Lindeman Laryngeal Theory
Lindeman Laryngeal Theory
Lindeman Laryngeal Theory
Introduction to
the ‘Laryngeal Theory’
The Institute
for Comparative Research
in Human Culture
Instituttet for
Serie B: Skrifter
Fredrik O tto Lindeman
Introduction to the ‘Laryngeal Theory’
Fredrik Otto Lindeman
Introduction to
the ‘Laryngeal Theory’
Norwegian N p
University Press L J:
The Institute for
Comparative Research
in Human Culture
Norwegian University Press (Universitetsforlaget AS), 0608 Oslo 6
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This book is a revised version of the author’s Einführung in die Laryngaltheorie, Walter de
Gruyter, Berlin 1970 (Sammlung Göschen Bd. 1247/1247A)
ISBN 82-00-18459-5
ISBN 82-00-02628-0 Pbk
Printed in Denmark
by P. J. Schmidt A/S, Vojens
Preface ......................................................................................... 7
A b b re v ia tio n s ............................................................................. 9
N ote on the Use of S y m b o ls ............................................. 17
I General observations on the ‘Laryngeal Theory’ . . . 19
§1-3 I n tro d u c tio n ......................................................... 19
§4-9 M ain features of the ‘Laryngeal Theory’ .......... 21
§10-14 Ferdinand de Saussure ..................................... 24
II On the necessity of recognizing the actual existence
o f ‘laryngeals’ in Early-Indo-European . ................. 29
§15-19 The ablaut o f the disyllabic or ‘heavy’bases 29
§20-22 H ittite h ................................................................ 32
III ‘Laryngeal’ reflexes found in the various IE. lan
guages .................................................................................. 35
§23 Preliminary rem ark .................................................. 35
§24-32 ‘Laryngeals’ initially in the position before a
following syllabic sound .................................................. 36
§ 33-36 ‘Laryngeals’ in internal position between syl
labic sounds ........................................................................ 44
§37 ‘Laryngeals’ in the position after a non-syllabic
and before a syllabic s o u n d ....................................... 48
§38-46 ‘Laryngeals’ in the position after a full grade
vowel and before a non-syllabic sound (or in word-
final p o s itio n ) ................................................................ 50
§47-51 ‘Laryngeals’ in the position after a syllabic
resonant and before a non-syllabic sound (or in word-
final p o s itio n ) ................................................................ 59
§ 52-54 ‘Laryngeal’ m e ta th e sis.................................. 65
§55-59 Assimilation of a ‘laryngeal’ and *y or *w . 67
§ 60-65 The ‘natural’ long diphthongs of Indo-E uro
pean ...................................................................................... 71
§66-70 Prothetic vowels in Greek and A rm enian . . 75
§71-72 The Balto-Slavic in to n a tio n s ........................... 86
§73-75 The voiceless aspirates o f Indo-Iranian . . . . 88
§76-77 On some mediae aspiratae in Indo-Iranian . 91
§78-83 ‘H ardening’ of certain ‘laryngeals’ to k or g 94
§ 84-88 ‘Laryngeals’ in the position between non-syl-
labics .................................................................................... 98
IV Phonology and ‘laryngeals’ ............................................. 107
§ 89-95 On the phonem ic status of t h e ‘laryngeals’ . 107
§96-103 Conclusions ....................................................... 114
Select B ib lio g ra p h y ............................................... 121
Index verborum ........................................................................ 131
Index nom inum ........................................................................ 153
The notations for the ‘laryngeals’ in this w ork are the follow
ing ones:
§§1-3 Introduction
§ 1 To make it easier for the student to follow our presentation
of the different aspects of the ‘Laryngeal Theory’, we will begin
by giving a summary of the earlier predom inant, traditional
views on the Indo-European vowel system as we find them in
the works of scholars like H übschm ann {Das indogermanische
Vokalsystem, 1885), Brugmann (Grdr I, 1), H irt (IdgGr 2) and
1. i.e. a long vowel (*ä, *ö or *e) that does not come from a short vowel (*a,
*o or *e) by lengthening, see Hirt, IdgGr 2, §65.
2. Formations involving the lengthened grade are left out of consideration
here. See, however, §46 below.
Rem ark: Hirt, IdgG r 2, § 54, assumes an ablaut *o - zero for the parent
language. *o denotes an *o-vowel not alternating with *e, cf. IE. ok K-
in Gk. össe ‘the two eyes’ vis-à-vis Skt. ksana- ‘instant, moment’. Some
scholars deny the existence o f this *o, see e.g. Pedersen, K Z 36, 86 ff.
f) *ä - *ô *d
Gk. (Dor.) phämi phône phâsis
‘say’ ‘voice’ ‘utterance’
Lat. fäma ‘saying’
(The ablaut *ä - *ö remains disputed, see Hirt, IdgGr 2, § 191).
g) *0 *3
Lat. dönum ‘a gift’ datus
3. i.e. a short vowel if the system at that time had quantitative oppositions; if
not, a vowel without phonemic quantity.
*em - *om
It is quite uncertain, however, w hether *H\, *H2 and *H3 were
syllabic consonants at any stage. On the contrary, they may have
contained an anaptyctic vowel. For this particular problem , see
§ 84 ff. below.
All the following short vocalic ablaut series go back to com bi
nations of the vowels *e - *o with an immediately preceding
*H\e - *HiO > *e - *o
*H2e - *H2o > * a - * a (or *o?)5
*H3e - *H3o > * o - * o
Remark: A zero grade form like Skt. ksana- (: full grade *H3ekw- seen
in Gk ôsse, cf. § 3, Remark) represents *H3k w-; initially, preconsonantal
‘laryngeals’ have been lost in most of the non-Anatolian IE. languages
with the exception of Greek and Armenian. See § 66 ff below.
§ 12 Besides roots like *stä- ‘stand’ ( < *staxA-) and *dö- ‘give’
(< *da\0-), there is, however, also the type ending in *-ë-, e.g.
*dhë- ‘p u f attested by Gk. tîthëmi, Skt. dhâ-, Lith. dëti, etc. De
Saussure did not give any convincing explanation of the origin
of this type in *-<?-. He suggested (op. cit., 141 f., Rec, 133 f.)
that the *-<?- of *dhë- might reflect *-ai + A-, i.e. the same
§ 13 According to de Saussure (op. cit., 239 ff., Rec, 231 ff.), *ï,
*ü, and the so-called long syllabic liquids and nasals, go back
to earlier sequences of */', *u, or a liquid or a nasal followed by
the ‘coefficient sonantique’ *A. Again, it is on m orphological
evidence th at de Saussure bases his conclusions. In form a
tions like Skt. rôditi ‘weeps’ : rudimâs, or skambhitum ‘to
pro p ’ : skabhitâ- the plural form and the verbal adjective show
the norm al expulsion of the vowel *ax. Structurally, the relation
ship between the infinitive pavitum and the verbal adjective pütâ-
(from punâti, pâvate ‘cleanses’) corresponds to that between
skambhitum and skabhitâ-. On the strength o f this comparison,
de Saussure concluded that the -ü- o f pü-tâ- must contain
pavi- minus -a-. As he points out, if Skt. pavi- comes from
*pa\wA~, it follows that Skt. pü- (in pütâ-) m ust be from earlier
To this example o f pavi- : pü- there are various exact m orpho
logical parallels in Sanskrit:
câritum ‘move’ : cïrnâ- (i.e. *-aJA- : *-[A~)
khânitum ‘dig’ : khätä- (i.e. *-axnA- : *-nA-)
damitâr- ‘a tam er’ : däntä- (i.e. *-am A - : *-mA-).
De Saussure’s analysis (op. cit., C hapter VI, § 14) of the relation
ship between the 7th and the 9th present classes in Sanskrit is
particularly impressive. He posits roots of the shape *bhadd-,
*ya\ug- for 7th class verbs like bhinâdmi ‘split’, bhindânti, aor.
âbhet, and yunâkti ‘joins’, yunjânti, perf. yuyoja. The present is
formed— after the expulsion of the radical ax— by infixing the
syllable -nax- between the two last elements of the reduced
root: bhadd- : bhi-nax-d~, y a xug- :yu-nax-g-\ weak forms: bhi-n-d-,
yu-n-g-. By assuming that ‘original’ long ä represents axA, de
Saussure could give a corresponding interpretation of the 9th
present class. He takes a verb like punâti ‘cleanses’, punânti to
reflect *pu-nax-A-, *pu-n-A-. The analogical proportion
bhinaid- : bhadd- = punaxA - : x leads to the reconstruction o f a
root *paxwA- which survives e.g. in pavi-tra- ‘a means of puri
fication’, aorist ä-pävisur. The underlying morphological struc-
Rem ark: Several scholars have accepted Moller’s hypothesis, cf. e.g.
Sweet, T P S, 1880-81, 155 ff.; Cuny, Études prégram m aticales sur le
domaine des langues indo-européennes et cham ito-sém itiques, 1924, and
Recherches sur le vocalisme, le consonantisme et la form ation des racines
en ‘nostratique’, ancêtre de l ’indo-européen et du cham ito-sém itique,
1943; Pedersen, IF 22, 1907/1908, 341 ff. Cf. also K.Ostir, Zum
Verhältnis des indogermanischen x-Lautes zu den semitischen Kehl
kopf-Lauten. Ein Beitrag zur indogermanisch-semitischen Sprachwis-
verbal adjective *stra-nô- > Skt. *strinâ- (with *a > i, cf. §2).
The attested form is Skt. stïrnâ- < *stf-nô- (IE. *f > Skt. îr, Hr,
Lat. rä, Gk. rä, etc.). The long syllabic resonant in *str-nô- can
only be convincingly accounted for by assuming, with Cuny,
that w hat was left— after the ablaut reduction— of the long final
vowel of *strö- (i.e. *a) was an element inherently less sonorous
than the resonants *r, */, *m and *n, so that the form *stf-nö-
m ust be analysed as *stra-no- containing a consonantal element
*d. It is precisely the original presence o f a consonantal element
after the resonant *r that explains the vocalic form of that same
explicitly states that the two do not contrast: “It seems unlikely that
PIE would have had sequences of the shape C R H C beside C R H C ’.
This means in effect that we do not know which of the two vocalizable
elements, /l/, and /H/, was in fact vocalized in sequences of this sort.
For if there is no contrast between [C R H C ] and [C R H C \, lacking a
native speaker we know only that a phonemic sequence /CRHC/
occurred. The notion that C R H C > [C R H C ] > C R C rather than
C R H C > [C R IfC ] > C R C derives from the phonetic supposition that
the /r/ had to be vocalized in order to yield the attested correspon
dences. Such phonetic considerations are irrelevant to the phonemic
analysis of the original sequence, which was /CRHC/. We need not
concern ourselves with the syllabicity of the phonemes involved, for
that was automatic; hence the question whether H (or X ) is conson
antal or vocalic is irrelevant.’
Wyatt’s way of reasoning does not seem conclusive to us. Any
realistic form of historical linguistics aiming at the reconstruction of
earlier forms should take into account both the phonetic probability
of the various sound changes and the existence of allophones which
later have undergone phonemically different treatments. Thus, we can
reconstruct a voiced allophone of IE. */s/ in the position before voiced
plosives (*[ozdos], Goth, asts, Gk. ôzos ‘branch, twig’, etc., *[sizdö],
Lat. sido ‘sit down’, *[mézgô], Lat. m ergo ‘immerse’, etc.). Similarly,
in cases like */strHno-/, */plHno-/ the development attested in all the
IE. dialects show that it was jrj, /l/—and not the following sound—that
appeared in a syllabic form. See now also N.E.Collinge, Collectanea
linguistica, p. 71. Cuny’s interpretation of *3 as a consonant finds
some support in the following (see Lindeman, Sprache 19, 198 ff.):
apparently, initial groups consisting of *y- + a consonantal
resonant + a vowel (i.e. schematically * #yRF-) did not occur in Indo-
European, see Meillet, Introduction, p. 136. Consequently, if one fol
lows Wyatt and defines *3 as a vowel, one must interpret a form
like */ynat(e)r-/, the reduced grade of */yenster-/ (attested in Greek
einatéres ‘sisters-in-law’, Lith. jé n tè ‘wife of the husband’s brother’),
phonetically as *[in3t(e)r]; a reflex of such a form is nowhere attested
(e.g. Skt. *initar-). However, Post-Vedic yâ ta r- may be explained as
reflecting * \ym ter-], the nasal appearing in its vocalic form since it
stands between *y- and a following consonant.
