MCIE - Level 9, 250 Collins Street, Melbourne VIC 3000 Thursday The 22 of July 2021

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The key takeaways are that the course covers 28 units over 52 weeks including learning support and work placement. Students are required to complete 240 hours of work placement across early childhood age groups and assessments.

In the first 4 weeks, the following units are covered: CHCECE004 Promote and provide healthy food and drinks, CHCECE002 Ensure the health and safety of children, HLTWHS003 Maintain work health and safety, CHCECE003 Provide care for children, CHCECE005 Provide care for babies and toddlers, CHCECE007 Develop positive and respectful relationships with children.

The requirements for work placement are: a Working with Children Card, a signed Host Agreement, a signed Work Placement Student Agreement, 240 hours of work placement split across 2 blocks with 120 hours each, working with different age groups, completing workplace assessments and being observed twice by an assessor.

Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care: CHC50113

Location MCIE - Level 9, 250 Collins Street, Melbourne VIC 3000

Start Date: Thursday the 22nd of July 2021
(Mandatory) Day 1: Thursday 9:00am – 5:00pm and
Class Times
Day 2 Friday, Learning/Tutorial Support, First Aid Training Support and Practical Session (Optional)
Sessions 52 Weeks (including Learning Support and Course Finalisation)
Units Delivered 28 units (23 Core units and 5 Electives)
Trainer Syeda Afroz
Class Occurrence 18983

Date Unit Unit Delivery and Assessment Due Dates

Week 1 Beginning Introduction and Orientation

Students welcomed and undergo induction as per the 09-2027 Student Induction Session Plan.
Thursday 22nd July 2021
Course Completion Criteria:
All assessments and Work Placement documentations and portfolios must be submitted by the due dates. If students required extension, it must be made with
Mandated class session for your trainer 1 week prior to due date.
units 004,002 and HLTWHS Failing to do complete the Assessments and Work Placement hours and Portfolio Tasks by the due date may result in stopping student course progress.

Clustered Units: Nutrition and children’s health and safety Units are commenced. Units’ contents delivered and discussed in class
CHCECE004 Promote and provide healthy food and drinks Assessment Task 1 (Written), Assessment Task 2 (Scenario) and Assessment
CHCECE002 Ensure the health and safety of children Task 3 (Practical Assessment) for CHCECE004 commenced.

HLTWHS003 Maintain work health and safety

Week 2 Beginning CHCECE004 Promote and provide healthy food and drinks Unit contents delivered and discussed in class
CHCECE002 Ensure the health and safety of children In class: Sharing of beliefs and traditional child rearing practices as class session
Thursday 29th July 2021 small group work.
HLTWHS003 Maintain work health and safety

Introduction of units below with current units: Students to plan prepare and bring in cultural items/art and craft work from their
own culture.
CHCECE003 Provide care for children
Assessment Task 1 (Written), Assessment Task 2 (Scenario) and Assessment
CHCECE005 Provide care for babies and toddlers Task 3 (Practical Assessment) for CHCECE002 commenced.
CHCECE007 Develop positive and respectful relationships with
Students to create hygiene poster (on A3 or A4 sized paper) for children and it
submit to your trainer
New units open: No Assessments to be given out to students

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Introductory session to Providing care for children, babies and toddlers
Units are co-delivered under National Quality Standards QA 2, QA 5 and QA 6
Week 3 Beginning CHCECE004 Promote and provide healthy food and drinks Unit contents delivered and discussed in class
Thursday 5th August 2021
CHCECE002 Ensure the health and safety of children Class work: Complete medication and incident forms (In class)
HLTWHS003 Maintain work health and safety Assessment Task 1 (Written), Assessment Task 2 (Scenario) and Assessment
Task 3 (Practical Assessment) for HLTWHS003 to be commenced.
Introduction of units below with current units:
CHCECE016 Establish and maintain a safe and healthy environment New units open: No Assessments to be given out to students
for children Introductory session to safety and compliance units
Units are introduced under the National Quality Standards QA 2: Health and
CHCECE019 Facilitate compliance in an education and care service Safety and QA 7 Governance and Leadership
Assessment for CHCECE004 is due

Evidence of Participation (EOP) Activity to be submitted to admin

August: EOP Due for CHCECE002, CHCECE004 and HLTWHS003

Week 4 Beginning CHCECE003 Provide care for children Unit contents delivered and discussed in class: CHCECE003, CHCECE005
CHCECE005 Provide care for babies and toddlers and CHCECE007:
Thursday 12th August 2021
CHCECE007 Develop positive and respectful relationships with Activity:
children Students to write 2 points on what is Being, Belonging and Becoming

Assessment Task 1 (Written), Assessment Task 2 (Scenario) and Assessment

Task 3 (Practical Assessment) for CHCECE003 commence.

HLTAID004 Provide an emergency first aid response in an education First Aid Unit: HLTAID004 is commenced.
and care setting
Students to collect their Textbook and assessments from your trainer.
Student MUST have done pre-reading and completed their assessments prior to
attending the First Aid Practical Session in Session 8

Week 4 Beginning
First Survey After Your Enrolment – Survey completed on a computer or mobile device during class.

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Week 5 Beginning CHCECE003 Provide care for children Unit contents delivered and discussed in class
CHCECE005 Provide care for babies and toddlers Activities: Watch video on meaningful interactions with children and take
Thursday 19th August 2021 notes. You need to submit 2 points on how educators are interacting with
CHCECE007 Develop positive and respectful relationships with
Discussions on portfolios and support children children
for students on WPT tasks related to
units: Engaging with Babies and Toddlers
HLTWHS003 will be conducted in practice-engaging-with-babies-and-toddlers
Respecting and responding to children
Assessment Task 1 (Written), Assessment Task 2 (Scenario) and Assessment
Task 3 (Practical Assessment) for CHCECE003 to be completed.
Assessment CHCECE002 is due

HLTAID004 Provide an emergency first aid response in an education and care setting

