O.S 8/2006 Sultanate of Oman
No. 8/2006
AND MEASUREMENTSOS 8/2006 Sultanate of Oman
- The Directorate General for Specifications and Measurements (DGSM)
is the National Standards body in Oman . It was established by the
Royal Decree no. 39/1976 , and one of its duties and functions which
were defined by the Royal Decree no.1/1978 is the preparation of
Omani Standards.
(DGSM) has updated the Omani standard no. 8/1984 for Unbottled
Drinking Water, and issues this standard based on the International
Guidelines for Drinking - Water Quality vol.1. Recommendations -
World Health Organization 2004.
- Date of prepared draft standard : 10/8/2006
~ Date of prepared final draft Standard: 1/11/2006
- Date of Approved Standard : 11/11/2006
- Date of Ministerial Decision : 2/2007-15/1/2007
= Date ofimplemention: A month after date of Ministerial Decision issue.
- Only item 3 andits sub items3 shall be mandatory
- This Standard shall cancel and replace the Omani Standard No.
8/1984/1998 "Drinking Water".OS 8/2006 Sultanate of Oman
This Omani standard is concerned with unbottled drinking water
obtained from different sources
Drinking water
Water fit for human consumption obtained from any source which is supplied to
the consumer through the public distribution system, or the limited water
supply system and complying with all the specific properties mentioned in this
Treated drinking water
Water exposed to one or all of the following processes: decantation, filtration,
disinfection, and amendment of ratio fo dissolved solids (desalination) to be fit
Public water distribution system
A system for supplying the consumer with water fit for human consumption,
and includes collection, treatment, storage and distribution of drinking water
from the source to the consumer. No untreated water may be pumped into the
distribution system.
Limited watersystem
system for supplying the consumer with water fit for human consumption and
comprises less than 15 connections. No untreated water may be pumped into
the distribution system
A vertical hole cut into the ground to access underground water.
A place where a natural outflow of water to the surface of the ground takes
Surface water
Rains water collected in valleys or behind dams or in tanks and used for
drinking .OS 8/2006 Sultanate of Oman
The following shall be met in drinking water :
3.1 Characteristics aesthetic quality
3.1.1. The Drinking water shall not contain any substances that affect its colour. odour
or taste . It shall be completely free from foreign substances or impurities which
can be seen with the naked eye whether such earth, sand, hair or other
3.1.2 The substances and characteristics aesthetic quality shall be according to
Table no.1.
3.13 Chemical constituents of health significance shall be according to tables
no. 2,3,4,
3.14 Total residual chlorine Total residual chlorine concentration in drinking water shall be sufficient to kill
all microbes therein , provided that the chlorine concentration shall range
between 0.2mg/Land0.5mg/L.
3.14.2 Concentration of chlorine shall be increased in case of epidemics up to not
exceed 5.0mg/L.
3.1.5 When water is treated with ozone, ultraviolet rays or any other means, this
treatment shall be sufficient to kill all microbes and the treated water shall
conform with the microbiological characteristics of treated water mentioned in
3.2 Biological characteristics
Drinking water shall be completely free from algae, moulds, parasites, insects,
and their eggs, larvae, vesicles, parts and free from protozoa.
33 Microbiological characteristics
33.1 Unbottled drinking water shall be completely free from pathogenic and faecal
microbes and viruses which may be hazardous to publichealth.
33.2. Treated water entering the distribution system:
Itshall be free from coli-form bacteria and faecal coliform bacteria in any 100 ml
examined sample.
3.3.3. Treated water inthe distributionsystem: Itshall be free from faecal coli-form bacteria in any 100ml examined.
3.33.2. Itshall be free from coli-form in any 100 ml of examined sample, in 95% of the
samples examined throughout the year, in the case of large supplies when
sufficient samples are examined.
* Mandatory itemOS 8/2006
-OS. 22
-OS. 200
- OS, 250
-OS. 453
OS. 478
-OS. 479
-OS. 691
Sultanate of Oman
Methods of test for drinking and mineral water - Part 5:
Determination of total hardness calcium and magnesium.
Drinking water - Determination of manganese and Zinc contents.
Drinking water - Determination of chloride and sulphate contents .
Drinking water - Determination of phenolic compounds (as phenol)
Methods of test for drinking and mineral water part2
:Determination of physical properties.
‘Methods of test for drinking and mineral water - Part3 : Determination
of total dissolved solids, pH value and residual chlorine.
Methods of test for drinking and mineral water - Part
Methods for the determination of cadmium, lead, arsenic, selenium
and cyanide.
‘Methods of test for drinking and mineral water - part 7:
Determination of mercury, chromium, silver and barium.
‘Methods of test for drinking and mineral water - Part 10 :
Determination of mineral oils .
Methods of test for drinking and mineral water - Part 13 :
Determination of radioactive and concentration of some radio
element .
