Agricultural Science & Technology Facility Guidelines: Catalog No. 9006

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Agricultural Science & Technology

Facility Guidelines

Catalog No. 9006



Reviews of local education agencies pertaining to compliance with Title VI Civil Rights Act of 1964 and with specific re-
quirements of the Modified Court Order, Civil Action NO. 5281, Federal District Court, Eastern District of Texas, Tyler Di-
vision are conducted periodically by staff representatives of the Texas Education Agency. These reviews cover at least the
following policies and practices:

(1) acceptance policies on student transfers from other school districts;

(2) operation of school bus routes or runs on a non-segregated basis;
(3) nondiscrimination in extracurricular activities and the use of school facilities;
(4) non discriminatory practices in the hiring, assigning, promoting, paying, demoting reassigning, or dismissing of fac-
ulty and staff who work with children;
(5) enrollment and assignment of students without discrimination on the basis of race, color, or national origin;
(6) nondiscriminatory practices relating to the use of a student's first language; and
(7) evidence of published procedures for hearing complaints and grievances.

In addition to conducting reviews, the Texas Education Agency staff representatives check complaints of discrimination made
by a citizen or citizens residing in a school district where it is alleged discriminatory practices have occurred or are occurring.

Where a violation of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act is found, the findings are reported to the Office for Civil Rights, De-
partment of Health, Education and Welfare.

If there is a direct violation of the Court Order in Civil Action No. 5281 that cannot be cleared through negotiation, the sanc-
tions required by the Court Order are applied.


It is the policy of the Texas Education Agency to comply fully with the nondiscrimination provisions of all federal and state
laws and regulations by assuring that no person shall be excluded from consideration for recruitment, selection, appointment,
training, promotion, retention, or any other personnel action, or be denied any benefits or participation in any programs or
activities which it operates on the grounds of race, religion, color, national origin, sex, handicap, age, or veteran status (except
where age, sex, or handicap constitute a bona fide occupational qualification necessary to proper and efficient administration).
The Texas Education Agency makes positive efforts to employ and advance in employment all protected groups.


Reproduction prohibited without written permission.

Instructional Materials Service
Texas A&M University
2588 TAMUS
College Station, Texas 77843-2588


Jim Nelson, Commissioner of Education Terry Phillips, Director
Agricultural Science and
Arturo Almendarez, Deputy Commissioner Natural Resources Education
Programs and Instruction
Mona Corbett, Program Specialist
Robert Muller, Associate Commissioner Agricultural Science and
Continuing Education and School Improvement Natural Resources Education
Alfredo Acevedo, Managing Director Kenny Edgar, Program Specialist
Continuing Education Agricultural Science and
Natural Resources Education
Ann Pennington, Division Director Donna Meyer, Program Specialist
Career and Technology Education Agricultural Science and
Natural Resources Education
Special appreciation is given to the following individuals who served in the development of this docu-
ment. This publication is a reflection of the ideas and experience of these professional in educators and
Curry Allen, Tuscola Dr. Jinny Johnson, TAMU-College Station
Josh Anderson, Leander Tim Knezek, IMS, College Station
Dr. Mike A. Barrera, McAllen Joe Liles, Holland
Reece Blinco, San Marcos Kevin Lynch, Splendora
Brian Brawner, R&B Aquatics, Boerne John Mack, San Antonio
Rene Cantu, Sr., Edinburg Tom Maynard, Austin
Glen Conrad, TruGreen Landcare, Bryan Judy McLeod, College Station
Joe Costanza, J.A. Costanza & Associates Roy Mills, Nacogdoches
Engineering, Inc., Deer Park Chris Morgan, Flower Mound
Dr. Joe Dettling, IMS, College Station Dr. Joe Muller, SHSU, Huntsville
Dr. John Dillingham, IMS, College Station Mickie Ohlendorff, Pearland
Marshall Eaton, Tuscola Lisa Pieper, College Station
Kenny Edgar, Austin Pat Real, Converse
Kirk Edney, IMS, College Station Ronel Roberts, Victoria
Dr. Craig Edwards, IMS, College Station Bobby Rosenbusch, Florence
Larry Ermis, IMS, College Station Javier J. Saenz, Weslaco
Marsha Goodwin, Dallas Dr. Lon Shell, SWTSU, San Marcos
Dr. Davey Griffin, TAMU-College Station Joe Skinner, Garland
Gina Hale, Orange Grove Marty Spradlin, Daingerfield
Dr. Randy Harp, TAMU-Commerce Michael Tondre, San Antonio
Dr. Billy Harrell, SHSU, Huntsville Dwayne Walters, James E. Blakeman &
L.W. (Billy) Hartman, Orange Grove Associates, Inc., Navasota
Janet Hayes, Deer Park Janelle Watson, Klein
Tom Heffernan, Poteet Tim Wyatt, Plano
Don Henson, Goldthwaite Bobby Yates, Elgin
Mike Horn, Prodigene, Inc. College Station Keith Zamzow, IMS, College Station
Table of Contents
Forward ....................................................................................................................................... 1

Introduction................................................................................................................................. 3

Summary of Agriscience and Technology Programs in Texas ................................................... 5

General Recommendations for Facilities Common to All Agriscience Programs ..................... 7

Safety and Security ................................................................................................................... 27

Students with Disabilities ......................................................................................................... 33

Recommended Facility Standards............................................................................................. 37

Leadership Development and Technology.................................................................... 39
Mechanized Agriculture................................................................................................ 49
Food and Fiber
Agricultural Biotechnology............................................................................... 91
Horticulture ................................................................................................................. 105
Environmental and Natural Resources
Aquaculture..................................................................................................... 117
Forestry ........................................................................................................... 137
Value Added and Food Processing System
Food Technology – Meats Processing ............................................................ 139
Work-Based Learning – Agribusiness ........................................................................ 149
Project/Research Laboratory....................................................................................... 151

Summary ................................................................................................................................. 161


This publication offers ideas, suggestions, and recommendations of industry professionals, school ad-
ministrators, architects, safety consultants, agricultural science and technology teachers, and curriculum
specialists. The purpose of this document is to provide the planning committee with information that
might otherwise be overlooked. It cannot account for the local needs of every school district. As a re-
sult, planning activities should not be limited to suggestions found in this document. Instead, utilize this
publication as a reference to begin the planning phase of the expansion program.

There are no state standards for an agricultural science and technology department. There is no law or
code that specifically dictates agricultural science and technology facility standards. Publication of this
document is not to imply that school districts must comply with information provided. There are state
statues or codes that do mandate such areas as classroom size. Where sections discuss mandates, this
publication identifies state statues or codes that are law. They are identified within the document and the
school district must meet those specified requirements.

As a courtesy, this document can be accessed at the Instructional Materials Service (IMS) Web site. The
online document contains links to the photographs contained in this document. Access the IMS Web
site at Further questions or comments regarding this document can be ad-
dressed by calling Instructional Materials Service at (979) 845-6601.


The suggestions offered in this guide are the re- CURRICULUM DESIGN
sult of an advisory committee comprised of ag-
The choices available to a school district are
ricultural science and technology teachers, very diverse. Seven systems comprise the AST
school administrators, and industry representa- program:
tives. Many facilities were reviewed. The mis-
sion of the advisory committee was to offer rec- • Leadership Development
ommendations for facilities within the entire
Agricultural Science and Technology (AST) • Agribusiness Marketing and Management
curriculum. • Mechanized Agriculture
• Food and Fiber
It is the purpose of this publication to offer
• Horticultural
timely information to planners based on experi-
ences of the members of the committee. Early • Environmental and Natural Resources
use of this publication will allow time for plan- • Value-added and Food Processing
ners to consider these recommendations while
the district is still in the planning stage of the The AST curriculum is divided into two catego-
project. ries. Students have the option of enrolling in
agricultural school-based learning (SBL) or
The Agricultural Science and Technology cur- work-based learning (WBL) classes. School-
riculum makes a diverse selection of semester, based learning involves each system and is
agricultural industry, and work-based learning comprised of both agriscience and agricultural
courses available to students. These courses are industry curricula. Agriscience courses are ½-
grouped into seven systems, each of which of- credit semester courses. Agricultural industry
fers the student a field of study in an occupa- curricula offer students the opportunity to enroll
tional area. This educational format for the ag- in one, two, or three-credit courses. The WBL
riscience program promotes interest in the study programs offer junior and senior students an op-
of agriculture. School districts have reason to portunity to enroll in agricultural cooperative
evaluate their district’s need for an agriscience training, rotations, shadowing, or internship.
program. In existing programs, the district may
choose to upgrade facilities chosen. Where ag- Each AST system has special facility and
ricultural education courses are not offered, the equipment requirements that should be consid-
district may choose implementation of an Agri- ered before implementation. The local school
cultural Science and Technology program. district has the responsibility of conducting a
needs assessment study to determine the type of
curriculum suited for their clientele. The find-
ings of the study should give the district the di-
rection needed to begin the planning stage. Re-
gardless of the system or systems selected, this
publication is designed to assist the school ad-
ministration, the agricultural science and tech-
nology teachers, the architects, and others in-
volved in the facilities planning.