HLTAID004 Provide an emergency first aid response in an education and care setting. Assessment task and Practical for First Aid are conducted
Students are required to attend the First Aid practical as scheduled.
Requirements for First Aid Practical session:
 Students are expected to have their pre- reading done and completed the Multiple-Choice Questions prior to attending the First Aid practical session. If the MCQ’s are not
completed, students will not be allowed to take their practical session. This is a mandated requirement.
 Any students who have any injuries which do not allow them to perform CPR demonstration on manikin on the floor, need to inform their trainer. These students will be rescheduled
for First Aid Practical session on a later date where they can perform CPR.
 Students are expected to be in class for the First Aid session from 9 am to 5pm. Any students who turn up for class later than 9:15 am will not be allowed in class and will be
rescheduled for a later date.
HLTAID004 assessments are due

Week 6 Beginning CHCECE003 Provide care for children Unit contents delivered and discussed in class
CHCECE005 Provide care for babies and toddlers Activity:
Thursday 26th August 2021
CHCECE007 Develop positive and respectful relationships with Students to access the Reading from ACECQA on the link and provide 2
children strategies to promote safe sleep for babies
Trainer Submission for unit:
CHCECE004 Link:
Assessment Task 1 (Written), Assessment Task 2 (Scenario) and Assessment
Task 3 (Practical Assessment) for CHCECE005 to be commence.
Assessment HLTWHS003 is due

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Week 7 Beginning CHCECE005 Provide care for babies and toddlers Unit contents delivered and discussed in class
CHCECE007 Develop positive and respectful relationships with Activity:
Thursday 2nd September 2021 children  Read up on Principles of Development
Mandated class session for units  List 3 points why correct environment is important for the children’s
003, 005 and 007 development.
 List 3 points how we can support independence through daily routine
Assessment Task 1 (Written), Assessment Task 2 (Scenario) and Assessment
Task 3 (Practical Assessment) for CHCECE005 continues

Assessment Task 1 (Written), Assessment Task 2 (Scenario) and Assessment

Task 3 (Practical Assessment) for CHCECE007 commence.

Evidence of participation for continuing units

for units CHCECE002, CHCECE004 and HTLWHS003

Activity: Students to write up 3 reasons why hygiene routine is very important in ECEC services and submit to your trainer

Evidence of participation for continuing units

for units CHCECE016 and CHCECE019

Activity: Students to complete the activity below and submit to your trainer in next class session. Please refer to your text book or the link below:
What is EYLF and how many outcomes are there in EYLF?

Week 8 Beginning CHCECE005 Provide care for babies and toddlers

Unit contents delivered and discussed in class
th CHCECE007 Develop positive and respectful relationships with Assessment Task 1 (Written), Assessment Task 2 (Scenario) and Assessment
Thursday 9 September 2021 children Task 3 (Practical Assessment) for CHCECE005 to be completed.
Trainer Submission for unit: Assessment Task 1 (Written), Assessment Task 2 (Scenario) and Assessment
Task 3 (Practical Assessment) for CHCECE007 continues

Assessment CHCECE003 is due

Week 9 Beginning CHCECE016 Establish and maintain a safe and healthy Unit contents delivered and discussed in class: CHCECE016 and
environment for children CHCECE019
Thursday 16th September 2021
CHCECE019 Facilitate compliance in an education and care Assessment Task 1 (Written), Assessment Task 2 (Scenario) and Assessment
service Task 3 (Practical Assessment) for CHCECE007 to be completed.
Trainer Submission for unit:

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Evidence of Participation (EOP) Activity to be submitted to admin
September: EOP Due for CHCECE003, CHCECE005 and CHCECE007

Week 10 Beginning CHCECE016 Establish and maintain a safe and healthy Unit contents delivered and discussed in class
environment for children Assessment CHCECE005 is due
Thursday 23rd September 2021
CHCECE019 Facilitate compliance in an education and care Assessment Task 1 (Written), Assessment Task 2 (Scenario) and Assessment
service Task 3 (Practical Assessment) for CHCECE007 to be completed.

Preparation for Work Placement Visit 1  Placement officer will visit the class to update students on their placement
details: Venue, Service name and date and time.
Mandated class session for  Update students’ information on ECEC service venues, date and
collection of WP paperwork, time.  Trainer will provide all necessary support and guidance to students on the
induction, and WP tasks  Assessor allocation requirement of placement
completion for placement block 1  Induction on placement requirements  MCIE T-shirt must be collected for work placement
(visits 1 and 2)  Supporting students on Work Placement Portfolio task for Visit 1  All signed Host and Student agreement must be submitted to trainer prior
 Guiding students on portfolio folder set up and documentation to commencing work placement

Week 11 Beginning CHCECE016 Establish and maintain a safe and healthy environment Unit contents delivered and discussed in class
for children Activity: Students to complete the activity below and submit to your trainer in
Thursday 30th September 2021 next class session.
CHCECE019 Facilitate compliance in an education and care service
 What is Assessment and Rating?
Evidence of participation for  What is the Purpose of Assessment and Rating?
continuing units: Introduction of units below with current units:
Discussions on portfolios and support Assessment Task 1 (Written), Assessment Task 2 (Scenario) and Assessment
for students on WPT tasks related to
CHCECE017 Foster the holistic development and wellbeing of the
child in early childhood Task 3 (Practical Assessment) for CHCECE016 to be completed.
units CHCECE002, CHCECE004,
HLTWHS003, CHCECE003, CHCECE024 Design and implement the curriculum to foster New units open: No Assessments to be given out to students
CHCECE005, CHCECE007, children's learning and development Introductory session to Aspects of children’s’ Learning and Development
CHCECE016, CHCECE019, units
CHCECE017 and CHCECE024 will
Units are introduced under the National Quality Standards: QA 1 to QA 7
be conducted in class.
Educational program and practice
Trainer Submission for unit:

Commencement of 1st Block Work Placement visits 1 and 2:

Placement visit 1: 2 days per week x 7.5 hours (60 hours)

Instructions for students:

The 1st Block placement is divided into Placement 1 and Placement 2 visits (120 mandated hours)
All Portfolio tasks must be completed on daily and weekly basis as required

Work Placement 1 documentations and portfolios must be submitted on due date

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Week 12 Beginning CHCECE016 Establish and maintain a safe and healthy Unit contents delivered and discussed in class
environment for children Activity: Students to complete the activity below and submit to your trainer in
Thursday 7th October 2021 next class session.
CHCECE019 Facilitate compliance in an education and care
Trainer Submission for unit: service For each National Quality Standard provide 1 way that is related to ECEC
CHCECE005 everyday practices.

