction
the cervical spine.28 Magnetic resonance Chief Clinical Characteristics
imaging best confirms the diagnosis. Treat- This presentation involves sharp pain in
ment is variable; operative intervention may the posterior or posterolateral aspect of the
be required for individuals with extensive or cervical spine accompanied by ipsilateral range-
of-motion loss in the directions of side-bending
and rotation.
Background Information
This condition is more common in younger
C0-4 and active individuals. Symptoms of this con-
C2-4 C0-3
C3-5 C4-6
dition also may be referred to the shoulder and
proximal brachium (see Fig. 10-2). Facet dys-
function implies injury that interrupts normal
joint mobility, possibly associated with motor
vehicle accidents, aggravating sleep positions,
degenerative joint disease, and infection. The
diagnosis is confirmed clinically with in-
creased symptoms during movements that
cause downgliding of the affected facets or
FIGURE 10-2 Referral patterns of the cervical facet with selective joint injections. Treatment for
joints. Cervical facet joints may refer pain to the jaw facet dysfunction includes mobilization or
region, and these symptoms may be associated with manipulation of the affected joints, exercise,
suboccipital headaches. and therapeutic modalities.
1528_Ch10_108-132 11/05/12 3:54 PM Page 121
Chief Clinical Characteristics vertebral bodies and disks on plain radiographs,
This presentation typically includes pain along the nuclear medicine scan, or magnetic resonance
sternocleidomastoid to the jaw with swelling and imaging. Typical treatment involves intra-
tenderness of the lymph nodes. Fever, sore throat, venous antibiotic therapy and may require
and pain with swallowing may also occur. surgical decompression with potential bone
grafting or fusion to stabilize the spine.
Background Information
Common causes are dental disease or infec- ■ Cervical Stenosis
tion, an oral ulceration, and an infection of the Chief Clinical Characteristics
skin of the face or scalp. Most diagnoses can be This presentation is characterized by pain in the
made with a careful history and physical ex- posterior or posterolateral region of the neck
amination that reveals tenderness of involved with or without radiculopathy.
lymph nodes (Fig. 10-3); however, ultrasonog-
raphy or fine-needle biopsy may be neces- Background Information
sary.29,30 Treatment is directed at resolving the Classically, symptoms increase with extension
underlying infection, including antimicrobial and decrease with flexion of the cervical
and antipyretic agents where indicated. spine. Symptoms can be bilateral as in central
stenosis or unilateral in peripheral stenosis.
■ Cervical Osteomyelitis This condition usually occurs in older indi-
Chief Clinical Characteristics viduals, but it may occur much earlier in
This presentation includes posterior, midline individuals with congenital decrease in the
neck pain and progresses to include radiculopathy/ central canal volume. This condition usually
paresthesias and weakness into one or more occurs in more than one spinal level. The
extremities. Loss of bowel and bladder control multilevel involvement in a patient with
follows. Symptoms may be aggravated by move- stenosis results in a variable clinical presenta-
ment and accompanied by low-grade fever. tion of neurological deficits.27 The diagnosis
is confirmed with magnetic resonance imaging.
Background Information Nonsurgical treatment usually is successful to
Risk factors include diabetes mellitus, trauma, address this condition, with surgical inter-
and infection outside the cervical spine. The vention potentially indicated for patients
with extensive or rapidly progressing neuro-
logical deficits.
■ Cervicogenic Headache
Chief Clinical Characteristics
This presentation typically includes unilateral
head pain associated with neck movement; sus-
tained or awkward cervical posture, restricted
cervical range of motion; and ipsilateral neck,
shoulder, or arm pain.31 Cervicogenic headaches
are characterized by moderate to severe episodic
pain that originates in the neck or suboccipital
region and spreads to the head. Pain attacks
last from 3 weeks to 3 months, and may vary in
frequency from occurring every 2 days to
2 months. People with cervicogenic headache
describe symptoms that do not change
sides during an attack,32 and may also present
with nausea, dizziness, and phonophobia or
photophobia that is unresolved with migraine
FIGURE 10-3 Cervical lymph nodes. medications.
1528_Ch10_108-132 11/05/12 3:54 PM Page 122
This condition is commonly observed in oblique muscle may be required.
patients with temporomandibular joint dys-
function, and associated with bruxism, teeth ■ Spinal Accessory Nerve
clenching, and grinding. Management consists Chief Clinical Characteristics
of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medica- This presentation typically involves unilat-
tions, physical therapy, night splints, and relax- eral neck and shoulder pain, associated with
ation therapy. altered scapulohumeral mechanics during
elevation and abduction.
■ Dissection of the Internal Carotid
Artery Background Information
Injury to the nerve may occur during surgi-
Chief Clinical Characteristics
cal procedures such as cervical lymph node
This presentation involves a sudden onset of
biopsy or result from trauma such as gun-
knife-like, tearing, unilateral neck pain with
shot or stab wounds. Entrapment can occur
headache and face pain. Horner’s syndrome,
as the nerve travels through the posterior
cranial nerve palsy, hemicrania, and focal neu-
triangle. The diagnosis is confirmed with
rological abnormalities may follow the onset
electromyography, which may demonstrate
of pain. The blood pressure may be lower in
signs of chronic denervation.38 Surgical
one arm, and lying supine usually aggravates
exploration, neurolysis, grafting, or repair
may be required for open injuries.38
Background Information
Dissection may be caused by trauma or may ■ Epidural Hematoma
occur idiopathically. The diagnosis is con- Chief Clinical Characteristics
firmed with Doppler ultrasound, computed This presentation typically includes sudden on-
tomographic angiography, or conventional set of severe headache and/or severe localized
angiography.35,36 Individuals suspected of this neck pain with stiffness. A pattern of loss of
condition should be referred for immediate consciousness, followed by lucidity/alertness,
medical evaluation. then another loss of consciousness is typical,
though not present in all cases. Other symp-
toms include dizziness, nausea or vomiting,
■ Greater Occipital Nerve confusion, enlarged pupil, seizures, and focal neu-
(Occipital Neuralgia) rological deficits. Delayed onset of radiating
Chief Clinical Characteristics pain, weakness, and numbness into one or more
This presentation includes unilateral or bilat- extremities can occur and progress to bowel and
eral headache, pain, and paresthesia and bladder incontinence.
hypoesthesia in the distribution of the greater Background Information
or lesser suboccipital nerve with tenderness Patients with ankylosing spondylitis, hyper-
to palpation of the affected area. Nausea, tension, coronary and peripheral vascular dis-
dizziness, or visual disturbances also may be ease, and patients taking anticoagulant drugs
associated with this condition. are at higher risk for developing this condi-
Background Information tion. Individuals suspected of this condition
Myofascial trigger points in the posterior require urgent referral for medical evaluation.
neck and trapezius muscles are common
clinical findings. Symptoms may occur fol- ■ Fibromyalgia
lowing whiplash injury, head trauma, or Chief Clinical Characteristics
with degenerative arthritis of the atlantoax- This presentation is mainly characterized by
ial joint.37 The diagnosis is confirmed with chronic widespread joint and muscle pain de-
selective injections to the suboccipital trian- fined as bilateral upper body, lower body, and
gle. Administration of local anesthetic via spine pain, associated with tenderness to pal-
injection resolves symptoms readily. In pation of 11 of 18 specific muscle-tendon sites.
1528_Ch10_108-132 11/05/12 3:54 PM Page 124
Individuals with this condition demonstrate diagnosis is confirmed with plain radiographs
lowered mechanical and thermal pain thresh- of the cervical spine.
olds, high pain ratings for noxious stimuli,
Background Information
and altered temporal summation of pain
This condition is considered a medical emer-
stimuli.39 The etiology of this condition is
gency, and patients suspected of this health
unclear; multiple body systems appear to be
condition should be referred for immediate
involved. Indistinct clinical boundaries be-
medical evaluation. All fractures in the
tween this condition and similar conditions
lower cervical spine should be treated as
(eg, chronic fatigue syndrome, irritable bowel
unstable fractures until formally evaluated
syndrome, and chronic muscular headaches)
pose a diagnostic challenge.39 This condition
is diagnosed by exclusion on the basis of clin- ■ Upper Cervical Spine (C0–C2)
ical examination. Common pharmacologic
Chief Clinical Characteristics
interventions include antidepressants, opi-
This presentation includes suboccipital midline
oids, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs,
tenderness, muscle spasm, and neck pain that
sedatives, muscle relaxants, and antiepilep-
may or may not include neurological signs.
tics. Nonpharmacologic treatments can be
helpful, including exercise, physical therapy, Background Information
massage, acupuncture, and cognitive-behavioral Stable fractures may not present with neuro-
therapy.40 logical compromise, whereas fractures with
concomitant ligamentous rupture may result
■ Fibromyositis in central or peripheral neural compression.
Chief Clinical Characteristics Active range of motion is restricted and
This presentation is characterized by pain in all painful. Common mechanisms of injury in-
areas of the cervical spine, associated with gen- clude compression with flexion, distraction
eralized body pain. with flexion, and compression with exten-
sion. Compression fractures of the upper
Background Information
cervical spine include Jefferson fractures
The term fibromyositis is a combination of
(burst fractures of the ring of C1), which are
fibrositis—inflammation of the fibrous tissue—
clinically significant because they are associ-
and myositis—inflammation in the muscular
ated with neurological deficits. Distraction
tissue.41 Once the myofascial structure is in-
with hyperextension injuries of the upper
flamed, trigger points may develop. Trigger
cervical spine include hangman’s fractures,
points can be quantified with thermography or
which may be associated with cranial nerve,
measurement with pressure algometry or tissue
vertebral artery, and craniofacial injuries.
compliance meters.42 A combination of thermal
Fractures of the dens are generally divided
therapeutic modalities, postural exercises, and
into three categories depending on the
manual therapy procedures is commonly used
anatomical location of the break. Types I
to address this health condition.
and II are stable and do not require surgical
fusion. Type III fractures are unstable, and
FRACTURES rupture of the transverse ligament may cause
■ Lower Cervical Spine (C3–C7) spinal cord compression. This condition is a
Chief Clinical Characteristics medical emergency, and patients suspected
This presentation typically includes midline of this health condition should be referred
tenderness to palpation, neck pain with mus- for immediate medical evaluation.43
cle spasm, crepitus, step-off deformity, and
restricted and painful active range of motion. ■ Hemorrhage
Common mechanisms of injury include mo- Chief Clinical Characteristics
tor vehicle accidents, falls, diving accidents, This presentation involves a rapid onset of
blunt trauma, and accidents that occur unilateral neck pain and swelling.
1528_Ch10_108-132 11/05/12 3:54 PM Page 125
This health condition occurs when an artery ment usually includes a course of oral or intra-
ruptures, such as the sequel to an aneurysm. venous antibiotics. Inadequate treatment may
Arterial ruptures causing hemorrhage of the lead to chronic oligoarthritis and chronic dis-
cervical spine may include the internal and turbances.26 Patients who are diagnosed later
external carotid, vertebral, and thyroid arteries. in the course of this health condition carry an
An elevated risk of hemorrhage is associated elevated risk for neurological effects.
with hypertension, trauma, or thrombolytic
therapy. Ultrasonography can be useful in de- ■ Meningismus (Aseptic
termining the source of hemorrhage. This Meningitis)
condition is a medical emergency, and pa- Chief Clinical Characteristics
tients suspected of this health condition This presentation is characterized by neck pain
should be referred for immediate medical and stiffness, sore throat, headache, fever,
evaluation.23 nausea, vomiting, drowsiness, confusion, and
■ Internal Carotid Arteritis
Background Information
Chief Clinical Characteristics
Viral vectors may infect the meninges, causing
This presentation includes pain and swelling
aseptic meningitis syndrome. Other causes in-
of the carotid sheath and carotid artery.
clude fungi and certain types of medication.
Other symptoms include general malaise and
Cerebrospinal fluid analysis and gadolinium-
enhanced magnetic resonance imaging can
Background Information confirm the diagnosis.45,46 This condition is
Carotid sheath infection may also present with usually self-limiting, and supportive interven-
Horner’s syndrome and dysfunction of cranial tion is typically provided.
nerves IX through XII. Advanced disease may
result in bleeding from the nose and mouth or ■ Muscle Strain
stroke.21,23 Treatment typically involves ad- Chief Clinical Characteristics
ministration of steroidal medications. Individ- This presentation typically includes local pain
uals who are suspected of this health condition that may be present in various regions of the
should be referred for medical evaluation ur- cervical spine dependent on the location of the
gently to begin treatment and prevent the risks injury.
of advanced disease.
Background Information
■ Lyme Disease The mechanism of injury can range from sleep
and postural dysfunction to sports activities
Chief Clinical Characteristics
and motor vehicle accidents. Causes of neck
This presentation can involve fatigue, headache,
muscle strain include orthopedic shoulder
fever, neck stiffness, joint and muscle pain,
pathologies (eg, rotator cuff injuries, impinge-
anorexia, sore throat, and nausea.
ment syndrome, bursitis, and tendinopathy)
Background Information and temporomandibular joint dysfunction.
This condition is caused by a spirochete car- These health conditions can affect the cervical
ried by ticks during the summer months in the spine through faulty posture, inadequate
Western Hemisphere. Neck pain occurs due to shoulder- scapular kinematics, dyskinesia of
a local immune reaction in the cervical spine the shoulder and scapular musculatures, and
that produces both central and peripheral abnormal tension on the cervical spinal
nervous system symptoms. One or more cervi- nerves.47 The diagnosis is confirmed clinically
cal, thoracic or lumbar nerve roots may also be on palpation and resisted testing of the af-
involved. The diagnosis is confirmed by sero- fected muscle. This health condition is ad-
logic testing for Borrelia burgdorferi, preferably dressed nonsurgically with a combination of
by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay exercise and anti-inflammatory or analgesic
followed by Western blot analysis.44 Early medications.
1528_Ch10_108-132 11/05/12 3:54 PM Page 126
Diverticulum The mechanism of injury is often postconcus-
Chief Clinical Characteristics sion and may be caused by injury to the sym-
This presentation typically includes a pathetic fibers in the neck. Trauma to the
sensation of a lump in the throat and carotid artery sheath in the anterior triangle of
may be accompanied by the presence of a the neck also may be contributory. Beta-
gurgling sound when the patient drinks blocker medications such as propranolol are
fluids. among primary treatments for this health
Background Information
Pharyngoesophageal diverticulum occurs ■ Retropharyngeal Calcific
more frequently in women and the elderly. In Tendinitis
this health condition, the esophageal Chief Clinical Characteristics
mucosa herniates posteriorly, trapping This presentation typically includes neck
food. This can lead to an infection that causes pain and stiffness often associated with dys-
neck pain and odynophagia. Coughing may phagia and odynophagia. Symptom onset
lead to aspiration, resulting in bronchitis or may be spontaneous or associated with
pneumonia. Diagnosis is confirmed with bar- trauma such as whiplash. Aggravating fac-
ium swallow or endoscopic studies. Surgical tors include neck movements in any direction
removal of the infected diverticulum may be and swallowing.
Background Information
■ Polymyalgia Rheumatica Plain radiographs reveal calcification anterior
Chief Clinical Characteristics to the dens in the longus colli muscle, confirm-
This presentation is mainly characterized by ing the diagnosis.58,59 Treatment includes non-
widespread muscle aching and stiffness in the steroidal anti-inflammatory and analgesic
neck and shoulder regions and the low back, medication.
hips, and thighs, possibly associated with
weakness, fever, weight loss, stiffness, muscle ■ Rheumatoid Arthritis
tenderness, and anemia. of the Cervical Spine
Chief Clinical Characteristics
Background Information This presentation is mainly characterized by
The onset of pain can occur very suddenly morning stiffness and generalized pain through-
with symptoms appearing overnight. This out multiple joints in a symmetric distribution,
health condition typically affects people over with possible tenderness and swelling of
the age of 50, and women are more frequently affected joints.
affected than men. This condition is regarded
as a variant of giant cell arteritis, characterized Background Information
by a subacute granulomatous inflammation Women are twice as likely to be affected as
that affects the external carotid arterial sys- men. Symptoms associated with this pro-
tem.26 Corticosteroids are considered among gressive inflammatory joint disease are
primary treatments for this health condition. caused by synovial membrane thickening
This treatment course takes 1 to 2 years to re- and cytokine production in synovial
solve this pathology.56 fluid. Articular cartilage erosion, synovial
hypertrophy, and constant joint effusion 60
■ Post-Traumatic Dysautonomic eventually cause bony erosions and joint
Cephalgia deformities that have a significant impact
Chief Clinical Characteristics on daily function. Younger age of onset is
This presentation may involve headache and associated with a greater extent of disability
neck pain that resemble the classic migraine, but later. Treatment typically includes a combi-
include signs of pupil dilation, sweating, and nation of nonsteroidal, steroidal, or biolog-
transient Horner’s syndrome. ical anti-inflammatory medication and
1528_Ch10_108-132 11/05/12 3:54 PM Page 128
maintain functional strength and joint punctures.66 Predisposing factors include ad-
motion. vanced age, alcoholism, and coagulation disor-
ders.64 Subdural hematomas form when
■ Subarachnoid Hemorrhage bridging veins rupture and blood accumulates
Chief Clinical Characteristics in the space between the arachnoid and the
This presentation includes severe headache dura. This health condition is a medical emer-
and/or neck pain with nuchal rigidity. Passive gency; individuals suspected of a subdural
and active flexion of the neck increase pain. hematoma should be referred for computed
Additional symptoms include nausea, vomiting, tomography without contrast.
photophobia, drowsiness, confusion, dizziness,
transient loss of consciousness, and enlarged SUBLUXATIONS/DISLOCATIONS
pupils. ■ Congenital
Background Information Chief Clinical Characteristics
Head trauma and intracranial aneurysms This presentation is mainly characterized by
are the most common causes, and the neck pain with or without neurological
incidence of nontraumatic hemorrhage in- deficits.
creases linearly from the age of 25 to 64. Background Information
Ruptured aneurysms and arteriovenous Congenital abnormalities such as Chiari
malformations can lead to this condition. malformations and osteogenesis imperfecta
Hypertension and diabetes mellitus are two can result in instability and subluxation. This
significant risk factors, 61 and polycystic condition is a medical emergency.43,67 Treat-
kidney disease, Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, ment usually involves surgical stabilization
systemic lupus erythematosus, and preg- of the affected region.
nancy are also known risk factors. 62
Polmear63 reported that between 50% and ■ Degenerative
60% of patients with this condition de- Chief Clinical Characteristics
scribed a previous history of an atypical This presentation may include neck pain with
headache days to weeks before the event. or without neurological deficits.
This warning sign is known as a sentinel
headache. Computed tomography and lum- Background Information
bar puncture confirm the diagnosis. This Common causes of degenerative subluxation
condition is a medical emergency.23 include transverse ligament rupture in
patients with rheumatoid arthritis and
■ Subdural Hematoma Down syndrome. This condition is a medical
Chief Clinical Characteristics emergency.43,67 Treatment usually involves
This presentation can involve neck pain surgical stabilization of the affected region.
and unilateral or occipital headache associated
with a decline in level of consciousness ■ Traumatic
and focal neurological deficits. Secondary Chief Clinical Characteristics
symptoms include autonomic signs, vomit- This presentation typically includes neck pain
ing, somnolence, or signs of personality with or without neurological deficits.
Background Information
Background Information Common causes of traumatic dislocation in-
The location of headache depends on the clude motor vehicle accidents and diving.
location of hematoma. Symptoms develop With traumatic injuries, concomitant disk
within hours to weeks after the precipitating herniation should be suspected and as-
event. This condition may be caused by sessed.43,67 This condition is a medical emer-
severe sneezing, coughing, strain from heavy gency. Treatment usually involves surgical
lifting, and whiplash injury.65 It is also a rare stabilization of the affected region.
1528_Ch10_108-132 11/05/12 3:54 PM Page 129
Chief Clinical Characteristics typically includes dull, aching paratracheal neck
This presentation typically includes neck pain pain that radiates to one or both ears.
associated with fatigue and joint pain/ Other symptoms include sore throat, thyroid
swelling affecting the hands, feet, knees, and enlargement and tenderness, and pain with
shoulders. swallowing.
17. Leffert RD. Thoracic outlet syndrome. J Am Acad 36. Yang ST, Huang YC, Chuang CC, Hsu PW. Traumatic in-
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Shoulder Pain
■ Chris A. Sebelski, PT, DPT, OCS, CSCS
1528_Ch11_133-173 11/05/12 3:55 PM Page 134
T Trauma
Cervical disk herniation 145 Dislocations: Biceps long tendon tear/
Status post–laparoscopic • Acromioclavicular dislocation 157 rupture 156
procedure 152 • Glenohumeral dislocation 157 Fractures:
Thoracic outlet • Sternoclavicular dislocation 157 • Bankart lesion 158
syndrome 153 Fractures: • Bennett lesion 158
• Bankart lesion 158 • Clavicle 159
• Bennett lesion 158 • Hills-Sachs lesion 159
• Clavicle 159 • Proximal humerus 159
• Hills-Sachs lesion 159 Glenoid labrum tears 159
• Proximal humerus 159 Impingement syndromes:
• Scapula 159 • Subacromial impingement 161
Glenoid labrum tears 159 Joint injuries:
Impingement syndromes: • Acromioclavicular sprain 161
• Subacromial impingement 161 • Glenohumeral
Joint injuries: sprain/subluxation 161
• Glenohumeral sprain/ Muscle strains 162
subluxation 161
Muscle strains 162
Internal organ injuries: Joint injuries: Joint injuries:
• Diaphragm injury 149 • Sternoclavicular sprain 162 • Sternoclavicular sprain 162
• Liver injury 149
• Lung injury 149
• Spleen injury 150
Not applicable Dislocations: Not applicable
• Sternoclavicular
dislocation 157
I Inflammation
Aseptic Aseptic Aseptic
Rheumatoid arthritis of Adhesive capsulitis (frozen Adhesive capsulitis (frozen
the cervical spine 151 shoulder) 155 shoulder) 155
Bursitis (subdeltoid/ Bursitis (subdeltoid/
Septic subacromial) 156 subacromial) 156
Hepatitis 149 Chronic fatigue syndrome 156 Complex regional pain syndrome
Pleurisy 150 Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS; also reflex sympathetic
Pneumonia 151 (CRPS; also reflex sympathetic dystrophy, algodystrophy,
Ulcers: dystrophy, algodystrophy, Sudeck’s atrophy) 157
• Duodenal ulcer 154 Sudeck’s atrophy)157 Myofascial pain syndrome 162
• Gastric ulcer 154 Fibromyalgia 158
1528_Ch11_133-173 11/05/12 3:55 PM Page 135
Inflammation (continued)
Myofascial pain syndrome 162 Tendinopathies:
Rheumatoid arthritis 165 • Biceps long tendinitis 167
• Calcific tendinopathy 168
Osteomyelitis 164 Septic
Septic arthritis 167 Not applicable
Aseptic Aseptic Not applicable
Acute cholecystitis 143 Ankylosing spondylitis 155
Costochondritis 148 Chronic fatigue syndrome 156
Gaseous distention of the Neuralgic amyotrophy
stomach 149 (Parsonage-Turner
Rheumatoid arthritis–like syndrome) 163
diseases of the cervical Polymyalgia rheumatica 164
spine: Rheumatoid–like health
• Crohn’s disease conditions:
(regional enteritis) 151 • Dermatomyositis 166
• Psoriatic arthritis 152 • Polymyositis 166
• Scleroderma 152 • Psoriatic arthritis 166
• Systemic lupus • Scleroderma 166
erythematosus 152 • Systemic lupus
• Ulcerative colitis 152 erythematosus 167
Tietze’s syndrome 153
Septic Not applicable
Acute viral/idiopathic
pericarditis 144
Aseptic Aseptic Not applicable
Not applicable Reiter’s syndrome 165
Septic Septic
Cat-scratch disease 144 Ankylosing spondylitis 155
Cervical epidural Skeletal tuberculosis (Pott’s
abscess 145 disease) 167
Cervical lymphadenitis 145
Perihepatitis (Fitz-Hugh–
Curtis syndrome) 150
Subphrenic abscess 153
M Metabolic
Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
1528_Ch11_133-173 11/05/12 3:55 PM Page 137
Metabolic (continued)
Osteomalacia 150 Hereditary neuralgic Hereditary neuralgic
amyotrophy 160 amyotrophy 160
Heterotopic ossification/
myositis ossificans 160
Ectopic pregnancy 148 Amyloid arthropathy 155 Not applicable
Gout 160
Pseudogout (calcium
pyrophosphate dihydrate
deposition disease) 165
Va Vascular
Acute myocardial Not applicable Not applicable
infarction 144
Coronary artery
insufficiency 148
Not applicable Avascular necrosis of the Not applicable
humeral head 156
Quadrilateral space
syndrome 165
Aneurysm 144 Aneurysm 155 Aneurysm 155
Pulmonary embolus 151 Upper extremity deep venous Upper extremity deep venous
Upper extremity deep thrombosis (UEDVT; thrombosis (UEDVT; includes
venous thrombosis includes Paget-Schroetter Paget-Schroetter
(UEDVT; includes Paget- syndrome) 154 syndrome) 154
Schroetter syndrome) 154
De Degenerative
Cervical osteoarthrosis/ Osteoarthrosis/osteoarthritis: Osteoarthrosis/osteoarthritis:
osteoarthritis 146 • Acromioclavicular joint 164 • Acromioclavicular joint 164
• Glenohumeral joint 164 • Glenohumeral joint 164
Rotator cuff tear 167 Tendinopathies:
• Biceps long tendinosis 168
• Calcific tendinopathy 168
1528_Ch11_133-173 11/05/12 3:55 PM Page 139
Degenerative (continued)
Not applicable Osteoarthrosis/osteoarthritis: Osteoarthrosis/osteoarthritis:
• Sternoclavicular 164 • Sternoclavicular 164
Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Tu Tumor
Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Malignant Primary, such as: Malignant Primary, such as: Malignant Primary, such as:
• Breast tumor 153 • Chondrosarcoma 169 • Chondrosarcoma 169
• Pancoast tumor 154 • Lung tumor 169 • Lung tumor 169
Malignant Metastatic: • Osteosarcoma 170 • Osteosarcoma 170
Not applicable Malignant Metastatic, such as: Malignant Metastatic, such as:
Benign: • Metastases, including from • Metastases, including from
Not applicable primary breast, kidney, primary breast, kidney,
lung, prostate, and thyroid lung, prostate, and thyroid
disease 169 disease 169
Benign, such as: Benign, such as:
• Enchondroma 169 • Enchondroma 169
• Lipoma 169 • Lipoma 169
• Osteoblastoma 169 • Osteoblastoma 169
• Osteochondroma 170 • Osteochondroma 170
• Osteoid osteoma 170 • Osteoid osteoma 170
• Unicameral bone cyst 170 • Unicameral bone cyst 170
Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Co Congenital
Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
1528_Ch11_133-173 11/05/12 3:55 PM Page 141
Malignant Primary, such as: Malignant Primary, such as: Malignant Primary, such as:
• Chondrosarcoma 169 • Chondrosarcoma 169 • Chondrosarcoma 169
• Lung tumor 169 • Lung tumor 169 • Lung tumor 169
• Osteosarcoma 170 • Osteosarcoma 170 • Osteosarcoma 170
Malignant Metastatic, such as: Malignant Metastatic, such as: Malignant Metastatic,
• Metastases, including from • Metastases, including from such as:
primary breast, kidney, primary breast, kidney, • Metastases, including
lung, prostate, and thyroid lung, prostate, and thyroid from primary breast,
disease 169 disease 169 kidney, lung, prostate,
Benign, such as: Benign, such as: and thyroid disease 169
• Enchondroma 169 • Enchondroma 169 Benign, such as:
• Lipoma 169 • Lipoma 169 • Enchondroma 169
• Osteoblastoma 169 • Osteoblastoma 169 • Lipoma 169
• Osteochondroma 170 • Osteochondroma 170 • Osteoblastoma 169
• Osteoid osteoma 170 • Osteoid osteoma 170 • Osteochondroma 170
• Unicameral bone cyst 170 • Unicameral bone cyst 170 • Osteoid osteoma 170
• Unicameral bone cyst 170
Ne Neurogenic/Psychogenic
Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Not applicable Erb’s palsy 158 Erb’s palsy 158
Neuropathic arthropathy
disease) 163
Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Note: These are estimates of relative incidence because few data are available for the less common conditions.
Superior Superior
shoulder pain shoulder pain
A Anterior B Posterior
1528_Ch11_133-173 11/05/12 3:55 PM Page 143
A Anterior B Posterior
FIGURE 11-1 Referral patterns of the viscera to the shoulder girdle region.
1528_Ch11_133-173 11/05/12 3:55 PM Page 144
may be present. Surgical removal of the gall- after presumed viral illness. Alleviating positions
bladder may be indicated. Although biliary include kneeling with hands on floor, leaning
calculi are considered common, they become forward, or sitting upright. Pericardial friction
symptomatic in 1% to 4% of patients annually. rub may be auscultated. Episodes are longer in
The prevalence of gallstones is higher in duration than that of an acute myocardial in-
women; however, attacks tend to be more farction or anginal pain. Pericarditis may be due
prevalent and severe in men. Individuals with to an acute viral infection or it may be idiopathic
diabetes mellitus appear at elevated risk for in nature. Chest computed tomography and
this health condition.1 The main symptom is magnetic resonance imaging confirm the diag-
caused by obstruction of the gallbladder neck nosis.4 This condition is a medical emergency
by a stone. Abdominal sonography or hepato- due to the risk for cardiac tamponade.
biliary scintigraphy confirms the diagnosis.
■ Aneurysm
Shoulder pain is a common sequela to this
surgical procedure that may be addressed Chief Clinical Characteristics
effectively with injection of a short-term anes- This presentation can include localized
thetic agent into the gallbladder.2 shoulder pain and neuropathic or myopathic
symptoms either with or without functional
■ Acute Myocardial Infarction limitations; the distribution of symptoms de-
Chief Clinical Characteristics pends on the affected artery.5,6 Aortic and carotid
This presentation includes crushing, strangling, artery aneurysms have been documented to give
or stabbing pressure across the chest, which also rise to shoulder pain. Secondary signs may in-
may be present in the anterior or lateral left clude warmth, redness, and swelling.
shoulder that radiates to one or both arms in the
Background Information
T1 dermatome, neck, or jaw (see Fig. 11-1). As-
The potential compression of the brachial
sociated symptoms include diaphoresis, dysp-
plexus or cervical nerve roots or vascular com-
nea, weakness, palpitations, and dizziness.
promise may elicit these associated signs and
Background Information symptoms. Aneurysms or pseudoaneurysms
This severe paroxysmal pain may or may not may be present due to recent surgery, trauma,
be associated with a recent increase of activity. or iatrogenic complications.7 The diagnosis is
It may not be changed by rest, body position, confirmed with arteriography or Doppler ul-
breathing pattern, or with the administration trasound. This condition typically is managed
of nitroglycerin. This condition is a medical with surgical procedures such as stent place-
emergency due to the risk for significant ment, the goal of which is to reinforce the
myocardial damage.3 structural integrity of the arterial wall.
■ Acute Viral/Idiopathic ■ Cat-Scratch Disease
Pericarditis Chief Clinical Characteristics
Chief Clinical Characteristics This presentation typically involves a unilateral,
This presentation is mainly characterized by painless, subacute granulomatous lymphadenopa-
sharp and stabbing anterior chest pain that thy that is most common in the axillary lymph
may radiate to the neck, back, left shoulder, or nodes but may present in the cervical or in-
left supraclavicular region with worsening pain guinal lymph nodes. Constitutional symptoms
with deep inspiration, coughing, trunk rota- such as prolonged fever, headache, and malaise
tion or side-bending, and lying supine. The may be present. A slow to heal scratch may also
presentation closely mimics that of an acute be present with a history of recent cat scratch
myocardial infarction with a similar referral within the past several months.8
pattern to the left shoulder and in the T1 der-
Background Information
matome (see Fig. 11-1). This condition is more
Though less frequent in adults, this health
common in young males.
condition often may be initially misdiagnosed
Background Information as breast cancer.9 The diagnosis is confirmed
This condition is typically associated with with lymph node biopsy, blood culture, or
cough, fever, and pain usually 10 to 12 days imaging of the local soft tissues. Treatment
1528_Ch11_133-173 11/05/12 3:55 PM Page 145
may include antibiotic agents with surgical ex- spreading of an infectious organism, such as
cision reserved for the most severe cases. Staphylococcus aureus, due to an untreated in-
fection of a skin lesion or intravenous drug
■ Cervical Disk Herniation abuse. This diagnosis is confirmed with mag-
Chief Clinical Characteristics netic resonance imaging, which reveals an
This presentation involves pain in the posterior abnormal region of high signal on T2-weighted
or posterolateral aspect of the neck with or images in the epidural space within the affected
without radicular symptoms down the arm or region of the cervical spine. Treatment typically
through the midthoracic region. Aching pain, includes some combination of intravenous an-
burning, numbness, or tingling radicular pain tibiotic medication and surgical decompres-
at the supraclavicular area (C4; Fig. 11-2A), the sion of the abscess.
anterior shoulder (C5, Fig. 11-2B), superior-
posterior shoulder into the lateral brachium ■ Cervical Lymphadenitis
(C6, Fig. 11-2C), posterior shoulder (C7-C8; Chief Clinical Characteristics
Fig. 11-2D and E) or the axilla (T1) also may This presentation may involve a supraclavicular
be present. Location of the signs and symptoms mass with neck pain radiating to the shoulder.
may be seen to correlate to the dermatome, The presence of a draining fistula is possible.
myotome, or sclerotome of the nerve root or Masses also may appear at other locations in-
adjacent root. Other signs may include muscle cluding the posterior neck and the submandibu-
weakness, muscle wasting, or diminution or lar area.12
loss of reflex response. Aggravating factors could
include neck rotation or compression. Background Information
Cervical lymphadenitis is an infection of
Background Information
the cervical lymph nodes that results in forma-
Cervical disk herniation can result from
tion of a mass. In adults, the mass may be
trauma, occur spontaneously in midlife (be-
secondary to tuberculosis or other form of
tween 30 and 40 years of age), or result from
bacterial infection. The bacterial infection may
degenerative changes in the geriatric popula-
not present with the usual constitutional
tion (spondylosis). C5–C6 and C6–C7 are the
most common levels of disk herniation in the
cervical spine.10 Magnetic resonance imaging
best confirms the diagnosis. Treatment is vari-
able; surgical intervention may be required for
individuals with extensive or rapidly progress-
ing neurological symptoms, but nonsurgical
intervention including rehabilitation is con-
sidered a primary treatment for most individ- Characteristic
uals with this health condition. distribution
C4 of symptoms
■ Cervical Epidural Abscess
Chief Clinical Characteristics C5
Anterior Posterior
This presentation often may include pain in view
C6 view
the axial or appendicular region correspon-
ding to the segmental level of involvement in
the cervical spine and an elevated white cell C7
count. A fever may be present in up to 50% of
cases.11 Sensorimotor signs including poten-
tial bowel and bladder disturbances may be
Background Information
The abscess is usually an infection that gener- Somatosensory
ates a pus-filled sac in the epidural space. The findings
most common risk factor is hematogenous FIGURE 11-2 Patterns of cervical radiculopathy.
1528_Ch11_133-173 11/05/12 3:55 PM Page 146
C3 distribution
of symptoms
Characteristic C4
C3 distribution Biceps C5, C6
C4 of symptoms
C5 Deltoid
C6 C7 Wrist extensors C6
Reflex findings
Reflex findings
Anterior Posterior
Anterior Posterior
view view
view view
findings Somatosensory
B C findings
FIGURE 11-2 cont’d
symptoms, but fever, weight loss, and fatigue pharmacologic management provides optimal
are possible if the condition results from outcomes.13
tuberculosis. This suggests the importance
for the clinician to clarify whether the patient ■ Cervical Osteoarthrosis/
was previously exposed to tuberculosis to en- Osteoarthritis
sure appropriate reporting and containment Chief Clinical Characteristics
in the presence of possible tuberculosis. The This presentation is characterized by pain in the
diagnosis is confirmed with imaging of chest posterior or posterolateral aspect of the neck,
and neck, blood cultures, and biopsy of the which may be related with aching pain, burn-
mass itself. A combination of surgical and ing, numbness, or tingling radicular pain at the
1528_Ch11_133-173 11/05/12 3:55 PM Page 147
Characteristic Characteristic
C3 C3
distribution distribution
of symptoms C4 of symptoms
C5 Finger Thumb
C5 Wrist flexors C8 extension
flexors C7
C6 C6
C7 C7
Triceps C7
Reflex findings
Anterior Posterior
Reflex findings view view
Anterior Posterior
view view
E findings
D findings
FIGURE 11-2 cont’d
■ Costochondritis
Chief Clinical Characteristics
C2-4 C0-3 This presentation commonly includes dull
C3-5 C4-6 pain with anterior chest wall tenderness that
C5-7 is frequently perceived at the anterior shoul-
der. Tenderness without swelling typically is
focused along the third, fourth, or fifth costo-
chondral joints with possible corresponding
deeper pain at the posterior midscapular
area.16 Shoulder pain may be bilateral but
is less specific. Provocation of anterior chest
FIGURE 11-3 Referral patterns of the cervical pain occurs with shoulder mobility versus
facet joints. Cervical facet joints may refer pain to the shoulder pain limiting mobility. Reproduc-
shoulder region. tion of pain is typically with shoulder abduc-
tion, horizontal adduction, or movements
articular hypertrophy. Treatment is variable; against resistance.
surgical intervention may be required for Background Information
individuals with extensive or rapidly progress- Cervical spine extension and ipsilateral rota-
ing neurological symptoms; otherwise, non- tion may also reproduce the pain. Costochon-
surgical intervention including rehabilitation dritis may be idiopathic or trauma induced,
is considered a primary treatment for most such as with coughing or other overexertion of
individuals with this health condition. the chest wall. Costochondritis is often consid-
ered synonymous with Tietze’s syndrome, al-
■ Coronary Artery Insufficiency though Tietze’s syndrome presents with a
Chief Clinical Characteristics probable aseptic inflammatory etiology with a
This presentation typically involves chest pain hallmark of swelling in the area.16 Each diag-
or tightness, but may also present as radiating nosis is confirmed with clinical examination.
pain into the shoulder or shoulder girdle. Most cases are self-limiting with resolution
Episodes may be accompanied by anginal type within 1 year of onset or cortisone injection
symptoms similar to myocardial infarction, into effected costochondral joint.
such as diaphoresis, dyspnea, palpitations, and
presyncope. Women are more greatly affected ■ Ectopic Pregnancy
than men, especially when older than 50 years, Chief Clinical Characteristics
postmenopausal on hormone replacement This presentation may involve pain that
therapy, and with diabetes mellitus.15 extends from the superior shoulder to the
proximal brachium or axilla, accompanied by
Background Information
hypotensive symptoms including nausea, dizzi-
Shoulder movement will not be specifically re-
ness, fainting, pallor, weak pulse, or other signs
stricted. This health condition occurs due to
of shock or hemorrhage.17
occlusion or spasm of the coronary artery.3 In
contrast to acute myocardial infarction, pain Background Information
from coronary artery insufficiency is relieved This health condition occurs when an ectopic
by administration of nitroglycerin. This health pregnancy ruptures or becomes large enough
condition is a progressive disorder with more that it disrupts surrounding tissues. Some cases
severe cardiac disease to be expected without of ectopic pregnancy present with unilateral or
treatment. The diagnosis is confirmed with re- bilateral shoulder pain due to irritation of the
sponse to stress testing and cardiac imaging. diaphragm from bleeding. A patient with an as-
Treatment may include prevention for those yet unruptured ectopic pregnancy may report
with the greatest risk factors, in combination having vague abdominal pains for several
with pharmacologic and surgical management weeks prior to the rupture. Other possible symp-
to reduce symptoms and ensure adequate toms include missed menstruation and vaginal
cardiac perfusion. spotting. Treatment of this health condition
1528_Ch11_133-173 11/05/12 3:55 PM Page 149
typically includes surgical excision; a ruptured abuse, and recent blood transfusions may assist
ectopic pregnancy is a medical emergency. typing of hepatitis. In turn, typing of hepatitis
guides clinical management.
■ Gaseous Distention
Chief Clinical Characteristics See Figure 11-1.
This presentation can be characterized by mide-
pigastric abdominal pain, associated with uni- ■ Diaphragm Injury
lateral axilla or anterolateral chest wall pain that Chief Clinical Characteristics
is unrelated to activity or mobility. Alleviating This presentation typically includes lateral
factors may involve belching and antacids. neck or shoulder pain with chest pain.
Background Information Background Information
This health condition occurs when excessive Diaphragm rupture can occur with blunt or
gastric gases cause distention of the stomach to penetrating trauma to the chest or abdomen.
the extent that it irritates the inferior portion of Deep breathing and changes in position also
the diaphragm. In turn, diaphragm irritation may aggravate the symptoms. The mecha-
may result in referred pain to the shoulder. nism that causes shoulder pain may involve
Common risk factors for shoulder pain related the phrenic nerve.18 Chest radiographs con-
to excessive stomach gas include constipation, firm the diagnosis, with characteristic find-
lactose intolerance, and status post–laparoscopy ings of irregular diaphragmatic contour or
procedure. Association of pain with meal habits elevation, contralateral mediastinal shift,
and diet are important clinical considerations. and gas collection in the hemithorax. This
Typical treatment is directed at the underlying condition requires urgent referral for med-
cause of excessive gastric gases, including ical evaluation.
antacid and antibiotic agents.
■ Hepatitis ■ Liver Injury
Chief Clinical Characteristics Chief Clinical Characteristics
This presentation commonly involves tender- This presentation may be characterized
ness and pain in the right upper abdominal by pain in the midepigastric region or right
quadrant, scapular region, and right shoulder, upper quadrant, with referred pain to the
possibly associated with headaches, myalgias, superior shoulder, interscapular, and upper
arthralgias, fatigue, anorexia, nausea, jaundice, trapezius regions. Additional symptoms are
and fever. right upper quadrant tenderness and guard-
ing, and signs of blood loss such as shock and
Background Information hypotension.
Hepatitis refers to a family of pathological con-
ditions that is related to inflammation of the Background Information
liver, consisting of five main types. Patients pre- Liver trauma accounts for 15% to 20% of blunt
senting with hepatitis-related shoulder or mid- abdominal injuries. Common mechanisms of
back pain may be clinically undiagnosed and injury include motor vehicle accidents and
appear healthy (see Fig. 11-1). There is also an fighting. Abdominal computed tomography
acutely progressive type of hepatitis in which confirms the diagnosis.19 This condition re-
the patient may be extremely ill within 2 to 8 quires urgent referral for medical evaluation.
weeks of exposure. Each type of hepatitis,
named for the infectious agent, has specific epi- ■ Lung Injury
demiological characteristics. Treatment varies Chief Clinical Characteristics
by type and involves pharmacologic therapy. This presentation can involve sharp, pleuritic
Depending on the type, hepatitis may be con- pain in the axilla, shoulder, or subscapular
tracted via personal or sexual contact, food, as regions with possible referral pain to the
well as airborne or fecal–oral transmission. As- neck.20 Clinical findings may also include
sessing the patient history regarding the extent shoulder-arm pain, Horner’s syndrome,
of alcohol use/abuse, intravenous drug use/ and neurological deficits affecting the C8
1528_Ch11_133-173 11/05/12 3:55 PM Page 150
and T1 nerve roots in the case of apical lung bowing of the lower quadrant, and a heart-
flammation of the pleura. Common causes of in the morning.
pleurisy include infection, trauma, rheuma-
toid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, Background Information
and tumor. Chest radiographs confirm the Involvement of the cervical spine as the first
diagnosis.25 Pleurisy is treated by the under- site of pathology is rare. Protective posturing
lying cause; a bacterial infection is treated of the upper extremity in internal rotation
via antibiotics and a viral-based infection is held against the stomach is common. Females
typically monitored without pharmacologic are more affected than males with a peak age
interference. of 35 to 45 years old. Criteria for diagnosis of
this condition includes prolonged morning
■ Pneumonia stiffness (greater than 60 to 90 minutes), soft
Chief Clinical Characteristics tissue swelling, symmetric arthritis, subcuta-
This presentation may involve severe shoulder neous nodules, positive rheumatoid factor, or
pain at the tip of the acromioclavicular joint that radiographic evidence. Treatment should be
is associated with chest pain, cough, sputum tailored to the patient and his or her specific
production, or breathlessness. symptoms, but typically involves steroidal,
nonsteroidal, and biological anti-inflammatory
Background Information medications.
The referred pain to the shoulder is theorized
to be due to irritation of the diaphragm and INFLAMMATORY DISEASES
the C4 sensory axons of the phrenic nerve. ■ Crohn’s Disease (Regional
Diagnosis is via clinical presentation, radiog- Enteritis)
raphy, and blood cultures with the causative Chief Clinical Characteristics
agent typically being bacterial. Treatment is via This presentation may be characterized by
antibiotics and as the pneumonia resolves, generalized aching pain in the shoulder. This
shoulder function should return. symptom is infrequently the initial present-
■ Pulmonary Embolus ing symptom but may be an associated
arthralgia during an acute episode of Crohn’s
Chief Clinical Characteristics disease. Other associated issues may include
This presentation may involve crushing pain erythema nodosum, fever, weight loss,
that may mimic myocardial infarction or arthritis, and complications from long-term
angina-type pain. Typically, the symptoms are corticosteroid use.27
substernal but may present anywhere in the
trunk including the shoulder. It is associated Background Information
with dyspnea, wheezing, and a marked drop in Intestinal symptoms may vary according to
blood pressure.26 the involved area of the gastrointestinal
tract but may include nausea, cramping,
Background Information anorexia, and diarrhea without blood in the
This condition occurs when an embolus of stool. This condition is a subcategory of
clotted blood or less commonly cholesterol inflammatory bowel disease where the in-
plaque becomes lodged in the pulmonary flammation and ulceration occur primarily
vascular tree, resulting in reduced oxygen ex- in the terminal ileum and colon, although
change. Risk factors include immobilization or any portion of the intestinal tract can be
recent surgery. Treatment commonly involves affected.26 The etiology has not been identi-
anticoagulant medications, and this condition fied though it is suspected to include ge-
is considered a medical emergency. netic, microbial, inflammatory, immune,
and permeability abnormalities.26 Treat-
■ Rheumatoid Arthritis ment of the disease process focuses on
of the Cervical Spine pharmacologic, homeopathic, or surgical
Chief Clinical Characteristics management. Management of the patho-
This presentation involves an onset of tran- physiology of this condition decreases the
sitory pain and stiffness in the shoulder. extraintestinal presentations. Therefore, the
1528_Ch11_133-173 11/05/12 3:55 PM Page 152
therapist should advocate a multidiscipli- associated with fatigue and joint pain/swelling
dependent on the surgical procedure and Chief Clinical Characteristics
management postsurgically. This presentation may be associated with an in-
■ Subphrenic Abscess sidious and rapid onset of dull pain with ante-
rior chest wall tenderness that may be perceived
Chief Clinical Characteristics at the anterior shoulder.33 An inflammatory
This presentation involves aching and reaction with noted swelling is present at the
persistent pain at the “tip” of the shoulder second and third costochondral joints with con-
(see Fig. 11-1). Further specific location may comitant irritation at the chondrosternal, ster-
depend on the area inferior to the diaphragm noclavicular, or manubriosternal areas. Tietze’s
that is affected. Abdominal guarding or is aggravated by a history of prolonged cough-
pain will be present.30 Patient may or may ing or overexertion. It is bilateral in 30% of
not have a fever, recent trauma, or surgical cases. Provocation of anterior chest pain occurs
intervention. with shoulder mobility versus shoulder pain
Background Information that limits mobility. Reproduction of pain is
This condition is an area of localized pus infe- typically with shoulder abduction, horizontal
rior to the diaphragm. It may be diagnosed via adduction, or movements against resistance.
imaging. Early intervention by way of surgical Background Information
or nonsurgical management gives the best This syndrome is similar to costochondritis
outcomes. and the two are often considered to be synony-
mous conditions. However, Tietze’s may in-
■ Thoracic Outlet Syndrome volve an aseptic inflammatory etiology. This
Chief Clinical Characteristics condition is equally common in both sexes,
This presentation may be characterized by and commonly presents within the second to
diffuse pain in the shoulder or axilla, neck, arm, fourth decades of life. The diagnosis is con-
or chest. Symptoms may also include paresthe- firmed with clinical examination. The cases
sias, discoloration, numbness, weakness, non- are self-limiting with a relapsing, remitting
pitting edema, and/or fatigue.31 presentation.16 Case studies34,35 now support
the view that malignancy should be considered
Background Information when Tietze’s is considered in the differential
Postural abnormalities, macrotrauma, or diagnosis.
microtrauma from repetitive overhead activ-
ities are possible contributors. These may TUMORS
result in a variety of syndromes in which the ■ Breast Tumor
name of the syndrome is derived from the
hypothetical source of neurovascular entrap- Chief Clinical Characteristics
ment, such as cervical rib syndrome, scalenus This presentation is usually characterized by
anticus syndrome, pectoralis minor syn- initial report of a nonpainful palpable
drome, or first thoracic rib syndrome. This is firm, irregular mass in the breast, which is
a clinical diagnosis with neurological, vascu- the most common presentation of breast
lar, or nonspecific symptoms that may be cancer. Reports of shoulder pain, deep bone
secondary to either upper or lower trunk pain, and jaundice or weight loss are less com-
compression of the brachial plexus and vas- monly seen as the initial presentation.
culature. Multiple clinical exam measures Background Information
have been developed though few are sensitive The onset of aching pain in the shoulder
or specific to diagnose this condition. The with difficulty sleeping may be an indication
90-degree abduction test with external of metastases to the lymph or osseous struc-
rotation appears to have the best predictive tures of the shoulder. Upper extremity
value.32 Surgical intervention is indicated for edema is rarely seen as an initial sign. Blood
those with symptoms that do not respond to tests for the markers (carcinoembryonic
nonoperative treatments. antigen, ferritin, and human chorionic
1528_Ch11_133-173 11/05/12 3:55 PM Page 154
Subclavian vessels are the most commonly Chief Clinical Characteristics
affected with axillary and brachial vessels next This presentation involves the presence of the
in the order of frequency.43 Primary forms of “shoulder pad” sign, which is localized anterior
this condition include idiopathic and Paget- swelling at the shoulder. This sign is pathognomic
Schroetter syndrome or “effort” thrombosis. for the rare disorder of amyloidosis. There may
“Effort” thrombosis is typically seen in healthy be associated shoulder pain and functional
young men with overdeveloped scalene muscu- limitation with systemic signs and symptoms of
lature,43 which compresses the subclavian vein fatigue, edema, and weight loss.
during overexertion, leading to thrombosis de-
velopment. Secondary forms of this condition Background Information
account for the majority of episodes. Age Amyloidosis is a deposit of insoluble fragments
greater than 50, diseased state, and a slightly of a protein in tissues and may affect nerves,
elevated risk for females may be included in the muscles, and ligaments. Underlying disease
epidemiology.43 Risk factors include cancer, processes may include renal insufficiency, car-
central venous catheters, anatomical abnormal- diomyopathy, hepatomegaly, peripheral neu-
ities, recent trauma, acquired hypercoagulable ropathy, and autonomic failure.46 Biochemical
states, and spontaneous events. Diagnosis is via analysis of blood is required for diagnosis.
noninvasive techniques. One serious complica-
tion is pulmonary embolus. Suspicion of ■ Aneurysm
thrombosis should be considered an emergent Chief Clinical Characteristics
referral. This presentation can include localized shoulder
pain and neuropathic or myopathic symptoms
Local either with or without functional limitations;
the distribution of symptoms depends on the
■ Adhesive Capsulitis (Frozen affected artery.5,6 Axillary and subclavian
Shoulder) artery aneurysms have been documented to
Chief Clinical Characteristics give rise to shoulder pain. Secondary signs may
This condition presents as insidious and painful include warmth, redness, and swelling.
loss of both active and passive range of motion Background Information
in a capsular pattern. There are two types: if not The potential compression of the brachial
associated with a traumatic event, then it is plexus or cervical nerve roots or vascular com-
considered primary adhesive capsulitis; if asso- promise may elicit these associated signs and
ciated with a traumatic or surgical event, then symptoms. Aneurysms or pseudoaneurysms
it is considered secondary adhesive capsulitis. may be present due to recent surgery, trauma,
Initial presentation mimics subacromial im- or iatrogenic complications.7 The diagnosis
pingement syndrome. is confirmed with arteriography or Doppler
Background Information ultrasound. This condition typically is man-
Females are more affected than males with aged with surgical procedures such as stenting,
the dominant arm most involved. Other asso- the goal of which is to reinforce the structural
ciated factors include age greater than 40, integrity of the arterial wall.
trauma, prolonged immobilization, diabetes, ■ Ankylosing Spondylitis
thyroid disorders, autoimmune disorders, and
stroke/myocardial infarction.44 Diagnosis may Chief Clinical Characteristics
include imaging, exploratory arthroscopic This presentation typically includes an insidious
procedure, and blood panel. Pathology of the onset of shoulder pain associated with a slowly
midshaft of the humerus has been known to progressive and significant loss of general spinal
be associated and must be excluded.45 Etiology mobility. Low back symptoms may be worse in
remains unknown. Staging of the condition is the morning and improve with light exercise.
important for determination of treatment Background Information
though both operative and nonoperative treat- This condition is more common in males,
ment remain controversial. as well as people of American indigenous
1528_Ch11_133-173 11/05/12 3:55 PM Page 156
those who carry the human leukocyte antigen Risk factors include recurrent biceps tendini-
B27. It also may be associated with fever, tis, anabolic steroid use, age, and heavy
malaise, and inflammatory bowel disease. lifting.51 Partial ruptures are rare. Gleno-
Shoulder joint arthritis may develop during humeral instability and anterior shoulder
the later stages of the disease in up to 60% of swelling resulting from complete rupture mak-
patients.47 The diagnosis is confirmed with ing the diagnosis more difficult. Ultrasound
plain radiographs of the sacroiliac joints and and magnetic resonance imaging may be uti-
lumbar spine, which reveal characteristic find- lized to assist with diagnosis. Objective exam
ings of sacroiliitis and “bamboo spine.” Blood techniques such as Speed’s test are utilized but
panels including erythrocyte sedimentation are nonspecific.52 Questions regarding activity
rate are useful to track disease activity. level and sport participation may be helpful
in determining management. Nonsurgical
■ Avascular Necrosis management is successful for optimizing the
of the Humeral Head surrounding structures for compensation.
Chief Clinical Characteristics Surgical management is repair of the tendon.
This presentation may include limited motion
at the glenohumeral joint, deep joint pain, and ■ Bursitis (Subdeltoid/
increasing pain with motion and time of weight Subacromial)
bearing. Such symptoms should lead to suspi- Chief Clinical Characteristics
cion of osteonecrosis. Reports of difficulty This presentation typically includes an
sleeping and pain at rest are common.48 insidious onset of pain at the anterior or lateral
Patients are typically asymptomatic at the shoulder. Passive movements are painful espe-
shoulder until the later stages of the disease.49 cially at the end range of motion into abduction,
internal rotation, and horizontal adduction.
Background Information
Active movements typically present with pain
Associated nontraumatic and traumatic
during flexion and abduction.
pathologies include proximal humerus trauma,
sickle cell disease, history of radiation, Gaucher’s Background Information
disease, dysbaric disorders, alcohol intake, corti- Secondary bursitis as a sign of underlying
costeroid use, or a history of systemic lupus ery- shoulder pathologies is more common than
thematosus. The presence of avascular necrosis primary. For primary bursitis, typical treat-
in other joints, especially of the hip, are com- ment is a course of local anesthetic injections.
mon.49 Complete blood screen and plain For secondary bursitis, treatment consists of
radiographs assist with diagnosis. Nonsurgical treatment of the underlying contributing
treatment is often difficult due to the delayed shoulder pathology.
presentation of the patient for treatment.
However, with early diagnosis, rest, immobiliza- ■ Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
tion, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medica- Chief Clinical Characteristics
tion, and therapy are recommended. Surgical This presentation is defined as a new onset of
management depends on the severity of the unexplained, persistent, or recurrent physical or
destruction.48,49 mental fatigue that substantially reduces ac-
tivity level, postexertional malaise, and exclu-
■ Biceps Long Tendon Tear/Rupture sion of other potentially explanatory medical or
Chief Clinical Characteristics psychiatric conditions; also requires at least one
This presentation may be characterized by pain symptom from two of the following categories:
in the anterior shoulder in middle-aged to older autonomic manifestations, neuroendocrine
males following heavy lifting or quick onset of manifestations, and immune manifestations.53
an eccentric load. A “pop” may be heard with
weakness of supination and elbow flexion noted. Background Information
Observable distal muscle convexity may be Other possible clinical features include pain,
seen due to retraction of the muscle toward the which may serve as the chief symptom that
remaining attachment.50 directs patients toward physical therapists
1528_Ch11_133-173 11/05/12 3:55 PM Page 157
for management, and sleep dysfunction. Radiographs are required to confirm the
This health condition is diagnosed on the presence of fracture and grade of injury.
basis of clinical examination. There is signifi- Grades I and II require immobilization and
cant diagnostic overlap with major depression, physical therapy. Grade III may require oper-
fibromyalgia, and systemic lupus erythemato- ative or nonoperative treatment with immo-
sus. Optimal treatment includes activity bilization and therapy. Grades IV through
modification and stress management, anaerobic VI require operative management due to
reconditioning, and medication for relief of disruption of muscular structures and sever-
associated symptomatology. ity of displacement of the clavicle.
■ Complex Regional Pain Syndrome ■ Glenohumeral Dislocation
(CRPS; Also Reflex Sympathetic Chief Clinical Characteristics
Dystrophy, Algodystrophy, This presentation may include patients,
Sudeck’s Atrophy) typically male and in their 20s, who may ex-
Chief Clinical Characteristics perience mechanical symptoms along with
This presentation may include a “burning or pain from soft tissue disruption in overhead
throbbing pain.” Symptoms typically manifest activities.
in the distal extremity including escalated
Background Information
pain pattern, swelling, autonomic vasomotor
The injury can occur across the life span,
dysfunction, and impaired upper extremity
though the soft tissues injured differ. In the
adolescent age group, injuries to the gleno-
Background Information humeral ligament and capsular avulsions are
There are two types of CRPS. Type I is precipi- more common. In the middle-aged group,
tated by a noxious event and Type II occurs rotator cuff pathology is more common.56
specifically from a peripheral nerve injury. The Up to 96% of all dislocations are due to
noxious event or nerve injury may occur in the acute trauma to the shoulder.57 Typically the
shoulder.55 Staging of the disorder is according mechanism is in the anterior direction
to skin changes, pain response, and edema. The (98%) secondary to the mechanism of force-
diagnosis is one of exclusion; therefore, compet- ful abduction and external rotation.58 Other
ing differential diagnoses must be ruled out. mechanisms include a fall on an out-
Treatment is nonsurgical for type I; for type II, stretched arm, traction, or some form of
identification of the underlying peripheral nerve wrenching. Diagnosis is dependent on his-
pathology may indicate surgical intervention.55 tory exam due to intolerance by the patient
for many of the clinical exam procedures
DISLOCATIONS following an acute trauma.59 Imaging may
■ Acromioclavicular Dislocation be necessary to detect associated lesions,
Chief Clinical Characteristics such as impaction fractures of the humeral
This presentation can involve acute onset of head or inferior glenoid surface. Complica-
superior lateral shoulder pain with sharp re- tions include axillary nerve injury or
production during attempts of movement. supraspinatus injury. Outcomes of nonsur-
Observable deformity at the acromioclavic- gical management of unilateral-direction
ular joint and/or clavicle will assist with grad- traumatic dislocation in adolescents are typ-
ing the severity of injury. Mechanisms may ically poor, so surgical intervention is often
include traumatic high-velocity injury in recommended. Multidirectional instability
younger patients or older patients with low to may be managed nonsurgically initially.57
moderate velocity injury, such as a fall on an ■ Sternoclavicular Dislocation
outstretched hand.
Chief Clinical Characteristics
Background Information This presentation typically involves anterior
Grades of injury are from I to VI with pro- shoulder pain coupled with the patient’s pref-
gressive involvement of ligamentous, capsu- erence toward placing his or her affective up-
lar, muscular, bony, and neural structures. per extremity in a protective posture to avoid
1528_Ch11_133-173 11/05/12 3:55 PM Page 158
medial clavicle pain. The neck may be postured unclear; multiple body systems appear to be
toward the affected side. Swelling and/or a involved. Indistinct clinical boundaries be-
lump over the joint region is palpated.60 The tween this condition and similar conditions
patient may have difficulty with lying supine (eg, chronic fatigue syndrome, irritable bowel
and on the affected shoulder. Atraumatic dis- syndrome, and chronic muscular headaches)
locations typically occur in young females pose a diagnostic challenge.63 This condition is
with generalized joint laxity.61 diagnosed by exclusion. Treatment will often
include polypharmacy and elements to im-
Background Information
prove self-efficacy, physical training, and
The mechanism is typically from an acute
cognitive-behavioral techniques.64
injury such as a sports injury or motor ve-
hicle accident. Though both are rarely seen, FRACTURES
anterior dislocation is of greater prevalence
■ Bankart Lesion
than posterior. Posterior dislocation must
be treated as an emergent situation due to Chief Clinical Characteristics
the proximity to neurovasculature struc- This presentation may be asymptomatic or
tures. Once effectively diagnosed via imag- minimally symptomatic with overhead mo-
ing, intervention for a mild to moderate tions. The patient more typically presents with
displacement is typically a sling and protec- symptoms of glenohumeral instability second-
tive rest. For dislocations, the decision of ary to repetitive microtrauma or dislocation.
closed reduction versus surgical interven- Background Information
tion may be dependent on the direction of Bankart lesion is a capsular avulsion of the
the dislocation. anterior and inferior portions of the labrum.
■ Erb’s Palsy It is strongly associated with traumatic dislo-
cations. A “bony” Bankart lesion is a disrup-
Chief Clinical Characteristics tion of the bone of the inferior glenoid rim
This presentation may involve shoulder pain following a dislocation.56 Imaging is neces-
secondary to a known neurological injury, sary to diagnose this condition. Repair is
possibly occurring at birth, resulting in signif- considered if surgical intervention is neces-
icant weakness of the shoulder musculature. sary for the treatment of the shoulder dislo-
Adaptive posturing will be present typically of cation or instability.
30 degrees of abduction, flexion, 60 degrees of
humeral internal rotation, and potential elbow ■ Bennett Lesion
flexion contracture.62 Pain and limited function Chief Clinical Characteristics
will be present due to secondary osteoarthritis. This presentation more commonly presents in
Background Information patients who are male, long-term throwers
Resolution of deteriorating function via shoul- (ie, baseball pitchers) with posterior shoulder
der arthrodesis is common. pain during forced extension or with full
external rotation and abduction. Pain is
■ Fibromyalgia absent in daily activities.
Chief Clinical Characteristics
Background Information
This presentation involves chronic widespread
Failure of nonsurgical management is typi-
joint and muscle pain defined as bilateral up-
cal. Diagnosis is difficult because this lesion
per body, lower body, and spine pain, associated
may be asymptomatic. Etiology is unknown
with tenderness to palpation of 11 of 18 specific
but the biomechanics and mechanical
muscle-tendon sites.
stresses of the throwing arm are suspected. A
Background Information local anesthetic test with lidocaine injection
Individuals with this condition will demon- into the lesion via fluoroscope is assistive in
strate lowered mechanical and thermal pain determining symptomatic contribution of
thresholds, high pain ratings for noxious the lesion to the shoulder pain. Surgical
stimuli, and altered temporal summation of management with full return to sports
pain stimuli.63 The etiology of this condition is should be expected.65
1528_Ch11_133-173 11/05/12 3:55 PM Page 159
Chief Clinical Characteristics and women are more affected than men.68
This presentation includes immediate pain, Background Information
inability to move shoulder and possibly the Dependent on the severity of the fracture,
neck with swelling, and observable deformity. there may not be observable deformity, ne-
Tenting of the skin is commonly seen.66 cessitating plain radiographs for diagnosis.
Background Information Neer’s classification system assists with deter-
In adults, clavicle fractures account for mining severity of injury and therefore the
~10% of all trauma. Grading of the severity appropriate nonsurgical or surgical manage-
of a clavicle fractures is dependent on the de- ment.69 Complications include neurovascular-
gree of displacement, number and severity of associated injuries.
the involved ligaments, and the presence of ■ Scapula
acromioclavicular joint involvement. Open
Chief Clinical Characteristics
clavicle fractures are uncommon with the
This condition commonly presents as poste-
risk of pneumothorax at ~3% with high-
rior shoulder pain in patients who hold their
energy mechanisms of injury. Radiographs
involved upper extremity in adduction with
are necessary for appropriate diagnosis.
severely restricted motion. Weak rotator cuff
Treatment is dependent on the grade of the
function may be present, yet tenderness is
fracture with complications including de-
localized to the scapula. Edema and ecchymo-
layed healing and nonunion. The majority of
sis may be absent. Pain may be present with
clavicle fractures are nondisplaced and man-
inspiration due to respiratory muscular attach-
aged nonsurgically via a sling or figure-eight
ments. A flattened shoulder is typical of a
harness with therapy to follow the period of
displaced glenoid neck or acromial fracture.70
Background Information
■ Hills-Sachs Lesion These uncommon injuries are typically seen
Chief Clinical Characteristics in males from 20 to 40 years of age due to
This presentation involves shoulder instabil- direct trauma with considerable energy. This
ity; the lesion itself is typically asymptomatic. condition is often overlooked on initial eval-
Poorly localized shoulder pain, either anterior uation, but clinicians are advised that the
or posterior, is present, especially with late- presence of a scapular fracture should raise
phase cocking or the early acceleration phases the suspicion of associated injuries if not
of throwing or overhead activities. already evident.70 Complications include
pneumothorax, which may be delayed up to
Background Information
3 days,65 and associated fractures including
Occurring in approximately 80% of trau-
of the skull and brachial plexus. Nonsurgical
matic dislocations, this condition is a
treatment is still preferred despite the ad-
compression fracture of the posterolateral
vances with open reduction internal fixation
corner of the humeral head created when
the humeral head passes over the lip of the
glenoid.56 The lesion contributes to insta- ■ Glenoid Labrum Tears
bility if greater than 30% of the articular
Chief Clinical Characteristics
surface is involved.57 If nonsurgical man-
This presentation may include poorly localized
agement fails, then several surgical options
anterior or posterior pain in the shoulder that
are available.
may range from constant to episodic and
■ Proximal Humerus sharp.51 It is typically activity-related shoulder
pain that increases with overhead motion.
Chief Clinical Characteristics
This presentation may be characterized by Background Information
pain and bony tenderness in the axilla, crepi- The most common is a superior labrum an-
tus, and significant limitation of range of teroposterior tear of the labrum. History from
motion. The mechanism of injury is typically the patient should include a description of
1528_Ch11_133-173 11/05/12 3:55 PM Page 160
stage II, progression to significant posterior ■ Acromioclavicular Sprain
joint-line pain with activity; and stage III,
failure to improve with conservative means. Chief Clinical Characteristics
This presentation involves an acute onset
Background Information of superior lateral shoulder pain with sharp
The etiology of pain is theorized as being reproduction during attempts at movement.
multifactorial and complex with impinge- Observable deformity at the acromioclavic-
ment of the undersurface (deep layer) of the ular joint and/or clavicle will assist with
posterior supraspinatus tendon and/or grading the severity of injury. Mechanisms
the anterior infraspinatus tendon by the may include traumatic high-velocity injury in
posterosuperior glenoid margin. Differential younger patients or older patients with low-
diagnosis should include cervical radiculopa- to moderate-velocity injury, such as a fall on
thy, neurological conditions, tendinopathy an outstretched hand.
of rotator cuff musculature, and shoulder Background Information
instability.77 Grades of injury are from I to VI with pro-
gressive involvement of ligamentous, capsu-
■ Subacromial Impingement
lar, muscular, bony, and neural structures.
Chief Clinical Characteristics Radiographs are required to confirm the
This presentation may be characterized in presence of fracture and grade of injury.
the earliest stages as sharp episodic pain at the Grades I and II require immobilization and
anterolateral acromion with radiating pain physical therapy. Grade III may be operative
to the midlateral humerus. In the later stages, or nonoperative treatment with immobiliza-
the pain is “toothache like” and the limitations tion and therapy. Grades IV through VI
in physical activity are more apparent.77 require operative management due to dis-
Affected demographics are variable for ruption of muscular structures and severity
age, severity of functional limitations, and of displacement of the clavicle.
pain reports.
■ Glenohumeral Sprain/
Background Information Subluxation
With any stage, mechanism is typically of an
Chief Clinical Characteristics
insidious onset though traumatic onset is
This presentation may involve vague shoul-
possible. Resting pain is not common. Night
der pain, especially with overhead activities,
pain is exacerbated by lying on the shoulder
due to the disruption of the soft tissue struc-
or sleeping with arm overhead and is allevi-
tures. If the mechanism is secondary to
ated by position changes. Overhead activities
neurological injury, then the presentation
especially with movements into the frontal
may be of generalized shoulder pain, even
plane are commonly limited with an im-
at rest.
pingement arc present: pain is experienced
during 70 to 120 degrees of humeral motion. Background Information
Pain is generated when the structures be- Subluxation is described as minor disrup-
neath the subacromial arch become com- tion of the joint where the articular surface
pressed within the subacromial space. remains intact and soft tissues are dis-
Causative factors may include rotator cuff rupted.56 Mechanisms may include trauma
pathology, degenerative changes of the to the joint in the younger athletic popula-
acromioclavicular joint, or improper tempo- tion or from sustained hemiplegia or spastic-
ral sequencing of the scapulothoracic muscu- ity after a stroke. Differential diagnosis
lature. Differential diagnosis should include should include dislocation, labral pathology,
cervical radiculopathy, neurological condi- axillary nerve injury, and rotator cuff pathol-
tions, tendinopathy of rotator cuff muscula- ogy. Imaging is utilized to exclude associated
ture, and shoulder instability.77 Nonsurgical pathologies including Bennett, Bankart,
treatment is commonly successful. or superior labrum anterior to posterior
1528_Ch11_133-173 11/05/12 3:55 PM Page 162
then surgical intervention is recommended.82 (Parsonage-Turner Syndrome)
■ Spinal Accessory Nerve Trauma Chief Clinical Characteristics
This presentation can involve sudden acute on-
Chief Clinical Characteristics set of burning and severe pain at the shoulder
This presentation may commonly involve and into the upper arm with unknown etiology.
shoulder pain, scapular winging, depressed This pain resolves and precedes the weakness in
shoulder girdle, and limitations in shoulder the shoulder and shoulder girdle due to dener-
range of motion. These characteristics are vation of the muscles.85
typical following traumatic disruption of the
spinal accessory nerve affecting the function Background Information
of the trapezius.83 The deltoid, infraspinatus, and supraspinatus
are typically affected with serratus anterior in-
Background Information volvement as noted by scapular winging. Pro-
Mechanisms of injury include direct trauma gression of symptoms may be within days or
to the nerve, shoulder, or neck or neurapraxia weeks. Relatively uncommon, this health condi-
from surgical intervention. Manual muscle tion affects males more often than females and
testing and electromyographic testing of the occurs primarily between 20 and 60 years of age.
trapezius muscle will reveal weakness. Asso- Acute brachial neuritis is of unknown etiology,
ciated symptoms may include subacromial although hereditary, viral, infectious, and im-
impingement, neck pain, and tendinopathy mune causes are being investigated.85 It is often
due to the inadequate scapulothoracic misdiagnosed and cervical spine radiculopathy
muscular sequencing of the shoulder. Identi- must be considered as a differential diagnosis.
fication of muscular weakness and determi- Electrodiagnostic testing will be assistive in
nation of its cause guide treatment and localizing to the brachial plexus, and magnetic
prognosis. resonance imaging may reveal edema within the
involved musculature.86 Gradual improvement
■ Suprascapular Nerve Injury
occurs over 3 to 4 months with pharmacologic
Chief Clinical Characteristics management and physical therapy.
This presentation may include deep, poorly
localized shoulder pain with muscular wast- ■ Neuropathic Arthropathy
ing of the infraspinatus or supraspinatus. (Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease)
Background Information Chief Clinical Characteristics
Patient will demonstrate inadequate strength This presentation may be characterized by gen-
into abduction and external rotation of the eralized pain, burning, paresthesia, swelling,
shoulder. Irritation or compression of the and functional limitation of the involved joint.
nerve most frequently occurs at the supras- The symptoms may progress over several
capular foramen, affecting the supraspinatus months or years.
and the infraspinatus. However, isolated Background Information
muscle involvement may occur via impinge- Typical onset of symptoms is a benign or unre-
ment at the spinoglenoid notch or various lated mechanism of injury. Neuropathic
presentations from microtrauma, repetitive arthropathy is a destructive joint disease with
trauma, or distal trauma to the upper ex- decreased sensory innervation and propriocep-
tremity. The injury may be due to a com- tion to the involved joint. Pathogenesis remains
pression lesion, trauma, the presence of a controversial, involving potential neurovascu-
lipoma, or neuritis. Electromyographic stud- lar, neurotrophic, or central nervous system
ies may be used to determine the extent of pathology. Syringomyelia with or without
the injury and the potential for recovery.84 complication of Arnold-Chiari malformation
Anterior lesions most commonly affect is a likely underlying contribution to neuro-
the supraspinatus, and the posterior lesions pathic arthropathy at the shoulder and elbow.87
affect the infraspinatus. The etiology must Diagnosis requires imaging and follow-up for
be determined for the best outcomes. the destruction of the joint. Treatment is based
1528_Ch11_133-173 11/05/12 3:55 PM Page 164
factor of the destruction of the joint. Nonsurgical and surgical treatments exist for
this health condition.
OSTEOARTHRITIS ■ Sternoclavicular
■ Acromioclavicular Joint Chief Clinical Characteristics
Chief Clinical Characteristics This presentation may commonly range from
This presentation involves localized tenderness, absence of pain to possible localized tender-
pain, or aching in the lateral deltoid region with ness to mild aching pain typically of insidious
overhead activities and/or shoulder adduction. onset with female patients age 40 or older.
There may be reports of difficulty lying in an Swelling may be present over the joint and may
ipsilateral side-lying position. A history of go unnoticed by the patient. Aggravating fac-
heavy lifting or repetitive overhead activity tors may be ipsilateral shoulder motion. Other
may be present. joints will not be affected and radiographic ev-
idence may not match the clinical picture.33
Background Information
Radiographic evidence may not match the Background Information
clinical picture.88 Treatment focuses on Treatment focuses on resolution of impair-
resolution of impairments such as posture, ments such as posture, including shoulder
including shoulder girdle position and girdle position.
axioscapular strength. ■ Osteomyelitis
■ Glenohumeral Joint Chief Clinical Characteristics
This presentation involves pain, as well as lim-
Chief Clinical Characteristics ited motion of the shoulder with or without
This presentation may include insidious on- warmth or swelling. Up to 50% of patients
set of shoulder pain and progressive loss of with this health condition may present with
range of motion, most commonly in an older nausea, anorexia, and night sweats.90
individual. Marked loss of external rotation
typically is present. Disuse atrophy of the Background Information
rotator cuff may also be present. Though primarily a condition in childhood, it
may affect drug abusers or adults with sickle
Background Information cell disease or may follow intensive surgery.
Radiographs provide evidence of the de- Diagnosis may be delayed for several months.90
structive pattern of posterior glenoid erosion Blood tests, aspiration biopsies, and imaging
and central baldness of the humeral carti- assist with diagnosis. Treatment is dependent
lage.89 Nonsurgical and surgical treatments on the offending organism and may include
exist for this health condition. pharmacologic or operative intervention.
passive and active range of motion will be re- results in atrophy and denervation of the teres
stricted at the involved shoulder(s) due to pain. minor with or without deltoid involvement.81
Imaging studies reveal a greater appearance of This uncommon injury is difficult to diagnose
subacromial or subdeltoid bursitis rather than clinically and is frequently misdiagnosed as
synovitis of the glenohumeral joint. This is an rotator cuff pathology or impingement
inflammatory condition of unknown etiology syndrome. Electromyography and magnetic
with a suspicion of environmental and genetic resonance imaging are the recommended
causes. An erythrocyte sedimentation rate diagnostic tests. Nonsurgical treatment is the
greater than 40 mm/hr, imaging studies to initial plan of care with surgical intervention
detect the synovitis, and a rapid response to recommended only for those with long-term
corticosteroids combined with the clinical pathology.81
presentation above assist with the differential
diagnosis.91 ■ Reiter’s Syndrome
Chief Clinical Characteristics
■ Pseudogout (Calcium This presentation may involve acute onset with
Pyrophosphate Dihydrate pain and swelling in an asymmetric multiple-
Deposition Disease) joint pattern. Prolonged stiffness following
Chief Clinical Characteristics inactivity is a common complaint for any of
This presentation may involve episodic aching the involved joints.
and limited mobility of the shoulder without
Background Information
a specific mechanism of injury. This condition
This condition is rarely present in the shoul-
is most common in women and with advanc-
der, except possibly in the advanced stages of
ing age.
the disease. This syndrome is a combination of
Background Information four syndromes: peripheral arthritis syn-
The shoulder may be the first affected joint. drome, painful bone syndrome, back and
Causes for the contributory calcium py- pelvis pain, and intestinal and/or genitouri-
rophosphate crystal deposition in synovial nary symptoms. Asymmetrical arthritis of
joints are unknown. Diagnosis is based on the the lower extremity with urethritis and
clinical presentation, the pattern of joints conjunctivitis often occurs early in the
involved, radiographic intra-articular and disease. Typically males are affected more
periarticular involvement, and aspiration of commonly than females. A history of infection
calcium pyrophosphate crystals in the joint (venereal or dysenteric) is associated with in-
fluid.92 Anti-inflammatory medication com- creased risk. Range-of-motion exercises and
prises the usual treatment for this condition. stretching are emphasized along with nons-
Unlike gout, uric acid–lowering medications teroidal anti-inflammatory medications. Rest/
are not used. immobilization is discouraged.93
■ Quadrilateral Space Syndrome ■ Rheumatoid Arthritis
Chief Clinical Characteristics Chief Clinical Characteristics
This presentation will include poorly localized This presentation is characterized by an insid-
shoulder pain with paresthesias in the involved ious onset of transitory pain and stiffness in
extremity in a nondermatomal pattern. Weak- the shoulder. Long-duration stiffness is espe-
ness may be of sudden onset with episodic his- cially prevalent in the morning. Shoulder pain
tory of shoulder pain. Commonly, abduction is rarely the first report of pain in individuals
and external rotation of the shoulder are the presenting with this condition.
actions affected.
Background Information
Background Information Protective posturing of the upper extremity in
The proposed etiology of quadrilateral space internal rotation held against the stomach is
syndrome is vascular occlusion or compres- common. Females are more affected than
sion of the posterior circumflex humeral males with a peak age of 35 to 45 years. Criteria
artery and the axillary nerve possibly due to for diagnosis of this condition include pro-
fibrous bands, scarring, or adhesions. This longed morning stiffness, soft tissue swelling,
1528_Ch11_133-173 11/05/12 3:55 PM Page 166
and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medica- 90% of the cases. During the acute phase, the
tions and gentle exercise. patient might note incapacitating shoulder pain
with fever and chills.
■ Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
Chief Clinical Characteristics Background Information
This presentation can include lower back This is the most common of the septic inflam-
pain radiating to the hip and groin and is matory causes of shoulder pain. A blood cul-
associated with fatigue and joint pain/ ture will be positive in 50% of the cases. This
swelling affecting the hands, feet, knees, and infection can be caused by dissemination from
shoulders. a different organ system with such examples
including skin breakdown, urinary tract infec-
Background Information tion, or pneumonia. Comorbidities that may
This condition affects mostly women of be associated with spontaneous septic arthritis
childbearing age. It is a chronic autoimmune include a prosthetic joint, cancer, cirrhosis,
disorder that can affect any organ system, in- rheumatoid arthritis, impaired immune sys-
cluding skin, joints, kidneys, brain, heart, tem, diabetes, or the presence of indwelling in-
lungs, and blood. The diagnosis is confirmed travenous or catheter lines. This is typically a
by the presence of skin lesions; heart, lung, disease of the older patient with primary
or kidney involvement; and laboratory ab- shoulder sepsis occurring in between 10% and
normalities including low red or white cell 15% of all joint infections. Clinical presenta-
counts, low platelet counts, or positive anti- tion and subjective questioning must assist
nuclear antibody and anti-DNA antibody with differentiating a soft tissue lesion from
tests.29 infection.
■ Rotator Cuff Tear ■ Skeletal Tuberculosis (Pott’s
Chief Clinical Characteristics Disease)
This presentation may involve weakness, pos- Chief Clinical Characteristics
terior atrophy over the involved muscle, and This presentation is characterized by limited
pain at the lateral brachium with attempts at range of motion, pain, and the presence of a
movement. Night pain, mechanical impingement soft tissue abscess. Typically there is an absence
signs, and crepitus are common. of constitutional symptoms.97
Background Information Background Information
Reaching overhead in the frontal plane and Erythrocyte sedimentation levels may be ele-
with a long lever arm may be most signifi- vated, although the tuberculosis skin test may
cantly affected. Age-related changes in the tis- be negative. A history of trauma may be pres-
sue predispose the rotator cuff to tears on the ent. Osteomyelitis and osteoarticular forms of
articular side. Severity of involvement may be this condition are seldom separated in the lit-
noted via radiographs or computed tomogra- erature. Peripheral referral is uncommon
phy. Nonsurgical management may return full though if affected the shoulder is more com-
patient function. Surgical management and mon than other joints of the upper extremity.
preferred technique are dependent on surgeon Diagnosis is accomplished via blood value
skill and number of tendons involved. tests, chest x-ray, and local imaging. Surgical
management includes debridement.97
■ Septic Arthritis
Chief Clinical Characteristics
This presentation may involve a primary re- ■ Biceps Long Tendinitis
port of limited range of motion at the shoulder Chief Clinical Characteristics
because an absence of pain as the primary This presentation can involve aggravating ac-
complaint is not uncommon. Local signs of tivities of lifting, pulling, and reaching with pain
infection will be present. A low-grade or tran- and tenderness to palpation at the anterior
sient fever may occur in anywhere from 40% to shoulder at the level of the bicipital groove.
1528_Ch11_133-173 11/05/12 3:55 PM Page 168
■ Chondrosarcoma Chief Clinical Characteristics
Chief Clinical Characteristics This presentation may be characterized by
This presentation may involve shoulder pain shoulder pain associated with changes in func-
and restricted motion located in various tion, shortness of breath, and probable Horner’s
areas of the proximal humerus in a middle- sign.
aged patient. A nonpainful mass may be the Background Information
initial presenting sign. Symptoms may be associated with direct ex-
Background Information tension of the tumor into the ribs and soft
Tapping along the bone appears to be sensi- tissues or bones of the shoulder girdle; how-
tive to prediction of neoplasm along with a ever, there are some reports of shoulder pain
more significant score for fatigue and low without evidence of direct extension of the
energy.101 This condition is caused by a tumor into the shoulder region.40 Typical
slow growing and destructive primary bone treatment includes a combination of radia-
tumor. Abnormal findings in radiographic tion, chemotherapy, and surgical excision of
images should increase suspicion. Intra- the tumor.
articular invasion should be suspected until ■ Metastases, Including From
proven otherwise. Preoperative chemother- Primary Breast, Kidney, Lung,
apy and radiation are used to reduce tumor Prostate, and Thyroid Disease
size with resection afterward.
Chief Clinical Characteristics
■ Enchondroma This presentation typically includes unremit-
Chief Clinical Characteristics ting pain in individuals with the risk factors
This presentation may involve pain that is of previous history of cancer, age 50 years or
unassociated with the lesion itself, since the older, failure to improve with conservative
lesion is typically asymptomatic. Yet associ- therapy, and unexplained weight change of
ation of pain with this type of lesion needs to more than 10 pounds in 6 months.103
be explored for potential malignancy. Loss of Background Information
range of motion and night pain are not The skeletal system is the third most com-
consistently present. mon site of metastatic disease.104 Symptoms
Background Information also may be related to pathological fracture
This condition is most common during in affected sites. Common primary sites
the third decade of life. Treatment involves causing metastases to bone include breast,
surgical excision after detection. prostate, lung, and kidney. Bone scan con-
firms the diagnosis.
■ Lipoma
Chief Clinical Characteristics ■ Osteoblastoma
This presentation can include a small, mobile, Chief Clinical Characteristics
and palpable mass if superficial; however, This presentation may include pain and
these are typically intramuscular, smaller than limited shoulder range of motion. Night pain
5 cm, and asymptomatic. is typically present.
Background Information Background Information
Lipomas are commonly present in the trunk, Often termed a giant osteoid osteoma, this is
shoulder, and upper arm.102 Any lack of a rare primary bone tumor that may reoccur
range of motion or production of pain may after treatment. Differential diagnosis is
be due to invasion of the joint space or extra- difficult to distinguish from a low-grade
articular block of motion. Surgical removal osteosarcoma until surgical excision and
is successful as a treatment; however, these biopsy confirm the diagnosis.105 Surgical
lesions may recur. management is typical.
1528_Ch11_133-173 11/05/12 3:55 PM Page 170
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1528_Ch12_174-200 11/05/12 3:55 PM Page 174
Elbow Pain
■ Julia L. Burlette, PT, DPT, OCS ■ John M. Itamura, MD
T Trauma
Cervical radiculopathies: Elbow dislocation 184 Muscle strains:
• C6 radiculopathy 182 • Flexor/pronator muscle
strain 190
Cervical radiculopathies: Fractures: Biceps tendon distal rupture
• C8 radiculopathy 182 • Intercondylar fracture of the 182
humerus 185 Nerve entrapments:
• Monteggia fracture- • Median nerve compression in
dislocation 186 the proximal forearm 191
• Supracondylar fracture of the
humerus 188
• Transolecranon fracture-
dislocation 188
Terrible triad 196
1528_Ch12_174-200 11/05/12 3:55 PM Page 175
Anterior Anterior
Lateral Posterior
Lateral Posterior
Anteromedial view Lateral view Posteromedial view
1528_Ch12_174-200 11/05/12 3:55 PM Page 176
Trauma (continued)
I Inflammation
Not applicable Aseptic Not applicable
Rheumatoid arthritis 193
Not applicable
Not applicable Aseptic Not applicable
Not applicable
Osteomyelitis of the distal
humerus, proximal radius,
and ulna 192
Septic arthritis 193
Not applicable Not applicable Aseptic
• Distal biceps tendinitis 194
Not applicable
M Metabolic
Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Not applicable Gout 189 Not applicable
Heterotopic ossification 189
Not applicable Pseudogout 193 Not applicable
1528_Ch12_174-200 11/05/12 3:55 PM Page 177
Va Vascular
Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Not applicable Arterial injury 182 Superficial thrombophlebitis
Compartment syndrome 183 of the cephalic or basilic
veins 194
Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
De Degenerative
Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Not applicable Primary osteoarthrosis/ Not applicable
osteoarthritis 193
Not applicable Not applicable Tendinopathies:
• Distal biceps tendinosis 194
Tu Tumor
Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Not applicable Malignant Primary, such as: Not applicable
• Malignant lymphoma 197
• Osteosarcoma 198
• Synovial sarcoma 198
Malignant Metastatic:
Not applicable
1528_Ch12_174-200 11/05/12 3:55 PM Page 179
1528_Ch12_174-200 11/05/12 3:55 PM Page 180
Tumor (continued)
Co Congenital
Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Ne Neurogenic/Psychogenic
Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Note: These are estimates of relative incidence because few data are available for the less common conditions.
Overview of Elbow Pain incision is posterior and then skin flaps are
made to approach posterior, medial, or lateral
Successful management of elbow injuries regions. The bone and tissue quality will also
requires a thorough screening and detailed determine the appropriate interventions and
history. Fractures can be misdiagnosed or the progression.
extent of the injury and associated injuries Early range of motion following injury and
may not be recognized. Obtaining the opera- surgery is indicated to prevent loss of motion;
tive notes following surgery and communica- however, aggressive mobilization may cause
tion with the physician are paramount. It increased inflammation and contribute to the
may be useful to review the radiology reports. development of heterotopic ossification. Static
Certain fracture patterns are more difficult to versus dynamic splints are more beneficial and
stabilize and the surgical incision may not nec- should be used to assist in achieving elbow
essarily indicate the areas of fixation. Often the range of motion. While functional elbow
1528_Ch12_174-200 11/05/12 3:55 PM Page 181
chronic tendon symptoms. The presentation may also include motor loss
in the muscles innervated by the C8 nerve.
Description of Conditions That Cervical disk herniation, infection, hemor-
May Lead to Elbow Pain rhage, or other space-occupying lesions may
cause cervical radiculopathy. C8 radiculopathy
Remote is uncommon.2 The diagnosis is confirmed
with magnetic resonance imaging. Treatment
includes inflammation control, restoration of
■ C6 Radiculopathy mobility, and strengthening. Surgical inter-
Chief Clinical Characteristics vention may be necessary in cases with severe
This presentation, while variable, typically or progressive neurological deficits.
includes pain in the neck, shoulder, medial bor-
der of the scapula, radial side of the upper Local
arm and forearm, thumb, and index finger. ■ Arterial Injury
Pain is increased with cervical movement and
use of the extremity. Coughing or sneezing Chief Clinical Characteristics
may also increase symptoms. Sensory changes This presentation includes pain out of propor-
may be present in the thumb and index tion to the injury, decreased or absent pulses,
finger and the radial aspect of the hand and decreased skin temperature, and pallor. Pain
forearm. increases with passive stretching of the involved
Background Information
In severe cases, the brachioradialis or biceps Background Information
reflexes may be absent and motor loss evi- The presentation may also include weakness
dent in the muscles innervated by the C6 and hypoesthesia. The mechanism of injury is
nerve. Cervical radiculopathy may occur usually traumatic. Arteriography confirms the
from cervical disk herniation or other diagnosis. Operative repair may be required.
lesions (space-occupying, infection, hemor- ■ Biceps Muscle Tear
rhage). A test item cluster consisting of an
upper limb tension test, Spurling test, Chief Clinical Characteristics
distraction test, and cervical rotation ipsilat- This presentation includes distal upper arm or
eral to the side of involvement less than anterior elbow pain, tenderness, swelling, and
60 degrees is useful to identify this condi- ecchymosis. The muscle defect in the distal
tion.1 The diagnosis is confirmed with mag- biceps may be palpable. Elbow flexion and fore-
netic resonance imaging. Treatment includes arm supination strength are impaired. The
inflammation control, restoration of mobil- patient may report a tearing or popping sensa-
ity, and strengthening. Severe or progressive tion above the anterior elbow.3
neurological deficits may require surgical Background Information
intervention. This injury is rare and is reported most fre-
quently by military parachutists.3 It may also
■ C8 Radiculopathy be associated with anabolic steroid use. Clinical
Chief Clinical Characteristics examination and magnetic resonance imaging
This presentation may be characterized by or ultrasonography confirm the diagnosis.
pain in the neck, scapula, ulnar aspect of the
upper arm and forearm, and fourth and fifth ■ Biceps Tendon Distal Rupture
fingers. Pain is increased with cervical move- Chief Clinical Characteristics
ment and use of the extremity. Coughing or This presentation typically includes local tender-
sneezing may also increase symptoms. Sensory ness in the antecubital fossa and ecchymosis in
disturbances may be reported in the fourth and the antecubital fossa and medial elbow. The de-
fifth fingers as well as the medial aspect of fect may be palpated and visible during active
the forearm. elbow flexion with the biceps muscle retracted
1528_Ch12_174-200 11/05/12 3:55 PM Page 183
tendon may be a palpable mass. Decreased flex- Chief Clinical Characteristics
ion, supination, and grip strength occur in vary- This presentation is characterized by pain
ing degrees with supination most impacted. Pa- and swelling over the tip of the olecranon
tients typically report a sharp or tearing pain in and a palpable bursa. The area is often
the antecubital fossa. Patients may report an warm and erythematous. The patient may
inability to perform activities of daily living. have a fever and axillary or epitrochlear
Background Information adenopathy. Cellulitis overlying the bursa
The mechanism of injury is typically flexion of may be present.7 End-range elbow flexion
the elbow against resistance with the elbow in may be limited.
flexion but may also occur with repetitive
heavy use of the elbow.4 Abuse of anabolic Background Information
steroids and preexisting degenerative changes Onset can occur from a laceration or injec-
in the tendon predispose it to rupture. Distal tion or from hematogenous seeding. Trau-
biceps tendon rupture is uncommon.5 Tendon matic aseptic olecranon bursitis can develop
avulsion from the radial tuberosity is the most into septic olecranon bursitis and occurs
common distal biceps tendon injury. A com- more frequently in immunocompromised
plete avulsion is more common than a partial patients. Clinical examination and culture of
tear. The clinical presentation of a partial dis- bursal fluid aspirate confirm the diagnosis.
tal biceps tendon tear is more subtle than a Treatment includes bursectomy and antibi-
complete rupture and the injury may be mis- otic therapy.
diagnosed. Magnetic resonance imaging has
■ Traumatic Aseptic Olecranon
been found to be useful in accurately diagnos-
ing this injury.4 Complete ruptures are man-
aged surgically for the most optimal outcomes. Chief Clinical Characteristics
Partial tears can be managed nonsurgically but This presentation includes pain and swelling
if conservative therapy is ineffective surgical over the tip of the olecranon and a large
intervention can provide good results. palpable bursa. Warmth and redness may
also be present in the same region.
BURSITIS Background Information
■ Chronic Aseptic Olecranon The mechanism of injury is either a direct
Bursitis blow or acute overexertion. It can also
Chief Clinical Characteristics develop following surgical procedures utiliz-
This presentation includes a distended olecra- ing a posterior approach. The bursa may re-
non bursa and may include tenderness. The quire aspiration if elbow motion is limited or
patient will report a gradual onset of symp- in recalcitrant cases. Clinical examination and
toms and may report pain with elbow move- resolution of symptoms with conservative
ment. Fever and axillary adenopathy are not management confirms the diagnosis. Blood
present, differentiating it from septic olecra- tests and cultures of aspirated fluid may be
non bursitis. indicated. In the presence of diabetes or renal
failure, aseptic olecranon bursitis may de-
Background Information velop into septic olecranon bursitis. Immuno-
The mechanism of injury is repeated suppressant and anti-inflammatory medica-
trauma. Chronic bursitis typically coexists tions may mask signs and symptoms, making
with chronic inflammation of adjacent tis- assessment difficult. Treatment includes icing,
sues.6 Treatment includes compression compression dressing, and an elbow pad.
dressing, elbow pad, and icing. Eliminating
the repetitive trauma to the region is neces- ■ Compartment Syndrome
sary to prevent continued inflammation. Chief Clinical Characteristics
Surgical excision may be needed in cases that This presentation includes pain, feelings of in-
do not respond to nonoperative treatment. creased pressure, tense compartment, weakness,
1528_Ch12_174-200 11/05/12 3:55 PM Page 184
numbness, and swelling. Pain is out of propor- has studies documenting reduction follow-up
tion to that expected for injury and increases with radiographs are necessary to identify any
passive stretching of the muscles. residual instability. Treatment options range
from surgical to nonsurgical forms of manage-
Background Information
ment, depending on the associated injuries
Immobilization does not relieve the pain.
and the patient’s lifestyle.
Peripheral pulses are usually intact except if
there has been arterial injury. The mechanisms FRACTURES
of injury include fracture, crush injury, burns,
■ Capitellar Fracture
and vascular injury. Prolonged external pres-
sure from a compressive cast or bandage may Chief Clinical Characteristics
also cause compartment syndrome. Clinical This presentation includes pain and swelling
examination and compartmental pressure at the lateral elbow and antecubital fossa,
measurement confirm the diagnosis. Immedi- and crepitus during motion, especially flex-
ate identification of compartment syndrome is ion and extension. Pain is increased during
critical to prevent muscle ischemia. If com- forearm rotation.8
partment syndrome is suspected, an immedi- Background Information
ate referral to an emergency department
should be made. A decompressive fasciotomy
is required to alleviate the pressure. The major
complication of compartment syndrome is a
Volkmann contracture.
■ Elbow Dislocation
Chief Clinical Characteristics
This presentation includes pain, swelling, ecchy-
mosis, and deformity.
Background Information
The mechanism of injury is typically a fall
onto the outstretched hand. Motor vehicle
accidents and direct trauma can also cause
elbow dislocation. In adults, the elbow joint is Capitellar fracture
the second most commonly dislocated joint.
Simple elbow dislocation can result in injury The mechanism of injury is typically a fall
to the medial and lateral collateral ligaments, onto an outstretched hand, with the elbow
and anterior and posterior capsule. Other partially flexed and the forearm pronated.
associated injuries are common including Capitellar fractures account for less than 1%
radial head and neck fractures, coronoid frac- of all elbow fractures and are more common
tures, osteochondral fractures, avulsion frag- in females.9,10 The fracture can involve the
ments from the medial and lateral epicondyles, osseous and cartilaginous portions of the
and wrist and shoulder injuries. Triceps capitellum or less frequently present as a
avulsion can also occur but is rare. Dislocation shearing off of the articular cartilage and a
with associated fractures can lead to instability thin layer of subchondral bone. This condi-
and poor outcomes. Complications include tion may occur in isolation but may also be
contracture, instability, heterotopic ossifica- associated with other injuries. Medial joint
tion, neurovascular injury, and compartment line tenderness would suggest a medial col-
syndrome. Clinical examination, history, and lateral ligament injury. Identification of a
plain radiographs confirm the diagnosis. If the ligament injury is important to prevent
elbow has relocated, plain radiographs may future instability. Plain radiographs confirm
not be helpful because there may only be liga- the diagnosis. Capitellar fractures typically
mentous injury. However, even if the patient require surgical intervention.
1528_Ch12_174-200 11/05/12 3:55 PM Page 185
Chief Clinical Characteristics
This presentation may include pain and
swelling at the antecubital fossa and instabil-
ity. Crepitus may occur with end-range
elbow extension.
Background Information
Arcade of
Pronated Supinated
FIGURE 12-1 Anatomical course of the posterior
interosseous nerve.
nonsurgically, but must be closely moni- This fracture occurs with a fall on the out-
tored for delayed fracture displacement. stretched hand with the elbow extended or
Early range of motion for patients with with a force against the posterior aspect of
nondisplaced fractures is necessary to pre- the flexed elbow.18 Supracondylar fracture
vent contracture but can increase the risk of of the humerus is uncommon in adults,
displacement. A loss of motion, an increase although it can occur during manipulation
in pain, or the occurrence of crepitus would of a stiff osteoporotic joint. The neurovascu-
indicate a need for imaging. The physician lar status must be evaluated thoroughly be-
may routinely order radiographs to moni- cause the median, ulnar, and radial nerves
tor the fracture during the healing stage. and the brachial artery may be injured with
Displaced fractures are usually managed this fracture. Plain radiographs confirm the
surgically. diagnosis. Displaced supracondylar fractures
■ Supracondylar Fracture are managed surgically.
of the Humerus ■ Transolecranon
Chief Clinical Characteristics Fracture-Dislocation
This presentation is mainly characterized by Chief Clinical Characteristics
pain, swelling, visible deformity, ecchymosis, This presentation includes pain, swelling, and
and tenderness of the distal humerus. tenderness at the elbow joint.
Background Information Background Information
This injury typically results from a high-
energy trauma.19 A transolecranon fracture-
dislocation is an anterior fracture-dislocation
of the olecranon and is associated with frac-
ture of the coronoid process. The olecranon
fracture is often comminuted.16 The injury
may be misdiagnosed as a Monteggia frac-
ture but usually has more chondral injury
and a poorer prognosis. Plain radiographs
confirm the diagnosis. Transolecranon
fracture-dislocations require surgical inter-
vention. Despite the complexity of the in-
Supracondylar fracture of the humerus jury, good results are obtained in most cases
Transolecranon fracture-dislocation
1528_Ch12_174-200 11/05/12 3:55 PM Page 189
achieved.19 Active and active-assisted range- elbow has been associated with severe trauma
of-motion exercises should be initiated im- with extensive soft tissue injury, infected
mediately postsurgically if stable fixation is fracture, closed head or spinal cord injury,
achieved. burn injury, and genetic conditions such as
fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva and his-
■ Gout tory of ectopic bone formation.20,21 It mani-
Chief Clinical Characteristics fests clinically 3 to 4 weeks following injury
This presentation involves a sudden onset of or surgery but may occur earlier. Plain radi-
pain, swelling, redness of the superficial tissues, ographs and sometimes computerized to-
and tenderness of the joint or bursal cavity. mography scan confirm the diagnosis. Resec-
Advanced cases may have palpable firm tophi. tion of the heterotopic bone may be necessary
to restore functional motion, but frequently
Background Information
Gout commonly manifests as acute olecranon
bursitis. The olecranon bursa is a common LIGAMENT INJURIES
location for tophi. The toes should also be as-
■ Lateral Ulnar Collateral
sessed for metatarsal joint involvement. Gout
Ligament Insufficiency
is usually associated with elevated uric acid
(Posterolateral Rotatory
levels. Increased prevalence is associated with
advanced age, male gender, and regular alcohol
consumption. Polarized microscopic examina- Chief Clinical Characteristics
tion of aspirated synovial fluid confirms the This presentation mainly involves pain and
diagnosis. Treatment includes inflammation reports of catching, clicking, and locking. The
control, medication, and diet modification. patient may also report slipping of the elbow
joint. Apprehension with the elbow supinated
■ Heterotopic Ossification and fully extended may occur.
Chief Clinical Characteristics Background Information
This presentation typically includes loss of range Lateral ulnar collateral ligament injury can
of motion, swelling, and local warmth. The result from dislocation, fracture, or surgery
patient may report pain. to the lateral aspect of the elbow including
Background Information lateral epicondyle revision. Injections for
lateral epicondylitis may also weaken the
ligament. The most sensitive clinical test is
the overhead lateral pivot-shift test per-
formed with the patient supine.22 Magnetic
resonance imaging or fluoroscopic exami-
nation confirms the diagnosis. Active
patients will require surgery to restore
the stability. Sedentary patients may be able
to modify their activities and be managed
■ Medial Collateral Ligament
Chief Clinical Characteristics
This presentation can include medial elbow
pain, tenderness, instability to valgus stress,
and possible ecchymosis (Fig. 12-2). The
patient commonly reports symptoms with
reaching out and back during activities of
daily living. Chronic cases may present with
ulnar nerve involvement.
1528_Ch12_174-200 11/05/12 3:55 PM Page 190
Frohse (the proximal edge of the supinator) demonstrate progressive weakness.
occurs most frequently (see Fig. 12-1).26
Isolated entrapment is rare. This condition ■ Median Nerve Compression in
is often difficult to differentiate from lateral the Supracondylar Tunnel
epicondylitis; they may occur independ- Chief Clinical Characteristics
ently or simultaneously. Tennis elbow This presentation includes deep pain in the
straps may cause increased symptoms in a region of the supracondylar tunnel (comprised
patient with deep radial nerve entrapment. of the supracondylar process, the medial epi-
It is essential to rule out cervical radicu- condyle, and the ligament of Struthers) and
lopathy and other potential sites of com- pain and paresthesias in the median nerve
pression. Clinical examination and selective dermatome. Pain is typically worse at night.
injections confirm the diagnosis. Treatment Weakness of the muscles innervated by the
should initially focus on rest and inflamma- median nerve may be present.
tion control. Surgical interventions are
Background Information
rarely indicated.
The supracondylar process is rare, occurring
in 0.3% to 2.7% of individuals.25 The mech-
■ Median Nerve Compression
anism of injury is typically a fracture of the
in the Proximal Forearm
supracondylar process but may occur from
Chief Clinical Characteristics surgical treatment of an intra-articular distal
This presentation typically includes nonlo- humerus fracture. Clinical examination and
calized aching pain in the anterior forearm and plain radiographs to assess for a supracondy-
pain with palpation to the forearm along the lar process confirm the diagnosis. Treatment
course of the nerve. Symptoms may be asso- initially consists of inflammation control
ciated with weakness in the muscles innervated and avoidance of aggravating positions.
by the median nerve and numbness in the Surgical decompression to remove the
hand, primarily the first and second digits. supracondylar process may be indicated if
Reproduction of symptoms may vary depend- the patient is not responsive to conservative
ing on the site of compression. treatment.
Background Information ■ Musculocutaneous or Lateral
The mechanism of injury may be acute Antebrachial Cutaneous Nerve
trauma or chronic, repetitive microtrauma. Entrapment
Common sites of entrapment include the
Chief Clinical Characteristics
pronator teres, flexor superficialis arch, and
This presentation is mainly characterized by
the bicipital aponeurosis.25 Symptoms with
pain and tenderness in the anterolateral
resisted forearm, elbow, or finger motions
elbow and forearm. Symptoms may be
may implicate the structures involved in the
aggravated with full elbow extension and
entrapment.27 Activities that require repeti-
forearm pronation. Acute compression may
tive, resisted pronation and supination of the
cause burning pain. Chronic irritation of the
forearm may play a role in this entrapment.
nerve results in hypoesthesia in the wrist and
It is important to rule out cervical radicu-
forearm and pain.25
lopathy and other potential sites of compres-
sion. Clinical examination and selective in- Background Information
jections confirm the diagnosis. Median nerve The mechanism of injury may be acute
entrapment should initially be managed or chronic trauma to the elbow involving
with inflammation control and activity forced elbow extension and pronation.
modification. Stretching and strengthening Chronic trauma may occur from repetitive
should be initiated once the initial symp- pronation and supination of the forearm.
toms have decreased. Surgical intervention Elbow flexor hypertrophy may also be a con-
may be necessary for patients who do not tributing factor in compression of the nerve.
1528_Ch12_174-200 11/05/12 3:55 PM Page 192
evaluation confirm the diagnosis.28 Selective improve trunk and upper extremity align-
injections may also be helpful to confirm the ment should be included to prevent recur-
diagnosis. Treatment includes avoidance of rence. Surgical intervention, although con-
aggravating activities and inflammation troversial, may be indicated if conservative
control. Stretching and strengthening should treatment does not provide relief or the
be initiated when the inflammatory stage weakness is progressing.
resolves. Surgical decompression may be
indicated if symptoms do not respond to ■ Osteomyelitis of the Distal
nonoperative measures. Humerus, Proximal Radius,
and Ulna
■ Ulnar Neuropathy/Neuritis
Chief Clinical Characteristics
Chief Clinical Characteristics This presentation involves local pain, tenderness,
This presentation initially includes paresthe- swelling, warmth, and axillary and/or
sias in the sensory distribution of the ulnar epitrochlear adenopathy. The elbow may be
nerve. Aching pain may occur in the medial held in flexion.
elbow and forearm. Less commonly, pain may
occur in the posterior elbow. Tinel’s sign over Background Information
the ulnar sulcus or distally may reproduce Gentle passive range of motion is tolerated.
symptoms. Weakness of the muscles inner- Bone infection occurs hematogenously, after
vated by the ulnar nerve and atrophy may be surgery or open fracture, or by spread from a
found if the nerve compression is severe or local process.31 It should be suspected in
continues for an extended period. any postoperative case directly involving
osseous structures. An increased prevalence is
Background Information observed in individuals with a history of im-
The mechanism of injury may be acute munocompromise and rheumatoid arthritis.
trauma (elbow dislocation, fracture, direct The diagnosis is confirmed with blood work.
blow, direct pressure for extended period), An indium-labeled white blood cell scan
chronic nerve microtrauma, or ulnar nerve and magnetic resonance imaging may also
entrapment. Activities that involve repeti- be indicated. Early diagnosis and surgical
tive elbow flexion and extension, leaning on treatment with adjuvant antibiotic therapy
the elbow, and ulnar nerve subluxation improve outcomes.
may contribute to microtrauma of the
nerve. Ulnar nerve entrapment at the elbow ■ Posterior Interosseous Nerve
can occur at the medial intermuscular sep- Injury Postsurgical
tum, arcade of Struthers, the cubital tunnel,
and under the transverse fascia of the flexor Chief Clinical Characteristics
carpi ulnaris.27 The cubital tunnel is the This presentation includes partial or complete
paralysis of the muscles innervated by the pos-
most common compression site. Decreased
terior interosseous nerve. This is differentiated
volume of the cubital tunnel and compres-
from radial nerve palsy by the ability to extend
sion of the ulnar nerve have been found to
the wrist (see Fig. 12-1).
occur with increasing elbow flexion.29 The
intraneural pressure of the ulnar nerve Background Information
within the cubital tunnel and proximal to Iatrogenic radial nerve injury may result from
it also increases as the elbow is flexed arthroscopic surgery or surgery utilizing a
120 degrees or more.29 Entrapment of the dorsal or volar approach. Electromyographic
ulnar nerve at the cubital tunnel has also and nerve conduction studies are indicated if
been associated with medial elbow ganglia return of function has not occurred 4 to
and osteoarthritis.30 Clinical examination 6 weeks following injury. Initially the extrem-
and electrodiagnostic tests confirm the ity should be protected and monitored for
diagnosis. Treatment should initially in- recovery. Neurapraxia may take several
clude soft bracing, night splinting, and months to resolve. Surgical intervention may
avoidance of aggravating activities and be indicated for restoring function.
1528_Ch12_174-200 11/05/12 3:55 PM Page 193
Osteoarthritis pyrophosphate dihydrate crystals. The onset
Chief Clinical Characteristics typically occurs during the sixth and seventh
This presentation typically includes pain and loss decade. Pseudogout occurs less commonly in
of elbow motion, most commonly extension. the elbow compared to the knees and wrists.
Polarized microscopic examination of aspirated
Background Information synovial fluid confirms the diagnosis. Treatment
Post-traumatic osteoarthrosis of the elbow can includes inflammation control and medication
occur following dislocation or intra-articular directed at the underlying pathophysiological
fracture. Inadequate stabilization or restora- process responsible for crystal deposition.
tion of the joint following injury contributes
to increased arthrosis.32 Plain radiographs ■ Rheumatoid Arthritis
typically show osteophytes and joint space Chief Clinical Characteristics
narrowing with this condition. Nonoperative This presentation, while variable, can involve
treatment should include activity modifica- joint pain, swelling, and tenderness. Inflam-
tion, stretching, and strengthening. Significant matory symptoms are episodic. Morning stiff-
post-traumatic arthrosis may require surgical ness, decreased stiffness with use of the involved
interventions, such as debridement and inter- joint, and symmetrical joint involvement are
positional arthroplasty. common findings. The earliest finding with
elbow involvement is loss of elbow extension.
■ Primary Osteoarthrosis/ With progression of the disease process, joint
Osteoarthritis deformity and loss of function occur.
Chief Clinical Characteristics
Background Information
This presentation may include pain at termi-
Loss of rotation may be observed secondary
nal elbow flexion and/or extension but may
to radial head subluxation and involvement
also occur throughout the range or at rest. A loss
of the distal radioulnar joint. The onset may
of elbow extension and reports of locking are
be acute or insidious. The elbow is frequently
common findings.
involved in patients with rheumatoid arthri-
Background Information tis.34 Plain radiographs indicating the lack of
Ulnar nerve irritation may be present. Pri- osteophytes and blood tests confirm the
mary degenerative arthrosis of the elbow is an diagnosis. Treatment includes medication,
uncommon disorder reported primarily in activity modification, and general condition-
middle-aged men.33 The mechanism of injury ing. Psychosocial support groups are benefi-
is repetitive use of the upper extremity. Plain cial. Surgical intervention may be necessary
radiographs that show olecranon and coro- to improve joint function. Advancements
noid osteophytes and intra-articular loose bod- in total elbow arthroplasty have resulted in
ies confirm the diagnosis.33 Nonoperative improved outcomes.35,36
treatment should include activity modifica-
tion, stretching, and strengthening. Surgical ■ Septic Arthritis
intervention may be necessary to restore func- Chief Clinical Characteristics
tional motion and eliminate locking. This presentation includes severe aching pain,
swelling, warmth, axillary adenopathy, and
■ Pseudogout fever. The fever may be low grade. The elbow is
Chief Clinical Characteristics typically held in about 80 degrees of flexion and
This presentation includes a sudden onset of passive motion is painful.37
pain, swelling, tenderness, and redness of the Background Information
superficial tissues. The elbow commonly lacks Common risk factors include rheumatoid
full extension. arthritis, immunodeficiency, intravenous drug
Background Information use, and joint replacement. Clinical examina-
This condition’s presentation is often indistin- tion, blood tests, fluid cell count, polarized
guishable from gout; however, the acute microscopic analysis, and culture of the
1528_Ch12_174-200 11/05/12 3:55 PM Page 194
aspirated synovial fluid confirm the diagnosis. workers who carry heavy loads with flexed
The treatment includes antibiotic therapy and elbows.6 Chronic cases or a history of inter-
aspiration. Surgical intervention may be neces- mittent symptoms should be classified as
sary in cases that do not respond to aspiration. distal biceps tendinosis. Treatment for distal
biceps tendinitis includes activity modifica-
■ Snapping Triceps Syndrome tion and inflammation control. Any strength
Chief Clinical Characteristics deficits should be addressed when the acute
This presentation includes a snapping sensation inflammatory stage has resolved.
over the medial epicondyle, and may occur with
concomitant chronic ulnar neuritis. The snap- ■ Distal Biceps Tendinosis
ping may be painless. Chief Clinical Characteristics
This presentation may include pain and ten-
Background Information derness deep in the anterior elbow. Repro-
The most common etiology is subluxation of duction of symptoms may occur with resisted
the medial head of the triceps over the medial elbow flexion and forearm supination.
epicondyle.38 The diagnosis is confirmed by
magnetic resonance imaging or computed Background Information
tomography.39 Selective injections may be Symptoms result from forceful and repetitive
helpful in diagnosis when the snapping is elbow flexion movements. It is a rare injury
painful. If conservative measures fail, treat- and occurs most often in power athletes and
ment involves rerouting the medial head later- workers who carry heavy loads with flexed
ally and, if needed, ulnar nerve management. elbows.6 It may be a factor in spontaneous
distal biceps ruptures. Treatment is similar to
■ Superficial Thrombophlebitis that for distal biceps tendinitis but there may
of the Cephalic or Basilic Veins not be an acute inflammatory stage. Eccen-
Chief Clinical Characteristics tric strengthening may be beneficial for
This presentation may involve aching pain in distal biceps tendinosis.
the antecubital region and/or forearm. A raised,
■ Lateral Epicondylitis
warm, red, tender cord will be palpable along
(Tennis Elbow)
the course of the involved vein.40
Chief Clinical Characteristics
Background Information This presentation is characterized by pain
This condition is associated with chronic and point tenderness at the lateral epicondyle
intravenous treatment.41 Although rare, the and the involved tendon(s), most commonly
potential exists for pulmonary embolization the extensor carpi radialis brevis. Pain is worse
or extension to deep veins. Clinical examina- with use of the arm. Reproduction of symp-
tion and Doppler ultrasonography confirm toms will occur with resisted wrist extension
the diagnosis. Treatment includes control of and passive wrist flexion with increased symp-
local pain and inflammation. Anticoagulants toms when the elbow is extended.
may be utilized in some cases; rarely,
thrombectomy is indicated. Background Information
This condition is also called tennis elbow,
TENDINOPATHIES but symptoms can result from any excessive
■ Distal Biceps Tendinitis forearm use including gardening, gripping a
heavy briefcase, and using a screwdriver. In-
Chief Clinical Characteristics
frequently, acute onset may be associated
This presentation includes pain and tender-
with a direct blow to the lateral elbow. Pos-
ness deep in the anterior elbow. Symptoms
terolateral rotatory instability may mimic or
may occur with resisted elbow flexion and
be associated with lateral epicondylitis.42,43
forearm supination.
Lateral epicondylitis occurs most commonly
Background Information between the ages of 30 and 55 years.44 If
Distal biceps tendinitis is a rare injury and symptoms are long-standing or the patient
occurs most often in power athletes and has a history of excessive forearm use, the
1528_Ch12_174-200 11/05/12 3:55 PM Page 195
Treatment includes inflammation control, epicondylitis.45 It occurs most commonly
stretching, postural training, bracing, and between the ages of 30 and 59 years and
strengthening when the acute inflammatory twice as often in males. Ulnar nerve symp-
phase has resolved. Avoidance of painful toms have been associated in up to 50% of
activities, modification of provoking activities cases.45 It is important to differentiate from
that cannot be avoided, and environmental medial collateral ligament rupture and insta-
adaptations (at work and leisure) are an bility. Treatment includes activity modifica-
integral part of successfully treating lateral tion, inflammation control, postural train-
epicondylitis. Infrequently, surgical treat- ing, stretching, and strengthening when the
ment is utilized to treat patients who have acute inflammatory phase has resolved.
not responded to nonoperative intervention. Chronic symptoms or a history of intermit-
tent symptoms would indicate medial epi-
■ Lateral Epicondylosis condylosis. Surgical intervention is used in
Chief Clinical Characteristics cases where symptoms have lasted for longer
This presentation may include pain and point than 1 year and have not responded to the
tenderness at the lateral epicondyle. Symptoms above interventions.
will be reproduced with resisted wrist exten-
sion and passive wrist flexion with increased ■ Medial Epicondylosis
symptoms when the elbow is extended. Chief Clinical Characteristics
This presentation may include pain and point
Background Information tenderness at the medial epicondyle. Symptoms
This condition occurs in response to repeti- will be reproduced with resisted wrist flex-
tive microtrauma from excessive use of the ion, resisted forearm pronation, and passive
wrist extensors and forearm supinators. It wrist extension with the elbow extended.
can be work induced or sports induced. Symptoms may also occur when making a
Degeneration of tendons is very common tight fist. Mild extension loss at the elbow
and may be initially asymptomatic. Lateral may occur with chronic cases.
epicondylosis is associated with aging but is
seen most commonly between the ages of Background Information
30 and 55 years. Treatment is similar to Microtrauma results from repetitive valgus
that for lateral epicondylitis but may not stress on the medial elbow and wrist flexors
have an acute inflammatory phase. Eccentric and pronators. It can be work induced or
strengthening may be beneficial in the treat- sports induced. Degeneration of tendons
ment of lateral epicondylosis. may be initially asymptomatic. Medial epi-
condylosis is seen most commonly between
■ Medial Epicondylitis the ages of 30 and 59 years. Treatment is sim-
(Golfer’s Elbow) ilar to that for medial epicondylitis. Eccen-
Chief Clinical Characteristics tric strengthening may be beneficial in the
This presentation may include pain, point treatment of medial epicondylosis.
tenderness at the common flexor origin, and
inflammation. Tenderness may also occur dis- ■ Triceps Tendinitis
tal to the medial epicondyle in the proximal Chief Clinical Characteristics
flexor and pronator mass. Reproduction of This presentation includes pain and tender-
symptoms will occur with resisted wrist flex- ness at the insertion of the triceps. Symptoms
ion, resisted forearm pronation, and passive will occur with resisted elbow extension. Symp-
wrist extension with the elbow extended. toms may be produced with full passive elbow
Making a tight fist increases pain. flexion. Elbow motion is typically not affected.
Background Information Background Information
Also called golfer’s elbow, pain may result Also called posterior tennis elbow, triceps
from throwing, tennis, golf, or any other tendinitis is uncommon as an isolated event
excessive forearm use. Medial epicondylitis is and is usually associated with other posterior
1528_Ch12_174-200 11/05/12 3:55 PM Page 196
elbow disorders (loose bodies and synovitis).44 account of the injury and plain radiographs
Ganglion cysts are single or multilobulated aged or elderly adults. Diagnosis is con-
structures that are idiopathic mucin-filled firmed with biopsy. Treatment is dependent
outgrowths of tendon sheaths. Usually they on the stage of the disease process but
are asymptomatic, but they may become generally includes radiation therapy.
painful and limit joint range of motion in
some individuals. Elbow ganglions are more ■ Osteoblastoma
common postsurgically, especially following Chief Clinical Characteristics
arthroscopic procedures. The diagnosis is This presentation is characterized by pain
confirmed with clinical examination and as- and loss of elbow motion. The pain is less
piration. Surgical excision may be indicated severe than with an osteoid osteoma.
for symptom relief.
Background Information
■ Giant Cell Tumor Osteoblastoma is an uncommon, benign
tumor. It is histologically similar to an
Chief Clinical Characteristics
osteoid osteoma but typically greater than
This presentation may include pain and tender-
2 cm in diameter. There is equal incidence
ness but the tumor is typically asymptomatic.
of this condition between sexes, usually
Background Information between the ages of 10 to 35 years.49 Plain ra-
Pain may occur from the associated inflam- diographs and computerized tomography
matory response. Giant cell tumor is rare in scan confirm the diagnosis. The tumor
the upper extremity. It affects females more requires surgical intervention.
commonly than males and occurs most
often in persons over 20 years of age.49 The ■ Osteochondroma
tumor typically occurs in the epiphyseal re- Chief Clinical Characteristics
gion and may extend to the articular surface This presentation includes pain and may im-
of the bone. Biopsy confirms the diagnosis. pair elbow motion. Symptoms are caused by
Surgical excision is required. pressure on neighboring structures.
■ Lipoma Background Information
Osteochondroma is the most common
Chief Clinical Characteristics benign bone tumor but is rare in the elbow.
This presentation typically involves a small, The tumor can occur at any age but growth
asymptomatic soft tissue mass. Occasionally the usually ceases when skeletal maturity is
lipoma may grow and become symptomatic. achieved. The tumor develops from the sur-
Background Information face of the bone and tends to extend away
Lipoma is a benign soft tissue neoplasm from the joint. Plain radiographs confirm the
comprised of a localized collection of adi- diagnosis. Surgical excision may be necessary
pose tissue. It is the most common tumor in to relieve symptoms and/or restore motion.
the elbow region.50 Biopsy or magnetic reso-
nance imaging confirms the diagnosis. Sur- ■ Osteoid Osteoma
gical excision may be indicated if the lipoma Chief Clinical Characteristics
increases in size, becomes symptomatic, or This presentation may include sharp,
interferes with function. unremitting pain that is worse at night and
relieved significantly with aspirin. The pain
■ Malignant Lymphoma often increases with alcohol intake. The
Chief Clinical Characteristics patient may have a progressive loss of elbow
This presentation typically includes pain and flexion or extension motion.
sometimes swelling in the region of the lesion.
Background Information
Background Information Osteoid osteoma is a benign tumor, usually
Malignant lymphoma is a malignant bone no greater than 1 cm in diameter. It typically
tumor. The tumor may extend into the soft affects persons 5 to 25 years of age, with a
1528_Ch12_174-200 11/05/12 3:55 PM Page 198
greater occurrence in males. Plain radi- extremity, but it does occur in the elbow
ographs and computerized tomography scan region. The tumor is more common in
confirm the diagnosis. The tumor typically young or middle-aged adults. Biopsy con-
requires surgical excision. firms the diagnosis. The most optimal prog-
nosis is achieved with wide excision or
■ Osteosarcoma radical surgery. Radiation therapy may be
Chief Clinical Characteristics combined with the surgery.
This presentation can involve pain with pro-
gressing severity and eventual swelling. The ■ Valgus Extension Overload
overlying skin may be warm. Loss of elbow mo- Syndrome
tion may occur secondary to swelling. The Chief Clinical Characteristics
patient may report weight loss. This presentation includes posterior elbow pain,
Background Information tenderness of the olecranon, flexion contrac-
Osteosarcoma is one of the most common ture, and pain with passive elbow extension.
bone malignancies but is uncommon in the Increased valgus laxity and painful locking may
elbow. The tumor frequently metastasizes. also occur. Reproduction of symptoms will occur
Osteosarcoma is more common in males with the valgus extension snap maneuver in
and usually occurs between the ages of 10 which a firm valgus stress is placed on the elbow
and 20 years of age. Diagnosis is confirmed and the elbow is then snapped into extension.52
with biopsy. Treatment usually consists of Background Information
surgical ablation and chemotherapy. This syndrome occurs most commonly in ath-
■ Synovial Chondromatosis letes who do a lot of overhead throwing. The
repetitive hyperextension stress combined
Chief Clinical Characteristics with medial elbow laxity results in impinge-
This presentation includes pain, swelling, and ment of the olecranon in the olecranon fossa.
limited elbow motion. Patients may report The impingement results in osteophytes and
locking or catching.51 The patient may report loose bodies. Valgus extension overload syn-
symptoms lasting several years. drome is almost always progressive. Clinical
Background Information examination and radiographs confirm the
Synovial chondromatosis is benign and in- diagnosis. Treatment includes inflammation
volves the subsynovial connective tissue of control and activity modification. Once the
joints, tendon sheaths, or bursa. It can occur inflammatory stage has resolved, stretching,
at any joint. The tumor typically occurs in strengthening, and a gradual return to throw-
adults in their 20s to 40s, with males affected ing are indicated. Surgical intervention may be
more commonly than females.49 Clinical ex- necessary for patients who do not respond to
amination and plain radiographs confirm nonoperative treatment.
the diagnosis. The treatment includes surgi-
cal removal of the involved synovium and References
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Wrist and Hand Pain
■ Robin I. Burks, PT, DPT, CHT ■ Stephen Schnall, MD
Description of the Symptom wrist and hand pain are defined as pathology
that occurs within the distal one-quarter of the
Wrist and hand pain, as discussed in this radius and ulna, carpals, metacarpals, and
chapter, includes diffuse/general wrist and phalanges; component articulations of the
hand pain, central wrist pain, radial wrist pain, wrist and hand; and associated soft tissue
ulnar wrist pain, dorsal hand pain, palmar structures. Remote causes are defined as those
hand pain, and digit pain. Local causes of occurring outside this region.
Ulnar Central
wrist pain wrist pain
Palmar ulnar view Dorsal ulnar view
1528_Ch13_201-239 11/05/12 3:57 PM Page 202
CHAPTER PREVIEW: Conditions That May Lead to Wrist and Hand Pain
T Trauma
Radiculopathies: Not applicable Fractures: Fractures:
• C6 radiculopathy 214 • Capitate and lunate • Distal radius
Ulnar nerve fractures 221 fracture 222
compression at the • Distal radioulnar joint • Scaphoid
elbow (cubital fracture/ fracture 223
tunnel syndrome) 218 dislocation 221 • Thumb metacarpal
Lunate dislocation 225 base fracture
Nerve injuries: (Bennett’s or
• Median nerve Rolando’s
compression fracture) 224
at the wrist Nerve injuries:
(carpal tunnel • Radial sensory
syndrome) 226 nerve injury
Scapholunate (without
ligament sprain 231 entrapment) 227
Pronator syndrome 214 Not applicable Not applicable Nerve injuries:
Radiculopathies: • Radial sensory
• C7 radiculopathy 214 nerve entrapment
• C8 radiculopathy 215 (Wartenberg’s
Thoracic outlet syndrome) 226
syndrome 216
Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
1528_Ch13_201-239 11/05/12 3:57 PM Page 203
I Inflammation
Aseptic Not applicable Aseptic Aseptic
Trigger points 216 Tendinopathies: Tendinopathies:
• Extensor digitorum • Extensor pollicis
Septic communis longus
Not applicable tendinitis 233 tendinitis 233
• First dorsal
Septic compartment
Not applicable (De Quervain’s)
tenosynovitis 234
Not applicable
Aseptic Aseptic Aseptic Aseptic
Not applicable Complex regional pain Not applicable Flexor carpi
syndrome 220 radialis tunnel
Septic Inflammatory arthritis Septic syndrome 220
Herpes zoster/ (including Osteomyelitis:
post-herpetic rheumatoid, • Wrist and hand 229 Septic
neuralgia 213 psoriatic, Septic arthritis 231 Osteomyelitis:
scleroderma, and • Wrist and hand 229
systemic lupus Septic arthritis 231
erythematosus) 225
Septic arthritis 231
Aseptic Aseptic Aseptic Aseptic
Not applicable Arthritis associated Arthritis associated Arthritis associated
with inflammatory with inflammatory with inflammatory
Septic bowel disease 218 bowel disease 218 bowel disease 218
Cervical epidural Reiter’s syndrome 231 Foreign body Foreign body
abscess 213 reaction 221 reaction 221
Cervical osteomyelitis 213 Septic Intersection
Cellulitis 219 Septic syndrome 225
Lyme disease 226 Not applicable
Not applicable
1528_Ch13_201-239 11/05/12 3:57 PM Page 205
1528_Ch13_201-239 11/05/12 3:57 PM Page 206
M Metabolic
Not applicable Gout 224 Gout 224 Gout 224
Pseudogout 230 Pseudogout 230 Pseudogout 230
Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Va Vascular
Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Myocardial infarction 214 Vascular Avascular necrosis: Vascular
malformation 238 • Avascular necrosis malformation 238
of the lunate
disease) 219
malformation 238
Not applicable Compartment Not applicable Avascular necrosis:
syndrome 219 • Avascular necrosis
Emboli 220 of the scaphoid
disease) 219
De Degenerative
Not applicable Not applicable Osteoarthrosis/ Osteoarthrosis/
osteoarthritis: osteoarthritis:
• Intercarpal • Intercarpal
osteoarthrosis/ osteoarthrosis/
osteoarthritis 228 osteoarthritis 228
Tendinopathies: • Radioscaphoid
• Extensor digitorum osteoarthrosis/
communis osteoarthritis 228
tendinosis 233
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Degenerative (continued)
• Thumb
joint osteoarthrosis/
(basilar joint or
CMC arthrosis) 229
Cervical degenerative Osteoarthrosis/ Osteoarthrosis/ Not applicable
disk disease 212 osteoarthritis: osteoarthritis:
Cervical degenerative • Scapholunate • Distal radioulnar
joint disease 213 advanced collapse joint osteoarthrosis/
(SLAC) wrist 229 osteoarthritis 227
Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Tu Tumor
Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Not applicable Not applicable Malignant Primary: Malignant Primary:
Not applicable Not applicable
Malignant Metastatic: Malignant Metastatic:
Not applicable Not applicable
Benign, such as: Benign, such as:
• Ganglion cyst 235 • Ganglion cyst 235
Malignant Primary, Malignant Primary: Malignant Primary: Malignant Primary:
such as: Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
• Pancoast tumor 217 Malignant Metastatic, Malignant Malignant
Malignant Metastatic, such as: Metastatic, such as: Metastatic, such as:
such as: • Metastases to the • Metastases to the • Metastases to the
• Metastases to the wrist and hand, wrist and hand, wrist and hand,
cervical spine or other including from primary including from primary including from
tissue adjacent to breast, kidney, lung, breast, kidney, lung, primary breast, kidney,
nerves to the upper prostate, and thyroid prostate, and thyroid lung, prostate, and
extremity 217 disease 236 disease 236 thyroid disease 236
1528_Ch13_201-239 11/05/12 3:57 PM Page 209
• Pisotriquetral • Proximal
osteoarthrosis/ interphalangeal joint
osteoarthritis 228 osteoarthrosis/
Tendinopathies: osteoarthritis 228
• Extensor • Sesamoid
carpi ulnaris osteoarthrosis/
tendinosis 232 osteoarthritis
(thumb) 229
• Thumb carpometacarpal
joint osteoarthrosis/
osteoarthritis (basilar
joint or CMC
arthrosis) 229
Tumor (continued)
Benign, such as: Benign, such as: Benign, such as: Benign, such as:
• Meningioma 217 • Sarcoidosis 231 • Osteoblastoma 236 • Osteoblastoma 236
• Syringomyelia 217 • Osteoid • Osteoid
osteoma 237 osteoma 237
• Sarcoidosis 231 • Sarcoidosis 231
Co Congenital
Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Ne Neurogenic/Psychogenic
Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Somatoform disorders: Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
• Hypochondriasis 215
• Malingering 215
• Pain disorder 216
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Neurogenic/Psychogenic (continued)
Somatoform disorders: Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
• Factitious disorder 215
• Somatization
disorder 216
Note: These are estimates of relative incidence because few data are available for the less common conditions.
Overview of Wrist and Hand Pain degenerative annular tears, loss of disk height,
narrowing of the spinal canal, or compression of
Due to the delicacy of structures in the hand, the spinal cord or nerve roots, resulting in
both examination and treatment of the wrist radiculopathy. Upper extremity symptoms
and hand should be performed with great care. occur when pathology progresses to the point of
A partial ligament or tendon rupture that could encroachment on the neural foramina. The
have been treated conservatively may become a diagnosis is confirmed with plain radiographs
complete injury requiring surgery following an that reveal decreased disk height and osteophyte
overly vigorous examination. Plain radiographs formation along the anterior and posterior mar-
should be taken after any injury to the hand to gins of the intervertebral joint.1 Surgery may be
rule out fractures, dislocations, foreign bodies, necessary in severe and resistant cases that do
or other pathology. Injuries with fractures or not respond to nonoperative treatment, includ-
suspected tendon or ligament injuries should ing severe or worsening neurological deficits.
be referred to a hand surgeon for further con-
sultation. Splinting is an essential part of treat-
ment for many hand problems (Box 13-1). BOX 13-1 Conditions of the Wrist and
Some can be treated with prefabricated splints, Hand That May Require
but many require splints to be custom-made by Splinting
the therapist. Therapists unfamiliar with splint- ● Acute central slip rupture (Boutonnière
ing should consider referring these cases to a deformity)
colleague, at least for the splint fabrication. ● Extensor carpi ulnaris tendinitis/tendinosis
clear fluid. Pain may persist for up to a year distinguish this condition from carpal tunnel
following resolution of the rash (post-herpetic syndrome.8 Diagnosis is usually made based
neuralgia), although the typical duration of on clinical findings; electromyogram/nerve
symptoms is a few months. conduction studies are used to confirm the
diagnosis. Surgical release at the site of com-
Background Information
pression is generally indicated if symptoms are
This condition occurs when varicella virus is
latently reactivated in a spinal ganglion. This
condition may present initially without the RADICULOPATHIES
rash, leading to an incorrect diagnosis of
■ C6 Radiculopathy
radiculopathy due to the distribution of symp-
toms. The presence of the rash, extreme pain, Chief Clinical Characteristics
unilateral involvement, general malaise, and This presentation typically includes pain,
unclear association with spinal movement aids paresthesia, and numbness of the neck, shoul-
in differential diagnosis.6 Treatment with an- der, upper arm, radial forearm and wrist,
tiviral and anti-inflammatory medications is entire surface of the thumb, and possibly in-
most effective if started as soon as possible. dex finger. Weakness of forearm pronation or
wrist extension, or changes in the biceps or
■ Myocardial Infarction brachioradialis reflex may be noted. Arm and
Chief Clinical Characteristics hand use may worsen symptoms.
This presentation typically involves pain and Background Information
pressure in the chest or between shoulder blades This condition may be caused by cervical disk
that may radiate to upper extremities, neck, protrusion, arthritic spurs on the cervical
torso, or jaw. Infrequently, symptoms may re- facet joints, and tumors or other space-
fer distally to the wrist and hand. Pain may be occupying lesions in the spine.9 A negative
worsened by physical exertion. upper limb tension test is useful in ruling out
Background Information the condition. The combination of positive
Other findings include diaphoresis, dyspnea, upper limb tension test, cervical rotation to-
dizziness, loss of consciousness, pallor, and ward the involved side less than 60 degrees,
tachycardia. Blood pressure may be normal, decreased symptoms with cervical distrac-
decreased, or elevated. Symptoms are respon- tion, and positive Spurling’s test increases the
sive to nitroglycerin.7 This health condition likelihood of cervical radiculopathy to 90%.10
occurs when occlusion of a coronary artery re- Cervical spine magnetic resonance imaging
sults in myocardial ischemia. Echocardiogra- confirms the diagnosis. Depending on the eti-
phy, serial blood tests, and angiogram confirm ology, cervical radiculopathy can often be
the diagnosis. This condition is a medical managed nonsurgically, but must be moni-
emergency. tored for worsening symptoms, especially
constant numbness and developing weakness.
■ Pronator Syndrome
Chief Clinical Characteristics ■ C7 Radiculopathy
This presentation typically includes pain, tin- Chief Clinical Characteristics
gling, and numbness in the volar aspect of the This presentation typically includes pain,
thumb, index, and middle and the radial half paresthesia, and numbness of the neck,
of the ring fingers, as well as pain in the ante- shoulder, upper arm, dorsal forearm and
rior surface of the distal arm and proximal fore- wrist, and the entire surface of the middle
arm and weakness of the flexor pollicis longus finger. Weakness with elbow extension, wrist
and the flexor digitorum profundus to the flexion, and finger extension or changes in
index and middle fingers. the triceps reflex may be noted. Arm and hand
use may worsen symptoms.
Background Information
This condition involves compression of the Background Information
median nerve in the antecubital area. Negative This condition may be caused by cervical disk
Phalen’s and Tinel’s tests at the wrist will help protrusion, arthritic spurs on the cervical
1528_Ch13_201-239 11/05/12 3:57 PM Page 215
facet joints, and tumors or other space- can affect the patient’s perception of physical
218 Chapter 13 Ulnar Nerve Compression at the Elbow (Cubital Tunnel Syndrome)
■ Ulnar Nerve Compression at the there may also be collateral ligament injury. If
Elbow (Cubital Tunnel Syndrome) the central slip tear is not properly treated
Chief Clinical Characteristics acutely, permanent deformity can develop as
This presentation can include pain, numbness, the central slip retracts proximally, the trian-
and tingling in the small and ulnar half of the gular ligament attenuates, and the lateral
ring fingers, and in the ulnar half of the dorsum bands slip volarly to become PIP flexors.21
of the hand (this is differentiated from ulnar Plain radiographs are useful to rule out frac-
nerve compression at the wrist, which does not tures that may be associated with this health
include symptoms on the dorsum of the hand). condition. This condition may be managed
Weakness may be present in the flexor digito- nonoperatively with splinting of the PIP in ex-
rum profundus to the ring and small fingers, the tension while allowing distal interphalangeal
thumb adductor, the interosseous muscles, joint flexion. Surgery is indicated if a large
the lumbricals to the ring and small fingers, bone fragment is avulsed.
and the hypothenar muscles. ■ Animal Bite Infections
Background Information Chief Clinical Characteristics
If there is severe compression, the ring and Animal bite infections involve a variable clin-
small fingers may be held in a “claw defor- ical presentation, depending on the depth of
mity,” with the metacarpophalangeal joints bite, organism introduced, and tissue affected.
hyperextended and the interphalangeal joints
flexed; the patient will be unable to simultane- Background Information
ously flex the metacarpophalangeal joints and Animal bites produce complex wounds. They
extend the interphalangeal joints. The condi- must be thoroughly assessed to determine the
tion may begin acutely following a blow to the involved structures, and tendon or nerve in-
posterior elbow, or develop chronically due to juries or fractures must be treated appropri-
prolonged positioning in elbow flexion or ately. These wounds are prone to infection; a
weight bearing on the elbow. Diagnosis is usu- physician must prescribe proper antibiotics.
ally made based on clinical findings; elec- Cat bites may be deep without much bleeding
tromyogram/nerve conduction studies are and introduce bacteria deep into the affected
used to confirm the diagnosis. Nonoperative tissue due to the slenderness of their teeth.
treatment consists of splinting and activity Therefore infection in the joint, flexor sheath,
modification to decrease pressure on the or other anatomical space can result from a
nerve. Surgery is indicated if numbness is con- seemingly insignificant wound. If not treated
stant or if significant weakness is noted. promptly, the developing infection can lead to
extensive tissue damage and may threaten the
Local viability of the finger or even the limb. All bite
wounds should be referred to a physician for
■ Acute Central Slip Rupture evaluation. Treatment involves systemic an-
(Boutonnière Deformity) tibiotics as soon as possible, even if no signs of
Chief Clinical Characteristics infection have developed.
This presentation typically includes pain,
edema, and bruising over the dorsum of the ■ Arthritis Associated with
proximal interphalangeal joint and inability Inflammatory Bowel Disease
to actively extend the proximal interphalangeal Chief Clinical Characteristics
joint. This presentation may include asymmetrical
migratory polyarthritis associated with a
Background Information
history of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).
This injury usually results from a blow to the
dorsum of the middle phalanx that forces the Background Information
proximal interphalangeal (PIP) joint to flex Although lower extremity joints are affected
during attempted active extension, or from a more frequently, the upper extremity may be
volar dislocation of the PIP joint that may have involved as well. Flare-ups tend to last 2 to
spontaneously reduced. With dislocation, 3 months, although recurrence and chronic
1528_Ch13_201-239 11/05/12 3:57 PM Page 219
■ Compartment Syndrome
Chief Clinical Characteristics
This presentation typically includes swelling
(often producing tissue rigidity) and pain at
initial presentation, with increasing pain and
numbness as the condition progresses.
Avascular Extensor Extensor Background Information
necrosis carpi ulnaris digitorum Passive stretching may increase pain; active
of the lunate tendinitis/ communis contraction of involved muscles may be too
(Kienböck’s osis tendinitis/osis painful to perform. Palpable distal pulses do
not preclude a diagnosis of compartment syn-
FIGURE 13-1 Palpation guide: causes of dorsal hand drome since blood pressure in the large arteries
pain. may be higher than compartment pressure.
1528_Ch13_201-239 11/05/12 3:57 PM Page 220
This condition may follow a closed injury to system until they occlude a smaller vessel. This
the wrist and hand, especially a crush injury. It condition can occur anywhere in the hand, but
develops when pressure due to edema or bleed- is more likely to result from blockage of arter-
ing in the fascial compartments exceeds the ies supplying the fingers due to the redun-
perfusion pressure of muscle and nerve tissue dancy of more proximal circulation. Loss of
in the compartment; this produces ischemia. blood flow can eventually lead to cell death,
This condition is more likely in the presence of chronic wounds, and dry gangrene. The
multiple fractures. It also may result from diagnosis is confirmed by vascular studies and
external pressure such as an overly restrictive laser Doppler. This condition is a medical
cast or bandage, high-pressure injection in- emergency.
juries (such as with a paint or grease gun), ex-
travasated intravenous lines, and pressure due ■ Felon
to an unconscious or inebriated patient lying Chief Clinical Characteristics
on the affected arm for a prolonged period. An- This presentation typically includes deep aching
ticoagulant use increases risk. The diagnosis is or throbbing pain, accompanied by erythema
made based on clinical findings, confirmed by and tense swelling of the tip and extreme
tonometer measurement of compartment tenderness to touch. Individuals with this con-
pressures. This condition is a medical emer- dition will avoid using the involved digit.
gency, typically treated by fasciotomy. Compli-
Background Information
cations of delayed fasciotomy may include
This is an infection of the distal pulp space; it
Volkmann’s ischemic contracture (irreversible
results from introduction of commonly occur-
fibrotic changes and contracture of involved
ring skin bacteria into the deep compartments
muscles) and renal damage (resulting from the
of the finger tip via a puncture wound; bacte-
toxic by-products of muscle necrosis).25
ria can also enter this space from an untreated
■ Complex Regional Pain Syndrome paronychia. A felon differs from a paronychia
in that the erythema and swelling are through-
Chief Clinical Characteristics
out the finger tip, rather than just near the nail.
This presentation can involve a traumatic
This condition may progress to osteomyelitis
onset of severe chronic wrist and hand pain
of the distal phalanx or infection of the distal
accompanied by allodynia, hyperalgesia, as well
interphalangeal joint if left untreated.29 Diag-
as trophic, vasomotor, and sudomotor changes
nosis is based on clinical findings. Treatment
in later stages.
consists of irrigation, debridement, and
Background Information systemic antibiotics.
This condition is characterized by dispropor-
tionate responses to painful stimuli. It is a re- ■ Flexor Carpi Radialis Tunnel
gional neuropathic pain disorder that presents Syndrome
either without direct nerve trauma (type I) or Chief Clinical Characteristics
with direct nerve trauma (type II) in any This presentation may be characterized by pain
region of the body.26 This condition may pre- on the volar/radial aspect of the wrist, from the
cipitate as a result of an event distant to the proximal pole of the scaphoid up the forearm
affected area. Thermography may confirm as- 1 to 4 cm. The pain will worsen with resisted wrist
sociated sympathetic dysfunction. Plain radi- flexion and radial deviation.
ographs may reveal associated osteopenia.27,28
Background Information
■ Emboli This condition usually results from overuse
and awkward hand postures, especially with
Chief Clinical Characteristics
constant active wrist flexion. The diagnosis
This presentation may include pain, pallor, and
is based on clinical findings.30 This health
coldness in the involved tissues.
condition is usually managed nonoperatively
Background Information with anti-inflammatory medications and
This condition occurs when small blood clots splinting/casting. Surgery is indicated if con-
travel through the larger vessels of the arterial servative measures fail.
1528_Ch13_201-239 11/05/12 3:57 PM Page 221
fracture the hamate in addition to the bases amount and type of displacement, and
Background Information
These injuries may result from falls, crush in-
Scaphoid Thumb carpo-
juries, or other impact to the digit. Fractures fracture metacarpal
near the joints may also be associated with First dorsal
dislocations or tendon avulsions.32 The diag- compartment
nosis is confirmed by plain radiographs.
Management of these fractures is determined
by characteristics of the individual fracture FIGURE 13-3 Palpation guide: causes of radial wrist
including stability, degree of comminution, and hand pain.
1528_Ch13_201-239 11/05/12 3:57 PM Page 224
■ Lunotriquetral Ligament Tear aspect of the ring finger. Pain may be present
(and Lunotriquetral Dissociation) in the wrist, and may radiate up the arm to
Chief Clinical Characteristics the shoulder. In advanced cases, atrophy of the
This presentation typically includes pain in the thenar muscles may be noted. Reproduction
ulnar wrist and tenderness over the lunotri- of symptoms when holding a full fist suggests
quetral joint. The ligaments supporting the that the lumbrical attachment on the flexor
joint may be merely sprained; however, a painful digitorum profundus (FDP) tendon may be too
click with ulnar and radial deviation may in- proximal, causing the muscle bellies to be
dicate complete rupture. drawn into the tunnel with full FDP contrac-
tion. Patients will often report difficulty
Background Information manipulating small objects such as buttons or
This injury usually results from a fall on an earrings. Symptoms are frequently worse
outstretched hand, or from forceful twisting of at night.
the wrist. The diagnosis is confirmed by plain
radiographs. Sprains may be managed nonop- Background Information
eratively. Surgery is indicated if instability is This condition may result from repetitive
present. Complications may develop if insta- activity or from frequent exposure to vibra-
bility is not addressed; abnormal lunate move- tion. It can also occur due to sustained
ment can eventually lead to degenerative wrist flexion in sleep, pregnancy, and
osteoarthrosis/osteoarthritis requiring salvage hypothyroidism. Diagnosis is through clini-
surgery.35 cal examination, and may be confirmed by
electromyogram/nerve conduction studies.
■ Lyme Disease Worsening symptoms or symptoms that do
not respond to nonsurgical treatment within
Chief Clinical Characteristics 6 weeks also indicate a need for surgical
This presentation involves myalgia and migra- referral.30,38
tory joint pain associated with a characteristic
“bull’s-eye” shaped rash (erythema migrans), ■ Radial Sensory Nerve
fever, chills, and lymphadenopathy. Entrapment (Wartenberg’s
Background Information Syndrome)
This condition results from infection with Chief Clinical Characteristics
Borrelia burgdorferi bacteria following a tick This presentation involves pain, tingling, and
bite. One to 4 months following inoculation, numbness over the dorsoradial aspect of the
neurological symptoms including radicu- wrist, index finger, and thumb.
loneuritis may develop, as well as conjunctivi- Background Information
tis, cardiac abnormalities, and myocarditis. With this condition a positive Tinel’s sign is
Long-standing disease (greater than 6 months) often seen in the distal third of the forearm.
may result in chronic synovitis, chronic arthri- This syndrome results from compression of
tis, chronic fatigue, and encephalopathy. This the radial sensory nerve as it passes between
diagnosis is confirmed with the clinical exami- the brachioradialis and extensor carpi radi-
nation in early stages, and serologic tests in later alis longus. Acute injury or chronic overuse
stages.36,37 Individuals with multijoint pain may contribute to the development of this
should always be referred for medical workup. condition.30 Diagnosis is made based on
NERVE INJURIES clinical findings and confirmed by elec-
tromyogram/nerve conduction studies. This
■ Median Nerve Compression at condition may be managed nonoperatively
the Wrist (Carpal Tunnel with corticosteroid injection or iontophore-
Syndrome) sis, splinting to hold the wrist in a neutral
Chief Clinical Characteristics position, and removal of sources of com-
This presentation mainly includes pain, pares- pression such as jewelry or tight clothing.
thesia, or numbness in the volar aspect of the Surgery is indicated if nonsurgical treatment
thumb, index and middle fingers, and radial is unsuccessful.