The curriculum design and facility planning tems. Planners should consider the following
factors are perspectives regarding long-range planning.
• Current/future instructional offerings, • Community needs,
• Number of teachers, • Expansion of curriculum and system offer-
• Enrollments, ings,
• Special needs of students, and • Potential increases in enrollment,
• Safety considerations. • Additions to the agricultural science faculty,
• Emergence of new technologies, and
Planning should extend beyond the current pro- • Student interests.
gram status. Long-range planning should ac-
count for all areas of instruction within all sys-

Units Combination Combination Combination Combination
One Square feet Square feet Square feet Square feet Square feet
2400 – laboratory 2400 – laboratory 2400 – laboratory 2400 – laboratory 2400 – laboratory
1000 – c.r. 1000 – c.r. 1000 – c.r. 1000 – c.r. 1000 – c.r.
1200 – s.o.r. 1200 – s.o.r 1200 – s.o.r. 1200 – s.o.r.
350 – paint 1600 – g.h. 350 - paint
600 – h.h.
Two 3000 – laboratory 3000 – laboratory 4200 – laboratory 3000 – laboratory 3000 – laboratory
(2) 750 c.r. (2) 750 c.r. (2) 750 c.r. (2) 750 c.r. (2) 750 c.r.
1500 – s.o.r. 1200 – s.o.r. 1500 – s.o.r. 1500 – s.o.r. 1500 – s.o.r.
350 – paint 350 - paint 1600 – g.h. 350 - paint
600 – h.h.
Three 3600 – laboratory 3600 – laboratory 3600 – laboratory 3600 – laboratory 3600 – laboratory
(2) 750 c.r. (2) 750 c.r. (2) 750 c.r. (2) 750 c.r. (2) 750 c.r.
(one additional if (one additional if (one additional if (one additional if (one additional if
needed) needed) needed) needed) needed)
1600 – s.o.r. 1600 – s.o.r. 1600 – s.o.r. 1600 – s.o.r. 1600 – s.o.r.
350 – paint 350 – paint 1600 – g.h.(2) 350 – paint
600 – h.h.
Four 4200 – laboratory 4200 – laboratory 5400 – laboratory(1) 4200 – laboratory 4200 – laboratory
(3) 750 c.r. (3) 750 c.r. (3) 750 c.r. (3) 750 c.r. (3) 750 c.r.
(one additional if (one additional if (one additional if (one additional if (one additional if
needed) needed) needed) needed) needed)
1700 – s.o.r. 1700 – s.o.r. 1700 – s.o.r. 1700 – s.o.r. 1700 – s.o.r.
350 – paint 350 – paint 1680 ea.– g.h.(2) 350 – paint
600 – h.h.
Five 4800 – laboratory 4800 – laboratory 6000 – laboratory 3600 – laboratory 3600 – laboratory
(4) 750 c.r.* (4) 750 c.r.* (4) 750 c.r.* (4) 750 c.r.* (4) 750 c.r.*
(one additional if (one additional if (one additional if (one additional if (one additional if
needed) needed) needed) needed) needed)
1800 – s.o.r. 1800 – s.o.r. 1800 – s.o.r. 1800 – s.o.r. 1800 – s.o.r.
350 – paint 350 – paint 1600 – g.h.(2) 350 – paint
600 – h.h.

AST – Agricultural Science & Technology ** see page

WBL – Work-based Learning *** see page
APM – Agricultural Power & Machinery (1) If more than two sections of Ag
Hort – Horticulture Power & machinery are offered,
GAM – General Agricultural Mechanics additional stall space will be needed.
c.r. – classroom (2) If more than two sections of Horticulture are offered, an
s.o.r. – storage, office, restroom, inc. additional 400 sq. ft. of greenhouse space will be needed
g.h. – greenhouse (3) If more than two sections of Meats Processing are
h.h. – headhouse offered, an additional 600 sq. feet of meats laboratory
m.l. – meats lab space will be needed

Extra size recommendation due to inclusion of technology requirements, media devices, and related equipment.

- Continued -
Teacher AST/AP AST/Aqua AST/MP AST/AR Com-
Units Combination Combination Combination bination
One 2400 – laboratory 2400 – laboratory 2400 – laboratory 2400 – laboratory
1000 – c.r. 1000 – c.r. 1000 – c.r. 1000 – c.r.
1200 – s.o.r. 1200 – s.o.r. 1200 – s.o.r. 1200 – s.o.r.
1200 – m.l. **
Two 3000 – laboratory 3000 – laboratory 3000 – laboratory 2400 – laboratory
(2) 750 – c.r. 750 – c.r. (2) 750 – c.r. 750 – c.r.
1500 – s.o.r. 1500 – s.o.r. 1500 – s.o.r. 1200 – s.o.r.
1200 m.l. **
Three 3600 – laboratory 3600 – laboratory 3600 – laboratory 2400 – laboratory
(2) 750 – c.r. (2) 750 – c.r. (one (2) 750 – c.r. (one (2) 750 – c.r. (one
(one additional if additional if needed) additional if additional if needed)
needed) 1600 – s.o.r. needed) 1200 – s.o.r.
1600 – s.o.r. 1600 – s.o.r.
1200 m.l. ** (3)
Four 4200 – laboratory 4200 – laboratory 4200 – laboratory 2400 – laboratory
(3) 750 – c.r. (3) 750 – c.r. (one (3) 750 – c.r. (one (3) 750 – c.r. (one
(one additional if additional if needed) additional if additional if needed)
needed) 1700 – s.o.r. needed) 1200 – s.o.r.
1700 – s.o.r. 1700 – s.o.r.
1200 m.l. ** (3)
Five 4800 – laboratory 4800 – laboratory 4800 – laboratory 2400 – laboratory
(4) 750 – c.r. (one (4) 750 – c.r. (one (4) 750 – c.r. (one (4) 750 – c.r. (one
additional if additional if needed) additional if additional if needed)
needed) 1800 – s.o.r. needed) 1200 – s.o.r.
1800 – s.o.r. 1800 – s.o.r.
1200 – m.l. ** (3)

AP – Animal Production ** see page

Aqua - Aquaculture *** see page
MP – Meats Processing (1) If more than two sections of Ag
AR – Agricultural Resources Power & machinery are offered,
c.r. – classroom additional stall space will be needed.
s.o.r. – storage, office, restroom, inc. (2) If more than two sections of Horticulture are offered, an
g.h. – greenhouse additional 400 sq. ft. of greenhouse space is needed.
h.h. – headhouse (3) If more than two sections of Meats Processing are
m.l. – meats laboratory offered, an additional 600 sq. ft. of meats laboratory
space is needed.

Extra size recommendation due to inclusion of technology requirements, media devices, and related equipment.


