Reflection On History and Principles of Karate
Reflection On History and Principles of Karate
Reflection On History and Principles of Karate
Upon watching the video on the History of Karate I have learned that not only is Shotokan the
most definitive style of Karate, but it is the most prominent styles of traditional martial arts. The
first conflict karate had was with its name as karate was developed in Okinawa. It was a mixture
of the Chinese martial arts in its roots and the Japanese kanji which translated to Chinese is Tang
hand. Funakoshi, the founder of Shotokan karate-do blend the Okinawan martial arts mixed with
his own philosophy. He modified it to fit within the Japanese cultural paradigm. He then
succeeded in bringing karate to Japan and he is often regarded to many as the father of modern
or Japanese Karate. Among the 20 principles of Shotokan Karate, I think the one I think struck the
most was “Karate begins and ends with rei (respect).” Is that even when two people are in a
competition there is always going to be respect before and after no matter who wins or loses,
and I think that is such a strong principle to have. Not only is it to be used in Shotokan dojo but
to everyday life as well. Lastly, “Be constantly mindful, diligent, and resourceful, in your pursuit
of the Way.” Is also such a strong principle that has a great impact. To be mindful of our
surroundings, to others and as well as being diligent to ourselves, to the people around us and
being resourceful because things will not come easily, and we have to find ways to pass the
obstacles in our lives in pursuit of our way.