Rtpe Status and Reason Code
Rtpe Status and Reason Code
Rtpe Status and Reason Code
sufficient or missing
Business Key Description
AC01 IncorrectAccountNumber
AC04 ClosedAccountNumber
AC06 BlockedAccount
AC13 InvalidDebtorAccountType
AM04 InsufficientFunds
SL01 SpecificServiceOfferedByDebtorAgent
S004 RequestForCancellationDeliveryAcknowledgement
AB01 AbortedClearingTimeout
AB02 AbortedClearingFatalError
AB03 AbortedSettlementTimeout
AB04 AbortedSettlementFatalError
AB05 TimeoutCreditorAgent
AB06 TimeoutInstructedAgent
AB07 OfflineAgent
AB08 OfflineCreditorAgent
AB09 ErrorCreditorAgent
AB10 ErrorInstructedAgent
AB11 TimeoutDebtorAgent
AC02 InvalidDebtorAccountNumber
AC03 InvalidCreditorAccountNumber
AC05 ClosedDebtorAccountNumber
AC07 ClosedCreditorAccountNumber
AC08 InvalidBranchCode
AC09 InvalidAccountCurrency
AC10 InvalidDebtorAccountCurrency
AC11 InvalidCreditorAccountCurrency
AC12 InvalidAccountType
AC14 InvalidCreditorAccountType
AC15 AccountDetailsChanged
AG01 TransactionForbidden
AG02 InvalidBankOperationCode
AG03 TransactionNotSupported
AG04 InvalidAgentCountry
AG05 InvalidDebtorAgentCountry
AG06 InvalidCreditorAgentCountry
AG07 UnsuccesfulDirectDebit
AG08 InvalidAccessRights
AG09 PaymentNotReceived
AG10 AgentSuspended
AG11 CreditorAgentSuspended
AG12 NotAllowedBookTransfer
AG13 ForbiddenReturnPayment
AGNT IncorrectAgent
AM01 ZeroAmount
AM02 NotAllowedAmount
AM03 NotAllowedCurrency
AM05 Duplication
AM06 TooLowAmount
AM07 BlockedAmount
AM09 WrongAmount
AM10 InvalidControlSum
AM11 InvalidTransactionCurrency
AM12 InvalidAmount
AM13 AmountExceedsClearingSystemLimit
AM14 AmountExceedsAgreedLimit
AM15 AmountBelowClearingSystemMinimum
AM16 InvalidGroupControlSum
AM17 InvalidPaymentInfoControlSum
AM18 InvalidNumberOfTransactions
AM19 InvalidGroupNumberOfTransactions
AM20 InvalidPaymentInfoNumberOfTransactions
AM21 LimitExceeded
AM22 ZeroAmountNotApplied
AM23 AmountExceedsSettlementLimit
BE01 InconsistenWithEndCustomer
BE04 MissingCreditorAddress
BE05 UnrecognisedInitiatingParty
BE06 UnknownEndCustomer
BE07 MissingDebtorAddress
BE08 MissingDebtorName
BE09 InvalidCountry
BE10 InvalidDebtorCountry
BE11 InvalidCreditorCountry
BE12 InvalidCountryOfResidence
BE13 InvalidDebtorCountryOfResidence
BE14 InvalidCreditorCountryOfResidence
BE15 InvalidIdentificationCode
BE16 InvalidDebtorIdentificationCode
BE17 InvalidCreditorIdentificationCode
BE18 InvalidContactDetails
BE19 InvalidChargeBearerCode
BE20 InvalidNameLength
BE21 MissingName
BE22 MissingCreditorName
CH03 RequestedExecutionDateOrRequestedCollectionDateTooFarI
CH04 RequestedExecutionDateOrRequestedCollectionDateTooFarI
CH07 ElementIsNotToBeUsedAtB-andC-Level
CH09 MandateChangesNotAllowed
CH10 InformationOnMandateChangesMissing
CH11 CreditorIdentifierIncorrect
CH12 CreditorIdentifierNotUnambiguouslyAtTransaction-Level
CH13 OriginalDebtorAccountIsNotToBeUsed
CH14 OriginalDebtorAgentIsNotToBeUsed
CH15 ElementContentIncludesMoreThan140Characters
CH16 ElementContentFormallyIncorrect
CH17 ElementNotAdmitted
CH19 ValuesWillBeSetToNextTARGETday
CH20 DecimalPointsNotCompatibleWithCurrency
CH21 RequiredCompulsoryElementMissing
CH22 COREandB2BwithinOnemessage
CNOR CreditorBankIsNotRegistered
CURR IncorrectCurrency
CUST RequestedByCustomer
DNOR DebtorBankIsNotRegistered
DS01 ElectronicSignaturesCorrect
DS02 OrderCancelled
DS03 OrderNotCancelled
DS04 OrderRejected
DS05 OrderForwardedForPostprocessing
DS06 TransferOrder
DS07 ProcessingOK
DS08 DecompressionError
DS09 DecryptionError
DS0A DataSignRequested
DS0B UnknownDataSignFormat
DS0C SignerCertificateRevoked
DS0D SignerCertificateNotValid
DS0E IncorrectSignerCertificate
DS0F SignerCertificationAuthoritySignerNotValid
DS0G NotAllowedPayment
DS0H NotAllowedAccount
DS0K NotAllowedNumberOfTransaction
DS10 Signer1CertificateRevoked
DS11 Signer1CertificateNotValid
DS12 IncorrectSigner1Certificate
DS13 SignerCertificationAuthoritySigner1NotValid