INTRODUCTION The curriculum design and facility planning

factors are
The agricultural science and technology (AST or
agriscience) classroom is the center of the pro- • Current/future instructional offerings,
gram’s facilities. All courses use the classroom • Number of teachers,
for some part of their curriculum. The AST
• Enrollments,
classroom should be part of the main high
school building or the career and technology • Special needs of students, and
complex. Its design should allow for integration • Safety considerations.
of the various systems of the agriscience cur-
riculum. In addition to serving the needs of high Planning should extend beyond the current pro-
school students, the design should accommodate gram status. Long-range planning should ac-
adult education classes and other community count for all areas of instruction within all sys-
activities. tems. Long-range planning should consider
• Community needs,
The design should also consider the needs of the
disabled or handicapped. Many occupations • Expansion of curriculum and system offer-
within the agriscience curriculum lend them- ings,
selves to those individuals with physical limita- • Potential increases in enrollment,
tions. In designing educational facilities to • Additions to the agricultural science faculty,
comply with the Americans with Disabilities
Act, the school district provides the physical • Emergence of new technologies, and
surroundings for handicapped students to re- • Student interests.
ceive training in the industry of agriculture.
Proper identification/signage in the classroom is To ensure the elimination of architectural barri-
important for special needs students and will ers in all new construction and substantial reno-
make the facilities accessible to visually handi- vation of public buildings (in excess of
capped students. $50,000), the law requires that plans be ap-
proved by the Architectural Barriers Office of
A major factor in the development of an AST the State Department of Licensing and Regula-
facility is safety. This consideration should be tion in Austin. The website for this agency is
applied to all aspects of the total agriscience cur- found at the end of this section. Layout and de-
riculum. Safety concerns account for every as- sign of the total agricultural science facility
pect of the programs from mechanized agricul- should meet or exceed minimum standards,
tural work with power equipment to hazardous where established, by the Texas Education
materials handling in agricultural biotechnology Code. A science lecture/laboratory room re-
to proper lighting in the technology department. quires 50 square feet of free space per student,
Any attempt to reduce costs when planning a with a minimum free space of 1,200 square feet.
facility should not result in less than safe sur- The free space recommendations for agricultural
roundings for the students or faculty. science laboratories are exclusive of machinery
and equipment areas.

EARLY CONSIDERATIONS the main school building or exists as a separate
facility. The following offers advantages to
The design of this facility should accommodate
each situation.
anticipated growth within the department. Ad-
ditional students, an increase in faculty, and new Advantages of the Agricultural Science depart-
curricula will require adequate space. Planning ment connected to the main high school build-
for such expansion at this stage will facilitate ing:
implementation at a later date. 1. The agricultural science department would
be more convenient for administrators,
teachers, and students.
It is recommended that the agricultural science 2. During inclement weather, it would not be
facility be connected to or adjacent to the main necessary for students to leave the main
high school building or career and technology building to attend classes.
complex and be of similar architectural design
3. It would tend to unite the agricultural sci-
and construction.
ence department more closely with the to-
Since the agricultural science program is an in- tal high school program.
tegral part of the total educational program of a 4. Facilities for all programs in the high school
school, considerable thought and careful study would be comparable.
should be given to locating the facility. In addi- 5. It would be more convenient for custodial
tion to the instruction given to in-school stu- and maintenance service.
dents, commodity producers and other related 6. The cost of installing heating and cooling
groups in the community will receive organized systems might be decreased.
instruction in the facility. All groups that will
7. The cost of utilities might be reduced.
receive instruction in the facility should be con-
sidered when selecting the site. Advantages of a Separate Agricultural Science
The site should be easily accessible for school
patrons and provide parking spaces. The build- 1. Possibly noise created in the agricultural sci-
ing should be a single story facility or the AST ence laboratory would cause less disturbance
facility should be located on the first floor of a to other classes.
multi-story building. This will allow for easy 2. Some areas of learning in agricultural sci-
movement in to and out of the shop and class- ence create undesirable odors. For example,
room. Such a design will also reduce ADA de- animals may be temporarily housed at the
sign considerations. The area around the facility agricultural science department for teaching
should be well drained. purposes. An agricultural science facility
separated from the main building would
The main entrance should be open to the out- lessen the likelihood of any odors reaching
side. When incorporated into a career and tech- the main high school building.
nology building, the area should be designed so
3. Agricultural science students often partici-
that noise will not disrupt other classes. The
pate in external learning activities. A sepa-
building should provide use to both sexes and to
rate agricultural science building would re-
students with disabilities.
duce disturbance to other classes created by
Adjacent vs. Separate Facilities movement to and from these activities.

The designing architect or the school district

administration may have little option as to
whether the agriscience facility is connected to
In some, cases, the separation of the classroom Location Summary
and laboratory may be necessary. This situation
should be avoided if possible; however, if this Factors that should be considered in locating the
situation is necessary, a covered walkway agricultural science facility are:
should be provided between the laboratory and 1. Availability of campus space
classroom to protect students from the weather. (a) Space should be available for antici-
pated growth.
The facility should be designed to prevent stu- (b) An area adjacent to the building should
dent segregation on the basis of race, color, na- be available for conducting demon-
tional origin, sex, or handicapping condition. strations, parking equipment, and out-
side storage.
2. Accessibility to school patrons.
The foundation should be concrete, with a
thickness and reinforcement that provide maxi- 3. Parking space.
mum strength in both beam and nonbeam areas 4. Ground level and drainage.
of the slab. The concrete mixture should be (a) The building should be a single story
strong enough to support heavy machinery and facility or located on the first floor of a
equipment. The laboratory floor surface should multi-story building.
be sealed to provide durability, ease of cleaning, (b) Building should be located in a well-
and a vapor barrier. In the open space area, drained area
some facilities have chosen to incorporate flush- (c) No steep inclines or ramps should be
fitting machinery tie-downs into the laboratory located at laboratory entrances.
floor. Tile or carpet is the recommended cov- (d) There should be very little slope at the
ering for classroom and office areas. Floor cov- entrance serving large, overhead doors.
erings are less stressful for feet and legs, allow- 5. Building design.
ing for health considerations.
(a) The main entrance should be open to
Water Supply and Drainage the outside.
(b) The building should be designed to re-
Water lines should be installed around the pe- duce disturbance to other classes.
rimeter of the laboratory, near overhead doors, (c) The building should provide equal ac-
and on the outside apron area. In addition, the cess.
wash area and restrooms will require a water
6. Facility size.
supply. A water supply calls for drainage
throughout the facility. The laboratory floor,
restrooms, locker area, and any outdoor facilities
all require drainage. Floor drains and their as- The classroom should contain at least 1,000
sociated systems should meet all Texas Natural square feet of floor space. A width of 25 feet is
Resource Conservation Commission (TNRCC) considered adequate for a single classroom. The
and the Environmental Protection Agency preferred width is 26 to 28 feet. In a two-
(EPA) regulations. In the laboratory, they teacher department, 750 square feet per class-
should fit into a level floor to allow for project room is adequate. A width of 40 feet is consid-
layout. All outlets should flow into an outside ered adequate for the laboratory with a 1:1½
trap before entering the storm sewer or into an width-to-length ratio.
approved septic system.