1528_Ch13_201-239 11/05/12 3:57 PM Page 227
The area may be tender to palpation. Pain trol and functional ability are maintained.
is worse with forearm movement, especially Joint replacement is indicated if deformity,
at the end of range. This osteoarthrosis/ pain, and loss of function are unacceptable.
osteoarthritis can develop following trauma,
but may occur without prior injury.35 The di- ■ Pisotriquetral Osteoarthrosis/
agnosis is confirmed with plain radiographs Osteoarthritis
that reveal subchondral sclerosis and osteo- Chief Clinical Characteristics
phyte formation about the affected joints. This presentation is characterized by pain
Nonsurgical treatments include physical and tenderness in the area of the pisiform;
therapy and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory crepitus may be present.
medication. Surgery may be indicated if
nonoperative measures are inadequate. Background Information
The flexor carpi ulnaris tendon will not be
■ Intercarpal Osteoarthrosis/ tender. Osteoarthrosis/osteoarthritis in this
Osteoarthritis joint usually develops insidiously as the re-
sult of chronic bearing of the weight of the
Chief Clinical Characteristics
hand through the joint (eg, using a computer
This presentation is mainly characterized by
mouse).35 Plain radiographs confirm the di-
aching pain that is worse in the morning and
agnosis. It may be managed nonsurgically
improved with heat, such as after bathing.
with anti-inflammatory medication, or the
Background Information pisiform may be excised.
This condition may occur in any joint of
the wrist and usually affects older individuals. ■ Proximal Interphalangeal Joint
It may be associated with recent or past injury Osteoarthrosis/Osteoarthritis
to the area, but symptoms can begin without Chief Clinical Characteristics
identifiable cause. A history of heavy physical This presentation typically includes pain,
labor or avid participation in vigorous sports swelling, stiffness, and palpable crepitus with
or hobbies may increase the likelihood of de- movement at the proximal interphalangeal
veloping osteoarthrosis/osteoarthritis.35 The joint.
diagnosis is confirmed with plain radiographs.
Intercarpal osteoarthrosis is usually managed Background Information
nonsurgically with anti-inflammatory med- Degeneration at this joint can result from ei-
ication, activity modification, and splinting. ther rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthrosis/
osteoarthritis.8 The diagnosis is confirmed
■ Metacarpophalangeal Joint with plain radiographs, which reveal reduced
Osteoarthrosis/Osteoarthritis joint space, subchondral sclerosis, and osteo-
Chief Clinical Characteristics phyte formation about affected joints. It is
This presentation can involve pain, swelling, usually managed nonsurgically. Surgery is in-
stiffness, and palpable crepitus with move- dicated if symptoms are severe; joint fusion is
ment at the metatarsophalangeal joint. more common than arthroplasty.
abnormal joint forces following a number of This condition may be managed nonsurgi-
systemic illness such as fever and malaise. but must be closely monitored for worsening
symptoms and tissue necrosis. Tobacco use is a
Background Information
major contributing factor. Smoking cessation,
This condition commonly results from a
maintaining local warmth, and avoidance
fracture with an open wound. However, con-
of constrictive garments should be recom-
taminated small cutaneous wounds may
mended. Medication may enhance tissue
provide a sufficient portal of entry for bacte-
perfusion. Surgery may be useful in restoring
ria, and distant infection can seed the site via
circulation in cases of discrete blockage or to
the bloodstream. Individuals with compro-
amputate nonviable structures.
mised immune responses are more suscepti-
ble to this condition. Plain radiographs con- ■ Pseudogout
firm the diagnosis.31 This condition requires
Chief Clinical Characteristics
urgent medical evaluation and management.
This presentation may include uni- or multiar-
■ Paronychia ticular joint pain in the wrists, knees, and hips,
although any joint may be affected. Pain devel-
Chief Clinical Characteristics
ops over a period of days, and is accompanied
This presentation typically involves erythema
by redness, swelling, warmth, and tenderness to
around the nail, perhaps with a central
palpation. Fever may be present.
whitening of the skin, associated with exquisite
tenderness, disuse of the affected digit, and a Background Information
palpable core of pus that also may drain from The presentation is similar to gout or septic
the nail fold. arthritis. This condition is uncommon in
Background Information patients younger than 50 years of age, and be-
This infection results from the introduction of comes increasingly common with increasing
common skin bacteria beneath the nail fold by age. Pseudogout results from calcium py-
a minor trauma such as a torn hangnail, nail rophosphate crystal deposits that mediate its
biting, or a puncture wound. In acute infec- characteristic joint pain and articular cartilage
tions, the responsible organism is usually destruction. Microscopic examination of aspi-
Staphylococcus aureus; in chronic infections a rated synovial joint fluid confirms the diagno-
variety of bacteria and fungi may be involved. sis.41 Treatment involves medication to correct
This condition may develop into a felon or os- the underlying metabolic disorder.
teomyelitis if left untreated.29 Diagnosis is
■ Raynaud’s Phenomenon/Disease
based on clinical findings. Depending on how
far the infection has progressed, management Chief Clinical Characteristics
options for paronychia include warm soaks This presentation typically includes painful
and oral antibiotics. Infections that do not blanching of the fingers, toes, nose, and ears in
respond to these measures may require lancing response to cold, vibration, or stress.
to drain the pus.
Background Information
■ Peripheral Vascular Disease This condition results from vasospasm in the
digital arteries. It usually occurs as a complica-
Chief Clinical Characteristics
tion of collagen vascular diseases or thoracic
This presentation can include cold intolerance,
outlet syndrome (Raynaud’s phenomenon),
pain, and impaired wound healing, associated
but can occur in isolation (Raynaud’s disease).
with pale and cold digits, Raynaud’s phenom-
Diagnosis is based on history and clinical find-
enon, and chronic ulceration; dry gangrene can
ings. Treatment generally involves smoking
develop in severe cases.
cessation if applicable, and avoidance of trig-
Background Information gering stimuli. Patients may find wearing
This condition results from arteriosclerosis warm gloves particularly helpful. Digital sym-
in the arteries supplying the hand. Doppler pathectomy may be indicated if pain is un-
ultrasonography confirms the diagnosis. This remitting or if tissue necrosis is developing.
1528_Ch13_201-239 11/05/12 3:57 PM Page 231
inability to actively extend the thumb inter- ■ Flexor Carpi Ulnaris Tendinosis
Initially, these injuries may be managed with referred to a hand surgeon for potential exci-
(see Fig. 13-2) that is worse with active or pas- 8. Jebson PJL, Kasdan ML. Hand Secrets. 2nd ed.
sive ulnar deviation, possibly associated with a Philadelphia, PA: Hanley & Belfus; 2002.
9. Malanga GA. Cervical radiculopathy. http://www.emed-
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10. Wainner RS, Fritz JM, Irrgang JJ, Boninger ML, Delitto
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This condition results when an excessively long clinical examination and patient self-report measures
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lunate or triquetrum during movement. Ulno- 52–62.
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of a distal radius fracture with shortening, or tistical Manual of Mental Disorders: DSM-IV-TR. 4th ed.
when developmental anomalies lead to excessive Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Association;
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discrepancy between the radius and ulna. Wilkins; 1999.
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thrills and bruits. This condition may be man- rior cervical radiographs in early diagnosis. Orthopedics.
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sure garments. Surgery is indicated if pain is 19. Guerrero M, Williams SC. Pancoast tumor. http://www.
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Anterior Thorax Pain
■ Yogi Matharu, PT, DPT, OCS
Anterior thorax
T Trauma
Not applicable Delayed-onset muscle soreness 254
Dorsal nerve root irritation 254
Fracture of the rib or sternum 255
Not applicable Not applicable
Pneumothorax 250 Not applicable
1528_Ch14_240-260 07/05/12 1:46 PM Page 241
M Metabolic
Not applicable Cyclic breast pain 254
Early pregnancy 254
Medication or stimulant use/abuse: Iatrogenic muscle pain 256
• Illicit substances:
• Amphetamine, cocaine, or “crack” use/abuse 248
• Ecstasy/3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine
(MDMA) use/abuse 248
• Over-the-counter substances:
• Caffeine use/abuse 248
• Monosodium glutamate intake 248
• Pseudoephedrine (allergy/cold medicine)
use/abuse 249
1528_Ch14_240-260 07/05/12 1:46 PM Page 242
Metabolic (continued)
• Prescription substances:
• Beta-agonist use 249
• Bronchodilators/nonspecific beta-agonist use 249
• Withdrawal from beta blockers 249
Not applicable Not applicable
Va Vascular
Angina: Not applicable
• Stable angina 244
• Unstable angina/acute coronary insufficiency 244
• Variant angina 244
Myocardial infarction 249
Pulmonary embolism/infarction 251
Aortic dissection (ascending aorta or thoracic Not applicable
descending aorta) 245
Sickle cell pain crisis 251 Mondor’s disease 256
De Degenerative
Not applicable Not applicable
Not applicable Thoracic disk herniation 258
Not applicable Not applicable
Tu Tumor
Not applicable Not applicable
Not applicable Malignant Primary, such as:
• Breast adenocarcinoma (women) 253
Malignant Metastatic:
Not applicable
Benign, such as:
• Fibrocystic breast disease 254
1528_Ch14_240-260 07/05/12 1:46 PM Page 243
Tumor (continued)
Co Congenital
Not applicable Not applicable
Not applicable Not applicable
Not applicable Not applicable
Ne Neurogenic/Psychogenic
Hyperventilation 246 Not applicable
Chest pain with panic attack 245 Not applicable
Chest pain without panic attack 245
Hypochondriasis 246 Not applicable
Malingering 247
Note: These are estimates of relative incidence because few data are available for the less common conditions.
Overview of Anterior Thorax Pain physical therapists have historically been well
trained to identify acute and dangerous condi-
Physical therapists often come into contact tions. However, making a sound judgment in
with patients reporting anterior thorax pain. less dangerous, although still urgent, condi-
In some cases, this may be their chief concern. tions can be difficult. As the diagnosis list
More likely, it will be a concern that may be demonstrates, many conditions are amenable
reported during treatment of another diagnosis. to physical therapy intervention if correctly
Recent studies reveal that myocardial infarc- identified and may not require physician inter-
tions are unrecognized in 20% to 60% of vention. Others may benefit from physical
the population.1 Because the consequence of therapy after a physician has begun treatment.
untreated cardiopulmonary disease is severe, If there is any doubt in the clinician’s mind
1528_Ch14_240-260 07/05/12 1:46 PM Page 244
about the diagnosis, signs, or symptoms, request that the individual stop activity, sit
urgent referral to a physician is indicated, par- down, and use his or her prescribed nitro-
ticularly in the presence of risk factors for glycerin spray or pills. If symptoms fail to
cardiovascular disease, such as cigarette smok- resolve or this is the first presentation of
ing, hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, dia- symptoms, the physical therapist should
betes, family history, obesity, and prolonged ex- activate the emergency medical service.
posure to stress. Finally, when the patient is in
the office, a physical therapist must decide if the ■ Unstable Angina/Acute
emergency medical system must be activated Coronary Insufficiency
(Box 14-1), if the physician should be contacted Chief Clinical Characteristics
immediately, or if the patient can wait until his This presentation is usually characterized by
or her next scheduled physician visit. pain and pressure in the chest and intrascapu-
lar region with possible radiation to the arms,
Description of Conditions That neck, torso, or jaw with symptoms lasting 20
May Lead to Anterior Thorax Pain to 30 minutes or occurring at rest.
Background Information
Individuals suspected of this condition may be
ANGINA unable to relieve their symptoms with nitro-
■ Stable Angina glycerin. Often the individual has a clot or
spasm superimposed on a region of existing
Chief Clinical Characteristics coronary artery plaque.2,5 The diagnosis is
This presentation typically includes pain and confirmed with echocardiography,1 serial
pressure in the chest or between shoulder blood tests (cardiac troponin T or I or
blades that may or may not radiate to arms, CK-MB),2–4 and angiogram.2 Infarction is not
neck, torso, or jaw with symptoms lasting 2 to present. This condition is defined as new on-
10 minutes. Symptoms are aggravated by set, angina at rest, recent increase in frequency,
activity, emotional distress, or large meals. duration, or intensity of angina.2,3,5 Initial
Background Information management by physical therapists involves
The diagnosis is made with echocardiogra- activation of the emergency medical service.
phy, serial blood tests (cardiac troponin T or
■ Variant Angina
I, or CK-MB),2–4 angiogram,2 symptom
provocation during a cardiac stress test, and Chief Clinical Characteristics
symptom relief following nitroglycerin ad- This presentation involves pain and pressure
ministration. Symptoms are consistently in the chest or between shoulder blades that
present at a certain rate–pressure product. may or may not radiate to arms, neck, torso,
If an individual with this condition develops or jaw that occurs spontaneously, often in the
symptoms, a physical therapist should morning hours, causing the patient to be
awakened with pain.2,5 Symptoms are vari-
able and do not always occur at the same
BOX 14-1 Conditions Requiring activity level.
Activation of Emergency Background Information
Medical Services
Symptoms may not be resolved with nitro-
● Angina glycerin. Diagnosis is made by echocardiog-
● Aortic dissection raphy, echocardiographic changes or symp-
● Esophageal rupture
tom provocation during a cardiac stress test,
angiogram,2,4,5 serial blood tests (cardiac
● Medication or stimulant use/abuse
troponin T or I or CK-MB),2–4 or symptom
● Myocardial infarction provocation with use of medication that
● Pneumothorax produces artery spasm. Initial management
● Pulmonary embolism/infarction by physical therapists involves activating the
emergency medical service.
1528_Ch14_240-260 07/05/12 1:46 PM Page 245
■ Aortic Dissection (Ascending condition may also have exertional dyspnea and
be sporadic, lasting only for a few seconds, but dyspnea, halitosis, difficulty swallowing, and
this condition may deliberately exacerbate an be related to coronary artery vasospasm sec-
actual physical condition. Because chest pain is ondary to noradrenaline release associated
alarming to medical personnel and is sufficient with the drugs’ main effect. Because most
to secure immediate access to an emergency cases of chest pain induced by illicit stimu-
department, this may be a presenting symp- lants do not progress into myocardial infarc-
tom. Individuals suspected of this condition tion, individuals suspected of having this con-
should be referred to a mental health profes- dition are usually observed for 9 to 12 hours
sional to confirm the diagnosis. and then released.22,25
MEDICATION OR STIMULANT ■ Ecstasy/3,4-Methylene-
USE/ABUSE dioxymethamphetamine
Chief Clinical Characteristics (MDMA) Use/Abuse
This presentation may include nonspecific Chief Clinical Characteristics
chest pain after prescriptive or recreational use This presentation may be characterized by
of stimulant medication. The patient may be chest pain in adolescents and young adults in
of any age group, ethnicity, or sex. a broad range of ethnic groups.26
Background Information Background Information
Many illicit, over-the-counter, and prescrip- Ecstasy/MDMA may cause chest pain, palpita-
tion drugs can cause chest pain, tachycardia, tions, hypertension, faintness, panic attacks,
pulmonary changes, and cardiac palpitations loss of consciousness, seizures, and heart failure.
of sufficient severity that a patient may seek
medical care.20 Individuals suspected of this Over-the-Counter Substances
condition may come to the clinic because of ■ Caffeine Use/Abuse
these symptoms or they may develop during Chief Clinical Characteristics
treatment for another condition. It is difficult This presentation has been inconsistently cor-
to differentiate drugs based on clinical signs related to an increase in angina pectoris and
and symptoms because intoxication often re- acute coronary syndromes.27
sults in tachycardia, dilated pupils, marked
confusion, bizarre and sometimes violent be- Background Information
havior, psychosis, and hallucinations. Emer- The stimulant effects of caffeine may cause
gency medical service should be activated. palpitations that could alarm an individual
enough that he or she would seek medical
Illicit Substances treatment. It would be difficult for a physical
■ Amphetamine, Cocaine, or therapist to make this determination in their
“Crack” Use/Abuse office so it should be treated as if it were true
Chief Clinical Characteristics
This presentation can involve chest pain, pal- ■ Monosodium Glutamate Intake
pitations, hypertension, faintness, panic at- Chief Clinical Characteristics
tacks, loss of consciousness, seizures, and heart This presentation may be characterized by
failure.21 acute chest pain, burning, pressure, and short-
Background Information ness of breath.
Up to 25% of acute myocardial infarction Background Information
cases in 18- to 45-year-old patients are related Symptoms mimic an acute myocardial in-
to cocaine use. Many cases of cocaine-related farction. Laboratory tests, echocardiography,
chest pain are from cardiac causes such as and imaging are negative. Individuals with
heart failure, angina, arrhythmias, and palpi- this condition report a recent history of eat-
tations.22 However, there is evidence that the ing a meal high in monosodium glutamate,
inhalation of amphetamines and crack co- which is a common ingredient in Chinese
caine can also directly cause cardiopulmonary food and a variety of other ethnic and
1528_Ch14_240-260 07/05/12 1:46 PM Page 249
processed foods. This is a benign condition individual who recently ceased taking beta-
that demonstrate irregular thickening of the Physical therapists should refer individuals sus-
cal therapist to educate the patient that all fu- Chief Clinical Characteristics
ture episodes of chest pain should be evaluated This presentation involves sharp, lancinating
as independent conditions.45 This will prevent pain that starts in the back and shoots through
future potentially life-threatening disease to the anterior chest in the midthoracic region.
processes such as cardiovascular disease from The pain is aggravated by any spinal move-
being attributed to this relatively benign con- ment, coughing, and sneezing.
dition. Physical therapists may begin treat-
ment, but should refer individuals suspected Background Information
of having this condition to a physician to rule A history of previous back pain may be present.
out comorbid cardiovascular disease. Sensory changes may be present as may be a
description of a burning sensation. This irrita-
■ Cyclic Breast Pain tion may occur because of disk herniation,
Chief Clinical Characteristics osteophyte formation, degeneration of the in-
This presentation may involve bilateral tervertebral disk space, tumor, tuberculosis, or
recurrent breast pain that may be aggravated osteomyelitis. The diagnosis is confirmed with
by movement and pressure but is not tender at magnetic resonance imaging and plain radi-
a focal point. Pain resolves after onset of ographs when they demonstrate the character-
menstruation. istic degenerative changes in the spine. Physical
therapists may begin treatment, but should refer
Background Information the patient to a physician to determine what
Diet may have an influence on the degree of other medical interventions may be available.
symptoms. Diagnosis is made by exclusion, his-
tory of recurrent nature, and blood tests that re- ■ Early Pregnancy
veal the occurrence of pain during the late luteal Chief Clinical Characteristics
phase of menstruation.46 Physical therapists This presentation includes bilateral breast ache,
should refer individuals suspected of this condi- associated with swelling, chest wall pain,
tion to a physician (most likely a gynecologist) nausea, vomiting, and light-headedness.
to verify this relatively benign cause of pain.
Background Information
■ Delayed-Onset Muscle Soreness Urine or blood pregnancy tests confirm the
Chief Clinical Characteristics diagnosis. Physical therapists should refer indi-
This presentation may include pain in the up- viduals suspected of being pregnant to a physi-
per thorax with occasional referral to the upper cian and emphasize the need for prenatal care.
extremities. Pain may be described as aching,
burning, or pulling. ■ Fibrocystic Breast Disease
Chief Clinical Characteristics
Background Information
This presentation typically includes lateral
This type of muscle soreness is often preceded
breast pain in one breast, tenderness, and pal-
by an abrupt increase in physical activity ap-
pable mass. There is a focal region of pain at the
proximately 12 to 48 hours prior to onset of
site of the mass.
pain. The symptoms usually occur in the mus-
cles that were most active during exercise. Background Information
While the pain is not usually severe enough to Diagnosis is made by mammogram, ultra-
seek medical attention, a person who is cur- sonography, and/or breast biopsy.46 Generally,
rently under treatment for another condition all three tests are done to verify that this is not
may present with these symptoms. Blood tests a manifestation of breast cancer. Needle aspi-
and imaging usually are negative. Clinical ex- ration will remove the fluid and relieve the
amination confirms the diagnosis. Physical pain, and aspirate fluid may be analyzed by a
therapists may begin treatment but should pathologist to confirm the benign nature of
revaluate the patient after 48 hours to confirm this condition. Physical therapists should refer
that the symptoms have resolved. individuals suspected of having this condition
1528_Ch14_240-260 07/05/12 1:46 PM Page 255
to a physician (most likely a gynecologist) for cause more extensive, bilateral fractures that
chest pain?: a meta-analysis. Arch Intern Med. Jun 13, 29. James LP, Farrar HC, Komoroski EM, et al. Sympath-
Criteria Committee. Arthritis Rheum. Feb 1990;33(2): 52. Hilton-Jones D. Diagnosis and treatment of inflamma-
Case Demonstration: Chest Pain
■ Amy B. Pomrantz, PT, DPT, OCS, ATC ■ Chris A. Sebelski, PT, DPT, OCS, CSCS
NOTE: This case demonstration was developed left anterior chest pain located immediately
using the diagnostic process described in lateral to her sternum and distal to the clavi-
Chapter 4 and demonstrated in Chapter 5. The cle, deep to her breast tissue at approximately
reader is encouraged to use this diagnostic the T3–T5 region. The onset of pain was
process in order to ensure thorough clinical 12 days prior, while the patient was lying in a
reasoning. If additional elaboration is required semi-reclined position on the couch. She
on the information presented in this chapter, could not recall any specific mechanism of
please consult Chapters 4 and 5. injury or movements she made before the
pain began. At the onset of symptoms, the
THE DIAGNOSTIC PROCESS pain was described as sharp with an intensity
of 8 to 10 on the 10-point verbal numeric
Step 1 Identify the patient’s chief concern.
pain scale. At that time, the pain was con-
Step 2 Identify barriers to communication.
stant, but was aggravated by sitting in
Step 3 Identify special concerns.
slumped position, inspirations during her
Step 4 Create a symptom timeline and sketch
breathing cycle, and general movement. She
the anatomy (if needed).
did not experience shortness of breath.
Step 5 Create a diagnostic hypothesis list
No position of comfort could be found
considering all possible forms of remote and
in the supine, side-lying, or prone positions.
local pathology that could cause the
Easing factors included heat, Advil, sitting up
patient’s chief concern.
with lumbar and thoracic spine in extended
Step 6 Sort the diagnostic hypothesis list by
positions, and unloading of left shoulder.
epidemiology and specific case
When her symptoms did not change after
3 days, OS visited the Student Health Center.
Step 7 Ask specific questions to rule specific
Plain radiographs of the chest obtained by
conditions or pathological categories less likely.
her referring physician were unremarkable
Step 8 Re-sort the diagnostic hypothesis list
and she was referred to physical therapy. Two
based on the patient’s responses to specific
days later, the pain was significantly de-
creased and by the morning of the initial
Step 9 Perform tests to differentiate among
physical therapy visit, symptoms at the chest
the remaining diagnostic hypotheses.
region were only aggravated with palpation
Step 10 Re-sort the diagnostic hypothesis
or weight bearing through her left upper ex-
list based on the patient’s responses to
tremity. Easing factors had not changed. De-
specific tests.
spite her symptoms, the patient was attend-
Step 11 Decide on a diagnostic impression.
ing classes.
Step 12 Determine the appropriate patient
OS denied a personal history of cardiac
disease, respiratory pathology, and cancer. She
denied alcohol or recreational drug use and
was a nonsmoker. Current medications in-
Case Description cluded Advil and Tylenol. She had no past
surgical history and stated that she was not
OS was a 24-year-old Egyptian female who pregnant. OS reported her general health as
had been enrolled in a master’s degree com- good, with her last physical performed before
munications program in the United States starting graduate school 8 months before
for the past 8 months. Her chief concern was the onset of current symptoms. She reported
1528_Ch15_261-268 07/05/12 1:47 PM Page 262
STEP #5: Create a diagnostic hypothesis STEP #6: Sort the diagnostic hypothesis
list considering all possible forms of list by epidemiology and specific case
remote and local pathology that could characteristics.
cause the patient’s chief concern.
Remote Remote
T Trauma T Trauma
Esophageal rupture Esophageal rupture (no trauma)
Pneumothorax Pneumothorax (no trauma, no shortness
of breath)
Thoracic disk lesion Thoracic disk lesion
I Inflammation I Inflammation
Aseptic Aseptic
Gastroesophageal reflux disease Gastroesophageal reflux disease (symptom
location, report of mechanical
aggravating factors)
Pleuritis secondary to rheumatic disease Pleuritis secondary to rheumatic disease
(plain radiographs unremarkable)
Septic Septic
• Bronchitis • Bronchitis
1528_Ch15_261-268 07/05/12 1:47 PM Page 263
Tu Tumor Tu Tumor
Malignant Primary, such as: Malignant Primary, such as:
• Esophageal tumor • Esophageal tumor (symptom behavior)
• Lung tumor • Lung tumor (plain radiographs
Malignant Metastatic: Malignant Metastatic:
Not applicable Not applicable
Benign: Benign:
Not applicable Not applicable
Co Congenital Co Congenital
Not applicable Not applicable
Ne Neurogenic/Psychogenic Ne Neurogenic/Psychogenic
Chest pain with panic attack Chest pain with panic attack
Chest pain without panic attack Chest pain without panic attack
Hypochondriasis Hypochondriasis
Hyperventilation Hyperventilation (symptom behavior)
Malingering Malingering (no apparent secondary gain)
Local Local
T Trauma T Trauma
Delayed-onset muscle soreness Delayed-onset muscle soreness (symptom
Fracture of costal cartilage, rib, sternum, Fracture of costal cartilage, rib, sternum,
or vertebra or vertebra (no trauma, plain radiographs
Intercostal muscle strain Intercostal muscle strain
Subluxation of rib Subluxation of rib (no trauma, plain
radiographs unremarkable)
I Inflammation I Inflammation
Aseptic Aseptic
Costochondritis Costochondritis
Fibromyalgia Fibromyalgia
Galactocele Galactocele
Inflammatory muscle diseases: Inflammatory muscle diseases:
• Dermatomyositis • Dermatomyositis (patient age, symptom
• Inclusion body myositis • Inclusion body myositis (patient age,
symptom location)
• Polymyositis • Polymyositis (patient age, symptom
Intercostal neuritis Intercostal neuritis
Pectoral myositis Pectoral myositis
Precordial catch syndrome Precordial catch syndrome (report of
mechanical aggravating factors)
Tietze’s syndrome Tietze’s syndrome
Septic Septic
Breast abscess Breast abscess
Candida breast infection Candida breast infection
Herpes zoster Herpes zoster
Mastitis Mastitis
1528_Ch15_261-268 07/05/12 1:47 PM Page 265
De Degenerative De Degenerative
Not applicable Not applicable
Tu Tumor Tu Tumor
Malignant Primary, such as: Malignant Primary, such as:
• Breast adenocarcinoma • Breast adenocarcinoma
• Chondrosarcoma • Chondrosarcoma (plain radiographs
• Mesothelioma • Mesothelioma (plain radiographs
• Osteosarcoma of sternum or ribs • Osteosarcoma of sternum or ribs (plain
radiographs unremarkable)
Malignant Metastatic: Malignant Metastatic:
Not applicable Not applicable
Benign, such as: Benign, such as:
• Fibrocystic breast disease • Fibrocystic breast disease
Co Congenital Co Congenital
Not applicable Not applicable
Ne Neurogenic/Psychogenic Ne Neurogenic/Psychogenic
Not applicable Not applicable
STEP #7: Ask specific questions to rule ● Have you noticed any rashes? Yes, approx-
specific conditions or pathological imately 1 week before the onset of pain,
categories less likely. the patient reported that she developed a
● Have you been ill recently? Yes, the pa- rash in the same location of current pain.
tient reported having nasal congestion She visited the Student Health Center at
and a cough with mucous secretions in that time and the rash was diagnosed
her throat and chest. She confirmed by the physician as an allergic reaction.
symptoms of fatigue, nausea, and loss of This finding raises the index of clinical
appetite, but denied vomiting. She also suspicion for septic and aseptic forms of
denied having a fever during this illness, inflammation.
but had no thermometer to confirm her ● Do symptoms vary at different points in
body temperature. The response to this your menstrual cycle? No, the patient
question rules more likely septic and asep- denied changes in symptoms with her
tic forms of inflammation associated with menstrual cycle, excluding pathology that
systemic illness. may be sensitive to menstruation.
1528_Ch15_261-268 07/05/12 1:47 PM Page 266
Posterior Thorax Pain
■ Kathy Doubleday, PT, DPT, OCS
1528_Ch16_269-286 07/05/12 1:48 PM Page 270
T Trauma
Cervical facet joint dysfunction 274 Costovertebral or costotransverse joint
dysfunction 277
• Compression fracture 279
• Rib fracture 279
Thoracic facet joint dysfunction 281
Not applicable T4 syndrome 281
Pneumothorax 276 Fractures:
• Vertebral fracture/dislocation 279
I Inflammation
Aseptic Aseptic
Gastroesophageal reflux disease 274 Delayed-onset muscle soreness 278
Myofascial pain disorder 280
Peptic ulcer disease 275 Septic
Not applicable
Aseptic Aseptic
Not applicable Ankylosing spondylitis 277
Fibromyalgia 278
Gallstones and biliary disease 274 Septic
Pancreatitis 275 Discitis 278
Pneumonia 276 Herpes zoster 279
Meningitis 280
Vertebral osteomyelitis 284
Aseptic Aseptic
Not applicable Transverse myelitis 282
Septic Septic
Pleurisy/empyema 275 Epidural abscess 278
Pyelonephritis 276 Tuberculosis of the spine (Pott’s disease) 282
M Metabolic
Not applicable Osteoporosis 280
1528_Ch16_269-286 07/05/12 1:48 PM Page 271
Metabolic (continued)
Va Vascular
Angina: Not applicable
• Stable angina 273
• Unstable angina/acute coronary insufficiency 273
• Variant angina 273
Myocardial infarction/acute coronary Dissecting aortic aneurysm 278
insufficiency 275
Not applicable Not applicable
De Degenerative
Cervical degenerative disk disease 274 Not applicable
Not applicable Thoracic degenerative disk disease 281
Thoracic osteoarthrosis/osteoarthritis 282
Not applicable Not applicable
Tu Tumor
Not applicable Not applicable
Not applicable Malignant Primary:
Not applicable
Malignant Metastatic, such as:
• Metastases, including from primary breast,
kidney, lung, prostate, and thyroid disease 283
Not applicable
1528_Ch16_269-286 07/05/12 1:48 PM Page 272
Tumor (continued)
Malignant Primary, such as: Malignant Primary, such as:
• Esophageal adenocarcinoma 276 • Leukemias 282
• Gastric adenocarcinoma 277 • Multiple myeloma 283
• Pancreatic carcinoma 277 • Primary bone tumors 284
Malignant Metastatic: Malignant Metastatic:
Not applicable Not applicable
Benign: Benign, such as:
Not applicable • Neurogenic tumors 283
• Osteoblastoma 283
• Osteoid osteoma 283
Co Congenital
Not applicable Not applicable
Not applicable Not applicable
Not applicable Not applicable
Ne Neurogenic/Psychogenic
Not applicable Not applicable
Not applicable Not applicable
Not applicable Not applicable
Note: These are estimates of relative incidence because few data are available for the less common conditions.
Overview of Posterior Thorax Pain thoracic pain. The organs most posterior in
the cavity are most likely to refer to the poste-
Physical therapists commonly treat the tho- rior thoracic region (ie, lungs, esophagus,
racic spine as a critical mobility segment in aorta, kidneys, gallbladder, and pancreas), but
movement dysfunction. The structural archi- any of the structures in the visceral cavities
tecture of the spine and adjoining rib cage give may feature thoracic pain as one component
protection to vital organs and as a result give of their clinical presentation. This chapter dis-
stiffness to this spinal region. The central loca- cusses many diagnoses outside the scope of
tion of the thoracic spine and proximity of physical therapy, a few of them are emergent,
these organs and the adjacent cervical spine and many require referral to other specialists
require consideration as possible sources of for diagnosis.
1528_Ch16_269-286 07/05/12 1:48 PM Page 273
Description of Conditions That that the individual stop activity, sit down, and
Chief Clinical Characteristics C2-4 C0-3
This presentation can be characterized by uni- C4-6
lateral thoracic and posterior neck pain, limited C5-7
neck motion, or upper extremity symptoms.
Background Information
Palpation of the cervical spine may reveal
altered mobility, and pain with possible repro-
duction of upper extremity and thoracic
symptoms. Trapezius and interscapular pain
patterns exist depending on the level of in- FIGURE 16-2 Referral patterns of the cervical facet
volvement.6 Associated symptoms such as arm joints.
paresthesias, weakness, or loss of reflexes in a
radicular pattern will help to identify level of resolve symptoms; relief with facet joint injec-
involvement. This condition is associated with tions also may be pathognomonic.
a history of trauma, family history of degener-
ative changes, smoking, nutrition deficits, and ■ Gallstones and Biliary Disease
high-impact physical activities. The C5–C6 Chief Clinical Characteristics
then C6–C7 and C4–C5 disks are the most fre- This presentation involves rapid onset of severe
quently affected levels.7 Cervical radiographs pain in the right epigastrium, and referred pain
confirm the diagnosis. Advancing radiculopathy to the upper thoracic spine, shoulder, and
or myelopathy may require surgical decom- scapula. An acute attack may be associated with
pression or stabilization. fever, chills, and vomiting (see Fig. 16-1).
Background Information
■ Cervical Facet Joint Dysfunction The incidence of gallstones is common in
Chief Clinical Characteristics Western countries and increases with age.
This presentation may include unilateral and Women are diagnosed two to three times more
medial scapular border pain with or without than men of the same age, with the greatest
neck pain along with marked motion deficits in risk being in obese females over 40 years of
the neck or shoulder. age. Up to 80% of gallstones contain more
than 50% cholesterol. Two-thirds of gallstones
Background Information
are asymptomatic.13 Cholescintigraphy or
Extension or ipsilateral rotation may exacer-
ultrasonography confirms the diagnosis. This
bate symptoms. Palpation of the cervical spine
condition is managed with medication or
will reveal limited joint motion, pain and
laparoscopic cholecystectomy.13
tenderness, and occasionally reproduction of
referred symptoms. This condition is prevalent ■ Gastroesophageal Reflex Disease
during the second to fourth decade and may
Chief Clinical Characteristics
not show any signs of disk disease on imaging
This presentation can involve midthoracic and
studies but may have a history of cervical
chest pain postprandial along with difficulty
trauma. It has been suggested that cervical
swallowing, regurgitation, and a globus sensa-
facet joint pain may contribute to cervical pain
tion (see Fig. 16-1).14 Pain can be worse at night
in up to 63% of nonradicular neck pain
with a recumbent position.
patients.8 Facets C4–C5 to C7–T1 have been
shown to have pain referral patterns that ex- Background Information
tend to the upper scapula or to the lower and This pain may be mistaken for angina or may
medial scapular border (Fig. 16-2).9–12 The be missed by therapists treating for thoracic
treatment of choice for this condition is phys- dysfunction. This condition appears in about
ical therapy. However, facet joint injections 20% of the population in the United States,
may be used if treatments do not sufficiently who report episodes at least once weekly.15
1528_Ch16_269-286 07/05/12 1:48 PM Page 275
Increasing age does not seem to lead to in- disease and 90% of chronic cases are second-
and pus forms, this is called empyema. Pleural or no identifiable pathology. The incidence has
effusions can be diagnosed by physical exam been reported to be six times greater in males,
and subjective complaints and often a pleural 85% of whom are under the age of 40. Plain
friction rub or decreased breath sounds can chest radiographs confirm the diagnosis. Mi-
be auscultated. Children and older adults nor cases may resolve themselves in a few days,
(more than 65 years old) are at highest risk for whereas when larger regions are affected, aspi-
developing an empyema. Individuals with this ration of the air from the pleural cavity or chest
condition are hospitalized and treated with tube placement may be required. This situation
thoracocentesis and antibiotics.23,24 is considered a medical emergency.28
■ Pneumonia ■ Pyelonephritis
Chief Clinical Characteristics Chief Clinical Characteristics
This presentation can involve sharp and stab- This presentation typically includes dull, con-
bing pain in the interscapular region that stant pain in the flank, interscapular, lumbar,
worsens with a deep breath and may be associ- or groin regions accompanied by fever, chills,
ated with a cough and fever, chills, rigors, or and dysuria (see Fig. 16-1). Tenderness and
general malaise (see Fig. 16-1). rigor can be palpated in the flank or abdomen
Background Information with percussion.
In older patients, altered mentation or confu- Background Information
sion may be the first signs of infection. There Painful urination with hematuria, frequency,
is an increased risk of developing a respiratory and urgency are common with recurrent or
infection in smokers and in patients with untreated bladder infections subsequently
organ transplants, sickle cell anemia, chronic leading to bacterial infection of the kidney.
organ diseases, or immunosuppressed condi- The incidence is highest in women under
tions.25 Symptoms frequently follow a viral 50 years old with uncomplicated cases.29 Uri-
upper respiratory tract infection in which se- nalysis confirms the diagnosis and is treated
cretions proliferate resident bacteria and with appropriate antibiotic therapy.
transport them into the alveoli. The diagnosis
can be confirmed with plain chest radi-
ographs. Gram stain and culture of sputum
allows for treatment of bacterial causes with ■ Esophageal Adenocarcinoma
appropriate antibiotic therapy.26,27 Approxi- Chief Clinical Characteristics
mately 20% of community-acquired pneumo- This presentation can be characterized by
nia requires hospitalization and the fatality painful dysphagia, anorexia, persistent
rate can be near 9%. thorax pain, and chronic cough. Barrett’s
esophagus (gastric epithelium) and prolonged
■ Pneumothorax persistent gastroesophageal reflux disease may
Chief Clinical Characteristics be possible precursors to this malignancy.30
This presentation may include rapid onset of
chest pain, as well as possible abrupt upper and Background Information
lateral thoracic wall pain that is aggravated by Positive risk factors are excessive alcohol
movement and coughing. consumption; cigarette smoking; diets lack-
ing fresh fruits, vegetables, and animal
Background Information proteins; and esophageal abnormalities.25
Sitting upright may be the most comfortable Diagnosis is made with endoscopic evalua-
position and will be associated with shortness tion and endoscopic ultrasonography, and
of breath and rapid breathing. Traumatic positron emission tomography is needed for
pneumothorax can be caused by multiple types appropriate staging of the lesion. Surgical re-
of trauma or penetrating injury and iatrogenic section of the tumor is the primary direction
causes like biopsy or treatment with a mechan- for treatment but palliative care to maintain
ical ventilator. Spontaneous pneumothorax the esophageal lumen may be used with
can occur with underlying pulmonary disease nonsurgical candidates.
1528_Ch16_269-286 07/05/12 1:48 PM Page 277
skin. This condition is associated with chronic gnawing pain. This condition also may be
muscular headaches) pose a diagnostic chal- and compromises tidal volume. Approxi-
nerve blockade also may be considered in spastic paraplegia that may be associated with
individuals who do not respond favorably to fever, chills, weight loss, and fatigue during
physical therapy. active disease.
■ Thoracic Osteoarthrosis/ Background Information
Osteoarthritis Airborne transmission of Mycobacterium tu-
berculosis causes infection of the lungs that can
Chief Clinical Characteristics
spread through the circulatory system to
This presentation includes a focal region of pain
spinal structures. Lower thoracic spinal seg-
unilaterally along the thoracic spine or pain
ments are the most likely to be infected. This
centrally between the scapula that worsens with
condition is becoming more prevalent second-
prolonged positions and chronic postures of the
ary to drug-resistant strains of tuberculosis
neck and back. Symptoms are usually worse
and an increasing population of immunocom-
during the morning and warming up with
promised individuals. The diagnosis is con-
motion or a hot shower improves function.
firmed by bacteriological and histological
Background Information studies of biopsy samples and standard radi-
Postural deformity may be identified and can ographs of the spine.61 Appropriate antibiotic
lead to movement and palpation findings that treatment must be followed through a full
can identify the source of symptoms. Arthrosis course of the prescription to ensure that the
of the thoracic vertebral column is more likely organism does not become resistant. Anterior
at the lower thoracic regions.58 Lateral thoracic spinal stabilization has been recommended for
plain radiographs will show degenerative joint spinal deformities, progressive neurological
and disk changes. Physical therapy interven- compromise, or significant paravertebral or
tions are the primary treatment of choice for epidural abcess.62
this condition.
■ Transverse Myelitis TUMORS
Chief Clinical Characteristics ■ Leukemias
This presentation may be characterized by Chief Clinical Characteristics
severe sharp localized midthoracic pain that This presentation involves a variety of symp-
may be combined with a dull constant ache and toms including vague back pain, bone and
low-grade fever. Progressive motor loss and joint pains, malaise, fatigue, excessive bruis-
hypoesthesia will occur in the first 72 hours up ing or bleeding, night sweats, and weight loss.
to 1 week.59 Acute disorders have a more rapid onset with
illness, with thoracic and lumbar pain being
Background Information
one of the first symptoms experienced in chil-
Inflammation causes sensory loss at a trans-
dren, teens, and adults.63 Chronic leukemias
verse sensory level on the lower trunk and
may go undiagnosed with few symptoms
motor loss may proceed to full paraplegia.
until a routine blood test identifies them.
Lumbar puncture testing and magnetic reso-
nance imaging of the spine with contrast can Background Information
be used to differentiate this disorder from Acute myelogenous leukemias constitute 85%
multiple sclerosis, tumor, abscess, herniated of adult acute leukemias. Chronic lympho-
disk, or hematoma.60 High-dose corticos- cytic leukemia is responsible for 30% of all
teroids are used in treatment but prognosis is leukemias with the median age of onset in the
inconsistent for full recovery. seventh decade.25 A proliferation of abnormal
and dysfunctional blood cells originates in the
■ Tuberculosis of the Spine (Pott’s bone marrow and then progresses into the pe-
Disease) ripheral circulation, lymph, spleen, and liver.
Chief Clinical Characteristics Diagnosis is made with aspiration or biopsy
This presentation includes spinal pain, segmen- of bone marrow and complete blood cell
tal bone tenderness, weakness, and in rare cases examination and chemistry.
1528_Ch16_269-286 07/05/12 1:48 PM Page 283
11. Dwyer A, Aprill C, Bogduk N. Cervical zygapophyseal 29. Gujral S, Bell CR, Dare L, Smith PJ, Persad RA. A
46. Stankus SJ, Dlugopolski M, Packer D. Management 61. Almeida A. Tuberculosis of the spine and spinal cord.
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Case Demonstration: Infrascapular Pain
■ Todd E. Davenport, PT, DPT, OCS ■ Hugh G. Watts, MD
NOTE: This case demonstration was developed infrascapular region. He is an avid weekend
using the diagnostic process described in basketball player. He reports that his symp-
Chapter 4 and demonstrated in Chapter 5. The toms began about 1 month ago when he was
reader is encouraged to use this diagnostic struck from behind while attempting to re-
process in order to ensure thorough clinical bound a missed shot. He denies falling to the
reasoning. If additional elaboration is required ground and continued to play that day. His
on the information presented in this chapter, symptoms have worsened overall since their
please consult Chapters 4 and 5. onset, which led him to seek physical therapy.
He is currently not participating in his exercise
THE DIAGNOSTIC PROCESS program due to the pain. Robert is very anx-
ious about returning to his exercise routine in
Step 1 Identify the patient’s chief concern.
order to control his work-related stress. Robert
Step 2 Identify barriers to communication.
is the chief financial officer of a local television
Step 3 Identify special concerns.
production company. He started taking 800 mg
Step 4 Create a symptom timeline and sketch
ibuprofen twice daily beginning the day after
the anatomy (if needed).
his injury, which was prescribed by his in-
Step 5 Create a diagnostic hypothesis list
ternist. However, he stopped 4 days following
considering all possible forms of remote and
his injury secondary to no effect on symptoms.
local pathology that could cause the
In general, Robert reports he has been healthy
patient’s chief concern.
without history of recent illness.
Step 6 Sort the diagnostic hypothesis list by
epidemiology and specific case STEP #1: Identify the patient’s chief
characteristics. concern.
Step 7 Ask specific questions to rule specific ● Pain in the right infrascapular region
conditions or pathological categories less
likely. STEP #2: Identify barriers to
Step 8 Re-sort the diagnostic hypothesis list communication.
based on the patient’s responses to specific ● Inability to collect diagnostically relevant
1 month
ago Today
STEP #5: Create a diagnostic hypothesis STEP #6: Sort the diagnostic hypothesis
list considering all possible forms of list by epidemiology and specific case
remote and local pathology that could characteristics.
cause the patient’s chief concern.
Remote Remote
T Trauma T Trauma
Cervical facet joint dysfunction (C6–T1) Cervical facet joint dysfunction (C6–T1)
Pneumothorax Pneumothorax (time course)
I Inflammation I Inflammation
Aseptic Aseptic
Gastroesophageal reflux disease Gastroesophageal reflux disease
Septic Septic
Gallstones (biliary disease, cholecystitis) Gallstones (biliary disease, cholecystitis)
Pancreatitis Pancreatitis
Peptic ulcer Peptic ulcer
Pleurisy/empyema Pleurisy/empyema (time course)
Pneumonia Pneumonia (no recent illness)
Pyelonephritis Pyelonephritis
M Metabolic M Metabolic
Cushing’s syndrome Cushing’s syndrome
Renal calculus Renal calculus
Va Vascular Va Vascular
Angina: Angina:
• Stable angina • Stable angina
• Unstable angina • Unstable angina
• Variant angina • Variant angina
Myocardial infarction/acute coronary Myocardial infarction, acute coronary
insufficiency insufficiency (time course)
De Degenerative De Degenerative
Cervical degenerative disk disease Cervical degenerative disk disease
Tu Tumor Tu Tumor
Malignant Primary, such as: Malignant Primary, such as:
• Esophageal adenocarcinoma • Esophageal adenocarcinoma (no recent
1528_Ch17_287-292 07/05/12 1:51 PM Page 289
De Degenerative De Degenerative
Thoracic degenerative disk disease Thoracic degenerative disk disease
Thoracic osteoarthrosis Thoracic osteoarthrosis
Tu Tumor Tu Tumor
Malignant Primary, such as: Malignant Primary, such as:
• Leukemias • Leukemias
• Multiple myeloma • Multiple myeloma
• Primary bone tumors • Primary bone tumors
Malignant Metastatic, such as: Malignant Metastatic, such as:
• Metastatic tumors • Metastatic tumors
Benign, such as: Benign, such as:
• Neurogenic tumors • Neurogenic tumors (pattern of
• Osteoblastoma • Osteoblastoma (age)
• Osteoid osteoma • Osteoid osteoma (no ready relief with
Co Congenital Co Congenital
Not applicable Not applicable
Ne Neurogenic/Psychogenic Ne Neurogenic/Psychogenic
Not applicable Not applicable
Tu Tumor Co Congenital
Malignant Primary: Not applicable
Not applicable Ne Neurogenic/Psychogenic
Malignant Metastatic:
Not applicable
Not applicable
Benign: STEP #9: Perform tests to differentiate
Not applicable among the remaining diagnostic
Co Congenital hypotheses.
● Percussion over the costovertebral angle.
Not applicable
Positive for reproduction of symptoms,
Ne Neurogenic/Psychogenic making more likely primary renal pathology.
Not applicable ● Urinalysis with culture. Requested from
Lumbar Pain
■ Michael A. Andersen, PT, DPT, OCS ■ J. Raul Lona, DPT, OCS, ATC
1528_Ch18_293-315 11/05/12 3:58 PM Page 294
T Trauma
Not applicable Acute lumbar sprain/strain 305
Disk disruption (with or without disk herniation) 306
Facet syndrome 307
• Burst fracture 307
• Compression fracture 307
• Pars interarticularis fracture (spondylolysis) 308
• Traumatic spondylolisthesis 308
Myofascial pain (quadratus lumborum syndrome,
piriformis syndrome) 308
Not applicable Not applicable
Not applicable Not applicable
I Inflammation
Aseptic Aseptic
Not applicable Fibromyalgia 307
Septic Septic
Acute appendicitis 297 Not applicable
Acute cholecystitis 298
Acute pelvic inflammatory disease 298
Acute renal or urinary tract disease 298
Diverticulitis of the colon 299
Urinary tract infection 303
Aseptic Aseptic
Not applicable Abscesses:
• Epidural abscess 303
Septic • Paraspinal muscle abscess 304
Acute prostatitis 298 • Psoas muscle abscess 304
Crohn’s disease 299 • Subdural abscess 304
Duodenal ulcer 300 Ankylosing spondylitis 305
Herpes zoster 300 Complex regional pain syndrome 306
Reiter’s syndrome 309
Rheumatoid arthritis of the lumbar spine 310
Meningitis 308
1528_Ch18_293-315 11/05/12 3:58 PM Page 295
Inflammation (continued)
Aseptic Aseptic
Not applicable Polymyalgia rheumatica 309
Psoriatic arthritis 309
Bacterial endocarditis 299 Septic
Pancreatitis 301 Arachnoiditis 305
Pleuritis 301 Septic discitis 310
Splenic abscess 302 Spinal osteomyelitis 310
Transverse myelitis 311
Tuberculosis of the spine (Pott’s disease) 311
M Metabolic
Not applicable Not applicable
Ectopic pregnancy 300 Osteoporosis 308
Endometriosis 300 Paget’s disease 309
Not applicable Not applicable
Va Vascular
Not applicable Not applicable
Aortic or iliac aneurysm 298 Not applicable
Aortic or iliac arteriosclerosis 299
Infarctions: Arteriovenous malformation of spinal cord 305
• Kidney 301 Epidural hematoma 306
• Spinal cord/conus medullaris 301
• Spleen 301
De Degenerative
Not applicable Degenerative spondylolisthesis 306
Disk degeneration 306
Spinal stenosis 310
Not applicable Not applicable
1528_Ch18_293-315 11/05/12 3:58 PM Page 296
Degenerative (continued)
Not applicable Not applicable
Tu Tumor
Malignant Primary: Not applicable
Not applicable
Malignant Metastatic:
Not applicable
Benign, such as:
• Uterine fibroids 303
Malignant Primary: Malignant Primary:
Not applicable Not applicable
Malignant Metastatic: Malignant Metastatic, such as:
Not applicable • Metastases, including from primary breast, kidney, lung,
Benign, such as: prostate, and thyroid disease 311
• Ovarian cysts 303 Benign:
Not applicable
Malignant Primary, such as: Malignant Primary, such as:
• Carcinoma of the colon 302 • Primary bone tumor (eg, osteosarcomas, Ewing’s
• Multiple myeloma 302 sarcoma, fibrosarcoma, and chondrosarcoma) 312
• Retroperitoneal tumor 303 • Spinal cord tumor 312
Malignant Metastatic, such as: Malignant Metastatic:
• Metastases, including from primary Not applicable
breast, kidney, lung, prostate, Benign, such as:
and thyroid disease 302 • Intraspinal lipoma 311
Benign: • Osteoblastoma 312
Not applicable
Co Congenital
Not applicable Not applicable
Not applicable Not applicable
Not applicable Tethered spinal cord 311
1528_Ch18_293-315 11/05/12 3:58 PM Page 297
Ne Neurogenic/Psychogenic
Not applicable Not applicable
Not applicable Not applicable
Not applicable Not applicable
Note: These are estimates of relative incidence because few data are available for the less common conditions.
referred to the emergency department for tion often leads to infertility, ectopic preg-
immediate treatment. nancy, and chronic pelvic pain.5
Sixty-six to 75% of abdominal aortic aneurysms clude hospitalization with specific intravenous
are asymptomatic. This condition can be diag- bactericidal antibiotics.6
nosed during a routine physical examination
by palpation of a pulsatile abdominal mass ■ Crohn’s Disease
above the umbilicus in the epigastrium.7 Chief Clinical Characteristics
Patients are considered for elective repair of This presentation can involve abdominal pain,
aneurysm when the risk of rupture exceeds bowel obstruction, weight loss, fever, chronic
the risk of surgery, which is typically an open or nocturnal diarrhea, or night sweats.12
repair for the aneurysm.7
Background Information
■ Aortic or Iliac Arteriosclerosis Symptoms of back pain occur in up to 20% of
bowel-related spondyloarthropathies.13 Crampy,
Chief Clinical Characteristics
intermittent abdominal right lower quadrant
This presentation may involve generalized
pain is common in patients with ileal Crohn’s
low back pain and symptoms consistent with
disease and is exacerbated by eating. Arthralgia
lumbar disk degeneration.8
and arthritis may also be associated with
Background Information this condition. The arthritis usually affects
Studies have correlated the occurrence of aor- the lower extremities in an asymmetrical
tic arteriosclerosis and disk degeneration.8,9 fashion and has a migratory pattern.13 The di-
The first to fourth lumbar arteries leave the agnosis is confirmed with endoscopy. Depend-
aorta in front of the corresponding vertebral ing on the severity of the pathology, medical
body supplying that vertebra and the adjacent management includes use of salicylates, corticos-
intervertebral disk via diffusion through the teroids, antibiotics, and immunosuppressants.12
vertebral end plate.8 Findings suggest that cal-
cific lesions in the upper part of the abdominal ■ Diverticulitis of the Colon
aorta predict disk deterioration at any lumbar Chief Clinical Characteristics
level.8 The link between arteriosclerosis and This presentation typically includes left lower
low back pain can be explained by the com- quadrant tenderness.14,15 Back pain can be a clin-
mon risk factors between the two pathologies, ical symptom, representing the varied disposi-
including age and smoking. The diagnosis is tion of the sigmoid colon. Signs of localized
confirmed with radiographs or computed peritoneal inflammation including involun-
tomography. Surgical techniques for treatment tary guarding, localized percussion tenderness,
of occlusive disease of the artery include en- and fever may also be present.14 Anorexia, nau-
dovascular stented-graft treatment.10 sea, and vomiting may occur as well as dysuria
and urinary frequency due to an irritated
■ Bacterial Endocarditis bladder from the sigmoid colon.15
Chief Clinical Characteristics
This presentation may include generalized Background Information
arthralgia in large proximal joints, low back A palpable, tender cylindrical mass may
pain, neck pain, and myalgia in the presence be present with guarding and rebound
of fever, chills, weight loss, and weakness.11 tenderness.15 This condition is caused by fecal
Musculoskeletal symptoms present early during material that becomes lodged in the diverticu-
the course of the disease. lum.14,15 The diagnosis is confirmed with
colonoscopy. Minimal symptoms are treated
Background Information by placing the patient on a clear liquid diet for
This condition is an infectious disease of the 7 to 10 days. Patients with signs of more signif-
endothelial lining of the heart and/or valves. icant diverticulitis are typically hospitalized
As the pathology progresses clinical symptoms for bowel rest, intravenous fluids, and broad-
will include chest pain, dyspnea, and edema, spectrum intravenous antibiotics.14,15 Elective
which if left untreated will lead to heart fail- surgery is recommended following a recurrent
ure.6 Early diagnosis is confirmed by blood episode because the chance for a third episode
culture and is crucial in order to prevent the is greater than 50%.14
1528_Ch18_293-315 11/05/12 3:58 PM Page 300
■ Kidney thrombosis, or thromboembolism causes
this condition.24 Infarction of the spleen
Chief Clinical Characteristics frequently occurs in patients with myelo-
This presentation typically involves persistent proliferative disorders, endocarditis, and
low back, abdominal, and flank pain (see sickle cell anemia.24 The diagnosis is con-
Fig. 18-1).22 Accompanying nausea and vom- firmed with ultrasonography. There is a
iting are common as well. high self-healing tendency in acute splenic
Background Information infarction.24
Diagnosis is often delayed or missed due to its
nonspecific clinical presentation.22 Clinical ■ Pancreatitis
diagnosis is typically made based on these Chief Clinical Characteristics
nonspecific clinical findings and patients with This presentation may include central low back
an increased risk for thromboembolism.22 pain occurring with pain in the middle to left
Risk factors for renal infarction include atrial upper abdominal quadrant that is worse after
fibrillation, previous embolism, and valvular eating (see Fig. 18-1).
or ischemic heart disease.22 The diagnosis is
confirmed with contrast-enhanced computed Background Information
tomography. Treatment involves thromboly- Pain associated with pancreatitis also may be
sis, anticoagulation, or embolectomy.22 exacerbated by supine positions and alleviated
by flexing forward or assuming a fetal posi-
tion.6 Nausea and vomiting may also be asso-
■ Spinal Cord/Conus Medullaris ciated with this condition. This condition may
Chief Clinical Characteristics be painless. It commonly is associated with
This presentation can involve neurological diabetes mellitus, weight loss and nutritional
symptoms depending on the artery involved and insufficiencies, anemia, and jaundice. Major
the level of the infarction.23 Initial symptoms causes include chronic alcohol abuse and
can include lower thoracic and lumbar pain. cholelithiasis. The diagnosis is confirmed with
pancreas function lab tests followed by com-
Background Information puted tomography if necessary. Treatment is
Spinal infarction is typically located in the usually supportive and includes fluid resusci-
anterior spinal artery area.23 Neurological tation, oxygen supplementation, and pain
symptoms can include para- or tetraparesis, control.
bladder dysfunction, and pain and tempera-
ture loss below the level of infarction in ■ Pleuritis
cases of anterior spinal artery involve- Chief Clinical Characteristics
ment.23 The diagnosis is confirmed with This presentation can be characterized by bilat-
magnetic resonance imaging. Treatment is eral lower back pain in association with chest
usually palliative, with rehabilitation neces- or bilateral shoulder pain (see Fig. 18-1). It can
sary to recover function and strength after be worsened by deep inspiration.
Background Information
■ Spleen This condition arises from multiple etiolo-
gies. Fever in the presence of chest pain is
Chief Clinical Characteristics
suggestive of active pneumonia. Weight loss
This presentation typically includes a sudden
and malaise in the presence of chest pain
onset of pain in the left upper abdomen, flank,
may be suggestive of a malignancy or tuber-
and shoulder (see Fig. 18-1).24 Pain is typically
culosis. Severe cases also may lead to pul-
sharp and increased by deep respiration or
monary compromise, resulting in a cough or
dyspnea.6 Auscultation of the chest wall will
Background Information reveal a pleural friction rub, which is a con-
Common physical findings include fever and stant grating sound during inspiration and
left pleural effusion. Splenic artery occlusion expiration. The diagnosis is confirmed with
1528_Ch18_293-315 11/05/12 3:58 PM Page 302
Treatment is directed toward the underlying depends on the stage of the cancer and may
cause. include surgical resection and colostomy,
chemotherapy, and radiation.6
■ Splenic Abscess
Chief Clinical Characteristics ■ Metastases, Including From
This presentation can include generalized ab- Primary Breast, Kidney, Lung,
dominal pain, left upper quadrant tenderness, Prostate, and Thyroid Disease
and fever.25,26 Other less common symptoms Chief Clinical Characteristics
include left-sided chest pain, left shoulder pain, This presentation can include unremitting
and generalized weakness.26 low back pain due to referral from abdomi-
nal sites of metastases. The four clinical
Background Information findings with the highest likelihood ratios
Pain can also be reported at the base of the left for predicting cancer are a previous history
thorax.26 This condition usually is observed in of cancer, age 50 years or older, failure to
individuals with underlying disorders includ- improve with conservative therapy, and un-
ing infection, emboli, trauma, recent surgery, explained weight loss of more than 10 pounds
malignant hematologic conditions, and im- in 6 months.
munosuppression. The diagnosis is confirmed
with abdominal ultrasound and computed Background Information
tomography. Treatment may involve the use Radiotherapy is the most common treat-
of appropriate antibiotics followed by splenec- ment for metastases, with surgical decom-
tomy in all patients who are reasonable anes- pression and stabilization required if
thetic risks.25 Percutaneous drainage guided by spinal instability or neurological compro-
computed tomography also has gained favor as mise exists28,29 or if the tumor is relatively
a viable first-line treatment option with suc- radioresistant.29
cess rates ranging between 51% and 72%.27
■ Multiple Myeloma
TUMORS Chief Clinical Characteristics
■ Carcinoma of the Colon This presentation typically involves low
Chief Clinical Characteristics back pain, dermatomal sensation loss, and
This presentation includes abdominal pain, possible weakness and numbness of the lower
as well as tenderness and infrequent disten- extremities.30
tion of the lower abdomen. Leakage from a
perforated carcinoma can cause pain in the Background Information
left lumbar and iliac region (see Fig. 18-1).6 Presentation is typically insidious and non-
Most cases of early colon cancer are asymp- specific. Approximately two-thirds of patients
tomatic; however, patients displaying the present with back30–32 and/or rib pain that is
following symptoms may lead the clinician to exacerbated by movement.30 Weakness and
suspect colon cancer: change in bowel habits fatigue are also common.30 Pathological
(diarrhea or constipation), rectal bleeding fracture is the presenting feature in approx-
or blood in the stool, unexplained anemia, un- imately 30% of cases.31 A high index of
explained weight loss, and stools narrower suspicion should be assigned to individuals
than usual. with low back pain who are over 50 years
of age and have pain that is worse in the
Background Information supine position, occurs at night or awakens
Digital rectal examination may reveal a mass patient, is located in a band-like distribution
if the malignancy is in the rectum. Carcino- around the body, is unrelieved with conven-
mas of the colon arise from the lining of the tional methods, and is associated with con-
large intestine as polyps, which over a period stitutional symptoms or progressive neuro-
of several years develop into cancer. Defini- logical deficits.31 Diagnostic tests include
tive diagnosis of colon cancer is made with a serum and urine immunoelectrophoresis.30
1528_Ch18_293-315 11/05/12 3:58 PM Page 303
Radiographic findings include classic in the thighs and lower legs due to impingement
punched-out lesions of the skull and long of the lumbosacral plexus (see Fig. 18-1). Symp-
bones with diffuse osteopenia and vertebral toms and signs also may include abdominal
compression fractures.30,31 distention, palpable evidence of a pelvic mass,
heavy prolonged menstrual cycles, bladder
■ Ovarian Cysts pressure leading to constant urinary urgency,
Chief Clinical Characteristics and constipation or bloating due to pressure
This presentation includes ipsilateral pain in on the bowels.36
the lumbar and thigh regions and lower quad-
rant of the abdomen, with possible nausea and Background Information
vomiting, abnormal vaginal bleeding, and dif- These are common benign tumors that
ficulty urinating completely (see Fig. 18-1). develop in the muscular walls of the uterus.
First detection usually occurs during routine
Background Information gynecological examination because most are
Ovarian cysts are fluid-filled sacs that develop asymptomatic. Abdominal ultrasound con-
adjacent to the ovary in the fallopian tube. firms the diagnosis. If the fibroids are large
Most cysts are asymptomatic remnants of enough to cause significant symptoms, treat-
normal ovulation.33 Enlarged cysts may lead ment options will include surgical emboliza-
to torsion or distention of the fallopian tube. tion or resection (myomectomy), as well as
The diagnosis is confirmed with clinical pelvic hysterectomy in severe cases.36
examination and pelvic ultrasound. Pre-
scribed hormones may be utilized to shrink ■ Urinary Tract Infection
the cyst. If the cysts persists or symptoms Chief Clinical Characteristics
progress, laparoscopic examination is required This presentation can involve dysuria,
and surgical removal may be indicated.6 frequency, hematuria, and back pain (see
Fig. 18-1). These symptoms significantly in-
■ Retroperitoneal Tumor crease the probability of an individual having
Chief Clinical Characteristics this condition.37
This presentation typically includes abdom-
Background Information
inal pain with radiation into the flank or
Acute cases account for 7 million office visits
lumbar region, groin, and anterior thighs.34
annually in the United States and can
If the tumor extends into the spinal canal,
affect half of all women at least once during
radiating pain and numbness into the lower
their lifetime.37 Three well-established risk
extremities may also be present.35
factors for this condition in young women
Background Information are recent sexual intercourse, use of spermi-
Retroperitoneal masses also may present as cide during sexual intercourse, and previous
cysts, or benign versus malignant tumors. If the history.37 A urine culture is the most com-
tumor is malignant, symptoms may be associ- mon diagnostic tool for all types of this
ated with malaise, weight loss, and night pain. condition. Treatment typically involves an
Retroperitoneal tumors often reach a large size oral antibiotic medication directed against
and may be palpable over the abdominal cavity the infective agent.
or compress other vital structures. The diagno-
sis is confirmed with abdominal computed Local
tomography or magnetic resonance imaging. ABSCESSES
Treatment includes aggressive and complete
laparoscopic removal of the tumor. ■ Epidural Abscess
Chief Clinical Characteristics
■ Uterine Fibroids This presentation typically includes fever and
Chief Clinical Characteristics malaise and is associated with local low back
This presentation may include pelvic pain pain and tenderness, with or without neuro-
and pressure, with possible neurogenic pain logical deficits.38,39
1528_Ch18_293-315 11/05/12 3:58 PM Page 304
■ Acute Lumbar Sprain/Strain location of the spine that is affected. Pain usu-
Chief Clinical Characteristics ally is described as burning and stinging,
This presentation involves pain, muscle spasm, and can be very debilitating in nature. Symp-
edema, and increased temperature of the local toms of this condition also may include bilat-
tissues. Pain may radiate into the buttocks and eral asymmetric radiating lower leg pain and
rarely into the thighs or lower legs. accompanying neurological symptoms such as
numbness and tingling (sciatica).
Background Information
Pain may increase with extension (contrac- Background Information
tion) or flexion (stretch). Sprains are limited to This condition is caused by an inflammation
ligaments, and strains affect muscle-tendon of the arachnoid layer of the central nervous
units. This condition often is caused by exces- system due to trauma during surgery, lumbar
sive physical demands on the back, including punctures during epidural anesthesia, chemi-
repetitive lifting, excessive flexion, extension, cals such as myelographic contrast dye, and in-
or rotation movements with or without fection.46 This inflammation causes constant
load.45 The diagnosis is confirmed with clini- irritation, scarring, and binding of nerve roots
cal examination. Treatment generally involves and blood vessels.3 The disease can progress to
nonsurgical interventions, such as lumbar cause bowel/bladder dysfunctions, sexual dys-
mobilization and manipulation, trunk and function, and spinal cord cysts. The diagnosis
proximal lower extremity exercises, activity is confirmed with computed tomography,
modification, and physical modalities. magnetic resonance imaging, and/or myelo-
grams. There is no cure for this condition.
■ Ankylosing Spondylitis Treatments are often aimed at controlling the
Chief Clinical Characteristics severe pain that results and include transcuta-
This presentation may involve an insidious neous electrical nerve stimulation, steroidal/
onset of low back and symmetric posterior hip nonsteroidal pain medications, antispasmodic
pain associated with a slowly progressive and medications, and spinal cord stimulators.
significant loss of general spinal mobility.
■ Arteriovenous Malformation of
Background Information Spinal Cord
Symptoms may be worse in the morning and Chief Clinical Characteristics
improve with light exercise. This condition is This presentation involves back pain, progres-
more common in males, as well as people of sive paraparesis, paresthesias of the lower extrem-
American indigenous descent, less than 40 years ities, and possible urinary incontinence.
of age, or who carry the human leukocyte anti-
gen B27. It also may be associated with fever, Background Information
malaise, and inflammatory bowel disease. The This condition is divided into dural arteriove-
diagnosis is confirmed with plain radiographs nous fistulas and intradural medullary spinal
of the sacroiliac joints and lumbar spine, which cord angiomas.47 Intradural arteriovenous
reveal characteristic findings of sacroiliitis and malformations are seen in patients less than
“bamboo spine.” Blood panels including ery- 30 years old with acute onset of symptoms,
throcyte sedimentation rate are useful to track subarachnoid hemorrhage, a spinal bruit, and
disease activity. Treatment typically includes a symptoms affecting the arms. Patients with
combination of steroidal, nonsteroidal, and bi- dural arteriovenous malformations are usually
ological anti-inflammatory medications com- greater than 40 years of age, have gradual on-
bined with physical therapy to address postural set and progressive worsening of symptoms,
and movement considerations associated with experience exacerbation of symptoms by a
changing spinal position. change in posture or activity, and the lesions
are always in the lower half of the spinal cord,
■ Arachnoiditis affecting the legs.48 Magnetic resonance imag-
Chief Clinical Characteristics ing is typically used to search for vascular ab-
This presentation typically includes severe normalities of the spinal cord with gadolinium
lower back or thoracic pain, depending on the increasing the sensitivity of the detection of
1528_Ch18_293-315 11/05/12 3:58 PM Page 306
slowly progressive, chronic or relapsing symp- pain stimuli.57 The etiology of this condition
toms or with neurological signs and symptoms is unclear; multiple body systems appear to be
that mimic an acute intervertebral disk involved. Indistinct clinical boundaries be-
prolapse.54 tween this condition and similar conditions
(eg, chronic fatigue syndrome, irritable bowel
Background Information
syndrome, and chronic muscular headaches)
Epidural bleeding could be the result of a rup-
pose a diagnostic challenge.57 This condition
tured epidural vein caused by either a sudden
is diagnosed by exclusion. Treatment will
increase in intra-abdominal pressure or by
often include polypharmacy and elements to
mild trauma. This condition is confirmed with
improve self-efficacy, physical training, and
magnetic resonance imaging. It is a medical
cognitive-behavioral techniques.58
emergency, so individuals suspected of this
condition should be referred to an emergency FRACTURES
department immediately.54
■ Burst Fracture
■ Facet Syndrome Chief Clinical Characteristics
Chief Clinical Characteristics This presentation typically involves severe de-
This presentation includes pain in the lumbar bilitating low back pain and, depending on the
region with referral to the buttocks and upper extent of the injury, neurological symptoms,
thigh. The majority of pain referral for the including complete paralysis and loss of bowel
L1–L2 through L4–L5 joints includes the lum- and bladder control.
bar spinal region. Other referral areas include Background Information
the gluteal region (L3–L4 to L5–S1), the Most burst fractures result from high-
lateral upper thigh (L2–L3 to L5–S1), and the energy axial trauma (eg, motor vehicle acci-
posterior thigh (L2–L3 to L5–S1).55 dents and falls), although pathological burst
Background Information fractures could result from bone tumors.59
Causes of facet-mediated pain include sys- Burst fractures are most common in the
temic inflammatory arthritidies, micro- thoracolumbar region of the spine and in-
trauma, and osteoarthritis. The etiology of this volve damage to the anterior and middle
condition may include meniscoid entrapment, columns of the body of a spinal vertebra.
synovial impingement, joint subluxation, This injury is confirmed with plain radi-
chondromalacia facetiae, capsular and syn- ographs of the spine, and is considered a
ovial inflammation, mechanical injury to the medical emergency.
joint capsule, and restriction of normal articu-
lar motion.56 This diagnosis is confirmed by ■ Compression Fracture
controlled diagnostic blocks of the joint or its Chief Clinical Characteristics
nerve supply.56 Nonsurgical treatment is a This presentation of can involve severe debil-
common initial approach to management of itating low back pain, which usually worsens
this condition with walking, as well as other potential seque-
lae of secondary symptoms.60
■ Fibromyalgia
Background Information
Chief Clinical Characteristics
Radiating pain into the leg is highly unlikely
This presentation involves chronic widespread
with vertebral compression fractures.3 This
joint and muscle pain defined as bilateral up-
condition usually is associated with osteo-
per body, lower body, and spine pain, associated
porotic changes within the vertebral body,
with tenderness to palpating 11 of 18 specific
usually in the lower thoracic and upper lum-
muscle-tendon sites.
bar spine. The loss of vertebral height may
Background Information lead to reduction in abdominal space with
Individuals with this condition will demon- associated loss of appetite and secondary
strate lowered mechanical and thermal pain sequelae related to poor nutrition. Most no-
thresholds, high pain ratings for noxious tably, this condition leads to chronic pain
stimuli, and altered temporal summation of with an associated loss of sleep, decreased
1528_Ch18_293-315 11/05/12 3:58 PM Page 308
spinal segments. Radiating leg pain or radicu- associated with fatigue, weight loss, fever, and
lar symptoms are very uncommon. sweats.
Background Information Background Information
Symptoms relate to fractures of the hip and Pelvic girdle involvement usually causes pain
vertebrae. Vertebral compression fractures re- that radiates to the knee.70 Diagnosis is con-
sult from the collapse of columns within the firmed with blood panels that demonstrate an
vertebral bodies. This condition is a disease of elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate.70
decreased bone mass density, in which bone This condition is associated with temporal ar-
resorption exceeds bone formation. Dual- teritis, which can cause blindness if untreated,
energy x-ray absorptiometry confirms the di- so urgent referral to a physician is necessary if
agnosis.3 Treatment of osteoporosis is geared this condition is suspected. Treatment of this
toward prevention of future bone loss in condition mainly includes the use of low-dose
younger women. Women postmenopause can oral prednisone in the morning.70,71
be treated with hormone replacement therapy
to slow the rate of bone loss.68 ■ Psoriatic Arthritis
Chief Clinical Characteristics
■ Paget’s Disease This presentation can be characterized by an
Chief Clinical Characteristics insidious onset of spinal pain associated with
This presentation is characterized by deep, psoriasis. Pitting nail lesions occur in 80% of
aching pain that is worse at night and associ- individuals with this condition. Dactylitis,
ated with fatigue, headaches, hearing loss, and tenosynovitis, and peripheral arthritis also are
likely a pronounced kyphosis. common.
Background Information Background Information
Men are affected more than women in a 3:2 The severity of arthritis is uncorrelated with
ratio. Long bone deformities occur and lead to the extent of skin involvement.13 Radiographs
adjacent joint osteoarthrosis. Bones of the of the distal phalanges may reveal a character-
pelvis, lumbar spine, sacrum, thoracic spine, istic “pencil and cup” deformity. Blood panels
and ribs also are commonly affected by defor- including erythrocyte sedimentation rate are
mity. Vertebral collapse may occur in the tho- useful to track disease activity. Psoriatic arthri-
racic region and compression neuropathies tis is treated using patient education, nons-
may be identified. Deformities are a result of teroidal anti-inflammatory medications, and
haphazard resorption of bone that then fills in disease-modifying drugs.13,72
with fibrous tissue. Subsequent attempts to
form bone lead to large, less compact, more ■ Reiter’s Syndrome
vascular bone susceptible to fracture. This Chief Clinical Characteristics
condition is the second-most common skeletal This presentation typically includes pain and
disorder. Its incidence increases by age 50 with stiffness in the low back, sacroiliac, and poste-
peak incidence after 70 years of age. The diag- rior hip regions in the presence of conjunctivi-
nosis of this condition is based on an elevated tis and urethritis.73 Dactylitis may be present.72
serum alkaline phosphatase in patients with Weight loss and fever are common in the acute
x-ray findings of osteosclerosis, osteolysis, and phase as well.13
bone expansion.69 Treatment includes the use
of osteoclast-inhibiting and antiresorptive Background Information
medications.69 This condition is a reactive arthritis that in-
cludes the clinical triad of nongonococcal
■ Polymyalgia Rheumatica urethritis, conjunctivitis, and arthritis.13,72 It
Chief Clinical Characteristics typically begins after an infection of the
This presentation typically includes the acute genitourinary or gastrointestinal tract72 and
onset of proximal myalgias and stiffness involv- usually involves more than one joint, preferen-
ing the neck, shoulders, pelvic girdle, and hips tially affecting the joints of the lower extremi-
that is worse at night and with movement and ties.13 Onset of symptoms is acute with two to
1528_Ch18_293-315 11/05/12 3:58 PM Page 310
four joints becoming painful within a few antibiotics and external mobilization; surgery
Indications for surgery have not been clearly ■ Tuberculosis of the Spine
defined and serve as elective procedures to (Pott’s Disease)
improve quality of life in persons with dis- Chief Clinical Characteristics
abling low back pain.81 Therefore, nonsurgical This presentation typically includes insidious
options such as physical therapy to improve onset of stiffness with pain over the involved
patient functioning and injections are the vertebrae radiating into the buttock or lower
initial treatments of choice. extremity, low-grade fever, chills, weight loss, and
■ Tethered Spinal Cord nonspecific constitutional symptoms of varying
duration.87 Weakness, nerve root compression,
Chief Clinical Characteristics and sensory involvement can be present to vary-
This presentation typically includes back pain, ing degrees.
associated with neurological deficits, and bowel
and bladder dysfunction.82 The most common Background Information
manifestations of this condition are reduced This condition usually results from spread of
motor function of the lower extremities (and up- pulmonary or other primary infection involv-
per extremities, although less likely), changes in ing Mycobacterium tuberculosis. If the disease
muscle tone and deep tendon reflexes, progres- affects one vertebral body, the intervertebral
sive loss of articular dexterity, progressively disk may be spared. However, collapse of the
worsening scoliosis or kyphosis, and back or affected segment could occur due to impaired
leg pain.83 disk nutrition. Magnetic resonance imaging
confirms the diagnosis. Treatment consists of
Background Information antituberculosis medications, which are effec-
This condition occurs commonly in children, tive 90% of the time, with surgery in more
but can present in undiagnosed adults as well. advanced cases.88
Magnetic resonance imaging confirms the di-
agnosis, with a low-lying (caudally positioned) TUMORS
conus medullaris present. Surgical resection ■ Intraspinal Lipoma
of a thickened filum terminale is a common
treatment. Chief Clinical Characteristics
This presentation includes lumbosacral pain
■ Transverse Myelitis and skin stigmata.89 Symptoms depend on
Chief Clinical Characteristics the location of the lipoma and proximity to
This presentation typically includes low back neurological tissue; this condition may be
pain associated with acute or subacute motor, associated with spinal cord tethering and
sensory, and autonomic neurological deficits.84,85 progressive neurological symptoms.
At maximal level of deficits (within 4 hours to Background Information
21 days), approximately 50% of individuals If the lipoma is impinging on neurological
with this condition lose all movements of their tissue, sphincter disturbance and inconti-
legs, virtually all have bladder dysfunction, and nence will occur.89 This condition is charac-
80% to 94% have numbness, paresthesias, or terized by slow-growing, fatty cells.89 This
band-like dysesthesias.84 condition often is associated with spina
Background Information bifida. Computed tomography and magnetic
This condition is associated with various viral resonance imaging confirm the diagnosis.
and bacterial infections as well as systemic au- Treatment consists of surgical exploration
toimmune diseases. The etiology of this condi- and resection of the tumor.
tion is unclear. Magnetic resonance imaging
combined with lumbar puncture confirms ■ Metastases, Including from
the diagnosis. Treatment includes the use of Primary Breast, Kidney, Lung,
multiple medications typically directed against Prostate, and Thyroid Disease
an autoimmune response even when this Chief Clinical Characteristics
condition cannot be attributed to a particular This presentation involves unremitting
etiology.86 pain in individuals with these risk factors:
1528_Ch18_293-315 11/05/12 3:58 PM Page 312
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Hip Pain
■ Kyle F. Baldwin, PT, DPT ■ Todd E. Davenport, PT, DPT, OCS
■ Michael A. Andersen, PT, DPT, OCS
T Trauma
Acute lumbar sprain/strain 324 Hernias:
Disk disruption (with or without herniation) 326 • Femoral hernia 340
Facet syndrome 327 • Inguinal hernia 340
Lumbar compression fracture 328 Labral tear 343
Lumbar radiculopathies: Muscle strains:
• L1–L3 radiculopathy 328 • Adductor strain 343
• L4 radiculopathy 328 • Iliopsoas strain 343
• L5 radiculopathy 330
• S1 radiculopathy 330
Not applicable Fractures:
• Intracapsular femur fracture 339
• Stress fracture of the femoral neck 339
• Sports hernia 340
Nerve entrapments/neuropathy:
• Femoral neuropathy 344
1528_Ch19_316-352 07/05/12 1:52 PM Page 317
Anterior Lateral
hip and
Anterior Anterior
hip and Medial hip and
thigh thigh/ thigh
Lateral region Medial
1528_Ch19_316-352 07/05/12 1:52 PM Page 318
Trauma (continued)
• Genitofemoral nerve entrapment 344
• Iliohypogastric nerve entrapment 344
• Ilioinguinal nerve entrapment 345
• Obturator nerve entrapment 345
Sacroiliac joint dysfunction 349
Traumatic spondylolisthesis 335 Fractures:
• Acetabular fracture 337
• Avulsion fractures:
• Hamstrings off ischial tuberosity 338
• Rectus femoris off anterior inferior iliac
spine 338
• Sartorius off anterior superior iliac spine 338
Hip dislocation 341
I Inflammation
Aseptic Not applicable
Not applicable
Appendicitis 326
Aseptic Aseptic
Rheumatoid arthritis–like diseases of the Complex regional pain syndrome 337
lumbar spine: Iliopsoas tendinitis 342
• Scleroderma 333 Osteitis pubis 345
• Systemic lupus erythematosus 333 Reiter’s syndrome 347
Rheumatoid arthritis of the hip 348
Septic Rheumatoid arthritis–like diseases:
Brucellosis of the lumbar spine 326 • Scleroderma 348
Pelvic inflammatory disease 331 • Systemic lupus erythematosus 348
Prostatitis 331
Renal or urinary tract infection 332 Septic
Septic arthritis of the sacroiliac joint 334 Herpes zoster 340
1528_Ch19_316-352 07/05/12 1:52 PM Page 319
Nerve entrapments/
• Femoral neuropathy 344
• Meralgia paresthetica 345
Not applicable
Inflammation (continued)
Aseptic Aseptic
Reiter’s syndrome of the lumbar spine 331 Rheumatoid arthritis–like diseases:
Rheumatoid arthritis of the lumbar spine 332 • Inflammatory muscle diseases 348
Rheumatoid arthritis–like diseases of the spine: • Psoriatic arthritis 348
• Inflammatory bowel disease 332
• Inflammatory muscle diseases 333 Septic
• Psoriatic arthritis 333 Brucellosis of the hip 336
Iliopsoas abscess 342
Septic Septic arthritis of the hip 349
Psoas muscle abscess 331 Systemic fungal infection 349
Retrocecal appendicitis 332 Tuberculosis of the hip 350
Retroperitoneal abscess 332
Septic discitis 334
Systemic fungal infection of the lumbar spine 335
Tuberculosis of the lumbar spine (Pott’s disease) 335
M Metabolic
Not applicable Not applicable
Endometriosis 327 Heterotopic ossification 341
Myositis ossificans 344
Osteomalacia 346
Transient osteoporosis of the hip 350
Not applicable Gout 339
Pseudogout 347
Va Vascular
Not applicable Not applicable
Not applicable Not applicable
Aortic artery aneurysm 325 Avascular necrosis of the hip 336
Aortic or iliac arteriosclerosis 325 Greater saphenous vein thrombophlebitis 340
Epidural hematoma 327 Iliac artery aneurysm 341
Iliofemoral venous thrombosis 342
Sickle cell crisis 349
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1528_Ch19_316-352 07/05/12 1:52 PM Page 322
De Degenerative
Degenerative spondylolisthesis 326 Hip osteoarthrosis/
Disk degeneration 326 osteoarthritis 341
Spinal stenosis 334
Spondylolysis 334
Not applicable Iliopsoas tendinosis 342
Not applicable Not applicable
Tu Tumor
Malignant Primary: Not applicable
Not applicable
Malignant Metastatic:
Not applicable
Benign, such as:
• Ovarian cysts 331
• Uterine fibroids 335
Not applicable Malignant Primary, such as:
• Primary bone tumor of the acetabulum or
proximal femur:
• Ewing’s sarcoma 347
• Osteosarcoma 347
Malignant Metastatic, such as:
• Metastases, including from primary breast,
kidney, lung, prostate, and thyroid disease 343
Not applicable
Malignant Primary, such as: Malignant Primary, such as:
• Spinal cord tumor 334 • Primary bone tumor of the acetabulum or
Malignant Metastatic, such as: proximal femur:
• Leukemia 327 • Ewing’s sarcoma 347
Benign, such as: • Osteosarcoma 347
• Osteoblastoma of the spine 331 Malignant Metastatic:
Not applicable
Benign, such as:
• Osteoblastoma of the hip 346
• Osteochondroma 346
• Osteoid osteoma 346
• Pigmented villonodular synovitis 346
1528_Ch19_316-352 07/05/12 1:52 PM Page 323
Malignant Primary, such as: Malignant Primary, such as: Malignant Primary, such as:
• Primary bone tumor of the • Primary bone tumor of the • Primary bone tumor of the
acetabulum or proximal femur: acetabulum or proximal femur: acetabulum or proximal femur:
• Ewing’s sarcoma 347 • Ewing’s sarcoma 347 • Ewing’s sarcoma 347
• Osteosarcoma 347 • Osteosarcoma 347 • Osteosarcoma 347
Malignant Metastatic, such as: Malignant Metastatic, such as: Malignant Metastatic, such as:
• Metastases, including from • Metastases, including from • Metastases, including from
primary breast, kidney, lung, primary breast, kidney, lung, primary breast, kidney, lung,
prostate, and thyroid disease 343 prostate, and thyroid disease 343 prostate, and thyroid disease 343
Benign: Benign: Benign:
Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Malignant Primary, such as: Not applicable Malignant Primary, such as:
• Primary bone tumor of the • Primary bone tumor of the
acetabulum or proximal femur: acetabulum or proximal femur:
• Ewing’s sarcoma 347 • Ewing’s sarcoma 347
• Osteosarcoma 347 • Osteosarcoma 347
Malignant Metastatic: Malignant Metastatic:
Not applicable Not applicable
Benign: Benign, such as:
Not applicable • Pigmented villonodular
synovitis 346
1528_Ch19_316-352 07/05/12 1:52 PM Page 324
Co Congenital
Not applicable Not applicable
Not applicable Not applicable
Not applicable Not applicable
Ne Neurogenic/Psychogenic
Not applicable Not applicable
Not applicable Not applicable
Not applicable Not applicable
Note: These are estimates of relative incidence because few data are available for the less common conditions.
typically includes lumbar mobilization/ nodosum. This condition occurs when the
manipulation, activity modification, exercise tunica intima, tunica media, and tunica adven-
for the trunk and proximal lower extremities, titia become structurally compromised due to
and physical modalities. various acquired factors (eg, hypertension, cig-
arette smoking) and congenital factors (eg,
■ Aortic Artery Aneurysm
Marfan’s syndrome). Most often, this condi-
Chief Clinical Characteristics tion is asymptomatic prior to rupture. The
This presentation typically includes vague abdominal aorta is most commonly involved
abdominal pain, usually located in the epigas- due to its morphology. Elective open surgical
trium, that may radiate to the low back, flank, repair may be considered when the risk of
or groin. Other symptoms include early satiety, rupture exceeds that of surgery.2
nausea, vomiting, gastrointestinal bleeding,
and lower extremity ischemia.2 The problem ■ Aortic or Iliac Arteriosclerosis
arises in that 66% to 75% of abdominal aortic Chief Clinical Characteristics
aneurysms are asymptomatic.2 This presentation may be characterized by gen-
Background Information eralized low back and hip pain, and symptoms
Aneurysms can be diagnosed during a routine consistent with lumbar disk degeneration.3
physical examination by palpation of a pul- Background Information
satile abdominal mass above the umbilicus, Studies have correlated the occurrence of aor-
which may be associated with erythema tic arteriosclerosis and disk degeneration.3,4
1528_Ch19_316-352 07/05/12 1:52 PM Page 326
aggravated with lumbar rotation, flexion, and mild trauma.11 Magnetic resonance imaging
side-bending, and sitting tolerance is typically confirms the diagnosis. An epidural hematoma
diminished. is a medical emergency that requires surgical
Background Information
Individuals with true internal disk disruption ■ Facet Syndrome
lack symptoms of radiculopathy; when present, Chief Clinical Characteristics
leg pain follows a nondermatomal pattern.9 This presentation includes pain in the lumbar
Magnetic resonance imaging and discography region with referral to the buttocks and upper
confirm the diagnosis. Nonsurgical treatment thigh. The majority of pain referral for the
is a common first approach. Surgical treatment L1–L2 through L4–L5 joints includes the lum-
typically includes discectomy or spinal fusion bar spinal region. Other referral areas include
for individuals with progressive neurological the gluteal region (L3–L4 to L5–S1), the lat-
symptoms.8 eral upper thigh (L2–L3 to L5–S1), and the pos-
terior thigh (L2–L3 to L5–S1).12
■ Endometriosis
Chief Clinical Characteristics Background Information
This presentation may include dysmenorrhea, Causes of facet-mediated pain include systemic
dyspareunia, and low back pain that worsens inflammatory arthritides, microtrauma, and
with menses.10 Rectal pain and painful defeca- osteoarthritis. The etiology of this condition
tion can also be present.10 may include meniscoid entrapment, synovial
impingement, joint subluxation, chondromala-
Background Information cia facetiae, capsular and synovial inflamma-
This condition is the presence of tissues that tion, mechanical injury to the joint capsule,
are histologically similar to endometrium at and restriction of normal articular motion.13
sites outside the endometrial cavity. Causes in- This diagnosis is confirmed by controlled diag-
clude retrograde menstruation and peritoneal nostic blocks of the joint or its nerve supply.13
epithelium transformation to endometrial Nonsurgical treatment is a common initial
tissue, as well as possible genetic causes.10 approach to management of this condition.
Pelvic ultrasonography, computed tomogra-
phy, magnetic resonance imaging, and la- ■ Leukemia
paroscopy are commonly used to confirm the Chief Clinical Characteristics
diagnosis.10 Treatment in cases of women with This presentation typically includes lumbopelvic
few symptoms can include oral contraceptives and hip pain, malaise, fatigue, excessive bruising
or progestins for pain relief.10 Surgery may be or bleeding, night sweats, and weight loss. Acute
required in more advanced stages to remove disorders have a more rapid onset with illness.14
endometrial lesions.10
Background Information
■ Epidural Hematoma Leukemic cells will accumulate in the bone mar-
row and replace the normal hematopoietic cells,
Chief Clinical Characteristics
which may then infiltrate any other organ. Acute
This presentation typically includes the acute
myelogenous leukemias constitute 85% of adult
onset of back (or neck) pain with possible refer-
acute leukemias. Chronic lymphocytic leukemia
ral to the hip, followed by rapidly progressive
is responsible for 30% of all leukemias in
sensory and/or motor deficits. Less frequently,
Western countries and the median age of onset
patients may present with slowly progressive,
in the seventh decade, whereas acute lym-
chronic or relapsing symptoms or with neuro-
phoblastic leukemia is responsible for 80% of
logical signs and symptoms that mimic an acute
childhood cases.15 Lower back pain may result
intervertebral disk prolapse.
from reactive arthritis, as well as metastatic dis-
Background Information ease. The diagnosis is confirmed with the pres-
Epidural bleeding could be the result of a rup- ence of disabling bone pain, night pain, hemato-
tured epidural vein caused by either a sudden logic findings in the blood tests, leukopenia, or
increase in intra-abdominal pressure or by positive findings in a bone marrow biopsy.16–18
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■ Lumbar Compression Fracture radiating from the anterior aspect of the hip,
L2 L3
Reflex L4
L4 L5
Motor Motor
L1 L1
L2 L2
L3 L3
L4 Reflex
L4 Reflex
L5 L5
S1 S1
Motor Motor
■ L5 Radiculopathy ■ S1 Radiculopathy
Chief Clinical Characteristics Chief Clinical Characteristics
This presentation typically includes pain in the This presentation typically includes pain in the
lumbar spine and paresthesias radiating from lumbar spine and paresthesias radiating from
the lateral aspect of the hip and buttock to the the buttock to the posterior aspect of the knee
lateral aspect of the knee, extending antero- and extending posterolaterally from the knee
laterally down to the foot. Depending on the to the foot. Depending on the severity, the
severity, the presentation may also include presentation may also include a decreased or
motor loss in the muscles innervated by the absent Achilles tendon reflex and motor loss
L5 nerve root. in the muscles innervated by the S1 nerve.
Background Information Background Information
A lumbar disk herniation is the most com- A lumbar disk herniation is a common cause
mon cause for this condition. The diagnosis for this condition. The diagnosis is con-
is confirmed with magnetic resonance imag- firmed with magnetic resonance imaging.
ing. Surgical intervention may be indicated Surgical intervention may be indicated in
in severe cases of lower extremity pain severe cases of lower extremity pain accom-
accompanied by neurological signs. panied by neurological signs.
1528_Ch19_316-352 07/05/12 1:52 PM Page 331
Chief Clinical Characteristics aggressive course of antibiotic medication.
This presentation typically includes deep and ■ Prostatitis
aching pain of insidious onset that is not worse
at night, most commonly in males under Chief Clinical Characteristics
30 years of age. Approximately 40% of these This presentation involves pain in the central
tumors are found in the spine, so a number of lower back, hip, rectal, or perineal region asso-
these lesions may refer pain into the hip region ciated with fever, chills, and painful urination.
depending on their exact location around the Other initial symptoms may include malaise,
spinal column. arthralgia, and myalgia. As this condition
progresses, prostatic inflammation produces
Background Information dysuria, frequency, urgency, and urine retention.
Biopsy is necessary to determine the nature of
the tumor. Surgical excision is required, partic- Background Information
ularly in cases that involve neurological signs. Prostatitis is usually caused by a bacterial infec-
tion of the prostate gland, commonly associ-
■ Ovarian Cysts ated with urinary tract infection, urethritis, or
Chief Clinical Characteristics epididymitis.22 Blood and urine tests confirm
This presentation includes ipsilateral pain in the the diagnosis. Treatment for this condition
lumbar and thigh region, and the lower quad- includes intravenous antibiotics, which are
rant of the abdomen, with possible nausea and specific to the infecting organism.
vomiting, abnormal vaginal bleeding, and dif- ■ Psoas Muscle Abscess
ficulty urinating completely.
Chief Clinical Characteristics
Background Information This presentation involves fever, lateral lumbar
Ovarian cysts are fluid-filled sacs that develop or abdominal pain, and limp. The classical triad
adjacent to the ovary in the fallopian tube. of symptoms (ie, fever, back pain, and limp-
Most cysts are asymptomatic remnants of ing) is present in approximately 30% of pa-
normal ovulation.21 Enlarged cysts may lead to tients with a psoas abscess.24 Other symptoms
torsion or distention of the fallopian tube. The include malaise, weight loss, or presentation
diagnosis is confirmed with clinical examina- with a mass. Physical findings include an exter-
tion and pelvic ultrasonography. Prescribed nally rotated hip, flank tenderness, and full-
hormones may be utilized to shrink the cyst. If ness in the lateral lumbar region.
the cysts persist or symptoms progress, laparo-
scopic examination is required and surgical Background Information
removal may be indicated.22 Psoas abscesses may be primary, due to
hematogenous spread, or secondary due to such
■ Pelvic Inflammatory Disease pathologies as Crohn’s disease, appendicitis,
diverticulitis, ulcerative colitis, osteomyelitis,
Chief Clinical Characteristics
neoplasm, disk infection, renal infections, and
This presentation may involve lumbosacral and
trauma.24,25 Computed tomography of the
hip pain associated with dull, constant, and
abdomen with contrast is the most effective
poorly localized abdominal pain, abnormal
imaging study to confirm the diagnosis. Treat-
vaginal discharge, fever, painful intercourse,
ment usually begins with a course of antibi-
and irregular menstrual bleeding.
otics, with surgical or radiologically guided per-
Background Information cutaneous drainage essential to effective
Pelvic inflammatory disease is most prevalent treatment.24,25
in women between 15 and 23 years of age.
Gonorrhea and chlamydia infections of the ■ Reiter’s Syndrome of the Lumbar
upper genital tract are common causes. This Spine
condition may lead to infertility, ectopic Chief Clinical Characteristics
pregnancy, and chronic pelvic pain if left This presentation can include pain and stiffness
untreated.23 Blood and urine tests confirm the in the low back, sacroiliac, and posterior hip
1528_Ch19_316-352 07/05/12 1:52 PM Page 332
and migratory arthralgia/arthritis that may arthritis also are common.
affect the hip. Crampy, intermittent abdom-
Background Information
inal right lower quadrant pain is common in
Radiographs of the distal phalanges may
patients with ileal disease and is exacerbated
reveal a characteristic “pencil in cup” defor-
by eating.30
mity. Blood panels including erythrocyte
Background Information sedimentation rate are useful to track disease
Inflammatory bowel disease refers to Crohn’s activity. Management usually includes use of
disease and ulcerative colitis.31 The etiology salicylates, corticosteroids, antibiotics, and
of these conditions is unclear, but immune immunosuppressants depending on the sever-
system abnormalities seem to cause inflam- ity of the pathology.30
mation of the small intestine. Colonoscopy
confirms the diagnosis. Management usually ■ Scleroderma
includes use of salicylates, corticosteroids, Chief Clinical Characteristics
antibiotics, and immunosuppressants de- This presentation typically includes myal-
pending on the severity of the pathology.30 gia, arthralgia, fatigue, weight loss, limited
mobility, and hardened skin about the hands,
■ Inflammatory Muscle Diseases knees, or elbows. This condition occurs in in-
Chief Clinical Characteristics dividuals between 25 and 55 years of age,
This presentation includes a gradual onset and is four to five times more likely in women
of mild muscle pain associated with proxi- than men. Additional symptoms may include
mal muscle weakness that causes difficulty dry mouth and eyes, as well as Raynaud’s
with daily activities such as walking, ascend- phenomenon.
ing and descending stairs, and rising from Background Information
chairs. This rare and progressive autoimmune disor-
Background Information der affects blood vessels and many internal
This condition describes a group of patho- organs, including the lungs and the gastroin-
logically, histologically, and clinically distinct testinal system. Overproduction of collagen in
disorders: polymyositis, dermatomyositis, this condition eventually leads to poor blood
and inclusion body myositis. They may be flow in the extremities, which can cause ulcers
associated with other collagen, vascular, and in the fingers, changes in skin color, and a dis-
immune disorders. Although proximal ex- appearance of creases in the skin. Continued
tremity weakness is a classic finding, up to damage to small-diameter vasculature leads
50% also demonstrate distal weakness that to scar tissue production that impairs joint
may be equally as severe.32 Blood panels help range of motion. Blood tests confirm the
confirm the diagnosis and track disease ac- diagnosis. Treatment includes both steroidal
tivity, revealing elevated serum levels of cre- and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medica-
atine phosphokinase. Management usually tions and gentle exercise.
includes use of salicylates, corticosteroids,
■ Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
antibiotics, and immunosuppressants de-
pending on the severity of the pathology.30 Chief Clinical Characteristics
This presentation may involve low back pain
■ Psoriatic Arthritis radiating to the hip and groin pain, associated
with fatigue and joint pain/swelling affecting
Chief Clinical Characteristics
the hands, feet, knees, and shoulders.
This presentation can be characterized by an
insidious onset of lumbopelvic and hip pain Background Information
associated with psoriasis. The severity of This condition affects mostly women of
arthritis is uncorrelated with the extent of childbearing age. It is a chronic autoimmune
skin involvement.27 Pitting nail lesions occur disorder that can affect any organ system, in-
in 80% of individuals with this condition. cluding skin, joints, kidneys, brain, heart,
1528_Ch19_316-352 07/05/12 1:52 PM Page 334
lungs, and blood. The diagnosis is confirmed that may involve the hip region. Symptoms may
by the presence of skin lesions; heart, lung, include slowly progressive paresis, sensory
or kidney involvement; and laboratory ab- deficits, and difficulty walking.
normalities including low red or white cell
Background Information
counts, low platelet counts, or positive ANA
This condition is rare. However, spinal paragan-
and anti-DNA antibody tests.33
gliomas demonstrate a particular affinity for
■ Septic Arthritis of the Sacroiliac the cauda equina and filum terminale, so they
Joint may cause sciatic symptoms.36 Biopsy and mag-
netic resonance imaging confirm the diagnosis.
Chief Clinical Characteristics
Primary treatment of spinal cord neoplasms
This presentation can include an insidious
includes surgical excision with possible radio-
onset of buttock, hip, and groin pain with weight
therapy and/or chemotherapy.37 Treatment of
bearing and movement, accompanied by
spinal cord tumors causing cauda equina in-
possible fever and malaise. Overlying tissue is
cludes immediate surgical decompression.38
usually swollen and inflamed, and this may
extend to the anterior and lateral thigh. ■ Spinal Stenosis
Background Information Chief Clinical Characteristics
Septic arthritis of the sacroiliac joint occurs by This presentation typically involves a prolonged
way of bacterial, yeast, fungal, or viral infec- history of low back pain, typically in older in-
tion of the hip joint. The infection also can dividuals, that is aggravated with standing,
damage articular cartilage, leading to os- walking, or other positions of lumbar spinal
teoarthritis later in life. Culture of aspirated extension and alleviated with spinal flexion or
synovial fluid confirms the diagnosis and di- no weight bearing. Chronic nerve root com-
rects medical management, which consists of a pression can lead to radicular pain and sen-
regimen of antibiotic medication directed to sory, motor, and reflex changes in one or both
the infective agent. lower extremities, most commonly affecting the
L3–L4 and L4–L5 segments.39 Unilateral or
■ Septic Discitis bilateral leg pain is reported in up to 90% of cases
Chief Clinical Characteristics with a more recent onset than low back pain,
This presentation may include fever, chills, and walking tolerance is often diminished due
sweats, and intractable lower back pain with pos- to neurogenic claudication.40
sible radiation to the hip or groin, worsened by
Background Information
movement and not easily alleviated even with
Causes of symptoms involve spinal cord and
narcotic analgesia.
nerve root impingement due to spinal canal
Background Information narrowing. Plain radiographs and magnetic
From most to least common etiology, discitis resonance imaging confirm the diagnosis.
may occur following spinal surgery during or Indications for surgery have not been clearly
after an infection, following spine or skin defined and serve as elective procedures to
punctures, or spontaneously.34 The diagnosis improve quality of life in persons with dis-
is confirmed by aspiration of the affected disk abling low back pain.40 Therefore, nonsurgical
guided by computed tomography. Early diag- options such as physical therapy to improve
nosis is critical to prevent infection of the sur- patient functioning and injections are the
rounding tissues. Treatment of septic discitis is initial treatments of choice.
usually successful with specific intravenous
antibiotics and external mobilization; surgery ■ Spondylolysis
is rarely needed.35 Chief Clinical Characteristics
This presentation typically includes low back
■ Spinal Cord Tumor pain with possible radiation to the buttock
Chief Clinical Characteristics or proximal lower extremity that is worsened
This presentation typically includes a long his- with positions and activities involving spinal
tory of insidious back and lower extremity pain extension and rotation. Symptoms may begin
1528_Ch19_316-352 07/05/12 1:52 PM Page 335
following an acute injury or gradually prior to Radiographic findings for diagnosis can in-
an initiating event. The neurological exami- clude dislocated and locked facets with the in-
nation should be normal. ferior facets of L5 anterior to the S1 facets.
Traumatic spondylolisthesis is considered rare
Background Information
and may occur following extreme hyperflex-
This condition is a defect in the pars interartic-
ion, axial rotation, and compression forces.
ularis due to repetitive loading. It is most com-
Surgical treatment may be warranted due to
mon in young athletes.41 This condition can
the frank instability of the injury.44
progress to spondylolisthesis, particularly be-
fore skeletal maturity.41 Plain radiographs ■ Tuberculosis of the Lumbar Spine
confirm the diagnosis; computed tomography (Pott’s Disease)
and magnetic resonance imaging demonstrate
Chief Clinical Characteristics
higher diagnostic accuracy. Indications for
This presentation involves insidious onset of
surgical interventions, such as decompressive
stiffness with pain over the involved vertebrae
laminectomy and fusion, include progressive
radiating into the buttock or lower extremity,
segmental instability, intractable pain, and de-
low-grade fever, chills, weight loss, and non-
velopment of neurological deficits.41,42
specific constitutional symptoms of varying
■ Systemic Fungal Infection of the duration.45 Weakness, nerve root compression,
Lumbar Spine and sensory involvement can be present to
varying degrees.
Chief Clinical Characteristics
This presentation can be characterized by lum- Background Information
bopelvic and hip pain associated with signs of This condition usually results from the spread
systemic infection, such as fever, anorexia, and of a pulmonary or other primary infection in-
malaise. Individuals with this condition may volving Mycobacterium tuberculosis. If the
present after a prolonged and varied course of disease affects one vertebral body, the interver-
antibiotics to address their symptoms. tebral disk may be spared. However, collapse of
the affected segment could occur due to
Background Information
impaired disk nutrition. Magnetic resonance
This condition is most common in immune-
imaging confirms the diagnosis. Treatment
compromised individuals, such as patients in
consists of antituberculosis medications,
intensive care, patients receiving chemotherapy,
which are effective 90% of the time, or surgery
patients with acquired immunodeficiency syn-
in more advanced cases.46
drome, and transplant recipients. This condi-
tion is most commonly due to Candida species ■ Uterine Fibroids
infection, although Aspergillus also may be a
Chief Clinical Characteristics
culprit organism. The infection is transferred
This presentation typically includes pelvic pain
from health care worker to patient by way of
and pressure, with possible neurogenic pain in
hand contact. Serum pathology and molecular
the thighs and lower legs due to impingement
techniques confirm the diagnosis and direct ap-
of the lumbosacral plexus. Symptoms and signs
propriate pharmacologic management.43
also may include abdominal distention, palpa-
■ Traumatic Spondylolisthesis ble evidence of a pelvic mass, heavy prolonged
menstrual cycles, bladder pressure leading to
Chief Clinical Characteristics constant urinary urgency, and constipation or
This presentation can be characterized by low back bloating due to pressure on the bowels.47
pain following severe trauma with possible
radiation to the thigh depending on affected Background Information
level, neurological deficits, and cauda equina These are common benign tumors that de-
syndrome.44 velop in the muscular walls of the uterus. First
detection usually occurs during routine gyne-
Background Information cological examination since most are asymp-
Local tenderness, swelling, and a palpable tomatic. Abdominal ultrasound confirms the
step-off between L5 and S1 are reported. diagnosis. If the fibroids are large enough to
1528_Ch19_316-352 07/05/12 1:52 PM Page 336
cause significant symptoms, treatment options considered if subchondral bone loss is exten-
will include surgical embolization or resection sive and the articular collapse is significant.
(myomectomy), as well as hysterectomy in
severe cases.47 ■ Brucellosis of the Hip
Chief Clinical Characteristics
Local This presentation can be characterized by a
■ Ankylosing Spondylitis gradual onset of nonspecific myalgias, fever,
malaise, and generalized hip or sacroiliac joint
Chief Clinical Characteristics pain.
This presentation may involve an insidious on-
set of low back and symmetric posterior hip Background Information
pain associated with a slowly progressive and This uncommon condition in the United
significant loss of general spinal mobility. States results from ingestion of bacteria that is
found in nonpasteurized milk or other in-
Background Information fected animal products. It is associated with
Symptoms may be worse in the morning and sacroiliac joint effusions that produce some
improve with light exercise. This condition is arthritic changes over time if left untreated.
more common in males, as well as people of Treatment includes antibiotics.
American indigenous descent, less than 40 years
of age, or who carry the human leukocyte anti- BURSITIS
gen B27.51 It also may be associated with fever,
■ Ischiogluteal Bursitis
malaise, and inflammatory bowel disease. The
diagnosis is confirmed with plain radiographs Chief Clinical Characteristics
of the sacroiliac joints and lumbar spine, which This presentation typically includes traumatic
reveal characteristic findings of sacroiliitis and or insidious onset of pain over the ischial
“bamboo spine.” Blood panels including ery- tuberosity with possible radiation to the pos-
throcyte sedimentation rate are useful to track terior thigh, worsened with palpation, active
disease activity. Treatment typically includes a hip extension, and sitting. This uncommon
combination of steroidal, nonsteroidal, and condition may be worsened with hip motion,
biological anti-inflammatory medications com- so the hip joint is sometimes erroneously
bined with physical therapy to address postural implicated as the source of symptoms.
and movement considerations associated with Background Information
changing spinal position. Ischiogluteal bursitis can result from a direct
■ Avascular Necrosis of the Hip injury to the bursa or from sitting for
prolonged periods on hard surfaces. Inflam-
Chief Clinical Characteristics mation of the bursa between the ischial
This presentation typically includes insidious tuberosity and proximal hamstrings causes
onset of groin and anterolateral thigh pain. this condition. Clinical examination con-
Background Information firms the diagnosis with additional certainty
This condition may be associated with sickle provided by magnetic resonance imaging.
cell anemia, femoral head or neck trauma, This condition is treated nonsurgically.
Gaucher’s disease, alcoholism, Caisson disease,
prolonged steroid use, irradiation, or preg- ■ Trochanteric Bursitis
nancy.48 It is characterized by articular collapse Chief Clinical Characteristics
of subchondral bone due to a lack of blood This presentation typically involves an insid-
supply. The femoral head is most likely to be ious onset of lateral hip, thigh, and buttock pain
involved. Up to 20% of individuals with this that is worsened with palpation, weight-bearing
condition have bilateral disease. Plain radi- activities, laying on the involved side, and
ographs confirm the diagnosis, but early detec- active/resisted hip abduction. Individuals
tion is difficult. Surgical decompression is typ- with this condition may note improvement ini-
ically performed to facilitate revascularization tially with walking, but return as they continue
of the femoral head. Hemiarthroplasty may be to walk. Symptoms from this condition may
1528_Ch19_316-352 07/05/12 1:52 PM Page 337
associated with crepitus over the greater Chief Clinical Characteristics
trochanter with hip motion. This presentation involves chronic widespread
Background Information joint and muscle pain defined as bilateral up-
Clinical examination confirms the diagnosis. per body, lower body, and spine pain, associated
This condition is treated nonsurgically. with tenderness to palpating 11 of 18 specific
muscle-tendon sites.
■ Cellulitis
Background Information
Chief Clinical Characteristics
Individuals with this condition will demon-
This presentation typically includes lateral hip
strate lowered mechanical and thermal pain
and thigh pain, associated with pain during
thresholds, high pain ratings for noxious stim-
activities involving compression of the superfi-
uli, and altered temporal summation of pain
cial tissues, as well as redness and warmth of the
stimuli.51 The etiology of this condition is un-
affected region.
clear; multiple body systems appear to be in-
Background Information volved. Indistinct clinical boundaries between
Individuals with this condition may have a low- this condition and similar conditions (eg,
grade fever, and complete blood count may chronic fatigue syndrome, irritable bowel syn-
show an elevated white blood cell count. Indi- drome, and chronic muscular headaches) pose
viduals following hip surgery are at particular a diagnostic challenge.51 This condition is
risk of developing this condition. Symptoms diagnosed by exclusion. Treatment will often
related to this condition may cause increasing include polypharmacy and elements to im-
difficulty with muscle activation about the prove self-efficacy, physical training, and cog-
hip, resulting in limited functional activities.49 nitive-behavioral techniques.52
Clinical examination confirms the diagnosis.
Treatment involves oral antibiotics and obser- FRACTURES (Fig. 19-2)
vation to ensure that the underlying infection
■ Acetabular Fracture
does not spread to adjacent tissues.
Chief Clinical Characteristics
■ Complex Regional Pain Syndrome This presentation can be characterized by
Chief Clinical Characteristics constant pain in the groin and thigh region
This presentation may include a traumatic with an acute inability to weight bear through
onset of severe chronic lower back pain accom- the pelvis or affected limb.
panied by allodynia and hyperalgesia, as well Background Information
as trophic, vasomotor, and sudomotor changes This condition results from acute, high-
in later stages. energy trauma involving axial loading of the
Background Information femur. The direction and magnitude of the
This condition is characterized by dispropor- force and position of the femoral head at im-
tionate responses to painful stimuli. It is a re- pact determine the pattern of injury. Ure-
gional neuropathic pain disorder that presents thral, uterine, and vaginal ruptures should
either without direct nerve trauma (Type I) or be considered, although bladder injury and
with direct nerve trauma (Type II) in any region clinically significant pelvic hemorrhage are
of the body.50 This condition may precipitate not routinely observed in individuals with
due to an event distant to the affected area. acetabular fracture unless a concomitant
Thermography may confirm associated sympa- pelvic ring injury is present. Concomitant
thetic dysfunction. Treatment may include phys- pelvic ring and extremity fractures are com-
ical therapy interventions to improve patient mon. Plain radiographs confirm the diagno-
and client functioning, biofeedback, analgesic or sis. The treatments for these fractures are ini-
anti-inflammatory medication, transcutaneous tially directed at stabilization of fracture
or spinal electrical nerve stimulation, and surgi- segments, eventually leading to restoration
cal or pharmacologic sympathectomy. of normal movement.53
1528_Ch19_316-352 07/05/12 1:52 PM Page 338
FIGURE 19-2 Fractures of the proximal femur and pelvis include (A) intertrochanteric fracture; (B) subtrochanteric
fracture; (C) femoral head fracture; (D) femoral neck fracture; (E) avulsion of sartorius or rectis femoris off the
anterior superior iliac spine; and (F) avulsion of hamstrings off the ischial tuberosity.
receive a clinical neurovascular examination, usually are present over an extended period
because the associated swelling may cause of time. Early stress fractures may cause only
compartment syndrome. Plain radiographs a minimal loss of hip range of motion and
confirm the diagnosis. Surgical stabilization limping often is absent.
of fracture segments may be necessary.
Background Information
■ Femoral Shaft Fracture Diagnostic delay may lead to fracture dis-
placement. Therefore, individuals who report
Chief Clinical Characteristics
acute changes in training intensity and vol-
This presentation typically includes a trau-
ume or pathology that weakens bone should
matic onset of severe circumferential pain
be suspected of this condition. Bone scan and
and swelling about the femur over the fracture
plain radiographs confirm the diagnosis.
site. Characteristic symptoms include dull
This condition is managed nonsurgically.
pain at rest, worsening with bearing weight,
active motion, and passive motion. Hip and ■ Gluteal Contusion
knee range of motion also may be limited as
a protective response. Chief Clinical Characteristics
This presentation includes a traumatic onset of
Background Information ecchymosis and pain that is worsened with sit-
Plain radiographs confirm the diagnosis. ting, resisted hip extension, and activities that
Immediate treatment for this condition in- engage the gluteal musculature.
cludes immobilization of the extremity by a
fracture brace or cast. Background Information
Individuals competing in sports and working
■ Intracapsular Femur Fracture industrial jobs are at elevated risk. This condi-
Chief Clinical Characteristics tion occurs when capillaries in the affected
This presentation may involve constant pain musculature rupture due to blunt trauma.
in the hip region following acute trauma. Pain Clinical examination confirms the diagnosis.
is worsened with weight bearing or hip range Treatment for this condition is usually nonsur-
of motion in any direction (see Fig. 19-2). gical, involving relative rest, protective
The femur is often positioned in excessive in- padding or bracing, gentle exercise, and physi-
ternal or external rotation. There is also short- cal modalities.
ening of the limb.
■ Gout
Background Information
Chief Clinical Characteristics
These fractures are usually associated with
This presentation involves a sudden onset of
high-energy forces in normal bone (eg, a fall
deep stabbing pain in the hip joint. Pain is wors-
from height) or low-energy forces in patho-
ened with weight bearing and is associated with
logical bone (eg, osteoporosis). Displaced
tenderness, warmth, and erythema of the super-
fractures may disturb the nearby neurovas-
ficial tissues.
cular bundle; patients suspected of this
condition should be screened for distal neu- Background Information
rological signs. Surgical treatment is aimed Increased prevalence is associated with ad-
at anatomical reduction and ensuring stabil- vanced age, male sex, and alcohol consumption
ity of the fracture segment, as well as the on a regular basis. This condition is less com-
decompression of the nerve if necessary. mon in the hip. It is caused by a metabolic defect
that results in overproduction of uric acid or a
■ Stress Fracture of the Femoral reduced ability to eliminate uric acid, allowing
Neck urate crystal deposition in affected joints. Blood
Chief Clinical Characteristics tests or microscopic examination of aspirated
This presentation typically includes an insid- synovial fluid confirms the diagnosis. Treatment
ious onset of deep groin pain that may radi- usually involves anti-inflammatory medication
ate to the knee. Symptoms are worsened with and diet changes to address this condition’s un-
standing, walking, running, and at night; they derlying metabolic dysfunction.
1528_Ch19_316-352 07/05/12 1:52 PM Page 340
Treatment includes the administration of an- affected limb’s shortened appearance is due to
tiviral agents as soon as the zoster eruption is the proximal migration of the dislocated
noted, ideally within 48 to 72 hours. If timing femoral head. Individuals suspected of this
is greater than 3 days, treatment is aimed at condition should be screened for neurovascu-
controlling pain and pruritus and minimiz- lar involvement, because the dislocated
ing the risk of secondary infection.57 femoral head often compresses the sciatic
nerve. This condition is a medical emergency.
■ Heterotopic Ossification
Chief Clinical Characteristics ■ Hip Osteoarthrosis/Osteoarthritis
This presentation can be characterized by groin Chief Clinical Characteristics
and lateral hip pain with active and passive This presentation typically includes medial, an-
movement, associated with decreased hip range terior, or lateral hip pain that may refer to the
of motion, reduced flexibility of the associated anteromedial thigh, characterized by increased
musculature, and progressively firmer palpable pain at end ranges of passive hip abduction and
mass. extension, and limping. This condition is the
most common cause of hip pain in people older
Background Information
than 50 years of age.59 It may be related to a prior
The palpable mass associated with this condi-
injury or begin insidiously over the course of
tion gradually becomes less tender and
many months or years.
smaller, but its density increases. It develops as
a result of direct soft tissue trauma (eg, blunt Background Information
force or total hip arthroplasty) or in associa- This condition involves degeneration of the
tion with various central nervous system dis- articular cartilage of the femoral head and ac-
orders (eg, traumatic brain injury, spinal cord etabulum. Radiographs confirm the diagnosis,
injury, poliomyelitis, or Guillain-Barré syn- typically revealing a loss of joint space, osteo-
drome). A previous history of this condition phytes, and subchondral bone cysts. Treatment
predisposes individuals to future occurrence. in mild to moderate stages involves lifestyle
This condition involves abnormal bone for- modification, exercises to maintain joint flexi-
mation within extraskeletal tissues.58 Radi- bility and strength, oral anti-inflammatory
ographs confirm the diagnosis. Surgical resec- medication, and corticosteroid injections. In
tion of heterotopic bone is associated with a cases of severe pain and functional limitation,
high recurrence rate for this condition, but the total joint arthroplasty is considered.
surgery results in reestablishing joint range of
motion and soft tissue flexibility. ■ Iliac Artery Aneurysm
Chief Clinical Characteristics
■ Hip Dislocation This presentation typically includes lower back,
Chief Clinical Characteristics abdominal, or groin pain with a pulsatile mass.
This presentation typically includes extreme Other symptoms may include lower extremity
pain with weight bearing and range of motion ischemia and erythema nodosum.
of the affected hip, as well as shortening of the
Background Information
affected lower extremity following a traumatic
This rare condition is more common in men
event and extreme pain. Individuals with hip
than women.60 It usually involves a defect in
dislocation will present with an acute inability
the wall of the common iliac artery. This con-
to walk or weight bear due to debilitating pain.
dition occurs when the tunica intima, tunica
They also may demonstrate external rotation
media, or tunica adventitia becomes struc-
of the affected lower extremity.
turally compromised due to various acquired
Background Information factors (eg, hypertension, cigarette smoking)
This condition involves escape of the femoral or congenital factors (eg, Marfan’s syn-
head from the acetabulum, usually in a superior- drome). Risk factors include arteriosclerosis,
posterior direction, due to a variety of acquired infection, lumbar or hip surgical trauma, and
factors (eg, trauma) or congenital factors (eg, pregnancy. Computed tomography or mag-
developmental dysplasia of the hip). The netic resonance angiography confirm the
1528_Ch19_316-352 07/05/12 1:52 PM Page 342
diagnosis. Elective open repair of the aneurysm the lateral lumbar region. Other symptoms
is considered when the risk of rupture ex- may include malaise, weight loss, or palpable
ceeds that of surgery.2 mass.
Chief Clinical Characteristics metastases account for 20% of cases.68 Symp-
This presentation may involve an insidious on- toms also may be related to pathological frac-
set of sharp, burning lateral hip and thigh pain ture in affected sites. Common primary sites
extending from the greater trochanter to the causing metastases to bone include breast,
lateral femoral condyle. prostate, lung, and kidney. Bone scan confirms
the diagnosis. Common treatments for metas-
Background Information tases include surgical resection, chemotherapy,
This condition may be associated with snap- radiation treatment, and palliation, depending
ping during hip motion and significant ten- on the tumor type and extent of metastasis.
derness to palpation of the iliotibial band. The
etiology of this condition involves chronic MUSCLE STRAINS
overuse. It may be associated with a positive ■ Adductor Strain
Ober test, although this finding itself is not Chief Clinical Characteristics
pathognomic. Clinical examination confirms This presentation may include pain in the
the diagnosis. This condition is typically medial thigh and proximally to the area of the
managed nonsurgically. pubic symphysis. This condition is common
among athletes who participate in sports re-
■ Labral Tear quiring high-speed changes in direction. Ad-
Chief Clinical Characteristics ductor strains are characterized by pain with
This presentation involves either insidious or palpation of the affected muscle and pain
traumatic onset of stabbing hip and groin pain, with resisted adduction.
worsened with weight bearing and associated
with a global decrease in hip range of motion. Background Information
This condition may be associated with a painful Radiographs can exclude fractures or avul-
clunk or snapping with hip passive range of sions. The usual treatment for this condition
motion. is nonsurgical.
hip extension stretching reproduce symptoms. weakness, limited knee jerk, and intact sen-
been identified. Chief Clinical Characteristics
This presentation may include unilateral me-
■ Ilioinguinal Nerve Entrapment dial thigh pain and paresthesias, worsened
Chief Clinical Characteristics with hip abduction or extension, and is asso-
This presentation may be characterized by ciated with hip adductor weakness. Individ-
an insidious onset of burning pain in the uals with this condition may walk with a
medial thigh that radiates to the scrotum or wide-based gait. Sensory loss may extend from
labia majora and is worsened with standing the midportion of the medial thigh to the re-
erect and hip motion. Abdominal surgery, gion distal to the knee. Medial thigh wasting
pregnancy, and asphericity of the femoral may be present, and the hip adductor tendon
head are risk factors for developing this reflex may be absent.
condition. Palpation medial to the anterior
superior iliac spine reproduces symptoms. Background Information
Transversalis and internal oblique paralysis Electromyography confirms the diagnosis.73
may be present, causing a small abdominal This condition is typically managed nonop-
bulge that may be confused with a hernia. eratively, and surgical intervention is re-
Perineal sensory loss also may be present. served for cases in which the exact anatomi-
cal location of the entrapment has been
Background Information identified.
Selective nerve blocks confirm this diag-
nosis.70 This condition is typically managed ■ Piriformis Syndrome
nonoperatively, and surgical intervention is
reserved for cases in which the exact Chief Clinical Characteristics
anatomical location of the entrapment has This presentation can include traumatic or in-
been identified. sidious onset of dull buttock pain with radia-
tion to the posterior thigh. This condition may
■ Meralgia Paresthetica be associated with limping and painful weak-
ness of hip musculature during resisted testing.
Chief Clinical Characteristics Palpation over the muscle and sciatic notch
This presentation can involve unilateral prox- usually results in symptom reproduction, as
imal lateral thigh pain and numbness, which well as active and passive hip external rotation.
is relieved with sitting and worsened with
standing and walking. Tapping over the Background Information
inguinal ligament or moving the hip into Radiating pain is caused by compression of
extension may also provoke the symptoms. the sciatic nerve by the inflamed piriformis.
Clinical examination confirms the diagnosis.
Background Information This condition is typically managed nonsur-
Focal compression of the lateral femoral gically, and surgical intervention is reserved
cutaneous nerve as it passes beneath the in- for severe cases in which certainty regarding
guinal ligament most commonly causes this the role of the piriformis as a site of com-
condition. Pregnancy, obesity, diabetes, and pression has been determined to be high.
tight-fitting clothes are among risk factors.
Less frequently, this condition may be ■ Osteitis Pubis
caused by blunt trauma, ischemia, or
Chief Clinical Characteristics
traction.72 Clinical examination and elec-
This presentation may involve a traumatic or
trodiagnostic studies confirm the diagnosis.
insidious onset of lower abdominal and supra-
Treatment for this condition includes re-
pubic pain that is worsened with walking and
moving the cause of the compression, which
hip abduction.
can include alteration of clothing as well as
weight loss. In more severe cases, nerve Background Information
blocks or surgical decompression may be Individuals presenting with this condition
warranted. may demonstrate a wide-based gait. This
1528_Ch19_316-352 07/05/12 1:52 PM Page 346
condition involves inflammation of the pubic tenderness and warmth to palpation, with sig-
symphysis following trauma, pelvic surgery, nificant increase in pain with activity and at
childbirth, or athletic overuse injuries. Its etiol- night, and with substantial and immediate
ogy is unclear. The diagnosis is confirmed with relief of pain with anti-inflammatory medica-
plain radiographs and technetium scan.74 This tion. This condition is more common in males
condition is managed nonsurgically with activ- than females, and it rarely presents in people
ity modification and gentle exercise. Surgical younger than 5 or older than 40 years of age.
intervention, including open reduction and in-
Background Information
ternal fixation of the pubic symphysis, are typ-
The pathology of osteoid osteomas includes
ically reserved for more active individuals and
abnormal production of osteoid and primitive
individuals with recalcitrant symptoms that
bone. The proximal femur is the most com-
fail to respond to nonsurgical interventions.
mon site for this tumor. Pain associated with
■ Osteoblastoma of the Hip this condition is self-limiting and may resolve
spontaneously over the course of 2 to 4 years.75
Chief Clinical Characteristics
This presentation can involve an insidious on-
set of deep and aching pain, typically in males ■ Osteomalacia
under 30 years of age. Pain associated with this Chief Clinical Characteristics
condition is not usually worse at night. This This presentation can involve diffuse bone pain
condition may rarely affect the pelvic bones, about the hip joint, associated with fatigue,
and the proximal femoral epiphysis is even less malaise, generalized bone pain, fractures due to
commonly affected. minor trauma, and possible joint deformity.
Background Information Background Information
This condition involves abnormal production This condition is analogous to rickets in chil-
of osteoid and primitive bone, although its spe- dren. It involves bone demineralization due to
cific etiology remains unclear. Biopsy and plain inadequate dietary intake of vitamin D, malab-
radiographs confirm the diagnosis. Computed sorption of vitamin D by the intestines, inade-
tomography is necessary to define the tumor quate exposure to the sunlight, renal deficien-
margins if surgical resection is considered. cies, and chronic use of anticonvulsant
medications. Radiographs and laboratory tests
■ Osteochondroma help confirm the diagnosis, revealing de-
Chief Clinical Characteristics creased mineralization of bone and low phos-
This presentation can be characterized by bone phorous level, respectively. Treatment typically
and joint pain that is usually only present when includes amelioration of contributing factors,
the lesion is mechanically stressed, typically in including diet modification and vitamin D
males less than 20 years of age. supplementation.
Background Information ■ Pigmented Villonodular Synovitis
This condition is asymptomatic in most cases. It
Chief Clinical Characteristics
can arise in any bone that undergoes enchon-
This presentation can include an insidious on-
dral ossification, but is most common around
set of mild discomfort and stiffness of the affected
the knee. Plain radiographs typically demon-
hip that is relieved by positioning the hip in
strate bony projections from the areas adjacent
passive hip flexion and external rotation. This
to growth plates. Treatment includes surgical
condition usually presents unilaterally.
excision only with significant and persistent soft
tissue irritation. If left untreated, lesions usually Background Information
do not metastasize but can continue to grow. Pigmented villonodular synovitis is a rare, be-
nign, idiopathic disorder of the synovium that
■ Osteoid Osteoma results in villous (nodular) formation in
Chief Clinical Characteristics joints, tendon sheaths, and bursae. This condi-
This presentation may include focal bone pain tion progresses slowly, although its long-term
at the site of the tumor that is associated with presence in the hip can result in femoral head
1528_Ch19_316-352 07/05/12 1:52 PM Page 347
erosions that lead to a degenerative condi- Pain due to this condition may be aggravated
tion.76 Clinical imaging confirms the diagno- with activity, causing limping.
sis. Treatment includes synovectomy and sub-
sequent radiation therapy. Background Information
This condition is frequently found in adoles-
■ Polymyalgia Rheumatica cents because of the active bone growth in
Chief Clinical Characteristics this age group. African American individuals
This presentation typically includes the acute on- are affected slightly more often than Cau-
set of proximal myalgias and stiffness involving casian individuals. Plain films confirm the
the neck, shoulders, pelvic girdle, and hips that diagnosis, typically revealing tumors near
is worse at night and with movement and asso- metaphyseal growth plates of the femur. This
ciated with fatigue, weight loss, fever, and sweats. condition can be especially fatal if metasta-
sized to the lungs. Treatment for this condi-
Background Information tion involves extensive surgical resection of
Pelvic girdle involvement usually causes pain the involved bone along with orthopedic
that radiates to the knee.77 Diagnosis is con- reconstruction.
firmed with blood panels that demonstrate an
elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate.77 ■ Pseudogout
This condition is associated with temporal Chief Clinical Characteristics
arteritis, which can cause blindness if un- This presentation includes a sudden onset of
treated, so urgent referral to a physician is nec- deep stabbing hip pain, worsened with weight
essary if this condition is suspected. Treatment bearing and hip passive range of motion, and
of this condition mainly includes the use of is associated with tenderness, warmth, and red-
low-dose oral prednisone in the morning.77,78 ness of overlying soft tissues.
PRIMARY BONE TUMOR OF THE Background Information
ACETABULUM OR PROXIMAL This condition is more common in older
FEMUR males than females. It is less common in the
■ Ewing’s Sarcoma hip joint. This condition’s presentation mimics
gout; however, calcium pyrophosphate dehy-
Chief Clinical Characteristics drate crystal deposits mediate its characteristic
This presentation includes anterior or lateral joint pain and articular cartilage destruction.
hip pain and swelling that persists for weeks Blood tests and microscopic examination of
or months, accompanied by intermittent aspirated synovial fluid confirm the diagnosis.
fevers. Individuals with this condition may Treatment usually involves medication to
report resting and night pain, and their symp- address this condition’s underlying metabolic
toms may be unchanged with activity. dysfunction.
Background Information
This condition is prevalent throughout the ■ Reiter’s Syndrome
life span, and is most common during the Chief Clinical Characteristics
first and second decades of life.79 It affects This presentation can involve pain and stiff-
Caucasian individuals more frequently than ness in the low back, sacroiliac, and poste-
African American and/or Asian American rior hip regions in the presence of conjunc-
individuals. Males are affected more often tivitis and urethritis.26 These patients will
than females. Treatment includes surgical re- have asymmetric distribution of pain be-
section of the involved bone. Nonsurgical in- tween the hips and will most certainly have
terventions usually fail to change symptoms some form of spinal discomfort associated
in individuals with this condition. with this condition.
■ Osteosarcoma Background Information
Chief Clinical Characteristics This condition also has been called a reactive
This presentation may involve an insidious on- arthritis because it may present after other
set of pain that persists for weeks or months. infections. Clinical examination confirms the
1528_Ch19_316-352 07/05/12 1:52 PM Page 348
joint pain/swelling affecting the hands, feet, the diagnosis and directs medical manage-
knees, and shoulders. ment, which involves a regimen of antibiotic
medication directed to the infective agent.
Background Information
This condition affects mostly women of ■ Sickle Cell Crisis
childbearing age. It is a chronic autoimmune
Chief Clinical Characteristics
disorder that can affect any organ system, in-
This presentation may involve bone pain about
cluding skin, joints, kidneys, brain, heart,
the hip joint, worsened by cold weather, overex-
lungs, and blood. The diagnosis is confirmed
ertion, dehydration, and being overly fatigued.
by the presence of skin lesions; heart, lung,
or kidney involvement; and laboratory Background Information
abnormalities including low red or white cell This condition involves abnormal red blood cell
counts, low platelet counts, or positive ANA morphology that causes them to become rigid
and anti-DNA antibody tests.33 Usual treat- and sticky, disrupting blood flow to bones, and
ment includes a variety of steroidal, nons- resulting in painful bone infarcts. This condi-
teroidal, and biological anti-inflammatory tion may cause complications in multiple organ
medications. systems, including stroke, skin ulcers, and
blindness. There is no cure for this condition;
■ Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction treatment is palliative and preventive.
Chief Clinical Characteristics
This presentation typically includes either an ■ Synovial Sarcoma
acute or insidious onset of buttock pain with Chief Clinical Characteristics
possible radiation to the groin, posterior thigh, This presentation can be characterized by pain
and lower leg. Sacral sulcus tenderness shows and tenderness in a long-standing soft tissue
high sensitivity but poor specificity for detect- nodule that has rapidly increased in size over a
ing individuals with this condition.81 short period of time. This uncommon condition
is typically found within 5 cm of the knee joints
Background Information
of people younger than 30 years of age.82
It is associated with articular and periarticular
nociception due to pathological joint mechan- Background Information
ics, although this theory remains contentious. Synovial sarcoma spreads along fascial planes,
A high index of suspicion for this condition is so the disease may be more widespread
warranted for individuals with excessive liga- than apparent on initial evaluation. Biopsy
mentous laxity (eg, pregnant women). Clinical confirms the diagnosis, and magnetic reso-
examination and selective joint blockade con- nance imaging shows the extent of spread.
firm the diagnosis. Imaging usually is unhelp- This condition is slow growing and locally
ful to confirm the diagnosis. This condition is aggressive. Its recurrence rate within 5 years is
managed nonsurgically. significant. Surgical resection of the tumor
and surrounding soft tissues is indicated.
■ Septic Arthritis of the Hip
Chief Clinical Characteristics ■ Systemic Fungal Infection
This presentation involves an insidious onset of Chief Clinical Characteristics
hip and groin pain with weight bearing and This presentation includes hip pain associated
movement, accompanied by possible fever and with signs of systemic infection, such as fever,
malaise. Overlying tissue is usually swollen anorexia, and malaise. Individuals with this
and inflamed, and this may extend to the an- condition may present after a prolonged and
terior and lateral thigh. varied course of antibiotics to address their
Background Information
Septic arthritis of the hip occurs by way of Background Information
bacterial, yeast, fungal, or viral infection of the This condition is most common in immune-
hip joint. Sepsis also can damage articular compromised individuals, such as patients in
cartilage, leading to osteoarthritis later in life. intensive care, patients receiving chemother-
Culture of aspirated synovial fluid confirms apy, patients with acquired immunodeficiency
1528_Ch19_316-352 07/05/12 1:52 PM Page 350
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1528_Ch19_316-352 07/05/12 1:52 PM Page 352
Osteoarthritis Guidelines. Arthritis Rheum. Sep 2000; 73. Busis NA. Femoral and obturator neuropathies. Neurol
Case Demonstration: Hip Pain
■ Alison R. Scheid, PT, DPT, OCS, NCS ■ Elizabeth M. Poppert, PT, DPT, MS, OCS
NOTE: This case demonstration was developed tendinosis.” He presented with a 1-year history
using the diagnostic process described in of hip pain that was originally diagnosed as
Chapter 4 and demonstrated in Chapter 5. The avascular necrosis of the femoral head of
reader is encouraged to use this diagnostic unknown etiology with subsequent surgical
process in order to ensure thorough clinical rea- replacement of the femoral head. Postsurgical
soning. If additional elaboration is required on therapy was discontinued after 1 month
the information presented in this chapter, please (patient self-discharged). However, the patient
consult Chapters 4 and 5. returned to therapy now due to his reports of
an inability to return to prior level of function,
THE DIAGNOSTIC PROCESS discomfort with simple daily activities, and,
although working, he was unable to resume
Step 1 Identify the patient’s chief concern.
full duties independently (climbing ladders
Step 2 Identify barriers to communication.
and on his feet more than 8 hours per day).
Step 3 Identify special concerns.
He described the pain as feeling “stiff and
Step 4 Create a symptom timeline and sketch
achy,” located mostly on the anterior and lateral
the anatomy (if needed).
area surrounding the right hip (not including
Step 5 Create a diagnostic hypothesis list
groin) and denied any pain or pathology of the
considering all possible forms of remote and
left lower extremity. He rated his minimum
local pathology that could cause the
pain as 0/10 and his maximal pain during the
patient’s chief concern.
last month at about 7/10 to 8/10. The morning
Step 6 Sort the diagnostic hypothesis list by
and evenings were the worst because he felt the
epidemiology and specific case
stiffest at these times. Pain did not usually wake
him up at night. His pain and stiffness started
Step 7 Ask specific questions to rule specific
immediately upon moving and took about 3 to
conditions or pathological categories less
4 minutes to decrease while weight bearing.
However, if he sat or laid down, the pain imme-
Step 8 Re-sort the diagnostic hypothesis list
diately decreased. He reported Advil had a mild
based on the patient’s responses to specific
effect on pain relief. Walking (especially trying
to take “longer/faster” steps and pain with the
Step 9 Perform tests to differentiate among
first several minutes of walking were the worst),
the remaining diagnostic hypotheses.
squatting, using the elliptical, and going up-
Step 10 Re-sort the diagnostic hypothesis list
stairs (more than down) all aggravated his pain.
based on the patient’s responses to specific
Recent radiographs were taken 1 month
prior to check placement of the femoral com-
Step 11 Decide on a diagnostic impression.
ponent and revealed mild degeneration at the
Step 12 Determine the appropriate patient
acetabulum, with stable componentry. Due to
a medical history of testicular cancer several
years ago, he received a computed tomography
scan of his abdomen and pelvis every
Case Description 6 months. The most recent was 4 months ago
and was clear for signs of cancerous changes.
CD was a 43-year-old male who was referred CD fractured his right tibial plateau 6 years
to physical therapy by an orthopedic surgeon ago, which was treated surgically, and he had
with a diagnosis of “right hip rectus femoris arthroscopic surgery 3 to 4 years ago to clean
1528_Ch20_353-361 07/05/12 1:52 PM Page 354
out the knee after the original surgery. The only neglect of a pathology not appropriate for
medication he took was Advil 3 to 4 times a day physical therapy intervention.
at the time of physical therapy evaluation. ● Report of limited physical therapy follow-
STEP #1: Identify the patient’s chief ing hip replacement. This report from the
concern. patient could have led to the therapist’s as-
sumption of unresolved mechanical factors
● Right hip pain
for chronic pain. His pain did not appear to
STEP #2: Identify barriers to be “new” and his limited function brought
communication. him back to physical therapy.
● Gender difference between patient and
therapist. When a male patient is evaluated STEP #3: Identify special concerns.
by a female physical therapist, the type of in- ● Relatively recent history of cancer
formation elicited from the history could be ● Avascular necrosis of unknown etiology
affected, both from the perspectives of the These factors raise the suspicion of cancer or
therapist’s questions and the type of infor- other pathology that would require additional
mation the patient may be willing to share. consultation with other health care providers.
● Negative tests and relatively young patient
age. Recent, negative imaging results STEP #4: Create a symptom timeline and
and relatively young age could have led to sketch the anatomy (if needed).
STEP #5: Create a diagnostic hypothesis STEP #6: Sort the diagnostic hypothesis
list considering all possible forms of list by epidemiology and specific case
remote and local pathology that could characteristics.
cause the patient’s chief concern.
Remote Remote
T Trauma T Trauma
Acute lumbar sprain/strain Acute lumbar sprain/strain (time course,
Disk disruption (with or without herniation) Disk disruption (with or without herniation)
(time course, presentation)
Facet syndrome Facet syndrome
Lumbar compression fracture Lumbar compression fracture (presentation,
age, no mechanism of injury)
1528_Ch20_353-361 07/05/12 1:52 PM Page 355
Co Congenital Co Congenital
Not applicable Not applicable
Ne Neurogenic/Psychogenic Ne Neurogenic/Psychogenic
Anxiety Anxiety (time course)
Depression Depression
Malingering Malingering (presentation, no apparent
external motives, return to work)
Munchausen’s syndrome Munchausen’s syndrome (presentation of
symptoms, medical attention not sought
for months)
Secondary gain Secondary gain (presentation, no external
Somatoform disorder Somatoform disorder
Local Local
T Trauma T Trauma
Fractures: Fractures:
• Extracapsular femur fracture • Extracapsular femur fracture (no
mechanism of injury; negative hip
• Fracture of femoral shaft • Fracture of femoral shaft (no mechanism
of injury; negative hip radiographs)
Hip dislocation Hip dislocation (no mechanism of injury;
negative hip radiographs)
Labral tear Labral tear (presentation: lack of groin pain
and clicking)
Iliac crest apophysitis Iliac crest apophysitis (location of
symptoms, patient age)
Iliotibial band friction syndrome Iliotibial band friction syndrome
Muscle strains: Muscle strains:
• Iliopsoas strain • Iliopsoas strain
• Quadriceps muscle strain • Quadriceps muscle strain
Nerve entrapments/neuropathy: Nerve entrapments/neuropathy:
• Femoral neuropathy • Femoral neuropathy
• Meralgia paresthetica • Meralgia paresthetica
Sports hernia Sports hernia
Trochanteric contusion Trochanteric contusion (no mechanism of
I Inflammation I Inflammation
Aseptic Aseptic
Complex regional pain syndrome Complex regional pain syndrome
Fibromyalgia Fibromyalgia
Gout Gout (time course)
Herpes zoster Herpes zoster
Polymyalgia rheumatica Polymyalgia rheumatica (age)
Pseudogout Pseudogout (time course, age)
Reiter’s syndrome of the hip Reiter’s syndrome of the hip
Rheumatoid arthritis of the hip Rheumatoid arthritis of the hip
Trochanteric bursitis Trochanteric bursitis
1528_Ch20_353-361 07/05/12 1:52 PM Page 357
Tendinitis: Tendinitis:
• Iliopsoas • Iliopsoas (time course)
• Rectus femoris • Rectus femoris (time course)
• Sartorius • Sartorius (time course)
• Tensor fasciae latae • Tensor fasciae latae (time course)
Septic Septic
Cellulitis Cellulitis
Herpes zoster Herpes zoster
Iliopsoas abscess Iliopsoas abscess (negative abdominal
computed tomographic scan)
Sepsis Sepsis
Tuberculosis of the hip Tuberculosis of the hip
M Metabolic M Metabolic
Transient osteoporosis of the hip Transient osteoporosis of the hip (proximal
femur replaced)
Va Vascular Va Vascular
Iliac artery aneurysm Iliac artery aneurysm (negative pelvic
computed tomography scan)
De Degenerative De Degenerative
Failure of arthroplasty component Failure of arthroplasty component (negative
radiographic findings)
Hip osteoarthrosis (osteoarthritis) Hip osteoarthrosis (osteoarthritis) (mild
radiographic changes)
Tendinoses: Tendinoses:
• Iliopsoas • Iliopsoas
• Rectus femoris • Rectus femoris
• Sartorius • Sartorius
• Tensor fasciae latae • Tensor fasciae latae
Tu Tumor Tu Tumor
Malignant Primary, such as: Malignant Primary, such as:
• Bone tumor of the acetabulum or femur • Bone tumor of the acetabulum or femur
(negative radiographic findings)
Malignant Metastatic, such as: Malignant Metastatic, such as:
• Metastases, including from primary • Metastases, including from primary
breast, kidney, lung, prostate, thyroid breast, kidney, lung, prostate, thyroid
disease, and testicular cancer disease, and testicular cancer
Benign, such as: Benign, such as:
• Pigmented villonodular synovitis • Pigmented villonodular synovitis
(negative radiographs; no femoral joint
Co Congenital Co Congenital
Not applicable Not applicable
Ne Neurogenic/Psychogenic Ne Neurogenic/Psychogenic
Not applicable Not applicable
1528_Ch20_353-361 07/05/12 1:52 PM Page 358
STEP #7: Ask specific questions to rule Fibromyalgia (no pain in multiple joints)
specific conditions or pathological Reiter’s syndrome of the lumbar spine (no
categories less likely. back pain)
● Have you been ill? No, ruling less likely Rheumatoid arthritis of the lumbar spine
forms of septic inflammation. (no back pain, patient sex, radiographic
● Do you have pain in the pelvis or groin?
No, decreasing likelihood of referral from Septic
primary abdominal or pelvic pathology, in- Herpes zoster (no rash)
cluding hernia. Septic discitis (no back pain)
● Have you gained or lost weight that you Tuberculosis of the lumbar spine (Pott’s
didn’t intend to gain or lose? No, ruling less disease) (no back pain)
likely metastatic disease. M Metabolic
● Do you have numbness, tingling, or weak- Not applicable
ness in your legs? No, which makes pathol-
Va Vascular
ogy affecting the lumbar spine and periph-
eral nervous system of the lower extremities Aortic arteriosclerosis (no abdominal pain)
less likely. Aortic artery aneurysm (no abdominal pain)
● Do you have pain in other joints? No, de-
Epidural hematoma (no back pain)
creasing the likelihood of lumbar involve- De Degenerative
ment and rheumatic disease. Degenerative spondylolisthesis (no back
STEP #8: Re-sort the diagnostic pain, no lower extremity neurological
hypothesis list based on the patient’s symptoms)
responses to specific questioning. Disk degeneration (no back pain, no lower
extremity neurological symptoms)
Spinal stenosis (no back pain, patient age,
Teaching Comment: Despite CD’s his- no lower extremity neurological
tory of cancer, it appeared he did not present symptoms)
with cardinal signs or symptoms of metasta- Spondylolysis (no back pain)
tic cancer or other serious pathology. CD had Tu Tumor
regularly scheduled oncological follow-up ap- Malignant Primary, such as:
pointments that included hip and pelvic im- • Bone tumor of the lumbar spine (no back
aging studies during the time symptoms pain)
were present, and his chronic symptoms re- • Spinal cord tumor (no lower extremity
mained consistent. Most lumbar and vascular neurological symptoms, no back pain)
pathologies were significantly less likely in the Malignant Metastatic, such as:
absence of low back pain during the months • Metastases, including from primary
of hip pain. His chronic pain appeared to be breast, kidney, lung, prostate, thyroid
consistent with local hip pathology. disease, and testicular cancer (no weight
Remote Not applicable
T Trauma Co Congenital
Facet syndrome (no back pain) Not applicable
Lumbar radiculopathy Ne Neurogenic/Psychogenic
I Inflammation Depression (absence of generalized
Aseptic symptoms)
Crohn’s disease (no abdominal pain) Somatoform disorder (absence of
Complex regional pain syndrome generalized symptoms)
1528_Ch20_353-361 07/05/12 1:52 PM Page 359
Local Co Congenital
T Trauma Not applicable
Iliotibial band friction syndrome
Muscle strains:
• Iliopsoas strain Teaching Comment: CD’s young age,
• Quadriceps muscle strain good overall health, and decreased likeli-
Nerve entrapments/neuropathy: hood of metastases from testicular cancer
• Femoral neuropathy with recent negative imaging results all con-
• Meralgia paresthetica (no lower extremity tributed to a continued search for other local
sensory symptoms) causes of hip pain. The rate of metastases
Sports hernia from testicular cancer to the hip/pelvic re-
gions is small, with rates of inguinal metas-
I Inflammation tases as low as 2%.1
Complex regional pain syndrome
Fibromyalgia (no pain in multiple body Ne Neurogenic/Psychogenic
regions) Not applicable
Herpes zoster
Reiter’s syndrome of the hip (no illness, no STEP #9: Perform tests to differentiate
pain in multiple joints) among the remaining diagnostic
Rheumatoid arthritis of the hip (no pain in hypotheses.
multiple joints, patient sex) ● Inspection. No signs of rash.