DS14 UserDoesNotExist
DS15 IdenticalSignatureFound
DS16 PublicKeyVersionIncorrect
DS17 DifferentOrderDataInSignatures
DS18 RepeatOrder
DS19 ElectronicSignatureRightsInsufficient
DS20 Signer2CertificateRevoked
DS21 Signer2CertificateNotValid
DS22 IncorrectSigner2Certificate
DS23 SignerCertificationAuthoritySigner2NotValid
DS24 WaitingTimeExpired
DS25 OrderFileDeleted
DS26 UserSignedMultipleTimes
DS27 UserNotYetActivated
DT01 InvalidDate
DT02 InvalidCreationDate
DT03 InvalidNonProcessingDate
DT04 FutureDateNotSupported
DT05 InvalidCutOffDate
DT06 ExecutionDateChanged
DU01 DuplicateMessageID
DU02 DuplicatePaymentInformationID
DU03 DuplicateTransaction
DU04 DuplicateEndToEndID
DU05 DuplicateInstructionID
DUPL DuplicatePayment
ED01 CorrespondentBankNotPossible
ED03 BalanceInfoRequest
ED05 SettlementFailed
ED06 SettlementSystemNotAvailable
ERIN ERIOptionNotSupported
FF01 InvalidFileFormat
FF02 SyntaxError
FF03 InvalidPaymentTypeInformation
FF04 InvalidServiceLevelCode
FF05 InvalidLocalInstrumentCode
FF06 InvalidCategoryPurposeCode
FF07 InvalidPurpose
FF08 InvalidEndToEndId
FF09 InvalidChequeNumber
FF10 BankSystemProcessingError
FF11 ClearingRequestAborted
G000 PaymentTransferredAndTracked
G001 PaymentTransferredAndNotTracked
G002 CreditDebitNotConfirmed
G003 CreditPendingDocuments
G004 CreditPendingFunds
G005 DeliveredWithServiceLevel
G006 DeliveredWIthoutServiceLevel
ID01 CorrespondingOriginalFileStillNotSent
MD01 NoMandate
MD02 MissingMandatoryInformationInMandate
MD05 CollectionNotDue
MD06 RefundRequestByEndCustomer
MD07 EndCustomerDeceased
MS02 NotSpecifiedReasonCustomerGenerated
MS03 NotSpecifiedReasonAgentGenerated
NARR Narrative
RC01 BankIdentifierIncorrect
RC02 InvalidBankIdentifier
RC03 InvalidDebtorBankIdentifier
RC04 InvalidCreditorBankIdentifier
RC05 InvalidBICIdentifier
RC06 InvalidDebtorBICIdentifier
RC07 InvalidCreditorBICIdentifier
RC08 InvalidClearingSystemMemberIdentifier
RC09 InvalidDebtorClearingSystemMemberIdentifier
RC10 InvalidCreditorClearingSystemMemberIdentifier
RC11 InvalidIntermediaryAgent
RC12 MissingCreditorSchemeId
RCON RMessageConflict
RECI ReceiverCustomerInformation
RF01 NotUniqueTransactionReference
RR01 MissingDebtorAccountOrIdentification
RR02 MissingDebtorNameOrAddress
RR03 MissingCreditorNameOrAddress
RR04 RegulatoryReason
RR05 RegulatoryInformationInvalid
RR06 TaxInformationInvalid
RR07 RemittanceInformationInvalid
RR08 RemittanceInformationTruncated
RR09 InvalidStructuredCreditorReference
RR10 InvalidCharacterSet
RR11 InvalidDebtorAgentServiceID
RR12 InvalidPartyID
S000 ValidRequestForCancellationAcknowledged
S001 UETRFlaggedForCancellation
S002 NetworkStopOfUETR
S003 RequestForCancellationForwarded
SL02 SpecificServiceOfferedByCreditorAgent
SL03 ServiceofClearingSystem
SL11 CreditorNotOnWhitelistOfDebtor
SL12 CreditorOnBlacklistOfDebtor
SL13 MaximumNumberOfDirectDebitTransactionsExceeded
SL14 MaximumDirectDebitTransactionAmountExceeded
TA01 TransmissonAborted
TD01 NoDataAvailable
TD02 FileNonReadable
TD03 IncorrectFileStructure
TK01 TokenInvalid
TK02 SenderTokenNotFound
TK03 ReceiverTokenNotFound
TK09 TokenMissing
TKCM TokenCounterpartyMismatch
TKSG TokenSingleUse
TKSP TokenSuspended
TKVE TokenValueLimitExceeded
TKXP TokenExpired
TM01 InvalidCutOffTime
TS01 TransmissionSuccessful
TS04 TransferToSignByHand
Account number is invalid or missing. = RETURNED
Account number specified has been closed on the bank of account's books.= RETURNED
Account specified is blocked, prohibiting posting of transactions against it. = RETURNED
Debtor account type missing or invalid = RETURNED
Amount of funds available to cover specified message amount is insufficient. = RETURNED
Due to specific service offered by the Debtor Agent. = RETURNED
Request for Cancellation has been acknowledged as delivered to payment processing/last payment processing agent.
Clearing process aborted due to timeout.
Clearing process aborted due to a fatal error.