Finally, the thematic aorist in Greek of a set-root like *gweld- ‘throw’
(Gk. bâllô, béblëka) is ébalon presupposing *ë-gw\d-om with a vocalic
*(. The */ appears in its vocalic form as it stands between two conson
ants. A similar example is Gk. ékamon < * -k ’rri3-om from the set-root
seen in Skt. sam nïte ‘exert one’s self, Gk. kékm ëka, kàm nô ‘work’. It
should be noted that ébalon, ékam on contrast with e.g. é-pl-e-to from
the an it-root *kKel- (Skt. car- ‘move’, Gk. pèlom aî).
For W.R.Schmalstieg’s analyses in Baltistica 9 (1973), 7 ff., of Skt.
gïrnà-, pürncL-, etc, (cf. also Schmalstieg, K Z 87, 99 ff., Arch Ling IX,
135 ff. and p. 157), see Lindeman, Triple representation, p. 13, note 1.
Hans Jonsson’s criticism (in The L aryn geal Theory, 1978) of Cuny’s
§§20-22 Hittite h
§20 Some confirm ation for de Saussure’s theory came in 1927
when J. Kurylowicz, in the article, d indo-européen et h hittite
(in Symbolae Grammaticae in Honorem Ioannis Rozwadowski
I, 95 ff.) could show that H ittite had preserved de Saussure’s
‘coefficient sonantique’ *A. It should be pointed out, however,
that the same discovery was made by A .C uny in that same
Festschrift in an article entitled Réflexions sur le type khrê (zên,
etc.) et le type ëkhô, p. 94, note 1. But whereas Cuny did not
quote any examples from H ittite, Kurylowicz in his article called
attention to a series o f precise correspondences o f the type Hitt.
pahs- ‘protect’ : Lat. päsco ‘drive to pasture’, pästor ‘a shepherd’
(IE. *peo2s-), H itt, hantezzi- ‘first’ : Lat. ante ‘before’, Gk. anti
(IE. *32ent~), H itt, harkis ‘w hite’ : Gk. argés ‘w hite’, Skt. ârjuna-
‘clear, w hite’ (IE. *d2erg’-). Kurylowicz further proposed that
de Saussure’s *A and * 0 be w ritten *o2 and *a3, respectively
(ibid., p. 95, note 2); he wrote M oller’s *E *d\.
Having collected, in a series of shorter articles, more material
from H ittite, Kurylowicz then published a complete ‘Laryngeal
T heory’ in the C hapter ‘Sur les éléments consonantiques dispa
rus en indo-européen’ in his book É I (1935).
§25 The IE. sequence *H2e- gives ha- in A natolian, but *a- in
non-A natolian Indo-European, cf. e.g. Hitt, ha-an-za ‘front’
(nom. sg.), dat.loc. ha-an-ti (-/ < *-ei, see E.N eu, S tB o T 18,
p. 41, note 23), abl. ha-an-ta-a-az (S tB o T 26, p. 49), ha-an-te-
iz-zi-is ‘first’ (nom. sg.), Lyc. /ntaw at- ‘com m andant’ or
‘com m andem ent’12 = Luw. ha-an-da-wa-te-en (acc. sg.) vs. Lat.
ante ‘before’, anterior, Gk. anti ‘opposite’; H itt. har(k)- ‘hold,
have’ (pres. 1 sg. har-mi, 3 sg. har-zi, prêt. 1 sg. har-ku-un) vs.
Lat. arceo ‘enclose, shut u p ’; Hitt, har-ki-is (nom. sg.) ‘white’
vs. Gk. argés, ârguros, Lat. argentum, Toch. A ärki, B ärkwi
‘white’; Hitt, had- ‘dry up’ (3 sg. ha-a-ti) vs. Gk. âzô ‘dry up’13,
p. 180, Sturtevant, Lang 16, p. 276, and note 9, IH L , §41c, Ivanov, VM U
No 2 (1957), 33 f.) has been adequately disposed of by Cowgill, EvfL,
p. 145.
11. For a different, disputable view, see § 32 below.
12. See Laroche, BSL 62, p. 60.
13. It seems possible that Arm. hat ‘granum’ belongs here, see M.Poetto,
Accademia Nazionale D ei Lincei, Serie VIII, vol. 31 (1976), 151 ff., who
points out that Hitt, had- ‘in the cult inventories denotes a drying operation
performed on the cereals.’ (p. 163). For the h- of Arm. hat see §21, Remark
Remark: The suggestion that Hitt, he- reflects IE. *H2e- is without
foundation. Hitt, forms in he- lack convincing etymological connec
tions in the other IE. languages. Thus, Hitt, hé-kur; hé-gur ‘summit,
peak, stronghold’, which has been connected with Gk. âkris ‘mountain
peak’, ôkris ‘jagged point’, OLat. ocris ‘mons confragosus’, may have
hek- from *H2eik’-, the root of Gk. aikhmê ‘spear-point’, see Melchert,
StHHPh, p. 142, note 113. (Otherwise R.Schmitt-Brandt, IF 79, p. 226,
who compares the Hittite form to OCS. igla ‘needle’). For Eichner’s
reconstruction of a preform *H2ek’-wr (with a lengthened ablaut grade
of *H2ek’- ‘sharp’ (M SS 31, p. 96, note 64)) > Hitt, hé-kur, see §46
below. Similarly, other Hittite words in initial he- (hi-) may contain
an original /-diphthong (or, perhaps, the corresponding zero grade,
*H2i-, etc.). Old Hittite spellings like hé-ek-ta, ha-in-kân-ta (StBoT 5,
54 f.; 12, p. 54, note 22; 18, pp. 41 and 43, and note 30) seem to
indicate that Hitt, hink- ‘nod, bow, show reverence’ contains an old
diphthong. (Otherwise Melchert, StHHPh, 23 f.). Hitt, heu- ‘rain’, for
the ablaut and formation of which cf. E.Neu, Bono homini donum,
203 ff., and hé-en-kân, hi-en-kàn ‘fate, pestilence, death’ have no clear
etymologies. See Tischler, HethetymGlossar 2, 247 f., for various tenta
tive explanations proposed for Hitt, henkan. Cf. also Melchert,
StHHPh, 23 f., note 46.
14. De Saussure, Mémoire, p. 135, Kurylowicz, ÉI, 111 f., Polomé, RBPhH 30,
p. 1045, note 4; Cowgill, EvfL, 145 f., R .S.P. Beekes, Sprache 18, 117 ff.
and M SS 34, p. 17.
15. Benveniste, HI, 107 f., connects Gk. ôgmos with Hitt, akkala- ‘furrow’. See
now also J.Puhvel, HED I, p. 23.
16. Cf. Kurylowicz, Apophonie, 188 f. See also Lindeman, Triple representation,
27 f.
17. Kurylowicz, Apophonie, p. 168, assumes a syncretism of IE. *e and *o in
the vicinity of *H2. According to him, *H2 in the sequences *H2o- and
* - o H 2- simply disappeared in the northern languages (Germanic, Baltic and
Slavic), whereas *H2o- and *-oH2- yielded *a- and *-ä-, respectively, in the
southern languages.
18. IE. *H3 gave Anatolian zero according to Eichner, Sprache 24, p. 162, note
77, cf. Mayrhofer, IdgGr 1, p. 132, note 141. See, however, §29 below.
19. For Lith. eras, OIr. irar which do not presuppose earlier *er-, see Cowgill,
EvfL, p. 146, note 5.
20. For Celtic *ast- in OCom. asen, W. as(gw rn) ‘bone’, see §40 Remark below.
*sed- ‘sit’, see Melchert, StH H P h, p. 61, note 111, and cf. §66
21. According to Watkins, S prache 20, p. 11, the suffix seen in Hitt, hasdw er
corresponds to that of Arm. oskr ‘bone’ < *ostwer.
22. The lengthened grade *5d- (< */H3ëd-/ = *[H3ôd-], cf. §46 n. 42 below) is
attested by Lith. iiosti ‘smell’. It should be noted that W.P.Schmid, F est
sch rift fü r H e rb e rt Bräuer, 1986, 457 ff., has shown that Winter, Trends in
Linguistics, (Studies and Monographs 4), 1978, 431 ff., was wrong in as
suming that the Indo-European sequence of short vowel plus voiced stop
was reflected by lengthened vowel plus voiced stop in Baltic and Slavic.
Rem ark: For these and other similar form s, see G am krelidze, Larin-
g a l’naja Teorija, 75 ff., Ivanov, V M U N o 2, 1957, 29 ff. It is frequently
assum ed that A natolian h was lost in H ittite in certain positions, e.g.
after *-t-, cf. P olom é, R B P h H 30, p. 1044, and note 2, w ho posits
*-tH 2e ( = Skt. -tha, 2 sg. perfect) > Hitt, -ta (2 sg. pret. o f the hi-
conjugation; cf. 2 sg. m iddle p res.-ta-). To account for such H ittite forms
by assum ing a particular reduced grade (* -M 2~) or a ‘vocalization ’ o f
*H 2 > a does not seem to be possible, cf. §§41, 69, R em ark below.
Hitt, ais n. (written a-i-is), abl. sg. issaz (is-sa-az), etc., and
Luwian assa- n. ‘m outh’ (a-a-as-sa-, cf. Laroche, R H A 23,
p. 45) to represent IE. *H3ôH\-es-, cf. Lat. ös ‘m outh’. See also
Eichner, Sprache 24, p. 162, note 77, for other possible exam
ples. For IE. *-eH3- see §43 below.
23. For the single h combined with e-vocalism in Hittite forms like wehzi ‘turns’
see § 92 below.
24. See also Cuny, Revue de Phonétique 2, 104 ff. A root structure correspond
ing to that posited for Indo-European by Benveniste would seem to have
‘light up, kindle’ < *H2eidh-; with Gk. ith- com pare Skt. idh-
‘kindle’ in inddhé etc. Gk. hudéô ‘sing’ < *H2ud- vs. aude
‘voice’ < *H2eud-; with Gk. hud- com pare Skt. ud- in pass.
udyâte, etc. (: vad- ‘speak’, IE. *H2wed-, i.e. ‘thème II’ *H2w-
éd-). Cf. Cowgill, EvfL, p. 146.
A possible A natolian example showing the m aintenance of
h- before i is Hitt, hissa- (hi-is-sa-) ‘a pole’ = Skt. Isa ‘id.’ (cf.
Benveniste, HI, 13 f.) The H ittite and Skt. forms may reflect a
preform *H2iH]S- (cf. Gk. oiéion ‘rudder, helm’, Av. aësa-
‘plough’, etc.). We have no definite knowledge, however, of the
quantity of the i of Hitt, hissa- (cf. §96 below).
A nother plausible example is Hitt. hartag(g)a~, i.e. probably
hartka-, ‘wild animal ?, bear ?’ (cf. S tB o T 26, p. 58, note 264),
which may be cognate with Gk. ârktos, Skt. rksa-, Lat. ursus,
etc.; the IE. preform of the word meaning ‘bear’ may be recon
structed as *H rtk’o- (cf. Mayrhofer, IdgGr 1, p. 153).
25. For these endings, cf. E.Neu, S tB oT 6, p. 139; Ivanov, Otrazenie dvuch
serij indoevropejskich glagol’nych form v praslavjanskom ( Slavjanskoe Ja-
zykoznanie, 6. mezdunarodnyj s ”ezd slavistov, Moskva, 1968), p. 229, note
15; C. Watkins, IdgGr III/1, 108 f., p. 129; Lindeman, Hethldg, p. 157, note
26. W. P. Schmid, IF 63, 144 ff.; Rosenkranz, IF 64, p. 68; and Watkins, IdgGr
H I/1- P- 83. Melchert, StH H Ph, p. 66, note 122, writes, ‘It is possible
that *au- “perceive” had quantitative ablaut ...: *âu-h2ei > uhhi, *u-wèni >
Rem ark: M any exceptions to the so-called Sievers’ Law m ust be at
tributed to the developm ent o f earlier *C R H -V - into * /C R -V -/:th e
latter sequence presents a vocalic resonant also after a short preceding
syllable, see K urylowicz, Apophonie, § 19 and Lindem an, Verschärfung,
6 f. and N T S 20, 38 ff. Linguistic material illustrating the phonem ic
type */CR-V-,/ in the various IE. dialects is given by Kurylowicz, ÉI,
p. 76, Apophonie, 120 f. and Lindem an, Verschärfung, 6 f.