Introduction of units below with current units: Assessment CHCECE007 is due

New units open: Assessments to be given out to students
CHCLEG001 Work legally and ethically
Introductory and Commencement of session
CHCPOL002 Develop and implement policy
Units are introduced with CHCECE019 under the National Quality Standards:
QA 1 to QA7

Evidence of Participation (EOP) Activity to be submitted to admin

October: EOP Due for CHCECE016 and CHCECE019

Week 13 Beginning Units are co-delivered Unit contents delivered and discussed in class

CHCECE019 Facilitate compliance in an education and care Activity: Students to complete the activity below and submit to your trainer in
Thursday 14th October 2021 next class session.
CHCLEG001 Work legally and ethically What is Belonging, Being and Becoming?

CHCPOL002 Develop and implement policy Assessment Task 1 (Written), Assessment Task 2 (Scenario) and Assessment
Discussions on portfolios and
Task 3 (Practical Assessment) for CHCECE019 to be completed.
support for students on WPT
tasks related to units
will be conducted in class.

Week 14 Beginning Units are co-delivered Unit contents delivered and discussed in class
Activity: Students to complete the activity below and submit to your trainer in
Thursday 21st October 2021 CHCECE019 Facilitate compliance in an education and care next class session.
Mandated class session for units 1) What is Quality Improvement Plan (QIP)?
CHCLEG001 Work legally and ethically 2) What is the importance of QIP to ECEC services?
016, 019, LEG001 and POL002
CHCPOL002 Develop and implement policy 3) ECEC services are rated against what standards? List the Standards
4) How many Quality Rating are there for services as outcome to the
Assessment and Rating process?
Assessment Task 1 (Written), Assessment Task 2 (Scenario) and Assessment
Task 3 (Practical Assessment) for CHCECE019 continues
Assessment CHCECE019 is due

Week 15 Beginning CHCLEG001 Work legally and ethically Unit delivery of CHCLEG001 and CHCPOL002
CHCPOL002 Develop and implement policy
Thursday 28th October 2021

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Evidence of participation for
continuing units: Co-delivery of units: Policy updates on providing care for children and Unit contents delivered and discussed in class: CHCECE017 and
understanding the child development CHCECE024
Students are in placement completing CHCECE017 Foster the holistic development and wellbeing of the
the unit WPT tasks for units: child in early childhood
HLTWHS003, CHCECE003, CHCECE024 Design and implement the curriculum to foster
CHCECE005, CHCECE007, children's learning and development
CHCECE017 and CHCECE024 will
be conducted in class.
Trainer Submission for unit:

Week 15 Beginning
After Work-placement Survey – We are keen to know if you enjoyed your work-placement experience.
Please complete the survey on a mobile device - your feedback is anonymous.

Evidence of Participation (EOP) Activity to be submitted to admin

October: EOP Due for CHCLEG001 and CHCPOL002

Continue Work Placement 2

2 days per week (60 hours)
Instructions for students:
All Portfolio tasks must be completed on daily and weekly basis as required

Work Placement 2 documentations and portfolios must be submitted on the due date

Week 16 Beginning CHCECE017 Foster the holistic development and wellbeing of the Unit contents delivered and discussed in class
child in early childhood Activity: Students to complete the activity below and submit to your trainer in
Thursday 4th November 2021 next class session.
CHCECE024 Design and implement the curriculum to foster 1) Students to research on Vygotsky’s theory and provide 2 points that his
children's learning and development key concepts contribute to children’s’ development.
Discussions on portfolios and support 2) Provide 2 points on how Vygotsky early childhood developmental concept
for students on WPT tasks related to can be applied when working with children and can be used to support
units CHECE003, CHCECE005, program planning
CHCECE019, CHCECE017, Assessment CHCECE016 is due
Trainer support for Portfolio completion Placement 1
CHCLEG001 and CHCPOL002 will
be conducted in class.

Week 17 Beginning CHCECE017 Foster the holistic development and wellbeing of the Unit contents delivered and discussed in class
child in early childhood Activity: Students to complete the activity below and submit to your trainer in
Thursday 11th November 2021 next class session.

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CHCECE024 Design and implement the curriculum to foster  Students to research on Piaget and Howard Gardner’s theories and provide
Trainer Submission for unit: children's learning and development 2 points that their key concept can contribute to children’s’ development.
CHCECE019  Provide 2 points on how Piaget and Howard Gardner’s early childhood
developmental concept can be applied when working with children and
can be used to support program planning
Submission and collection of Work Placement Portfolio Tasks for
Placement 1
 Units CHCECE002, CHCECE004, HLTWHS003, CHCECE016 are
 Units CHCECE003, CHCECE005, CHCECE007, CHCECE019,
CHCECE017 and CHCECE024 are conducted and will continue to
WP 2

Week 18 Beginning CHCECE017 Foster the holistic development and wellbeing of the Unit contents delivered and discussed in class
child in early childhood Activity: Students to complete the activity below and submit to your trainer in
Thursday 18th November 2021 CHCECE024 Design and implement the curriculum to foster next class session.
children's learning and development 1) Students to research on Erik Erickson theory and provide 2 points that his
key concept can contribute to children’s’ development.
2) Provide 2 points on how Erik Erickson’s early childhood developmental
concept can be applied when working with children and can be used to
support program planning
Assessment for CHCLEG001 is due

Week 19 Beginning CHCECE017 Foster the holistic development and wellbeing of the Unit contents delivered and discussed in class
child in early childhood Activity: Students to complete the activity below and submit to your trainer in
Thursday 25th November 2021 CHCECE024 Design and implement the curriculum to foster next class session.
children's learning and development 1) Students to research on the Theories of Vygotsky, Piaget, H. Gardner and
Discussions on portfolios and support
for students on WPT tasks related to Erik Erickson and provide 2 points that each theorist concept can
units CHECE003, CHCECE005, contribute to children’s’ development.
CHCECE007, CHCECE019, 2) Provide 2 points on how each theorists concept can be applied when
CHCECE017, CHCECE024, working with children and can be used to support program planning
CHCLEG001 and CHCPOL002 will
be conducted in class.
Trainer Submission for unit:
Students MUST have completed Work Placement 1 and 2.

