How Girls Buy Perfume

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Data Collection

Primary Data: Those data which are collected afresh and for the first time
and thus happen to be original in character.

Secondary data: Those data which have already been collected by

someone else and has already been passed through the statistical process.

The Data collection Technique followed are primary data collection by means of:
1. Questionnaire
2. Personal Interviews
3. Survey
4. Schedules

• In this method a questionnaire is sent to the persons concerned with a
request to answer the questions and return the questionnaire.
• Questionnaire consist of a number of questions printed or typed in a
definite order on a form or set of forms.

We used an online questionnaire that was sent to P.hd , Law , MBA and
M.Tech Students of IIT Kharagpur.
Printed Questionnaire was also distributed to the girls of B.Tech, MBA , Law
and P. Hd.

Benefits of online questionnaire:

1. Low cost
2. Free from bias of the interviewer
3. Respondents have adequate time.
4. Respondents who are not easily approachable can also be reached.
5. Large samples can be used. Thus the results are more reliable and

1. Low rate of return of the duly filled in questionnaires.
2. Can be used only when respondents are co-operating.

To counter the above problems we distributed the printed questionnaires.

While designing the questionnaire the things that we kept in mind :

1. Start with the general questions like age , occupation and then move
towards more research specific questions.
2. Do not put controversial questions at the beginning since that might irk
the respondent.
3. A mix of open ended and closed ended questions were kept.

Flaws in designing the Questionnaire

1. Some of our respondents said that if the questionnaire had question

numbers then it would have been more convenient. without the question
numbers some of them were confused and thus skipped some questions.
1. Enumerators go to respondents with schedules, put them the questions
from the proforma and record the replies.
2. They explain the aims and objects of the investigation and removes the
difficulties which respondents feel in understanding the questions

We went to the tech market in IIT Kharagpur and Pooja Mall in Kharagpur and
went to girls and got the schedule filled.

Projective Techniques
• Sometimes called as indirect techniques.

Developed by psychologists to use projection of respondents for inferring about

underlying motives, urges, or intentions which are such that the respondent
either resists to reveal them or is unable to figure out himself.

We used:

Verbal Projection Test:

These are the tests wherein the respondent is asked to comment on or to explain
what other people do. For example: Why do girls wear perfume?

1. Personal interviews
• Unstructured interviews

– they do not follow a system of pre-determined questions and

standardized techniques of recording information.

– Objective is to bring some preliminary issues to the surface so that

researcher can determine what variables need further in-depth

• Structured interviews

It is conducted when it is known at the outset what information is


– The interviewer has a list of predetermined questions.

We conducted structured interviews with IIT students and tried to bring out the
facts which were not revealed in the questionnaire.

Problem faced:

Many of the students in IIT did not use perfumes .

Processing and Data Analysis:

We used the following techniques:

Coding refers to the process of assigning numerals or other symbols to answer
so that responses can be put into unlimited number of categories or classes.
Coding is necessary for efficient ananlysis and through it several replies may be
reduced to a small number of classes which contain the critical information
required for analysis.

Here we are coding the responses of questions like :

Does the suggestion from the salesperson affect your sales decision?

Do you wait for discounts/offers for purchasing?

Does the occasion affect the choice of perfume that you buy /wear?
How do girls decide which perfume
to buy?

Please help us in completing our research project by filling up this survey. The
information from this survey will be used only for academic purposes.
* Required
Top of Form

Age *

• 13-18

• 19-24

• 25-30

• 30+

Hometown/ City *

State *

Current Occupation *

• Student

• Employee

• Other:

Do you earn? *

• Yes

• No

Monthly Pay/Stipend/ Pocket Money Approximate amount is sufficient

Do you use perfume? *

• Yes

• No

What is your favourite perfume?Brand/Fragrance

How often do you purchase perfume? *

• once a month

• once every 3 months

• once every 6 months

• once every year

• I am not a frequent purchaser

• Other:

Which is the perfume that you most recently purchased?Fragrance/Brand

Rank the following attributes in the order of their importance to you during
purchase of a perfume *Highest preference being 1
1 2 3 4 5

Design of the
Convenience of



1 2 3 4 5


Are you more likely to buy a celebrity endorsed perfume? *

• Yes

• No

• Other:

I prefer bottles which are *

• Long and Thin

• Circular

• Short and Wide

• Abstract

• Other:

In which season do you purchase/use more perfumes? *

• Summer

• Winter

• Season does not affect my purchase/use

• Other:

Does the occassion affect the choice of the perfume that you buy/wear? *For
example, daily wear, parties, festive occasions

• Yes

• No

• Other:
Does the suggestions from the salesperson affect your purchase decision? *

• Always

• Sometimes

• Never

• Other:

Do you wait for discounts/ offers for purchasing? *

• Always

• Sometimes

• Never

• Other:

I go for a new perfume when *

• a friend recommends it to me

• its advertisements appeal to me

• i feel I need a change

• No, I usually stick to my favourite perfume

• Other:

Who influences your buying decisions? *

• Friends

• Family

• Boy-friend

• I make my own choice

• Other:

From where do you prefer to buy a perfume? *You can check more than one

• Malls

• Retail shops

• Exclusive Outlets

• Online

• Other:

Why do you wear perfume? *


Bottom of Form
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Does the occasion affect the choice of the perfume
that you buy/wear?
Frequency Percentage
Yes 51 53%
sometimes 14 15%
Age GroupNo 13-18 19-25 25-30 31
30+ 32%
Yes 2 27 11 4
Sometimes 0 3 11 0
No 1 18 17 1

53% of people said that the occasion affected their choice of the perfume whereas 32%
were indifferent to it.

Girls tend to choose different fragrances for different occasions.

X Axis: Age Group

Y Axis: Percentage

It is observed that with the increase in the age and consequently with the
increase in the purchasing power girls tend to use different fragrance and
perfume for different occasions .

Interviews reveealed that Girls tend to use stronger perfumes for festivals and
parties , and light ones for daily wear.
Does the suggestions from the salesperson
affect your purchase decision?
Frequency Percentage

Always 5 3%

Sometimes 57 59%

Never 37 38%
Age Group 13-19 20-25 25-30 30+
Always 1 29 0 0
sometimes 2 17 23 2
Never 0 2 15 3

I t is observed that with the increase in the

age of the girls the affect of salesman advice
is reduced and they prefer to make their own
I go for a new perfume when:

Frequency Percentage
A Friend recommends it to me
14 15
Its advertisement appeals to me 6 6
I feel a need to change 56 59
No, I usually stick to my
favourite perfume
19 20

59% of the girls went for a new perfume

when they felt a need for change whereas
only 6% of the girls went for a different
perfume if the advertisement appealed to

e Age GroupAAA 13-18-- 19-254 25--30 30+

A Friend recommends it to me 0 9 4 1
Its advertisement appeals to me 0 5 1 0
I feel a need to change 3 23 26 4
No, I usually stick to my favourite 0 11 8 19
It is observed that with the increase in age ,
girls tend to stick by their own favourite
perfume and seldom changed it for a new
one. The affect of advertisement is
diminished as the age increases.

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