28. Glotta 47, Iff.; M S S 28, 109 ff.; P IC L 11, 376 ff.; Studies Palmer, p. 398.
29. In SymbGramm, p. 103, Kurylowicz took the Skt. forms (1 sg.) cakàra and
(3 sg.) cakara (perfect of ky-) to represent *k"e-kwor-H2e and *kwe-k“or-e,
respectively. Whereas the *-o- of the 3 sg. had become Skt. -d- in an open
syllable (according to Brugmann’s Law), the radical short -a- of the 1 sg.
was supposed to be the regular outcome of an IE. *-o- in an originally
closed syllable. The same phonetic development was assumed for causative
formations like janäyati ('jan- ‘generate’) < *g ’onH-éye/o- (structurally
parallel to e.g. vartâyati < *wort-èyejo-) vis-à-vis pädayati < *pod-éye/o-
(:root pad- ‘go’). Kurylowicz later (in Apophonie, pp. 330 and 336 f.) with
drew this explanation with the following observation: ‘Si a y était pour
quelque chose, les racines set comme * g ’eno- n’allongeraient pas la voyelle
à la 3e p. sing. (* g ’e g ’ôno-e > *jajâna, tandis qu’on ne rencontre quejajâna)’
(p. 337). Ibid., §43, he proposes a morphological interpretation of the
forms in question. Other scholars frequently regard the -ä- of jajâna as
ato- > Brit. *sw iyat-, seen in W. h w yad ‘duck’, NW. chwïadan. For the
vocalism o f Lat. auis, see §40, R em ark below. For another explanation
o f H itt, su-wa-is, see Schindler, Sprache 15, p. 159, cf. Oettinger,
Stam m bildung, p. 549, n ote 13.
Rem ark: For the double writing o f h between vow els in H ittite see § 92
32. F.Kortlandt, Lingua Posnaniensis 23, 127f., agrees with Ruijgh that *H2
coloured a contiguous *o to a in Greek, but he thinks (p. 128) ‘that the
relevant instances do not date back to the Indo-European protolanguage.
The simplest solution is that the opposition between the laryngeals was
neutralized in the neighbourhood of PIE. *o, where they merged into *Hj-
and that *H2 was restored in certain productive categories in Proto-Greek’.
Thus, agôs ‘a chief would be from *H2ogos with a restored *H2 on the
analogy of âgo < *H2é g ’-. Kortlandt’s hypothesis seems to be une vue de
l ’esprit since the supposition of a restoration of *H2 in certain productive
categories in Proto-Greek and the assumption that a distinct *H2 could
colour a neighbouring *o to *a at this relatively late stage are entirely
33. The gen. sg. ending of IE. consonant stems appears as *-es (Lat. pedis)
and (with qualitative ablaut) as *-os (Gk. podôs ).
36. Jasanoff, M S S 37, p. 92, takes Hitt, tayezi to come from *(s)toH 2y-eye-.
He follows Watkins (Fachtagung V, 371 f.) and Eichner (Fachtagung VI, p.
129) in thinking that -h- was lost regularly before *-y- in Hittite and
Luwian. The assumption of a phonetic development of Anatolian *-hy-
into Hitt, -y- is difficult to justify, see Szemerényi, FlorAnat, 317 ff.; Linde
man, Triple representation, p. 19, note 10 and Catsanicos, B SL LXXXI, p.
§43 An IE. root like *dö- ‘give’, which according to §42 might
be reconstructed as *deH3~, appears in H ittite in the form da-
unaccom panied by -h{h)~, cf. da-a-i ‘takes’, pret. 3 sg. da-a-as,
etc.37 A similar case is pa-a-as-zi ‘swallows’, pret. pa-as-ta which
is generally connected with Gk. pôihi, pôm a ‘draught’, etc.38 The
underlying verbal root can be posited as *peHi-. On the strength
o f w hat was said in § 29 above, it will be assumed here that the
‘laryngeal’ seen in *dc//3- ‘give’ and *peHi- ‘drink’ was orig
inally voiced (* 7/ 3).
Remark: According to Martinet, Word 9, 253 ff., a non-ablauting * 0
(or the corresponding weak grade) ‘exuded’ a glide -w- before a follow
ing vowel. In his opinion the w-glide represents a phonemically relevant
feature of the originally rounded ‘laryngeal’ * H 3 (which Martinet
writes *AWor *HW). Schematically, we would thus have *eAw+ V >
*äw + V vs. *eAw+ C > * 0 + C. Martinet mostly quotes Latin ma
terial in support of his hypothesis. However, as Szemerényi has shown
(KZ 70, 51 ff.), a change of *-öw- to *-äw- must be assumed for Latin
(or Italic). Cf. also the critical discussions by Cowgill, EvfL, p. 148,
Polomé, EvfL, p. 39, and Winter, KZ 79, p. 209.
Rem ark: According to Risch, Corolla linguistica, 189 ff. (cf. Cowgill,
Lang 39, p. 267; Puhvel, L aryngeals, 55 ff. and Mayrhofer, Sprache
10, p. 182, note 25), a sequence *-oH \- (with *o < *e by ablaut) is
continued in Hittite as -ai-, e.g. Hitt, ais ‘mouth’ (a-(i-)is ) vs. lat. 5s;
2 sg. da-it-ti, 2 pi. da-a-it-te-ni (from tehhi) < *dhoH\- = perfect Skt.
da-dhâ-tha, etc. Risch sees the regular zero grade in the i of ti{ya-)an-
zi (: dai), gen. is-sa-as (: ais). We do not find Risch’s hypothesis convinc
ing; forms like daitti, tiyanzi, etc. seem to contain an old *y-suffix, cf.
the discussions by Kronasser, E H S , 536 ff. (with references);
Crossland, Arch Ling 10, 97 f.; Melchert, S tH H P h , p. 68; Jasanoff,
H eth ldg, p. 88, and Lindeman, H eth ldg, 155 f. For Hitt, ais ‘mouth’,
see § 29 above.
According to Diver, W ord 15, llOff., *H\ is to be defined phoneti
cally as *H y. Diver posits the following regular developments for a
sequence *-eH y-\ *-eH y + V- > *-ëy + V- (with a glide *-y-), *-eH y +
C- > *-<? + C-. For the reasons given in §63 below, this seems disput
able to us. For further speculations on *H \, see Puhvel, L aryngeals,
53 ff., Schmalstieg, Word 16, 204ff. Cf. also Polomé, E vfL , p. 38.
40. For the -w- of OE. cnäwan and similar verbs, see Lindeman, NTS 22,
(1968), 48 ff.
41. For the reasons stated in § 46 below, Gmc. *knë-jana- and Toch. A kna(säst)
cannot go back to a lengthened grade */g’nëH3-/ despite Mayrhofer, Idg
Gr 1, 141 f. (with further references).
42. For an example with *H3, cf. §27, note 22 above: Lith. üosti ‘smell’ <
*/H,ëd-/ = *[Hiöd-] (not *[H3êd-]\) : Lat. olet < */H3ed-/ = *[H3od-].
43. For *-F-, *-w- in forms like Skt. dhï-tâ- (: aor. ädhät, from dhä- ‘suck’), Skt.
suras (gen. sg. of suar, cf. Gk. *hdwélios, Goth, sauil ‘sun’), see §§53, 60 f.
44. For a criticism of the aberrant views of Chr. Peeters, IF 78 (1973),
75 ff., see the discussion by Lindeman, Triple representation, p. 13,
note 1.
45. For the reasons given here, Mayrhofer, IdgGr 1, p. 127, note 118 (cf. ibid.,
p. 131), is not justified in taking the *-ye of *ok-ye to reflect *y 4- a
‘vocalized’ ‘laryngeal’ in absolutely final position. Mayrhofer does nothing
to clarify under which conditions the two variants in question (i.e. *-yo, >
Gk. *-ye in ôsse vs. *-iHi > *-T in OCS. oci, etc.) have developed. For a
more detailed discussion of such forms, see Lindeman, Triple representation,
47 f.
46. See K. Strunk, Nasalpräsentien und Aoriste (1967), for the type Skt. prnâti
( < *pl-n-éH rti), grnàti ( < *g"r-n-éH2-ti), sfriâti ( < *str-n-éH2-ti). The stem
*p{-n-éH\- is to aor. *pl-eHr t (Skt. âprât) as e.g. *k’[-n-éw- (Skt. srnôti) is
to aor. *k’l-éw-t (Skt. âsrot).
47. See Laroche, R H A 16, p. 96, cf. §36, note 27 above, tar-ah- may be for
[tarh-] or [trah-], see Laroche, ibid., p. 96. Similarly, pâr-(a)h- = [parh-] or
48. The initial ‘laryngeal’ of IE. *H w [H -n- ‘wool’ may have suffered a dissimila-
tory loss in the IE. languages outside of Anatolian, i.e. *H w{H -n- > *w (H -
n-, which would explain the lack of a prothetic vowel in Greek (lânos), see
§ 66 ff. below, for the prothetic vowels of Greek and Armenian. One might
further speculate whether the medial ‘laryngeal’ of this word might not be
posited as *H \ since this disappears in Hittite. Otherwise Eichner, Sprache
24, p. 160, note 69, who reconstructs *H 2w lH 2-yo- for huliya- assuming
that * H 2 was lost before *y (cf. §41, note 35 above). The IE. *H w el-no-
underlying Lat. vellus , gen. velleris ‘fleece’ and Arm. gelm n, gen. sg. gelm an
‘fleece’ seems to have had no medial ‘laryngeal’.
§53 According to §47, Gk. pûr ‘fire’, Arm. hur, Umbr. pir,
Olcel. fü rr (m.) may all go back to *puH-r~, the regular zero
grade of a full grade stem *pew-H~. However, Gk. gen. sg.
pürôs, G o th . funins (gen. sg. of fo n ‘fire’) seem to reflect earlier
*pu- < *p(H)u- which would be the zero grade of a full grade
stem *peHw- (‘thème I’) ~ ‘thème II’ *pHew- (cf. §29).
‘Fire’ is attested in H ittite as nom. acc. sg. pa-ah-hu-ur, pa-ah-
hur, gen. sg. pa-ah-hu-e-na-as, dat.-loc. sg. pa-ah-hu-e-ni. E.N eu
(personal com munication) informs me that pa-ah-hu-wa-ar
‘entstammt KUB VII 60 II 11— einer jungen Niederschrift’.
These Hittite forms seem to presuppose a stem *peH2w- (or
*peHiw-) in which Cowgill, EvfL, p. 159, sees a metathesis
of *-wH- (seen in O H G. fuir, Gk. pûr, etc.) > -hhw-. Cf. also
Hammerich, Laryngeal before Sonant, 35 ff. The Luwian form
is pa-a-hu-u-ur (Laroche, D LL, p. 77).
It is not easy to reconstruct the original shape of the word for
‘fire’. According to the phonological rules of Indo-European, one
would expect the nom. acc. sg. */péH2wr/ to have been realized
phonetically as *\pâH2wr]. Schindler, B SL 70, p. 10, thinks that
the latter form is continued in H itt, pahhur', for postconsonantal
*-wr > -ur in Hittite, cf. Melchert, StH H P h, p. 52.
An alternative explanation would be to interpret H itt, pahhur
as representing earlier *[pâH2ur\ with [-u-] taken over from the
53. See Ventris and Chadwick, Documents in Mycenaean Greek, pp. 160 and
338 and Chadwick and Baumbach, Glotta XLI, p. 219.
with a hiatus aä due to the loss of the presyllabic ‘laryngeal’ of the optative
suffix, i.e. *dheyyéH\m%, cf. Vedic vääta- ‘wind’ ( ~ vâta-), possibly from
*wéijto- < older *H2wéH\nto-, see §67 below. Otherwise Hoffmann, Prati-
d.änam, 3 ff.