Total of 120 Mandated Work Placement Hours MUST be submitted to Trainer

Week 20 Beginning CHCECE017 Foster the holistic development and wellbeing of the Unit contents delivered and discussed in class
child in early childhood Activity: Students to complete the activity below and submit to your trainer in
Thursday 2nd December 2021 CHCECE024 Design and implement the curriculum to foster next class session.
children's learning and development 1) Give 2 points why you think educators play an important role in children\s
Trainer Submission: WPT
Portfolio Visit 1 learning and development.
2) How can educators ensure that the Environment acts as the “Third
Teacher”? Give 3 points

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Trainer support for Portfolio completion Placement 2

Assessment for CHCPOL002 is due

Week 21 Beginning CHCECE017 Foster the holistic development and wellbeing of the Unit contents delivered and discussed in class: CHCECE017 and
child in early childhood CHCECE024:
Thursday 9th December 2021 CHCECE024 Design and implement the curriculum to foster Activity: Students to complete the activity below and submit to your trainer in
children's learning and development next class session.
Students are on placement completing When Planning for children’s play environment, there are 4 elements you will
the WPT tasks for the units
have to consider: Space, Time, Materials/Educators’ Role. Provide 1 reason for
CHCECE007, CHCECE019, each of the element why it is an important consideration.
CHCECE017, CHCECE024, Activity: Assessment Task 1 (Written), Assessment Task 2 (Scenario) and
CHCLEG001 and CHCPOL002 will Assessment Task 3 (Practical Assessment) for CHCECE024 commenced.
be conducted in class. Submission and collection of Work Placement Portfolio Tasks for
Placement 2
Trainer Submission for unit:
CHCPOL002 and CHCLEG001 are conducted
 Units CHCECE017 and CHCECE024 are conducted and will continue
to WP 3
Evidence of Participation (EOP) Activity to be submitted to admin
December: EOP Due for CHCECE024

Week 22 Beginning CHCECE017 Foster the holistic development and wellbeing of the Unit contents delivered and discussed in class
child in early childhood Activity: Students to complete the activity below and submit to your trainer in
Thursday 16th December 2021 next class session.
CHCECE024 Design and implement the curriculum to foster 1) List 3 points on the importance of Intentional Teaching.
children's learning and development 2) Why is age appropriate goals important for consideration when planning
for children’s curriculum
Assessment Task 1 (Written), Assessment Task 2 (Scenario) and Assessment
Task 3 (Practical Assessment) for CHCECE024 to be continued.
Week 23 Beginning CHCECE017 Foster the holistic development and wellbeing of the Unit contents delivered and discussed in class
child in early childhood Activity: Students to complete the activity below and submit to your trainer in
Thursday 20th January 2021 CHCECE024 Design and implement the curriculum to foster next class session.
children's learning and development 1) Provide 1 age appropriate goal for each age group:
Mandated class session for units
017 and 024)  Babies (0-2),
Introduction of Cultural Competency units  Toddlers (2-3)
CHCECE001 Develop cultural competence  Children (3-5)
Trainer Submission for unit:
CHCPOL002 CHCDIV002 Promote Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Assessment Task 1 (Written), Assessment Task 2 (Scenario) and Assessment
cultural safety Task 3 (Practical Assessment) for CHCECE024 to be completed
CHCDIV001 Work with Diverse People
New units open: No Assessments to be given out to students
Introductory session

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Units are introduced under the National Quality Standards: QA 1 to QA7

Week 24 Beginning CHCECE017 Foster the holistic development and wellbeing of the Unit contents delivered and discussed in class
child in early childhood Activity: Students to complete the activity below and submit to your trainer in
Thursday 27th January 2021 CHCECE024 Design and implement the curriculum to foster next class session.
children's learning and development 1) Students to plan 1 activity (e.g. cooking activity) and show the how they
can map and extend on all aspects of children’s development domain.
Trainer Submission for WPT
Assessment CHCECE024 is due
Portfolio Visit 2
Week 25 Beginning CHCECE017 Foster the holistic development and wellbeing of the Unit contents delivered and discussed in class
child in early childhood Activity: Assessment Task 1 (Written), Assessment Task 2 (Scenario) and
Thursday 3rd February 2022 CHCECE024 Design and implement the curriculum to foster Assessment Task 3 (Practical Assessment) for CHCECE017 commence
children's learning and development
Discussions on portfolios and support
for students on WPT tasks related to Introduction of units below with current units:
units CHCECE017, CHCECE024,
CHCLEG001 and CHCPOL002 will CHCPRT001 Identify and respond to children and young people at
be conducted in class. risk
New units open: No Assessments to be given out to students
CHCECE025 Embed sustainable practices in service operations
Introductory session
CHCECE026 Work in partnership with families to provide
appropriate education and care for children Units are introduced under the National Quality Standards: QA 1, QA2, QA5
and QA6

Evidence of Participation (EOP) Activity to be submitted to admin

February: EOP Due for CHCECE017

Week 26 Beginning CHCECE017 Foster the holistic development and wellbeing of the Unit contents delivered and discussed in class
child in early childhood Activity: Students to complete the activity below and submit to your trainer in
Thursday 10th February 2022 next class session.
Students to write about 300 -500 words on their own philosophy (values and
thoughts) in reflection to their understanding about children’s development
with consideration to the theorists (Vygotsky, Piaget, Howard Gardener, Erik
Erikson etc) key concepts on theories of children’s development and learning,
social justice and equity

Week 27 Beginning CHCECE017 Foster the holistic development and wellbeing of the Revision of unit CHCECE017
child in early childhood
Thursday 17th February 2022 Assessment for CHCECE017 is due
Co-delivery of units Commencement of cultural competency units.
Trainer Submission for unit: CHCDIV002 Promote Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander
CHCECE024 cultural safety In class: Video: Rabbit Proof Fence (Film)
CHCDIV001 Work with Diverse People  Based on the true story of three young Aboriginal girls, Molly and Daisy
and their cousin, Gracie, who in 1931, were forcibly removed from their
CHCECE001 Develop cultural competence
mothers and their home in Jigalong and moved over fifteen hundred miles

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away, as a part of official 'White Australia' Government policy.