Trochanteric bursitis ● Lower extremity reflexes. 2+, decreasing
De Degenerative
Teaching Comment: Many of the local
Not applicable pathologies specific to hip arthroplasty were
Tu Tumor difficult to rule out based on the initial
Not applicable exam, but their prevalence has been re-
ported. In a study by Bhave and colleagues,2
Co Congenital
the rate of component malalignment was re-
Not applicable ported as 13%. Muscle contracture and
Ne Neurogenic/Psychogenic weakness was much more common, 28%
Not applicable and 47% respectively.
T Trauma STEP #11: Decide on a diagnostic
Iliotibial band friction syndrome (negative impression.
palpation) ● Tendinosis of the hip musculature vs. failure
Knee Pain
■ Della Lee, PT, DPT, OCS, ATC ■ Daniel Farwell, PT, DPT
T Trauma
Hip pathologies: Acute patellar dislocation 372 Not applicable
• Avascular necrosis 370 Patellofemoral pain
• Hip osteoarthrosis/ syndrome 380
osteoarthritis 370
Lumbar radiculopathies: Fractures: Fractures:
• L4 radiculopathy 370 • Intercondylar eminence fracture • Osteochondral fracture of the
• L5 radiculopathy 370 of the tibia 375 patella 376
• S1 radiculopathy 371 • Patellar fracture 376 • Patellar fracture 376
• Supracondylar fracture of the
femur 376
Patellar instability 380
1528_Ch21_362-391 07/05/12 1:53 PM Page 363
1528_Ch21_362-391 07/05/12 1:53 PM Page 364
Trauma (continued)
I Inflammation
Not applicable Not applicable Aseptic
• Infrapatellar bursitis 372
• Prepatellar bursitis 374
• Patellar tendinitis 385
• Quadriceps tendinitis 385
Not applicable
Not applicable Aseptic Aseptic
Fibromyalgia 375 Infrapatellar fat pad hypertrophy
Reiter’s syndrome 381 and inflammation (Hoffa’s
Rheumatoid arthritis of the disease) 377
knee 382 Plica syndrome 380
Septic Septic
Osteomyelitis of the distal femur, Not applicable
proximal tibia, or proximal
fibula 380
Septic arthritis 384
Not applicable Aseptic Not applicable
Complex regional pain
syndrome 374
Not applicable
M Metabolic
Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Not applicable Gout 376 Not applicable
Pseudogout 381
1528_Ch21_362-391 07/05/12 1:53 PM Page 365
Metabolic (continued)
Va Vascular
Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Not applicable Osteochondritis dissecans 379 Not applicable
Not applicable Arteriovenous malformation 372 Deep venous thrombosis 374
Hemarthrosis 377
Sickle cell crisis 384
De Degenerative
Not applicable Primary osteoarthrosis/ Tendinoses:
osteoarthritis 381 • Patellar tendinosis (“jumper’s
knee”) 386
• Quadriceps tendinosis 387
Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Tu Tumor
Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Not applicable Malignant Primary, such as: Not applicable
• Chondrosarcoma 387
• Osteosarcoma 388
• Parosteal osteosarcoma 388
1528_Ch21_362-391 07/05/12 1:53 PM Page 367
Tumor (continued)
Co Congenital
Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Ne Neurogenic/Psychogenic
Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Note: These are estimates of relative incidence because few data are available for the less common conditions.
Not applicable
such as ligamentous sprains, meniscal lesions, Occasionally, remote causes of knee pain that
and patellofemoral pain syndrome, are con- commonly occur may also be initially over-
sidered before the uncommon and rare looked by clinicians during an evaluation, such
causes of knee pain. as pathologies arising from the lumbar spine
One of the primary purposes of this and hip. Therefore, a secondary purpose of
chapter is to introduce diagnoses that may not this chapter is to reinforce a clinician’s knowl-
routinely be a part of the initial thought edge of the common causes of knee pain
process during an evaluation of knee pain. and to serve as a reminder to be cognizant of
1528_Ch21_362-391 07/05/12 1:53 PM Page 370
L2 L2 L2
S1 S1
L3 L3
L5 L5
L4 L4 L3
S2 L4 S2
L5 L5
A Anterior view
Posterior view
Femoral nerve
Obturator nerve (anterior cutaneous
Femoral nerve
(anterior cutaneous Obturator nerve
Lateral sural
Lateral sural cutaneous nerves
cutaneous nerves Saphenous nerve
in severe cases of lower extremity pain the buttock to the posterior aspect of the knee
accompanied by neurological signs. and extending posterolaterally from the knee
to the foot (see Fig. 21-1). Depending on the
■ S1 Radiculopathy severity, the presentation may also include a
Chief Clinical Characteristics decreased or absent Achilles tendon reflex and
This presentation typically includes pain in the motor loss in the muscles innervated by the
lumbar spine and paresthesias radiating from S1 nerve.
1528_Ch21_362-391 07/05/12 1:53 PM Page 372
Anterior view
Patellar and prepatellar region Suprapatellar region
•Anterior cruciate ligament • Osteosarcoma
tear/rupture • Osteoid osteoma
• Osteoarthrosis/ • Quadriceps tendon rupture
osteoarthritis • Quadriceps tendinopathy
• Patellar dislocation (tendonitis/tendinosis)
• Patellar fractures
• Patellofemoral Medial joint line
pain syndrome • Avascular necrosis
• Prepatellar bursitis of the tibial condyle
• Medial collateral
ligament tear
Lateral joint line • Medial meniscus tear
• Discoid meniscus and degeneration
• Iliotibial band • Osteoarthrosis/
friction syndrome osteoarthritis
• Lateral collateral • Plica syndrome
ligament tear
and degeneration Pes anserinus
• Lateral meniscus • Pes anserine bursitis
tear • Pes anserine
• Osteoarthrosis/ tendonitis/tendinosis
osteoarthritis Gerdy’s tubercle Infrapatellar region
• Iliotibial band • Infrapatellar bursitis
friction syndrome • Infrapatellar fat pad
hypertrophy and
A inflammation
Posterior view
Muscle strains:
• Gastrocnemius
(medial head)
Baker’s cyst
Deep vein
Muscle ruptures:
• Plantaris
• Popliteus
Popliteal artery
Hamstring tendinopathy Popliteus
Muscle strains: tendinopathy
• Gastrocnemius Posterior cruciate
(lateral head) ligament tear/
B • Biceps femoris rupture
FIGURE 21-2 Surface anatomy of selected local sources of knee pain, causing either (A) anterior knee
pain or (B) posterior knee pain.
1528_Ch21_362-391 07/05/12 1:53 PM Page 374
Bursae are structures lined by synovial tissue Bursae are structures lined by synovial
that produce a small amount of fluid that is tissue that produce a small amount of
essential in decreasing friction between fluid that is essential in decreasing friction
ligaments and tendons as they stretch over between ligaments and tendons as they
bony structures. With movement dysfunction stretch over bony structures. This condi-
involving the extensor mechanism or irrita- tion involves inflammation of the prepatel-
tion to the infrapatellar fat pad, the infrapatel- lar bursa, located just superficial to the
lar bursa may become enlarged, inflamed, anterior surface of the patella. Clinical
and painful. Pain is often associated with examination confirms the diagnosis. Treat-
hyperextension or extension overpressure. ment includes avoidance of kneeling and
Clinical examination confirms the diagnosis. inflammation control.
Treatment includes relative rest and inflam-
■ Complex Regional Pain Syndrome
mation control.
Chief Clinical Characteristics
■ Pes Anserine Bursitis This presentation may include a traumatic
Chief Clinical Characteristics onset of severe knee pain accompanied by
This presentation typically includes pain, allodynia, hyperalgesia, as well as trophic,
tenderness, and localized edema at the antero- vasomotor, and sudomotor changes in later
medial aspect of the knee (see Fig. 21-2). Pa- stages.
tients may report pain when ascending stairs Background Information
and tenderness to palpation at the insertion of This condition is characterized by dispropor-
site of the semitendinosus, gracilis, and sarto- tionate responses to painful stimuli. It is a
rius insertions. Activities that involve repeti- regional neuropathic pain disorder that
tive cutting or side-to-side stepping may also presents either without direct nerve trauma
result in pes anserine bursitis. (Type I) or with direct nerve trauma
(Type II) in any region of the body.10 This
Background Information
condition may precipitate due to an event
Bursae are structures lined by synovial tissue
distant to the affected area. Thermography
that produce a small amount of fluid that is
may confirm associated sympathetic dysfunc-
essential in decreasing friction between liga-
tion. Treatment may include physical therapy
ments and tendons as they stretch over bony
interventions to improve patient and client
structures. This condition involves inflam-
functioning, biofeedback, analgesic or anti-
mation of the pes anserine bursa, which typ-
inflammatory medication, transcutaneous or
ically is located approximately 4 cm below
spinal electrical nerve stimulation, and surgical
the joint line at the anteromedial aspect of
or pharmacologic sympathectomy.
the knee.7 Chronic bursitis has been associ-
ated with degenerative joint disease of the ■ Deep Venous Thrombosis
knee or rheumatoid arthritis.8,9 Clinical
examination confirms the diagnosis. Treat- Chief Clinical Characteristics
ment includes relative rest and inflammation This presentation involves unilateral edema,
control. pain, warmth, erythema, and tenderness in the
posterior knee and calf region. Reproduction of
■ Prepatellar Bursitis pain occurs with passive dorsiflexion of the foot
in full knee extension (Homan’s sign).
Chief Clinical Characteristics
This presentation may be characterized Background Information
by superficial edema and diffuse pain over the Primary risk factors associated with a deep
anterior aspect of the knee with palpation venous thrombosis include age, prolonged
(see Fig. 21-2). The mechanism of injury immobilization, childbirth within the last
typically involves repeated minor trauma or 6 months, surgery in the last 4 weeks, major
kneeling, inciting inflammation of the subcu- trauma, cancer treatment, hormone replace-
taneous bursa over the patella. ment therapy, and long car or airplane travel
1528_Ch21_362-391 07/05/12 1:53 PM Page 375
tion involves a blood clot (thrombus) that Chief Clinical Characteristics
develops in a deep vein, usually in the lower This presentation typically includes pain,
leg and thigh. A thrombus could interfere edema, locking, and catching. This condition
with circulation of the region, break off, and may involve a “snapping knee” or an audible,
embolize to the brain, lungs, and heart. palpable, or visible pop near terminal knee
Doppler ultrasound confirms the diagnosis. extension that most commonly presents in
Complications include severe tissue damage children.
and death, making this condition a medical
emergency. Background Information
A discoid meniscus is an anatomical variant
with a propensity for tearing and is most
TABLE 21-1 commonly present in the lateral meniscus.11,12
Does My Patient With Knee Pain Have Deep Magnetic resonance imaging confirms the
Venous Thrombosis? A Clinical Decision Rule for diagnosis. Surgical intervention usually is
Diagnosis required. The type of surgical intervention
depends on the nature of this condition.
Treatment options include partial or total
Activity cancer (treatment ongoing, 1 meniscectomies, meniscal stabilization, and
within previous 6 months, or palliative) saucerization.
Paralysis, paresis, or recent plaster 1
immobilization of the lower extremities ■ Fibromyalgia
Recently bedridden for > 3 days or 1 Chief Clinical Characteristics
major surgery within 4 weeks This presentation typically includes chronic
widespread joint and muscle pain defined as
Localized tenderness along the 1 bilateral upper body, lower body, and spine
distribution of the deep venous
pain, associated with tenderness to palpation
at 11 of 18 specific muscle-tendon sites. Individ-
Entire leg swelling 1 uals with this condition will demonstrate low-
Calf swelling by > 3 cm when 1 ered mechanical and thermal pain thresholds,
compared with the asymptomatic leg‡ high pain ratings for noxious stimuli, and
Pitting edema (greater in the 1 altered temporal summation of pain stimuli.13
symptomatic leg) Background Information
Collateral superficial veins 1 The etiology of this condition is unclear;
(nonvaricose) multiple body systems appear to be involved.
Alternative diagnosis as likely or -2 Indistinct clinical boundaries between this
greater than that of PDVT§ condition and similar conditions (eg, chronic
fatigue syndrome, irritable bowel syndrome,
*A score is obtained by summing all items that are judged and chronic muscular headaches) pose a diag-
to be present; score of ≤ 0 = low probability of PDVT;
score of 1 or 2 = moderate probability of PDVT; score of nostic challenge.13 This condition is diagnosed
≥ 3 = high probability of PDVT. by exclusion. Treatment will often include
†Tenderness along the deep venous system is assessed by polypharmacy and elements to improve
firm palpation in the center of the posterior calf, the self-efficacy, physical training, and cognitive-
popliteal space, and along the area of the femoral vein behavioral techniques.14
in the anterior thigh and groin.
‡Measured with a tape measure 10 cm below tibial
More common alternative diagnoses are cellulitis, calf ■ Intercondylar Eminence
strain, Baker’s cyst, or postoperative swelling. Fracture of the Tibia
Reprinted with permission from Wells PS, Anderson DR,
Bormanis J, et al. Value of assessment of pretest
Chief Clinical Characteristics
probability of deep-vein thrombosis in clinical This presentation typically includes pain,
management. Lancet. 1997;350[9094]:1795–1798. joint effusion, and the inability to bear weight.
1528_Ch21_362-391 07/05/12 1:53 PM Page 376
This condition is a peripheral arthritis that recruits. In runners, the pain often begins at a
results from the deposition of sodium urate predictable distance, is relieved when the knee
crystals in one or more joints. A variety of is maintained in full extension, and is aggra-
conditions, including renal disease, have been vated by repetitive knee flexion, specifically at
implicated as contributory, but most cases are 30 degrees of knee flexion.19 Factors that may
idiopathic. Gout most commonly affects the contribute to the development of this syn-
feet, ankles, hands, wrists, elbows, and knees. drome include sudden changes in training
This diagnosis is confirmed with microscopic volume, genu varus, decreased flexibility of the
study of synovial fluid aspirated from affected iliotibial band, hip abduction weakness, rear-
joints. Treatment involves medication to ame- foot varus, and pes cavus.19 Clinical examina-
liorate the underlying metabolic dysfunction. tion confirms the diagnosis. Treatment in-
volves nonsurgical interventions, such as
■ Hemarthrosis relative rest, exercise, and physical modalities
Chief Clinical Characteristics for symptom and inflammation control.
This presentation may involve joint effusion, pain
with motion and weight bearing, and a fixed ■ Infrapatellar Fat Pad
flexion deformity. The knee, ankle, and elbow Hypertrophy and Inflammation
are most susceptible to this condition.18 (Hoffa’s Disease)
Chief Clinical Characteristics
Background Information
This presentation includes pain, edema, and
Hemarthrosis is commonly associated with
tenderness over the anterior or medial aspect of
hemophilia, an X-linked hematologic disorder
the knee in the region of the patellar tendon.
characterized by a propensity to hemorrhage
Patients will report pain with end-range knee
due to the inability to produce clotting factors
extension. Palpation may reveal local tender-
VIII and IX. Acute bleeding increases the
ness and a hypertrophied infrapatellar fat pad.
pressure in the synovial cavity and bone mar-
row, which leads to severe pain and possible Background Information
avascular necrosis or pseudotumoral mass. Inflammation of the infrapatellar fat pad
Intra-articular hemorrhage may occur sponta- may result from the impingement of the fat
neously or result from insignificant trauma. pad in the tibiofemoral joint during knee
Diagnosis is confirmed with ultrasound, plain extension or from direct trauma.20 This diag-
radiographs, and magnetic resonance imaging. nosis may present as an acute or chronic con-
Treatment involves a combination of factor dition. Clinical examination confirms the di-
replacement, joint aspiration, rest (with or agnosis. Acute management includes rest and
without splinting), joint injections of radioac- inflammation control. In chronic conditions,
tive substances to control hemorrhage, and restoration of extension range of motion,
surgical joint replacements for end-stage strength, and quadriceps muscle flexibility
disease. should be emphasized.
■ Iliotibial Band Friction Syndrome ■ Lateral Meniscus Degeneration
Chief Clinical Characteristics Chief Clinical Characteristics
This presentation typically includes a gradual This presentation can involve localized pain in
and progressive onset of pain and localized ten- the region of the lateral joint line. Pain is wors-
derness over the lateral aspect of the knee that ened with squatting activities and ascending/
increases with activities involving repetitive descending stairs (see Fig. 21-2). Reports of
knee flexion (see Fig. 21-2). locking and catching are less common with
degenerative tears as opposed to acute trau-
Background Information
matic tears.
This condition is an inflammatory injury that
results from friction between the iliotibial Background Information
band and the lateral femoral condyle. It is This condition occurs when the collagen fibers
commonly observed among long-distance within the meniscus start to break down and
1528_Ch21_362-391 07/05/12 1:53 PM Page 378
cus. Age is a risk factor; 60% of individuals The skeletal system is the third most common
over the age of 65 present with this condi- site of metastatic disease.23 Symptoms also
tion.21 Degenerative tears may result from may be related to pathological fracture in
repetitive activities over time such as squatting affected sites. Common primary sites causing
and kneeling, but may also occur over time metastases to bone include breast, prostate,
secondary to trauma or previous history of lung, and kidney. Bone scan confirms the diag-
surgery. Magnetic resonance imaging confirms nosis. Common treatments for metastases in-
the diagnosis. Nonsurgical intervention is clude surgical resection, chemotherapy, radia-
commonly attempted first, and severe cases tion treatment, and palliation, depending on
may require partial or total knee replacements. the tumor type and extent of metastasis.
■ Medial Meniscus Degeneration MUSCLE STRAINS
Chief Clinical Characteristics ■ Biceps Femoris Muscle Strain
This presentation may include localized pain Chief Clinical Characteristics
in the region of the medial joint line. Patient This presentation can involve pain and ten-
reports pain with squatting activities and derness over the posterolateral thigh and knee,
ascending/descending stairs (see Fig. 21-2). with a history of sudden onset during activ-
Background Information ity. Symptoms include pain with resisted knee
Degenerative meniscal tears occur as part of flexion and passive knee extension. The biceps
the aging process when the collagen fibers femoris muscle is the most commonly injured
within the meniscus start to break down and muscle of the hamstring complex,24–26 often
lend less support to the structure of the menis- occurring in athletes who run, kick, and jump.
cus. Age is a risk factor; 60% of individuals Background Information
over the age of 65 have degenerative meniscal Injury is most likely to occur while the muscu-
tears.21 Degenerative tears may result from lotendinous junction undergoes maximum
repetitive activities over time such as squatting strain during an eccentric contraction of the
and kneeling, but may also occur over time hamstrings. A hamstring strain can occur dur-
secondary to trauma or previous history of ing an isolated event or result from persistent
surgery. Patients are less likely to report lock- repetitive stress. Ecchymosis and edema are
ing and catching with degenerative tears as typically present in second- and third-degree
opposed to acute traumatic tears. Diagnosis is strains. The diagnosis is confirmed on the
confirmed with magnetic resonance imaging. basis of clinical examination. Treatment in-
Degenerative tears are typically associated with cludes inflammation control and strength and
articular cartilage degeneration; therefore, flexibility exercises. Caution should be taken to
arthroscopic surgical outcomes may not be as avoid early aggressive stretching. Surgical inter-
successful as those for acute traumatic tears. vention is required only in the case of complete
Nonsurgical intervention is commonly at- rupture of the proximal or distal attachment.
tempted first. Severe cases may require partial
or total knee replacements. ■ Gastrocnemius Muscle Strain
■ Metastases to the Knee, Including Chief Clinical Characteristics
From Primary Breast, Kidney, This presentation may involve pain and ten-
Lung, Prostate, and Thyroid derness to palpation at the origin of the gas-
Disease trocnemius muscle and posterior calf. De-
pending on the severity of the injury, pain
Chief Clinical Characteristics
may radiate into the ankle. Symptoms are
This presentation typically includes unremitting
aggravated by passive ankle dorsiflexion and
pain in individuals with these risk factors: pre-
active ankle plantarflexion.
vious history of cancer, age 50 years or older, fail-
ure to improve with conservative therapy, and Background Information
unexplained weight change of more than This condition results from a forceful
10 pounds in 6 months.22 push-off with the foot. Tennis, jumping, hill
1528_Ch21_362-391 07/05/12 1:53 PM Page 379
running, and sprinting are commonly asso- crossed-legged, prolonged immobility in bed
ciated with this injury. The medial head of against bedrails or firm mattresses, trauma,
the gastrocnemius is most frequently in- squatting, crouching, kneeling, and idio-
volved. Clinical examination confirms the pathic origins. Dynamic entrapments also
diagnosis. Treatment includes rest, inflam- may occur during activities such as running.
mation control, gentle, pain-free ankle range The common peroneal nerve may be injured
of motion, use of a heel lift, and strength and at any location along the nerve; however,
flexibility exercises. Caution should be taken entrapment most frequently occurs at the
to avoid early, aggressive stretching. fibular head. The nerve may become com-
pressed under the fibrous arch in the region
■ Semimembranosus Muscle where the bifurcation of the nerve into its
Strain deep and superficial branches occurs.27,28 An
Chief Clinical Characteristics electrodiagnostic evaluation, including a
This presentation includes a sudden onset of nerve conduction velocity test and needle
pain and tenderness over the posteromedial electromyography, may confirm the diagno-
thigh and knee. Ecchymosis and edema are sis. Treatment is generally conservative;
more commonly present in second- and third- however, surgical decompression may be
degree strains. Symptoms include pain with indicated in recalcitrant cases in which
resisted knee flexion and passive knee exten- the anatomical site of entrapment is well
sion. Strains most commonly occur in ath- characterized.
letes who run, kick, and jump.
■ Saphenous Nerve Entrapment
Background Information Chief Clinical Characteristics
Injury is most likely to occur while the mus- This presentation involves pain and/or pares-
culotendinous junction undergoes maxi- thesias in the medial thigh and knee, tender-
mum strain during eccentric contraction of ness to palpation over the adductor canal,
the hamstrings. This condition can occur fol- and normal motor function of the affected
lowing an isolated event or persistent repeti- extremity. Symptoms include a deep ache that
tive stress. Clinical examination confirms the may radiate into the foot along the saphe-
diagnosis. Treatment usually includes inflam- nous nerve distribution. Symptoms are exac-
mation control, strength, and flexibility. erbated by prolonged walking or standing.
Caution should be taken to avoid early,
aggressive stretching. Surgical intervention is Background Information
required only in the case of complete rupture Entrapment typically occurs where the
of the proximal or distal attachment. saphenous nerve pierces the fascia of the
adductor canal, resulting in inflammation.
NERVE ENTRAPMENTS Mechanisms for saphenous nerve entrap-
■ Common Peroneal Nerve ment may be traumatic, nontraumatic, or
Entrapment at the Fibular Head iatrogenic (eg, following knee surgery or
Chief Clinical Characteristics saphenous vein harvest). Diagnosis may be
This presentation may be characterized by a confirmed with injection of local anesthetic.
partial or total loss of sensation in the distri- Symptoms typically improve following an
bution of the peroneal nerve. Weakness with injection with a local anesthetic and steroids
ankle dorsiflexion and extension of the toes and and avoiding aggravating activities. Neuroly-
a positive Tinel’s sign at the fibular head may sis or neurectomy may be performed if non-
also be present. surgical treatment fails in recalcitrant cases
in which the anatomical site of entrapment
Background Information is well characterized.29
Pain is an uncommon feature unless it is
related to the specific cause of the nerve ■ Osteochondritis Dissecans
entrapment, such as entrapment secondary Chief Clinical Characteristics
to soft tissue swelling and inflammation This presentation typically includes vague knee
from direct trauma. Causes include sitting pain and effusion without a history of recent
1528_Ch21_362-391 07/05/12 1:53 PM Page 380
380 Chapter 21 Osteomyelitis of the Distal Femur, Proximal Tibia, or Proximal Fibula
trauma. Pain increases with activity and patient knee may be present. Symptoms occur with
may report a history of locking or catching if a jumping, running, or quick changes in direction.
loose body is present.
Background Information
Background Information The most common mechanism of patellar dis-
This condition is a partial or total separation location is lower extremity internal rotation
of intra-articular bone fragment and/or artic- with combined knee valgus on a planted foot
ular cartilage without a history of specific (noncontact). Younger children and adoles-
trauma. It is associated with acute bone necro- cents are at greater risk for instability. A num-
sis. In adults and adolescents, these lesions are ber of risk factors are associated with patellar
classically located on the lateral aspect of the instability, including ligament laxity, decreased
medial femoral condyle.30 This diagnosis is strength and muscle mass, patella alta, in-
confirmed with plain radiographs, computed creased Q angle, increased femoral antever-
tomography, or magnetic resonance imaging. sion, iliotibial band tightness, and excessive
Treatment includes immobilization and rest; midfoot pronation. Treatment typically in-
however, surgical treatment may be indicated volves rehabilitation, although surgical inter-
if no progression toward healing is seen on vention is indicated if patellar instability con-
radiographs or if the lesion becomes unstable. tinues after rehabilitation, with concomitant
osteochondral lesions, if palpable disruption
■ Osteomyelitis of the Distal Femur, of the medial patellofemoral ligament-vastus
Proximal Tibia, or Proximal medialis obliquus-adductor mechanism
Fibula occurs, or if participation in high-level athlet-
Chief Clinical Characteristics ics is required.
This presentation involves local pain, edema, and
erythema with associated systemic findings such ■ Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome
as malaise, chills, night sweats, and an abrupt Chief Clinical Characteristics
onset of fever. This presentation involves pain in the anterior
aspect or deep inside the knee joint (see
Background Information
Fig. 21-2). Symptoms may begin insidiously or
This condition is an acute or chronic infection
following trauma. Patients report pain with
of bone secondary to infection with pyogenic
squatting, prolonged sitting, and ascending or
organisms. The two primary types of acute
descending stairs.
osteomyelitis are direct inoculation and
hematogenous. Direct inoculation osteomyelitis Background Information
primarily occurs in adults and is the result In the absence of trauma or acute inflamma-
of direct contact of tissue and bacteria tion, minimal effusion will be present and pain
during trauma or surgery. Hematogenous os- with palpation is often absent. The mechanism
teomyelitis is an infection caused by bacterial of injury can present acutely following an
seeding from the blood and most commonly episode of trauma to the knee joint (falling or
occurs in children. The diagnosis is confirmed any compressive force directly on the knee) or
with blood panels demonstrating elevated symptoms may develop over a prolonged
white blood cell count and plain radiographs. period of time (overuse from repeated run-
Treatment involves intravenous antibiotic ning or squatting activities). Treatment in-
therapy and surgical treatment of the lesion. volves relative rest, proximal lower extremity
muscle strengthening and flexibility exercises,
■ Patellar Instability and physical modalities for symptom control.
Chief Clinical Characteristics
This presentation includes vague anterior knee ■ Plica Syndrome
pain and swelling with a history of patellar Chief Clinical Characteristics
subluxations or reports of the knee “giving way.” This presentation typically includes an acute
A positive patellar apprehension test and onset of pain and tenderness just anterior and
palpable tenderness over the lateral condyle, medial to the joint line. Localized tenderness over
medial soft tissue, or the anterior aspect of the the medial femoral condyle and medial patella
1528_Ch21_362-391 07/05/12 1:53 PM Page 381
may be present. Patient may report snapping is the most common joint disease for middle-aged
between 50 and 70 degrees of knee flexion.20 and older individuals.32
Symptoms may mimic loose bodies, a meniscal
Background Information
lesion, or patellofemoral pain syndrome.
Primary osteoarthrosis/osteoarthritis involves
Background Information a progressive loss of articular cartilage, remod-
Plicae are redundant folds of synovium, eling and sclerosis of subchondral bone, and
located in the knee, that may become inflamed osteophyte formation. Risk factors include age,
and symptomatic as a result of direct trauma joint injury, excessive repetitive joint loading,
or overuse. There are three major types of and joint dysplasia.32 Plain radiographs con-
plica: the infrapatellar, suprapatellar, and firm the diagnosis. Nonoperative treatment
mediopatellar plicae. The mediopatellar plica may include inflammation control, patient
is most often implicated. Arthroscopy is the education for weight control, exercise (avoid-
gold standard for diagnosis of plica syn- ing high-impact activities), and foot orthoses.
drome.31 Nonsurgical intervention is typically In severe cases, osteotomy, arthroscopy,
initiated first, which includes patellar mobi- chondroplasty, or joint replacement may be
lization, stretching, and anti-inflammatory indicated.
medication. Surgical intervention to excise
the pathological plica is rare, but may be ■ Pseudogout
successful. Chief Clinical Characteristics
■ Popliteal Artery Occlusion This presentation includes warmth and ery-
thematous, tender, and asymmetrical edema
Chief Clinical Characteristics of the knee. This condition is characterized by
This presentation includes an acute onset of an insidious onset of symptoms over several
severe claudication, dependent rubor, absent days. The most commonly affected joints are
ankle pulses, and decreased temperature to the knees, wrists, and shoulders.
palpation distally.
Background Information
Background Information Many cases are idiopathic; however, pseudo-
In severe chronic conditions, pain at rest, gout also has been associated with aging,
cyanosis, or a nonhealing ischemic ulcer may trauma, and metabolic abnormalities such as
be present. This condition is caused by hyperparathyroidism and hemochromatosis.
trauma, atherosclerosis, emboli, popliteal This condition involves joint inflammation
artery aneurysm, cystic adventitial disease, and caused by calcium pyrophosphate crystals and
popliteal entrapment syndrome. Patients at is often referred to as calcium pyrophosphate
risk include elderly patients and patients with disease. This diagnosis is confirmed with
diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular disease. microscopic study of synovial fluid aspirated
Diagnosis is confirmed with angiography, from affected joints. Treatment involves med-
ultrasonography, and the ankle brachial index. ication to ameliorate the underlying metabolic
Surgical and nonsurgical treatment of an arte- dysfunction.
rial occlusion depends on the cause of the
occlusion, with interventions ranging from ■ Reiter’s Syndrome
drug therapy to bypass surgery. Chief Clinical Characteristics
■ Primary Osteoarthrosis/ This presentation may be characterized by joint
Osteoarthritis pain and stiffness, involved with a classic triad
of arthritis, urethritis, and conjunctivitis.
Chief Clinical Characteristics
Disease incidence peaks during the third decade
This presentation typically includes joint pain,
of life, with a male-to-female ratio of 5:1.33
stiffness, and radiographic evidence of articu-
lar cartilage degeneration. Other signs and Background Information
symptoms may include limited range of This condition is typically preceded by either
motion, intermittent aching associated with an episode of dysentery or infectious arthritis,
activity, or constant deep pain. This condition and individuals with the HLA-B27 genetic
1528_Ch21_362-391 07/05/12 1:53 PM Page 382
makeup are at greater risk. Asymmetric During varus stress testing, pain with no
arthropathy involving the knee, ankle, foot, joint laxity is a Grade I (stretch) injury.
and sacroiliac joint is common. It is generally a Laxity with a firm end-feel is a Grade II
self-limiting disease that typically resolves in (partial tear) injury and no firm end-feel is a
3 to 4 months. However, it is common for Grade III (complete tear) injury.34 Clinical
approximately half of all patients to have examination and magnetic resonance imag-
recurring symptoms. Medications are used in ing confirm the diagnosis. Grade I, II, and III
the treatment of the disease and physical ther- injuries are managed nonsurgically.34,35
apy intervention should be targeted toward Surgical repair may be necessary to address
restoration of range of motion, flexibility, and associated meniscal or combined ligament
strength. tears.
■ Rheumatoid Arthritis of the Knee ■ Lateral Meniscus Tear
Chief Clinical Characteristics Chief Clinical Characteristics
This presentation includes morning stiffness This presentation may involve pain, lateral
and generalized pain throughout multiple joints joint line tenderness, and reports of catching,
in a symmetric distribution, with possible ten- clicking, and locking (see Fig. 21-2). Mild joint
derness and swelling of affected joints. Women line effusion is present and pain or a palpa-
are twice as likely to be affected as men. ble click may be provoked with McMurray’s
and Apley’s compression tests.
Background Information
Symptoms associated with this progressive Background Information
inflammatory joint disease are caused by syn- Mechanism of injury involves an acute, non-
ovial membrane thickening and cytokine pro- contact rotatory force with the knee flexed
duction in synovial fluid. Articular cartilage and the foot planted. Meniscal compromise
erosion, synovial hypertrophy, and constant leads to increased stress on the articular
joint effusion eventually cause bony erosions cartilage and early degenerative changes.
and joint deformities that have a significant Magnetic resonance imaging confirms this
impact on daily function.50 Younger age of diagnosis.36–38 Tears located in the periph-
onset is associated with a greater extent of dis- eral one-third of the meniscus respond well
ability later. Plain radiographs and blood tests to surgical intervention. Some researchers
confirm the diagnosis. Treatment typically in- advocate that tears in the middle one-third
cludes a variety of steroidal, nonsteroidal, and zone also be repaired.39,40
biological anti-inflammatory medications.
■ Medial Collateral Ligament
■ Lateral Collateral Ligament Chief Clinical Characteristics
Sprain/Rupture This presentation includes pain, localized
Chief Clinical Characteristics edema along the medial aspect of the knee, and
This presentation involves pain, localized medial joint line tenderness (see Fig. 21-2).
edema along the lateral aspect of the knee, and Pain and/or laxity is present with valgus stress
lateral joint line tenderness (see Fig. 21-2). Pain testing at 30 degrees of knee flexion. This in-
and/or laxity is present with varus stress jury generally results in minimal effusion and
testing at 30 degrees of knee flexion. This in- pain with walking; however, it also may cause
jury generally results in minimal effusion and difficulty with running and cutting.
pain with walking; however, the patient may
report difficulty with running and cutting Background Information
activities. Mechanism of injury involves a valgus stress
applied to the knee, such as a direct blow to
Background Information the lateral aspect of the knee. The incidence
Mechanism of injury is typically from a of medial meniscus tears increases with
varus stress applied to the knee, such as a increased severity of the sprain because of its
direct blow to the medial aspect of the knee. attachment to the medial collateral ligament.
1528_Ch21_362-391 07/05/12 1:53 PM Page 383
With valgus stress testing, pain with no joint Rupture of the plantaris muscle rarely occurs
laxity is a Grade I injury (stretch). Laxity in isolation and is most commonly associ-
with a firm end-feel is a Grade II injury ated with strain of the medial head of the
(partial tear) and no firm end-feel is a gastrocnemius.41,42 The diagnosis is con-
Grade III injury (complete tear).34 Clinical firmed by magnetic resonance imaging. This
examination and magnetic resonance imag- condition is typically treated nonsurgically.
ing confirm the diagnosis. Tears located in When surgical intervention is indicated, the
the peripheral one-third of the meniscus retracted muscle is resected.41
respond well to surgical intervention. Some
researchers advocate that tears in the middle ■ Popliteus Tendon Rupture
one-third zone also be repaired.39,40 Chief Clinical Characteristics
This presentation involves acute, lateral joint
■ Medial Meniscus Tear line and posterolateral knee pain and
Chief Clinical Characteristics decreased range of motion. Acute symptoms
This presentation can be characterized by may be associated with a crack or pop at the
pain, medial joint line tenderness, and time of the injury and difficulty bearing
reports of catching, clicking, and locking (see weight on the affected limb.
Fig. 21-2). Mild joint line effusion is present
Background Information
and pain or a palpable click may be provoked
Mechanism of injury involves a rapid exter-
with McMurray’s and Apley’s compression
nal rotation of the tibia with the knee in a
tests. Mechanism of injury involves an acute,
flexed and fixed position; however, rupture
noncontact rotatory force with the knee flexed
may also occur without a history of
and the foot planted.
trauma.43 Isolated ruptures of the popliteus
Background Information tendon are rare. This condition occurs more
The medial meniscus is more commonly in- frequently with posterolateral corner injuries
jured than the lateral meniscus because it is in which there is concomitant disruption of
less mobile.39 This condition often is associ- the arcuate ligament complex, the lateral
ated with medial collateral ligament injuries collateral ligament, the anterior/posterior
because of its rigid attachment to the liga- cruciate ligaments, or the menisci.44 The
ment and the joint capsule. Meniscal diagnosis is confirmed with magnetic reso-
compromise leads to increased stress on the nance imaging. Intervention requires surgi-
articular cartilage and early degenerative cal reattachment of the ruptured tendon.
changes. Magnetic resonance imaging con-
firms the diagnosis.36–38 Typically, tears ■ Posterior Cruciate Ligament
located in the peripheral one-third of the Sprain/Rupture
meniscus respond well with surgical inter- Chief Clinical Characteristics
vention. Some researchers advocate that This presentation typically includes pain,
tears in the middle one-third zone also be edema, and tenderness in the region of the
repaired.39,40 popliteal fossa. Positive posterior sag sign
of the tibia with the hip and knee flexed to
■ Plantaris Muscle Rupture 90 degrees and a positive posterior drawer
Chief Clinical Characteristics test may be present.
This presentation may include pain, tender-
Background Information
ness, the presence of a hematoma, and retrac-
Mechanism of injury is typically from a
tion of the muscle over the proximal, postero-
hyperextension force or a direct anterior
medial aspect of the calf. A “pop” in the calf
blow to the knee in a flexed position. This
is commonly experienced. This condition
condition occurs with falls onto a flexed
results from a forceful push-off with the foot.
knee with the foot in plantarflexion, causing
Background Information the tibial tubercle to contact the ground first,
Tennis, jumping, hill running, and sprinting and in motor vehicle accidents resulting
are commonly associated with this injury. from contact with the dashboard. Magnetic
1528_Ch21_362-391 07/05/12 1:53 PM Page 384
resonance imaging confirms the diagnosis. Treatment includes antibiotic therapy and
Even complete ruptures are not usually aspiration. Surgical intervention may be
repaired surgically. necessary in cases that do not respond to
■ Quadriceps Tendon Rupture
Chief Clinical Characteristics ■ Sickle Cell Crisis
This presentation typically involves acute, Chief Clinical Characteristics
severe pain over the anterior aspect of the This presentation includes an acute, severe on-
knee and the inability to actively extend the set of pain and limited range of motion that may
knee. Superior dislocation of the patella and be associated with fever, cold weather, dehy-
hemarthrosis often result immediately. A dration, infection, and physical/psychological
palpable gap in the suprapatellar region may stress in individuals with sickle cell anemia.46
be present, although this is often masked by
Background Information
hemarthrosis. This condition is frequently
An acute exacerbation of the signs and symp-
observed in patients older than 40 years of
toms associated with sickle cell disease is
age and in patients with comorbid medical
known as a crisis. There are four patterns of an
conditions, such as metabolic disease, obesity,
acute crisis based on their location: bone crisis,
and long-term steroid use.45
acute chest syndrome, abdominal crisis, and
Background Information joint crisis. During a bone crisis, the tibia,
Mechanism of injury is often associated with femur, and humerus are commonly involved
a strong concentric contraction of the and single or multiple joints may be affected.
quadriceps in association with forced flexion This condition is a group of inherited disor-
of the knee. Diagnosis is confirmed with ders with abnormalities caused by hemoglobin
magnetic resonance imaging. Incomplete S. This condition typically is associated with
ruptures are typically managed nonsurgi- pain due to tissue infarction and/or worsening
cally with the knee immobilized in full ex- anemia. Diagnosis of a crisis is confirmed
tension for 6 weeks followed by protected with plain radiographs and magnetic reso-
range of motion and strengthening once the nance imaging. This condition is a medical
patient is able to exhibit good quadriceps emergency.
control and perform a straight leg raise with
minimal discomfort. Surgical repair is indi- ■ Spontaneous Avascular Necrosis
cated for complete ruptures. of the Medial Femoral
Condyle/Proximal Tibia
■ Septic Arthritis Chief Clinical Characteristics
Chief Clinical Characteristics This presentation can be characterized by a
This presentation may involve severe aching sudden onset of severe medial knee pain that is
pain, edema, erythema, stiffness, general exacerbated by weight-bearing activities and fre-
malaise, and fever. The fever may be low grade quently present at rest and worst at night. This
and there also may be a restriction to active condition most commonly occurs after the sixth
and passive range of motion. decade of life, and women are affected three
times more frequently than men.47–51
Background Information
Common risk factors include rheumatoid Background Information
arthritis, immunodeficiency, intravenous drug This condition is the result of circulatory
use, and joint replacement. This condition impairments to an area of bone that result in
involves inflammation of the synovial mem- infarct due to either primary vascular insuffi-
brane with purulent effusion into the joint ciency, minor trauma, or repetitive insults,
capsule, usually due to bacterial infection. leading to microfractures in the subchondral
In adults, septic arthritis most commonly bone. Unilateral involvement dominates and
affects the knee. The diagnosis is confirmed by lesions most frequently are observed at either
elevated white blood cell count and erythro- the medial femoral condyle or the medial
cyte sedimentation rate and needle aspiration. tibial plateau.47–49,51,52 The diagnosis is
1528_Ch21_362-391 07/05/12 1:53 PM Page 385
This diagnosis may be managed nonsurgically Chief Clinical Characteristics
with protective weight bearing, inflammation This presentation typically includes acute
control, and strengthening of the quadriceps pain, tenderness, and edema localized an-
and hamstring muscles. When surgical inter- teromedially (see Fig. 21-2). Patient reports
vention is required, treatment options are pain with ascending stairs and tenderness to
arthroscopy, tibial osteotomy, osteochondral palpation at the insertion of site of the three
grafts, core decompression, unicondylar knee tendons that comprise the pes anserine group
arthroplasty, and total knee arthroplasty. (semitendinosus, gracilis, and sartorius).
TENDINITIS Background Information
■ Hamstring Tendinitis Pain is typically located approximately 4 cm
below the joint line at the anteromedial
Chief Clinical Characteristics
aspect of the knee.7 This diagnosis is often
This presentation involves acute, localized
observed in long-distance runners.53 Symp-
pain, tenderness, and edema over the involved
toms may mimic or be associated with pes
tendon. Symptoms include pain with resisted
anserine bursitis. Treatment includes rest,
knee flexion and passive knee extension. His-
control of inflammation, orthotic therapy,
tory is usually significant for repetitive ham-
and strengthening to reduce stress on the
string muscle strains.
medial structures of the knee.
Background Information
This condition most commonly occurs in ■ Popliteus Tendinitis
athletes who run, kick, and jump. Clinical Chief Clinical Characteristics
examination and magnetic resonance imag- This presentation involves acute pain, ten-
ing confirm an acute inflammation of the derness, and edema over the posterolateral
hamstring tendon. Treatment includes rest, aspect of the knee and along the proximal
inflammation control, and improving mus- course of the popliteal tendon. Activities that
cle flexibility of the quadriceps and ham- require frequent deceleration, such as down-
string muscles. hill running or hiking, may produce and
exacerbate symptoms. Reproduction of symp-
■ Patellar Tendinitis toms occurs with resisted tibial external rota-
Chief Clinical Characteristics tion at 90 degrees of knee flexion.
This presentation may be characterized by Background Information
acute, localized pain and edema at the infe- Overuse or fatigue of the quadriceps may
rior pole of the patella (origin), the tibial lead to inflammation of the popliteus mus-
tubercle (insertion), or the patellar tendon culotendinous unit, causing overuse of the
itself (see Fig. 21-2). Pain is most often local- popliteus musculotendinous unit.54 Mag-
ized at the insertion of the patellar tendon and netic resonance imaging confirms the diag-
onset is typically insidious; however, most nosis. Treatment includes rest and control of
patients may relate a period of onset with inflammation.
increased activity or sport. Patient reports
pain with squatting and jumping activities. ■ Quadriceps Tendinitis
Chief Clinical Characteristics
Background Information
This presentation may involve acute pain, ten-
Mechanism of injury is most often from
derness, and edema on the anterior aspect of the
repetitive eccentric overload of the knee in
thigh, just along the superior border of the
flexion ranges, resulting in microscopic
patella (see Fig. 21-2). Patient reports pain with
destruction of the patellar tendon. Magnetic
eccentric or concentric quadriceps contractions.
resonance imaging confirms the diagnosis.
Treatment includes rest, inflammation con- Background Information
trol, and improving muscle flexibility of the This condition typically results from repetitive
quadriceps and hamstring muscles. hyperextension of the hip or a combination of
1528_Ch21_362-391 07/05/12 1:53 PM Page 386
hip extension and knee flexion. Injury is degeneration and the disordered, haphazard
most often associated with athletic activity, healing of collagen with vascular ingrowth.55
such as running and jumping. Diagnosis is Clinical examination, ultrasonography, and
confirmed with magnetic resonance imag- magnetic resonance imaging confirm this
ing. Treatment includes rest, inflammation diagnosis. Present research supports the use
control, and improving muscle flexibility of of eccentric exercise to reduce pain and facil-
the quadriceps and hamstring muscles. itate return to sport in chronic cases.57,58
TENDINOSES ■ Pes Anserine Tendinosis
■ Hamstring Tendinosis Chief Clinical Characteristics
Chief Clinical Characteristics This presentation typically includes a history
This presentation includes a history of chronic of chronic pain and tenderness localized an-
pain and tenderness over the involved ten- teromedially (see Fig. 21-2). Patient reports
don with the absence of inflammation. Symp- pain when ascending stairs and tenderness
toms include pain with resisted knee flexion to palpation at the insertion of site of the
and passive knee extension. History is usually three tendons that comprise the pes anserine
significant for repetitive hamstring muscle group (semitendinosus, gracilis, and sarto-
strains. rius). Pain is typically located approximately
4 cm below the joint line at the anteromedial
Background Information aspect of the knee.7 This diagnosis is often
This condition most commonly occurs in observed in long-distance runners.53
athletes who run, kick, and jump. Tendinosis
is characterized as noninflammatory intra- Background Information
tendinous collagen degeneration and the Tendinosis is characterized as noninflamma-
disordered, haphazard healing of collagen tory intratendinous collagen degeneration and
with vascular ingrowth.55 Clinical examina- the disordered, haphazard healing of collagen
tion, ultrasonography, and magnetic reso- with vascular ingrowth.55 Clinical examina-
nance imaging confirm this diagnosis. A tion, ultrasonography, and magnetic reso-
combination of patient/client education, nance imaging confirm this diagnosis. Treat-
unloading the affected musculotendinous ment includes rest, control of inflammation,
unit, controlled mechanical reloading, and orthotic therapy, and strengthening to reduce
preventive measures appear effective to stress on the medial structures of the knee.
manage this condition.56
■ Popliteus Tendinosis
■ Patellar Tendinosis (“Jumper’s Chief Clinical Characteristics
Knee”) This presentation can be characterized by a
Chief Clinical Characteristics chronic history of pain over the posterolateral
This presentation may include a history of aspect of the knee and tenderness along the
chronic pain at the inferior pole of the patella proximal course of the popliteal tendon. Re-
(origin), the tibial tubercle (insertion), or the production of symptoms occurs with resisted
patellar tendon itself (see Fig. 21-2). Pain is tibial external rotation at 90 degrees of knee
most often localized at the insertion of the flexion.
patellar tendon and onset is typically insidi-
Background Information
ous; however, most patients may relate a
Overuse or fatigue of the quadriceps may
period of onset with increased activity or
lead to inflammation of the popliteus mus-
sport. Patient reports pain with squatting and
cle, causing overuse of the popliteus muscu-
jumping activities.
lotendinous unit.54 Thus, activities that
Background Information require frequent deceleration, such as down-
Mechanism of injury is most often from hill running or hiking, may produce and
repetitive eccentric overload of the knee in exacerbate symptoms. Tendinosis is charac-
flexion ranges. Tendinosis is characterized as terized as noninflammatory intratendinous
noninflammatory intratendinous collagen collagen degeneration and the disordered,
1528_Ch21_362-391 07/05/12 1:53 PM Page 387
haphazard healing of collagen with vascular imaging studies including plain radiographs,
ingrowth.55 Clinical examination, ultra- bone scan, and magnetic resonance imaging.
sonography, and magnetic resonance imag- Treatment consists of curettage, en bloc
ing confirm this diagnosis. A combination resection, and radiation therapy.60
of patient/client education, unloading the
affected musculotendinous unit, controlled ■ Chondrosarcoma
mechanical reloading, and preventive meas- Chief Clinical Characteristics
ures appears to be effective for managing this This presentation includes pain that is dull in
condition.56 character, has been present for months, and
may be worst at night. When the tumor is
■ Quadriceps Tendinosis
located near a joint, effusion and limited
Chief Clinical Characteristics range of motion may be present.
This presentation includes a history of chronic
pain on the anterior aspect of the thigh, just Background Information
along the superior border of the patella, with- This condition is a malignant tumor of carti-
out signs of inflammation (see Fig. 21-2). Pa- laginous origin, in which the tumor matrix
tient reports pain with eccentric or concentric formation is entirely chondroid in nature
quadriceps contractions. and may arise within the medullary canal or
in the periphery as either a primary or sec-
Background Information ondary lesion. Tumors are most commonly
Quadriceps tendinosis typically results from found in the pelvis, femur, humerus, ribs,
repetitive hyperextension of the hip or a scapula, sternum, and spine. The proximal
combination of hip extension and knee flex- metaphysis is more frequently involved than
ion. Injury is most often associated with ath- the distal end of the bone. This type of tumor
letic activity, such as running and jumping. is generally unresponsive to chemotherapy,
Tendinosis is characterized as noninflamma- thus treatment involves surgical resection.
tory intratendinous collagen degeneration
and the disordered, haphazard healing of ■ Ganglion Cysts
collagen with vascular ingrowth.55 Clinical Chief Clinical Characteristics
examination, ultrasonography, and magnetic This presentation involves a nonpainful or
resonance imaging confirm this diagnosis. minimally painful soft tissue mass. Pain, click-
A combination of patient/client education, ing and locking, decreased range of motion,
unloading the affected musculotendinous and effusion are commonly present with
unit, controlled mechanical reloading, and intra-articular cysts.
preventive measures appears to be effective
for managing this condition.56 Background Information
This condition frequently is found at the in-
TUMORS sertion sites of ligaments, near the region of
■ Chondroblastoma the epiphysis, and may result from minor
trauma or be congenital in origin. Intra-
Chief Clinical Characteristics articular cysts typically present with greater
This presentation typically includes nonspe- losses of range of motion compared to in-
cific pain, edema, local tenderness to palpa- traosseous cysts.61 Diagnosis is confirmed by
tion, decreased range of motion, and joint plain radiographs and magnetic resonance
stiffness. This condition most commonly pres- imaging. Aspiration or surgical excision may
ents between the ages of 10 and 20 years, with be necessary in some cases; however, most
a male-to-female ratio of 2:1.59 cysts do not require surgical intervention.
Background Information
This condition arises from the development ■ Giant Cell Tumor
of a benign neoplasm of cartilaginous ori- Chief Clinical Characteristics
gin. It is typically found in the epiphysis or This presentation can be characterized by
apophysis of long bones in younger individ- pain and tenderness but the tumor is typically
uals. Diagnosis is confirmed with biopsy and asymptomatic.
1528_Ch21_362-391 07/05/12 1:53 PM Page 388
If pain is present, it may be the result of an condition is self-limiting and may resolve
associated inflammatory response. This con- spontaneously over the course of 2 to
dition involves benign, locally aggressive 4 years, but surgical excision also may be
bone tumors that occur between the ages of effective.66
20 and 40 years and affects females more
often than males.62 They are frequently ■ Osteosarcoma
found in the epiphysis of long bones, with Chief Clinical Characteristics
the majority located at the distal femur and This presentation may involve localized pain,
proximal tibia. Giant cell tumors are charac- soft tissue swelling or mass, muscle atrophy,
terized by their locally aggressive behavior. and decreased knee range of motion.
Diagnosis is confirmed by plain radiographs
Background Information
and computed tomography. Treatment may
This condition is the most common bone
include radiation therapy, intralesional
malignancy. It is more common in males
curettage with and without bone graft or in-
than females, with a peak incidence in the
sertion of polymethylmethacrylate, cryother-
second decade of life.67 The most com-
apy, and surgical resection.
monly affected sites are the distal femur,
■ Osteochondroma proximal tibia, and proximal humerus.
Diagnosis is confirmed with a biopsy. This
Chief Clinical Characteristics
type of tumor is generally unresponsive
This presentation involves a palpable mass
to chemotherapy, thus treatment involves
that is typically painless. This condition is
surgical resection.
typically asymptomatic, but a decrease in
range of motion may present depending on the ■ Parosteal Osteosarcoma
location of the lesion.
Chief Clinical Characteristics
Background Information This presentation can be characterized by an
This condition is the most common benign insidious onset of pain, edema, decreased
tumor of bone that originates near the ends range of motion, and a palpable mass.
of long bones and typically grows away
Background Information
from the joint. They generally occur as single
This condition is a variant of osteosarcoma
lesions, with most occurring at the knee.63,64
and is often found in the metaphysis of long
Plain radiographs confirm the diagnosis; this
bones; it is present on the posterior aspect of
condition often is incidentally detected
the distal femur in 75% of cases.68 The lesion
while examining films obtained for another
arises from the surface of the bone and has a
reason. Treatment generally involves surgical
tendency to encircle the bone. Radiographi-
resection of the lesion.
cally, parosteal osteosarcoma is characterized
■ Osteoid Osteoma by a large, dense, lobulated mass broadly
attached to the underlying bone without
Chief Clinical Characteristics
involvement of the medullary canal. Diagno-
This presentation may include localized pain,
sis is confirmed with biopsy and imaging
often greatest at night, and adjacent soft tis-
studies, including plain radiographs, mag-
sue edema. Classically, pain is readily relieved
netic resonance imaging, and computed
by aspirin.
tomography. Wide excision of the lesion
Background Information is the preferred treatment and there is nor-
This condition is a benign skeletal neoplasm mally no role for chemotherapy.
of unknown etiology that is composed of
osteoid and woven bone and is most fre- ■ Pigmented Villonodular
quently found in young children and adoles- Synovitis
cents.65 It is usually found in the long bones Chief Clinical Characteristics
of the lower extremity, particularly the prox- This presentation may involve diffuse, recur-
imal femur. The diagnosis is confirmed with rent edema that is initially pain free, repeated
1528_Ch21_362-391 07/05/12 1:53 PM Page 389
progressive and insidious onset of pain, Chief Clinical Characteristics
palpable nodules, and decreased range of This presentation may include a dull, deep pain
motion. Symptoms may include locking and that is accompanied by a slowly enlarging
catching. mass. Vague pain may occur for months with-
Background Information out a mass being appreciated. Tumors located
This condition is a benign, proliferative near the joint may also result in decreased
pathology of unknown etiology that affects range of motion.
synovial tissue. It results in various degrees Background Information
of villous and/or nodular changes in the This condition is a malignant mesenchymal
joint, with the knee being the most com- neoplasm that arises from soft tissue, repre-
monly involved.69–72 The two forms of the senting 10% of all soft tissue sarcomas and
disorder are diffuse and focal. The diffuse most commonly affecting the lower extrem-
form involves large joints and the entire syn- ities of young adults.75 Diagnosis is con-
ovial lining, resulting in destructive changes firmed with biopsy and imaging studies
to the joint. The focal form involves small including plain radiographs, computed
joints, such as the hands and feet, and results tomography scan, and magnetic resonance
in mechanical symptoms such as locking and imaging. Treatment includes a combination
catching. Diagnosis is confirmed with plain of chemotherapy and surgical resection.
radiographs and magnetic resonance imag-
ing. Treatment includes synovectomy and
subsequent radiation therapy. References
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1528_Ch22_392-416 07/05/12 1:53 PM Page 392
Lower Leg Pain
■ Jason R. Cozby, PT, DPT, OCS
Anterior Lateral
lower Medial Anterior
leg lower lower
leg leg
Anterior Anterior
T Trauma
Lumbar radiculopathies: Not applicable Fractures:
• L4 radiculopathy 400 • Stress fracture of the tibia 405
• L5 radiculopathy 400 • Tibia 405
• S1 radiculopathy 400 Shin splints:
• Posteromedial shin splints 411
1528_Ch22_392-416 07/05/12 1:53 PM Page 393
Anterior Anterior
Medial lower lower
lower leg leg
Posterior Posterior
1528_Ch22_392-416 07/05/12 1:53 PM Page 394
Trauma (continued)
Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
I Inflammation
Not applicable Aseptic Aseptic
Delayed onset muscle soreness Tendinitis:
secondary to exercise 403 • Tibialis posterior tendinitis 413
Septic Septic
Cellulitis 402 Infectious periostitis 406
Erythema nodosum 404
Not applicable Aseptic Aseptic
Complex regional pain Tendinitis:
syndrome 403 • Tibialis anterior tendinitis 413
Gas gangrene 405
Nodular panniculitis 409 Septic
Osteomyelitis of the tibia 410
Erysipelas 404
Not applicable Aseptic Not applicable
Erythema induratum 404
Necrotizing fasciitis 408
Nonclostridial myositis 409
M Metabolic
Not applicable Distal symmetric polyneuropathy, Not applicable
including from acquired
immunodeficiency syndrome,
alcohol/drug abuse,
carcinoma, diabetes mellitus,
and kidney failure 404
1528_Ch22_392-416 07/05/12 1:53 PM Page 395
Aseptic Aseptic
Tendinitis: Tendinitis:
• Peroneal tendinitis 413 • Achilles tendinitis 412
Septic Septic
Not applicable Not applicable
Aseptic Aseptic
Paratenonitis of the extensor tendons of the Achilles paratenonitis 401
foot and toes 410
Tendinitis: Septic
• Extensor digitorum longus tendinitis 412 Not applicable
• Extensor hallucis longus tendinitis 413
Not applicable
Aseptic Aseptic
Not applicable Inflammatory muscle disease 406
Septic Septic
Pyomyositis 410 Pyomyositis 410
1528_Ch22_392-416 07/05/12 1:53 PM Page 396
Metabolic (continued)
Va Vascular
Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Not applicable Acute femoropopliteal arterial Compartment syndromes:
occlusion 401 • Distal deep posterior
Sickle cell crisis 411 compartment syndrome 402
Skin ulcers: Greater saphenous vein
• Arterial or hypertensive thrombophlebitis 405
ulcers 412
• Systemic vasculitis with
ulceration 412
Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
De Degenerative
Baker’s cyst 399 Not applicable Tendinoses:
• Tibialis posterior tendinosis 415
Not applicable Not applicable Tendinoses:
• Tibialis anterior tendinosis 415
Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Tu Tumor
Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
1528_Ch22_392-416 07/05/12 1:53 PM Page 397
Tendinoses: Tendinoses:
• Peroneal tendinosis 414 • Achilles tendinosis 413
Tumor (continued)
Co Congenital
Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Ne Neurogenic/Psychogenic
Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Fear and avoidance 400 Not applicable Not applicable
Psychological effect of Not applicable Not applicable
complex regional
pain syndrome 400
Note: These are estimates of relative incidence because few data are available for the less common conditions.
Overview of Lower Leg Pain trauma accounts for many of the potential di-
agnoses, multiple peripheral nerves and blood
The lower leg is subject to internal trauma as vessels traverse the region and therefore diag-
a result of ground reaction forces, stress noses may also be related to vascular compro-
from the powerful muscle attachments in the mise, a peripheral nerve compression, or sys-
region, or forces that may occur to correct de- temic disease. The lower leg is often an end
ficiencies at the foot, ankle, or hip. These defi- target site for multiple disease processes, so
ciencies may be weakness, congenital anom- even if mechanical trauma is associated with
alies, limitations in flexibility, or decreased the presentation, diagnosis should consider all
range of motion, to name a few. Although potential possibilities.
1528_Ch22_392-416 07/05/12 1:53 PM Page 399
may precipitate due to an event distant to and/or burning pain as a result of an occlusion
the lower leg and foot, followed by signifi- lower leg and foot, followed by significant
bearing weight on the affected lower extremity The lower legs and feet are primarily
or muscle contraction, but also may be present affected, but involvement of the arms and face
at rest. also is common.13
Background Information Background Information
This condition is caused by muscle damage This condition results from a superficial inter-
and immune response following exercise at an digital fungal infection with lymphatic in-
unaccustomed intensity and duration. Clinical volvement. Blood tests and pathological stain-
examination confirms the diagnosis. Blood ing techniques confirm the diagnosis and
panels may reveal increased serum creatine ki- guide medical management. Antibiotic med-
nase levels, which usually begin to increase 24 ications directed toward the underlying
to 48 hours following exercise. Rare complica- infective agent comprise the typical treatment
tions may include rhabdomyolysis or myoglo- for this condition.
binuria. This condition is usually self-limiting, ■ Erythema Induratum
but can respond favorably to gentle flexibility
exercises. Chief Clinical Characteristics
This presentation can involve brown or blue
■ Distal Symmetric Polyneuropathy, subcutaneous nodules on the lower leg that may
Including From Acquired be accompanied by painful ulcerations that are
Immunodeficiency Syndrome, present for a significant length of time. Necro-
Alcohol/Drug Abuse, Carcinoma, sis or plaques also may be present.
Diabetes Mellitus, and Kidney Background Information
Failure This condition is a dermatological disorder
Chief Clinical Characteristics that is most common to the calf. Diagnosis is
This presentation may be characterized by de- confirmed with biopsy of the nodules or ulcer-
creased distal deep tendon reflexes, as well as pain, ations. This condition may be treated with rest
dysesthesia, or paresthesia in the feet and toes. in combination with a polypharmaceutical an-
Background Information tibiotic approach. Intralesional corticosteroids
Peripheral neuropathy is one of the more com- to address inflammation also may be necessary.
mon complications in patients presenting with ■ Erythema Nodosum
acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, dia-
betes, renal failure, hypothyroidism, toxins, Chief Clinical Characteristics
malignancy, and malnutrition. It is character- This presentation can include pretibial pain,
ized by retrograde axonal degeneration, so this edema, and arthralgia that may be associated
condition commonly progresses from distal to with knee or ankle pain. Characteristic findings
proximal. Electromyographic studies and include bilateral red subcutaneous nodules that
biopsy confirm the diagnosis. Vibration and may resemble bruises in the early stages, later
light touch sensation (10-g Semmes Weinstein changing to a darker brown. Systemic signs of
monofilament) tests are useful to assess protec- infection often include fever and malaise.
tive sensation. Curative treatment of this con- Background Information
dition remains controversial, so the focus of in- This condition most commonly appears in in-
tervention typically includes patient education dividuals ranging from 20 to 40 years of age.
to maintain blood glucose control and care for Upper respiratory infections are the common
the insensate regions to prevent progression source of infection in children, while strepto-
and complications secondary to this condition. coccal and sarcoidal infections are the com-
mon causes in adults. Diagnosis is often one of
■ Erysipelas exclusion. Diagnosis may be assisted with
Chief Clinical Characteristics determination of the causative agent. Also,
This presentation may include tenderness, shiny many individuals presenting with this condi-
and red erythema, induration, vesicles, bullae, and tion often have an elevated erythrocyte
possibly lymphadenopathy. Fever, chills, and sedimentation rate. This condition often
malaise are common signs of systemic involvement. resolves spontaneously along with treatment of
1528_Ch22_392-416 07/05/12 1:53 PM Page 405
the underlying infection, although anti- swelling, ecchymosis, crepitus, and pain with
triad of intimal damage, stasis, and changes in directed to the infective agent.
blood composition7; it usually occurs due to
trauma to the vein or surrounding tissue, but ■ Inflammatory Muscle Disease
also may present spontaneously. Saphenous Chief Clinical Characteristics
venous thrombosis is correlated with hyperco- This presentation includes a gradual onset of
agulability.15 Computed tomography, magnetic mild muscle pain associated with proximal
resonance angiography, and Doppler ultra- muscle weakness that causes difficulty with
sonography confirm the diagnosis. It is a med- daily activities such as walking, ascending
ical emergency because of the risk for propaga- and descending stairs, and rising from chairs.
tion of the thrombus to the lungs. Background Information
■ Hematoma of the Calf This condition describes a group of patholog-
ically, histologically, and clinically distinct dis-
Chief Clinical Characteristics orders: polymyositis, dermatomyositis, and in-
This presentation can involve pain, swelling, clusion body myositis. They may be associated
tenderness to palpation, and occasional ecchy- with other collagen, vascular, and immune dis-
mosis with symptoms very similar to throm- orders. Although proximal extremity weakness
bophlebitis. Pain is aggravated with bearing is a classic finding, up to 50% also demonstrate
weight on the affected lower extremity, muscle distal weakness that may be equally as severe.16
contraction, and passive ankle dorsiflexion. Blood panels help confirm the diagnosis and
Symptoms may have an abrupt or gradual on- track disease activity, revealing elevated serum
set, depending on the nature of the bleed. levels of creatine phosphokinase. Treatment
Background Information typically involves steroidal, nonsteroidal, and
Intercompartmental pressure may elevate to biological anti-inflammatory medications.
the level of a compartment syndrome, causing
neuralgia or ischemia. This condition is caused ■ Malnutrition
by muscle tear, fracture, direct blunt trauma, Chief Clinical Characteristics
or rupture of the lower extremity vasculature. This presentation typically includes muscle
The clinical examination in combination with cramps and muscular pain that more often
magnetic resonance or ultrasound imaging affect the calf musculature. Systemic signs may
confirms the diagnosis. This condition may be include lethargy, mental and physical fatigue,
managed with evacuation of the hematoma apathy, impaired learning ability, diminished
and rest. immune system function, and delayed healing
■ Infectious Periostitis
Background Information
Chief Clinical Characteristics
Morphological changes are observed in the
This presentation may be characterized by
later stages. Etiology includes starvation, alco-
aching to severe pain with tenderness and
holic malnutrition, inadequate diet, eating dis-
edema of the infected bone. Suppuration may
orders, or imbalanced diet. Hypomagnesemia
be present and an individual with this condi-
and hyponatremia are common causes of the
tion will often exhibit systemic signs of infection,
muscular symptoms. Clinical and biochemical
such as fever, chills, and fatigue.
tests confirm the diagnosis. Treatment in-
Background Information cludes amelioration of diet.
This condition involves a chronic infection of
the periosteum from a hematogenous source ■ Metastases to the Lower Leg,
or trauma to the affected region. Not all cases Including From Primary Breast,
of periostitis are the result of an infection; Kidney, Lung, Prostate, and
therefore, the diagnosis is confirmed by radi- Thyroid Disease
ographic imaging revealing necrosis of the af- Chief Clinical Characteristics
fected bone and bone scan revealing increased This presentation typically includes unremitting
uptake. This condition is usually managed pain in individuals with these risk factors:
1528_Ch22_392-416 07/05/12 1:53 PM Page 407
assessed through an individual’s history and sites reserved for cases in which the site of
the posterior calf, posterolateral ankle, or the drainage that can be stained as free fat. Skin le-
2 to 4 years.23 Pain relief also may be achieved or distance, change of shoe, tightness in the
by surgical removal of the tumor. shoe laces over the tendons, midtarsal joint hy-
perostosis, or tightness of the posterior calf
■ Osteomyelitis of the Tibia muscles. Differentiation among extensor ten-
Chief Clinical Characteristics dons can be achieved by passive stretching and
This presentation typically involves localized active contraction of the specific muscles.
tenderness, warmth, erythema, swelling, and Clinical examination confirms the diagnosis.
systemic signs of infection such as weight loss and Usual treatment is nonsurgical.
fatigue. The toes may present with a “sausage
toe” deformity.
■ Posterior Tibial Vein Thrombosis
Chief Clinical Characteristics
Background Information This presentation may include calf pain, tender-
This condition is an inflammation and necrosis ness, lower extremity swelling, cramping,
of bone as a result of an infection. The calcaneus erythema, palpable warmth, engorged veins,
is the most common site of infection in the sometimes a low-grade fever, and pain poten-
foot, followed by the metatarsals, tarsals, and tially along the course of the vein. The throm-
then the phalangeal bones. Biopsy, magnetic bosis can affect superficial or deep veins, but the
resonance imaging, and histology confirm the popliteal and calf veins are more commonly
diagnosis and guide medical intervention.24 affected.
Treatment may involve an aggressive regimen of
antibiotic medications, with surgical resection Background Information
of affected areas potentially necessary. Venous thrombosis may be effort induced or
spontaneous. This condition involves throm-
■ Osteosarcoma bosis and inflammation of the involved vein.
Chief Clinical Characteristics The etiology of this condition is associated
This presentation may be characterized by an with Virchow’s triad of intimal damage,
insidious onset of pain that persists for weeks or stasis, and changes in blood composition7; it
months. Pain due to this condition may be usually occurs due to trauma to the vein or
aggravated with activity, causing limping. surrounding tissue, but also may present
spontaneously. Homan’s sign, D-dimer assay
Background Information measurement, computed tomography, mag-
This condition is frequently found in adoles- netic resonance angiography, and Doppler ul-
cents because of the active bone growth in this trasonography confirm the diagnosis.25,26
age group. African American individuals are This condition is a medical emergency be-
affected slightly more often than Caucasian cause of the risk for propagation of the
individuals. This condition can be especially thrombus to the lungs.
fatal if metastasized to the lungs. Plain films
confirm the diagnosis. Treatment includes ■ Pyomyositis
chemotherapy and surgery to remove the Chief Clinical Characteristics
cancerous cells or tumors. This presentation often involves cramping pain
and edema with early-stage induration, fol-
■ Paratenonitis of Extensor lowed by increased pain and edema in the later
Tendons of the Foot and Toes stages. Systemic signs of infection may include
Chief Clinical Characteristics fever, chills, and sometimes diaphoresis. Leuko-
This presentation includes pain, possible cytosis is common. Abscess formation due to
swelling, erythema, and tenderness to palpation Staphylococcus aureus infection often follows
over the anterior ankle and may include crepi- muscle tissue trauma.
tus with active or passive movements if the
Background Information
tendon sheaths are inflamed.
Risk factors include poorly controlled diabetes
Background Information mellitus, presence of a contiguous bone or soft
This condition usually occurs with a sudden tissue infection, malnutrition, or a compro-
onset following increases in walking intensity mised immune system. Diagnosis is confirmed
1528_Ch22_392-416 07/05/12 1:53 PM Page 411
by the clinical examination, computed tomogra- tibia. The pain usually lessens following
■ Extensor Hallucis Longus the eccentric loading of the tendon and mus-
15. Hanson JN, Ascher E, DePippo P, et al. Saphenous vein 27. King RJ, Laugharne D, Kerslake RW, Holdsworth BJ.
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16. Lotz BP, Engel AG, Nishino H, Stevens JC, Litchy WJ. In- 28. Slocum DB. The shin splint syndrome. Medical aspects
clusion body myositis. Observations in 40 patients. and differential diagnosis. Am J Surg. Dec 1967;114(6):
Brain. Jun 1989;112(Pt 3):727–747. 875–881.
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Finding cancer in primary care outpatients with low netic resonance imaging in stress fractures and shin
back pain: a comparison of diagnostic strategies. J Gen splints. Clin Orthop. Apr 2004(421):260–267.
Intern Med. 2001;16(1):14–23. 30. Michael RH, Holder LE. The soleus syndrome. A cause
18. Holman PJ, Suki D, McCutcheon I, Wolinsky JP, Rhines of medial tibial stress (shin splints). Am J Sports Med.
LD, Gokaslan ZL. Surgical management of metastatic Mar–Apr 1985;13(2):87–94.
disease of the lumbar spine: experience with 139 pa- 31. Beck BR, Osternig LR. Medial tibial stress syndrome.
tients. J Neurosurg Spine. 2005;2(5):550–563. The location of muscles in the leg in relation to symp-
19. Kirkendall DT, Garrett WE Jr. Clinical perspectives toms. J Bone Joint Surg Am. Jul 1994;76(7):1057–1061.
regarding eccentric muscle injury. Clin Orthop. Oct 32. Sieggreen MY, Kline RA. Arterial insufficiency and
2002(403 suppl):S81–89. ulceration: diagnosis and treatment options. Nurse
20. Morganti CM, McFarland EG, Cosgarea AJ. Saphenous Pract. Sep 2004;29(9):46–52.
neuritis: a poorly understood cause of medial knee pain. 33. Karlsson J, Lundin O, Lossing IW, Peterson L. Partial
J Am Acad Orthop Surg. Mar–Apr 2002;10(2):130–137. rupture of the patellar ligament. Results after operative
21. Pyne D, Jawad AS, Padhiar N. Saphenous nerve injury treatment. Am J Sports Med. Jul–Aug 1991;19(4):
after fasciotomy for compartment syndrome. Br J Sports 403–408.
Med. Dec 2003;37(6):541–542. 34. Thordarson DB, Schmotzer H, Chon J, Peters J.
22. Lundborg G, Dahlin LB. Anatomy, function, and patho- Dynamic support of the human longitudinal arch.
physiology of peripheral nerves and nerve compression. A biomechanical evaluation. Clin Orthop. Jul 1995(316):
Hand Clin. May 1996;12(2):185–193. 165–172.
23. Crist BD, Lenke LG, Lewis S. Osteoid osteoma of the 35. Mafi N, Lorentzon R, Alfredson H. Superior short-term
lumbar spine. A case report highlighting a novel recon- results with eccentric calf muscle training compared to
struction technique. J Bone Joint Surg Am. Feb 2005;87(2): concentric training in a randomized prospective multi-
414–418. center study on patients with chronic Achilles tendi-
24. Lipman BT, Collier BD, Carrera GF, et al. Detection of nosis. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2001;9(1):
osteomyelitis in the neuropathic foot: nuclear medicine, 42–47.
MRI and conventional radiography. Clin Nucl Med. Feb 36. Kraushaar BS, Nirschl RP. Tendinosis of the elbow (ten-
1998;23(2):77–82. nis elbow). Clinical features and findings of histological,
25. Tamariz LJ, Eng J, Segal JB, et al. Usefulness of clinical immunohistochemical, and electron microscopy stud-
prediction rules for the diagnosis of venous throm- ies. J Bone Joint Surg Am. Feb 1999;81(2):259–278.
boembolism: a systematic review. Am J Med. Nov 1, 37. Davenport TE, Kulig K, Matharu Y, Blanco CE. The
2004;117(9):676–684. EdUReP model for nonsurgical management of
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cal assessment of deep-vein thrombosis. Lancet. May 27,
1528_Ch23_417-443 07/05/12 1:54 PM Page 417
Ankle Pain
■ Jason R. Cozby, PT, DPT, OCS ■ Lisa Meyer, PT, DPT, OCS
■ Stephen F. Reischl, PT, DPT, OCS
1528_Ch23_417-443 07/05/12 1:54 PM Page 418
T Trauma
Lumbar radiculopathies: Fractures: Anterolateral shin splints 427
• L4 radiculopathy 425 • Lateral malleolus 429 Fractures:
• L5 radiculopathy 425 • Medial malleolus 430 • Lateral malleolus 429
• S1 radiculopathy 426 Ligament sprains: Ligament sprains:
• Anterior talofibular • Anterior talofibular ligament 432
ligament 432 • Subtalar joint 434
• Calcaneofibular ligament Peroneal tendon tear or rupture 436
(isolated) 433 Traumatic dislocation of the
• Deltoid ligament 434 peroneal tendons 442
Not applicable Ankle dislocation 427 Fractures:
Fractures: • Lateral process of the talus 429
• Anterior or posterior lip of the • Lateral tubercle of the posterior
tibial articular surface 429 process of the talus 430
• Talus, neck or body 431 • Osteochondral fracture of the
talar dome 430
• Stress fracture of the fibula 431
Ligament sprains:
• Anterior tibiofibular ligament 432
Peroneal tendon tear or rupture 436
Traumatic dislocation of the
peroneal tendons 442
Not applicable Ankle dislocation 427 Not applicable
I Inflammation
Not applicable Aseptic Aseptic
Reiter’s syndrome 437 Tendinitis:
Rheumatoid arthritis 437 • Peroneal tendinitis 440
Rubella and rubella
vaccine–associated Septic
arthritis 437 Not applicable
Not applicable
1528_Ch23_417-443 07/05/12 1:54 PM Page 419
1528_Ch23_417-443 07/05/12 1:54 PM Page 420
Inflammation (continued)
M Metabolic
Not applicable Distal symmetric Not applicable
polyneuropathy, including
from acquired
syndrome, alcohol/drug
abuse, carcinoma, diabetes
mellitus, and kidney
failure 428
Gout 432
Not applicable Pseudogout 437 Distal symmetric polyneuropathy,
including from acquired
immunodeficiency syndrome,
alcohol/drug abuse, carcinoma,
diabetes mellitus, and kidney
failure 428
Not applicable Transient migratory Not applicable
osteoporosis 442
1528_Ch23_417-443 07/05/12 1:54 PM Page 421
1528_Ch23_417-443 07/05/12 1:54 PM Page 422
Va Vascular
Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Not applicable Hemophilic arthropathy 432 Not applicable
Osteochondritis dissecans 435
Not applicable Acute hemarthrosis 426 Not applicable
De Degenerative
Not applicable Osteoarthrosis/osteoarthritis of Tendinosis:
the ankle joint 435 • Peroneal tendinosis 441
Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Tu Tumor
Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Not applicable Malignant Primary: Not applicable
Not applicable
Malignant Metastatic:
Not applicable
Benign, such as:
• Dysplasia epiphysealis
hemimelica (Trevor’s disease) 429
• Osteoid osteoma 435
Not applicable Malignant Primary, such as: Not applicable
• Osteosarcoma 436
Malignant Metastatic, such as:
• Metastases to the ankle,
including from primary breast,
kidney, lung, prostate, and
thyroid disease 434
• Multiple myeloma 435
Not applicable
1528_Ch23_417-443 07/05/12 1:54 PM Page 423
1528_Ch23_417-443 07/05/12 1:54 PM Page 424
Co Congenital
Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Ne Neurogenic/Psychogenic
Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Fear and avoidance 424 Not applicable Ganglion cyst 431
Psychological effect of Not applicable Not applicable
complex regional pain
syndrome 426
Note: These are estimates of relative incidence because few data are available for the less common conditions.
medical attention to treat the acute bleeding may be tender to palpation if osteophytes are
and prevent arthropathy.4 present on the talus or tibia.
■ Acute Rheumatic Fever Background Information
Chief Clinical Characteristics The impingement is caused by compression of
This presentation may involve warm, red, osseous or soft tissue structures, possibly in-
swollen, and tender joints with systemic signs cluding a meniscoid lesion of organized scar tis-
of infection including fever, abdominal pain, sue that may be present due to thickening of the
anorexia, lethargy, malaise, and fatigue. Rheu- anterior capsule after multiple sprains and de-
matic fever usually has five major manifesta- creased talar gliding. Usual treatment is nonsur-
tions that include migratory polyarthritis, cardi- gical with possible arthroscopic debridement in
tis, chorea, subcutaneous nodules, and erythema cases of recalcitrant symptoms and disability.
marginatum (flat to slightly indurated lesions
■ Anterolateral Shin Splints
on the skin of the extensor surfaces of the extrem-
ities or trunk). Chief Clinical Characteristics
This presentation may involve pain and palpa-
Background Information ble tenderness along the involved anterior tib-
This condition is an acute inflammation as a ial muscles immediately adjacent to the tibia.
result of group A streptococcal infection.5 The The pain usually lessens following warm-up
pain is usually the result of an aseptic inflam- exercises of the involved muscles, but is often pres-
mation of the joints. Diagnosis is made with ent during activity with soreness following the
confirmation of a group A streptococcal infec- activity. Pain usually is absent at night.
tion in association with two of the five major
manifestations. Monoarthritis and low-grade Background Information
fever are important considerations to avoid Shin splints are the result of eccentric overuse,
underdiagnosis.5 Usual treatment consists of leading to an inflammatory musculotendinous
antibiotic, anti-inflammatory, and antipyretic injury along the lateral aspect of the tibia, with
medications. potential muscular avulsion from the tibia.6
Diagnosis is usually based on the clinical
■ Ankle Dislocation presentation. Imaging is usually unhelpful,
Chief Clinical Characteristics although fat-suppressed magnetic resonance
This presentation can involve severe pain with imaging may allow differentiation between
gross deformity, usually with an inability to stress fractures and shin splints.7 Usual treat-
weight bear through the involved extremity. ment is nonsurgical.
Background Information ■ Arthritis Associated with
Trauma is usually severe and directed to the Inflammatory Bowel Disease
tibia on a fixed foot. Most cases result in either
Chief Clinical Characteristics
complete rupture of the ankle ligaments,
This presentation typically includes migratory
fracture of the ankle, or various combinations
polyarthritic pain with abdominal pain, diar-
of the two. Standard radiographs of the ankle
rhea, abdominal cramping, and other gastrointesti-
usually visualize these fractures and confirm
nal symptoms. Commonly affected joints include
the diagnosis of the dislocation. Treatment
the metatarsophalangeal joints, ankle, knee, elbow,
consists of surgical reduction and stabiliza-
wrist, and hand. Other extraintestinal manifes-
tion. Acute dislocations are a medical emer-
tations include episcleritis, ankylosing spondyli-
gency secondary to potential compromise of
tis, sacroiliitis, anterior uveitis, aphthous stomati-
neurovascular structures.
tis, erythema nodosum, pyoderma gangrenosum,
■ Anterior Ankle Impingement or growth and development retardation.
Chief Clinical Characteristics Background Information
This presentation includes pain at the anterior One-third of patients with inflammatory
ankle during dorsiflexion activities. The ankle bowel disease have at least one musculoskeletal
1528_Ch23_417-443 07/05/12 1:54 PM Page 428
manifestation, and in children the extraintesti- Treatment is nonsurgical, and typically in-
intervention typically includes patient educa- Tibial Articular Surface
tion to maintain blood glucose control and Chief Clinical Characteristics
care for the insensate regions to prevent pro- This presentation may involve limited weight
gression and complications secondary to this bearing on the affected leg as well as pain,
condition. tenderness, and swelling around the location
■ Dysplasia Epiphysealis of the fracture.
Hemimelica (Trevor’s Disease) Background Information
Chief Clinical Characteristics These fractures usually do not traverse into
This presentation can include a limp that may the articular cartilage of the talocrural joint,
be accompanied by joint swelling, restricted but may be associated with ligamentous
joint movement, or muscle wasting. Males are injuries. The fracture to the anterior lip of
more likely to be affected than females. the tibia more often occurs with an injury
with the foot pronated and the ankle in dor-
Background Information siflexion. The fracture to the posterior lip of
This condition is a congenital bone develop- the tibia may occur with the foot and ankle
ment disorder that is the result of an intra- in various positions; however, it is more
articular osteochondromatosis (localized over- commonly associated with talar eversion
growth of the cartilage) that is present in the and posterior displacement. Standard radi-
epiphyses of the joint. This affects both sides of ograph views of the ankle confirm the diag-
the epiphyses and joint deformity is often the nosis. If the fracture is unstable, surgical
result. This condition is most common at fixation may be necessary.
the medial ankle, but it also may be seen in
the femur, the wrist, or the foot. Radiographs ■ Lateral Malleolus
often reveal the structural changes to the Chief Clinical Characteristics
joint. Treatment usually consists of surgical This presentation can include significant pain
excision of the mass, as well as correction at the lateral malleolus, swelling, and possi-
of any angular deformity that may have ble ecchymosis with pain increasing with
resulted. Nonsurgical intervention includes inversion, eversion, plantarflexion, and
immobilization. dorsiflexion motions.
FRACTURES Background Information
■ Anterior Lip of the Distal Tibial The fracture usually results during a forceful
Articular Surface inversion sprain of the lateral ligaments,
but may also occur during eversion sprains,
Chief Clinical Characteristics direct trauma, or torsional injuries. Associ-
This presentation typically includes limited ated injuries include medial malleolar
weight bearing on the affected leg as well as lesions, ligamentous injury, talar dome and
pain, tenderness, and swelling around the body lesions, or peroneal tendon injury.
location of the fracture. Diagnosis may be made clinically, assisted by
Background Information the Ottawa ankle rules, and radiographs are
These fractures usually do not traverse into necessary for confirmation of a fracture.9
the articular cartilage of the talocrural Surgery is indicated for displaced fractures;
joint, but may be associated with ligamen- nondisplaced fractures typically are treated
tous injuries. The fracture to the anterior with immobilization.
lip of the tibia more often occurs with
an injury with the foot pronated and the ■ Lateral Process of the Talus
ankle in dorsiflexion. Standard radiograph Chief Clinical Characteristics
views of the ankle confirm the diagnosis. This presentation may be characterized by
Surgery may be required if the fracture is pain, swelling, and tenderness along the
unstable. anterior and inferior lateral ankle located
1528_Ch23_417-443 07/05/12 1:54 PM Page 430
directly over the lateral process of the talus. Pain with the clinical examination, and the frac-
increases with weight bearing, talocrural ture can be confirmed with plain radi-
plantarflexion and dorsiflexion, and subtalar ographs. Surgical treatment is necessary for
joint movement. The mechanism of injury is nonunion or displaced fractures.
usually a dorsiflexion and inversion motion
common in motor vehicle accidents, direct ■ Medial Tuberosity of the
trauma, or snowboarding accidents. Posterior Process of the Talus
Chief Clinical Characteristics
Background Information
This presentation typically includes ankle pain
Chronic pain may be indicative of avascular
that is posterior to the medial malleolus and
necrosis. Bone scans, computed tomography,
anterior to the Achilles tendon. The injury of-
and magnetic resonance imaging often assist
ten results from dorsiflexion-pronation ankle
in the diagnosis, staging, and prognosis of
injuries, ankle dislocation, or possibly an avul-
the injury. Surgical treatment is indicated
sion fracture from a posterior tibiotalar injury.
for large or displaced fractures; otherwise,
nonsurgical treatment is indicated.10 Background Information
Bone scan, computed tomography scan, or
■ Lateral Tubercle of the Posterior magnetic resonance imaging may assist in
Process of the Talus the diagnosis, staging, and prognosis. In the
Chief Clinical Characteristics event of unstable fractures or nonunion, sur-
This presentation can involve posterolateral gical fixation may be necessary.
ankle pain, swelling, and tenderness over the
lateral tubercle. Pain increases while walk- ■ Osteochondral Fracture of the
ing downhill or downstairs, as well as with Talar Dome
ankle and subtalar movement, active first toe Chief Clinical Characteristics
flexion, or forced first toe dorsiflexion. This presentation includes variable symp-
Background Information toms based on the site of the osteochondral le-
This condition results from talocalcaneal sion. Lateral dome lesions commonly present
ligament avulsion, posterior talofibular liga- with localized pain at the central and lateral
ment avulsion, or a compressive force. It is ankle anterior to the lateral malleolus. Me-
associated with lateral ankle sprains, lateral dial dome lesions present with tenderness
malleolus avulsion fractures, and osteochon- posterior to the medial malleolus and at the
dral defects on the talar dome. Clinical ex- posterior talus.
amination findings and radiographs confirm Background Information
the diagnosis.10 Surgical treatment is neces- Osteochondral defects may loosen and cause
sary for nonunion or displaced fractures.10 joint pain, locking, and swelling. Lateral dome
■ Medial Malleolus injuries are frequently associated with trauma,
usually the result of an inversion-dorsiflexion
Chief Clinical Characteristics mechanism. Medial dome injuries may either
This presentation typically involves local pain, be the result of inversion-plantarflexion
swelling, and point tenderness present over the trauma or present insidiously. Radiographs,
fracture site. Pain is most severe within the first magnetic resonance imaging, and arthroscopy
24 hours of the injury. The fracture usually is confirm the diagnosis. Patients should be
the result of an abduction or external rotation monitored because joint degeneration is com-
force on a pronated foot, but also can result mon following these injuries.11
from a high-force inversion sprain that may
lead to a compression fracture. ■ Posterosuperior Calcaneal
Background Information Tuberosity
Associated findings may include a deltoid Chief Clinical Characteristics
ligament rupture, syndesmosis tear, lateral This presentation can include pain, swelling,
ankle sprain, lateral malleolus fracture, or and possible ecchymosis located at the cal-
subtalar dislocation. Diagnosis is confirmed caneal insertion of the Achilles tendon, the
1528_Ch23_417-443 07/05/12 1:54 PM Page 431
patient will often have a functional loss of This condition occurs in runners and is asso-
plantarflexion, such as with a single-leg heel ciated with an increase in training. A clinical
raise, due to the avulsion fracture. This con- examination and bone scan confirm the
dition is most common in older individuals diagnosis. This condition typically is treated
with advanced age, diabetes mellitus, or with relative rest, including general condi-
osteoporosis. tioning in an environment that is character-
ized by low-impact training.
Background Information
The mechanism of injury is a rapid pull of ■ Sustentaculum Tali
the Achilles tendon. A positive Thompson Chief Clinical Characteristics
test and a palpable sulcus may be present if This presentation may involve pain, swelling,
the tendon is avulsed. Associated findings and tenderness over the medial heel and
may include an Achilles tendon tear or ankle, inferior to the medial malleolus. Pain
other extra-articular calcaneal fractures. is increased with passive rearfoot inversion and
Plain radiographs confirm the diagnosis. passive hyperextension of the first phalanx.
Surgical fixation under traction may be
necessary for displaced fractures. Background Information
This fracture may result from a fall onto the
■ Stress Fracture of the Fibula heel with an inverted foot, but it is uncom-
Chief Clinical Characteristics mon to have this condition as an isolated
This presentation may involve focused, local- injury. Plain radiographs confirm the diag-
ized, superficial aching or sharp pain directly nosis. Complications may include nonunion,
at the site of the fracture (usually within nerve irritation, and toe flexor injury. Sur-
15 cm [6 in.] of the distal fibula). Pain is worse gery is indicated if the fracture is unstable.
with prolonged standing and weight-bearing
■ Talus, Neck or Body
activities that require dorsiflexion and rota-
tion. Pain is rarely present at rest unless the Chief Clinical Characteristics
fracture is severe. This presentation includes pain, swelling, and
tenderness at the sinus tarsi or just distal to
Background Information the lateral malleolus, following extreme com-
This condition occurs as a result of abnor- pression or shear loading of the foot. Pain
mal loading from a sudden increase in or usually is present with active or passive
change in training, improper footwear, or subtalar motion. This injury is commonly
ankle and foot dysfunction that may lead associated with spasm of the peroneal mus-
to excessive loading of the fibula. Clinical cles, resulting in palpable tenderness. A val-
presentation and bone scan confirm the di- gus deformity of the hindfoot may be present.
agnosis. This condition typically is treated
with relative rest, including general condi- Background Information
tioning in an environment that is character- The diagnosis is confirmed with imaging
ized by low-impact training. that may include plain radiographs, mag-
netic resonance imaging, and bone scan.
■ Stress Fracture of the Tibia This condition includes fractures of the talar
Chief Clinical Characteristics neck and body, as well as osteochondral
This presentation can be characterized by lesions of the trochlear surface that often
pain and palpable tenderness over the postero- require surgical treatment.12
medial border of the tibia, more commonly at
■ Ganglion Cyst
the middle to proximal one-third of the tibia.
Pain also may be present at the distal tibia, Chief Clinical Characteristics
leading to ankle pain. Pain usually is aggra- This presentation often involves the presence of
vated with weight bearing and running and a mildly painful or painless cystic lesion over the
alleviated with rest in a non–weight-bearing posterior, inferolateral aspect of the ankle usu-
position. ally detected following an inversion ankle
1528_Ch23_417-443 07/05/12 1:54 PM Page 432
sprain. Rest will sometimes decrease the pres- elbows, and ankles. The diagnosis is confirmed
sure and alleviate some of the pain. by the presence of blood in aspirated synovial
fluid from affected joints and joint deteriora-
Background Information
tion apparent on plain radiographs. Immedi-
Cysts are often tender to palpation; they may
ate medical treatment of acute hemarthrosis is
arise from a joint or tendon sheath, increasing
necessary to minimize the extent of arthropa-
in size and pressure during ambulation as the
thy. This may include immobilization of
associated motion increases the pressure. Clin-
the affected joint and systemic infusion of the
ical examination confirms the diagnosis. If the
deficient blood factor.
pain causes dysfunction or is recalcitrant, then
aspiration and steroid treatment may help. If ■ Hepatitis B–Associated Arthritis
nonsurgical treatment is unsuccessful, surgical
excision of the ganglion is required. Recur- Chief Clinical Characteristics
rence is possible if excision is incomplete. This presentation typically includes a symmet-
rical polyarthralgia that can affect the toes and,
■ Gout more commonly, the fingers. The common
symptoms include anorexia, malaise, nausea,
Chief Clinical Characteristics vomiting, and fever. Jaundice usually develops
This presentation includes severe pain, edema, in approximately 1 to 2 weeks.
warmth, erythema, and very localized tender-
ness. Systemic findings may include fever, chills, Background Information
malaise, and sweating. The areas typically in- Hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver as a
volved are the first metatarsophalangeal joint, result of viral infection with necrosis of the
the talocrural joint, the calcaneal region, and liver. The arthralgia is usually the result of an
the tarsals of the instep. Pain is usually aseptic inflammation of the joints. Blood tests
provoked by hard movements, or may follow confirm the diagnosis.
alcohol abuse, dehydration, trauma, surgery,
septic arthritis, protein fasting, excessive purine ■ Infectious Periostitis
ingestion, and allopurinol or uricosuric agents. Chief Clinical Characteristics
Background Information This presentation may be characterized by
Sustained hyperuricemia levels lead to deposi- aching to severe pain with tenderness and
tion of monosodium urate crystals in and edema of the infected bone. Suppuration may
around the tendons and joints. Men are eight be present and an individual with this condi-
times more likely to be affected than women.13 tion will often experience systemic signs of
Needle aspiration is required to confirm the di- infection, such as fever, chills, and fatigue.
agnosis. Treatment commonly involves a combi- Background Information
nation of anti-inflammatory medication and This condition involves a chronic infection of
colchicine in individuals with normal liver func- the periosteum from a hematogenous source
tion. Preventive treatment should be undertaken or trauma to the affected region. Not all cases
to control uric acid levels by way of diet and of periostitis are the result of an infection;
medication in individuals with chronic gout. therefore, the diagnosis is confirmed by radi-
ographic imaging revealing necrosis of the
■ Hemophilic Arthropathy affected bone and bone scan revealing in-
Chief Clinical Characteristics creased uptake. This condition is usually
This presentation can involve a painful, swollen, managed with antibiotic medication appropri-
and tender joint culminating in range-of-motion ately directed to the infective agent.
limitation and difficulty bearing weight through
the affected limb. LIGAMENT SPRAINS
Background Information ■ Anterior Talofibular Ligament
Recurrent hemarthroses lead to inflammation Chief Clinical Characteristics
of the joint and result in joint degeneration.3 This presentation can include pain, swelling,
This condition commonly affects the knees, tenderness to palpation, and possible
1528_Ch23_417-443 07/05/12 1:54 PM Page 433
ecchymosis just anterior and inferior to the mechanism of injury, and a positive anterior
lateral malleolus, directly over the ligament translation test of the talus. If pain or insta-
(Fig. 23-1). Weight bearing and combined bility persists, then radiographs are helpful to
inversion/plantarflexion motions of the foot rule out fractures, osteochondral defects, or
will be painful and may be limited by pain. structural instability with stress. Nonsurgical
If the ligament is completely torn, then intervention is commonly indicated; however,
pain may or may not be present with surgical stabilization may be indicated in the
excessive inversion. event of a mechanically unstable joint.
Background Information ■ Anterior Tibiofibular Ligament
Injury to the ligament is usually caused by an Chief Clinical Characteristics
inversion and plantarflexion mechanism to This presentation may involve tenderness
the ankle. Associated injuries may include cal- and pain at the superomedial aspect of the
caneofibular ligament sprain, syndesmotic lig- lateral malleolus and the anterior aspect
ament sprain, sinus tarsi syndrome with a of the syndesmosis. Pain is present with
subtalar sprain, superficial peroneal nerve weight bearing, forced dorsiflexion of the
injury, fifth metatarsal fracture, medial ankle ankle, and extreme eversion or external
impingement, a medial or lateral malleolar rotation of the ankle, and is often repro-
fracture, talar or osteochondral fractures, duced with the squeeze test or external
or peroneal tendon injury. Diagnosis is rotation of the foot while the knee is flexed
usually based on the clinical presentation, to 90 degrees.14,15
Background Information
This injury (commonly referred to as a high
ankle sprain) usually occurs with abduction
or abduction-external rotation injuries di-
rectly to the foot and ankle, or with forced
internal rotation of the body over a planted
foot. Associated injuries include lateral ankle
ligament sprains, interosseous membrane
injury, deltoid ligament rupture, fibular frac-
ture, bone bruising or osteochondral defects,
and avascular necrosis. Diagnosis is based on
patient presentation, mechanism of injury,
Anterior and external rotation stress radiographs.
talofibular Nonsurgical intervention is commonly indi-
cated; however, surgical stabilization may
be indicated in the event of a mechanically
unstable joint.
■ Calcaneofibular Ligament
Chief Clinical Characteristics
This presentation can be characterized by
swelling and tenderness along the lateral
Calcaneofibular ankle, inferior to the lateral malleolus, along
ligament the ligament (see Fig. 23-1). Pain increases with
foot inversion.
FIGURE 23-1 Lateral ankle sprain, including tear
of the anterior talofibular ligament, calcaneofibular Background Information
ligament, and posterior talofibular ligament. The an- Injury to the ligament occurs during an
terior drawer test (inset) is one method used to grade inversion mechanism of the ankle, with the an-
lateral ankle sprains. kle in neutral or even sometimes dorsiflexion.
1528_Ch23_417-443 07/05/12 1:54 PM Page 434
This injury rarely occurs independently, and commonly indicated; however, surgical sta-
or older, failure to improve with conservative The etiology of osteoarthritis is either idio-
therapy, and unexplained weight change of pathic or secondary to conditions that affect the
more than 10 pounds in 6 months.16 intra-articular environment (such as infection,
inflammation, genetic defects, instability, or
Background Information
trauma). The clinical presentation will lead to
The skeletal system is the third most common
a preliminary diagnosis with radiographs
site of metastatic disease.17 Symptoms also
confirming the diagnosis and revealing the
may be related to pathological fracture in
extent of joint damage. Treatment for this
affected sites. Common primary sites causing
condition ranges from nonsurgical options,
metastases to bone include breast, prostate,
such as physical therapy intervention and intra-
lung, and kidney. Bone scan confirms the
articular corticosteroid injections, to total joint
diagnosis. Common treatments for metastases
include surgical resection, chemotherapy, radi-
ation treatment, and palliation, depending on ■ Osteochondritis Dissecans
the tumor type and extent of metastasis. Chief Clinical Characteristics
■ Multiple Myeloma This presentation involves pain, swelling, and
tenderness at the sinus tarsi, just distal to the lat-
Chief Clinical Characteristics eral malleolus or around the peroneal tendons
This presentation involves unexplained skele- as a result of muscle spasm. Symptoms increase
tal pain in the feet, lower legs, arms, hands, with subtalar motion and a valgus deformity
back, and thorax. This may be associated with of the hindfoot may be present.
renal failure, recurrent bacterial infections,
pathological fractures, and anemia. Background Information
This condition, also called osteochondral
Background Information lesion of the talus, occurs on both the medial
This condition is an insidious plasma cell cancer and lateral trochlea and has been linked to in-
that originates in the bone marrow and can juries related to movement of the talus inside
affect multiple areas with multiple lytic and the mortise of the ankle following ligamen-
osteosclerotic effects. Pain results from either tous disruption. The medial lesions are seen
neuropathy or bone pain. Radiographically, most often in bilateral lower extremities, in-
the bones will have lesions of a punched-out dicating some genetic or predisposition to
appearance with generalized osteoporosis. Diag- these injuries. This condition can occur sec-
nosis may be confirmed with blood tests, urinal- ondary to abnormal blood flow, resulting in a
ysis, serum protein electrophoresis, bone scan, poor prognosis.18 Bone scan, computed to-
magnetic resonance imaging, and bone marrow mography, and magnetic resonance imaging
aspiration and biopsy. Depending on the aggres- assist in the diagnosis, staging, and prognosis
siveness of this condition, treatment may range of this pathology. This condition is often
from “watchful waiting” to chemotherapy and staged based on magnetic resonance imaging
bone marrow transplantation. findings. Four stages are used to describe the
extent of articular damage as well as the sta-
■ Osteoarthrosis/Osteoarthritis
bility of the joint. Intervention may include
of the Ankle Joint
immobilization during early-stage disease
Chief Clinical Characteristics or arthroscopic debridement and drilling for
This presentation includes pain with localized advanced lesions.
tenderness at the involved joint, range-
of-motion limitations, a hard end feel, and ■ Osteoid Osteoma
crepitus, depending on the extent of the joint Chief Clinical Characteristics
damage. Onset of pain is usually gradual, symp- This presentation typically includes focal bone
toms are worsened by exercise and weight- pain at the site of the tumor that is associated
bearing activities, and patients usually report with tenderness and warmth to palpation, with
increased pain and stiffness in the morning and a significant increase in pain with activity and
following prolonged static postures. at night, and with substantial and immediate
1528_Ch23_417-443 07/05/12 1:54 PM Page 436
medication. This condition is more common in Tendons of the Foot and Toes
males than females, and it rarely presents in Chief Clinical Characteristics
people younger than 5 or older than 40 years This presentation often involves pain, possible
of age. swelling, erythema, and tenderness to palpation
Background Information over the anterior ankle and may include crepi-
The pathology of this condition includes tus with active or passive movements if the
abnormal production of osteoid and primitive tendon sheaths are inflamed.
bone. The proximal femur is the most com- Background Information
mon site for this tumor. Pain associated with This condition usually occurs with a sudden
this condition is self-limiting and may resolve onset following increases in walking intensity
spontaneously over the course of 2 to 4 years.19 or distance, change of shoe, tightness in the
Relief also may be obtained by surgical shoelaces over the tendons, midtarsal joint
removal of the tumor. hyperostosis, or tightness of the posterior
■ Osteomyelitis calf muscles. Differentiation among extensor
tendons can be achieved by passive stretching
Chief Clinical Characteristics and active contraction of the specific muscles.
This presentation typically includes localized Clinical examination confirms the diagnosis.
tenderness, warmth, erythema, swelling, and Typical intervention is nonsurgical, involving
systemic signs of infection such as weight loss and gentle exercise, physical modalities, and foot-
fatigue. The toes may present with a “sausage wear modification.
toe” deformity.
Background Information ■ Peroneal Tendon Tear or Rupture
This condition is an inflammation and necro- Chief Clinical Characteristics
sis of bone as a result of an infection. The cal- This presentation can include lateral ankle pain,
caneus is the most common site of infection in edema, weakness, and tenderness between the tip
the foot, followed by the metatarsals, tarsals, of the fibula and the fifth metatarsal. Painful weak-
and then the phalangeal bones. Biopsy, mag- ness is present with resistance into plantarflexion
netic resonance imaging, and histology con- and eversion, and ankle instability is common.
firm the diagnosis.20 Treatment may involve an
aggressive regimen of antibiotic medications, Background Information
with surgical resection of the affected areas The presentation of this condition differs from
potentially necessary. peroneal tendinopathy (tendinitis/tendinosis)
because symptoms often will persist even with
■ Osteosarcoma treatment. If there is a complete rupture,
which is more common with the peroneus
Chief Clinical Characteristics
longus tendon, an audible pop may have been
This presentation may be characterized by an
observed. This injury often is associated with
insidious onset of pain that persists for weeks
ankle fractures, severe lateral ankle sprains,
or months. Pain due to this condition may be
peroneal tenosynovitis, or a previous history
aggravated with activity, causing limping.
of peroneal tendon injuries. Magnetic reso-
Background Information nance imaging confirms the diagnosis. Treat-
This condition is frequently found in adoles- ment ranges from nonsurgical options, such
cents because of the active bone growth in this as physical therapy intervention, to surgical
age group. African American individuals are options, such as debridement of partial tears
affected slightly more often than Caucasian in- and repair of complete tears.
dividuals. This condition can be especially
fatal if metastasized to the lungs. Plain films ■ Posteromedial Shin Splints
confirm the diagnosis. Treatment includes Chief Clinical Characteristics
chemotherapy and surgery to remove the This presentation often is characterized by pain
cancerous cells or tumors. and palpable tenderness along the muscles
1528_Ch23_417-443 07/05/12 1:54 PM Page 437
attached to the posteromedial aspect of the tibia Other symptoms can include tendon synovitis,
within the deep posterior compartment. Pain fasciitis, back pain, mucocutaneous lesions, skin
is usually less often located directly over the lesions, or cardiac involvement. Joint pain
tibia. Pain is aggravated with stretching into foot accompanies urethritis and conjunctivitis.
dorsiflexion and eversion, and with active con-
traction of the involved muscles. Pain usually Background Information
lessens following warm-up of the muscles. Pain This disease typically follows either an episode
is usually present during activity with soreness of dysentery or infectious arthritis, and persons
following the activity, but pain does not usually with the HLA-B27 genetic makeup are at greater
occur during the night. risk.24 Diagnosis is usually based on the patient’s
history, radiographs, and blood tests to rule out
Background Information other forms of arthritis or potentially associated
Shin splints are due to an eccentric overuse, infections. This is usually a self-limiting condi-
leading to musculotendinous injury along the tion and resolves in 3 to 4 months. When
posteromedial attachment of the tibia, result- provided, treatment involves a combination of
ing in a periostitis.21,22 Diagnosis is based on antibiotic medications directed toward the infec-
the clinical presentation. Imaging is usually tive agent that is responsible for the autoimmune
unhelpful, although fat-suppressed magnetic response that characterizes this condition, in
resonance imaging may help differentiate combination with anti-inflammatory medication.
between stress fractures and shin splints.7
Usual intervention is nonsurgical. ■ Rheumatoid Arthritis
■ Pseudogout Chief Clinical Characteristics
This presentation can involve symmetric foot
Chief Clinical Characteristics
pain with localized tenderness, swelling, and
This presentation may include pain, edema,
early morning stiffness. The feet may be the
warmth, erythema, and tenderness of the in-
first region affected by the arthritis; however,
volved joint or joints. The arthritis may mimic
multiple joints are often affected. After the ini-
other types of arthritis, but attacks usually are
tial stages, subcutaneous rheumatoid nodules
less severe than those experienced with gout. The
and joint deformities may present, most com-
first metatarsophalangeal joint, ankle, dorsum
monly flexion deformities. The metatarsopha-
of the foot, knees, wrists, or shoulders may be
langeal joints are the joints most commonly
affected. This condition is prevalent in indi-
affected by rheumatoid arthritis.25
viduals over 60 years of age.
Background Information Background Information
Causes for the contributory calcium pyrophos- This is a progressive systemic condition with
phate crystal deposition in synovial joints are unknown etiology. Diagnosis, according to the
unknown. Diagnosis is based on the clinical American Rheumatism Association, includes
presentation, the pattern of joints involved, at least a 6-week presentation with any four of
radiographic intra-articular and periarticular the seven following manifestations: morning
involvement, and aspiration of calcium py- stiffness for more than 1 hour, arthritis of
rophosphate crystals in the joint fluid.23 Anti- three or more joints, arthritis of the hand
inflammatory medication comprises the usual joints, symmetric arthritis, rheumatoid nod-
treatment for this condition. Unlike with gout, ules, serum rheumatoid factor, or radiographic
uric acid–lowering medications are not used. changes. Treatment typically includes a variety
of steroidal, nonsteroidal, and biological
■ Reiter’s Syndrome anti-inflammatory medications.
Chief Clinical Characteristics
This presentation typically includes asymmet- ■ Rubella and Rubella
ric and varying severity of joint pain and Vaccine–Associated Arthritis
stiffness of the subtalar joint, the metatarsopha- Chief Clinical Characteristics
langeal joints, interphalangeal joints, tarsal This presentation includes symmetric pol-
joints, calcaneal abnormalities, and knees. yarthralgia that is often correlated with joint
1528_Ch23_417-443 07/05/12 1:54 PM Page 438
may be considered for individuals with persist- clinically, but may be confirmed with mag-
ent disability. netic resonance or ultrasound imaging.
Nonsurgical treatments may be indicated,
TENDINITIS such as anti-inflammatory medication, rest,
and gentle exercise.
■ Achilles Tendinitis
Chief Clinical Characteristics ■ Extensor Hallucis Longus
This presentation can involve a sharp, Tendinitis
aching, or burning pain with point tender- Chief Clinical Characteristics
ness 2 to 6 cm proximal to the calcaneal This presentation may include pain and pal-
insertion. Insertional tendinopathy may be pable tenderness along the extensor hallucis
located at the distal insertion at the calca- tendon. Walking and running are often
neus. Symptoms are reproduced with palpa- painful. Resisted extension of the hallux and
tion of the tendon, passive dorsiflexion, and passive flexion of the hallux often increase
active resisted plantarflexion. Palpable the pain. Pain may also be elicited with resis-
crepitus may be present with movement, ted dorsiflexion of the ankle.
and an increased thickening of the tendon
that moves with tendon excursion may be Background Information
palpable in comparison to the asympto- This pathology is usually the result of over-
matic side. Calf atrophy may be observed, use of the affected musculotendinous unit.26
the patient may have limitations in ankle Diagnosis is usually made clinically, but may
dorsiflexion, and the patient may report be confirmed with magnetic resonance or
increased stiffness in the morning. ultrasound imaging. Treatment usually in-
volves nonsurgical interventions, such as
Background Information anti-inflammatory medication, rest, and
Achilles tendinitis is associated with over- gentle exercise.
use from repetitive loading of the involved
tendon. This injury is most common in ■ Flexor Digitorum Longus
15- to 45-year-old active individuals, most Tendinitis
commonly runners. Diagnosis is often Chief Clinical Characteristics
made clinically. If the diagnosis is difficult, This presentation can be characterized by
then confirmation may be made with pain, tenderness, and swelling along the plan-
magnetic resonance imaging. Usual treat- tar hindfoot and midfoot with tenderness
ment is nonsurgical, consisting of anti- along the tendon of the flexor digitorum
inflammatory medication, rest, and gentle longus. Pain is aggravated with walking and
exercise. weight bearing.
■ Extensor Digitorum Longus Background Information
Tendinitis A common site of irritation is deep to the
Chief Clinical Characteristics flexor retinaculum at the posteromedial
This presentation can be characterized ankle. Palpation can be aided with the use of
by pain over the dorsum of the foot and ten- muscle contraction or active movement of the
derness to palpation along the extensor dig- toes. If the tendons are inflamed, then pain is
itorum longus tendons. Resisted extension of often reproduced with stretching of the toes
the lesser toes and passive flexion of the into extension or contraction into flexion.
lesser toes often increases the pain. Pain may The pathology is often related to trauma or
also be elicited with resisted dorsiflexion overuse of the affected musculotendinous
of the ankle. Walking and running are often unit. Diagnosis is often determined clinically
painful. and may be confirmed with magnetic reso-
nance or ultrasound imaging. Treatment
Background Information usually involves nonsurgical interventions,
The pathology of this tendinitis is usually the such as anti-inflammatory medication, rest,
result of overuse. Diagnosis is usually made and gentle exercise.
1528_Ch23_417-443 07/05/12 1:54 PM Page 440
patients with Achilles tendinosis are pain free. state of increased tenocyte and cellular
Symptoms, if present, may be reproduced with activity that leads to disorganized collagen
palpation of the Achilles tendon, passive dor- and vascular hyperplasia.28,29 Final diagnosis
siflexion, or active resisted plantarflexion. is confirmed with magnetic resonance or
Palpable increased thickening of the tendon ultrasound imaging. A combination of
may be present in comparison to the unin- patient/client education, unloading of the
volved tendon. Calf atrophy, limitations in affected musculotendinous unit, controlled
ankle dorsiflexion, and reports of increased mechanical reloading, and preventive meas-
stiffness in the morning may be observed. Pain ures appears to be effective to manage this
is often worse with weight bearing and walk- condition.30
ing, and these patients often have difficulty
performing a heel rise. ■ Tibialis Posterior Tendinosis
Background Information Chief Clinical Characteristics
Tendinosis is a state of increased tenocyte and This presentation typically includes pain and
cellular activity that leads to disorganized col- swelling with palpable tenderness along the
lagen and vascular hyperplasia.28,29 Tendinosis medial aspect of the midfoot and posterior
is usually a chronic degenerative process that is to the medial malleolus. Pain is often worse
initiated by an injury to the tendon. Diagnosis with weight bearing and walking, and these
is usually based on the clinical presentation. If patients often have difficulty performing a heel
pathology is severe or the clinical diagnosis is rise. Attenuation of this tendon is sometimes
unclear, then magnetic resonance or ultra- seen as a result of tendinosis and the develop-
sound imaging may confirm the diagnosis ment of posterior tibialis tendon dysfunction
and allow for prognosis and staging of the may lead to a flat-foot deformity and a caudal
tendinosis. A combination of patient/client drop of the navicular. These patients have a very
education, unloading of the affected musculo- difficult time contracting the tibialis posterior
tendinous unit, controlled mechanical reload- muscle, even during a manual muscle test.
ing, and preventive measures appears to be Background Information
effective to manage this condition.30 Injury to this tendon is often the result of
■ Peroneal Tendinosis overuse with a hypermobile midfoot. The tib-
ialis posterior is the most significant
Chief Clinical Characteristics active stabilizer of the arch.27 Tendinosis is a
This presentation typically includes pain any- state of increased tenocyte and cellular activity
where along the lateral lower leg to the pos- that leads to disorganized collagen and vascu-
terior lateral malleolus and along the lateral lar hyperplasia. Tendinosis is usually a chronic
foot at the location of the cuboid or at the degenerative process that is initiated by injury
plantar aspect of the foot where the peroneus to the tendon. Diagnosis is usually based on
longus tendon inserts at the base of the first the clinical presentation; however, magnetic
metatarsal. The pain may also be present at resonance imaging may confirm the diagnosis
the base of the fifth metatarsal where the per- and allow for prognosis and staging of the
oneus brevis tendon inserts. The pain is often tendinosis. A combination of patient/client
aggravated with a stretch into dorsiflexion education, unloading of the affected musculo-
and inversion or a muscle contraction into tendinous unit, controlled mechanical reload-
plantarflexion and/or eversion. Weakness ing, and preventive measures appears to be
may be noted into plantarflexion and/or effective to manage this condition.30
eversion due to degenerative thickening,
lengthening, and tearing of the tendon. ■ Tibiofibular Synostosis
Background Information Chief Clinical Characteristics
Common causes of peroneal tendon injury This presentation typically includes pain at the
include overuse and inversion injury mecha- anterior ankle and lower leg and instability
nisms that may lead to the chronic degener- with activities such as cutting, pivoting, running,
ative process of tendinosis. Tendinosis is a or performing agility activities.
1528_Ch23_417-443 07/05/12 1:54 PM Page 442
This condition is associated with a history of skiing, ice skating, running, basketball, and
recurrent inversion ankle sprains that remain football. Associated injuries include lateral an-
symptomatic due to widening of the inferior kle retinaculum tear, avulsion fracture of the
tibiofibular joint and bone formation in the inferior tip of the lateral malleolus, and poste-
interosseous membrane. The mechanism of rior talofibular ligament injury. Diagnosis is
injury for the fracture is the same as the origi- based on the clinical examination. Treatment
nal injury. With a synostosis present in the ab- ranges from nonsurgical reduction and immo-
sence of a fracture, pain may be present with bilization to surgical fixation of the dislocated
dorsiflexion and pushing off. Injuries to asso- tendons.
ciated structures could include the anterior
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from avascular necrosis. This condition is usu- Sci Sports Exerc. Sep 2003;35(9):1499–1502.
10. Judd DB, Kim DH. Foot fractures frequently misdiag-
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This presentation typically includes sudden on- Jan–Feb 1993;21(1):13–19.
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1528_Ch24_444-488 07/05/12 1:54 PM Page 444
Foot Pain
■ Jason R. Cozby, PT, DPT, OCS ■ Lisa Meyer, PT, DPT, OCS
■ Stephen F. Reischl, PT, DPT, OCS
T Trauma
Lumbar radiculopathies: Nerve entrapments: Bite injuries 459
• L5 radiculopathy 455 • Tarsal tunnel syndrome 475 Fractures:
• S1 radiculopathy 456 • Metatarsal 466
1528_Ch24_444-488 07/05/12 1:54 PM Page 445
Dorsal foot pain Hindfoot pain
1528_Ch24_444-488 07/05/12 1:54 PM Page 446
Trauma (continued)
Lumbar radiculopathies: Bite injuries 459 Fractures:
• L4 radiculopathy 455 Cold injuries 460 • Osteochondral fracture of the
Crush injury 461 subtalar joint 466
Nerve entrapments: Ligament sprains:
• Deep peroneal nerve 475 • Cruciate crural ligament 472
• Superficial peroneal nerve 475 Nerve entrapments:
• Sural nerve 475 • Deep peroneal nerve 475
• Superficial peroneal
nerve 475
Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
I Inflammation
Not applicable Aseptic Aseptic
Dermatitis 462 Tendinitis:
Reiter’s syndrome 479 • Extensor digitorum longus
Rheumatoid arthritis 479 tendinitis 481
• Extensor hallucis longus
tendinitis 482
• Tibialis anterior tendinitis 482
1528_Ch24_444-488 07/05/12 1:54 PM Page 447
Inflammation (continued)
Septic Septic
Bite injuries 459 Cellulitis 460
Cellulitis 460
Tinea pedis (athlete’s foot) 485
Not applicable Aseptic Aseptic
Acute rheumatic fever 457 Interosseous myositis 470
Ankylosing spondylitis 457
Arthritis associated with Septic
inflammatory bowel Not applicable
disease 458
Complex regional pain
syndrome 461
Hepatitis B–associated
arthritis 469
Herpes zoster 469
Hypersensitivity vasculitis 470
Polyarteritis nodosa 477
Rheumatoid arthritis–like
diseases of the foot:
• Psoriatic arthritis 479
• Systemic lupus erythematosus 479
Rubella and rubella vaccine–
associated arthritis 480
Abscess 456
Hand-foot-and-mouth disease
Osteomyelitis 476
Not applicable Aseptic Aseptic
Allergic angiitis and Herpes zoster 469
granulomatosis (Churg-Strauss
disease) 457 Septic
Erosive lichen planus 463 Abscess 456
Fixed drug eruption 464 Osteomyelitis 476
Septic arthritis 480
Necrotizing fasciitis 474
1528_Ch24_444-488 07/05/12 1:54 PM Page 449
• Achilles tendinitis 481
• Peroneal tendinitis 482
• Tibialis posterior
tendinitis 483
Not applicable
M Metabolic
Not applicable Benign muscle cramps 459 Envenomation 463
Distal symmetric Gout 468
polyneuropathy, including
from acquired
immunodeficiency syndrome,
alcohol/drug abuse,
carcinoma, diabetes mellitus,
and kidney failure 462
Envenomation 463
Gout 468
Not applicable Pseudogout 478 Pseudogout 478
Not applicable Fabry’s disease 463 Not applicable
Intermittent acute porphyria 470
Primary amyloidosis 478
Vitamin B deficiency 485
Va Vascular
Not applicable Arterial insufficiency 457 Not applicable
Sickle cell crisis 480
Not applicable Arterial occlusion 457 Not applicable
Cholesterol embolism 460
Not applicable Arteriosclerosis obliterans 458 Avascular necrosis of the
Compartment syndrome 461 navicular 458
Cryoglobulinemia 461
Erythromelalgia 463
Thromboangiitis (Buerger’s
disease) 485
macroglobulinemia 486
1528_Ch24_444-488 07/05/12 1:54 PM Page 451
De Degenerative
Not applicable Not applicable Osteoarthrosis/osteoarthritis:
• Midfoot (tarsometatarsal
joints) 476
• Extensor digitorum longus
tendinosis 483
• Extensor hallucis longus
tendinosis 483
• Tibialis anterior tendinosis 484
Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Tu Tumor
Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Not applicable Malignant Primary, such as: Not applicable
• Leukemia 471
• Lymphoma 473
• Multiple myeloma 474
Malignant Metastatic, such as:
• Metastases to the foot,
including from primary breast,
kidney, lung, prostate, and
thyroid disease 473
Not applicable
1528_Ch24_444-488 07/05/12 1:54 PM Page 453
Co Congenital
Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Not applicable Dysplasia epiphysealis Not applicable
hemimelica (Trevor’s
disease) 462
Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Ne Neurogenic/Psychogenic
Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Fear and avoidance 454 Not applicable Not applicable
Psychological effect of Not applicable Not applicable
complex regional pain
syndrome 456
Note: These are estimates of relative incidence because few data are available for the less common conditions.
factors will need to be explored. In all cases the the L4 nerve. Prone knee bend may reproduce
basis of pathology must be thoroughly explored symptoms.
before this presentation is to be considered.
If this condition is present, a team approach Background Information
ensures optimal treatment. A lumbar disk herniation is the most com-
mon cause for this condition. The diagnosis
LUMBAR RADICULOPATHIES is confirmed with magnetic resonance imag-
■ L4 Radiculopathy ing. Surgical intervention may be indicated
Chief Clinical Characteristics in severe cases of lower extremity pain
This presentation can be characterized by accompanied by neurological signs.
pain in the lumbar spine and paresthesias
radiating from the anterolateral thigh, the ■ L5 Radiculopathy
anteromedial lower leg, the medial malleo- Chief Clinical Characteristics
lus, and distally into the medial aspect of the This presentation includes pain in the lumbar
foot. The patient may have weakness of the tib- spine and paresthesias radiating from the
ialis anterior muscle. Depending on the sever- lateral aspect of the hip and buttock to
ity, the presentation may also include a the lateral aspect of the knee, extending from
decreased or absent patellar tendon reflex the anterolateral lower leg down into the dor-
and motor loss in the muscles innervated by sum of the foot. Depending on the severity,
1528_Ch24_444-488 07/05/12 1:54 PM Page 456
the presentation may also include motor loss and may be influenced by cortical mecha-
in the muscles innervated by the L5 nerve root, nisms.2 Treatment may include physical
including extensor hallucis longus and exten- therapy interventions to improve patient/
sor digitorum longus. client functioning, biofeedback, analgesic or
anti-inflammatory medication, transcuta-
Background Information
neous or spinal electrical nerve stimulation,
A lumbar disk herniation is the most com-
and surgical or pharmacologic sympathectomy.
mon cause for this condition. The diagnosis
However, a team approach ensures optimal
is confirmed with magnetic resonance imag-
treatment for individuals with this condition.
ing. Surgical intervention may be indicated
in severe cases of lower extremity pain Local
accompanied by neurological signs.
■ Abscess
■ S1 Radiculopathy
Chief Clinical Characteristics
Chief Clinical Characteristics This presentation often includes a severe, deep,
This presentation typically includes pain in and throbbing pain, with pus surrounded by a
the lumbar spine and paresthesias radiating region of erythema, edema, and warmth, as well
from the buttock to the posterior aspect of as systemic signs of infection that may include
the knee and extending posterolaterally along fever, chills, malaise, anorexia, and delirium.
the lower leg, the lateral heel, and the lateral
plantar foot. Depending on the severity, the Background Information
presentation may also include a decreased This condition most commonly affects the
or absent Achilles tendon reflex and motor central plantar compartment. It often follows
loss in the muscles innervated by the S1 nerve, minor skin trauma. Localized cellulitis may
including the peroneal muscles, gastrocne- accompany the abscess. Magnetic resonance
mius, and soleus. imaging with contrast confirms the diagnosis.3
Treatment may involve options ranging from
Background Information
rest and antibiotic medications to surgical
A lumbar disk herniation is a common cause
for this condition. The diagnosis is confirmed
with magnetic resonance imaging. Surgical ■ Achilles Paratenonitis
intervention may be indicated in severe cases
of lower extremity pain accompanied by Chief Clinical Characteristics
neurological signs. This presentation involves diffuse pain, tender-
ness, and thickening and swelling along the
■ Psychological Effect of Complex Achilles tendon, especially 2 to 6 cm from the
Regional Pain Syndrome calcaneal insertion. However, the painful pal-
Chief Clinical Characteristics pable thickening does not move with dorsiflex-
This presentation typically includes a traumatic ion or plantarflexion because the tendon moves
onset of severe chronic ankle and foot pain with this action but the paratenon does not.
accompanied by allodynia, hyperalgesia, and Pain is greatest in the mornings or at the start
trophic, vasomotor, and sudomotor changes in of a physical activity, but the pain will often
later stages. This condition is characterized by decrease with continued walking or activity as
disproportionate responses to painful stimuli. the tendon begins to move more freely inside the
Background Information
This regional neuropathic pain disorder pres- Background Information
ents either without direct nerve trauma (Type I) The paratenon is usually the site of inflamma-
or with direct nerve trauma (Type II) in any tory injury related to overuse, but it may also
region of the body.1 This condition may pre- be damaged from direct traumatic pressure.
cipitate due to an event distant to the affected The diagnosis is determined clinically, but
area. Thermography may confirm associated magnetic resonance or ultrasound imaging
sympathetic dysfunction. This condition has may be necessary for confirmation if the clini-
been shown to have a psychological component cal diagnosis is unclear. Treatment includes
1528_Ch24_444-488 07/05/12 1:54 PM Page 457
ity of the calf muscle group, and improving Chief Clinical Characteristics
strength of the antipronator muscle groups. This presentation may include an insidious on-
set of low back and symmetric posterior hip pain
■ Acute Rheumatic Fever
associated with a slowly progressive and signif-
Chief Clinical Characteristics icant loss of general spinal mobility. Some indi-
This presentation may involve warm, red, swollen, viduals with late-stage disease also will develop
and tender joints with systemic signs of infection characteristic syndesmophytes in the foot region.
including fever, abdominal pain, anorexia,
lethargy, malaise, and fatigue. Rheumatic fever usu- Background Information
ally has five major manifestations that include Symptoms may be worse in the morning and
migratory polyarthritis, carditis, chorea, subcuta- improve with light exercise. This condition is
neous nodules, and erythema marginatum (flat more common in males, as well as people of
to slightly indurated lesions on the skin of the American indigenous descent, less than 40 years
extensor surfaces of the extremities or trunk). of age, or who carry the human leukocyte
antigen B27. It also may be associated with
Background Information fever, malaise, and inflammatory bowel disease.
This condition is an acute inflammation as a The diagnosis is confirmed with plain radi-
result of group A streptococcal infection.4 The ographs of the sacroiliac joints and lumbar
pain is usually the result of an aseptic inflam- spine, which reveal characteristic findings of
mation of the joints. Diagnosis is made with sacroiliitis and “bamboo spine.” Blood panels
confirmation of a group A streptococcal infec- including erythrocyte sedimentation rate are
tion in association with two of the five major useful to track disease activity. Treatment typi-
manifestations. Monoarthritis and low-grade cally includes a combination of steroidal, nons-
fever are important considerations to avoid teroidal, and biological anti-inflammatory
underdiagnosis.4 Usual treatment consists of medications combined with physical therapy to
antibiotic, anti-inflammatory, and antipyretic address postural and movement considerations
medications. associated with changing spinal position.
■ Allergic Angiitis and ■ Arterial Insufficiency
Granulomatosis (Churg-Strauss Chief Clinical Characteristics
Disease) This presentation may involve pain in the foot
Chief Clinical Characteristics and lower leg that is worst at night, possibly
This presentation can be characterized by causing awakening from sleep. Symptoms often
fever, abdominal pain, peripheral neuropathy, decrease when the leg is placed in a dependent
mononeuritis multiplex, weakness, weight loss, position or after walking.
hypertension, edema, oliguria, and uremia in
Background Information
association with pulmonary symptoms. This
More severe cases of arterial insufficiency may
disorder is always associated with bronchial
be associated with skin ulceration. This condi-
tion is a result of decreased mean arterial pres-
Background Information sure while sleeping; ischemia causes foot pain.
Other signs and symptoms include skin Doppler ultrasonography confirms the diag-
nodules, eosinophilia, mononeuropathy or nosis. The goal of treatment is to prevent the
polyneuropathy, and small blood vessel occlu- progression of this condition to acute arterial
sion that may result in toe and foot gangrene. occlusion.5 Treatment may involve exercise,
Drug allergies or infection are theoretical risk factor modification, stenting, balloon
causes. Clinical examination confirms the angioplasty, bypass grafting, or amputation.
diagnosis in the presence of rhinitis, sinusitis,
or asthma. Usual treatment includes corticos- ■ Arterial Occlusion
teroids. Because of the multisystem nature of Chief Clinical Characteristics
this condition, other supportive interventions This presentation includes an abrupt onset of
also may be necessary. deep achy and/or burning pain, often on the
1528_Ch24_444-488 07/05/12 1:54 PM Page 458
plantar surface of the foot. Diminished sensa- extraintestinal manifestations include episcle-
tion, weakness, pallor, coldness, and cyanotic ritis, ankylosing spondylitis, sacroiliitis, ante-
mottling also may be present. The pulses in the rior uveitis, aphthous stomatitis, erythema
feet, and often the entire lower extremity, may nodosum, pyoderma gangrenosum, or growth
be absent. and development delay.
Background Information Background Information
Common causes of this condition include One-third of patients with inflammatory bowel
trauma, embolus, or a thrombus.6 It is located disease have at least one musculoskeletal mani-
at the bifurcation just distal to the last festation, and in children the extraintestinal
detectable pulse. If the occlusion is present for manifestations may dominate.9 Colonoscopy
longer than 6 hours, the patient is likely to with mucosal biopsy confirms the diagnosis.
contract gangrene and/or have residual symp- Treatment typically involves aminosalicylates,
toms of weakness or sensory impairment. corticosteroids, anti–tumor necrosis factor
Diagnosis is most often confirmed with medications, diet changes, and surgical resec-
Doppler ultrasonography; however, angiogra- tion of the involved portion of bowel.
phy, assessment of systolic blood pressure, and
magnetic resonance angiography may be uti- ■ Atrophic Fat Pad Disorder
lized. This condition is a medical emergency in Chief Clinical Characteristics
its acute form due to the risk for compromise This presentation can involve pain on the
of the distal tissues. Treatment usually involves plantar surface of the heel with tenderness to
pharmacologic or surgical thrombolysis. palpation. Pain increases with barefoot walk-
ing, especially in the morning.
■ Arteriosclerosis Obliterans
Background Information
Chief Clinical Characteristics This condition results from thinning or
This presentation typically includes painful toes spreading of the fat pad that occurs more often
or feet in association with symptoms of palpa- in the elderly, long-distance runners, individu-
ble coolness, and trophic changes such as hair als who train on hard surfaces, and individuals
loss or nail changes. Affected toes may be blue who wear open-heeled or unsupportive shoes.
or black in color. Pulses are diminished or Clinical examination confirms the diagnosis.
absent in the lower leg and foot. Treatment usually involves nonsurgical inter-
Background Information ventions, such as orthoses and footwear mod-
This condition is a vascular disease in which ification, relative rest, and strengthening and
the arteries become thickened and lose elastic- flexibility exercises for the lower quarter.
ity, resulting in vessel occlusion.7,8 It can lead ■ Avascular Necrosis of the
to ulceration or gangrene of the foot or toes. Navicular
The kidneys, brain, and heart also may be
affected. The diagnosis is confirmed with Chief Clinical Characteristics
Doppler ultrasonography or angiography. This presentation includes severe medial mid-
Treatment may involve exercise, risk factor mod- foot pain accompanied by edema and erythema.
ification, stenting, balloon angioplasty, bypass This condition is more common in individuals
grafting, or amputation. with a severe pes planus foot posture.
Background Information
■ Arthritis Associated with This condition results from an alteration in
Inflammatory Bowel Disease blood supply that does not allow for proper
Chief Clinical Characteristics healing after initial trauma to the bone, most
This presentation may be characterized by mi- commonly as a dorsal avulsion fracture or
gratory polyarthritic pain with abdominal pain, direct trauma (such as a blow to the bone).
diarrhea, abdominal cramping, and other gas- The diagnosis is confirmed with plain radi-
trointestinal symptoms. Commonly affected ographs. Intervention may include immobi-
joints include the metatarsophalangeal joints, lization in early-stage disease or arthroscopic
ankle, knee, elbow, wrist, and hand. Other debridement and drilling for advanced lesions.
1528_Ch24_444-488 07/05/12 1:54 PM Page 459
Chief Clinical Characteristics chanical or structural factors, such as
This presentation involves painful muscle Haglund’s deformity or rearfoot varus, may
cramps, palpable tightness, and induration that lead to increased stress on this region. Sys-
is often correlated with a sustained contraction temic inflammatory diseases or direct
of the affected muscle.10 This condition may trauma also may lead to this disorder. Clin-
last several minutes to approximately one-half ical examination confirms the diagnosis.
hour, with tenderness for several hours follow- Usual intervention includes activity and
ing an acute episode. footwear modification.
■ Calcific Tendinitis of the Flexor the region of the initial infection. Vesicles, bul-
tissue. Chief Clinical Characteristics
Background Information This presentation includes painful and ten-
Clinical examination confirms the diagnosis. der hyperkeratotic lesions that are small and
Treatment typically includes progressive re- conical. Pain often is localized to the site of
warming of affected tissue. Tissues injured by the lesion with increased pain during weight
cold tend toward additional damage during bearing.
rewarming as a result of inflammation.14 Background Information
■ Compartment Syndrome This condition develops at the site of excessive
or repetitive mechanical trauma or friction.
Chief Clinical Characteristics The most common type is a hard corn. Soft
This presentation includes paresthesia and corns result from the absorption of a consider-
hypesthesia, followed by significant pain, mas- able amount of perspiration, so they are usu-
sive edema, ecchymosis, soft tissue tenderness, ally more painful than hard corns. Clinical
erythema, palpable warmth, and weakness of examination confirms the diagnosis. Treat-
the plantarflexors or toe flexors. Pulses and ment usually includes mitigation of the corn.
capillary refill often remain normal until the In the case of recurring disease, analysis of
pressure increases to the level of severe injury. plantar foot pressures should be undertaken to
Background Information determine the optimal preventive footwear
Compartment syndrome often is the result of modification or orthoses.
trauma; however, it can occur spontaneously
in patients with diabetes mellitus.15 Altered ■ Crush Injury
vessel perfusion and edema result in increased Chief Clinical Characteristics
intercompartmental pressure that disrupts This presentation can be characterized by pain
the oxygen diffusion and results in ischemia. with possible inability to bear weight on the
Clinical examination and intercompartmental affected limb following a crush injury.
pressure measurements confirm the diagnosis.
Background Information
This condition is a medical emergency and re-
Clinical examination should determine if the
quires urgent surgical decompression.
source of pain is related to epithelial injury,
■ Complex Regional Pain Syndrome soft tissue injury, or fracture. The nature and
Chief Clinical Characteristics extent of the injury depends on the weight
This presentation may include a traumatic and composition of the object as well as the
onset of severe chronic ankle and foot pain duration of time that it is applied to the foot.
accompanied by allodynia, hyperalgesia, and Even if the injury seems insignificant, the diag-
trophic, vasomotor, and sudomotor changes in nosis may require clinical imaging to confirm
later stages. This condition is characterized by the specific structures that are affected. Treat-
disproportionate responses to painful stimuli. ment depends on the extent and type of tissue
Background Information
This regional neuropathic pain disorder pres- ■ Cryoglobulinemia
ents either without direct nerve trauma (Type I) Chief Clinical Characteristics
or with direct nerve trauma (Type II) in any This presentation typically includes pain, weak-
region of the body.1 This condition may precip- ness, paresthesia, sensory loss, Raynaud’s
itate due to an event distant to the affected area. phenomenon, toe gangrene, ulceration of the feet
Thermography may confirm associated sympa- or toes, purpura, signs of glomerulonephritis, or
thetic dysfunction. Treatment may include phys- gastrointestinal bleeding. Tissues and skin of
ical therapy interventions to improve patient the extremities are commonly affected.
and client functioning, biofeedback, analgesic or
anti-inflammatory medication, transcutaneous Background Information
or spinal electrical nerve stimulation, and surgi- This condition is the result of macroglobulins
cal or pharmacologic sympathectomy. that precipitate when plasma cools, leading to
1528_Ch24_444-488 07/05/12 1:54 PM Page 462
joint movement, or muscle wasting. Males are suspected causes. Clinical examination confirms
more likely to be affected than females. the diagnosis. These lesions are self-limiting
and may take months or years to resolve.16
Background Information
This condition is a congenital bone develop- ■ Erythromelalgia
ment disorder that is the result of an intra- Chief Clinical Characteristics
articular osteochondromatosis (localized This presentation involves symmetric burn-
overgrowth of the cartilage) that is present in ing pain in the hands and feet of mild to
the epiphyses of the joint. This affects both disabling intensity with observable redness.
sides of the epiphyses and joint deformity is Pain usually presents as attacks that are often
often the result. This condition is most com- aggravated by vasodilation, such as exposure
mon at the medial ankle, but it also may be to warmth or exercise. Alleviating factors
seen in the femur, the wrist, or the foot. Radi- include rest, elevation, and cryotherapy. The
ographs often reveal the structural changes to lower extremities are more often involved than
the joint. Treatment usually consists of surgi- the upper extremities.
cal excision of the mass, as well as correction
of any angular deformity that may have re- Background Information
sulted. Nonsurgical intervention includes This disease is a result of paroxysmal vasodila-
immobilization. tion of unknown etiology. Doppler ultrasonog-
raphy, transcutaneous oximetry, and nerve con-
■ Envenomation duction studies confirm the diagnosis. Treatment
Chief Clinical Characteristics may include anti-inflammatory medications.
This presentation may include immediate pain
and redness at the location of the sting or ven- ■ Fabry’s Disease
omous bite. Depending on the nature of the Chief Clinical Characteristics
sting, the patient may have ecchymosis, edema, This presentation often includes males with
bullae, necrosis, ulceration, or gangrene. symmetrical skin lesions on the lower trunk
(angiokeratomas), with common symptoms of
Background Information
burning pain in the lower extremities and feet.
The extent of the injury will be determined by
Pain in the hands or more proximal extremities,
the nature of the bite or sting and the type of
corneal opacities, cardiac involvement, and
venom. Most stings are from sea urchins, fish,
renal disease are other associated symptoms.
insects, or arthropods. Most common ven-
omous bites are from snakes and spiders. Background Information
Snake venom may be neurotoxic, hemotoxic, This condition is a rare X-linked genetic disorder
or cardiotoxic. Spider venom may be neuro- that leads to abnormal lipid metabolism. Het-
toxic or necrotizing. Clinical examination erozygous females are usually asymptomatic, but
confirms the diagnosis. This condition can be may display an attenuated version of this disease
a medical emergency. that is characterized by corneal opacities. Blood
test or prenatal assay confirms the diagnosis.
■ Erosive Lichen Planus Treatment includes supportive intervention for
Chief Clinical Characteristics the multisystem effects of this condition, as well
This presentation typically includes cutaneous as enzyme replacement therapy.
lesions that involve itchy and violaceous polyg-
onal papules. Characteristic lesions are marked ■ Fat Pad Separation Secondary
by Wickham’s striae (itchy, violaceous, flat to a Cyst
papules that are highlighted by white dots or Chief Clinical Characteristics
lines). Papules often unite to form rough, scaly This presentation may involve pain at the plan-
patches. tar heel, edema, and tenderness to palpation and
Background Information pressure.
Skin degeneration may occur with ulceration on Background Information
the plantar, medial, or lateral surfaces of the This condition is caused by a fluid-filled bursa
foot. Several drug interactions and infections are or cyst. The cyst or bursa may be palpable and
1528_Ch24_444-488 07/05/12 1:54 PM Page 464
aid in the diagnosis. Treatment requires ecchymosis, tenderness, and occasional widen-
drainage of the cyst and rest to allow the fat ing of the heel or development of a valgus de-
pad to adhere to the calcaneus. formity. Pain may be described as diffuse or
sharp. Pain and edema presenting inferior to
■ Fat Pad Syndrome the medial malleolus and increased with
Chief Clinical Characteristics inversion of the calcaneus or hyperextension
This presentation includes pain and palpable of the great toe may indicate sustentaculum
tenderness on the plantar surface of the heel. Pain tali involvement. Pain inferior to the medial
often increases with bearing weight on the malleolus and reproduction of symptoms with
affected limb, especially with barefoot walking forced dorsiflexion of the foot or toes may
and in the morning. indicate possible medial calcaneal process
Background Information involvement.
Atrophy or inflammation of the heel fat pad Background Information
may cause this condition, often as the result This condition is caused by a fall or jump
of repetitive traumatic compression of the from height. Associated conditions may in-
fat pad secondary to repetitive overuse, over- clude diabetes mellitus, spinal and ankle
training, weak or fatigued lower extremity fractures, severe ankle sprains, bilateral
muscles, or training on hard surfaces. Clinical calcaneal fractures, peroneal injuries, flexor
examination confirms the diagnosis. Usual hallucis longus injury, and compartment
treatment involves footwear modification, syndrome. Complications may include loss
orthoses, activity modification, and strength- of sensation and paresthesias of the distal
ening weak muscles that may contribute to this foot, excruciating pain with toe movements,
condition. compartment syndrome, or subtalar arthri-
tis. Plain radiographs confirm the diagnosis.
■ Fixed Drug Eruption
Treatment ranges from immobilization and
Chief Clinical Characteristics protected weight-bearing status in the event
This presentation can often involve either of a stable fracture, to surgical fixation for
immediate or delayed eruptions of the skin or unstable or nonunion fractures.
mucous membranes as a result of administra-
tion of a drug. Redness, edema, pain, and ■ Fifth Metatarsal
tenderness of the affected skin often are Chief Clinical Characteristics
observed. Responses can vary from a mild rash This presentation involves pain and tender-
to epidermal necrolysis. ness at the lateral aspect of the foot around the
Background Information base of the fifth metatarsal.
In the feet, this condition often is secondary to Background Information
oral drug administration (such as Antabuse, Typical fractures are either avulsion frac-
isoniazid, and other drugs that may cause tures or diaphyseal fractures. Avulsion frac-
sensory or sensorimotor neuropathy). Clinical tures result from an inversion motion that
examination confirms the diagnosis. Treat- is correlated with reflexive contraction of
ment typically includes ceasing the medication the peroneus brevis. Diaphyseal fractures
responsible for this condition. Individuals are caused by loading through a foot that is
suspected of having this condition should be in a plantarflexed and inverted position.
referred to a physician for further investigation Pain at the base of the fifth metatarsal or
and to supervise changes in an individual’s inability to bear weight on the affected limb
medication regimen. may lead the clinician to utilize radi-
FRACTURES ographs, which largely confirm the diagno-
sis.17 Usual treatment ranges from immobi-
■ Calcaneus lization and protected weight-bearing
Chief Clinical Characteristics status in the event of a stable fracture, to
This presentation includes severe heel pain surgical fixation for unstable or nonunion
associated with significant plantar edema, fractures.
1528_Ch24_444-488 07/05/12 1:55 PM Page 465
Chief Clinical Characteristics assist in the diagnosis, staging, and
This presentation often involves pain and ten- prognosis of the injury. Surgical treatment
derness with palpation of the involved is indicated for large or displaced frac-
sesamoid, as well as dorsiflexion of the first tures; otherwise, nonsurgical treatment is
metatarsophalangeal joint (Fig. 24-1). indicated.18
Patients should be monitored because joint and flexibility exercises for weak or tight
degeneration is common following these lower quarter muscles that may be responsi-
injuries.21 ble for contributory pathomechanics.
is confirmed with plain radiographs. Treat- magnetic resonance imaging. Surgical excision
cases of recalcitrant symptoms and disability. A hammer toe deformity is a position of prox-
imal interphalangeal joint flexion with distal
■ Hallux Rigidus interphalangeal joint extension. The injuries to
Chief Clinical Characteristics the toes are a result of this deformity, whether
This presentation can include pain, decreased flexible or rigid, that leads to altered mechani-
range of motion, edema, possible bony prominence cal pressure and friction. Typical treatments
with redness, and tenderness at the first metatar- for clinically significant forms of this condi-
sophalangeal joint. Common gait abnormali- tion that cause intolerable pain and disability
ties include a decreased terminal stance phase and involve surgical procedures to straighten the
rolling the foot into supination. Pain may be toes.
present with metatarsophalangeal extension.
■ Hand-Foot-and-Mouth Disease
Background Information
Chief Clinical Characteristics
Hallux rigidus or limitus results from degener-
This presentation can include vesicular eruption
ative changes to the first metatarsophalangeal
around the buccal mucosa or the tongue, as well
joint. Clinical examination confirms the diag-
as similar lesions on the palms of the hands and
nosis. Usual nonsurgical treatments involve
the soles of the feet. Skin lesions are painful to
physical therapy intervention, footwear modi-
palpation and pressure.
fication, and orthoses. Surgical treatments
include wedge osteotomy. Background Information
The disease is a result of a viral infection, most
■ Hallux Valgus often by Coxsackie virus A 16.25 This condition
Chief Clinical Characteristics is more common in young children than
This presentation may involve medial pain, adults. Molecular assay confirms the diagno-
edema, redness, metatarsalgia pain, and tender- sis.26 Typically, treatment is supportive pending
ness as a result of the prominence of the great resolution of the underlying viral infection.
toe. This condition may progress to the point that
deviation develops in other toes. An adventitious ■ Hepatitis B–Associated Arthritis
bursa may develop, and patients also may have Chief Clinical Characteristics
difficulty wearing desired footwear. This presentation involves a symmetric pol-
yarthralgia that can affect the toes, and more
Background Information
commonly, the fingers. The common symptoms
This condition is truly an abductus defor-
include anorexia, malaise, nausea, vomiting,
mity, better termed hallux abductovalgus. It is
and fever. Jaundice usually develops in
associated with cartilage damage within the
approximately 1 to 2 weeks.
first metatarsophalangeal joint; the degree of
cartilage damage and angle of deformity are Background Information
directly related. Clinical examination con- Hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver as
firms the diagnosis. Usual nonsurgical treat- a result of viral infection with necrosis of
ments involve physical therapy intervention, the liver. Arthralgia usually is the result of an
footwear modification, and orthoses. Surgical aseptic inflammation of the joints. Blood tests
treatments include a variety of techniques to confirm the diagnosis.
correct the deformity.
■ Herpes Zoster
■ Hammer Toe Deformity Chief Clinical Characteristics
Chief Clinical Characteristics This presentation typically includes an exquis-
This presentation typically includes pain, red- itely painful rash or blisters along a specific der-
ness, tenderness, blister formation, or the pres- matomal pattern accompanied by flu-like
ence of a corn or callus formation. Some of symptoms. Individuals with this condition also
these patients will present with a history of demonstrate a previous history of varicella
subungual hematomas as a result of the repet- exposure or infection. Pain associated with this
itive trauma. condition may be disproportionate to the extent
1528_Ch24_444-488 07/05/12 1:55 PM Page 470
this condition may be confused with radicu- often preferred, including footwear modifica-
lopathy due to the distribution of symptoms. The tion, orthoses, taping, and rehabilitative exer-
presence of the rash, extreme pain, general cises. Synovectomy may be required in individ-
malaise, and unclear association with spinal uals with persistent symptoms and disability.
movement aids in differential diagnosis.