The total classroom environment should be The architect should design a climate-controlled
large enough to meet the needs of the largest environment that provides the maximum venti-
group to utilize the facility. Where classrooms lation with the minimum amount of humidity.
are used for adult education programs and FFA Humidity will damage electronic equipment.
meetings, space requirements may need to be Certain molds that grow in humid areas can also
increased to accommodate these groups. With be a threat to student and teacher health. If the
multi-teacher departments, a removable sound- heating and cooling system does not adequately
proof partition can provide access to a larger control air moisture, a dehumidifier should be
meeting area. Departments with this classroom installed to bring humidity to a safe level.
arrangement should have 9-foot-high ceilings.
In schools with more than two-teacher depart- Classroom lighting designed by the architect
ments, classrooms should be provided to meet should consider both computer and audio/visual
the needs of all classes. All AST classrooms use and the needs of students with visual dis-
should be part of the total AST facility. abilities. This may require conditions where a
light remains on even though main classroom
In programs having three or more teachers, ad- lights may be turned off. Electrical duplex out-
ditional classrooms should be provided when lets, 120-volt – 20-amp, should be located no
the schedule requires all teachers to meet classes less that 8 feet apart on the walls. Ground fault
during the same period. circuit interrupters (GFCI) and surge protection
should be provided to all outlets in the depart-
Where computer stations are part of the class- ment. Technology equipment located in the
room, an additional 15 square feet per unit is classroom may require additional electrical out-
needed. A handicapped station should provide a lets and networking as well as Internet connec-
workspace of 20 square feet. This may make it tions.
necessary to provide a room wider than the pre-
ferred dimensions. The department should maintain a li-
brary/resource area that is accessible to each
Desks or tables for the classroom should be ac- classroom. In addition, each classroom should
cording to the teacher’s preference. Some have a 4’x 8’ area with shelving and magazine
teachers prefer individual desks for student racks for magazines, pamphlets, and reference
management. Stools or chairs should also be the books. A sink and work counter is desirable in
teachers preference. Furniture in classroom each classroom for diverse curriculum offerings
should accommodate a minimum of 24 students. such as floral design and food technology.
Furniture to accommodate special needs stu-
dents should be considered. The design of the total facility should provide
maximum use of window space into the labora-
The classroom should contain built-in storage tory area for visibility. Windows should be
cabinets around the edges of the room. Where made of safety glass.
computers are incorporated into the classroom,
counter tops should provide space for at least six Humidity
computer stations. Raised cabinets should be In certain areas, humidity can present a serious
installed for storage areas. Built-in cabinets problem. In addition to promoting the growth of
with locks will provide secure storage for the mold in the air ducts, on clothes and books, it
television, videocassette recorder, and additional can also cause serious health problems. Air
audio-visual equipment. It is recommended that conditioning systems should also dehumidify
each classroom have a television mounted on the air. In especially humid areas, a dehumidi-
ceiling-mounted rack.

fier can be installed if air conditioning units can Refer to Safety in Welding, Cutting, and Allied
not significantly reduce humidity levels. Processes, ANSI Z49.1:1999, available from the
American Welding Society or the American
Ventilation National Standards Institute, whose web site is
Ventilation is an important consideration for the found at the end of this section.
entire facility but especially the laboratory. Arc
welding and oxyacetylene areas generate large If general mechanical ventilation is provided, a
minimum exhaust rate of 1,000 CFM per welder
amounts of waste gases that need to be removed
from the facility. If noxious gases are present, a should be provided. When individual exhaust
special ventilation system may be necessary. It systems are used, the general ventilation re-
quirement of the laboratory can be reduced.
may be necessary to consult the TNRCC to de-
termine if exhaust fumes and gases require spe- An individual ventilation system should provide
cialized systems. at least 100 CFM per arc welding station and
The Council on Educational Facility Planning, 200 CFM per oxyacetylene welding/cutting sta-
International (CEFPI) prefers that facility plan- tion (Table 1). Placing exhaust ports for the
ners follow the latest American Society of noxious gases at the work level and not above
Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-conditioning the operator’s head will prevent exhaust fumes
Engineers (ASHRAE) recommendations on from moving past the welder’s face. Portable
Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning & Re- ventilation units are available from various ven-
frigeration (HVAC&R). ASHRAE Standard 62 dors. Table 1 will aid in planning local exhaust
(1999) is entitled “Ventilation for Acceptable systems.
Indoor Air Quality,” and these standards should
be applied. ASHRAE Standards handbooks are Table 1: Exhaust System Planning
updated on a four-year cycle. ASHRAE and Distance from Minimum air Duct diame-
CEFPI Web sites are found at the end of this arc or torch flow ter
section. (CFM)* (inches)**
4” – 6” 150 3
Texas Administrative Code, Title 25, Part I, 6” – 8” 275 3½
Chapter 297 describes the Voluntary Indoor Air 8” – 10” 425 4½
10” – 12” 600 5½
Quality Guidelines.
* Increase by 20% for hoods without flanges
These guidelines present a set of three voluntary ** To nearest ½ inch based on velocity of 4000
recommendations, which are as follows: fpm in duct
• Develop guidelines for initial program de- For further information regarding ventilation in
velopment, a management plan, and school welding applications, refer to ANSI/AWS Standard
board review for program status and future F3.1-89, Guide for Welding Fume Control. This
needs of public schools; document is also available from Global Engineering
• Develop a written preventive maintenance
plan for a healthy learning environment for Engine exhaust ventilation situations can effec-
students; and, tively use local forced ventilation systems in-
• Recommend considerations for students volving flexible hoses. These hoses attach to
with allergies or chemical intolerance, for engine exhaust and are required for tractor
food handling, garbage storage and disposal, maintenance stations. Table 2 provides infor-
smoking, and reporting of conditions that are mation for use in planning an engine exhaust
not conducive to air quality. system.

Power Outlets
Table 2: Engine Exhaust System Parameters
Grounded duplex outlets, 120V – 20A, should
CFM per ex- diameter of be provided about midpoint in each wall, 12
Engine haust pipe flexible duct inches from the floor, on both sides, at the front
(inches) center and at the rear center in the classroom.
Up to 200 hp 100 3 Additional outlets should be provided for com-
Over 200 hp 200 4 puter workstations. GFCI protection should be
Diesel 400 4½ provided at the circuit breaker.

Chalkboard – Dry-Erase Board – White Bookcases, Magazine Racks, and Bulletin

Board – Projection Board Storage
A 4-foot by 16-foot magnetic board of high Sectional bookcases with glass front panels or
quality should be located at the front of the open shelves are satisfactory for storing books.
classroom. A magnetic dry erase board should Usually, four 3-foot-long sections will be ade-
also be located in the laboratory. A dry erase quate. Multi-teacher departments may require
board serves as an excellent projection surface. additional units.
Each classroom should have at least one dry
eraser board, 3’x 12’ mounted 36 inches from A magazine rack built with adjustable shelves
the floor. Dry erase boards are preferred instead 12 to 18 inches wide and at a slight angle is nec-
of chalkboards. Chalkboards discouraged. Dust essary to properly display magazines. The rack
created by the chalk creates health concerns and should have approximately 20 linear feet of
is harmful to computers and electronic equip- space either in tiers or continuous form.
Sufficient space should be provided for storing
Bulletin Board and filing teaching materials. Agricultural sci-
ence teachers use many methods, and a specific
At least one 4’x 4’ bulletin board area should be filing method is not recommended. However, if
provided. The bulletin boards should be of ade- “pigeon-hole” cases are used for filing, it is rec-
quate size and available in the classrooms and ommended that sliding or folding doors be pro-
laboratory. Bulletin boards, while permitting vided for covering the “pigeon-holes.”
normal instructional usage, should be placed so
that they attract the attention of persons entering MultiMedia Equipment
or leaving the rooms.
A wall mounted projection screen with both re-
Communication Systems flective (video projection) and nonreflective
(overhead) surfaces should be installed in each
Each agriscience facility, classroom, and labo- classroom. Blackout screen or blinds should be
ratory should be equipped with a communica- provided for windows.
tion system to receive messages via the school
intercom. This should include a paging system. Sink and Work Counter
The facility should include multiple telephone
line outlets in both the office and the laboratory. A sink and work counter should be placed in the
A supplemental ringer to the laboratory should classroom. The work counter should have elec-
be equipped with an on/off switch. A cordless trical outlets with GFCI protection in the imme-
telephone, dedicated FAX line, and Internet ac- diate vicinity.
cess would increase communication access in
the laboratory.

Office Space the office as well. A restroom adjacent to the
office is also desirable.
The agriscience teacher needs sufficient office
space to conveniently store official records and
correspondence, develop and store instructional
materials, hold private conferences with admin- Storage is an important consideration when
istrators, teachers, parents, and students, and planning a facility. Agriscience teachers use
meet with small groups of adults. many teaching aids in their instructional deliv-
ery. These include overhead and video projec-
Each department should provide office space to tors, slide projectors, charts, items for demon-
the faculty. A single-teacher department should stration, and numerous specimens. In a single-
have 120 square feet of space. Add 80 square teacher department, a minimum of 150 square
feet for each additional teacher. Add still an- feet should be provided for storage. In multiple-
other 15 square feet for each computer station in teacher departments, at least 200 square feet is
the office. desirable.

