Sindbad: The Travels of
Sindbad: The Travels of
Sindbad: The Travels of
1 Explorer Tim Severin steps back a thousand name. On his second voyage, Sindbad
years to recreate Sindbad’s legendary voyages. 30 was carried by a giant bird to “the valley of the
The selections below detail Severin’s adventure. diamonds”—a place possibly in Sri Lanka, a
country famous for its precious gems.1
An idea forms Later, during his sixth voyage, Sindbad claimed
5 To recreate Sindbad’s voyages, I’ll need to Serendib’s king held magnificent parades
research, design, and build an early medieval 35 during which huge, decorated elephants
Arab ship and use it to sail from the Persian marched in the streets. In fact, what visitors
Gulf to China. Searching for more data to Sri Lanka may have seen during Sindbad’s
about traditional Arab ships, I visit the time (and can still see today) was Perahera—a
10 country of Oman, which has a long history of parade held every year in which people and
shipbuilding. I am welcomed to Muscat (the 40 elephants, dressed colorfully, march through
country’s capital) by the Minister of National the streets to honor the Buddha.2
Culture, who tells me that Oman will pay for
15 the entire project—the ship, the crew, the Adrift at sea
voyage—all on behalf of the Omani people
In early February, we depart Sri Lanka,
and the Arab world.
hoping to catch strong winds that will carry
The voyage begins 45 us eastward toward the Indonesian island of
Sumatra. The winds are light, however, and
With a team comprised of 17 Omanis and 10 after three weeks at sea we are still 1,127
20 Westerners, our ship Sohar departs Muscat on kilometers (700 miles) away. I begin to worry
November 23 and heads east into the Arabian about our fresh water and food supplies. And
Sea toward India.
50 then we get lucky. In early March, a storm
By December, we reach India’s coast, and after passes over and we catch fresh water. About a
a short stay, we sail to Sri Lanka, or Serendib, week later, the crew also catches 17 sharks and
25 as early Arabs called it. The name has given replenishes3 the food supply.
us the word “serendipity” (meaning “a lucky
chance”) in English, and it’s easy to see why
early visitors to this beautiful island gave it this 1
A gem is a jewel or stone (for example, a diamond) that is used in jewelry.
Buddha is the title given to Gautama Siddhartha, a religious leader and
founder of Buddhism.
112 Unit 8 Legendary Voyages 3
If you replenish something, you make it full or complete again.
Arab dhows being built at Sur, the shipyard where Sohar was built.
For centuries large oceangoing ships that sailed to Africa and Asia
were built here.