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Electrolytes Sodium: 135- 145 salt, soy sauce, pork cottage/ American cheese, spinach, Pickles HYPO: ‘A-- Adrenal insufficiency 1 Intoxication of water D - Diuretics 'S-SIADH 5/8: Tachyeardia, Headache, Personality ‘Change, Weakness Hyperactive BS Seizures. INTERVENTIONS: D - Diet, Cheese, Mik, Soy Sauce, Salt, Bacon Beet Broth R - Restrict fluids and NPO W- Weights daily A Administer IV Hypertonic Solutions 1. 180 T - Thiazide Diuretics tt HYPER: D- Dehydration I-IV Hypartonie Solution exeess V- Vitamins “Sodium” Supplement A~ Amount of sodium intake excess S/S: lregular HR, Hyperactive BS, Thirst, Restlessness, Dyspnea, Muscle Weakness. INTERVENTIONS: M - Monitor sodium intake/ Labs A- Alka-seltzer, Aspirin, and cough preps shouldn't be administered G- Gravity of urine monitoring I. 180 C- Cardiac monitoring Potassium: 3.5- 5.0 Avocados, Raisins, HYPER: Cantaloupe, Bananas, Skim milk, Spinach M - Medications Ace, Spironolactone, NSAIDS HYPO: A Acidosis: metabolic and respiratory G - Gl loss (Vomiting) © - Call destruction (bum, trauma, Inury) 0 - Osmotic Diuresis H- Hypoaldosteronism T - Thiazides and Loop diuretics 1 Intake excass K* - Severe Acid Imbalance N- Nephrons/ renal failure H- Hyperaldosteronism E - Excretion : impaired O- Other meds such as Corticosteroids S/S: Bradydysrhythmias, Tall “T” waves on EKG, T- Transcelluiar Shit Cardiac Arrest, 1BS Diarthea, Paresthesias. ‘S/S: Tachydysrhythmias, Ortho Hypotension, INTERVENTION: Lethargy/Fatigue, BS, Constipation, Anorexia, M- Monitor EKG Muscle Weaknass, “U" waves on EKG. D - Diet, imit green leafy veggies and avocado INTERVENTIONS: K - Kayexalate administration A Assess EKG and ABG I IV Sodium Biearb, Calcium Gluconate, ~ IV Potassium Chloride *“’NEVER IV PUSH"™* D- Dialysis D - Diet: green leafy veggies, oj, raisins, bananas Calcium: 9-11 Yoourt, cheese, mill, sardines, rhubarb HYPO: A- Antibiotics C - Corticosteroids ~ Insulin D- Diuretios ‘S/S: Hypotension, Bradycardia, Tetany muscle spasm, Laryngospasm/Strider, {DTR, t BS diarthea, +Trousseau's sign, +Chvostek's sign. INTERVENTIONS: D - Diuretics ~ 180 C - Calcium channel blockers /Calcium Gluconate HYPER: H- Hyperparathyroidism A- Antacids M- Malignancies cancer calls release excess cat S/S: Dysthythmias, Pallor, HTN, | LOC Disorientation, | DTR, | BS, Constipation, INTERVENTIONS: F - Sodium containing fluids I-IV Phosphate L- Lasix M -Monitor Labs and 180 QsimpleNursing www.SimpleNursing.comPhosphorus: 2.5- 4.5 Tuns, beef liver, perk, milk and yogurt HYPO: © Alcohol withdrawal Thermal burns; Heat stroke, Respiratory alkalosis; Hyperventila Hepatic encephalopathy Low mag, low potassium Use of diuretios and antacids © Refeeding syndrome HYPER: Excess vit D Hypoparathyroidism, symptoms associated with hypocalcemia, decreased excretion by the kidneys. Medications causing hyperphosphatemi Decreased exeretion by the kidneys Increased phosphorus absorption Eo EEE, Mute Spasms, Tetany. ‘S/S: Muscle pain & weakness, Bone Pain, INTERVENTIONS: Contusion, ‘* Give vit D preparations INTERVENTION: '* Calcium binding antacids, phosphate binding gels * Oral or IV phosphate replacement. + Loop diuretics ‘* Encourage food high in phosphate, © IV,NS, Dialysis ‘gradually introduce calories to a * Avoid high phosphorus food malnourished pt receiving parenteral ‘Manage signs of hypocalcemia nutrition. '* Teach about phosphate containing substances. Chloride: 97- 107 HYPO: ‘* Hyponatremia, excess chloride loss from vomiting, diarthea or NG suction. + Addison's disease, DKA, excess sweating fever, burns, metabolic alkalosis. ‘* Medications that cause hypoohloremia: diuretics (loop and thiazide) increase excretion of chloride by the kidneys. S/S: Dysrhythmia, Hypotension, Dyspnea, Confusion, Coma, Seizure, Sodium Imbalance, Tremor, Muscle Cramps. INTERVENTION: ‘* Replace chloride with IV NS or 0.4596 NS. ‘* Avoid free water, high chloride foods. aS (oe) 7 HYPER: © Hypernatramia Head injury, dehydration, severe diarthea, metabolic acidosis ¢ Hyperparathyroidism * Respiratory alkalosis, S/S: Hypertension, Respiratory Alkalosis, ‘Tachypnea, ICP, Cognitive Changes, Diarhea, Dehydration, Lethargy, Weakness. INTERVENTIONS: '* Restore electrolyte and fluid balance, LR, ‘Sodium Bicarbonate diuretics. Magnesium: 1.3- 2.1 Spinach avocado, tuna, oatmeal and milk HYPO: ‘A- Alcoholism G-Glloss E - Excretion, Impaired D-DKA S/S sSeizures, Tetany, Anorexia, Tachycardia, HTN, Mood Changes. INTERVENTIONS: 'S~ Safety rt abilty to swallow IV mag sulfate M- Moritor labs and reflexes HYPER: D: DKA ‘A: Antacids that contain mag and mag supplements R: Renal failure, kidneys cannot excrete mag K: Potassium Hyperkalemia S/S: DTR, NV, Bradyeardia, Hypotension, Coma, INTERVENTIONS: H- Hemodialysis I~ IV calcium gluconate M- Monitor labs and DTR's pleNursing
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