Excursion: Bunjilaka Melbourne Museum, Nicholson Street, Carlton

Activity: Students to complete the activity below and submit to your trainer in
next class session.
 National Sorry Day pg.233
 The importance of Scenario – cultural safety pg.233
 Personal identity pg.232
 How to promote effective partnerships with Indigenous people? Discuss
what environment and resources we can use in services to promote the

Assessment Task 1 (Written), Assessment Task 2 (Scenario) and Assessment
Task 3 (Practical Assessment) for CHCDIV002 to be completed.

Week 27 Beginning
Domestic Student Satisfaction Survey - We are keen to know how you are going at MCIE. How you are finding your classes, trainer knowledge, classroom management and
delivery styles. Let us know what you think. Please complete this survey on a computer or mobile device during class.

Evidence of Participation for continuing units CHCECE017 and CHCECE024

Activity: Students to briefly write in about 50 words what is UN conventions on the Rights of Children (1982) and state how many articles are there

Week 28 Beginning CHCDIV002 Promote Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Unit contents delivered and discussed in class
cultural safety Activity:
Thursday 24th February 2022 CHCDIV001 Work with Diverse People Assessment Task 1 (Written), Assessment Task 2 (Scenario) and Assessment
Task 3 (Practical Assessment) for CHCDIV001 to be completed.
Mandated class session for CHCECE001 Develop cultural competence
New units open: No Assessments to be given out to students
Cultural competency units
Introductory session
Introduction of units below with current units: Units are introduced under the National Quality Standards: QA 1, QA3, QA5
CHCECE009 Use an approved learning framework to guide and QA6
practice Assessment for CHCDIV002 is due
CHCECE023 Analyse information to inform learning

Week 29 Beginning CHCDIV001 Work with Diverse People Unit contents delivered and discussed in class
CHCECE001 Develop cultural competence Activity:
Thursday 3rd March 2022
Assessment Task 1 (Written), Assessment Task 2 (Scenario) and Assessment
Task 3 (Practical Assessment) for CHCECE001 commence

Week 30 Beginning CHCECE001 Develop cultural competence Activity:

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Thursday 10th March 2022 Assessment Task 1 (Written), Assessment Task 2 (Scenario) and Assessment
Task 3 (Practical Assessment) for CHCECE001 to be completed.
Trainer Submission for unit: CHCPRT001 Identify and respond to children and young people at
risk Commencement of Partnership and Child Protection units
CHCECE025 Embed sustainable practices in service operations Activity: Students to complete the activity below and submit to your trainer in
next class session.
CHCECE026 Work in partnership with families to provide
appropriate education and care for children Students to Logon to Online training package from ACECQA website:
(Online module to provide staff members and students of early childhood
services with information about staff obligations and the processes for
Assessment Task 1 (Written), Assessment Task 2 (Scenario) and Assessment
Task 3 (Practical Assessment) for CHCPRT001 commenced
Assessment for CHCDIV001 is due

Evidence of Participation (EOP) Activity to be submitted to admin

March: EOP Due for CHCDIV001, CHCDIV002 and CHCECE001

Week 31 Beginning CHCPRT001 Identify and respond to children and young people at Unit contents delivered and discussed in class
risk Assessment Task 1 (Written), Assessment Task 2 (Scenario) and Assessment
Thursday 17th March 2022 CHCECE025 Embed sustainable practices in service operations Task 3 (Practical Assessment) for CHCPRT001 to continue.

Trainer Submission for unit: CHCECE026 Work in partnership with families to provide
CHCDIV002 appropriate education and care for children

Evidence of Participation for continuing units CHCECE009 and CHCECE023

Activity: Students to name the 2 Learning Framework and Age groups each Framework

Evidence of Participation for continuing units: CHCPRT001, CHCECE025, CHCECE026:

Activity: Students to briefly define in 30 words what is Duty of Care for ECEC educators

Evidence of Participation for continuing units CHCECE017 and CHCECE02

Activity: Students to provide 2 points of what is Pedagogical Practices

Week 32 Beginning CHCPRT001 Identify and respond to children and young people at Unit contents delivered and discussed in class
risk Activity: Students to complete the activity below and submit to your trainer in
Thursday 24th March 2022 CHCECE025 Embed sustainable practices in service operations next class session.
CHCECE026 Work in partnership with families to provide Students to provide 5 sustainable activities they can undertake at ECEC service
appropriate education and care for children to teach children about sustainability
Assessment Task 1 (Written), Assessment Task 2 (Scenario) and Assessment
Task 3 (Practical Assessment) for CHCPRT001 to be completed.
Assessment Task 1 (Written), Assessment Task 2 (Scenario) and Assessment
Task 3 (Practical Assessment) for CHCECEC025 commence

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Assessment for CHCECE001 is due

Week 33 Beginning CHCPRT001 Identify and respond to children and young people at Unit contents delivered and discussed in class
Thursday 31 March 2022 Activity: Students to complete the activity below and submit to your trainer in
CHCECE025 Embed sustainable practices in service operations next class session.
Trainer Submission for unit: CHCECE026 Work in partnership with families to provide 1) Students to provide 3 suggestions on they as an educator can provide
CHCDIV001 appropriate education and care for children effective communication with families and parents
Mandated class session for units Assessment Task 1 (Written), Assessment Task 2 (Scenario) and Assessment
PRT01,025 and 026 Task 3 (Practical Assessment) for CHCECE025 to continue.

Week 34 Beginning CHCECE026 Work in partnership with families to provide Unit contents delivered and discussed in class
appropriate education and care for children Assessment Task 1 (Written), Assessment Task 2 (Scenario) and Assessment
Thursday 7th April 2022 Task 3 (Practical Assessment) for CHCECE025 to be completed.
Assessment Task 1 (Written), Assessment Task 2 (Scenario) and Assessment
Task 3 (Practical Assessment) for CHCECE026 commenced.