56. According to Melchert, S tH H P h , p. 16, and note 33, IE. * H 2w élH 2-ti
‘strikes’, 3 pl. * H 2w \H 2-én ti gave Hittite w alh -zi (by dissimilatory loss of
the first ‘laryngeal’), 3 pi. h ullanzi : ‘This very irregular paradigm was then
leveled after the singular as walh- “strike”, while the form hulla- was
retained in the secondary meaning “fight”, and a new paradigm created
after the model of zin n izzi-, zin n anzi “finish” (note that both stems share
the shape CVRRV-).’ (p. 16). Melchert’s interpretation of walh- and hulla-
rests, however, entirely on the preconceived idea that * -V R H V - yields
Hittite - V R R V - by regular development. However, no conclusive proof has
yet been offered that might force us to admit that Hitt. 3 pl. walhanzi, 1
sg. pret. walhhun, etc. cannot be the regular outcome in this language of
earlier *w [H 2-énti, etc. Hence, we are free to regard walh- ‘strike’ and h ulla/
i- ‘fight’ as representing etymologically unrelated verbal stems. For the
supposed change of IE. *-H is-, etc. > Hitt, -ss-, see §44, note 39 above,
and cf. the discussion by Lindeman, Triple represen tation, p. 35, note 25,
of Hitt, kuissa ‘every one’.
§63 Diver, Word 15, llO ff., taking the ‘laryngeal’ *H\ to have
been *Hy, tries to show that a sequence *-eHy- developed regu
larly into *-ëy- before a following vowel, but into *-ë- in precon-
sonantal position, cf. §44, Remark above. He uses his hypothesis
to account for certain ‘long-diphthong’ bases of the shape
*-ë(/)-. Diver finds support for his views in two m orphologic
categories: (1) On the strength of the vowel lengthening found
in form ations like Skt. âsvâyati (: âsva-), satrüyati (: satru-), Lat.
albës (: albeo), metütum (: metuo), Gk. philésô, ephilësa (:philéo)
etc., he reconstructs the oldest IE. form of the denom inative
suffix *-ye/o- as *-Hye/o-. However, the assum ption that the
non-presential forms (such as Gk. ephilësa) contain the suffix
of the present stem is not convincing (see Cowgill, E vfL, 178 f.),
and the vowel lengthening seen in the Sanskrit forms in question
admits o f other explanations (see Kurylowicz, Apophonie,
p. 126). (2) Diver (ibid., 120f.) thinks that presents like Skt.
gâyati ‘sings’ (: s-aorist inj. gäsi), etc., which have etymological
connections in *-ë- in the other IE. dialects, ultimately derive
from thematic forms of the shape *géHy-e-ti. This assumption,
however, would imply that the type in *-<?(/)- must be separated
from those in *-ä(i)~ and *-ö(z')- which display exactly the same
alternations (e.g. Skt. pâti : pâyâyatï). Moreover, Diver seems to
59. Cf. §40, Remark above, for Celtic *ast- ‘bone’. See Triple representation,
p. 68, for a critical discussion of other Celtic words, e.g. OCorn. abrans
‘supercilium’ (Breton abrant) vs. OIr. brâe, broi ‘eyebrows’; Mid.Ir. anim
‘blemish’, and Mid. Ir. àirne ‘sloe; kernel’.
§67 Examples: Gk. â{w)ësi ‘blows’ < *H2wéHi-, cf. Gk. âella
‘storm y w ind’ vs. H itt. hu-(u-)wa-an-t- ‘w ind’ (to be read huwant-
or hwant-, see Melchert, StH H P h, p. 28, note 59).60 The initial
‘laryngeal’ has been lost in Skt. vâti ‘blows’, OCS. vèjati, G oth.
waian, Lat. uentus, etc.; note also the lack of lengthening of the
a- o f Vedic avàtâ- ‘windless’, and cf. Mayrhofer, Festschrift
Neumann, p. 188.
Kurylowicz, ÉI, pp. 35 and 74, thinks that Vedic vita- ‘w ind’,
which, like Avest. väta-, must sometimes be read metrically
as vaata-, reflects earlier *waäta- (with hiatus) < *wento-
< *H2weH[nto-: the hiatus *-en- has been removed, however,
in the preform of Lat. uentus, G oth, winds, etc., i.e. *wento- >
Gk. a(w)éskei, aorist âesa ‘spend the night’ < *H2wes- vs.
Hitt, hu-i-is-zi ‘lives’, hu-u-e-su, hu-i-su ‘alive’ (probably to be
read hwesu). The initial ‘laryngeal’ has been lost in Skt. vâsati,
G oth, wisan, Arm. gom. (Cf. also §82, Remark below, for Arm.
gom ‘I am ’). A nother possible example is Gk. Horn, -âednos in
an-âednos ‘w ithout bridal gifts’ < *awed- vs. Hitt, huett(iya-)
‘pull’ if this represents *H2wedH2- (with *d + *H2 > tt, see be
low §77, with references).
W hether the initial vowel of Gk. aster and Arm. astl ‘star’
admits of the same explanation seems somewhat doubtful: Wat
kins, Sprache 20, p. 13, thinks that ‘star’ was of the type seen
in Vedic pânthàh, pathâh, Avest. pantà, pa&ö (cf. §73), and
reconstructs the nominative sg. as *H2ostër > Hitt, ha-as-te-er-
za (in which he sees a secondary sigmatic nominative, cf. haras
‘eagle’, nom. sg. of the «-stem haran-, cf. OHG. aro, etc.).62
However, since ast- in aster is to st- in G oth, stairno, Vedic
60. It is doubtful whether Hitt, huwai- ‘run’ belongs here. Laroche, Revue de
Philologie XLII, fasc. 2 (1968), 245 f., connects Hitt, hway- / hwi- ‘courir’
with Gk. hiemai, Skt. véti (see also Couvreur, Heth H, p. 119; Catsanicos,
BSL LXXXI, p. 162, and note 238.). The Luw. form is hu-u-i-ya- ‘courir,
fuir’ (Laroche, D L L , p. 46). For these forms, see now also Melchert,
StH H Ph, p. 16, note 31.
61. Melchert, StH H Ph, p. 33, note 70, observes that Hitt. hu(u)want-, read as
hwant-, might be from *H2w éH xnt-. (Otherwise Porzig, Gliederung des idg
Sprachgebiets, 197 f., who sees a contamination of *wents (Hitt, hwants)
and *wetos (Skt. väta- ‘wind’) in *wentos (Lat. uentus, etc.).)
62. Otherwise Friedrich, Athenaeum XLVII, p. 118, who posits *hasters (like
Gk. hal-s ‘salt’) with -rs > [-m] (written -r-za), cf. Laroche, RHA 28,
p. 74.
63. For Hamp’s analysis of ‘star’ (PICL 11, 1050f., see Lindeman, Triple
representation, p. 58. For ‘star’, see now also Mayrhofer, IdgGr 1, p. 135,
and note 154 (with further references), Eichner, Sprache 24, p. 161, note
76, regards *H2s-ter as a nomen agentis to a root *H2es- ‘burn, glow’
(which he finds in Hitt, hassa- ‘hearth’, Lat. ära, etc.). The same etymology
is proposed by A.R.Bomhard, JIES 14, 191 f.
64. For the variant form diänekes, see Chantraine, Dictionnaire I, p. 282: ‘La
forme en a long vise, l’étymologie étant perdue de vue, à mettre en accent
le préverbe dia-.’ F. Bader, Minos 12, p. 149, thinks that this compound
‘pourrait être un *dia-onek-, s’il était très archaïque, ce qui est indémontra
65. R .S.P. Beekes, M SS 38, 18 f., holds that enegkeîn must be separated from
Vedic nàmsi, etc. for semantic and formal reasons. He posits an initial *HX-
in the preform of the Gk. verb. Cf. also G. Schmidt. Orhix 26, p. 113.
66. Catsanicos, BSL LXXXI, p. 172, note 287, thinks that *#H isV - gave Gk.
* #sU -, and that the e-vocalism of the singular has been substituted for
zero in Myc. 3 pi. ehensi (cf. ibid., p. 172, note 290, with further references).
67. Otherwise Benveniste, B SL 32, 74 ff. Winter, K Z 72, p. 167, tries to show
that *H\ed- may have denoted originally ‘ein kauendes “essen”’ and that
‘teeth’ should probably be understood as ‘Kauende, Kauwerkzeuge’.
68. The development would have been as follows. IE. pres, indie, (schematical
ly) sg. *H iéd-ti:p\. *H ld-énti, part. *Hid-e/ont- ‘eating; tooth’ > Early
Greek sg. *éd-ti : pl. *ad-énti, part. *ad-éjônt- ‘eating; tooth’; the prothetic
vowel adopting the timbre of the full grade form *ed-, *ad-énti, part. *ad-
é/ônt- ‘eating; tooth’ now become *ed-énti, part. *ed-é/ônt- ‘eating; tooth’,
cf. Aeol. édontes.
69. The a- of asanzi cannot be ‘nur Schreibung für den Mangel jeglichen
Vokals’ (Kurylowicz, IdgGr 2, p. 256), since *sanzi could have been written
70. Cowgill, E vfL , p. 151, note 15, referring to Winter, Studien zum 'prothetisch-
en ’ Vokal im Griechischen, p. 5.
71. See Chantraine, Dictionnaire II, p. 310. To explain a form like négretos
‘unwaking’ by positing *n-Lhgretos (where *nEh- is supposed to have given
Gk. *nê-, see R. S. P. Beekes, Development, 107 f.) is not convincing, cf. the
discussion by Lindeman, Triple representation, p. 59. See also Kurylowicz,
Studia Indoeuropejskie, p. 114, note 8, who likewise rejects the possibility
of positing *nHi-, *nH2-, *nTL- > Gk. né-, nä-, nö- : ‘On attendrait des
formes semblables (nä-) en italique et en celtique.’ W.F.Wyatt Jr., The
Greek Prothetic Vowel (1972), wholly rejects the possibility of taking prothe
tic vowels to be reflexes of I.E. ‘laryngeals’ (cf. also Wyatt Jr., Indo-
European /a/ (1970)). For Wyatt’s often arbitrary ‘rules’, cf. the discussion
by Polomé, First International Conference on Armenian Linguistics, Proceed
ings, (1980), 22 ff. Cf. also Mayrhofer, Sprache 17 (1971), p. 77.
72. The underlying root is the one seen in Gk. ôno-tai ‘blames’ according to
Eichner, Fachtagung VI, p. 144, note 64 (?).
73. For the inflection of Arm. anun, gen. sg. anuan, see Lindeman, AAL 1,
57 f., who tries to show that the oblique singular stem of this word, i.e. the
pre-Armenian *anowan attested by gen. dat. loc. anuan, may ultimately go
back to *nomnti ( = Gk. onômati) with a phonetic loss of final *-ti, cf. k'san
‘20’, < *wlk'mti.
74. Referring to Arm. vat‘sun ‘60, for expected *vet'sun (cf. vec‘ ‘6’), Lindeman,
Triple representation, p. 64, tentatively suggests that the oldest form of
‘name’ may have been *enun in Armenian. The change of *enun to anun
would have preceded the change of an *e to i before a following nasal in
for Lith. aki, OCS. oci, Gk. ôsse, Arm. a c‘k \ and Toch. B
es(a)ne, etc. According to M artinet’s analysis (Économie,
p. 229), the initial a- of Arm. akn ‘eye’, pi. ac‘k ‘ may come
from IE. *xekw- < *xwekw- by dissimilation of labiality, cf. §40,
Remark above; for * //3 = *xw, see §95 below. Consequently, all
the above mentioned forms for ‘eye’ go back to the same pre
form *HiékwiH with full grade root vocalism. For the ending of
Gk. ôsse see §48.
§70 In Eos XXX (1927), 206 ff., Kurylowicz tried to show that
the origin of the so-called ‘A ttic’ reduplication could be ex
*êda (cf. G oth. pl. ëtun,16 Lat. ëdi), m any forms of which would
have been hom onym ous with forms both of edmi and o f eimi,
by éd-ëda by prefixing ed- on the model of (*estës (ed-tä-s)->•)
ed-estes ‘eater’. Disyllabic stems such as ela-, eleuth- then fol
lowed suit and formed élëla, elëlouth-, ‘irrespective of whether
the initial vowel was inherited or prothetic.’ (p. 310).
76. For the Gmc. preterite *ët-, *ët-un (Goth, -ët, ëtun, OHG. äz, äzun, etc.),
cf. the discussion by Lindeman, N T S 22, p. 76.
77. F. de Saussure, M SL . 8, p. 425; Kurylowicz, L’accentuation des langues
indo-européennes, 162 ff. Chr. Stang, Vergl Gramm, 128 ff. and Slavonic
Accentuation, 5 ff.
78. i.e. Lith. ' on long, ’ on short syllables, Latv. ~ and ", respectively, S.-
Cr. ".
79. i.e. Lith. ~ Latv. ', S.-Cr. ".
