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Cues Health Family Nursing Goal of Care Objectives of Care Nursing Method Resources Criteria Standards Method/ Tool

Problem Problem Interventions of Required

Nurse –
Subjective: Illness 1. Assess the Human
State: family’s Home visit Resources:
Colds After a week of nurse knowledge and
family contact, the comprehension A. Time
family will be able to: about the and effort of
following: Parent’s the nurse and
I. Inability to make I. After a week 1. Describe the Class family Verbal Describe the Interview and
“An akon decision with of nursing nature, cause and a. Source of colds feedback nature, cause and questionnaire
ubo liwat respect to taking intervention, mode of such as: B.Cooperation mode of
kay waray pa appropriate heath the family will transmission of  Viruses of the family transmission of
Plema ngan action due to: be able to colds  Contaminated members colds
an akon decide object
sipon ha a. Failure to appropriate  Weather C. Knowledge
adlaw kay comprehend health actions. 2. Enumerate at least  Poor hygiene and skills of the Verbal Interview and
bagan an the nature of 4 symptoms of nurse about the feedback Enumerate at least questionnaire
matubig tas the problem Colds. b. Mode of schistosomiasis 4 symptoms of
ha gab-i transmission: infection. Colds.
liwat kay b. Low  Inhalation of
barado. -Dri salience of 3. Enumerate at least airborne virus Material Verbal Interview and
gud man ak the problem. 5 complications  Direct contact Resources: feedback questionnaire
gin kukurian associated with with infected Enumerate at least
pag colds body fluids or A. Visual Aids 5 complications
gin hawa. infected person and teaching kits associated with
Waray pa 4. Verbalize feelings to facilitate Verbal colds Interview and
liwat a and concerns about c. Signs and health teachings feedback questionnaire
kumadto ha the condition symptoms of such as: Verbalize feelings
health cold:  Leafflets and concerns about
center” 5. Visit the health  Handouts Verbal the condition Interview and
 Low grade
care center for a feedback questionnaire
fever  Phamplets
regular check up Visit the health
 Sore throat  Flyers
care center for a
 Runny or  Powepoints
stuffy nose regular check up
 Coughing C. PHN BAG
 Mild headache
 Slight body Financial
After two weeks of aches Resources:
nurse family contact,  Sneezing
the family will be able A. Money for the
to: d. Possible needed material
complication of for the health
According to II. Inability to II. After two 1. Identify colds: teachings and Verbal Interview and
the client has provide weeks of treatment  Acute ear transportation feedback questionnaire
cough and adequate nurse family modalities for infection Identify treatment
colds for nursing care to interactions, colds.  Asthma modalities for
almost a sick due to: the family colds.
 Acute sinusitis
week started will be able 2. Identify drugs Verbal Interview and
 Strep throat
last a. Lack of to provide that can be feedback questionnaire
Thursday. He knowledge adequate used for colds  Pneumonia Identify drugs that
also treats his about the nursing care  Bronchiolitis can be used for
cough and health to the ill colds
colds with condition. member of 3. Identify diets e. Preventive Verbal Interview and
kalamansi the family. for patient measures feedback questionnaire
juice and b. Lack of with colds  Wash hands Identify diets for
water. He knowledge daily patient with colds
also of the nature 4. Identify health  Disinfect Verbal Interview and
experiences or extent of care provider owned things feedback questionnaire
slight fever. nursing care present in the  Use hygiene Identify health care
needed. community material such provider present in
as tissue the community
 Prevent from Complia Return
5. Demonstrate sharing nce upon Demonstratio
preventive materials/ stuff agreed Demonstrate n
measures  Avoid close interventi preventive
contact with ons measures
anyone who
has cold
 Have a good
 Get enough
exercise and
enough sleep.

f. Modalities of
 Tylenol every
4 to 6 hours as
 Benadryl, 20
to 50 mg every
4 to 6 hours
 Flonase, 2
sprays in each
nostril once
daily (total 200
mcg), reduce
to 1 spray after
few days

2. Assess and
conduct physical
examination of
the client with
 Vital signs
 Weight
 Obstruction to
the Nares
 Ears
 Auscultate
lung fields for
presence of
crackles and
breath sound
 Assess for
semi thick

3. Conduct health
teachings on the

a. The nature of
the disease

b. Mode of
 Inhalation of
airborne virus
 Direct contact
with infected
body fluids or
infected person

c. Source of colds
such as:
 Viruses
 Contaminated
 Weather
 Poor hygiene
d. Signs and
symptoms of
 Low grade
 Sore throat
 Runny or
stuffy nose
 Coughing
 Mild headache
 Slight body
 Sneezing

e. Possible
complication of
 Acute ear
 Asthma
 Acute sinusitis
 Strep throat
 Pneumonia
 Bronchiolitis

f. Preventive
 Wash hands
 Disinfect
owned things
 Use hygiene
material such
as tissue
 Prevent from
materials/ stuff
 Avoid close
contact with
anyone who
has cold
 Have a good
 Get enough
exercise and
enough sleep.

g. Modalities of
 Tylenol every
4 to 6 hours as
 Benadryl, 20
to 50 mg every
4 to 6 hours
 Flonase, 2
sprays in each
nostril once
daily (total 200
mcg), reduce
to 1 spray after
few days

h. Importance of
adhering to the
health and
4. Identify with the
family the
available health
care facility
within the
community such
as barangay
health centers,
and rural health

5. Identify with the

family the
present within
the community
such as
barangay health
nurses and

6. Monitor and
evaluate the
compliance with
and adherence to

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