■ Infected Blister
Background Information Chief Clinical Characteristics
The virus remains dormant in the spinal gan- This presentation can be characterized by burn-
glia until its reactivation during a period of ing and pain at the site of a blister. Purulence
stress, infection, or physical exhaustion. Treat- of the blister fluid with redness and edema
ment includes the administration of antiviral around the blister are associated signs. Signs of
agents as soon as the zoster eruption is noted, systemic involvement may include fever, chills,
ideally within 48 to 72 hours. If timing is malaise, or myalgia.
greater than 3 days, treatment is aimed at con-
trolling pain and pruritus and minimizing the Background Information
risk of secondary infection.27 Blisters of the feet may result from friction be-
tween the skin and a sock or shoe.29 Clinical
■ Hypersensitivity Vasculitis examination confirms the diagnosis. Treat-
ment for this condition usually includes risk
Chief Clinical Characteristics
factor mitigation, wound dressing, and oral
This presentation often includes pruritic skin
antibiotic medication.
lesions, necrosis, and painful ulcerations of
the feet and toes. Associated conditions may ■ Intermittent Acute Porphyria
include joint pain, hepatosplenomegaly, lym- Chief Clinical Characteristics
phadenopathy, or glomerulonephritis. This presentation includes neurovisceral symp-
Background Information toms with abdominal pain attacks and associ-
This condition is an inflammation of the ated symptoms of nausea, vomiting, constipa-
postcapillary venule that is caused by a drug tion, or diarrhea. Exacerbating factors include
interaction or immune complex interaction, drugs, hormones, or dietary restrictions (eg,
resulting in leukocytoclastic angiitis.28 Biopsy low-calorie or low-carbohydrate diets).
and subsequent histological investigation Background Information
confirm the diagnosis. This condition is often Neuropathy can lead to burning pain in the
self-limiting and resolves without specific feet and/or hands, paresthesias, numbness,
treatment. Topical or oral anti-inflammatory dysesthesias, myalgias, and symmetrical or
medication may be necessary for individuals asymmetrical weakness. Associated symptoms
with persistent symptoms. also may include bladder and urinary symp-
■ Idiopathic Metatarsophalangeal toms, behavioral changes, hypertension, tachy-
Synovitis cardia, and cardiac or respiratory failure. Re-
flexes may be diminished or absent. This
Chief Clinical Characteristics condition is an autosomal dominant disorder
This presentation may involve tenderness, that results from porphobilinogen deaminase
pain, and edema of the involved joints. Pain deficiency.30 Urine, blood, and deoxyribonu-
is aggravated with forced flexion of the metatar- cleic acid tests confirm the diagnosis. Treat-
sophalangeal joint. Monoarticular metatar- ment involves medications to reduce heme
sophalangeal joint synovitis is more common synthesis, as well as supportive interventions
than multiple joint involvement. Commonly, for the multisystem effects of this condition.
the second ray is more affected.
Background Information ■ Interosseous Myositis
A history of trauma or injury is not frequently Chief Clinical Characteristics
reported. Clinical examination confirms the This presentation involves pain and palpable ten-
diagnosis, and plain radiographs often will be derness in between the metatarsal bones with
1528_Ch24_444-488 07/05/12 1:55 PM Page 471
plane movements. Pain usually is worst in the Chief Clinical Characteristics
morning. This presentation typically includes a variety of
Background Information symptoms including bony foot pain, malaise,
Midfoot and forefoot support often alleviate fatigue, excessive bruising or bleeding, night
the pain associated with this condition, such as sweats, and weight loss. Acute disorders have a
when wearing shoes. Overuse injury of the in- more rapid onset with illness.31
terosseous muscles may cause this condition. Background Information
Magnetic resonance imaging confirms the di- Leukemic cells will accumulate in the bone
agnosis. The usual treatment for this condition marrow and replace the normal hematopoietic
is nonsurgical, including footwear and activity cells, which may then infiltrate any other organ.
modification, orthoses, and oral nonsteroidal Acute myelogenous leukemias constitute 85%
anti-inflammatory medication. of adult acute leukemias. Chronic lymphocytic
leukemia is responsible for 30% of all leukemias
■ Ischemic Ulceration of the Toes
in the Western countries and the median age of
Chief Clinical Characteristics onset is the seventh decade; whereas acute lym-
This presentation can involve pain, tenderness, phoblastic leukemia is responsible for 80% of
ulceration, and blackening of the great toe. childhood cases.32 Foot pain may result from
The foot or toe may be cold, pulseless, and either an arthritis or symmetrical peripheral
pale. polyneuropathy. The diagnosis is confirmed
Background Information with the presence of disabling bone pain, night
This condition results from tissue ischemia, pain, hematologic findings in the blood tests,
and the nature of vascular compromise leucopenia, or positive findings in a bone mar-
determines the affected distribution of foot row biopsy.33–35 Typical treatments for this
and toes. This condition is caused by throm- condition involve chemotherapy, radiation,
bus, embolism, vasculitis, or small artery monoclonal antibody medication, and stem cell
occlusion. Doppler ultrasonography con- transplantation.
firms the diagnosis. Treatment includes LIGAMENT SPRAINS
wound management strategies combined
with interventions to improve tissue perfu- ■ Anterior Talofibular Ligament
sion. Interventions to improve tissue perfu- Chief Clinical Characteristics
sion are appropriately directed to the cause of This presentation can include pain, swelling, ten-
ischemia. derness to palpation, and possible ecchymosis
just anterior and inferior to the lateral malle-
■ Joplin’s Neuroma olus, directly over the ligament. Weight bearing
Chief Clinical Characteristics and combined inversion/plantarflexion mo-
This presentation can include pain and pares- tions of the foot will be painful and may be
thesia at the medial plantar surface of the foot, limited by pain. If the ligament is completely torn,
just distal to the first metatarsophalangeal joint then pain may or may not be present with
and into the first digit. Pain may be worsened excessive inversion.
during weight bearing on the affected limb or Background Information
when wearing certain shoes. Injury to the ligament is usually caused by an
Background Information inversion and plantarflexion mechanism to
Entrapment of the medial plantar nerve near the ankle. Associated injuries may include
the hallux causes this condition. Clinical exam- calcaneofibular ligament sprain, syndesmotic
ination, including Tinel’s or compression sign ligament sprain, sinus tarsi syndrome with a
along the involved nerve, confirms the diagno- subtalar sprain, superficial peroneal nerve
sis. Usual treatment is nonsurgical, with surgi- injury, fifth metatarsal fracture, medial ankle
cal intervention reserved for cases in which the impingement, a medial or lateral malleolar
site of entrapment is well characterized. fracture, talar or osteochondral fractures, or
1528_Ch24_444-488 07/05/12 1:55 PM Page 472
peroneal tendon injury. Diagnosis is usually determine the extent of the injury to the
based on the clinical presentation, mecha- nerves or vasculature. Treatment will often
nism of injury, and a positive anterior trans- consist of rest to allow for healing, provided
lation test of the talus. If pain or instability that nerve and vascular injuries are absent.
persists, then radiographs are helpful to rule
out fractures, osteochondral defects, or ■ Forefoot
structural instability with stress. Nonsurgical Chief Clinical Characteristics
intervention is commonly indicated; how- This presentation may be characterized by
ever, surgical stabilization may be indicated pain, edema, and tenderness to palpation.
in the event of a mechanically unstable joint. Symptoms are aggravated with range of mo-
tion or weight bearing through a dorsiflexed
■ Calcaneofibular Ligament or extended joint. Deformity may result if
(Isolated) there is significant damage to the ligamentous
Chief Clinical Characteristics and other passive stabilizing structures.
This presentation can be characterized by Background Information
swelling and tenderness along the lateral This condition results from movement be-
ankle, inferior to the lateral malleolus, yond the normal range of the joint in any of
along the ligament. Pain increases with foot the planes of movement, usually through a
inversion. hyperextension injury of the metatarsopha-
Background Information langeal joints. Clinical examination confirms
Injury to the ligament occurs during an in- the diagnosis, and plain radiographs may be
version mechanism of the ankle, with the useful to rule out fracture. Treatment usually
ankle in neutral or even sometimes dorsi- consists of activity and footwear modification
flexion. This injury rarely occurs independ- along with anti-inflammatory medications,
ently, and is commonly associated with ante- with arthrodesis necessary in the presence
rior talofibular ligament sprains, lateral of symptoms and disability related to gross
malleolus fractures, and syndesmotic in- mechanical instability.
juries. Diagnosis is based on the clinical ■ Metatarsophalangeal Joint
presentation and the use of radiographs may
be useful to rule out any additional injuries Chief Clinical Characteristics
or complications. Nonsurgical intervention This presentation typically includes pain,
is commonly indicated; however surgical edema, and tenderness to palpation. Pain is
stabilization may be indicated in the event of aggravated with range of motion or bearing
a mechanically unstable joint. weight on the affected limb through the affected
joint while it is dorsiflexed.
■ Cruciate Crural Ligament
Background Information
Chief Clinical Characteristics This condition is commonly caused by a
This presentation may include pain and hyperextension injury of the metatarsopha-
tenderness to palpation along the ligament on langeal joint. Clinical examination confirms
the dorsum of the ankle and foot. Pain is the diagnosis. Plain radiographs may be
intensified with plantarflexion of the toes, helpful to exclude avulsion fractures and dis-
but is present even at rest. Paresthesias or ruptions of the sesamoid and flexor hallucis
weakness may be present if the injury causes longus complex. Typical treatment involves
increased intracompartmental pressure. rest and footwear modification along with
Background Information anti-inflammatory medications.
Injury to this ligament may be due to either
direct or indirect trauma. Complications ■ Longitudinal Arch Strain
may include injury to the blood vessels or Chief Clinical Characteristics
nerves on the surface of the foot. Palpation This presentation involves pain on the plantar
for pedal pulses, neurological examination, aspect of the foot, primarily along the medial
and possibly a Doppler should be used to aspect of the foot. Pain is aggravated by weight
1528_Ch24_444-488 07/05/12 1:55 PM Page 473
bearing or dorsiflexion of the foot, and allevi- deformity, whether flexible or rigid, that leads
ated by rest or plantarflexion of the foot. to altered mechanical pressure and friction.
Typical treatments for clinically significant
Background Information
forms of this condition that cause intolerable
Prolonged weight bearing that results in liga-
pain and disability involve surgical procedures
ment sprain or muscle fatigue causes this
to straighten the toes.
condition. Individuals with excessive foot
pronation, pes cavus, pes planus, or excessive ■ Metastases to the Foot, Including
ligament laxity are usually more prone to this From Primary Breast, Kidney,
condition. Clinical examination confirms the Lung, Prostate, and Thyroid
diagnosis. Typical treatment involves rest and Disease
footwear modification along with anti-
inflammatory medications, as well as stretch- Chief Clinical Characteristics
ing and strengthening of muscle length and This presentation can be characterized by
strength deficits that may contribute to this unremitting pain in individuals with these risk
condition. factors: previous history of cancer, age 50 years
or older, failure to improve with conservative
■ Lymphoma therapy, and unexplained weight change of
Chief Clinical Characteristics more than 10 pounds in 6 months.37
This presentation may include foot pain, tingling, Background Information
paresthesias, or weakness that results from a The skeletal system is the third most com-
sometimes present polyneuropathy.36 Some of mon site of metastatic disease.38 Symptoms
the most common symptoms include fever, night also may be related to pathological fracture
sweats, or weight loss. in affected sites. Common primary sites
Background Information causing metastases to bone include breast,
Congestion and edema of the face and neck as prostate, lung, and kidney. Bone scan con-
well as ureteral compression are common in in- firms the diagnosis. Common treatments for
dividuals with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. metastases include surgical resection,
Hodgkin’s lymphoma is caused by malignant chemotherapy, radiation treatment, and
proliferation of tumor cells in the lymphoretic- palliation, depending on the tumor type and
ular system, while non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma is extent of metastasis.
proliferation of lymphoid cells within the im-
mune system. Diagnosis may be confirmed ■ Metatarsalgia
with histological study of a biopsy or excised Chief Clinical Characteristics
tissue. Treatment will vary based on the type This presentation can include pain and palpa-
of lymphoma. Common treatments include ble tenderness on the plantar aspect of the
chemotherapy, radiation, and bone marrow metatarsal heads. Pain is aggravated with
transplantation. weight bearing, especially with a heel rise or dur-
ing the terminal stance in gait.
■ Mallet Toe Deformity
Background Information
Chief Clinical Characteristics This condition is the result of imbalanced
This presentation can involve pain, redness, weight distribution across the metatarsal
tenderness, blister formation, or the presence heads, leading to overuse trauma to the
of a corn or callus formation. Some of these bones, joints, and surrounding tissues. Clini-
patients will present with a history of subun- cal examination confirms the diagnosis.
gual hematomas as a result of the repetitive Additional certainty may be obtained by
trauma. plantar pressure measurement during walk-
Background Information ing. Typical treatment involves rest and
A mallet toe deformity is a position of distal footwear modification, anti-inflammatory
and proximal interphalangeal joint flexion. This medications, and gentle exercise for lower
condition is often termed “claw toe” deformity. quarter muscle length and strength deficits
The injuries to the toes are a result of this that may lead to this condition.
1528_Ch24_444-488 07/05/12 1:55 PM Page 474
direct and indirect pressures. The clinical anterolateral lower leg and dorsum of the
examination, including neurodynamic test- foot. Plantarflexion and foot inversion are
ing, confirms the diagnosis. Usual treat- often aggravating factors, and Tinel’s sign
ment is nonsurgical, with surgical release of over the superficial peroneal nerve also may
entrapment sites reserved for cases in which reproduce pain. Associated motor deficits may
the site of entrapment is well characterized. include weakness or foot eversion.
systemic signs of infection such as weight loss and plantar fascia, as well the plantar aspect of the
fatigue. The toes may present with a “sausage midfoot. Pain is more intense with the first few
toe” deformity. steps in the morning and activities that involve
bearing weight on the affected limb, such as
Background Information
walking, running, and ankle dorsiflexion with
This condition is an inflammation and necrosis
extension of the toes.
of bone as a result of an infection. The calca-
neus is the most common site of infection in the Background Information
foot, followed by the metatarsals, tarsals, and Overuse and overloading of the plantar fascia
then the phalangeal bones. Biopsy, magnetic cause this condition. Plain radiographs may
resonance imaging, and histology confirm the reveal a calcaneal heel spur. However, these
diagnosis and guide medical intervention.41 have been shown as the source of pain in only
Treatment may involve an aggressive regimen a minority of cases. Clinical examination
of antibiotic medications, with surgical resec- confirms the diagnosis. Treatment commonly
tion of affected areas potentially necessary. consists of nonsurgical interventions, such as
footwear modification, orthoses, and gentle
■ Paronychia exercise to improve ankle dorsiflexion and
Chief Clinical Characteristics plantar fascial mobility. In individuals with
This presentation typically includes pain and ten- recalcitrant symptoms and disability, surgical
derness with possible redness to the parony- debridement also may be considered.
chium around the nail. Purulent drainage is
common in the region of the infection. ■ Polyarteritis Nodosa
Chief Clinical Characteristics
Background Information This presentation typically includes fever,
Chronic cases tend to be nonsuppurative. This abdominal pain, peripheral neuropathy,
condition involves infection to the epidermis mononeuritis multiplex, weakness, weight loss,
surrounding the nail, which usually is caused hypertension, edema, oliguria, and uremia (in
by some puncture or laceration to the tissue. order of commonness). This condition is most
The diagnosis is confirmed by clinical exami- common in males between 40 and 50 years
nation. Treatment typically involves drainage of age.
and oral antibiotic medications.
Background Information
■ Piezogenic Papules Neuropathy can result in sensory loss, hypes-
Chief Clinical Characteristics thesia, or weakness. Pain associated with this
This presentation typically includes pain and condition results from peripheral neuropa-
tenderness at the plantar heel. Symptoms are thy, myalgia, or arthralgia. This condition
worsened when bearing weight on the affected involves inflammation and necrosis of the
limb, especially in a rigid shoe or when barefoot medium-sized arteries that result in ischemia,
on a hard floor. and it may occur as an effect of hepatitis B.42
The diagnosis is confirmed with angiography,
Background Information tissue biopsy, or magnetic resonance imag-
Oversized fat nodules may cause compressive ing.43,44 Corticosteroid medication combined
pain on the fat pad. These nodules are often with cyclophosphamide comprises a com-
observable clinically. Pain may result from the mon treatment.
subcutaneous fat herniations. Diagnosis is
made clinically. Footwear modifications, or- POSITIONAL FAULTS
thoses, and activity modification may be
considered as common treatments. ■ Calcaneocuboid Joint
Chief Clinical Characteristics
■ Plantar Fasciitis This presentation typically includes pain at the
Chief Clinical Characteristics plantar aspect of the calcaneocuboid joint or
This presentation typically includes pain and lateral to the joint line. Pain usually is increased
tenderness at the calcaneal insertion of the with impact activities, when performing a
1528_Ch24_444-488 07/05/12 1:55 PM Page 478
heel raise, or with a manual muscle test of suspected, then a tissue biopsy may confirm
the peroneus longus. Localized edema and this diagnosis. Prognosis may range from mild
peroneus longus weakness may be present. changes to death. Typical goals of treatment
include addressing contributory conditions
Background Information
and organ failure.
Theoretical causes include lateral ankle
sprains, calcaneocuboid joint abnormalities, ■ Pseudogout
or torque from the peroneus longus tendon.
Diagnosis is usually made by clinical presen- Chief Clinical Characteristics
tation, weakness of the peroneus longus, and This presentation may include pain, edema,
localized palpable pain. The diagnosis is con- warmth, erythema, and tenderness of the in-
firmed with the clinical examination, and volved joint or joints. The arthritis may mimic
radiographs usually are unhelpful. Common other types of arthritis but attacks usually are
treatment is nonsurgical, involving mobi- less severe than those experienced with gout. The
lization or manipulation of the cuboid. first metatarsophalangeal joint, ankle, dorsum
of the foot, knees, wrists, or shoulders may be af-
■ Talonavicular Joint fected. This condition is prevalent in individu-
Chief Clinical Characteristics als over 60 years of age.
This presentation typically includes pain at the Background Information
plantar and medial aspect of the foot, around Causes for the contributory calcium py-
the navicular. Pain is aggravated with weight rophosphate crystal deposition in synovial
bearing on the affected limb, impact activi- joints are unknown. Diagnosis is based on
ties, and manual muscle testing of the the clinical presentation, the pattern of joints
posterior tibialis muscle. Weakness of the involved, radiographic intra-articular and
posterior tibialis muscle, mild edema, and periarticular involvement, and aspiration of
hypomobility of the talonavicular joint usu- calcium pyrophosphate crystals in the joint
ally are present. fluid.45 Anti-inflammatory medication com-
Background Information prises the usual treatment for this condition.
Torsion of the medial forefoot is thought to Unlike with gout, uric acid–lowering medica-
medially displace the navicular, causing this tions are not used.
condition. Clinical examination confirms
the diagnosis, and radiographs usually are ■ Pulp-Space Infection
unhelpful. Common treatment is nonsurgi- Chief Clinical Characteristics
cal, involving mobilization or manipulation This presentation typically includes pain,
of the navicular. redness, edema, tenderness, and sometimes pal-
pable warmth at the plantar aspect of the first
■ Primary Amyloidosis toe. Signs of systemic involvement include fever,
Chief Clinical Characteristics malaise, weight loss, or fatigue.
This presentation typically includes pain, pares-
thesia, hypesthesia, and loss of light touch and Background Information
temperature sensation in the feet and toes. The cause of this rare condition is a puncture
wound. Clinical examination confirms the
Background Information diagnosis. Treatment typically involves oral
This condition occurs when amyloid, a protein- antibiotic medications.
like substance, is deposited in between cells
in many tissues of the body. Renal failure ■ Raynaud’s Disease
with proteinemia and uremia are the most Chief Clinical Characteristics
common complications; however, the patient This presentation typically includes a period of
also may have cardiac and gastrointestinal in- pallor and cyanosis followed by skin rubor and
volvement. Diagnosis of primary amyloidosis pain. Symptoms are often aggravated with cold
neuropathy must correlate the neuropathy or emotional stress. It is most common in the
with other comorbidities that may result fingers, although toes also may be affected. Pares-
from amyloidosis. If organ involvement is thesia tends to occur during the later stages.
1528_Ch24_444-488 07/05/12 1:55 PM Page 479
This phenomenon may be idiopathic, or stiffness for more than 1 hour, arthritis of
related to vascular disease or a drug reaction. three or more joints, arthritis of the hand
Clinical examination confirms the diagnosis. joints, symmetric arthritis, rheumatoid
Typical treatment of this condition involves nodules, serum rheumatoid factor, or radi-
prevention of future episodes. ographic changes. Treatment typically includes
a variety of steroidal, nonsteroidal, and biolog-
■ Reiter’s Syndrome ical anti-inflammatory medications.
Chief Clinical Characteristics
This presentation typically includes asymmet-
ric and varying severity of joint pain and stiff-
ness of the subtalar joint, metatarsophalangeal ■ Psoriatic Arthritis
joints, interphalangeal joints, tarsal joints, cal- Chief Clinical Characteristics
caneal abnormalities, and knees. Other symp- This presentation can be characterized by an
toms can include tendon synovitis, fasciitis, insidious onset of lumbopelvic and hip pain
back pain, mucocutaneous lesions, skin lesions, associated with psoriasis. The severity of
and cardiac involvement. Joint pain accompa- arthritis is uncorrelated with the extent of
nies urethritis and conjunctivitis. skin involvement.48 Pitting nail lesions occur
Background Information in 80% of individuals with this condition.
This disease typically follows either an episode Dactylitis, tenosynovitis, and peripheral
of dysentery or infectious arthritis, and per- arthritis also are common.
sons with the HLA-B27 genetic makeup are at Background Information
greater risk.46 Diagnosis is usually based on the Radiographs of the distal phalanges may
patient’s history, radiographs, and blood tests reveal a characteristic “pencil in cup” defor-
to rule out other forms of arthritis or poten- mity. Blood panels including erythrocyte
tially associated infections. This usually is a sedimentation rate are useful to track disease
self-limiting condition and resolves in 3 to activity. Management usually includes use of
4 months. When provided, treatment involves salicylates, corticosteroids, antibiotics, and im-
a combination of antibiotic medications di- munosuppressants depending on the severity
rected toward the infective agent that is re- of the pathology.49
sponsible for the autoimmune response that
characterizes this condition, in combination ■ Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
with anti-inflammatory medication. Chief Clinical Characteristics
This presentation can involve fatigue and
■ Rheumatoid Arthritis joint pain/swelling affecting the hands, feet,
Chief Clinical Characteristics knees, and shoulders. This condition affects
This presentation can involve symmetric foot mostly women of childbearing age, but men
pain with localized tenderness, swelling, and also may be affected.
early morning stiffness. The feet may be the
Background Information
first region affected by the arthritis; however,
This condition is a chronic autoimmune
multiple joints are often affected. After the
disorder that can affect virtually any organ
initial stages, subcutaneous rheumatoid nodules
system of the body, including skin, joints,
and joint deformities may present, most
kidneys, brain, heart, lungs, and blood.
commonly flexion deformities. The metatar-
There may be some ankle tendon involve-
sophalangeal joints are the joints most com-
ment, more often in the Achilles tendon. The
monly affected by rheumatoid arthritis.47
diagnosis is confirmed by the presence of
Background Information skin lesions; heart, lung, or kidney involve-
This is a progressive systemic condition with ment; and laboratory abnormalities includ-
unknown etiology. Diagnosis, according to the ing low red or white cell counts, low platelet
American Rheumatism Association, includes counts, or positive ANA and anti-DNA anti-
at least a 6-week presentation with any four of body tests.42
1528_Ch24_444-488 07/05/12 1:55 PM Page 480
This condition involves abnormal red blood Trauma or repetitive use, a medication reac-
cell morphology that causes the cells to become tion, systemic pathology, and aging may initi-
rigid and sticky, disrupting blood flow to ate the characteristic hematoma under the
bones, and resulting in painful bone infarcts. nail. Clinical examination confirms the diag-
This condition may cause complications in nosis with the appearance of a blackened
multiple organ systems, including stroke, skin toenail. Usual treatment involves drainage.
ulcers, and blindness. Diagnosis may be con-
firmed with a blood test, the most common TENDINITIS
being hemoglobin electrophoresis. This condi- ■ Achilles Tendinitis
tion is a medical emergency. Chief Clinical Characteristics
■ Strain of the Peroneal Muscles This presentation can involve a sharp,
aching, or burning pain with point tender-
Chief Clinical Characteristics ness 2 to 6 cm proximal to the calcaneal
This presentation involves pain, tenderness, insertion. Insertional tendinopathy may be
and possible edema or ecchymosis at the lateral located at the distal insertion at the calcaneus.
lower leg and ankle, in the region of the peroneal Symptoms are reproduced with palpation of
muscles. Pain may be aggravated with passive the tendon, passive dorsiflexion, and active
dorsiflexion and inversion of the foot, or with resisted plantarflexion. Palpable crepitus
contraction of the muscle with active plan- may be present with movement, and an
tarflexion and eversion of the foot. Bearing increased thickening of the tendon that
weight on the affected limb may be difficult, moves with tendon excursion may be palpa-
such as with walking and running. Focal ble in comparison to the asymptomatic side.
tenderness may be present. Calf atrophy may be observed, the patient
Background Information may have limitations in ankle dorsiflexion,
This condition occurs as a result of rapid and the patient may report increased stiff-
eccentric muscle contractions involved with ness in the morning.
activities like acceleration and deceleration.
Background Information
Clinical examination confirms the diagnosis.
Achilles tendinitis is associated with overuse
Additional certainty may be obtained with
from repetitive loading of the involved
magnetic resonance imaging or computed
tendon. This injury is most common in
tomography. Usual treatment is nonsurgical,
15- to 45-year-old active individuals, most
including physical therapy intervention, or-
commonly runners. Diagnosis is often made
thoses, and footwear and activity modification.
clinically. If the diagnosis is difficult then
■ Submetatarsal Cyst confirmation may be made with magnetic
resonance imaging. Usual treatment is non-
Chief Clinical Characteristics
surgical, consisting of anti-inflammatory
This presentation can involve a tender cyst just
medication, rest, and gentle exercise.
plantar to the metatarsal heads.
Background Information ■ Extensor Digitorum Longus
This condition is a dermal plantar mass that is Tendinitis
benign and usually is residing in the dermal Chief Clinical Characteristics
layer. As opposed to a submetatarsal bursa, the This presentation can be characterized by
cyst is palpable and adhered to the dermis. pain over the dorsum of the foot and tender-
Sebaceous material may discharge through a ness to palpation along the extensor digito-
small pore. Treatment may include drainage. rum longus tendons. Resisted extension of
the lesser toes and passive flexion of the
■ Subungual Hematoma lesser toes often increases the pain. Pain may
Chief Clinical Characteristics also be elicited with resisted dorsiflexion of
This presentation involves a painful toenail the ankle. Walking and running are often
that is very tender to pressure. painful.
1528_Ch24_444-488 07/05/12 1:55 PM Page 482
Pain is often present at initial contact and stiffness in the morning may be observed. Pain
during the loading response of gait, due to the is often worse with weight bearing and walk-
eccentric loading of the tendon and muscle. ing, and these patients often have difficulty per-
Pain is often increased with passive stretch forming a heel rise.
into plantarflexion or resisted dorsiflexion of
Background Information
the ankle. Tibialis anterior tendinitis is usually
Tendinosis is a state of increased tenocyte
caused by overuse.50 Diagnosis is usually
and cellular activity that leads to disorgan-
made clinically, but may be confirmed with
ized collagen and vascular hyperplasia.52,53
magnetic resonance or ultrasound imaging.
Tendinosis is usually a chronic degenerative
Usual treatment is nonsurgical, consisting
process that is initiated by an injury to the
of anti-inflammatory medication, rest, and
tendon. Diagnosis is usually based on the
gentle exercise.
clinical presentation. If pathology is severe
■ Tibialis Posterior Tendinitis or the clinical diagnosis is unclear, then mag-
netic resonance or ultrasound imaging may
Chief Clinical Characteristics
confirm the diagnosis and allow for progno-
This presentation may involve pain and
sis and staging of the tendinosis. A combina-
swelling with palpable tenderness along the
tion of patient/client education, unloading
medial aspect of the midfoot and sometimes
of the affected musculotendinous unit, con-
posterior to the medial malleolus. Pain is of-
trolled mechanical reloading, and preventive
ten worsened with weight bearing, walking,
measures appears to be effective to manage
performing a heel rise, or stretching the ten-
this condition.54
don. Attenuation of this tendon is sometimes
seen and can lead to a flat-foot deformity. ■ Extensor Digitorum Longus
Palpation may be assisted with muscle con- Tendinosis
traction of the tibialis posterior muscle.
Chief Clinical Characteristics
Background Information This presentation is characterized by pain
Injury to this tendon is often the result of over the dorsum of the foot and tenderness to
overuse that is caused by a hypermobile palpation along the extensor digitorum longus
midfoot and excessive foot pronation. The tendons. Resisted extension of the lesser toes
tibialis posterior is the most significant or passive flexion of the lesser toes often in-
active stabilizer of the arch.51 Diagnosis is creases the pain. Pain may also be elicited
usually made clinically, but may be con- with resisted dorsiflexion of the ankle. Walk-
firmed with magnetic resonance or ultra- ing and running are often painful.
sound imaging. Nonsurgical treatments may Background Information
be indicated, such as anti-inflammatory The pathology of this tendinosis is usually
medication, rest, and gentle exercise. the result of sustained overuse. Diagnosis
TENDINOSIS is usually made clinically, but may be con-
firmed with magnetic resonance or ultra-
■ Achilles Tendinosis sound imaging. Nonsurgical treatments may
Chief Clinical Characteristics be indicated, such as anti-inflammatory
This presentation typically includes sharp, medication, rest, and gentle exercise.
aching, or burning pain with point tenderness
usually along the medial aspect of the middle ■ Extensor Hallucis Longus
one-third of the Achilles tendon. Some pa- Tendinosis
tients with Achilles tendinosis are pain free. Chief Clinical Characteristics
Symptoms, if present, may be reproduced with This presentation may include pain and pal-
palpation of the Achilles tendon, passive dor- pable tenderness along the extensor hallucis
siflexion, or active resisted plantarflexion. tendon. Walking and running are often
Palpable increased thickening of the tendon painful. Resisted extension of the hallux or pas-
may be present in comparison to the unin- sive flexion of the hallux often increases the
volved tendon. Calf atrophy, limitations in pain. Pain may also be elicited with resisted
1528_Ch24_444-488 07/05/12 1:55 PM Page 484
dorsiflexion of the ankle. Walking and running flexor retinaculum at the posteromedial
are often painful. ankle. Palpation can be aided with the use
of muscle contraction or movement of the
Background Information
hallux. The pathology is often related to
The pathology of this tendinosis is usually the
chronic overuse of the affected musculo-
result of sustained overuse.50 Diagnosis is
tendinous unit. Diagnosis is usually made
usually made clinically, but may be confirmed
clinically, but may be confirmed with mag-
with magnetic resonance or ultrasound imag-
netic resonance or ultrasound imaging.
ing. Treatment usually involves nonsurgical
Management typically involves a combina-
interventions, such as anti-inflammatory
tion of anti-inflammatory medication, rest,
medication, rest, and gentle exercise.
and gentle exercise.
■ Flexor Digitorum Longus ■ Peroneal Tendinosis
Chief Clinical Characteristics
Chief Clinical Characteristics This presentation typically includes pain
This presentation typically includes pain, anywhere along the lateral lower leg to
tenderness, and swelling along the plantar the posterior lateral malleolus and along
hindfoot and midfoot with tenderness along the lateral foot at the location of the cuboid
the tendon of the flexor digitorum longus. or at the plantar aspect of the foot where
Pain is aggravated with walking and weight the peroneus longus tendon inserts at the
bearing. base of the first metatarsal. The pain may
Background Information also be present at the base of the fifth
A common site of irritation is deep to the metatarsal where the peroneus brevis ten-
flexor retinaculum at the posteromedial an- don inserts. The pain is often aggravated
kle. Palpation can be aided with the use of with a stretch into dorsiflexion and inver-
muscle contraction or active movement of the sion or a muscle contraction into plan-
toes. If the tendons are chronically inflamed, tarflexion and/or eversion. Weakness may be
then pain is often reproduced with stretching noted into plantarflexion and/or eversion due
of the toes into extension or contraction into to degenerative thickening, lengthening, and
flexion. The pathology is often related to tearing of the tendon.
sustained trauma or overuse of the affected
Background Information
musculotendinous unit. Diagnosis is often
Common causes of peroneal tendon injury
determined clinically and may be confirmed
include overuse and inversion injury mecha-
with magnetic resonance or ultrasound imag-
nisms that may lead to the chronic degener-
ing. Treatment usually involves nonsurgical
ative process of tendinosis. Tendinosis is a
interventions, such as anti-inflammatory
state of increased tenocyte and cellular activ-
medication, rest, and gentle exercise.
ity that leads to disorganized collagen and
■ Flexor Hallucis Longus vascular hyperplasia.52,53 Final diagnosis
Tendinosis is confirmed with magnetic resonance or
ultrasound imaging. A combination of
Chief Clinical Characteristics
patient/client education, unloading of the
This presentation typically includes pain and
affected musculotendinous unit, controlled
tenderness to the flexor hallucis longus tendon.
mechanical reloading, and preventive meas-
Pain is aggravated with walking, weight
ures appears to be effective to manage this
bearing, or stretching of the tendon. Swelling
is often noted in the region of the pathology.
Background Information ■ Tibialis Anterior Tendinosis
The location of the pathology is often at the Chief Clinical Characteristics
medial aspect of the midfoot and can usually This presentation typically includes pain and
be isolated along the tendon with palpation. tenderness to palpation of the tibialis anterior
A common site of irritation is under the tendon.
1528_Ch24_444-488 07/05/12 1:55 PM Page 485
Pain is often present at initial contact and Disease)
during the loading response of gait, due to Chief Clinical Characteristics
the eccentric loading of the tendon and mus- This presentation typically includes pain that is
cle. Pain is often increased with passive worse in early stages, as well as coldness, numb-
stretch into plantarflexion or resisted dorsi- ness, tingling, paresthesia, ulcerations, and gan-
flexion of the ankle. The pathology of tibialis grene. Signs of intermittent claudication are
anterior tendinosis is usually caused by sus- common in the calf or the arch of the foot. Dis-
tained overuse.50 Diagnosis is usually made tal pulses of the lower and upper extremities
clinically, but may be confirmed with mag- are often decreased or absent with a proximal
netic resonance or ultrasound imaging. progression. This condition is prevalent in males
Usual treatment is nonsurgical, consisting of ages 20 to 40 years with a history of smoking.
anti-inflammatory medication, rest, and
gentle exercise. Background Information
This condition is characterized by an oblitera-
■ Tibialis Posterior Tendinosis tion of the small and medium arteries and
Chief Clinical Characteristics veins through autoimmunity triggered by
This presentation typically includes pain and smoking nicotine.55,56 Angiography confirms
swelling with palpable tenderness along the the diagnosis. The only known effective inter-
medial aspect of the midfoot and posterior to vention is nicotine smoking cessation.
the medial malleolus. Pain is often worse
with weight bearing and walking, and these ■ Tinea Pedis (Athlete’s Foot)
patients often have difficulty performing a heel Chief Clinical Characteristics
rise. Attenuation of this tendon is sometimes This presentation typically includes itching,
seen as a result of tendinosis and the devel- pain, inflammation, vesiculation, and macer-
opment of posterior tibialis tendon dysfunc- ation of affected web spaces, as well as
tion may lead to a flat-foot deformity and a thickening and distortion of infected toenails.
caudal drop of the navicular. These patients Symptoms range from mild to severe.
have a very difficult time contracting the tib-
ialis posterior muscle, even during a manual Background Information
muscle test. This condition usually starts in the third web
space, and may spread to the plantar surface of
Background Information the feet. The common infecting organism is
Injury to this tendon is often the result of the Trichophyton rubrum fungus, which is
overuse with a hypermobile midfoot. The transmitted from person to person or animal
tibialis posterior is the most significant to person. Fungal culture confirms the diagno-
active stabilizer of the arch.51 Tendinosis sis. Topical antifungal agents form the most
is a state of increased tenocyte and cellular common treatment for this condition.
activity that leads to disorganized collagen
and vascular hyperplasia. Tendinosis is ■ Vitamin B Deficiency
usually a chronic degenerative process Chief Clinical Characteristics
that is initiated by injury to the tendon. This presentation typically includes burning
Diagnosis is usually based on the clinical pain on the soles of the feet with erythematous
presentation; however, magnetic resonance mottling and systemic symptoms include
imaging may confirm the diagnosis and anorexia, weakness, and weight loss.
allow for prognosis and staging of the
tendinosis. A combination of patient/client Background Information
education, unloading of the affected This condition can result in damage to periph-
musculotendinous unit, controlled me- eral nerves, the heart, and the central nervous
chanical reloading, and preventive meas- system. In developed countries, this deficiency
ures appears to be effective to manage this is more likely in individuals with a history
condition.54 of chronic alcohol abuse, debilitating illness,
1528_Ch24_444-488 07/05/12 1:55 PM Page 486
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Adult Non-Pain
Foundations of Neurological Differential
■ Bernadette M. Currier, PT, DPT, MS, NCS ■ Beth E. Fisher, PT, PhD
1528_Ch25_489-503 07/05/12 1:55 PM Page 490
concern. Individuals are not likely to state that therapist applying a backward reasoning
they are experiencing ataxia, spasticity, or thought process to establish differential diag-
problems with force production. Rather, these noses would further investigate the possible rea-
problems manifest as limitations specific to sons for difficulty tying shoes along with multi-
activity or participation in a social context, and ple episodes of “visual changes.”
these limitations are frequently the chief con- Given that the patient history in this case in-
cern. Regardless of whether activity restric- cludes the possible presence of special concerns
tions are the result of pain or impairments related to the nervous system, the physical ther-
resulting from nervous system pathology, the apist should immediately consider causative
physical therapist is encouraged to conduct the pathologies beyond an isolated musculoskeletal
examination to establish causative pathology system disorder such as shoulder impingement.
and the appropriate plan of care. Determining Watts discusses common special concerns in
appropriateness for physical therapy and iden- Chapter 4. In addition, Box 25-1 provides a list
tifying the primary problems influencing the of signs and symptoms caused by neurological
movement dysfunction are the primary goals pathology that should alert the physical thera-
of the physical therapy evaluation. pist as to the appropriate course of action—
To illustrate the importance of considering emergent or nonemergent referral to a medical
nervous system pathology during the process provider. Optic neuritis, tumor, and multiple
of differential diagnosis, throughout the chap- sclerosis are additional examples of pathologies
ter we will use the example of a 34-year-old that should be included in the list of hypotheses.
Caucasian female schoolteacher whose chief Neurological testing should include men-
concern involves not being able to reach high tal status, cranial nerve function, force produc-
enough to effectively write on the chalkboard. tion, deep tendon and pathological reflexes,
Patient interview reveals the individual has ex- coordination, gait, and sensory integrity.1 For
perienced this difficulty reaching for the past the example in this chapter, an abnormal
3 weeks. Past medical history is unremarkable Babinski reflex and upper limb ataxia are
with the exception of nearsightedness for found. As described by Landel in Chapter 2,
which the individual wears corrective lenses. when determining if managing the causative
The individual states that she has experienced pathology is within the scope of physical ther-
intermittent problems with her vision for the apy practice, the decision-making process
past several months, and attributes this to involves three possible outcomes:
missing her eye exam this year with the need
● Physical therapy is not indicated;
for a new eyeglass prescription.
As Davenport introduces in Chapter 3 and ● Physical therapy is indicated but a consulta-
Watts elaborates on in Chapter 4, a process of tion to another health care provider is
backward reasoning should be used to create required; or
and test clinical hypotheses related to the cause ● Physical therapy can proceed independent
of this individual’s symptoms and signs. A of additional consultation.
physical therapist who incorporates a backward The constellation of findings from the his-
reasoning pattern will start with a list of all the tory and physical examination in the case of the
possible pathologies that may cause the pa- 34-year-old schoolteacher should indicate that
tient’s disablement in order to guide additional physical therapy is not indicated. The physical
history and physical examination. Further therapist should refer this individual to a neu-
questioning of this individual reveals she has rologist promptly for further medical workup.
been experiencing difficulty tying her students’
shoes during the past few weeks, and attributes Summary of Neurological
this to work-related stress. She also admits to an Differential Diagnosis
episode of visual changes a few years prior to
this visit. Because those changes resolved spon- How did the physical therapist in the above
taneously within just a few days, the individual scenario determine that the individual was
did not feel the need to seek medical consulta- not only inappropriate for physical therapy
tion. Upon hearing these concerns, the physical services, but also in need of referral to a
1528_Ch25_489-503 07/05/12 1:55 PM Page 491
● Evidence of spinal column instability (eg, decre- ● Patient report of transient ischemic attack
ment in motor and sensory status with position symptoms (stroke-in-progress symptoms from
change from supine to sit or sit to stand, bilateral above that resolve within 24 hours)
upper extremity paresthesias with neck flexion) ● Vertebral artery insufficiency (neck motions
● Nonresponsive autonomic dysreflexia discontinued immediately)
Nonemergency Situations (Outside ● Neurological signs inconsistent with diagnosis
Referral Required) ● Signs or symptoms of systemic illness (fever,
● Acute onset of neurological signs such as incon- diaphoretic, poor exercise tolerance)
tinence, saddle paresthesia, abnormal reflexes ● Significant changes in personality or cognitive
● Progressive neurological signs in a known neuro- status (memory loss, impaired language ability,
logical diagnosis that is not degenerative (ie, visuospatial deficits)
decrement in motor, sensory, or cognitive status)
neurologist for further medical evaluation? model, information from the chart review,
How is the symptom-based diagnostic process subjective examination, and objective testing
described in the previous chapters applied to are combined to create a hypothesized
individuals with neurological diagnoses? Con- anatomical lesion location. The hypothesized
sistent with pathology of other body systems, lesion location can assist physical therapists
we encourage the use of a hypothesis-driven with determining which among the list of hy-
reasoning strategy to formulate a list of possi- pothesized forms of pathology can be ruled
ble diagnoses and establish an appropriate less likely. In turn, forms of pathology that can
course of action when physical therapists sus- be excluded will assist in the decision to treat
pect that pathology related to the nervous sys- the individual, refer him or her to another
tem is the probable cause for an individual’s health care provider for additional evaluation,
chief concern. or both.
Sullivan and colleagues2 adapted an exist-
Chart Review
ing process of neurological differential
diagnosis3 to provide physical therapists with a When available in physical therapy settings,
framework for establishing a hypothesized the medical record can be a primary source of
lesion location within the neuraxis. In this information for obtaining the individual’s
1528_Ch25_489-503 07/05/12 1:55 PM Page 492
Cerebral hemispheres
(Frontal section)
White matter
Gray matter:
Basal ganglia
(Transverse section)
Gray matter
White matter
Spinal cord
(Transverse section)
Gray matter
White matter
FIGURE 25-1 Relative position of gray matter and white matter in the neuraxis. In the brain, the gray
matter is primarily located in the periphery, the thalamus, and the basal ganglia. By contrast, the gray matter
is located centrally within the spinal cord.
postcentral gyrus of the parietal lobe. The of the main regions within the cerebral hemi-
Each motor pathway described above orig- ipsilaterally up the spinal cord, where it crosses
inates at the primary motor cortex. The axons over at the level of the medulla to then ascend
come together to form the corona radiata and through the rest of the brainstem and thala-
internal capsule prior to traversing through the mus to eventually be received and integrated
brainstem to reach the spinal cord and finally within the somatosensory cortex.
synapse with alpha motor neurons in the ven- The spinothalamic tracts carry the sensory
tral horns. The interrelationships among struc- modalities of pain and temperature. As is the
tures that form specific motor pathways are case with the pathways of proprioception, vibra-
depicted in Figure 25-3. tion, and light touch, peripheral sensory recep-
A common way of describing pathology to tors initially receive the stimuli, and information
the CNS or PNS is by using the terms upper is then carried from ascending peripheral nerves
motor neuron (UMN) disorder or lower motor through spinal nerves to reach the spinal cord.
neuron (LMN) disorder. The term UMN disor- Pain and temperature modalities are transmit-
der signifies that there is a lesion within the ted in the anterolateral rather than dorsal col-
CNS, specifically involving the descending umn of the spinal cord. Rather than ascending
motor pathways, whereas the term LMN disor- ipsilaterally as the dorsal column does, pathways
der signifies that there is a lesion within the carrying pain and temperature cross over
PNS. Certain classic signs, summarized in through Lissauer’s tract to the opposite side of
Table 25-2, suggest the presence of a lesion. the spinal cord within a few levels of entry to
Somatic sensation travels through the as- then ascend the anterolateral tract contralater-
cending pathways of the somatosensory sys- ally. The spinothalamic tracts ascend through
tem, the dorsal column/medial lemniscus the brainstem and thalamus to also be received
pathways, and the anterolateral pathways. The and integrated within the somatosensory cortex.
axons traveling through the dorsal column Figure 25-4 depicts the structures responsible
cross at the level of the medulla prior to as- for somatosensory processing, which are gener-
cending to the contralateral thalamus in order ally organized into the dorsal column–medial
to reach the somatosensory cortex. Axons of lemniscal pathway and the anterolateral system.
the anterolateral pathway cross within the gray The brainstem houses the reticular forma-
matter of the spinal cord and ascend through tion and cranial nerves. It is comprised of the
the thalamus to terminate at the somatosen- midbrain, pons, and medulla. The brainstem
sory cortex. has many important functions, especially
Somatosensory pathways convey informa- those responsible for maintaining vital life
tion from the periphery to the brain: functions:
● Anterolateral pathways: Convey pain and ● Midbrain: Controls consciousness, mainte-
temperature sensations. nance of open eyelids, pupil dilation; acts as
● Medulla: Area where the dorsal column/ the pathway for ascending and descending
medial lemniscal pathways cross over. long tracts.
● Dorsal column: Conveys proprioception, ● Pons: Controls facial sensation, muscles of
vibration, and light touch. mastication, eye movements, facial expres-
● Somatosensory cortex: Receives and inte- sion, vestibular and hearing sense; acts as
grates sensory information. the pathway for ascending and descending
● Thalamus: Conveys sensory, motor, and long tracts.
limbic information to the cerebral cortex. ● Medulla: Relays signals between the brain
and spinal cord; controls autonomic func-
To summarize, the dorsal column carries tions including respiration, blood pressure,
the sensory modalities of proprioception, vi- vomiting, and reflexes.
bration, and light touch. Peripheral sensory
receptors initially receive the stimuli, and in- The paired internal carotid arteries (ICAs)
formation is carried from ascending periph- and vertebral arteries provide the blood supply
eral nerves through spinal nerves to reach the to the brain. Anterior circulation is provided
dorsal column of the spinal cord. The medial by the ICAs, which give rise to the anterior and
lemniscal pathways carry this information middle cerebral arteries. The anterior cerebral
1528_Ch25_489-503 07/05/12 1:55 PM Page 497
medullary Caudal
junction medulla
Spinal cord
spinal cord
FIGURE 25-3 Motor pathways. The central nervous system has two motor pathways that originate in primary
motor cortex: (A) the lateral corticospinal tract and (B) the anterior corticospinal tract. Additionally, motor path-
ways originate in the midbrain: (C) rubrospinal tract and pons and rostral medulla; (D) vestibulospinal tracts and
midbrain and pons; (E) tectospinal tract and reticulospinal tract.
1528_Ch25_489-503 07/05/12 1:55 PM Page 498
TABLE 25-2 ■ Comparison of Clinical Findings for Upper Motor Neuron (UMN) and Lower
Motor Neuron (LMN) Disease
Deep tendon reflexes Hyperreflexica Hyporeflexic
Pathological reflexes Present Absenta
Fasciculationsb Absent Present
Atrophyb Present Present
Tone Increaseda Decreased
aExceptin the case of newborns and individuals in the acute stage of stroke or spinal injury.
bFasciculationsand atrophy may be present in both UMN and LMN disorders, but are more prominent in LMN disorders
due to profound weakness.
of brain
(Cerebrum) Cortex
Caudal Midbrain
cord Pons
spinal cord
FIGURE 25-4 Somatosensory pathways. The central nervous system contains two somatosensory pathways
that originate in primary sensory cortex: (A) the anterolateral system and (B) the dorsal column–medial
lemniscal pathway.
artery supplies the anterior medial surface of form the basilar artery. The posterior cerebral
the cortex, and the middle cerebral artery sup- artery arises from the basilar artery. The
plies the lateral frontal, temporal, and parietal basilar artery supplies the brainstem and cere-
lobes. Posterior circulation is provided by the bellum, while the posterior cerebral artery
vertebral arteries, which come together to supplies the brainstem, cerebellum, inferior
1528_Ch25_489-503 07/05/12 1:55 PM Page 499
and IX. CN XI is located within the cervical The brachial plexus receives sensory informa-
spinal cord, and CN XII exits the medulla. tion from and provides a conduit for motor in-
The spinal cord gives rise to nerve roots at nervation to the upper extremities. The brachial
each level bilaterally (see Fig. 25-6). There are plexus forms from the roots of C5–T1 spinal
8 cervical (C1–C8), 12 thoracic (T1–T12), 5 levels to then merge to become the superior,
lumbar (L1–L5), 5 sacral (S1–S5) and 1 coc- middle, and inferior trunks. Each trunk then di-
cygeal (Co1) pairs of nerve roots. Nerve roots vides in two to form anterior and posterior divi-
exit each segment of the spinal cord through sions. These six divisions then merge to become
the intervertebral foramina to then merge into the posterior, lateral, and medial cords. Branches
peripheral nerves that traverse the upper ex- of these cords (in addition to a few exceptions of
tremities, trunk, and lower extremities. Two branches from previous structures within the
major plexuses are formed by the nerve roots plexus) make up the peripheral nerves, which are
and peripheral nerves: the brachial plexus, the dorsal scapular, long thoracic, subclavius,
which supplies the upper extremities, and the suprascapular, lateral pectoral, musculocuta-
lumbosacral plexus, which supplies the lower neous, median, upper subscapular, thoracodor-
extremities. sal, lower subscapular, axillary, radial, medial
The spinal cord terminates as the conus pectoral, medial cutaneous of the arm, medial
medullaris at the level of L1 or L2. At or around cutaneous of the forearm, and ulnar nerves. An
this level, nerve roots converge to become the analogy to this structure is found in the lower ex-
cauda equina. Both the conus medullaris and tremities in the lumbosacral plexus, which re-
cauda equina are considered parts of the PNS. ceives sensory information from and provides
The conus medullaris is the caudal end of the motor innervation to the legs. The lumbosacral
spinal cord where lumbar, sacral, and coccygeal plexus forms from the 12 thoracic, 5 lumbar,
nerve roots begin to form. The cauda equina is 5 sacral, and 1 coccygeal spinal nerves. The
a collection of L1–S2 nerve roots that receive branches of these spinal nerves form the periph-
sensory information and provide motor inner- eral nerves, which include the iliohypogastric,
vation to the legs; they also control bowel and ilioinguinal, genitofemoral, lateral femoral
bladder function. cutaneous, obturator, femoral, superior gluteal,
1528_Ch25_489-503 07/05/12 1:55 PM Page 501
Right Left
CNI Olfactory bulb
CNII Optic
CNIV Thalamus
Trochlear Optic chiasm
Trigeminal Mandibular
nerve Midbrain
CNVI Abducens
nerve Maxillary
nerve Pons
Vestibulo- Medulla
Glosso- Spinal
pharyngeal cord
Vagus Caudal
nerve Spinal CNXII
accessory Hypoglossal
nerve nerve
FIGURE 25-6 Twelve cranial nerves exit from the midbrain, pons, and brainstem.
inferior gluteal, posterior cutaneous femoral, by the same spinal nerve. Dysfunction in
sciatic, common fibular, tibial, pudendal, and dermatomal distributions, myotomal distribu-
coccygeal nerves. tions, or both indicates pathology that causes a
Dermatomes are an area of skin that is spinal nerve root lesion.
primarily supplied by a single spinal nerve. The autonomic nervous system (ANS)
Myotomes are a group of muscles innervated is comprised of the sympathetic and
1528_Ch25_489-503 07/05/12 1:55 PM Page 502
division arises from T1–L2, and the parasym- ● Joint position sense, vibration, and fine,
pathetic from the cranial nerves and S2–S4. discriminative touch:
The ANS primarily controls consciousness and ● Peripheral nervous system: sensory recep-
visceral functions. Its sympathetic division ele- tors, ascending peripheral nerves, spinal
vates blood pressure and heart rate, causes nerves, trigeminal nerve
bronchodilation, and increases pupil size, ● Central nervous system: dorsal column,
whereas its parasympathetic division decreases medial lemniscus of spinal cord, brain-
heart rate and pupil size and increases gastric stem, thalamus, primary somatosensory
secretions. cortex
● Pain, temperature, and crude touch:
Neurological Impairments and
● Peripheral nervous system: sensory recep-
Associated Anatomical Regions
tors, ascending peripheral nerves, spinal
It is rare that an individual with a neurologi- nerves, trigeminal nerve (CN V)
cal diagnosis would report a problem that is ● Central nervous system: anterolateral
at the impairment level. Individuals typically pathway of spinal cord, brainstem, thala-
report the problems they are having with mus, primary somatosensory cortex
activities, such as standing up from a seated ● Visual acuity and fields:
position, walking, or reaching for an object. ● Peripheral nervous system: visual recep-
Movement analysis of these identified func- tors, optic nerves (CN II)
tional activities points to the appropriate tests ● Central nervous system: optic chiasm,
for impairments. Once specific impairments thalamus, visual cortex, occipital lobe
have been identified, the possible source list ● Smell:
of neuroanatomical regions becomes key in ● Peripheral nervous system: olfactory
the diagnostic process. This approach is par- receptors, olfactory nerves (CN I)
ticularly important for individuals who do ● Central nervous system: olfactory tracts,
not have a known neurological diagnosis, olfactory cortex, temporal lobe
such as those individuals described at the ● Taste:
beginning of this chapter. ● Peripheral nervous system: facial (CN VII)
The following section provides examples and glossopharyngeal (CN IX) nerves
of how neurological health conditions may be ● Central nervous system: medulla, thala-
considered in the differential diagnostic mus, taste cortex, insula
process, organized by neurological impair-
ments commonly seen in physical therapy Cognition1
settings. These include imbalance, sensory ● Memory: medial temporal lobes, hip-
abnormalities, cognition, abnormal move- pocampus, amygdala
ment, stiffness, and weakness. A thorough list ● Language: dominant hemisphere (usually
of neuroanatomical regions is provided for the left)
each of the impairments, and the clinician ● Expressive aphasia: Broca’s area (frontal
must follow up by narrowing down the hypo- lobe)
thetical source list to the regions most likely ● Receptive aphasia: Wernicke’s area (tem-
affected. poral lobe)
Imbalance5 ● Attention: frontal lobe
● Peripheral nervous system: inner ear ● Perseveration: frontal lobe
(membranous and bony labyrinths, hair ● Impulsivity: frontal lobe
cells), sensory receptors, ascending periph-
eral nerves, spinal nerves, vestibulocochlear Abnormal Movement
nerve (CN VIII) ● Tremor: cerebellum, basal ganglia
● Central nervous system: spinal cord, brain- ● Incoordination: spinocerebellar pathways,
stem, cerebellum, thalamus, basal ganglia cerebellum, basal ganglia
1528_Ch25_489-503 07/05/12 1:55 PM Page 503
Stiffness1 Conclusion
Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Clues
from Examination
■ Jesus F. Dominguez, PT, PhD
1528_Ch26_504-525 07/05/12 2:36 PM Page 505
being seen for unrelated musculoskeletal or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease may
neuromuscular dysfunction. also avoid tasks that require the arms to be held
Most patients who experience acute cardio- at or above shoulder level because of the altered
vascular or pulmonary symptoms do not ini- ventilatory mechanics and increased energy
tially seek the services of a physical therapist. cost associated with overhead activities.1
Patients may mention these symptoms to a The effects of gravity on the distribution of
physical therapist or manifest signs of compro- pulmonary edema secondary to chronic con-
mised cardiovascular or pulmonary function gestive heart failure may lead some patients to
during the course of treatment for another dis- assume a semi-Fowler’s position (the head of
order. In such situations, the physical therapist the bed is elevated and the knees may be
should establish the patient’s cardiovascular and slightly elevated) during bedtime and they will
pulmonary status quickly by means of a thor- state that they require one or several pillows
ough line of questioning, evaluation of current under their head and shoulders to prevent the
signs and symptoms, and application of appro- shortness of breath associated with lying flat
priate definitive assessment tools. on their back. Once in this position, the pul-
During this process, the physical therapist monary edema is preferentially distributed to
must decide on the appropriate course of action the lung bases and the patient is afforded some
to ensure the health and safety of the patient in a relief from dyspnea. This condition is called
timely manner. Depending on the patient’s med- orthopnea. The therapist may rate the degree
ical stability, this can include expeditious referral of cardiopulmonary compromise by the num-
to the patient’s primary care physician, direct ber of pillows used by the patient. For exam-
contact with the primary care provider while ple, “two-pillow orthopnea” occurs when the
the patient is still in the presence of the physical patient uses two pillows to achieve relief.
therapist, administration of basic cardiopul- The patient’s general appearance can often
monary life support techniques, or activation of suggest the presence of latent or undiagnosed
the emergency medical services system. cardiopulmonary disorders.2 The following
This chapter is not intended to present a physical characteristics represent clues to pri-
comprehensive cardiovascular and pulmonary mary disorders that have secondary cardiopul-
examination sequence; rather, it provides an monary implications. Anasarca, which is
overview of how observation and fundamental edema or general accumulation of serous fluid
evaluation tools contribute to the diagnostic in various tissues of the body, may result from
process with respect to cardiovascular and congestive heart failure, cirrhosis of the liver,
pulmonary pathology. renal failure, or hypoalbuminemia. A tall and
thin frame with long extremities, pes cavus,
General Observation is an genu valgum, pectus excavatum or carinatum,
Important Initial Basis for and flushed cheeks suggest a patient with ho-
Diagnosing Cardiovascular mocystinuria and a corresponding predisposi-
and Pulmonary Pathologies tion toward increased thrombus formation
and embolic incidents. Patients with large neck
Patients with various cardiovascular and circumferences who are morbidly obese and
pulmonary diseases commonly adopt recog- appear somnolent may have obstructive sleep
nizable body positions that should prompt the apnea and associated sequelae that include sys-
therapist to examine further the pathological temic hypertension and cor pulmonale.
reasons behind these preferences. Individuals Individuals with Duchenne muscular
with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease dystrophy present with accentuated lumbar
often assume the “professorial position,” which lordosis, a waddling gait, and pseudohyper-
consists of leaning forward with hands or trophy of the calves. Duchenne muscular
elbows resting on knees or another stationary dystrophy is associated with hypertrophic
object. This strategy helps to stabilize the cardiomyopathy and respiratory failure as
shoulder girdle so that the accessory muscles of the disease progresses. Young children who
ventilation can function more optimally in ele- present with cyanosis, fatigue easily, and
vating the clavicle and upper ribs. Patients with exhibit a preferential squatting posture are
1528_Ch26_504-525 07/05/12 2:36 PM Page 506
including the oral mucosa, and the periph- of a parrot). A cardinal feature of digital
eral extremities including the nailbeds. clubbing is a positive Schamroth sign and it
Cyanosis is a bluish or purplish discol- is often used to confirm the observation. The
oration of the skin and mucous membranes sign is observed by having the patient place
and may be better appreciated in the perioral the dorsal surfaces of two opposing fingers
area and nailbeds. Cyanosis can result from (usually the thumbs) together. Normally, a
desaturating disorders that include conges- diamond-shaped window is formed between
tive heart failure with pulmonary edema and the distal interphalangeal (DIP) joints and
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. the tips of the nails. A positive Schamroth
Cyanosis is also caused by impaired blood sign is associated with obliteration of the
flow associated with peripheral arterial dis- window as the distal fingertips approximate
ease. These conditions lead to oxygen desatu- one another (Fig. 26-2). Digital clubbing is
ration, which causes the bluish appearance usually associated with such cardiovascular
characteristic of cyanotic tissue. In the case of and pulmonary diseases as congenital cyanotic
impaired flow, an excess amount of oxygen is heart disease, endocarditis, atrial myxoma,
removed from the circulation and the venous idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, chronic lung
blood is further desaturated. Hypoxemia that infections, malignancy, and interstitial pul-
is associated with cyanosis may suggest the monary diseases.
presence of various congenital heart defects Once cyanosis is identified and hypoxemia
producing right-to-left shunts, such as tetral- is suspected, further evaluation is warranted by
ogy of Fallot, ventricular septal defect, and means of pulse oximetry to assess hemoglobin
patent ductus arteriosus, or abnormalities in oxygen saturation. Cyanosis with associated
hemoglobin structure, including methemo- rapid heart and respiratory rates and altered
globinemia and sulfhemoglobinemia.3
Cyanosis can be classified as central or
peripheral, depending on the etiology. Periph-
eral cyanosis is localized only to the extremi-
ties and nailbeds, suggesting compromised
blood flow through the arterial tree. Anxiety
or cold weather–induced arterial vasoconstric-
tion can also present as transient peripheral
cyanosis. Central cyanosis is best appreciated
in the lips, oral mucosa, and tongue. It sug-
gests a primary cardiovascular or pulmonary
etiology. It is generally accepted that central A
cyanosis associated with hypoxemia becomes
evident only when there are 5 g/dL of unsat-
urated hemoglobin in the capillaries, and
that patients with normal hemoglobin levels
manifest cyanosis at higher partial pressures
of oxygen and higher hemoglobin saturation
levels than patients with lower hemoglobin
values.4 It is likely that patients with low
hemoglobin levels will demonstrate signs of
acute hypoxemia well before cyanosis be-
comes evident.
In addition to cyanosis, patients who are
chronically hypoxemic often present with FIGURE 26-2 Schamroth sign: (A) normal appear-
digital clubbing (a condition in which the ance of diamond-shaped window between DIP joints
distal segments of the fingers and toes be- and tips of nails (negative Schamroth sign); (B) pos-
come enlarged) and the nailbeds take on a itive Schamroth sign (obliteration of diamond-shaped
more convex appearance (similar to the beak window).
1528_Ch26_504-525 07/05/12 2:36 PM Page 508
mental status are signs that emergency medical of the pitting within 30 to 40 seconds is typi-
intervention is required. cally associated with low plasma albumin levels,
and the persistence of pitting beyond 1 minute
Surface Temperature Reflects favors increased vascular hydrostatic pressure
the Rate of Underlying Tissue as the contributing source. The latter is termed
Metabolism congestive pitting edema and may be due
Physical therapists can make a general assess- to such conditions as congestive heart failure,
ment of skin temperature using the dorsum hypertension, medication-induced vasodila-
of the hand and fingers. Warmth noted over tion, or venous obstruction. In cases where
an area of localized tenderness, erythema, edema is accompanied by rapid and signifi-
and swelling may indicate the presence of ve- cant weight gain, such as an increase of 2 to
nous obstruction such as deep venous throm- 3 pounds overnight, the patient should be
bosis or cellulitis, whereas extremities that referred to his or her medical practitioner for
appear cold to the touch are often associated further workup, because this finding is sugges-
with arterial insufficiency. This latter finding tive of acute fluid retention and heart failure.
can be associated with the presence of dimin- The severity of edema has traditionally
ished pulses. On auscultation, a harsh, vibra- been assessed on a 0 to 4+ scale, although con-
tory noise secondary to interruption of nor- siderable variation in opinion exists between
mal laminar flow through a vessel may be the precise depth of tissue depression for each
appreciated. This noise is called a bruit. If the value.5 Alternative methods include taking cir-
arterial obstruction or occlusion is severe, cumferential or figure-8 girth measurements
a palpable vibration or thrill that may also at several sites along the limb or recording vol-
be felt with the palmar aspect of the hand. umetric water displacement by immersing the
Generalized warmth is often associated with involved limb in a container filled with water.6
fever or hyperthyroidism, whereas patients When utilizing these methods, the therapist
with hypothyroidism exhibit generalized skin should remember to record the precise land-
coolness. marks used for measurements so that subse-
quent assessments will more accurately track
Mobility and Turgor Suggest true changes in limb girths and volumes.
the Status of Nutrition, Hydration,
and Vascular Competence Lesions and Marks can Provide
Clues to the Presence of Important
Evaluation of skin mobility and turgor can be
Medical Comorbidities
accomplished by gently lifting up a fold
of skin in the distal extremities and observing The presence of certain skin lesions or marks
how quickly it returns to its place. Persistence may at times alert the physical therapist to
of elevated skinfolds after they are released in- the possibility of underlying cardiovascular
dicates decreased turgor. This finding usually and pulmonary disorders in their patients.
occurs in patients with dehydration or malnu- For example, xanthomas, which are raised,
trition. Edema is characterized by reduced yellowish, waxy-appearing skin lesions due
tissue mobility secondary to extravascular to deposits of fatty material under the sur-
congestion. It can be classified as nonpitting face of the skin, are often associated with an
or pitting, with the anterior tibia being a use- increase in blood lipid levels. These lesions
ful site for distinguishing between the two appear most frequently on the elbows,
forms. The therapist presses on the skin over a knees, hands, feet, or buttocks. Underlying
bony area for 10 seconds using three or four metabolic disorders often linked with the
fingers and looks or feels for hills and valleys presence of xanthomas include diabetes, bil-
(depressions and ridges) after the pressure is iary cirrhosis, and familial hypercholes-
released. If the depressions made by the fin- terolemia. Xanthomas can also appear on
gers resolve immediately, the edema is nonpit- the eyelids and are termed xanthelasma
ting. If however, the depressions persist, the palpebra. A butterfly-shaped rash that covers
edema is considered to be pitting. Resolution both cheeks and often crosses the bridge of
1528_Ch26_504-525 07/05/12 2:36 PM Page 509
on the posterior aspect of the patient’s thorax The magnitude of chest expansion and
at the midline and the fingers in parallel ori- symmetry of movement can provide the thera-
entation to the rib cage approximately at the pist with clues as to the presence of cardiopul-
level of the 10th rib. The thumbs are then monary dysfunction. For example, a patient
brought close together so that a fold of skin is with lobar pneumonia, hemi-diaphragm paral-
formed at the midline of the patient’s back. As ysis secondary to phrenic nerve injury during
the patient is instructed to breathe in deeply, cardiac bypass surgery, or a thoracic surgical
the hands are allowed to travel with the move- incision may present with diminished excur-
ment of the rib cage (Fig. 26-3). The same pro- sion on the involved side, whereas a patient
cedure can be utilized to evaluate motion in with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
the midthorax, with thumbs placed at the level may demonstrate a symmetric decrease in
of the xiphoid process and fingers parallel with chest wall motion.
the rib cage, and upper thorax, with thumbs Globally diminished chest wall excursion
placed at the level of the suprasternal notch may be observed in patients with ankylosing
and fingers perpendicular to the clavicles. spondylitis as the disease progresses. Unilateral
An alternate method is to place a measur- lag usually indicates pathology of the underly-
ing tape around the upper, middle, and lower ing lung or pleura. Paradoxical breathing pat-
thorax and evaluate excursion as the patient terns may be noted in individuals with spinal
breathes deeply. The tape should be held cord injury and severe chronic obstructive
loosely so that chest movement is not re- pulmonary disease. In individuals with spinal
stricted. In general, the typical excursion in cord injury, the limited abdominal and inter-
most areas of the thoracic cage ranges from costal muscle control causes exaggerated ab-
3 to 10 cm.7 The therapist is reminded to dominal protrusion and intercostal retraction
measure chest wall excursion both during during inspiration. This is characterized as an
quiet breathing and with deep breathing to upper chest paradox with pronounced abdom-
evaluate possible restrictions in range of inal rise. Individuals with chronic obstructive
motion. Although excursion deficits should pulmonary disease typically present with ab-
be noted in all cases, the measurements dominal and lower rib cage retraction during
obtained are best suited for purposes of track- inspiration, while expansion of the upper
ing changes within a particular patient. chest is accentuated because of accessory mus-
cle overuse. This pattern is characterized as an
abdominal paradox with pronounced upper
chest rise. Retraction of the intercostal spaces
during inspiratory effort suggests the presence
of severe airway obstruction, which is typically
accompanied by a loud, clearly audible, high-
pitched wheezing sound called stridor. These
signs indicate that the patient is rapidly
decompensating and in need of immediate
medical attention.
A regular rhythm implies that the cadence characteristics discussed next may also be
of the palpated pulse does not vary appreciably identified. They are typically appreciated best
from beat to beat and usually, although not at the carotid artery but can, on occasion, be
always, identifies normal sinus rhythm. A felt in other peripheral arteries.
rhythm that is regularly irregular refers to an
irregularity in the palpated pulse that occurs in
The pulse is noted to be strong initially and
a regular, repeating pattern. Examples of this
then disappears quickly. This finding is also
include normal sinus rhythm with premature
common in patients with severe aortic regur-
atrial contractions, premature junctional con-
gitation and is caused by a larger than normal
tractions, premature ventricular contractions,
stroke volume yielding a forceful contraction
and supraventricular tachycardias with a fixed
followed by rapid collapse of the pulse
atrial/ventricular block.
strength as blood regurgitates back into the left
Atrial fibrillation is perhaps the best exam-
ventricle. For this reason, the difference be-
ple of an irregularly irregular rhythm, and it is
tween systolic and diastolic blood pressures
characterized by erratic variations in the time
will be wide.
between successive beats. The pulse rhythm
varies from beat to beat and can alternate be- PULSUS BISFERIENS
tween fast and slow rates. An irregular rhythm In pulsus bisferiens (bis = two and feriere = to
should prompt the therapist to auscultate beat), the pulse is noted to have two distinct
the heart with a stethoscope while palpating the systolic peaks separated by a slight drop during
pulse to correlate cardiac contraction with the midsystole. The dip is primarily due to regur-
peripheral pulse. In some instances, premature gitation of blood back into the left ventricle
beats do not generate a peripheral pulse because during midsystole. This finding is common in
cardiac diastolic filling time is compromised. patients with significant aortic regurgitation
This is referred to as a pulse deficit. Irregular and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. In the lat-
rhythms may affect cardiac output and should ter, the mechanism involves rapid ejection of
therefore be a consideration for referral to the blood in early systole, followed by a trough,
appropriate health care practitioner. culminating in a second ventricular ejection
wave (the second peak). Pulsus bisferiens is
Pulse Quality Provides Information also commonly associated with a wide pulse
Regarding the Status of Contractile pressure.
Force and Cardiac Output
In general terms, the quality of the pulse In an otherwise healthy individual, the pulse
refers to its strength when palpated and to the strength may decrease slightly during inspi-
presence of associated findings such as palpa- ration as the result of pulmonary vascular
ble thrills. Physical therapists should consider engorgement associated with decreased in-
examining the brachial and carotid pulses in trapleural pressures. This, in turn, dimin-
the event of abnormal findings on radial ar- ishes return to the left heart and the pulse is
tery examination. The pulse can be character- noted to be softer because of the slightly
ized based on its strength (Table 26-2). The lower stroke volume. Although not commonly
observed, this is considered to be a normal combine to cause the diminished pulse strength
phenomenon. However, significant variations and systolic blood pressure during this maneu-
in pulse strength timed with the breathing cy- ver and the magnitude of the drop is exagger-
cle typically indicate the presence of a patho- ated by disease states. Pulsus paradoxus is asso-
logical condition. The appreciation of a strong ciated with cardiopulmonary pathologies that
pulse alternating with a weak pulse in a cyclic include cardiac tamponade, constrictive peri-
pattern is referred to as pulsus alternans. carditis, acute myocardial infarction, pulmonary
If pulsus alternans is suspected, the patient is embolus, and severe asthma.
asked to hold his or her breath during mid-inspi-
ration to avoid ventilatory cycle influence. The
The term used to describe a pulse in which the
physical therapist should then assess the pulse
beats seem to occur in pairs with a slight pause
strength for alternating weak and strong beats.
between coupled beats is referred to as pulsus
The systolic pressure is noted to alternate be-
bigeminus. The most likely cause of this finding
tween higher and lower values as well. It is
is premature contraction of the ventricles,
thought that the variation in pulse strength is a
which may be of ventricular or supraventricu-
manifestation of decreased myocardial contrac-
lar origin. Typically, the second beat is noted to
tility secondary to failure of certain myocytes
be weaker than the first, suggesting that the
to contract on alternate cardiac cycles. The de-
beat occurred prematurely and limited ventric-
creased myocardial contractility leads to de-
ular diastolic filling. Although the distinction is
creased stroke volume (weaker pulse). This re-
typically made on the basis of ECG criteria,
sults in increased end-diastolic volume prior to
longer pauses between paired beats suggests an
the next systole. Via the Frank-Starling mecha-
ectopic focus of ventricular origin.
nism, the next systole produces a more forceful
contraction (stronger pulse). The cycle then re- PALPABLE VIBRATION (THRILL)
peats itself. Pulsus alternans is almost always as- Normally, blood flowing through vessels does
sociated with severe left ventricular systolic dys- so in a streamlined fashion, a phenomenon re-
function. In some individuals, electrical ferred to as laminar flow. In peripheral arteries,
alternans (visible as fluctuations in QRS ampli- when there is an obstruction to flow or when
tude or electrical axis on ECG) is also present. flow velocities are enhanced, the resulting tur-
This is often observed in patients with severe bulence is appreciated as a palpable thrill, often
pericardial effusion and cardiac temponade. It is described as a vibration best felt with the pal-
thought to result from the heart “wobbling” back mar aspect of the metacarpals or hypothenar
and forth within the fluid-filled pericardial sac.10 eminence. The thrill is almost always associated
with a bruit when the vessel is auscultated with
a stethoscope. Bruits in the peripheral vessels
The term pulsus paradoxus was coined by
are thus analogous to cardiac murmurs. As
Adolph Kussmaul in 1873 to describe an absence
mentioned previously, palpable thrills are ob-
of the palpated pulse and auscultated contrac-
served in patients with various conditions, in-
tion correlated to the ventilatory cycle.11 The
cluding peripheral vascular disease, cardiac
pulse strength diminishes slightly during inspi-
valvular stenosis or regurgitation, arteriove-
ration and returns again during expiration.
nous malformations, or arteriovenous fistulas.
More appropriately, the term is used to describe
an exaggerated fall (≥10 mm Hg) in systolic
Blood Pressure Responds
blood pressure during inspiration. During in-
to Changes in Position
spiration, venous return to the right heart is en-
and Activity in a Predictable
hanced and this causes a bowing of the interven-
Fashion and Provides Important
tricular septum toward the left ventricle,
Clues to Organ Perfusion
reducing the left ventricle’s dimensions during
diastole and limiting end-diastolic volume. Measurement of arterial pressure is a skill that
In addition, the reduction in intrapleural pres- every physical therapist can master with expe-
sure during inspiration favors pooling in the rience and diligence. This often requires little
pulmonary vasculature and further reduces left more effort than routinely measuring blood
ventricular end-diastolic volume. Both factors pressure (BP) in all patients coming into the
1528_Ch26_504-525 07/05/12 2:36 PM Page 516
clinic or being seen at the bedside. With the pa- is a better estimate of diastolic pressure in in-
tient seated quietly and his or her arm sup- fants and children. Table 26-3 represents the
ported by the therapist, a cuff is placed around most recent AHA recommendations for resting
the patient’s arm and inflated until the pressure BP values in adults and their classification.12
in the cuff exceeds the systolic blood pressure. Blood pressure measurements should be
The degree to which the cuff should be inflated routinely taken in both arms when seeing
is easily estimated by palpating the patient’s ra- the patient for the first time. It is common for
dial or brachial pulse as the pressure in the cuff BP to differ between right and left arms on the
increases. The therapist should note the point order of ≤10 mm Hg (although greater differ-
at which the pulse becomes absent; this is a ences have been recorded) with the higher
general approximation of the systolic blood reading frequently measured in the right arm.
pressure. The cuff is deflated and the patient is Clinical evidence suggests that the mortality
allowed to rest for 1 minute. The therapist then hazard (risk of all-cause death) increases sig-
inflates the cuff 20 to 30 mm Hg higher than nificantly for every 10 mm Hg difference in
the point where the pulse became absent and systolic BP between arms.13 As a matter of
begins listening to the Korotkoff sounds with a convention, the arm with the higher reading is
stethoscope as the bladder is deflated.12 used to monitor blood pressure and determine
To ensure inter- and intra-tester reliability the presence of hypertension. A difference of
and accurately monitor patient status, the thera- >10 mm Hg usually necessitates further inves-
pist should be familiar with the American Heart tigation, including assessment of lower ex-
Association (AHA) standardization guidelines tremity pressures. Depending on location,
for the measurement of blood pressure.12 coarctation of the aorta and aortic dissection
According to these guidelines, the systolic are associated with higher pressures in the
blood pressure is recorded when the therapist right vs. left arm, or higher pressures in the up-
first hears discernable tapping sounds as the per vs. lower extremities.
pressure in the cuff is released (coincident with The therapist can gather important infor-
the first Korotkoff sound). The cuff is allowed mation about a patient’s cardiovascular
to continue deflating and the diastolic pressure health by measuring blood pressure while the
is recorded when the sounds disappear alto- patient assumes different body positions.
gether (or at the point when they are last Blood pressure is measured in the supine po-
heard). Diastolic blood pressure corresponds to sition after the patient has been lying quietly
this fifth Korotkoff sound. In some cases (eg, in for 5 to 10 minutes and then immediately
infants and small children), the tapping sounds after the patient stands up. In most cases,
may be heard all the way down to the 0 mm Hg diastolic pressure is lower in the supine com-
mark on the dial. When this occurs, the dias- pared to the standing position. The increase
tolic pressure should be recorded when the in diastolic BP with standing reflects the
therapist hears the tapping sound muffle dis- effects of gravity on venous pooling that are
tinctly (corresponding to the fourth Korotkoff offset by an increase in peripheral vascular
sound). Most experts feel that the fifth Ko- tone. In contrast, systolic BP changes very
rotkoff sound (disappearance) more closely little during the transition from supine to
approximates true adult diastolic pressure, standing in otherwise healthy individuals (a
whereas the fourth Korotkoff sound (muffling) finding that is consistent with maintenance of
TABLE 26-3 ■ American Heart Association Classification for Adult Blood Pressure Values
Normal <120 <80
Prehypertension 120–139 80–89
Stage 1 hypertension 140–159 90–99
Stage 2 hypertension ≥160 ≥100
1528_Ch26_504-525 07/05/12 2:36 PM Page 517
venous return supported by increased dias- efficiently when the patient stands because of
tolic pressure). A diastolic blood pressure that the reduced venous return.9
drops when the patient stands likely indicates As mentioned during the discussion of pulse
vascular incompetence or a dysfunctional au- assessment, blood pressure also demonstrates
tonomic nervous system (especially if there is variations timed with the ventilatory cycle.
no compensatory increase in heart rate). By Specifically, systolic blood pressure is lower dur-
definition, orthostatic hypotension refers to a ing inspiration because of the associated pul-
drop in systolic and/or diastolic BP when monary vascular engorgement and decreased
going from the supine position to sitting or left ventricular end-diastolic volume. The typi-
standing. The accepted criteria is a drop of cal difference in systolic pressure between inspi-
≥20 mm Hg in systolic pressure and/or a drop ration and expiration is on the order of ≤10 mm
of ≥10 mm Hg in diastolic pressure within Hg. Certain pathologies exaggerate the inspira-
3 minutes of standing up.14 Associated symp- tory drop in systolic blood pressure, including
toms can include dizziness, light-headedness, cardiac tamponade and constrictive pericarditis.
shortness of breath, chest discomfort, urinary When these conditions are suspected, the thera-
incontinence, and syncope. pist should check for the presence of pulsus
In some patients, an exaggerated reflex paradoxus. First, the therapist takes the patient’s
tachycardia (usually an increase in heart rate of blood pressure as usual. The therapist then asks
30 bpm) is noted as the sympathetic nervous the patient to inspire and hold their breath.
system attempts to compensate for the drop in Blood pressure is now taken while the patient
arterial pressure.15 The condition is termed continues to hold his or her breath and systolic
positional orthostatic tachycardia syndrome. pressure is noted. A drop of >10 mm Hg in sys-
Absence of a blood pressure increase in the tolic BP with inspiration confirms pulsus para-
presence of hypotension may imply a neuro- doxus.16 An alternate approach is to have the pa-
logical component to the disorder. tient breathe normally as the therapist takes the
Other factors to consider in the diagnosis blood pressure by deflating the cuff at a slightly
of orthostatic hypotension include the pa- slower rate. This will allow the therapist to note
tient’s neurological status, use of vasoactive when the systolic blood pressure is heard only
medications, prolonged bed rest, and hemor- during expiration and then when it is heard dur-
rhagic or hypovolemic states. Furthermore, ing both inspiration and expiration.
maintenance of (or an increase in) systolic Systolic BP demonstrates typical responses
blood pressure in the face of a lower diastolic to increasing physical workload, which can be
blood pressure in the standing position may altered in various disease states (Table 26-4).17,18
be an early sign of cardiac pump failure. In Because systolic BP is a function of cardiac
this example, the left ventricle operates more output and total peripheral resistance, the
TABLE 26-4 ■ Criteria for Normal and Abnormal Blood Pressure (BP) Responses to Graded
Normal Systolic BP: 7–12 mm Hg increase Normal BP response
per MET
Diastolic BP: ⫾10 mm Hg from
resting values throughout test
Hypertensive Systolic BP: ≥15–20 mm Hg Systemic hypertension, coronary artery disease,
increase per MET arteriosclerosis
Diastolic BP: ≥90 mm Hg
Blunted or flat Systolic BP: <5–7 mm Hg increase Overmedication, ventricular failure, coronary
per MET artery disease
Hypoadaptive Systolic BP: ≥20 mm Hg drop after Severe ventricular failure, multivessel coronary
an initial rise artery disease, significant overmedication
1528_Ch26_504-525 07/05/12 2:36 PM Page 518
relationship can be expressed in terms of the respiratory rate subconsciously if they know
following equation: systolic BP ≈ CO ⫻ TPR. they are being watched, the therapist should
Recalling also that cardiac output is the product adopt a strategy that minimizes this con-
of heart rate and left ventricular stroke volume, founding factor. One strategy is to assess the
increasing workload leads to an increase in patient’s pulse for 30 seconds and continue to
cardiac output (because of its direct effects on palpate the pulse for another 30 seconds while
heart rate and stroke volume). To support this inconspicuously counting breaths. The respi-
increase in cardiac output, systemic vascular ratory rate is then calculated by multiplying
tone is adjusted such that total peripheral resist- the breaths counted in 30 seconds by 2.
ance actually decreases as the intensity of exer- Breathing rhythm is important to observe,
cise progresses. because various forms of pathology may affect it
In response to graded exercise, systolic BP (Table 26-5). Normally, the inspiratory phase is
increases in a fairly linear fashion, such that half as long as the expiratory phase. Patients with
for every 1 metabolic equivalent (MET) increase small airway obstruction often present with pro-
in workload, the systolic BP increases 7 to longed expiratory times (and may exhibit
12 mm Hg from resting values.17 The conclusion pursed-lip breathing), whereas patients with re-
drawn from this observation is that cardiac strictive lung disease may shorten both the inspi-
output increases to a greater degree than total ratory and expiratory phases leading to a re-
peripheral resistance decreases, and the net result duced tidal volume. In the latter case, respiratory
is an increase in systolic BP. In contrast, diastolic rate is usually elevated and represents a pattern
blood pressure is more directly influenced by termed tachypnea. Patients with restrictive lung
total peripheral resistance and changes very little disease often adopt this pattern of breathing be-
from resting values in response to exertion (on cause of the relatively high metabolic cost associ-
the order of ⫾10 mm Hg). ated with maintaining normal tidal volume.
Other diagnoses associated with tachypnea
Respiratory Rate Suggests the Status
include pleuritic or incisional chest pain, ele-
of Ventilatory Mechanics and Blood
vated or hemi-diaphragm, and partial upper
airway obstruction. Although hyperventilation
Measurement of respiratory rate provides im- has been used historically in reference to either
portant basic diagnostic information regard- rapid or deep breathing, the term hyperpnea is
ing pulmonary function. At rest, the typical probably more appropriate and indicates that
respiratory rate in adults is 10 to 20 breaths the breathing pattern is rapid and deep. Hyper-
per minute; in infants it may be 20 to 40 pnea may be caused by relatively benign factors
breaths per minute. In newborns, the respira- that include exercise and anxiety, but can
tory rate may be as high as 40 to 50 breaths per also be associated with more serious conditions
minute. Because most individuals alter their such as metabolic acidosis. Patients with
diabetes mellitus and severe ketoacidosis may Sounds produced by the aortic valve are
demonstrate a characteristic deep, labored, and usually heard best in the aortic area (second in-
gasping breathing pattern called Kussmaul tercostal space along the right sternal border),
breathing. Likewise, bradypnea, which is whereas the pulmonic valve sounds are appreci-
slow breathing in which the respiratory rate is ated best in the pulmonic area (second inter-
<10 breaths per minute, may be a manifestation costal space along the left sternal border). The
of an exercise-trained pulmonary system or tricuspid area (fourth or fifth intercostal space
concentration on a specific task, but can also along the left sternal border) and mitral area
result from drug-induced respiratory depres- (fifth intercostal space at the midclavicular line)
sion, diabetic coma, or traumatic brain injury represent the remaining landmarks for ausculta-
with elevation of intracranial pressure. tion (Fig. 26-5). These sites are typically auscul-
With respect to graded exercise, the first tated with the patient supine, but having the pa-
adjustment made by the ventilatory system is tient assume the left lateral decubitus position or
usually an increase in tidal volume. As exercise sitting up and leaning forward while holding the
intensity progresses, the respiratory rate in- breath can be useful to accentuate heart sounds
creases in order to support the metabolic de- that are otherwise faint or inaudible.
mands of the exercising muscles. Anxiety can Normal heart sounds are thought to origi-
often lead to a rapid increase in respiratory nate from the closure of specific heart valves
rate at the start of an exercise bout and should (or the reverberating sound made by blood
not be interpreted as an abnormal finding. colliding with a valve as it is closing). The first
normal heart sound (the lub in lub-dub) is
Heart and Lung Sounds Reveal called S1 and is associated with closure of
Clues About Cardiac and the mitral (M1 component of S1) and tricuspid
Pulmonary Pathology (T1 component of S1) valves. The second nor-
mal heart sound (the dub in lub-dub) is called
Although a comprehensive tutorial on cardiac S2 and is associated with closure of the aortic
and pulmonary auscultation is beyond the (A2 component of S2) and pulmonic (P2 com-
scope of this chapter, all physical therapists ponent of S2) valves. Ventricular systole, then,
should be able to identify more obvious ab- is represented by the period between S1 and S2,
normal heart sounds that can be readily distin- whereas diastole occurs between S2 and the
guished from normal heart sounds. We advo- next S1. Although S1 and S2 are high frequency
cate that any stethoscope that will be used for in nature and usually appreciated as single
auscultating heart and lung sounds must have
a diaphragm (the flat head that is pressed
firmly against the skin and used for listening to Aortic Pulmonic
high-frequency sounds) and a bell (the cup- area area
shaped head that is placed softly against the
skin and is useful for hearing low-frequency
sounds). Using a stethoscope that only has a
diaphragm will result in failure to appreciate 2
some abnormal cardiac sounds.
Cardiac Auscultation 5
sounds when using the diaphragm, individual is thought to result from the reverberating
components of each sound are sometimes sound produced by blood as it enters the
distinguishable. In this case, the sound is said ventricle during the early part of diastole
to be split. This occurs because cardiac me- and collides against a stiff myocardium that
chanical events on the left slightly precede has lost normal compliance.19 Another
those on the right. That is to say, the mitral name for an S3 is a ventricular gallop. In
valve closes slightly before the tricuspid valve addition to congestive heart failure, an S3 can
and the aortic valve closes slightly before the be heard in patients with thyrotoxicosis, sig-
pulmonic valve. nificant anemia, and conditions character-
A useful maneuver to aid the therapist in ized by large left-to-right shunts such as ven-
distinguishing between the S1 and S2 sounds tricular septal defect and patent ductus
(and especially difficult task with faster pulse arteriosus. The sound can be of right or left
rates) is to palpate the carotid artery while aus- ventricular origin and is heard best at the car-
cultating the heart. The carotid pulse is coinci- diac apex. When an S3 is heard in children,
dent with the beginning of ventricular systole, pregnant females, or young, well-conditioned
and so it is timed with S1. Because S1 is associ- individuals, it is considered to be a normal
ated with closure of the mitral and tricuspid variant (possibly secondary to hyperdynamic
valves, S1 is louder than S2 in the mitral and tri- ventricular function) and is called a physio-
cuspid areas. Conversely, S2 is louder than S1 in logical S3. All other patients exhibiting an S3
the aortic and pulmonic areas. The tricuspid should be referred to the appropriate health
area is the best place to listen for a normal split- care provider for further evaluation.
ting of S1, whereas the pulmonic area is best for ● An S4 (the fourth heart sound) is also heard
appreciating a splitting of S2 (the pulmonic with the bell of the stethoscope in patients
valve closes slightly later than the aortic valve). with cardiovascular syndromes that include
While a split S1 is not affected by the ventilatory chronic systemic hypertension, hypertensive
cycle, a split S2 can be further evaluated on the heart disease, myocardial infarction, and
basis of changes related to inspiration or expi- acute mitral regurgitation secondary to
ration. A physiological split S2 (a normal phe- chordae tendineae rupture. The mechanism
nomenon) exhibits a widening of the A2 and P2 of sound production is similar to that of an
sounds upon inspiration and a fusion of the S3, with the exception that the sound occurs
two sounds upon expiration. The drop in in- immediately after atrial contraction forces
trathoracic pressure during inspiration leads to blood into the ventricle during late ventric-
increased venous return and prolongs right ular diastole (the sound occurs immediately
ventricular ejection, causing the pulmonic before S1). Because of its atrial component,
valve to close later than usual. an S4 is also referred to as an atrial gallop.
Several abnormal heart sounds can be
auscultated: When the novice first hears any of these
abnormal heart sounds, a question may arise
● A split S2 that either: as to how they can be distinguished from a
1. is not affected by the ventilatory cycle split S2. To make the distinction consistently,
(fixed split S2) the therapist can rely on a physical property of
2. widens with inspiration and approxi- the stethoscope itself. As discussed, high-fre-
mates, but does not fuse, with expiration quency sounds are best heard by pressing the
(persistent split S2); or diaphragm firmly against the patient’s skin so
3. widens with expiration and fuses with as to leave a slight impression when it is re-
inspiration (paradoxical split S2); these are moved. The bell, on the other hand, should be
associated with various cardiac anatomical held gently with little more than its own
and conduction abnormalities. weight resting on the patient’s skin so that it
● A third heart sound (S3) can be heard with can transmit low-frequency sounds through
the bell of the stethoscope in patients with its cone. If firm pressure is applied to the bell,
congestive heart failure and occurs as a low- the patient’s own skin acts as a diaphragm
frequency sound immediately after S2. An S3 (like the skin of a drum) and the bell is less
1528_Ch26_504-525 07/05/12 2:36 PM Page 521
able to transmit lower frequencies. The thera- and decays in late systole. It is heard best at the
pist need only adjust the pressure applied to aortic area with the diaphragm of the stetho-
the bell in order to differentiate between the scope. When severe, the sound may radiate to
normal variant and the abnormal sounds. For the carotid arteries. Symptoms associated
example, a sound that is heard with the with aortic stenosis include dyspnea, chest
stethoscope’s bell held gently on the skin and pain, and near or frank syncope. The patient
not when the bell is pressed firmly favors an S3 may occasionally present with palpitations,
or S4 (the latter two are then distinguished on fatigue, and a narrowed pulse pressure.
the basis of proximity to S1 or S2). ● Hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy
Cardiac murmurs may be appreciated is a result of abnormal blood flow through the
during auscultation of the heart. Cardiac left ventricular outflow tract. The obstruction
murmurs are usually the result of: is below the level of the aortic valve and in-
1. High-velocity flow through normal or abnor- volves thickening of the interventricular sep-
mal heart valves, tum and left ventricular free wall. When the
2. Forward flow through a restricted (stenotic) ventricle contracts, the thickened septum and
valve, past an area of obstruction, or into a free wall approximate below the aortic valve
dilated vessel/chamber, and the anterior mitral leaflet is sometimes
3. Backward flow through an incompetent pulled into the outflow path.21 The obstruc-
(regurgitant) valve, or tion is less severe if the end-diastolic volume
4. High-velocity flow through nonvalvular (and thus, the left ventricular dimensions) is
communications between cardiac chambers increased. This murmur is a harsh or rough
or large vessels. murmur whose intensity is usually main-
tained throughout all of systole (holosystolic).
An entry-level practitioner can acquire a It is heard loudest along the left sternal border
level of aptitude in auscultating cardiac mur- with the diaphragm of the stethoscope and
murs by remembering a few key concepts.20 often radiates to the apex rather than the aor-
First, the timing of the murmur will indicate if it tic area. Patients with significant hypertrophic
is systolic (heard between S1 and S2) or diastolic obstructive cardiomyopathy present with
(heard between S2 and S1). Once the timing is symptoms similar to aortic stenosis.
noted, the auscultatory area where the murmur ● Aortic regurgitation is characterized by a
is heard loudest provides further clues to its ori- high-pitched, blowing murmur heard dur-
gin. Finally, remembering the state of the valve ing diastole that has a decrescendo pattern
during the particular phase of the cardiac cycle that decreases in intensity with time. It is
will usually implicate the specific valvular dys- usually loudest along the left sternal border
function. For example, a murmur that is heard and heard best with the diaphragm of the
between S1 and S2 and is loudest at the second stethoscope. It may radiate to the cardiac
intercostal space along the left sternal border apex. Aortic regurgitation can be the result
would suggest pulmonic stenosis, since the pul- of such pathologies as rheumatic fever,
monary valve should be open at that time. chronic systemic hypertension (leading to
Murmurs are also graded in terms of their dilation of the aortic root and aortic annu-
relative loudness and associated physical find- lus), and congenital bicuspid valve. Patients
ings. Some murmurs merit special considera- with Marfan’s syndrome and ankylosing
tion in the clinical setting: spondylitis are at higher risk for developing
● Aortic stenosis is a pathological narrowing of this condition. The typical symptoms in-
the aortic valve that can impede left ventricu- clude signs and symptoms of left heart fail-
lar outflow during systole. Calcification of the ure, worsening fatigue, hypotension, pallor,
stenotic leaflets can further impair left ven- tachycardia, palpitations, and chest pain.
tricular outflow. The murmur of aortic steno- Associated findings often include a widened
sis is usually a harsh, medium- to high- pulse pressure and pulsus bisferiens.
pitched sound with a crescendo–decrescendo ● Mitral stenosis exhibits a low-frequency,
quality, which rises to a peak in midsystole rumbling diastolic murmur that is heard best
1528_Ch26_504-525 07/05/12 2:36 PM Page 522
Most therapists find it efficient to alternate may have such a degree of pulmonary hyperin-
from right to left at each level so as to better flation that breath sounds are poorly transmit-
compare discrepancies between sides. Ausculta- ted to the surface of the chest. In this case, sig-
tion through clothes dampens sound transmis- nificantly diminished breath sounds may be
sion and may simulate pathological sounds, so appreciated during auscultation. Finally, a
the therapist should auscultate over bare skin patient with a pneumothorax will present with
while maintaining proper draping techniques. absent breath sounds over the involved area.
The patient should be asked to breathe deeply When sound transmission is altered, the
through the mouth to maximize airflow and therapist can apply several techniques to fur-
enhance sound fidelity. ther characterize the degree or severity of pul-
Normal breath sounds can be classified monary involvement. Egophony (also called
into three main groups: the E to A change) is observed when the patient
is asked to say “E” and the auscultated sound is
1. Bronchial, “A.” The second abnormal sound characteristic
2. Bronchovesicular, and is called bronchophony and is demonstrated
3. Vesicular. by asking the patient to repeat “ninety-nine” or
“one–two–three.” The therapist will hear the
Bronchial breath sounds are loud, high-
words with greater intensity and higher pitch
pitched sounds that have an almost equal inspi-
during auscultation (normally, the words are
ratory and expiratory phase separated by a dis-
muffled and hard to decipher). Egophony and
cernable pause. They are heard primarily over
bronchophony usually occur together in pa-
the trachea and mainstem bronchi. Bron-
tients with diffuse pulmonary consolidation,
chovesicular sounds share similar characteristics
pleural effusion, or compression atelectasis.
with bronchial sounds, but they are much softer
The last abnormal characteristic is referred
and lack a discernable pause between phases
to as whispered pectoriloquy, and is elicited by
(the inspiratory component fuses with the expi-
asking the patient to whisper the words “ninety-
ratory component). They are heard over the
nine” or “one–two–three” and the words are
junctions of the mainstem bronchi and the var-
clearly heard through the stethoscope (nor-
ious segmental bronchi (in the interscapular
mally, the words are unintelligible). Whispered
region). Vesicular sounds are very soft, low-
pectoriloquy may be appreciated even in the
pitched sounds having an expiratory phase that
absence of egophony and bronchophony, and
is approximately one-third of the inspiratory
allows for the identification of more subtle con-
phase (at times, the expiratory phase may actu-
solidation or hyperinflation. As a general rule,
ally be inaudible). They also lack a discernable
louder and more pronounced words are heard
pause between phases and are heard over most
in the presence of consolidation, whereas hyper-
of the peripheral lung fields.
inflation states are associated with softer and less
Generally speaking, the absence of a normal
intelligible sound transmission.
breath sound when one would be expected or
Adventitious breath sounds refer to
appreciation of a normal breath sound over an
abnormal extrinsic breath sounds that can be
area in which it is not usually heard should
heard throughout the bronchopulmonary
prompt further examination. For example, a
tree. According to the American Thoracic
patient with pneumonia may have an area of
Society, they are classified as being either con-
consolidation in the peripheral lung fields sec-
tinuous or discontinuous:
ondary to accumulation of secretions in the
alveoli. In this case, fluid has displaced the air in ● Wheezes are continuous, high- or low-
the peripheral lung tissue, increasing its relative pitched sounds of varying duration auscul-
density. The increased density causes the sounds tated during expiration (although they may
from the larger airways to be transmitted more also be heard during inspiration). High-
readily to the surface of the chest. As a result, pitched expiratory wheezes are associated
bronchial breath sounds may be heard in an area with intrathoracic airway obstruction as
where vesicular sounds are normally heard. can occur with bronchospasm secondary
Conversely, a patient with severe emphysema to asthma or obstruction by secretions
1528_Ch26_504-525 07/05/12 2:36 PM Page 524
secondary to chronic bronchitis. Although friction rubs are distinguished from pericar-
some clinicians still label low-pitched, con- dial friction rubs on the basis of the effect
tinuous sounds as rhonchi, they are more breath-holding has on the sound, where dis-
correctly referred to as low-pitched wheezes. appearance of the sound indicates a pleural
Inspiratory wheezes usually indicate a more friction rub while persistence of the sound
severe airway obstruction and may coexist favors a pericardial friction rub.
with expiratory wheezes. A laryngeal or tra-
cheal obstruction produces a loud, high- Conclusion
pitched sound that is readily audible without
a stethoscope. Examples of large airway ob- This chapter provided an overview of the phys-
struction include foreign body aspiration, ical clues suggestive of cardiovascular and/or
epiglottitis, croup, and tumors. This sound is pulmonary dysfunction and reviewed specific
referred to as stridor and is usually heard dur- clinical evaluation tools that are available to the
ing inspiration, but may be heard during physical therapist to further assess its presence
both phases of the ventilatory cycle. The and severity. Understanding the clues given by
presence of stridor necessitates expeditious cardiovascular and pulmonary pathologies will
evaluation and treatment (especially when provide physical therapists with the tools nec-
associated with cyanosis) because it repre- essary to suspect and determine the presence of
sents a potentially life-threatening condition. cardiovascular and/or pulmonary involvement
● Crackles are discontinuous, low-pitched in their patients who may be receiving physical
sounds similar in quality to the carbonation therapy intervention for seemingly unrelated
of a soft drink or Velcro ripping and can be disorders. Awareness of the possibility of car-
associated with either restrictive or obstruc- diovascular and pulmonary comorbidities in
tive lung diseases. The therapist can simulate patients will also allow the physical therapist to
the sound by rubbing hair between the design appropriate treatment plans, accurately
fingertips next to the ear. Crackles are heard interpret the patient’s physiological responses
primarily during inspiration (but can also to exertion, modify assessment and treatment
be heard during expiration) and are further approaches as needed, and initiate a referral to
described as fine or coarse. The mechanism an appropriate health care provider when the
of sound production usually involves the patient’s needs fall outside the scope of physical
sudden opening of previously closed airways therapist practice.
(including alveoli) or the movement of air
through secretions that have accumulated References
in the air spaces. Early inspiratory crackles 1. Panka GFL, Oliveira MM, Franca DC, et al. Ventilatory
and muscular assessment in healthy subjects during an
are consistent with chronic obstructive activity of daily living with unsupported arm elevation.
pulmonary disease, whereas late inspiratory Rev Bras Fisioter. Jul/Aug 2010;14(4);337–344.
crackles suggest the presence of restrictive 2. Mangione S. The skin, the neck, the cardiovascular sys-
lung diseases, such as congestive heart tem, and chest inspection, palpation, and percussion. In:
Mangione S, ed. Physical Diagnosis Secrets. Philadelphia,
failure, pneumonia, atelectasis, and intersti- PA; Elsevier Health Sciences; 2008.
tial pulmonary fibrosis. 3. Stack AM. Etiology and evaluation of cyanosis in chil-
● Inflammation of the pleural membranes dren. In: UpToDate, Basow DS (Ed), UpToDate, Waltham,
MA, 2009.
typically produces another adventitious 4. Martin L, Khalil H. How much reduced hemoglobin is
lung sound referred to as a pleural necessary to generate central cyanosis? Chest. Jan
friction rub. The sound made by a pleural 1990;97(1):182–185.
rub is likened to that of two pieces of 5. Welsh JR, Arzouman JM, Holm K. Nurses’ assessment
and documentation of peripheral edema. Clin Nurse
dry leather or sandpaper being rubbed Spec. Jan 1996;10(1):7–10.
together. It is almost always heard during in- 6. Brodovicz KG, McNaughton K, Uemura N, et al. Reliabil-
spiration and expiration. Patients often will ity and feasibility of methods to quantitatively assess
report chest pain with a pleuritic compo- peripheral edema. C M & R. 2009;7(1/2):21–31
7. Plathow C, Ley S, Fink C, et al. Evaluation of chest motion
nent in that the pain worsens with deep in- and volumetry during the breathing cycle by dynamic
spiration and is aggravated by coughing or MRI in healthy subjects: comparison with pulmonary
sneezing. As mentioned previously, pleural function tests. Invest Radiol. Apr 2004;39(4):202–209.
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8. Bickley LS, Szilagyi PG. Bates’ Guide to Physical Exami- 15. Stewart JM. Chronic orthostatic intolerance and
nation and History Taking. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott the postural tachycardia syndrome (POTS). J Pediatr.
Williams & Wilkins; 2003. Dec 2004;145(6):725–730.
9. Cahalin LP. Cardiovascular evaluation. In: DeTurk WE, 16. Khasnis A, Lokhandwala Y. Clinical signs in medicine:
Cahalin LP, eds. Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Physical pulsus paradoxus. J Postgrad Med. Jan–Mar 2002;
Therapy: An Evidence–Based Approach. New York, NY: 48(1):46–49.
McGraw Hill Medical; 2011. 17. Le V-V, Mitiku T, Sungar G, et al. The blood pressure re-
10. Kodama M, Kato K, Hirono S. Linkage between sponse to dynamic exercise testing: a systematic review.
mechanical and electrical alternans in patients with Prog Cardiovasc Dis. Sept/Oct 2008;51(2);135–160.
chronic heart failure. J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol. 18. Watchie J. Cardiopulmonary implications of specific
2004;15(3):295–299. diseases. In: Hillegass E, ed. Essentials of Cardiopul-
11. Wagner HR. Paradoxical pulse: 100 years later. Am J monary Physical Therapy. St. Louis, MO: Elsevier Saun-
Cardiol. Jul 1973;32(1):91–92. ders; 2011.
12. Pickering TG, Hall JE, Appel LJ, et al. Recommenda- 19. Richardson TR, Moody JM, Jr. Bedside cardiac exami-
tions for blood pressure measurement in humans and nation: constancy in a sea of change. Curr Probl Cardiol.
experimental animals: part 1: blood pressure meas- Nov 2000;25(11):783–825.
urement in humans: a statement for professionals 20. Chizner MA. Cardiac auscultation: rediscovering the
from the Subcommittee of Professional and Public lost art. Curr Prob Cardiol. July 2008;33:326–408.
Education of the American Heart Association Council 21. Lee CT, Dec GW, Lilly LS. The cardiomyopathies. In:
on High Blood Pressure Research. Circulation. Feb 8, Lilly LS, ed. Pathophysiology of Heart Disease: A Collab-
2005;111(5):697–716. orative Project of Medical Students and Faculty. 5th ed.
13. Agarwal R, Bunaye Z, Bekele DM. Prognostic significance Baltimore, MD: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins: 2011.
of between-arm blood pressure differences. Hypertension. 22. Freed LA, Benjamin EJ, Levy D, et al. Mitral valve pro-
2008;51:657–662. lapse in the general population: the benign nature of
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1528_Ch27_526-549 07/05/12 1:58 PM Page 526
■ Rob Landel, PT, DPT, OCS, CSCS, FAPTA
T Trauma
Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo 532
Cervicogenic dizziness (cervical vertigo) 533
Whiplash injury (whiplash-associated disorder) 546
Brainstem–eighth nerve complex injury 533
Labyrinthine concussion 537
Traumatic brain injury 544
1528_Ch27_526-549 07/05/12 1:58 PM Page 527
Trauma (continued)
Perilymph fistula 542
Superior canal dehiscence syndrome 544
I Inflammation
Not applicable
Labyrinthitis and neuronitis 537
Multiple sclerosis 540
Not applicable
Autoimmune inner ear disease 532
Paraneoplastic syndromes 542
Herpes zoster oticus (Ramsey Hunt syndrome) 535
Otosyphilis 541
M Metabolic
Adverse effect or side effect of medications 530
Dehydration/hypovolemia 534
Hypoglycemia 536
Pregnancy 543
Exposure to toxic chemicals 535
Hyperthyroidism/thyrotoxicosis 535
Hypothyroidism 536
Vestibular ototoxicity 546
Va Vascular
Anemia 530
Orthostatic hypotension 541
Dysrhythmias/arrhythmias 535
Mitral valve prolapse 539
Transient ischemic attack 544
1528_Ch27_526-549 07/05/12 1:58 PM Page 528
Vascular (continued)
Arteriovenous malformation 532
Idiopathic intracranial hypertension 537
Lateral medullary infarction (Wallenberg’s syndrome) 537
Postural tachycardia syndrome 543
Vertebrobasilar artery insufficiency 545
De Degenerative
Not applicable
Not applicable
Multiple system atrophy with orthostatic hypotension (striatonigral degeneration, olivopontocerebellar
atrophy, Shy-Drager syndrome) 540
Tu Tumor
Not applicable
Malignant Primary, such as:
• Brain primary tumors 533
Malignant Metastatic, such as:
• Brain metastases 532
Not applicable
Malignant Primary, such as:
• Brain primary tumors 533
• Spinal primary tumors 544
Malignant Metastatic, such as:
• Brain metastases 532
• Spinal metastases 543
Benign, such as:
• Acoustic neuroma (vestibular schwannoma) 530
• Angiomatosis (Von Hippel-Lindau disease) 531
• Neurosarcoidosis 541
Co Congenital
Not applicable
Not applicable
1528_Ch27_526-549 07/05/12 1:58 PM Page 529
Congenital (continued)
Cholesteatoma 534
Hereditary neuropathies 535
Ne Neurogenic/Psychogenic
Anxiety disorder/panic attacks 531
Vasovagal syncope 545
Ménière’s disease 538
Migraine-related dizziness:
• Basilar migraines 539
• Benign recurrent vertigo 539
• Vestibular migraine 539
Mal de débarquement 538
Vestibular epilepsy (vestibular seizures) 545
Note: These are estimates of relative incidence because few data are available for the less common conditions.
Comorbid conditions that render the indi- mors. Individuals with this condition are
vidual susceptible to anemia include recent also at a higher risk than normal for certain
major surgery (ie, orthopedic and cardiopul- types of cancer, especially kidney cancer.
monary surgeries), pregnancy, lesions of the Treatment varies according to the location
gastrointestinal tract, sickle cell trait, and and size of the tumor and its associated cyst.
cancer.13 Anemia is defined as a decrease in In general, the objective is to treat the tumors
the oxygen-carrying capacity of blood sec- when they are causing symptoms but are still
ondary to a decrease in the erythrocyte (red small. Treatment of most cases usually in-
blood cell) content of blood, a diminished volves surgical resection. Certain tumors can
content of hemoglobin per erythrocyte, or be treated with focused high-dose irradia-
a combination of both.14 It can arise from tion. Individuals with this condition need
failed synthesis, premature destruction, careful monitoring by a physician and/or
hemorrhage, or deficiencies in iron, B12, or medical team familiar with the condition.
folic acid. The resultant reduction in the
blood’s oxygen-carrying capacity initiates a ■ Anxiety Disorder/Panic Attacks
reflex sinus tachycardia in attempts to main-
Chief Clinical Characteristics
tain adequate tissue oxygenation while blood
This presentation typically includes repeated
pressure is usually within the normal resting
panic or anxiety attacks. Symptoms include
range.15 The pulse is felt to be rapid and reg-
increased heart rate and respiratory rate, pupil
ular upon palpation, supporting the presence
dilation, and trembling and sweating with feel-
of sinus tachycardia. If anemia is suspected,
ings of fear and dread. The symptoms usually
the individual should be referred to his or
subside in 15 to 30 minutes.
her primary care practitioner for further
evaluation. The diagnosis is confirmed by Background Information
routine blood testing, including complete This condition is a nonspecific syndrome and
blood count. can be due to a variety of medical or psychi-
■ Angiomatosis (Von atric syndromes or observed as part of a drug
Hippel-Lindau Disease) withdrawal or drug intoxication effect. The
diagnosis of an anxiety condition is based on
Chief Clinical Characteristics
criteria from the DSM-IV-TR.16 Anxiety con-
This presentation commonly includes headaches,
ditions are classified into specific categories.
problems with balance and walking, dizziness,
One category, panic condition, has dizziness as
weakness of the limbs, vision problems, and high
one of its features. Panic condition is defined
blood pressure.
by recurrent attacks with at least four of the
Background Information following features: increased heart rate, sweat-
This condition is a rare, genetic multisystem ing, trembling or shaking, dyspnea, sensation
condition characterized by the abnormal of choking, chest pain or discomfort, nausea
growth of tumors in certain parts of the body or abdominal distress, feelings of dizziness,
(angiomatosis). The tumors of the central fear of losing control, fear of dying, paresthe-
nervous system are benign and are com- sias, and chills or hot flashes. The etiology of
prised of a nest of blood vessels and are anxiety conditions includes genetic factors,
called hemangioblastomas (or angiomas in social and psychological factors, and physio-
the eye). Hemangioblastomas may develop in logical and biochemical abnormalities.17
the brain, the retina of the eyes, and other Treatment includes cognitive-behavioral ther-
areas of the nervous system. Other types of apy, relaxation exercises, and pharmacologic
tumors develop in the adrenal glands, the treatment.17 The course of this condition is
kidneys, or the pancreas. Cysts (fluid-filled variable; most individuals maintain normal
sacs) and/or tumors (benign or cancerous) social lives. Clinicians are encouraged to con-
may develop around the hemangioblastomas sider referral of individuals suspected of hav-
and cause the symptoms listed above. Spe- ing this condition to a mental health specialist
cific symptoms vary among individuals and for evaluation and treatment.
1528_Ch27_526-549 07/05/12 1:58 PM Page 532
dysarthria, balance deficits, falls, lethargy, and also variable and depends on the type and grade
incoordination.18,30 of tumor, severity of compression, and dura-
tion of compression.
Background Information
The majority of individuals with brain ■ Brainstem–Eighth Nerve
metastases have been previously diagnosed Complex Injury20
with a primary tumor; however, a small per-
Chief Clinical Characteristics
centage of individuals are diagnosed con-
This presentation can be characterized by acute
comitantly with brain metastases and the
signs of vertigo, leading to constant unsteadiness,
primary tumor. The most common cancers
which worsens in darkness and during fatigue
resulting in subsequent brain metastases in-
and contributes to motion intolerance. The
clude lung, breast, melanoma, colorectal, and
symptoms are generally chronic, as the vestibu-
genitourinary tract. The new onset of neuro-
lar disturbance remains uncompensated. Symp-
logical symptoms after a primary tumor war-
toms and signs for this condition are similar to
rants imaging such as magnetic resonance
those for labyrinthine concussion.
imaging or computed tomography to con-
firm the diagnosis. Treatment may include Background Information
corticosteroids, brain irradiation, surgery, A reduced vestibular response is apparent on
chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and rehabilita- caloric testing, and rotary chair tests show
tive therapies. The prognosis is poor with gain asymmetry and an increased phase lag.
death typically occurring within 6 months. Posturography is typically abnormal. Experi-
mental and autopsy reports have described a
■ Brain Primary Tumors shearing effect on the root entry zone of cra-
Chief Clinical Characteristics nial nerves with head trauma. Even mild
This presentation may include headaches, trauma leads to hemorrhages often in the
seizures, dysphagia, weakness, cognitive brainstem and especially in the area of the
changes, behavioral changes, dizziness, vomit- vestibular nuclei. Magnetic resonance imag-
ing, alterations in the level of consciousness, ing confirms the diagnosis when it reveals
ataxia, aphasia, nystagmus, visual disturbances, this anatomical finding. Treatment involves
dysarthria, balance deficits, falls, lethargy, and vestibular habituation exercises.
■ Cervicogenic Dizziness (Cervical
Background Information Vertigo)
With the excessive proliferation of cells, a tumor
Chief Clinical Characteristics
mass eventually results in compression of the
This presentation typically involves a non-specific
brain. This compression may displace cere-
form of dizziness that is related to neck pain and
brospinal fluid, thereby increasing intracranial
impairments such as decreased cervical spine
pressure and resulting in ischemia to the
range of motion. It can include unsteady gait,
same tissues. Glioblastoma multiforme, astro-
postural disturbances, ataxia, or headaches.
cytoma, oligodendroglioma, metastatic tumors,
Individuals with this condition often will report
primary central nervous system lymphomas,
a history of cervical trauma such as whiplash.
ganglioglioma, neuroblastoma, meningioma,
arachnoid cysts, hemangioblastoma, medul- Background Information
loblastoma, and acoustic neuroma/schwannoma Cervicogenic dizziness is defined as a nonspe-
are some of the more common brain tumors. cific sensation of altered orientation in space
The first test to diagnose brain and spinal col- and dysequilibrium originating from abnormal
umn tumors is a neurological examination. afferent activity from the neck,31 and vertigo
Specific diagnoses for brain tumors may be induced by changes of position of the neck or
confirmed with imaging and biopsy. Treatment vertigo originating from the cervical region.32
is variable depending on the type, size, and The vestibular system is not involved in true cer-
location of the tumor and may include surgical vicogenic dizziness. This condition is thought
resection, chemotherapy, radiation, corticos- to result from malfunction or disturbance in
teroids, and rehabilitative therapies. Prognosis is the afferent flow of impulses from deep cervical
1528_Ch27_526-549 07/05/12 1:58 PM Page 534
tissues and cervical proprioceptors.33,34 The perforation, or the formation of a pocket that
Chief Clinical Characteristics This condition includes hereditary motor and
This presentation involves light-headedness, sensory neuropathy, hereditary sensory neu-
and associated symptoms of palpitations, short- ropathy, hereditary motor neuropathy, and
ness of breath, chest discomfort, headache, hereditary sensory and autonomic neuropa-
slurred speech, fatigue, lethargy, and anxiety. thy. The majority of neuropathies composing
this condition are Charcot-Marie-Tooth neu-
Background Information ropathy. This condition is caused by genetic
A variety of pathologies result in this condition, abnormalities. Diagnosis is made by nerve
including myocardial infarction, sick sinus syn- conduction and electromyographic studies.
drome, pacemaker failure, electrolyte imbalance, Prognosis for hereditary sensory neuropathies
pregnancy, dehydration/hypovolemia, Wolff- is poor due to intractable pain.42 Prognosis for
Parkinson-White syndrome, and congestive hereditary motor and sensory neuropathies
heart failure. If palpable, the pulse is abnormal. has also been found to be unfavorable due
Pulse may be either more rapid or slower than to slowing of conduction velocity with age.43
expected, and either regular or irregular in beat. Intervention is typically directed at the under-
Blood pressure may be abnormal. Cardiac aus- lying cause when possible.
cultation may be abnormal. Referral to a physi-
cian or activating the emergency medical system ■ Herpes Zoster Oticus (Ramsay
is warranted, particularly for individuals with a Hunt Syndrome)
new onset or changing signs and symptoms. Chief Clinical Characteristics
This presentation commonly includes intense ear
■ Exposure to Toxic Chemicals pain; a rash around the ear, mouth, face, neck,
Chief Clinical Characteristics and scalp; and paralysis of facial nerves. Other
This presentation includes acute onset of dizzi- symptoms may include hearing loss, vertigo,
ness associated with exposure to chemical and tinnitus. Taste loss in the tongue and dry
irritants. mouth and eyes may also occur. Sensory losses
precede facial paralysis. Vestibular deficits are
Background Information
more frequent than hearing loss (80% vs. 26%,
Any individual who reports dizziness or light-
respectively), although hearing loss may go
headedness should be asked about potential
exposure to toxic chemicals. There should be a
temporal association between the exposure Background Information
and the onset of symptoms. Common chemi- This condition is a common complication of
cals include household cleaners, insect sprays, herpes zoster. This condition is an infection
fertilizers, and paints. The most common toxic caused by the spread of varicella-zoster virus,
cause of acute vertigo is ethyl alcohol. Position which is the virus that causes chickenpox, to
changes during a hangover exacerbate vertigo, facial nerves. This condition occurs in people
possibly due to the production of a density who have had chickenpox and represents a
gradient from the different diffusion rates of reactivation of the dormant varicella-zoster
alcohol into the endolymph and the cupula, virus. When treatment is needed, medications
rendering the cupula gravity sensitive. Other such as antiviral drugs or corticosteroids may
toxic agents include organic compounds of be prescribed. Vertigo also may be treated with
heavy metals. Referral to a physician for evalu- the drug diazepam.
ation and treatment is warranted.
■ Hyperthyroidism/Thyrotoxicosis
■ Hereditary Neuropathies Chief Clinical Characteristics
Chief Clinical Characteristics This presentation involves high cardiac output,
This presentation includes distal sensory abnor- hypertension, dyspnea (orthopnea, exertional
malities, such as numbness and tingling of the feet, dyspnea, and paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea),
and muscle weakness of distal musculature. and dysrhythmias associated with palpitations
Individuals affected with this condition may also that may lead to feelings of dizziness or
report sweating and dizziness upon standing. light-headedness.45–47 Associated signs and
1528_Ch27_526-549 07/05/12 1:58 PM Page 536
symptoms include nervousness, heat intoler- from excess ingestion of insulin/oral hypo-
ance, fatigue, weight loss despite increased glycemic agents or insufficient food intake in
appetite, sweating, tremors, and exophthalmos. relation to insulin/oral hypoglycemic dose. In
individuals without diabetes mellitus, hypo-
Background Information
glycemia may result from insufficient caloric
A supportive clinical finding is a minimal de-
intake or an abnormal increase in physical
crease in resting heart rate during the individ-
activity or exercise in the absence of proper
ual’s sleeping hours, which may be confirmed
nutrition. The onset of signs and symptoms
by nocturnal heart rate monitoring. Palpita-
typically occurs when blood sugar falls below
tions in these individuals are typically chronic,
50 mg/dL and findings can be divided into two
felt during resting states, and exaggerated with
categories: those related to the activation of
activity. This condition results from overactiv-
the autonomic nervous system and those
ity of the thyroid gland and primarily results
caused by altered cerebral function. The diagno-
in elevated levels of thyroid hormones in the
sis is confirmed by blood glucose testing. Having
bloodstream, while thyrotoxicosis refers to the
the individual immediately ingest a source of
clinical syndrome resulting from hyperthy-
concentrated carbohydrate such as sugar, honey,
roidism. Typical etiologies of hyperthyroidism
candy, or orange juice can readily reverse the
include Graves’ disease, excessive thyroid hor-
condition. The practitioner should monitor vital
mone replacement therapy, toxic adenoma,
signs until they return to normal values. The
thyroiditis, goiter, and hyperthyroidism due to
therapist should be prepared to administer sup-
amiodarone and iodine-containing radi-
portive care or activate the emergency medical
ographic contrast agents. Thyroid hormones
services should the individual lapse into a dia-
are known to enhance myocardial contractility
betic coma (typically preceded by convulsions
and elevate the body’s metabolic rate, leading
and unresponsiveness). Individuals with dia-
to arterial vasodilation and possible hypoten-
betes mellitus should be reminded to check
sion. A reflex tachycardia may ensue to coun-
blood glucose levels periodically and to avoid
teract the hypotension. The most common
exercising in combination with the peak insulin
dysrhythmia associated with hyperthyroidism
effect to avoid episodes of hypoglycemia.
is sinus tachycardia, although supraventricular
dysrhythmias (particularly atrial fibrillation) ■ Hypothyroidism
can occur and may pose a serious health risk Chief Clinical Characteristics
for individuals with known coronary artery This presentation may be characterized by dizzi-
disease or history of stroke. Often, diagnosis is ness in combination with edema of the eyelids,
made by blood test on the basis of elevated thy- face, and dorsum of the hand. Myxedema also
roid hormone levels. If the therapist suspects may be present.
hyperthyroidism in a previously undiagnosed
individual, the individual should be referred to Background Information
a physician for definitive assessment. This condition develops as a result of de-
creased production or levels of T4 and T3 hor-
■ Hypoglycemia mones.3,28 This condition may be suspected if
Chief Clinical Characteristics an individual presents with pretibial edema
This presentation commonly involves headache, and unusual fatigue that does not improve
slurred speech, dizziness, feelings of “vague- with rest.28,29 Lab values for thyroid-stimulating
ness,” palpitations, impaired motor function, hormone are elevated and can be detected
anxiety, sweating, hypotension, and sinus before abnormal plasma levels of T3 and T4
tachycardia.48 hormones are observed. Blood values for
serum T3 and free T4 are elevated, while serum
Background Information TSH is decreased and radioactive iodine up-
The sensation of palpitations is quite often a take is increased. Thyroid hormone replace-
reflex sinus tachycardia in response to the hy- ment therapy is given for individuals with this
poglycemic insult and resolves quickly after condition. In many cases, the thyroid gland is
the condition is corrected. This condition in surgically removed and hormone replacement
individuals with diabetes mellitus may result therapy is required.
1528_Ch27_526-549 07/05/12 1:58 PM Page 537
Hypertension warranted postsurgically.
Chief Clinical Characteristics ■ Labyrinthitis and Neuronitis
This presentation includes headaches, visual
disturbances, dizziness, or tinnitus.49 Chief Clinical Characteristics
This presentation may be characterized by a
Background Information relatively sudden onset of severe, constant ro-
Diagnostic criteria include the presence of tary vertigo (made worse by head movement)
symptoms that reflect generalized intracranial that resolves after days or weeks.1,51 This con-
hypertension or papilledema, elevated in- dition is associated with spontaneous nystag-
tracranial pressure (>250 mm H2O per lumbar mus, postural imbalance, and nausea without
puncture), normal cerebrospinal fluid compo- accompanying cochlear or neurological symp-
sition, absence of lesions on magnetic reso- toms.51 The specific presentation varies depend-
nance imaging or computed tomography, and ing on the site of the infection. If the vestibular
no other cause identified.50 Also known as system is affected, the symptoms will include
pseudotumor cerebri or benign intracranial dizziness and difficulty with vision and/or
hypertension, this condition is characterized balance. If the inflammation affects the cochlea,
by increased intracranial pressure without as- this condition will produce disturbances in
sociated space-occupying lesions or hydro- hearing, such as tinnitus or hearing loss. The
cephalus. Approximately one-third of individ- symptoms can be mild or severe, temporary or
uals with idiopathic intracranial hypertension permanent, depending on the severity of the
recover within 6 months following repeated infection.
lumbar punctures and drainage of cere-
brospinal fluid to maintain the pressure at Background Information
near normal or normal levels. Weight reduc- The etiology is a bacterial or viral infection
tion and surgical gastric placation are effective causing inflammation of the vestibular nerve
forms of treatment.18 (neuronitis) or the labyrinth (labyrinthitis).
The terms are often used interchangeably be-
■ Labyrinthine Concussion cause it is difficult to distinguish neuronitis
Chief Clinical Characteristics from labyrinthitis.1 The diagnostic hallmark is
This presentation commonly involves acute signs unilateral hyporesponsiveness with caloric
of vertigo, leading to constant unsteadiness, testing.51 Regardless of the type of infection,
which worsens in darkness and during fatigue, the treatment consists of destroying the bacte-
and results in motion intolerance.20 The symp- ria by means of antibiotics. If the labyrinthitis
toms are generally chronic, because the vestibu- is caused by a break in the membranes separat-
lar disturbance remains uncompensated. There ing the middle and inner ears, surgery may
is significant overlap in clinical presentation also be required to repair the membranes to
between this condition and brainstem–eighth prevent a recurrence of the disease. Residual
nerve complex injury. vertigo can be reduced with vestibular habitu-
ation exercises.52
Background Information
A reduced vestibular response is apparent on ■ Lateral Medullary Infarction
caloric testing and rotary chair tests show (Wallenberg’s Syndrome)
gain asymmetry and an increased phase lag. Chief Clinical Characteristics
Posturography is typically abnormal. The ex- This presentation can include nystagmus, oscil-
act etiology is unknown but damage to lopsia, vertigo, nausea, vomiting, impairment
the semicircular canal epithelium is an ac- of pain and thermal sense over half of the body,
cepted cause. Magnetic resonance imaging ipsilateral Horner syndrome including miosis,
will reveal hemorrhage in the semicircular ptosis, anhidrosis, hoarseness, dysphagia, ipsi-
canals, differentiating this condition from a lateral paralysis of palate and vocal cord with
brainstem–eighth nerve complex injury. Treat- a diminished gag reflex, vertical diplopia or
ment is labyrinthectomy or selective vestibular sensation of tilting vision, ipsilateral ataxia of
nerve section. Vestibular rehabilitation in the limbs, loss of balance to ipsilateral side, and
1528_Ch27_526-549 07/05/12 1:58 PM Page 538
■ Basilar Migraines attacks (shorter duration, lasting only a few
minutes), Ménière’s disease, and vestibular
Chief Clinical Characteristics paroxysmia. In addition to pharmacother-
This presentation consists of two or more neu- apy, vestibular rehabilitation may help, as
rological problems (vertigo, tinnitus, de- may education regarding avoiding mi-
creased hearing, ataxia, dysarthria, visual graine triggers such as stress, nicotine,
symptoms in both hemifields of both eyes, estrogen, and foods known to exacerbate
diplopia, bilateral paresthesia or paresis, de- migraines.
creased level of consciousness) followed by a
throbbing headache. It occurs in individuals ■ Vestibular Migraine
primarily before age 20 years, and the dura- Chief Clinical Characteristics
tion of symptoms is 5 to 60 minutes. This presentation may include episodic ver-
Background Information tigo, primarily rotational but also of the rock-
This condition is a form of migraine with ing type.65–67 The vertigo often occurs before
aura. Audiograms are often normal. Diag- or with a headache but not always (32% to
nostic clues include having been diagnosed 36%). Associated symptoms are phonophobia,
with migraine headaches or having a family photophobia, visual disturbances, imbalance,
history of migraines, but the diagnosis is one nausea, and vomiting. The duration is most
of exclusion. The diagnosis can be substanti- often a few minutes to several hours but can
ated by medical efficacy in treating (ergota- be quite variable.
mines) and preventing (metoprolol, flunar- Background Information
izine) attacks, and exclusion of similar When symptom free, ocular motor signs
diagnoses, such as posterior fossa tumors, (saccadic pursuit, gaze-evoked nystagmus,
transient ischemic attacks (shorter duration, positional nystagmus, and spontaneous nys-
lasting only a few minutes), Ménière’s dis- tagmus) can still be found. Diagnostic clues
ease, and vestibular paroxysmia. In addition include having been diagnosed with mi-
to pharmacotherapy, vestibular rehabilita- graine headaches or having a family history
tion may help, as may education regarding of migraines, but the diagnosis is one of ex-
avoiding migraine triggers such as stress, clusion. The diagnosis can be substantiated
nicotine, estrogen, and foods known to exac- by medical efficacy in treating (ergotamines)
erbate migraines. and preventing (metoprolol, flunarizine) at-
tacks, and exclusion of similar diagnoses,
■ Benign Recurrent Vertigo such as posterior fossa tumors, transient is-
Chief Clinical Characteristics chemic attacks (shorter duration, lasting
This presentation can be characterized by ver- only a few minutes), Ménière’s disease, and
tigo spells, occasionally with tinnitus but with- vestibular paroxysmia. In addition to phar-
out hearing loss, with or without headaches, macotherapy, vestibular rehabilitation may
that last minutes to hours.64 help, as may education regarding avoiding
migraine triggers such as stress, nicotine,
Background Information estrogen, and foods known to exacerbate
If there is no headache, this may be referred migraines.
to as migraine aura without headache.
These spells occur between 20 and 60 years ■ Mitral Valve Prolapse
of age. Diagnostic clues include having Chief Clinical Characteristics
been diagnosed with migraine headaches This presentation may include palpitations,
or having a family history of migraines, but chest pain, shortness of breath, fatigue, and
the diagnosis is one of exclusion. The diag- light-headedness, and the individual may expe-
nosis can be substantiated by medical effi- rience periodic syncopal episodes.68 The great
cacy in treating (ergotamines) and prevent- majority of individuals with this condition are
ing (metoprolol, flunarizine) attacks, and asymptomatic and the condition may go undi-
exclusion of similar diagnoses, such as agnosed for years.
1528_Ch27_526-549 07/05/12 1:58 PM Page 540
The palpitations are usually supraventricular myelin.18 The diagnosis may be confirmed by
in origin and occur paroxysmally. If palpable, a thorough history, physical examination,
the pulse is typically rapid and regular. magnetic resonance imaging, analysis of cere-
The palpitation episodes commonly are brospinal fluid, and evoked potentials.18,69,70
self-limiting and last several minutes (less of- Life expectancy and cause of mortality are
ten, for hours), during which the individual similar for all types of this condition.18 Clinical
may experience the other associated symp- characteristics that are associated with a longer
toms. Typically, the associated symptoms time interval for progression of disability include
follow a benign course. Upon cardiac auscul- female sex, younger age of onset, relapsing-
tation, a midsystolic click is often appreciated remitting type, complete recovery after the
best over the fifth intercostal space left of the first relapse, and longer time interval between
sternum. This may be followed by a late sys- first and second exacerbation.71 Medical
tolic murmur. This condition occurs when management may include the use of methyl-
one or both valve leaflets exhibit exaggerated prednisolone, prednisone, cyclophosphamide,
systolic bowing beyond the mitral annulus. immunosuppressant treatment, and beta inter-
This diagnosis is confirmed with echocardio- feron.18 Physical, occupational, and speech
graphy or angiography. Individuals diag- therapy may be indicated to prevent secondary
nosed with this condition may be instructed sequelae and to optimize functional activity
by their physician to cough forcefully or per- and mobility. Some individuals may benefit
form a Valsalva maneuver (bearing down from psychological/psychiatric and social sup-
against a closed glottis) during episodes of port as the disease progresses.
palpitations in an effort to break the abnor-
mal rhythm through vagal mediation. Quite ■ Multiple System Atrophy with
often, these individuals are also prescribed Orthostatic Hypotension
calcium channel blockers or beta blockers to (Striatonigral Degeneration,
suppress the occurrence of palpitations. Oc- Olivopontocerebellar Atrophy,
casionally, the tachycardia may be prolonged Shy-Drager Syndrome)
and immediate medical intervention is usu- Chief Clinical Characteristics
ally warranted, especially if the individual has This presentation involves tremor, rigidity, aki-
underlying coronary artery disease and be- nesia, and/or postural imbalance along with
comes hemodynamically unstable. signs of cerebellar, pyramidal, and autonomic
dysfunction. Autonomic symptoms such as or-
■ Multiple Sclerosis thostatic hypotension, dry mouth, loss of sweat-
Chief Clinical Characteristics ing, impotence, and urinary incontinence or
This presentation may include paresthesias, retention are the initial feature in 41% of in-
weakness, spasticity, hypertonicity, hyperreflexia, dividuals, with 74% to 97% of individuals
positive Babinski, incoordination, optic neuri- developing some degree of autonomic dysfunc-
tis, ataxia, vertigo, dysarthria, diplopia, bladder tion during the course of the disease.72 This
incontinence, tremor, balance deficits, falls, and condition is a combination of parkinsonian
cognitive deficits.18 and non-parkinsonian symptoms and signs.
Background Information Background Information
This condition may present as relapsing- Diagnostic criteria are based on the clinical
remitting, primary progressive, or secondary presentation, which includes poor response to
progressive. The disease occurs most fre- levodopa, presence of autonomic features,
quently in women between the ages of 20 and presence of speech or bulbar problems, absence
40 years. Only a small number of children or of dementia, absence of toxic confusion, and
individuals between 50 and 60 years are diag- presence of falls.73 The disease course ranges
nosed with this condition.18 This condition between 0.5 and 24 years after diagnosis with a
was originally thought to be secondary to mean survival time of 6.2 years.74 This condi-
environmental and genetic factors, but evi- tion is a progressive condition of the central
dence suggests an autoimmune response to a and autonomic nervous systems that rarely
1528_Ch27_526-549 07/05/12 1:58 PM Page 541
occurs without orthostatic hypotension. severe forms of this condition, individuals may
There are three types of this condition. The experience seizures, transient ischemic attacks,
parkinsonian-type includes symptoms of or syncope.
Parkinson’s disease such as slow movement,
Background Information
stiff muscles, and tremor. The cerebellar type
This condition is caused by a sudden decrease
causes problems with coordination and speech.
of greater than 20 mm Hg in systolic blood
The combined type includes symptoms of both
pressure or greater than 10 mm Hg in diastolic
parkinsonism and cerebellar failure. Older age
blood pressure that occurs when a person as-
at onset is associated with a shorter survival
sumes a standing position. It may be caused by
time.74 Average age of onset is 54 years, with
hypovolemia resulting from the excessive use
mean age at death being 60.3 years.72 Most in-
of diuretics, vasodilators, or other types of va-
dividuals with this condition receive a trial of
soactive medications (eg, calcium channel
levodopa although only a minority respond.72
blockers and beta blockers), dehydration, or
Additional treatment addresses symptoms and
prolonged bed rest. Other factors to consider
involves physical and occupational therapy to
include the individual’s neurological status
maintain mobility and address safety issues re-
and hemorrhagic/hypovolemic states. The
lated to the progression of imbalance.
condition may be associated with Addison’s
■ Neurosarcoidosis disease, atherosclerosis, diabetes, and certain
neurological conditions including Shy-Drager
Chief Clinical Characteristics
syndrome and other dysautonomias. Hypov-
This presentation may be characterized
olemia due to medications is reversed by ad-
by facial palsy, impaired taste, sight, smell, or
justing the dosage or by discontinuing the
swallowing, vertigo, loss of sensation in a
medication. If prolonged bed rest is the cause,
stocking/glove pattern, and weakness in a dis-
improvement may occur by sitting up with in-
tal greater than proximal distribution.18
creasing frequency each day. In some cases,
Background Information physical counterpressure such as elastic hose
This condition is a manifestation of sarcoido- or whole-body inflatable suits may be re-
sis with central and/or peripheral nervous quired. Dehydration is treated with salt and
system involvement. It is characterized by for- fluids. Individuals with this condition can be
mation of granulomas in the central nervous instructed to rise slowly from bed in the morn-
system. The lesion consists of lymphocytes ings or when moving from a sitting/squatting
and mononuclear phagocytes surrounding a to standing position. Symptoms usually dissi-
noncaseating epithelioid cell granuloma. pate when the individual is placed in a semire-
These granulomas represent an autoimmune cumbent or supine position, although some
response to central nervous system tissues. individuals may progress to frank syncope. In
This condition includes 5% of individuals this case, the clinician should be prepared to
with sarcoidosis. The diagnosis is established activate the emergency medical system if the
by the presence of clinical features, along with individual fails to regain consciousness with
clinical and biopsy evidence of sarcoid granu- basic life support measures.
lomas in tissues outside the nervous system.
Approximately two-thirds of individuals expe- ■ Otosyphilis
rience this illness only once, whereas the re- Chief Clinical Characteristics
mainder experience chronic relapses. Primary This presentation may involve severe episodic
treatment for neurosarcoidosis is the adminis- vertigo, fluctuating hearing loss, low-
tration of corticosteroids. frequency hearing loss in the early stages of the
disease, and flat audiometric patterns in the
■ Orthostatic Hypotension later stages of the disease.75,76 The hearing
Chief Clinical Characteristics loss is usually bilateral in most individuals; the
This presentation commonly involves dizziness, loss in speech discrimination is usually out of
light-headedness, and blurred vision that gen- proportion to the speech reception threshold.
erally occur after sudden standing. In more Vestibular disturbances could be present in
1528_Ch27_526-549 07/05/12 1:58 PM Page 542
as many as 80% of individuals with this con- including hypotonia, ataxia, irritability, trun-
dition. This condition’s presentation is simi- cal ataxia, gait difficulty, balance deficits, and
lar to that of Ménière’s disease. frequent falls. Stiff-man syndrome presents
with spasms and fluctuating rigidity of axial
Background Information
musculature, legs, and possibly shoulders,
Otosyphilis is caused by the spirochete Tre-
upper extremities, and neck. Paraneoplastic
ponema pallidum. Both congenital and ac-
sensory neuropathy presents with asymmet-
quired forms of syphilis infection can lead to
ric, progressive sensory alterations involving
this condition with subsequent degeneration
the limbs, trunk, and face, sensorineural
of the audiovestibular system. Histopathologi-
hearing loss, autonomic dysfunction, and
cal findings are identical for both the congeni-
pain. Other conditions in this category in-
tal and acquired forms. The underlying
clude vasculitis, Lambert-Eaton myasthenia
syphilis infection causes meningoneuro-
syndrome, myasthenia gravis, dermatomyosi-
labyrinthitis in the early congenital form and
tis, neuromyotonia, and various neu-
in the acute period of the secondary and terti-
ropathies.18,77 These conditions result from
ary acquired forms. It causes temporal bone
an immune-mediated response to the pres-
osteitis with secondary involvement of the
ence of tumor or metastases. Antibodies or
membranous labyrinth in the late congenital,
T cells respond to the presence of the
late latent, and tertiary syphilis stages. En-
tumor, but also attack normal cells of the
dolymphatic hydrops and degenerative
nervous system.78,79 Over 60% of individuals
changes in the sensory and neural structures
present with this condition prior to the dis-
are seen in both the congenital and acquired
covery of the cancer.77 The underlying tumor
forms. Poor prognosis is indicated by en-
is treated according to the type of cancer.
dolymphatic sac obstruction by microgum-
Additional treatment is dependent on this
mata. The goal of treatment is to halt the pro-
condition’s type and may include steroids,
gression of the disease. Treatment includes
plasmapheresis, immunotherapy, chemother-
antibiotic and steroidal anti-inflammatory
apy, radiation, or cyclophosphamide.77 Physi-
medication, and the medication of choice dif-
cal, occupational, and speech therapy may be
fers with the clinical stage of the disease.
indicated to address functional limitations.
■ Paraneoplastic Syndromes ■ Perilymph Fistula
Chief Clinical Characteristics Chief Clinical Characteristics
This presentation commonly includes dizziness This presentation may involve dizziness, vertigo,
in combination with a variety of different imbalance, nausea, and vomiting.51 Some indi-
neurological symptoms and signs in an indi- viduals with this condition experience ringing or
vidual with cancer. Specific neurological fullness in the ears, and many notice a hearing
symptoms and signs depend on the location loss. Most people with fistulas find that their
of involvement of the central or peripheral symptoms get worse with changes in altitude
nervous system. (elevators, airplanes, travel over mountain
passes) or air pressure (weather changes), as well
Background Information
as with exertion and activity.
Paraneoplastic encephalomyelitis and focal
encephalitis may present with ataxia, vertigo, Background Information
balance deficits, nystagmus, nausea, vomit- The cause of this condition is a tear or defect
ing, cranial nerve palsies, seizures, sensory in the oval or round window in one or both
neuropathy, anxiety, depression, cognitive ears, allowing pressure changes in the middle
changes, and hallucinations. For individuals ear to stimulate the inner ear and cause symp-
presenting with ataxia, dysarthria, dysphagia, toms. Head trauma via a direct blow and
and diplopia, paraneoplastic cerebellar de- whiplash injury, barotrauma sustained during
generation may be suspected. Paraneoplastic diving, weightlifting, and childbirth are among
opsoclonus/myoclonus tends to affect both common causes. This condition also may
children and adults with signs and symptoms be present from birth or may result from
1528_Ch27_526-549 07/05/12 1:58 PM Page 543
chronic, severe ear infections. Clinical tests emergency medical system if the individual
suggestive of a fistula include reproduction of fails to regain consciousness with basic life
symptoms during a Valsalva maneuver or support measures.
when applying pressure to the external audi-
tory canal. The definitive diagnosis is made by ■ Pregnancy
direct visualization during tympanotomy. Sur- Chief Clinical Characteristics
gical repair with grafting is indicated if symp- This condition is commonly characterized by re-
toms persist despite nonsurgical care consist- ports of palpitations associated with shortness
ing of activity restriction aimed at avoiding of breath, dizziness, presyncope, or syncope in
lifting, straining (Valsalva maneuver), bending a pregnant woman.
over, and changes in pressure.
Background Information
■ Postural Tachycardia Syndrome During pregnancy, significant changes occur in
hormonal and hemodynamic function that
Chief Clinical Characteristics
predispose women to the development of dys-
This presentation includes rapid heartbeat,
rhythmias. Changes in hormone levels during
light-headedness or dizziness with prolonged
pregnancy (particularly progesterone) have
standing, headache, chronic fatigue, exercise
been associated with enhanced sympathetic ac-
intolerance, weakness, hyperpnea or dyspnea,
tivity and the precipitation of dysrhythmias.81
tremulousness, nausea/abdominal pain, sweat-
The enhanced maternal blood volume and as-
ing, anxiety/palpitations, chest pain, and other
sociated increase in stroke volume may lead to
nonspecific concerns.
the sensation of a forceful, bounding pulse in
Background Information some individuals. The type of dysrhythmia
This condition is characterized by orthostatic often associated with palpitations is often sinus
intolerance associated with a pulse rate that tachycardia or supraventricular tachycardia.
increases 30 beats per minute or greater when Very rarely is atrial fibrillation or ventricular
the individual moves from a supine to stand- tachycardia the source of the dysrhythmia.82
ing position.80 Causes usually are not identi- The episodes are usually benign and self-
fied but symptoms are related to reduced limiting, can often be associated with shortness
cerebral blood flow associated with inadequate of breath, and there may be an increased occur-
systemic venous return to the right heart. rence of symptoms to term.83 At times, the pal-
Reversible causes such as low blood volume pitations may also be associated with dizziness,
should be ruled out. Treatment depends on presyncope, or frank syncope. If palpitations
the severity of the symptoms. This condition are associated with these latter symptoms, the
is self-limiting, but individuals are usually individual should be referred back to her pri-
advised to increase their fluid and salt intake. mary care physician for evaluation. In the event
Body stockings may provide some relief. Drug of cardiovascular compromise, the therapist
therapy, with fludrocortisone, beta blockers, should be prepared to provide supportive in-
midodrine, or clonidine, can be beneficial. terventions and activate the emergency med-
Physical exercise, such as walking and gluteal ical system if warranted.
and calf muscle resistance training, also may
help.80 Some individuals may require and ■ Spinal Metastases
benefit from insertion of a cardiac pacemaker. Chief Clinical Characteristics
Individuals with this condition can be This presentation can involve spasticity, weak-
instructed to rise slowly from bed in the morn- ness, sensory alterations, bowel and bladder
ings (eg, sitting at the edge of the bed and incontinence, neck pain, back pain, radicular
performing ankle/calf exercises) or when pain, atrophy, cerebellar signs, balance deficits,
going from a sitting/squatting to standing falls, and cranial nerve involvement.18,84,85
position. Symptoms usually dissipate when the
individual is placed in a semirecumbent or Background Information
supine position, although some individuals This condition is the most frequent neoplasm
may progress to frank syncope. In this case, the involving the spine.85 The most common types
therapist should be prepared to activate the and locations of primary tumors that result in
1528_Ch27_526-549 07/05/12 1:58 PM Page 544
spinal metastases include breast, lung, lym- transmitted to the canal. Clinical tests suggestive
phoma, prostate, kidney, gastrointestinal tract, of superior canal dehiscence are reproduction
and thyroid.18,86 The diagnosis is confirmed of symptoms with coughing, tragal pressure, or
with gadolinium-enhanced magnetic reso- Valsalva maneuver. Computed tomography and
nance imaging and computed tomography.18,85 click-evoked myogenic potentials are important
Treatment is variable depending on the diagnostic tools. Treatment involves plugging
tumor and may include surgical resection, the dehiscence surgically.
chemotherapy, radiation, corticosteroids, and
rehabilitative therapies.18 Although the long- ■ Transient Ischemic Attack
term prognosis is poor, individuals without Chief Clinical Characteristics
paresis or pain and who are still ambulatory This presentation can include numbness or
have longer survival rates.86 weakness in the face, arm, or leg, especially on
one side of the body; confusion or difficulty in
■ Spinal Primary Tumors talking or understanding speech; trouble
Chief Clinical Characteristics seeing with one or both eyes; and difficulty with
This presentation may include spasticity, weak- walking, dizziness, or loss of balance and
ness, sensory alterations, bowel/bladder incon- coordination.
tinence, back pain, radicular pain, atrophy,
Background Information
cerebellar signs, balance deficits, falls, and
This condition is a transient stroke that lasts
cranial nerve involvement.18
only a few minutes. It occurs when the blood
Background Information supply to part of the brain is briefly inter-
Types of this condition include myeloma, neu- rupted. Symptoms of this condition, which
rofibroma, lymphoma, metastasis, menin- usually occur suddenly, are similar to those of
gioma, schwannoma, and astrocytoma. The stroke but do not last as long. Most symptoms
first test to diagnose brain and spinal column disappear within an hour, although they may
tumors is a neurological examination. Special persist for up to 24 hours. Because it is impos-
imaging techniques (computed tomography, sible to differentiate between symptoms from
magnetic resonance imaging, and positron this condition and acute stroke, individuals
emission tomography) are also employed. should assume that all stroke-like symptoms
Specific diagnoses may be confirmed with signal a medical emergency. A prompt evalua-
imaging and biopsy. Treatment is variable de- tion (within 60 minutes) is necessary to iden-
pending on the type, size, and location of the tify the cause of this condition and determine
tumor and may include surgical resection, appropriate therapy. Depending on the indi-
chemotherapy, radiation, corticosteroids, and vidual’s medical history and the results of a
rehabilitative therapies. Prognosis is variable medical examination, the doctor may recom-
and depends on the type and grade of tumor, mend drug therapy or surgery to reduce the
severity of compression, and duration of risk of stroke. Antiplatelet medications, partic-
compression. ularly aspirin, are a standard treatment for
individuals suspected of having this condition
■ Superior Canal Dehiscence and who also are at risk for stroke, including
Syndrome individuals with atrial fibrillation.