80. The following correspondences may illustrate the intonations in the Slavic
languages. Circumflex: Russ, gbrod, S.-Cr. grâd, Slov. grâd (Lith. gardas).
Acute: Russ, vorôna, S.-Cr. vràna, Slov. vrâna (Lith. vnmn ‘crow’).
from *porthu- with Skt. prthuka- ‘Kind, das Junge eines Tieres’,
has been adequately disposed of by Klingenschmitt, Das Altar-
menische Verbum, pp. 168 and 102 f. (with further references).
Ibid., p. 169, Klingenschm itt takes the x of Arm. c ‘ax ‘branch’
(: Skt. säkhä- ‘branch’, OCS. soxa ‘H akenpflug’) to represent a
pre-Arm enian tenuis aspirata kh from an IE. cluster *kH 2,
which, however, remains un verifiable. It seems likewise doubtful
whether Slavic x reflects IE. *kh, see W.Thümmel, M S S 21,
71 f., cf. A rum aa, Urslav Gramm II, p. 104. In the case of Greek,
the only example of any plausibility is the 2 sg. perfect ending
-stha (e.g. in oistha ‘thou know est’), which may ultimately,
however, go back to *-sta with analogical aspiration, see
Cowgill, EvfL. 171 ff. (*st-endings are attested by e.g. H itt, pa-
is-ta ‘thou gavest’, Lat. odisti, G oth. saisost,ss etc.).
If * th , etc. are excluded from the original IE. plosive system,
we are faced with the difficulty pointed out by R.Jakobson,
P IC L 8, p. 23, that a triadic series * t : * d : *dh is typologically
exceptional: ‘no language adds to the pair /1/—/d/ a voiced
aspirate /dh/ w ithout having its voiceless counterpart /th/.’ The
so-called G am krelidze-Hopper theory89 avoids this typological
problem by assuming that the IE. plain voiced plosives (* d , etc.)
were glottalized ( * t \ etc.): in this hypothesis, the triadic series
* t : * d : *dh is replaced by * t(h ) : * t ’ : * d (h ); according to Gamkre-
lidze, the aspiration of * t(h ) and *d(h ) is optional.
For the reasons given above, it seems to me that one should
pay serious attention to the Gamkrelidze-Hopper reconstruc
tion. For the time being, I choose to adopt the view of
W. Cowgill, Kratylos 29, p. 6, who thinks that a pre-Indo-Euro-
pean system *t(h) : * t’: *d(h)
For Skt. duhita, Avest. dugôar : Gk. thugâtër, etc. see the dis
cussion by Winter, EvfL, 108 ff., cf. now M ayrhofer, IdgGr 1,
137 f.
The equation Skt. hânu- f. = Gk. génus offers particular diffi
culties, for which see Winter, E vfL, 108 f., Polomé, Reflexes of
Laryngeals in Indo-Iranian, p. 235, M ayrhofer, IdgGr 1, p. 139.
For a discussion of a possible connection between Skt. hâsta-
(m.) ‘h and’ and Gk. agostôs, cf. Cowgill, EvfL, p. 152, Polomé,
op. cit., 234 f. (For a refutation of the views of A .E rhart, Zum
IE. Wechsel Media : Media Aspirata, Sbornik Praci Filosofické
Fakulty Brnënske University, A 4, 1955, pp. 5-17, see Polomé,
ibid., p. 247, note 21).
Kuiper, A ct Or 20, 23 ff., cf. I IJ 18, p. 250, regards the dh of
Vedic sâdhis-, sadhâstha- ‘place’ as a reflex of an earlier cluster
*d + H i : we would have here an enlargement in *H Xof the root
*sed- ‘sit’, i.e. *sed-H\-es- > Skt. sadhàs- (vs. *sed-eH\-s- in Lat.
sëdës). A nother plausible example is Skt. vadlm- ‘bride’ vs. Lith.
vèsti ‘lead; m arry’, OE. weotuma ‘bride-price’, Gk. éedna ‘bridal
gifts’, cf. Winter, EvfL, p. 113. Melchert, StH H P h, p. 88, note
16, compares the Hitt, verb huettiya- ‘pull’ whose preform he
reconstructs as *H2wedH2- (with *d + H 2 > H itt, tt in the same
way as *g’ + H 2 > kk in mekki-). If this be accepted, the pro
thetic a- of Horn, -âednos (in an-âednos ‘w ithout bridal
gifts’) < *awed- shows the expected ‘vocalization’ of an initial
‘laryngeal’ to a in Greek (cf. § 67 above); the e- of éedna may
be due to a later assimilation of the prothetic vowel to the e of
the tollowing syllable (cf. § 67 above, for *anegk- > enegkein,
and see Melchert, ibid., p. 88). M ayrhofer, Sprache 10, p. 191,
‘id.’ ( < *H3est-, §27), may have arisen from the contact of
the final *-H2 of the nom. sg. of a them atic adjective immedi
ately preceding the substantive *H3est-, i.e. schematically
*...eH2H 3est- > *...ä kost-, see M artinet, B S L 51, p. 56, P IC L
8, p. 51, Ivanov, V M U No. 2 (1957), p. 29. Lindeman, S L
(1963), 91 ff., basing himself on M artinet’s suggestion of an
alternation *kost-/*H3ost- (attested by Lat. costa/os), takes the
Germanic verb *hauzjan- ‘hear’ to go back to IE. *kows-(yé/ô-)
alternating with the *H3ews- seen in Gk. oûs ‘ear’, etc. The late
Borgstrom suggested a similar origin for Gk. akoüö
‘hear’ : pointing to the possibility of a ‘fausse coupe’ (as in the
nom. pi. of the indefinite pronoun Gk. àtta (hopoîa ssa > hopoi
âssa, see Chantraine, Morphologie historique du grec, p. 130),
he proposed a reconstruction of the type *kwyâH 2 H 3owsyesi
‘what hearest thou?’ > *kwyâ kousyesi (cf. G oth. hciusjan) or >
*kwy ’ âkousyesi (cf. Gk. akoüo). The accent of the Gmc. stem
*hauz-jan- ( < *kows-yé/ô~), however, offers some difficulty for
this hypothesis. Admittedly, the lack of any clear evidence for
such a development (of *-HH- into -k-) in internal position
makes the proposed explanations of Lat. costa, G oth, hausjan,
etc. seem quite disputable, cf. Polomé, EvfL, p. 40 (with further
§81 For a case like OCS. rëka ‘river’ vs. Lat. rïuos, rïuus ‘a
b ro o k ’ M artinet, Word 12, 1 ff., assumes a particular k/w-alter
nation: we would have here the ‘laryngeal’ *AW(i.e. *H3, cf. p.
17) ‘hardened’ to k before v, but having ‘exuded’ a glide w in
prevocalic position. Thus, Lat. rïuus reflects *riAw-os, whereas
OCS. rëka is said to go back to *roik- < earlier *roiAw- with
‘hardening’ of the stem final *-Aw- to k before the s of an orig.
nom. sg. form *roiAw-s. The *-w- of rïuus is supposed to find a
parallel in the v of Skt. pres, rinvati < *ri-n-Aw-e-ti, a secondary
them atization of *ri-n-éAw-ti > Skt. rinati ‘flows’.
A nother example is Lat. uluos ‘alive’ < *gwiA w-os vs. OE.
cwic, cwicu, taken to reflect *gwiks < older *gwiAw-s. Polomé,
EvfL, p. 40, raises the following objection against M artinet’s
explanation of OE. cwic, etc.: ‘As for the Germanic evidence
for /k/ from PIE /A ws/, if this change actually occurred in pre-
dialectal IE, as the adduced Latin, Greek, Sanskrit and Balto-
Slavic evidence undoubtedly implies it, one wonders why this
pre-Gmc. /k/ did not undergo the Germanic consonant shift.’
Cf. also Polomé, Mélanges F.Mossé, 392 ff.
In §43, Remark, we have characterized the assumption of a
change of *H3 to *w in intervocalic position as disputable.
Consequently, we regard the proposed alternation k/w
( < * - H 3s / *-H3V-) as unconvincing.
§ 82 Some scholars take Germ anic -g- and -kk- in certain forms
to reflect IE. clusters of the type *-Hw-, *-Hy-. Thus, Lehmann,
PIEPh, 47 ff., thinks that IE. *-Hw- could give Gmc. -g- or
-k(k)-. Austin, Lang 22, 109 ff., according to whom the accent
may have been decisive, posits IE. *-Hy- and *-Hw- > Gmc.
-k-. Despite Winter, EvfL, p. 198, examples like OE. naca ‘bo at’,
OS. naco (vs. Lat. näuis, etc.) seem disputable for the reason
that the expected outcome in Germanic of IE. *néH2w-, i.e.
*nöw-, survives in Olcel. Nôa(-tün), cf. OWN. nôr orig. ‘bo at’.
90. For Lindeman’s speculation on the possible ‘laryngeal’ origin of the g of
Lat. sang{uen) ‘blood’ (: Hitt, eshar, gen. sg. ishanas), see BSL LXXXI
(1986), p. 373, note 19.
R em ark: In M élanges G régoire II, 539 ff. (IV, 669 ff.) Polomé suggested
that IE. *H \w- and *H 3w- had given Arm. g-, cf. gom ‘I am’ (§67
above), whereas IE. *H 2w- had given Arm. Id-. As Crossland, Arch
Ling 10, p. 86, points out, there is no good evidence for such a
development since initial IE. *w-, unaccompanied by any ‘laryngeal’,
likewise yields g- in Armenian. Winter, EvfL , 104 f., explains the k of
Arm. mukn ‘mouse’ (: Gk. mûs) and jukn ‘fish’ (: Gk. ikhthûs ) as
being of ‘laryngeal’ origin; see further Greppin, R E A rm N S 8, pp. 1-4;
Bolognesi, Bolle tino d ell’A tlan te Linguistico M editerraneo (1976-1977),
200f.; Tumanjan, VJA (1968) 5, p. 61. A non-Taryngeal’ origin o f the
suffix -kn o f these words was suggested by Lindeman, First Interna
tional Conference on Arm enian Linguistics, Proceedings, 1980, p. 62.
He thinks that the starting point o f this suffix is to be sought in the
IE. word for ‘fish’ which seems to have had a variant form * g ’huk-,
seen in Lith. zù km istras ‘Fischmeister’, zùkparnis ‘Fischhaar’, OPruss.
(acc. pl.) suckans ‘fish’ (Fraenkel, L itetym W örterb, p. 1323, Specht,
K Z 59, pp. 212 and 228 ff.). A preform o f this shape would explain
the Armenian ju kn (which secondarily has adopted the «-inflection):
IE. * g ’huk- > pre-Arm. * j hukh-, whence, by dissimilation o f *
to *3 h...k-, *yhuk- > Old Armenian ju kn , gen. sg. ju kan («-inflection).
Cf. Lindeman, Triple representation, p. 39, for a discussion of the Arm.
pl. a k a n jk ' (:sg. unkn).
93. Cf. Martinet, Phonetica 1, p. 28, who refers to the French ‘e muet’ in
clusters like /rsbl/ where /s/ is realized as sa (cf. ours(e) blanc). Cf. also the
interesting discussion of these questions by Crossland, ArchLing 10, 94 ff.,
Collinge, ArchLing 5, 75 ff., and 8, 121 ff., Polomé, EvfL, p. 29, note 126
(with further references), Mayrhofer, IdgGr 1, p. 138.
94. ÉC XXII, p. 131, and note 42. The fact that ‘daughter’ is attested as duytir
in a dialect (Gaulish) of Continental Celtic does not necessarily imply that
‘daughter’ may not have been *dugater- (with -a- from the vocalized inter
nal ‘laryngeal’) in Insular Celtic. It is sufficient to refer to the difference
between Skt. duhitàr- and Avestan dugôar- in order to demonstrate that
the reconstruction of a Proto-Celtic *duxtlr is not inevitable. A preform
*dugater- may well underlie the element Ter-, Der-, Dar-, Derb- in women’s
names in Early Irish as suggested by A. O’Brien, Celtica III, 178 f. Cf.
Lindeman, Triple representation, 36 f., note 26.
98. The assumption made by kurylowicz, ÉI 29, 41 ff., cf. Polomé, RBPhH
30, p. 446, Sturtevant, IHL, §73, of a regular loss of *H between non-
syllabic sounds in the parent language, finds no support in the existing
material, see Kuiper, Sprache 7, 21 ff.