Office design should limit personnel access. A storage area adjoining, but separate from,
The office should not be a hallway from the classroom and office areas and equipped with
classroom to the laboratory or any other area in metal shelving units is needed for storing FFA
the facility. Certain security considerations also equipment and supplies. It should be near office
apply. However, the office should have easy and accessible to classroom(s). Its design
access to both the classroom and the laboratory. should accommodate textbooks, curriculum
Safety glass paneling should be located in the materials, and audio/visual equipment. A small,
walls of the teacher’s office to permit observa- counter-top refrigerator should be available for
tion of the classroom and laboratory from the storage of medicines, or for laboratory activity,
office. Visibility is very important for safety or any supplies requiring cool storage.
and student management.
The office should contain a desk and chair, stor- Restroom facilities should be available and eas-
age, file cabinets, and at least two visitor chairs. ily accessible for male and for female students.
Electrical duplex outlets, 120-volt – 20-amp, An agricscience facility may be part of a larger
should be located no less that 6 feet apart on all career and technology center. Where this is the
of the walls. Ground fault circuit interrupters case, restroom facilities may be shared by all
(GFCI) and surge protection should be provided programs.
to all outlets. The lighting for the office should
be similar to that in the classroom. The office Where the agriscience facility is independent of
should have current communications technology other departments, separate restroom facilities
(i.e., a telephone with both local and long dis- should be available. Size and accommodations
tance service) and be equipped with voice mail will depend on the number of students that have
or answer machine capabilities. access to the facility. In a restroom for males,
two urinals and one toilet should be sufficient.
The agricultural science teacher’s office should In a restroom for females, two toilets should be
carry the same status as any other professional’s adequate. It is recommended that requirements
office. It should contain locking files, a secure of the ADA be followed when designing these
computer, telephone, and related equipment. facilities.
Doors should be equipped with locks. Office
ventilation should be considered when planning Where departmental restroom facilities are pro-
the facility. Central air and heat is desirable in vided, a shower and locker area is optional. A

locker area is not necessary since most students contain counter top tables of an inert material
do not change clothes for laboratory activities. common to science laboratories. These tables
While these features are not a necessary item in can also be used in the standard classroom.
the facility, some school districts, especially
those with school-based learning laboratory Tables and chairs are recommended for the
courses, do make them available to the students. classroom rather than individual desks or arm-
If lockers are included, they should of the ex- chairs. Table should not be attached to the floor
panded metal type. Lockers should be secured so that they can be rearranged for various class-
with locks. If a changing area is provided, room activities and individual learning styles.
benches should be permanently installed. Stu- An industrial quality table 30 inches wide, 60
dents will need a storage area for their materials, inches long, and 30 inches high should be pro-
supplies, and personal items. Laboratory tables vided with matching chairs for each two student
are available with storage compartments under- in the largest class. The teacher should be pro-
neath. This storage should provide easy access vided with a lecture stand of convenient height
for students and maximize space. to permit reference to notes and other teaching
materials from a standing position.
Students should have access to an area where
they can clean up after laboratory activities are FLOOR PLANS
complete. An easy-access wash area in the labo- Attached to this section are example floor plans
ratory should be available. currently in use by Agricultural Science De-
partments. These represent examples only and
FURNISHINGS are not included to suggest that these are model
When considering furnishings, several options classrooms. Departmental configurations are
are available. Recommendations for furnishings given for one-teacher, two-teacher, and multi-
have been discussed earlier in this document. teacher departments. You may contact Instruc-
The teacher should decide what type of furniture tional Materials Service, 2588 TAMUS, College
will be available for the students in a standard Station, Texas 77843-2588 if your planning
classroom setting. However, if a laboratory is committee is interested in any of the configura-
incorporated into a classroom setting, it may be tions. We will assist you in contacting the
necessary to make special arrangements. For school that provided the plans for this publica-
example, a biotechnology laboratory should tion.

Figure 1. Sample floor plan of a Single Teacher Agricultural Science and Technology Department.
Figure 2. Agricultural Science and Technology Department, Economedes High School, Edinburg, Texas.

Figure 3. Agricultural Science and Technology Department, Jim Ned High School, Tuscola, Texas.

Figure 4. Agricultural Science and Technology Department, Nikki Rowe High School, McAllen, Texas.

Figure 5. Agricultural Science and Technology, Dumas High School, Dumas, Texas.

Agricultural Science and Technology Facility Photographs

9006C1: Covered, secure site adjacent to main building increases work

and storage area.

9006C2: Lockers can provide a secure area for students to storeitems

often used in laboratory or classroom activities.

9006C3: A wet sink, counter, and cabinet will serve classroom labora-
tory activities.

9006C4: Shelves and periodicals rack can provide students access to a

variety of reference materials.

9006C5: An accordion panel between classrooms is an inexpensive way

to provide a meeting room for group activities. There is a noise factor to
consider since some panels do not provide sufficient sound-proofing.


INTRODUCTION section is a reminder to include security as part

of overall program management.
Security Aspects
A security system is essential to the entire facil- FACILITY SECURITY
ity. Safety and security concerns are vital con-
siderations in the development of a new pro- Maintaining a secure facility begins in the plan-
gram or addition to an existing one. The system ning stages and carries into set up and operation.
should include building/intruder considerations, Security includes issues of intruders, building
external motion detectors, and timed security lock down, inventory, and fire and smoke alert
lighting. The agricultural science laboratory is systems. Early planning for the facility will ad-
an instructional area. In districts that do permit dress
random entry by maintenance personnel, a spe- • Intruder alarm,
cial lock with one-key access is recommended. • Procedures to handle unauthorized intruders,
Where as this section does not go into explicit • Building security lock down procedures and
detail, it does identify issues for consideration key control,
by the planners. All phases of instructional pro- • Control facility access,
grams should consider safety of the participants • Property engraving,
as well as safety of the facilities. Key elements
• Inventory control,
to a sound safety program should include
• Security cameras/taping system, and
• Safe design of the facility, • Fire/smoke alarms (audible and visual).
• Emergency escape or protective shelter,
• Safe work procedures (Student and Instruc-
tor), Security of all personnel in the department
• Procedures for emergency response, should be a major consideration to early plan-
ners. From notification systems to stu-
• Equipment for emergency response, first aid, dent/teacher ratios, personnel security measures
and protection from hazards, will work to enhance an overall secure environ-
• Safety training for school personnel, stu- ment. These measures include
dents, and visitors, and
• Supervision/student-teacher ratio,
• Proactive evaluation of facilities and proce-
dures to identify and correct deficiencies. • Student and personnel identification,
• Controlling facility access,
SECURITY • Communications, and
Security is another form of safety, which more • Emergency lighting.
specifically refers to the threat of criminal or
civil violators. The elements to consider for INFORMATION SECURITY
protection will include school personnel, stu-
Information security includes storage of infor-
dents, facilities, information, and physical as- mation, procedures to control and authorize ac-
sets. Schools should have an emergency action
cess to that information, and a reliable back up
plan, which includes security. This
system for information. Considerations for in-

formation control range from passwords on per- standards is recommended to further enhance a
sonal computers to locks on files. safe environment and instructional procedures.
SPECIFICATIONS AND School personnel are subject to the Texas Haz-
RECOMMENDATIONS ard Communications Act of 1985 and the Texas
Safety considerations are the responsibility of all Health and Safety Code (also see the HAZCOM
participating parties. Basic facility safety should section within this publication).
primarily rest with the designing architect. The
architect’s design should include specifications One general guide to safety regulations and pro-
and recommendations from all federal, state, cedures is the “Texas Safety Standards-K
and local agencies. These include, but are not through 12,” available from the Texas Education
limited to, the following: Agency. Along with a general overview, the
publication contains numerous requirements.
• National Building Code (NBC)
• National Electric Code (NEC) EMERGENCY RESPONSE AND
• National Fire Protection Association
(NFPA) Safety programs should include procedures for
emergency situations as well as all necessary
• Texas Department of Health (TDH) equipment.
• Texas National Resources Conservation
Commission (TNRCC) Planners should develop procedures that include
but are not limited to
• Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
• Emergency medical care,
Meeting the minimum requirements of the asso- • Minor first aid,
ciated agencies should only be the beginning of • Fire,
safety measures. Additional recommendations
• Notifying authorities,
by professionals and examples that set prece-
dents should be considered to further enhance • Weapons,
the facility and operations. This publication has • Violence,
begun such an enhancement process by con- • Bomb threat,
sulting with the following groups and publica-
tions: • Drugs and alcohol, and
• Natural disaster and weather.
• Experienced teaching professionals
• Professional safety consultants Evacuation procedures should include
• Manufacture’s representatives • How to leave the premises,
• Code of Federal Regulations • Where to assemble, and
• Occupational Safety and Health Act • Where and how to take shelter when dan-
(OSHA) gerous situations arise (e.g., tornado).