Chief Clinical Characteristics
This presentation typically involves recurrent at-
■ Traumatic Brain Injury
tacks of vertigo and oscillopsia (movement of the Chief Clinical Characteristics
visual field) induced by changes in intracra- This presentation typically includes disequilib-
nial or middle ear pressure or by loud noises. rium in the presence of cognitive changes, altered
level of consciousness, seizures, nausea, vomit-
Background Information ing, coma, dizziness, headache, pupillary
This condition is a variant of perilymph fis- changes, tinnitus, weakness, incoordination,
tula. It is caused by a dehiscence of the bone behavioral changes, spasticity, hypertonicity,
overlying the superior (anterior) semicircular cranial nerve lesions, sensory, and motor
canal, which allows pressure changes to be deficits.18,87
1528_Ch27_526-549 07/05/12 1:58 PM Page 545
This condition can be classified as mild, mod- artery.91 Headache or neck pain was found to
erate, or severe based on the Glasgow Coma be the prominent feature in 88% of 26 individ-
Scale, length of coma, and duration of post- uals presenting with vertebral artery dissec-
traumatic amnesia.87 Magnetic resonance tion. The most common focal neurological
imaging may be used to confirm the diagno- symptom was vertigo (57%).92 In cases of stroke
sis.84 Treatment initiated at the scene of the following cervical spine manipulation pur-
accident and during the acute phase is focused ported to be due to vertebral artery dissection,
on medical stabilization. It should be initiated the presenting neurological symptoms were loss
during the acute phase in order to minimize of coordination (52%), dizziness/vertigo/
complications.88 Low Glasgow Coma Scale, nausea/vomiting (50%), speech/swallowing
longer length of coma, longer duration of dysfunction, visual disturbances, and numb-
post-traumatic amnesia, and older age tend to ness, nystagmus, loss of consciousness, hearing
be associated with poor outcomes.89 Optimal deficits/tinnitus, and death.93
rehabilitation is interdisciplinary and cus-
Background Information
tomized to address each specific individual’s
Less severe but similar symptoms may be ex-
pected in lesser degrees of vertebrobasilar in-
■ Vasovagal Syncope sufficiency. The circulation to the inner ear
arises from the vertebrobasilar artery system,
Chief Clinical Characteristics
which leads to dizziness when this circula-
This presentation commonly includes dizziness,
tion is impaired.91,94 If the insufficiency is
as well as prodromal symptoms of nausea,
great enough to progress to stroke there
headache, paresthesias, light-headedness, dizzi-
are generally other associated neurological
ness, palpitations, shortness of breath, diaphore-
symptoms typical of central nervous system
sis, and chest pain.90 The therapist will usually
lesions but these can be absent.91,94 A classic
note the individual’s pulse to be rapid and reg-
sequela of stroke related to this condition is
ular, and blood pressure may be hypotensive.
lateral medullary (Wallenberg’s) syndrome.
Background Information Proposed causes of vascular compromise
Individuals susceptible to vasovagal syncope include trauma (including participation in
usually have difficulty standing for prolonged sports or manipulation of the cervical spine),
periods of time and exhibit delayed or dimin- cervical spine rotation and/or extension, and
ished neurocardiovascular responses when complications due to risk factors such as age,
assuming an upright posture. The precise gender, migraine headaches, hypertension,
mechanism responsible for this condition is diabetes, birth control pills, cervical spondy-
not well understood. Predisposing factors losis, and smoking.93,95,96 However, system-
include hypovolemia, anemia, and sympa- atic reviews of the literature suggest there
thetic blocking/antihypertensive medications. is no definitive way to identify who is at risk
The tilt-table test is the diagnostic procedure for vertebrobasilar insufficiency, either by
of choice for confirming vasovagal syncope, history, clinical examination, or special
and the individual should be referred to his or tests.93,95,97,98 Individuals suspected of having
her primary care physician for definitive this condition should be referred for medical
assessment. Treatment involves the individual evaluation urgently.
assuming a more recumbent position and
administering fluids. These treatments will ■ Vestibular Epilepsy (Vestibular
often cause the symptoms to abate. Seizures)
Chief Clinical Characteristics
■ Vertebrobasilar Artery This presentation can be characterized by sen-
Insufficiency sations of horizontal or vertical rotation, or of
Chief Clinical Characteristics falling and rising. Individuals may describe
This presentation commonly involves symp- vertigo and light-headedness as part of the
toms consistent with a cerebrovascular epileptic aura in complex partial seizures with
accident involving the vertebrobasilar artery temporal or extratemporal foci.99
1528_Ch27_526-549 07/05/12 1:58 PM Page 546
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Loss of Balance and Falls
■ Robbin Howard, PT, DPT, NCS ■ Didi Matthews, PT, DPT, NCS
CHAPTER PREVIEW: Conditions That May Lead to a Loss of Balance and Falls
T Trauma
Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo 554
Traumatic brain injury 566
Not applicable
Not applicable
I Inflammation
Not applicable
Labyrinthitis and neuronitis 558
Multiple sclerosis 560
Encephalitis 556
• Bacterial meningitis 559
• Viral meningitis 559
Behçet’s disease 554
Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease 556
Inflammatory muscle disease 557
Lyme disease (tick paralysis) 558
1528_Ch28_550-570 07/05/12 1:58 PM Page 551
Inflammation (continued)
M Metabolic
Neuropathy secondary to diabetes mellitus 561
Not applicable
Vestibular ototoxicity 567
Va Vascular
Orthostatic hypotension 562
Stroke (cerebrovascular accident) 565
Cerebral aneurysm 555
Transient ischemic attack 565
Lateral medullary infarction (Wallenberg’s syndrome) 558
Vasculitis (giant cell arteritis, temporal arteritis, cranial arteritis) 566
Vertebrobasilar artery insufficiency 566
De Degenerative
Parkinson’s disease 563
Dementia with Lewy bodies 556
Corticobasal degeneration 555
Fahr’s syndrome (familial idiopathic basal ganglia calcification, bilateral striopallidodentate calcinosis) 557
Multiple system atrophy with orthostatic hypotension (striatonigral degeneration, olivopontocerebellar
atrophy, Shy-Drager syndrome) 560
Progressive supranuclear palsy (Richardson-Steele-Olszewski syndrome) 564
Spinocerebellar ataxia (spinocerebellar atrophy, spinocerebellar degeneration) 565
Tu Tumor
Not applicable
1528_Ch28_550-570 07/05/12 1:58 PM Page 552
Tumor (continued)
Malignant Primary, such as:
• Brain primary tumors 554
Malignant Metastatic, such as:
• Brain metastases 554
Not applicable
Malignant Primary, such as:
• Spinal primary tumors 565
Malignant Metastatic, such as:
• Spinal metastases 564
Benign, such as:
• Acoustic neuroma (vestibular schwannoma) 553
• Angiomatosis (Von Hippel-Lindau disease) 553
• Neurofibromatosis 560
Co Congenital
Hydrocephalus 557
Not applicable
Not applicable
Ne Neurogenic/Psychogenic
Peripheral neuropathy 564
Ménière’s disease 559
Neurological complications of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome 561
Not applicable
Note: These are estimates of relative incidence because few data are available for the less common conditions.
Intrinsic risk factors may include: internal auditory canal, eventually growing out
Chief Clinical Characteristics ing off the end of the table. This position will
This presentation may include bilateral pyram- elicit torsional and vertical nystagmus when
idal signs, headache, memory loss, hemiparesis, the vertical semicircular canals are involved.
cerebellar ataxia, balance deficits, sphincter Duration of vertigo while in the Hallpike po-
dysfunction, or cranial nerve palsies. In addi- sition will determine if the individual has
tion to these neurological signs, individuals canalithiasis (short duration, <1 minute) or
with this condition also may present with cupulolithiasis (long duration, >1 minute).
arthritis; renal, gastrointestinal, vascular, Turning the head while supine will elicit hor-
and cardiac diseases; and genital, oral, and izontal nystagmus and vertigo when the hor-
cutaneous ulcerations.15 izontal (lateral) semicircular canals are
involved. Nonsurgical treatment consisting of
Background Information a series of positional changes to move the de-
Mean age of onset is in the third decade of life. bris out of the canals, known as the canalith
Diagnostic criteria according to an interna- repositioning maneuver, can be very success-
tional study group include presence of recurrent ful.19,21–25 In recalcitrant cases, the offending
oral ulceration, recurrent genital ulceration, canal can be plugged surgically.26
eye lesions, skin lesions, papulopustular lesions,
and/or a positive pathergy test.15,16 Medical BRAIN TUMORS
treatment typically consists of corticosteroids ■ Brain Metastases
and immunosuppressants. Neurological symp-
toms tend to clear within weeks, but can some- Chief Clinical Characteristics
times recur or result in permanent deficits.16 This presentation may include headaches,
Onset before the age of 25 and male sex seizures, dysphagia, weakness, cognitive
indicate a poorer prognosis. changes, behavioral changes, dizziness, vom-
iting, alterations in the level of consciousness,
■ Benign Paroxysmal Positional ataxia, aphasia, nystagmus, visual distur-
Vertigo bances, dysarthria, balance deficits, falls,
Chief Clinical Characteristics lethargy, and incoordination.16,27
This presentation commonly involves dizziness Background Information
or vertigo (typically described as a spinning The majority of individuals with brain metas-
sensation), light-headedness, imbalance, and tases have been previously diagnosed with a
nausea. Symptoms are precipitated by a posi- primary tumor; however, a small percentage
tion change of the head relative to gravity, such of individuals are diagnosed concomitantly
as getting out of bed, rolling over in bed, or with brain metastases and the primary tumor.
looking up.17,18 The most common cancers resulting in subse-
Background Information quent brain metastases include lung, breast,
This condition is thought to occur when free- melanoma, colorectal, and genitourinary
floating debris becomes trapped in the semi- tract. The new onset of neurological symp-
circular canal (canalithiasis) or becomes adhered toms after a primary tumor warrants the use
to the cupula (cupulolithiasis), rendering the of imaging such as magnetic resonance imag-
semicircular canal sensitive to gravity and thus ing or computed tomography to confirm
changes in head position rather than head the diagnosis. Treatment may include corticos-
motion. The etiology of benign paroxysmal teroids, brain irradiation, surgery, chemother-
positional vertigo is unknown in most cases, apy, radiotherapy, and rehabilitative therapies.
but is associated with head trauma, vestibular The prognosis is poor with death typically
neuritis, and vertebrobasilar ischemia, and can occurring within 6 months.
occur after ear surgery or prolonged bed rest.19
This condition occurs more often in the ■ Brain Primary Tumors
elderly, and tends to recur in up to 15% Chief Clinical Characteristics
of cases within 1 year and 50% of cases within This presentation may include headaches,
40 months.20 The diagnosis is confirmed with seizures, dysphagia, weakness, cognitive
the Hallpike maneuver, in which the head is changes, behavioral changes, dizziness,
1528_Ch28_550-570 07/05/12 1:58 PM Page 555
the progression of imbalance. Mean survival is syncope, transient loss of consciousness, and
7.9 years with a range of 2.5 to 12.5 years.33 sensitivity to antipsychotic and anti-Parkinson
Early presence of bilateral parkinsonism or medications.39
frontal lobe signs indicates a less favorable
prognosis.33 Background Information
This progressive condition is the second most
■ Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease common dementia after Alzheimer’s disease.39
Chief Clinical Characteristics The specific etiology of this condition is
This presentation may involve rapidly progres- unknown. The characteristic Lewy bodies are
sive dementia, cerebellar ataxia, balance eosinophilic inclusion bodies found within the
deficits, myoclonus, cortical blindness, pyram- cytoplasm of neurons in the cerebral cortex
idal signs, extrapyramidal signs, and akinetic and limbic system.39 A thorough clinical
mutism.36 examination, laboratory screen, and imaging
are important to rule out other causes of
Background Information dementia. The definitive diagnosis for this
Different forms of this condition have been condition is made postmortem; however, it
described including sporadic, iatrogenic, and appears that the use of single-photon emission
variant. Sporadic and iatrogenic forms of this computed tomography and positron emission
condition typically affect older individuals, tomography may be useful in the identifica-
whereas the variant form affects younger tion of occipital hypoperfusion, which may be
individuals.37 The early stages of the variant associated with the visual hallucinations.39,40
form are characterized by psychiatric symp- Management includes caregiver education to
toms, including depression and anxiety.37 The assist in minimizing factors that may contribute
condition is rare and affects only one to two to problematic behaviors. Medication therapy
people per million worldwide per year.36,37 It is may be indicated, but should be monitored
caused by a conformational change of the closely due to potential exacerbation of symp-
normal prion protein, which is encoded by toms.39 Life expectancy for individuals with
human chromosome 20 to a disease-related this condition is similar to that of Alzheimer’s
prion protein. Diagnosis is suggested by a disease. The average survival time is between
thorough history and physical examination, 6 and 8 years from the onset of dementia.39,41
electroencephalography, and cerebrospinal
fluid analysis.37 Computed tomography and ■ Encephalitis
magnetic resonance imaging are typically Chief Clinical Characteristics
normal in sporadic and iatrogenic forms This presentation includes confusion, delirium,
and help to exclude other diagnoses.36,38 convulsions, problems with speech or hearing,
Diagnosis for all forms of this condition is only memory loss, hallucinations, drowsiness, and
confirmed postmortem.38 There is no proven coma. Loss of balance and/or falls may be present.
treatment.37,38 Death in sporadic and iatro-
genic forms occurs in a matter of months with Background Information
death occurring at a mean age of 66 years.39 This condition is an inflammation of nerve
Mean duration of illness in the variant form is cells in the brain. It usually refers to the viral
14 months.37 form, although bacterial, parasitic, and fungal
agents also can cause this condition. Up to
■ Dementia With Lewy Bodies 20,000 new cases of viral forms of this condi-
Chief Clinical Characteristics tion are reported annually in the United States.
This presentation can be characterized by Diagnosis is established by clinical presenta-
fluctuating cognitive dysfunction, particularly tion suggesting dysfunction of the cerebrum,
visuospatial problems and executive dysfunction, brainstem, or cerebellum, cellular reaction and
visual hallucinations, and parkinsonism features elevated protein in spinal fluid, and possible
such as masked facies, autonomic dysfunction, demonstration of diffuse edema or enhance-
rigidity, and bradykinesia. Other signs and ment of the brain on magnetic resonance
symptoms may include postural instability, imaging or computed tomography. Treatment
falls, sleep disturbances, memory problems, is primarily pharmacologic, with drugs such
1528_Ch28_550-570 07/05/12 1:58 PM Page 557
blood work are used to determine the diag- ■ Multiple System Atrophy
Von Recklinghausen’s disease) may include café 3. Diffuse cerebral symptoms that involve cog-
tingling), diminished or absent deep tendon re- T. pallidum is present within the central nervous
flexes, balance deficits, and weakness16; and system the individual is diagnosed with neu-
autonomic neuropathy, which may involve rosyphilis.76 This condition occurs in approxi-
resting tachycardia, orthostatic hypotension, mately 10% of individuals with untreated
sexual impotence, exercise intolerance, abnormal syphilis, and in 81% of these cases it presents
sweating, pupil abnormalities, weakness, sen- as meningovascular, meningeal, and general
sory deficits, and gastroparesis.16,38,72,73 paresis. Treatment includes use of various
forms of penicillin or alternative choices for
Background Information those allergic to penicillin75 and may involve
Approximately 15% to 20% of people with dia- rehabilitative therapies depending on the indi-
betes may present with the signs and symptoms vidual’s activity limitations or participation
of this condition.16,72 However, approximately restrictions. A better prognosis has been
50% will have neuropathic symptoms and may observed for individuals treated during early
have abnormalities in nerve conduction test- neurosyphilis.76
ing.16 Commonly considered a metabolic disor-
der, this condition may be a result of vascular ■ Orthostatic Hypotension
complications disrupting the supply of nutri- Chief Clinical Characteristics
ents to the nerves.38,74 A thorough history, phys- This presentation commonly involves dizziness,
ical examination (specifically including the as- light-headedness, and blurred vision that gen-
sessment of deep tendon reflexes and sensory erally occur after sudden standing. In more
examination), electromyography/nerve conduc- severe forms of this condition, individuals may
tion testing, and laboratory screen helps to experience seizures, transient ischemic attacks,
differentiate other causes of neuropathy.72,73 or syncope.
Treatment consists of maintaining a normal
range of blood glucose levels.16,72,73 In addition, Background Information
individuals with this condition may prevent This condition is caused by a sudden decrease
complications by completing visual inspection of greater than 20 mm Hg in systolic blood
of the skin and routine podiatry care.73 Medica- pressure or greater than 10 mm Hg in dias-
tions may help to control symptoms such as tolic blood pressure, which occurs when a
paresthesias or pain.16,38 Additional manage- person assumes a standing position. It may be
ment may include consultations with an ortho- caused by hypovolemia resulting from the ex-
tist to ensure proper fitting of footwear and cessive use of diuretics, vasodilators, or other
physical therapy to minimize disability by types of vasoactive medications (eg, calcium
addressing impairments associated with limita- channel blockers and beta blockers), dehydra-
tions in functional mobility.74 tion, or prolonged bed rest. Other factors to
consider include the individual’s neurological
■ Neurosyphilis (Tabes Dorsalis, status and hemorrhagic/hypovolemic states.
Syphilitic Spinal Sclerosis, The condition may be associated with Addi-
Progressive Locomotor Ataxia) son’s disease, atherosclerosis, diabetes, and
Chief Clinical Characteristics certain neurological conditions including
This presentation can be characterized by Shy-Drager syndrome and other dysautono-
hemiparesis, ataxia, aphasia, gait instability, mias. Hypovolemia due to medications is re-
falls, neuropathy, personality and cognitive versed by adjusting the dosage or by discon-
changes, seizures, diplopia, visual impairments, tinuing the medication. If prolonged bed rest
hearing loss, psychotic disorders, loss of bowel/ is the cause, improvement may occur by sit-
bladder function, pain, hyporeflexia, and hy- ting up with increasing frequency each day. In
potonia.75,76 some cases, physical counterpressure such as
elastic hose or whole-body inflatable suits
Background Information may be required. Dehydration is treated with
Treponema pallidum infects the human host by salt and fluids. Individuals with this condition
way of contact with contaminated body fluids can be instructed to rise slowly from bed in
or lesions.75 This spirochete is responsible for the mornings or when moving from a
the diagnosis of syphilis; however, when sitting/squatting to standing position. Symptoms
1528_Ch28_550-570 07/05/12 1:58 PM Page 563
usually dissipate when the individual is type and may include steroids, plasmapheresis,
postural instability/gait difficulty dominant symptom with the majority of falls being back-
is poor, individuals without paresis or pain and condition.93,94 Individuals with this condition
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1528_Ch29_571-607 07/05/12 1:59 PM Page 571
Sensory Abnormalities
■ Bernadette M. Currier, PT, DPT, MS, NCS ■ Michelle G. Prettyman, PT, DPT, MS
1528_Ch29_571-607 07/05/12 1:59 PM Page 572
T Trauma
Perilymph fistula 596 Not applicable Not applicable
Perforated tympanum 596 Not applicable Not applicable
Not applicable Middle ear surgery 591 Not applicable
I Inflammation
Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Not applicable Aseptic Not applicable
Bell’s palsy 583
Herpes zoster oticus (Ramsay
Hunt syndrome) 588
Aseptic Not applicable Not applicable
Not applicable
Neurosyphilis (tabes dorsalis,
syphilitic spinal sclerosis,
progressive locomotor
ataxia) 594
Otosyphilis 595
1528_Ch29_571-607 07/05/12 1:59 PM Page 573
Benign paroxysmal positional Brachial plexus injury 584 Detached retina 587
vertigo 583 Carpal tunnel syndrome 584
Ligament sprains 590 Thoracic outlet syndrome 600
Traumatic brain injury 601
M Metabolic
Not applicable Not applicable Drug toxicity 587
Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Not applicable Not applicable Neurosarcoidosis 594
Va Vascular
Vasculitis (giant cell arteritis, Vasculitis (giant cell arteritis, Not applicable
temporal arteritis, cranial temporal arteritis, cranial
arteritis) 603 arteritis) 603
Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Not applicable Lateral medullary syndrome Not applicable
(Wallenberg’s syndrome) 589
De Degenerative
Otosclerosis 595 Not applicable Not applicable
Presbycusis 597
1528_Ch29_571-607 07/05/12 1:59 PM Page 575
Not applicable Not applicable Cerebral beriberi
(Korsakoff’s amnesic
syndrome, Wernicke-
Korsakoff syndrome) 586
Degenerative (continued)
Tu Tumor
Malignant Primary, such as: Malignant Primary, such as: Malignant Primary, such as:
• Brain primary tumors 602 • Brain primary tumors 602 • Brain primary tumors 602
Malignant Metastatic: Malignant Metastatic: Malignant Metastatic:
Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Benign: Benign: Benign:
Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Malignant Primary, such as: Malignant Primary, such as: Malignant Primary, such as:
• Brain metastases 602 • Nasopharyngeal • Angiomatosis (Von
• Nasopharyngeal carcinoma 602 carcinoma 602 Hippel-Lindau disease) 581
Malignant Metastatic: • Oropharyngeal carcinoma 602 • Brain metastases 602
Not applicable Malignant Metastatic: • Nasopharyngeal
Benign: Not applicable carcinoma 602
Not applicable Benign: Malignant Metastatic:
Not applicable Not applicable
Not applicable
Co Congenital
Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
1528_Ch29_571-607 07/05/12 1:59 PM Page 577
Malignant Primary, such as: Malignant Primary, such as: Malignant Primary, such as:
• Brain primary tumors 602 • Brain primary tumors 602 • Brain primary tumors 602
Malignant Metastatic: Malignant Metastatic: Malignant Metastatic:
Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Benign: Benign: Benign:
Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Congenital (continued)
Ne Neurogenic/Psychogenic
Not applicable Not applicable Anorexia nervosa 582
Ménière’s disease 590 Not applicable Not applicable
Neurological complications of
acquired immunodeficiency
syndrome 592
Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Notes: (1) These are estimates of relative incidence because few data are available for the less common conditions.
(2) See additional characterization of auditory, gustatory, olfactory, proprioceptive, tactile, and visual abnormalities
in the overview section that follows this preview table.
taste receptors beyond the tongue (palate, phar- tions of smell and taste are functionally and
ynx, larynx), and somatosensory (temperature, anatomically linked, resulting in equivocal
stinging) sensation serve as further sources of subjective clinical reports. Symptoms of
taste identification, discrimination, and protec- declined or absent sense of smell (hyposmia
tion. Gustatory symptoms necessitate assess- and anosmia, respectively) may be influenced
ment of both taste and smell with careful atten- by peripheral or central processing deficits of
tion to elimination of the redundant system. olfactory and/or gustatory systems. Loss of
Ageusia, the total loss of taste, is infrequent olfactory function is most consistent with a
due to the contributions from olfactory and loss of ability to identify and distinguish
somatosensory systems. More commonly, gus- odors. The loss of taste identification is a qual-
tatory symptoms are described as distorted, itative characteristic most suggestive of cranial
dulled, foul taste to typically pleasurable foods, nerve I (olfactory nerve). The trigeminal nerve
or intensified taste. Disturbed sense of taste also serves a qualitative odor function for irri-
may have a slow onset related to oral and den- tants, such as ammonia. Careful selection of
tal problems or tumor development. More various odors used for clinical testing in the
immediate alterations to taste are experienced absence of cognitive deficits permits differen-
in trauma and inflammatory processes. tiation between cranial nerves.
Neurological pathology and clinical test
Olfactory Abnormalities reliability may be masked in the presence of
The olfactory system participates in the sinus or respiratory infection, and symptoms
chemosensory appreciation of smell for of infection must be ruled out. Pathologies
digestive function and quality of life. Sensa- along the central olfactory pathways may
1528_Ch29_571-607 07/05/12 1:59 PM Page 580
result in impaired unilateral or bilateral smell, receptors, peripheral sensory nerves, spinal
odorous hallucinations, distorted sense of pathways, and cerebral connections may all
smell (dysosmia), or increased olfactory acuity contribute to clinical symptoms affecting
(hyperosmia). The loss of olfactory discrimi- touch, temperature, pressure, vibration, pain,
nation, olfactory agnosia, is associated with and perception of tactile information. Slow
thalamic nuclei and temporal lobe problems of and fast onset of tactile symptoms may be de-
sudden onset most likely with trauma and scribed as paresthesia (abnormal spontaneous
stroke or slow onset more typical of tumor or sensation, burning, tingling, pins and needles),
autoimmune pathologies. dysesthesia (unpleasant sensation produced by
normally painless stimuli), or numbness. Spe-
Proprioceptive Abnormalities cific touch-related symptoms are anesthesia
(total loss of touch), hypesthesia (partial loss),
Proprioception involves a network of receptors
and hyperesthesia (increased touch sensitivity).
within muscle, tendon, and joint; dorsal column
Anatomical arrangements of peripheral
ascending spinal pathways; and distributed
and spinal paths allow direct relationships
central networks for the interpretation of posi-
between tactile impairments and pathology to
tion and movement. Symptoms of disordered
be made. Patterns of tactile, pain, temperature,
limb movement (incoordination), posture, and
and pressure loss or symptoms that corre-
balance suggest proprioceptive peripheral or
spond to a specific peripheral sensory nerve or
central pathology. Disordered limb movement
spinal-level dermatome permit identification
may present as temporal and spatial problems
of pathological location. Sudden onset of
including movement path, target accuracy, alter-
pattern-specific tactile sensory loss is most
nating movements, and bimanual function.
common in trauma. However, slow-onset sen-
Clinical testing for proprioceptive loss may
sory loss can be described in imprecise bilat-
be performed to identify loss of peripheral
eral distributions that do not correlate with
receptor and sensory nerve distributions as
anatomical distribution and are more sugges-
well as for spinal pathology classification.
tive of metabolic, tumor, inflammatory, or
Clinical tests that indicate failure of position
degenerative pathologies. Sensory loss mapped
and movement awareness confirm involve-
with the medial lemniscal and anterior and
ment of the proprioceptive system without
lateral spinothalamic pathways may reveal pat-
specificity of location. Observed movement
terns of spinal cord pathology and assist in
abnormalities of limbs or trunk with proprio-
classifying the injury. In the presence of cogni-
ceptive clinical test failure may reflect the im-
tive function, clinical tactile tests can reveal
plicit nature of proprioception and add little
problems with two-point discrimination,
to identifying the pathology of the subcortical
stereognosis, graphesthesia and other tactile
processing or the cortical sensory areas. The
perceptions suggesting pathology of the thala-
implicit and intimate nature of proprioception
mic or sensory cortical areas. Intermittent
to movement contributes to a lack of clinical
tactile symptoms may be suggestive of seizure
tests and preference for use of tactile sensation
or transient ischemic episodes. Slow onset of
to assist with diagnosis of pathologies above
sensory loss without Red Flags signifies degen-
the spinal cord. Position and movement
erative, metabolic, autoimmune, or tumor
awareness symptoms that are reported clini-
causes. Sudden onset of tactile symptoms
cally should be considered particularly impor-
with Red Flags indicates a possibly serious
tant if they are characterized by sudden onset,
pathology and medical care is indicated.
accompanied by vital sign abnormalities, or
Tactile symptoms in the presence of motor
coexisting with paresis with hyperreflexia.
symptoms and hyperreflexia suggest pathol-
ogy at or above the spinal cord. Subjective
Tactile Abnormalities
reports of pain, as one aspect of tactile sensa-
Tactile sensation requires function of multiple tion, are covered extensively in other chapters.
receptive fields in the skin, transmission Note, however, that although pain is an impor-
centrally, and interpretation in a distributed tant sensation discussed elsewhere, pain may
network from brainstem to primary sensory also be representative of nervous system
cortex. Pathologies affecting the sensory pathology.
1528_Ch29_571-607 07/05/12 1:59 PM Page 581
first, followed by upper extremities. In the
Vision is a complex sensory system utilized majority of cases, a mild gastrointestinal or res-
and depended on for function. The complexity piratory infection precedes symptoms. Muscles
is represented by the elaborate sensory recep- of the trunk and cranium may be affected
tor arrangement in the eye and its links with following muscles of the limbs later in the
other neural networks governing motor disease process.
control, posture, and equilibrium, as well as
parallel processing pathways. Classification of Background Information
visual symptoms by visual acuity, oculomotor, Symptoms are thought to result from an im-
and visual perceptual categories assists with munologic reaction causing demyelination of
identifying pathology. Abnormality in visual peripheral nerves, and in severe cases, axonal
acuity tested in the presence of cognition and degeneration as well. In addition to clinical
consciousness indicates problems in the visual presentation, differential diagnosis is estab-
receptors. Abnormalities in visual acuity found lished by the presence of only a few lympho-
on the Snellen chart indicate pathology of the cytes and an increase in protein in cerebrospinal
lens or fovea complex, whereas problems with fluid as well as electromyographic findings of
blindness or visual fields represent optic nerve reduction in amplitudes of muscle action
or central pathway pathologies. Oculomotor potentials, slowed conduction velocity, conduc-
signs include reflexes (pupillary, vestibulo- tion block in motor nerves, prolonged distal
ocular, oculocephalic) and eye movement latencies, and prolonged or absent F responses.
(cranial nerve and supranuclear), which if Standard treatment includes administration of
abnormal require further testing to differenti- intravenous immune globulin and plasma
ate cranial nerve, vestibular system, or central exchange. The majority of individuals recover
pathology. Symptoms of unilateral small pupil completely or almost completely within a few
and ptosis indicate Horner’s syndrome. weeks to a few months; however, the presence of
Vision participates in the perception of axonal degeneration increases the regeneration
static and dynamic aspects of objects and the time period to 6 to 18 months. Three percent
environment for function. Ventral temporal to 5% of individuals with this condition do not
and dorsal parietal lobe neural networks from survive.1
the occipital lobe participate in perception and
represent an extensive cortical area at risk for ■ Angiomatosis (Von
pathology and contribution to visual symptoms Hippel-Lindau Disease)
affecting limb and mobility functions. As with Chief Clinical Characteristics
the other sensations, sudden onset of visual dis- This presentation commonly includes headaches,
turbances with other neurological symptoms, problems with balance and walking, dizziness,
unstable vital signs, or fever demands immedi- weakness of the limbs, vision problems, and high
ate medical attention. Conversely, slow onset of blood pressure.
gradual decline in visual acuity or perception is Background Information
less urgent and typical of degenerative, meta- This condition is a rare, genetic multisystem
bolic, and autoimmune processes. condition characterized by the abnormal
growth of tumors in certain parts of the body
Description of Conditions That (angiomatosis). Tumors of the central nervous
May Lead to Sensory Abnormalities system are benign, are comprised of a nest of
blood vessels, and are called hemangioblas-
■ Acute Demyelinating tomas (or angiomas in the eye). Hemangioblas-
Polyneuropathy (Guillain-Barré tomas may develop in the brain, the retina of
Syndrome) the eye, and other areas of the nervous system.
Chief Clinical Characteristics Other types of tumors develop in the adrenal
This presentation typically involves progressive glands, the kidneys, or the pancreas. Cysts
paresthesias described as numbness, tingling, and (fluid-filled sacs) and/or tumors (benign or
prickling, and weakness over the course of sev- cancerous) may develop around the heman-
eral days to a few weeks. Lower extremities in gioblastomas and cause the symptoms listed
1528_Ch29_571-607 07/05/12 1:59 PM Page 582
above. Specific symptoms vary among individ- diagnosis of an anxiety condition is based on
uals and depend on the size and location of the criteria from the DSM-IV-TR.3 Anxiety condi-
tumors. Individuals with this condition are also tions are classified into specific categories. One
at a higher risk than normal for certain types of category, panic condition, has dizziness as one
cancer, especially kidney cancer. Treatment of its features. Panic condition is defined by
varies according to the location and size of recurrent attacks with at least four of the fol-
the tumor and its associated cyst. In general, lowing features: increased heart rate, sweating,
the objective is to treat the tumors when they trembling or shaking, dyspnea, sensation of
are causing symptoms but are still small. Treat- choking, chest pain or discomfort, nausea or
ment of most cases usually involves surgical abdominal distress, feelings of dizziness, fear of
resection. Certain tumors can be treated with losing control, fear of dying, paresthesias, and
focused high-dose irradiation. Individuals with chills or hot flashes. The etiology of anxiety
this condition need careful monitoring by a conditions includes genetic factors, social and
physician and/or medical team familiar with psychological factors, and physiological and
the condition. biochemical abnormalities.4 Treatment includes
cognitive-behavioral therapy, relaxation exer-
■ Anorexia Nervosa cises and pharmacologic treatment.4 The course
Chief Clinical Characteristics of this condition is variable; most individuals
This presentation involves impaired ability to maintain normal social lives. Clinicians are
smell, decreased rapid visual information pro- encouraged to consider referral of individuals
cessing, abnormal perception of body schema, suspected of having this condition to a mental
cold body temperature, and dryness or yellow- health specialist for evaluation and treatment.
ing of skin. Symptoms of mood disturbance are
often present and are associated with sequelae ■ Arnold-Chiari Malformation
of starvation. (Chiari Malformation)
Background Information Chief Clinical Characteristics
The diagnostic features of anorexia nervosa This presentation may include visual or swal-
are that the individual refuses to maintain a lowing disturbances in combination with
minimally normal body weight, is intensely pain in the occipital or posterior cervical areas,
afraid of gaining weight, and exhibits a signif- downbeating nystagmus, progressive ataxia,
icant disturbance in the perception of the body progressive spastic quadriparesis, or cervical
shape or size. In addition, postmenarchal syringomyelia.5,6
women with this condition are commonly Background Information
amenorrheic. Treatment primarily consists of This condition encompasses a number of con-
psychotherapy to address underlying cognitive genital abnormalities at the base of the brain,
and behavioral correlates of this condition. including extension of the cerebellar tissue or
The standardized mortality ratio is high.2 displacement of the medulla and fourth ven-
■ Anxiety Disorder/Panic Attacks tricle into the cervical canal.5 This condition
has two main types. Individuals with the more
Chief Clinical Characteristics
common form of this condition, Type I, often
This presentation typically includes repeated
remain asymptomatic until adolescence or
panic or anxiety attacks. Symptoms include
adult life.5 Type II is primarily seen in infants
increased heart rate and respiratory rate, pupil
and young children. Please see the pediatric
dilation, and trembling and sweating with feel-
section of this textbook for a more complete
ings of fear and dread. The symptoms usually
description of this type. Diagnosis is made
subside in 15 to 30 minutes.
by magnetic resonance imaging, computed
Background Information tomography, myelography, or some combina-
This condition is a nonspecific syndrome and tion of these tests.6 Treatment varies depend-
can be due to a variety of medical or psychi- ing on clinical progression, and may include
atric syndromes or observed as part of a drug surgical intervention such as an upper cervical
withdrawal or drug intoxication effect. The laminectomy or enlargement of the foramen
1528_Ch29_571-607 07/05/12 1:59 PM Page 583
magnum. Even with surgery symptoms may study group include presence of recurrent
persist or progress.5 oral ulceration, recurrent genital ulceration,
eye lesions, skin lesions, papulopustular le-
■ Arteriovenous Malformation sions, and/or a positive pathergy test.1,7 Med-
Chief Clinical Characteristics ical treatment typically consists of corticos-
This presentation may be characterized by teroids and immunosuppressants. Neurological
seizures and severe headache. Hemorrhage may symptoms tend to clear within weeks, but can
result in paresis, ataxia, dyspraxia, dizziness, sometimes recur or result in permanent
tactile and proprioceptive disturbances, visual deficits.1 Onset before the age of 25 and male
disturbances, aphasia, paresthesias, and cog- sex indicate a poorer prognosis.
nitive deficits.1
■ Bell’s Palsy
Background Information
This condition is caused by a tangle of arteries Chief Clinical Characteristics
and veins that cause abnormal communica- This presentation typically involves unilateral
tion within the vasculature. Approximately facial paralysis and is characterized by acute
12% of the 300,000 individuals in the United drooping of the eyelid and/or corner of the
States with this condition are symptomatic. mouth, drooling, impairment of taste, and
This condition is caused by a developmental dryness of the eye with or without excessive
abnormality that likely arises during embry- tearing that progresses within 48 hours. Tactile
onic or fetal development. Neurological sensation is intact. Facial paralysis is commonly
damage occurs due to reduction of oxygen unilateral, though in rare cases may present
delivery, hemorrhage, or compression of bilaterally. All three quadrants of the face are
nearby structures of the brain or spinal cord. affected. Long-term facial paralysis may lead to
Computed tomography, magnetic resonance synkinesis (imbalance of muscular activation),
imaging, and arteriography confirm the resulting in significant facial distortion.8
diagnosis. Ligation and embolization may Background Information
be used to reduce the size of the lesion prior This condition is caused by an idiopathic
to surgical excision, which is the preferred inflammation of the facial nerve, likely due to
method of treatment. Stereotactic radiation a viral infection, commonly herpes simplex.
and proton beam therapy are alternative Diagnosis utilizes clinical examination to
approaches to invasive methods of interven- rule out other causes of facial weakness; for
tion. Up to 90% of individuals who experi- example, facial weakness due to cortical
ence a hemorrhagic arteriovenous malfor- or subcortical lesions is associated with
mation survive.1 impaired sensation and the frontalis and leva-
■ Behçet’s Disease tor palpebrae muscles are weakened, but not
paralyzed. Treatment involves antiviral and
Chief Clinical Characteristics anti-inflammatory medications and physical
This presentation may include bilateral pyram- therapy to address paralysis and symmetry of
idal signs (signs related to lesions of upper mo- motion and to prevent synkineses.8–11 Natural
tor neurons or descending pyramidal tracts, such recovery of facial motor control occurs within 3
as a positive Babinski sign or hyperreflexia), to 6 months in 94% of patients with incomplete
headache, memory loss, hemiparesis, cerebellar paralysis, but residual synkinesis and weakness
ataxia, balance deficits, sphincter dysfunction, often remain in those with complete palsies.9
or cranial nerve palsies. In addition to these
neurological signs individuals with this condi- ■ Benign Paroxysmal Positional
tion also may present with arthritis; renal, Vertigo
gastrointestinal, vascular, and cardiac diseases;
Chief Clinical Characteristics
and genital, oral, and cutaneous ulcerations.7
This presentation commonly involves dizziness
Background Information or vertigo (typically described as a spinning
Mean age of onset is in the third decade of life. sensation), light-headedness, imbalance, and
Diagnostic criteria according to an international nausea. Symptoms are precipitated by a
1528_Ch29_571-607 07/05/12 1:59 PM Page 584
such as getting out of bed, rolling over in bed, Chief Clinical Characteristics
or looking up.12,13 This presentation is characterized by upper
Background Information extremity weakness and sensory loss related
This condition is thought to occur when to damage of the brachial plexus, a network
free-floating debris becomes trapped in the of nerves that conducts signals from the
semicircular canal (canalithiasis) or becomes spine to the shoulder, arm, and hand. Associ-
adhered to the cupula (cupulolithiasis), ren- ated symptoms include hyporeflexia and
dering the semicircular canal sensitive to grav- hypotonicity.
ity and thus changes in head position rather Background Information
than head motion. The etiology of benign Injuries are often traumatic; the most com-
paroxysmal positional vertigo is unknown in mon are stretch injuries occurring during the
most cases, but is associated with head trauma, birth process. This condition can be classified
vestibular neuritis, and vertebrobasilar ischemia, in terms of mechanism of injury, closed (mo-
and can occur after ear surgery or prolonged tor vehicle accident) vs. open (intraoperative
bed rest.14 This condition occurs more often in injury and gunshot wounds); location of in-
the elderly, and tends to recur in up to 15% of jury (spinal nerve root, trunk, cord, peripheral
cases within 1 year and 50% of cases within nerve); or type of nerve damage.22 The four
40 months.15 The diagnosis is confirmed with types of nerve damage are avulsion, the most
the Hallpike maneuver, in which the head is severe type, in which the nerve is torn from the
rotated 45 degrees and tilted back while hang- spinal root; rupture, in which the nerve is torn
ing off the end of the table. This position will midsubstance; neuroma, in which the injured
elicit torsional and vertical nystagmus when nerve has scarred, causing a conduction block;
the vertical semicircular canals are involved. and neurapraxia or stretch, in which the nerve
Duration of vertigo while in the Hallpike posi- has been damaged but not torn. Diagnosis of
tion will determine if the individual has injury and localization of the lesion require
canalithiasis (short duration, <1 minute) or clinical investigation, electrodiagnostic study,
cupulolithiasis (long duration, >1 minute). and imaging.22,23 Management differs depend-
Turning the head while supine will elicit ing on type and severity of injury. Open
horizontal nystagmus and vertigo when the injuries with vascular damage should be ex-
horizontal (lateral) semicircular canals are plored operatively immediately. In the absence
involved. Nonsurgical treatment consisting of of clinical or electrophysiological recovery
a series of positional changes to move the after 2 to 4 months, gunshot wounds without
debris out of the canals, known as the canalith vascular compromise should undergo surgical
repositioning maneuver, can be very success- intervention. Spontaneous recovery occurs in
ful.14,16–20 In recalcitrant cases, the offending many closed injures; therefore, surgical inter-
canal can be plugged surgically.21 vention is delayed 4 to 5 months.22 Outcomes
■ Blepharospasm are favorable in patients who have less severe
nerve damage and those who undergo early
Chief Clinical Characteristics operation when indicated.22 Despite residual
This presentation includes excessive involuntary weakness and impaired functional use of the
closure of the eyelids primarily due to spas- extremity, the majority of patients report satis-
modic contraction of the orbicularis oculi mus- faction with their quality of life postinjury
cles. Severity of symptoms ranges from frequent and/or post–surgical repair.24
blinking to functional blindness.
Background Information ■ Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
The majority of cases of this condition are Chief Clinical Characteristics
idiopathic. Diagnosis is made by clinical pres- Presentation of decreased grip strength and
entation. Treatment includes psychotherapy, difficulty performing tasks requiring grasp or
biofeedback, drugs, and surgery. Botulinum manipulation of objects are preceded by initial
toxin A is the most effective form of treatment. report of pain and numbness/tingling in the
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dle finger, and radial half of the ring finger with Chief Clinical Characteristics
radiation up the forearm.25 This presentation includes symptoms that are
Background Information dependent on the neuroanatomical location af-
This condition results from compression of the fected. Symptoms often consist of paresthesias,
median nerve as it passes through the carpal visual disturbances, headaches, and seizures.
tunnel. It is associated with repetitive stress, Background Information
such as typing or performing assembly line This condition is a rare disorder of the vascular
tasks. Differential diagnosis includes cervical system of the brain where a blood-filled mass, or
radiculopathy or compression of the median hemangioma, forms. This condition is fre-
nerve proximal to the carpal tunnel. Diagnosis quently inherited in an autosomal dominant
is achieved through use of special tests (eg, pattern. Diagnosis is made on clinical manifes-
Phalen’s sign, monofilament testing, and tations and magnetic resonance imaging find-
provocative tests) and via electromyography and ings of clusters of vessels with a rim of hypoden-
nerve conduction velocity tests.26 Treatment sity on T1-weighted images.1 For individuals
consists of splinting, pharmacologic manage- with this condition who experience neurological
ment of inflammation and pain, modalities, symptoms, treatment is symptomatic and sup-
stretching and strengthening, ergonomic modi- portive. Surgical removal or radiation may be
fications, and surgery if indicated.27 Nonsurgical performed.1 Individuals with prior hemorrhage
care including physical therapy is emphasized and infratentorial location of the hemangioma
first, and it is most effective in those with mild have a poorer prognosis.30
impairment. If nonsurgical management fails,
surgery is usually recommended. In those with ■ Cerebral Aneurysm
severe forms of this condition who have been
properly diagnosed, 70% report complete satis- Chief Clinical Characteristics
faction with pain relief. However, residual weak- This presentation may involve loss of balance in
ness and reoccurrence may occur.25 combination with a whole host of other neuro-
logical symptoms and signs that depend on the
affected cerebral tissue, including visual and
■ Cataracts
proprioceptive loss. Any associated signs or
Chief Clinical Characteristics symptoms may not be reported due to the fact
This presentation can be characterized by that this condition is typically asymptomatic
gradual central greater than peripheral vision prior to rupture. However, if the aneurysm re-
loss that results in myopia, loss of contrast sults in a mass effect, ischemia, or hemorrhage,
sensitivity, and blurred and foggy vision. then neurological signs and symptoms are
dependent on the affected location.1,31,32
Background Information
This condition occurs when the normally clear Background Information
lens opacifies, causing edema and shrinkage.28 There has been some description of genetic
Eventually, the opacification can result in a factors in this condition.31 Cigarette smoking,
milky sac that can dislocate either anteriorly or hypertension, and heavy alcohol use have all
posteriorly through the lens. Posterior disloca- been found to be correlated with increased risk
tions may result in improved light perception. of aneurysm development.31,32 Factors associ-
This condition commonly affects both eyes, ated with increased risk of rupture include size
although one eye is usually more affected. It of aneurysm, location in the posterior circula-
may occur as a primary disease process related tion, and a previous history of aneurismal sub-
to age-related degeneration, secondary to an- arachnoid hemorrhage.33,34 Definitive diagno-
other medical condition, or congenitally. Age sis is based on catheter angiography; however,
and family history are the strongest predictors magnetic resonance angiography, magnetic
of developing the age-related form of the con- resonance imaging, and computed tomogra-
dition.29 Treatment typically involves surgical phy may aid in the diagnosis. Unruptured
interventions to the lens. aneurysms are sometimes surgically treated.
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Aneurysm size, location, and prior history of a administered, the reversal of symptoms should
subarachnoid hemorrhage help to determine if begin to occur within hours to days with vari-
the risk of surgical treatment is worth the able degrees of recovery. Memory has been
potential benefits. Most aneurysms that have shown to have the poorest return, and mortal-
hemorrhaged must be treated surgically. ity rates of up to 17% have been reported.5
Patients with a previous rupture are at an
11 times greater risk of having a second in- ■ Complex Regional Pain Syndrome
tracranial aneurysm rupture. When aneurysms Chief Clinical Characteristics
do rupture, many patients die within 1 month This presentation typically includes a traumatic
of the rupture, and those who survive often onset of severe pain accompanied by allodynia,
have residual neurological deficits.31 hyperalgesia, and trophic, vasomotor, and sudo-
motor changes in later stages. This condition is
■ Cerebral Arteriosclerosis characterized by disproportionate responses to
Chief Clinical Characteristics painful stimuli.
This presentation includes visual disturbances,
Background Information
headache, and facial pain.
This regional neuropathic pain disorder pres-
Background Information ents either without direct nerve trauma (Type I)
Thickening and hardening of the artery walls or with direct nerve trauma (Type II) in any
in the brain lead to the development of this region of the body.35 This condition may pre-
condition. Diagnosis is established by com- cipitate due to an event distant to the affected
puted tomography or magnetic resonance im- area. Thermography may confirm associated
aging of the brain. Treatment includes lifestyle sympathetic dysfunction. Treatment for this
modification, pharmacotherapy, and surgery. condition includes physical therapy for desensi-
Cerebral arteriosclerosis can result in ischemic tization, prevention of secondary complications
or hemorrhagic stroke, thus causing neurolog- and restoration of mobility, pharmacothera-
ical impairments.1 peutics for pain reduction, and surgical inter-
vention such as sympathectomy. Prognosis is
■ Cerebral Beriberi (Korsakoff ’s primarily dependent on timely detection of the
Amnesic Syndrome, Wernicke- disease and rate of progression.1
Korsakoff Syndrome)
Chief Clinical Characteristics ■ Conversion Disorder
This presentation involves ophthalmoparesis, Chief Clinical Characteristics
nystagmus, ataxia, and confusion, as well as This presentation can be characterized by
impaired learning and memory. Other com- motor or sensory deficits, seizures or convul-
mon symptoms include peripheral neuropathy, sions, or blindness or deafness. Symptoms
postural hypotension, syncope, impaired olfac- usually appear suddenly and abate in less than
tory discrimination, mild hypothermia, and 2 weeks.
Background Information
Background Information This condition is one type of somatoform dis-
This condition is due to a thiamine deficiency order in which psychological stress becomes
that results in a diffuse decrease in cerebral translated into physical problems. The DSM-
glucose utilization. It is most commonly IV-TR defines conversion disorder by symp-
observed in individuals who abuse alcohol and toms that simulate a neurological or other
have nutritional deficiencies, although it is not medical condition that involves voluntary
limited to this population.5 Diagnosis can be muscles or sensory organs excluding pain and
made by blood tests to examine thiamine sexual functions.1 Clinical findings include
levels. Neuroimaging may show slowed brain patterns of sensory loss that do not follow nor-
activity as well as lesions in the medial thala- mal patterns from neurological insults and
mus and periaqueductal region.5 Medical symptoms that disappear when a patient is
treatment involves the immediate administra- distracted or thinks that no one is watching.
tion of thiamine. Once thiamine has been Patients often have a history of emotional
1528_Ch29_571-607 07/05/12 1:59 PM Page 587
ential diagnosis is based on clinical findings. It The severity, type, and particular combination
is helpful to treat the patient as though he or of symptoms are variable, depending on the
she has had an illness and is now in the process drug exposure, whether it is unilateral or bilat-
of recovery.1 Cognitive and behavioral thera- eral, the speed of onset, and the individual. A
pies may be effective in treating underlying slow unilateral loss may produce few symp-
psychological issues. Prognosis is variable toms, since the brain can compensate through
with differing degrees of recovery in days to other mechanisms, whereas a fast bilateral loss
months. Good prognostic factors include can produce significant disability. The key
acute onset of symptoms, short duration of diagnostic feature is a history of drug or chem-
symptoms, healthy premorbid functioning, ical exposure. Treatment involves removing
higher intelligence, absence of coexisting psy- exposure to the medication if possible, and
chopathology, and presence of an identifiable vestibular habituation and balance exercises.
stressor. Poor prognostic symptoms include
pseudoseizures, age greater than 40, and long- ■ Gaucher’s Disease
lasting severe disability.36 Chief Clinical Characteristics
This presentation commonly includes slowly pro-
■ Detached Retina gressive mental decline, seizures, ataxia, and,
Chief Clinical Characteristics upon later development, weakness with spastic-
This presentation typically involves new onset ity and splenomegaly and deficits in lateral gaze.1
of visual disturbances such as flashes or floaters
Background Information
in the visual field, accompanied by central or side
This condition is a rare disorder, although it is
visual field loss and occasionally severe vitreal
prevalent among the Ashkenazi Jewish popula-
tion.38 The disease is an autosomal genetic dis-
Background Information order in which glucocerebroside accumulates
This condition occurs when the retina demon- in the spleen, liver, lungs, bone marrow, and
strates breaks. Breaks commonly occur in brain due to a deficiency in an enzyme.1 There
areas of high adhesion, such as about the are three types of Gaucher’s disease. The most
vasculature. This condition may occur sponta- common, type 1, is characterized by no central
neously, as a result of trauma or other forms of nervous system involvement. In type 2, infants
eye pathology, or as a result of metabolic dis- have extensive and progressive neurological
ease such as diabetes mellitus. Prompt oph- damage.38 Type 3 is less common and is associ-
thalmic evaluation is necessary if this condi- ated with less severe neurological symptoms.38
tion is suspected. Surgical interventions may Diagnosis is established by clinical presenta-
be considered to address this condition, in- tion, laboratory tests that show an increase in
cluding scleral buckling, vitrectomy, and pneu- total acid phosphatase, and biopsy of bone
matic retinopexy. marrow that is positive for Gaucher cells. En-
zyme replacement therapy is standard for most
■ Drug Toxicity patients with types 1 and 3. However, there is
Chief Clinical Characteristics no effective treatment for the severe brain
This presentation involves tinnitus (fluctuating damage that may occur in patients with types 2
or constant) and hearing loss (mild to complete and 3. Prognosis for patients with type 2 dis-
deafness) if the cochlea is involved; vertigo, ease is poor with death within the first 2 years
vomiting, nystagmus, and imbalance if the of life. For type 3 disease, symptoms typically
vestibular system is involved unilaterally; and present in childhood and death occurs by
headache, ear fullness, oscillopsia, an inability age 10 to 15 years.1
to tolerate head movement, a wide-based gait,
difficulty walking in the dark, a feeling of ■ Glaucoma
unsteadiness and actual unsteadiness while Chief Clinical Characteristics
moving, imbalance to the point of being unable This presentation includes gradual loss of visual
to walk, light-headedness, and severe fatigue in acuity, which classically occurs from peripheral
bilateral involvement. to central within the visual field.
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Background Information and tinnitus. Taste loss in the tongue and dry
This condition occurs when optic nerve fibers mouth and eyes may also occur.
are lost in the retinal nerve fiber layer second-
Background Information
ary to elevated intraocular pressure.39 Clini-
This condition is a common complication of
cal assessment of the retina usually confirms
herpes zoster. This condition is an infection
the diagnosis, but many other imaging
caused by the spread of varicella-zoster virus,
modalities are now available to evaluate the
which is the virus that causes chickenpox, to
retina and optic nerve for individuals sus-
facial nerves. This condition occurs in people
pected of having this condition. Management
who have had chickenpox and represents a re-
of this condition currently focuses on con-
activation of the dormant varicella-zoster
trolling intraocular pressure, since this find-
virus. When treatment is needed, medications
ing is the only known risk factor for develop-
such as antiviral drugs or corticosteroids may
ing the condition.
be prescribed. Vertigo also may be treated with
■ Herpes Zoster the drug diazepam.
Chief Clinical Characteristics ■ Hydromyelia (Syringomyelia)
This presentation typically includes an
Chief Clinical Characteristics
exquisitely painful rash or blisters along a
This presentation involves insidious onset of
specific dermatomal pattern accompanied
symptoms including upper and lower extrem-
by flu-like symptoms. Sensory and motor
ity weakness and numbness and, less commonly,
losses within spinal segmental distributions
pain. Trauma usually precedes the onset on
may occur, although this is rare. Individuals
symptoms, but the time frame for subsequent
with this condition also demonstrate a pre -
development of weakness and sensory changes
vious history of varicella exposure or infec-
is variable.
tion. Pain associated with this condition
may be disproportionate to the extent of skin Background Information
irritation. The initial presentation of this This condition is caused by an abnormal widen-
condition may be confused with radiculopa- ing of the central canal of the spinal cord, lead-
thy due to the distribution of symptoms. ing to the accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid
The presence of the rash, extreme pain, and hydrocephalus. Differential diagnosis must
general malaise, and unclear association be made between hydromyelia and other disor-
with spinal movement aids in differential ders such as syringomyelia, spinal cord tumor,
diagnosis. and spinal arteriovenous malformation. Mag-
netic resonance imaging and electromyography
Background Information are used to confirm the diagnosis of this condi-
The virus remains dormant in the spinal gan- tion. Surgery may be indicated to decrease or
glia until its reactivation during a period of eliminate the symptoms. Prognosis is variable.
stress, infection, or physical exhaustion. Treat-
ment includes the administration of antiviral ■ Idiopathic Intracranial
agents as soon as the zoster eruption is noted, Hypertension
ideally within 48 to 72 hours. If timing is
greater than 3 days, treatment is aimed at con- Chief Clinical Characteristics
trolling pain and pruritus and minimizing the This presentation includes headaches, visual
risk of secondary infection.40 disturbances, dizziness, or tinnitus.41
Background Information
■ Herpes Zoster Oticus (Ramsay Diagnostic criteria include presence of symp-
Hunt Syndrome) toms that reflect generalized intracranial
Chief Clinical Characteristics hypertension or papilledema, elevated in-
This presentation commonly includes intense ear tracranial pressure (>250 mm H2O per lumbar
pain; a rash around the ear, mouth, face, neck, puncture), normal cerebrospinal fluid compo-
and scalp; and paralysis of facial nerves. Other sition, absence of lesions on magnetic reso-
symptoms may include hearing loss, vertigo, nance imaging or computed tomography, and
1528_Ch29_571-607 07/05/12 1:59 PM Page 589
pseudotumor cerebri or benign intracranial The etiology is a bacterial or viral infection
hypertension, this condition is characterized causing inflammation of the vestibular nerve
by increased intracranial pressure without (neuronitis) or the labyrinth (labyrinthitis).
associated space-occupying lesions or hydro- The terms are often used interchangeably be-
cephalus. Approximately one-third of individ- cause it is difficult to distinguish neuronitis
uals with idiopathic intracranial hypertension from labyrinthitis.43 The diagnostic hallmark is
recover within 6 months following repeated unilateral hyporesponsiveness with caloric test-
lumbar punctures and drainage of cere- ing.44 Regardless of the type of infection, the
brospinal fluid to maintain the pressure at near treatment consists of destroying the bacteria by
normal or normal levels. Weight reduction and means of antibiotics. If the labyrinthitis is
surgical gastric placation are effective forms of caused by a break in the membranes separating
treatment.1 the middle and inner ears, surgery may also be
required to repair the membranes to prevent
■ Klüver-Bucy Syndrome a recurrence of the disease. Residual vertigo
Chief Clinical Characteristics can be reduced with vestibular habituation
This presentation typically involves oral ex- exercises.45
ploratory behavior, tactile exploratory behav-
ior, and hypersexuality, with additional symp- ■ Lateral Medullary Syndrome
toms and signs that may include visual agnosia, (Wallenberg’s Syndrome)
decreased attention, seizures, and dementia. Chief Clinical Characteristics
This presentation can include nystagmus, oscil-
Background Information lopsia, vertigo, nausea, vomiting, impairment
This condition arises from medial temporal of pain and thermal sense over half of the body,
lobe dysfunction, and it may be associated ipsilateral Horner syndrome including miosis,
with many different etiologies including her- ptosis, anhidrosis, hoarseness, dysphagia, ipsi-
pes encephalitis, traumatic brain injury, and lateral paralysis of palate and vocal cord with
Pick’s disease. This condition is diagnosed a diminished gag reflex, vertical diplopia or
clinically by the presence of the above cluster sensation of tilting vision, ipsilateral ataxia of
of symptoms. Treatment is symptomatic and limbs, loss of balance to ipsilateral side, and
primarily through pharmacologic means. impaired sensation of ipsilateral half of the
Prognosis is poor.1 face.1,46,47
■ Labyrinthitis and Neuronitis Background Information
Chief Clinical Characteristics In 75% of cases, onset is sudden. Main
This presentation may be characterized by a etiologic factors associated with this condi-
relatively sudden onset of severe, constant ro- tion include large-vessel infarction, arterial
tary vertigo (made worse by head movement) dissection, small-vessel infarction, cardiac
that resolves after days or weeks.43,44 This con- embolism, tumor, hemorrhage, and other
dition is associated with spontaneous nystag- unknown factors. The most typical cause is
mus, postural imbalance, and nausea without occlusion of the vertebral artery, with the
accompanying cochlear or neurological symp- posterior inferior cerebellar artery being
toms.44 The specific presentation varies depend- involved to a lesser degree. A thorough his-
ing on the site of the infection. If the vestibular tory, clinical examination, and magnetic res-
system is affected, the symptoms will include onance imaging may confirm the diagnosis.
dizziness and difficulty with vision and/or An emergency response is required for
balance. If the inflammation affects the cochlea, individuals experiencing the new onset of
this condition will produce disturbances in hear- symptoms. Residual symptoms include
ing, such as tinnitus or hearing loss. The symp- balance deficits (most common), dysphagia,
toms can be mild or severe, temporary or dizziness, and numbness, which may be
permanent, depending on the severity of the addressed with physical, occupational, and
infection. speech therapy.
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Chief Clinical Characteristics This condition consists of wet and dry forms.
This presentation includes decreased proprio- In the dry form, cellular debris (drusen) may
ception and balance following a ligament sprain accumulate between the choroid and retina. In
to the lower extremity. the wet form, blood vessels may grow from be-
hind the choroid, which may lead to retinal
Background Information detachment.50 Examination reveals central sco-
Functional instability is especially common tomata and an alteration of the retina around
following ankle and knee sprains, and propri- the maculae. Treatment to delay progression or
oceptive loss is thought to be a contributory possibly improve vision includes visual aids
factor. Damage to joint capsule and muscle and medication. This condition worsens with
stretch receptors leads to proprioceptive loss. time and eventually may lead to blindness.1
Diagnosis of proprioceptive loss following an
ankle sprain is made by clinical assessment; an ■ Ménière’s Disease
individual’s ability to identify joint position in
space without additional sensory input grossly Chief Clinical Characteristics
determines the degree of proprioceptive loss. This presentation is characterized by recurrent
Proprioception and balance can be restored to episodic spontaneous attacks of vertigo (exac-
varying degrees fusing therapeutic exercises erbated by head movements and accompanied
that challenge balance.48,49 Residual high-level by nausea and vomiting), fluctuating sen-
balance deficits are common.49 sorineural hearing loss, aural fullness, and
tinnitus.44,51–58 In the late stages the symptoms
■ Machado-Joseph Disease are more severe, hearing loss is less likely to fluc-
Chief Clinical Characteristics tuate, and tinnitus and aural fullness may be
This presentation may involve visual impair- more constant. Sudden unexplained falls with-
ments such as nystagmus in combination with out loss of consciousness or vertigo (drop
slowly progressive ataxia, rigidity, dystonia, attacks) may occur. Attacks can be preceded by
weakness in the hands and feet, and difficulty an aura consisting of a sense of fullness in the
with respiration and swallowing. ear, increasing tinnitus and a decrease in hear-
ing,56 but can also occur without warning. The
Background Information typical duration of an attack is 2 to 3 hours, rang-
This condition is genetic, with an autosomal ing from minutes to hours in length. Attacks
dominant pattern of inheritance and onset of can be single or multiple, with short or long
symptoms in adolescence or young adulthood. intervening periods of remission during which
Differential diagnosis includes Parkinson’s dis- the individual may be asymptomatic.
ease and multiple system atrophy. The pres-
ence of ataxia decreases the likelihood of Background Information
Parkinson’s, and the early age of onset and The cause of this condition is thought to be
visual symptoms decrease the likelihood of overproduction or underabsorption of en-
multiple system atrophy. Diagnosis is estab- dolymph (endolymphatic hydrops), resulting
lished by clinical symptoms and magnetic res- in distortion of the membranous labyrinth.
onance imaging findings of reduced width of Ruptures of the membranous labyrinth,
superior and middle cerebellar peduncles, at- autoimmune disease processes, and viral infec-
rophy of the frontal and temporal lobes, and tion are among other proposed causes.58
decreased size of the pons and globus pallidus. Appropriate tests include caloric testing to
There is no treatment for this condition, and determine amount of vestibular asymmetry;
prognosis is poor.1 audiometry, which often shows a low-
frequency loss rather than a high-frequency
■ Macular Degeneration one; and exclusion of other causes (typically
Chief Clinical Characteristics with gadolinium-enhanced magnetic reso-
This presentation involves gradual loss of cen- nance imaging). The head thrust test can be
tral vision, which impairs the ability to read negative despite caloric asymmetry. Restrict-
with preservation of peripheral vision. ing salt intake and using diuretics may be
1528_Ch29_571-607 07/05/12 1:59 PM Page 591
useful in over half of individuals with this con- factors such as hormonal fluctuations, fatigue,
dition. Approximately 10% of individuals with or anxiety may be triggers that initiate the
this condition will have persistent vertigo and pathophysiological cascade. This condition
require other forms of treatment. These in- also has a strong familial tendency and begins
clude surgery to decompress or drain the at a young age, suggesting that genetic factors
endolymphatic sac, selective vestibular neurec- may predispose individuals to migraine at-
tomy or labyrinthectomy, and intratympanic tacks. The use of neuroimaging is not indi-
injections of aminoglycosides such as gentam- cated in individuals with migraine symptoms
icin53 to reduce or abolish vestibular function and a normal neurological exam. Certain
on the affected side. pharmaceutical agents, such as triptans and
ergots, are effective in preventing migraine
■ Middle Ear Surgery attacks from becoming too severe.63 Other
Chief Clinical Characteristics medications can be considered to prevent mi-
This presentation involves decreased taste graine attacks. A complete discussion of
perception following middle ear surgery. headache diagnosis is included in Chapter 7.
Background Information ■ Multiple Sclerosis
Disorders of taste are related to intraoperative Chief Clinical Characteristics
insult to the facial nerve. Electrogustometry This presentation may include paresthesias,
and chemical taste tests are used to diagnose weakness, spasticity, hypertonicity, hyperreflexia,
taste disorders. No specific treatment is indi- positive Babinski, incoordination, optic neuri-
cated. Approximately 30% of individuals with tis, ataxia, vertigo, dysarthria, diplopia, bladder
taste disorders following middle ear surgery incontinence, tremor, balance deficits, falls, and
recover completely.59 cognitive deficits.1
■ Migraine Background Information
This condition may present as relapsing-
Chief Clinical Characteristics remitting, primary progressive, or secondary
This presentation often includes a severe pulsat- progressive. The disease occurs most frequently
ing and throbbing unilateral headache that may in women between the ages of 20 and 40 years.
switch sides, associated with nausea, vomiting, Only a small number of children or individuals
diarrhea, abdominal cramps, polyuria, sweat- between 50 and 60 years are diagnosed with this
ing, facial pallor, photophobia, or phonophobia. condition.1 This condition was originally
This is a chronic condition of recurring attacks
thought to be secondary to environmental and
of transient focal neurological symptoms,
genetic factors, but evidence suggests an autoim-
headaches, or both.60 Not only is this process re-
mune response to a viral infection, which subse-
sponsible for producing headaches, the condition quently targets myelin.1 The diagnosis may be
can also interfere with the function of other
confirmed by a thorough history, physical exam-
body systems, resulting in the characteristic
ination, magnetic resonance imaging, analysis of
presentation.61 Migraines are preceded by aura
cerebrospinal fluid, and evoked potentials.1,64,65
in 20% of cases.62 Even in individuals who
Life expectancy and cause of mortality are simi-
commonly experience them, auras may not lar for all types of this condition.1 Clinical char-
accompany every headache. Auras can be
acteristics that are associated with a longer time
visual, somatosensory, olfactory, or involve
interval for progression of disability include
speech disturbances. The location of headache
female sex, younger age of onset, relapsing-
may switch sides from episode to episode.
remitting type, complete recovery after the first
Background Information relapse, and longer time interval between first
The pathophysiology of this condition is very and second exacerbation.66 Medical management
complex. Current theories postulate that a cas- may include the use of methylprednisolone,
cade of events occurs involving vasodilation prednisone, cyclophosphamide, immunosup-
of meningeal blood vessels, irritation of pressant treatment, and betainterferon.1 Physi-
perivascular sensory nerves, and stimulation cal, occupational, and speech therapy may be
of brainstem nuclei. Additionally, extrinsic indicated to prevent secondary sequelae and to
1528_Ch29_571-607 07/05/12 1:59 PM Page 592
optimize functional activity and mobility. Some abnormalities within the nervous system.1 Diag-
individuals may benefit from psychology/ nosis of the variable neurological complications
psychiatry and social support as the disease associated with this condition may be confirmed
progresses. with laboratory tests, cerebrospinal fluid cul-
tures, imaging, nerve conduction studies, and
■ Neurological Complications of physical examination.1,67,68 Treatment appears
Acquired Immunodeficiency to be limited primarily to the use of antiviral
Syndrome medications.67 Physical and occupational ther-
Chief Clinical Characteristics apy may be indicated to address equipment
This presentation is variable and dependent on needs and caregiver/patient training related to
the affected neuroanatomical structures in an functional mobility.
individual with acquired immunodeficiency
syndrome.67 ■ Neuromyelitis Optica
Background Information Chief Clinical Characteristics
This condition may be categorized by: This presentation involves acute to subacute
onset of blindness in one or both eyes and/or
1. Meningitic symptoms including headache, transverse myelitis. Blindness and transverse
malaise, and fever (such as secondary to myelitis can exist in isolation or combination.
meningitis, cryptococcal meningitis, tuber-
culous meningitis, and human immunode- Background Information
ficiency virus headache) This condition occurs when demyelinating
2. Focal cerebral symptoms including hemi- and/or necrotizing lesions form in one or both
paresis, aphasia, apraxia, sensory deficits, optic nerves and in the spinal cord. Differen-
homonymous hemianopia, cranial nerve in- tial diagnosis especially includes acute dissem-
volvement, balance deficits, incoordination, inated encephalomyelitis, subacute necrotic
and/or ataxia (such as secondary to cerebral myelopathy, and a variant form of multiple
toxoplasmosis, primary central nervous sys- sclerosis. High-dose corticosteroids and alky-
tem lymphoma, and progressive multifocal lating agents are used to treat this condition.
leukoencephalopathy) Prognosis is poor; factors placing individuals
3. Diffuse cerebral symptoms that involve cog- at higher risk of earlier morbidity or mortality
nitive deficits, altered level of consciousness, include older age at onset and relapse during
hyperreflexia, Babinski sign, presence of the first 2 years of the disease.69
primitive reflexes (such as secondary to NEUROPATHIES
postinfectious encephalomyelitis, acquired
immunodeficiency dementia complex, ■ Alcohol Abuse
cytomegalovirus encephalitis) Chief Clinical Characteristics
4. Myelopathy associated with gait difficulties, This presentation can be characterized by
spasticity, ataxia, balance deficits, and hyper- slowly progressive sensory disturbances in
reflexia (such as secondary to herpes zoster a distal to proximal pattern in an individ-
myelitis, vacuolar myelopathy that occurs ual with history of alcohol abuse. Loss of
with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome pain sensation and painful burning sensa-
dementia complex) tions are among the most common sensory
5. Peripheral involvement associated with sen- symptoms.
sory changes, weakness, balance deficits, and
Background Information
pain (such as secondary to peripheral neu-
This condition can be caused by the toxic
ropathy, acute and chronic inflammatory
effect of ethanol or its metabolites on the
demyelinating polyneuropathies).1,67
central and peripheral nervous system.
Abnormal neurological findings are ob- Primary treatment is directed to reducing
served during a clinical examination in approx- alcohol abuse behaviors. Prognosis depends
imately one-third of patients with acquired on the course of the disease, in which neu-
immunodeficiency syndrome, however on au- ropathy will continue to progress with con-
topsy most individuals with this condition have tinued alcohol abuse.
1528_Ch29_571-607 07/05/12 1:59 PM Page 593
Chief Clinical Characteristics mobility.72
This presentation is variable, including ■ Hereditary Motor and Sensory
manifestations such as acute diabetic Neuropathies
mononeuropathies, which may include
involvement of peripheral nerves (including Chief Clinical Characteristics
cranial nerves)1; multiple mononeuropathies This presentation includes distal sensory
and radiculopathies, which may include abnormalities, such as numbness and tingling
unilateral or asymmetric pain, low back of the feet, and muscle weakness of distal mus-
pain with or without symptoms in the leg, culature. Individuals affected with heredi-
weakness, atrophy, diminished or absent tary neuropathies may also report sweating
deep tendon reflexes, and sensory deficits1; and dizziness upon standing.
distal polyneuropathy, the most common Background Information
diabetic neuropathy, which consists of Hereditary neuropathies include hereditary
chronic, symmetric, distal sensory deficits motor and sensory neuropathy, hereditary
(eg, numbness and tingling), diminished sensory neuropathy, hereditary motor neu-
or absent deep tendon reflexes, balance ropathy, and hereditary sensory and auto-
deficits, and weakness1; and autonomic nomic neuropathy. The majority of all heredi-
neuropathy, which may involve resting tary neuropathies are Charcot-Marie-Tooth
tachycardia, orthostatic hypotension, sexual neuropathy. Inherited polyneuropathies are
impotence, exercise intolerance, abnormal caused by genetic abnormalities. Diagnosis is
sweating, pupil abnormalities, weakness, made by nerve conduction and electromyo-
sensory deficits, and gastroparesis.1,68,70,71 graphic studies. Prognosis for hereditary sen-
sory neuropathies is poor due to intractable
Background Information pain.73 Prognosis for hereditary motor and
Approximately 15% to 20% of people with sensory neuropathies has also been found to
diabetes may present with the signs and be unfavorable due to slowing of conduction
symptoms of this condition.1,70 However, velocity with age.74
approximately 50% will have neuropathic
symptoms and may have abnormalities in ■ Peripheral Neuropathy
nerve conduction testing. 1 Commonly
Chief Clinical Characteristics
considered a metabolic disorder, this con-
This presentation may be characterized by
dition may be a result of vascular compli-
sensory alterations, falls, loss of balance,
cations disrupting the supply of nutrients
weakness, as well as diminished or absent
to the nerves.68,72 A thorough history, phys-
deep tendon reflexes, fasciculations, syncope,
ical examination (specifically including the
abnormal sweating, orthostatic hypotension,
assessment of deep tendon reflexes and
resting tachycardia, and trophic changes.1,75
sensory examination), electromyography/
nerve conduction testing, and laboratory Background Information
screen helps to differentiate other causes of The patterns of peripheral neuropathies are
neuropathy.70,71 Treatment consists of variable and may present as polyneuropathy,
maintaining a normal range of blood glu- polyradiculopathy, neuronopathy, mononeu-
cose levels.1,69,71 In addition, individuals ropathy, mononeuropathy multiplex, and
with this condition may prevent complica- plexopathy.1 Some of the etiologies associ-
tions by completing visual inspection of ated with peripheral neuropathies include
the skin and routine podiatry care.71 Med- trauma, inflammation (eg, herpes zoster,
ications may help to control symptoms Lyme disease, human immunodeficiency
such as paresthesias or pain.1,68 Additional virus, Guillain-Barré syndrome), metabolic
management may include consultations causes (eg, diabetes mellitus, uremia), nutri-
with an orthotist to ensure proper fitting tional causes (eg, vitamin B deficiencies com-
of foot wear and physical therapy to mini- monly associated with alcohol abuse, eating
mize disability by addressing impairments disorders, and individuals with malabsorption
1528_Ch29_571-607 07/05/12 1:59 PM Page 594
syndromes), congenital and idiopathic causes seizures, diplopia, visual impairments, hear-
(eg, aging or unknown causes), and toxic eti- ing loss, psychotic disorders, loss of bowel/
ology (eg, exposure to lead, arsenic, thallium; bladder function, pain, hyporeflexia, and
chemotherapeutic drugs such as vincristine, hypotonia.78,79
cisplatin).75 Twenty percent of individuals
Background Information
over the age of 60 are affected by a type of
Treponema pallidum infects the human host by
peripheral neuropathy.76 The diagnosis of the
way of contact with contaminated body fluids
specific disorder may be differentiated by the
or lesions.78 This spirochete is responsible
pattern of peripheral neuropathy and tempo-
for the diagnosis of syphilis; however, when
ral features. The diagnosis may be confirmed
T. pallidum is present within the central nerv-
after completing a thorough history, physical
ous system the individual is diagnosed with
examination, gait assessment, balance assess-
neurosyphilis.79 This condition occurs in ap-
ment, laboratory testing, and electromyogra-
proximately 10% of individuals with untreated
phy/nerve conduction testing.1,77 Treatment
syphilis, and in 81% of these cases it presents as
and prognosis will vary depending on the
meningovascular, meningeal, or general pare-
etiology and severity of this condition.
sis. Treatment includes use of various forms of
■ Neurosarcoidosis penicillin or alternative choices for those aller-
gic to penicillin78 and may involve rehabilita-
Chief Clinical Characteristics
tive therapies depending on the individual’s
This presentation may be characterized by
activity limitations or participation restric-
facial palsy; impaired taste, sight, smell, or swal-
tions. A better prognosis has been observed for
lowing; vertigo; loss of sensation in a
individuals treated during early neurosyphilis.79
stocking/glove pattern; and weakness in a dis-
tal greater than proximal distribution.1
■ Neurotoxicity
Background Information Chief Clinical Characteristics
This condition is a manifestation of sarcoido- This presentation includes limb weakness or
sis with central and/or peripheral nervous sys- numbness; loss of memory, vision, and/or intel-
tem involvement. It is characterized by forma- lect; headache; behavioral problems; and
tion of granulomas in the central nervous sexual dysfunction.
system. The lesion consists of lymphocytes and
mononuclear phagocytes surrounding a non- Background Information
caseating epithelioid cell granuloma. These This condition occurs when exposure to natu-
granulomas represent an autoimmune re- ral or artificial toxins alters the normal activity
sponse to central nervous system tissues. This of the nervous system. This can eventually dis-
condition includes 5% of individuals with sar- rupt or kill neurons. It results from exposure
coidosis. The diagnosis is established by the to substances used in chemotherapy, radiation
presence of clinical features, along with clinical treatment, drug therapies, and organ trans-
and biopsy evidence of sarcoid granulomas in plants, as well as exposure to heavy metals,
tissues outside the nervous system. Approxi- foods, or pesticides. Diagnosis is supported by
mately two-thirds of individuals experience clinical presentation and lab tests for detection
this illness only once, whereas the remainder of the toxic substance. Treatment is prioritized
experience chronic relapses. Primary treat- at removal of the offending toxin. Prognosis
ment for neurosarcoidosis is the administra- varies greatly depending on the level of expo-
tion of corticosteroids. sure and individual’s comorbid medical
■ Neurosyphilis (Tabes Dorsalis,
Syphilitic Spinal Sclerosis, ■ Orthostatic Hypotension
Progressive Locomotor Ataxia) Chief Clinical Characteristics
Chief Clinical Characteristics This presentation commonly involves dizziness,
This presentation can be characterized by hemi- light-headedness, and blurred vision that
paresis, ataxia, aphasia, gait instability, falls, generally occur after sudden standing. In more
neuropathy, personality and cognitive changes, severe forms of this condition, individuals may
1528_Ch29_571-607 07/05/12 1:59 PM Page 595
experience seizures, transient ischemic attacks, fully understood, but it may be hereditary.
or syncope. Audiograms and tympanograms are useful in
the diagnosis of otosclerosis. Surgery is often
Background Information
the form of treatment, in which a stapedec-
This condition is caused by a sudden decrease
tomy will be performed to bypass the dis-
of greater than 20 mm Hg in systolic blood
eased bone with a prosthesis that allows
pressure or greater than 10 mm Hg in dias-
sound waves to be passed to the inner ear. In
tolic blood pressure, which occurs when a
milder cases in which surgery is not indi-
person assumes a standing position. It may be
cated, a hearing aid may be used. With either
caused by hypovolemia resulting from the ex-
form of treatment, there may be residual mild
cessive use of diuretics, vasodilators, or other
hearing loss.
types of vasoactive medications (eg, calcium
channel blockers and beta blockers), dehydra- ■ Otosyphilis
tion, or prolonged bed rest. Other factors to
Chief Clinical Characteristics
consider include the individual’s neurological
This presentation may involve severe episodic
status and hemorrhagic/hypovolemic states.
vertigo, fluctuating hearing loss, low-frequency
The condition may be associated with Addi-
hearing loss in the early stages of the disease, and
son’s disease, atherosclerosis, diabetes, and
flat audiometric patterns in the later stages of
certain neurological conditions including
the disease.80,81 The hearing loss is usually
Shy-Drager syndrome and other dysautono-
bilateral in most individuals; the loss in speech
mias. Hypovolemia due to medications is re-
discrimination is usually out of proportion to
versed by adjusting the dosage or by discon-
the speech reception threshold. Vestibular dis-
tinuing the medication. If prolonged bed rest
turbances could be present in as many as 80%
is the cause, improvement may occur by sit-
of individuals with this condition. This condi-
ting up with increasing frequency each day. In
tion’s presentation is similar to that of Ménière’s
some cases, physical counterpressure such as
compression hose or whole-body inflatable
suits may be required. Dehydration is treated Background Information
with salt and fluids. Individuals with this con- Otosyphilis is caused by the spirochete
dition can be instructed to rise slowly from Treponema pallidum. Both congenital and
bed in the mornings or when moving from a acquired forms of syphilis infection can
sitting to standing position. Symptoms usu- lead to this condition with subsequent de-
ally dissipate when the individual is placed generation of the audiovestibular system.
in a semirecumbent or supine position, Histopathological findings are identical for
although some individuals may progress to both the congenital and acquired forms.
frank syncope. In this case, the clinician The underlying syphilis infection causes
should be prepared to activate the emergency meningoneurolabyrinthitis in the early con-
medical system. genital form and in the acute period of the
secondary and tertiary acquired forms. It
■ Otosclerosis causes temporal bone osteitis with secondary
Chief Clinical Characteristics involvement of the membranous labyrinth in
This presentation includes hearing loss as the the late congenital, late latent, and tertiary
most frequent symptom. The loss may appear syphilis stages. Endolymphatic hydrops and
very gradually. Many people with otosclero- degenerative changes in the sensory and neu-
sis first notice that they cannot hear low- ral structures are seen in both the congenital
pitched sounds or a whisper. In addition to and acquired forms. Poor prognosis is indi-
hearing loss, some people with otosclerosis may cated by endolymphatic sac obstruction
experience dizziness, balance problems, or by microgummata. The goal of treatment is
tinnitus. to halt the progression of the disease. Treat-
ment includes antibiotic and steroidal anti-
Background Information inflammatory medication, and the medica-
Otosclerosis is the abnormal growth of bone of tion of choice differs with the clinical stage of
the middle ear. The cause of otosclerosis is not the disease.
1528_Ch29_571-607 07/05/12 1:59 PM Page 596
Chief Clinical Characteristics tures. The disease progresses to the point at
This presentation includes the loss of hearing that which all voluntary eye movements are lost.
gradually occurs in most individuals as they Background Information
grow older. The loss associated with presbycu- Some patients may not demonstrate difficul-
sis is usually greater for high-pitched sounds. ties with ocular movements for 1 to 3 years
Background Information after disease onset. Most cases are sporadic;
This condition is most often due to a gradual however, a pattern of inheritance compatible
loss of sensory receptors in the inner ear. with autosomal dominant transmission has
Decreasing exposure to loud noises is the best been described.1 Diagnosis is based on clinical
way to prevent this condition. Using a hearing presentation, which includes a gradually
aid after the development of this condition is progressive disorder with age of onset at
often helpful. The degree to which hearing can 40 years or older, vertical supranuclear palsy,
be restored is dependent on the extent of loss. and postural instability with falls within the
first year of disease onset.87 Medical treatment
■ Progressive Multifocal is typically unsuccessful, because the majority
Leukoencephalopathy of these patients are not responsive to lev-
Chief Clinical Characteristics odopa therapy aimed at addressing the ex-
This presentation commonly involves cortical trapyramidal features of the disease.88 Physical
blindness, visual field defects, hemiparesis with and occupational therapy are used to maintain
progression to quadriparesis, aphasia, ataxia, mobility and address safety issues related to
dysarthria, personality changes, and impaired the progression of imbalance. The disease
intellect evolving over a period of days to weeks. course is progressive with a mean survival time
of 5.6 years.86 Older age at disease onset, early
Background Information onset of falls, incontinence, dysarthria, dys-
This condition is most likely due to viral infec- phagia, insertion of a percutaneous gastros-
tion of the central nervous system, which then tomy, and diplopia have all been described as
causes widespread demyelinative lesions prima- being predictive of shorter survival time.86
rily of the cerebral hemispheres. Diagnosis is
made by computed tomography and magnetic ■ Restless Legs Syndrome
resonance imaging to localize the lesions. Treat- Chief Clinical Characteristics
ment for individuals with acquired immunode- This presentation includes complaints of un-
ficiency syndrome consists of antiretroviral pleasant sensations located in the legs, which
drug combinations and can lead to slower pro- commonly leads to additional problems such as
gression or even remission. Currently, no treat- sleep disturbances and depression.
ment exists to impair disease progression in in-
dividuals with this condition who do not have Background Information
acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.1 Etiology of restless legs syndrome is unknown,
but commonly occurs with pregnancy, iron
■ Progressive Supranuclear Palsy depletion, uremia, polyneuropathy, spinal dis-
(Richardson-Steele-Olszewski orders, and rheumatoid arthritis. Diagnosis is
Syndrome) based on subjective reports. Active movement,
Chief Clinical Characteristics massage, or cold compressions can provide
This presentation classically includes vertical temporary relief, and dopaminergic treatment
gaze palsy, prominent instability, and falls within can provide longer term relief. There is no cure
the first year of disease onset.85 Other character- however, and symptoms progressively worsen
istics may include rigidity, akinesia, dysarthria, with age.89
dysphagia, and mild dementia. Falls were found
to be the most commonly reported symptom ■ Retinitis
with the majority of falls occurring in a back- Chief Clinical Characteristics
ward direction.86 Difficulty with voluntary ver- This presentation typically involves decreased
tical eye movements (usually downward) and vision at night or in reduced light, loss of
1528_Ch29_571-607 07/05/12 1:59 PM Page 598
peripheral vision, and near blindness in the cervical enlargement, disrupting ipsilateral
cord function, bladder function, and nerve require adequate follow-up medical care to
root recovery following surgical intervention prevent secondary impairments.102 Acute
occurs in more than half of the patients forms of this condition constitute a medical
following surgical intervention.98 emergency.
that can affect any organ system, including and the palm; muscle weakness with difficulty
skin, joints, kidneys, brain, heart, lungs, and gripping and performing fine motor tasks of
blood. Microinfarcts in the cerebral cortex and the hand; atrophy of the muscles of the palm;
brainstem, which lead to destructive and pro- cramps of the muscles on the inner forearm;
liferative changes in capillaries and arterioles, pain in the arm and hand; and tingling and
are primarily responsible for central nervous numbness in the neck, shoulder region, arm,
system manifestations. Hypertension and and hand.
endocarditis can also predispose an affected
Background Information
individual to development of neurological ab-
There are three types of this condition, which
normalities. Multiple sclerosis is a disease that
can coexist or occur independently: compres-
may be mistaken for this condition, especially
sion of the subclavian vein, compression of the
if the central nervous system manifestations
subclavian artery, and a primary neurological
include visual dysfunction. The diagnosis is
syndrome. Multiple anatomical anomalies can
confirmed by the presence of skin lesions;
lead to thoracic outlet syndrome, including an
heart, lung, or kidney involvement; laboratory
incomplete cervical rib, a taut fibrous band
abnormalities including low red or white cell
passing from the transverse process of C7 to
counts, low platelet counts, or positive ANA
the first rib, and a complete rib that articulates
and anti-DNA antibody tests.106 Treatment in-
with the first rib, or anomalies of the position
volves corticosteroid medication.
and insertion of the anterior and medial
■ Tethered Spinal Cord Syndrome scalene muscles. Diagnosis includes physical
examination tests (eg, Adson’s test, extremity
Chief Clinical Characteristics
abducted stress test, costoclavicular sign), ra-
This presentation typically includes back pain
diology of the cervical spine, and nerve con-
associated with neurological deficits and bowel
duction and electromyography studies. Non-
and bladder dysfunction.107 The most common
surgical approaches to treatment include
manifestations of this condition are worsening
exercise, stretches, modalities, and analgesic
in motor function of the lower extremities (and
medication. Surgery is indicated if pain is
less likely the upper extremities), changes in
persistent and severe neurogenic or vascular
muscle tone and deep tendon reflexes, progres-
features of the syndrome exist. Prognosis for
sive loss of articular dexterity, progressively
decreased pain and improved function is
worsening scoliosis or kyphosis, and back or
good for the majority of individuals with this
leg pain.108
Background Information
This condition occurs commonly in children, ■ Transient Ischemic Attack
but also can present in undiagnosed adults. Chief Clinical Characteristics
Magnetic resonance imaging confirms the di- This presentation can include numbness or
agnosis, with a low-lying (caudally positioned) weakness in the face, arm, or leg, especially on
conus medullaris present. Surgical resection one side of the body; confusion or difficulty
of a thickened filum terminale is a common in talking or understanding speech; trouble
treatment. seeing in one or both eyes; and difficulty with
walking, dizziness, or loss of balance and
■ Thoracic Outlet Syndrome coordination.
Chief Clinical Characteristics Background Information
This presentation can be characterized by This condition is a transient stroke that lasts
swelling or puffiness in the arm or hand; bluish only a few minutes. It occurs when the blood
discoloration of the hand; a feeling of heaviness supply to part of the brain is briefly inter-
in the arm or hand; deep, boring toothache- rupted. Symptoms of this condition, which
like pain in the neck and shoulder region that usually occur suddenly, are similar to those of
seems to increase at night; easily fatigued arms stroke but do not last as long. Most symp-
and hands; superficial vein distention in the toms disappear within an hour, although they
hand; paresthesias along the inside forearm may persist for up to 24 hours. Because it is
1528_Ch29_571-607 07/05/12 1:59 PM Page 601
toms from this condition and acute stroke, onset of symptoms.1
individuals should assume that all stroke-like
symptoms signal a medical emergency. A ■ Traumatic Brain Injury
prompt evaluation (within 60 minutes) is Chief Clinical Characteristics
necessary to identify the cause of this condi- This presentation typically includes dysequi-
tion and determine appropriate therapy. librium in the presence of cognitive changes,
Depending on the individual’s medical his- altered level of consciousness, seizures, nausea,
tory and the results of a medical examination, vomiting, coma, dizziness, headache, pupillary
the doctor may recommend drug therapy or changes, tinnitus, weakness, incoordination,
surgery to reduce the risk of stroke. Antiplatelet behavioral changes, spasticity, hypertonicity,
medications, particularly aspirin, are a stan- cranial nerve lesions, and sensory and motor
dard treatment for individuals suspected of deficits.1,109
having this condition and who also are at risk
for stroke, including individuals with atrial Background Information
fibrillation. This condition can be classified as mild,
moderate, or severe based on Glasgow Coma
■ Transverse Myelitis Scale, length of coma, and duration of post-
Chief Clinical Characteristics traumatic amnesia.109 Magnetic resonance
This presentation involves the gradual devel- imaging may be used to confirm the diagno-
opment of sensory changes, back or neck sis.68 Treatment initiated at the scene of the
pain, weakness, and/or bowel and bladder accident and during the acute phase is focused
dysfunction over the course of several hours to on medical stabilization.110 Low Glasgow
weeks. Coma Scale, longer length of coma, longer du-
ration of post-traumatic amnesia, and older
Background Information age tend to be associated with poor out-
This condition occurs when inflammation comes.111 Optimal rehabilitation is interdisci-
affects the spinal cord, but the brain can be plinary and customized to address the specific
affected as well. Inflammation can result from individuals’ disablement.
viral infections, abnormal immune reactions,
or ischemia, or present as an idiopathic form. ■ Tropical Spastic Paraparesis
Diagnosis is established by exclusion through Chief Clinical Characteristics
imaging and blood tests. The first line of treat- This presentation commonly involves slowly
ment requires accurate diagnosis of the under- progressive paresis of the lower extremities,
lying pathology and decreasing inflammation sphincter dysfunction early in the disease course,
in the acute stage, usually by way of corticos- paresthesias, and uncoordinated movements.1
teroid medication. Physical therapy is indi-
cated to address secondary impairments and Background Information
provide supportive therapy. Recovery from The retrovirus human T-cell leukemia virus
transverse myelitis usually begins within 2 to type 1 causes a chronic infective-inflammatory
12 weeks of the onset of symptoms and may disease of the spinal cord, which results in the
continue for up to 2 years. The majority of re- symptoms of this condition. Diagnosis is
covery occurs within the first 3 to 6 months. confirmed by the presence of the serum of
About one-third of people affected with trans- the antibodies to human T-cell leukemia
verse myelitis experience good or full recovery virus type 1 in the cerebrospinal fluid. Mag-
from their symptoms, regaining the ability to netic resonance imaging also reveals thinness
ambulate. Another one-third is left with signi- of the spinal cord. Treatment is primarily
ficant deficits, while the remaining one-third symptomatic with focus on improved urinary
demonstrates no recovery at all. Prognosis function and decreased spasticity. Steroidal
varies between recovery without relapse to a medications and gamma globulin may be
permanent presence of symptoms, with the used. The majority of individuals with this
primary poor prognostic factors being pain in disease survive.112
1528_Ch29_571-607 07/05/12 1:59 PM Page 602
Chapter 29 Vasculitis (Giant Cell Arteritis, Temporal Arteritis, Cranial Arteritis) 603
imaging can further confirm the diagnosis. incontinence, back pain, radicular pain,
Treatment typically depends on cancer stag- atrophy, ataxia, balance deficits, and falls.7
ing, ranging from surgical resection and radi-
ation therapy to chemotherapy.115 Background Information
Types of this condition include astrocytomas,
ependymomas, hemangioblastoma, myeloma,
■ Retinoblastoma
neurofibroma, lymphoma, metastasis, menin-
Chief Clinical Characteristics gioma, schwannoma, and astrocytoma.
This presentation may include leukocoria Extradural tumors, such as meningiomas,
(white reflection from the retina of the eye) and produce a rapid onset of symptoms, with
strabismus (more commonly known as “cross weakness being predominant. Intramedullary
eyes”). tumors, or ependymomas, astrocytomas, and
Background Information hemangioblastomas, present with slowly pro-
Retinoblastoma is a rare childhood tumor that gressive symptoms, of which loss of pain and
is diagnosed by funduscopy most commonly temperature sensation is usually the first. The
between 1 and 2 years of age. Sixty percent of first test to diagnose brain and spinal column
cases are unilateral, while the remainder are tumors is a neurological examination. Special
bilateral. Treatment typically involves laser imaging techniques (computed tomography,
therapy, chemotherapy, cryotherapy, and magnetic resonance imaging, positron emis-
brachytherapy. More severe cases occasionally sion tomography) are also employed. Specific
require external beam radiotherapy. Prognosis diagnoses may be confirmed with imaging
is excellent.116 and biopsy. Treatment is variable depending
on the type, size, and location of the tumor
■ Spinal Metastases and may include surgical resection, chemother-
Chief Clinical Characteristics apy, radiation, corticosteroids, and rehabilita-
This presentation can involve spasticity, tive therapies. Prognosis is variable and
weakness, sensory alterations, bowel and depends on the type and grade of tumor,
bladder incontinence, neck pain, back pain, severity of compression, and duration of
radicular pain, atrophy, cerebellar signs, compression.
balance deficits, falls, and cranial nerve
involvement.1,69,117 ■ Vasculitis (Giant Cell Arteritis,
Temporal Arteritis, Cranial
Background Information Arteritis)
This condition is the most frequent neoplasm Chief Clinical Characteristics
involving the spine.117 The most common
This presentation can be characterized by
types and locations of primary tumors that headaches, psychiatric syndromes, dementia,
result in spinal metastases include breast, peripheral or cranial nerve involvement, pain,
lung, lymphoma, prostate, kidney, gastroin- seizures, hypertension, hemiparesis, balance
testinal tract, and thyroid.1,118 The diagnosis deficits, neuropathies, myopathies, organ in-
is confirmed with gadolinium enhanced mag- volvement, fever, and weight loss.1,69,119
netic resonance imaging and computed to-
mography.1,117 Treatment is variable depend- Background Information
ing on the tumor and may include surgical This condition is the result of an immune-
resection, chemotherapy, radiation, corticos- mediated response resulting in the inflamma-
teroids, and rehabilitative therapies.1 Although tion of vascular structures.1,119 It includes a
the long-term prognosis is poor, individuals variety of disorders such as giant cell/temporal
without paresis and pain and who are still arteritis (which is the most common form),
ambulatory have longer survival rates.118 primary angiitis of the central nervous system,
Takayasu’s disease, periarteritis nodosa,
■ Spinal Primary Tumors Kawasaki disease, Churg-Strauss syndrome, We-
Chief Clinical Characteristics gener‘s granulomatosis, and secondary vasculitis
This presentation may include spasticity, associated with systemic lupus erythematous,
weakness, sensory alterations, bowel/bladder rheumatoid arthritis, and scleroderma.119 The
1528_Ch29_571-607 07/05/12 1:59 PM Page 604
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1528_Ch30_608-633 07/05/12 1:59 PM Page 608
Abnormal Movement
■ Claire Smith, PT, DPT, NCS ■ Beth E. Fisher, PT, PhD
T Trauma
Encephalopathy 618
Traumatic brain injury 628
Not applicable
Not applicable
I Inflammation
Vasculitis (giant cell arteritis, temporal arteritis, cranial arteritis) 629
Not applicable
1528_Ch30_608-633 07/05/12 1:59 PM Page 609
Inflammation (continued)
Behçet’s disease 613
Multiple sclerosis 621
Not applicable
Miller Fisher syndrome 620
Multifocal motor neuropathy 621
Neuromyotonia (Isaac syndrome, Isaac-Merten syndrome,
continuous muscle fiber activity syndrome, quantal squander syndrome) 623
Opsoclonus myoclonus (Kinsbourne syndrome, myoclonic encephalopathy
of infants, dancing eyes–dancing feet syndrome, opsoclonus-myoclonus-ataxia syndrome) 624
Paraneoplastic syndromes 624
Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy 626
Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis 612
Encephalitis 617
Neurosyphilis (tabes dorsalis, syphilitic spinal sclerosis, progressive locomotor ataxia) 623
M Metabolic
Drug toxicity 616
Not applicable
Cerebral beriberi (Korsakoff’s amnesic syndrome, Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome) 614
Fahr’s syndrome (familial idiopathic basal ganglia calcification,
bilateral striopallidodentate calcinosis) 618
Niemann-Pick disease (types C and D only) 623
Tardive dyskinesia 627
Whipple’s disease (intestinal lipodystrophy) 629
Wilson’s disease 630
Va Vascular
Binswanger’s disease (subcortical arteriosclerotic encephalopathy, subcortical dementia) 613
Hypoxia (cerebral hypoxia, anoxia) 619
Stroke (cerebrovascular accident) 627
Arteriovenous malformation 612
Cerebral aneurysm 614
Cerebral arteriosclerosis 614
Moyamoya disease 621
1528_Ch30_608-633 07/05/12 1:59 PM Page 610
De Degenerative
Dementia with Lewy bodies 615
Dysgraphia 616
Blepharospasm 613
Huntington’s disease 619
Mitochondrial myopathies 620
Parkinson’s disease 625
Choreoacanthocytosis (Levine-Critchley syndrome, neuroacanthocytosis) 614
Corticobasal degeneration 615
Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease 615
Dyssynergia cerebellaris myoclonica (Ramsey Hunt syndrome I, dyssynergia cerebellaris progressiva,
dentate cerebellar ataxia, dentatorubral atrophy, primary dentatum atrophy) 617
Friedreich’s ataxia 618
Hallervorden-Spatz syndrome (neurodegeneration with brain iron accumulation, pantothenate
kinase-associated neurodegeneration) 618
Multiple system atrophy (striatonigral degeneration, olivopontocerebellar atrophy, Shy-Drager
syndrome) 622
Primary lateral sclerosis 626
Progressive supranuclear palsy (Richardson-Steele-Olszewski syndrome) 626
Spinocerebellar ataxia (spinocerebellar atrophy, spinocerebellar degeneration) 627
Tu Tumor
Not applicable
Not applicable
Malignant Primary, such as:
• Brain primary tumors 628
• Spinal primary tumors 629
Malignant Metastatic, such as:
• Brain metastases 628
• Spinal metastases 628
Not applicable
Co Congenital
Hydrocephalus 619
Dystonia 617
1528_Ch30_608-633 07/05/12 1:59 PM Page 611
Congenital (continued)
Arnold-Chiari malformation (Chiari malformation) 612
Bulbospinal muscular atrophy (Kennedy’s disease, X-linked bulbospinal neuronopathy) 613
Kearns-Sayre syndrome 620
Myoclonus 622
Paroxysmal choreoathetosis 625
Pelizaeus-Merzbacher disease 626
Ne Neurogenic/Psychogenic
Depression 616
Neurological complications of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome 622
Hemifacial spasm 619
Normal pressure hydrocephalus 624
Note: These are estimates of relative incidence because few data are available for the less common conditions.
imaging, and arteriography confirm the di- This condition is a type of vascular dementia
agnosis. Ligation and embolization may be that results from multiple strokes and demyeli-
used to reduce the size of the lesion prior to nation of the central white matter.4,7 Diagnosis
surgical excision, which is the preferred is made by neuroimaging, specifically com-
method of treatment. Stereotactic radiation puted tomography and magnetic resonance
and proton beam therapy are alternative imaging.7 Medical management includes drug
approaches to invasive methods of interven- therapy targeted at improving core symptoms
tion. Up to 90% of individuals who experi- and delaying disease progression, as well as
ence a hemorrhagic arteriovenous malfor- secondary prevention of stroke by decreasing
mation survive.1 hypertension.8,9
■ Behçet’s Disease ■ Blepharospasm
Chief Clinical Characteristics Chief Clinical Characteristics
This presentation may include bilateral py- This presentation includes excessive involuntary
ramidal signs (signs related to lesions of upper closure of the eyelids primarily due to spas-
motor neurons or descending pyramidal modic contraction of the orbicularis oculi mus-
tracts, such as a positive Babinski sign or cles. Severity of symptoms ranges from frequent
hyperreflexia), headache, memory loss, hemi- blinking to functional blindness.
paresis, cerebellar ataxia, balance deficits,
Background Information
sphincter dysfunction, or cranial nerve palsies.
The majority of cases of this condition
In addition to these neurological signs indi-
are idiopathic. Diagnosis is made by clinical
viduals with this condition also may present
presentation. Treatment includes psychother-
with arthritis; renal, gastrointestinal, vascular,
apy, biofeedback, drugs, and surgery. Botu-
and cardiac diseases; and genital, oral, and cu-
linum toxin A is the most effective form of
taneous ulcerations.6
Background Information
Mean age of onset is in the third decade of ■ Bulbospinal Muscular Atrophy
life. Diagnostic criteria according to an inter- (Kennedy’s Disease, X-Linked
national study group include presence of Bulbospinal Neuronopathy)
recurrent oral ulceration, recurrent genital Chief Clinical Characteristics
ulceration, eye lesions, skin lesions, papulo- This presentation can be characterized
pustular lesions, and/or a positive pathergy by severe, diffuse muscle cramping and
test.1,6 Medical treatment typically consists of fasciculations, muscle weakness in a limb-
corticosteroids and immunosuppressants. girdle distribution, and postural hand tremor.
Neurological symptoms tend to clear within Other symptoms include variable bulbar
weeks, but can sometimes recur or result in muscle weakness, gynecomastia, premature
permanent deficits.1 Negative prognostic muscle exhaustion, and hyporeflexia or
factors include onset before the age of 25 and areflexia.10,11
male sex.
Background Information
■ Binswanger’s Disease (Subcortical This condition is a rare, x-linked, progressive
Arteriosclerotic Encephalopathy, neuromuscular disorder that is usually seen
Subcortical Dementia) in males between 30 and 50 years old. Diag-
Chief Clinical Characteristics nosis is made by clinical features, electro-
This presentation involves small-stepped gait, physiological study, and genetic testing.10
slowed motor function with perseveration, There is currently no proven treatment for
deficits in executive function, slow informa- this disease, but genetic counseling is recom-
tion processing, and impaired memory. Other mended upon diagnosis.12 This condition is
symptoms include dysarthria, dysphagia, uri- usually associated with a normal life span,
nary disturbances, and lateral homonymous but individuals may experience significant
hemianopias.4,7,8 disability.10
1528_Ch30_608-633 07/05/12 1:59 PM Page 614
blood cells, as well as atrophy and gliosis of the Chief Clinical Characteristics
caudate, putamen, and globus pallidus.18 This presentation may involve rapidly progres-
Diagnosis is made by a combination of tests, sive dementia, cerebellar ataxia, balance
including clinical features, lab work demon- deficits, myoclonus, cortical blindness, pyram-
strating acanthocytosis, neuroimaging, and idal signs, extrapyramidal signs, and akinetic
genetic testing to rule out Huntington’s dis- mutism.24
ease.17 There is currently no effective, long-
term treatment, although verapamil has been Background Information
found to provide temporary reduction of Different forms of this condition have been
symptoms. Life expectancy is reduced, and described including sporadic, iatrogenic, and
suicidal action or ideation is not uncommon variant. Sporadic and iatrogenic forms of this
due to cognitive impairments.19 condition typically affect older individuals,
whereas the variant form affects younger indi-
■ Corticobasal Degeneration viduals.25 The early stages of the variant form
Chief Clinical Characteristics are characterized by psychiatric symptoms,
This presentation typically includes limb ideo- including depression and anxiety.25 The con-
motor apraxia and unilateral parkinsonism that dition is rare and affects only one to two peo-
is unresponsive to levodopa, gait disturbances, ple per million worldwide per year.24,25 It is
tremor, postural instability, and dementia.20,21 caused by a conformational change of the
normal prion protein, which is encoded by
Background Information human chromosome 20, to a disease-related
A proposed set of criteria for the diagnosis of prion protein. Diagnosis is suggested by a
this condition includes core features of: thorough history and physical examination,
1. Insidious onset and progressive course electroencephalography, and cerebrospinal
2. No identifiable cause fluid analysis.25 Computed tomography and
3. Cortical dysfunction (ideomotor apraxia, magnetic resonance imaging are typically nor-
alien-limb phenomenon, cortical sensory loss, mal in sporadic and iatrogenic forms and help
visual or sensory hemineglect, constructional to exclude other diagnoses.24,26 Diagnosis for
apraxia, focal or asymmetric myoclonus, all forms of this condition is confirmed post-
apraxia of speech or nonfluent aphasia) mortem.26 There is no proven treatment.25,26
4. Extrapyramidal dysfunction (rigidity which Death in the sporadic and iatrogenic forms
does not respond to levodopa therapy and occurs in a matter of months, at a mean age of
dystonia).22 66 years.25 Mean duration of illness in the vari-
ant form is 14 months.25
This condition is a sporadic disease with
an average age of onset of 63 years.21 There ■ Dementia with Lewy Bodies
have been reports of familial cases; however, Chief Clinical Characteristics
for most cases there is no known cause.20 Diag- This presentation can be characterized by fluc-
nosis is suggested based on clinical presenta- tuating cognitive dysfunction, particularly
tion. A definitive diagnosis can only be made visuospatial problems and executive dysfunc-
postmortem. Medical treatment is not typi- tion, visual hallucinations, and parkinsonism
cally successful; it has been found that only features such as masked facies, autonomic dys-
about 24% of these patients will respond to function, rigidity, and bradykinesia. Other signs
levodopa therapy aimed at addressing the and symptoms may include postural instabil-
extrapyramidal features of the disease.23 Phys- ity, falls, sleep disturbances, memory problems,
ical and occupational therapy are used to syncope, transient loss of consciousness, and
maintain mobility and address safety issues sensitivity to antipsychotic and anti-Parkinson
related to the progression of imbalance. medications.27
Mean survival is 7.9 years with a range of 2.5
to 12.5 years.21 Early presence of bilateral Background Information
parkinsonism or frontal lobe signs indicates a This progressive condition is the second most
less favorable prognosis.21 common dementia after Alzheimer’s disease.27
1528_Ch30_608-633 07/05/12 1:59 PM Page 616
The specific etiology of this condition is functioning and are not better accounted for
unknown. The characteristic Lewy bodies are by bereavement. The best approach to treat-
eosinophilic inclusion bodies found within the ment for depression is a combination of psy-
cytoplasm of neurons in the cerebral cortex chotherapy and antidepressant medications.32
and limbic system.27 A thorough clinical This condition responds well to treatment—
examination, laboratory screen, and imaging approximately 70% to 80% of treated patients
are important to rule out other causes of have significant reduction in symptoms. How-
dementia. The definitive diagnosis for this ever, approximately 20% of patients who are
condition is made postmortem; however, it chronically depressed have recurrent and se-
appears that the use of single-photon emission vere depressive episodes.33
computed tomography and positron emission
■ Drug Toxicity
tomography may be useful in the identifica-
tion of occipital hypoperfusion, which may be Chief Clinical Characteristics
associated with the visual hallucinations.27,28 This presentation involves tinnitus (fluctuating
Management includes caregiver education to or constant) and hearing loss (mild to complete
assist in minimizing factors that may con- deafness) if the cochlea is involved; vertigo,
tribute to problematic behaviors. Medication vomiting, nystagmus and imbalance if the
therapy may be indicated, but should be mon- vestibular system is involved unilaterally; and
itored closely due to potential exacerbation headache, ear fullness, oscillopsia, an inability
of symptoms.27 Life expectancy for individuals to tolerate head movement, a wide-based gait,
with this condition is similar to that of difficulty walking in the dark, a feeling of un-
Alzheimer’s disease. The average survival steadiness and actual unsteadiness while mov-
time is between 6 and 8 years from the onset of ing, imbalance to the point of being unable to
dementia.27,29 walk, lightheadedness, and severe fatigue in
bilateral involvement.
■ Depression Background Information
Chief Clinical Characteristics The severity, type, and particular combination
This presentation may involve slowness of move- of symptoms are variable, depending on the
ment that can progress to the point of catato- drug exposure, whether it is unilateral or bilat-
nia, intensely dysphoric mood, appetite loss, eral, the speed of onset, and the individual.
insomnia or hypersomnia, social withdrawal, A slow unilateral loss may produce minimal
loss of motivation, helplessness, hostility, and symptoms, since the brain can compensate
agitation.4 through other mechanisms, whereas a fast
Background Information bilateral loss can produce significant disability.
The origin of this condition is not fully under- The key diagnostic feature is a history of drug
stood and genetic, biochemical, neuroanatom- or chemical exposure. Treatment involves
ical and psychosocial factors all appear to play removing exposure to the medication, if possi-
a role.30 For a clinical diagnosis, the following ble, and vestibular habituation and balance
criteria from the DSM-IV-TR31 must be met: exercises.
at least five of the following symptoms, during ■ Dysgraphia
the same 2-week period, representing a change
Chief Clinical Characteristics
from previous functioning: depressed mood;
This presentation typically includes distorted or
diminished interest or pleasure; significant
incorrect writing, including inappropriately
weight loss or gain; insomnia or hypersomnia;
sized or spaced letters. Individuals with this
psychomotor agitation or delay; fatigue or loss
condition may also demonstrate incorrect or
of energy; feelings of worthlessness; dimin-
odd spelling.4,34
ished ability to think or concentrate, indeci-
siveness; recurrent thoughts of death, suicidal Background Information
ideation, suicide attempt, or specific plan for In adults, dysgraphia is frequently seen in, but
suicide. In addition symptoms must cause not limited to, patients with delirium, demen-
clinically significant distress or impairment of tia of Alzheimer’s type, or after traumatic
1528_Ch30_608-633 07/05/12 2:00 PM Page 617
diagnosis can be made by having patients write trait, or secondary to a vascular, traumatic,
to dictation and perform letter copying; how- infectious, or toxic brain insult.4,38 Diagnosis
ever, the underlying cause of the dysgraphia is made by clinical presentation or genetic
should also be determined by clinical exam and testing in the case of hereditary forms of this
ancillary testing.34 Treatment varies, but may condition. Treatment for generalized forms of
include therapy for motoric control of writing this condition has shown only fair success
movements. Some patients may also benefit and includes levodopa therapy, calcium chan-
from computer training to allow communica- nel blockers, anticonvulsants, and anxiolytics.
tion without handwriting. Prognosis is variable Positive results have been reported for the
due to the wide array of possible causes. implantation of deep brain stimulation to the
globus pallidus in severe, generalized forms
■ Dyssynergia Cerebellaris of this condition.38 In focal forms of this
Myoclonica (Ramsay Hunt condition, the most effective treatment is
Syndrome I, Dyssynergia botulinum toxin injections to the affected
Cerebellaris Progressiva, Dentate muscles.4,39 Rehabilitation strategies should
Cerebellar Ataxia, Dentatorubral focus on the orthopedic and neurological
Atrophy, Primary Dentatum complications that can occur as a result of
Atrophy) this condition.40 Improvement is usually lim-
Chief Clinical Characteristics ited, although a small percentage have sponta-
This presentation involves the clinical triad of neous remission.39 Occasionally, this condi-
action myoclonus, progressive ataxia, and tion can increase in intensity or progress to
epilepsy with cognitive impairment. Tremor other body parts.4
typically begins in one extremity and progresses
■ Encephalitis
throughout the body.36,37
Chief Clinical Characteristics
Background Information This presentation includes confusion, delirium,
This is a rare syndrome that is caused by convulsions, problems with speech or hearing,
degeneration of the olivodentatorubral system memory loss, hallucinations, drowsiness,
with a typical onset in early adulthood.37 Diag- and coma. Loss of balance and/or falls may be
nosis is made by clinical presentation as well as present.
neurophysiological and radiologic findings,
including atrophy of the dentate nucleus.4,37 Background Information
Treatment is symptomatic for myoclonus and Encephalitis is an inflammation of nerve
seizures, and may include the prescription of cells in the brain. This term usually refers to
drugs such as valproate and acetazolamid.36 the viral form, although bacterial, parasitic,
The disease is progressive and ataxic symp- and fungal agents also can cause this condi-
toms may not be present for up to 20 years tion. Up to 20,000 new cases of viral forms of
after onset.4 this condition are reported annually in the
United States. Diagnosis is established by
■ Dystonia clinical presentation suggesting dysfunction
Chief Clinical Characteristics of the cerebrum, brainstem, or cerebellum,
This presentation can be characterized by invol- cellular reaction and elevated protein in
untary muscle contractions causing repetitive spinal fluid, and possible demonstration of
movements or abnormal postures. The abnor- diffuse edema or enhancement of the brain
mal posturing can be generalized, occurring in on magnetic resonance imaging or computed
the hands, feet, head, trunk, and/or face; or tomography. Treatment is primarily pharma-
focal, limited to one area of the body. cologic, with drugs such as corticosteroids,
antiviral agents, and anticonvulsants. The
Background Information majority of individuals with encephalitis do
The most frequent cause of this condition recover, but irreversible brain damage and
is drug intoxication; however, it can also be death can result.1
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characteristic abnormalities in the basal but require high levels of care and supervision
ganglia, known as the “eye of the tiger” sign. during those years.53
Pathological studies may also show brown dis-
coloration, iron pigmentation, and gliosis in ■ Hydrocephalus
the globus pallidus and substantia nigra.49 Chief Clinical Characteristics
There is no cure or effective treatment for This presentation commonly includes frontal lobe
the condition, but patients may benefit from signs such as slowness of mental response, inat-
rehabilitation therapies to decrease disability tentiveness, distractibility, perseveration, in-
as the disease follows its progressive course of ability to sustain complex cognitive function, and
degeneration.50 incontinence. Other symptoms include gait
deterioration, frequent falls, occipital or frontal
■ Hemifacial Spasm headaches, nausea and vomiting, diplopia, and
Chief Clinical Characteristics lethargy. Advanced stages are associated with
This presentation typically involves involun- coma and extensor posturing.
tary paroxysmal contractions of the muscles
innervated by the facial nerve. These contrac- Background Information
tions can range in severity and may affect the Intracranial pressure can be increased due to
orbicularis oculi, orbicularis oris, platysma, many mechanisms including a cerebral or
and/or other superficial muscles of the ipsilat- extracerebral mass, generalized brain swelling,
eral hemiface.39 increased venous pressure, obstruction to the
flow and absorption of cerebrospinal fluid, or
Background Information volume expansion of cerebrospinal fluid.1
The exact pathophysiology of this condition is Magnetic resonance imaging and the presence
currently unknown, but it may be due to a hy- of papilledema are commonly used to estab-
perexcitable facial motor nucleus or compres- lish the diagnosis of hydrocephalus. Medical
sion of the facial nerve.39 Diagnosis is made treatment may include restriction of fluid
by observation and clinical history. Currently, intake and drugs with an osmotic effect, or the
the two most widely used treatments are addition of diuretics.54 Surgical treatment
microvascular decompression of the facial depends on the chronicity of the hydro-
nerve at the pons and intramuscular injections cephalus. The acute form of this condition is
of botulinum toxin type A.39,51 This condition considered fatal and is emergently treated via
is a chronic disease and spontaneous recovery lumbar puncture or ventricular catheter.54 The
rarely occurs.39 chronic form of this condition is treated with
placement of a ventricular shunt or with surgi-
■ Huntington’s Disease
cal removal of a mass if that is the cause of the
Chief Clinical Characteristics hydrocephalus. Although surgical procedures
This presentation involves progressive chorea for hydrocephalus have a high success rate and
of the entire body, emotional disturbances a good prognosis, it is common to have shunt
such as behavior and personality changes, and complications such as infection, occlusion,
dementia.4,52,53 and over- or underdrainage. Thus, patients
Background Information who have been treated for this condition
This autosomal dominant genetic disorder must continue to be medically managed and
causes selective neurodegeneration, most educated regarding the indications of shunt
commonly in the neostriatum. Diagnosis is compromise.
made by genetic testing.53 There is currently
no treatment to slow or stop the progression of ■ Hypoxia (Cerebral Hypoxia,
this condition; care is focused on symptom Anoxia)
management and optimization of function- Chief Clinical Characteristics
ing.53 The prognosis for Huntington’s disease This presentation includes a wide variety of
is poor, and individuals usually experience symptoms that depend on the condition’s sever-
very rapid decline. On average, patients sur- ity. Mild hypoxia without loss of consciousness
vive for 15 to 20 years after initial diagnosis, may present with inattentiveness, poor judgment,
1528_Ch30_608-633 07/05/12 2:00 PM Page 620
and motor incoordination. More severe levels of mostly symptomatic and supportive, al-
hypoxia can result in seizures and/or coma. though cardiac symptoms may be managed
Post-hypoxic neurological symptoms include with medication. This condition is a slowly
dementia, parkinsonian syndrome, choreoa- progressive disorder and prognosis is often
thetosis, cerebellar ataxia, intention or action determined by the degree of heart conduc-
myoclonus, or a Korsakoff amnesic state.4 tion impairment.58
Background Information ■ Miller Fisher Syndrome
This condition occurs as a result of a decrease
of oxygen supply to the brain. It has numerous Chief Clinical Characteristics
causes, including cardiac arrest, drowning, This presentation can be characterized by
strangulation, aspiration, choking, carbon an acute onset of the classic triad of ophthalmo-
monoxide poisoning, and complications of plegia, ataxia, and areflexia. Additional
general anesthesia. Pure hypoxia produces symptoms include mydriasis, sensory loss, facial
damage in areas susceptible to reduced oxygen palsy, bulbar palsy, dysesthesia, weakness, and
delivery such as the hippocampi and the cere- urinary incontinence.59
bellum. This condition is often seen along with Background Information
ischemia, producing complex patterns of cere- This condition is thought to be a variant
bral damage.4 Diagnosis and determination of form of acute demyelinating polyneuropathy
the cause of hypoxia may require magnetic (Guillain-Barré syndrome) and is usually pre-
resonance imaging, electrocardiography, labo- ceded by infectious gastrointestinal or respira-
ratory studies, electroencephalography, and tory symptoms approximately 8 days before
evoked potentials.4,55 Treatment is directed at onset of symptoms.59 Diagnosis is based on
prevention of further hypoxic injury. Out- clinical presentation. In addition, elevated cere-
comes vary, depending on cause and severity brospinal fluid protein values and electrophys-
of hypoxia, and range from full recovery to iological examination demonstrating conduc-
coma or even death. The longer an individual tion block or axonal damage on limbs of
with this condition is unconscious, the lower normal strength can help reinforce the diagno-
the likelihood of a meaningful recovery.4 sis.60 Plasmapheresis and administration of
intravenous immunoglobulins have both been
■ Kearns-Sayre Syndrome
found to be helpful in decreasing recovery
Chief Clinical Characteristics time.60 The natural course of recovery in indi-
This presentation commonly includes a classic viduals with this condition is good with mini-
triad of symptoms, involving progressive exter- mal disability seen 6 months after onset.59
nal ophthalmoplegia, retinal pigmentary degen-
eration, and heart block. Common additional ■ Mitochondrial Myopathies
findings include cerebellar dysfunction, my-
opathy, ataxia, sensorineural hearing loss, men- Chief Clinical Characteristics
tal retardation, growth hormone deficit with This presentation typically involves a combina-
dwarfism, hypoparathyroidism, and diabetes tion of exercise intolerance, ataxia, seizures,
mellitus.56,57 myoclonus, headaches, small strokes, ophthal-
moplegia, deafness, muscle cramps and/
Background Information or slowly progressive myopathy with proximal
Etiology has not been established; however greater than distal involvement. Other less
this rare, sporadic mitochondrial disorder is common symptoms that may be seen include
thought to occur via a mutation in either dementia, lactic acidosis, ptosis, and cardiac
the ovum or zygote.56 Diagnosis is established conduction defects.4,61
with a combination of clinical, radiologic,
pathological, biochemical, and molecular Background Information
studies. Mitochondrial deoxyribonucleic acid This condition refers to a large group of disor-
analysis and histological verification of the ders that result from a mutation in the mito-
presence of ragged red fibers may be helpful chondrial genome, resulting in damage to
in determining diagnosis.56 Treatment is the mitochondria. These disorders include
1528_Ch30_608-633 07/05/12 2:00 PM Page 621
with ragged red fibers, mitochondrial en- This condition is thought to be immunologi-
cephalomyopathy with lactic acidosis and cally mediated, although the exact mechanism
stroke-like episodes, as well as other childhood- is unknown.64 Diagnosis is made by the pres-
onset disorders.4 A combination of clinical ence of definite motor conduction block with
picture, histological findings of ragged red normal sensory nerve conduction on electro-
fibers, elevated serum lactate, and possible physiological study.65 Medical treatment is
family history contribute to the diagnosis of intravenous immunoglobulin therapy.65,66
this condition.4 There is no specific treatment, This condition has a slow, progressive course
but new research shows that patients may of deterioration of muscle strength, but the
benefit from physical therapy for submaximal disease generally does not cause severe disabil-
exercise training.63 Most patients experience ity or death.65,66
lifelong progression of the disease and prog-
nosis varies according to the type of disease ■ Multiple Sclerosis
and amount of involvement.4 Chief Clinical Characteristics
This presentation may include paresthesias,
■ Moyamoya Disease weakness, spasticity, hypertonicity, hyper-
Chief Clinical Characteristics reflexia, positive Babinski sign, incoordination,
This presentation may include unsteady gait, in- optic neuritis, ataxia, vertigo, dysarthria,
voluntary movement, weakness, speech and diplopia, bladder incontinence, tremor,
sensory impairments, headache, seizures, balance deficits, falls, and cognitive deficits.1
impaired mental development, visual distur-
bances, and nystagmus.4 Background Information
This condition may present as relapsing-
Background Information remitting, primary progressive, or secondary
This rare condition results from progressive progressive. The disease occurs most fre-
occlusion of the arteries of the circle of Willis.4 quently in women between the ages of 20 and
Diagnosis is based on clinical findings and 40 years. Only a small number of children or
results of magnetic resonance imaging and individuals between 50 and 60 years of age are
magnetic resonance angiography. Images will diagnosed with this condition.1 This condition
demonstrate the occlusion of the circle of was originally thought to be secondary to en-
Willis as well as secondary cerebral infarction, vironmental and genetic factors, but evidence
white matter lesions, atrophy, and hemor- suggests an autoimmune response to a viral in-
rhage.62 Treatment options include revascular- fection, which subsequently targets myelin.1
ization surgery and medical treatment to The diagnosis may be confirmed by a thor-
prevent hypertension and further strokes.63 ough history, physical examination, magnetic
Rehabilitative therapies are used to treat func- resonance imaging, analysis of cerebrospinal
tional deficits that the patient may incur from fluid, and evoked potentials.1,67,68 Life ex-
a stroke, secondary to the progression of the pectancy and cause of mortality are similar
disease. Outcome depends on the severity of for all types of this condition.1 Clinical charac-
secondary complications and presence of teristics that are associated with a longer time
subsequent occlusion. interval for progression of disability include
female sex, younger age of onset, relapsing-
■ Multifocal Motor Neuropathy remitting type, complete recovery after the
Chief Clinical Characteristics first relapse, and longer time interval between
This presentation includes progressive, asymmet- first and second exacerbation.69 Medical
rical weakness, muscle atrophy, cramps, and management may include the use of methyl-
fasciculations that develop slowly over several prednisolone, prednisone, cyclophosphamide,
years. Other symptoms include wrist and foot immunosuppressant treatment, and betainter-
drop, grip weakness, reduced tendon reflexes feron.1 Physical, occupational, and speech
in affected areas, and occasional cranial or therapy may be indicated to prevent secondary
phrenic nerve involvement. sequelae and to optimize functional activity
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3. Diffuse cerebral symptoms that involve cog- hyperexcitability of the peripheral nerve.76 It is
nitive deficits, altered level of consciousness, a rare, usually acquired disease that is often
hyperreflexia, Babinski sign, presence of seen with myasthenia gravis and is most likely
primitive reflexes (such as secondary to due to an autoimmune or paraneoplastic ori-
postinfectious encephalomyelitis, acquired gin.77 Electrophysiological study is used in di-
immunodeficiency dementia complex, agnosis and will show myokymic and neu-
cytomegalovirus encephalitis) romyotonic discharges.76 Muscle activity
4. Myelopathy associated with gait difficulties, persists throughout sleep and anesthesia, but
spasticity, ataxia, balance deficits, and hyper- can be blocked by curare.4 Symptomatic relief
reflexia (such as secondary to herpes zoster has been demonstrated with anticonvulsant
myelitis, vacuolar myelopathy that occurs drugs such as phenytoin and carbamazepine,
with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome and research has also shown successful out-
dementia complex) comes with plasmapharesis.78
5. Peripheral involvement associated with
sensory changes, weakness, balance deficits, ■ Neurosyphilis (Tabes Dorsalis,
and pain (such as secondary to peripheral Syphilitic Spinal Sclerosis,
neuropathy, acute and chronic inflamma- Progressive Locomotor Ataxia)
tory demyelinating polyneuropathies).1,75 Chief Clinical Characteristics
Abnormal neurological findings are ob- This presentation can be characterized by hemi-
served during a clinical examination in approx- paresis, ataxia, aphasia, gait instability, falls,
imately one-third of patients with acquired im- neuropathy, personality and cognitive changes,
munodeficiency syndrome; however, on seizures, diplopia, visual impairments, hearing
autopsy most individuals with this condition loss, psychotic disorders, loss of bowel/bladder
have abnormalities within the nervous system.1 function, pain, hyporeflexia, and hypotonia.79,80
Diagnosis of the variable neurological compli- Background Information
cations associated with this condition may be Treponema pallidum infects the human host by
confirmed with laboratory tests, cerebrospinal way of contact with contaminated body fluids
fluid cultures, imaging, nerve conduction stud- or lesions.79 This spirochete is responsible for
ies, and physical examination.1,26,75 Treatment the diagnosis of syphilis; however, when T. pal-
appears to be limited primarily to the use of an- lidum is present within the central nervous
tiviral medications.75 Physical and occupational system the individual is diagnosed with neu-
therapy may be indicated to address equipment rosyphilis.80 This condition occurs in approxi-
needs and caregiver/patient training related to mately 10% of individuals with untreated
functional mobility. syphilis, and in 81% of these cases it presents
■ Neuromyotonia (Isaac Syndrome, as meningovascular, meningeal, and general
Isaac-Merten Syndrome, paresis. Treatment includes use of various
Continuous Muscle Fiber Activity forms of penicillin or alternative choices for
Syndrome, Quantal Squander those allergic to penicillin79 and may involve
Syndrome) rehabilitative therapies depending on the indi-
vidual’s activity limitations or participation
Chief Clinical Characteristics restrictions. A better prognosis has been
This presentation commonly involves intermit- observed for individuals treated during early
tent or continuous muscle contraction, slow re- neurosyphilis.80
laxation following muscle contraction, cramps,
stiffness, and hyperhidrosis. These symptoms ■ Niemann-Pick Disease
are commonly seen in conjunction with periph- (Types C and D Only)
eral neuropathy.76,77 Chief Clinical Characteristics
Background Information This presentation includes ataxia, dystonia,
This condition is an antibody-mediated potas- vertical gaze palsy, dysarthria, and seizures.
sium channel disorder, in which the suppres- Often the presenting feature is a psychotic
sion of these voltage-gated channels results in episode.4,81
1528_Ch30_608-633 07/05/12 2:00 PM Page 624
This condition is an autosomal recessive lipid nificantly, and 30% will completely recover
storage disorder that results in impaired cho- and return to premorbid levels of function.
lesterol transport and excessive glycosphin- Others have residual gait, sphincteric, and
golipid storage.82 There are four types of cognitive deficits.84
Niemann-Pick disease; types A and B are seen
only in children and are not discussed here. ■ Opsoclonus Myoclonus
Types C and D have a variable age of onset (Kinsbourne Syndrome,
ranging from childhood to late teens or even Myoclonic Encephalopathy of
early adulthood. Individuals with types C and Infants, Dancing Eyes–Dancing
D demonstrate an enlarged spleen and liver, as Feet Syndrome, Opsoclonus-
well as progressive neurological dysfunction.81 Myoclonus-Ataxia Syndrome)
Diagnosis is made by a combination of studies, Chief Clinical Characteristics
including filipin staining of cultured fibrob- This presentation includes irregular, rapid eye
lasts, cholesterol esterification studies, and movements (opsoclonus) and brief, shock-like
DNA mutation analysis.81 Unfortunately, there muscle spasms (myoclonus), as well as stagger-
is no effective treatment for types C and D of ing, falling, ataxia, drooling, decreased muscle
this condition. Many patients who are diag- tone, and an inability to sleep.85
nosed in childhood live well into adult years,
and overall prognosis depends on the severity Background Information
of the disease.81 This autoimmune disorder is commonly
found in association with the presence of neo-
■ Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus plasm, the most common types being neurob-
Chief Clinical Characteristics lastoma in children, and breast and small-cell
This presentation is characterized by progres- lung cancer in adults.4 Diagnosis is made by a
sive difficulty in walking characterized by dimin- combination of clinical presentation, the pos-
ished cadence, widened base, short steps, and en sible presence of neoplasm, the presence of
bloc turning (requiring more than 3 steps to anti-Hu antibodies, mild pleocytosis on cere-
make a 90-degree turn). Movements involving brospinal fluid, and positive serologic tests in
the axial musculature appear awkward and children without tumors.4 Treatment includes
apraxic. Progression involves impairment in adrenocorticotropic hormone, corticosteroid,
mental function and sphincter incontinence. and intravenous immunoglobulin therapy,
and, when present, tumor resection and adju-
Background Information vant treatment such as chemotherapy and
Symptoms are caused by increased pressure on radiation.4,85 There is good response to drug
the brain, specifically the frontal lobe, due to and surgical treatment, but relapse is common
an abnormal increase in cerebrospinal fluid and many patients report residual neurologi-
secondary to trauma, infection, space-occupying cal symptoms.4,85
lesion, or unknown cause. It is most common
in the elderly, but can occur in people of any ■ Paraneoplastic Syndromes
age. Symptoms must be differentiated from
Chief Clinical Characteristics
disorders with similar presentation such as
This presentation includes dizziness in combi-
Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and Creutzfeldt-
nation with a variety of different neurological
Jakob diseases.83 Diagnosis involves the clini-
symptoms and signs in an individual with can-
cal presentation combined with imaging to
cer. Specific neurological symptoms and signs
identify ventricular enlargement, intracranial
depend on the location of involvement of the
pressure monitoring, and neuropsychological
central or peripheral nervous system.
testing.83 Treatment entails shunt placement
to drain cerebrospinal fluid and regular Background Information
follow-up by a physician to monitor shunt Paraneoplastic encephalomyelitis and focal
function. Without treatment, symptoms con- encephalitis may present with ataxia, vertigo,
tinue to worsen. With shunt placement, 60% balance deficits, nystagmus, nausea, vomiting,
1528_Ch30_608-633 07/05/12 2:00 PM Page 625
ropathy, anxiety, depression, cognitive changes, This condition occurs due to the depletion or
and hallucinations. For individuals presenting injury of dopamine-producing cells in sub-
with ataxia, dysarthria, dysphagia, and diplopia, stantia nigra pars compacta. Clinical signs and
paraneoplastic cerebellar degeneration may symptoms are not typically present until after
be suspected. Paraneoplastic opsoclonus/ approximately 80% of dopamine-producing
myoclonus tends to affect both children and cells are lost. The definitive diagnosis is made
adults with signs and symptoms including post-mortem. However, a clinically definitive
hypotonia, ataxia, irritability, truncal ataxia, diagnosis may be made with the presence of at
gait difficulty, balance deficits, and frequent least two of the three criteria—asymmetric
falls. Stiff-man syndrome presents with spasms resting tremor, bradykinesia, or rigidity—and
and fluctuating rigidity of axial musculature, a positive response to anti-Parkinson medica-
legs and possibly shoulders, upper extremities, tions.1,90 Imaging may be useful to exclude
and neck. Paraneoplastic sensory neuropathy vascular involvement. Medical management
presents with asymmetric, progressive sensory may include use of dopamine agonists, lev-
alterations involving the limbs, trunk, and odopa, and other medications to address
face, sensorineural hearing loss, autonomic nonmotor symptoms, such as depression, con-
dysfunction, and pain. Other conditions in stipation, autonomic symptoms, and sexual
this category include vasculitis, Lambert- dysfunction. Surgical management also may
Eaton myasthenia syndrome, myasthenia be considered, including deep brain stimula-
gravis, dermatomyositis, neuromyotonia, and tion or pallidotomy.90 Forced use or higher in-
various neuropathies.1,86 These conditions tensity, challenging activities may provide a
result from an immune-mediated response to neuroprotective benefit for individuals with
the presence of tumor or metastases. Antibod- early forms of this condition.91 With the high
ies or T-cells respond to the presence of the incidence of depression, consultation with a
tumor, but also attack normal cells of the psychologist or psychiatrist may be warranted.
nervous system.87,88 Over 60% of individuals Individuals with a late onset tend to progress
present with this condition prior to the discovery more rapidly.92,93 Poor prognostic indicators
of the cancer.86 The underlying tumor is treated for disability include initial presentation
according to the type of cancer. Additional without tremor, early dependence, dementia,
treatment is dependent on this condition’s balance impairments, older age, and the
type and may include steroids, plasmapheresis, postural instability/gait difficulty dominant
immunotherapy, chemotherapy, radiation, or type.92,93
cyclophosphamide.86 Physical, occupational,
and speech therapy may be indicated to ■ Paroxysmal Choreoathetosis
address functional limitations. Chief Clinical Characteristics
This presentation includes discrete episodes of
■ Parkinson’s Disease abnormal involuntary movements of the limbs,
trunk, and facial muscles. Some patients report
Chief Clinical Characteristics
lingering muscle stiffness following the attacks.94
This presentation commonly involves resting
The episodes of choreoathetosis may be pro-
tremor, bradykinesia, rigidity, and postural
voked by startle, sudden movement, hyperven-
instability. Falls are a common problem in indi-
tilation, alcohol, coffee, fatigue, or prolonged
viduals with this condition, with up to 68%
exercise. They vary in duration from 10 seconds
falling within a 1-year period and approximately
to up to 4 hours at a time, and may occur dozens
50% of these individuals falling multiple times
of times per day or only occasionally.4
within that same year.89 Other common signs and
symptoms include festination, freezing, micro- Background Information
graphia, hypophonia (hypokinetic dysarthria), The exact pathological mechanism of this con-
akinesia, masked facies, drooling, difficulty turn- dition is unknown, but it is thought that
ing over in bed, dystonia, dyskinesia, dementia, the disorder may be genetically linked, or due
and depression.1 to a secondary cause such as neurological or
1528_Ch30_608-633 07/05/12 2:00 PM Page 626
metabolic disease.4,94 Individuals with this indicated to prevent immobility. This condi-
condition tend to respond well to antiepileptic tion is not fatal and progression of symptoms
drugs and, overall, this condition has been varies; some individuals maintain ambulatory
shown to spontaneously improve as patients status throughout life while others become
move into adulthood.94 wheelchair-bound.
■ Pelizaeus-Merzbacher Disease ■ Progressive Multifocal
Chief Clinical Characteristics Leukoencephalopathy
This presentation commonly includes deterio- Chief Clinical Characteristics
ration of coordination, motor abilities, and This presentation commonly involves cortical
intellectual function. blindness, visual field defects, hemiparesis
with progression to quadriparesis, aphasia,
Background Information
ataxia, dysarthria, personality changes and im-
Severity and onset of the disease range widely,
paired intellect evolving over a period of days
depending on the type of genetic mutation,
to weeks.
and extend from the mild, adult-onset spastic
paraplegia to the severe form with onset at Background Information
infancy and death in early childhood.95 This This condition is most likely due to viral in-
condition is an X-linked disease caused by a fection of the central nervous system, which
mutation in the gene that controls the produc- then causes widespread demyelinative lesions
tion of a myelin protein called proteolipid primarily of the cerebral hemispheres. Diag-
protein.95 Genetic diagnostic testing is the nosis is made by computed tomography and
definitive method for diagnosing this condi- magnetic resonance imaging to localize the
tion.96 There is no cure for this condition. lesions. Treatment for individuals with ac-
Therefore, treatment is based on symptoms quired immunodeficiency syndrome consists
and includes physical therapy, orthotics, and of antiretroviral drug combinations and can
antispasticity agents with a goal of minimizing lead to slower progression or even remission.
the development of joint contractures, disloca- Currently, no treatment exists to impair dis-
tions, and kyphoscoliosis.97 Individuals with ease progression in individuals with this con-
severe forms of this condition experience dition but without acquired immunodefi-
progressive deterioration until death. Individuals ciency syndrome.1
with the adult-onset form with spasticity may
have a nearly normal life span.4 ■ Progressive Supranuclear Palsy
■ Primary Lateral Sclerosis Syndrome)
Chief Clinical Characteristics Chief Clinical Characteristics
This presentation includes spastic paraparesis This presentation classically includes vertical gaze
of voluntary muscles with associated upper mo- palsy, prominent instability, and falls within
tor neuron signs in the absence of lower motor the first year of disease onset.98 Other charac-
neuron signs. Onset of difficulty with gait, bal- teristics may include rigidity, akinesia,
ance, and leg weakness appears in the fifth to dysarthria, dysphagia, and mild dementia. Falls
sixth decade of life and may progress to affect were found to be the most commonly reported
upper extremity and facial musculature. symptom with the majority of falls being
backwards falls.99 Difficulty with voluntary
Background Information
vertical eye movements (usually downward)
Imaging, cerebrospinal fluid analysis, and elec-
and involuntary saccades are relatively early
tromyographic studies confirm the diagnosis.
features. The disease generally progresses to the
In particular, this condition is differentiated
point at which all voluntary eye movements
from the more severe amyotrophic lateral scle-
are lost.
rosis only after a period of 3 years from onset
to ensure the absence of lower motor neuron Background Information
signs.1 Treatment for this condition addresses Some patients may not demonstrate difficul-
symptom management. Physical therapy is ties with ocular movements for 1 to 3 years
1528_Ch30_608-633 07/05/12 2:00 PM Page 627
after disease onset. Most cases are sporadic; ■ Stroke (Cerebrovascular Accident)
however, a pattern of inheritance compatible Chief Clinical Characteristics
with autosomal dominant transmission has This presentation may include a wide range of
been described.1 Diagnosis is based on clinical symptoms that correspond to specific areas of
presentation, which includes a gradually pro- the brain that are affected, potentially includ-
gressive disorder with age of onset at 40 years ing visual disturbances. The initial symptoms
or older, vertical supranuclear palsy, and pos- can include numbness or weakness, especially
tural instability with falls within the first year on one side of the body or face; confusion or apha-
of disease onset.100 Medical treatment is typi- sia; balance deficits or falls; or sudden severe
cally unsuccessful, because the majority of headache with no known cause.
patients are not responsive to the levodopa
therapy aimed at addressing the extrapyrami- Background Information
dal features of the disease.23 Physical and occu- This condition occurs when blood flow to
pational therapy are used to maintain mobility the brain is interrupted either by blockage
and address safety issues related to the pro- (ischemia or infarction) or from hemorrhagic
gression of imbalance. The disease course is disruption. A thrombosis or embolic occlusion
progressive with a mean survival time of 5.6 of an artery causes an ischemic type of this
years.99 Older age at disease onset, early onset condition. A hemorrhagic type of this condi-
of falls, incontinence, dysarthria, dysphagia, tion can be caused by arteriovenous malfor-
insertion of a percutaneous gastrostomy, and mation, hypertension, aneurysm, neoplasm,
diplopia have all been described as being pre- drug abuse, and trauma. This condition is the
dictive of shorter survival time.99 most common and disabling neurological dis-
order in adults and occurs in 114 of every
■ Spinocerebellar Ataxia 100,000 people.30 This condition is diagnosed
(Spinocerebellar Atrophy, using clinical presentation and positive find-
Spinocerebellar Degeneration) ings on computed tomography and magnetic
Chief Clinical Characteristics resonance imaging. Medication, surgery,
This presentation can be characterized by ataxia, and interdisciplinary therapy are the most
incoordination, supranuclear ophthalmoplegia, common treatments for this condition. The
slow saccades, optic atrophy, dysarthria, bal- prognosis for recovery is predicted by the mag-
ance deficits, falls, tremor, myoclonus, chorea, nitude of initial deficit. Factors that are associ-
nystagmus, dementia, amyotrophy, and periph- ated with poor outcomes include coma, poor
eral neuropathy.101,102 cognition, severe aphasia, severe hemiparesis
with little return within 1 month, visual per-
Background Information ceptual disorders, depression, and inconti-
This condition refers to a group of progres- nence after 2 weeks.103,104
sive, neurodegenerative, autosomal domi-
nant disorders affecting the cerebellum, ■ Tardive Dyskinesia
brainstem, and spinal cord. Twelve variants Chief Clinical Characteristics
have been identified including SCA 1, 2, 3, 6, This presentation includes choreoathetoid dysk-
7, 8, 10, 12, 14, 17, FGF10-SCA, and denta- inesia, which can occur in the face, trunk, and
torubral-pallidoluysian atrophy.102 The dis- limbs. These dyskinesias have been described as
orders occur due to expansions of CAG repetitive, stereotyped, rhythmic movements,
triplet repeats that are subsequently tran- and are most commonly seen in the mouth or
scribed into long polyglutamine tracts. Diag- tongue.4
nosis is confirmed by deoxyribonucleic acid
testing. There is no current medical treat- Background Information
ment for the various forms of this condi- These symptoms develop as a side effect of
tion.101,102 Individuals with this condition exposure to or withdrawal from neuroleptic-
may benefit from physical, occupational, and antipsychotic drugs. This condition develops
speech therapy to address activity limitations in 20% of patients treated with neuroleptic
and participation restrictions. medications, with a higher risk in the elderly
1528_Ch30_608-633 07/05/12 2:00 PM Page 628
This condition is the most frequent neo- Temporal Arteritis, Cranial
plasm involving the spine.113 The most com- Arteritis)
mon types and locations of primary tumors Chief Clinical Characteristics
that result in spinal metastases include This presentation can be characterized by
breast, lung, lymphoma, prostate, kidney, headaches, psychiatric syndromes, dementia,
gastrointestinal tract, and thyroid.1,114 The peripheral or cranial nerve involvement, pain,
diagnosis is confirmed with gadolinium en- seizures, hypertension, hemiparesis, balance
hanced magnetic resonance imaging and deficits, neuropathies, myopathies, organ
computed tomography.1,113 Treatment is involvement, fever, and weight loss.1,26,115
variable depending on the tumor and may
include surgical resection, chemotherapy, ra- Background Information
diation, corticosteroids, and rehabilitative This condition is the result of an immune-
therapies.1 Although the long-term progno- mediated response resulting in the inflamma-
sis is poor, individuals without paresis and tion of vascular structures.1,115 It includes
pain and who are still ambulatory have a variety of disorders such as giant cell/
longer survival rates.114 temporal arteritis (which is the most common
form), primary angiitis of the central nervous
■ Spinal Primary Tumors system, Takayasu’s disease, periarteritis no-
Chief Clinical Characteristics dosa, Kawasaki disease, Churg-Strauss syn-
This presentation may include spasticity, drome, Wegener’s granulomatosis, and sec-
weakness, sensory alterations, bowel/bladder ondary vasculitis associated with systemic
incontinence, back pain, radicular pain, at- lupus erythematous, rheumatoid arthritis,
rophy, cerebellar signs, balance deficits, falls, and scleroderma.115 The diagnosis is con-
and cranial nerve involvement.1 firmed through history, physical examination,
laboratory testing, angiography, biopsy, and
Background Information
imaging.1,26,115 Corticosteroids, cytotoxic
Types of this condition include astrocy-
agents, intravenous immunoglobulin, and
tomas, ependymomas, hemangioblastoma,
plasmapheresis may be used in the treatment
myeloma, neurofibroma, lymphoma, metas-
of vasculitis.26,115 Prognosis is variable and
tasis, meningioma, schwannoma, and
depends on the specific underlying disorder.
astrocytoma. Extradural tumors, such as
For example, giant cell arteritis is typically self-
meningiomas, produce a rapid onset of
limiting within 1 to 2 years; however, death
symptoms, with weakness being predomi-
usually occurs within 1 year for individuals
nant. Intramedullary tumors, or ependymo-
with primary angiitis of the central nervous
mas, astrocytomas and hemangioblastomas,
present with slowly progressive symptoms,
of which loss of pain and temperature ■ Whipple’s Disease (Intestinal
sensation is usually the first. The first test to Lipodystrophy)
diagnose brain and spinal column tumors is
Chief Clinical Characteristics
a neurological examination. Special imaging
This presentation includes dementia, personal-
techniques (computed tomography, mag-
ity changes, ataxia, myoclonus, nystagmus, and
netic resonance imaging, and positron emis-
visual loss. The presentation also includes
sion tomography) are also employed. Spe-
weight loss, arthropathy, diarrhea, and abdom-
cific diagnoses may be confirmed with
inal pain. Some individuals may experience a
imaging and biopsy. Treatment is variable
low-grade fever, lymphadenopathy, hyperpig-
depending on the type, size, and location of
mentation, hypotension, peripheral edema, car-
the tumor and may include surgical resec-
diac murmurs, occult bleeding, and myalgia.116
tion, chemotherapy, radiation, corticos-
teroids, and rehabilitative therapies. Progno- Background Information
sis is variable and depends on the type and This systemic disease is rare and is thought to
grade of tumor, severity of compression, and be caused by the bacteria Tropheryma whip-
duration of compression. plei.116 Diagnosis is determined by biopsy of
1528_Ch30_608-633 07/05/12 2:00 PM Page 630
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brain injury: a review. Epilepsia. 2003;44(suppl 118. Greenberg DA, Aminoff MJ, Simon RP. Clinical
10):2–10. Neurology. 5th ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill;
110. Das-Gupta R, Turner-Stokes L. Traumatic brain injury. 2002.
Disability and Rehabilitation. 2002;24(13):654–665. 119. Gow PJ, Smallwood RA, Angus PW, Smith AL, Wall AJ,
111. Hukkelhoven CWPM, Steyerberg EW, Rampen AJJ, Sewell RB. Diagnosis of Wilson’s disease: an experience
et al. Patient age and outcome following severe over three decades. Gut. Mar 2000;46(3):415–419.