Methods of test for drinking and mineral water : Routine
microbiological tests
Methods of test for drinking and mineral water - Part 14:
Determination of some of pollution indicating materials.
Methods of test for drinking and mineral water - Part 15 : None
routine microbiological tests.OS 8/2006 Sultanate of Oman
3.3.4 Untreated underground water
33.4.1 Itshall be free from faecal coli-form bacteria in any 100ml examined
334.2 Coliform shall not exceed 10 colonies / 100ml of examined sample provided
thatit does not occur repeatedly
335 Water distributed by tanker vehicles (unpiped water supplies) It shall be free from faecal coli-form bacteria in any 100 ml examined Coliform shall not exceed 3 colonies / 100mL of examined sample but not
in two consecutive
33.6 If itis necessary, to supplement the microbiological analysis for water used
in Food Factories, the samples shall. be also examined for the following :
- Detection of salmonella
- Detection of staphylococci
- Detection of bacteriophages
- Detection of enteroviruses
- Detection of vibrocholera
3.4 Radioactive characteristics
If the total radioactivity of the sample is exceeded 10 Bg/litre, it could be
carried out examination for specific each radionuclide and it's activity
according totable4,
Sampling shall be carried out according to Omani Standard no. 189
"Methods of test for drinking water - Part 1: Sampling
Drinking water shall be tested according to the following Omani Standards :
-OS.17 Methods of test for drinking and mineral water - part 6 : Determination
ofnitrate, flourideand borate.
-OS.18 Drinking water - Determination of Copper and iron contents.——
OS 8/2006
Sultanate of Oman
Table (1)
Substances or Quality Maximum Ui
characteristics level level ms
a) Organoleptic parameter
Colour Non <15 Truecolourunit
Turbidity 1 <5 Nephelometric
turbidity unit
Taste & odour Not acceptable
offensive ac
‘Temperature Not offensiveac| acceptable
b) Inorganic constituents
Ammonia* — 15
Chloride < 250 600
Sodium. < 200 400
Sulphate < 250 400 me/1
Total hardness < 200 500 mg/1
Total dissolved solids 120-600 1000 mg/l
Nitrate (as No3 ) 50
Nitrite (as No2) ai
Hydrogen sulphide $005 | O21 mg/l
pH 65-8 9
Magnesium | 30 if sulphites mg/l
| 150 if sulphites
| <250 mg/I
* if present
All disenation water used in dink, it shall be according to quality level
-maximum level = the level is used in case of no alternative source
-5-Os 8/2006
Table No. (2)
‘The maximum level fro health related
Sultanate of Oman
Table No. (3)
Maximum limits
inorganic constituents For chemicals that are of health significance
Constituent Maximum limit (mg/litre)| | Chemical Maximum limit (mg/litre)
Aluminium Sdorandl war seas eater | | Acrylamide 0.0005
Alachlor 0.02
Antimony 002
7 Aldicarb 0.01
Arsenic oan Aldrin and dieldrin 0.00003
Barium 07 Atrazine 0.002
Be 0.
Boron 05 jenzene 1
—— | Benzofa]pyrene 0.0007
Brom( as bromate) 0.01 handtin Oe
Cadmium 0.003 Bromoform 01
Chromium 0.05 Carbofuran 0.007
Carbon tetrachloride 0.004
Copper 2 Chloral hydrate
- yt) oor
Cyanide 0.07 Chioaw. oF
Fluoride 15 || Chlordane 0.0002
Chori 5
Iron 1 ‘ormne For effective disinfection, fae Sette
rod ocean
Lead 0.01 poet
Manganese 04 Chlorite | 07
Chloroform 02
Mercy: oon Chlorotoluron 0.03
Molybdenum 0.07 Chlorpyrifos 0.03
‘Cyanazine 0.0006 |
Nickel 0.02 a07
Cyanogenchloride | For cyanide as total
Selenium 0.01 _| cyanogenic compounds
, 24D
inc a Adihopenoyeceicac) | 0.03 Applies to free acid
* Fewer than 10000 people a6.OS 8/2006 Sultanate of Oman
Table no (3) Table no (3)
Maximum limits Maximum limits
for chemicals that are of health for chemicals that are of health
significance in drinking-water significance in drinking-water
Chemical Maeences | | Chemical eae
24-DB 0.09 Metolachlor 0.01
DDT and metabolites 0.001 | | Microcystin LR 0.001
Di(2-ethythexyl)phthalate 0.008 For total microcystin-LR
Dibromoacetonitrile 0.07 episall ion
Dibromochloromethane 01 mee Tae
12.Dibromo-3-chloropropane 9001 | | ronochioranine 5
1,2-Dibromoethane 0.0004
Gace = Monochloroacetate 002
Dichloroacetonitrile 0.02 NiteBotricetic acid (NTA) 02
Dichlorobenzene, 1,2- 1 Pendimethalin 0.02
Dichlorobenzene, 14- 03 Pentachlorophenol 0.009
Dichloroethane, 1,2- 0.08 Pyriproxyfen 03
Dichloroethene, 1,1- 0.08 Simazine 0.002
Dichloroethene, 1,2- 005 a 02
Dichloromethane a bast or
12 Dichloropropane (12-DCP) I ~
aS DENeao pene 0.02 Tesbuthylazing| Sow
Dichlorprop a Tetrachloroethene 0.04
Dimethoate 0.006 pelnene nd
Bdetic acid (EDTA) 06 Trichloroacetate 02
Apples othe fre acd | Trichloroethene 0.07
Endrin 0.0006 | Trichlorophenol, 2,4,6- 02
Epichlorohydrin 0.0004 | |Trituralin 0.02
Ethylbenzene 03 Trihalomethanes Thesunaf the tithe
Fenopy a cocina
‘ormaldehys ; .