APPLICABLE SAFETY LAW The developers of these procedures should also

At the time of this publication, OSHA governs consider all pertinent locations where instruction
neither the school personnel nor students. Still, may occur. These include, but are not limited
the associated safety standards are considered to, the main facility, greenhouses, farms,
reasonable. Therefore, compliance of these ranches, lakes, and field trip locations.

The management of safety and potential hazards (HAZCOM)
is an ongoing process. Once procedures are es- The contents of this section refers to the Texas
tablished they will need to be continually re- Administrative Code, Title 25, Part 1, Chapter
vised and taught. Anytime a new machine or 502, Hazardous Communications Act.
task is introduced, there should be an analysis
conducted to evaluate the potential risks and ap- The requirements of HAZCOM are designed to
propriate safeguards. In addition, routine safety inform both school personnel and students about
inspections should occur to confirm compliance the conditions associated with chemicals and
and identify potential hazards. Such inspections other products which may be hazardous if used
may be performed with the help of checklists, or misused. This law is directed toward school
which are available in the “Texas Safety Stan- personnel, yet item one (1) below is also re-
dards” publication or may be obtained from the quired for students. It is recommended the first
National Safety Council (NSC) and OSHA. three sections be extended to students. The four
main sections are as follows:
Hazards will occur within the school and espe-
cially the agricultural science department. Once 1. Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for
a hazard is identified the follow strategies each hazardous product must be current and
should be incorporated. First, eliminate the haz- readily available within the facility. This
ard if possible. If the hazard cannot be elimi- applies to any hazardous product with which
nated, an attempt should be made to reduce the students or personnel may have contact.
exposure using engineering controls. Where
engineering cannot fully reduce the hazard, it 2. All containers must have a label that clearly
will be necessary to use procedural controls. If and accurately identifies the content and
the previous options are not viable, personal hazard.
protective equipment (PPE) may be used as a
3. An education and training program along
last resort (See below). This is only if such
with a written program must be established
equipment provides adequate protection from
and conducted.
the hazard. If the PPE does not provide ade-
quate protection, the task should not be at- 4. Employers must post and maintain notices
tempted. informing the employee of their rights under
the Hazardous Communications Act.
PPE describes numerous devices which, when Following this section on the website are photo-
worn, protect against hazards. These products graphs that represent selected safety concerns
include but are not limited to that are part of the agricultural science and tech-
• Gloves, nology department. Each illustration contains a
• Hardhats, caption that further explains the photograph.
• Hearing protection,
• Respirators,
• Clothing,
• Shoes, and
• Eye and face protection.

Safety and Security Photographs

9006D1: Exits doors can be equipped to provide one-way traffic out of

the building in case of an emergency.

9006D2: Security cameras in sensitive areas or project laboratory pro-

vide an extra degree of protection.

9006D3: Fire alarms and emergency power shutoff switches decrease

the opportunity of injury to both students and instructor. A first aid kit,
although recommended, should not avoid the use of a school district
medical professional from attending to injuries.

9006D4: A transparent, ultra-violet safe curtain allows for a safe arc

welding work while keeping the student visible to the instructor.

9006D5: A flame proof storage facility provides safe storage for com-
bustible materials.


Students are entitled to nondiscriminatory edu- (UFAS) or with the Americans with Disabilities
cation on the basis of disability. Definitions of Act Accessibility Guidelines (ADAAG) for
“disability” and a “qualifying individual” are in Buildings and Facilities. Additionally, Section
the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) 204(b) of the ADA states that title II regulations
Handbook (EEOC-BK-19). The definition must be consistent with section 504 regulations
“qualified individual with a disability” is in sec- of the Rehabilitation Act and with the ADA.
tion 201(2) of the act. Under the protection of The Department of Justice has determined that a
the ADA, any qualified individual with a dis- public entity should be entitled to choose to
ability shall be allowed to participate in the comply with either ADAAG or UFAS.
benefits or services of any private entity. Public
schools by definition are a public entity. As There are eight Federal agencies listed in Sec-
such, they are mandated to provide handicapped tion 35.190(b)(1)-(8). Two have particular con-
students with access to any program or curricu- cern to the Agricultural Science and Technology
lum the school district provides to all students. program. The Department of Agriculture
[35.190(b)(1)] has the responsibility for the im-
The ADA should be a major resource in the plementation of subpart F of this section. It ad-
planning, design, and implementation of facili- dresses all programs, services, and regulatory
ties needed to serve special needs in each agris- activities relating agricultural production, in-
cience course of study. It will be less expensive cluding extension services.
to construct facilities with the necessary ac-
commodations than to redesign or refit existing The Department of Education [35.190(b)(2)] has
facilities. Granted, it is not possible to predict the same responsibility to all programs, services,
every need that may arise. Still, with careful and regulatory activities relating to the operation
planning, many of the design and construction of elementary and secondary education systems.
considerations may be addressed prior to letting If any discrepancy arises between any two agen-
of bids. cies, section 35.190(c) provides that the Assis-
tant Attorney General shall determine which one
It is not the purpose of this section to provide an of the agencies shall be the designated agency
in-depth analysis of the Americans with Dis- for purposes of that complaint.
abilities Act. Instead, this section is to bring
attention to selected parts of the ADA and chal- Public Law 105–17 is the Individuals with Dis-
lenge the designer to consider ADA require- abilities Education Act. Title I, Section 101 are
ments during the planning stage. amendments to this act. Part A of this title is
General Provisions. It includes Section
DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION 6129(a)(5), Least Restrictive Environment. In
this section, the law in general states that to the
First, it is mandated that any new construction
maximum extent appropriate, children with dis-
or altered facility after January 26, 1992 must
abilities, including children in public or private
comply with Section 35.151 of the ADA. This
institutions or other care facilities, are educated
section establishes two standards for accessible
with children who are not disabled. The law
new construction and alteration. The school
stipulates that special education classes, separate
district may choose conformance with the Uni-
schooling, or other removal of children with
form Federal Accessibility Standards
disabilities from the regular educational envi-
ronment can only occur when the nature or se- clearance issues regarding doorway width and
verity of the disability of a child is such that depth, pathways, and forward and side reach are
education in regular classes with the use of sup- addressed. Not all of the standards are included
plementary aids and services cannot be achieved in this document. Additional standards are in
satisfactorily. Compliance with this law specifi- the Americans with Disabilities Act Handbook.
cally stipulates that disabled students with the
ability to function in a classroom or laboratory ILLUSTRATIONS
setting must be provided with the environment Following this section on the website are photo-
that allows them the ability to participate in graphs that represent selected ADA concerns
routine activities. that are part of the Agricultural Science and
Technology department. Each illustration con-
ACCESSIBLE ROUTES tains a caption that further explains the photo-
Included in this section are space factors to con- graph.
sider when planning a facility. Wheelchair

Students with Disabilities Facility Photographs

9006E1: Ramps allow for access to buildings for individuals that cannot
use steps.

9006E2: Doors can be equipped with automatic openers.

9006E3: Braille signs provide readable information by the sighted and

the visually impaired.