1528_Ch31_634-664 07/05/12 2:00 PM Page 634
Problems of Cognition, Communication,
and Behavior
■ Julie Hershberg, PT, DPT, NCS
Temporal Occipital
lobe lobe
1528_Ch31_634-664 07/05/12 2:00 PM Page 635
T Trauma
Epilepsy/seizure disorder 645
Traumatic brain injury 658
Hypoxia (cerebral hypoxia, anoxia) 648
Not applicable
I Inflammation
Multiple sclerosis 650
Encephalitis 644
Encephalopathy 645
• Bacterial meningitis 649
• Viral meningitis 649
Systemic lupus erythematosus 657
Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis 638
Cysticercosis 643
Lyme disease (tick paralysis) 649
Neurological complications of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome 652
Reye’s syndrome 655
Rickettsial diseases, including Rocky Mountain spotted fever 656
Behçet’s disease 640
Paraneoplastic syndromes 653
Klüver-Bucy syndrome 648
Malaria 649
Neurosyphilis (tabes dorsalis, syphilitic spinal sclerosis, progressive locomotor ataxia) 652
Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy 655
Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (Dawson’s disease) 657
Whipple’s disease (intestinal lipodystrophy) 660
1528_Ch31_634-664 07/05/12 2:00 PM Page 636
M Metabolic
Cushing’s syndrome (hypercortisolism) 643
Neurotoxicity 653
Not applicable
Cerebral beriberi (Korsakoff’s amnesic syndrome, Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome) 641
Mitochondrial myopathies 650
Va Vascular
Stroke (cerebrovascular accident) 657
Transient ischemic attack 658
Arteriovenous malformation 639
Cerebral aneurysm 641
Multi-infarct dementia/vascular dementia 650
Cavernous malformation 641
Gerstmann’s syndrome 646
Moyamoya disease 650
De Degenerative
Alzheimer’s disease 638
Dementia with Lewy bodies 643
Parkinson’s disease 654
Binswanger’s disease (subcortical arteriosclerotic encephalopathy, subcortical dementia) 640
Corticobasal degeneration 642
Frontotemporal dementia 646
Progressive supranuclear palsy (Richardson-Steele-Olszewski syndrome) 655
Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease 643
Multiple system atrophy (striatonigral degeneration, olivopontocerebellar atrophy, Shy-Drager syndrome) 651
Pick’s disease 655
Tu Tumor
Malignant Primary:
Not applicable
Malignant Metastatic:
Not applicable
Benign, such as:
• Neurofibromatosis 651
1528_Ch31_634-664 07/05/12 2:00 PM Page 637
Tumor (continued)
Co Congenital
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder 639
Dyslexia (developmental reading disorder) 644
Huntington’s disease 647
Choreoacanthocytosis (Levine-Critchley syndrome, neuroacanthocytosis) 642
Fahr’s syndrome (familial idiopathic basal ganglia calcification, bilateral striopallidodentate calcinosis) 645
Gaucher’s disease 646
Hallervorden-Spatz syndrome (neurodegeneration with brain iron accumulation, pantothenate
kinase-associated neurodegeneration) 647
Hereditary spastic paraplegia (familial spastic paralysis) 647
Niemann-Pick disease (types C and D only) 653
Pelizaeus-Merzbacher disease 654
Tuberous sclerosis 658
Wilson’s disease 660
Ne Neurogenic/Psychogenic
Anxiety disorder/panic attacks 639
Bipolar disorder (manic depression) 640
Depression 644
Hydrocephalus 647
Sleep apnea 656
Paranoia, delusional disorder 654
Schizophrenia 656
1528_Ch31_634-664 07/05/12 2:00 PM Page 638
Neurogenic/Psychogenic (continued)
Conversion disorder 642
Hypersomnia 648
Narcolepsy 651
Tourette’s syndrome 658
Note: These are estimates of relative incidence because few data are available for the less common conditions.
of managing bipolar disorder. This condition been found to be correlated with increased risk
7.9 years with a range of 2.5 to 12.5 years.31 Women with this condition may show an in-
tures such as masked facies, autonomic dysfunc- weight loss or gain; insomnia or hypersomnia;
tion, rigidity, and bradykinesia. Other signs psychomotor agitation or delay; fatigue or loss
and symptoms may include postural instability, of energy; feelings of worthlessness; dimin-
falls, sleep disturbances, memory problems, ished ability to think or concentrate, indeci-
syncope, transient loss of consciousness, and siveness; recurrent thoughts of death, suicidal
sensitivity to antipsychotic and anti-Parkinson ideation, suicide attempt, or specific plan for
medications.40 suicide. In addition symptoms must cause
clinically significant distress or impairment of
Background Information
functioning and are not better accounted for
This progressive condition is the second most
by bereavement. The best approach to treat-
common dementia after Alzheimer’s disease.40
ment for depression is a combination of psy-
The specific etiology of this condition is un-
chotherapy and antidepressant medications.44
known. The characteristic Lewy bodies are
This condition responds well to treatment—
eosinophilic inclusion bodies found within the
approximately 70% to 80% of treated patients
cytoplasm of neurons in the cerebral cortex
have significant reduction in symptoms. How-
and limbic system.40 A thorough clinical ex-
ever, approximately 20% of patients who are
amination, laboratory screen, and imaging are
chronically depressed have recurrent and se-
important to rule out other causes of demen-
vere depressive episodes.11
tia. The definitive diagnosis for this condition
is made postmortem; however, it appears that ■ Dyslexia (Developmental Reading
the use of single-photon emission computed Disorder)
tomography and positron emission tomogra-
Chief Clinical Characteristics
phy may be useful in the identification of oc-
This presentation is characterized by an inabil-
cipital hypoperfusion which may be associated
ity to read, write, and spell words with the
with the visual hallucinations.40,41 Manage-
preservation of intelligence, motivation, and
ment includes caregiver education to assist in
schooling necessary to accomplish these
minimizing factors that may contribute to
tasks.45 During early school years individuals
problematic behaviors. Medication therapy
with dyslexia may experience difficulty copy-
may be indicated, but should be monitored
ing and naming colors and frequent reversal
closely due to potential exacerbation of symp-
of letters.2
toms.40 Life expectancy for individuals with
this condition is similar that of Alzheimer’s Background Information
disease. The average survival time is between 6 This condition occurs in approximately 5% to
and 8 years from the onset of dementia.40,42 10% of the school-age population46 and is
commonly familial with a sex-linked recessive
■ Depression pattern. This condition may also be present
Chief Clinical Characteristics in children with congenital developmental ab-
This presentation may involve slowness of move- normalities or after brain injury.2 Neurophysi-
ment that can progress to the point of catatonia, ological studies suggest abnormal cortical
intensely dysphoric mood, appetite loss, insom- organization in the language areas of the brain.46
nia or hypersomnia, social withdrawal, loss of The diagnosis is based on clinical presentation
motivation, helplessness, hostility, and agitation. of symptoms, family history, and school-based
testing. Treatment for dyslexia includes refer-
Background Information ral to special education or special tutoring for
The origin of this condition is not fully under- intensive individualized training.46 Most chil-
stood and genetic, biochemical, neuroanatom- dren with dyslexia do not spontaneously remit
ical and psychosocial factors all appear to play or catch up to peers in reading ability.47
a role.43 For a clinical diagnosis, the following
criteria from the DSM-IV-TR12 must be met: ■ Encephalitis
at least five of the following symptoms, during Chief Clinical Characteristics
the same 2-week period, representing a change This presentation includes confusion, delir-
from previous functioning: depressed mood; ium, convulsions, problems with speech or
1528_Ch31_634-664 07/05/12 2:00 PM Page 645
and spinal cord. Also known as aseptic Willis.17 Diagnosis is based upon clinical find-
meningitis, this condition is most commonly ings and results of magnetic resonance imag-
caused by the echovirus or coxsackie virus.17 ing and magnetic resonance angiography.
Cerebrospinal fluid analysis and blood work Images will demonstrate the occlusion of the
are used to determine the diagnosis.73 There circle of Willis as well as secondary cerebral
is no specific treatment, although supportive infarction, white matter lesions, atrophy, and
care may include administration of anal- hemorrhage.75 Treatment options include
gesics. This condition is rarely fatal and most revascularization surgery and medical treat-
patients demonstrate a full recovery.17 ment to prevent hypertension and further
strokes.76 Rehabilitative therapies are used to
■ Mitochondrial Myopathies treat functional deficits that the patient may
Chief Clinical Characteristics incur from a stroke secondary to the progres-
This presentation typically involves a combination sion of the disease. Outcome depends on the
of exercise intolerance, ataxia, seizures, myoclonus, severity of secondary complications and pres-
headaches, small strokes, ophthalmoplegia, deaf- ence of subsequent occlusion.
ness, muscle cramps and/or slowly progressive
myopathy with proximal greater than distal in- ■ Multi-Infarct Dementia/Vascular
volvement. Other less common symptoms that Dementia
may be seen include dementia, lactic acidosis, Chief Clinical Characteristics
ptosis, and cardiac conduction defects.17,74 This presentation includes confusion, memory
impairment, aphasia, and agnosia that occur in
Background Information
a progressive stepwise and patchy pattern.11,77
This condition refers to a large group of disor-
ders that result from a mutation in the mito- Background Information
chondrial genome, resulting in damage to More men than women are affected with peak
the mitochondria. These disorders include incidence between the ages of 60 and 75 years.
Kearns-Sayre syndrome, myoclonus epilepsy This condition occurs when a series of small
with ragged red fibers, mitochondrial en- strokes gradually leads to mental decline.1 Di-
cephalomyopathy with lactic acidosis and agnosis is obtained from the history and con-
stroke-like episodes, as well as other child- firmed by magnetic resonance imaging or
hood-onset disorders.17 A combination of clin- computed tomography. Treatment emphasizes
ical picture, histological findings of ragged red prevention of additional brain damage by con-
fibers, elevated serum lactate, and possible trolling high blood pressure. Prognosis is gen-
family history contribute to the diagnosis of erally poor. Early treatment and management
this condition.17 There is no specific treatment, of blood pressure may prevent progression of
but new research shows that patients may the disorder.77
benefit from physical therapy for submaximal
exercise training.74 Most patients experience ■ Multiple Sclerosis
lifelong progression of the disease, and progno- Chief Clinical Characteristics
sis varies according to the type of disease and This presentation may include paresthesias,
amount of involvement.17 weakness, spasticity, hypertonicity, hyperreflexia,
positive Babinski sign, incoordination, optic
■ Moyamoya Disease neuritis, ataxia, vertigo, dysarthria, diplopia,
Chief Clinical Characteristics bladder incontinence, tremor, balance deficits,
This presentation may include unsteady gait, falls, and cognitive deficits.2
involuntary movement, weakness, speech and
Background Information
sensory impairments, headache, seizures, im-
This condition may present as relapsing-
paired mental development, visual distur-
remitting, primary progressive, or secondary
bances, and nystagmus.17
progressive. The disease occurs most fre-
Background Information quently in women between the ages of 20 and
This rare condition results from progressive 40 years. Only a small number of children or
occlusion of the arteries of the circle of individuals between 50 and 60 years of age are
1528_Ch31_634-664 07/05/12 2:00 PM Page 651
diagnosed with this condition.2 This condition mean survival time of 6.2 years.83 This condi-
hearing loss, and possible intracranial or myelitis, vacuolar myelopathy that occurs
restrictions. A better prognosis has been ob- who are diagnosed in childhood live well into
Reye’s syndrome primarily presents in chil- ity (though not often a return to baseline).
dren, although it can occur at any age.107 The
Background Information
cause of this condition is unclear, but it com-
Diagnosis of schizophrenia is made on clinical
monly occurs during recovery from a viral in-
presentation and according to DSM-IV-TR
fection or 3 to 5 days after the onset. There is
criteria12: The patient must have experienced
an increased risk of the disease if aspirin was
at least two of the following symptoms for at
taken during the course of the illness.107 This
least 1 month of a 6-month period causing
condition causes an acute increase of pressure
significant social or occupational problems:
within the brain and massive accumulations of
delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech,
fat in the liver and other organs. Diagnosis is
disorganized or catatonic behavior, or negative
made on clinical presentation and by the pres-
symptoms. The incidence peaks during ado-
ence of cerebral edema.107 Treatment is prima-
lescent years with a 1% worldwide lifetime
rily aimed at reducing brain swelling, reversing
prevalence.110 The cause of this condition is
the metabolic injury, preventing complica-
not known, but genetic and neurodevelop-
tions in the lungs, and anticipating cardiac
mental factors may play a role, as well as neu-
arrest. The fatality rate for this condition is
rotransmitter and metabolic activity in differ-
approximately 30%, with the worst prognosis
ent areas of the cortex.2 Treatment involves use
for children under 5 years of age.107
of antipsychotic medications. The prognosis is
■ Rickettsial Diseases, Including guarded, because full recovery is unusual. Poor
Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever prognosis is associated with early onset of
Chief Clinical Characteristics symptoms, family history, and prominent neg-
This presentation typically includes visual dis- ative symptoms. Individuals with this condi-
turbances, a rash that occurs on the palms of tion also have a 4% to 10% risk of committing
hands and soles of feet, headache, nausea, fever suicide.110 With pharmacologic treatment and
and myalgias.108 Initial symptoms begin within psychiatric management, 60% of patients
2 to 14 days of infections and last approximately return to home and some social activity.2
2 to 3 weeks.
■ Sleep Apnea
Background Information Chief Clinical Characteristics
Rocky Mountain spotted fever is the most This presentation is characterized by brief
common type of this condition in the United breathing disturbances during sleep that occur
States. It is transmitted by a variety of tick, and repeatedly throughout the night. The hallmark
is common in Long Island, Tennessee, Vir- symptom of the disorder is excessive daytime
ginia, North Carolina and Maryland.2 Like sleepiness. Additional symptoms of sleep
malaria, rickettsiae in the blood vessels cause apnea include loud snoring, irritability, forget-
vascular injury, which forms the basis for cen- fulness, mood or behavior changes, anxiety, and
tral nervous system damage. Diagnosis is depression.111
based on clinical signs and symptoms and
confirmed by skin biopsy. Treatment consists Background Information
of the use of doxycycline or chloramphenicol. The most common type of sleep apnea is ob-
The mortality rate in untreated cases is 20% structive sleep apnea, with mechanical causes
to 25%.109 such as obesity or enlarged tonsils.1 Central
sleep apnea is the result of impairment in res-
■ Schizophrenia piratory control of breathing often caused
Chief Clinical Characteristics by brainstem medullary infarction or follow-
This presentation can be characterized by hal- ing cervical/foramen magnum surgery.1 The
lucinations, delusions, disorganized speech, and prevalence of sleep apnea is between approxi-
negative symptoms such as flat affect, decreased mately 2% and 4%, with higher incidence in
initiation, and decreased spontaneity in the elderly.111 Diagnosis is made based on
conversation. Most marked deterioration in clinical presentation. Most treatment regimens
patients occurs within the first 5 to 10 years of begin with lifestyle changes, such as avoiding
1528_Ch31_634-664 07/05/12 2:00 PM Page 657
alcohol and medications that relax the central deterioration, and memory loss, followed by
and anti-DNA antibody tests.116 Treatment drug therapy or surgery to reduce the risk of
pink or skin-colored papules commonly ob- dysarthria, balance deficits, falls, lethargy, and
atrophy, cerebellar signs, balance deficits, falls, such tremor, rigidity, drooling, difficulty with
11. Halgin RP, Whitbourne SK. Abnormal Psychology: The generation confirmed at postmortem examination.
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61. Benton AL. Gerstmann’s syndrome. Arch Neurol. May mended diagnostic criteria for multiple sclerosis:
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62. National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. sis of multiple sclerosis. Ann Neurol. Jul 2001;50(1):
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2, 2008. http://www.ninds.nih.gov/disorders/gerstmanns/ 79. Thompson AJ, Montalban X, Barkhof F, et al. Diagnos-
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63. Thomas M, Hayflick SJ, Jankovic J. Clinical heterogene- position paper. Ann Neurol. Jun 2000;47(6):831–835.
ity of neurodegeneration with brain iron accumulation 80. Confavreux C, Vukusic S, Adeleine P. Early clinical
(Hallervorden-Spatz syndrome) and pantothenate predictors and progression of irreversible disability in
kinase-associated neurodegeneration. Mov Disord. Jan multiple sclerosis: an amnesic process. Brain. Apr 2003;
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and SPG3A genes and its implication in molecular diag- Parkinson’s disease? J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry.
nosis of Korean patients with hereditary spastic paraple- Apr 2000;68(4):434–440.
gia. Arch Neurol. Jul 2005;62(7):1118–1121. 83. Ben-Shlomo Y, Wenning GK, Tison F, Quinn NP. Sur-
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89. Jin LW, Shie FS, Maezawa I, Vincent I, Bird T. Intracel- 107. Belay ED, Bresee JS, Holman RC, Khan AS, Shahriari A,
125. Hosono N, Ueda T, Tamura D, Aoki Y, Yoshikawa H. 127. Mahnel R, Marth T. Progress, problems, and perspec-
Prognostic relevance of clinical symptoms in patients tives in diagnosis and treatment of Whipple’s disease.
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2005(436):196–201. 128. Gow PJ, Smallwood RA, Angus PW, Smith AL, Wall AJ,
126. Marth T, Raoult D. Whipple’s disease. Lancet. Jan 18 Sewell RB. Diagnosis of Wilson’s disease: an experience
2003;361(9353):239–246. over three decades. Gut. Mar 2000;46(3):415–419.
1528_Ch32_665-682 07/05/12 2:01 PM Page 665
■ Claire Smith, PT, DPT, NCS ■ Beth E. Fisher, PT, PhD
Passive Active
1528_Ch32_665-682 07/05/12 2:01 PM Page 666
T Trauma
Overuse syndromes (repetitive motion disorders, cumulative trauma disorders, repetitive stress
injuries) 675
Traumatic brain injury 678
Traumatic spinal cord injury 678
Whiplash injury (whiplash-associated disorder) 680
Not applicable
Not applicable
I Inflammation
Encephalitis 670
• Bacterial meningitis 673
• Viral meningitis 674
Vasculitis (giant cell arteritis, temporal arteritis, cranial arteritis) 679
Not applicable
Behçet’s disease 669
Not applicable
Neuromyotonia (Isaac syndrome, Isaac-Merten syndrome, continuous muscle fiber activity syndrome,
quantal squander syndrome) 675
Opsoclonus myoclonus (Kinsbourne syndrome, myoclonic encephalopathy of infants, dancing
eyes–dancing feet syndrome, opsoclonus-myoclonus-ataxia syndrome) 675
Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis 669
Lyme disease (tick paralysis) 673
M Metabolic
Not applicable
Neuroleptic malignant syndrome 675
1528_Ch32_665-682 07/05/12 2:01 PM Page 667
Metabolic (continued)
Fahr’s syndrome (familial idiopathic basal ganglia calcification, bilateral striopallidodentate calcinosis) 671
Gaucher’s disease 671
Wilson’s disease 680
Va Vascular
Stroke (cerebrovascular accident) 677
Cerebral aneurysm 669
Spinal cord infarction (vascular myelopathy) 677
Not applicable
De Degenerative
Dementia with Lewy bodies 670
Parkinson’s disease 676
Huntington’s disease 672
Choreoacanthocytosis (Levine-Critchley syndrome, neuroacanthocytosis) 670
Hallervorden-Spatz syndrome (neurodegeneration with brain iron accumulation, pantothenate
kinase-associated neurodegeneration) 672
Hereditary spastic paraplegia (familial spastic paralysis) 672
Machado-Joseph disease 673
Multiple system atrophy (striatonigral degenerative, olivopontocerebellar atrophy, Shy-Drager
syndrome) 674
Primary lateral sclerosis 676
Stiff-person syndrome 677
Tu Tumor
Not applicable
Malignant Primary:
Not applicable
Malignant Metastatic:
Not applicable
Benign, such as:
• Hydromyelia (syringomyelia) 672
1528_Ch32_665-682 07/05/12 2:01 PM Page 668
Tumor (continued)
Malignant Primary, such as:
• Brain primary tumors 679
• Spinal primary tumors 679
Malignant Metastatic, such as:
• Brain metastases 678
• Spinal metastases 679
Not applicable
Co Congenital
Not applicable
Not applicable
Paroxysmal choreoathetosis 676
Ne Neurogenic/Psychogenic
Epilepsy/seizure disorder 671
Myotonia congenital 674
Not applicable
Note: These are estimates of relative incidence because few data are available for the less common conditions.
causing the increase in stretch reflexes in spas- administered over a course of 3 to 5 days.5 The
ticity also are not well understood.3 prognosis is variable depending on the severity
Spasticity is a form of muscle overactivity. of the disease and acuity of the diagnosis.
Spasticity is often used as an umbrella term to
describe other forms of muscle overactivity ■ Behçet’s Disease
that often occur. However, each of the follow- Chief Clinical Characteristics
ing represents a distinct pathophysiological This presentation may include bilateral pyram-
mechanism and it is inaccurate to interchange idal signs (eg, weakness, hyperreflexia in the
these terms even though it is commonly done deep tendon reflexes, hypertonia, clonus, and/or
in the clinic (particularly the terms spasticity a positive Babinski sign), headache, memory
and hypertonicity).2 Other forms of muscle loss, hemiparesis, cerebellar ataxia, balance
overactivity that may be part of the upper mo- deficits, sphincter dysfunction, or cranial nerve
tor neuron syndrome are: palsies. In addition to these neurological signs
● Spasms, or strong and sustained contrac- individuals with this condition also may pres-
tions of muscles, which are often painful ent with arthritis; renal, gastrointestinal, vas-
● Increased reflexes, in which the normal cular, and cardiac diseases; and genital, oral, and
reflexes (such as knee extension in response cutaneous ulcerations.6
to tapping) are greatly exaggerated Background Information
● Clonus, which refers to self-sustaining oscil- Mean age of onset is in the third decade of life.
lating movements around a joint elicited Diagnostic criteria according to an international
with quick stretch study group include presence of recurrent
● Hypertonicity, or an abnormal increase in oral ulceration, recurrent genital ulceration, eye
resting muscle tension lesions, skin lesions, papulopustular lesions,
● Rigidity, which describes involuntary bidi- and/or a positive pathergy test.2,6 Medical treat-
rectional non–velocity-dependent resistance ment typically consists of corticosteroids and
to movement. immunosuppressants. Neurological symptoms
tend to clear within weeks, but can sometimes
Description of Conditions That recur or result in permanent deficits.2 Negative
May Lead to Stiffness prognostic factors include onset before the age
of 25 and male sex.
■ Acute Disseminated
Encephalomyelitis ■ Cerebral Aneurysm
Chief Clinical Characteristics Chief Clinical Characteristics
This presentation may involve confusion, som- This presentation may involve loss of balance in
nolence, and convulsion in its encephalitic form. combination with a whole host of other neuro-
Individuals with this condition may report logical symptoms and signs that depend on the
headache and neck stiffness. Initial symptoms affected cerebral tissue, including visual and
of the myelitic form include weakness and proprioceptive loss. Any associated signs or
sensory impairments.2 symptoms may not be reported due to the fact
that this condition is typically asymptomatic
Background Information prior to rupture. However, if the aneurysm
This condition is a demyelinating disease of the results in a mass effect, ischemia, or hemor-
central nervous system,4 which may be due to an rhage, then neurological signs and symptoms are
immune-mediated complication of infection.2 dependent on the affected location.2,7,8
The presence of upper motor neuron signs,
cerebrospinal fluid pleocytosis and elevated Background Information
protein, and multiple white matter lesions There has been some description of genetic
demonstrated on magnetic resonance imaging factors in this condition.7 Cigarette smoking,
supports the diagnosis.5 Definitive diagnosis hypertension, and heavy alcohol use have all
requires a brain biopsy. The primary goal of been found to be correlated with increased risk
treatment is to suppress the immune response; of aneurysm development.7,8 Factors associated
thus high-dose corticosteroids are generally with increased risk of rupture include size of
1528_Ch32_665-682 07/05/12 2:01 PM Page 670
aneurysm, location in the posterior circulation, visuospatial problems and executive dysfunc-
and a previous history of aneurismal subarach- tion, visual hallucinations, and parkinsonism
noid hemorrhage.9,10 Definitive diagnosis is features such as masked facies, autonomic dys-
based on catheter angiography; however, mag- function, rigidity, and bradykinesia. Other signs
netic resonance angiography, magnetic reso- and symptoms may include postural instabil-
nance imaging, and computed tomography may ity, falls, sleep disturbances, memory problems,
aid in the diagnosis. Unruptured aneurysms are syncope, transient loss of consciousness, and
sometimes surgically treated. Aneurysm size, sensitivity to antipsychotic and anti-Parkinson
location, and prior history of a subarachnoid medications.14
hemorrhage help to determine if the risk of sur-
gical treatment is worth the potential benefits. Background Information
Most aneurysms that have hemorrhaged must This progressive condition is the second
be treated surgically. Patients with a previous most common dementia after Alzheimer’s
rupture are at an 11 times greater risk of having disease.14 The specific etiology of this condi-
a second intracranial aneurysm rupture. When tion is unknown. The characteristic Lewy
aneurysms do rupture, many patients die within bodies are eosinophilic inclusion bodies
one month of the rupture, and those who sur- found within the cytoplasm of neurons in
vive often have residual neurological deficits.7 the cerebral cortex and limbic system.14
A thorough clinical examination, laboratory
■ Choreoacanthocytosis screen, and imaging are important to rule
(Levine-Critchley Syndrome, out other causes of dementia. The definitive
Neuroacanthocytosis) diagnosis for this condition is made post-
Chief Clinical Characteristics mortem; however, it appears that the use of
This presentation commonly includes chorea, single-photon emission computed tomogra-
motor or vocal tics, dystonia, orofacial dyskine- phy and positron emission tomography may
sias, and parkinsonism. Seizures, cognitive im- be useful in the identification of occipital
pairment, psychosis, paranoia, and personality hypoperfusion which may be associated with
changes are also seen with this diagnosis, along the visual hallucinations.14,15 Management
with hyporeflexia and distal myopathy due to includes caregiver education to assist in
denervation of muscles.11–13 minimizing factors that may contribute to
problematic behaviors. Medication therapy
Background Information may be indicated, but should be monitored
This condition is a rare, autosomal recessive dis- closely due to potential exacerbation of
order that typically has its onset during the third symptoms.14 Life expectancy for individuals
and fourth decades of life.13 This neurodegener- with this condition is similar to that of
ative disorder is associated with acanthocytes, Alzheimer’s disease. The average survival
aberrant spiky or thorny red blood cells, as time is between 6 and 8 years from the onset
well as atrophy and gliosis of the caudate, puta- of dementia.14,16
men, and globus pallidus.12 Diagnosis is made
by a combination of tests, including clinical ■ Encephalitis
features, lab work demonstrating acanthocyto- Chief Clinical Characteristics
sis, neuroimaging, and genetic testing to rule out This presentation includes confusion, delirium,
Huntington’s disease.11 There is currently no convulsions, problems with speech or hearing,
effective, long-term treatment, although vera- memory loss, hallucinations, drowsiness,
pamil has been found to provide temporary and coma. Headache or back stiffness may
reduction of symptoms. Life expectancy is be present.
reduced, and suicidal action or ideation is not
uncommon due to cognitive impairments.13 Background Information
Encephalitis is an inflammation of nerve
■ Dementia with Lewy Bodies cells in the brain. This term usually refers to
Chief Clinical Characteristics the viral form, although bacterial, parasitic,
This presentation can be characterized by fluc- and fungal agents also can cause this condition.
tuating cognitive dysfunction, particularly Up to 20,000 new cases of viral forms of this
1528_Ch32_665-682 07/05/12 2:01 PM Page 671
United States. Diagnosis is established by Idiopathic Basal Ganglia
clinical presentation suggesting dysfunction Calcification, Bilateral
of the cerebrum, brainstem, or cerebellum, Striopallidodentate Calcinosis)
cellular reaction and elevated protein in Chief Clinical Characteristics
spinal fluid, and possible demonstration of This presentation may involve features of
diffuse edema or enhancement of the brain parkinsonism, such as chorea, athetosis, rigid-
on magnetic resonance imaging or computed ity, dystonia, and tremor in addition to cogni-
tomography. Treatment is primarily pharma- tive impairments, cerebellar impairments, gait
cologic, with drugs such as corticosteroids, and balance disorder, psychiatric features, pain,
antiviral agents, and anticonvulsants. The pyramidal signs, such as weakness, hyperreflexia
majority of individuals with encephalitis do in the deep tendon reflexes, hypertonia, clonus,
recover, but irreversible brain damage and and/or a positive Babinski, sensory changes and
death can result.2 speech disorder.20
clinical presentation, laboratory tests that abnormalities such as dementia, mental retar-
show increase in total acid phosphatase and dation, epilepsy, extrapyramidal disturbance,
biopsy of bone marrow that is positive for ataxia, deafness, retinopathy, optic neuropathy,
Gaucher cells. Enzyme replacement therapy is peripheral neuropathy, and skin lesions. The
standard for most patients with types 1 and 3. uncomplicated form is indicated by the absence
However, there is no effective treatment for of these features.27 This condition is a group of
the severe brain damage that may occur in inherited disorders with a primary pathologi-
patients with types 2 and 3. Prognosis for cal feature of axonal degeneration of the distal
patients with type 2 disease is poor with death ends of the longest ascending and descending
within the first 2 years of life. For type 3 dis- tracts, resulting in the characteristic spastic-
ease, symptoms typically present in childhood ity.26,27 Diagnosis is made by the presence of
and death occurs by age 10 to 15 years.2 symptoms of gait disturbance, neurological
findings of corticospinal tract deficits in the
■ Hallervorden-Spatz Syndrome lower extremities, family history or genetic
(Neurodegeneration with Brain testing, and exclusion of any other disorders
Iron Accumulation, Pantothenate that could account for the symptoms.26
Kinase-Associated Current treatment is limited to decreasing
Neurodegeneration) muscle spasticity through exercise and med-
Chief Clinical Characteristics ication. Physical therapy is beneficial for
This presentation includes dystonia, parkin- the maintenance and improvement of muscle
sonism, choreoathetosis, spasticity, cognitive flexibility, muscle strength, gait, and cardiovas-
impairment, corticospinal tract involvement, cular fitness.26 Prognosis varies, and those
optic atrophy, and pigmentary retinopathy.24 with an onset after adolescence are more likely
to have insidious worsening.26
Background Information
This rare, inherited disorder results from a ■ Huntington’s Disease
genetic mutation in the iron regulatory path-
ways, resulting in excessive iron accumulation Chief Clinical Characteristics
in the basal ganglia.24,25 Diagnosis is made by This presentation involves progressive chorea
magnetic resonance imaging, which shows of the entire body, emotional disturbances such
characteristic abnormalities in the basal ganglia, as behavior and personality changes, and
known as the “eye of the tiger” sign. Pathologi- dementia.28–30
cal studies may also show brown discoloration, Background Information
iron pigmentation, and gliosis in the globus This autosomal dominant genetic disorder
pallidus and substantia nigra.24 There is no cure causes selective neurodegeneration, most com-
or effective treatment for the condition, but monly in the neostriatum. Diagnosis is made
patients may benefit from rehabilitation thera- by genetic testing.30 There is currently no treat-
pies to decrease disability as the disease follows ment to slow or stop the progression of this
its progressive course of degeneration.25 condition; care is focused on symptom man-
■ Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia agement and optimization of functioning.30
(Familial Spastic Paralysis) The prognosis for Huntington’s disease is poor,
and individuals usually experience very rapid
Chief Clinical Characteristics decline. On average, patients survive for 15 to
This presentation includes insidious, progres- 20 years after initial diagnosis, but require high
sive difficulty with walking due to bilateral, levels of care and supervision during those
symmetric lower extremity spastic weakness. years.30
Patients may report tripping, stumbling, and
falling, as well as urinary urgency.26 ■ Hydromyelia (Syringomyelia)
Background Information Chief Clinical Characteristics
This condition can be divided into two types. This presentation involves insidious onset of
The complicated form of this condition is symptoms including upper and lower extrem-
indicated by the presence of neurological ity weakness and numbness, lower extremity
1528_Ch32_665-682 07/05/12 2:01 PM Page 673
usually precedes the onset of symptoms, but the This condition is genetic, with an autosomal
time frame for subsequent development of these dominant pattern of inheritance and onset of
symptoms is variable. symptoms in adolescence or young adulthood.
Differential diagnosis includes Parkinson’s
Background Information
disease and multiple system atrophy. The pres-
This condition is caused by an abnormal widen-
ence of ataxia decreases the likelihood of
ing of the central canal of the spinal cord, lead-
Parkinson’s, and the early age of onset and
ing to the accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid
visual symptoms decrease the likelihood of
and hydrocephalus. Differential diagnosis must
multiple system atrophy. Diagnosis is established
be made between hydromyelia and other disor-
by clinical symptoms and magnetic resonance
ders such as syringomyelia, spinal cord tumor,
imaging findings of reduced width of superior
and spinal arteriovenous malformation. Mag-
and middle cerebellar peduncles, atrophy of
netic resonance imaging and electromyography
the frontal and temporal lobes, and decreased
are used to confirm the diagnosis of this condi-
size of the pons and globus pallidus. There is
tion. Surgery may be indicated to decrease or
no treatment for this condition, and prognosis
eliminate the symptoms. Prognosis is variable.
is poor.2
■ Lyme Disease (Tick Paralysis)
Chief Clinical Characteristics
This presentation can include fluctuating signs ■ Bacterial Meningitis
or symptoms such as headache, neck stiffness, Chief Clinical Characteristics
nausea, vomiting, malaise, fever, pain, fatigue, This presentation includes acute symptoms
and presence of a “bull’s-eye” rash.2 Over time, such as fever, severe headache, neck stiffness,
additional symptoms may include sensory seizures, changes in consciousness, facial and
changes, irritability, cognitive changes, depres- ocular palsies, positive Kernig and Brudzin-
sion, behavioral changes, seizures, ataxia, chorea ski signs, and possible hemiparesis, which may
movements, pain, weakness, balance deficits, lead to falls. Chronic symptoms include hydro-
arthritis, and cranial nerve involvement.2,31 cephalus, vomiting, immobility, impaired
alertness, hemiplegia, decorticate or decere-
Background Information brate posturing, cortical blindness, stupor,
Borrelia burgdorferi, an organism that infects or coma.29
ticks, is responsible for the transmission of this
condition to a human host.2 The diagnosis is Background Information
confirmed with a thorough history, clinical Bacterial meningitis results from an infec-
assessment, enzyme-linked immunosorbent tion and inflammation of the meninges sur-
assay, and Western blot or immunoblot analysis. rounding the brain and spinal cord. Lumbar
In addition, magnetic resonance imaging or puncture for spinal fluid pressure and cere-
computed tomography may reveal multifocal or brospinal fluid culture, blood cultures, and
periventricular cerebral lesions.2 Medical man- radiologic studies confirm the diagnosis.29
agement includes treatment with oral tetracy- This condition is considered a medical
cline, penicillin, or intravenous ceftriaxone.2 emergency. Medical management includes
Many individuals experience full recovery with maintenance of blood pressure, treatment
treatment; however, residual deficits may persist for septic shock, and administration of in-
for individuals with chronic Lyme disease.2 travenous antibiotics for 10 to 14 days 29
Prognosis depends on the strain of bacteria;
■ Machado-Joseph Disease approximately 5% to 15% of patients with
Chief Clinical Characteristics bacterial meningitis do not survive.29 Resid-
This presentation may involve visual impair- ual effects after the infection resolves are
ments such as nystagmus in combination with variable and patients with pneumococcal
slowly progressive ataxia, rigidity, dystonia, and H. influenzae bacterial meningitis are
weakness in the hands and feet, and difficulty more likely to have lasting neurological
with respiration and swallowing. deficits.29
1528_Ch32_665-682 07/05/12 2:01 PM Page 674
Chief Clinical Characteristics sion. There are three types of this condition.
This presentation can be characterized by an The parkinsonian-type includes symptoms of
acute onset of fever, headache, and neck stiff- Parkinson’s disease such as slow movement,
ness. Drowsiness, lethargy, and irritability stiff muscles, and tremor. The cerebellar type
may occur, but overall symptoms tend to be causes problems with coordination and
relatively mild.29 Although not a common speech. The combined type includes symp-
presenting sign, falls or imbalance may occur toms of both parkinsonism and cerebellar
due to drowsiness and lethargy. failure. Older age at onset is associated with
a shorter survival time.35 Average age of onset
Background Information is 54 years, with mean age at death being
This condition is an infection and inflamma- 60.3 years.33 Most individuals with this condi-
tion of the meninges surrounding the brain tion receive a trial of levodopa although only a
and spinal cord. Also known as aseptic minority respond.33 Additional treatment
meningitis, this condition is most commonly addresses symptoms and involves physical
caused by the echovirus or coxsackie virus.29 and occupational therapy to maintain mobil-
Cerebrospinal fluid analysis and blood work ity and address safety issues related to the
are used to determine the diagnosis.32 There progression of imbalance.
is no specific treatment, although supportive
care may include administration of anal- ■ Myotonia Congenital
gesics. This condition is rarely fatal and most Chief Clinical Characteristics
patients demonstrate a full recovery.29 This presentation includes impaired relaxation
of a muscle after forceful voluntary contrac-
■ Multiple System Atrophy tion. Individuals with this condition may also
(Striatonigral Degeneration, experience some degree of hypertrophy of
Olivopontocerebellar Atrophy, involved muscle groups.29
Shy-Drager Syndrome)
Chief Clinical Characteristics Background Information
This presentation involves tremor, rigidity, There are many different variants of this
akinesia, and/or postural imbalance along condition, all of which are thought to be the
with signs of cerebellar, pyramidal, and auto- result of mutations in the genes coding for
nomic dysfunction. Autonomic symptoms such skeletal muscle sodium channels and chlo-
as orthostatic hypotension, dry mouth, loss of ride channels.36 Of the different types, the
sweating, impotence, and urinary inconti- two most common are Thomsen’s disease
nence or retention are the initial feature in and Becker’s disease. Thomsen’s disease
41% of individuals, with 74% to 97% of in- begins early in life and is characterized by
dividuals developing some degree of auto- myotonia, muscular hypertrophy, a nonpro-
nomic dysfunction during the course of the gressive course, and dominant inheritance.
disease.33 This condition is a combination of Becker’s disease is recessive, with a later
parkinsonian and non-parkinsonian symp- onset in life, and patients present with more
toms and signs. severe myotonia and hypertrophy, and often
with weakness and atrophy of the forearm
Background Information and neck muscles.29 Becker’s disease typi-
Diagnostic criteria are based on the clinical cally has a progressive course until about
presentation, which includes poor response 30 years of age. Medical management may
to levodopa, presence of autonomic features, include quinidine sulfate, procainamide, or
presence of speech or bulbar problems, ab- mexiletine to relieve myotonia. Patients may
sence of dementia, absence of toxic confusion, also benefit from what is known as the
and presence of falls.34 The disease course “warm-up effect,” which refers to repeated
ranges between 0.5 and 24 years after diagno- contractions of a muscle that can reduce or
sis with a mean survival time of 6.2 years.35 abolish myotonia. This effect is short lived
This condition is a progressive condition of and wears off after approximately 5 minutes
the central and autonomic nervous systems of rest.29
1528_Ch32_665-682 07/05/12 2:01 PM Page 675
Chief Clinical Characteristics trophysiological study is used in diagnosis
This presentation can be characterized by severe and will show myokymic and neuromyotonic
muscle rigidity, changes in mental status such discharges.38 Muscle activity persists throughout
as confusion and delirium, high fever, diaphore- sleep and anesthesia, but can be blocked by
sis, dysphagia, incontinence, and autonomic curare.29 Symptomatic relief has been demon-
dysfunction. strated with anticonvulsant drugs such as
phenytoin and carbamazepine, and research
Background Information has also shown successful outcomes with
This condition is a rare, but potentially fatal plasmapharesis.40
disorder that is caused by a complication of
treatment with neuroleptic medication.37 The ■ Opsoclonus Myoclonus
pathophysiology of this condition is unknown, (Kinsbourne Syndrome,
but is thought to be related to a dopaminergic Myoclonic Encephalopathy of
transmission block in the basal ganglia and Infants, Dancing Eyes–Dancing
hypothalamus.37 Diagnosis is made by a tem- Feet Syndrome, Opsoclonus-
perature of 38ºC or higher, rigidity, mental sta- Myoclonus-Ataxia Syndrome)
tus and autonomic changes, and laboratory Chief Clinical Characteristics
findings, as well as a recent history of exposure This presentation includes irregular, rapid eye
to antipsychotic medication. The best treat- movements (opsoclonus) and brief, shock-like
ment for this condition is prevention, including muscle spasms (myoclonus), as well as stagger-
early recognition of symptoms and prompt ing, falling, ataxia, drooling, decreased muscle
discontinuation of the causal agent. Medical tone, and an inability to sleep.41
management of this condition in its acute form
includes fluid replacement, reduction of tem- Background Information
perature, and monitoring of cardiac, pulmonary, This autoimmune disorder is commonly
and renal functions. Patients may also benefit found in association with the presence of neo-
from electroconvulsive therapy and the intro- plasm, the most common types being neurob-
duction of dopamine agonists and/or dantro- lastoma in children, and breast and small-cell
lene. The clinical course varies, and most lung cancer in adults.29 Diagnosis is made by a
patients eventually experience a total resolution combination of clinical presentation, the pos-
of symptoms. sible presence of neoplasm, the presence of
anti-Hu antibodies, mild pleocytosis on cere-
■ Neuromyotonia (Isaac Syndrome, brospinal fluid, and positive serologic tests in
Isaac-Merten Syndrome, children without tumors.29 Treatment includes
Continuous Muscle Fiber Activity adrenocorticotropic hormone, corticosteroid,
Syndrome, Quantal Squander and intravenous immunoglobulin therapy,
Syndrome) and, when present, tumor resection and adju-
Chief Clinical Characteristics vant treatment such as chemotherapy and
This presentation commonly involves intermit- radiation.29,41 There is good response to drug
tent or continuous muscle contraction, slow and surgical treatment, but relapse is common
relaxation following muscle contraction, and many patients report residual neurological
cramps, stiffness, and hyperhidrosis. These symptoms.29,41
symptoms are commonly seen in conjunction ■ Overuse Syndromes (Repetitive
with peripheral neuropathy.38,39 Motion Disorders, Cumulative
Background Information Trauma Disorders, Repetitive
This condition is an antibody-mediated potas- Stress Injuries)
sium channel disorder, in which the suppression Chief Clinical Characteristics
of these voltage-gated channels results in hyper- This presentation includes pain, tingling,
excitability of the peripheral nerve.38 It is a rare, numbness, swelling, erythema, loss of flexibil-
usually acquired disease that is often seen with ity, and/or weakness in the affected body
myasthenia gravis and is most likely due to an area.42
1528_Ch32_665-682 07/05/12 2:01 PM Page 676
Overuse syndromes are a group of disorders Surgical management also may be considered,
that result from the performance of repetitive including deep brain stimulation or pallido-
motions. Common pathologies that are associ- tomy.44 Forced use or higher intensity, challeng-
ated with this condition include carpal tunnel ing activities may provide a neuroprotective
syndrome, trigger finger, and epicondylitis.42 In benefit for individuals with early forms of this
addition, bursitis, tendonitis, and tenosynovitis condition.45 With the high incidence of depres-
may occur at numerous different locations sion, consultation with a psychologist or psychi-
throughout the body, depending on the type of atrist may be warranted. Individuals with a late
activity performed. Treatment varies, but usu- onset tend to progress more rapidly.46,47 Poor
ally begins with stopping the motions or activi- prognostic indicators for disability include
ties that cause the symptoms. Physical therapy initial presentation without tremor, early
is often indicated for stretching, strengthening, dependence, dementia, balance impairments,
splinting, and therapeutic modalities such as ice older age, and the postural instability/gait
and ultrasound. Further medical management difficulty dominant type.46,47
may include analgesics, corticosteroids, and
even surgery.42 If this condition is suspected, ■ Paroxysmal Choreoathetosis
the reader is encouraged to review the appro- Chief Clinical Characteristics
priate chapter discussing diagnosis of pain This presentation includes discrete episodes of
within the affected body region. abnormal involuntary movements of the limbs,
trunk, and facial muscles. Some patients report
■ Parkinson’s Disease lingering muscle stiffness following the attacks.48
Chief Clinical Characteristics The episodes of choreoathetosis may be pro-
This presentation commonly involves resting voked by startle, sudden movement, hyperven-
tremor, bradykinesia, rigidity, and postural tilation, alcohol, coffee, fatigue, or prolonged
instability. Falls are a common problem in exercise. They vary in duration from 10 seconds
individuals with this condition, with up to to up to 4 hours at a time, and may occur dozens
68% falling within a 1-year period and approx- of times per day or only occasionally.29
imately 50% of these individuals falling Background Information
multiple times within that same year.43 Other The exact pathological mechanism of this con-
common signs and symptoms include festi- dition is unknown, but it is thought that the
nation, freezing, micrographia, hypophonia disorder may be genetically linked, or due to a
(hypokinetic dysarthria), akinesia, masked secondary cause such as neurological or meta-
facies, drooling, difficulty turning over in bed, bolic disease.29,48 Individuals with this condi-
dystonia, dyskinesia, dementia, and depression.2 tion tend to respond well to antiepileptic drugs
Background Information and, overall, this condition has been shown to
This condition occurs due to the depletion or spontaneously improve as patients move into
injury of dopamine-producing cells in substan- adulthood.48
tia nigra pars compacta. Clinical signs and ■ Primary Lateral Sclerosis
symptoms are not typically present until after
approximately 80% of dopamine-producing Chief Clinical Characteristics
cells are lost. The definitive diagnosis is made This presentation includes spastic paraparesis of
post-mortem. However, a clinically definitive voluntary muscles with associated upper motor
diagnosis may be made with the presence of at neuron signs in the absence of lower motor neu-
least two of the three criteria—asymmetric ron signs. Onset of difficulty with gait, balance,
resting tremor, bradykinesia, or rigidity—and a and leg weakness appears in the fifth to sixth
positive response to anti-Parkinson medica- decade of life and may progress to affect upper
tions.2,44 Imaging may be useful to exclude extremity and facial musculature.
vascular involvement. Medical management Background Information
may include use of dopamine agonists, levodopa, Imaging, cerebrospinal fluid analysis, and elec-
and other medications to address nonmotor tromyographic studies confirm the diagnosis.
symptoms, such as depression, constipation, In particular, this condition is differentiated
1528_Ch32_665-682 07/05/12 2:01 PM Page 677
rosis only after a period of 3 years from onset This rare, chronic condition is thought to be the
to ensure the absence of lower motor neuron result of an autoimmune process that
signs.2 Treatment for this condition addresses results in continuous motor unit activity.2 Stiff-
symptom management. Physical therapy is person syndrome is characterized by an insidi-
indicated to prevent immobility. This condi- ous onset and follows a progressive course for
tion is not fatal and progression of symptoms months to years before it stabilizes. Diagnosis of
varies; some individuals maintain ambulatory this condition is made by clinical picture, the
status throughout life while others become demonstration of continuous muscle activity in
wheelchair-bound. affected muscles despite an effort to relax, and
enhanced exteroceptive reflexes. Many patients
■ Spinal Cord Infarction (Vascular also present with antibodies to glutamic acid
Myelopathy) decarboxylase, but the role of these antibodies is
Chief Clinical Characteristics not yet fully understood. Treatment options
This presentation depends on the location of include diazepam or baclofen, as well as immune-
the infarction. The most common anterior spinal directed therapy such as plasma exchange, corti-
artery syndrome presents with bilateral, incom- costeroids, or intravenous immunoglobulin.29,51
plete motor paralysis and loss of pinprick and
temperature sensation below the level of the ■ Stroke (Cerebrovascular Accident)
lesion, loss of deep tendon reflexes, sphincter Chief Clinical Characteristics
paralysis, acute complaint of back pain, and This presentation may include a wide range of
spared proprioception. Onset of symptoms symptoms that correspond to specific areas of
occurs over the course of minutes to hours. the brain that are affected, potentially includ-
ing visual disturbances. The initial symptoms
Background Information
can include numbness or weakness, especially
Most forms of this condition are insidious,
on one side of the body or face; confusion or apha-
or secondary to aortic surgery or rupture,
sia; balance deficits or falls; or sudden severe
atherosclerosis, aneurysm, or an acute deficit
headache with no known cause.
of perfusion. Diagnosis is often difficult at
initial presentation, because magnetic reso- Background Information
nance imaging may be negative. Repeat This condition occurs when blood flow to the
magnetic resonance imaging may show T2 brain is interrupted either by blockage (ischemia
hyperintensity secondary to edema.49 This or infarction) or from hemorrhagic disruption.
condition has a severe prognosis with often A thrombosis or embolic occlusion of an artery
permanent disability. Prognosis for recovery causes an ischemic type of this condition.
of ambulation is inversely correlated with the A hemorrhagic type of this condition can be
severity of motor deficit at onset.50 Physical caused by arteriovenous malformation, hyper-
therapy interventions address weakness, tension, aneurysm, neoplasm, drug abuse and
spasticity, and mobility and ambulation trauma. This condition is the most common
deficits. and disabling neurological disorder in adults
and occurs in 114 of every 100,000 people.52
■ Stiff-Person Syndrome This condition is diagnosed using clinical pres-
Chief Clinical Characteristics entation and positive findings on computed
This presentation typically involves progres- tomography and magnetic resonance imaging.
sive, painful muscle stiffness and rigidity along Medication, surgery and interdisciplinary ther-
with spontaneous and reflex muscle spasms. apy are the most common treatments for this
These symptoms are seen primarily in the condition. The prognosis for recovery is pre-
axial and proximal limb muscles and can cause dicted by the magnitude of initial deficit. Factors
walking to become very slow and awkward. that are associated with poor outcomes include
Individuals with this condition also commonly coma, poor cognition, severe aphasia, severe
present with exaggerated lumbar lordosis sec- hemiparesis with little return within 1 month,
ondary to involvement of the lumbar paraspinal visual perceptual disorders, depression, and
muscles.51 incontinence after 2 weeks.53,54
1528_Ch32_665-682 07/05/12 2:01 PM Page 678
Chapter 32 Vasculitis (Giant Cell Arteritis, Temporal Arteritis, Cranial Arteritis) 679
Chief Clinical Characteristics Chief Clinical Characteristics
This presentation may include headaches, This presentation may include spasticity,
seizures, dysphagia, weakness, cognitive weakness, sensory alterations, bowel/bladder
changes, behavioral changes, dizziness, vom- incontinence, back pain, radicular pain,
iting, alterations in the level of consciousness, atrophy, cerebellar signs, balance deficits, falls,
ataxia, aphasia, nystagmus, visual distur- and cranial nerve involvement.56
bances, dysarthria, balance deficits, falls,
Background Information
lethargy, and incoordination.2,31
Types of this condition include ependymoma,
Background Information hemangioblastoma, myeloma, neurofibroma,
Glioblastoma multiforme, astrocytoma, lymphoma, metastasis, meningioma, schwan-
oligodendroglioma, metastatic tumors, pri- noma, and astrocytoma. Extradural tumors,
mary central nervous system lymphomas, such as meningiomas, produce a rapid on-
ganglioglioma, neuroblastoma, menin- set of symptoms, with weakness being pre-
gioma, arachnoid cysts, hemangioblastoma, dominant. Intramedullary tumors, or
medulloblastoma, and acoustic neuroma/ ependymomas, astrocytomas and heman-
schwannoma are some of the more common gioblastomas, present with slowly progres-
brain tumors. Specific diagnoses for brain sive symptoms, of which loss of pain and
tumors may be confirmed with imaging and temperature sensation is usually the first.
biopsy. Treatment is variable depending on The first test to diagnose brain and spinal
the type, size, and location of the tumor and column tumors is a neurological examina-
may include surgical resection, chemother- tion. Special imaging techniques (com-
apy, radiation, corticosteroids, and rehabilita- puted tomography, magnetic resonance im-
tive therapies. Prognosis is also variable and aging, and positron emission tomography)
depends on the type and grade of tumor, are also employed. Specific diagnoses may
severity of compression, and duration of be confirmed with imaging and biopsy.
compression. Treatment is variable depending on the
type, size, and location of the tumor and
■ Spinal Metastases may include surgical resection, chemother-
Chief Clinical Characteristics apy, radiation, corticosteroids, and rehabili-
This presentation can involve spasticity, weak- tative therapies. Prognosis is variable and
ness, sensory alterations, bowel and bladder depends on the type and grade of tumor,
incontinence, neck pain, back pain, radicular severity of compression, and duration of
pain, atrophy, cerebellar signs, balance deficits, compression.
falls, and cranial nerve involvement.2,31,63
■ Vasculitis (Giant Cell Arteritis,
Background Information Temporal Arteritis, Cranial
This condition is the most frequent neoplasm Arteritis)
involving the spine.63 The most common
Chief Clinical Characteristics
types and locations of primary tumors that
This presentation can be characterized by
result in spinal metastases include breast,
headaches, psychiatric syndromes, dementia,
lung, lymphoma, prostate, kidney, gastroin-
peripheral or cranial nerve involvement, pain,
testinal tract, and thyroid.2,64 The diagnosis
seizures, hypertension, hemiparesis, balance
is confirmed with gadolinium enhanced mag-
deficits, neuropathies, myopathies, organ
netic resonance imaging and computed
involvement, fever, and weight loss.2,31,65
tomography.2,63 Treatment is variable depend-
ing on the tumor and may include surgical Background Information
resection, chemotherapy, radiation, corticos- This condition is the result of an immune-
teroids, and rehabilitative therapies.2 Although mediated response resulting in the inflamma-
the long-term prognosis is poor, individuals tion of vascular structures.2,65 It includes a
without paresis and pain and who are still variety of disorders such as giant cell/temporal
ambulatory have longer survival rates.64 arteritis (which is the most common form),
1528_Ch32_665-682 07/05/12 2:01 PM Page 680
primary angiitis of the central nervous sys- peripheral vestibular involvement.72,73 Treat-
tem, Takayasu’s disease, periarteritis nodosa, ment for individuals with an acute whiplash
Kawasaki disease, Churg-Strauss syndrome, may include pain medications, physical therapy
Wegener’s granulomatosis, and secondary modalities, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory
vasculitis associated with systemic lupus drugs, antidepressants, muscle relaxants, and
erythematous, rheumatoid arthritis, and scle- use of a cervical collar. Range of motion
roderma.65 The diagnosis is confirmed and strengthening exercises are key aspects
through history, physical examination, labo- of long-term management. Treatment for
ratory testing, angiography, biopsy, and imag- decreased kinesthetic awareness involves
ing.2,31,65 Corticosteroids, cytotoxic agents, eye–head–neck–trunk coordination exercises.74
intravenous immunoglobulin, and plasma-
pheresis may be used in the treatment of ■ Wilson’s Disease
vasculitis.31,65 Prognosis is variable and depends Chief Clinical Characteristics
on the specific underlying disorder. For This presentation commonly involves liver dys-
example, giant cell arteritis is typically self- function followed by neurological symptoms
limiting within 1 to 2 years; however, death such as tremor, rigidity, drooling, difficulty with
usually occurs within 1 year for individuals speech and abrupt personality change.
with primary angiitis of the central nervous
Background Information
Symptoms of Wilson’s disease usually appear
■ Whiplash Injury in childhood or young adult life75 with a
(Whiplash-Associated Disorder) frequency of 1 in 30,000.76 This condition is
an autosomal recessive disorder in which
Chief Clinical Characteristics
excessive amounts of copper accumulate in
This presentation commonly involves dizziness
the body especially in eye membranes (caus-
in combination with neck pain, stiffness,
ing a golden brown Kayser-Fleischer ring),
headache, abnormal sensations such as burn-
nailbeds, and kidney.31 The gene abnormality
ing or prickling, or shoulder or back pain.66
has been located on chromosome 13, which
Whiplash is characterized by a collection of
causes a deficiency in ceruloplasmin. In the
symptoms that occur following damage to the
central nervous system, cavitation and neu-
neck, usually because of sudden extension and
ronal loss occur within the putamen and
flexion such as might happen in an automobile
globus pallidus. This condition is diagnosed
based on clinical findings supported by bio-
Background Information chemical evidence of low ceruloplasmin, ele-
Cervicocephalic kinesthesia is adversely affected vated unbound serum copper, high urinary
and may be responsible for this condition.67–69 copper excretion, positive liver biopsy and
In addition, some people experience cognitive, copper metabolism tests, and T2-weighted
somatic, or psychological conditions such as magnetic resonance imaging that shows
memory loss, concentration impairment, thalamus and putamen hyperintensity.31
nervousness/irritability, sleep disturbances, Treatment consists of low-copper diet and a
fatigue, or depression. Symptoms such as neck chelating agent (usually penicillamine).31
pain may be present directly after the injury or With adequate treatment, the life span is
may be delayed for several days. The condition normal. If left untreated in children, death
may include injury to intervertebral joints, is predicted in 2 years from hepatic and renal
disks, and ligaments, cervical muscles, and failure. In untreated adults, death is predicted
nerve roots. The trauma may dislodge otoconia in 10 years.31
in the inner ear, leading to benign paroxysmal
positional vertigo, and concerns of dizziness References
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41. Tate ED, Allison TJ, Pranzatelli MR, Verhulst SJ. Neuro- injuries: change and stability over 30 years. Arch Phys
■ Katherine J. Sullivan, PT, PhD, FAHA ■ Katherine M. Weimer, PT, DPT, NCS
T Trauma
Brachial plexus injuries:
• Dejerine-Klumpke palsy (Klumpke’s palsy) 690
• Erb-Duchenne palsy (Erb’s palsy) 690
• Traumatic brachial plexus injury 690
Cervical spondylotic myelopathy 691
• Carpal tunnel syndrome 700
• Compression neuropathy 700
• Peripheral neuropathies 702
Spinal cord injuries:
• Brown-Sequard syndrome 705
• Central cord syndrome 706
• Conus medullaris syndrome 706
• Traumatic spinal cord injury 706
Thoracic outlet syndrome 708
Traumatic brain injury 710
1528_Ch33_683-715 07/05/12 2:01 PM Page 684
Trauma (continued)
Bell’s palsy 689
Brachial plexus injuries:
• Dejerine-Klumpke palsy (Klumpke’s palsy) 690
• Erb-Duchenne palsy (Erb’s palsy) 690
Hydromyelia (syringomyelia) 693
Locked-in syndrome 696
I Inflammation
Not applicable
Poliomyelitis (undeveloped countries) 704
Rheumatoid arthritis 705
Behçet’s disease 689
Multiple sclerosis 698
• Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy 700
• Multifocal motor neuropathy 701
Systemic lupus erythematosus 707
Neurological complications of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome 699
Poliomyelitis (most developed countries) 704
Acute demyelinating polyneuropathy (Guillain-Barré syndrome) 687
Critical illness polyneuropathy 691
Inflammatory myopathies:
• Dermatomyositis 694
• Inclusion body myositis 694
• Polymyositis 694
Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome 695
Lyme disease (tick paralysis) 696
Miller Fisher syndrome 697
Neurosarcoidosis 702
Transverse myelitis 709
Botulism 689
Neurosyphilis (tabes dorsalis, syphilitic spinal sclerosis, progressive locomotor ataxia) 703
Tropical spastic paralysis 710
1528_Ch33_683-715 07/05/12 2:01 PM Page 685
M Metabolic
• Diabetes mellitus-induced neuropathies 701
Mitochondrial myopathies 697
Toxic myopathy 709
Cushing’s syndrome (hypercortisolism) 691
Glycogen storage diseases (glycogenosis, Pompe’s disease, McArdle’s disease, Cori’s disease) 693
Lipid storage diseases of muscle 696
Myasthenia gravis 699
• Toxic neuropathy 702
Neurotoxicity 703
Thyrotoxic myopathy (Graves’ disease) 708
Va Vascular
Stroke (cerebrovascular accident) 707
Arteriovenous malformation 688
Spinal cord infarction (vascular myelopathy) 705
Transient ischemic attack 709
Moyamoya disease 697
Normal pressure hydrocephalus 703
Vasculitis (giant cell arteritis, temporal arteritis, cranial arteritis) 711
De Degenerative
Deconditioning 692
Not applicable
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (Lou Gehrig disease) 688
Parry-Romberg syndrome 703
Post-polio syndrome 704
Primary lateral sclerosis 705
Tu Tumor
Not applicable
1528_Ch33_683-715 07/05/12 2:01 PM Page 686
Tumor (continued)
Malignant Primary, such as:
• Brain primary tumors 710
Malignant Metastatic, such as:
Not applicable
Not applicable
Malignant Primary, such as:
• Spinal primary tumors 711
Malignant Metastatic, such as:
• Brain metastases 710
• Spinal metastases 711
Benign, such as:
• Angiomatosis (Von Hippel-Lindau disease) 688
Co Congenital
Not applicable
Muscular dystrophy 698
Tethered spinal cord syndrome 707
Arnold-Chiari malformation (Chiari malformation) 688
Bulbospinal muscular atrophy (Kennedy’s disease, X-linked bulbospinal neuronopathy) 691
Familial periodic paralysis 692
Friedreich’s ataxia 692
Hereditary spastic paraplegia (familial spastic paralysis) 693
Kearns-Sayre syndrome 695
Machado-Joseph disease 696
Monomelic amyotrophy (benign focal amyotrophy, Hirayama syndrome, O’Sullivan-McLeod
syndrome) 697
• Hereditary motor and sensory neuropathies 701
Pelizaeus-Merzbacher disease 704
Spinal muscular atrophy (Werdnig-Hoffmann disease, Kugelberg-Welander disease) 707
Ne Neurogenic/Psychogenic
Not applicable
Hysterical paralysis 694
Todd’s paralysis 708
Note: These are estimates of relative incidence because few data are available for the less common conditions.
1528_Ch33_683-715 07/05/12 2:01 PM Page 687
postural muscles with normal to reduced mus-
Weakness, the inability to generate force, can cle tone and no sensory loss. Myopathic disor-
result from pathological disease conditions ders are diseases that affect muscle fibers;
that affect the nervous system or motor unit. therefore, weakness is most noticeable in prox-
In addition, factors such as age, disuse, immo- imal muscle groups with no sensory loss and
bilization, and musculoskeletal trauma can normal tendon reflexes until later in the disease
have a direct and immediate effect on muscle course when tendon reflexes may be depressed.
function that can result in weakness.1 Weak-
ness must be differentiated from generalized Description of Conditions That
fatigue. Individuals with conditions that cause May Lead to Weakness
fatigue may describe themselves as feeling
weak or lacking strength. Fatigue may be asso- ■ Acute Demyelinating
ciated with poor physical health, psychological Polyneuropathy (Guillain-Barré
health, or sleep disorders. In some cases, such Syndrome)
as multiple sclerosis, fatigue can be primarily
Chief Clinical Characteristics
associated with the disease state or may be a
This presentation typically involves progressive
secondary complication of functioning daily
paresthesias described as numbness, tingling, and
with a degenerative neurological disease that
prickling, and weakness over the course of sev-
results in progressive weakness.
eral days to a few weeks. Lower extremities in
Individuals who may have weakness that is
a distal to proximal pattern are usually affected
directly related to impairments in strength will
first, followed by upper extremities. Muscles of
often report changes in functional ability. In-
the trunk and face may be affected. If paralysis
ability to come to a standing position or clear
progresses to respiratory muscles, a ventilator
the foot during walking or an increased inci-
may be required. In the majority of cases, a mild
dence of falls may be related to changes in
gastrointestinal or respiratory infection pre-
lower extremity strength. Inability to manipu-
cedes symptoms.
late items with the hands, problems reaching
overhead, and changes in ability to lift and Background Information
carry loads may be related to changes in upper Symptoms are a result of immunologic reac-
extremity strength. tion causing demyelination of peripheral
Weakness of pathological origin can result nerves, and in severe cases, axonal degenera-
from involvement of the central nervous sys- tion as well. In addition to clinical presenta-
tem, peripheral nervous system, or the muscle tion, differential diagnosis is established by
itself. Therefore, it is common to determine if the presence of increased lymphocytes and an
the pattern of weakness and the associated increase in protein in cerebrospinal fluid as
neurological signs are consistent with an well as electromyographic findings of reduc-
upper motor neuron or lower motor neuron tion in amplitudes of muscle action poten-
syndrome, neuromuscular transmission disor- tials, slowed conduction velocity, conduction
der, or myopathic disease.2 An upper motor block in motor nerves, and prolonged distal
neuron syndrome indicates disease or injury of latencies. Standard treatment includes ad-
the central nervous system in which weakness ministration of intravenous immune globu-
is accompanied by hyperreflexia (increased lin and plasma exchange. The majority of in-
deep tendon reflexes). A lower motor neuron dividuals recover completely or almost
syndrome indicates disease or injury of the completely within a few weeks to a few
peripheral nervous system in which weakness months; however, the presence of axonal de-
is accompanied by hyporeflexia (decrease in generation increases the regeneration time
deep tendon reflexes). Neuromuscular trans- period to 6 to 18 months. Three percent to
mission disorders are characterized by fluctuat- 5% of individuals with this condition do not
ing weakness, particularly of muscles with high survive.3
1528_Ch33_683-715 07/05/12 2:01 PM Page 688
(Lou Gehrig Disease) individuals and depend on the size and loca-
Chief Clinical Characteristics tion of the tumors. Individuals with this con-
This presentation includes weakness that can dition are also at a higher risk than normal for
begin in the muscles of the lower or upper certain types of cancer, especially kidney can-
limbs, trunk, face or throat. People affected cer. Treatment varies according to the location
will complain of difficulty walking or running, and size of the tumor and its associated cyst. In
writing, speakiing clearly, or swallowing. The general, the objective is to treat the tumors
disease advances rapidly with death usually when they are causing symptoms but are still
occuring within 5 years due to respiratory small. Treatment of most cases usually involves
failure. surgical resection. Certain tumors can be
treated with focused high-dose irradiation.
Background Information Individuals with this condition need careful
A hallmark of this condition is the presence monitoring by a physician and/or medical
of weakness accompanied by fasciculations team familiar with the condition.
(muscle fiber twitching) and hyperreflexia of
one or more segmental reflexes. ALS is a ■ Arnold-Chiari Malformation
degenerative disease that affects the pyramidal (Chiari Malformation)
cells of the motor cortex and the motor Chief Clinical Characteristics
neurons in the brainstem and spinal cord. The This presentation may include visual or
presentation of hyperreflexia with weakness, swallowing disturbances in combination with
atrophy, and fasciculation is due to the pro- pain in the occipital or posterior cervical areas,
gressive and relentless death of upper and downbeating nystagmus, progressive ataxia,
lower motor neurons throughout the nervous progressive spastic quadriparesis, or cervical
system. Sensation, cognitive function, and syringomyelia.4,5
bowel and bladder control are not affected.
While there are some familial variants, the Background Information
majority of cases are idiopathic, thought to be This condition encompasses a number of con-
related to a possible toxic exposure. genital abnormalities at the base of the brain,
including extension of the cerebellar tissue or
■ Angiomatosis (Von displacement of the medulla and fourth ven-
Hippel-Lindau Disease) tricle into the cervical canal.4 This condition
Chief Clinical Characteristics has two main types. Individuals with the more
This presentation commonly includes headaches, common form of this condition, Type I, often
problems with balance and walking, dizziness, remain asymptomatic until adolescence or
weakness of the limbs, vision problems, and high adult life.4 Type II is primarily seen in infants
blood pressure. and young children. Please see the pediatric
section of this textbook for a more complete
Background Information description of this type. Diagnosis is made by
This condition is a rare, genetic multisystem magnetic resonance imaging, computed to-
condition characterized by the abnormal mography, myelography, or some combination
growth of tumors in certain parts of the body of these tests.5 Treatment varies depending on
(angiomatosis). Tumors of the central nervous clinical progression, and may include surgical
system are benign, are comprised of a nest of intervention such as an upper cervical
blood vessels, and are called hemangioblas- laminectomy or enlargement of the foramen
tomas (or angiomas in the eye). Heman- magnum. Even with surgery symptoms may
gioblastomas may develop in the brain, the persist or progress.4
retina of the eye, and other areas of the nerv-
ous system. Other types of tumors develop ■ Arteriovenous Malformation
in the adrenal glands, the kidneys, or the Chief Clinical Characteristics
pancreas. Cysts (fluid-filled sacs) and/or tumors This presentation may be characterized by
(benign or cancerous) may develop around the weakness, seizures and severe headache.
hemangioblastomas and cause the symptoms Hemorrhage may result in paresis, ataxia,
1528_Ch33_683-715 07/05/12 2:01 PM Page 689
disturbances, visual disturbances, aphasia, Chief Clinical Characteristics
paresthesias, and cognitive deficits.3 This presentation typically involves unilateral
Background Information facial paralysis and is characterized by acute
This condition is caused by a tangle of arteries drooping of the eyelid and/or corner of the
and veins caused by a developmental abnormal- mouth, drooling, impairment of taste, and dry-
ity that likely arises during embryonic or fetal ness of the eye with or without excessive tear-
development. Approximately 12% of the 300,000 ing that progresses within 48 hours. Tactile
individuals in the United States with this condi- sensation is intact. Facial paralysis is commonly
tion are symptomatic. Neurological damage unilateral, though in rare cases may present
occurs due to reduction of oxygen delivery, bilaterally. All three quadrants of the face are
hemorrhage, or compression of nearby struc- affected. Long-term facial paralysis may lead to
tures of the brain or spinal cord due to the tan- synkinesis (imbalance of muscular activation),
gle of vessels. Computed tomography, magnetic resulting in significant facial distortion.7
resonance imaging, and arteriography confirm Background Information
the diagnosis. Ligation and embolization may be This condition is caused by an idiopathic in-
used to reduce the size of the lesion prior to flammation of the facial nerve, likely due to a
surgical excision, which is the preferred method viral infection, commonly herpes simplex.
of treatment. Stereotactic radiation and proton Diagnosis utilizes clinical examination to rule
beam therapy are alternative approaches to inva- out other causes of facial weakness; for exam-
sive methods of intervention. Up to 90% of in- ple, facial weakness due to cortical or subcorti-
dividuals who experience a hemorrhagic arteri- cal lesions is associated with impaired sensation
ovenous malformation survive.3 and the frontalis and levator palpebrae muscles
are weakened, but not paralyzed. Treatment
■ Behçet’s Disease involves antiviral and anti-inflammatory med-
Chief Clinical Characteristics ications and physical therapy to address paraly-
This presentation may include bilateral pyram- sis and symmetry of motion and to prevent
idal signs (signs related to lesions of upper synkineses.7-10 Natural recovery of facial motor
motor neurons or descending pyramidal control occurs within 3 to 6 months in 94% of
tracts, such as a positive Babinski sign or hyper- patients with incomplete paralysis, but residual
reflexia), headache, memory loss, hemiparesis, synkinesis and weakness often remains in those
cerebellar ataxia, balance deficits, sphincter with complete palsies.8
dysfunction, or cranial nerve palsies. In addi-
tion to these neurological signs individuals with ■ Botulism
this condition also may present with arthritis; Chief Clinical Characteristics
renal, gastrointestinal, vascular, and cardiac This presentation involves nausea and vomit-
diseases; and genital, oral, and cutaneous ing, followed by rapid onset and progression of
ulcerations.6 diplopia, blurred vision, ptosis, dysphagia,
flaccid descending paralysis, and possible pro-
Background Information
gression to respiratory failure. There are no
Mean age of onset is in the third decade of life.
central neurological manifestations or sensory
Diagnostic criteria according to an international
study group include presence of recurrent oral
ulceration, recurrent genital ulceration, eye Background Information
lesions, skin lesions, papulopustular lesions, Botulism toxin affects the function of cranial
and/or a positive pathergy test.3,6 Medical nerve musculature, skeletal muscle, and the
treatment typically consists of corticosteroids diaphragm by preventing the release of acetyl-
and immunosuppressants. Neurological symp- choline from synaptic terminals, thus blocking
toms tend to clear within weeks, but can some- neuromuscular transmission.12 The food-
times recur or result in permanent deficits.3 borne variety of this condition is the most
Onset before the age of 25 and male sex indicate common variant, followed by infant, wound,
a poorer prognosis. and intestinal. Differential diagnosis especially
1528_Ch33_683-715 07/05/12 2:01 PM Page 690
residual weakness and impaired functional successfully managed with conservative treat-
use of the extremity, the majority of patients ment including anti-inflammatory medication
report satisfaction with their quality of life and physical therapy.22 In severe disease, with
postinjury and/or postsurgical repair.18 significantly narrowed canal and severe neuro-
logical compromise, surgical decompression is
■ Bulbospinal Muscular Atrophy indicated and patients have the potential to
(Kennedy’s Disease, X-Linked recover strength and function and to decrease
Bulbospinal Neuronopathy) pain.22,23
Chief Clinical Characteristics
This presentation can be characterized by severe, ■ Critical Illness Polyneuropathy
diffuse muscle cramping and fasciculations, Chief Clinical Characteristics
muscle weakness in a limb-girdle distribution, This condition is characterized by symmetric
and postural hand tremor. Other symptoms limb muscle weakness, often sparing cranial
include variable bulbar muscle weakness, gyneco- nerve musculature, with hyporeflexia or are-
mastia, premature muscle exhaustion, and flexia, sensory loss, and involvement of the
hyporeflexia or areflexia.19,20 phrenic nerve with resultant diaphragm weak-
ness.24 Patients are often unable to wean from
Background Information mechanical ventilation after the acute present-
This condition is a rare, x-linked, progressive ing illness has resolved.25
neuromuscular disorder that is usually seen in
males between 30 and 50 years old. Diagnosis Background Information
is made by clinical features, electrophysiologi- This condition is estimated to be present in 25%
cal study, and genetic testing.19 There is cur- to 50% of patients in surgical and medical inten-
rently no proven treatment for this disease, sive care units. It generally occurs in the presence
but genetic counseling is recommended upon of sepsis, systemic inflammatory response syn-
diagnosis.21 This condition is usually associ- drome, and multiorgan failure within the first 2
ated with a normal life span, but individuals to 5 days.25 Electrodiagnostic investigation con-
may experience significant disability.19 firms the presence of denervation consistent
with sensorimotor axonal polyneuropathy.24
■ Cervical Spondylotic Myelopathy Critical medical care may include intubation,
Chief Clinical Characteristics physical therapy, prevention of pressure ulcers
This presentation can be characterized by weak- and compression neuropathies, and psychologi-
ness and sensory loss to light touch, vibration, cal support. There is no proven treatment for
and position sense occurring in a radicular this condition.24 Roughly half of patients with
pattern in the upper extremity. Presentation of mild forms of this condition who survive the
associated signs of upper and lower extremity initial causative illness completely return to the
paresis, hypertonia, and hyperreflexia indicates previous level of function.25 However, many
involvement of the corticospinal tract.4 continue to have persistent functional disabili-
ties, reduced quality of life, and restrictions in
Background Information participation 1 year after onset.26 Therefore, in-
This condition is caused by spondylitic changes tensive interdisciplinary rehabilitation is crucial
in the cervical spine that compress the cord. It to reduce disability and achieve autonomy and
occurs in middle to late age and is more com- social participation.25,26
mon in men than women. Upon clinical exam-
ination, patients will have cervical spine abnor- ■ Cushing’s Syndrome
malities, crepitus, restricted range of motion, (Hypercortisolism)
pain, and abnormal reflexes.3 Diagnosis in- Chief Clinical Characteristics
volves clinical history and examination, use of This presentation includes severe weakness of
imaging, electrophysiological testing, and use the proximal limb and girdle muscles often
of additional diagnostic tests to rule out com- manifested by difficulty climbing stairs or
peting diagnosis. Management is controversial. rising from a low chair. Additional signs and
Many individuals with this condition can be symptoms include fatigue, obesity of the upper
1528_Ch33_683-715 07/05/12 2:01 PM Page 692
followed by degeneration of the posterior (Familial Spastic Paralysis)
column and spinocerebellar and pyramidal Chief Clinical Characteristics
tracts.4,35 Magnetic resonance imaging may This presentation includes insidious, progres-
show atrophic changes characteristic of the sive difficulty with walking due to bilateral,
disorder, and should be performed along with symmetric lower extremity spastic weakness.
genetic testing and electrocardiography for Patients may report tripping, stumbling, and
definitive diagnosis. There is currently no falling, as well as urinary urgency.40
medical treatment to slow or stop disease pro-
gression, but individuals with this condition Background Information
may benefit from surgical intervention to cor- This condition can be divided into two types.
rect foot and spine deformities and allow for The complicated form of this condition is
improved mobility. Average lifetime survival is indicated by the presence of neurological
25 to 30 years of age.4,35 abnormalities such as dementia, mental retar-
dation, epilepsy, extrapyramidal disturbance,
■ Glycogen Storage Diseases ataxia, deafness, retinopathy, optic neuropathy,
(Glycogenosis, Pompe’s Disease, peripheral neuropathy, and skin lesions.
McArdle’s Disease, Cori’s Disease) The uncomplicated form is indicated by the
Chief Clinical Characteristics absence of these features.41 This condition is a
This presentation typically involves benign trun- group of inherited disorders with a primary
cal and proximal limb myopathy or exercise- pathological feature of axonal degeneration of
induced severe myalgia, cramping, and fatigue the distal ends of the longest ascending and
in adults.36 descending tracts, resulting in the characteris-
tic spasticity.40,41 Diagnosis is made by the
Background Information presence of symptoms of gait disturbance,
This condition refers to a group of 11 autoso- neurological findings of corticospinal tract
mal recessive diseases of glycogen storage deficits in the lower extremities, family history
affecting the liver, heart, and skeletal muscle.37 or genetic testing, and exclusion of any other
Pathophysiology is due to inherited deficien- disorders that could account for the symp-
cies of enzymes that regulate the synthesis or toms.40 Current treatment is limited to
degradation of glycogen.38 The many variants decreasing muscle spasticity through exercise
of this condition differ in the age of presenta- and medication. Physical therapy is beneficial
tion from infancy to adulthood and predomi- for the maintenance and improvement of
nance of presenting symptoms, such as muscle flexibility, muscle strength, gait, and
proximal weakness in Pompe’s disease, mixed cardiovascular fitness.40 Prognosis varies, and
proximal and distal weakness in Cori’s disease, those with an onset after adolescence are more
and cramping and fatigue after exercise in likely to have insidious worsening.40
McArdle’s disease.39 Diagnosis involves elec-
tromyography, blood studies, and muscle ■ Hydromyelia (Syringomyelia)
biopsy. Treatment consists of dietary therapy, Chief Clinical Characteristics
enzyme replacement, activity modification, This presentation involves insidious onset of
and symptom-based care. The prognosis for symptoms including upper and lower extrem-
individuals with glycogenoses varies according ity weakness and numbness, and less commonly,
to the variant, onset, and severity of symp- pain. Trauma usually precedes the onset on
toms. Serious long-term complications such as symptoms, but the time frame for subsequent
nephropathy, cirrhosis, cardiomyopathy, and development of weakness and sensory changes
progressive myopathy are a major concern.38 is variable.
This condition is characterized by slow pro-
gressive weakness over years that eventually Background Information
results in death secondary to failure of respira- This condition is caused by an abnormal
tory musculature. widening of the central canal of the spinal
1528_Ch33_683-715 07/05/12 2:01 PM Page 694
cord, leading to the accumulation of cere- proximal to distal pattern.3 Associated symp-
brospinal fluid and hydrocephalus. Differential toms include muscle ache and tenderness,
diagnosis must be made between hydromyelia fatigue, discomfort, weight loss, and low-grade
and other disorders such as syringomyelia, fever.
spinal cord tumor, and spinal arteriovenous
Background Information
malformation. Magnetic resonance imaging
This condition is an inflammatory myopathy
and electromyography are used to confirm the
with a severe onset, affecting children and
diagnosis of this condition. Surgery may be in-
adults, and females more often than males.
dicated to decrease or eliminate the symptoms.
Diagnostic criteria include typical changes
Prognosis is variable.
upon muscle biopsy, electrodiagnostic abnor-
malities characteristic of myopathy, and skin
■ Hysterical Paralysis
lesion/rash.3 Pharmacologic treatment with
Chief Clinical Characteristics steroids, immunosuppressants, and intra-
This presentation commonly includes a varied venous immunoglobulin is often combined
presentation of weakness associated with with physical therapy to preserve muscle
sensory loss, but no change in sphincter tone or function and prevent secondaryimpair-
reflexes.42 ments.44 Most cases respond to therapy.
Individuals with concomitant cardiac or pul-
Background Information monary involvement have a poorer prognosis
This condition is a type of conversion disorder.
The presentation of nonorganic loss of motor ■ Inclusion Body Myositis
function is often precipitated by a traumatic Chief Clinical Characteristics
event.43 All diagnostic testing, such as imaging, This presentation may include onset of prox-
laboratory investigation, and electrodiagnostic imal and distal muscle weakness that may
testing, fails to identify dysfunction. Inconsis- asymmetrically affect the extremities, with
tencies in history, physical examination, and common early involvement of the knee exten-
presentation following traumatic event should sor, ankle dorsiflexor, and wrist and finger
lead to suspicion of hysterical paralysis.42 The flexor greater than extensor muscle groups.45
DSM-IV-TR criteria must be met to fulfill the
diagnosis of conversion disorder. Intervention Background Information
includes treatment of any underlying depres- Isolated erector spinae weakness may cause
sion or anxiety disorders as well as behavior- “droopy neck syndrome.” Dysphagia is com-
oriented therapy and biofeedback.43 With mon in individuals with this condition. The
proper psychological intervention and discus- mean age of onset is 55 to 60 years, and
sion of physical findings and discrepancies with approximately 80% of individuals with
the patient, prognosis for full recovery of func- this condition begin to demonstrate symp-
tion is excellent, and 98% of patients/clients will toms and signs after age 50 years.46 The
demonstrate recovery within 1 year.43 histopathological hallmark of this condition
is protein aggregates consisting of inclusion
INFLAMMATORY MYOPATHIES bodies within affected muscle fibers. Patho-
physiology is unclear, although roles for
■ Dermatomyositis degeneration and humoral immunity have
Chief Clinical Characteristics been suggested. This condition typically is
This presentation typically involves patchy, unresponsive to immunosuppressive agents,
bluish-purple (heliotrope) discolorations of and optimal treatment remains unclear.
face, neck, shoulders, upper chest, elbows, Severe disease results in significant disability,
knees, knuckles, and back often preceding or but is rarely fatal.
coinciding with onset of symmetrical truncal
or proximal limb weakness. Individuals ■ Polymyositis
with this condition have difficulty arising Chief Clinical Characteristics
from a chair, climbing stairs, and lifting This presentation is characterized by onset
objects. Progression of weakness occurs in a of subacute or chronic and symmetrical
1528_Ch33_683-715 07/05/12 2:01 PM Page 695
weakness of proximal and trunk muscles, re- analysis and histological verification of
sulting in difficulty arising from a chair, the presence of ragged red fibers may be
climbing stairs, and carrying objects. helpful in determining diagnosis.48 Treat-
Polymyositis most commonly occurs in young ment is mostly symptomatic and supportive,
adulthood. Progression occurs in a proximal although cardiac symptoms may be managed
to distal pattern. Associated symptoms with medication. This condition is a slowly
include difficulty swallowing, muscle tender- progressive disorder and prognosis is often
ness, and an absence of dermatitis. determined by the degree of heart conduc-
tion impairment.50
Background Information
Diagnostic criteria for this condition include ■ Lambert-Eaton Myasthenic
weakness evolving over weeks to months Syndrome
sparing facial and eye muscles manifested in
patients 18 years and older; absence of Chief Clinical Characteristics
rash; no family history of neuromuscular, This presentation includes insidious onset of
endocrine, or neurogenic disease; no expo- symmetrical weakness in the trunk, pelvic
sure to myotoxic drugs; and exclusion of girdle, lower extremities, and shoulder girdle.
other myopathies via clinical examination, Report of a perception of increased strength
muscle biopsy, and exclusion of myopathies after a few muscle contractions, followed by
commonly associated with another autoim- weakness after prolonged exertion, is character-
mune disease or viral infection (ie, Crohn’s istic of this condition. Additional symptoms
disease, myasthenia gravis, or human im- include paresthesias, aching pain, dry mouth,
munodeficiency virus or acquired immun- constipation, difficult micturition, and impo-
odeficiency syndrome).47 Treatment involves tence.3 This presentation initially includes
steroidal, immunosuppressive, and/or intra- difficulty rising from a chair, climbing stairs, and
venous immunoglobulin medications. walking.
However, the optimal therapeutic regimen Background Information
remains unclear.44 Physical therapy is indi- The pathological process of this condition in-
cated to prevent muscle atrophy and con- volves a defect in the release of acetylcholine
tractures. Prognosis is variable. Severe dis- from presynaptic nerve terminals due to a loss
ease not responsive to therapy results in of voltage-sensitive calcium channels on the
significant disability, but is rarely fatal. presynaptic motor nerve channel. Approxi-
■ Kearns-Sayre Syndrome mately two-thirds of the known cases are asso-
ciated with cancer.3 Of those, small-cell lung
Chief Clinical Characteristics cancer is the most prevalent. This condition is
This presentation commonly includes a classic also associated with autoimmune diseases. The
triad of symptoms, involving progressive exter- syndrome of symmetrical weakness and easily
nal ophthalmoplegia, retinal pigmentary degen- fatigable proximal muscles combined with dry
eration, and heart block. Common additional mouth and aching pain suggests the diagnosis.
findings include cerebellar dysfunction, my- Differential diagnosis especially includes amy-
opathy, ataxia, sensorineural hearing loss, men- otrophic lateral sclerosis, multiple sclerosis,
tal retardation, growth hormone deficit with polymyositis, and myasthenia gravis. The Ten-
dwarfism, hypoparathyroidism, and diabetes silon test is the primary method used to distin-
mellitus.48,49 guish myasthenia gravis from this condition.
Background Information Treatment of the underlying pathological
Etiology has not been established, however process, usually a tumor or autoimmune dis-
this rare, sporadic mitochondrial disorder is ease, is the first goal, followed by administration
thought to occur via a mutation in either of cholinesterase inhibitors and immunosup-
the ovum or zygote.48 Diagnosis is established pressants.3 Prognosis varies depending on the
with a combination of clinical, radiologic, association with a tumor or autoimmune dis-
pathological, biochemical, and molecular ease, with the prognosis being worse in the
studies. Mitochondrial deoxyribonucleic acid presence of a tumor.
1528_Ch33_683-715 07/05/12 2:01 PM Page 696
of reduced width of superior and middle cere- encephalomyopathy with lactic acidosis and
bellar peduncles, atrophy of the frontal and stroke-like episodes, as well as other childhood-
temporal lobes, and decreased size of the pons onset disorders.4 A combination of clinical
and globus pallidus. There is no treatment for picture, histological findings of ragged red
this condition, and prognosis is poor.3 fibers, elevated serum lactate, and possible
family history contributes to the diagnosis of
■ Miller Fisher Syndrome this condition.4 There is no specific treatment,
Chief Clinical Characteristics but new research shows that patients may ben-
This presentation can be characterized by an efit from physical therapy for submaximal
acute onset of the classic triad of ophthalmople- exercise training.57 Most patients experience
gia, ataxia, and areflexia. Additional symp- lifelong progression of the disease, and prog-
toms include mydriasis, sensory loss, facial nosis varies according to the type of disease
palsy, bulbar palsy, dysesthesia, weakness, and and amount of involvement.4
urinary incontinence.55
■ Monomelic Amyotrophy (Benign
Background Information
Focal Amyotrophy, Hirayama
This condition is thought to be a variant
Syndrome, O’Sullivan-McLeod
form of acute demyelinating polyneuropathy
(Guillain-Barré syndrome) and is usually
preceded by infectious gastrointestinal or Chief Clinical Characteristics
respiratory symptoms approximately 8 days This presentation typically involves slowly
before onset of symptoms.55 Diagnosis is progressive unilateral weakness and atrophy
based on clinical presentation. In addition, restricted to one limb (more commonly
elevated cerebrospinal fluid protein values arm/hand than leg/foot) followed by a period
and electrophysiological examination demon- of stabilization of symptoms. Sensation is intact.
strating conduction block or axonal damage Background Information
on limbs of normal strength can help rein- This condition usually occurs in males
force the diagnosis.56 Plasmapheresis and between the ages of 15 and 25 and is more
administration of intravenous immunoglob- frequently seen in Asia, particularly in Japan
ulins have both been found to be helpful in and India.58 Pathophysiology is unknown, but
decreasing recovery time.56 The natural this condition is thought to be due to a degen-
course of recovery in individuals with this eration of the lower motor neuron. Diagnosis
condition is good with minimal disability is made through history, clinical presentation,
seen 6 months after onset.55 electromyographic evidence of denervation
■ Mitochondrial Myopathies and polyphasics in the affected limb, and
possible imaging evidence of muscle atrophy.
Chief Clinical Characteristics Differential diagnosis particularly includes
This presentation typically involves a combina- spinal muscular atrophy, amyotrophic lateral
tion of exercise intolerance, ataxia, seizures, sclerosis, and post-polio syndrome. Clinical
myoclonus, headaches, small strokes, ophthal- presentation can delineate specific syndromes
moplegia, deafness, muscle cramps, and/or of this condition, such as O’Sullivan-McLeod
slowly progressive myopathy with proximal syndrome and Hirayama syndrome.59 Treat-
greater than distal involvement. Other less ment consists of muscle strengthening exer-
common symptoms that may be seen include cises and training in hand coordination. Weak-
dementia, lactic acidosis, ptosis, and cardiac ness continues to progress slowly over a period
conduction defects.4,57 of months to years before reaching a plateau.
Background Information Recovery of strength and function is possible,
This condition refers to a large group of but residual weakness remains.58
disorders that result from a mutation in the
mitochondrial genome, resulting in damage ■ Moyamoya Disease
to the mitochondria. These disorders include Chief Clinical Characteristics
Kearns-Sayre syndrome, myoclonus epilepsy This presentation may include weakness of
with ragged red fibers, mitochondrial an arm, a leg, or arm and leg unilaterally in
1528_Ch33_683-715 07/05/12 2:01 PM Page 698
combination with unsteady gait, involuntary include female sex, younger age of onset,
contractures, and cardiac involvement. Addi- Acquired Immunodeficiency
tional dystrophies include oculopharyngeal, dis- Syndrome
tal muscular dystrophies, congenital muscular Chief Clinical Characteristics
dystrophies, and myotonic dystrophy. Diagno- This presentation is variable and dependent on
sis requires laboratory studies, deoxyribonu- the affected neuroanatomical structures in an
cleic acid analysis, clinical examination, individual with acquired immunodeficiency
and family history when available. There is syndrome.67
no specific treatment. Medical management
consists of nutritional support, pharmacologic Background Information
management to retard progression or manage This condition may be categorized by:
symptoms, and physical therapy to protect
range of motion, strength, and function. 1. Meningitic symptoms including headache,
Supportive care and equipment recommenda- malaise, and fever (such as secondary to
tions are also provided. The prognosis varies meningitis, cryptococcal meningitis, tuber-
depending on the type of dystrophy; the life culous meningitis, and human immunode-
expectancy of individuals with Duchenne type ficiency virus headache)
is usually limited to late adolescence, whereas 2. Focal cerebral symptoms including hemi-
those with the scapulohumeral type live into paresis, aphasia, apraxia, sensory deficits,
the seventh or eighth decade. homonymous hemianopia, cranial nerve
involvement, balance deficits, incoordina-
■ Myasthenia Gravis tion, and/or ataxia (such as secondary to
cerebral toxoplasmosis, primary central nerv-
Chief Clinical Characteristics ous system lymphoma, and progressive
This presentation is characterized by weak- multifocal leukoencephalopathy)
ness that worsens during periods of activity and 3. Diffuse cerebral symptoms that involve
improves after periods of rest. Patients present cognitive deficits, altered level of conscious-
with variable degrees of weakness, ranging ness, hyperreflexia, Babinski sign, presence of
from ptosis or diplopia to critical respiratory primitive reflexes (such as secondary to
weakness. Muscles that control speech, facial postinfectious encephalomyelitis, acquired
expression, mastication, swallowing, breath- immunodeficiency dementia complex,
ing, and neck and limb movements may be cytomegalovirus encephalitis)
involved.65 4. Myelopathy associated with gait difficulties,
spasticity, ataxia, balance deficits, and hyper-
Background Information
reflexia (such as secondary to herpes zoster
This condition is caused by autoimmune
myelitis, vacuolar myelopathy that occurs
mediated acetylcholine receptor damage,
with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
resulting in a deficit in neuromuscular trans-
dementia complex)
mission. Diagnosis is achieved through clinical
5. Peripheral involvement associated with
observation of skeletal muscle weakness
sensory changes, weakness, balance deficits,
increased by exercise and relieved by rest, im-
and pain (such as secondary to peripheral
provement with anticholinesterase medica-
neuropathy, acute and chronic inflamma-
tions, electrophysiological evidence of limited
tory demyelinating polyneuropathies).3,68
neuromuscular transmission, and the presence
of circulating acetylcholine receptor antibodies. Abnormal neurological findings are ob-
Medications are used to improve function of served during a clinical examination in approx-
the neuromuscular junction and alter the im- imately one-third of patients with acquired
mune response, but have significant side effects. immunodeficiency syndrome; however, on
Thymectomy and plasmapheresis are other autopsy most individuals with this condition
possible therapeutic interventions.66 With treat- have abnormalities within the nervous sys-
ment, most patients with myasthenia gravis tem.3 Diagnosis of the variable neurological
recover control of the affected musculature; complications associated with this condition
however, some weakness may remain or relapse. may be confirmed with laboratory tests,
1528_Ch33_683-715 07/05/12 2:01 PM Page 700
cerebrospinal fluid cultures, imaging, nerve con- impaired sensation in the legs and hands,
wrist. Other upper extremity neuropathies condition may be a result of vascular com-
include interdigital, ulnar, radial, and tho- plications disrupting the supply of nutrients
racic outlet syndrome. Lower extremity to the nerves.54,77 A thorough history, physi-
compression neuropathies include peroneal, cal examination (specifically including the
femoral, saphenous, lateral femoral cuta- assessment of deep tendon reflexes and sen-
neous, and obturator nerve lesions, as well as sory examination), electromyography/nerve
tarsal tunnel syndrome. Diagnosis involves conduction testing, and laboratory screen
clinical examination, detailed history, and helps to differentiate other causes of neu-
often electrodiagnostic testing. Prognosis for ropathy.75,76 Treatment consists of maintain-
recovery of sensation and strength is poor in ing a normal range of blood glucose lev-
the presence of lower motor neuron signs els.3,75,76 In addition, individuals with this
and trophic changes, indicating long-stand- condition may prevent complications by
ing compression. However, if diagnosed completing visual inspection of the skin and
early, prognosis for recovery of sensation routine podiatry care.76 Medications may
and strength is good. Treatment includes help to control symptoms such as paresthe-
accurate diagnosis, removal of compression sias or pain.3,54 Additional management may
via physical therapy intervention or surgery, include consultations with an orthotist to
and preventative interventions to preclude ensure proper fitting of foot wear and
recurrence of the neuropathy. physical therapy to minimize disability by
addressing impairments associated with lim-
■ Diabetes Mellitus-Induced itations in functional mobility.77
Chief Clinical Characteristics ■ Hereditary Motor and Sensory
This presentation is variable, including man- Neuropathies
ifestations such as acute diabetic mononeu- Chief Clinical Characteristics
ropathies, which may include involvement This presentation includes distal sensory
of cranial nerves (eg, oculomotor or abducens abnormalities, such as numbness and tingling
nerve involvement) or peripheral nerves3; of the feet, and muscle weakness of distal mus-
multiple mononeuropathies and radicu- culature. Individuals affected with heredi-
lopathies, which may include unilateral or tary neuropathies may also report sweating
asymmetric pain, low back pain with or with- and dizziness upon standing.
out symptoms in leg, weakness, atrophy,
Background Information
diminished or absent deep tendon reflexes,
Hereditary neuropathies include hereditary
and sensory deficits3; distal polyneuropathy,
motor and sensory neuropathy, hereditary
the most common diabetic neuropathy, which
sensory neuropathy, hereditary motor neu-
consists of chronic, symmetric, distal sensory
ropathy, and hereditary sensory and auto-
deficits (eg, numbness and tingling), dimin-
nomic neuropathy. The majority of all heredi-
ished or absent deep tendon reflexes, balance
tary neuropathies are Charcot-Marie-Tooth
deficits, and weakness3; and autonomic
neuropathy. Inherited polyneuropathies are
neuropathy, which may involve resting
caused by genetic abnormalities. Diagnosis is
tachycardia, orthostatic hypotension, sexual
made by nerve conduction and electromyo-
impotence, exercise intolerance, abnormal
graphic studies. Prognosis for hereditary sen-
sweating, pupil abnormalities, weakness,
sory neuropathies is poor due to intractable
sensory deficits, and gastroparesis.3,54,75,76
pain.78 Prognosis for hereditary motor and
Background Information sensory neuropathies has also been found to
Approximately 15% to 20% of people with be unfavorable due to slowing of conduction
diabetes may present with the clinical velocity with age.79
signs and symptoms of this condition.3,75
However, approximately 50% will have neu- ■ Multifocal Motor Neuropathy
ropathic symptoms and may have abnormal- Chief Clinical Characteristics
ities in nerve conduction testing.3 Com- This presentation includes progressive, asym-
monly considered a metabolic disorder, this metrical weakness, muscle atrophy, cramps,
1528_Ch33_683-715 07/05/12 2:01 PM Page 702
and fasciculations that develop slowly over neuropathy and temporal features. The diag-
several years. Other symptoms include wrist nosis may be confirmed after completing a
and foot drop, grip weakness, reduced ten- thorough history, physical examination, labo-
don reflexes in affected areas, and occasional ratory testing, and possibly electromyography/
cranial or phrenic nerve involvement. nerve conduction testing.3,85 Treatment and
prognosis will vary depending on the etiology
Background Information
and severity.
This condition is thought to be immunolog-
ically mediated, although the exact mecha- ■ Toxic Neuropathy
nism is unknown.80 Diagnosis is made by the
presence of definite motor conduction block Chief Clinical Characteristics
with normal sensory nerve conduction on This presentation can involve onset of weak-
electrophysiological study.81 Medical treat- ness, sensory deficits, and hyporeflexia in a
ment is intravenous immunoglobulin ther- distal to proximal polyneuropathy pattern
apy.81,82 This condition has a slow, progres- following exposure to a toxic agent.86 Presen-
sive course of deterioration of muscle tation of weakness is often preceded by abnor-
strength, but the disease generally does not mal changes in sensation, often hyperalgesia.
cause severe disability or death.81,82 Background Information
This condition may be caused by drugs,
■ Peripheral Neuropathies
organic compounds found in solvents and
Chief Clinical Characteristics glues, heavy metals (ie, lead, arsenic, thal-
This presentation includes weakness and sen- lium, gold), and plant or animal toxins. Most
sory changes along the distribution of a periph- forms of this condition are primarily sensory
eral nerve. Other potential signs and symptoms or sensorimotor in nature.2 Forms of this
may include impaired balance, diminished or condition that are associated with weakness
absent deep tendon reflexes, fasciculations, at onset can be due to lead (often presenting
syncope, abnormal sweating, orthostatic hy- as distal upper extremity weakness) or inges-
potension, resting tachycardia, and trophic tion of plant or shellfish toxins. Electrodiag-
changes.3,83 nostic testing and histopathological analysis
identify axonal damage. Effective medical
Background Information
management involves supportive care and
The patterns of this condition are variable and
removal or avoidance of the offending toxin.
may present as polyneuropathy, polyradicu-
The majority of cases of this condition are
lopathy, neuronopathy, mononeuropathy,
self-limited and improve after removal of the
mononeuropathy multiplex, and plexopa-
toxic agent.86
thy.3 Some of the etiologies associated with
peripheral neuropathies include trauma, in- ■ Neurosarcoidosis
flammation (eg, acute demyelinating polyneu-
Chief Clinical Characteristics
ropathy [Guillain-Barré syndrome], herpes
This presentation may be characterized by
zoster, Lyme’s disease, human immunodefi-
facial palsy, impaired taste, sight, smell or swal-
ciency virus), metabolic (eg, diabetes melli-
lowing; vertigo; loss of sensation in a stocking/
tus, uremia), nutritional (eg, vitamin B defi-
glove pattern; and weakness in a distal greater
ciencies commonly associated with alcohol
than proximal distribution.3
abuse, eating disorders, and individuals with
malabsorption syndromes), hereditary, idio- Background Information
pathic (eg, aging or unknown causes), and This condition is a manifestation of sarcoido-
toxic (eg, exposure to lead, arsenic, or thal- sis with central and/or peripheral nervous
lium or to chemotherapeutic drugs such as system involvement. It is characterized by
vincristine, cisplatin).83 Twenty percent of formation of granulomas in the central nerv-
individuals over the age of 60 are affected ous system. The lesion consists of lymphocytes
by a type of peripheral neuropathy.84 The and mononuclear phagocytes surrounding a
diagnosis of the specific disorder may be noncaseating epithelioid cell granuloma.
differentiated by the pattern of peripheral These granulomas represent an autoimmune
1528_Ch33_683-715 07/05/12 2:01 PM Page 703
response to central nervous system tissues. the nervous system. This can eventually disrupt
This condition includes 5% of individuals or kill neurons. It results from exposure to sub-
with sarcoidosis. The diagnosis is established stances used in chemotherapy, radiation treat-
by the presence of clinical features, along with ment, drug therapies, and organ transplants, as
clinical and biopsy evidence of sarcoid granu- well as exposure to heavy metals, foods, or pes-
lomas in tissues outside the nervous system. ticides. Diagnosis is supported by clinical pres-
Approximately two-thirds of individuals expe- entation and lab tests for detection of the toxic
rience this illness only once, whereas the substance. Treatment is prioritized at removal
remainder experience chronic relapses. Primary of the offending toxin. Prognosis varies greatly
treatment for neurosarcoidosis is the adminis- depending on the level of exposure and individ-
tration of corticosteroids. ual’s comorbid medical conditions.
Individuals may also report difficulties involv- accompanied by signs and symptoms of sys-
ing the tongue, lips, and salivary glands. temic infection including fever, nausea, vomit-
Headaches, facial pain, and seizures may occur. ing, pain, and respiratory distress.3
Background Information Background Information
This condition is a rare disease. Exact etiology The incidence of poliomyelitis has been
is unknown, although possible causes do nearly eradicated in the United States, but
include trophic malfunction of the cervical outbreaks continue in some areas of Africa,
sympathetic nervous system or viral or Borre- Southeast Asia, and India. This mainly affects
lia infection.91 Diagnosis is established by clin- children and immunocompromised individ-
ical presentation along with radiology reports uals. The virus that causes this condition
revealing deficient root development or root selectively attacks the anterior horn motor
resorption, and histological studies demon- neurons as well as cranial nerve motor
strating atrophy of the epidermis and infil- nuclei, resulting in denervation and further
trates of lymphocytes and monocytes. Treat- Wallerian degeneration.3 In individuals who
ment is symptomatic and may include facial survive the initial insult, recovery of strength
plastic surgery after the disease process has via neuronal sprouting may occur, resulting
stopped. This disease is a degenerative process in giant motor units. Paralysis may be
with a poor prognosis. reversed; however, the patient is at risk for
post-polio syndrome sequelae later in life.
■ Pelizaeus-Merzbacher Disease Physical therapy is indicated for supportive
Chief Clinical Characteristics care, prevention of secondary impairments,
This presentation commonly includes deterio- and education on prevention of exacerba-
ration of strength, coordination, motor abilities, tions of post-polio syndrome.3
and intellectual function.
■ Post-Polio Syndrome
Background Information
Chief Clinical Characteristics
Severity and onset of the disease range widely,
This presentation usually includes debilitating
depending on the type of genetic mutation,
and slowly progressive muscle weakness. As-
and extends from the mild, adult-onset spastic
sociated symptoms include atrophy, myalgia,
paraplegia to the severe form with onset at
fasciculations, cramps, respiratory insuffi-
infancy and death in early childhood.92 This
ciency, bulbar muscle dysfunction, and sleep
condition is an X-linked disease caused by a
mutation in the gene that controls the produc-
tion of a myelin protein called proteolipid Background Information
protein.92 Genetic diagnostic testing is the This condition affects an average of 50%
definitive method for diagnosing this condi- of survivors of poliomyelitis approximately
tion.93 There is no cure. Therefore, treatment 35 years after the initial onset.96 The syndrome
is based on symptoms and includes physical slowly progresses in a stepwise course. Severity
therapy, orthotics, and antispasticity agents of weakness is correlated to severity of acute
with goals to minimize the development of weakness and disability from original infec-
joint contractures, dislocations, and kyphosco- tion. Pathophysiology is unknown, but a com-
liosis.94 Individuals with severe forms of this mon hypothesis purports that over time, excess
condition experience progressive deterioration metabolic stress on remaining motor neurons
until death. Individuals with the adult-onset causes dropout of new nerve terminals and
form with spasticity may have nearly normal eventually death of the motor neurons.97
life span.4 Diagnosis is attained through exclusion of
other causes using laboratory studies, elec-
■ Poliomyelitis tromyography, imaging, and a history of acute
Chief Clinical Characteristics poliomyelitis infection.95 Treatment is achieved
This presentation typically involves acute, through lifestyle changes for energy conserva-
asymmetrical, flaccid paralysis with associated tion, weight loss, and use of assistive devices,
LMN signs of hyporeflexia and atrophy, pharmacologic agents to ameliorate fatigue, and
1528_Ch33_683-715 07/05/12 2:01 PM Page 705
nonfatiguing exercise. Low-intensity, alternate- have been widely used in the treatment of
day, interval-strength, and cardiovascular exer- this condition.98
cise is indicated to combat fatigue, weakness,
and myalgias as long as care is taken to avoid ■ Spinal Cord Infarction (Vascular
overwork.95 Myelopathy)
Chief Clinical Characteristics
■ Primary Lateral Sclerosis This presentation depends on the location of
Chief Clinical Characteristics the infarction. The most common anterior
This presentation includes spastic parapare- spinal artery syndrome presents with bilat-
sis of voluntary muscles with associated eral, incomplete motor paralysis and loss of
upper motor neuron signs in the absence of pinprick and temperature sensation below the
lower motor neuron signs. Onset of difficulty level of the lesion, loss of deep tendon reflexes,
with gait, balance, and leg weakness appears sphincter paralysis, acute complaint of back
in the fifth to sixth decade of life and may pain, and spared proprioception. Onset of
progress to affect upper extremity and facial symptoms occurs over the course of minutes to
musculature. hours.
Background Information Background Information
Imaging, cerebrospinal fluid analysis, and elec- Most forms of this condition are insidious, or
tromyographic studies confirm the diagnosis. secondary to aortic surgery, aortic rupture,
In particular, this condition is differentiated atherosclerosis, aneurysm, or an acute deficit
from the more severe amyotrophic lateral scle- of perfusion. Diagnosis is often difficult at ini-
rosis only after a period of 3 years from onset tial presentation, because magnetic resonance
to ensure the absence of lower motor neuron imaging may be negative. Repeat magnetic
signs.3 Treatment for this condition addresses resonance imaging may show T2 hyperinten-
symptom management. Physical therapy is sity secondary to edema.99 This condition
indicated to prevent immobility. This condi- has a poor prognosis with often permanent
tion is not fatal. Progression of symptoms disability. Prognosis for recovery of ambula-
varies; some individuals maintain ambulatory tion is inversely correlated with the severity
status throughout life while others become of motor deficit at onset.100 Physical therapy
wheelchair bound. interventions address weakness, spasticity, and
mobility and ambulation deficits.
■ Rheumatoid Arthritis
Chief Clinical Characteristics SPINAL CORD INJURIES
This presentation may be characterized by mus- ■ Brown-Sequard Syndrome
cle weakness that is either generalized or more Chief Clinical Characteristics
focal in proximal muscles. Typically, this con- This presentation can be characterized by
dition presents with joint pains. Leg pain (18%) ipsilateral loss of strength and tactile discrim-
and leg numbness (14%) have been reported in ination, position, and vibration sense, with
people with this condition.98 contralateral hemianesthesia to pain and
temperature secondary to spinal cord injury,
Background Information disk herniation, tumor, ischemia, or inflam-
Women are twice as likely as men to be matory disorder.101,102
affected. Symptoms associated with this pro-
gressive inflammatory joint disease are Background Information
caused by synovial membrane thickening This condition occurs secondary to lateral
and cytokine production in synovial fluid. hemisection of the spinal cord, usually
Blood tests confirm the diagnosis if rheuma- below the cervical enlargement, disrupting
toid factor is detected. Typical radiographic ipsilateral corticospinal and dorsal column
findings include disk space narrowing, facet tracts and contralateral projections of the
erosion, and end-plate erosion.98 Steroidal, spinothalamic tract.4 Medical management
nonsteroidal, and biological medications consists of diagnosis via imaging, appropriate
1528_Ch33_683-715 07/05/12 2:01 PM Page 706
medical care in the acute care setting, following surgical intervention occurs in
surgical decompression of spinal cord if more than half of the patients following
indicated, and multidisciplinary rehabilita- surgical intervention.107
tion.103 Outcome is favorable in most
patients following surgical decompression of ■ Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury
disk herniation or tumor, demonstrating Chief Clinical Characteristics
vast improvement in motor function with This presentation is characterized by loss of
minimal residual sensory deficits.102 sensation in a dermatomal pattern, hyper-
tonicity, spasticity, hyperreflexia, and sphinc-
■ Central Cord Syndrome ter dysfunction in combination with muscle
Chief Clinical Characteristics weakness. Specific syndromes have charac-
This presentation commonly involves pres- teristic presentations secondary to the location
entation of profound weakness of the arms and of the lesion.
hands, and to a lesser extent the legs, commonly Background Information
due to traumatic spinal cord injury. Associ- Insult to the spinal cord results from frac-
ated sensory loss below the level of the lesion tured bone, displaced disk material, or a
and/or sphincter dysfunction may occur. foreign object transecting or injuring the
Background Information cord. Imaging is used to identify the cause of
Damage to the more centrally located as- injury and direct surgical stabilization or in-
cending and descending spinal tracts results tervention. Motor vehicle accidents and falls
in this characteristic presentation of motor are the most common etiology of this condi-
and sensory loss. Medical management con- tion.108 Physical examination of strength and
sists of diagnosis via imaging, appropriate sensation is used to assign a score from the
medical care in the acute care setting, reduc- American Spinal Injury Association.109 In-
tion of fracture and/or surgical decompres- juries are classified in terms of neurological
sion of spinal cord, and multidisciplinary level (ie, most rostral segment where my-
rehabilitation.104 Many individuals with otomal and dermatomal function is spared)
central cord syndrome recover the ability to and extent as either complete (total lack of
walk, but impairment of fine motor control sensory or motor function below level of
in the hands often remains.105 njury) or incomplete (some motor or sen-
sory function spared below the level of in-
■ Conus Medullaris Syndrome jury). Cervical locations of injury result in
tetraplegia and may cause paralysis or weak-
Chief Clinical Characteristics
ness of the respiratory musculature, requir-
This presentation typically involves weakness
ing mechanical ventilation and/or respira-
of the lower extremities in association with
tory strengthening.110 Thoracic or lumbar
hyperreflexia, bowel/bladder dysfunction,
locations of injury result in paraplegia.
sexual dysfunction, and sensory loss in a der-
Treatment consists of medical management,
matomal pattern of the sacral segments.4
multidisciplinary rehabilitation, equipment
Background Information prescription, and prevention of pressure
The presentation of weakness with upper ulcers, contractures, and further complica-
motor neuron symptoms is secondary to tions. Individuals with incomplete forms
injury to the conus medullaris, most com- of this condition may continue to recover
monly due to trauma (vertebral body strength and function, while individuals
fracture of acute disk herniations of the with complete forms of this condition have a
thoracolumbar junction).106 Diagnosis and poor prognosis for recovery and instead use
treatment involve clinical examination, im- compensatory techniques and equipment.
aging, and surgical investigation, decom- Individuals with this condition require ade-
pression, fusion, and fixation if indicated. quate follow-up medical care to prevent sec-
Improvement in spinal cord function, ondary impairments.111 Acute forms of this
bladder function, and nerve root recovery condition constitute a medical emergency.
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(Werdnig-Hoffmann Disease, using clinical presentation and positive find-
Kugelberg-Welander Disease) ings on computed tomography or magnetic
Chief Clinical Characteristics resonance imaging. Medication, surgery, and
This presentation is characterized by profound interdisciplinary therapy are the most com-
weakness and hypotonia in infancy, early child- mon treatments for this condition. The prog-
hood, or adolescence associated with an auto- nosis for recovery is predicted by the magni-
somal dominant genetic disorder. Deep tendon tude of initial deficit. Factors that are
reflexes are absent, but sphincter tone and associated with poor outcomes include coma,
sensation are intact. poor cognition, severe aphasia, severe hemi-
paresis with little return within 1 month,
Background Information visual perceptual disorders, depression, and
This condition is the most common neuromus- incontinence after 2 weeks.116,117
cular disease in children.112 Onset of spinal mus-
cular atrophy I (Werdnig-Hoffmann disease) ■ Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
occurs in infancy and is always fatal. Onset of Chief Clinical Characteristics
spinal muscular atrophy II is between 6 and This presentation can include abnormal vision,
18 months, as noted by the child’s ability to sit swallowing, taste, hearing, changes in mood or
but not stand or walk. Spinal muscular atrophy thinking, and seizures in combination with
III (Kugelberg-Welander disease) is the mildest fatigue, joint pain, and swelling affecting the
form with onset any time after age 18 months to hands, feet, knees, and shoulders.
early adulthood. Earlier onset is associated with
more severity and shorter life expectancy.113 In- Background Information
dividuals with spinal muscular atrophy will lose This condition affects mostly women of child-
function over time. There is no cure for spinal bearing age. It is a chronic autoimmune disor-
muscular atrophy. Therefore, treatment includes der that can affect any organ system, including
therapy to preserve mobility and reduce disabil- skin, joints, kidneys, brain, heart, lungs, and
ity as the disease progresses. The most common blood. Microinfarcts in the cerebral cortex and
cause of death is respiratory failure.114 brainstem, which lead to destructive and pro-
liferative changes in capillaries and arterioles,
■ Stroke (Cerebrovascular Accident) are primarily responsible for central nervous
system manifestations. Hypertension and
Chief Clinical Characteristics endocarditis can also predispose an affected
This presentation may include a wide range of individual to development of neurological
symptoms that correspond to specific areas of abnormalities. Multiple sclerosis is a disease
the brain that are affected, potentially includ- that may be mistaken for this condition, espe-
ing weakness or numbness, especially on one cially if the central nervous system manifesta-
side of the body or face, confusion, aphasia, bal- tions include visual dysfunction. The diagnosis
ance deficits or falls, visual disturbances, or is confirmed by the presence of skin lesions;
sudden severe headache with no known cause. heart, lung, or kidney involvement; and
Background Information laboratory abnormalities including low red or
This condition occurs when blood flow to the white cell counts, low platelet counts, or posi-
brain is interrupted either by blockage (is- tive ANA and anti-DNA antibody tests.118
chemia or infarction) or from hemorrhagic Treatment involves corticosteroid medication.
disruption. A thrombosis or embolic occlusion
of an artery causes an ischemic type of this ■ Tethered Spinal Cord Syndrome
condition. A hemorrhagic type of this condi- Chief Clinical Characteristics
tion can be caused by arteriovenous malfor- This presentation typically includes back pain,
mation, hypertension, aneurysm, neoplasm, associated with neurological deficits, and bowel
drug abuse or trauma. This condition is the and bladder dysfunction.119 The most common
most common and disabling neurological dis- manifestations of this condition are worsening
order in adults and occurs in 114 of every in motor function of the lower extremities (and
1528_Ch33_683-715 07/05/12 2:01 PM Page 708
less likely the upper extremities), changes in decreased pain and improved function is
muscle tone and deep tendon reflexes, progressive good for the majority of individuals with this
loss of articular dexterity, progressively worsen- condition.
ing scoliosis or kyphosis, and back or leg pain.120
■ Thyrotoxic Myopathy (Graves’
Background Information Disease)
This condition occurs commonly in children,
but also can present in undiagnosed adults. Chief Clinical Characteristics
Magnetic resonance imaging confirms the This presentation includes progressive weak-
diagnosis, with a low-lying (caudally posi- ness, wasting of the pelvic girdle and shoulder
tioned) conus medullaris present. Surgical muscles, fatigue, and heat intolerance. Physical
resection of a thickened filum terminale is a acts such as climbing stairs may be difficult.
common treatment. Individuals with this condition may develop
muscle damage to the eyes and eyelids, which
■ Thoracic Outlet Syndrome may affect mobility of the eye muscles, and
temporary, but severe, attacks of muscle weak-
Chief Clinical Characteristics
ness known as periodic paralysis.
This presentation can be characterized by
swelling or puffiness in the arm or hand; bluish Background Information
discoloration of the hand; a feeling of heaviness This condition is a rare neuromuscular disor-
in the arm or hand; deep, boring toothache-like der that may accompany hyperthyroidism
pain in the neck and shoulder region that seems (Graves’ disease) caused by overproduction of
to increase at night; easily fatigued arms and the thyroid hormone thyroxine. It is more
hands; superficial vein distention in the hand; common in middle-aged men and in individ-
paresthesias along the inside forearm and the uals of Asian descent.121 This condition is
palm; muscle weakness with difficulty gripping difficult to diagnose because reflexes, elec-
and performing fine motor tasks of the hand; at- tromyography, muscle enzymes, and muscle
rophy of the muscles of the palm; cramps of the biopsy are usually normal. Myopathy often
muscles on the inner forearm; pain in the arm improves as a result of restoring normal
and hand; and tingling and numbness in the thyroid function via medications, surgery, or
neck, shoulder region, arm, and hand. radioiodine therapy.122 Complete or partial
removal of the thyroid may be required in
Background Information severe cases. With treatment, muscle weakness
There are three types of this condition which often improves or may be reversed.
can coexist or occur independently: compres-
sion of the subclavian vein, compression of the ■ Todd’s Paralysis
subclavian artery, and a primary neurological
Chief Clinical Characteristics
syndrome. Multiple anatomical anomalies can
This presentation includes partial or complete
lead to thoracic outlet syndrome including an
paralysis on one side of the body following a
incomplete cervical rib, a taut fibrous band
passing from the transverse process of C7 to
the first rib, a complete rib that articulates Background Information
with the first rib, or anomalies of the position This condition is rare and its etiology is
and insertion of the anterior and medial unknown. Diagnosis is made by clinical
scalene muscles. Diagnosis includes physical presentation and exclusion of competing
examination tests (ie, Adson’s test, extremity diagnoses, particularly stroke or a transient
abducted stress test, costoclavicular sign), ischemic attack via magnetic resonance imag-
radiology of the cervical spine, and nerve ing or computed tomography. Treatment is
conduction and electromyography studies. symptomatic, because recovery spontaneously
Nonsurgical approaches to treatment include occurs, usually within 48 hours. Prognosis
exercise, stretches, modalities, and analgesic is excellent for recovery of hemiparesis.
medication. Surgery is indicated if pain is However, specific etiology of the seizures will
persistent and severe neurogenic or vascular determine prognosis for resolution of seizures
features of the syndrome exist. Prognosis for and this condition.3
1528_Ch33_683-715 07/05/12 2:01 PM Page 709
Chief Clinical Characteristics viduals should assume that all stroke-like
This presentation can be characterized by symptoms signal a medical emergency. A
generalized or local weakness, with or without prompt evaluation (within 60 minutes) is
muscle pain, associated neuropathy, or systemic necessary to identify the cause of this condi-
illness following exposure or ingestion of a toxic tion and determine appropriate therapy. De-
substance. pending on the individual’s medical history
and the results of a medical examination, the
Background Information doctor may recommend drug therapy or sur-
The presentation of this condition varies for gery to reduce the risk of stroke. Antiplatelet
each toxin or drug. Toxic substances produce medications, particularly aspirin, are a stan-
myopathy via various mechanisms. Primary dard treatment for individuals suspected of
etiology relates to directly damaging the mus- this condition and who also are at risk
cle cell. Secondary etiology occurs via elec- for stroke, including individuals with atrial
trolyte disturbances, excessive energy require- fibrillation.
ments, or inadequate delivery of oxygen and
nutrients due to muscle compression and ■ Transverse Myelitis
ischemia.123 This group of conditions is classi- Chief Clinical Characteristics
fied according to presentation, histopathologi- This presentation involves the gradual develop-
cal features, pathogenetic mechanism, or type ment of weakness and sensory changes below the
of toxin. Diagnosis relies on laboratory testing, level of the lesion, back or neck pain, and/
electrodiagnostic investigation, and often or bowel and bladder dysfunction over the
muscle biopsy.124 Treatment involves removal course of several hours to weeks.
of the toxic agent, supportive physical therapy
Background Information
to prevent secondary impairments and recover
This condition occurs when inflammation
strength, and pharmacologic intervention.
affects the spinal cord, but the brain can be
Prognosis is often good with early diagnosis
affected as well. Inflammation can result from
and removal of the toxic agent; however, when
viral infections, abnormal immune reactions,
myopathy progresses to involve respiratory
or ischemia or present as an idiopathic form.
and swallowing function or if the toxin affects
Diagnosis is established by exclusion through
other organs including the kidney, prognosis
imaging and blood tests. The first line of treat-
for full recovery is poor.124,125
ment requires accurate diagnosis of the under-
■ Transient Ischemic Attack lying pathology and decreasing inflammation
in the acute stage, usually by way of corticos-
Chief Clinical Characteristics
teroid medication. Physical therapy is indi-
This presentation can include weakness or
cated to address secondary impairments and
numbness in the face, arm, or leg, especially
provide supportive therapy. Recovery from
on one side of the body; confusion or diffi-
transverse myelitis usually begins within 2 to
culty in talking or understanding speech; trou-
12 weeks of the onset of symptoms and may
ble seeing in one or both eyes; and difficulty
continue for up to 2 years. The majority of
with walking, dizziness, or loss of balance and
recovery occurs within the first 3 to 6 months.
About one-third of people affected with trans-
Background Information verse myelitis experience good or full recovery
This condition is a transient stroke that lasts from their symptoms, regaining the ability to
only a few minutes. It occurs when the blood ambulate. Another one-third is left with signif-
supply to part of the brain is briefly inter- icant deficits, while the remaining one-third
rupted. Symptoms of this condition, which demonstrates no recovery at all. Prognosis
usually occur suddenly, are similar to those varies between recovery without relapse to a
of stroke but do not last as long. Most symp- permanent presence of symptoms, with the
toms disappear within an hour, although primary poor prognostic factors being pain in
they may persist for up to 24 hours. Because the midthoracic region or an abrupt, severe
it is impossible to differentiate symptoms onset of symptoms.3
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Chapter 33 Vasculitis (Giant Cell Arteritis, Temporal Arteritis, Cranial Arteritis) 711
and location of the tumor and may include sensation are usually the first. The first test
surgical resection, chemotherapy, radiation, to diagnose brain and spinal column tumors
corticosteroids, and rehabilitative therapies. is a neurological examination. Special imag-
Prognosis is also variable and depends on ing techniques (computed tomography, mag-
the type and grade of tumor, severity of netic resonance imaging, positron emission
compression, and duration of compression. tomography) are also employed. Specific di-
agnoses may be confirmed with imaging and
■ Spinal Metastases biopsy. Treatment is variable depending on
Chief Clinical Characteristics the type, size, and location of the tumor and
This presentation can involve spasticity, may include surgical resection, chemother-
weakness, sensory alterations, bowel and apy, radiation, corticosteroids, and rehabilita-
bladder incontinence, neck pain, back pain, tive therapies. Prognosis is variable and
radicular pain, atrophy, cerebellar signs, depends on the type and grade of tumor,
balance deficits, falls, and cranial nerve severity of compression, and duration of
involvement.3,54,131 compression.
Background Information ■ Vasculitis (Giant Cell Arteritis,
This condition is the most frequent neoplasm Temporal Arteritis, Cranial
involving the spine.131 The most common Arteritis)
types and locations of primary tumors that Chief Clinical Characteristics
result in spinal metastases include breast, This presentation can be characterized by
lung, lymphoma, prostate, kidney, gastroin- headaches, psychiatric syndromes, dementia,
testinal tract, and thyroid.3,132 The diagnosis peripheral or cranial nerve involvement, pain,
is confirmed with gadolinium enhanced mag- seizures, hypertension, hemiparesis, balance
netic resonance imaging and computed to- deficits, neuropathies, myopathies, organ in-
mography.3,131 Treatment is variable depend- volvement, fever, and weight loss.3,54,133
ing on the tumor and may include surgical
resection, chemotherapy, radiation, corticos- Background Information
teroids, and rehabilitative therapies.3 Al- This condition is the result of an immune-
though the long-term prognosis is poor, indi- mediated response resulting in the inflamma-
viduals without paresis or pain and who are tion of vascular structures.3,133 It includes
still ambulatory have longer survival rates.132 a variety of disorders such as giant cell/
temporal arteritis (which is the most com-
■ Spinal Primary Tumors mon form), primary angiitis of the central
Chief Clinical Characteristics nervous system, Takayasu’s disease, periar-
This presentation may include spasticity, teritis nodosa, Kawasaki disease, Churg-
weakness, sensory alterations, bowel/bladder Strauss syndrome, Wegener’s granulomatosis,
incontinence, back pain, radicular pain, and secondary vasculitis associated with sys-
atrophy, cerebellar signs, balance deficits, falls, temic lupus erythematous, rheumatoid
and cranial nerve involvement.3 arthritis, and scleroderma.133 The diagnosis is
confirmed through history, physical exami-
Background Information nation, laboratory testing, angiography,
Types of this condition include ependymoma, biopsy, and imaging.3,54,133 Corticosteroids,
hemangioblastoma, myeloma, neurofibroma, cytotoxic agents, intravenous immunoglobu-
lymphoma, metastasis, meningioma, schwan- lin, and plasmapheresis may be used in the
noma, and astrocytoma. Extradural tumors, treatment of vasculitis.54,133 Prognosis is
such as meningiomas, produce a rapid onset variable and depends on the specific underly-
of symptoms, with weakness being predomi- ing disorder. For example, giant cell arteritis
nant. Intramedullary tumors, or ependymo- is typically self-limiting within 1 to 2 years;
mas, astrocytomas, and hemangioblastomas, however, death usually occurs within 1 year
present with slowly progressive symptoms, for individuals with primary angiitis of the
of which loss of pain and temperature central nervous system.133
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1528_Ch34_716-720 07/05/12 2:02 PM Page 716
Case Demonstration: Inability to Stand
■ Chris A. Sebelski, PT, DPT, OCS, CSCS
NOTE: This case demonstration was developed Though unsure of the exact timeline, it seems
using the diagnostic process described in that during the past 6 months, she has noted
Chapter 4 and demonstrated in Chapter 5. The increasing difficulty standing up after sitting
reader is encouraged to use this diagnostic on a low couch, getting around her house, and
process in order to ensure thorough clinical rea- pulling weeds in her garden nearby the house.
soning. If additional elaboration is required on She has a history of three falls in the past
the information presented in this chapter, please 6 months, none of which has been associated
consult Chapters 4 and 5. with serious injury. She presents to the session
with her son who drove her and is in the wait-
THE DIAGNOSTIC PROCESS ing room. Mrs. RS does drive short distances
from her home, maintains her own checking
Step 1 Identify the patient’s chief concern.
account, and attends two routine weekly func-
Step 2 Identify barriers to communication.
tions with her friends. She has refused any
Step 3 Identify special concerns.
assistive device and holds onto her son’s arm
Step 4 Create a symptom timeline and sketch
as she enters the clinic.
the anatomy (if needed).
When asked why she was falling and hav-
Step 5 Create a diagnostic hypothesis list
ing trouble getting around, Mrs. RS replied
considering all possible forms of remote and
that her “legs don’t work like they used to” and
local pathology that could cause the
she rubs her thighs as she says this. She states
patient’s chief concern.
she is slow to get up and get going in the
Step 6 Sort the diagnostic hypothesis list by
morning as she feels that her “legs need to
epidemiology and specific case
wake up,” and she reports nonspecific inter-
mittent “pains.” If her son walks too fast, then
Step 7 Ask specific questions to rule specific
she does sometimes get short of breath. She
conditions or pathological categories less
does wear glasses and saw an ophthalmologist
this past year for a “routine checkup.” She also
Step 8 Re-sort the diagnostic hypothesis list
wears one hearing aid while in “social settings.”
based on the patient’s responses to specific
Mrs. RS states she is in “good health” and de-
nies a personal history of cardiac disease,
Step 9 Perform tests to differentiate among
respiratory pathology, or cancer. She denies
the remaining diagnostic hypotheses.
alcohol or recreational drug use and is a
Step 10 Re-sort the diagnostic hypothesis list
based on the patient’s responses to specific
Current daily medications include Lipitor,
a multivitamin, a fish oil dietary supplement,
Step 11 Decide on a diagnostic impression.
and 81 mg baby aspirin.
Step 12 Determine the appropriate patient
disposition. STEP #1: Identify the patient’s chief
● Difficulty standing, walking around her
Case Description house, and gardening
Mrs. RS is an 82-year-old retired teacher who STEP #2: Identify barriers to
lives alone in a single-story ranch-style home communication.
on a 3-acre property. She has been widowed ● Age of patient and environment. Although
for 10 years and has four grown children. this patient has communicated clearly her
1528_Ch34_716-720 07/05/12 2:02 PM Page 717
Within 6 months
past year ago Today
STEP #5: Create a diagnostic hypothesis STEP #6: Sort the diagnostic hypothesis
list considering all possible forms of list by epidemiology and specific case
remote and local pathology that could characteristics.
cause the patient’s chief concern.
T Trauma T Trauma
Compression neuropathy of femoral nerve Compression neuropathy of femoral nerve
Hydromyelia (syringomyelia) Hydromyelia (syringomyelia)
Spinal cord compression/radicular pain Spinal cord compression/radicular pain
Spinal cord injuries Spinal cord injuries (no mechanism of injury)
I Inflammation I Inflammation
Aseptic Aseptic
Chronic inflammatory demyelinating Chronic inflammatory demyelinating
polyneuropathy polyneuropathy (typically symmetrical
distal to proximal weakness)
Inflammatory myopathies: Inflammatory myopathies:
• Dermatomyositis • Dermatomyositis
• Inclusion body myositis • Inclusion body myositis
• Polymyositis • Polymyositis (age of patient)
Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome
Lyme disease (tick paralysis) Lyme disease (tick paralysis)
Multifocal motor neuropathy Multifocal motor neuropathy (time course)
Multiple sclerosis Multiple sclerosis (age of patient)
Rheumatoid arthritis of lumbar spine, Rheumatoid arthritis of lumbar spine, hips,
hips, knees knees
Systemic lupus erythematosus Systemic lupus erythematosus (age of patient)
1528_Ch34_716-720 07/05/12 2:02 PM Page 718
Septic Septic
Septic arthritis of lumbar spine, hips, knees Septic arthritis of lumbar spine, hips, knees
M Metabolic M Metabolic
Diabetic neuropathy Diabetic neuropathy (no history of diabetes
Medication toxicity/toxic myopathy Medication toxicity (per patient report, her
medications are managed by her internist
every 6 months)
Mitochondrial myopathies Mitochondrial myopathies (patient age not
common for age of onset)
Myasthenia gravis Myasthenia gravis (patient age not
common for age of onset)
Toxic myopathy Toxic myopathy (typically distal to proximal
presentation, no exposure to toxic agent)
Va Vascular Va Vascular
Arteriovenous malformation Arteriovenous malformation
Normal pressure hydrocephalus Normal pressure hydrocephalus
Transient ischemic attack/stroke Transient ischemic attack/stroke (time
course of symptoms)
Vasculitis Vasculitis
De Degenerative De Degenerative
Deconditioning Deconditioning
Lumbar spine disk herniation with Lumbar spine disk herniation with
radiculopathy radiculopathy
Primary lateral sclerosis Primary lateral sclerosis (age of onset)
Progressive supranuclear palsy Progressive supranuclear palsy (time
course, age of onset, no visual
Tu Tumor Tu Tumor
Malignant Primary, such as: Malignant Primary, such as:
• Brain tumor • Brain tumor
Malignant Metastatic, such as: Malignant Metastatic, such as:
• Brain metastases • Brain metastases
• Spinal metastases • Spinal metastases
Benign: Benign:
Not applicable Not applicable
Co Congenital Co Congenital
Familial spastic paraplegia Familial spastic paraplegia
1528_Ch34_716-720 07/05/12 2:02 PM Page 719
Ne Neurogenic/Psychogenic Ne Neurogenic/Psychogenic
Depression Depression
Hysterical paralysis Hysterical paralysis
Hypochondriasis Hypochondriasis (may be less likely to
cause falling)
STEP #9: Perform tests to differentiate STEP #12: Determine the appropriate
among the remaining diagnostic patient disposition.
hypotheses. ● Initiate physical therapy treatment for
■ Jesus F. Dominguez, PT, PhD
T Trauma
Exercise 731
Obstructive sleep apnea 734
Postsurgical repair of congenital heart disease 737
I Inflammation
Not applicable
Fever 731
1528_Ch35_721-741 08/05/12 5:59 PM Page 722
Inflammation (continued)
• Arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy 727
• Dilated cardiomyopathy 727
• Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy) 728
• Restrictive cardiomyopathy 728
Not applicable
Mastocytosis 733
Pericarditis 736
M Metabolic
Central nervous system stimulants 728:
• Caffeine 729
• Ephedrine (herbal ephedra) 729
• Nicotine 729
Dehydration/hypovolemia 730
Menopause 733
Pregnancy 737
Anemia 725
Cocaine and other illicit stimulants 729
Electrolyte imbalance 731
Hyperthyroidism/thyrotoxicosis 732
Hypoglycemia 732
Side effect of medications 738:
• Alpha-1 blockers 738
• Beta blockers 738
• Beta-2 agonists 738
• Digoxin 739
• Lasix 739
• Nitrates and calcium channel blockers 739
• Potassium supplement 739
Not applicable
Va Vascular
Congestive heart failure 729
Coronary artery/atherosclerotic heart disease 730
1528_Ch35_721-741 08/05/12 5:59 PM Page 723
Vascular (continued)
Orthostatic hypotension (postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome) 735
Pulmonary hypertension 737
Pulmonary embolus 737
De Degenerative
Not applicable
Pacemaker/automatic implantable cardioverter defibrillator failure 735
Sick sinus syndrome 738
Tu Tumor
Not applicable
Not applicable
Malignant Primary:
Not applicable
Malignant Metastatic:
Not applicable
Benign, such as:
• Myxoma 734
• Pheochromocytoma 736
Co Congenital
Not applicable
Aortic insufficiency (aortic regurgitation) 727
Mitral valve prolapse 734
Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome (pre-excitation syndrome) 739
Ne Neurogenic/Psychogenic
Anxiety/panic disorder 726
Muscular fasciculations 734
1528_Ch35_721-741 08/05/12 5:59 PM Page 724
Neurogenic/Psychogenic (continued)
Vasovagal syncope (neurocardiogenic syncope, common faint) 739
Not applicable
Note: These are estimates of relative incidence because few data are available for the less common conditions.
Is the rhythm regular?
Yes No
“Regularly “Irregularly
<60 60-100 >100
irregular” irregular”
NSR=normal sinus rhythm, PVC=premature ventricular contraction,
AVB=atrioventricular block, SVT=supraventricular tachycardia,
PAC=premature atrial contraction, PNC=premature nodal contraction, AV=atrioventricular
FIGURE 35-1 Flowchart depicting the most likely cardiac dysrhythmias associated with palpitations
distinguished on the basis of pulse rate and regularity. (Adapted from Bates.3)
BOX 35-1 Selected Key Clinical Findings and Their Suggested Diagnoses
in Patients With Palpitations (adapted from Abbott1)
Clinical Findings Suggested Diagnoses
● Single “skipped beat” ● Benign ectopy (most likely PACs or PVCs)
● Single forceful or pounding sensation ● PVC
● Rapid and regular pounding in the neck and ● Supraventricular tachycardia
● Palpitations associated with stress or emotional ● Psychogenic or catecholamine-sensitive
upset dysrhythmia
● Palpitations associated with activity ● Sinus tachycardia, coronary artery disease, or
● Generalized anxiety ● Panic attack or panic disorder
appropriate health care provider and may in- Reiter’s syndrome, ankylosing spondylitis,
clude pharmacologic and psychological therapy. syphilis, or Ehlers-Danlos syndrome. Diagnosis
and assessment of severity are made on the
■ Aortic Insufficiency (Aortic basis of echocardiography and angiography.
Regurgitation) Patients should be referred to their medical
Chief Clinical Characteristics practitioner if this condition is suspected and
This presentation often involves weakness, sig- the therapist should be prepared to administer
nificant lethargy, and severe dyspnea. Isolated cardiopulmonary resuscitation or activate the
systolic hypertension is often noted on assessment emergency medical system if the palpitations
of blood pressure. An early symptom is an are associated with other signs or symptoms of
awareness of the heartbeat due to increased significant hemodynamic instability.
stroke volume as a result of elevated end-diastolic
volume. The heartbeat may be described as CARDIOMYOPATHIES
forceful or uncomfortable. Patients with this ■ Arrhythmogenic Right
condition may also present with anginal symp- Ventricular Cardiomyopathy
toms because of the reduced coronary perfu-
sion associated with decreased diastolic pressure. Chief Clinical Characteristics
Other symptoms include exertional dyspnea, This presentation includes dyspnea on exer-
orthopnea, paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea, and tion, paroxysmal (of sudden onset) nocturnal
palpitations. In chronic forms of this condition, dyspnea, orthopnea, angina, palpitations,
there is a rapid runoff of blood back into the left and syncope. This variant’s presentation
ventricle during cardiac diastole that results in can also range from asymptomatic to signs
a low peripheral diastolic pressure. A wide pulse and symptoms of heart failure, fatigue, light-
pressure is also present secondary to the headedness, syncope, and palpitations that
elevated systolic pressure created by enhanced may be associated with sweating.
stroke volume and the low diastolic blood
Background Information
pressure created by the retrograde flow of blood.
The palpitations may be due to single pre-
Background Information mature ventricular contractions, atrial fibril-
A common clinical finding during cardiac aus- lation, or ventricular tachycardia. Diagnosis
cultation is a diastolic murmur typically heard is made by biopsy and typically reveals re-
best along the left sternal border, although it placement of myocardial tissue with fibrous
can be heard over the right second intercostal connective tissue and fat deposits.11 In some
space as well.9 The murmur of the acute form instances, the rhythm may deteriorate into
of this condition is short and low frequency in pulseless ventricular fibrillation and the
nature. The murmur of this condition in its patient will lose consciousness. Cardiopul-
chronic state is high in frequency, has a blowing monary resuscitation, use of an automated
quality, and tends to be of longer duration than external defibrillator if available, and activa-
in the acute form. There also appears to be an tion of the emergency medical system are
association between aortic insufficiency com- warranted.
bined with ventricular septal defect and an in-
creased incidence of dysrhythmias.10 The pal- ■ Dilated Cardiomyopathy
pitations are often the result of resting sinus Chief Clinical Characteristics
tachycardia in response to peripheral hypoten- This presentation involves dyspnea on exer-
sion. This condition is a disorder of the aortic tion, paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea, or-
valve in which the annulus or leaflets weaken or thopnea, angina, palpitations, and syncope.
balloon, leading to retrograde flow of blood This variant is distinguished by the appre-
from the aorta into the left ventricle during di- ciation of pulmonary crackles (secondary
astole. It may be the result of any condition that to pulmonary edema), a weak or laterally
weakens the valve leaflets or annulus, including displaced cardiac point of maximal impulse,
congenital valvular defects (eg, bicuspid aortic sacral/pretibial/ankle edema, and sudden
valve), rheumatic fever, endocarditis, Marfan’s significant weight gain. Associated symp-
syndrome, hypertension, aortic dissection, toms may include general fatigue/tiredness,
1528_Ch35_721-741 08/05/12 5:59 PM Page 728
shortness of breath, chest discomfort, and condition accounts for more than 50% of all
most cases, the rhythm is a sinus tachycardia interview process will alert the therapist to
and the pulse is noted to be rapid and regu- the habitual use of these stimulants as a pos-
lar, although some reentrant tachyarrhythmias sible cause of the palpitations. Subsequent
may be associated with an irregular pulse. recommendations to reduce or even elimi-
nate these substances from the diet and
Background Information
lifestyle are often beneficial in minimizing or
If the tachyarrhythmia is pronounced, dias-
eliminating future episodes.
tolic filling will be significantly impaired and
the pulse may be absent, causing the patient ■ Cocaine and Other Illicit
to rapidly become hemodynamically unsta- Stimulants
ble. Common substances that cause this con- Chief Clinical Characteristics
dition include: This presentation typically involves palpitations,
hypertension, shortness of breath, agitation,
■ Caffeine bizarre and/or erratic behavior, and chest discom-
This substance is a neuronal stimulant that fort. Often, the patient’s pupils become dilated
occurs naturally in various food products, in- and he or she may report a history of chronic nose
cluding coffee, tea, and cocoa. It is known to bleeding (this latter finding is the result of nasal
be a competitive antagonist of adenosine re- septum and vascular deterioration).
ceptors, potentiate increased intracellular cal-
cium release, and reduce AV nodal refractori- Background Information
ness, all of which can contribute to the genesis Careful questioning during the initial interview
of dysrhythmias.17 In low doses (<250 mg), may provide clues to the patient’s use of cocaine
caffeine is known to elicit elation, peaceful- or other sympathomimetic drugs. Classified as
ness, and pleasantness, whereas at high doses a sympathomimetic drug, cocaine simulates a
(>500 mg), it can lead to the emergence of state of heightened sympathetic activity by
unfavorable side effects, including anxiety, stimulating the release of epinephrine and
irritability, palpitations, and nausea.18 norepinephrine from the adrenal medulla
and blocking the reuptake of norepinephrine
■ Ephedrine (Herbal Ephedra) at preganglionic synaptic nerve endings.20 It is
known to induce dose-dependent increases in
This alkaloid substance possesses adrenergic
heart rate and systolic and diastolic blood
properties that include shortening of the car-
pressure.21 The palpitations are often driven by
diac refractory period, increased chronotropy,
cocaine-induced sinus tachycardia, but heart
increased inotropy, and increased peripheral
rhythm may deteriorate into ventricular tachy-
resistance as a result of vasoconstriction.19
cardia and ventricular fibrillation. Palpitations
Common side effects of ephedra include
may range from a self-limiting episode to sud-
hypertension associated with palpitations,
den death. In the event of the latter, the emer-
tachycardia, or both.
gency medical system should be activated and
■ Nicotine the therapist should begin to render basic life
support measures. Exercise is contraindicated
This substance acts in a manner similar to in patients who present with signs/symptoms
the endogenous neurotransmitter acetyl- suspicious for acute cocaine intoxication.
choline to stimulate postsynaptic neurons of
the autonomic nervous system. However, its ■ Congestive Heart Failure
effects are longer lasting than acetylcholine Chief Clinical Characteristics
because it is not degraded by cholinesterases. This presentation includes a wide variety of
In the event of palpitations associated with palpitation symptoms from slow and forceful
hemodynamic instability, administration of to rapid and weak. Associated symptoms may
basic life support measures should be pro- include shortness of breath, chest discomfort, or
vided immediately and activation of the light-headedness/syncope. Various physical
emergency medical system is warranted. findings, such as peripheral/pretibial edema,
Careful attention to the patient’s dietary pulmonary crackles, an auscultated S3 cardiac
habits and smoking history during the sound, cyanosis, and sudden and dramatic
1528_Ch35_721-741 08/05/12 5:59 PM Page 730
weight gain, provide clues to the presence of vulnerable myocardial cells become ischemic,
maintain mean arterial pressure. The magni- to the primary care physician for assessment if
tude of the tachycardic response is highly the condition is suspected.
correlated with the severity of hypovolemia.
■ Exercise
Older patients tend to be at higher risk for
dehydration as age-related decreases in total Chief Clinical Characteristics
body water, sensitivity to aldosterone and an- This presentation typically involves a pulse
tidiuretic hormone, and thirst perception ren- that increases gradually and appropriately for
der them more vulnerable.25 This condition the intensity of the exercise bout. When the
can be avoided by reminding the patient to exercise bout is terminated, the pulse gradu-
drink fluids during exercise sessions in the ally returns to resting values. Assessment of
clinic, especially if the exercise is aerobic and the blood pressure will typically reveal elevated
will be maintained at high intensity for greater systolic values that are appropriate for the in-
than 20 to 30 minutes. Mild hypovolemia ne- tensity of physical exertion (eg, 10 to 12 mm Hg
cessitates fluid replacement, which may be increase for every metabolic equivalent increase
accomplished by having the patient lie in a in workload).
semirecumbent position and drink water as Background Information
the therapist monitors signs and symptoms. In response to the metabolic demands placed
More severe cases of hypovolemia associated on the cardiopulmonary system by activities
with unstable signs/symptoms usually require involving the contraction of large muscle
activation of the emergency medical system groups, cardiac output will increase. This is
and administration of intravenous fluids. primarily accomplished by enhanced cardiac
■ Electrolyte Imbalance automaticity and contractility, yielding a sub-
stantial increase in heart rate and a moderate
Chief Clinical Characteristics
increase in stroke volume. To the individual
This presentation may involve symptoms of
who is typically sedentary or otherwise unac-
palpitations often associated with lethargy,
customed to exercise, the resultant sinus
shortness of breath, chest discomfort, light-
tachycardia and vigorous force of cardiac con-
headedness, and syncope.
traction may be felt as a rapid or pounding
Background Information pulse. The response is mediated by enhanced
This condition (in particular, hypokalemia sympathetic outflow and circulating cate-
and hyperkalemia) may result from dehydra- cholamines involved in the “fight-or-flight”
tion, hemorrhage, hypovolemia, use of potas- response and does not typically lead to any
sium-depleting medications (eg, thiazide adverse consequences in the absence of un-
diuretics), and excessive potassium supple- derlying organic heart disease. This is a nor-
mentation. Deviation of electrolyte values mal response to exertion and will subside with
from normal ranges may predispose the patient cessation of the exercise bout. No emergency
to life-threatening dysrhythmias. For example, intervention is warranted.
hypokalemia (<4 mmol/L) is significantly ■ Fever
associated with serious ventricular dysrhyth-
mias, including ventricular tachycardia and Chief Clinical Characteristics
ventricular fibrillation.26 Hyperkalemia is also This presentation may include a rapid or
correlated with the generation of severe dys- bounding pulse that can often be felt in the area
rhythmias, purportedly by altering acid–base of the temples (eg, a pounding headache).
balance and cardiac myocyte function.27 Ven- These features can also be appreciated by pal-
tricular rhythm disturbances will significantly pating the patient’s pulse and noting a rapid,
impair cardiac output and may lead to hemo- regular rhythm that is most suggestive of sinus
dynamic collapse. The therapist will note tachycardia. This presentation may be associ-
absent pulses, and cardiopulmonary resuscita- ated with an acute pattern of fever and
tion should be initiated while the emergency malaise.
medical system is being activated. Electrolyte Background Information
imbalance can be confirmed by routine blood An assessment of temperature usually con-
tests and the therapist should refer the patient firms the presence of fever and identifies it as a
1528_Ch35_721-741 08/05/12 5:59 PM Page 732
possible contributor to the palpitations. Fever, (particularly atrial fibrillation) can occur and
typically a core temperature >98.6ºF, is a sys- may pose a serious health risk for individuals
temic response to invading microorganisms or with known coronary artery disease or his-
other inflammatory processes. It is primarily tory of stroke.31 Individuals with this condi-
regulated by a cluster of neurons in the hypo- tion often fail to exhibit the expected decrease
thalamus that act as a physiological thermo- in heart rate during sleep, with little or no
stat. During febrile states, the autonomic difference between resting heart rate during
nervous system and inflammatory mediators the waking and sleeping hours. Monitoring
act to increase heart rate and route blood to heart rate during sleep is often helpful in con-
the body’s surface for heat exchange as well firming this finding. Palpitations in individu-
as to support the increased metabolic rate of als with this condition are typically chronic,
inflammatory cells.28 In most cases, this condi- felt during resting states, and exaggerated
tion precludes the patient from participating with activity. This condition is characterized
in exercise until the process resolves. Fever by overactivity of the thyroid gland and pri-
lasting longer than 3 to 4 days typically indi- marily results in elevated levels of thyroid
cates the need for referral to an appropriate hormones in the bloodstream, while thyro-
health care practitioner. toxicosis refers to the clinical syndrome re-
sulting from hyperthyroidism. Typical etiolo-
■ Hyperthyroidism/Thyrotoxicosis gies include Graves’ disease (often associated
Chief Clinical Characteristics with exophthalmos), excessive thyroid hor-
This presentation often includes hyperten- mone replacement therapy, toxic adenoma,
sion, dyspnea (ie, orthopnea, exertional dys- thyroiditis, goiter, and use of amiodarone or
pnea, and paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea), iodine-containing radiographic contrast
and rapid, bounding palpitations that may agents. Thyroid hormones are known to
lead to feelings of dizziness or light-headedness. enhance myocardial contractility and elevate
Atrial fibrillation is not common before the the body’s metabolic rate, leading to arterial
age of 50 but is present in up to 20% of older vasodilation and possible hypotension. A
patients.29 Associated signs and symptoms reflex tachycardia may ensue to counteract
include nervousness, heat intolerance, fatigue, the hypotension. If this condition is sus-
weight loss despite increased appetite, sweat- pected, the individual should be referred to a
ing, tremors, and exophthalmos.30 In some medical practitioner for definitive assess-
individuals, a goiter may also be present ment. The diagnosis is made on the basis of
(Fig. 35-2). blood tests that indicate elevated thyroid hor-
mone levels. Management of this condition
Background Information
may include pharmacologic administration
The most common dysrhythmia associated
of iodine, antithyroid medications, and surgi-
with this condition is sinus tachycardia,
cal thyroidectomy.
although supraventricular dysrhythmias
■ Hypoglycemia
Chief Clinical Characteristics
This presentation can be characterized by a
pulse that is noted to be tachycardic but regu-
lar. The suspicion of hypoglycemia can be
quickly confirmed by asking the patient (if
diabetic) to utilize his or her personal glucose
monitor (or the facility’s monitor) if available.