Settlement aborted due to timeout.
Settlement process aborted due to a fatal error.
Transaction stopped due to timeout at the Creditor Agent.
Transaction stopped due to timeout at the Instructed Agent.
Agent of message is not online. Generic usage if it cannot be determined who exactly is not online.
Creditor Agent is not online.
Transaction stopped due to error at the Creditor Agent.
Transaction stopped due to error at the Instructed Agent.
Transaction stopped due to timeout at the Debtor Agent.
Debtor account number invalid or missing
Creditor account number invalid or missing
Debtor account number closed
Creditor account number closed
Branch code is invalid or missing
Account currency is invalid or missing
Debtor account currency is invalid or missing
Creditor account currency is invalid or missing
Account type missing or invalid. Generic usage if cannot specify between group and payment information levels
Creditor account type missing or invalid
The account details for the counterparty have changed.
Transaction forbidden on this type of account (formerly NoAgreement)
Bank Operation code specified in the message is not valid for receiver
Transaction type not supported/authorized on this account
Agent country code is missing or invalid. Generic usage if cannot specify between group and payment information levels.
Debtor agent country code is missing or invalid
Creditor agent country code is missing or invalid
Debtor account cannot be debited for a generic reason. Code value may be used in general purposes and as a replacement fo
Transaction failed due to invalid or missing user or access right
Original payment never received.
Agent of message is suspended from the Real Time Payment system. Generic usage if it cannot be determined who exactly is
Creditor Agent of message is suspended from the Real Time Payment system.
Payment orders made by transferring funds from one account to another at the same financial institution (bank or payment ins
Returned payments derived from previously returned transactions are not allowed.
Agent in the payment workflow is incorrect
Specified message amount is equal to zero
Specific transaction/message amount is greater than allowed maximum
Specified message amount is an non processable currency outside of existing agreement
Specified transaction amount is less than agreed minimum.
Amount specified in message has been blocked by regulatory authorities.
Amount received is not the amount agreed or expected
Sum of instructed amounts does not equal the control sum.
Transaction currency is invalid or missing
Amount is invalid or missing
Transaction amount exceeds limits set by clearing system
Transaction amount exceeds limits agreed between bank and client
Transaction amount below minimum set by clearing system
Control Sum at the Group level is invalid
Control Sum at the Payment Information level is invalid
Number of transactions is invalid or missing. Generic usage if cannot specify between group and payment information levels.
Number of transactions at the Group level is invalid or missing
Number of transactions at the Payment Information level is invalid
Transaction amount exceeds limits agreed between bank and client.
Unable to apply zero amount to designated account. For example, where the rules of a service allow the use of zero amount p
Transaction amount exceeds settlement limit.
Identification of end customer is not consistent with associated account number. (formerly CreditorConsistency).
Specification of creditor's address, which is required for payment, is missing/not correct (formerly IncorrectCreditorAddress).
Party who initiated the message is not recognised by the end customer
End customer specified is not known at associated Sort/National Bank Code or does no longer exist in the books
Specification of debtor's address, which is required for payment, is missing/not correct.