9006E4: This type of desktop is designed to facilitate wheelchair ac-



The scope of the Agricultural Science and special laboratory facilities. The mechanized
Technology curriculum provides students a va- agriculture laboratory can be utilized by most of
riety of career opportunities within its seven the other systems. However, fumes from weld-
systems. Classroom facilities may be similar for ing equipment are lethal to aquatic species when
the different systems, but laboratory and in- aquaculture facilities are in the same area. A
structional equipment requirements can vary. meat science laboratory requires facilities that
General facility recommendations discussed can be easily cleansed with hot water. A regular
earlier in this document are generic in nature. mechanized agriculture laboratory environment
The recommendations that follow are specific to cannot accommodate these needs. The horti-
each system or instructional area within a sys- culture system should have a greenhouse to fully
tem. meet the needs of the curriculum. Still, a labo-
ratory is necessary apart from the greenhouse.
Regardless of the systems of instruction, a This area can be used for floral design activities
school district should plan for some type of or demonstration work. A study of the recom-
learning laboratory. This can serve the mecha- mendations for specific laboratory requirements
nized agriculture curriculum specifically or it should provide planners and designers with in-
can be designed to serve multiple system labo- formation needed to maximize use of space.
ratory needs.
The importance of stressing safety and ADA
Following this section are photographs that rep-
considerations to the architect in the early plan-
resent selected facility concerns that are part of
ning stages of the total AST facility cannot be
the agricultural science and technology depart-
ment. Each illustration contains a caption that
SCHOOL BASED LEARNING further explains the photograph.
The state Agricultural Science and Technology
curriculum offers fields of study that require

Recommended Class Size: 24 students
Preferred: 20 students


These two systems are grouped together because TECHNOLOGY EQUIPMENT
they use much of the same equipment. Class- A teacher presentation station should be part of
room needs are similar and technology equip- the technology laboratory. If a separate class-
ment can easily be utilized in both systems. room is available, this may be a designated sta-
tion. Where a technology laboratory is part of
Technology is rapidly becoming an important the classroom or classrooms in an agriscience
tool for teachers in agriscience classrooms and a department, a portable unit can be shared.
major course of study for students. The imple-
mentation of technology in agriscience includes The teacher presentation station should have the
both computer and audio/visual curriculum. following technological equipment.
This section will focus only on the computer
• Computer
and video projection aspects of classroom and
laboratory instruction. This section will also • Video projection equipment
address the technology needs of the classroom 1. Data projector capable of accepting
setting. audio and video from other sources
(such as VCR or DVD) with a quality
Technology is changing at such a rapid pace that projection screen.
it is difficult to make specific statements about 2. LCD panel and high quality overhead
the technologies that are available for imple- projector with quality projection screen.
mentation into the classroom. Because of this,
3. Video scan converter and large screen
recommendations for technology education in
agriscience will be generalized.
The technology laboratory should have com-
The implementation of technology into the ag- puter stations. Each station should have Local
riscience curriculum can take one of two direc- Area Network (LAN) and Internet access with
tions. First, the school district may choose to the following:
incorporate the computer laboratory into the • Unique user ID and password for each user.
regular agriscience classroom setting. Second, • Virus protection software at all stations.
the school district may choose to develop a
technology center or laboratory separate from • Read/execute only on program files.
the regular classroom. Both options are dis- • Metering software to ensure software license
cussed in this technology section. compliance.
• Safeguards against adding additional soft-
The school district should provide the hardware ware without approval.
and software necessary to equip the agriscience
department. In addition, considerations for
Internet use are discussed in this section.

All classroom computers should be networked gram allows the user to develop Web sites for
with access to printers. The technology labora- display on the Internet.
tory should have
• A high-speed, monochrome printer, There are a variety of software programs avail-
able for the Agricultural Science and Technol-
• A digital camera, ogy program from Instructional Materials Serv-
• A color scanner, ice, Texas A&M University. Of these programs,
• A portable computer and printer for on site the Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE)
presentation use, record-keeping software will provide a means
for students to maintain records for class credit.
• A portable data projection unit and screen
The National FFA also provides access to a va-
for off-site presentations, and
riety of software programs.
• A video cassette recorder.
The infrastructure is a total package of the am-
Software applications vary with the instructor’s bient needs in the technology laboratory. The
confidence and skill level with each program. infrastructure includes
Still, certain types of programs should be avail- • Electrical fixtures,
able. A graphical user interface based operating
system, such as Windows™ or the MacIntosh™ • Networking,
Operating System, should be available on each • Lighting,
computer. This provides easy access to pro- • Climate control,
grams on the computer. Virus protection is es- • Furniture, and
sential to provide a margin of safety for the
computer and the network. A Web browser • Media.
should be installed to allow quick and easy ac-
Electrical Fixtures
cess to the Internet.
Design of the technology laboratory should in-
Several application suites are available. Each clude 120-volt outlets along the walls. These
program should readily accept data from other should be at desk height. Surge protection
programs in the suite. This package should should be provided. This can be applied to each
contain the following computer station or to each circuit in the labo-
• Word processing program, ratory. Where a technology laboratory is incor-
porated into a regular classroom, additional
• Spreadsheet program,
outlets may be necessary. As with any electrical
• Database program, and fixture construction, all wiring must meet state
• Presentation graphics program. and local codes for the structure where they are
A graphics editor allows the user to manipulate,
enhance, or create illustrations or photos for use Networking
in presentations or publications. The programs
Networking allows all computers to send and
vary in price and capability. A computer aided
receive files. Files can be transferred to other
design (CAD) program should be available for
computers, to the printer, or to a projection de-
drawing plans for student constructed projects.
vice. Networking is accomplished by using
This type of software varies greatly in applica-
category 5 unshielded twisted pair cabling.
tion use from the very basic to the most com-
Conduit and raceway is the preferred method of
prehensive. An HTML editor is still another
installation. It is also possible to establish a
program useful to a technology class. This pro-
wireless networking system. Each system, requires a climate-controlled environment 24-
wireless or cable, has its advantages and disad- hours a day, 365 days a year. Without a con-
vantages. stant environment, technology equipment can be
adversely affected.
Network servers, hubs, switches, and other
communications equipment should be isolated Furniture
in a climate-controlled, restricted area where
The furniture used in a technology laboratory
must meet ergonomic standards. This includes
desks with an adjustable-height keyboards and
adjustable chairs. Each computer workstation
Lighting in a technology laboratory is a major should be a minimum of 30 inches deep and 42
consideration. Fixtures should be recessed to inches wide, allowing room for the monitor,
reduce glare. The lights should be equipped keyboard, texts, notebooks, and additional mate-
with an adjustable intensity switch. Zone con- rials. Texas Safety Standards recommends 15
trol is also necessary. This will allow the in- square feet per computer station, 12 square feet
structor to produce variable light intensity per monitor/VCR/video disc player, and 20
throughout the room as needed. A room without square feet per physically impaired student sta-
windows is preferred. If windows are part of the tion.
design, light from the outside should be blocked.
For students requiring special space, width, and
Climate Control height requirements, workstations should be
Technology equipment and software is sensitive planned with flexibility. Some systems, such as
to heat and humidity. Also, computers and those used to edit video, may require a double
other hardware will generate additional heat. monitor system. This would require a larger
Thus, the technology laboratory should be work area. Additional tables should be avail-
equipped with climate controls. Independent able as work areas. These areas should be free
temperature controls should be installed for each of all technology equipment.
room containing computers and other heat-
generating equipment. If the air conditioning Media
system does not reduce humidity levels ade- A variety of media equipment should be avail-
quately, a de-humidifier may be necessary to able, including but are not limited to
provide the proper environment. • A computer,
Special considerations apply where the technol- • A television,
ogy laboratory is incorporated into the regular • A VCR player/recorder,
classroom setting. In most of these situations, • A DVD player,
the classroom setting is adjacent to or nearby the
• A data projector,
mechanized agricultural laboratory. This type of
laboratory will generate fumes, smoke, and dust. • Digital cameras (still and motion),
These products are harmful to technology • A projection screen (seamless construction
equipment. The air supply serving the mecha- and 1.3 x height for most applications), and
nized agricultural laboratory should be segre- • Marker boards (dry erase with nonglare
gated from the room containing the technology matte finish).
equipment and software.
Each piece of equipment should be cataloged
Still another consideration is climate control and the serial number should berrecorded.
during holidays and summer. This equipment

