278in HSD Ps
278in HSD Ps
278in HSD Ps
Mechanical Specifications
Nominal outside diameter, in 2.802
Shots per foot (spf), phasing, ° 4, 180
6, 60; 6, L180/60
Shot spacing, in 4 spf: 3
6 spf: 2
Temperature rating, degF [degC] 400 [204]†
Pressure rating, psi 25,000
Min. casing size, in 4½
Nominal lengths, ft 5, 10, 20, 30
Interval missed between guns, in 12
Loaded 20-ft gun weight in air, lbm 246
Max. outside diameter including burrs, in Shot in liquid: 2.96 to 3.16
Shot in gas: 3.08 to 3.32
Tensile load, lbf 105,000‡
† With high-temperature explosives and seals
‡ Based on worst-case material and machining tolerances
27⁄8-in HSD gun, 6 spf,
60° RH spiral phasing.
27⁄8-in HSD High Shot Density Perforating Gun System
60° 180°
3 in 2 in
2 in
12 in 12 in 12 in
24 in 24 in 24 in
6 spf, 60° Phasing 4 spf, 180° Phasing 6 spf, L180°/60° Phasing
Shot patterns for the 27⁄8-in HSD gun system for 4½-in casing.
API Statistics†
API RP 19B shot in 4½-in 11.6-lbm/ft L 80 casing
Charge Explosive Shots Entrance Burr Height Area Penetration, Temperature, Target Test Date
Type, Max. per Foot, Hole, in Avg./Max., Open in degF Strength,
Weight, g Phasing,° in to Flow, psi
PowerJet Omega 2906‡ HMX, 16.0 6, 60 0.34 0.05/0.08 – 36.0 400 5,859 08/17/2004
PowerJet* 2906‡ HMX, 15.0 6, 60 0.38 0.06/0.08 – 25.3 400 6,989 10/14/2002
PowerJet Omega 2906‡ HNS, 17.6 6, 60 0.31 0.05/0.09 – 24.3 400 5,923 02/05/2008
PowerJet 2906‡ HNS, 19.5 6, 60 0.31 0.06/0.09 – 21.0 400 6,057 07/25/2002
UltraJet*2906‡ HMX, 15.0 6, 60 0.36 0.07/0.09 – 22.1 400 6,356 01/29/2002
HyperJet* 2906‡ RDX, 15.0 6, 60 0.39 0.06/0.09 – 15.0 400 8,091 12/17/2001
38C CleanPACK*,‡ HMX, 15.0 6, 60 0.70 0.06/0.08 2.31 6.6 400 8,401 06/01/2004
38C CleanPACK RDX, 15.0 6, 60 0.62 0.09/0.13 1.81 8.4 400 – –
† Entrance hole, penetration, temperature
‡ API 19B Registered Perforation Systems
*Mark of Schlumberger
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