99. In the field of IE. studies, Burrow’s idea (TPS (1949), 27 ff.) that the i in
Indo-Ir. forms like Skt. hi-tâ- represents IE. *i (e.g. *dhH\-i-to- > Skt. hi-
tâ-) has found little following. Tischler, Bono homini donum, p. 322, teaches
that in *CHC- either a or i might be inserted as anaptyctic vowel in
Old Indie, e.g. *mH-tô- > *mHi-tô- > mi-tà- (ptc. of mä- ‘measure’) versus
*trH-to- > *traH-tö- > trä-tä- (ptc. of trä- in pres, träyase ‘rescue’). How
ever. Vedic forms of the type tïrnà- (< *tfH-nô-) show the regular develop
ment of *CRH-C- in Old Indie (cf. §49 above); trâ-tà- contains the same
kind of secondary full grade vowel as prà-tâ-, see §49, Remark. It should
be stressed that mi-tà- is analogic after hi-tâ- (: dhä-) and similar forms: the
original */mH-tô-/ = phonetically *[mH-tô-} could not have given mi-tâ-
by regular phonetic development.
§87 There are some problem atic forms, e.g. Gk. ânemos (Myc.
a-ne-mo) ‘wind’, from the verbal stem *H2enH~, attested by
Skt. âni-ti ‘breathes’; there is no ‘thème II’ *anë- in Greek
( < *H2néH\-) on which an original *ana-ti ( = Skt. âni-ti) could
have been remodelled into *ane-ti, cf. thetôs : ti-thë-mi, etc.
Hence, scholars who regard the Greek triple representation of
Schwa as a phonetic archaism posit IE. *H2énFh-mo- > Gk.
âne-mos with -e- from a ‘vocalized’ *-Fh- (see M ayrhofer, Idg
Gr 1, p. 127).
100. Mayrhofer, IdgGr 1, p. 127, observes: ‘Die Entwicklung */hi/ > gr. e muss
im übrigen kumulativ mit weiteren Wirkungen gesehen werden ...’ This,
however, is of little help: as long as the number of non-ambiguous exam
ples of */hi/ > Gk. e is zero, a further cumulation of ambiguous examples
has no demonstrative power: 0 . x = 0 (for all x’s).
Rem ark: Hittite la-hu-wa-a-ri, 3 sg. middle pres, o f the verb lah(h)uwa-
‘pour’, may go back to *laH 2w-ô(-ri ); the apparent full grade o f the
root seems to have been modelled on the accented sing, active pres.
la-a-hu-i (which Jasanoff, H eth ldg, p. 88, derives from *léH 2-w-e(f)).
A morphologic parallel to the retention o f the full grade vowel in
*laH 2 W-o(-ri) can be found in OIr. passive forms o f the type do-
form agar (*to-for-m ag- ‘increase’), do-adbadar (*to-ad-fëd- ‘show’), etc.
in which the stem vowel has been retained on the model of the 3 sg.
pres, active: do-form aig, do-adbat, etc. (cf. Thurneysen, G ram m ar o f
O ld Irish, p. 369).
A ‘laryngeal’ metathesis in *laH 2 W- = phonemically */leH 2w-/ could
explain a variant form */lewH2-/ of the verbal stem in question. In the
same way as Hitt, la-hu-wa-a-ri, i.e. *laH w-o(-ri), has beside it a (later)
variant la-hu-wa-ta-ri, i.e. *laH w o-to(-ri), in which the ending *-to
has been added to the old form in order to better characterize it
morphologically (cf. Watkins, IdgG r III/l, p. 84, for this replacement
of *-o by *-to), the variant 3 sg. middle *lew H 2o (with ‘laryngeal’
metathesis) may have undergone exactly the same morphological re
fashioning to *lewH 2o-to, whence, after the loss o f the prevocalic
‘laryngeal’, *lewo-to. ( *H 2 does not affect an adjacent *o according
to §40). The stem of * lewo-to, interpreted as the regular athematic
preconsonantal reflex o f this verb, must have (gradually) replaced
*lewa- ( < *lew3~) in Greek (cf. Myc. lewo-, later lo(w)e-, cf. § 54 above).
See Triple representation, 50 f. (where I incorrectly posited the IE.
verbal stem as *leHjw~. For the reconstruction *leH 2w-, cf. Winter,
EvfL, p. 108, Jasanoff, H eth ldg, p. 88).
A full grade *stera- ( = Skt. â-starls : stçnâti ‘strews’) became early
Gk. *stero- in accordance with the following analogical proportion:
C R ä- : CeRa- = C R 5- (cf. strö-tös, for the ro o f which, see §49,
R em ark) : x; x = stero-, seen in the aorist *sterôsai > storésai (cf. Rui-
pérez, Em erita XVIII, 386 ff., É tudes M ycéniennes, p. 107, note 3,
Cowgill, E vfL , 158 ff.). For Gk. om ôssai (: ômnümi ‘swears’), see Linde
man, IF 9 \, p. 80, note 11, who suggests that the Greek aorist in
question ultimately goes back to an inherited reduplicated aorist corre
sponding to Skt. âm am at (: âm ïti ‘anpacken’ = ‘schwören’ according
to Hoffmann, K Z 83, 197 ff.). The origin o f the Gk. stem *omo- may
be found in the 1 pi. aorist which suffered a haplological dissimilation
in Greek, i.e. *omomomen > omo-men. See IF 91, p. 80, note 11, for
101. Cf. Crossland, A rch L in g 10, p. 98. In this connection one should note the
(rare) alternations between k and h in cases like h am eskan t- for ham eshant-
‘springtime’, and ishisa- for iskisa- ‘Rücken’, h alternates with r in
wahnu- = warnu- ‘burn’, cf. Puhvel, E vfL , p. 84. H E D , p. 393, cf. above,
§21, note 8. See also Kronasser, E H S , 98 ff. For Pal. ahu- ‘drink’ vs. Hitt.
eku-, and Luwian sahuidara- vs. Hitt, sakuw assara- ‘regular’, see Puhvel,
E vfL , p. 84, cf. Laroche, D L L , p. 84. For Palaic h, cf. Kammenhuber,
B S L 54, p. 29, Carruba, S tB o T 10, 40 f.
§91 In several places above (§§28, 29, 41, 43, 45) we have
tentatively assumed that the parent IE. language possessed dis
tinctively voiced ‘laryngeal’ consonants. Theoretical consider
ations make this extremely plausible, cf. the discussion by M ar
tinet, P IC L 8, 41 ff. However, the various IE. dialects offer little
or no concrete m aterial that might provide a confirm ation for
such a hypothesis (cf. §76, Rem ark above, for the supposed
voicing of *p to b by *H3 in the reduplicated present Skt.
pibati, OIr. ibid, etc.). As the A natolian m aterial is of crucial
im portance here it deserves a closer examination.
102. The notation -h(h)- indicates that the double writing of -hh- is not carried
out consistently, cf. sa-a-k-h i : sa-ag-ga-ah-h i (to sak- ‘know’), tar-ah-hu-
un : tar-hu-un (to tarh- ‘vanquish’), la-a-hu-i : la-ah-hu-u-w a-i ‘pours’, etc.
See Sturtevant, CG , p. 27, Crossland, T P S , (1951), 94 f.
103. See Sturtevant, C G , p. 26, and note 45 (with further references).
104. For the use of single and double orthographies in the case o f I, m , n, r, s, and
z, cf. Sturtevant, CG , p. 27 f. and Crossland, T P S , (1951), p. 94, note 3.
105. Cf. Sturtevant, C G , §53, Benveniste, H I, p. 7, Scheller, IF, 69, 38 f.,
Anm. 6; Kammenhuber, B iO r 21, 201 f., Crossland. A rch L in g 10: p 81,
106. Cf. Crossland, TPS (1951), p. 104: ‘Bonfante’s suggestion that h in such
words as mehur may have been a graphic device for indicating hiatus or
vowel-length cannot be conclusively disproved, but the fact that it has
not been shown that the h-signs were used in this way in any other class
of cuneiform documents is a strong argument against it.’
§93 The vocalism and the single -h- in the root syllable o f a
form like weh-un make it seem extremely plausible that the -h-
here represents a neutral voiced ‘laryngeal’, cf. Sturtevant, CG,
§75. We will denote this ‘laryngeal’ by the symbol *//j. It should
be duly stressed, however, that the assum ption of the existence
of two different //-phonemes in H ittite inevitably remains a m oot
point as long as H ittite words with single -h- (and c-vocalism) o f
the type seen in ü-e-eh-zi, pi. wa-ha-an-zi,107 me-e-hu-ur, etc. lack
convincing etymological connections in the other IE. languages,
cf. the discussion above in §§25, Remark, 45, Remark, 46.
dorsal fricatives
palatal velar labio-velar
(voiceless) x’ x x H'
(voiced) / y yw
with regular zero grade), cf. the following analogical proportion: sés-
zi : sas-ânzi = wéh-zi \x ',x — wah-ânzi. (The variant form sesanzi has taken
over the c-vocalism of the singular, see Melchert, StH H Ph, p. 60). The
origin of the old allomorph sas- of 1 pi. pres, sa-su-e-ni (S tB oT 26,
p. 165), 3 pi. sas-anzi might be explained along the following lines: an
inherited IE. paradigm (3 sg.) *sés-ti : (3 pl.) *ss-énti > *s-énti (with simpli
fication of initial *ss- > *s-) was remodelled in Anatolian on the type
*wélh-ti ‘strikes’ : pl. *walh-énti (< *w[H-ênti) into *sés-ti : pl. *sas-énti
(whence sas-ânzi); for the development of *wélh-ti into later walhh-zi, see
Kurylowicz, PIC L 8, p. 228, Catsanicos, B SL LXXXI, p. 169, and note
274. For Hitt, sasant- c. ‘Konkubine’ (subst. ptc. of ses-), see S tB oT 2.6,
p. 161, note 478 (with references).
108. Cf. Hitt, hant- ‘front’ < *H2ent- (§25 above) whose ‘laryngeal’ is written
double in mena-hhanda ‘toward, facing’ representing a juxta-position of
mena and handa in which Laroche, RHA 28, p. 37, sees the ‘directif of
mena- ‘cheek’ and hant- ‘front’.
109. According to Ivanov, Obsceindoevropejskaja, p. 14, and note 16, the lack
of a corresponding opposition in Luwian can be explained by the later
syncretism of *e and (*o > ) a in Luw. a.
§§96-103 Conclusions
§96 Since the evidence for Sturtevant’s ‘Indo-H ittite’ still re
mains inconclusive (despite Cowgill’s discussion in P IC L 11,
pp. 557-570, and Hethldg, pp, 25-39), there is nothing that
forces us to abandon Pedersen’s hypothesis that sees Hittite
(Anatolian) as an Indo-European dialect on an equal footing
with the sister-languages (cf. Eichner, Fachtagung VI, 71 ff. and
Kammenhuber, K Z 94, 33 ff.). However, certain facts suggest
that A natolian must have separated from the Indo-European
linguistic com munity at a relatively early stage.
Thus, different IE. ‘laryngeals’ clearly survive in the Hittite
phonemes -h-, and -h(h)-. It follows from an example like Hitt.
pahhs- ‘protect’ vs. Lat. pästor, OCS. pasti, etc. (§39) that A n
atolian must have separated from the IE. linguistic community
at a time when the change *-eH-C- > *-ëx-C- had not yet taken
place throughout the whole of the Indo-European speaking
territory. It should also be noted that we ignore whether a
development of the type *-eH-C- > *-ëx-C- occurred in those
cases in which a ‘laryngeal’ was lost in A natolian, e.g. pas-
‘swallow’ (if from *peH3- ‘drink’), gnes-zi (ga-ni-es-zi) < IE.
111. For Eichner’s views on vowel quantity in Anatolian and Hittite, see K Z
99, p. 206, note 10, where he proposes a development of this type: *H2iHn
2saH2- > Proto-Anatolian *H2ïsâ-, whence *H2is- (by a Proto-Anat. short
ening of an unstressed long vowel) > Hitt, hissa-, cf. Skt. ïsâ- ‘pole of a
carriage’ (cf. §31 above). Eichner’s hypothesis can neither be conclusively
proved nor disproved.
113. See also Kurylowicz, Apophonie, p. 393, Problèmes, 182 f., note 7 and
Mayrhofer, IdgGr 1, p. 160.