Assessment for CHCPRT001 is due

Evidence of Participation (EOP) Activity to be submitted to admin

April: EOP Due for CHCPRT001, CHCECE025 and CHCECE026

Week 35 Beginning Units are co-delivered: Unit contents delivered and discussed in class
CHCECE026 Work in partnership with families to provide
Thursday 14th April 2022 appropriate education and care for children Commencement of Educational Program and Practice units.
CHCECE009 Use an approved learning framework to guide Unit contents delivered and discussed in class
Trainer Submission for unit:
CHCECE001 practice Activity: Students to complete the activity below and submit to your trainer in
CHCECE023 Analyse information to inform learning next class session.
Students to write about 50 words on 1 experience of their childhood play
activity that has helped them in their learning and development
Assessment Task 1 (Written), Assessment Task 2 (Scenario) and Assessment
Task 3 (Practical Assessment) for CHCECE009 commenced.
Assessment Task 1 (Written), Assessment Task 2 (Scenario) and Assessment
Task 3 (Practical Assessment) for CHCECE026 to be completed.

Mandated class session for Preparation for Work Placement 3 and 4:  Student must get confirmation from ECEC services in their placement
collection of WP paperwork, duration and commencement dates. All information must be given to your
induction, and WP tasks  Update students’ information on ECEC service venues, date and trainer (if continuing with the same ECEC service)
completion for placement block 2 time.  Trainer will update students’ placement details: Venue, Service name and
(visits3 and 4)  Assessor allocation date and time.
 Induction on placement requirements  Trainer will provide all necessary support and guidance to students on the
 Supporting students on Work Placement Portfolio task for Visit 3 requirement of placement

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and 4  All signed Student agreement must be submitted to trainer prior to
 Guide students on portfolio folder set up and documentation commencing work placement.
 If students are changing to new ECEC service, then new Host and Student
agreement must be signed and submitted to trainer prior to commence of
 If required, Placement Officer will meet up with students to discuss
placement issues.
Week 36 Beginning CHCECE009 Use an approved learning framework to guide Unit contents delivered and discussed in class
practice Activity: Students to complete the activity below and submit to your trainer in
Thursday 21st April 2022 CHCECE023 Analyse information to inform learning next class session.
Students to list 3 ways you can collect information about children for provide
for their curriculum
Assessment Task 1 (Written), Assessment Task 2 (Scenario) and Assessment
Task 3 (Practical Assessment) for CHCECE009 to continue.
Assessment for CHCECE025 is due

Evidence of Participation for continuing units: CHCECE001, CHCDIV001 and CHCDIV002

Activity: Students to provide 2 points on why cultural inclusivity is important in an ECEC setting

Evidence of Participation for continuing units CHCECE017 and CHCECE024

Activity: Students to provide 4 points on how evaluation can help educators plan and enhance children’s learning and development?

Evidence of Participation for continuing units CHCECE009 and CHCECE023

Activity: Students to provide 3 points on why Observation is very important for educators when planning for children’s curriculum

Week 37 Beginning CHCECE009 Use an approved learning framework to guide Unit contents delivered and discussed in class
Thursday 28th April 2022 CHCECE023 Analyse information to inform learning
Introduction of units below with current units: New units open: No Assessments to be given out to students
Introductory session
Trainer Submission for unit: Units are introduced under the National Quality Standards: QA 1, QA3, QA5
CHCPRT001 CHCECE018 Nurture creativity in children and QA6
CHCECE022 Promote children’s agency
Activity: Students to complete the activity below and submit to your trainer in
next class session.
Students to pick 1 observation method and give 2 reasons why they like it?
Assessment Task 1 (Written), Assessment Task 2 (Scenario) and Assessment
Task 3 (Practical Assessment) for CHCECE009 to be completed.

Assessment Task 1 (Written), Assessment Task 2 (Scenario) and Assessment

Task 3 (Practical Assessment) for CHCECE023 commence.

Evidence of Participation (EOP) Activity to be submitted to admin

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April: EOP Due for CHCECE009

Evidence of Participation for continuing units CHCECE017 and CHCECE024

Activity: Provide 4 points on why educators need to undertake Planning for children’s Environment?

Week 38 Beginning CHCECE009 Use an approved learning framework to guide Unit contents delivered and discussed in class
practice Assessment Task 1 (Written), Assessment Task 2 (Scenario) and Assessment
Thursday 5th May 2022 CHCECE023 Analyse information to inform learning Task 3 (Practical Assessment) for CHCECE023 to be completed
Assessment for CHCECE026 is due

Week 39 Beginning Units are co-delivered: Revision on the unit CHCECE023

CHCECE023 Analyse information to inform learning Activity: Students to complete the activity below and submit to your trainer in
Thursday 12th May 2022
CHCECE018 Nurture creativity in children next class session.

Trainer Submission for unit: CHCECE022 Promote children’s agency According to H Gardner, children have 8 multiple intelligence (visual,
CHCECE025 mathematical etc): Students to pick 2 intelligence and provide 1 activity for
each that they would like to provide for children of any group ranging from 0-6
Mandated class session for units years
009, 023, 018 and 022
Assessment Task 1 (Written), Assessment Task 2 (Scenario) and Assessment
Task 3 (Practical Assessment) for CHCECE018 commenced.