Associated signs and symptoms often include
headache, slurred speech, dizziness, feelings of
“vagueness,” impaired motor function, anxi-
ety, sweating, shakiness, pallor, increased systolic
blood pressure, disorientation, weakness, and
FIGURE 35-2 Goiter. palpitations.32
1528_Ch35_721-741 08/05/12 5:59 PM Page 733
The rhythm is usually a reflex tachycardia in typically present with dark brown lesions on the
response to the hypoglycemic state. Low skin that may become itchy if rubbed or
blood glucose (hypoglycemia) in patients scratched. Systemic mastocytosis is confirmed
with diabetes may result from excess inges- by taking a tissue biopsy (eg, bone marrow) and
tion of insulin/oral hypoglycemic agents examining it for the presence of increased mast
or insufficient food intake in relation to in- cell counts. This condition is a term for a group
sulin/oral hypoglycemic dose. In people of disorders characterized by an overabundance
who do not have diabetes, this condition of mast cells (especially plentiful in the skin and
may result from insufficient caloric intake/ digestive tract). In both forms, the mast cells are
starvation or an abnormal increase in physi- triggered to release chemotactic agents by the
cal activity or exercise in the absence of presence of an allergen.34 Antihistamine med-
proper nutrition. The onset of signs and ications and epinephrine are useful as a first-
symptoms typically occurs when blood sugar line treatment for an acute episode and the
falls below 50 mg/dL, and findings can be di- patient should be reminded to avoid the trig-
vided into two categories: those related to the gering source if known. The therapist should
activation of the autonomic nervous system monitor the patient for signs of hypotension
and those caused by altered cerebral function. and presyncope and be prepared to administer
The condition can be readily reversed by hav- supportive care. In the event of severe anaphy-
ing the patient immediately ingest a source lactic shock, the therapist should activate the
of concentrated carbohydrate such as sugar, emergency medical system.
honey, candy, or orange juice. Vital signs
■ Menopause
should be monitored until they return to nor-
mal values. The therapist should be prepared Chief Clinical Characteristics
to administer supportive care or activate the This presentation can be characterized by
emergency medical system should the patient a rapid pulse that may be associated with
lapse into a diabetic coma (typically preceded depression/moodiness/irritability, shortness of
by convulsions and unresponsiveness). Indi- breath, numbness or tingling of extremities, hot
viduals with this condition related to diabetes flashes, sleeplessness, loss of appetite, poor con-
mellitus should be reminded to check blood centration, and early morning awakenings.35
glucose levels periodically and to avoid exer- Background Information
cising during the peak insulin effect to pre- The palpitations associated with menopause
vent episodes of hypoglycemia. are generally benign and self-limiting. There
■ Mastocytosis is strong evidence to suggest that hormonal
changes accompanying menopause likely
Chief Clinical Characteristics
contribute to increased incidence of palpita-
This presentation may include rash, itchy
tions, likely mediated by the effects of estra-
skin, abdominal discomfort, diarrhea, nausea
diol on electrophysiological parameters.36 The
and vomiting, bone pain, ulcers, skin lesions,
palpitations may be secondary to altered
severe hypotension, fainting, and bronchiolar
autonomic control of cardiovascular func-
constriction with labored breathing during
tion in the presence of altered hormonal bal-
an anaphylactic reaction. Palpitations may also
ance. It has been reported that the female
be associated with the increased release of
sex hormones slow electrical conduction
within the right atrium, prolong the refrac-
Background Information tory period of atrial tissue, and slow the
Typically, the underlying rhythm is sinus tachy- propagation of electrical conduction through
cardia and the pulse is felt to be rapid and the atrioventricular node.37 Referral to a
regular. Symptoms typically stem from exces- physician for evaluation of palpitations is
sive release of histamine (a vasoactive chemical made primarily on the basis of the severity of
released by mast cells during the normal allergic symptoms and the presence of clinical find-
reaction to an antigen or allergen). Mastocyto- ings that suggest cardiovascular compromise
sis can occur in two forms. Individuals with during episodes.
1528_Ch35_721-741 08/05/12 5:59 PM Page 734
of breath and palpitations. The palpitations can chest discomfort, urinary incontinence, and
be slow or rapid, and the patient may often ex- syncope when assuming a more vertical position.
perience a slight sense of anxiety or restlessness.41
Background Information
Background Information Orthostatic hypotension is defined as a drop
Several conditions often associated with sleep in systolic and/or diastolic blood pressure
apnea include obesity, a short thick neck, en- when going from the supine position to sit-
larged adenoids, reduced tone of the soft palate, ting or standing. The accepted criteria is a
a deviated nasal septum, and nasal polyps. drop of ≥20 mm Hg in systolic pressure
Individuals with clinical findings suggestive and/or a drop of ≥10 mm Hg in diastolic pres-
of Pickwickian syndrome—characterized by sure within 3 minutes of standing.43 In some
obesity, alveolar hypoventilation, pulmonary patients, a reflex tachycardia (usually an in-
hypertension, cyanosis, daytime somnolence, crease in heart rate of ≥30 bpm) is noted as
secondary polycythemia, and right-sided the sympathetic nervous system attempts to
heart failure with peripheral edema—should compensate for the drop in arterial pressure,
also be evaluated for the occurrence of termed postural orthostatic tachycardia syn-
obstructive sleep apnea. An opportunity to drome (POTS).44 Absence of a heart rate in-
engage the patient’s spouse or significant crease in the presence of hypotension may im-
other during the interview process usually ply a more serious neurological component to
reveals a history of loud snoring and frequent the disorder. Other factors to consider when
apneic episodes throughout the night. Individ- evaluating a patient for orthostatic hypoten-
uals with this condition rarely attain the deep sion include the patient’s neurological status,
stages of sleep (rapid eye movement sleep) prescription of vasoactive medications (eg,
because of constant hypoxic arousal and, thus, calcium channel blocker and beta-blocker
they are sleep deprived. The origin of this con- medications), prolonged bed rest, and hemor-
dition may be central (cessation of respiratory rhagic/hypovolemic states. A tilt table test is
muscle effort leading to absence of airflow), most often the initial evaluative procedure for
obstructive (upper airway obstruction), or symptoms suggestive of this condition. Pa-
mixed (airflow and inspiratory efforts stop tients should be instructed to rise slowly from
early in the episode). There may be an asso- bed in the morning (eg, sitting at the edge of
ciated impairment of cardiac autonomic the bed and performing ankle/calf exercises)
function characterized by a rise in sympa- or when going from a sitting/squatting to
thetic tone accompanied by a withdrawal of standing position. Symptoms usually dissipate
parasympathetic activity.42 Chronic forms of when the patient is placed in a semirecumbent
this condition can eventually lead to significant or supine position, although some patients
pulmonary hypertension and cor pulmonale. may progress to frank syncope. In this case,
The use of a pulse oximeter during the activity the therapist should be prepared to activate
assessment is warranted for patients suspected the emergency medical system if the patient
of having sleep apnea, because it often reveals fails to regain consciousness spontaneously.
exercise-induced hemoglobin desaturation.
If pulmonary hypertension is suggested by ■ Pacemaker/Automatic
history and physical findings in individuals Implantable Cardioverter
suspected of having this condition, referral to Defibrillator Failure
a physician is necessary for further testing, Chief Clinical Characteristics
which often includes monitored sleep studies This presentation involves palpitations described
and echocardiography. as an irregular heart rhythm with a pulse that
is usually bradycardic and either regular or ir-
■ Orthostatic Hypotension regular, suggesting that the pacemaker is failing
(Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia to either sense or support the abnormal heart
Syndrome) rhythm. If failure of an automatic implantable
Chief Clinical Characteristics cardioverter defibrillator occurs in an individ-
This presentation can include dizziness, light- ual who reports palpitations, the pulse is
headedness, palpitations, shortness of breath, noted to be tachycardic and regular. Associated
1528_Ch35_721-741 08/05/12 5:59 PM Page 736
symptoms in either case may include lethargy, be reported.1,46 A pericardial friction rub that
Heart Disease rhythmia.51 Patients who are pregnant and re-
Chief Clinical Characteristics port palpitations associated with symptoms of
This presentation can be characterized by pal- cardiovascular instability should be referred to
pitations, light-headedness, and dizziness their primary care physician for evaluation. In
months to years after surgical intervention to the event of cardiovascular compromise, sup-
repair congenital heart disease. In symptomatic portive interventions and activation of the
patients, the presence of a surgical scar over the emergency medical system may be necessary.
precordium or report of heart surgery during the
■ Pulmonary Embolus
intake interview often suggests the possibility of
this syndrome. Chief Clinical Characteristics
This condition may involve an acute onset of
Background Information
nonspecific dyspnea, hemoptysis, and chest dis-
The development of atrial tachyarrhythmias
comfort, as well as tachypnea, wheezing,
(most commonly, atrial fibrillation) is a recog-
cyanosis, syncope, and tachycardia manifested
nized phenomenon that occurs in some
as palpitations.52 Individuals with this condi-
patients with this condition, including atrial
tion quite frequently feel great anxiety and may
septal defect, ventricular septal defect, and
have a sense of impending doom. With large pul-
tetralogy of Fallot.48 The mechanism for tach-
monary emboli, jugular venous distension may
yarrhythmias often involves direct trauma to
be observed and an S3 sound may be heard at
cardiac tissue during the surgical procedure,
the cardiac apex.
rendering some cells susceptible to hyperirri-
tability and spontaneous depolarization. The Background Information
symptoms may appear soon after the proce- This condition is usually the result of dis-
dure or remain latent for prolonged periods. lodgement of a portion of a venous thrombus
Further evaluation by a primary care physician that ultimately lodges in small branches
is usually indicated. of the pulmonary arterial tree. Risk factors
include surgery, trauma, immobilization,
■ Pregnancy obesity, stroke, cancer, spinal cord injury,
Chief Clinical Characteristics pregnancy/oral contraceptives, increasing
This presentation includes a rapid and bound- age, and prolonged placement of indwelling
ing pulse often associated with shortness of central venous catheters. An individual in
breath, and there may be an increase in the whom this condition is suspected must receive
occurrence of symptoms to term.49 At times, the immediate medical attention. The therapist
palpitations may precipitate dizziness, presyn- should activate the emergency medical system
cope, or frank syncope.50 and be prepared to administer basic life sup-
port should the individual become unstable.
Background Information
Episodes are usually benign and self-limiting. ■ Pulmonary Hypertension
Significant changes occur in hormonal and
Chief Clinical Characteristics
hemodynamic function during pregnancy that
This presentation commonly includes shortness
predispose women to the development of dys-
of breath, fatigue, chest discomfort, palpitations,
rhythmias. Changes in hormone levels during
and syncope.53 Physical findings mimic those of
pregnancy (particularly progesterone) have
right-sided heart failure, such as jugular venous
been associated with enhanced sympathetic
distension, peripheral edema, abdominal
activity and the precipitation of dysrhyth-
ascites, and an S3 sound that is heard on auscul-
mias.36 The enhanced maternal blood volume
tation. These latter signs are associated with the
and associated increase in stroke volume may
development of cor pulmonale.
lead to the sensation of a forceful, bounding
pulse in some patients. The type of dysrhyth- Background Information
mia associated with palpitations is often sinus This condition is associated with thickening
tachycardia or supraventricular tachycardia. and hypertrophy of the medial layer of the
Only very rarely is atrial fibrillation or pulmonary arteries that ultimately involves
1528_Ch35_721-741 08/05/12 5:59 PM Page 738
Digoxin is a cardiac glycoside that acts on the An overdose of a potassium supplement
heart to slow electrical impulse transmission can result in dangerously high levels of
through the atrioventricular node and to serum potassium and also precipitate life-
increase ventricular contractile force by threatening ventricular dysrhythmias. Patients
impairing sodium-potassium pump activity, taking a combination of Lasix and potas-
enhancing reverse sodium-calcium ex- sium supplement should be questioned for
changer activity, and increasing the sensitiv- the presence of frequent or prolonged
ity of ryanodine receptors on the sarcoplas- episodes of palpitations that may indicate
mic reticulum to calcium-induced calcium electrolyte imbalance. The therapist should
release.58 Individuals prescribed this medica- remind the patient to consult with their
tion often experience a sense of a “bound- physician in cases where potassium supple-
ing” heartbeat, especially at night prior to mentation is self-initiated.
falling asleep. In addition to its side effects,
overdose of this medication can result in a ■ Vasovagal Syncope
significant slowing of the heart rate and the (Neurocardiogenic Syncope,
individual may experience associated symp- Common Faint)
toms of nausea, dizziness, light-headedness, Chief Clinical Characteristics
general malaise, or syncope, suggesting This presentation involves prodromal symptoms,
digoxin toxicity. which include nausea, abdominal discomfort,
light-headedness, dizziness, palpitations, short-
■ Lasix
ness of breath, diaphoresis, and chest pain.60 The
Lasix is a loop diuretic that can significantly pulse is typically slow and regular, and blood
lower plasma volume and serum potassium pressure measurements may reveal hypotension.
levels. This may lead to destabilization of
the myocardial resting membrane potential, Background Information
resulting in the development of serious The precise mechanism responsible for this
ventricular dysrhythmias. Symptoms of ex- condition is not well understood. Individuals
cessive plasma volume loss and potassium with this condition usually have difficulty
depletion also include confusion, dizziness, standing for prolonged periods of time and
and unusual fatigue.59 exhibit delayed or diminished neurocardiovas-
cular responses when assuming an upright pos-
■ Nitrates and Calcium Channel ture. Predisposing factors include hypovolemia,
Blockers anemia, sympathetic blocking medications, and
Nitrates (eg, nitroglycerin) are metabolized antihypertensive medications. Similar to ortho-
and converted to nitric oxide (a vascular static hypotension and POTS, having the indi-
smooth muscle relaxer) and calcium channel vidual assume a more recumbent position and
blockers act to prevent calcium entry into administering fluids will often cause the symp-
vascular smooth muscle. Both medications toms to abate. A tilt table test is the diagnostic
elicit vascular smooth muscle relaxation and procedure of choice for confirming this condi-
can reduce arterial blood pressure. In some tion, and the individual should be referred to
cases, a reflex sinus tachycardia may ensue his or her primary care physician for definitive
in response to systemic hypotension and assessment.
patients may experience palpitations. Indi-
viduals who present with symptoms while ■ Wolff-Parkinson-White
taking any cardioinhibitory or vasoactive Syndrome (Pre-Excitation
medications should be referred to their pri- Syndrome)
mary physician for evaluation of appropriate Chief Clinical Characteristics
medication dosage and should be monitored This presentation ranges from asymptomatic and
closely during treatment sessions to assess undiagnosed to palpitations associated with
heart rate and blood pressure responses to chest discomfort, shortness of breath, light-
exercise. headedness, and syncope.
1528_Ch35_721-741 08/05/12 5:59 PM Page 740
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1528_Ch36_742-760 08/05/12 6:00 PM Page 742
Persistent Cough
■ Jeffrey S. Rodrigues, PT, DPT, CCS
T Trauma
Aspiration of a foreign object 745
Aspiration pneumonia 746
Exercise-induced bronchospasm (exercise-induced asthma) 751
Inhaled irritant or foreign object 752
Chest injury 748
Pneumothorax 754
Not applicable
I Inflammation
Asthma 746
Bronchiectasis 746
Bronchitis 748
Common cold 749
Pertussis (whooping cough) 752
• Bacterial pneumonia (community-acquired pneumonia, nursing home–acquired pneumonia) 753
• Viral pneumonia 753
Tuberculosis 757
1528_Ch36_742-760 08/05/12 6:00 PM Page 743
Inflammation (continued)
Pleural effusion 753
Not applicable
Not applicable
M Metabolic
Emphysema 750
Tobacco smoke 757
Sarcoidosis 756
Side effect of medications 756
Upper airway cough syndrome 758
Volume overload 758
Gastroesophageal reflux disease 751
Va Vascular
Cor pulmonale 749
Congestive heart failure 749
Mitral valve stenosis/regurgitation 752
Pulmonary hypertension 755
Pulmonary embolism 755
De Degenerative
Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis 751
Not applicable
Not applicable
1528_Ch36_742-760 08/05/12 6:00 PM Page 744
Tu Tumor
Not applicable
Malignant Primary, such as:
• Pulmonary carcinomas 754
Malignant Metastatic, such as:
• Metastases, including from primary kidney, breast, pancreas, and colon disease 752
Not applicable
Not applicable
Co Congenital
Alpha-1-antitrypsin emphysema 745
Cystic fibrosis 750
Not applicable
Not applicable
Ne Neurogenic/Psychogenic
Not applicable
Not applicable
Psychogenic cough 754
Swallowing difficulties associated with a stroke 756
Note: These are estimates of relative incidence because few data are available for the less common conditions.
bronchitis, and other respiratory symptoms.
Occupational exposure to dust and chemical
irritants/fumes and exposure to first- or
second-hand smoke5 will lead to early devel-
opment of emphysema in the person with A1A
deficiency. The persistent cough is triggered
by the emphysematous changes that occur in
the lungs. Medical treatment may consist of
administration of A1A concentrate to keep
A1A serum levels therapeutic.6 The physical
Lung therapist’s intervention should include aspects
of a pulmonary rehabilitation program in-
cluding airway hygiene techniques and aerobic
exercises at a submaximal level.
■ Aspiration of a Foreign Object
Chief Clinical Characteristics
This presentation includes persistent cough with
a slight wheeze in its mild form. In more severe
cases, the presentation may include stridor, dys-
FIGURE 36-1 Generational structure of the airways pnea, rapid and shallow respirations, decreased
in the human lung. oxygen saturation, and cyanosis and may even-
tually lead to a syncopal event.7 This presenta-
tion will likely involve the universal choking
drip, or an underlying pulmonary or cardiac sign (hands at the throat).
Background Information
Description of Conditions That Aspiration of a foreign object is more com-
May Lead to Persistent Cough mon in infants and children than adults. The
objects are usually accidentally aspirated. Fre-
■ Alpha-1-Antitrypsin Emphysema quently, children are misdiagnosed initially in
this situation.8 Objects aspirated in children
Chief Clinical Characteristics
tend to be centrally lodged, whereas objects
This presentation includes persistent cough
will likely be lodged in the right main stem
combined with dyspnea on exertion, decreased
bronchus in adults. In a child, the main stem
exercise tolerance, prolonged expiration,
bronchi are more horizontally oriented and
wheezes and/or crackles with distant breath
as a person becomes an adult the bronchi be-
sounds on pulmonary auscultation, cough pro-
come more vertically orientated (the right
ductive of sputum, and excessive use of acces-
more so than the left side). The body uses a
sory muscles for respiration.
cough as a defense mechanism to try to re-
Background Information move the object. In mild cases the presentation
The primary pulmonary complication of can commonly be mistaken for an asthmatic
alpha-1-antitrypsin (A1A) deficiency is em- episode. Breath sounds on auscultation will
physema and the most common pulmonary be diminished or absent distal to the lodged
feature is chronic obstructive pulmonary object.7 Aspirated objects have included items
disease.5 This condition is a hereditary disor- such as chewed meat, peanuts, popcorn ker-
der characterized by low serum levels of nels, candy, pins, pen caps, and razor blades.9,10
A1A. Individuals with this deficiency are Individuals with alcoholism tend to be prone
at increased risk for developing premature to aspiration of objects and fluids when intox-
emphysema, often in the third and fourth icated. If the symptoms are mild, referring
decade of life. 6 Individuals with severe the individual to urgent care or an emergency
A1A deficiency are known to be genetically department would be appropriate. If the
1528_Ch36_742-760 08/05/12 6:00 PM Page 746
therapist should activate the emergency med- The stimulating factor irritates the lining of
ical system and be prepared to perform the the bronchial airway and a hyperadaptive
Heimlich maneuver if the individual’s status response is provoked, resulting in a narrowing
warrants. If this does not produce the object, of the airway. This leads to an irritation of
the individual will likely need to have a bron- the cough receptors, which provokes a cough
choscopy or surgery to remove it. response. If the individual is in an area that
exposes him or her to such triggers as pollen,
■ Aspiration Pneumonia dust, or animal dander, a prudent course of
Chief Clinical Characteristics action would be to have the individual exercise
This presentation is characterized by cough and in a different area away from the trigger, if pos-
associated with dyspnea, chest pain, wheezing, sible. For example, if outdoors, move the exer-
fever, nausea, or vomiting. The individual will cise program indoors. Cold, dry air is another
present with diminished breath sounds in the cause of exacerbation for individuals with
areas in which the aspirated contents exist. this condition. Exercising in a warm, moist
Background Information climate or performing activities in a pool would
Aspiration is identified as the inhalation of help to reduce triggering an asthma-induced
oropharyngeal or gastric contents into the coughing episode. Individuals who are prone
larynx and lower respiratory tract. Aspiration to “asthma attacks,” especially during exercise,
pneumonia will arise after the aspiration of should try to exercise in an area free from any
colonized oropharyngeal contents.11 Com- airborne irritants and in a warm, moist envi-
monly aspirated items include chewed food or ronment. Asthma is the most common cause
liquids. In the elderly aspiration is common in of persistent cough in children. If an asthma
those with dysphagia,12 swallowing difficulties exacerbation occurs, the individual should be
following stroke,13 or with a decreased cough instructed to stop any activity, rest, and use any
reflex. A decreased cough reflex will diminish medically prescribed medications such as in-
the defensive properties of the cough and the haled bronchodilators or corticosteroids until
individual will be prone to aspiration. The the symptoms subside. The physical therapist
individual will then develop a persistent should try to alter the environment to avoid
cough as the body tries to remove the aspi- further episodes. If the individual is unable to
rated contents that are directly irritating the control the situation within a reasonable
cough receptors. The individual’s oxygen amount of time, the physical therapist should
saturation may be lower due to the decreased be prepared to activate the emergency medical
gas exchange. If the above signs and symp- system so as to avoid progression to tussive
toms appear, the physical therapist should syncope.
ascertain a recent history from the individual ■ Bronchiectasis
or family member to rule in the possibility
of an aspiration pneumonia that has devel- Chief Clinical Characteristics
oped or is in the process of developing. The This presentation involves persistent cough
individual should be referred to his or her pri- that is productive of purulent, foul-smelling
mary physician if stable. If the individual a sputum with or without hemoptysis, dyspnea,
ppears to be in respiratory distress, the physi- fever, or pleurisy and can have digital club-
cal therapist should activate the emergency bing in severe cases. Daily sputum production
medical system. can range from 10 mL/day in mild cases to
more than 150 mL/day in severe cases.15 Indi-
■ Asthma viduals with this condition frequently have a
Chief Clinical Characteristics persistent cough throughout the year and com-
This presentation typically involves a chronic monly have hemoptysis.
or intermittent persistent cough, especially in Background Information
response to factors or stimuli such as pollen, Bronchiectasis is defined as an abnormal dila-
dust, animal dander, environmental conditions, tion of a bronchus that is irreversible (Fig. 36-2).
certain foods, and exercise.14 The dilation can be due to an infection such as
1528_Ch36_742-760 08/05/12 6:00 PM Page 747
or aerosolized antibiotics.15 The individual
may also use mechanical devices such as the
Flutter valve (VarioRaw Percutive SARL,
Aubonne, Switzerland) (Fig. 36-3) or a high-
frequency chest compression vest to help clear
secretions. In severe cases resection of a seg-
ment, lobe, or entire lung may be necessary.16
The physical therapist’s intervention should
consist of airway hygiene by percussion and
vibration, postural drainage, assisted cough
techniques such as the active cycle of breath-
ing, and pulmonary rehabilitation.17 The
physical therapist should be aware of the indi-
vidual’s baseline signs and symptoms and note
any increase in the frequency or production of
sputum with the cough. The individual should
be referred back to his or her primary care
led a
C Inhaled
FIGURE 36-2 Computed tomography scan of a
patient with bronchiectasis: (A) upper airways;
(B) middle airways; (C) lower airways.
of the secretions. The physical therapist should wheezing, and persistent coughing are com-
be aware of the underlying causes and physical mon signs in individuals with bronchial
structures present prior to administering any hyperreactivity.21 Medical treatment usually
of the above pulmonary physical therapy tech- consists of a combination of vasodilators,
niques. Percussion and vibration directly over diuretics, digoxin, beta blockers, antiarrhyth-
fractured ribs are contraindicated but encour- mic agents, and anticoagulants.22 Implement-
aged around the site.17 ing a cardiac rehabilitation program would be
beneficial.23 The individual who is newly diag-
■ Common Cold nosed or having an exacerbation of symptoms
Chief Clinical Characteristics would begin in Phase I of a cardiac rehabilita-
This presentation commonly involves runny tion program as an inpatient and progress to
nose, sneezing, fever, general body aches, and Phase II and Phase III as an outpatient over a
cough. An inflamed throat that has become period of several months.
irritated can induce this condition.
■ Cor Pulmonale
Background Information
The chronic cough can also be triggered by an Chief Clinical Characteristics
upper airway cough syndrome, more com- This presentation involves chronic productive
monly known as postnasal drip, from a runny cough, dyspnea on exertion, wheezing, lower
nose. The direct irritation of a substance on extremity edema, jugular venous distention,
the cough receptors in the upper airway struc- and in chronic cases digital clubbing.17
tures can generate a cough.19,20 It would be
Background Information
wise to inform the individual to return home
This condition is characterized as pulmonary
until the symptoms dissipate and he or she is
heart disease. The right side of the heart may
no longer potentially infectious to the physical
become enlarged due to pulmonary hyperten-
therapist or other individuals. If the symptoms
sion, pulmonary embolism, chronic obstruc-
persist, or are severe, the individual should be
tive pulmonary disease, idiopathic pulmonary
referred to his or her primary care physician
fibrosis, and Pickwickian syndrome.24 The
for further evaluation and treatment.
additional fluid irritates the bronchial airways,
■ Congestive Heart Failure resulting in a reactive chronic cough. Medical
management includes diuretics, supplemental
Chief Clinical Characteristics
oxygen use, and dietary salt restrictions.17 The
This presentation can be characterized by dys-
physical therapist should take to the role of
pnea on exertion, orthopnea, persistent cough,
preventing the onset of cor pulmonale by ad-
peripheral edema, and fatigue. On examination,
dressing the underlying cause. Aerobic exer-
individuals with this condition may exhibit
cises, mobility training, and breathing exer-
systolic murmur, crackles/rales on pulmonary
cises could have an important effect on the
auscultation, a third (S3) and/or fourth (S4)
above-mentioned causes. Individual education
heart sound on cardiac auscultation, jugular
would also be beneficial, including how to
venous distention, or peripheral cyanosis.
monitor lower extremity edema and signs of
Background Information respiratory failure. The physical therapist
This condition is characterized by left ventric- should be aware of any acute signs and symp-
ular contractile dysfunction resulting in toms of a severe form of this condition to the
ventricular dilation and poor contraction. point that the individual experiences pallor,
Contractile dysfunction can be caused by sweating, severe chest pain, weak and rapid
myocardial ischemia or infarction, coronary pulse, anxiety, and diminished level of con-
artery disease, or bacterial/viral infection. As sciousness. In this situation, the physical ther-
the heart pump fails, the blood returning to apist should activate the emergency medical
the heart from the lungs is backed up, causing system immediately, because these signs and
overload in the pulmonary circulation, which symptoms suggest the condition has pro-
leads to bronchial hyperreactivity. Dyspnea, gressed to the point of being life threatening.
1528_Ch36_742-760 08/05/12 6:01 PM Page 750
the entry for Chest Injury earlier in this chap- in the morning and after meals. This condition
ter for reference as needed. is common among individuals who are non-
smokers with a normal chest radiograph and
■ Exercise-Induced Bronchospasm not taking angiotensin-converting enzyme
(Exercise-Induced Asthma) inhibitors.35
Chief Clinical Characteristics Background Information
This presentation can include a persistent cough This condition involves retrograde movement
that will usually occur 10 to 15 minutes into an of gastric contents into the esophagus. In indi-
exercise session and will then continue for up viduals with this condition, persistent cough
to 15 minutes after the conclusion of the exer- is one of the most common complaints.36
cise session.31 The mechanism of cough in an individual
Background Information with gastroesophageal reflux disease is from
This condition is a reaction of the bronchial microaspiration of gastric contents or a vagally
airways during bouts of exercise, usually in mediated esophageal-tracheobronchial reflex.
response to a change in environmental condi- Medical treatment includes vigorous acid sup-
tions. The airway narrowing consists of in- pression, elevating the head of the individual’s
creased mucus production in the airway along bed 10 cm, weight loss, diet modification to
with spasm of the smooth muscle in the airway high-protein and low-fat foods, omitting
lining. The response has a clinical appearance high-acid foods, antacid use prior to bedtime,
similar to that of an asthmatic episode, yet the and limiting food intake 2 hours prior to
mast cells in the bronchial airway do not re- bedtime.36 Referral should be made to the in-
spond as they do during an asthma attack.32 It dividual’s primary physician for a 24-hour
occurs during prolonged exercise, and is more esophageal pH test. Physical therapists treating
likely to occur when the ambient air is cold individuals with this condition in its acute
and dry.33 The easiest way to avoid cough form should avoid having the individual flex
secondary to this condition is to remove or forward at the trunk or hips and also avoid
minimize precipitating factors. Conducting vigorous activities in the early morning or
the exercise session in an area with warm, after meals, because these situations raise the
moist air will help to eliminate a primary likelihood of symptom aggravation.
precursor to this condition. A mild warm-up
■ Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis
session prior to the start of vigorous exercise
will help to prepare the airways for the exercise Chief Clinical Characteristics
session and likely reduce the hyperreactivity of This presentation involves an irritating, non-
the bronchial passages. Medical treatment in- productive cough and exertional dyspnea.37
volves bronchodilator medications that can Lung auscultation will reveal a “Velcro”-like
help reduce the bronchial reaction. These quality crackle most noticeable at the bases.
medications can include long-acting beta- Pulmonary function tests will demonstrate a re-
adrenergic agonists such as cromone, for- strictive disease pattern with decreased vital
moterol, and salmeterol.34 The individual who capacity, residual volume, and total lung
is prone to exercise-induced bronchospasm capacity.
should be instructed to take the medications Background Information
prior to the exercise session to prevent cough This condition is a specific form of chronic
from this condition. fibrosing interstitial pneumonia that is limited
to the lung. The “stiffness” of the lungs causes
■ Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease a rapid, shallow breathing pattern. This is due
Chief Clinical Characteristics to a ventilation/perfusion mismatch and the
This presentation commonly includes dyspho- individual can become hypoxic during exer-
nia, hoarseness, sore throat, gum inflammation, cise. This will lead to a worsening of the above
dental erosion, chest pain, heart burn, dysp- cough and dyspnea symptoms. Pulmonary re-
nea, sputum production with coughing, and habilitation may help improve the quality of
wheezing.35 The cough will be more prevalent life and prepare the individual for possible
1528_Ch36_742-760 08/05/12 6:01 PM Page 752
Adults tend to have a persistent cough for physical therapist should activate the emer-
longer duration, are less likely to have a gency medical system. Except for pleural effu-
“whoop,” and are more likely to wake at night sion caused by congestive heart failure, the
due to their cough in combination with sweat- medical treatment for pleural effusion is to re-
ing attacks.41 This condition is a respiratory move the fluid by thoracocentesis or to place a
illness caused by the bacterium Bordetella chest tube.44 If the individual has recently had a
pertussis. In the United States, children are reg- thoracocentesis performed to drain a pleural
ularly vaccinated with DTaP (diphtheria and effusion, the physical therapist should be aware
tetanus toxoids and acellular pertussis) in a of the signs and symptoms of a possible pneu-
five-dose series starting from 2 months of age mothorax that may have developed due to the
until 4 to 6 years of age. Medical treatment procedure.
for this condition includes use of antibiotic
medications, such as macrolides (eg, erythro- PNEUMONIA
mycin, azithromycin, or clarithromycin) or ■ Bacterial Pneumonia
trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole.42 Individuals (Community-Acquired
suspected of having this condition should be Pneumonia, Nursing
referred to their primary care physician imme- Home–Acquired Pneumonia)
diately for evaluation and management. This Chief Clinical Characteristics
action becomes even more pressing if there is a This presentation usually includes persistent
known outbreak of pertussis locally. The phys- cough, sputum production with occasional
ical therapist also should self-monitor for hemoptysis, dyspnea, fatigue, and pleuritic
symptoms and seek testing for B. pertussis if chest pain.45 Pulmonary auscultation will
they develop. likely reveal decreased or absent breath sounds
■ Pleural Effusion and crackles.46
Chief Clinical Characteristics Background Information
This presentation commonly includes dyspnea, The onset of illness is usually abrupt. The
persistent cough, and pleuritic chest pain. Phys- persistent cough is produced by the in-
ical examination may reveal decreased chest creased sputum production irritating the
expansion, diminished or absent breath sounds, cough receptors. Medical treatment consists
dullness to percussion, and possible friction rub. of some form of penicillin or amoxicillin.45
A physical therapist’s intervention should
Background Information include airway hygiene techniques such as
This condition is a collection of fluid between percussion and vibration, postural drainage,
the visceral pleura and parietal pleura that assisted cough techniques, and deep-
occurs as fluid production exceeds fluid absorp- breathing exercises. Mobilizing the individ-
tion in the pleural space. The etiology of this ual would also be beneficial in assisting to
condition involves congestive heart failure, clear the lungs of sputum.
atelectasis, pneumonia, impaired lymphatic
drainage, and kidney or liver failure.43 The ■ Viral Pneumonia
cough is due to the excess fluid and dyspnea,
Chief Clinical Characteristics
which irritate the cough receptors in the
This presentation commonly involves persist-
bronchial airways and diminish gas exchange.
ent, dry, nonproductive cough and increasing
The cough reflex is triggered in a response
dyspnea. Chest auscultation reveals crackles
designed to remove the excess fluids. In severe
or wheezes. The individual may also exhibit
cases, the individual may have a tracheal shift
fever, decreased appetite, headache, and fa-
away from the affected side44 and may develop
tigue. This condition most commonly occurs
mild hypoxemia. In this case the physical thera- after the onset of influenza or inhalation of
pist should administer supplemental oxygen, as some other airborne virus.
prescribed by a physician, to maintain oxygen
saturation at a level where the individual is Background Information
comfortable and maintains a calm respiratory This condition can be community acquired
rate. If the symptoms persist or worsen, the or nosocomial. The cough reflex is triggered
1528_Ch36_742-760 08/05/12 6:01 PM Page 754
by stimulation of the cough receptors from the ages of 10 and 30 years who have a
the infectious material in the airways. A tall, thin body habitus are more prone to de-
chest radiograph will show infiltrates in the veloping a spontaneous pneumothorax.47
areas affected. The aim of treatment in an Tension pneumothorax is characterized by
individual with a viral pneumonia is to air entering the pleural space but not exiting.
increase oxygen transportation. This in- This condition is caused by a one-way or
cludes pulmonary percussion and vibration, ball valve fistula. The ipsilateral lung becomes
postural drainage, deep-breathing exercises, compressed and the mediastinum shifts
assisted cough techniques, and mobilizing contralaterally. A tension pneumothorax is a
the individual. The physical therapist should medical emergency because the individual
be aware of the potential for contamination will develop decreased cardiac output, refrac-
or infection from one individual to another tory hypoxemia, and hypotension. The physi-
or to the physical therapist. The affected in- cal therapist will need to activate the emer-
dividual should be treated away from other gency medical system. Medical treatment
susceptible individuals. Physical therapists consists of chest tube placement to remove
should protect themselves by wearing a mask the trapped air. The use of high concentra-
that covers their nose and mouth. The tions of supplemental oxygen will reabsorb
affected individual may also consider wear- the lesion four times faster than if no supple-
ing a mask to protect others. Performing mental oxygen was used.47 This situation
hand hygiene before and after treatment of may resolve without the use of a chest tube in
an affected individual will help reduce the individuals with small pneumothoraces
spread of infection. (<15% of the hemithorax). The physical ther-
apist should have supplemental oxygen avail-
■ Pneumothorax able for use, as prescribed by the physician,
Chief Clinical Characteristics during therapy sessions. If the individual
This presentation typically involves pleuritic appears to be in respiratory distress during a
chest pain, dyspnea, and dry cough and the in- session, the physical therapist should activate
dividual may have absent breath sounds with the emergency medical system.
hyperresonant percussion over the affected area.
■ Psychogenic Cough
Background Information
This condition is free air that leaks into the Chief Clinical Characteristics
pleural space between the visceral and pari- This presentation includes dry, chronic cough-
etal pleura. The cough seen in an individual ing with no known somatic etiology. It is most
with this condition results from irritation commonly seen in children and adolescents but
of the cough receptors from the increased it also appears in adults.48
intrathoracic pressure. There are three main Background Information
classifications of this condition. Traumatic This condition should be considered when
pneumothorax is caused by a trauma or in- medical therapies for postnasal drip, asthma,
jury, direct or indirect, to the thorax. Com- and gastroesophageal reflux disease fail.48 In
mon causes include gunshot wound, knife children and adolescents, school phobia, fear
wound, and motor vehicle accidents. Sponta- of rejection, and need for attention are com-
neous pneumothorax occurs as the structural mon causes of psychogenic cough.49 The phys-
integrity of the pleural tissue is weakened. ical therapist should refer the individual back
The tissue becomes so weakened that a bleb to his or her primary physician for further
or bullae can rupture, allowing air into the evaluation and management if this condition
pleural space. Individuals with asthma, cystic is suspected. Treatment may consist of psy-
fibrosis, emphysema, pulmonary infections, chosocial intervention.
and empyema are likely candidates for devel-
oping a spontaneous pneumothorax. This ■ Pulmonary Carcinomas
condition can also occur in healthy individu- Chief Clinical Characteristics
als. Healthy individuals who smoke, have a This presentation commonly includes persistent
positive family history, and males between cough, hemoptysis, dyspnea, chest discomfort,
1528_Ch36_742-760 08/05/12 6:01 PM Page 755
ual has bronchoalveolar cell carcinoma, he Chief Clinical Characteristics
or she can produce copious amounts of thin This presentation includes dyspnea, pleuritic
secretions.50 chest pain, persistent cough, hemoptysis, and
Background Information syncope.52 Individuals with a history of deep
Cigarette smoking is the primary cause of venous thrombosis are susceptible. Other
carcinoma in the lung, and exposure to factors that put an individual at risk include
asbestos is the most common occupational immobility, resulting in blood stasis, endothe-
exposure cause for a person developing lung lial injuries due to lower extremity trauma or
carcinoma.50 There are many types of carci- surgery, and hypercoagulable states arising
noma of the bronchial airways including from such situations as oral contraceptive use
small-cell lung cancer (ie, oat cell carcinoma) or cancer.
and non–small-cell lung cancers (ie, squa-
Background Information
mous cell, adenocarcinoma, and large-cell
This condition is defined as a blood clot that
carcinomas).17 This condition has a strong
has become lodged in a pulmonary artery and
association with rheumatoid arthritis, and
significantly inhibits or ceases blood flow to
may even precede joint involvement.51 In an
the lung tissue. The obstruction is commonly a
individual who is in the early stages of local-
blood clot, but this condition can also be
ized lung cancer, the symptoms do not vary
caused by air, fat, bone marrow, foreign intra-
much from the symptoms related to cigarette
venous material, or tumor cells.17 The persist-
smoking; therefore, the individual may not
ent cough results from the irritation caused by
seek medical attention promptly.17 Individu-
the pulmonary congestion due to the em-
als with this condition may have tumors
bolism and the ensuing respiratory distress.
located in the main stem or segmental bronchi,
Medical treatment will depend on the severity
causing a cough. Pulmonary auscultation
of the blocked pulmonary artery. In an acute
will usually reveal normal findings. Individu-
case of severe disease, sudden death may occur.
als suspected of having this condition should
In the case of severe disease in which signs and
be referred to their primary care physician.
symptoms appear significant and hemody-
Complete blood count, chest radiography,
namic instability or respiratory compromise is
computed tomography, positron emission
evident, the physical therapist should activate
tomography, pulmonary function tests,
the emergency medical system. In other cases
ventilation/perfusion scan, and biopsy of the
where the signs and symptoms appear not as
suspected tumor are procedures that can be
severe, the individual should be directed to an
performed to rule in the diagnosis. Medical
emergent care facility. Medical treatment in-
treatment for the individual who is diag-
cludes thrombolytic medications to dissolve
nosed with carcinoma of the lungs can in-
the clot.52
clude radiation and chemotherapy. In certain
cases, surgical resection of the tumor and ■ Pulmonary Hypertension
possibly some of the surrounding tissues
Chief Clinical Characteristics
may be necessary. Physical therapists should
This presentation commonly involves dyspnea
construct a therapeutic program to improve
on exertion, fatigue, cough, wheezing, lower
the individual’s pulmonary function along
extremity edema, coarse breath sounds, and
with any possible complications due to the
radiation or chemotherapies. This may in-
clude decreased endurance and muscle weak- Background Information
ness due to the side effects of loss of appetite These symptoms arise from the fluid over-
and weight loss resulting from the above load in the lungs and the resulting pulmonary
treatments. Frequents rest breaks and inter- congestion irritating the cough receptors.
val training may be beneficial for the individ- Pulmonary hypertension is classified as an
ual. Following surgery physical therapists elevation of the pulmonary artery pressure
should also address movement dysfunction above normal.53 This condition is classified as
related to chest trauma. primary or secondary. The primary form of
1528_Ch36_742-760 08/05/12 6:01 PM Page 756
Dysphagia, or difficulty swallowing, is a com- exposed to second-hand tobacco smoke. The
mon occurrence following a stroke.11 Individ- cough reflex for those exposed to first-hand
uals with dysphagia tend to take longer to tobacco smoke becomes diminished.60 In
chew and swallow their food and also have a individuals who begin to demonstrate em-
tendency to “pocket” chewed food in the physematous changes in the lungs from first-
mouth after swallowing.59 This puts the indi- hand tobacco smoke, cessation of smoke
vidual recovering from a stroke at risk for as- exposure does not undo but stabilizes the
pirating food and liquids. In turn, individuals changes that had occurred.61 The persistent
with this condition are at risk for developing cough is enhanced by the continued mucus
aspiration pneumonia. The individual will re- production and therefore will not signifi-
spond with a cough as a defensive mechanism cantly dissipate. The physical therapists’ treat-
to remove the aspirated contents. The physical ment aim would be to improve pulmonary
therapist treating an individual recovering function through pulmonary clearance tech-
from a stroke should refer the individual for niques, aerobic exercise, and individual edu-
evaluation of his or her swallowing.59 The cation. For the individual exposed to second-
physical therapist should visualize the stroke hand tobacco smoke, encouragement to avoid
individual’s oral cavity if a persistent cough the source of the tobacco smoke, especially
is noted, especially if it is after mealtime or during exercise treatments, would be practi-
after the individual has taken medications. cal. For the individual exposed to first-hand
If the symptoms become acutely severe, the smoke, the physical therapist should alert the
physical therapist should activate the emer- individual to smoking cessation programs.
gency medical system.
■ Tuberculosis
■ Tobacco Smoke Chief Clinical Characteristics
Chief Clinical Characteristics This presentation typically includes fever,
This presentation includes a persistent, likely night sweats, anorexia, weight loss, weakness,
productive cough, dyspnea, wheezing, and persistent cough, pleuritic chest pain, and
decreased oxygen saturation. Individuals hemoptysis.
with this condition may have a barrel-chest
Background Information
This condition is an infectious disease of
Background Information the lungs caused by inhalation of airborne tu-
The airway inflammation generally present bercle bacilli, triggering an inflammation re-
in smokers causes a persistent cough, sputum sponse that, in turn, produces fluid leukocytes
production, and reactive airway disease due and macrophages. The infection can spread
to the inhaled noxious stimulant. For some into extrapulmonary sites such as lymph
time now tobacco smoke has been linked to nodes, pleura, bones, joints, kidneys, or brain.
many symptoms and signs, particularly per- A chest radiograph will reveal infiltrates in
sistent cough. When airways are exposed to the middle and lower zones that can irritate
smoke, they become inflamed. The short- the cough receptors.62 Individuals suspected of
term response (cough) to tobacco smoke is a having this condition should be referred to
protective action. The cilia in the airway are their primary care physician immediately.
part of the defense mechanism of the lungs. Care should be taken to avoid close contact
These cilia get destroyed with prolonged ex- with the individual because this condition is
posure to tobacco smoke. The long-term commonly transmitted by inhalation of in-
pathological consequences include swelling fected airborne particles. Medical treatment
of the bronchial airways, increased mucus includes antituberculosis medications such
production, and increased airway reactivity as isoniazid, rifampin, pyrazinamide, ethamb-
characteristic of chronic bronchitis and utol, and streptomycin. This course of treat-
chronic obstructive lung disease and the tis- ment can last for 6 to 9 months.62 Individuals
sue destruction characteristic of emphysema. who have this infectious disease are placed in
1528_Ch36_742-760 08/05/12 6:01 PM Page 758
limited area in which to exercise and the neces- Chief Clinical Characteristics
sity for isolation, the individual is prone to This presentation may involve dyspnea, per-
cardiopulmonary and physical decondition- sistent cough, wheezes, and fatigue. Pulmonary
ing, disuse atrophy, and progressive dyspnea.17 auscultation will commonly reveal crackles.
The physical therapist is often challenged with
providing the individual with functional and Background Information
effective exercise activities within the confines This is a condition in which the extracellular
of the individual’s room. Therapeutic activities fluid in the body increases. Common causes of
and exercises using free weights or resistive volume overload include congestive heart fail-
bands would be practical. Bringing (and leav- ure and kidney failure but can also include
ing) a stationary bicycle in the individual’s chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.66 The
room would address the aerobic component of lungs, heart, abdomen, and extremities are
an exercise program. The physical therapist common places for excess fluid to accumulate.
should be aware that any objects used by an The excess fluid that collects in the lungs is
individual with this condition must be thor- similar in characteristics to a pleural effusion,
oughly cleaned with a germicidal solution cor pulmonale, congestive heart failure, or
prior to use by another individual because tu- mitral valve stenosis/regurgitation, all of
bercle bacilli can live in sputum not exposed to which lead to a persistent cough. Medical
sunlight for many months. If the objects are treatment generally consists of loop diuretics
improperly cleaned, they may become vectors such as furosemide (Lasix) or Aldactone to
for disease transmission. help remove the excess fluid. The cause or lo-
cation of the volume overload should dictate
■ Upper Airway Cough Syndrome the physical therapist’s treatment. If the cause
Chief Clinical Characteristics of the volume overload is due to congestive
This presentation involves the sensation of heart failure or congestive obstructive pul-
“something dripping” down the back of the in- monary disease, the physical therapist should
dividual’s throat or the need to clear the throat implement items from cardiac or pulmonary
often, a condition commonly referred to as rehabilitation programs, respectfully. Aerobic
postnasal drip. This is usually due to rhinitis con- exercises and pulmonary hygiene therapy
sisting of nasal decongestion, sneezing, or techniques would be beneficial to the individ-
rhinorrhea, or sinusitis consisting of nasal ual depending on the location of the excess
discharge or sneezing, or a combination of fluids. The use of compression stockings or
both.63 wrapping of the lower extremities, in conjunc-
tion with diuretic usage, assists in moving
Background Information fluids away from the lower extremities. If the
This condition is considered one of the most symptoms progress to limiting the individual’s
common causes of persistent cough.64,65 The participation with rehabilitation, he or she
direct stimulation of the cough receptors in should be referred to a physician for further
the upper respiratory tract triggers the cough follow-up.
reflex. The individual may be in an infectious
state if an infection is the cause. The individ- References
ual should be directed to seek advice from his 1. Pradal M, Retornaz K, Poisson A. [Chronic cough
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patients with pneumococcal pneumonia. J Gen Intern crossover study. J Am Coll Cardiol. Apr 7 2004;
■ Ragen L. Agler, PT, DPT, ATC
T Trauma
Chest injury 766
Exercise 769
Pneumothorax 773
Not applicable
Not applicable
I Inflammation
Asthma 765
Bronchitis 766
Cardiomyopathy 766
Pericarditis 772
Bronchitis 766
Cardiomyopathy 766
Gastroesophageal reflux disease 770
Pericarditis 772
1528_Ch37_761-778 07/05/12 2:08 PM Page 762
Inflammation (continued)
• Bacterial pneumonia (community-acquired pneumonia, nursing home–acquired pneumonia) 772
• Viral pneumonia 773
Allergic reaction 764
Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis 770
Pleural effusion 772
Not applicable
Not applicable
M Metabolic
Emphysema 769
Mountain/altitude sickness 771
Renal failure 775
Tobacco smoke 776
Transfusion reaction 776
Anemia 764
Decompression sickness 768
Diabetic ketoacidosis 769
Pregnancy 774
Sarcoidosis 775
Cocaine toxicity 767
Va Vascular
Aortic aneurysm 765
Arrhythmias 765
Congestive heart failure 767
Cor pulmonale 767
Coronary artery disease 768
Mitral valve stenosis/regurgitation 771
Myocardial infarction (heart attack) 771
Pulmonary embolus 774
Pulmonary hypertension 775
Sickle cell disease/crisis 776
Not applicable
Not applicable
1528_Ch37_761-778 07/05/12 2:08 PM Page 763
De Degenerative
Deconditioning 768
Not applicable
Not applicable
Tu Tumor
Malignant Primary:
Not applicable
Malignant Metastatic:
Not applicable
Benign, such as:
• Benign lung nodules 766
Malignant Primary, such as:
• Pulmonary carcinoma 774
Malignant Metastatic, such as:
• Metastases, including from primary kidney, breast, pancreas, and colon disease 770
Not applicable
Not applicable
Co Congenital
Mitral valve prolapse 770
Not applicable
Not applicable
Ne Neurogenic/Psychogenic
Anxiety/panic disorder 764
Not applicable
Not applicable
Note: These are estimates of relative incidence because few data are available for the less common conditions.
1528_Ch37_761-778 07/05/12 2:08 PM Page 764
The body’s response to this condition is usually feeling of their heart fluttering or skipping a
short lived and subsides when the individual is beat, fatigue, or syncope.10
reassured or the stressful stimulus is removed.
Although anxiety or stress is perceived by many Background Information
areas of the brain, the integrated response This group of conditions is caused by a mal-
ultimately leads to elevation of plasma cortisol function in the heart’s electrical system.10 A
and catecholamine levels. Both hormones are large variety of arrhythmias can occur. Many
responsible for raising blood pressure and of them can result in a decrease in cardiac
cardiac output, the former directly leading to output. The primary concern with decreased
increased heart rate and force of contraction. cardiac output is dyspnea.10 The diagnosis is
The response leads to a general state of arousal confirmed with cardiac auscultation and
and prepares the individual for useful defensive electrocardiography. If an individual has a
behavior (ie, the “fight-or-flight” response). In history of this condition and has a new onset
the absence of other adverse symptoms or of dyspnea, it is of critical importance for
underlying cardiovascular pathology, palpita- the individual to receive emergency medical
tions due to stress pose no serious risk and the attention.
therapist should reinforce this in the mind of
■ Asthma
the patient. Disabling cases of this condition
should be referred to the appropriate health Chief Clinical Characteristics
care provider and may include pharmacologic This presentation typically involves dyspnea in
and psychological therapy. combination with a chronic or intermittent
persistent cough, especially in response to
■ Aortic Aneurysm factors or stimuli such as pollen, dust, animal
Chief Clinical Characteristics dander, environmental conditions, certain
This presentation can include dyspnea upon foods, and exercise.11
exertion. Individuals with an abdominal aor-
Background Information
tic aneurysm can also present with a pulsatile
The stimulating factor irritates the lining of
abdominal mass, abdominal pain, and abdom-
the bronchial airway and a hyperadaptive
inal rigidity.8 Individuals with a thoracic aor-
response is provoked, resulting in a narrowing
tic aneurysm can present with hoarseness,
of the airway. If the individual is in an area that
wheezing, coughing, hemoptysis, chest pain,
exposes him or her to such triggers as pollen,
back pain, or abdominal pain.9
dust, or animal dander, a prudent course of
Background Information action would be to have the individual exercise
Many individuals with this condition are in a different area away from the trigger, if pos-
asymptomatic. This condition is defined as sible. For example, if outdoors, move the exer-
the focal dilation of the aorta with at least a cise program indoors. Cold, dry air is another
50% increase over normal arterial diameter. It is cause of exacerbation for individuals with this
caused primarily by a degenerative process of condition. Exercising in a warm, moist climate
the aortic medial layer secondary to atheroscle- or performing activities in a pool would help
rosis. Increased concentration of proteolytic to reduce triggering an asthma-induced dysp-
enzymes in the aorta appears to be the cause of neic episode. Individuals who are prone to
the aortic media degradation. X-ray, ultrasound, “asthma attacks,” especially during exercise,
computed tomography, and angiography con- should try to exercise in an area free from any
firm the diagnosis. Individuals suspected of airborne irritants and in a warm, moist envi-
having this condition must be referred to their ronment. If an asthma exacerbation occurs,
primary care physician immediately. the individual should be instructed to stop the
activity, rest, and use any medically prescribed
■ Arrhythmias medications such as inhaled bronchodilators
Chief Clinical Characteristics or corticosteroids until the symptoms subside.
This presentation may include shortness of The physical therapist should try to alter
breath with and without exertion. Patients can the environment to avoid further episodes of
1528_Ch37_761-778 07/05/12 2:08 PM Page 766
dyspnea. If the individual is unable to control physical energy level and, therefore, their abil-
the situation within a reasonable amount of ity to fully participate in physical therapy
time, the physical therapist should be prepared treatment may be impaired.
to activate the emergency medical system.
■ Cardiomyopathy
■ Benign Lung Nodules Chief Clinical Characteristics
Chief Clinical Characteristics This presentation can involve dyspnea with and
This presentation includes a new onset of short- without exertion, in addition to swelling of the
ness of breath with exertion, as well as possible extremities, abdominal distention, fatigue,
blood in the sputum; chest, shoulder, or back dizziness, and fainting during physical activities.17
pain; and wheezing.12,13
Background Information
Background Information There are three primary types of this condi-
Up to 70% of solitary pulmonary nodules are tion, including restrictive, dilated, and hyper-
benign lung tumors. Although not considered trophic.17,18 This condition can be caused
a significant health problem, these tumors uncontrolled diabetes, drug abuse, radiation
can increase the patient’s risk of pneumonia, therapy, fibrosis, malignancies or autosomal
atelectasis, and hemoptysis.14 Chest x-ray and dominant genetic factor. A viral, bacterial, rick-
computed tomography confirm the diagnosis, ettsial, metazoal, or protozoal infection also
and biopsy of neoplasia may be necessary may account for this presentation. Regardless
to determine the tumor cell type. Treatment of the type of cardiomyopathy, the cardiac
typically involves observation, although indi- output is severely altered secondary to myocar-
viduals with this condition who demonstrate dial contractile disruption and arrythmias.17,18
bloody sputum, new onset of dyspnea, or The diagnosis is confirmed by murmur or an
instability of hemodynamic/oxygen transport S3 heart sound on cardiac auscultation in com-
should be referred for emergency evaluation bination with echocardiography. It is of critical
and treatment by a physician. importance that the emergency medical system
be activated immediately if this condition is
■ Bronchitis suspected. In addition, if an individual with
Chief Clinical Characteristics known cardiomyopathy reports dyspnea with
This presentation includes shortness of breath exertion that does not subside with rest, the
upon exertion, frequently combined with fever, emergency medical system must be activated.
cough with sputum production, muscle aches,
and fatigue. Individuals with this condition ■ Chest Injury
may also report a sore throat, runny or stuffy Chief Clinical Characteristics
nose, and/or a headache.15 This presentation typically involves guarding over
the affected area of an injury to the thorax, in
Background Information
combination with diminished chest wall move-
Acute bronchitis—inflammation of the trachea,
ment and pain in and around the affected area.
bronchi, or bronchioles16—can be associated
with smoking, inhalation of dust or chemical Background Information
pollutants, or infectious disease process. Dur- Direct trauma to the upper body including the
ing an acute episode, there is a decrease in chest wall, lungs, and throat is an apparent
bronchial mucociliary function due to the cause of cough following a chest injury. The
mucous membranes being hyperemic and trauma can include a physical injury resulting
edematous. This leads to increased mucus from a motor vehicle accident, fall, physical
production.15 Individuals who present to the assault, or penetrating wound. The trauma can
clinic with this clinical picture should be also occur from surgery to the regions men-
referred to their primary care physician for tioned above. In the case of a flail chest second-
medical follow-up. Physical therapy interven- ary to trauma, the breathing mechanics will be
tion can continue as long as the oxygen satu- altered. During inspiration the chest wall will
ration does not fall below 88%. Individuals expand, but the injured area will draw inward.
with this condition will not have a typical During expiration the chest wall contracts,
1528_Ch37_761-778 07/05/12 2:08 PM Page 767
while the area of injury protrudes.19 The reac- nervous system can result in abnormal heart
tion that causes the cough is similar in nature rhythms. These arrhythmias can lead to dysp-
regardless of the origin of trauma. If the nea.20 This diagnosis can be confirmed with a
trauma is directly affecting the bronchial airway, history positive for cocaine use and abuse.
the cough mechanism is protective in nature
and the purpose is to remove the cause of the ■ Congestive Heart Failure
irritation. When the trauma is not directly Chief Clinical Characteristics
affecting the bronchial airway (as in the case of This presentation can be characterized by
a crush or penetrating chest wall injury), the dyspnea on exertion, orthopnea, persistent
surrounding areas will become inflamed and cough, peripheral edema, and fatigue. On exam-
swollen. In this case the excess fluids can accu- ination, individuals with this condition may
mulate in the lungs. These excess fluids will demonstrate systolic murmur, crackles/rales on
become an irritation to the bronchial airway. pulmonary auscultation, a third (S3) and/or
The cough reaction will be to remove the fluids fourth (S4) heart sound on cardiac auscultation,
so that normal gas exchange can take place. jugular vein distention, or peripheral cyanosis.
When the trauma is surgical in nature, fluids
Background Information
will arise due to the inflammatory response
This condition is characterized by left ventricu-
of the surrounding tissues. The cough response
lar contractile dysfunction resulting in ventric-
is similar in quality to the physical trauma
ular dilation and poor contraction. Contractile
mentioned above. The physical therapist
dysfunction can be caused by myocardial
should be able to recognize the source of the
ischemia or infarction, coronary artery disease,
trauma and respond accordingly. If the cause of
or bacterial/viral infection. As the heart pump
the cough is due to direct trauma to the airways
fails, the blood returning to the heart from the
(physical or surgical), the physical therapist
lungs is backed up, causing overload in the pul-
should suggest splinting techniques to relieve
monary circulation and leading to bronchial
pain and give external support. If the cause
hyperreactivity. Dyspnea, wheezing, and per-
of the cough is indirect trauma, the physical
sistent coughing are common signs in individu-
therapist should incorporate postural drainage,
als with bronchial hyperreactivity.21 Medical
percussion, vibration, deep-breathing exercises,
treatment usually consists of a combination of
and assisted cough techniques in an attempt to
vasodilators, diuretics, digoxin, beta blockers,
facilitate removal of the secretions. The physi-
antiarrhythmic agents, and anticoagulants.22
cal therapist should be aware of the underlying
Implementing a cardiac rehabilitation program
causes and physical structures present prior to
would be beneficial.23 The individual who is
administering any of the above pulmonary
newly diagnosed or having an exacerbation of
physical therapy techniques. Percussion and
symptoms would begin in Phase I of a cardiac
vibration directly over fractured ribs are con-
rehabilitation program and progress to Phase
traindicated but encouraged around the site.19
III over a period of several months.
■ Cocaine Toxicity
■ Cor Pulmonale
Chief Clinical Characteristics
This presentation commonly involves shortness Chief Clinical Characteristics
of breath with and without exertion in associ- This presentation involves dyspnea on exertion,
ation with a high blood pressure and heart rate, chronic productive cough, wheezing, lower
tremors, and sweaty skin. Psychosis can also be extremity edema, jugular venous distention,
a common feature.20 and in chronic cases digital clubbing.19
Background Information Background Information
Cocaine is presently the second most abused This condition is characterized as pulmonary
illicit stimulant in the United States. The major heart disease. The right side of the heart may
effect of cocaine is the stimulation of the become enlarged due to pulmonary hyperten-
sympathetic nervous system. This results in an sion, pulmonary embolism, chronic obstruc-
increased heart rate and increased blood pres- tive pulmonary disease, idiopathic pulmonary
sure. The overstimulation of the sympathetic fibrosis, and Pickwickian syndrome.24 Medical
1528_Ch37_761-778 07/05/12 2:08 PM Page 768
tal oxygen use, and dietary salt restrictions.19 basic life support measures (including the
The physical therapist should take to the role use of an automated external defibrillator if
of preventing the onset of cor pulmonale by warranted) while awaiting advanced cardiac
addressing the underlying cause. Aerobic life support assistance.
exercises, mobility training, and breathing
exercises could have an important effect on ■ Decompression Sickness
the above-mentioned causes. Individual edu- Chief Clinical Characteristics
cation would also be beneficial, including This presentation may involve short, shallow
how to monitor lower extremity edema and breathing after an episode of scuba diving in
signs of respiratory failure. The physical ther- combination with joint pain in the ankles,
apist should be aware of any acute signs and knees, wrists, hips, shoulders, and elbows;
symptoms of severe forms of this condition headaches; confusion; pain with breathing; and
to the point that the individual experiences itching of the face, arms, and upper torso.25,26
pallor, sweating, severe chest pain, weak and Background Information
rapid pulse, anxiety, and diminished level of The gas nitrogen leads to the pathology of
consciousness. In this situation, the physical decompression sickness. As a scuba diver
therapist should activate the emergency med- descends, more nitrogen enters the tissues due
ical system immediately, because these signs to the increase in pressure. If a diver ascends
and symptoms suggest the condition has slowly, the excess nitrogen can be expelled
progressed to become life threatening. through the lungs. However, if the diver
■ Coronary Artery Disease ascends too quickly, the nitrogen will come out
of solution in the body fluids and tissues and
Chief Clinical Characteristics convert to the gas phase, forming bubbles in
This presentation can include dyspnea in the blood and tissues of the body.26,27 These
combination with symptoms of angina, often bubbles can involve the skin, muscles, and
described as substernal chest discomfort, pressure, lymphatic system (Type I); the lungs, brain,
heaviness, squeezing, or burning that radiates and ears (Type II); or they can lead to arterial
to the shoulders, arms (left greater than right), gas embolism (Type III).25,26 It is of critical
neck, jaw, and epigastrium. importance that the emergency medical system
Background Information be activated secondary to potentially fatal con-
With decreased myocardial oxygen supply (or sequences of this condition. Typical treatment
increased demand in the case of exertion), involves supportive intervention combined
vulnerable myocardial cells become ischemic with a hyperbaric chamber protocol.
and hyperirritable and discharge sponta- ■ Deconditioning
neously, driving abnormal cardiac rhythms.
The ectopic rhythm can be supraventricular or Chief Clinical Characteristics
ventricular in origin, tachycardic or bradycardic This presentation may be characterized by
(in the case of complete heart block), and is shortness of breath with low-level exertion and
difficult to differentiate on the basis of palpa- a history of being sedentary.28
tion alone. Arrhythmia leads to dyspnea. In Background Information
cases of tachyarrhythmias, the resulting increase Deconditioning is the result of a person being
in myocardial oxygen demand may escalate the inactive. This can be caused by an illness, an
condition from one of transient ischemia to injury, or a sedentary lifestyle. With exercise,
one of frank infarction and the episode may the body responds with an increased heart
become life threatening. Use of sublingual ni- rate and an increased respiratory rate.28 The
troglycerin or supplemental oxygen prescribed increased respiratory rate can lead to dyspnea.28
by the patient’s physician may resolve minor Due to the fact that deconditioned individuals
episodes. However, if the patient becomes can present with symptoms while they exercise
unstable during episodes of dyspnea with that could indicate a pathology, a thorough
associated angina pectoris, activation of the pre-exercise screening examination completed
emergency medical system is warranted. The by the physical therapist will allow the therapist
1528_Ch37_761-778 07/05/12 2:08 PM Page 769
from dyspnea caused by a serious pathology. oxygen. The elastic recoil of the lungs is
In the absence of serious pathology, individu- lost, resulting in retention of air. A history of
als with this condition should be assured that smoking tobacco is common; exposure to
this is a normal response to increased physical second-hand smoke or occupational toxins
activity and counseled in how to control symp- also can make a person prone to developing
toms by modifying the intensity of exercise and emphysema. Medical intervention commonly
other behavioral methods as appropriate. consists of smoking cessation, use of bron-
chodilators, and limited use of supplemental
■ Diabetic Ketoacidosis oxygen. In severe cases lung volume reduc-
Chief Clinical Characteristics tion surgery may be performed to remove
This presentation typically involves confusion, hyperinflated blebs or bullae. The physical
agitation, dyspnea, tachycardia, and fruity therapist’s treatment should include aspects
breath odor.29 of a pulmonary rehabilitation program
Background Information including airway hygiene techniques such as
In a fasting state in a healthy individual, the percussion and vibration, postural drainage,
body changes from carbohydrate metabolism and aerobic exercises at a submaximal level.
to fat oxidation. During this process the free Individual education about pursed-lip
fatty acids are converted to acetate, which is breathing techniques should also be included.
then turned into ketoacids.29 This is exported If the individual has undergone surgery for
from the liver to the peripheral tissues. Despite removal of emphysematous blebs or bullae,
the amount of circulating glucose in an indi- the physical therapist should also address any
vidual with insulin-dependent diabetes, the postsurgical movement dysfunction that may
carbohydrate cannot be used secondary to be affecting the individual.
a lack of insulin. This results in a maximal ■ Exercise
production of ketones, which leads to this
condition.29 Primary intervention involves Chief Clinical Characteristics
prevention by timing physical activity with the This presentation typically involves a breathing
insulin schedule and by maintaining a regular rate that increases gradually and appropriately
insulin dosing regimen. However, when pres- for the intensity of the exercise bout. When the
ent, this condition is considered a medical exercise bout is terminated, the breathing rate
emergency. gradually returns to resting values. Assessment
of the blood pressure will typically reveal elevated
■ Emphysema systolic values that are appropriate for the
Chief Clinical Characteristics intensity of physical exertion (eg, 10 to 12 mm Hg
This presentation includes complaints of short- increase for every metabolic equivalent increase
ness of breath, persistent cough with sputum pro- in workload).
duction, wheezing, and decreased exercise Background Information
tolerance.30 Physical examination reveals a In response to the metabolic demands placed
prolonged expiratory phase during respiration, on the cardiopulmonary system by activities
increased anteroposterior diameter of the chest involving the contraction of large muscle
(barrel chest appearance), flattened diaphragm, groups, cardiac output will increase. This is
and distant breath sounds on pulmonary aus- primarily accomplished by enhanced cardiac
cultation with wheezes and/or crackles. automaticity and contractility, yielding a sub-
Background Information stantial increase in heart rate that parallels
This condition is the most common obstruc- this increase in respiratory rate. To the indi-
tive pulmonary disease. It is characterized as vidual who is typically sedentary or otherwise
enlarged air spaces due to disruption of the unaccustomed to exercise, the resultant short-
destruction of elastic fibers in the alveolar wall, ness of breath may be considered unusual and
which is irreversible.31 The emphysematous pathological. The response is mediated by
changes produce airway obstruction with enhanced sympathetic outflow and circulating
impaired ventilation and gas exchange in the catecholamines involved in the “fight-or-flight”
1528_Ch37_761-778 07/05/12 2:08 PM Page 770
adverse consequences in the absence of under- This condition is a specific form of chronic
lying organic heart and lung disease. This fibrosing interstitial pneumonia that is limited
condition is a normal response to exertion to the lung. The “stiffness” of the lungs causes a
and will subside with cessation of the exercise rapid, shallow breathing pattern. This is due to
bout. No emergency intervention is warranted. a ventilation/perfusion mismatch and the indi-
vidual can become hypoxic during exercise.
■ Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease This will lead to a worsening of the above cough
Chief Clinical Characteristics and dyspnea symptoms. Pulmonary rehabilita-
This presentation commonly includes dyspnea, tion may help improve the quality of life and
dysphonia, hoarseness, sore throat, gum inflam- prepare the individual for possible lung trans-
mation, dental erosion, chest pain, heart burn, plantation. The physical therapist should
sputum production with coughing, and wheez- progress through the program slowly so as not
ing.32 The cough will be more prevalent in the to exacerbate symptoms. If the symptoms
morning and after meals. This condition is com- worsen to tussive syncope or increased hypox-
mon among individuals who are nonsmokers emia, the physical therapist should activate the
with a normal chest radiograph and not taking emergency medical system as warranted. The
angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors.32 prognosis is poor and most individuals die
within 3 to 8 years from onset of symptoms.35
Background Information
This condition involves retrograde movement ■ Metastases, Including from
of gastric contents into the esophagus. In indi- Primary Kidney, Breast, Pancreas,
viduals with this condition, persistent cough is and Colon Disease
one of the most common complaints.33 The
Chief Clinical Characteristics
mechanism of cough in an individual with gas-
This presentation commonly includes dyspnea,
troesophageal reflux disease is from microaspi-
hemoptysis, persistent cough, chest discomfort,
ration of gastric contents or a vagally mediated
weight loss, and voice hoarseness, in association
esophageal-tracheobronchial reflex. Medical
with possible symptoms related to the primary
treatment includes vigorous acid suppression,
elevating the head of the individual’s bed 10 cm,
weight loss, diet modification to high-protein Background Information
and low-fat foods, omitting high-acid foods, The lungs are the most common site of metas-
antacid use prior to bedtime, and limiting food tases from other types of cancer. When tumor
intake 2 hours prior to bedtime.33 Referral cells migrate from their primary site they can
should be made to the individual’s primary work their way into the circulation or lymphatic
physician for a 24-hour esophageal pH test. system. The lungs filter these systems. The most
Physical therapists treating individuals with common cancers to metastasize to the lungs
this condition in its acute form should avoid are kidney, breast, pancreas, colon and uterus.
having the individual flex forward at the trunk Treatment of this condition depends on the type
or hips and also avoid vigorous activities in and extent of metastases, including surgical
the early morning or after meals, because these resection, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy.
situations raise the likelihood of symptom
aggravation. ■ Mitral Valve Prolapse
Chief Clinical Characteristics
■ Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis This presentation can include shortness of
Chief Clinical Characteristics breath, chest pain, palpitations, fatigue, and
This presentation involves exertional dyspnea light-headedness and may cause periodic syn-
and an irritating, nonproductive cough.34 Lung copal episodes in a small subset of patients.36
auscultation will reveal a “Velcro”-like quality Most individuals with this condition are asymp-
crackle most noticeable at the bases. Pulmonary tomatic. Upon cardiac auscultation, a midsys-
function tests will demonstrate a restrictive tolic click is often heard best over the fifth
disease pattern with decreased vital capacity, intercostal space, midclavicular line, often
residual volume, and total lung capacity. followed by a late systolic murmur.
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The diagnosis is confirmed by echocardiogra- In cases of significant forms of this condition,
phy or angiography, which usually reveals repair or replacement of the mitral valve will
exaggerated systolic bowing beyond the mitral be warranted. Cardiac rehabilitation program
annulus of one or both valve leaflets. Individu- is optimal in the surgical and postsurgical
als with this condition may be instructed to management of this condition.23 The physical
cough forcefully or perform a Valsalva maneu- therapist should be aware that the individual
ver, bearing down against a closed glottis, dur- will be self-limiting in his or her exercise toler-
ing episodes of palpitations in an effort to break ance if the condition worsens.
the abnormal rhythm through vagal mediation.
Quite often, individuals with this condition are ■ Mountain/Altitude Sickness
also prescribed calcium channel blockers or Chief Clinical Characteristics
beta blockers to suppress the occurrence of This presentation typically involves dyspnea
palpitations. Occasionally, the tachycardia may with exertion after a hike, ski trip, or mountain
be prolonged and immediate medical interven- climb in association with headache, difficulty
tion is usually warranted, especially if the patient sleeping, nausea, and the sensation of a bound-
has underlying coronary artery disease and ing pulse.38
becomes hemodynamically unstable.
Background Information
■ Mitral Valve Stenosis/ As altitude increases, the atmospheric concen-
Regurgitation tration of oxygen decreases.38 For example at
Chief Clinical Characteristics 8,000 and 18,000 feet there is 25% less and
This presentation includes dyspnea on exer- 50% less available oxygen compared to sea level,
tion, persistent cough, decreased exercise toler- respectively.39 Typical physiological response to
ance, orthopnea, and occasionally hemoptysis a decrease in oxygen is an increase in respiratory
in combination with a systolic murmur best rate and heart rate. As CO2 is eliminated with
heard at the apex of the heart, rales on pul- each exhalation, the kidneys increase excretion
monary auscultation, a third (S3) and/or fourth of bicarbonate to maintain pH balance. How-
(S4) heart sound on cardiac auscultation and ever, if the respiratory rate remains high for an
jugular venous distention. extended period of time (24 to 44 hours), the
kidneys are unable to excrete enough bicarbon-
Background Information ate to maintain the balance and, thus, the blood
This condition is characterized by the leaflets becomes alkalotic. This pH change leads to the
of the mitral valve becoming stiff and closing dilation and leaking of the microvascular
incompletely, usually due to the annulus (rim) beds,39 resulting in an accumulation of fluids in
of the valve being stretched. Left arterial all body tissues. Respiratory distress may result
and/or ventricular enlargement can pull and from pulmonary edema. Physical therapists
stretch on the mitral valve annulus. With this should be vigilant for this condition, since it
condition, the blood coming from the lungs may occur in individuals who participate in
into the left side of the heart will be slowed and activities at lower elevations, as well. This
can back up into the lungs, leading to volume condition is a medical emergency.
overload in the lungs.37 The chronic overload
in the pulmonary circulation is accompanied ■ Myocardial Infarction (Heart
by bronchial hyperreactivity. Symptoms of Attack)
dyspnea, wheezing and persistent coughing Chief Clinical Characteristics
are common in individuals with bronchial This presentation often includes chest pain, left
hyperreactivity.21 This condition usually occurs arm or shoulder pain, jaw pain, upper back
secondary to prior rheumatic fever occurring pain, palpitations, and dyspnea.40–42
in childhood, yet the individual does not
become symptomatic until the adult years. Background Information
Other etiologies include coronary artery disease, This condition involves irreversible necrosis
bacterial endocarditis, and left ventricular dila- of the heart muscle secondary to prolonged
tion. Medical treatment consists of antibiotic, ischemia.40,41 Atherosclerosis is a disease
1528_Ch37_761-778 07/05/12 2:08 PM Page 772
process that is primarily responsible for this to their primary care physician for supportive
condition. Plaque fissures and ruptures result care that may include prescription of anti-
from stress at the atherosclerotic lesion. These inflammatory or antibiotic medication.
plaque ruptures are considered the major
■ Pleural Effusion
trigger for coronary thrombosis.40–42 Strenu-
ous physical activity or emotional stress leads Chief Clinical Characteristics
to an increased sympathetic nervous system This presentation commonly includes dysp-
response, increased blood pressure, increased nea, persistent cough, and pleuritic chest pain.
heart rate, and increased force production Physical examination may reveal decreased
during ventricular contraction. In turn, this chest expansion, diminished or absent breath
sequence of events increases the stress at the sounds, dullness to percussion, and possible
atherosclerotic lesion and causes the plaque to friction rub.
rupture.40–42 During acute forms of this condi- Background Information
tion, ST-segment elevations, dynamic T-wave This condition is a collection of fluid between
changes, or ST depressions may be present the visceral pleura and parietal pleura, which
upon electrocardiographic analysis. Upon occurs as fluid production exceeds fluid
auscultation an S4 gallop may be detected. If absorption in the pleural space. The etiology
this condition is suspected, the emergency of this condition involves congestive heart fail-
medical system (EMS) must be activated imme- ure, atelectasis, pneumonia, impaired lym-
diately to decrease the risk of sudden death. phatic drainage, and kidney or liver failure.43
Basic life support (BLS) should be initiated The cough is due to the excess fluid and dysp-
immediately after the EMS system is activated. nea, which irritate the cough receptors in the
If after completing the BLS assessment of the bronchial airways and diminish gas exchange.
patient’s condition, the patient continues to The cough reflex is triggered in a response to
present with an acute myocardial infarction, it remove the excess fluids. In severe cases, the
is recommended that the therapist administer individual may have a tracheal shift away from
a baby aspirin to the patient. the affected side44 and may develop mild
hypoxemia. In this case the physical therapist
■ Pericarditis
should administer supplemental oxygen to
Chief Clinical Characteristics maintain oxygen saturation at a level where
This presentation is characterized by chest pain the individual is comfortable and maintains a
and fever as the hallmark symptoms. Chest pain calm respiratory rate. Except for pleural effu-
almost always has a mechanical component in sion caused by congestive heart failure, the
which it is aggravated by coughing, deep inspi- medical treatment for pleural effusion is to
ration, or lying supine. This characteristic remove the fluid by thoracocentesis or place-
distinguishes this condition from angina. Dys- ment of a chest tube.44 If the individual has
pnea may be reported. Pericardial friction rub recently had a thoracocentesis performed to
that is likened to two pieces of leather rubbing drain a pleural effusion, the physical therapist
against one another may be heard during should be aware of the signs and symptoms
cardiac auscultation. Asking the patient to mo- of a possible pneumothorax that may have
mentarily hold his or her breath while auscul- developed due to the procedure.
tating helps to distinguish friction rub from
this condition and a pleural friction rub (the lat- PNEUMONIA
ter would disappear upon breath-holding). ■ Bacterial Pneumonia
Background Information (Community-Acquired
This condition can be either aseptic (eg, post- Pneumonia, Nursing
myocardial infarction, radiation induced, drug Home–Acquired Pneumonia)
induced, or connective tissue disease) or septic Chief Clinical Characteristics
(eg, viral, pyogenic bacteria, and tuberculosis). This presentation usually includes dyspnea,
This condition is often self-limiting, but indi- persistent cough, sputum production with oc-
viduals with this condition should be referred casional hemoptysis, fatigue, and pleuritic
1528_Ch37_761-778 07/05/12 2:08 PM Page 773
likely reveal decreased or absent breath sounds Chief Clinical Characteristics
and wheezes/crackles.46 This presentation typically involves dyspnea,
Background Information pleuritic chest pain, and dry cough and the
The onset of illness is usually abrupt. Med- individual may have absent breath sounds with
ical treatment consists of some form of hyperresonant percussion over the affected
penicillin or amoxicillin.45 Physical thera- area.
pists’ intervention should include airway Background Information
hygiene techniques such as percussion and This condition is free air that leaks into the
vibration, postural drainage, assisted cough pleural space between the visceral and pari-
techniques, and deep-breathing exercises. etal pleura. The cough seen in an individual
Mobilizing the individual would also be with this condition results from the irritation
beneficial in assisting to clear the lungs of the cough receptors from the increased
of sputum. intrathoracic pressure. There are three main
classifications of this condition. Traumatic
■ Viral Pneumonia pneumothorax is caused by a trauma or
Chief Clinical Characteristics injury, direct or indirect, to the thorax. Com-
This presentation commonly involves increas- mon causes include gunshot wound, knife
ing dyspnea and persistent, dry, nonproduc- wound and motor vehicle accidents. Sponta-
tive cough. Chest auscultation reveals rhonchi, neous pneumothorax occurs as the structural
rales, or wheezes. The individual may also integrity of the pleural tissue is weakened.
exhibit fever, decreased appetite, headache The tissue becomes so weakened that a bleb
and fatigue. This condition most commonly or bullae can rupture, allowing air into the
occurs after the onset of influenza or inhala- pleural space. Individuals with asthma, cystic
tion of some other airborne virus. fibrosis, emphysema, pulmonary infections
and empyema are likely candidates for devel-
Background Information oping a spontaneous pneumothorax. This
This condition can be community acquired condition can also occur in healthy individu-
or nosocomial. The cough reflex is triggered als. Healthy individuals who smoke, have a
by stimulation of the cough receptors from positive family history, and males between
the infectious material in the airways. A chest the ages of 10 and 30 years who have a tall,
radiograph will show infiltrates in the areas thin body habitus are more prone to develop-
affected. The aim of treatment in an individ- ing a spontaneous pneumothorax.47 Tension
ual with a viral pneumonia is to increase pneumothorax is characterized by air entering
oxygen transportation. This includes pul- the pleural space but not exiting. This condi-
monary percussion and vibration, postural tion is caused by a one-way or ball valve
drainage, deep-breathing exercises, assisted fistula. The ipsilateral lung becomes com-
cough techniques, and mobilizing the indi- pressed and the mediastinum shifts contralat-
vidual. The physical therapist should be erally. A tension pneumothorax is a medical
aware of the potential for contamination or emergency because the individual will develop
infection from one individual to another or decreased cardiac output, refractory hypox-
to the physical therapist. The affected indi- emia and hypotension. The physical therapist
vidual should be treated away from other will need to activate the emergency medical
susceptible individuals. Physical therapists system. Medical treatment consists of chest
should protect themselves by wearing a mask tube placement to remove the trapped air.
that covers their nose and mouth. The The use of high concentrations of supple-
affected individual may also consider wearing mental oxygen will reabsorb the lesion four
a mask to protect others. Performing hand times faster than if no supplemental oxygen
hygiene before and after treatment of an was used.47 This situation may resolve without
affected individual will help reduce the the use of a chest tube in individuals with small
spread of infection. pneumothoraces (<15% of the hemithorax).
1528_Ch37_761-778 07/05/12 2:08 PM Page 774
The physical therapist should have supple- cause for a person developing lung carcinoma.52
mental oxygen available for use during ther- There are many types of carcinoma of the
apy sessions. If the individual appears to be bronchial airways including small-cell lung can-
in respiratory distress during a session, the cer (ie, oat cell carcinoma) and non–small-cell
physical therapist should activate the emergency lung cancers (ie, squamous cell, adenocarci-
medical system. noma, and large-cell carcinomas).19 This condi-
tion has a strong association with rheumatoid
■ Pregnancy arthritis, and may even precede joint involve-
Chief Clinical Characteristics ment.53 In an individual who is in the early
This presentation includes shortness of breath stages of localized lung cancer, symptoms do not
often associated with a rapid and bounding vary much from the symptoms related to ciga-
pulse, and there may be an increased occur- rette smoking; therefore, the individual may not
rence of symptoms to term.48 At times, the seek medical attention promptly.19 Individuals
palpitations may precipitate dizziness, presyn- with this condition may have tumors located in
cope, or frank syncope.49 the main stem or segmental bronchi, causing
dyspnea and cough. Pulmonary auscultation
Background Information will usually reveal normal findings. Individuals
Episodes of dyspnea are usually benign and suspected of having this condition should be
self-limiting. Significant changes occur in hor- referred to their primary care physician. Com-
monal and hemodynamic function during plete blood count, chest radiography, computed
pregnancy that predispose women to the tomography, positron emission tomography,
development of dysrhythmias and correspon- pulmonary function tests, ventilation/perfusion
ding dyspnea. Changes in hormone levels scan, and biopsy of the suspected tumor are
during pregnancy (particularly progesterone) diagnostic. Medical treatment for the individual
have been associated with enhanced sympa- who is diagnosed with carcinoma of the lungs
thetic activity and the precipitation of dys- can include radiation and chemotherapy. In
rhythmias.50 Only very rarely is atrial fibrillation certain cases, surgical resection of the tumor and
or ventricular tachycardia the source of the possibly some of the surrounding tissues may be
dysrhythmia.51 Mechanical compression of the necessary. Physical therapists should construct
diaphragm by way of increasing fetal volume a therapeutic program to improve the individ-
compressing against the abdominal contents ual’s pulmonary function along with any possi-
and volume overload are other factors that ble complications due to the radiation or
may cause dyspnea in individuals with this chemotherapies. This may include decreased
condition. Patients who are pregnant and endurance and muscle weakness due to the side
report palpitations associated with symptoms effects of loss of appetite and weight loss
of cardiovascular instability should be referred resulting from the above treatments. Frequents
to their primary care physician for evaluation. rest breaks and interval training may be benefi-
In the event of cardiovascular compromise, cial for the individual. Following surgery, physi-
supportive interventions and activation of the cal therapists also should address movement
emergency medical system may necessary. dysfunction related to chest trauma.
■ Pulmonary Carcinoma
■ Pulmonary Embolus
Chief Clinical Characteristics
This presentation commonly includes persistent Chief Clinical Characteristics
dyspnea, cough, hemoptysis, chest discomfort, This presentation includes dyspnea, pleuritic
weight loss, and voice hoarseness. Individuals who chest pain, persistent cough, hemoptysis, and syn-
have bronchoalveolar cell carcinoma can produce cope.54 Individuals with a history of deep venous
copious amounts of thin secretions.52 thrombosis are susceptible. Other factors that
put an individual at risk include immobility
Background Information resulting in blood stasis, endothelial injuries
Cigarette smoking is the primary cause of due to lower extremity trauma or surgery,
carcinoma in the lung, and exposure to asbestos and hypercoagulable states arising from such
is the most common occupational exposure situations as oral contraceptive use or cancer.
1528_Ch37_761-778 07/05/12 2:08 PM Page 775
This condition is defined as a blood clot that has Chief Clinical Characteristics
become lodged in a pulmonary artery and This presentation can involve shortness of
significantly inhibits or ceases blood flow to the breath with exertion. Patients can also present
lung tissue. The obstruction is commonly a with abdominal distention and nausea.
blood clot, but this condition can also be caused
by air, fat, bone marrow, foreign intravenous Background Information
material, or tumor cells.19 Medical treatment This condition, which can be either acute
will depend on the severity of the blocked or chronic, is the result of a glomerular or
pulmonary artery. In an acute case of severe tubulointerstitial lesion.58 It is associated
disease, sudden death may occur. In the case of with increased serum creatinine and or urea
severe disease in which signs and symptoms levels. The seven primary characteristics of
appear significant and hemodynamic instability renal failure are azotemia, acidosis, hyper-
or respiratory compromise is evident, the physi- kalemia, abnormal fluid volume control,
cal therapist should activate the emergency hypocalcemia, anemia, and hypertension.58–60
medical system. In other cases where the The abnormal control of fluid volume results
signs and symptoms appear not as severe, the in a decreased ability to concentrate the
individual should be directed to an emergent urine. This progresses to the inability to
care facility. Medical treatment includes throm- dilute urine, resulting in retention of sodium
bolytic medications to dissolve the clot.54 and water. This retention can lead to conges-
tive heart failure, which is the primary cause
■ Pulmonary Hypertension of dyspnea in this patient population.58 Med-
Chief Clinical Characteristics ical treatment typically involves hemodialy-
This presentation commonly involves dyspnea sis. When treating these patients, a therapist
on exertion, fatigue, cough, wheezing, lower must monitor symptoms. If dyspnea worsens
extremity edema, coarse breath sounds, and with activities, the primary care physician
angina. must be contacted to rule out worsening
congestive heart failure.
Background Information
The symptoms of this condition arise from the ■ Sarcoidosis
fluid overload in the lungs and the resulting
Chief Clinical Characteristics
pulmonary congestion. Pulmonary hyperten-
This presentation includes persistent cough,
sion is classified as an elevation of the pul-
exertional dyspnea, and wheezing.
monary artery pressure above normal.55 The
two classifications of this condition are pri- Background Information
mary and secondary. The primary form of this This condition is an idiopathic systemic
condition is due to an unknown etiology.56 granulomatous disorder. The well-formed
Secondary disease has a known etiology and granulomas become inflamed and are usually
can include pulmonary vasoconstriction due near the connective tissue sheath of the
to scleroderma, Eisenmenger’s syndrome (a pulmonary vessels and bronchioles.61 This
right-to-left shunt in the cardiac septum), left- condition is the most common cause of
sided heart failure, or other causes. Pulmonary bilateral hilar adenopathy, or enlargement of
hypertension can only be confirmed via car- the lymph nodes at the hilum. The lungs are
diac catheterization. Medical treatment in- the most frequently affected organ system.
cludes prostacyclins, diuretics, cardiac glyco- Pulmonary function tests normally demon-
sides, supplemental oxygen,55 and vasodilators strate a restrictive disease pattern with lower
such as sildenafil.57 The physical therapist total lung capacity, functional residual
should be familiar with the individual’s med- capacity, residual volume, and diffusing
ical regime. Coordinating therapy during the capacity for carbon monoxide. This condi-
peak of medical intervention will help reduce tion is diagnosed by bronchoscopy and
the cough symptoms and help to prevent the transbronchial biopsies. The individual
individual from developing an exacerbation of with pulmonary sarcoidosis has a good
symptoms. chance of remission within 2 to 5 years from
1528_Ch37_761-778 07/05/12 2:08 PM Page 776
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■ Marisa Perdomo, PT, DPT
T Trauma
Not applicable
• Secondary lymphedema 790
Thoracic outlet syndrome 794
Not applicable
1528_Ch38_779-797 07/05/12 2:08 PM Page 780
I Inflammation
Phlebitis 793
Cellulitis 784
Erysipelas (St. Elmo’s fire) 787
Not applicable
Angioedema 783
Lymphangiitis 789
Necrotizing fasciitis 792
M Metabolic
Hypothyroidism 788
Medication-induced edemas:
• Adrenergic blockers 791
• Calcium channel blockers 791
• Corticosteroids 791
• Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs 791
• Oncologic agents 791
Ascites/cirrhosis of the liver 783
Hyperthyroidism/thyrotoxicosis (myxedema) 788
Lipedema 788
Nephrotic syndrome 792
Protein energy malnutrition (kwashiorkor) 793
Not applicable
Va Vascular
Chronic venous insufficiency (varicose veins) 785
Congestive heart failure 787
Deep venous thrombosis 787
Post-thrombotic syndrome 793
Not applicable
Capillary leak syndrome 784
Superior vena cava syndrome 794
1528_Ch38_779-797 07/05/12 2:08 PM Page 781
De Degenerative
Not applicable
Not applicable
Not applicable
Tu Tumor
Not applicable
Not applicable
Malignant Primary, such as:
• Lymphoma 795
Malignant Metastatic, such as:
• Metastases, including from primary breast, kidney, lung, prostate, and thyroid disease 795
Not applicable
Co Congenital
Not applicable
Not applicable
• Primary lymphedema (Milroy’s disease, Meige disease) 789
Ne Neurogenic/Psychogenic
Post-stroke hand edema 793
Complex regional pain syndrome (reflex sympathetic dystrophy, causalgia) 785
Not applicable
Note: These are estimates of relative incidence because few data are available for the less common conditions.
1528_Ch38_779-797 07/05/12 2:08 PM Page 782
FIGURE 38-2 Secondary lymphedema. Potential associated findings: (A) hyperkeratosis; (B) papillomatosis.
(Insets A and B from Goldsmith, LA, Lazarus, GS, Tharp, MD. Adult and Pediatric Dermatology: A Color Guide
to Diagnosis and Treatment. 1997. Philadelphia, FA Davis Company, with permission.)
reducing the quantity of interstitial fluid; for trauma; and reactions to food.11 There is also
individuals with limited resorption and trans- a hereditary form of this condition that
portation, intervention is based on methods to occurs in childhood and requires lifelong
improve pressure gradients in order to facilitate attention for possible reactions. This condi-
the resorption and transportation processes. tion is an immune-mediated disorder that is
present in up to 10% of the U.S. population.
Description of Conditions That It is caused by a temporary increase in capil-
May Lead to Edema lary permeability of small blood vessels.
Diagnosis is confirmed with a complete med-
■ Angioedema ical history and the clinical presentation of
Chief Clinical Characteristics the patient. Treatment includes medications
This presentation may include nonpitting such as antihistamines, steroids, and in severe
edema that most commonly affects the face, cases adrenaline.7 Physical therapy is not in-
hands, and neck; less commonly, the buttocks, dicated in patients with this condition. This
genitals, and abdominal organs may be affected. condition is a medical emergency when it
Symptoms may also include tingling, paresthe- affects the larynx, and it requires immediate
sias, or pruritus.7–10 medical intervention.
Background Information ■ Ascites/Cirrhosis of the Liver
Causes of angioedema include drug reac- Chief Clinical Characteristics
tions, most commonly to nonsteroidal anti- This presentation typically includes an ab-
inflammatory medications and angiotensin- domen that becomes distended or swollen. In se-
converting enzyme inhibitor medications; vere cases, the edema progresses and may include
1528_Ch38_779-797 07/05/12 2:08 PM Page 784
bilateral lower extremities. Individuals may can be acute or chronic in nature. In severe
report increased abdominal girth, respiratory cases, renal damage may occur and result in
distress, and satiety. hypovolemic shock. This condition is a diag-
nosis of exclusion. Also, a blood test should
Background Information
reveal the presence of serum IgG-K parapro-
This condition involves excess fluid accumula-
tein. While there is no standard successful
tion within the peritoneal cavity, and symp-
treatment approach, various pharmacologic
toms depend directly on the amount of fluid
treatments have demonstrated positive results,
in the cavity. This condition is a clinical find-
such as prednisone, furosemide, theophylline,
ing with a variety of causes. Asymptomatic
loop diuretics, and terbutaine.14 Medical
liver disease is one of the most common
management for the cause of capillary leak
causes. Liver disease develops as a result of
syndrome is necessary. Once the condition is
portal hypertension and hypoalbuminemia,
controlled, if there is any residual peripheral
which are often associated with patients with
edema, physical therapy may have a role in its
cirrhosis of the liver. Individuals with a history
of alcohol abuse and advanced cancer are at
high risk for developing this condition. Ultra- ■ Cellulitis
sonography confirms the presence of fluid in
Chief Clinical Characteristics
the peritoneal cavity. If fluid presence is con-
This presentation may include erythema, pain
firmed, analysis of the fluid is necessary to dif-
and tenderness over the infected area with
ferentiate from other causes such as cancer,
associated edema, in association with possible
congestive heart failure, and tuberculosis.12
serous drainage, fever, chills, headaches, and
The ascetic fluid should be analyzed for
malaise. The skin becomes swollen and hot and
serum-ascetic albumin gradient, amylase con-
may develop an “orange peel” texture as this con-
centration, white cell count and red cell count,
dition progresses (Fig. 38-3). The individual
triglyceride concentration, Gram stain and
may present with an increased resting heart
culture, pH < 7, and cytology. Treatment de-
rate and may, in extreme or severe cases, even
pends on this condition’s cause. In the major-
become disoriented. The regional lymph nodes
ity of patients, cirrhosis leading to portal
of the involved body part may become enlarged,
hypertension is the major cause and is man-
tender or painful to palpation.15,16
aged with diuretic and dietary salt restric-
tion.12,13 Medications such as spironolactone Background Information
and a low-dose loop diuretic are commonly This condition refers to an acute inflammation
prescribed.13 However, when this condition of the dermis and subcutaneous tissue. It is one
is associated with cancer, the condition will
not respond to similar treatments. Physical
therapy is not indicated in patients with this
■ Capillary Leak Syndrome
Chief Clinical Characteristics
This presentation typically includes recurrent
episodes of peripheral edema and hypopro-
teinemia. Edema often includes both lower
extremities and may include the face, lungs,
and pericardium.14
Background Information
In this rare and complex condition, microvas-
cular damage causes an increase in capillary FIGURE 38-3 Cellulitis. (From Goldsmith, LA, Lazarus,
permeability and a rapid and sudden increase GS, Tharp, MD. Adult and Pediatric Dermatology:
in the capillary filtration rate. This condition A Color Guide to Diagnosis and Treatment. 1997.
was first noted in the literature in 1960 and Philadelphia, FA Davis Company, with permission.)
1528_Ch38_779-797 07/05/12 2:08 PM Page 785
of the most common bacterial skin infections perforating veins; obstruction; or both. As the
typically caused by Staphylococcus and Strepto- calf contracts, the increased pressure will be
coccus species.16,17 The infective agent may enter transferred to the superficial veins, resulting in
the body through any break or opening in the venous hypertension. Varicose veins are classi-
skin and spread via the lymphatic system. In fied into “grades” based on severity. Varicose
lower extremity cellulitis, pedal edema is an veins are described as “dilated palpable subcu-
early sign. Individuals who have peripheral taneous veins usually larger than 4 mm.” Cur-
edema from other etiologies (eg, chronic ve- rently two classification systems are used to
nous insufficiency and lymphedema) are at risk assess the clinical presentation of chronic
for developing cellulitis. A complete blood venous insufficiency: the CEAP classification
count that indicates an elevated white blood cell system and the Venous Clinical Severity Score
count confirms the diagnosis. Tissue culture is system (Table 38-1). These classification sys-
required to identify the exact infective agents tems attempt to incorporate the clinical signs
that are involved. This condition must particu- and symptoms with the results from duplex
larly be differentiated from other forms of in- ultrasonography to diagnose and classify the
fection, such as necrotizing fasciitis, folliculitis, severity of this condition. Interventions for
erysipelas, impetigo, and gas gangrene.18,19 both conditions include the recommendation
Treatment includes intravenous antibiotics. If of compression garments, exercise (eg, walking
the etiology of this condition involves systemic while wearing the garments and pool exer-
infection, this condition may become life cises), and elevation of the legs.20,21
threatening without proper treatment.18
■ Complex Regional Pain Syndrome
■ Chronic Venous Insufficiency (Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy,
(Varicose Veins) Causalgia)
Chief Clinical Characteristics Chief Clinical Characteristics
This presentation includes dilated subcuta- This presentation includes pain that is out of
neous veins, hyperpigmentation, edema, pain, proportion to the injury, burning pain, allody-
lipodermatosclerosis, and ulceration. This nia, hyperesthesias, vasomotor changes, swelling,
condition is sometimes equated with post- loss of joint range of motion, loss of skin mobil-
thrombotic syndrome.20 ity, and contractures. Edema that is associated
Background Information with this condition may be pitting or nonpitting.
This condition may be caused by incompe- It is usually present in the early stages and may
tent valves (reflux) in the superficial, deep, or decrease in the later stages.22
TABLE 38-1 ■ Criteria for the CEAP Classification and Venous Clinical Severity Score
CEAPa Classification
CEAP I Superficial spider (reticular) No need to refer to a vascular specialist for this
veins only cosmetic problem
CEAP II Varicose veins Refer to vascular specialist for evaluation and
management, with level of urgency increasing
CEAP III Varicose veins and leg
from routine at level II to more urgent at level V
CEAP IV Varicose veins and evidence
of venous stasis skin changes
CEAP V Varicose veins with healed
cutaneous ulcer
CEAP VI Varicose veins with open Refer very urgently to a vascular specialist for
cutaneous ulcer evaluation and treatment
1528_Ch38_779-797 07/05/12 2:08 PM Page 786
TABLE 38-1 ■ Criteria for the CEAP Classification and Venous Clinical Severity Score—cont’d
Venous Clinical Severity Score63
Pain None Occasional, Daily, moderately Daily, severely limiting,
nonlimiting, limiting, requires requires regular use of
does not require occasional use of analgesic medication
analgesic analgesic medication
Varicose None Few Multiple Extensive
Venous None Evening ankle Afternoon edema, Morning edema above
edema edema only edema occurring the ankle requiring
above the ankle activity change and
Skin None Diffuse but Diffuse over the lower Wide distribution
pigmentation limited in area one-third of the calf (above the lower
and old (brown) (gaiter area) or recent one-third of the calf)
(purple) and recent
Inflammation None Mild cellulitis Moderate cellulitis of Severe cellulitis
limited to region the lower one-third affecting the region
around an ulcer of the calf above the lower
one-third of the calf,
venous eczema present
Induration None Focal, around Medial or lateral lower Entire lower one-third
the malleoli leg, but less than the of the lower leg or
(<5 mm) lower one-third of more
the leg
Number of 0 1 2 >2
active ulcers
Active ulcer None <3 months Greater than 3 months Not healed >1 year
duration but less than 1 year
Active ulcer None <2-cm diameter 2- to 6-cm diameter >6-cm diameter
Compression None or not Intermittent use Wears elastic stockings Full compliance
therapy compliant most days with stockings and
aCEAP is a mnemonic that stands for clinical, etiologic, anatomical, and pathophysiological. The CEAP classification has
been used to stratify subjects from large populations to ensure comparison of like individuals in clinical and research
applications. Since its inception for this purpose, the CEAP classification has been simplified to guide management
and referral decisions by clinicians.
Chief Clinical Characteristics The clinical presentation of this condition
This presentation includes peripheral/pretibial in the upper extremity may include sudden
edema in association with shortness of breath, onset of upper extremity edema, pain, ten-
chest discomfort, or light-headedness/syncope. derness, venous distention, and skin color
Various physical findings, such as palpitations, changes of the arm, face, supraclavicular
pulmonary crackles, an auscultated S3 cardiac fossa, and shoulder.24 Risk factors for this
sound, cyanosis, and sudden and dramatic condition in the upper extremity include
weight gain, provide clues to the presence of use of central venous catheters such as in the
this condition. delivery of chemotherapy agents, congestive
heart failure, pregnancy, rigorous and repeti-
Background Information tive activity of the upper extremities, and
Electrolyte balance is typically upset in individ- venous compression as in thoracic outlet
uals with this condition, as a result of both syndrome (Paget-Schroetter syndrome).24
chronic fluid retention and the depletion of This condition should be suspected in the
certain electrolytes by various medications lower extremity in any individual who pres-
(eg, potassium-depleting diuretics). The use of ents with sudden onset of unilateral calf pain
digoxin to improve cardiac contractility in these and swelling. The diagnosis is confirmed
patients may in some cases precipitate brady- with Doppler ultrasound, magnetic reso-
cardia secondary to slowing of the electrical nance imaging, or computed tomography.
conduction through the atrioventricular node, D-dimer blood testing can be used as a
or tachycardia secondary to enhancement of method to rule out a DVT, thus negating the
automaticity in Purkinje fibers episodes. By need for further testing. However, because
communicating with the patient’s physician, other pathologies such as cancer, late preg-
the therapist plays a crucial role during titration nancy and sepsis produce elevated D-dimer
of the patient’s medical regimen. Definitive levels, it does not discriminate specifically
diagnosis is made by echocardiography or an- for a diagnosis of a DVT.25 Early diagnosis
giography. As with coronary artery disease, is important because of the potential risk
supplemental oxygen prescribed by the patient’s of a thrombus resulting in a pulmonary em-
physician can improve symptoms and suppress bolism or stroke. Treatment typically in-
the palpitations in some cases. However, if volves anticoagulants including heparin or
the patient becomes unstable, the emergency low-molecular-weight heparin to prevent
medical system should be activated. extension of the thrombus. Once sufficiently
anticoagulated, the patient is transitioned
■ Deep Venous Thrombosis to Coumadin. In addition, a compression
Chief Clinical Characteristics garment, usually a knee-high garment or
This presentation typically includes pain and arm sleeve, is recommended to assist in
swelling, warmth, skin color changes, a palpa- venous return and prevent recurrence. For
ble cord, and dilation of the superficial veins. this condition in the lower extremity, calf ex-
If the collateral veins are sufficient to allow for ercises and a walking program are important
venous drainage, there will be no edema. to assist in venous return and help prevent
General risk factors include a history of trauma, venous stasis.
history of a previous deep venous thrombosis
(DVT), a period of immobilization, recent ■ Erysipelas (St. Elmo’s Fire)
surgery, cancer, intravenous chemotherapy Chief Clinical Characteristics
treatment, indwelling central line, present oral This presentation can be characterized by ery-
contraceptive use, and medical comorbidities thema, pain and tenderness over the infected
such as congestive heart failure, stroke, pul- area with associated edema, in association
monary obstructive disease, obesity, or an inher- with possible serous drainage, fever, chills,
ited coagulopathy. With repeated thromboses or headaches, vomiting, and malaise. The skin
the presence of cardiovascular comorbidities, lesion associated with this condition involves
edema distal to the clot will be present. clear bright red patches of skin with definite
1528_Ch38_779-797 07/05/12 2:08 PM Page 788
borders and raised margins as a distinct form disease (often associated with exophthal-
sign). Palpation is tender and painful with swelling, and red streaks along the vessels that
a soft end feel, and no pitting is produced. drain to the lymph nodes.
Neither leg elevation nor diet and weight loss
decrease the diameter of the legs. Typically, Background Information
the individual’s history is unremarkable for This condition is an inflammation of lym-
cellulitis and leg ulcers. phatic vessels draining the body region that
has an infection or is inflamed.35 If this condi-
Background Information tion is suspected, referral to a physician is
This condition occurs in women and in some warranted. Treatment includes antibiotic
cases there are familiar tendencies. This condi- medications for the infection. Septicemia can
tion involves abnormal fat deposits in the develop if the underlying infection spreads
subcutaneous tissue, which cause abnormal into the venous system. Physical therapy is not
enlargement of the lower extremities, pelvis, indicated for this condition.
and buttock. The size and shape of the lower
extremities are disproportionately larger when LYMPHEDEMAS
compared to the upper extremities. There are ■ Primary Lymphedema (Milroy’s
cases of all four extremities being involved; Disease, Meige Disease)
however, the more common presentation in-
volves just the lower extremities. The majority Chief Clinical Characteristics
of individuals with this condition are often This presentation can involve a distal to
misdiagnosed with lymphedema, venous insuf- proximal progression of unilateral or bilat-
ficiency, or obesity or not diagnosed at all.3,32–34 eral extremity edema in an individual with
possible hypoparathyroidism, yellow nails,
Diagnostic tests such as magnetic resonance
ptosis, and webbing at the neck. 36 Most
imaging and computed tomography scans
demonstrate the presence of subcutaneous fat commonly, the lower extremities are in-
and can add in ruling out competing diagnosis volved; however, all four extremities may
such as obesity and lymphedema. Manual lym- be affected. Initially the edema is soft and pit-
phatic mobilizations, compression bandaging ting, but over time the edema will progress
with short-stretch bandages, and exercise can to become hard, brawny, and indurated, and
reduce the size of the limb significantly. pitting can become extremely difficult. The
Strength training is highly recommended. Indi- limb can become quite large with abnormal
viduals with this condition must wear com- deposition of fat cells, which leads to loss of
pression garments after the initial physical joint spaces and a columnar-like appear-
therapy treatment has ended. Individuals with ance. Skin changes such as papillomatosis
this condition can be instructed in a home pro- and hyperkeratosis and development of
gram of self-lymph drainage massage tech- lymphocytes can occur.
niques, self-bandaging, and a progressive Background Information
resistance training program. Maximal reduc- This condition develops as a result of a
tion of the extremities can take more than malformation of the lymph vessels or
1 year to achieve in some cases. In some indi- lymph nodes. This malformation occurred
viduals, lymphatic insufficiency develops over as the embryo was developing in utero. The
time and therefore the individual would be di- limb is at risk for developing cellulitis,
agnosed with lipedema and secondary lym- erysipelas, and fungal infections. The infec-
phedema. In this case, the key clinical symptom tions increase the lymphatic load and fur-
is edema of the feet and a positive Stemmer ther increase the edema. In severe cases,
sign. Physical therapy may be indicated to help elephantiasis may develop.36,37 Hypoplasia
address secondary lymphedema. is the most common cause of this condi-
tion. Several ages of onset are possible
■ Lymphangiitis including at or around the time of birth
Chief Clinical Characteristics (congenital lymphedema; Milroy’s disease);
This presentation typically includes high fever, at puberty, when it is called lymphedema
chills, swollen lymph nodes, and pain, warmth, praecox (Meige disease); and during
1528_Ch38_779-797 07/05/12 2:08 PM Page 790
adulthood (lymphedema tarde). This con- develops, the edema becomes harder to pit
dition remains a diagnosis of exclusion and palpation of the limb becomes hard
from all other causes of peripheral edema. and firm.
Lymphoscintigraphy, bioelectrical imped-
ance, magnetic resonance imaging, and Background Information
computed tomography can assist in deter- As the edema becomes indurated, the skin
mining the appropriate diagnosis. The can develop a “peau d’orange” appearance.
individual with lymphedema will require Over time hyperkeratosis and papillomato-
lifelong self-treatment and physical therapy sis may develop. The skin may begin to
intervention if the individual experiences break down and infections such as cellulitis
repeated infections or has difficulty in con- and erysipelas may occur. In lower extrem-
trolling acute exacerbations.5,33,38–42 The ity lymphedema, inability to pinch the skin
most commonly accepted treatment for at the base of the metatarsal heads (positive
lymphedema includes manual lymphatic Stemmer sign) is present.5,40,42 If the condi-
drainage techniques, use of short-stretch tion is untreated, repeated infections may
compression bandages or compression occur and the combination of obstruction
braces, exercise, and skin care to prevent and infection can lead to elephantiasis. The
infection. Once the limb size has been limb becomes grossly enlarged; hyperker-
maximally reduced, the individual is fitted atosis, papillomatosis, and the development
with an appropriate compression garment. of a lymphocele may occur and result in
Lymphedema requires lifelong care with severe disfigurement and disability. This
a home program and replacement of com- condition occurs as a result of abnormal
pression garments every 3 to 6 months. accumulation of protein molecules and
Referral to physical therapy is necessary if fluid in the interstitial spaces of the body
the individual experiences an exacerbation from an acquired impairment of the lym-
of the lymphedema. phatic system that affects reabsorption of
the interstitial fluid and transportation of
■ Secondary Lymphedema lymph (lymphatic drainage). Cancer sur-
Chief Clinical Characteristics gery and radiation therapy are considered
This presentation typically includes heavi- the most frequent cause of secondary lym-
ness, achiness, tightness, tingling and numb- phedema in the United States, while para-
ness of the involved extremity, and painless sitic infection is the most common primary
swelling of a limb that initially fluctuates cause worldwide. Diagnosis of lymphedema
with rest or elevation but with time does is primarily a diagnosis of exclusion. All
not dissipate. The clinical presentation of other causes of edema are ruled out before
secondary lymphedema is the same as pri- this diagnosis is reached. Lymphoscintigra-
mary lymphedema with typically only one phy, bioelectrical impedance, magnetic
limb affected. If the hand or foot is involved, resonance imaging, and computed tomog-
the individual will have difficulty making raphy can be used to assist in the diagnosis.
a fist or curling the toes. These concerns may Treatment of this condition begins first
worsen with activity and increase in heat and with treating any infections that might be
humidity or during changes in elevation. present. Treatment may include manual
The distal aspect of the limb (foot or hand) lymphatic drainage mobilizations followed
may be affected initially; however, in some by compression bandages with short-
cases the proximal part of the limb may swell stretch materials, joint range of motion,
first. The edema usually spreads distally proper skin care, and exercise. Patient edu-
to proximally if left untreated. Initially, cation regarding skin care, independent
pitting edema is present and palpation of the bandaging techniques, and lymph drainage
limb is soft. Chronic edema causes fibrosis massage techniques are critical in order for
to develop within the subcutaneous tissues, the individual to control the lymphedema.
which may lead to a loss of skin mobility The individual with this condition will
and decrease range of motion. As fibrosis require lifelong self-treatment and physical
1528_Ch38_779-797 07/05/12 2:08 PM Page 791
therapy intervention if the individual expe- their cardiologist before initiating treatment
riences repeated infections or has difficulty for peripheral edema.
in controlling acute exacerbations.5,33,38–42
These agents—including prednisone, dex-
amethasone, and Decadron—are used for a
Chief Clinical Characteristics variety of pathologies including cancer and
Many medications cause varying degrees of autoimmune conditions and following
peripheral edema. transplant surgeries. These medications can
Background Information cause sodium and fluid retention and potas-
In these cases, the peripheral edema is not sium depletion.44 The individual will most
appropriate for physical therapy interven- likely present with systemic peripheral
tion; however, this condition may be mis- edema. Depending on the dose, the individ-
taken for forms of edema, such as secondary ual may present with “Cushing-like” features
lymphedema, that is appropriate for physi- of the face. Physical therapy is not indicated
cal therapy intervention. Any individual and referral to a physician is necessary.
who is suspected of having this condition NONSTEROIDAL
should be referred to a physician for addi- ANTI-INFLAMMATORY DRUGS
tional evaluation. Changing the dose and
type of medication, or providing additional The presentation of edema with this class of
supportive treatment as appropriate, com- medications involves peripheral edema that
monly address this condition. The following especially affects the bilateral feet and an-
list provides an example of some of the kles. These medications are very commonly
medications that have the potential to cause encountered in physical therapy practice
peripheral edema. because they are commonly prescribed for
individuals with pain. This class of medica-
ADRENERGIC BLOCKERS tions includes ibuprofen, naproxen, and
These medications may promote the adverse iodine.
effects of orthostatic hypotension, dizziness,
syncope, and peripheral edema of bilateral
feet, ankles, and legs. Typically, these agents Tamoxifen (Nolvadex; hormone therapy) is
are used in patients with hypertension or a selective estrogen receptor that inhibits
those experiencing cardiac arrhythmias. the effects of estrogen by binding on the es-
Medications in this class include bretylium trogen receptor protein in cancer cells. It is
and guanadrel. most often used for patients with breast
cancer whose tumors are estrogen receptor
CALCIUM CHANNEL BLOCKERS positive. Generalized peripheral edema is
These medications may cause pitting edema occasionally reported.44 The clinical pres-
in bilateral feet and ankles. In some cases the entation is a generalized edema that forms
edema may progress proximally. Other ad- fairly uniformly throughout the upper and
verse effects such as orthostatic hypotension, lower extremities. Docetaxel (Taxotere) is a
dizziness, headache, and nausea may also be chemotherapy agent most commonly used
present. These classes of medications are to treat breast cancer and non–small-cell
used for individuals experiencing hyperten- lung cancer. Systemic edema is also referred
sion, angina pectoris, cardiac arrhythmias, to as fluid retention syndrome and is a
atrial flutter, and fibrillation. They include common occurrence.44 Individuals with
dihydropyridine, benzodiazepine, verapamil, edema associated with this medication are
and Calan. The severity of the edema varies given steroids before infusion of docetaxel
between each type of this class of medication in order to minimize the systemic edema.
taken.43 Any individual who presents with This condition should be carefully differ-
lower extremity swelling and is taking this entiated from secondary lymphedema.
class of medication should be evaluated by Doxorubicin is a chemotherapy agent
1528_Ch38_779-797 07/05/12 2:08 PM Page 792
breast, bladder, liver, stomach, and lung This condition is a life-threatening infection
cancer, Hodgkin’s and non-Hodgkin’s lym- of the fascia (plus the underlying skin
phomas, leukemia, and bone and soft- and subcutaneous tissue) characterized by
tissue sarcomas.44 Congestive heart failure acute onset and rapid progression. A biopsy
is a potential serious adverse effect; there- or examination during surgery is required in
fore, individuals receiving doxorubicin order to accurately diagnose necrotizing
who develop any symptoms of bilateral fasciitis. Magnetic resonance imaging may
peripheral edema with or without short- be used to assist the physician in differentiat-
ness of breath should be referred to their ing necrotizing fasciitis from cellulitis.17
oncologist for cardiac evaluation. With Immediate medical attention is critical;
greater heart damage the lower extremity treatment includes surgical debridement,
edema becomes more proximal and may intravenous antibiotics, and meticulous
progress to involve the trunk and upper wound care.
extremities. Individuals treated for a child-
hood cancer are at significantly higher risk
■ Nephrotic Syndrome
for developing cardiac complications such Chief Clinical Characteristics
as congestive heart failure. This risk may be This presentation may involve bilateral lower
further increased if radiation therapy was extremity pitting edema, specifically the
applied to the thorax. Therefore, if an indi- ankles, lower extremities, and sometimes the
vidual with a history of a childhood cancer abdomen, eyes, and eyelids, in association
(such as leukemia or lymphoma) presents with ascites, pleural effusions, and pericardi-
to physical therapy with a diagnosis of tis. Individuals with this condition also may
bilateral lower extremity edema, the thera- present with shortness of breath (pulmonary
pist must consult with the physician to rule edema), and males may also present with
out any cardiac involvement.45,46 Individu- edema of the scrotum and penis. In children
als being treated for cancer are also at risk for the clinical presentation can also include
developing lymphedema secondary to lymph facial edema and periorbital edema.47
node dissection and radiation therapy. The Background Information
physical therapist should be aware of the Individuals with nephrotic syndrome de-
differences in clinical presentation of some- velop peripheral edema as a result of signifi-
one with peripheral edema caused by med- cant loss of plasma protein molecules from
ications versus someone who is at risk for the glomerular capillaries that are excreted
developing lymphedema (systemic edema via urine (proteinuria). The result is a
with increase in fluid retention in all four decrease in plasma protein concentration
extremities versus a single limb swelling). (hypoalbuminemia) and an increase in pro-
tein concentration in the urine. In addition,
■ Necrotizing Fasciitis sodium accumulates in the extracellular
Chief Clinical Characteristics tissue spaces as a result of an imbalance
This presentation commonly involves ery- between sodium intake and sodium output.
thema and edema without demarcated borders; There are several causes of nephrotic syn-
severe pain (a diagnostic symptom different drome, including cancer, drugs such as
from cellulitis); tense shiny skin, progressing heroin, gold and captopril, systemic lupus
to ischemic skin as tissue necrosis advances; erythematosus, diabetes mellitus, and a vari-
clear or hemorrhagic blisters, progressing ety of glomerular diseases. Tests include a
to bullae filled with gray odiferous fluid urinalysis, complete blood count, imaging,
(termed dishwater pus); dry black eschar (in and a kidney biopsy, although there is no
advanced disease); separation of necrotic gold standard test to confirm the diagno-
tissue along fascial planes with myonecrosis; sis.12,48,49 Diuretics are usually the first med-
high fever and chills; decreased urinary ication provided to prevent renal sodium
output; change in mental status; and weakness retention, and amiloride and furosemide aid
and fatigue. in decreasing the peripheral edema.50
1528_Ch38_779-797 07/05/12 2:08 PM Page 793
Chief Clinical Characteristics Chief Clinical Characteristics
This presentation can be characterized by This presentation typically includes pain, heav-
edema (inflammation) distal to the injured iness, and cramping, which improve with leg
vein, pain, and tenderness and redness of the elevation in combination with clinical signs
tissue surrounding the vein. of edema, skin changes, hyperpigmentation,
induration, redness, venous ectasia, lipoder-
Background Information
matosclerosis, and a healed or active ulcer in
This condition refers to inflammation of a
an individual with history of deep venous
vein. There are many causes, but the most
common include thrombosis, chemical irri-
tants, malignancy, indwelling catheters, and Background Information
infection. Duplex ultrasonography is neces- Risk factors include age, family history, pro-
sary if a larger and deeper vein is involved, longed standing, history of a blood clot,
whereas venography typically suffices for phlebitis, smoking, and obesity. This condition
smaller more distal venules. If this condition is is a chronic venous insufficiency caused by a
suspected, the affected body part (more com- deep venous thrombosis. This syndrome is
monly the lower leg) should be elevated. The caused by a combination of events involving
underlying cause of this condition must be the thrombus, the inflammatory response, and
addressed. Treatment depends on the underly- the recanalization of the vein. These events can
ing cause, and may involve anticoagulant, an- damage the venous valves and result in valvu-
tibiotic, or thrombolytic agents.35 lar incompetence leading to venous hyperten-
sion, edema, tissue hypoxia, and in severe cases
■ Post-Stroke Hand Edema venous ulcers.53,54 Doppler ultrasound may
Chief Clinical Characteristics confirm the presence of deep venous throm-
This presentation involves edema of the hand bosis and identify incompetent valves. How-
and wrist area that can cause pain, joint stiff- ever, clinical symptoms must also be present to
ness, loss of range of motion, shortening of con- confirm the diagnosis of this condition.53,54
nective tissue, and adhesions51 in association Although studies are limited, evidence sup-
with paralysis and dependency. ports a reduction in edema related to this con-
dition in individuals who wore a compression
Background Information
Approximately one-half of cases of this condi-
tion are associated with shoulder-hand syn- ■ Protein Energy Malnutrition
drome.52 Hand edema in this condition that is (Kwashiorkor)
also associated with shoulder-hand syndrome
Chief Clinical Characteristics
overlies the metacarpals and is accompanied
This presentation is characterized by edema,
by relatively little pain or tenderness. Assess-
anorexia, general loss of interest in surround-
ment of edema is difficult and may be missed
ings, and irritability. It most typically affects
if based solely on observation51; for hand
children between the ages of 1 and 3 who have
edema, volumetric measurements appear to be
sustained a prolonged dietary protein deficit.
most accurate. Swelling and hand edema are
Edema is typically present about the abdom-
common among individuals following stroke
inal region and face.
in the early stages of clinical rehabilitation,
even in individuals with good hand function. Background Information
Hand edema is most common among patients This condition is thought to be caused by
with severe paresis of the hand, hypertonic fin- limitation in protein, micronutrient, and
gers, and hyposensibility. Treatment involves a antioxidant content in the diet. However,
variety of modalities, such as compression predictors for the development of kwashior-
therapy, elevation, continuous passive motion, kor versus related conditions that do not
massage, and splinting. However, present involve edema (ie, marasmus and marasmus
research has yet to demonstrate an optimal kwashiorkor) remain unclear. Although
intervention for this condition.51,52 this condition is classically associated with
1528_Ch38_779-797 07/05/12 2:08 PM Page 794
children in developing countries during pain in the neck and shoulder region that
times of famine, it is also present in devel- seems to increase at night, easily fatigued arms
oped nations. In developed nations, children and hands, superficial vein distention in the
at particular risk include those living in large hand, paresthesias along the inside forearm and
urban areas within low socioeconomic groups the palm, muscle weakness with difficulty grip-
that are without the means to ensure proper ping and performing fine motor tasks of the
nutrition or dietary education. Treatment hand, atrophy of the muscles of the palm,
involves correction of dietary insufficiency. cramps of the muscles on the inner forearm,
Prognosis for recovery is good, although pain in the arm and hand, and tingling and
delayed treatment may result in persistent numbness in the neck, shoulder region, arm,
disruption of growth and development.55 and hand.
■ Superior Vena Cava Syndrome Background Information
Diagnosing this condition can be controver-
Chief Clinical Characteristics sial because disagreement exists about the
This presentation involves facial, neck, and arm “types” of thoracic outlet syndrome (TOS).
swelling, distention of the veins of the neck and In general, three common types of this condi-
arms, cyanosis of the chest, arms, and face, loss tion are presented in the literature, which can
of venous neck pulses, dyspnea, dysphasia, coexist or occur independently: compression
wheezing, coughing, chest pain, headaches, of the subclavian vein, compression of the
dizziness, orthopnea, and syncope. Upon aus- subclavian artery, and a primary neurological
cultation, diminished breath sounds may be syndrome. There is also a subset of neurolog-
present. ical TOS referred to as “disputed” neurogenic
Background Information type of TOS. This type presents clinically
This condition occurs as a result of obstruc- with primarily sensory symptoms and does
tion of the venous drainage of the upper body not typically present with definitive objective
and an increase in central venous pressure. findings.61 Multiple anatomical anomalies
Malignant tumors are responsible for about can lead to thoracic outlet syndrome, includ-
90% of the syndrome and the rest are caused ing an incomplete cervical rib, a taut fibrous
by aortic aneurysms, fibrotic mediastinitis, band passing from the transverse process of
and tuberculosis.56,57 This condition is most C7 to the first rib, and a complete rib that
commonly caused by lung cancer, followed articulates with the first rib, or anomalies of
by non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma and is rare in the position insertion of the anterior and
other cancers such as Hodgkin’s lymphoma, medial scalene muscles and the pectoralis
acute lymphoblastic leukemia, thyroid can- minor tendon.61,62 Traditionally diagnosis in-
cer, neuroblastoma, rhabdomyosarcoma, cludes physical examination tests (ie, Adson’s
Ewing’s sarcoma, breast cancer, non–small-cell test, extremity abducted stress test, costoclav-
lung cancer, and germ cell tumors. The in- icular sign, Roos test, Eden maneuver, and the
creased use of indwelling central venous Halstead maneuver), radiology of the cervical
catheters to administer chemotherapy agents spine, magnetic resonance imaging, and
may cause a thrombosis to develop and cause nerve conduction and electromyography
this condition.56–60 Diagnosis includes a studies. Unfortunately, Adson’s test is not a
detailed physical examination, blood work, reliable test to rule in or rule out a diagnosis
biopsy, and chest radiograph. The best treat- of TOS.62 Clinical neural tissue provocation
ment is to remove the cause or decrease the testing may provide support for a diagnosis of
size of the obstruction. neurogenic TOS.62 Nonsurgical approaches
to treatment include manual therapy such as
■ Thoracic Outlet Syndrome joint mobilizations, first rib mobilizations,
Chief Clinical Characteristics exercise, stretches, modalities, and analgesic
This presentation can be characterized by medication. The hand or finger edema can
swelling or puffiness in the arm or hand, bluish dissipate with the preceding physical therapy
discoloration of the hand, a feeling of heaviness interventions. Surgery is indicated if pain is
in the arm or hand, deep, boring toothache-like persistent and severe neurogenic or vascular
1528_Ch38_779-797 07/05/12 2:08 PM Page 795
Chapter 38 Metastases, Including From Primary Breast, Kidney, Lung, Prostate 795
features of the syndrome exist. Prognosis for joint range of motion, and venous distention.
decreased pain and improved function is Rarely is peripheral edema the only symp-
good for the majority of individuals with this tom of this condition. However, it may be the
condition. symptom that brings the individual to the
Background Information
■ Lymphoma This condition is caused by obstruction of
Chief Clinical Characteristics lymph nodes due to a malignancy. As this
This presentation commonly includes lymph condition progresses and lymph nodes be-
node tenderness and swelling, weight loss, come more obstructed, swelling increases
night sweats, fever, and fatigue in associa- and the tissue becomes fibrotic, indurated,
tion with possible edema and pruritus. Bone and difficult to induce pitting. Upon further
pain, shortness of breath, cough, and abdom- questioning, the individual may report fa-
inal pain are possible depending on the dom- tigue that is usually not improved with rest
inant sites of involvement. Clinical features and progressively worsens over time. Diag-
may wax and wane. nosis includes magnetic resonance imaging,
computed tomography, bone scan, ultra-
Background Information sound, complete blood count, and surgical
This condition refers to a whole host of ma- biopsy as needed to identify the source of
lignancies affecting B and T cells. Broadly, primary disease. Treatment of the underly-
this condition is divided among Hodgkin’s ing tumor is the primary intervention for
and non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas. Hodgkin’s this condition. If the peripheral edema per-
lymphomas are a group of five separate sists even though the tumor has shrunk or
conditions that arise from a specific B-cell has disappeared, then the individual may be
abnormality, whereas non-Hodgkin’s lym- diagnosed with secondary lymphedema and
phomas number approximately 30. A com- physical therapy may provide the appropri-
bination of genetic and environmental fac- ate intervention.
tors has been implicated in the development
of this condition. Environmental factors in- References
clude exposure to solvents and organic 1. Magee DJ. Principles and concepts. In: Magee DJ, ed.
chemicals, pesticides and herbicides, wood Orthopedic Physical Assessment. 4th ed. Philadelphia,
PA: W. B. Saunders; 2002:51.
preservatives, and radiation. In addition, 2. Aukland K, Reed RK. Interstitial-lymphatic mechanisms
states of immunocompromise, including in the control of extracellular fluid volume. Physiol Rev.
autoimmune conditions and acquired im- Jan 1993;73(1):1–78.
munodeficiency virus, have been implicated 3. Cho S, Atwood JE. Peripheral edema. Am J Med. Nov
in this condition’s development. Treatment 4. Mortimer PS. Implications of the lymphatic system in
depends on the type and stage of lymphoma. CVI-associated edema. Angiology. Jan 2000;51(1):3–7.
It generally includes radiation, chemother- 5. Topham EJ, Mortimer PS. Chronic lower limb oedema.
apy, and biological agents. Clin Med. Jan–Feb 2002;2(1):28–31.
6. Mortimer PS, Levick JR. Chronic peripheral oedema:
the critical role of the lymphatic system. Clin Med.
■ Metastases, Including from Sep–Oct 2004;4(5):448–453.
Primary Breast, Kidney, Lung, 7. Grattan CE. Urticaria, angio-oedema and anaphylaxis.
Prostate, and Thyroid Disease Clin Med. Jan–Feb 2002;2(1):20–23.
8. Kozel MM, Bossuyt PM, Mekkes JR, Bos JD. Laboratory
Chief Clinical Characteristics tests and identified diagnoses in patients with physical
This presentation involves pain or aching that and chronic urticaria and angioedema: A systematic
is described as unrelenting, in association review. J Am Acad Dermatol. Mar 2003;48(3):409–416.
9. Muller BA. Urticaria and angioedema: a practical ap-
with fatigue and swelling that waxes proach. Am Fam Physician. Mar 1, 2004;69(5):1123–1128.
and wanes. Edema may begin proximally and 10. Shah UK, Jacobs IN. Pediatric angioedema: ten years’
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11. Varadarajulu S. Urticaria and angioedema. Controlling
elevation. Other clinical signs that may accom- acute episodes, coping with chronic cases. Postgrad Med.
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12. Rasool A, Palevsky PM. Treatment of edematous disor- of lower limb lymphedema. Arch Surg. Feb 2003;
53. Kahn SR, Ginsberg JS. Relationship between deep ve- 59. Krimsky WS, Behrens RJ, Kerkvliet GJ. Oncologic emer-
nous thrombosis and the postthrombotic syndrome. gencies for the internist. Cleve Clin J Med. Mar
Arch Intern Med. Jan 12 2004;164(1):17–26. 2002;69(3):209–210, 213–214, 216–217 passim.
54. Sieggreen M. Venous disorders: overview of current 60. Thirlwell C, Brock CS. Emergencies in oncology. Clin
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55. Ahmed T, Rahman S, Cravioto A. Oedematous malnu- 61. Campbell WW, Landau ME. Controversial entrapment
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radiation induced venous fibrosis. Thorax. Mar 2000; racic outlet syndrome. J Vasc Surg. Sep 2007;46(3):
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Med Clin North Am. May 2009;27(2):243–255. Meissner MH, Moneta GL. Venous severity scoring: An
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Mar 2001;109(3):143–146, 151–154, 157–158 passim.
1528_Ch39_798-811 14/05/12 12:24 PM Page 798
Case Demonstration:
Edema and Shoulder Pain
■ Marisa Perdomo, PT, DPT ■ Chris A. Sebelski, PT, DPT, OCS, CSCS
NOTE: This case demonstration was developed specializes in pain management with a referral
using the diagnostic process described in diagnosis of “left shoulder pain, decreased
Chapter 4 and demonstrated in Chapter 5. The range of motion, and lymphedema.” Her chief
reader is encouraged to use this diagnostic concern is further loss of motion and increasing
process in order to ensure thorough clinical rea- pain, which she describes as “dull, achy upper
soning. If additional elaboration is required on arm pain” that radiates down to the left elbow
the information presented in this chapter, please and occasionally radiates up to the left side of
consult Chapters 4 and 5. her neck. She reports skin and muscle tightness
of the anterior chest region, which prevents her
THE DIAGNOSTIC PROCESS from moving her arm above her head. Three
cortisone injections within the past 3 weeks did
Step 1 Identify the patient’s chief concern.
not change her pain concerns or limitations.
Step 2 Identify barriers to communication.
Her physician advised her to rest, but this did
Step 3 Identify special concerns.
not seem to help the pain. Additionally, she re-
Step 4 Create a symptom timeline and sketch
ports occasional lower back pain and left hip
the anatomy (if needed).
pain with symptoms of general fatigue. She
Step 5 Create a diagnostic hypothesis list
denies feeling more ill than usual lately.
considering all possible forms of remote and
SR was diagnosed with stage IIIC left invasive
local pathology that could cause the
lobular carcinoma approximately 10 months
patient’s chief concern.
prior to this physical therapy consult. Medical
Step 6 Sort the diagnostic hypothesis list by
treatment included a left modified radical
epidemiology and specific case characteristics.
mastectomy with axillary lymph node dissec-
Step 7 Ask specific questions to rule specific
tion followed by Arimidex (hormonal ther-
conditions or pathological categories less
apy) and 5 to 6 weeks of radiation therapy. The
radiated field included the left chest wall,
Step 8 Re-sort the diagnostic hypothesis list
axilla, and supraclavicular fossa. The onset of
based on the patient’s responses to specific
left shoulder pain began during the fourth
week of radiation therapy. Present cancer
Step 9 Perform tests to differentiate among
treatment includes only Arimidex therapy, and
the remaining diagnostic hypotheses.
she has taken an antihypertensive medication
Step 10 Re-sort the diagnostic hypothesis list
“for years.” SR began physical therapy and
based on the patient’s responses to specific
occupational therapy toward the end of her
radiation treatments.
Step 11 Decide on a diagnostic impression.
Interventions to date included lymphedema
Step 12 Determine the appropriate patient
management such as manual lymphatic
drainage, compression bandaging, light exer-
cises, and issuance of a compression garment.
Case Description Physical therapy interventions included soft
tissue mobilizations and general stretching
Mrs. SR is a 79-year-old Asian female referred and range-of-motion exercise for the left shoul-
to physical therapy by an anesthesiologist who der. Concurrently, she received acupuncture
1528_Ch39_798-811 14/05/12 12:24 PM Page 799
STEP #5: Create a diagnostic hypothesis STEP #6: Sort the diagnostic hypothesis
list considering all possible forms of list by epidemiology and specific case
remote and local pathology that could characteristics.
cause the patient’s chief concern.
Causes of Edema Causes of Edema
T Trauma T Trauma
Secondary lymphedemas: Secondary lymphedemas:
• Radiation-induced • Radiation-induced
• Surgical lymph node dissection • Surgical lymph node dissection
Thoracic outlet syndrome Thoracic outlet syndrome (no symptoms
distal to elbow)
I Inflammation I Inflammation
Aseptic Aseptic
Angioedema Angioedema (region of symptoms, patient age)
1528_Ch39_798-811 14/05/12 12:24 PM Page 801
De Degenerative De Degenerative
Not applicable Not applicable
Tu Tumor Tu Tumor
Malignant Primary, such as: Malignant Primary, such as:
• Lymphoma • Lymphoma
Malignant Metastatic, such as: Malignant Metastatic, such as:
• Metastases, including from primary • Metastases, including from primary
breast, kidney, lung, prostate, and thyroid breast, kidney, lung, prostate, and thyroid
disease disease
Benign: Benign:
Not applicable Not applicable
Co Congenital Co Congenital
Primary lymphatic malformation: Primary lymphatic malformation:
• Milroy’s disease • Milroy’s disease (patient age, less typical
of the upper extremities in isolation)
• Meige disease • Meige disease (patient age, less typical of
the upper extremities in isolation)
Non-Milroy’s disease Non-Milroy’s disease (patient age)
Ne Neurogenic/Psychogenic Ne Neurogenic/Psychogenic
Complex regional pain syndrome Complex regional pain syndrome
Post-stroke hand edema Post-stroke hand edema (no recent history
of stroke)
Remote Remote
T Trauma T Trauma
Cervical disk herniation Cervical disk herniation
Internal organ injuries: Internal organ injuries:
• Diaphragm • Diaphragm (no history of sufficient
• Liver • Liver (no history of sufficient trauma)
• Lung • Lung (no history of sufficient trauma)
• Spleen • Spleen (no history of sufficient trauma)
Status postlaparoscopic procedure Status postlaparoscopic procedure (no
recent history of laparoscopy)
Thoracic outlet syndrome Thoracic outlet syndrome
I Inflammation I Inflammation
Aseptic Aseptic
Acute cholecystitis Acute cholecystitis (limited shoulder range
of motion)
Costochondritis (Tietze’s syndrome) Costochondritis (Tietze’s syndrome) (no
chest pain)
Gaseous distention of the stomach Gaseous distention of the stomach (limited
shoulder range of motion)
Inflammatory bowel diseases: Inflammatory bowel diseases:
• Crohn’s disease • Crohn’s disease (no abdominal pain,
limited shoulder range of motion)
• Ulcerative colitis • Ulcerative colitis (no abdominal pain,
limited shoulder range of motion)
Rheumatoid arthritis–like diseases of the Rheumatoid arthritis–like diseases of the
cervical spine: cervical spine:
1528_Ch39_798-811 14/05/12 12:24 PM Page 803
Co Congenital Co Congenital
Not applicable Not applicable
Ne Neurogenic/Psychogenic Ne Neurogenic/Psychogenic
Anxiety Anxiety
Depression Depression
Radiation-induced brachial plexopathy Radiation-induced brachial plexopathy
(time course)
Local Local
T Trauma T Trauma
Axillary web syndrome Axillary web syndrome
Dislocations: Dislocations:
• Acromioclavicular joint • Acromioclavicular joint (no history of
sufficient trauma)
• Glenohumeral joint • Glenohumeral joint (no history of
sufficient trauma)
• Sternoclavicular joint • Sternoclavicular joint (no history of
sufficient trauma)
Fractures: Fractures:
• Bankart lesion • Bankart lesion (no history of sufficient
• Bennett lesion • Bennett lesion (no history of sufficient
• Clavicle • Clavicle (no history of sufficient trauma)
• Hills Sachs lesion • Hills Sachs lesion (no history of sufficient
• Proximal humerus (such as insufficiency • Proximal humerus (such as insufficiency
fracture) fracture)
• Scapula • Scapula (no history of sufficient trauma)
Glenohumeral joint sprain/subluxation Glenohumeral joint sprain/subluxation (no
history of sufficient trauma)
Glenoid labrum tear Glenoid labrum tear (no history of sufficient
Muscle strains: Muscle strains:
• Levator scapula • Levator scapula
• Pectoralis muscle group • Pectoralis muscle group (location of
• Rotator cuff • Rotator cuff
• Upper trapezius • Upper trapezius
Myofascial pain secondary to radiation Myofascial pain secondary to radiation
fibrosis or mastectomy fibrosis or mastectomy
Nerve entrapments: Nerve entrapments:
• Median • Median
• Musculocutaneous • Musculocutaneous
• Radial • Radial
• Ulnar • Ulnar
Subacromial impingement syndrome Subacromial impingement syndrome
Thoracic outlet syndrome Thoracic outlet syndrome (no symptoms
distal to elbow)
1528_Ch39_798-811 14/05/12 12:24 PM Page 805
I Inflammation I Inflammation
Aseptic Aseptic
Adhesive capsulitis Adhesive capsulitis
Bursitis Bursitis (symptoms began during radiation
Chronic fatigue syndrome Chronic fatigue syndrome (this is a
diagnosis of exclusion)
Complex regional pain syndrome Complex regional pain syndrome
Fibromyalgia Fibromyalgia (this is a diagnosis of
Myofascial pain syndrome Myofascial pain syndrome
Neuralgic amyotrophy (Parsonage Turner Neuralgic amyotrophy (Parsonage Turner
syndrome) syndrome) (time course, age)
Polymyalgia rheumatica Polymyalgia rheumatica (unilateral
symptoms uncommon)
Reiter’s syndrome Reiter’s syndrome (no recent illness)
Rheumatoid arthritis Rheumatoid arthritis (first involvement of
the shoulder is uncommon)
Rheumatoid arthritis–like diseases of the Rheumatoid arthritis–like diseases of the
shoulder: shoulder:
• Ankylosing spondylitis • Ankylosing spondylitis (patient age, first
involvement of the shoulder is
• Inflammatory muscle diseases • Inflammatory muscle diseases (unilateral
symptoms uncommon)
• Psoriatic arthritis • Psoriatic arthritis (first involvement of the
shoulder is uncommon)
• Scleroderma • Scleroderma (first involvement of the
shoulder is uncommon)
• Systemic lupus erythematosus • Systemic lupus erythematosus (first
involvement of the shoulder is
Rotator cuff tendinitis Rotator cuff tendinitis (symptoms began
during radiation treatment)
Septic Septic
Osteomyelitis Osteomyelitis
Septic arthritis Septic arthritis
Skeletal tuberculosis (Pott’s disease) Skeletal tuberculosis (Pott’s disease) (no
recent illness)
M Metabolic M Metabolic
Amyloid arthropathy Amyloid arthropathy
Cancer-related fatigue syndrome Cancer-related fatigue syndrome
Gout Gout (uncommon presentation at the
Hereditary neuralgic amyotrophy Hereditary neuralgic amyotrophy (patient
age at first presentation)
Heterotopic ossification (myositis ossificans) Heterotopic ossification (myositis ossificans)
Medication-induced joint pain Medication-induced joint pain
Pseudogout Pseudogout (time course)
1528_Ch39_798-811 14/05/12 12:24 PM Page 806
Va Vascular Va Vascular
Aneurysm (such as involving the subclavian Aneurysm (such as involving the subclavian
or axillary arteries) or axillary arteries)
Avascular necrosis of the humeral head Avascular necrosis of the humeral head
Compartment syndrome Compartment syndrome (time course)
Deep venous thrombosis Deep venous thrombosis (time course)
Quadrilateral space syndrome Quadrilateral space syndrome (time course)
De Degenerative De Degenerative
Osteoarthritis/osteoarthrosis: Osteoarthritis/osteoarthrosis:
• Acromioclavicular joint • Acromioclavicular joint
• Glenohumeral joint • Glenohumeral joint
• Sternoclavicular joint • Sternoclavicular joint
Rotator cuff tear Rotator cuff tear
Tu Tumor Tu Tumor
Malignant Primary, such as: Malignant Primary, such as:
• Breast cancer in remaining lymph nodes • Breast cancer in remaining lymph nodes
• Chondrosarcoma • Chondrosarcoma (patient age)
• Lymphoma • Lymphoma
• Osteosarcoma • Osteosarcoma
Malignant Metastatic, such as: Malignant Metastatic, such as:
• Metastases, including from primary breast, • Metastases, including from primary breast,
kidney, lung, prostate, and thyroid kidney, lung, prostate, and thyroid
disease disease
Benign, such as: Benign, such as:
• Enchondroma • Enchondroma (condition is painless)
• Lipoma • Lipoma
• Osteoblastoma • Osteoblastoma
• Osteochondroma • Osteochondroma (patient age)
• Osteoid osteoma • Osteoid osteoma (patient age)
• Unicameral bone cyst • Unicameral bone cyst (patient age)
Co Congenital Co Congenital
Not applicable Not applicable
Ne Neurogenic/Psychogenic Ne Neurogenic/Psychogenic
Erb’s palsy Erb’s palsy (patient age at first symptom
Neuropathic arthropathy (Charcot- Neuropathic arthropathy (Charcot-Marie-
Marie-Tooth disease) Tooth disease) (time course)
STEP #7: Ask specific questions to rule ● Did your shoulder pain start during radia-
specific conditions or pathological tion treatment? Yes, making less likely that
categories less likely. axillary cording or any acute inflammatory
condition is the source of her pathology.
Teaching Comments: The focus of the ● Do you have chest pain with physical
first session was for the clarification of arm exertion? No, ruling less likely primary
pain and lymphedema because they were the cardiac pathology.
chief concerns of SR. However, due to the bar- ● Do you have numbness or tingling? No,
riers to communication and the cautions of decreasing index of clinical suspicion for
the case, the interview and the examination cervical spine or neurogenic pathology.
process may take several sessions within this ● Have you had x-ray or magnetic resonance
patient population. imaging of your shoulder in the past
1528_Ch39_798-811 14/05/12 12:24 PM Page 807
Failure of Wounds to Heal
■ Rose Hamm, PT, DPT, CWS, FACCWS
T Trauma
Burns 818
Neuropathic wounds 825
Traumatic injury 830
Not applicable
Not applicable
I Inflammation
Bullous pemphigoid 818
Foreign body reaction 822
Pemphigus 826
Pyoderma gangrenosum 828
Cellulitis 819
Dermal viral infections 821
Fungal infection 822
Necrotizing fasciitis 825
Osteomyelitis 826
1528_Ch40_812-832 07/05/12 2:10 PM Page 813
Inflammation (continued)
M Metabolic
Allergic responses:
• Contact dermatitis 815
• Drug hypersensitivity syndromes 815
• Spider bites 816
Not applicable
Not applicable
Va Vascular
Arterial insufficiency 816
Calciphylaxis 818
Chronic venous insufficiency 820
Coumadin-induced skin necrosis (warfarin-induced skin necrosis) 820
Cryoglobulinemia 821
• Primary lymphedema (Milroy’s disease, Meige disease) 822
• Secondary lymphedema 823
Martorell’s ulcer 824
Raynaud’s disease 829
Sickle cell disease 829
Vasculitis 830
Buerger disease (thromboangiitis obliterans) 817
Not applicable
De Degenerative
Pressure ulcers 827
Not applicable
Not applicable
1528_Ch40_812-832 07/05/12 2:10 PM Page 814
Tu Tumor
Not applicable
Malignant Primary, such as:
• Basal cell carcinoma 817
• Squamous cell carcinoma 829
Malignant Metastatic, such as:
• Kaposi’s sarcoma 822
Not applicable
Malignant Primary, such as:
• Cutaneous lymphoma 821
• Melanoma 824
Malignant Metastatic, such as:
• Marjolin’s ulcer 824
Not applicable
Co Congenital
Not applicable
Not applicable
Not applicable
Ne Neurogenic/Psychogenic
Not applicable
Factitious disorder 822
Not applicable
Note: These are estimates of relative incidence because few data are available for the less common conditions.
1528_Ch40_812-832 07/05/12 2:10 PM Page 815
resting or night pain, which occurs during the epidermis.7 Caused almost exclusively by
night when the blood pressure tends to be chronic exposure to sunlight, this condition
lower. Associated conditions include periph- usually occurs on the face, neck, shoulders, back,
eral arterial disease, diabetes mellitus, hyper- and scalp. Furthermore, people who tend to
tension, and acute arterial embolism after burn rather than tan, and have fair skin, light
trauma or vascular/cardiovascular surgery. hair, or blue, gray, or green eyes are more suscep-
Screening tests that can be performed by the tible to this condition.8 Two specific types of
therapist include pulse examination, capillary this condition—ulcerating basal cell carcinoma
refill, rubor of dependency, and ankle-brachial and basalioma terebrans—can become open
index. Individuals suspected of this condition wounds with the risk of becoming infected.
should be referred to a vascular surgeon for a Ulcerating basal cell carcinoma is identified by
thorough vascular examination to determine hemorrhagic crusting and hard pearly edges;
the location and severity of the occlusion; basalioma terebrans, by deep tisue necrosis with
debridement is contraindicated prior to revas- red granulated surfaces.9 Individuals suspected
cularization unless infected necrotic tissue of having this condition should be referred to
is present. Complications include infection a primary care physician or dermatologist for
(including osteomyelitis), failed or occluded additional evaluation. Physical therapy interven-
bypass grafts with further tissue necrosis or tion for wound management is not indicated.
failure to heal, and dehisced surgical incisions.
■ Buerger Disease
■ Basal Cell Carcinoma (Thromboangiitis Obliterans)
Chief Clinical Characteristics Chief Clinical Characteristics
This condition is characterized by two or more This presentation includes pain (including rest-
of the following characteristics: persistent, non- ing pain), tenderness, red skin, cyanosis, thin
healing wound of more than 3 weeks’ duration; shiny skin, and thickened malformed nails
red, irritated patch that may or may not cause (Fig. 40-5). In addition, the hands and feet are
itching and pain; pearly or translucent bump or usually cool and mildly edematous. Ulcerations
nodule that can be any of a variety of colors are common on the toes, feet, or fingers.