114. Forms of the type Gk. (w)rag(ênai), Lat. ratus, laxus, Goth, lats, OHG.
slaf, blat, etc. are not phonetically regular developments, but represent
forms re-shaped on the model of *dha- ( < *d h o j : *dhë-, see Kurylowicz,
Apophonie, pp. 175, 209 and 217. Cf. M. Nyman, IF 90, 59 f.
§ 102 Kuiper, Sprache 7, 14 ff. (cf. IIJ 18, 241 ff.), assumes the
m aintenance of a consonantal ‘laryngeal’ in prehistoric Indie.
Thus, a gen. sg. of the type Ved. jânmanas (: nom. acc. sg.
jânima ‘race’) is said to presuppose a specifically Indie loss o f a
consonant *H. Kuiper finds support for his hypothesis in Vedic
forms like âpratïtta- ‘not given back’, pârîtta- ‘given away’, pârï-
tti- ‘delivering’ the long -f- of which he takes to be the result o f
a ‘laryngeal’ metathesis, i.e. *prati-dH-ta- > *prati-Ht-ta-, etc.
(Sprache 7, p. 28). Similarly, he thinks that a consonantal ‘laryn
geal’ has been lost in G atha Avestan ptà,fdârôi (cf. §85 above,
for the Iranian forms). Kuiper does not, however, indicate under
which phonologic conditions an interconsonantal ‘laryngeal’
could occur partly in its ‘vocalized’ form ( > Indie i), and partly
in its consonantal form (e.g. in the supposed preform *prati-
dH-ta- vs. *dd-tô- > Vedic di-tâ-). It is further im portant to note
that forms like cark^tî- ‘praising’ (: kvrti- ‘fam e’), susuti- ‘an easy
birth’ (: inf. sutave ‘to generate’) do not— despite Kuiper, ibid.,
24 ff., and M ayrhofer, IdgGr 1, 150 f.—w arrant the assumption
o f a specifically Indie loss of *H as such forms may represent
old anit roots.
For a different explanation of the alternation between
janman- and janiman- in Vedic, cf. the discussion by Lindeman,
13 f. (Lehm ann PIEPh., 53 ff., tries to show that *77 was pre
served for a long time in the vicinity o f r, I, m and n in Germanic.
The ‘evidence’ that he adduces is, however, mostly uncertain
and unclear. It should be noted that OE. hœrfest ‘autum n’ does
not presuppose Gmc. *harubist- (with u allegedly from 77), but
goes back to Gmc. *har bist-).
It is generally assumed that IE. in originally fin a l syllables
gave Gmc. -u-, see Meillet, ibid., 6 4 f., Bennett, op. cit. 14f.
Thus, the u of O H G . anut ‘duck’ is supposed to represent the
*d o f an IE. nom inative sg. form *anot-s ( < *H2énHt-s), cf. Lat.
anas. This, however, seems extremely doubtful to me for the
following reasons: O H G . anut cannot justify the reconstruction
of a G erm anic stem *anud-m since there is no way of proving
th at its u is m ore original than the i attested by OH G. enit, OE.
œnid, ened, cf. OS. anad. Theoretically, Olcel. g n d can represent
Gmc. *anuô-, *aniô-, probably even *anaô-, cf. çln ‘ell’ ( ~ alin,
cf. G oth, aleina ‘pêkhus’). The archaic form gnp (Noreen, Altisl
Gramm, p. 285) proves that a vowel has been lost after the n.
It would seem, therefore, that IE. *H2énHt- gave Germanic
*anVxô- whose short predesinential vowel (Vx) probably arose
in Germanic by some sort of anaptyxis after the loss o f the
medial ‘laryngeal’.
The supposed anaptyctic vowel development might have the
same explanation as that seen in forms like OH G. halam vs.
Olcel. halmr ‘straw ’ or OH G. birihha vs. OE. beorc ‘birch’, for
which see Meillet, Les dialectes indo-européens, p. 65: ‘Dans
ces exemples, Va de halam, Yi de birihha ne représentent pas
directem ent *d, mais une sorte de résonance provenant de la
prononciation particulière de la diphtongue détérminée par la
chute de *a.’
116. My colleague Bjorvand informs me that the nom. acc. plural form attested
by Olcel. endr is a strong argument against the restitution of a Gmc. i-
stem [*anuôi-, see e.g. Kluge, Etym Wörterb der deutschen Sprache11, p.
167) since a Common Nordic transition of an /-stem to the consonantal
inflection (cf. OSwed. render) would be quite unusual.
Select Bibliography
For the system of abbreviations, see pp. 9-15 above
ehu, 110
Cuneiform Hittite eku-, 107
-a (neuter pl.), 53, 106, 114 es-, 41
a-as-su, 79 esa, 54
-ahha, 45 eshar, 33, 49, 96, 119
-ah-ha, 44 esh a(r)n u -, 48
ai-, 114 es mi, 21
a -(i-)is , 41, 55 esnas, 33, 48, 119
ais, 41, 55, 114 eszi, 55, 80, 106, 114
akkala-, 38 es-zi, 78
anna-, 32 ed-, 41
anda, 32 edm i, 79f, 106
appa, 40
ap-pé-e-ez-zi-, 40 ha-an-na-as, 37
appezzi, 40 h a-an -ta-a-az, 36
arha, 71 ha-an-te-ez-zi, 40
arhai-, 71 ha-an-te-iz-zi-is, 36
arg-, 41 ha-an-ti, 36
ar-ga, 41 ha-an-za, 36
arkanzi, 32 h a (-a )-ra -a s, 38
ar-ga-ru, 41 h a -a s-ta -(a -)i, 38
ar-ki-i-e-es, 41 h a -a s-ta -i-si-[ti]-it, 52
arkiya-, 41 ha-as-te-er-za, 76ff, 80, 106
orras, 41 ha-as-du-e-er, 38
a-sa-an-zi, 78 ha-as-du-ir, 38
asant-, 106 ha-a-ti, 36
asanzi, 80f, 106 ha-in-kân-ta, 37
assu, 78 hameshant-, 107
adanti, 106 ham eskant-, 107
adanzi, 80, 106 hanna-, 32, 34, 49
hant-, 44, 112, 114
e-es-har, 48 handa-, 32, 112
e-es-na-as, 49 hantezzi-, 32
e-hu, 33 happin-ant-, 47
sarhuntalli-, 71 tehhi, 55
sas-, 112 te-hhi, 109
sas ant-, 112 tem i, 114
sas-ânzi, 112 tit( t) a i- , 74
sa-su-e-ni, 112 tit( t) iy a , 74
se hur, 56 ti-(y a -)a n -zi, 55
sés-zi, l l l f tiyan zi, 55
suhmili-, 63 tu h h -(im a-), 60
su ppiyahh-, 53 tuhhui-, 60
su-up-ya-ah, 53
su-wa-is, 49f, 85 w-, 33
sw ais, 49 ü-e-eh-zi, 11 Off, 114
ü-e-hu-un, 110
-ta, 40 uhhi, 45f
da-a, 1 1 1 ug, 93
da-a-as, 54 wgga, 92f
da-a-i, 54 uqqa, 92
ta -(a -)i-e -iz-zi, 53 umeni, 45
da-a-it-te-ni, 55 uuate-, 33
dai, 55, 114 u-uh-hi, 45
d a itti, 55 w-tet, 93
da-it-ti, 55 ü-w a-te-, 33
täk-na-a-as, 1 1 1
täk-ni-i, 1 1 1 wa-al-(ah)-hu-un, 53, 70
dan-na-at-ta, 53 w a-al-ah-zi, 53
dannatta, 106 wa-al-ha-an-zi, 53, 70
tar-, 54, 106 wah-, 112
tar-ah-, 46, 62 wa-ha-an-zi, 1 1 1
tar-ah-hu-un, 106 wah-änzi, l l l f
df tarant-, 106 wahnu-, 33, 107
d/taran zi, 32, 106 walh-, 71
tarh-, 46, 62, 71, 108 walhanzi, 71
tarhanzi, 32 walhhun, 71
tar hu-, 46 walhh-zi, 53, 112, 116
tar-hu, 62 walhhzi, 99, 106
ta rh u (i)-, 62, 71 walh-zi, 71
tarhun, 71 warnu-, 33, 107
tar-hu-un, 108 waw arkim a-, 33
ta yezi, 53 Hte/i-, 11 Off
te-, 54, 106 weh-un, 1 1 1
te-eh-hi, 109 wehzi, 41, 110, 116
te -(e -)k ä n , 92, 108, 111 wéh-zi, 112
te -(e -)m i, 54
zinnanzi, 71 Palaic
zinninzi, 71
-a, (neuter pl.), 106
ahu-, 107
Cuneiform Luwian
-a (neuter pl.), 106 Lycian
a-a-as-sa- (a ssa -), 41
kbatra, 100
a-as-har-nu-um -m a-in-z[i] ( asha
-ga, 33
(r)n u -), 48
tideim i, 74
annarummi-, 77
-Xa, 33, 48
-ha, 33
Xava-, 33, 38
h a -(a -) as-sa-, 38
Xnna-, 33, 37
ha-an-da-wa-te-en, 36
Xntawat-, 36
hassa-, 33
*zi£a-, 33
hawaji-, 33
hirun-, hirud-, 57
huha-, 33
*hulani-, 62
hu-u-i-ya-, 76
m ai-, 92 aësa-, 43
m ayassis, 92 äugäar, 93, 99, 106
pa-a-hu-u-ur, 65 faôrôi, 100, 10 1 , 118
pahur, 33 histaiti, 94
piha-, 57 kamnâ-nar-, 77
sahuidara-, 107 pan tâ, 76, 88
si(h )w a i-, 57 p a n t à-, 88
ta-pâr-ha, 48 /»ado (pa9~), 76, 88
tita i(m )m i-, 74 p ita , 100, 101
tiyam m i-, 92 p tä , 100, 118
du-ü-ür, 56 -yäti-, 63
rä/a-, 63
rät/-, 63
väta-, 76
Hieroglyphic Luwian
a d (a )m a n -, 82
hawa/i-, 38
lam nisati, 82 Old Indic
tw atra, 100, 106, 116 äksi, 49
tü-waji- tarali-, 99 äjati, 35, 44
äjnäta-, 63
ädita, 101
cakâra, 48 daïstha-, 46
câritum , 26 da-t-thà, 100
carkrtî-, 118 da-di-m à, 100
cïrnâ-, 26 da-d-m âs, 100
dâdhàti, 54
jajâna, 48 da-dhâ-tha, 55
jan -a-ta, 100 da-dhi-m â, 100
jan-anta, 100 dadhür, 74
ja n â ya ti, 48 da-dh-m âs, 100
jâ n i(-tv a -), 119 dânt-, 79
jânim a, 100, 118 dam itàr-, 26
janim an-, 118 dà-, 86, lOOf
jâni-m an-, 119 dàntâ-, 26
jâ n -iya -, 104 dâru, 82
jâ n iya -, 119 di-tâ-, 118
jâ n (- tv a - ), 119 dïrghà-, 48
janm an-, 118 duhitâr-, 22, 44, 61, 99, 106
jân-m an-, 119 duhitâ, 91, 93
jânm anas, 100, 118 duhitr-, 105
jâ n -ya -, 104, 119 deyâm , 68
jâ g â ra , 80 deva, 86
jâ tâ -, 117 devâ, 51
jig rtâ m , 80 devâ, 97
jitâ -, 25 devi, 64
jïrn â-, 117 devi, 64