Debtor name is missing
Country code is missing or Invalid. Generic usage if cannot specifically identify debtor or creditor
Debtor country code is missing or invalid
Creditor country code is missing or invalid
Country code of residence is missing or Invalid. Generic usage if cannot specifically identify debtor or creditor
Country code of debtor's residence is missing or Invalid
Country code of creditor's residence is missing or Invalid
Identification code missing or invalid. Generic usage if cannot specifically identify debtor or creditor.
Debtor or Ultimate Debtor identification code missing or invalid
Creditor or Ultimate Creditor identification code missing or invalid
Contact details missing or invalid
Charge bearer code for transaction type is invalid
Name length exceeds local rules for payment type.
Name missing or invalid. Generic usage if cannot specifically identify debtor or creditor.
Creditor name is missing
Credit transfer is not tagged as an Extended Remittance Information (ERI) transaction but contains ERI.
Value in Requested Execution Date or Requested Collection Date is too far in the future
Value in Requested Execution Date or Requested Collection Date is too far in the past
Element is not to be used at B- and C-Level
Mandate changes are not allowed
Information on mandate changes are missing
Value in Creditor Identifier is incorrect
Creditor Identifier is ambiguous at Transaction Level
Original Debtor Account is not to be used
Original Debtor Agent is not to be used
Content Remittance Information/Structured includes more than 140 characters
Content is incorrect
Element is not allowed
Values in Interbank Settlement Date or Requested Collection Date will be set to the next TARGET day
Number of decimal points not compatible with the currency
Mandatory element is missing
SDD CORE and B2B not permitted within one message
Creditor bank is not registered under this BIC in the CSM
Currency of the payment is incorrect
Cancellation requested by the Debtor
Debtor bank is not registered under this BIC in the CSM
The electronic signature(s) is/are correct
An authorized user has cancelled the order
The user's attempt to cancel the order was not successful
The order was rejected by the bank side (for reasons concerning content)
The order was correct and could be forwarded for postprocessing
The order was transferred to VEU
All actions concerning the order could be done by the EBICS bank server
The decompression of the file was not successful
The decryption of the file was not successful
Data signature is required.
Data signature for the format is not available or invalid.
The signer certificate is revoked.
The signer certificate is not valid (revoked or not active).
The signer certificate is not present.
The authority of the signer certification sending the certificate is unknown.
Signer is not allowed to sign this operation type.
Signer is not allowed to sign for this account.
The number of transaction is over the number allowed for this signer.
The certificate is revoked for the first signer.
The certificate is not valid (revoked or not active) for the first signer.
The certificate is not present for the first signer.
The authority of signer certification sending the certificate is unknown for the first signer.
The user is unknown on the server
The same signature has already been sent to the bank
The public key version is not correct. This code is returned when a customer sends signature files to the financial institution aft
Order data and signatures don't match
File cannot be tested, the complete order has to be repeated. This code is returned in the event of a malfunction during the sig
The user's rights (concerning his signature) are insufficient to execute the order
The certificate is revoked for the second signer.
The certificate is not valid (revoked or not active) for the second signer.
The certificate is not present for the second signer.
The authority of signer certification sending the certificate is unknown for the second signer.
Waiting time expired due to incomplete order
The order file was deleted by the bank server (for multiple reasons)
The same user has signed multiple times
The user is not yet activated (technically)
Invalid date (eg, wrong or missing settlement date)
Invalid creation date and time in Group Header (eg, historic date)
Invalid non bank processing date (eg, weekend or local public holiday)
Future date not supported
Associated message, payment information block or transaction was received after agreed processing cut-off date, i.e., date in
Execution Date has been modified in order for transaction to be processed
Message Identification is not unique.
Payment Information Block is not unique.
Transaction is not unique.
End To End ID is not unique.
Instruction ID is not unique.
Payment is a duplicate of another payment
Correspondent bank not possible.
Balance of payments complementary info is requested
Settlement of the transaction has failed.
Interbank settlement system not available.
Extended Remittance Information (ERI) option is not supported.
File Format incomplete or invalid
Syntax error reason is provided as narrative information in the additional reason information.
Payment Type Information is missing or invalid. Generic usage if cannot specify Service Level or Local Instrument code
Service Level code is missing or invalid
Local Instrument code is missing or invalid
Category Purpose code is missing or invalid
Purpose is missing or invalid
End to End Id missing or invalid
Cheque number missing or invalid
File or transaction cannot be processed due to technical issues at the bank side
Clearing request rejected due it being subject to an abort operation.