Hexachlorobutadiene 0.0006 |} — —
Tsoproturon 0.009 :
Lindane 0.002 an ee ek
MCPA 0.002
Mecoprop 0.01 Vinyl chloride 0.0008
Methoxychlor 0.02 Xylenes 05
-7-OS 8/2006 Sultanate of Oman
Table no (4)
Levels of radionuclides in
drinking water
Radionuclides iieni pars) Radionuclides aval g/m) Radionuclides ect tes
3H 10000 93Mo, 100 140La 100
7Be 10000 99Mo 100 139Ce 1000
aC 100 96Te 100 141Ce 100
22Na 100 g7te | _1000 143Ce 100
32P 100 97mTe | 100 144Ce 10
33P 1000 gote | 100 43Pr 100
35S 100 97Ru 1000 147Nd 100
36C1 100 103Ru 100 147Pm 1000
45Ca 100 106Ru 10 149Pm 100,
47Ca 100 - 105Rh 1000 151Sm 1000
46S 100 103Pd 1000 153Sm. 100
475c 100 105Ag 100 152Eu 100
48Sc 100 T10mAg 100 154Eu_ 100
48V 100 111Ag 100 155Eu 1000
BICr 10-000 109Cd 100 153Gd 1000
52Mn 100 115Cd 100 160Tb 100
53Mn 10.000 Ti5mCa 100 169 71000
54Mn 100 111In 1000 171Tm 1000 |
55Fe 1000 114mIn 100 175Yb | 1000
59Fe 100 113Sn 100 182Ta__| 100
56Co 100 1255 100 181W 1000
57Co 1000 122Sb 100 185W 1000
58Co 100 124Sb 100 186Re 100
60Co 100 12586 “100 1850s 100
59Ni 1000 123mTe 100 1910s 100
Ni “1000 127Te 1000 1980s 100
68Zn 100 mite 100 190K 100
71Ge 10 000 129Te 1000 192Ir 100
BAS 1000 129mTe 100 ‘191Pt 1000
T4AS 100 13iTe 1000 193mPt 1000
76AS 100 131mTe 100 198Au 100
77As 1000 132Te 100 199Au 1000OS 8/2006 Sultanate of Oman
Table no (4)
Levels of radionuclides in
drinking water
Radionuclides epsiqpal ince Radionuclides tel alte) Radionuclides ince)
75Se 100 1251 10 197g 7000
82Br 100 1261 10 208g 100
86Rb 100 1291 1000 200T1 1000
85Sr 100 1311 10 20171 1000
895r 100 129Cs 1000 20271 1000
90Sr 10 131Cs 1000 20471 100
‘90Y 100 132Cs 100 208Pb_ 1000
oly 100 134Cs 10 206Bi 100
98Ze 100 135Cs 100 20781 100
Ze 100 136Cs 100 210Bib 100
93mNB 1000 1B7Cs 10 2OPBB 04
ANB 100 131Ba 1000 20Pob O41
95Nb 100 140Ba 100 223Rab 1
2ARab 1 235Ub 1 436m 10
225Ra 1 236Ub 1 243Cm 1
(226Rab_ 1 2370 100 244Cm 1
228Rab O1 BBUbe 10 | 24cm 1
277k 10 237Np 1 246Cm 1
228TRb 1 239Np 100 247Cm 1
229Thb 01 236Pu 1 248Cm 01
230TRb 1 2B7Pa 1000 249BK 100
(231Thb 1000 238Pu 1 246CE 100
282Thb 1 239Pa 1 msce | 10
234TRD 100 240P a 1 249CE |
0Pa 100 21Pa 10 250CE
2iPab oa 242Pa 1 Bice
233Pa 100 (244Pu 1 252Cf
2300 1 241Am 1 Bach 100
210 1000 22m 1000 BACH 1
2320 1 242mAm Zz 253Es 10
233U 1 243Am 1 254Es 10
234Ub 10 (254mEs 100