jém an-, 25 d e v (i)y â h , 51
jn à ti-, 63 devï, 64
jn eyâ s, 68 devi, 51
de s tha-, 46
tanü-pàam, 48 drànà-, 63
târati, 46 drôh, 82
tarute, 46 dvïpa-, 116
tâyü-, 53 dvïpâ-, 63
tirâti, 46 dhà-, 25, 60, 68, 98, lOOff
tir-â-ti, 47 dha-t-thâ, 100
tisthati, 94 dhâyati, 1A
tïrnâ-, 46f, 102 dhâyas-, 71
türvati, 46, 61 dhïtâ-, 71
trä-, 102 dhï-tâ-, 60
trä-tä-, 102 dhuksïmâhi, 60
träyase, 102 dhümâ-, 60
-tha, 40 dheyâm , 68
dhm à-tâ-, 63
nâus, 45 pràtàr, 53
nâbhas, 83 p riy â , 53, 106
nâmsi, 77f p y â -tâ -, 63
nâvâs, 45 phalgü, 89
nâsati, 77
nâm a, 81 bhaas-, 46
nïpâ-, 63 bhânati, 50
bhârati, 35
paân tam , 45 bhârant-i, 105
p aân tas, 45 bhàram ah-i, 105
paân ti, 45 bhâvati, 21, 74
paantu, 45 bhavitum , 60, 87
paàntu, 46 A/zas-, 54
pâtn ï, 60 bhâ-, 57
pathàh, 76f, 88 bhäväyati, 74
pânthâh, 76f, 88 A/zäs-, 45
p â rïtta -, 67, 118 bhinâdmi, 26
p â rïtti-, 67, 118 bhindânti, 26
pârï-m an-, 22 bhü-, 87
p â va te, 26 bhü-tâ-, 21, 60, 74
pavitu m , 26
pa vi-tra , 26 m athnâti, 88
p â ti, 46, 7 Iff m ahâs, 91
p â d â ya ti, 48 m ahâ-, 91
/zätttZ, 45 ma/zz, 92
päntu, 45 m âhi-, 104
p ä yä ya ti, 7 Iff ma/zz", 92
pitr-, 105 m âhyam , 93
pïb a ti, 73f, 94, 108 mû-, 102
/zz~tâ-, 71 m ata, 86
p ï-tâ -, 72ff matz, 55, 88
punânti, 26 mâ-tz, 110
punâti, 26
puräs, 64 yâ -, 84
p ü tâ-, 26 yaân ti, 45
/mrna-, 21, 30f, 36, 60f, 107 ya«, 63
purva-, 64 yâ -tâ -, 63
prthivi, 64 yâtar-, 31
prthuka-, 90 y â ti, 52
pm â ti, 61f, 107 yân ti, 45
p eyà s, 74 yunâkti, 26
pra tïc-, 63 yunjànti, 26
p râ-tâ-, 62, 102 yu yôja, 26
ëras, 38 dievs, 86
ezè, 58 dze ft, 87
ëzeras, 58 dzîga, 97
gaidys, 74 gaîlis, 74
gardas, 86 m âte, 86
gérti, 87 pilns, 87
giedôti, 74 plans, 88
imù, 47 saule, 87
jén tè, 31 sefde, 87
jô ti, 52 .S'/räv, 87
m ôtè, 86 sniegs, 86
nèsti, 78 ùotrs, 86
p a r sas, 86 vemt, 88
pllnas, 21, 36, 61, 87, 107 vilks, 87
plônas, 88 virs, 86
sâulè, 87
sniëgas, 86
stataü, 101
stôs, 86 Old Prussian
suny, 86
ane, 49
serdë, 87
suckans, 95, 98
sérdç, 87
sérdÿ 87
serdis, 87
sir d'y 87
sir dis, 87 Old Church Slavonie
tarzù, 54 ja zü , 58
i/ojtz, 39, 57 bajç, 69
vàrna, 86 dëti, 54
vém ti, 88 dym ü, 60
vèstz, 93 -ica, 95
vezù, 44 igla, 37
vilkas, 87 imç, 81
vzVrza, 62 kostï, 94
vyras, 86 nesti, 78
vytz, 69 novakü, 95
zùkm istras, 95, 98 oez, 60, 83
zùkparnis, 98 poutz, 50, 114
p ra (d ë d ü ), 53
rëka, 96
.soxa, 90
ta/p, 53
a f k l(i) s , 88 um yti, 33
veja, I Albanian
vëjaü, 76 em ër (em ën Geg.), 81
zvonü, 50 24
zena, zeno, 64
Russian Greek
ja z , 58 agathôs, 67
gorod, 86 agôs, 51f, 102
po rö m , 88 agostôs, 93
vorona, 86 âgô, 20, 27, 35, 38, 44, 51
-âednos, 76, 93
âella, 76
*hâwélios, 57, 60, 66, 87
a (w )ê k sô , 11
a (w )é sk e i, 76
biti, 87 a (w )ë s i, 76f, 83f
dati, 86 âzô, 36
gräd, 86 aiei, 52
m äti, 86 aithô, 20, 42
m jèra, 88 ainumai, 40
p ä sti, 88 -a îo s, 69
pram , 88 aikhme, 37
p râse, 86 akm ê, 38
pun, 61, 87 akônë, 38
râlo, 88 akoüô, 95
snêg, 86 âkris, 37
srce, 87 âkros, 38, 57
vràna, 86 aléô, 104
vûk, 87 alethô, 104
(a m -)b o li(-e rg ô s ), 48
am nôs, 52
an-âednos, 76, 93
Slovene a-ne-mo (Myc.), 103
ânemos, 103f
grâd, 86
anêr, 11
vràna, 86
annis, 37
anti, 32, 36, 44
anûô, 46
apô, 40
Czech arariskô, 51
m ira, 88 argës, 32, 36
p â sti, 88 ârguros, 36
ârktos, 43 egregora, 80
ârotron, 88 ego, 91
aster, 76ff, 83, 116 ed-estes, 86
aude, 43 éd-ëda, 86
auksânô, 77 édm enai, 79
edm i, 86
bd-, 25, 50 édom ai, 41
bâllô, 63 édontes, 79
béblëka, 31, 46 édô, 79, 102
bio-, 61 édôke, 94
biotos, 61 éedna, 93
biô-, 52, 61 e/i-ra.v/, 78f, 82,
blê-to, 63 e-e-V (Myc.), 78
blë-, 48 e-thélô, 75
blë-tôs, 63 éthoron, 47
bloskô, 41 eikosi, 60
bôm ôs, 25, 50 eileloutha, 85
eîmen, 60
génus, 91, 93 eim i, 2 1 , 86
gloiôs, 69 einatéres, 31
glukerôs, 119 ékam on, 31, 46
gluküs, 119 élëla, 86
gnoiës, 68 elël(o )u th , 85f
élipon, 20
dâer, 97 em é, 81
dâkru, 33 ém et os, 88
dam âzô, 103 ( e m ) é ( ô ) , 104
dam -ë-, 103 émole, 47
diânekes, 57, 78 émolon, 47
di-do-m en, 100 enegk-, 78
didöm i, 25, 35, 61 enegkeîn, 57, 78, 93
di-phr-os, 63 hénë, 49
do-, 25 enenothe, 85
dolikhôs, 48 ennéa, 81
dôron, 25 énuma, 8 l f
dotôs, 25, 61, lOlf, 115 E num akratidäs, 81
dô-, 25, 101 hêpar, 56
ép-ëlus, 85
ébalon, 31, 46 epi, 40
ébân, 57 épleto, 20, 31
e-biô, 103 époron, 47
e-biôn, 61 e-pria-to, 61
egeirô, 80 érebos, 81
hésperos, 84 kradie, 87
hêstai, 54 k r é (w )a s , 105
héstâke, 94
estï, 41 lâas, 58
estôresa, A l /««os, 62
éstrôsa, 29 fewo- (Myc.), 67, 105
étore, A l lew otreios (Myc.), 67
eû, 78 lew otrokhow oi (Myc.), 67
eus, 78 20
ephïlësa, 73 leipsô, 35
éphü, 60 léloipa, 20
lênos, 48
(w ) r a g ( ê n a i), 117 lépas, 59
wrëg, 107 lo (w )e -, 105
loéssai, 67
thâleia, 119 loetrôn, 67
thaler ôs, 119
theiën, 68 m âkos, 106
thêlus, 71 m éga, 105
thélô, 75 m egâlo-, 102
theôs, 104 m egalonum os, 102
thêsthai, 71 m égas, 83, 91f
thetôs, 10 Iff, 115 m ikrôs, 83
thë-, 30 mûs, 98
throskô, A l
thugâtër, 91, 93, 99, 105 -na, 36
thôm ôs, 54 néà, 64
neâ«, 50
-ia-, 61 néâks, 95
-ia (n ), 60 negr et os, 80
hlem ai, 76 heph-, 84
ith-, 43 néô, 64
itharôs, 20, 42 niphâs, 83
iktînos, 83 nümpha, 64
hlstàm i, 25, 35, 57
ikhthûs, 95, 98 ôgm os, 20, 38
odont-, 79
kâm nô, 31 ôzos, 31, 38, 75
kardia, 87 ôzô, 27
(k a si-)g n ëto s, 63 ofc/a, 48
kékm ëka, 31 oîdm a, 20
kéllô, 15 oieion, 43
kêr, 87 ozraë, 49
bibit, 94 m agnus, 92
m ane, 56
corJ-, 87 m ateries, 59
costa, 94f m aturus, 56
meo, 56
z/ore, 98 m ergo, 31
datus, 21, 99, 101 m etuo, 73
dWi, 47 m etutum , 73
dens, 79 mihi, 93
do, 101 m om entum , 56
m oueo, 56 sied, 68
sies, 60
nauis, 96 sim us, 60
nepos, 59 sistit, 94
nomen, 81
nouare, 50 (t)la tu s, 48
trans, 46
ocris, 37f triginta, 106
odisti, 90 -trix, 95
odor, 39
olet, 39, 57 uentus, 76
ops, 47 uesper, 84
or bus, 38f uiuos, 96
os, 38, 41, 55, 94 umbilicus, 43
ouis, 38f ursus, 43
palm a, 48 velleris, 62
pasco, 32, 50 vellus, 62
pastor, 32, 39, 50, 88, 114 viere, 69
pastu s, 88
pedis, 51
planus, 88
plenus, 22 Oscan, Um brian
-plere, 22
aasai, 44
-pletus, 62
- a i(i)o -, 69
porcus, 86
pir, 65
pro, 53, 64
sent, 78
ukar, 38
ratus, 117
rem, 45
renouare, 115
res, 45
riuos, 95 Tocharian
riuus, 95f A ânt, 44
rota, 88 B ânte, 44
A ârki, 36, 44
sagio, 92 B ârkw i, 36, 44
sa n g(u en ), 96 A e-, 40
sedes, 93 B e s (a )n e , 83
semen, 56 B ai-, 40
senatus, 95 B k ä ryà-m ai, 61
senex, 49, 96 B kàrwene, 62
sido, 31 A knasàst, 54f
Old Irish asgwrn, 38, 52
chw'iadan (NW.), 50
ainm, 81
hw yad, 50
anim (Mid. Ir.), 75
ranc (MIW.), 58
anm ae, 81, 82
d im e (Mid. Ir.), 75
-ànaic-, 58
-âncammar, 58
-àncatar, 58
Old Cornish
-änec-, 58, 77, 78 abrans, 75
bräe, broi, 75 asen, 38, 52
crenaid, -cria, 61
Dar-, Der-, etc., 99
dét, 79
diuchtra-, 80 Breton
do-adbat, 105
abrant-, 75
do-adbadar, 105
do-form aig, 105
do-form agar, 105
-e (gen. sg.), 52
em- ( air-fo-em -) , Al
err, 41 anar, 11
glenaid, 69
ibid, 73, 94, 108
-icc, 58, 77
irar, 38
it, 78
liacc, lie, 58
nâire, nâr, 50
nie, 59
(ro -)icc , 58
N on-Indo-European Hebrew
Languages w ay y is a ‘, 99
y a ‘azbu, 99
y a ‘“zob, 99
kesä, 42
koke-, 42 Udi
ek, ek-ur, 42
Index nominum
Allen, W. S., 24, 89, 113 Cowgill, W., 30, 36ff, 42ff, 50f, 54f,
Ammer, K., 108 60, 65, 67f, 72f, 75, 78, 80, 82ff,
Antonsen, E. H., 59 89f, 93ff, 97, 105, 110, 114
Anttila, R., 78, 82 Crossland, R. A., 33, 55, 83, 98,
Arumaa, P., 90 99, 107f, 110
Austin, W. M., 83, 96f Cuny, A., 27, 29ff, 41, 91, 107f
Hirt, H., 19ff, 50f, 72 Lehmann, W. P., 84, 87f, 96, 108,
Hjelmslev, L., 23 120
Hoenigswald, H. M., 46, 49, 88, Lejeune, M., 52, 63, 75, 80
92, 94, 100 Lid, N ., 59
Hoffmann, I., 74 Lindeman, F. O., 3 lf, 34, 38, 40,
Hoffmann, K., 69, 105 42, 45ff, 49, 52ff, 57f, 60ff, 65,
Hopper, P. J., 90 67ff, 73f, 77, 80ff, 85, 95f, 97ff,
Houwink ten Cate, Ph. H. J., 93 118
Huld, M. E., 66, 91 Lohmann, J., 40
Hübschmann, H., 19 Lühr, R., 70