Week 40 Beginning CHCECE018 Nurture creativity in children Unit contents for CHCECE018 and CHCECE022 delivered and discussed
in class
Thursday 19th May 2022 CHCECE022 Promote children’s agency
New units open: No Assessments to be given out to students
Students on placement completing the Introduction of units below with current units: Introductory session
WPT tasks related to units:
CHCECE017, CHCECE024, BSBLED401 Develop teams and individuals Units are introduced under the National Quality Standards: QA 1, QA3, QA5
CHCDIV001, CHCDIV002, CHCMGT003 Lead the work team and QA6
CHCECE001, CHCECE009, Activity: Students to complete the activity below and submit to your trainer in
CHCPRP003 Reflect on and improve own professional practice
next class session.
CHCPOL002, CHCECE025 and Students to provide 2 open ended questions and recommend 2 open ended
CHCECE026 will be conducted in resources for children of any group ranging from 0-6 years
class Assessment Task 1 (Written), Assessment Task 2 (Scenario) and Assessment
Task 3 (Practical Assessment) for CHCECE018 continue.
Trainer support for Portfolio completion Placement 3

Assessment CHCECE009 is due

Week 41 Beginning CHCECE018 Nurture creativity in children Unit contents delivered and discussed in class

CHCECE022 Promote children’s agency Activity: Students to complete the activity below and submit to your trainer in
Thursday 26th May 2022 next class session.
Students to provide 1 idea for a creativity activity

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Discussions on portfolios and support Assessment Task 1 (Written), Assessment Task 2 (Scenario) and Assessment
for students on WPT tasks related to Task 3 (Practical Assessment) for CHCECE018 continue.
unit, CHCECE017, CHCECE024,
Assessment Task 1 (Written), Assessment Task 2 (Scenario) and Assessment
CHCECE023, CHCPRT001, Task 3 (Practical Assessment) for CHCECE022 commenced.
CHCPOL002, CHCECE025 and
CHCECE026 will be conducted in
Trainer Submission for unit:

Commencement of 2nd Block Work Placement 3 and 4:

Placement 3: 2 days per week x 7.5 hours (60 hours)

Instructions for students:
The 2nd Block placement is divided into Placement 3 and Placement 4 visits (120 mandated hours)
All Portfolio tasks must be completed on daily and weekly basis as required

Work Placement 3 documentations and portfolios must be submitted on the due date

Week 42 Beginning CHCECE018 Nurture creativity in children Discuss the following:

Thursday 2nd June 2022 CHCECE022 Promote children’s agency Activity: Students to complete the activity below and submit to your trainer in
CHCECE020 Establish and implement plans for developing next class session.
Discussions on portfolios and support
for students on WPT tasks related to
cooperative behaviour
Students to provide 2 ways on how they can use routine times enhance
unit, CHCECE017, CHCECE024, CHCECE021 Implement strategies for the inclusion of all children children’s learning and development.
CHCECE020, CHCECE021, Assessment Task 1 (Written), Assessment Task 2 (Scenario) and Assessment
BSBLED401, CHCMGT003 and
CHCPRP003 will be conducted in
Task 3 (Practical Assessment) for CHCECE018 to be completed.
class. Assessment Task 1 (Written), Assessment Task 2 (Scenario) and Assessment
Task 3 (Practical Assessment) for CHCECE022 to continue.

Commencement of other units: CHCECE020 and CHCECE021

Assessment CHCECE023 is due

Week 43 Beginning CHCECE018 Nurture creativity in children Activity: Students to complete the activity below and submit to your trainer in
next class session.
Thursday 9th June 2022 CHCECE022 Promote children’s agency
 Developmental and emotional reasons for inappropriate behaviour
CHCECE020 Establish and implement plans for developing  Environment as contributing factor to children’s behavioural issues
Trainer Submission for unit: cooperative behaviour  Strategies for behaviour guidance as per ECEC service policies and
CHCECE009 CHCECE021 Implement strategies for the inclusion of all children procedures Rights of children
Assessment Task 1 (Written), Assessment Task 2 (Scenario) and Assessment
Task 3 (Practical Assessment) for CHCECE022 to be completed.

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Assessment CHCECE018 is due

Evidence of Participation (EOP) Activity to be submitted to admin

June: EOP Due for CHCECE023, CHCECE018 and CHCECE022

Week 44 Beginning CHCECE022 Promote children’s agency Revision of unit CHCECE022

Thursday 16th June 2022 CHCECE020 Establish and implement plans for developing Activity: Students to complete the activity below and submit to your trainer in
cooperative behaviour next class session.
CHCECE021 Implement strategies for the inclusion of all children Students to give 1 example of acceptable and unacceptable behaviour of
Students on placement children of any age group ranging from 0 -6 years
completing the WPT tasks related Assessment Task 1 (Written), Assessment Task 2 (Scenario) and Assessment
to units: CHCECE017, Task 3 (Practical Assessment) for CHCECE020 commenced.
CHCMGT003, CHCPRP003, Assessment CHCECE022 is due
Trainer support for Portfolio completion Placement 3
will be conducted in class.

Week 45 Beginning CHCECE020 Establish and implement plans for developing Unit Delivery Continues for CHCECE20 and CHCECE021:
cooperative behaviour Activity: Students to complete the activity below and submit to your trainer in
Thursday 23rd June 2022 next class session.
CHCECE021 Implement strategies for the inclusion of all children
Students to briefly explain the difference between special needs and additional
Trainer Submission for unit:
Assessment Task 1 (Written), Assessment Task 2 (Scenario) and Assessment
Task 3 (Practical Assessment) for CHCECE021 commenced.

Trainer support for Portfolio completion Placement 3

Continue Work Placement 4

2 days per week x 7.5 hours (60 hours)

Instructions for students:
All Portfolio tasks must be completed on daily and weekly basis as required

Work Placement 2 documentations and portfolios must be submitted on the due date

Week 46 Beginning CHCECE020 Establish and implement plans for developing Unit Delivery Continues for CHCECE20 and CHCECE021:
cooperative behaviour
Thursday 30th June 2022
Students on placement CHCECE021 Implement strategies for the inclusion of all children Commencement of Leadership and Service Management units.
completing the WPT tasks related BSBLED401 Develop teams and individuals Unit contents delivered and discussed in class
to units: CHCECE017, Assessment Task 1 (Written), Assessment Task 2 (Scenario) and Assessment
CHCECE024, BSBLED401, CHCMGT003 Lead the work team Task 3 (Practical Assessment) for CHCECE020 and CHCECE021 to be
CHCMGT003, CHCPRP003, CHCPRP003 Reflect on and improve own professional practice

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will be conducted in class. completed
Trainer Submission for unit:
CHCECE018 Assessment Task 1 (Written), Assessment Task 2 (Scenario) and Assessment
Task 3 (Practical Assessment) for BSBLED401 commenced.