(for example, red, pink, white, tan, brown,
Background Information
black); pink lesion with rolled edges, crusted
The pathology of Buerger disease is nonathero-
center, and superficial blood vessels; and white,
sclerotic inflammation of the small- and
yellow, or waxy scar-like lesion with poorly
medium-sized peripheral arteries and veins in
defined edges (Fig. 40-4).
combination with thrombi and vasospasm of
Background Information arterial segments of the feet and/or hands. This
This condition is the most common form of condition is most common in men who
skin cancer, and it originates in the cells of are heavy smokers. It can be differentiated from
the basal membrane between the dermis and peripheral vascular disease by the presence of
1528_Ch40_812-832 07/05/12 2:10 PM Page 818
■ Burns
bacteria, and prophylactic antibiotics for valves are usually the cause of fluid reflux. The
patients with frequent episodes.16 Immediate buildup of chronic interstitial fluid in the dis-
referral to a primary care physician is advised. tal leg causes venous hypertension and triggers
Standard wound management, including cellular and chemical changes in the tissue,
edema management with elevation and com- typical of a systemic inflammatory response,
pression, is recommended for both acute and which result in skin breakdown. Comorbid
chronic conditions. Prophylactic compression pathologies that increase the risk for develop-
hosiery is advised for patients with venous ing this condition include varicose veins, deep
insufficiency or lymphedema. If not already venous thrombosis, previous vein surgery,
present, cellulitis may cause open lesions in multiple pregnancies, obesity, congestive heart
the affected area. failure, coronary artery bypass surgery with
saphenous vein harvesting, hip trauma, ankle
■ Chronic Venous Insufficiency immobility, and prolonged standing. Screen-
Chief Clinical Characteristics ing tests to determine the cause of venous in-
This presentation typically involves wounds that sufficiency include approximation of central
occur proximal to the malleoli on the lower one- venous pressure, augmented venous flow, valve
third of the leg (gaiter area), and are character- competency, percussion test, and ankle-
ized by uneven edges, copious serous drainage, brachial index. Medical intervention for
and shallow depth with a red granulated base antibiotic therapy is indicated if there are signs
(Fig. 40-8). In addition, the surrounding skin of clinical infection or cellulitis, the most com-
will have hyperpigmentation caused by the dep- mon complication of venous ulcers. Standard
osition of hemosiderin in the skin when red blood wound care, compression therapy, and exercise
cells trapped in the interstitial tissue are lysed; lipo- to activate the venous pump can be initiated if
dermatosclerosis, defined as the scaly or bark there are no signs of infection. If infection is
appearance of the skin; a dilated long saphenous suspected, referral to a primary care physician
vein; atrophie blanche, defined as ivory white or vascular surgeon is indicated. Individuals
atrophic plaques in the skin; unilateral or bilat- with this condition also should be advised to
eral edema; dermatitis or eczema with or without avoid prolonged sitting or standing. The most
exudate; or thickened skin that is warm to the common complication is cellulitis.
touch due to the inflammatory process. The
venous wound is usually less painful than the ar- ■ Coumadin-Induced Skin Necrosis
terial one, and the pain is alleviated by elevation. (Warfarin-Induced Skin Necrosis)
Background Information Chief Clinical Characteristics
This condition occurs when there is obstruc- This presentation is characterized by severely
tion, reflux, or both that inhibits the return of painful full-thickness skin necrosis on the trunk
fluid through the veins to the heart. Incompetent or lower extremities where significant subcuta-
neous fat is present. Initial complaints include
paresthesias, sensations of pressure, and
extreme pain. Progression of the disease, which
is fairly rapid, is characterized by edema and
erythema, followed by petechiae, hemorrhagic
bullae, and finally necrotic eschar.17
Background Information
The exact etiology of this condition is unknown;
however, toxic vasculitis, acquired coagulopa-
thy, and hypersensitivity are suggested causes.
Symptoms usually occur within the first
10 days after initiating Coumadin therapy, but
FIGURE 40-8 Chronic venous insufficiency wound. may occur later. This condition is associated
Note the dark hemosiderin staining in the skin around with either serious medical diagnoses or chronic
the wound. illnesses such as deep venous thrombosis,
1528_Ch40_812-832 07/05/12 2:10 PM Page 821
stroke, and coronary artery disease. Immediate non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas. Hodgkin’s lym-
management. No topical treatment is indicated This condition is caused by fungi, called tinea,
for herpes simplex or herpes varicella. that thrive on keratin in the stratum corneum,
hair, and nails. These fungi are classified by the
■ Factitious Disorder affected location. For example, tinea pedis is on
Chief Clinical Characteristics the foot, tinea capitis on the scalp, tinea cruris
This presentation is characterized by wounds on the groin, and tinea manus on the hand.
with a consistent appearance of healing, Onychomycosis is a fungal infection of the
including a good granulation base. nails, seen commonly in patients with diabetes
mellitus or peripheral vascular disease. Fungal
Background Information
infections commonly occur in individuals
The wounds are caused by self-inflicted injuries
with systemic administration of antibiotics, dia-
such as compulsive scratching; individuals
betes mellitus, pregnancy, immunosuppression,
with this condition usually have associated
Cushing’s disease, certain blood neoplasms,
psychiatric disorders. Associated signs to
debilitated states, or infants under 6 months of
observe are prematurely removed bandages,
age with decreased immune reactivity.3 Individ-
scratching of the periwound skin, and other
uals with tinea capitis, onychomycosis, or severe
suspicious behaviors such as self-mutilation.
fungal infections should be referred to a primary
Both medical and psychiatric referrals are
care physician; no physical therapy treatment is
indicated and standard wound care should be
provided in conjunction with medical and
psychiatric intervention. The most common ■ Kaposi’s Sarcoma
complication is infection. Chief Clinical Characteristics
This presentation usually includes multifocal
■ Foreign Body Reaction purplish brown macules that develop into
Chief Clinical Characteristics plaques and nodules, usually on the lower
This presentation typically involves drainage, extremities or upper body. The lesions can be
edema, erythema, skin necrosis, and pain that painful and pruritic.
increases with weight-bearing activities (when Background Information
the foot or hand are involved). This condition is classified as a vascular malig-
Background Information nancy.21 It most frequently occurs in individu-
Common examples of foreign bodies include als who are immune deficient (such as second-
splinters, needles, or other sharp objects in the ary to human immunodeficiency virus and
plantar foot; suture remnants or staples in or acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) or in
around surgical incisions; bone chips or debris individuals who take immunosuppressive med-
in traumatic injuries; or metal slivers in high-risk ications (such as following organ transplanta-
occupations. A foreign body embedded in tion). Lesions are usually treated medically or
subcutaneous or deep wound tissue may be surgically.22 Local treatment of the sarcoma is
undetectable until an inflammatory response is not indicated; however, wounds may occur in
initiated and superficial signs are noted. If the tissue irradiated for treatment of this condition.
foreign body cannot be easily located and re- These wounds may or may not respond to stan-
moved with sterile instruments, individuals with dard wound care and are often recalcitrant due
this condition should be immediately referred to to the inhibitory effects of the radiation on the
an emergency room or primary care physician cellular mitotic activity.
for surgical removal. Complications of foreign
bodies are infection and further soft tissue dam- LYMPHEDEMAS
age with delayed or prolonged healing times. ■ Primary Lymphedema (Milroy’s
Disease, Meige Disease)
■ Fungal Infection Chief Clinical Characteristics
Chief Clinical Characteristics This presentation can involve a distal to prox-
This presentation involves dry, scaly, erythe- imal progression of unilateral or bilateral ex-
matous, pruritic patches on the skin. tremity edema in an individual with possible
1528_Ch40_812-832 07/05/12 2:10 PM Page 823
hypoparathyroidism, yellow nails, ptosis, and with weeping of clear lymphatic drainage and
first with treating any infections that might with ulcers in this location. The wound edges are
be present. Treatment may include manual irregular and satellite ulcers are often present.
lymphatic drainage mobilization followed by
Background Information
compression bandages with short-stretch
This condition is more prevalent in females
materials, joint range of motion, proper skin
and rarely seen in African Americans. These
care, and exercise. Patient education regard-
ulcers occur in individuals who have uncon-
ing skin care, independent bandaging tech-
trolled hypertension, particularly diastolic
niques, and lymph drainage massage tech-
hypertension, and do not respond to standard
niques are critical in order for the individual
wound care until the hypertension is adequately
to control the lymphedema. The individual
managed. In addition, there may be a history
with this condition will require lifelong self-
of minor trauma. Pathophysiology is charac-
treatment and physical therapy intervention
terized by classic hyalinization and thickening
if the individual experiences repeated infec-
of the arteriole media (without atheroma and
tions or has difficulty in controlling acute
calcification) and a decrease in skin perfusion.29
Referral to a medical specialist is imperative
■ Marjolin’s Ulcer for management underlying hypertension
in conjunction with nonsurgical wound man-
Chief Clinical Characteristics
agement. Aggressive wound management
This presentation involves history of repeated
(eg, surgical debridement and closure with
trauma, unusual location and no obvious eti-
flaps) may cause wound exacerbation.
ology, and active and abnormal cellular prolif-
eration that continues indefinitely if untreated. ■ Melanoma
It is characterized by a vague irregular outline.
Chief Clinical Characteristics
Background Information This presentation is defined by the ABCDE
Marjolin’s ulcer wounds usually occur secondary rule (Fig. 40-9):
to squamous cell carcinoma or basal cell carci- Asymmetry,
noma.26 Any chronic wound of 2 to 3 months’ Border irregularity,
duration that is nonresponsive to standard care Color variegation,
for a patient without identifiable comorbidities Diameter more than 5 mm, and
should be suspected of being malignant. Char- Evolution, indicating that the lesion changes
acteristics to alert the clinician to the possibility in size, color, and shape.30
of malignancy within a wound include the
Background Information
following: nonencapsulated with invasive fingers
This condition occurs when normal cutaneous
of abnormal tissue, systemically detrimental
melanocytes (the cells responsible for skin pig-
wounds, inflamed edges, a process that limits the
mentation) become malignant. The abnormal
growth into adjacent tissue and sometimes
causes a bulbous or cauliflower appearance,
or it may be vascular or necrotic, depending on
the blood supply in the tissue connecting
the neoplasm to the host.27,28 Individuals with
nonhealing wounds that are suspected of being
malignant should be referred to a primary care
physician. Debridement, modalities, and nega-
tive pressure therapy are contraindicated until
malignancy has been excluded.
■ Martorell’s Ulcer
Chief Clinical Characteristics
This presentation can be characterized by FIGURE 40-9 Melanoma has the following charac-
wounds on the anterolateral or posterior teristics: Asymmetry, Border irregularity, Color varie-
aspect of the lower third of the leg and cause mod- gation, Diameter more than 5 mm, and Evolution, in-
erate to severe pain, more than is usually expected dicating that the lesion changes in size, color, and shape.
1528_Ch40_812-832 07/05/12 2:10 PM Page 825
transformation of cells can occur in the basal bacterial toxins and enzymes and damage to the
should be referred to a dermatologist for med- ● Stage V: Purple or maroon localized area of
FIGURE 40-12 Pressure wounds: (A) Stage I on the greater trochanter; (B) Stage II on the sacrum; (C) Stage
III on the gluteal region; the dark purple area on the sacrum is a suspected deep tissue injury; (D) Stage IV
on the greater trochanter extends to the fascia and muscle; (E) suspected deep tissue injury on the lateral
malleolus; (F) wound on the heel that is considered an unstageable wound because the wound bed cannot
be visualized.
support surfaces and periodic repositioning, often coalesce to become a larger ulceration.
along with debridement of necrotic tissue The initial wounds may develop spontaneously
and moist wound dressings. If this condition or in response to minor trauma or to an oper-
is extensive, medical referral is indicated. ative procedure (pathergy) (Fig. 40-13).37
Complications include soft tissue infection,
osteomyelitis, and impaired mobility. Background Information
Usually occurring on the trunk or lower
■ Pyoderma Gangrenosum extremities, this condition occurs in conjunc-
Chief Clinical Characteristics tion with several systemic diseases, including
This presentation includes sterile pustules and irritable bowel syndrome, rheumatoid arthri-
rapidly progresses to painful, purplish, suppu- tis, hematologic diseases, or malignancies.38
rative, undermined ulcers. Smaller pustules will The exact pathogenesis is unknown; therefore,
1528_Ch40_812-832 07/05/12 2:10 PM Page 829
(Fig. 40-15).46
Background Information
This condition is caused by an inflammation
of blood vessels, usually as a result of an
immune reaction in the vessel wall. This con-
dition may be cutaneous, involving the post-
capillary venules, or systemic, involving any
of the organs. Symptoms vary according to
the type of tissue involved and the extent of
the tissue involvement. Wounds related to
this condition frequently occur in conjunc-
FIGURE 40-14 Squamous cell carcinoma.
tion with other autoimmune connective
tissue diseases (eg, systemic lupus erythe-
dermatologist. Physical therapy intervention for matosus, scleroderma, rheumatoid arthritis,
wound management is not indicated. Wegener’s granulomatosis, temporal arteri-
■ Traumatic Injury tis, and cryoglobulinemia) or with some
malignancies (eg, leukemia or lymphoma).43
Chief Clinical Characteristics This condition also can occur without any
This presentation may take on many different obvious associated infection or other illness.
appearances depending on the mechanism of Referral to a medical specialist is recom-
injury and will follow a normal healing mended for diagnosis and interventions that
sequence unless untreated comorbidities exist may include immunosuppressants, systemic
(eg, diabetes, immunosuppressive conditions, corticosteroids, cytotoxic drugs if corticos-
protein energy malnutrition, or infection). An teroids are ineffective, and identification and
embolic or thrombotic arterial occlusion after treatment of any underlying infection. 47
a traumatic event will cause absent pulses, pain, Wound management includes standard care
paresthesias, loss of skin color, and possible and compression therapy if the wounds are
paralysis distal to the occlusion. on the lower extremity.
Background Information
The occlusion may result from an embolus that
breaks away from a proximal hematoma and
lodges in a peripheral artery or from a thrombus
that forms at the site of injury, leading to periph-
eral tissue ischemia that must be treated emer-
gently to avoid tissue necrosis and possible loss
of limb. Immediate referral to an emergency
department is indicated if hemostasis is not
achieved within 30 minutes, or if the individual
demonstrates symptoms and signs of acute
thrombosis. Referral to a primary care physician
is also recommended if a post-traumatic wound
fails to heal in a timely sequence. Physical
therapy intervention is indicated after normal
circulation has been restored.
■ Vasculitis
Chief Clinical Characteristics
This presentation typically includes palpable
purpura, petechiae, urticaria, painful or
tender nodules, patches of skin necrosis FIGURE 40-15 Vasculitis on the lower extremity of
(cutaneous necrotizing vasculitis), or small a patient with polyarteritis nodosa.
1528_Ch40_812-832 07/05/12 2:10 PM Page 831
43. Hahn BH. Lupus and vasculitis. http://www.lupus.org. 46. Lee J, Phillips TJ. Livedoid vasculitis. Wounds.
Case Demonstration: Fatigue
■ Kim Levenhagen, PT, DPT, WCC ■ Chris A. Sebelski, PT, DPT, OCS, CSCS
NOTE: This case demonstration was developed being inactive and losing 20 lbs recently dur-
using the diagnostic process described in ing his illness. He has noted excessive sweat-
Chapter 4 and demonstrated in Chapter 5. The ing especially at night. Past medical history
reader is encouraged to use this diagnostic includes human immunodeficiency virus
process in order to ensure thorough clinical rea- (HIV; 8 years) and hospitalization for Pneu-
soning. If additional elaboration is required on mocystis carinii pneumonia 1 month ago.
the information presented in this chapter, please Prior to this recent bout of pneumonia, Alex
consult Chapters 4 and 5. was active as a self-employed business owner
and participated in triathlons. He has been
THE DIAGNOSTIC PROCESS off work for the past month following a hos-
pitalization for pneumonia. Since that
Step 1 Identify the patient’s chief concern.
episode of care, he has been too tired and
Step 2 Identify barriers to communication.
short of breath to ride his bike or run. His
Step 3 Identify special concerns.
goals are to return to work and eventually
Step 4 Create a symptom timeline and sketch
return to triathlon training. The employees
the anatomy (if needed).
at his business and his family have not been
Step 5 Create a diagnostic hypothesis list
informed of his diagnosis of HIV. His most
considering all possible forms of remote and
recent blood testing indicates CD4+ T lym-
local pathology that could cause the
phocytes 450 cells/mm3. Alex’s medication
patient’s chief concern.
includes the highly active antiviral reactive
Step 6 Sort the diagnostic hypothesis list
therapy (HAART) regimen (for the past
by epidemiology and specific case
8 months), which includes tenofovir, emtric-
itabine, ritonavir, and a daily multivitamin.
Step 7 Ask specific questions to rule specific
conditions or pathological categories less
Step 8 Re-sort the diagnostic hypothesis list Teaching comments: The U.S. Depart-
based on the patient’s responses to specific ment of Health and Human Services Panel on
questioning. Clinical Practices for Treatment of HIV Infec-
Step 9 Perform tests to differentiate among tion sets guidelines for the treatment of HIV
the remaining diagnostic hypotheses. including initialization of HAART regimen.
Step 10 Re-sort the diagnostic hypothesis list In the question of “when to start” this ther-
based on the patient’s responses to specific apy, the panel has been unable to reach a
tests. two-thirds consensus for their recommenda-
Step 11 Decide on a diagnostic impression. tions. The 2009 guidelines stated: “Based on
Step 12 Determine the appropriate patient cumulative observational cohort data demon-
disposition. strating benefits of antiretroviral therapy
in reducing [acquired immune deficiency
syndrome] AIDS- and non-AIDS-associated
morbidity and mortality, the Panel now
Case Description recommends antiretroviral therapy for
patients with CD4 count between 350 and
Alex is a frail 42-year-old male presenting
500 cells/mm3. This recommendation is made
with concerns of fatigue and generalized
with 50% of the Panel in agreement.”1
weakness. He attributes his symptoms to
1528_Ch41_833-840 08/05/12 6:02 PM Page 834
STEP #1: Identify the patient’s chief concern. topic be explored. Provision of support via
● Fatigue/generalized weakness. Note: This open dialogue can make a small but signifi-
symptom is his primary concern; however, cant effect on adherence. Questions regard-
the diagnostic category list below includes ing the medication, its side effects, and the
pathologies that involve the symptoms of prescription dosage should be referred to
shortness of breath due to his comment Alex’s pharmacist.2
regarding his perceived limitation in daily ● Gender issues with communication. Thera-
activities. pists of a different gender than Alex may feel
less comfortable asking sensitive questions.
STEP #2: Identify barriers to communication.
Conversely, Alex also may feel less comfort-
● Inability to collect information due to the able divulging sensitive information to a
patient’s eagerness to return to work. Alex therapist of another gender.
may be less likely to share information that
will lead to a diagnostic impression with a
prognosis that is inconsistent with his goals.
Teaching comments: Alex is a “nondis-
● Social stigma related to the diagnosis of closer.” He has not informed his family,
HIV. The therapist may require additional friends, and/or colleagues of his diagnosis.
sensitivity to Alex’s perception of how his There is conflicting evidence in the literature
condition is received socially, particularly regarding the overall effect of disclosing HIV
because of the documented nondisclosure to status to select people and the reasoning
family and coworkers regarding the underly- behind disclosing versus nondisclosing. In a
ing diagnosis of HIV. In addition, therapists meta-analysis of the literature, a small but
should examine their own perceptions and statistical relationship was shown between
beliefs about HIV in order to minimize the social support and disclosing. Additionally,
potential impact on the ability of the thera- the authors of the meta-analysis postulated
pist to fully engage in the diagnostic process. that the act of nondisclosure was driven by
● Medication adherence. Adherence to the the stigma surrounding the disease.3
HAART medications is necessary for long-
term viral suppression, yet it is known that
adherence to HAART medications over a STEP #3: Identify special concerns.
long period of time is often compromised. ● Recent profound weight loss. The weight
Financial burden, psychosocial stigma, side loss, in combination with fatigue and re-
effects, and the recent change in health sta- ports of excessive sweating, suggests an un-
tus indicate that reconfirmation of adher- derlying systemic disease process that must
ence to the medication regimen is necessary be investigated.
at this time. With inconsistent adherence,
● Presence of HIV. The presence of HIV is a
there is an increased threat of development
caution secondary to the complicated med-
of a strain of the virus that is resistant to
ical course and medication regimen.
known agents. Due to the importance of
compliance with the regimen of medica- STEP #4: Create a symptom timeline and
tions, it is strongly recommended that this sketch the anatomy (if needed).
STEP #5: Create a diagnostic hypothesis STEP #6: Sort the diagnostic hypothesis
list considering all possible forms of list by epidemiology and specific case
remote and local pathology that could characteristics.
cause the patient’s chief concern.
T Trauma T Trauma
Exercise Exercise
Pneumothorax Pneumothorax (unassociated with night
sweats and extreme weight loss)
I Inflammation I Inflammation
Aseptic Aseptic
Cardiomyopathy Cardiomyopathy (unassociated with night
sweats and extreme weight loss)
Chronic inflammatory demyelinating Chronic inflammatory demyelinating
polyneuropathy polyneuropathy (unassociated with night
sweats and extreme weight loss)
Inflammatory myopathies: Inflammatory myopathies:
● Dermatomyositis ● Dermatomyositis (unassociated with
De Degenerative De Degenerative
Deconditioning Deconditioning
Tu Tumor Tu Tumor
Malignant Primary, such as: Malignant Primary, such as:
● AIDS- and non-AIDS-related malignancy ● AIDS- and non-AIDS-related malignancy
● Colon ● Colon
● Hematologic ● Hematologic
● Kidney ● Kidney
● Lung ● Lung
● Pancreas ● Pancreas
● Prostate ● Prostate
Benign: Benign:
Not applicable Not applicable
Co Congenital Co Congenital
Not applicable Not applicable
Ne Neurogenic/Psychogenic Ne Neurogenic/Psychogenic
Depression Depression
Neurological compromise due to acquired Neurological compromise due to
immunodeficiency virus acquired immunodeficiency virus
(unassociated with night sweats and
extreme weight loss)
Peripheral /myopathy due to HIV Peripheral neuropathy/myopathy due
to HIV
STEP #7: Ask specific questions to rule Teaching comments: This is not in a der-
specific conditions or pathological matome pattern. The clinician should consider
categories less likely. pathologies with dermatome-type sensory
● Do you have shortness of breath at rest? “No,
changes as less likely than others. Oftentimes
I become short of breath and exhausted with the initial presentation of diabetes mellitus or
any activities that requires a lot of effort such peripheral neuropathy due to disease pro-
as climbing the stairs. I can catch my breath gression is a change of sensation at the
after sitting down for a few minutes.” This re- most distal aspects of the extremity. The clini-
sponse makes less likely primary cardiopul- cian should be suspicious of protective sensa-
monary pathology and pulmonary disorders tion loss as assessed by Semmes-Weinstein
such as pneumonia-related pleurisy, pul- monofilament testing.
monary embolism, and pulmonary fibrosis.
● Do you have back pain? “No.” This response
makes less likely conditions affecting the lum- STEP #8: Re-sort the diagnostic
bar region, kidney pathology, and pneumonia. hypothesis list based on the patient’s
● Have you noticed a change in frequency, responses to specific questioning.
color, or urgency with urination or bowel T Trauma
function? “No.” This response makes less
Not applicable
likely conditions affecting the kidney, dia-
betes mellitus, the colon, the pancreas, or I Inflammation
the prostate. Aseptic
● Do you experience numbness or tingling? Pleural effusion (no shortness of breath or
“Yes, my toes and the bottoms of my feet back pain)
tingle; at times, so do my hands. I have no- Pleurisy (no shortness of breath)
ticed in the past couple of years that I do not Septic
like to walk barefoot due to the sensitivity of Cardiomyopathy (no shortness of breath)
my feet.” This response makes more likely Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (no shortness
sources of symptoms that are associated of breath)
with sensory changes. Pleural effusion (no shortness of breath)
1528_Ch41_833-840 08/05/12 6:02 PM Page 838
Pleurisy (no shortness of breath or back pain) The patient answers questions with appro-
Pneumonia (no shortness of breath or priate affect, making less likely conditions
back pain) associated with depressed mood. There are
M Metabolic bruises throughout the upper and lower ex-
Diabetes mellitus polyneuropathy
tremities, but none appear on the trunk.
Diabetic myopathy
Upon specific questioning, Alex acknowl-
Medication toxicity/toxic myopathy
edges that recently he has been bruising
more easily. This finding, although nonspe-
Va Vascular cific, may increase the index of suspicion for
Anemia AIDS-associated lymphoma. Palpation of
Atherosclerosis painless, swollen lymph nodes in the neck,
Cardiomyopathy (no shortness of breath) chest, axillary, or groin regions can further
De Degenerative increase the index of suspicion. There are
Deconditioning signs of lipodystrophy, including thinning
of the face and arms and increased bulk at
Tu Tumor
the back of the neck, which is a nonspecific
Malignant Primary, such as: finding associated with HAART adherence
● AIDS- and non-AIDS-related malignancy of greater than 6 months.5
● Colon (no change in bowel function)
● Auscultation. Lungs: No crackles or wheez-
● Hematologic
ing noted, confirming the suspicion based
● Kidney (no signs of blood in urine)
on history that acute restrictive or obstruc-
● Lung (no shortness of breath, no back
tive pulmonary pathologies are less likely.
Heart sounds: No murmur or S4 noted, con-
● Pancreas (no change in bowel function,
firming the initial impression that primary
no back pain)
pathology of the myocardium is less likely.
● Prostate (no back pain, no change in
frequency/urgency in urination)
● Vitals. Heart rate: 88 beats per minute at
● Spinal tumor (no back pain)
rest. Respiratory rate: 15 breaths/min at rest.
Malignant Metastatic, such as:
Body temperature: 99.8°. Blood pressure:
● AIDS- and non-AIDS-related malignancy
136/88 SpO2: 95% at rest on room air.
● Colon metastases (no change in bowel
STEP #10: Re-sort the diagnostic
function) hypothesis list based on the patient’s
● Kidney metastases (no change in color
responses to specific tests.
of urine)
● Pancreas metastases (no back pain, no
T Trauma
change in bowel function) Not applicable
● Prostate metastases (no change in I Inflammation
frequency/urgency in urination) Aseptic
● Spinal metastases (no back pain)
Not applicable
Not applicable
Not applicable
Co Congenital
M Metabolic
Not applicable
Diabetic myopathy
Ne Neurogenic/Psychogenic Medication toxicity/toxic myopathy
Depression Va Vascular
Peripheral neuropathy/myopathy due to HIV
STEP #9: Perform tests to differentiate Atherosclerosis
among the remaining diagnostic
De Degenerative
● Observation. Patient is not in apparent dis-
tress sitting at rest in the clinic, making less Tu Tumor
likely conditions associated with anxiety. AIDS- and non-AIDS-related malignancy
1528_Ch41_833-840 08/05/12 6:02 PM Page 839
Special Diagnostic Issues in Children
■ Sharon K. DeMuth, PT, DPT, MS ■ Hugh G. Watts, MD
■ Special features of the physical examination “Children are not small adults.”
in children This is a well-known, but often overlooked
■ Unique features of bone growth and injury
maxim. When pointed out, it is so obvious that
writing about it may seem unnecessary, but it
OUTLINE bears emphasis and should be kept in mind
Introduction 841 throughout the various discussions in this
Special Features of History Taking in chapter.
Children 841 Pediatric practice like all physical therapy
The Age of a Child is the Defining Feature in practice is constantly evolving. With the adop-
Differential Diagnosis 841 tion of Vision 2020 by the American Physical
The History is Generally Obtained Secondhand Therapy Association, physical therapists are
Through the Parent 842 expected to practice as doctors of physical ther-
Obtaining Information About a Child’s apy.1 Pediatric physical therapists serve children
Development 842 and their families in many environments where
Some Pitfalls 843 they may be the initial health care provider
Never Forget the Possibility of Child Abuse 844 evaluating a child’s or infant’s ability to move.
Special Features of the Physical Because pediatric physical therapy practice is
Examination of a Child 844 the only physical therapy practice that is feder-
Get to the Child’s Level 844 ally mandated (IDEA),2 the expectation that
Watch While the Child is Waiting to Be Seen 844 pediatric physical therapists will recognize signs
Potential Problems with Disrobing 844 and symptoms and accurately diagnose patients
Examine the Painful Area Last 845 as part of providing those services is crucial.
Confirmation of Discrepancies 845
Examining the Child to Obtain Information About Special Features of History Taking
the Child’s Development 845 in Children
Issues Related to Growth of Bones in
Children 846 The Age of a Child is the Defining
Growth of the Long Bones 846 Feature in Differential Diagnosis
Growth Disturbances Due to Abnormal Muscle
Many diseases only occur at specific ages or are
Activity 846
extremely rare at other ages. For example,
Leg-Length Discrepancy 846
Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease more commonly
Differences in Fractures Between Children occurs in the hip of boys ages 4 to 6, while a
and Adults 846 slipped capital femoral epiphysis would be
Epiphyseal Fractures 846
more commonly expected in a boy ages 12 to
Physiological Differences 848
15. If a boy presents with increasing weakness
Mechanical Differences 848
at age 7 or 8, Duchenne muscular dystrophy is
Other Considerations 849
a more likely diagnosis than spinal muscular
Conclusion 849 atrophy III.
1528_Ch42_841-850 07/05/12 2:11 PM Page 842
Exact age is important to establish. In if the question is asked in simple language and
some cultures, for example, in Saudi Arabia the answer interpreted with wisdom. If the
where birthdays are not celebrated, a child’s child states that she has a “tummy ache” and
exact age is not well documented. The ages of when asked to point to where it hurts she
children adopted from another country are of- points to her head, this information can be
ten only estimates. This has been the case in helpful.
children from orphanages in Romania, Russia, Asking a child questions may also give
and some parts of China. A healthy skepticism you important information about how the
is needed if such a child does not fit within the family interacts. Does the parent constantly
expected range of norms. Bone age radi- interrupt or insist on interpreting? If so, it is
ographs and standardized developmental test- important to give the child a chance to speak
ing may help to determine an approximate for herself and reassure the parent that he
age. Additionally, infants who are born prema- will get his chance to give information in a
turely (more than 3 weeks early) are evaluated minute. If the child always looks at the par-
based on “adjusted age” until they are 2 years ent first as if looking for permission to speak,
old. This means that a child born 2 months this can also provide an indication about the
early, who has now lived 4 months since deliv- family dynamics.
ery, would be regarded as a 2-month-old in
terms of developmental performance, not as a Obtaining Information About
4-month-old.3 a Child’s Development
A physical therapist may be the first health
The History is Generally Obtained care provider to interact with some children
Secondhand Through the Parent especially in settings such as “early interven-
tion” programs (serving children from birth
Especially when children are young, parents
to 3 years of age) or the school system.
provide all the information. It is easy to over-
The child may not have received a formal
look the fact that the information provided by
assessment from a primary care physician
a parent may be misinterpreted by the health
or pediatrician and the family may not have
care provider.
access to any health care services. Again the
PARENTS (OR THEIR SURROGATES) MAY age of the child and the setting direct the
“My child hurts when she....” This may be For an infant, activities such as feeding and
true, but it may not be true. Such a statement sleeping should be assessed as well as the in-
may well set you on the wrong track when fant’s gross- and fine-motor abilities. It is also
developing your list of possible diagnoses. important to screen the infant’s vision and
Cultural background may pose additional hearing. An infant with torticollis may keep
challenges, related to assumptions about dis- the head turned to one side because of a visual
ease etiology, privacy customs, and language loss as well as a tight sternocleidomastoid
barriers.4 muscle. Infants with hypotonia or hypertonia
The clinician should search for the original may have difficulty feeding. All infants go
problem that concerned the parent. For exam- through periods in their development when
ple, if parents state that they want their child they cry more than other periods, and an in-
evaluated for a leg-length difference, the clini- fant who has a central nervous system injury
cian may focus on that particular issue when may be hard to console or get to sleep, increas-
in reality the problem the parent initially was ing strain on the family and the risk for child
concerned about was a limp that a friend or abuse. Older children with known diagnoses
grandparent might have suggested was due to such as cerebral palsy or myelodysplasia may
the unequal leg length. be underweight or overweight and may need a
The clinician should try to get as much referral to a pediatrician and or a registered
history as possible from the child. Even a dietician in order to help the family provide
2-year-old can provide valuable information better care for the child.
1528_Ch42_841-850 07/05/12 2:11 PM Page 843
In the early intervention setting, the focus pediatrician, pediatric neurologist, or pedi-
is on the family5 and the use of open-ended atric orthopedist. If the family has no access to
questions such as “Tell me about your baby’s health care services, should they be referred to
typical schedule,” “What types of activities a social worker or to a state system such
does the baby enjoy?” and “Does the baby as Medicaid? The family may be unwilling to
sleep through the night?” may elicit more in- accept that there is anything really wrong with
formation than a question requiring only a the infant or child and it may take a number of
yes or no answer. Open-ended questions also visits by the physical therapist and/or referral
work well with older children in the pre- to another health care provider to help the
school or school setting because they allow family accept and begin to cope with their
the physical therapist to begin to assess the child’s diagnosis.
child’s cognitive ability and interests while
getting acquainted with the child and the Some Pitfalls
family and developing a mental list of poten-
tial diagnoses.
Children fall frequently so it is easy to ascribe
Knowing when the child accomplished
the cause of some problem to a fall. If a
certain motor skills such as rolling over (4
mother notes a swollen knee when her
to 5 months), moving alone from lying
3-year-old is being given a bath, she may well
to sitting up (6 to 7 months), walking (12 to
think that it is due to the fall off of the sofa
15 months), and reaching for objects (3 to
she witnessed 2 days ago. On the other hand,
4 months) is important.5 However, some
the swollen knee could be due to juvenile
parents will be better historians than others.
rheumatoid arthritis. If there is a history of a
Often with a first child the family may be
fall, it is important to get the details. Was the
able to tell you exactly what happened but
child able to get up and walk or run right
they may not be able to give the same details
away? Was the crying inordinately prolonged?
for the fourth child.
Was there a wound or scrape? These details
In addition, certain cultures place value on
will give a better understanding of the seri-
certain motor activities, for example, inde-
ousness of the fall.
pendence in dressing, and will encourage those
activities. For this reason, the timeline for ac- A HISTORY OF FEVER ALWAYS NEEDS FULL
complishment of certain tasks will be different DETAILS
for different infants. For example, in some Children in their initial school years frequently
African countries children are not allowed or bring upper respiratory infections home with
encouraged to crawl but are carried until they them. These fevers can easily confuse the diag-
can walk alone, a task often achieved at 8 or nostic problem. A parent may, for example, in-
9 months of age.5 advertently overlook an important fever that
The “back to sleep movement,” which has heralds osteomyelitis by ascribing the fever to
been endorsed by the American Academy of a “cold.” Did the child have a runny nose or a
Pediatrics and others since 1966, encourages cough?
parents to place babies face up to sleep to
reduce the incidence of sudden infant death “TICKET OF EXIT” ISSUES
syndrome. This has altered the expected age Children often develop a strong wish to avoid
for accomplishment of crawling and walking unpleasant social situations by inventing ill-
by decreasing prone experiences.6,7 nesses. Gym class at school is commonly an
The clinician uses this knowledge about activity a child wants to avoid. A preteen girl
whether a child accomplished motor skills who is embarrassed about her delayed physical
within a range of expected norms to assess if development in comparison to her classmates
the child is behaving appropriately for his or may not want to participate in gym class if she
her age. If not, the clinician determines is required to change clothes in a locker room
whether the child needs to be referred to a spe- where she has to expose herself. A teenage boy
cialist such as a physical therapist who is a pedi- with gynecomastia may feel the same way.
atric certified specialist (PCS), developmental Unwilling to discuss the real issues with their
1528_Ch42_841-850 07/05/12 2:11 PM Page 844
parents, a backache or foot pain may become abuse is suspected. All local and state depart-
the means of getting an excuse from gym class. ments of health have systems in place for
Similarly, a child who is being pushed into reporting. It is incumbent on the physical
competing in an activity such as skating or therapist to know the procedures for the state
gymnastics may feel overwhelmed and look in which he or she is licensed to practice.
for a way to get out of the competition by
developing a malady. It may take particularly Special Features of the Physical
sensitive questioning to get to the root of such Examination of a Child
Get to the Child’s Level
Parents often bring siblings along when one of Imagine yourself lying on an examining table
their other children is being seen in the clinic. in your underwear when a 10-foot-tall person
It is not unusual for the parent to take the op- comes in to examine you. That’s not unlike the
portunity to have one of the sibs evaluated at situation for a child. Lower yourself to the
the same time with the common “Oh, by the child’s level by sitting down or squatting.
way, what about my other child’s flat feet?” As
with any informal consultation (see Chapter 3), Watch While the Child is Waiting to
such interactions are fraught with potential Be Seen
problems. Time is limited since the appoint- Often the parent will bring a child in for eval-
ment has been scheduled for only one child; uation of a limp or in-toeing only to be frus-
the history is frequently hurried and superfi- trated when the child walks absolutely nor-
cial; and often no record of the visit is made. mally in front of the clinician. If possible, keep
While it is a nuisance for the mother to make a an eye on the waiting area and watch the chil-
separate appointment for the additional child, dren before you see them—that is, when they
your reasons for this need to be carefully are not putting on a studied gait for your eyes.
explained to the parent if disgruntlement is to Other tricks such as asking a child to rub his
be avoided. tummy with one hand while patting the top of
his head with the other hand, then asking him
Never Forget the Possibility of Child to walk, may fool the child into walking with
Abuse2 his more usual gait.
Child abuse can happen in what appear to be
Potential Problems with Disrobing
“the best” of families. Overlooking the possi-
bility may mean that the next time it happens, An adequate examination requires the child
the child may be badly maimed or, even worse, to disrobe. Feet and lower extremity prob-
killed. Question the details of any story that lems cannot be appropriately evaluated by
involves trauma, a fall off of a changing table, just pulling up the child’s trouser legs. Spinal
or a fall down the stairs. One does not need to deformities cannot be evaluated properly
sound accusatory while doing so. Look for without being able to see the child’s entire
bruises that appear to have different dates of trunk and pelvis. Many children are unhappy
occurrence—that is, some that are blue-black about undressing for an examination. They
while others are yellowish or greenish. Do the may be shy or afraid that this is the first step
bruises suggest finger or hand marks left to getting an injection. If this occurs, being
behind by a vigorous slap? Does the child raise arbitrary and insisting may lead to a totally
his arm as if to protect himself from a blow unsatisfactory examination. Some tech-
when you approach? For the school-age child niques that can work are to avoid eye contact
has there been a change in behavior at school, with the child and simply state to the parent
a change in academic performance, or fre- which clothes you want to have removed. It
quent absences that are unexplained? may also help to step out of room saying
Physical therapists, like all health care you’ll return when the child is ready for
providers, are mandated reporters if child examination.
1528_Ch42_841-850 07/05/12 2:11 PM Page 845
Issues Related to Growth of Bones healing with overlap or lengthening due to the
in Children stimulation of the healing fracture causing
longitudinal overgrowth. Other causes are dis-
Growth of the Long Bones location of the hip, osteomyelitis, traumatic
physeal injury, Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease,
This growth takes place at the physis, known in and congenital conditions.
the past more commonly as the epiphyseal The concern about leg-length discrepancy
growth plate. Abnormalities in longitudinal varies with the specialty of the person evaluating
growth in children most frequently result from the child—the more specialized a clinician, the
trauma, infection, or loss of vascular supply. less concerned he or she is about the lesser de-
On the other hand, growth can be stimulated, grees of leg-length difference. Pediatric orthope-
presumably due to increased blood supply, as a dic surgeons are not concerned with a leg-length
result of fracture healing and/or chronic in- difference if, at maturity, the difference will be
flammation as seen in juvenile rheumatoid less than 2 cm.
arthritis. The main issue with leg-length differ-
Differential inhibition of longitudinal ences in children is not the current differ-
growth (eg, medial versus lateral) may result ence, but what the difference will be at matu-
in angular deformity. This is commonly seen rity. A difference of 2 cm at the current time
after fractures of the physis medially at the may be of little concern if the difference is
ankle. Inhibition of growth of the physeal stable in absolute terms. However, if the
cells due to excessive asymmetric longitudi- difference is due to a congenital decrease in
nal loading is presumed to be the cause of longitudinal growth of the femur, for exam-
the progressive genu varum seen in Blount’s ple, a 10% difference in a 1-year-old boy, the
disease. ultimate difference at maturity could be an
additional 4 cm.
Growth Disturbances Due to The management of leg-length discrep-
Abnormal Muscle Activity ancy requires an adequate series of measure-
Bone growth responds to the muscle forces ap- ment data, usually at yearly intervals. Simple
plied to the bones. What is often overlooked is tape-measure evaluations are not adequate.
that the shape of the bones may be modified by Radiographs taken so that magnification is
the growth of the apophyses, for example, the eliminated are important (either scanograms
greater trochanter of the femur. In the past, or orthoroentgenograms). Because bone length
when poliomyelitis was much more common, norms have been established based on bone
the effects of lack of muscle pull on the growth age rather than calendar age, a simultaneous
in length and shape of the bones was seen fre- x-ray of the left hand is also taken and com-
quently by medical personnel caring for these pared to norms. Because of the importance of
children. Ewald and others12,13 showed that the having baseline measurements and appropri-
shape of the upper end of the femur, and espe- ate serial measurements, a child with this
cially the neck-shaft angle, was markedly de- problem should be given an early referral to an
creased in experimental animals when the hip orthopedic surgeon who is familiar with
abductor muscles were removed or defunc- leg-length discrepancies.
tioned. This effect is presumed to be the etiology
of the increased proximal femoral valgus seen in Differences in Fractures Between
children with cerebral palsy where their hip ab- Children and Adults
ductor muscles may be reciprocally inhibited by
the spasticity of the hip adductor muscles. Fractures in children are different from those
seen in adults in a number of ways.
Leg-Length Discrepancy
Epiphyseal Fractures
Causes for leg-length discrepancy are numer-
ous.14 Probably the commonest are due to the The most obvious anatomical difference is the
results of a fracture, either shortening due to presence of the physes (epiphyseal growth
1528_Ch42_841-850 07/05/12 2:11 PM Page 847
plates) responsible for longitudinal growth As with Salter-Harris I fractures, the line of
that are susceptible to injury. Furthermore, the separation along the physis is not always ex-
subarticular physis, which allows for the clusively at that level; however, the prolifer-
growth in width and in shape of the ends of ating cells are usually not injured, so growth
the bones, is also vulnerable to injury. disturbance is not a common feature of this
Nomenclature for fractures is not firmly fracture.
agreed on. Fractures that take place at the ● Salter-Harris III: In these fractures, the line
ends of the bones in children where the of the break goes across the zone of provi-
physis, the secondary center of ossification, sional mineralization, then turns toward the
and the subarticular physis may be involved joint and breaks the secondary center of
have generally been classified as epiphyseal ossification. It may, or may not continue
fractures. Although a number of different across the subarticular physis and articular
classification schemes are available, the most cartilage into the joint itself. If the fracture
commonly used is the Salter and Harris extends totally into the joint, the loose frag-
system (Fig. 42-1).15 ment can easily dislodge and result in an in-
● Salter-Harris I: In these fractures, the break congruous joint surface with long-term dire
takes place across the zone of provisional consequences for joint function and growth.
mineralization. Although the line of separa- Although the fracture extends along the
tion is not always exclusively at that level, zone of provisional mineralization initially,
the proliferating cells are usually not in- the turn toward the joint crosses the layer of
volved; hence, growth disturbance is not a proliferating cells in the physis with a con-
common feature. The issue with these frac- siderable probability of causing a growth
tures is recognition. There is no break in the disturbance. Such fractures often require
osseous tissue so there is nothing to be seen accurate replacement of the fragments and
on the bones on a plain radiograph. Deep fixation by surgery.
soft tissue swelling seen on the x-ray may be ● Salter-Harris IV: In this fracture, the break
the only clue. Recognition comes from the takes place at approximately right angles to
knowledge that such a lesion could take the physis, and extends from the metaph-
place and an understanding of the mecha- ysis into the joint. The free fragment con-
nism of injury. tains a piece of metaphysis, a segment of
● Salter-Harris II: In these fractures, the break the physis and of the bony secondary center
takes place across the zone of provisional of ossification.
mineralization, but as the fracture reaches Usually, the free fragment moves toward
the far side of the bone, the line of the break the joint, not only causing joint incongruity,
turns toward the metaphysis and leaves a but the bone of the metaphysis may heal
telltale small triangle of bone attached to the across to the bone of the secondary center of
physis. Because of this small fragment of ossification, which prevents the physis from
bone attached to the physis, the lesion is growing. Such fractures, seen most com-
usually readily recognized on an x-ray. monly at the ankle and elbow, result in an
FIGURE 42-1 Salter-Harris fracture classification: (A) Salter-Harris I; (B) Salter-Harris II; (C) Salter-Harris III;
(D) Salter-Harris IV; (E) Salter-Harris V.
1528_Ch42_841-850 07/05/12 2:11 PM Page 848
asymmetrical growth arrest that requires angular remodeling readily takes place, the
treatment. angulation between the line of the shaft and the
● Salter-Harris V: In this fracture, the mecha- line parallel to the physis does not necessarily
nism of injury is presumed to be excessive remodel. If the angulation of the physis is in the
axial loading that damages the proliferating plane of the joint motion (eg, flexion or exten-
cells of the physis. Injury to the blood sup- sion of the knee in a proximal tibial fracture),
ply may play a part. There is nothing to see remodeling is more likely. However, there is
on the x-ray, and the injury is recognized much less likely to be remodeling in the varus,
after the fact when the bone is discovered to valgus plane. At best, malrotation should be
have stopped growing. expected to show only minimal correction.
13. Ewald FC, Hirohashi K. Effect of distal transfer of the 16. Vorlat P, DeBroeck H. Bowing fractures of the forearm
greater trochanter in growing animals. JBJS. 1973;55(4): in children: a long term followup. Clin Orthop.
1064–1067. 2003;413:233–237.
14. Moseley CF. Leg-length discrepancy. In: Morrissy RT, 17. Sanders WE, Heckman JD. Traumatic plastic deforma-
Weinstein SL, eds. Lovell and Winter’s Pediatric Or- tion of the radius and ulna. A closed method of correc-
thopaedics. Vol 2. 6th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott tion of deformity. Clin Orthop. 1984;188:58–67.
Williams & Wilkins; 2006:1213–1256.
15. Salter R, Harris WR. Injuries involving the epiphyseal
plate. JBJS. 1963;45–A:587.
1528_Ch43_851-872 07/05/12 2:12 PM Page 851
Elbow Pain in a Child
■ Julia L. Burlette, PT, DPT, OCS ■ Jill S. Masutomi, PT, DPT, PCS
1528_Ch43_851-872 07/05/12 2:12 PM Page 852
T Trauma
Acute brachial plexus Dislocations: Not applicable
injury 859 • Elbow dislocation 861
• Supracondylar fracture of the
humerus 863
Obstetric brachial Fractures: Nerve injury:
plexus injury 860 • Monteggia fracture-dislocation 863 • Median nerve injury 865
• Transphyseal fracture 864
Cervical radiculopathy 860 Not applicable Fractures:
• Coronoid process 862
I Inflammation
Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
1528_Ch43_851-872 07/05/12 2:12 PM Page 853
Inflammation (continued)
M Metabolic
Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Not applicable Myositis ossificans 865 Not applicable
Not applicable Gout 864 Not applicable
Va Vascular
Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Not applicable Arterial injury 861 Not applicable
Compartment syndrome 861
Not applicable Hemophilia 864 Not applicable
De Degenerative
Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
1528_Ch43_851-872 07/05/12 2:12 PM Page 855
Degenerative (continued)
Tu Tumor
Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Not applicable Malignant Primary, such as: Not applicable
• Ewing’s sarcoma 869
• Osteosarcoma 870
• Rhabdomyosarcoma 870
Malignant Metastatic:
Not applicable
Benign, such as:
• Aneurysmal bone
cyst 869
• Fibromatosis 869
• Lipoma 869
• Osteoblastoma 870
• Osteochondroma 870
• Osteoid osteoma 870
Co Congenital
Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Not applicable Radioulnar synostosis 867 Not applicable
Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Ne Neurogenic/Psychogenic
Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
1528_Ch43_851-872 07/05/12 2:12 PM Page 857
Neurogenic/Psychogenic (continued)
Note: These are estimates of relative incidence because few data are available for the less common conditions.
Overview of Elbow Pain in a Child tissue is age dependent, and injury patterns are
commonly observed in association with the
The elbow is the most common joint injured skeletal developmental stage of the growing
in childhood. Elbow injuries in the skeletally child’s elbow. Tumors, infections, and arthri-
immature child have increased as participation tides are less likely to occur in the pediatric
in organized athletics has expanded for this elbow, given that much less longitudinal
age group. Juvenile and adolescent athletes are growth occurs at the distal humerus and prox-
participating at earlier ages—and at higher imal radius and ulna in relation to their oppo-
intensities of competition—in year-round site ends.
sports, placing excessive amounts of stress on
immature structures. There are several condi- Description of Conditions That
tions unique to the pediatric elbow that can be May Lead to Elbow Pain in a Child
attributed to the presence of the growth plates
or physes that distinguish these injuries from Remote
their adult counterpart. The high prevalence of
convoluted physes in the distal humerus, prox- ■ Acute Brachial Plexus Injury
imal radius, and proximal ulna make the Chief Clinical Characteristics
recognition of fractures difficult on plain radi- This presentation includes burning pain down
ographs. The strength of the musculoskeletal the arm, numbness, weakness, and dysesthesia.
1528_Ch43_851-872 07/05/12 2:12 PM Page 860
Also known as a burner, the mechanism of to 92% of injured infants.3 Additional in-
injury involves collision sports and typically volvement of the C7 nerve will result in the
includes traction to the brachial plexus from a classic “waiter tip deformity” with the shoul-
blow that depresses the shoulder. The upper der adducted and internally rotated, elbow ex-
trunks (C5–C6) are most commonly involved, tended, forearm pronated, and wrist and fingers
resulting in more numbness and pain in the flexed. Risk factors for obstetric brachial
C5 and C6 dermatomes and weakness in the plexus injury include high birth weight, pro-
deltoid and biceps. Assessment includes longed labor, and breech presentation.3 Treat-
screening for osseous injury and a thorough ment includes stretching and splinting to
neurological examination. Most acute brachial prevent further contracture. Microsurgery
plexus injuries from collision sports will re- may be beneficial if no recovery occurs by 3 to
solve with complete recovery within minutes 6 months. Tendon transfers and osteotomies
to hours. The athlete may return to sports may be indicated to increase function.
when neurological function is normal. The
athlete with a severe injury resulting in weak-
ness lasting longer than 6 months should not
return to collision sports.1 APOPHYSITIS
■ Medial Epicondyle (Little
■ Cervical Radiculopathy
Leaguer’s Elbow)
Chief Clinical Characteristics
This presentation can be characterized by pain Chief Clinical Characteristics
in the cervical region and the corresponding This presentation may include pain, swelling,
dermatome for the involved nerve root. Pain is and localized tenderness over the medial epi-
typically increased with cervical movement, condyle. Reproduction of symptoms will occur
use of the involved upper extremity, and cough- with resisted wrist flexion, resisted forearm
ing or sneezing. This presentation may also pronation, and passive wrist extension with the
include motor loss, sensory disturbances, and elbow extended. Application of a valgus stress
diminished or absent reflexes corresponding to to an elbow flexed 20 degrees increases pain and
the involved nerve root. may also demonstrate laxity.4
Background Information
Background Information Medial epicondyle apophysitis is a repetitive
Cervical radiculopathy may be caused by stress injury typically found in the skeletally
trauma or other lesions (ie, space-occupying immature child and adolescent thrower, ages
lesion, infection, or hemorrhage). The diagno- 8 to 12.1,5 Its cause is excessive distractive force
sis is confirmed with magnetic resonance produced on the medial side of the elbow with
imaging. Progressive neurological deficits in- repetitive valgus stress leading to a series of
dicate surgical intervention. microavulsions at the bone–cartilage junc-
■ Obstetric Brachial Plexus Injury tion.6 It is seen most commonly in throwers
during the acceleration phases of throwing,
Chief Clinical Characteristics but can occur in gymnasts, tennis players,
This presentation can be characterized by weak- golfers, or with any repetitive valgus stress to
ness of the muscles innervated by the involved the elbow.6,7 Treatment includes rest until the
brachial plexus trunk. child is asymptomatic, followed by gradual
Background Information stretching and strengthening, with a slow pro-
The mechanism of injury is traction of the gression of throwing or return to sports.8
brachial plexus during delivery when the head
is pulled laterally away from the shoulder. The ■ Olecranon
injury is classified by the level of trunk in- Chief Clinical Characteristics
volvement. The upper trunk (C5 and C6) is This presentation may involve pain, mild
most commonly involved.2 It is also known as swelling, and tenderness at the insertion of the
upper plexus palsy or Erb’s palsy. Complete triceps at the tip of the olecranon. Pain is
1528_Ch43_851-872 07/05/12 2:12 PM Page 861
motion. The radial head may be palpable in commonly unrecognized and may con-
with a direct blow to the medial elbow. Fifty with a direct blow or twisting injury.11,21 The
may be present posteriorly and anteriorly and tenderness of the joint or bursal cavity.
following high-energy injuries with greater Advanced cases may have palpable firm tophi.
Background Information
Background Information Gout commonly manifests as acute olecranon
This fracture is the most common elbow frac- bursitis. The olecranon bursa is a common lo-
ture in children, and accounts for 60% of cation for tophi. The toes should also be as-
elbow injuries.11 The mechanism of injury is sessed for metatarsal joint involvement. Gout
typically a fall on the outstretched arm or is usually associated with elevated uric acid
with the elbow positioned a little flexed with levels. Gout is rare in children, although it may
the forearm pronated. The incidence of this be associated with inherited conditions that
injury is greatest in the first decade of life with are, in turn, associated with hyperuricemia.
a peak between the ages of 5 and 10 years.5 Polarized microscopic examination of aspi-
Injuries to the anterior interosseus nerve, rated synovial fluid confirms the diagnosis.
radial nerve, median nerve, and brachial ar- Treatment includes inflammation control,
tery can occur in up to 18% of displaced frac- medication, and diet modification.
tures.5 Treatment of these fractures is guided
by the amount of displacement. Nondisplaced ■ Hemophilia
to mildly displaced fractures are treated by Chief Clinical Characteristics
cast immobilization or through closed reduc- This presentation can be characterized by
tion followed by cast immobilization.17 With swelling, pain, warmth, stiffness, and the child
greater degrees of displacement, these injuries holding the elbow in a flexed position.
necessitate surgical intervention with either
closed reduction and percutaneous pin fixa- Background Information
tion or open reduction.5,11 This condition is an inherited, recessive, sex-
linked disorder that affects blood clotting
■ Transphyseal Fracture predominantly in males. Hemorrhages may
occur anywhere in the body, but are most of-
Chief Clinical Characteristics ten found in joints; typically the knee, elbow,
This presentation involves swelling, deforma- and ankle.24 Muscles are the second most
tion, muffled crepitus, and instability.17 common site of bleeding, with the iliopsoas,
Background Information gastrocnemius, and forearm flexor muscle
This injury is a fracture-separation of the compartment most frequently involved.25
distal humeral epiphysis that is observed in Depending on the severity of the disorder,
children from birth to 7 years of age, with a bleeding may occur spontaneously, or more
peak occurring before the child is 21/2 years of commonly, secondary to a minor trauma such
age.11 Multiple mechanisms of injury have as a sprain or muscle pull. Infants or toddlers
been reported, with the most common a ro- may develop subcutaneous ecchymosis over
tatory shear force, either at birth secondary bony prominences or large hematomas after
to traumatic delivery, child abuse, or from a receiving intramuscular vaccinations. Factor
fall onto an extended arm.17 Closed reduc- replacement therapy, given intravenously, is
tion is performed under anesthesia followed the mainstay of treatment for an acute
by cast immobilization if necessary. Percuta- bleeding episode.25 In addition to factor re-
neous pin stabilization is used to prevent loss placement, management of an acute bleed
of reduction and malunion with postsurgical includes rest, ice, compression, and elevation,
cast immobilization for 3 weeks. Damage to pain-free movement, splinting, and pain
the physis is rare and cubitus varus is an un- medication as needed (aspirin is contraindi-
common complication.11,17 cated in this patient population).24
heat, decreased extension greater than flex- symptoms may occur with passive wrist
along the course of the nerve. Reproduction Microtrauma may be caused by chronic
of symptoms may occur with resisted forearm, subluxation, valgus stress, and flexor carpi
elbow, or finger motions. The patient may ulnaris muscle compression.4 Ulnar nerve
present with weakness in the muscles inner- injury is associated with medial condyle
vated by the median nerve and numbness fracture and flexion type supracondylar
in the hand, primarily the first and second fracture.30 Ulnar neuritis may occur in
digits. young athletes from repeated throwing and
may be associated with medial instability.9
Background Information
Treatment for this condition includes rest
The mechanism of injury may be acute
and inflammation control. Strengthening is
trauma or chronic, repetitive microtrauma.
initiated when the acute phase resolves.
Repetitive, resisted pronation and supina-
Traumatic nerve injuries from fractures or
tion of the forearm may contribute to micro-
following surgery usually resolve sponta-
trauma of the median nerve. Median nerve
compression should initially be managed
conservatively with inflammation control
and activity modification. Traumatic median OSTEOCHONDRITIS/
nerve injuries from fractures usually resolve OSTEOCHONDROSIS
spontaneously.30 ■ Osteochondritis of the
Capitellum (Little Leaguer’s
■ Radial Nerve Injury Elbow)
Chief Clinical Characteristics Chief Clinical Characteristics
This presentation involves minimal to severe This presentation can involve dull pain, ten-
aching pain in the lateral forearm and derness over the lateral elbow, effusion, and
tenderness in the supinator region. Resisted loss of elbow range, most commonly extension.
wrist extension with the elbow extended or Catching, locking, and crepitus may also
resisted supination of the forearm may re- occur with elbow motion.32 Symptoms are
produce symptoms. The child suspected of aggravated with use of the involved extrem-
this condition may present with partial or ity and relieved with rest.
complete paralysis of the muscles innervated
Background Information
by the radial nerve.
Osteochondritis of the capitellum is asso-
Background Information ciated with frequent repetitive overuse of
Radial nerve injury may occur from the elbow and is most common in young
trauma, space-occupying lesions, inflam- throwing athletes between the ages of
mation, excessive muscular activity, and is 13 and 16 years. It is also associated with
associated with extension type supracondylar loose body formation. Treatment is guided
fracture.30 by clinical findings and radiographs.
Magnetic resonance imaging may aid in
■ Ulnar Nerve Injury early detection of this condition.33 Non-
surgical intervention includes rest and
Chief Clinical Characteristics
activity modification. Surgical interven-
This presentation may involve aching pain
tion may be indicated to remove loose
in the medial elbow and forearm and pares-
bodies. Prognosis depends on the size
thesias in the sensory dermatome of the
and extent of the lesion and the patient’s
ulnar nerve. Weakness and atrophy of the
age. Younger patients have a better prog-
muscles innervated by the ulnar nerve may
nosis but functional limitations are com-
be found depending on the extent of the
mon and a return to sports is not always
achieved. A poor outcome has been corre-
Background Information lated with advanced lesions, a large osteo-
The mechanism of injury may be traumatic chondral defect, and development of
or secondary to microtrauma to the nerve. osteoarthritis.34
1528_Ch43_851-872 07/05/12 2:12 PM Page 867
Septic arthritis is an infection of the joint anterior and distal to the lateral epicondyle
usually caused by a cocci bacterial organism, at the origin of the extensor carpi radialis
most commonly Staphylococcus aureus.27 Sep- brevis. Reproduction of symptoms will occur
tic arthritis can occur at any age but is most with resisted wrist extension and passive wrist
frequently seen in children younger than flexion.
3 years of age and is two to three times
Background Information
more frequent in boys than girls.26,27 The
This condition is found frequently in adoles-
elbow is the third most commonly affected
cent tennis players secondary to the repeti-
joint and is treated by immediate aspiration
tive loading to the extensor carpi radialis
and drainage and intravenous administration
brevis tendon, but can also be found in
of antibiotics.27,36
young throwers and swimmers.4,38 Lateral
■ Systemic Fungal Infection epicondylitis occurs after skeletal matura-
tion, which happens at approximately four-
Chief Clinical Characteristics teen years of age in males and thirteen
This presentation can include pain, tenderness, years of age in females.9 Treatment includes
and swelling over the elbow or the surrounding activity modification, inflammation control,
soft tissues. stretching, bracing, and strengthening when
Background Information inflammation has resolved.
Exposure and subsequent infection may be in-
sidious in nature, with the majority of those ■ Medial Epicondylitis
infected asymptomatic. Musculoskeletal in- (Golfer’s Elbow)
volvement is rare; however, lesions of bones Chief Clinical Characteristics
and joints result in diffuse soft tissue swelling, This presentation involves medial elbow pain
bone destruction, and sinus formation. Sys- and localized tenderness at the common flexor
temic fungal infections occur most frequently origin. Tenderness may also occur at the prox-
in the young, old, and immunocompromised imal flexor and pronator teres muscle bellies.
populations.27 Treatment includes long-term Reproduction of symptoms will occur with
antibiotics, irrigation, and debridement of the resisted wrist flexion, resisted forearm prona-
affected area. tion, and passive wrist extension.
TENDINOPATHIES Background Information
(TENDINITIS) This condition typically occurs in adoles-
■ Distal Biceps Tendinitis cent throwers and pitchers secondary to
overuse and repetitive valgus stress to the
Chief Clinical Characteristics elbow during the acceleration phase of their
This presentation includes pain and tender- delivery, however it is also found in golfers,
ness in the anterior elbow. Reproduction tennis players, and gymnasts.7,9 Epicondylitis
of symptoms will occur with resisted elbow versus apophysitis is more likely to occur
flexion and forearm supination. after closure of the medial epicondyle physis,
Background Information which occurs at approximately 17 years of
This is a rare injury in adolescents that may age in males and 14 years of age in females.4
present secondary to weight lifting or carry- Treatment includes activity modification,
ing heavy loads with flexed elbows. Treat- inflammation control, and stretching and
ment includes activity modification and strengthening when the acute symptoms
inflammation control. have subsided.
symptoms will occur with resisted elbow and 25% may require additional surgery
8. Rudzki JR, Paletta GA, Jr. Juvenile and adolescent elbow 29. Beiner JM, Jokl P. Muscle contusion injury and myositis
49. Widhe B, Widhe T. Initial symptoms and clinical fea- 52. Conrad EU 3rd, Bradford L, Chansky HA. Pediatric
tures in osteosarcoma and Ewing sarcoma. J Bone Joint soft-tissue sarcomas. Orthop Clin North Am. Jul 1996;27
Surg Am. May 2000;82(5):667–674. (3):655–664.
50. Arndt CA, Crist WM. Common musculoskeletal tumors 53. Pappo AS, Shapiro DN, Crist WM. Rhabdomyosar-
of childhood and adolescence. N Engl J Med. Jul 29 coma. Biology and treatment. Pediatr Clin North Am.
1999;341(5):342–352. Aug 1997;44(4):953–972.
51. Meyers PA, Gorlick R. Osteosarcoma. Pediatr Clin North
Am. Aug 1997;44(4):973–989.
1528_Ch44_873-897 08/05/12 6:02 PM Page 873
Back Pain in a Child
■ Munesha Ramsinghani Lona, PT, DPT, PCS ■ Josiane Stickles, PT, DPT
T Trauma
Not applicable Muscle strain/overuse syndrome 885
Scheuermann’s disease (idiopathic/structural kyphosis) 888
Spondylolisthesis 890
Spondylolysis 890
Not applicable Fractures:
• Burst 881
• Compression 881
• Flexion-distraction 882
• Fracture-dislocations 882
Lumbar radiculopathy 884
Not applicable Slipped vertebral apophysis 889
I Inflammation
Not applicable Aseptic
Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis 883
Not applicable
1528_Ch44_873-897 08/05/12 6:02 PM Page 874
Inflammation (continued)
Not applicable Aseptic
Rheumatoid arthritis–like conditions of the spine:
• Juvenile ankylosing spondylitis 886
Discitis 880
Tuberculous spondylitis (spinal tuberculosis) 891
Aseptic Aseptic
Not applicable Rheumatoid arthritis–like conditions of the spine:
• Arthritis with inflammatory bowel disease 886
Septic • Juvenile dermatomyositis 887
Acute pelvic inflammatory • Psoriatic arthritis 887
disease 878 • Systemic lupus erythematosus 888
Appendicitis 879 Transverse myelitis 891
Cholecystitis 879
Pancreatitis 879 Septic
Pleuritis (pleurisy) 879 Meningitis 884
Pyelonephritis 880 Spinal epidural abscess 889
Vertebral osteomyelitis 895
M Metabolic
Not applicable Not applicable
Not applicable Not applicable
Not applicable Idiopathic juvenile osteoporosis 883
Metabolic bone disease 885
Osteogenesis imperfecta (brittle bone disease) 885
Va Vascular
Not applicable Not applicable
Not applicable Not applicable
Not applicable Hemophilia 882
Sickle cell anemia (crisis) 889
1528_Ch44_873-897 08/05/12 6:02 PM Page 875
Tu Tumor
Not applicable Not applicable
Not applicable Malignant Primary, such as:
• Ewing’s sarcoma 892
• Leukemia 893
• Lymphoma 893
• Osteosarcoma (osteogenic sarcoma) 895
Malignant Metastatic:
Not applicable
Not applicable
Malignant Primary, such as: Malignant Primary:
• Nephroblastoma (Wilms’ Not applicable
tumor) 880 Malignant Metastatic, such as:
Malignant Metastatic: • Astrocytoma 892
Not applicable • Neuroblastoma 894
Benign: • Rhabdomyosarcoma 895
Not applicable Benign, such as:
• Aneurysmal bone cyst 891
• Langerhans’ cell histiocytosis 892
• Osteoblastoma 894
• Osteoid osteoma 894
Co Congenital
Not applicable Not applicable
Not applicable Not applicable
Not applicable Joint hypermobility syndrome 883
1528_Ch44_873-897 08/05/12 6:02 PM Page 876
Ne Neurogenic/Psychogenic
Not applicable Not applicable
Not applicable Psychosomatic back pain 886
Not applicable Not applicable
Note: These are estimates of relative incidence because few data are available for the less common conditions.
more serious problems such as infertility, prolonged fasting or rapid weight reduction,
often lie on the affected side in an attempt to first year of life. The prevalence of urinary
localized to the thoracolumbar region of the causing sepsis and to stabilize structures at risk
severe trauma such as a fall on the buttocks. In surgical intervention, progressive kyphosis
a diagnostic possibility. However, in cases pain. Developmental history may reveal delayed
cause of chronic disability. The etiology of juve- radiculopathies rarely occur in children
nile rheumatoid arthritis (JRA) is unknown; and adolescents, and are usually the result
however, it is believed to be an autoimmune of cumulative trauma rather than a single
response against cells in the joint fluid. The episode as in adults. Adolescents account for
end result of the autoimmune response can only 1% to 4% of reported herniations.1,35
include adhesions and osteophyte prolifera- Often there is a family history of lumbar disk
tion in the joint space, fibrosis of surrounding disease. Sacralization of the fifth lumbar verte-
tissue (tendons and ligaments) resulting in brae is frequently accompanied by low back
contracture, and scarring of the underlying pain and disk herniation proximal to the tran-
bone, causing the joint shape to be irregular.31 sitional vertebra. Radiographs rarely show loss
It affects the cervical spine more often than it of intervertebral disk height and, therefore,
affects the joints of the thoracic and lumbar a magnetic resonance imaging or computed
spine.32 The age of onset is set younger than tomography scan should be obtained. The
16 years to distinguish this condition from most common levels are L4–L5 and L5–S1.1,36
adult-onset disease. Complications of major Most patients respond well to conservative
concern are acute iritis and uveitis leading to treatment that includes rest, nonsteroidal
blindness. These complications are seen most anti-inflammatory drugs, and gradual return
often in those children with the pauciarticular to activities. Surgical treatment is usually
form of this condition. Because no definitive reserved for those with positive nerve tension
laboratory tests are available to identify JRA, signs, persistent abnormal sensation and
the diagnosis is made by exclusion of other reflexes, lower extremity weakness, and sciatic
rheumatic diseases or diagnoses such as pain. Excision of the intervertebral disk may
joint infections, trauma, malignancies, or sys- be necessary, and in rare cases of spinal insta-
temic illnesses, depending on the presenting bility, fusion may be indicated.34
symptoms. Medical management includes a
variety of oral medications used to control ■ Meningitis
joint inflammation such as nonsteroidal anti- Chief Clinical Characteristics
inflammatory drugs, antirheumatic drugs, This presentation can be characterized by back
and glucocorticoids. Intra-articular injections pain associated with systemic infection and
of glucocorticoids may be used to target single meningeal irritation including fever, nausea,
joints. In some severe cases, surgical interven- altered level of consciousness, irritability,
tion may be indicated for soft tissue releases, lethargy, anorexia, poor appetite, symptoms of
synovectomies, osteotomies, and arthroplasty. upper respiratory tract infection, myalgias,
■ Lumbar Radiculopathy arthralgias, tachycardia, hypotension, and
various cutaneous signs. Most commonly, this
Chief Clinical Characteristics
condition is preceded by several days of fever
This presentation includes back pain with
accompanied by upper respiratory tract or gas-
radiation to the lower extremity, positive
trointestinal symptoms, followed by the previ-
Lasègue’s sign,33 decreased lumbar range of mo-
ously mentioned, nonspecific symptoms.37
tion, lumbar muscle spasm, gait abnormalities,
Other possible signs include nuchal rigidity
scoliosis, hyperlordosis, and lower extremity
(stiff neck), positive Kernig’s sign (flexion of
sensory changes.33,34 Unlike adults, children do
the hip to 90 degrees with subsequent pain upon
not typically present with abnormal reflexes or
passive extension of the hip), and positive
lower extremity weakness.
Brudzinski sign (involuntary flexion of the knees
Background Information and hips after passive flexion of the neck in
Lumbar radiculopathy varies in severity with supine). Positive Brudzinski and Kernig’s signs
the severity of disk herniation. The direction are not consistently present in all children,
of herniation is usually posterolateral or poste- especially children younger than 12 to 18 months
rior. In adolescents, the protruding disk mate- old. Acute forms of this condition can present
rial is more fibrous and secured to the carti- in a dramatic fashion with sudden onset and
laginous plate and, therefore, appears more rapid progression, frequently leading to death
like a fracture of fibrocartilage.33 Lumbar within 24 hours. Rarely, the presentation involves
1528_Ch44_873-897 08/05/12 6:02 PM Page 885
decreased level of consciousness, seizure activ- infants (<1,500 g) and in infants born preterm
Peripheral joints are involved in 30% to 50% myositis with subsequent calcinosis occurs,
and have not responded to conservative treat- and bone grafting.59 Treatment of pain caused
The main challenge with this condition is common site for slippage is the fifth lumbar
achieving early diagnosis before these neuro- vertebra on the sacrum. Standing anteroposte-
logical symptoms occur. Diagnosis in infants rior and lateral radiographs are needed to
can be difficult due to the inconsistent presen- determine the grade of slippage, and an
tation. Older infants and toddlers who are oblique view is necessary to appreciate the pars
ambulatory may limp or refuse to bear weight defect. In high-grade slips with neurological
on an extremity because of weakness, paraple- deficits, a complete neurological exam is indi-
gia, or paraparesis, indicative of neurological cated. Treatment is determined by symptoms,
deficits. Magnetic resonance imaging displays clinical signs, and the grade of slip. Asympto-
the greatest diagnostic accuracy. Lumbar matic patients do not require intervention.
puncture to determine cerebrospinal fluid Those with low-grade slips and pain tend to do
protein concentration is not indicated for well with conservative treatment of activity
diagnosis because it could lead to bacteria restriction, bracing, and exercises. Fusion is
spreading into the subarachnoid space, placing recommended for grade II slips or greater even
the child at risk for meningitis.61 Nonsurgical if they are asymptomatic because they are at
management involves treatment with antibi- risk for further slippage during growth
otics, and this approach often is effective in spurts.22,36 Reduction of the slip is not recom-
children diagnosed early in the disease process. mended because of the high risk of neurologi-
In the later stages of the disease process, chil- cal injury.6,22,36 Patients are more prone to
dren with neurological deficits may require recurrent symptoms and clinical deformity if
surgical intervention in conjunction with local forward slipping is allowed to progress. Pro-
antibiotics. Laminectomy is the most common gression of slip, delayed union, neuropathy of
surgical procedure used to decompress the the fifth nerve root, and cauda equina syn-
lesion on the spinal cord. Children suspected drome have all been reported as postsurgical
of having this condition should immediately complications.22,36
be referred for medical evaluation and treat-
ment by a physician. ■ Spondylolysis
Chief Clinical Characteristics
■ Spondylolisthesis This presentation can include low back pain
Chief Clinical Characteristics with hyperextension that rarely radiates, scol-
This presentation includes low back pain that iosis, decreased lumbar lordosis, and increased
may radiate to the lower extremities, limitations lumbosacral kyphosis.34 The child will often
in range of motion, a positive Lasègue’s sign, and have hamstring tightness that can affect gait.1,6
tenderness over the lumbar spinous processes Adolescents participating in sports that require
with or without a palpable step. Significant repetitive hyperextension, such as gymnastics,
hamstring tightness or spasm may result in an wrestling, and football, appear to be at increased
abnormal gait pattern with short stride length, risk.6 Most children with spondylolysis are
flexed knees, and pelvic waddle. Decreased lum- asymptomatic or may have symptoms that are
bar lordosis, scoliosis, and flattened buttocks mild and therefore often overlooked.
may also be present. Neurological signs are rare,
Background Information
but may be present even in low-grade slips
This condition is a congenital or acquired
secondary to nerve root compression.6,22,36,62
defect of the pars interarticularis, the bone
As with spondylolysis (see next entry), symptoms
between the superior and inferior facets of the
are usually aggravated by activities that require
vertebrae. An acquired defect would arise as a
repetitive flexion and extension such as
stress or fatigue fracture of the pars.1,36 The
pars interarticularis defect can occur at any
Background Information level, most commonly at L5, and can occur
This condition involves the forward displace- unilaterally or bilaterally. A bilateral defect no
ment of a proximal vertebra on the one below longer provides posterior stability and may
it, typically as a result of bilateral pars interar- result in forward slippage, especially of L5 over
ticularis defect. The pars defect is not present S1, known as spondylolisthesis. Spondylolysis
in congenital spondylolisthesis. The most can occur at any age, but is rarely seen before
1528_Ch44_873-897 08/05/12 6:02 PM Page 891
age 10; it appears to be more prevalent in boys. months. High doses of corticosteroids have
suggestive of this condition will show an swelling, palpable mass, tenderness, and
expansile, lytic lesion that can involve the decreased range of motion. Other symptoms
entire bone, extending into the vertebral can include fever, malaise, and weight loss
body. There may also be involvement of when there are metastases.71
adjacent vertebral bodies, the intervertebral
Background Information
disks, posterior ribs, and paravertebral soft
This condition is the most common malig-
tissue.65 Differential diagnosis includes uni-
nant primary tumor found in the pediatric
cameral bone cyst, giant cell tumor, and
spine56 and the second most common pedi-
malignancy. Treatment can include excision
atric malignancy overall.72 Approximately
or curettage with bone graft, and possible
2.1 children per million are diagnosed with
fusion with care to preserve nerve roots.1,66
this condition each year with predominance
Complete resection is not always achieved
in males. Diagnosis is usually between the
due to proximity to neurovascular struc-
ages of 10 and 20 years, and is uncommon
tures. Radiation may also be necessary, but
before age 5.72 Treatment includes a combi-
this poses a risk for future radiation-induced
nation of multiagent chemotherapy, fol-
sarcomas. Recurrence is generally 20% to
lowed by radiation and resection for local
30% and this increases with incomplete
control. Prognosis for cure is approximately
75% in those who present without metasta-
■ Astrocytoma sis, and less than 30% for those with
Chief Clinical Characteristics
This presentation includes localized pain, ■ Langerhans’ Cell Histiocytosis
motor weakness, gait abnormalities, stiffness,
scoliosis, and sphincter dysfunction. Paresthe- Chief Clinical Characteristics
sia may occur with disease progression. Pain may This presentation commonly consists of pain
be exacerbated with coughing or sneezing. that is usually relieved with nonsteroidal
anti-inflammatory medications, rest, and, if
Background Information necessary, bracing. Associated symptoms may
This condition refers to a neoplasm of astro- be hepatosplenomegaly, anemia, leukopenia,
cytal origin, which is a type of glial cell. and thrombocytopenia. Neurological symp-
Astrocytomas account for about half of all toms may manifest if there is cord compression.
childhood brain tumors with peak age
around 5 to 9 years. These tumors become Background Information
widespread, infiltrating via cerebrospinal This condition is commonly found in the
fluid pathways, and therefore are difficult to anterior elements of the spine as a single
cure. They are rarely found outside of the lesion or is multifocal. A single, localized
central nervous system.68,69 Approximately lesion is also known as eosinophilic granu-
15% of individuals with this condition loma. This condition is generally found in
become hydrocephalic.36,70 A biopsy is nec- children 3 to 15 years of age with a predom-
essary to grade an infiltrating astrocytoma so inance for white males, but can manifest at
growth rate can be determined.68 Spinal any age.34,64,73 Radiographs will show a well-
lesions are best viewed with magnetic reso- defined lesion, with focal bone destruction
nance imaging. Low-grade forms of this and possible vertebral collapse, or vertebral
condition can be surgically excised, although plana. This condition appears to be the most
complete resection is difficult. The 5-year common cause of vertebral plana.73 The
survival rate is approximately 65% to 70%. intervertebral disks are not affected.73 Treat-
High-grade lesions are best treated with ment is usually reserved for those with organ
radiation and chemotherapy.26 dysfunction, unrelieved symptoms, or
osseous deformity, because this condition is
■ Ewing’s Sarcoma usually self-limiting.73 Treatment can in-
Chief Clinical Characteristics clude a combination of any or all of radia-
This presentation typically manifests as severe, tion, chemotherapy, steroid therapy and
persistent pain especially at night, localized curettage, and bracing.64,66
1528_Ch44_873-897 08/05/12 6:03 PM Page 893
radiation. Survival rates are 90 to 95% for but when present, it is typically convex
those with local lesions, and 75 to 80% for toward the site of the tumor.
those with more diffuse disease.16
Background Information
■ Neuroblastoma Although rare, this condition is one of the
Chief Clinical Characteristic more common lesions found in the spine,
This presentation may include severe localized typically in the posterior elements of the
back pain, weakness, scoliosis, and neurologi- lumbar and thoracic vertebrae. They tend to
cal signs secondary to spinal cord compression. be large, destructive tumors, and may extend
Other symptoms may include a palpable into the vertebral bodies and infiltrate soft
mass, hepatomegaly, constipation, abdominal tissue.71 Diagnosis is usually between 10 and
pain, bladder dysfunction, and ecchymoses. 20 years of age and there is a 2:1 male pre-
It is one of the few cancers that cause dominance.65 Radiographs show a lucent
diarrhea.16,68,71,80 area with a sclerotic border, and may include
multifocal calcifications. Computed tomog-
Background Information raphy will more clearly define the sclerotic
This condition is a solid tumor that develops borders, while magnetic resonance imaging
in neural crest tissue, most commonly in the is optimal for showing central cord compres-
abdomen, chest, or adrenal glands.16 It rarely sion. Treatment consists of surgical resection
originates in the brain or spinal cord. If the with an approximately 10% to 15% recur-
primary lesion originates somewhere other rence rate.
than the spinal cord, metastases is hemato-
genic in nature, and can spread to bone, ■ Osteoid Osteoma
bone marrow, skin, lungs, and the brain. Chief Clinical Characteristics
This is the most common extracranial cancer This presentation involves predominantly
of childhood and the third most common intense nocturnal pain that may be relieved
pediatric neoplasm overall. Approximately with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medica-
500 new cases are diagnosed each year. It is tions or aspirin.1,64 The pain may be referred
usually diagnosed in infancy, almost always or localized. Gait deviations and muscle
by 5 years of age, and is rarely seen in chil- atrophy are often present. About 50% of
dren over 10 years of age.16,68,71,80 Low-risk children present with nonstructural, painful
tumors (stage I) in infants treated with scoliosis,56 which should be a red flag because
surgical excision and observation have an idiopathic scoliosis is not painful.
approximately 90% survival rate without
relapse. Children over 3 years of age with Background Information
stage IV tumors only have a 10% to 15% sur- This condition includes highly vascularized
vival rate.16 In infants the tumor may regress connective tissue bundles, usually sclerotic,
completely with spontaneous cell death or surrounding an osteoid nidus or growth
mature to normal ganglion cells and become center. They are small round or ovate tumors
benign. In children over 1 year of age, the that are usually less than 1 cm in diame-
disease progression may be rapidly metasta- ter.71,81 Spinal osteoid lesions are found
tic and often fatal.16,68 primarily in the posterior elements of the
lumbar vertebra.34,56,64,71,81 Soft tissue
■ Osteoblastoma changes are rare. This condition is typically
Chief Clinical Characteristics found in children between the ages of 5 and
This presentation produces night pain that 20, with an approximate 2:1 male-to-female
demonstrates limited responsiveness to non- ratio.65,71 Erythrocyte sedimentation rate,
steroidal anti-inflammatory medications or leukocyte count, and protein electrophoresis
aspirin.1,71 The pain is dull and localized should be normal. Radiographs and com-
to the affected region of the lumbar spine.65 puted tomography will also differentiate
In addition neurological signs such as para- osteoid osteomas from osteoblastomas, in-
paresis and paresthesia may be present, fection, lymphoma, and facet abnormalities
1528_Ch44_873-897 08/05/12 6:03 PM Page 895
such as spondylolysis.65 Spinal lesions typi- diagnosed prior to age 6 and is most preva-
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Textbook of Pediatrics. 17th ed. Philadelphia, PA: W. B. bar disc disease in the pediatric population: an outcome
Saunders; 2004. study. J Neurosurg. Jan 2000;92(1 suppl):1–6.
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2nd ed. Whitehouse Station, NJ: Merck; 2003. ed. Instructional Course Lectures. Rosemont, IL: Ameri-
16. Golden CB, Feusner JH. Malignant abdominal masses can Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons; 1993.
in children: quick guide to evaluation and diagnosis. 37. Prober CG. Central nervous system infections. In:
Pediatr Clin North Am. Dec 2002;49(6):1369–1392, viii. Behrman RE, Kliegman RM, Jenson HB, eds. Nelson
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bral osteomyelitis in children: an 18-year review. Pedi- Saunders; 2004:2038–2047.
atrics. Jun 2000;105(6):1299–1304. 38. Shepard CW, Rosenstein NE, Fischer M. Neonatal
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Acad Orthop Surg. Nov–Dec 2003;11(6):413–420. 1999. Pediatr Infect Dis J. May 2003;22(5):418–422.
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Jr. Diskitis in children. Clin Orthop Relat Res. May disease incidence and mortality in Wisconsin,
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24. Haslam R. Spinal cord disorders. In: Behrman RE, 43. Alfven G. One hundred cases of recurrent abdominal
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27. Hamre MR, Haller JS. Intraspinal hematomas in hemo- HC. The weight of schoolbags and the occurrence of
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47. Broocks A. [Physical training in the treatment of psycho- 66. Hosalkar J, Dormans J. Back pain in children requires
Hip Pain in a Child
■ Stephanie A. Jones, PT, DPT, OCS, NCS
Description of the Symptom ■ Severe hip pain with an acute onset associ-
ated with an inability to bear weight, de-
This chapter describes possible causes of hip creased range of motion, and stiffness
pain in a child between the proximal one-third ■ Any post-traumatic hip pain
of the thigh, inguinal region, and buttock. ■ Hip pain associated with local swelling,
fever, and chills
Special Concerns
■ Any hip pain associated with rapidly ascend-
ing symmetrical weakness and hyporeflexia
T Trauma
Spondylolisthesis 905 Muscle strain 911
Slipped femoral capital epiphyses 917
Tendinitis 918
Spondylolysis 906 Chondral injury 908
Contusion 908
Snapping hip syndrome 917
Lumbar disk herniation/radiculopathy 905 Avulsion injuries:
• Psoas off lesser trochanter 907
• Rectus femoris off the anterior inferior iliac
spine 907
• Sartorius or tensor fascia lata off the anterior
superior iliac spine 907
Fracture 908
Labral tear 910
Meralgia paresthetica 911
Traumatic dislocation 918
I Inflammation
Not applicable Aseptic
Transient synovitis 918
1528_Ch45_898-924 07/05/12 2:14 PM Page 899
Inflammation (continued)
M Metabolic
Not applicable Not applicable
Not applicable Osteogenesis imperfecta 912
Rickets, vitamin D–resistant (hypophosphatasia) 916
Metabolic myopathy 905 Ehlers-Danlos syndrome 908
Gaucher’s disease 909
1528_Ch45_898-924 07/05/12 2:14 PM Page 900
Metabolic (continued)
Lesch-Nyhan syndrome 910
Myositis ossificans (heterotopic ossification) 912
Osteopetrosis 913
Rickets, vitamin D–dependent (nutritional) 916
Va Vascular
Not applicable Avascular necrosis of the hip 907
Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease 910
Sickle cell anemia 917
Not applicable Not applicable
Not applicable Hemophilic arthropathy 909
Henoch-Schönlein purpura (small-vessel
vasculitis) 909
Polyarteritis nodosa (medium- and large-vessel
vasculitis) 913
De Degenerative
Not applicable Not applicable
Not applicable Not applicable
Not applicable Not applicable
Tu Tumor
Not applicable Not applicable
Not applicable Malignant Primary, such as:
• Nephroblastoma (Wilms’ tumor) 920
Malignant Metastatic:
Not applicable
Benign, such as:
• Osteoid osteoma 921
1528_Ch45_898-924 07/05/12 2:14 PM Page 901
Tumor (continued)
Co Congenital
Not applicable Not applicable
Not applicable Acetabular dysplasia 906
Not applicable Metaphyseal chondrodysplasia 911
Multiple epiphyseal dysplasia 911
Myelodysplasia (spina bifida) 911
Ne Neurogenic/Psychogenic
Not applicable Not applicable
Not applicable Not applicable
Not applicable Meralgia paresthetica 911
Spastic cerebral palsy 918
Note: These are estimates of relative incidence because few data are available for the less common conditions.
Overview of Hip Pain in a Child The most common childhood diseases re-
sulting in hip pain include slipped capital
Hip pain is common in children. A child with femoral epiphysis, Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease,
a painful hip will commonly present with dif- acetabular dysplasia, septic arthritis, transient
ficulty weight bearing, a limp if at an age old synovitis, and muscular injuries.1–3 For infants
enough to walk, and pain-limited range of and toddlers transient synovitis of the hip and
motion. Young children in particular might septic arthritis are the most common causes
have difficulty describing their symptoms or of hip pain.4 In children under the age of
cooperating with the examination. This same 10 years, Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease, septic
clinical presentation occurs in a wide variety arthritis, transient synovitis, and various can-
of underlying pathologies. The correct diag- cers are the most likely sources of hip pain. In
nosis is important due to the potential for adolescence, as sports participation increases,
long-term dysfunction from hip disease if traumatic injuries such as slipped capital
proper treatment is delayed or absent. This is femoral epiphysis, muscle strains, tendinitis,
particularly relevant in diseases such as septic and spondylolisthesis are more frequent.
arthritis and slipped capital femoral epiph-
ysis, which can lead to severe joint destruc- Description of Conditions That
tion if not treated expeditiously. Since the May Lead to Hip Pain in a Child
presenting symptoms for fairly benign disor-
ders such as transient synovitis are similar to Remote
those that require urgent medical attention
such as septic arthritis, prompt evaluation of ■ Appendicitis
any acute onset of hip pain in a child is criti- Chief Clinical Characteristics
cal. Referred pain to the medial knee joint This presentation can include tenderness
results in the frequent misdiagnosis of pri- or pain in the right anterior pelvis or psoas
mary hip disease. region.5
1528_Ch45_898-924 07/05/12 2:14 PM Page 905
This condition involves the forward displace- unilaterally or bilaterally. A bilateral defect no
ment of a proximal vertebra on the one below longer provides posterior stability and may re-
it, typically as a result of bilateral pars interar- sult in forward slippage, especially of L5 over
ticularis defect. The pars defect is not present S1, known as spondylolisthesis. Spondylolysis
in congenital spondylolisthesis. The most can occur at any age, but is rarely seen before
common site for slippage is the fifth lumbar age ten; it appears to be more prevalent in
vertebra on the sacrum. Standing anteroposte- boys. An oblique standing view is the best view
rior and lateral radiographs are needed to de- to show the pars defect that can easily be over-
termine the grade of slippage, and an oblique looked if only anteroposterior and lateral
view is necessary to appreciate the pars defect. views are taken.17,19,20 Computed tomography
In high-grade slips with neurological deficits a or bone scan is used if radiographs are incon-
complete neurological exam is indicated. clusive, and single-photon emitted computed
Treatment is determined by symptoms, clinical tomography will determine if the lesion is
signs, and the grade of slip. Asymptomatic pa- acute or chronic.16 Treatment depends on the
tients do not require intervention. Those with degree of the defect and whether the patient is
low-grade slips and pain tend to do well with symptomatic. If pain is present in the absence
conservative treatment of activity restriction, of spondylolisthesis, immobilization with a
bracing, and exercises. Fusion is recommended thoracic-lumbar-sacral orthosis for 3 to
for grade II slips or greater even if they are 6 months may be most beneficial. Physical
asymptomatic because they are at risk for fur- therapy should focus on hamstring and lum-
ther slippage during growth spurts.16,17 Reduc- bar musculature stretching, abdominal strength-
tion of the slip is not recommended because ening, and monitoring of gradual return to
of the high risk of neurological injury.15–17 activity. With persistent pain unrelieved by
Patients are more prone to recurrent symp- nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medication,
toms and clinical deformity if forward slipping rest, and physical therapy, surgical stabilization
is allowed to progress. Progression of slip, de- can be achieved through posterior spinal fu-
layed union, neuropathy of the fifth nerve sion.15,18 Any child with this condition should
root, and cauda equina syndrome have all been be followed closely, because they are at risk for
reported as postsurgical complications.16,17 progression to spondylolisthesis. Girls tend to
have a higher rate of progression.
■ Spondylolysis
Chief Clinical Characteristics Local
This presentation can include hip and low back
pain with hyperextension that rarely radiates, ■ Acetabular Dysplasia
scoliosis, decreased lumbar lordosis and in- Chief Clinical Characteristics
creased lumbosacral kyphosis.18 The child will This presentation involves pain in the hip that
often have hamstring tightness that can affect may be associated with a limp. Usually the range
gait.15,19 Adolescents participating in sports of motion is unchanged. While dysplasia of
that require repetitive hyperextension, such as the acetabulum is seen as an infant, it is not a
gymnastics, wrestling, and football appear to cause of pain until the early to middle teenage
be at increased risk.15 Most children with years.
spondylolysis are asymptomatic or may have
Background Information
symptoms that are mild and therefore often
This condition is characterized by a shallow
acetabulum or slanted acetabular roof
Background Information (Fig. 45-1).21 Overall developmental dyspla-
This condition is a congenital or acquired de- sia is far more common in females with a
fect of the pars interarticularis, the bone be- ratio of 6:1.21 Acetabular dysplasia has also
tween the superior and inferior facets of the been associated with labral tears due to the
vertebrae. An acquired defect would arise as a hypertrophy of the labrum from impinge-
stress or fatigue fracture of the pars.16,19 The ment by the acetabulum, resulting in pain as
pars interarticularis defect can occur at any well as osteoarthritis later in adulthood.22
1528_Ch45_898-924 07/05/12 2:14 PM Page 907
to the bursae, prolonged pressure to the area, This condition is a rapidly progressive lower
friction over the bursae from muscle imbal- motor neuron disease that affects boys more
ances, bony alignment, and/or environmen- commonly than girls.31 It can rapidly lead to
tal factors in sports activity.24 Treatment respiratory failure in acute stages if not
includes rest, anti-inflammatory medica- treated. Intravenous immunoglobulin has
tions, ultrasound, and therapeutic exercise to been shown to be the most effective medical
restore muscle balance.25 Sometimes corti- therapy but plasma exchange and corticos-
costeroid injections are used for the inflam- teroids are also utilized.31 Most patients
mation, as well. undergo extensive rehabilitation to regain
strength and restore function.
■ Chondral Injury
■ Chronic Demyelinating
Chief Clinical Characteristics Polyradiculoneuropathy
This presentation includes reports of hip joint
Chief Clinical Characteristics
This presentation involves ascending weakness
Background Information and muscle pain with a subacute onset over
This condition is frequently associated with a at least 2 months.32
jumping or twisting mechanism.29 Surgery Background Information
may be indicated if nonsurgical management The course of disease may include chronic
does not alleviate symptoms.29 progression or periodic relapses. Intravenous
immunoglobulin has been shown to be the
■ Contusion most effective medical therapy but plasma ex-
Chief Clinical Characteristics change and corticosteroids are also utilized.31
This presentation includes pain, spasm, and Most patients undergo extensive rehabilita-
transient weakness of affected muscles.24,25 tion to regain strength and restore function.
medical management with long-term remission- This disease can have an acute traumatic or in-
inducing drugs such as methotrexate and inten- sidious onset over months. The femoral head
sive physical therapy for contracture manage- ceases to grow due to a disturbance in blood
ment, bracing, strengthening, and gait training.37 supply. The secondary center of ossification
Functional problems include altered gait possi- becomes fragmented as revascularization occurs
bly with a limp and difficulty with stair climbing and then reossification follows (Fig. 45-2).21 It is
and rising from a seated position.37 The three more common in males by a 4:1 ratio.21
subtypes of this condition are systemic, pol- Smaller, highly active boys with delayed skele-
yarticular, and pauciarticular. Pauciarticular or tal maturity may be predisposed to developing
oligoarticular must affect five or fewer joints.21 this disorder.21 Between 8% and 24% of cases
Late-onset pauciarthritis occurs mostly in boys are bilateral.25 Most cases are self-limiting
after age 8.21 It involves concomitant enthesitis but need monitoring with radiographs and
or tendinitis and arthritis that asymmetrically periodic clinical assessments.25 More severe
affects the knees, shoulders, spine, or hips.10 The cases might require strengthening, splinting,
polyarticular type involves more than five joints weight-bearing limitations, and even surgery.21
symmetrically and usually occurs in small joints It is important to avoid weight bearing for a
but can involve the hips.23 This type is more period to allow for revascularization and pre-
common in females. Systemic arthritis is charac- vent permanent bony deformity.25
terized by fever and rash but may also include
thrombocytosis, leukocytosis, anemia, pleuritis, ■ Lesch-Nyhan Syndrome
pericarditis, osteopenia, delayed growth, he- Chief Clinical Characteristics
patosplenomegaly, and lymphadenopathy.10,23 This presentation includes gouty arthritis,
Patients with monoarticular disease report mental retardation, hypertonicity resulting
morning stiffness, joint pain, and swelling in the in hip dislocation, movement disorders, and
initial stages.10 The joints are warm and limited self-mutilating behaviors.21,38
in range of motion.
Background Information
■ Labral Tear This is a rare genetic disorder characterized by
Chief Clinical Characteristics an enzyme deficiency that results in uric acid
This presentation includes catching, clicking, giv- accumulation.38 This disorder only occurs in
ing way, pain, and decreased range of motion boys.21 Death due to renal failure typically oc-
of the hip.22,29 curs in the first two decades. Medical manage-
ment may include allopurinol to address the
Background Information excess uric acid and various medications to
These tears are associated with sports activi- manage the neurological symptoms.38
ties that involve running, pivoting, jumping,
and kicking such as in tennis, soccer, martial
arts, dance, and football.29 Children may de-
scribe the mechanism of injury as twisting or
an axial load on a flexed hip if they recall an
acute event.29 Hip dysplasia can also result in
labral tears most commonly occurring ante-
riorly.22 Such tears can sometimes be man-
aged nonsurgically; otherwise surgery might
be indicated.
■ Legg-Calvé-Perthes Disease
Chief Clinical Characteristics
This presentation involves groin, thigh, and/or FIGURE 45-2 Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease of the
knee pain, a limp (typically with the femur right hip (anteroposterior view). (Image courtesy of
externally rotated), limited hip abduction, and Nishant Verma, MD, diagnostic radiology resident,
internal rotation.23 Indiana University School of Medicine.)
1528_Ch45_898-924 07/05/12 2:14 PM Page 911
close the spinal canal defect. Other interven- This overuse disorder is associated with sports
tions may include bracing and rehabilitation such as running, soccer, and football.25 It is
to address the weakness that results from the treated with rest, anti-inflammatory medica-
spinal cord injury.43 tions, and progressive return to sport.25
joints. The onset of proximal weakness is in- accompanies discoloration (dusky blue or red-
require cytotoxic therapy. When the child is uremia, and prolonged treatment with certain
cleared for activity, physical therapy should anticonvulsants.5 This condition is an autoso-
focus on stretching, joint protection, and mal dominant inherited disorder. It can be as-
relaxation techniques to manage joint and sociated with renal osteodystrophy, another
muscle pain. During periods of remission, an metabolic disease found in children with renal
exercise program of strengthening and car- disease.64 Supplements and medications are
diovascular exercise may be implemented to not indicated for this form of rickets. Surgery,
maintain the strength of surrounding muscu- bracing and rehabilitation may be necessary to
lature and to prevent the detrimental effects of address orthopedic complications.
bone demineralization due to prolonged use
of corticosteroids.63 Physical therapy treat- ■ Scleroderma (Focal or Systemic
ment should be provided under supervision of Sclerosis)
the child’s physician. The natural history is Chief Clinical Characteristics
unpredictable; patients may present with a This presentation includes fatigue, arthralgias
history of many years of symptoms or with or myalgias, and Raynaud’s syndrome (va-
acute, life-threatening disease. Left untreated, sospasm of arteries in response to cold).10 It
this condition may result in spontaneous also can result in arthritis, tendinitis, weak-
remission, years of disease, or rapid death. ness, and joint contractures.10
■ Rickets, Vitamin D–Dependent Background Information
(Nutritional) This rare, chronic multisystem connective tissue
disease results in fibrosis, small-vessel vasculitis,
Chief Clinical Characteristics
and an autoimmune response.10 Pharmacologic
This presentation includes profound weakness,
therapy is the primary means of management
skeletal deformity such as bowing of long bones,
with therapy involved for management of con-
and an inability to ambulate.64
tractures and systemic effects.10
Background Information
In the underdeveloped world, children who ■ Septic Arthritis
are undernourished may have a vitamin D Chief Clinical Characteristics
deficiency resulting in osteomalacia that can This presentation commonly includes severe
lead to hip pain due to stress fracture or pain and spasm with all hip movements, limp
slipped capital femoral epiphysis.64 Lack of or inability to bear weight, fever, tenderness to
exposure to sunlight can also be a precipitat- palpation, local warmth, and edema.10,51
ing factor.5 Vitamin D supplements to ad-
Background Information
dress the specific deficiency can resolve this
Children often maintain their hip in a position
of flexion, abduction, and external rotation.10
■ Rickets, Vitamin D–Resistant The majority of cases in children are monoartic-
(Hypophosphatasia) ular, affect the knee or hip, and result from a
bacterial infection.10 It occurs less commonly
Chief Clinical Characteristics
due to tuberculosis or fungal infections such as
This presentation involves spine, pelvic, and
coccidioidomycosis.10 An elevated erythrocyte
long bone deformity due to poor bone miner-
sedimentation rate helps to confirm the diagno-
alization and overgrowth of unmineralized
sis.10 In neonates or infants anorexia, irritability,
bone matrix.5
and failure to thrive may be the only indications
Background Information of pathology.10 In sexually active adolescents the
In the industrialized world vitamin D–resistant infection may be due to gonococcus and pres-
rickets or hypophosphatasia is the most com- ents as a migratory mono- or polyarticular
mon form of rickets. This form is not related arthritis with accompanying hemorrhagic or
to dietary deficiency but instead due to pustular skin lesions.10 Complications of the
vitamin D metabolism derangement or mal- disease include osteomyelitis and osteonecrosis
absorption, or homeostasis of calcium or of the hip.10 Treatment includes antibiotic
phosphorus due to kidney or liver disease, therapy, surgical drainage, and debridement.10
1528_Ch45_898-924 07/05/12 2:14 PM Page 917
■ Sickle Cell Anemia head on the neck of the femur (Fig. 45-3).66,67
Offset of epiphysis
and metaphysis
indicated with
black arrows
ischial tuberosity, and the iliofemoral liga- to a prior viral infection, microtrauma, or
ments over the femoral head.24 These extra- allergic reaction but is largely a diagnosis of
articular disorders can progress into bursitis.24 exclusion with diseases such as bacterial
Intra-articular problems such as loose bodies synovitis, septic arthritis, osteomyelitis, and
can also cause the same symptoms.24 Snapping pyarthrosis being ruled out.71 This is usually a
hip is typically associated with activities self-limiting disorder treated with rest and
such as dancing and running.25 Management anti-inflammatory medications.71
includes inflammation management and
restoring of muscle balance.24,25 ■ Traumatic Dislocation
Chief Clinical Characteristics
■ Spastic Cerebral Palsy This presentation is characterized by a range
Chief Clinical Characteristics of presentations that correspond with the
This presentation may include hip subluxation direction of dislocation. A child with a poste-
or dislocation as a result of the muscle imbal- rior dislocation will present with a flexed, ad-
ance between spastic hip adductors and other ducted, and internally rotated limb that appears
weak hip musculature.69 shortened. The posturing is the opposite for
an anterior dislocation without shortening.
Background Information
An inferiorly dislocated hip will present in
A child with this condition may also have in-
creased femoral anteversion and femoral neck-
to-shaft angle, decreasing the stability of the Background Information
hip articulation.70 Subluxations or disloca- Hip dislocation due to trauma is rare in the
tions are more common in nonambulatory pediatric population with most cases due to a
children with cerebral palsy and may be more motor vehicle accident, a fall from height, or a
likely during growth spurts and do not tend to sports activity.73 The hip is dislocated in the
be a problem until their second decade of posterior direction in the majority of cases
age.21 Nonsurgical management may include with a few being anterior or inferior.24 The dis-
positioning and stretching. location is sometimes associated with a con-
comitant hip fracture (17%).73 Complications
■ Tendinitis after this injury include avascular necrosis
Chief Clinical Characteristics (3% to 15%), heterotopic ossification, coxa
This presentation includes a gradual onset of magna, and instability.72,73 There is a signifi-
local pain and weakness associated with cant association between the time from dislo-
activity.24 cation to reduction and the incidence of
avascular necrosis.72 Management includes re-
Background Information
duction of dislocation and rehabilitation.
This inflammation of tendons of the hip is
most common in the iliopsoas and ham- ■ Tuberculosis Arthritis
string muscle groups. It is usually associated
with overuse and sports activities. Treatment Chief Clinical Characteristics
can include rest, inflammation management, This presentation includes joint pain and
taping, strengthening, and gradual return to swelling.10 This form of arthritis is most com-
activity. mon in the hips and knees.10
topenia, and risk for infection. Long-term course of which depends on the type of lym-
complications can include osteoporosis, and phoma, the stage of disease, and if there is
avascular necrosis. Bone marrow or stem cell bone marrow metastasis. Bone marrow
transplant is reserved for situations where transplant may be indicated if there is failure
standard chemotherapy has failed and has a to respond to standard chemotherapy and
better success rate if performed in remis- radiation. Survival rates are 90 to 95% for
sion.83 With current advances in treatment those with local lesions, and 75 to 80% for
the 5-year survival rate, without relapse is those with more diffuse disease.81
reaching 80% to 90%.84
■ Nephroblastoma (Wilms’
■ Lymphoma Tumor)
Chief Clinical Characteristics Chief Clinical Characteristics
This presentation initially involves asympto- This presentation typically includes an
matic, chronically swollen lymph nodes, most asymptomatic, nontender mass in the ab-
commonly in the neck, axillae, or groin. Other domen. Associated symptoms may be ab-
symptoms may include neurological symptoms dominal pain, fever, nausea, and vomiting.
due to cord compression, fever, itching or irri- Hematuria, anemia, and hypertension can
tation of the skin, weight loss, night sweats, occur, since the kidneys are instrumental in
cough, or shortness of breath.83 Symptoms controlling blood pressure. Shortness of
depend on the type of lymphoma present and breath may be present if metastases to the
the proximity to other structures and organs. lungs are present.81,87
Background Information
Lymphoma is one of the most prevalent Background Information
malignant tumors of childhood, and can This condition involves a tumor that origi-
manifest quickly. The two general types of nates from renal precursor cells. It is the
lymphoma are Hodgkin’s lymphoma and second most common abdominal tumor in
non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (NHL), and each infants and children up to 5 years old and is
has its own subtypes. Hodgkin’s disease is the most common primary malignant
distinguished from non-Hodgkin’s by the tumor of the kidney. Multiple laboratory
presence of specific cancer cells in the biopsy tests, including complete blood count,
material, termed Reed-Sternberg cells.83,85 ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging,
Approximately 40% of pediatric cases are of or computed tomography, are indicated.
the Hodgkin’s type, and 60% are non- Treatment includes removal of the kidney
Hodgkin’s.81 Approximately 10% to 15% of containing the tumor followed by
all cases of Hodgkin’s disease, and about chemotherapy and or radiation. The sur-
5% of all NHL cases, are children under vival rate is typically 70% to 95%, especially
age 19, both with a higher prevalence in in young children, or those with stage I, II,
boys. NHL is more common in children un- or III tumors.87 Recurrences are usually seen
der age 5.85,86 Biopsy, radiographs, computed within 3 years. Postradiation scoliosis may
tomography, and blood tests are performed follow in the second decade.
for definitive diagnosis and to assess the
stage of disease. Bone marrow biopsy is done ■ Neuroblastoma
to evaluate bone marrow involvement. Radi- Chief Clinical Characteristics
ographs and computed tomography typi- This presentation may include severe localized
cally show enlarged lymph nodes in the af- back pain, weakness, scoliosis, and neurolog-
fected areas and can show extensive, ical signs secondary to spinal cord compres-
destructive lesions in patients with osseous sion. Other symptoms may include a palpa-
involvement. Magnetic resonance imaging is ble mass, hepatomegaly, constipation,
indicated to evaluate soft tissue involve- abdominal pain, bladder dysfunction, and
ment.75 Laboratory tests may show anemia ecchymoses. It is one of the few cancers that
and elevated sedimentation rate. Treatment cause diarrhea.75,81,88,89
1528_Ch45_898-924 07/05/12 2:14 PM Page 921
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painful hip as a presentation of Guillain-Barré syn-
Chief Clinical Characteristics drome in children. BMJ. Jan 20 2001;322(7279):
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1528_Ch46_925-932 07/05/12 2:14 PM Page 925
Case Demonstration: Hip Pain in a Child
■ Hugh G. Watts, MD ■ Chris A. Sebelski, PT, DPT, OCS, CSCS
NOTE: This case demonstration was developed University of Southern California. Her son has
using the diagnostic process described in mentioned that he has pain in his right hip.
Chapter 4 and demonstrated in Chapter 5. The Your friend is unsure of exactly where the pain
reader is encouraged to use this diagnostic is. She’s hoping that you will check out her
process in order to ensure thorough clinical child to see if an expensive journey through
reasoning. If additional elaboration is required the medical system can be avoided.
on the information presented in this chapter, Billy is 7 years old and is a good student
please consult Chapters 4 and 5. in the second grade. Questions directed to
your friend indicate that Billy’s pain came
THE DIAGNOSTIC PROCESS on gradually about 2 months ago, a few days
after he fell off his bicycle. He is a healthy
Step 1 Identify the patient’s chief concern.
boy overall and has had all of his immuniza-
Step 2 Identify barriers to communication.
tions. She admits that he has had several
Step 3 Identify special concerns.
intermittent low-grade fevers, but there have
Step 4 Create a symptom timeline and sketch
been a lot of “bugs” going around his school.
the anatomy (if needed).
Billy has a 5-year-old sister who is developing
Step 5 Create a diagnostic hypothesis list
considering all possible forms of remote and
You agree to see him. Billy walks into the
local pathology that could cause the
clinic with a right antalgic gait pattern. When
patient’s chief concern.
asked, Billy points vaguely to his right hip
Step 6 Sort the diagnostic hypothesis list by
above the greater trochanter and in front of his
epidemiology and specific case
upper thigh.
Step 7 Ask specific questions to rule specific STEP #1: Identify the patient’s chief
conditions or pathological categories less concern.
likely. ● Right anterolateral hip pain
Step 8 Re-sort the diagnostic hypothesis list
based on the patient’s responses to specific STEP #2: Identify barriers to
questioning. communication.
Step 9 Perform tests to differentiate among ● This is a personal referral from a friend.
Step 10 Re-sort the diagnostic hypothesis list associated issues with communication.
based on the patient’s responses to specific STEP #3: Identify special concerns.
● Family history. Though no details are
Step 11 Decide on a diagnostic impression.
known, the mother has identified a possible
Step 12 Determine the appropriate patient
family history of a bleeding disorder.
● Recent illness. This may raise the index of
clinical suspicion for causes of pain that are
associated with illness.
Case Description
STEP #4: Create a symptom timeline and
You receive a phone call from a good friend sketch the anatomy (if needed).
of yours who is a graduate student at the
1528_Ch46_925-932 07/05/12 2:14 PM Page 926
2 months 2 days
ago ago Today
STEP #5: Create a diagnostic hypothesis STEP #6: Sort the diagnostic hypothesis
list considering all possible forms of list by epidemiology and specific case
remote and local pathology that could characteristics.
cause the patient’s chief concern.
Remote Remote
T Trauma T Trauma
Lumbar disk herniation/radiculopathy Lumbar disc herniation/radiculopathy
(would require major trauma)
Spondylolisthesis Spondylolisthesis (too young; congenital
type is painless)
Spondylolysis Spondylolysis (too young)
I Inflammation I Inflammation
Aseptic Aseptic
Not applicable Not applicable
Septic Septic
Appendicitis (especially retrocecal) Appendicitis (especially retrocecal) (timeline
too long)
Chronic granulomatous disease Chronic granulomatous disease
Discitis Discitis
Osteomyelitis of the lumbar vertebra Osteomyelitis of the lumbar vertebra
Septic arthritis of sacroiliac joint Septic arthritis of sacroiliac joint
M Metabolic M Metabolic
Metabolic myopathy Metabolic myopathy (not associated with
Va Vascular Va Vascular
Polyarteritis nodosa Polyarteritis nodosa (rare in children)
De Degenerative De Degenerative
Not applicable Not applicable
Tu Tumor Tu Tumor
Lymphoma Lymphoma
Neuroblastoma Neuroblastoma (too old)
Co Congenital Co Congenital
Not applicable Not applicable
Ne Neurogenic/Psychogenic Ne Neurogenic/Psychogenic
Not applicable Not applicable
1528_Ch46_925-932 07/05/12 2:14 PM Page 927
Local Local
T Trauma T Trauma
Avulsion injuries: Avulsion injuries:
● Psoas off the lesser trochanter ● Psoas off the lesser trochanter (too young)
● Rectus off the AIIS ● Rectus off the AIIS (too young)
● Sartorius off the ASIS ● Sartorius off the ASIS (too young)
● Scleroderma ● Scleroderma
Chronic: Chronic:
Brucellosis of the proximal femur or pelvis Brucellosis of the proximal femur or pelvis
(wrong country)
Fungal infection of the proximal femur or Fungal infection of the proximal femur or
pelvis (such as actinomycosis, pelvis (such as actinomycosis
coccidioidomycosis, or histoplasmosis) coccidioidomycosis, or histoplasmosis)
(wrong geography)
Tuberculosis of the proximal femur or Tuberculosis of the proximal femur or
pelvis pelvis
M Metabolic M Metabolic
Ehlers-Danlos syndrome Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (not associated
with fever)
Gaucher’s disease Gaucher’s disease (not specifically
associated with fever, otherwise normal
growth, development, and appearance to
Gout Gout (possible but unlikely at this age)
Lesch-Nyhan syndrome Lesch-Nyhan syndrome (would be known
by this time)
Osteogenesis imperfecta Osteogenesis imperfecta (would be known
by this time; not associated with fever)
Osteopetrosis Osteopetrosis (would be known by this
time; not associated with fever)
Rickets: Rickets:
● Vitamin D–dependent (nutritional) ● Vitamin D–dependent (nutritional) (not
● Leukemia ● Leukemia
● Osteosarcoma ● Osteosarcoma
● Rhabdomyosarcoma ● Rhabdomyosarcoma
● Osteoid osteoma ● Osteochondroma (not associated with
Co Congenital Co Congenital
Acetabular dysplasia Acetabular dysplasia (not associated with
Epiphyseal dysplasias Epiphyseal dysplasias (not associated with
Myelodysplasia (spina bifida/ Myelodysplasia (spina bifida/
myelomeningocele) myelomeningocele) (would be known by
this time)
Ne Neurogenic/Psychogenic Ne Neurogenic/Psychogenic
School phobia School phobia (not associated with fever)
Spastic cerebral palsy Spastic cerebral palsy (not associated with
Knee Pain in a Child
■ Jennifer Lundberg, PT, DPT ■ Cassandra Sanders-Holly, PT, DPT, PCS
Special Concerns
■ Sudden onset of knee pain in the absence of
T Trauma
Slipped capital femoral Contusion (bone/muscle) 943
epiphysis 941 Fat pad impingement 944
• Avulsion, supracondylar (Segond fracture) 944
• Epiphyseal injuries 944
• Stress fracture 944
Growing pains 945
Iliotibial band friction syndrome 945
Ligament sprains/tears:
• Anterior cruciate ligament sprain/rupture 946
• Lateral collateral ligament sprain/rupture 946
• Medial collateral ligament sprain/rupture 947
• Posterior cruciate ligament sprain/rupture 947
Muscle strain (eg, quadriceps, hamstrings, adductors) 948
Osgood-Schlatter disease 949
Patellar dislocation 950
Patellofemoral pain syndrome (chondromalacia patella) 951
Sinding-Larsen-Johansson disease 952
Not applicable Blount’s disease 942
Meniscus tears:
• Lateral meniscus tear 947
• Medial meniscus tear 948
1528_Ch47_933-958 07/05/12 2:15 PM Page 934
Trauma (continued)
Lumbar radiculopathies: Nerve entrapments:
• L4 radiculopathy 940 • Common peroneal nerve at the fibular head 948
• L5 radiculopathy 941 • Saphenous nerve 949
• S1 radiculopathy 941 Plica syndrome 951
I Inflammation
Not applicable Aseptic
• Infrapatellar 942
• Pes anserine (Voshell’s bursitis) 942
• Prepatellar 943
Patellar tendonitis 951
Transient synovitis 953
Lyme disease (Lyme arthritis) 947
Osteomyelitis of the distal femur, proximal tibia, or fibula 950
Pyogenic arthritis (septic arthritis) 952
Aseptic Aseptic
Ankylosing spondylitis 939 Erythema nodosum 944
Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis 946
Septic Rheumatic fever 952
Epidural abscess 940 Systemic lupus erythematosus 953
Septic hip 941
Not applicable
Not applicable Not applicable
M Metabolic
Not applicable Not applicable
Not applicable Osteogenesis imperfecta 949
Not applicable Gout 944
Myositis ossificans 948
1528_Ch47_933-958 07/05/12 2:15 PM Page 935
De Degenerative
Not applicable Not applicable
Not applicable Not applicable
Not applicable Popliteal cyst 951
Tu Tumor
Not applicable Malignant Primary, such as:
• Leukemia 954
Malignant Metastatic:
Not applicable
Benign, such as:
• Osteochondroma 954
Not applicable Not applicable
Not applicable Malignant Primary, such as:
• Ewing’s sarcoma 953
• Lymphoma 954
• Osteosarcoma (osteogenic sarcoma) 955
• Synovial sarcoma 956
Malignant Metastatic, such as:
• Neuroblastoma 954
Benign, such as:
• Ganglion cysts 954
1528_Ch47_933-958 07/05/12 2:15 PM Page 936
Tumor (continued)
• Osteoblastoma 954
• Osteoid osteoma 955
• Pigmented villonodular synovitis 955
• Synovial chondromatosis 955
Co Congenital
Not applicable Patella alta 950
Patellar subluxation 950
Not applicable Discoid meniscus 943
Not applicable Bipartite patella 942
Congenital dislocated patella 943
Ne Neurogenic/Psychogenic
Not applicable Not applicable
Not applicable Not applicable
Conversion syndrome 940 Complex regional pain syndrome (reflex sympathetic
Somatization (psychogenic dystrophy) 943
rheumatism) 941
Note: These are estimates of relative incidence because few data are available for the less common conditions.
the knee or rheumatoid arthritis.15,16 Treat- usually results in a rotary subluxation of the
usually includes saucerization (debridement) and varus stress of the knee and is frequently
direct blow to the medial aspect of the knee. condition occurs with falls onto a flexed
cases in which the anatomical site of entrap- an increase in pain with activity and a
muscle tenosynovium.12 It is thought to be from may also have a rash on his or her upper arms,
chronic irritation and is seen more in boys thighs, and trunk (though this is not common).
than girls.28 It is often misnamed a Baker cyst;
however, this condition should not be confused Background Information
with the “Baker’s cyst” that is found in adults. This condition is due to an abnormal immune
This condition is a connection of the popliteal response to a streptococcal infection. It causes
mass with the knee joint and follows an effusion an arthritic joint that is painful. This condition
into the joint.5 It is usually self-limiting. may not often show symptoms for 10 to 20 days
after the previous streptococcal infection (strep
■ Pyogenic Arthritis (Septic throat and/or tonsillitis). This condition is seen
Arthritis) most commonly in the 5- to 15-year-old
Chief Clinical Characteristics range.12,23 Medical treatment is required. Physi-
This presentation includes a child who is acutely cal therapy follows to address the child’s
ill with fever, chills, irritability, and malaise. impairments and functional limitations.
Children with this condition will report pain and ■ Sickle Cell Disease
local tenderness over the affected joint. The
child will limp with weight bearing or refuse to Chief Clinical Characteristics
use the leg. Redness, warmth, edema, muscle This presentation commonly includes edema,
spasm, and limited range of motion are also fever, erythema, warmth, and severe pain in
signs of this infection. Additionally, slight flex- the long bones and surrounding muscles that lasts
ion of the knee may be preferred as pain in- 3 to 5 days. There may be mild swelling and lim-
creases with motion. More so than other causes ited range of motion as well as a low-grade
of knee pain, severe pain on attempted movement fever. Initial crisis typically occurs around ages
of the joint is possible. The joint is extremely 3 to 4 years of age, The child is often smaller and
painful, hot, and very red in its presentation.28 weighs less than his or her peers when under
2 years of age. Symptoms may be migratory
Background Information and are recurrent.50
This condition is an infection of the joint
space caused by transient bacteremia, or a Background Information
direct wound. The bacteria then colonizes the This condition contains a subset of vascular
vascular synovium of the knee.17 This infec- conditions that are more prevalent in children
tion can cause destruction of the articular car- of African American descent. Pain due to sickle
tilage and long-term bony growth problems. cell disease is caused by excessive clustering
The knee is the second-most common joint of the sickled red blood cells, which lead to
involved, just after the hip.48 This condition bone infarcts and a secondary inflammatory
requires immediate referral to medical care for response. It can also cause avascular necrosis,
antibiotics and surgical drainage. According to septic and reactive arthritis, and leg ulcers, all
Hamer, urgent surgical draining is critical.49 of which can cause pain. Roger found the knee
to be the most common site of bony involve-
■ Rheumatic Fever ment in sickle cell anemia, whereas Hanissian
Chief Clinical Characteristics and Silverman showed the elbow to be the
This presentation may be characterized by an most common site, and the knee the second
acute onset of a very painful knee joint that most common.50,51 Treatment is multifactor-
may not be edematous. The pain usually becomes ial, though the pain crises are treated with flu-
migratory after 2 to 3 days, and responds well ids, pain medication, and oxygen. Medical
to aspirin. Joint involvement is sequential and management is required and cardiorespiratory
this fact, along with the extreme pain that challenges should be avoided.47,52
appears out of proportion to what is found
physically, can help differentiate rheumatic ■ Sinding-Larsen-Johansson
fever from other conditions.28 Finberg notes Disease
that the pain is so great that at times the child Chief Clinical Characteristics
may not be able to tolerate a sheet or blanket cov- This presentation involves tenderness at the
ering the knee.23 Children with this condition inferior pole of the patella, peripatellar
1528_Ch47_933-958 07/05/12 2:15 PM Page 953
swelling, and pain that increases with activity- have used vascular access devices. Greenway
of age, is observed more often in males than 1. de Inocencio J. Musculoskeletal pain in primary pedi-
atric care: analysis of 1000 consecutive general pediatric
females, and most often occurs on the right clinic visits. Pediatrics. Dec 1998;102(6):E63.
side of the body (4:1 ratio).15,66 Treatment 2. Dolman CL, Bell HM. The pathology of Legg-Calve-
requires surgical excision of the proliferating Perthes disease. A case report. J Bone Joint Surg Am. Jan
synovium. To minimize risk of recurrence, 1973;55(1):184–188.
3. Herring JA, Kim HT, Browne R. Legg-Calve-Perthes dis-
total synovectomies are preferred. ease. Part II: Prospective multicenter study of the effect
of treatment on outcome. J Bone Joint Surg Am. Oct
■ Synovial Sarcoma 2004;86-A(10):2121–2134.
Chief Clinical Characteristics 4. Hoekelman RA, Adam HM, Nelson NM, Weitzman ML,
Wilson MH. Primary Pediatric Care. St. Louis, MO:
This presentation usually includes pain and Mosby; 2001.
tenderness accompanied by swelling or mass. 5. Davids JR. Pediatric knee. Clinical assessment and
Children with this condition may also have common disorders. Pediatr Clin North Am. Oct 1996;43
decreased range at the knee. Synovial sar- (5):1067–1090.
6. Fritz GK, Bleck EE, Dahl IS. Functional versus organic
coma is a rare cancer usually found in joints knee pain in adolescents. A pilot study. Am J Sports Med.
of the legs and arms. Jul–Aug 1981;9(4):247–249.
7. Kuczkowski J, Narozny W, Mikaszewski B, Stankiewicz
Background Information C. Suppurative complications of frontal sinusitis in
This condition typically presents at ages 20 to children. Clin Pediatr (Phila). Oct 2005;44(8):675–682.
40 years and is rare in children. The malig- 8. Campbell SK, Vander Linden DW, Palisano RJ. Physical
Therapy for Children. 2nd ed. Philadelphia, PA: W. B.
nancy most commonly affects the lower Saunders; 2000.
extremities around the knees. Patients most 9. Ankarath S, Ng AB, Giannoudis PV, Scott BW. Delay in
commonly cite a slowly enlarging, deep-seated diagnosis of slipped upper femoral epiphysis. J R Soc
mass that is often painful. Children with this Med. Jul 2002;95(7):356–358.
10. Causey AL, Smith ER, Donaldson JJ, Kendig RJ, Fisher
condition need medical management. LC 3rd. Missed slipped capital femoral epiphysis: illus-
trative cases and a review. J Emerg Med. Mar–Apr
■ Vascular Malformation 1995;13(2):175–189.
11. Singer KM, Henry J. Knee problems in children and
Chief Clinical Characteristics adolescents. Clin Sports Med. Apr 1985;4(2):385–397.
This presentation can be characterized by pain 12. Behrman RE, Kliegman RM, Jenson HB. Nelson
that is worse with exertion, diffuse muscular Textbook of Pediatrics. 17th ed. Philadelphia, PA: W. B.
Saunders; 2004.
edema, and dependent pain. Other findings 13. Shah BR, Laude TA. Atlas of Pediatric Clinical Diagnosis.
included pain in the morning and intermittent Philadelphia, PA: W. B. Saunders; 2000.
swelling.67 14. Johansson JE, Ajjoub S, Coughlin LP, Wener JA, Cruess
RL. Pigmented villonodular synovitis of joints. Clin
Background Information Orthop Relat Res. Mar 1982(163):159–166.
This condition is frequently found intramus- 15. Larsson LG, Baum J. The syndrome of anserina bursi-
tis: an overlooked diagnosis. Arthritis Rheum. Sep
cularly. Roughly two-thirds of the malforma- 1985;28(9):1062–1065.
tions are seen at birth and the rest are not 16. Zeiss J, Coombs RJ, Booth RL Jr, Saddemi SR. Chronic
found until childhood and adolescence.67 This bursitis presenting as a mass in the pes anserine bursa:
condition is more common in females than in MR diagnosis. J Comput Assist Tomogr. Jan–Feb
males, and in a study by Hein et al., 21 of the 46 17. Staheli LT. Pediatric Orthopedic Secrets. Philadelphia, PA:
lower extremity venous malformations were Hanley and Belfus; 1998.
found in the quadriceps muscle.67 The most 18. Sanders TG, Medynski MA, Feller JF, Lawhorn KW.
common finding in a study by Theruvil and Bone contusion patterns of the knee at MR imaging:
footprint of the mechanism of injury. Radiographics.
colleagues was diffuse edema in the involved Oct 2000;20 Spec No:S135–151.
muscle, followed by tenderness of that mus- 19. Kocher MS, Klingele K, Rassman SO. Meniscal disor-
cle.68 The majority of the venous malforma- ders: normal, discoid, and cysts. Orthop Clin North Am.
tions in that study were located in the vastus Jul 2003;34(3):329–340.
20. Brukner P, Khan K. Clinical Sports Medicine. 2nd ed.
medialis. Current treatments include compres- New York, NY: McGraw-Hill; 2000.
sion stockings, radiotherapy, sclerotherapy, 21. Speer DP. Differential diagnosis of knee pain in chil-
embolization, and excision.68 dren. Ariz Med. May 1977;34(5):330–332.
1528_Ch47_933-958 07/05/12 2:15 PM Page 957
22. Tachdijan MO. Pediatric Orthopaedics. 2nd ed. Philadel- 44. Adirim TA, Cheng TL. Overview of injuries in the young
65. Nishihara RM, Helmstedter CS. Chondroblastoma: an 67. Hein KD, Mulliken JB, Kozakewich HP, Upton J, Bur-
unusual cause of knee pain in the adolescent. J Adolesc rows PE. Venous malformations of skeletal muscle. Plast
Health. Jan 2000;26(1):49–52. Reconstr Surg. Dec 2002;110(7):1625–1635.
66. Mann HA, Goddard NJ, Lee CA, Brown SA. Periarticu- 68. Theruvil B, Kapoor V, Thalava R, Nag HL, Kotwal
lar aneurysm following total knee replacement in he- PP. Vascular malformations in muscles around
mophilic arthropathy. A case report. J Bone Joint Surg the knee presenting as knee pain. Knee. Apr 2004;11
Am. Dec 2003;85-A(12):2437–2440. (2):155–158.
1528_Ch48_959-966 07/05/12 2:16 PM Page 959
Case Demonstration: Knee Pain and
Limping in a Child
■ Todd E. Davenport, PT, DPT, OCS ■ Sharon K. DeMuth, PT, DPT, MS
NOTE: This case demonstration was developed and friend of yours that you have been treating
using the diagnostic process described in for a while. Sophie’s mother is at the clinic for
Chapter 4 and demonstrated in Chapter 5. The her usual appointment, but she also would like
reader is encouraged to use this diagnostic your quick advice about Sophie. Sophie’s
process in order to ensure thorough clinical mother was unable to schedule an appoint-
reasoning. If additional elaboration is required ment with Sophie’s pediatrician, so no physi-
on the information presented in this chapter, cian referral is available for consultation.
please consult Chapters 4 and 5. Sophie has not been playing outside and her
teachers have told Sophie’s mother that Sophie
THE DIAGNOSTIC PROCESS has preferred to stay inside at her desk at recess
for the past 3 months. Your daughter, who is a
Step 1 Identify the patient’s chief concern.
classmate and friend of Sophie’s, also has
Step 2 Identify barriers to communication.
talked about the fact that Sophie has not been
Step 3 Identify special concerns.
playing as much lately. Sophie’s mother re-
Step 4 Create a symptom timeline and sketch
ports that Sophie has reported pain in her left
the anatomy (if needed).
knee and feeling tired. This keeps her from
Step 5 Create a diagnostic hypothesis list
playing games outside with her friends.
considering all possible forms of remote
Sophie’s mother thought a physical therapist’s
and local pathology that could cause the
advice would be especially useful. Sophie’s
patient’s chief concern.
mother reports she cannot recall Sophie talk-
Step 6 Sort the diagnostic hypothesis list by
ing about specifically injuring her knee, but
epidemiology and specific case characteristics.
Sophie’s mother knows that at Sophie’s age
Step 7 Ask specific questions to rule specific
falls are common on the playground.
conditions or pathological categories less likely.
Step 8 Re-sort the diagnostic hypothesis list STEP #1: Identify the patient’s chief
based on the patient’s responses to specific concern.
questioning. ● Left knee pain and fatigue that precludes
Step 9 Perform tests to differentiate among usual play
the remaining diagnostic hypotheses.
Step 10 Re-sort the diagnostic hypothesis list STEP #2: Identify barriers to
based on the patient’s responses to specific communication.
tests. ● Informal referral. This route of referral of-
Step 11 Decide on a diagnostic impression. ten requires that rapid assessments be made
Step 12 Determine the appropriate patient without the routine documentation. The
disposition. clinician should be careful to take the time
necessary to be thorough and generate
follow-up documentation for the patient
Case Description and patient’s family, clinic, and the pediatri-
cian as needed. Legal issues also may exist
Sophie is a 6-year-old female who presents to given the request to evaluate this patient
your clinic with her mother, a current patient without physician referral.
1528_Ch48_959-966 07/05/12 2:16 PM Page 960
● Patient and patient’s mother are acquain- ● Patient is a child. Obtaining history and
tances. The clinician should be careful to physical examination information from
collect all necessary information in order children requires special consideration.
to arrive at a diagnostic conclusion, since
STEP #3: Identify special concerns.
some information unconsciously might be
considered “too personal” to be collected. ● Knee pain without specific mechanism of
Acquaintance with the patient and her injury. Potentially raises the index of clini-
mother also might bias the clinician away cal suspicion for nontraumatic etiology.
from collecting information that could be STEP #4: Create a symptom timeline and
useful to exclude or confirm the presence of sketch the anatomy (if needed).
pathology that is serious or carries social
3 months
ago Today
STEP #5: Create a diagnostic hypothesis STEP #6: Sort the diagnostic hypothesis
list considering all possible forms of list by epidemiology and specific case
remote and local pathology that could characteristics.
cause the patient’s chief concern.
Remote Remote
T Trauma T Trauma
Lumbar radiculopathies: Lumbar radiculopathies:
● L3 radiculopathy ● L3 radiculopathy
● L4 radiculopathy ● L4 radiculopathy
● L5 radiculopathy ● L5 radiculopathy
Slipped capital femoral epiphysis Slipped capital femoral epiphysis (patient age)
I Inflammation I Inflammation
Aseptic Aseptic
Transient synovitis of the hip Transient synovitis of the hip
Septic Septic
Epidural abscess Epidural abscess
Septic hip Septic hip
M Metabolic M Metabolic
Not applicable Not applicable
Va Vascular Va Vascular
Avascular necrosis of the proximal femur Avascular necrosis of the proximal femur
(absence of significant trauma; patient age)
Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease
1528_Ch48_959-966 07/05/12 2:16 PM Page 961
De Degenerative De Degenerative
Not applicable Not applicable
Tu Tumor Tu Tumor
Not applicable Not applicable
Co Congenital Co Congenital
Not applicable Not applicable
Ne Neurogenic/Psychogenic Ne Neurogenic/Psychogenic
Not applicable Not applicable
Local Local
T Trauma T Trauma
Blount’s disease Blount’s disease
Contusion Contusion (absence of significant trauma)
Fat pad impingement Fat pad impingement
Foreign body in the knee Foreign body in the knee
Fractures: Fractures:
● Avulsion ● Avulsion (absence of significant trauma)
● Prepatellar ● Prepatellar
Dermatomyositis Dermatomyositis
Erythema nodosum Erythema nodosum (unilateral involvement;
duration of symptoms)
1528_Ch48_959-966 07/05/12 2:16 PM Page 962
● Osteosarcoma ● Osteosarcoma
● Osteoblastoma ● Osteoblastoma
● Osteochondroma ● Osteochondroma
Septic De Degenerative
Epidural abscess (no numbness and Not applicable
Tu Tumor
Septic hip
Malignant Primary, such as:
M Metabolic
● Ewing’s sarcoma (no weight changes)
Not applicable ● Leukemia (no weight changes)
Va Vascular ● Lymphoma (no weight changes)
Ne Neurogenic/Psychogenic night)
● Pigmented villonodular synovitis
Not applicable
● Popliteal cyst (pain location anterior not
T Trauma Co Congenital
Blount’s disease
Congenital dislocated patella
Fat pad impingement
Discoid meniscus
Foreign body in the knee
Patella alta
Growing pains (unilateral pain; no pain at
Patellar subluxation
Ne Neurogenic/Psychogenic
I Inflammation
Conversion syndrome
Aseptic Somatization
● Infrapatellar STEP #9: Perform tests to differentiate
● Pes anserinus among the remaining diagnostic
● Prepatellar hypotheses.
Dermatomyositis ● Inspection and palpation. The affected knee
Juvenile psoriatic arthritis is edematous with increased surface temper-
Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis ature. Makes less likely benign tumors.
Juvenile scleroderma There are no rashes or skin lesions
Systemic lupus erythematosus present on the lower extremities or face.
Septic Makes less likely dermatomyositis, Henoch-
Lyme disease Schönlein purpura, juvenile psoriatic
Osteomyelitis arthritis, juvenile scleroderma, systemic
Pyogenic arthritis lupus erythematosus.
Systemic fungal infection (eg, actinomycosis, There are no local masses or areas of fo-
blastomycosis, coccidiomycosis, cal tenderness in the knee. Makes less likely
histoplasmosis) bursitis, discoid meniscus, fat pad impinge-
Tuberculosis ment, ganglion cyst, osteochondroma, pig-
M Metabolic mented villonodular synovitis.
The knee and patella have normal align-
Not applicable
ment and tracking. Makes less likely con-
Va Vascular genital dislocated patella, patella alta, patel-
Henoch-Schönlein purpura lar subluxation, and Blount’s disease.
1528_Ch48_959-966 07/05/12 2:16 PM Page 965
Patella alta (normal position) ● Educate Sophie and Sophie’s mother that
Patellar subluxation (normal position) the appointment should take place urgently.
Ne Neurogenic/Psychogenic
Conversion syndrome (not associated with Case Outcome
objective signs of apparent knee Sophie was referred to a pediatric rheuma-
inflammation) tology clinic where x-rays of her knees con-
Somatization (not associated with objective firmed the absence of a primary malignant
signs of apparent knee inflammation) or benign tumor. A blood test was taken that
STEP #11: Decide on a diagnostic was negative for Lyme disease and positive
impression. for an elevated sedimentation rate. A diagno-
● Rule out pauciarticular juvenile rheumatoid
sis of pauciarticular juvenile rheumatoid
arthritis versus Lyme disease. arthritis was made. Sophie was referred to an
ophthalmologist for a slit-lamp examination
STEP #12: Determine the appropriate to rule out the anterior uveitis that is often
patient disposition. associated with pauciarticular juvenile
● Refer the patient to the pediatrician by tele- rheumatoid arthritis. The slit-lamp examina-
phone for additional evaluation and treatment. tion was negative.
1528_Ch49_967-981 07/05/12 2:16 PM Page 967
Shin Pain in a Child
■ Covey J. Lazouras, PT, DPT, NCS
Description of the Symptom ■ Muscle pain that has persisted for longer
than 2 weeks
This chapter describes possible causes of shin ■ Pain with repetitive activities, such as
pain in a child. Local causes are defined as oc- running
curring distal to the knee and proximal to the ■ Any neurological signs suggesting in-
ankle along the anterior portion of the lower creased compartmental pressure (ie, pares-
leg. Remote causes are defined as occurring thesia or weakness of muscles below the
outside this region. knee)
■ Pain, edema, and redness over soft tissue of
Special Concerns the calf or anterior compartment
■ Sudden onset of pain after mechanical in- ■ Any of the above with fever, nausea,
jury particularly with weight bearing malaise, or fatigue
and/or palpation
■ Complaint of bone pain without mechani-
cal injury that has persisted for longer than
2 weeks
T Trauma
Not applicable Bone bruise 972
Fracture of the tibia or fibula 974
Muscle contusion 974
Muscle strain/tear 975
Stress fracture of the tibia or fibula 977
Toddler’s fracture of the tibia 977
Lumbar radiculopathies: Epiphyseal fractures 973
• L4 radiculopathy 971 Nerve entrapments:
• L5 radiculopathy 971 • Common peroneal nerve 975
• S1 radiculopathy 971 • Superficial peroneal nerve 975
Not applicable Not applicable
1528_Ch49_967-981 07/05/12 2:16 PM Page 968
I Inflammation
Not applicable Aseptic
Medial tibial stress syndrome (shin splints) 974
Not applicable
Not applicable Not applicable
Aseptic Aseptic
Not applicable Not applicable
Septic Septic
Osteomyelitis of the lumbar Cellulitis 972
vertebra 972 Dengue fever (break bone fever) 973
Osteomyelitis of the tibia or fibula 976
M Metabolic
Not applicable Not applicable
Not applicable Not applicable
Not applicable Not applicable
Va Vascular
Not applicable Not applicable
Not applicable Anterior compartment syndrome 972
Not applicable Sickle cell anemia/crisis 976
De Degenerative
Not applicable Not applicable
Not applicable Not applicable
1528_Ch49_967-981 07/05/12 2:16 PM Page 969
Degenerative (continued)
Tu Tumor
Not applicable Not applicable
Not applicable Not applicable
Not applicable Malignant Primary, such as:
• Ewing’s sarcoma 978
• Leukemia 978
• Osteosarcoma 979
• Rhabdomyosarcoma 979
Malignant Metastatic, such as:
• Metastatic disease 978
Benign, such as:
• Aneurysmal bone cyst 977
• Osteochondroma 978
• Osteoid osteoma 978
• Unicameral bone cyst 979
Co Congenital
Not applicable Not applicable
Not applicable Not applicable
Not applicable Not applicable
Ne Neurogenic/Psychogenic
Not applicable Idiopathic leg pain (growing pains) 974
Not applicable Not applicable
Not applicable Not applicable
Note: These are estimates of relative incidence because few data are available for the less common conditions.
1528_Ch49_967-981 07/05/12 2:16 PM Page 970
■ Dengue Fever (Break Bone Fever) acute phase of injury. Magnetic resonance im-
pain.30 Direct palpation with pressure on the and laboratory data are necessary. Three-phase
site of entrapment may also induce or exac- technetium radionuclide bone scanning is
erbate symptoms. Repeating the examina- used for imaging studies; however, magnetic
tion after a particular activity that exacer- resonance imaging is increasingly being used
bates symptoms may produce findings not to define bone involvement in patients with a
present on the initial examination at rest. In negative bone scan.34 Blood, bone, and joint
some cases of superficial peroneal nerve aspirate cultures are obtained before any
entrapment associated with direct or indi- antibiotics are given to identify the pathogen.
rect trauma, patients may present with Treatment includes aspiration, antibiotics,
symptoms of complex regional pain syn- immobilization of the affected area, and surgi-
drome, which creates a diagnostic and thera- cal drainage if necessary.33
peutic challenge.31 Although rare, plain
radiographs of the leg may reveal bony ab- ■ Sickle Cell Anemia/Crisis
normalities that may contribute or be the Chief Clinical Characteristics
cause of entrapment. In cases of suspected This presentation involves four patterns of acute
proximal entrapment, knee radiographs may presentation: sudden acute chest pain where
show abnormalities of the proximal fibula, coughing up of blood can occur, abdominal cri-
such as exostoses, osteochondromas, and frac- sis, joint crisis, and bone crisis. Bone crisis is an
ture callus.28 If necessary, computed tomogra- acute or sudden pain in a bone usually in an
phy or sonography can provide more detailed arm or leg. The affected area may be tender to
information on the bony anatomy of the palpation. Common bones involved include the
area, and a sonogram can help localize cystic large bones in the arm or leg: the humerus, tibia,
masses that cause impingement of the nerve. and femur. The same bone may be affected
Surgical decompression may be indicated in repeatedly in future episodes of bone crisis.35
cases when symptoms are not relieved by This presentation includes severe pain, which is
nonoperative options. This can include the most common sign of sickle cell disease emer-
release of the superficial peroneal nerve at gencies (acute sickle cell crises).36 Commonly no
the lateral leg for surgical decompression mechanical event precedes a crisis, but one or more
with partial or full fasciotomy.31 of the following situations may have contributed
to the start of the painful sickle crisis: dehydra-
■ Osteomyelitis of the Tibia tion, infection, fever, hypoxia (decrease in oxy-
or Fibula gen to body tissue), bleeding, cold exposure, drug
Chief Clinical Characteristics and alcohol use, pregnancy, or stress.35
This presentation includes a rapid onset of Background Information
symptoms including general malaise, high fever, This condition is a hereditary condition of the
chills, severe constant pain, swelling, and ten- blood where the red blood cells become dis-
derness over the metaphysis of the involved torted (into a sickle shape) under conditions of
bone. The limb is painful with any movement, hypoxia and clog the vessels, resulting in vascu-
which leads to an appearance of paralysis in lar occlusion. This disease is present mostly in
infants.32 individuals of African descent. It also is found,
Background Information with much less frequency, in eastern Mediter-
Approximately 50% of cases occur in pre- ranean and Middle Eastern populations. The
school-aged children. Preponderance in males male-to-female ratio is 1:1. This disease process
is observed in all age groups. In some cases the is a lifelong condition. It first manifests in the
infection starts in the bony metaphysis and second half of the first year of life and persists
spreads to an adjacent joint, creating a septic for the entire life span.37 Further complicating
arthritis. It is caused by an infection in the this presentation is that children with sickle cell
bone secondary to a minor injury with the disease have weakened immune systems and
most common causative bacterium being are at increased risk for developing secondary
Staphylococcus aureus followed by Streptococ- infection, especially in the lungs, kidneys,
cus pneumoniae and Streptococcus pyogenes.33 bones, and central nervous system. There is a
To confirm the diagnosis, adequate radiologic frequent occurrence of Salmonella osteomyelitis
1528_Ch49_967-981 07/05/12 2:16 PM Page 977
in areas of bone weakened by infarction. Tenderness, swelling, warmth, and pain with
longitudinal growth has been estimated to 19. Kortebein PM, Kaufman KR, Basford JR, Stuart MJ.
possibly occur in approximately 14% of Medial tibial stress syndrome. Med Sci Sports Exerc.
Mar 2000;32(3 suppl):S27–33.
cases.66 Steroid injection has been a success- 20. Best TM. Soft-tissue injuries and muscle tears. Clin
ful treatment, even in the setting of cyst Sports Med. Jul 1997;16(3):419–434.
extension into the epiphysis.69 The overall 21. Jackson DW, Feagin JA. Quadriceps contusions in
outcome and prognosis is good. The lesion is young athletes. Relation of severity of injury to treat-
ment and prognosis. J Bone Joint Surg Am. Jan 1973;55
believed to resolve spontaneously in most (1):95–105.
cases if given enough time. 22. Garrett WE Jr. Muscle strain injuries. Am J Sports Med.
1996;24(6 suppl):S2–8.
References 23. Kirkendall DT, Garrett WE Jr. Clinical perspectives
1. Jevtic V. Vertebral infection. Eur Radiol. Mar 2004;14 regarding eccentric muscle injury. Clin Orthop Relat Res.
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Ankle and Foot Pain in a Child
■ Robert C. Sieh, PT, DPT
Special Concerns
■ Pain of sudden onset without known cause
■ Pain that continues with rest or elevation of
the feet
CHAPTER PREVIEW: Conditions That May Lead to Ankle and Foot Pain in a
T Trauma
Not applicable Fractures:
• Calcaneal 993
• Epiphyseal 993
• Pathological 994
• Stress 994
• Talar 994
• Toddler’s fracture of the tibia 994
Ill-fitting shoes 996
Ligament sprains:
• Anterior talofibular ligament 997
• Calcaneofibular ligament 997
• Metatarsophalangeal joint (turf toe) 998
Muscle strain 998
Puncture wounds 1000
1528_Ch50_982-1006 07/05/12 2:17 PM Page 983
Trauma (continued)
I Inflammation
Not applicable Aseptic
• Retrocalcaneal bursitis 991
• Subcutaneous Achilles bursitis 991
• Achilles tendinitis 1001
• Flexor hallucis longus tenosynovitis 1001
• Tibialis posterior tendinitis 1002
Ingrown toenails 996
Not applicable Aseptic
Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis 997
Plantar fasciitis 1000
Retrocalcaneal bursitis 1000
Cellulitis 991
Fungal disease 995
Hand-foot-mouth disease 996
Joint sepsis 996
Osteomyelitis 999
1528_Ch50_982-1006 07/05/12 2:17 PM Page 984
Inflammation (continued)
Not applicable Aseptic
Rheumatic fever 1000
Seronegative spondyloarthropathies 1000
Necrotizing fasciitis 998
Tuberculosis 1002
M Metabolic
Not applicable Not applicable
Not applicable Gout 995
Not applicable Ehlers-Danlos syndrome 992
Fabry’s disease 992
Gaucher’s disease 995
Myositis ossificans 998
Va Vascular
Not applicable Hemophilia 996
Not applicable Osteochondritis dissecans of the talus 999
Sickle cell anemia 1001
Not applicable Avascular necrosis:
• Navicular (Köhler’s disease) 990
• Second metatarsal head (Freiberg’s infarction) 990
Compartment syndrome 992
Peripheral arterial disease 999
Thalassemia (familial Mediterranean fever) 1002
De Degenerative
Not applicable Bunions 991
Heel spurs 996
Not applicable Not applicable
1528_Ch50_982-1006 07/05/12 2:17 PM Page 985
Degenerative (continued)
Tu Tumor
Not applicable Not applicable
Not applicable Not applicable
Not applicable Malignant Primary, such as:
• Ewing’s sarcoma 1003
• Leukemia 1003
• Osteosarcoma 1004
• Rhabdomyosarcoma 1004
• Synovial sarcoma 1004
Malignant Metastatic:
Not applicable
Benign, such as:
• Calcaneal cysts 1002
• Ganglion cyst 1003
• Giant cell tumor of the tendon sheath 1003
• Glomangioma 1003
• Osteoblastoma 1003
• Osteochondroma 1004
• Osteoid osteoma 1004
Co Congenital
Not applicable Accessory navicular 989
Flat-foot deformities:
• Flexible 993
Not applicable Flat-foot deformities:
• Rigid 993
Tarsal coalitions:
• Calcaneonavicular coalition 1001
• Talocalcaneal coalition 1001
1528_Ch50_982-1006 07/05/12 2:17 PM Page 986
Congenital (continued)
Not applicable Claw toes 991
Congenital oblique talus 992
Congenital vertical talus 992
Hallux varus 995
Hammer toes 995
Polydactyly 1000
Trevor’s disease (dysplasia epiphysealis
hemimelica) 1002
Ne Neurogenic/Psychogenic
Not applicable Not applicable
Not applicable Complex regional pain syndrome (reflex
sympathetic dystrophy) 992
Not applicable Not applicable
Note: These are estimates of relative incidence because few data are available for the less common conditions.
Accessory navicular
navicular Apophysitis
Tarsal Tumors Ingrown
condition (osteoid toenail
Plantar osteoma)
fasciitis Hammer
FIGURE 50-2 Pain localization points about the
FIGURE 50-1 Common accessory ossification centers. ankle and foot.
1528_Ch50_982-1006 07/05/12 2:17 PM Page 990
surgical removal of the osteophytes that to nonsurgical treatment and return to full