In an FI To FI Customer Credit Transfer: The Status Originator transferred the payment to the next Agent or to a Market Infras
In an FI To FI Customer Credit Transfer: The Status Originator transferred the payment to the next Agent or to a Market Infras
In a FIToFI Customer Credit Transfer: Credit to the creditor's account may not be confirmed same day. Update will follow from
In a FIToFI Customer Credit Transfer: Credit to creditor's account is pending receipt of required documents. The Status Origin
In a FIToFI Customer Credit Transfer: Credit to the creditor's account is pending, status Originator is waiting for funds provided
Payment has been delivered to creditor agent with service level.
Payment has been delivered to creditor agent without service level.
Signature file was sent to the bank but the corresponding original file has not been sent yet.
No Mandate
Mandate related information data required by the scheme is missing.
Creditor or creditor's agent should not have collected the direct debit
Return of funds requested by end customer
End customer is deceased.
Reason has not been specified by end customer
Reason has not been specified by agent.
Reason is provided as narrative information in the additional reason information.
Credit transfer is tagged as an Extended Remittance Information (ERI) transaction but does not contain ERI.
Bank identifier code specified in the message has an incorrect format (formerly IncorrectFormatForRoutingCode).
Bank identifier is invalid or missing. Generic usage if cannot specify between debit or credit account
Debtor bank identifier is invalid or missing
Creditor bank identifier is invalid or missing
BIC identifier is invalid or missing. Generic usage if cannot specify between debit or credit account.
Debtor BIC identifier is invalid or missing
Creditor BIC identifier is invalid or missing
ClearingSystemMemberidentifier is invalid or missing. Generic usage if cannot specify between debit or credit account
Debtor ClearingSystemMember identifier is invalid or missing
Creditor ClearingSystemMember identifier is invalid or missing
Intermediary Agent is invalid or missing
Creditor Scheme Id is invalid or missing
Conflict with R-Message
Further information regarding the intended recipient.
Transaction reference is not unique within the message.
Specification of the debtor's account or unique identification needed for reasons of regulatory requirements is insufficient or mi
Specification of the debtor's name and/or address needed for regulatory requirements is insufficient or missing.
Specification of the creditor's name and/or address needed for regulatory requirements is insufficient or missing.
Regulatory Reason
Regulatory or Central Bank Reporting information missing, incomplete or invalid.
Tax information missing, incomplete or invalid.
Remittance information structure does not comply with rules for payment type.
Remittance information truncated to comply with rules for payment type.
Structured creditor reference invalid or missing.
Character set supplied not valid for the country and payment type.
Invalid or missing identification of a bank proprietary service.
Invalid or missing identification required within a particular country or payment type.
Request for Cancellation is acknowledged following validation.
Unique End-to-end Transaction Reference (UETR) relating to a payment has been identified as being associated with a Reque
Unique End-to-end Transaction Reference (UETR) relating to a payment has been prevent from traveling across a messaging
Request for Cancellation has been forwarded to the payment processing/last payment processing agent.
Due to specific service offered by the Creditor Agent.
Due to a specific service offered by the clearing system.
Whitelisting service offered by the Debtor Agent; Debtor has not included the Creditor on its "Whitelist" (yet). In the Whitelist th
Blacklisting service offered by the Debtor Agent; Debtor included the Creditor on his "Blacklist". In the Blacklist the Debtor may
Due to Maximum allowed Direct Debit Transactions per period service offered by the Debtor Agent.
Due to Maximum allowed Direct Debit Transaction amount service offered by the Debtor Agent.
The transmission of the file was not successful - it had to be aborted (for technical reasons)
There is no data available (for download)
The file cannot be read (e.g. unknown format)
The file format is incomplete or invalid
Token is invalid.
Token used for the sender does not exist.
Token used for the receiver does not exist.
Token required for request is missing.
Token found with counterparty mismatch.
Single Use Token already used.
Token found with suspended status.
Token found with value limit rule violation.
Token expired.
Associated message, payment information block, or transaction was received after agreed processing cut-off time.
The (technical) transmission of the file was successful.
The order was transferred to pass by accompanying note signed by hand
eport the error condition.
ed the account booking and transferred the cover transaction to the next Reimbursement Agent or to a Market Infrastructure. The payment
ormed the account booking and transferred the cover transaction to the next Reimbursement Agent or to a Market Infrastructure. The paym
not be transferred same day. Update will follow from the Status Originator.
as requested a previous Agent to provide additional information/correct information. Update will follow from the Status Originator.
nfrastructure. The payment transfer is tracked. No further updates will follow from the Status Originator.
et Infrastructure. The payment transfer is not tracked. No further updates will follow from the Status Originator.
Status Originator.