Assessment CHCECE020 is due

Trainer support for Portfolio completion Placement 3
Week 47 Beginning CHCECE020 Establish and implement plans for developing Revision of units CHCECE020 and CHCECE021
cooperative behaviour Unit Delivery Continues
Thursday 7th July 2022
CHCECE021 Implement strategies for the inclusion of all children Assessment Task 1 (Written), Assessment Task 2 (Scenario) and Assessment
Mandated class session for units Task 3 (Practical Assessment) for BSBLED401 completed.
020,021, BSBLED, MGT and Assessment CHCECE021 is due
BSBLED401 Develop teams and individuals
CHCMGT003 Lead the work team Submission and collection of Work Placement Portfolio Tasks for
Students on placement Placement 3
CHCPRP003 Reflect on and improve own professional practice
completing the WPT tasks related
to units: CHCECE017,  Units: CHCECE001, CHCDIV002, CHCDIV001, CHCPRT001,
CHCMGT003, CHCPRP003, CHCECE018 and CHCECE022 are conducted
CHCECE020 and CHCECE021  Units CHCECE017, CHCECE024 are conducted and will continue to
will be conducted in class. WP 4
Trainer Submission for unit:

Evidence of Participation for continuing units: CHCECE017 and CHCECE024:

Activity: Students to link the 2 NQS to children’s learning and development

Evidence of Participation (EOP) Activity to be submitted to admin

July: EOP Due for CHCECE020 and CHCECE021

Week 48 Beginning BSBLED401 Develop teams and individuals Unit contents delivered and discussed in class

Thursday 14th July 2022 CHCMGT003 Lead the work team Assessment BSBLED401 is due
CHCPRP003 Reflect on and improve own professional practice Trainer support for Portfolio completion Placement 4

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Week 49 Beginning CHCMGT003 Lead the work team Unit contents delivered and discussed in class
Assessment Task 1 (Written), Assessment Task 2 (Scenario) and Assessment
Thursday 21st July 2022 CHCPRP003 Reflect on and improve own professional practice Task 3 (Practical Assessment) for CHCMGT003 and CHCPRP003 commenced.

Trainer Submission for unit:

Evidence of Participation (EOP) Activity to be submitted to admin
July: EOP Due for BSBLED401
Students MUST have completed Work Placement 3 and 4.
Total of 120 Mandated Work Placement Hours MUST be submitted to Trainer
Week 50 Beginning CHCMGT003 Lead the work team Activity in class: Students are required to do Individual research in Task 1 and
then work in group of 4 to complete the task 2.
Thursday 28th July 2022 CHCPRP003 Reflect on and improve own professional practice
Assessment Task 1 (Written), Assessment Task 2 (Scenario) and Assessment
Task 3 (Practical Assessment) for CHCMGT003 and CHCPRP003 commenced.
Trainer Submission for unit:
Assessment CHCMGT003 and CHCPRP003 are due
CHCECE021 and WPT Portfolio
Visit 3

Evidence of Participation (EOP) Activity to be submitted to admin

July: EOP Due for CHCMGT003 and CHCPRP003

Week 51 Beginning CHCMGT003 Lead the work team Revision of units CHCMGT003 and CHCPRP003

Thursday 4th August 2022 CHCPRP003 Reflect on and improve own professional practice Assessment Task 1 (Written), Assessment Task 2 (Scenario) and Assessment Task 3
(Practical Assessment) for CHCMGT003 and CHCPRP003 continued.
Trainer Submission for unit:
Submission and collection of Work Placement Portfolio Tasks for Placement 4
CHCECE020 and CHCECE021 are conducted

Week 48 Beginning
AQTF surveys conducted using hard copy survey forms collected in class.

Week 52 Beginning CHCMGT003 Lead the work team

Assessment and Work Placement Assessment Task Finalisation
Thursday 11th August 2022 CHCPRP003 Reflect on and improve own professional practice
Trainer Submission for
WPT Portfolio Visit 4

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Work-placement information

Please note prior to placement you will need:

 a Working with Children Card (WWCC)
 a signed Host Agreement with the employer who will provide your work placement place
 a signed Work Placement Student Agreement prior to commencing placement
You must supply a colour copy of your WWCC card and a copy of your Work- Placement Student Agreement to your trainer prior to commencement of placement. You are required to
complete a total of 240 hours of work placement and you are required to work with children from all age groups shown in the table below.

0 – 2 Years old 2 – 3 Years old 3 – 5 Years old

You are required to complete workplace assessment tasks whilst on placement and will be visited by an MCIE Assessor.
You are required to complete the Workplace Portfolio Tasks, Logbook and Reflective Journal and ensure that your Third-Party Report has been signed off by your supervisor. You will
have two workplace visits at your workplace by an MCIE Assessor where the Assessor Observation Form will be used to sign you off as satisfactory in your work placement.
You are advised to keep copies of all work submitted to your Trainer Assessor. MCIE keeps all assessment evidence you submit for compliance purposes and will provide copies
at cost and on request only.

Work Placement Structure: 240 Mandated work placement hours

 2 Block Placements divided into Placement visits 1 and 2 and Placement visits 3 and 4

 Each Block Placement has 120 mandated work placement hours

 Hours per day for work placement: 8 hours (7 ½ hours work placement, ½ hour lunch)

 Students are required to complete at least 1 early shift (starting shift) and 1 late shift (closing shift)

 Normal Timing for work placement: 9 – 5pm (this may change if the service requires students to start early or late)

Course completion

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Please note that course completion is subject to all assessments for every unit being completed by you and deemed competent by your assessor, a minimum of 240 hours work placement
fulfilled, and four workplace observations carried out respectively. The 240-course mandated work placement hours will be conducted at an ECEC service.

Certificate issuance
Certificates will be issued within 20 working days from your final successful submission of assessment and other course required documentation.

Student support and contact information

Website – online form
For Requests, Feedback, Complaints and Appeals see the Current Student’s section of the MCIE website and select the relevant option: 

Speak to someone
At MCIE you can ask to speak with the ECEC Head of Department, the Student Welfare Officer or other Manager. MCIE’s main line is toll free -1300 737 004

Email for support

Email: [email protected]

Access a copy of the Student Handbook

Access MCIE’s Policies and Procedures

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