TECHNOLOGY LABORATORY It is not intended to suggest that this is an idea
classroom layout.
A technology laboratory should allow 36 square
feet per student at the secondary level, which The photographs at the end of this section repre-
will equal 900 square feet for a maximum class sent facilities currently in use by the school dis-
enrollment of 24 students. All construction tricts identified in the caption of each picture. If
should be in accordance with local and state any of these scenes interest the planning com-
building codes and meet all ADA requirements. mittee or architect, please contact the school for
details. If you cannot locate the school, contact
Instructional Materials Service and we will be
glad to provide assistance.
An incorporated technology laboratory is one
that is included in a regular classroom setting. REFERENCES
In this setting, an estimated 15 square feet per Several publications are available for additional
computer station, 12 square feet per moni- information to use in the preplanning stage. In
tor/VCR/video disc player, and 20 square feet addition to these hardcopy references, resource
per physically impaired student station should personnel with existing technology labs and
be added to the classroom space requirements. computer specialists are valuable resources.
When adding a technology laboratory to an ex-
isting classroom, the total space requirements of ILLUSTRATIONS
that classroom should not be reduced.
Following this section are photographs that rep-
FLOOR DIAGRAM AND resent selected technology laboratory concerns
ILLUSTRATIONS that are part of the agricultural science and tech-
nology department. Each illustration contains a
Attached to this section is a floor diagram of a caption that further explains the photograph.
technology laboratory. It is provided only as an
example of how a laboratory may be configured.

Texas Safety Standards: Kindergarten through Grade 12. Austin, TX: Charles A. Dana Center, Texas
Education Agency, 2000.
Hubbard, George U., Larry W. Lucas, Kathleen M. Holmes, and Paul Hons. Designing the Technology
Infrastructure for Schools. 2nd ed. The Texas Center for Educational Technology. n.d.
CIT Services, Cornell University. (2001). [Online]. Available: [2001, June 6]
Remis, Peggy and Carl Hoagland. Telecommunications Applications Handbook for Teachers Grades K-
12. St. Louis, MO. 1997.
Frech, Marshall. The Basics of Telecommunications Networks for Schools: A Guide for the Non-
technical Reader. St. Louis, MO. 1997.
Technology Advisory Committee
Tim Knezek, Curriculum Specialist, Instructional Materials Service, College Station, TX
Ronel Roberts, Career and Technology Specialist, Region III Service Center, Victoria, TX
Tom Heffernan, Retired Agriscience Teacher, Poteet, TX
Lisa Pieper, AST Teacher, A&M Consolidated HS, College Station, TX
Tom Maynard, Executive Director, Texas FFA Association, Austin, TX

Figure 6. Sample technology classroom floor plan.

Figure 7. Agricultural Science and Technology Department, Orange Grove High School, Orange Grove, Texas.

Leadership and Technology Photographs

9006G1: Technology classroom that incorporates both computer

stations and work tables.

9006G2: Technology classroom that utilizes only computer stations.

9006G3: Technology classroom utilizing only computer stations in a

varying pattern.

9006G4: Printer station should be set up and accessible to all


Recommended Class Size: 25 students
Preferred: 15 students

INTRODUCTION • National Electric Code (NEC) Specifica-

The mechanized agriculture system is composed tions, and
of five major focus areas: construction and • Occupational Safety and Health Act
maintenance, power and machinery, electrifica- (OSHA) requirements.
tion, structures, and soil and water management. Planners should also reference such authorities
The recommendations presented in this docu- as the Southern Building Code (SBC) or other
ment represent the needs for the total instruc- locally adopted building codes. It should be
tional program as well as technical semester noted that these building codes outline mini-
courses and school-directed laboratory courses. mum, not optimum, standards. Minimum
standards should never be interpreted to rep-
The maximum number of students enrolled in a resent optimum standards.
mechanized agriculture course should not ex-
ceed the number of students that can be offered The recommended starting point is to design the
safe and effective instruction. The advisory mechanized agriculture laboratories to meet the
committee suggests a recommended maximum instructional requirements for Agricultural Sci-
class size of 25 students, with a preferred en- ence 221 – Introduction to Agricultural Me-
rollment of 15 students for any mechanized ag- chanics and build from there based on a variety
riculture course. Texas Administrative Code of additional considerations. These considera-
61.103 defines the maximum number of stu- tions include but are not limited
dents that can be offered safe and effective in-
struction in a high school classroom as 25. • Curriculum design (pathways offered),
• Flexibility,
Long-range growth needs of the mechanized
agricultural technology program should be con- • Basic Floor Plan,
sidered when planning facilities. In addition, • Safety Components,
other departmental systems may require space • Future Expansion,
for particular program needs. It becomes the
• Complementary Skills, and
responsibility of the agricultural science teacher
to be aware of program needs and convey that • Total Instructional Components.
information to the responsible party.
Facilities must comply with all minimum state, The design of the entire agricultural science fa-
county, local, and municipal codes. All archi- cility should respond to change. Without
tectural drawings and construction practices change, the program can become unresponsive
must meet or exceed all applicable building to the students and they will lose interest. These
codes. changes require the facility to be adaptable and
These codes and compliance requirements may flexible. Flexibility of design allows for
include changes in curriculum design to be introduced
• Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) re- without loss of instructional space.
• National Fire Protection Association
(NFPA) Codes, This section includes a table of recommenda-
tions for minimum space allocation in mecha-
nized agriculture laboratories based on the num- more details. Table 4 provides recommend-
ber of teachers in the agricultural science pro- ations for special features included in a labora-
gram and course offerings in the agricultural tory facility. The amount of space needed for
science curriculum. A laboratory should meet each piece of power equipment in the agricul-
certain minimum space standards for group in- tural science facility is provided in Table 5.
structional areas or project assembly areas. This
does not include the operating space require- Since the shape and interior arrangement of a
ments for equipment or space for other parts of building affects building utilization patterns and
the facility such as restroom, office, and storage available space, the school official responsible
areas. for facilities planning should become familiar
with the space needs for each area and piece of
SPACE ALLOCATIONS equipment. The facilities planner should con-
sider several building shapes and interior ar-
The information in the following tables is given
rangements before selecting a plan. Many expe-
to show the space allocation for specific areas
rienced agricultural science teachers report that
within the agriscience facility. Table 3 provides
supervising students and arranging equipment is
recommendations for space needs for storage,
much easier in a rectangular laboratory. A
office, restroom, and other areas. These are rec-
width of 40 feet or more, and a width-to-length
ommendations for a one-teacher department.
ratio of 1:1½ is recommended for the agricul-
Additional space will be needed for multiple
tural science facility.
teacher departments. See pages 4 and 5 for

Table 3. Summary of Required Storage, Office, Restroom, and Support Areas.

Classroom Storage Space 150 square feet
Office Single teacher 120 square feet
Each additional teacher 80 square feet
Tool Room for Laboratory 200 square feet
Lab Supplies and Shop Materials 300 square feet*
Restroom, Boys and Girls (each) 100 square feet**
Shower Room 20 square feet**
Locker/Dressing Area 175 square feet**
(exposed area for ease in monitoring)
Lumber/Metal Storage Racks 100 square feet
Approved Paint Facility 350 square feet
TOTAL 1,695 square feet
* It is recommended that each facility have externally vented, approved cabinets
or store rooms for the storage of combustible materials
** These may be combined.

Table 4. Special Features Recommended for Inclusion in the Laboratory Facility.
Emergency eyewash and drench shower 16 square feet
Student wash-up area (in laboratory) 50 square feet
Hazardous materials/waste storage 50 square feet
Facilities shall meet the requirements of Individuals with Disabilities Education Act.
For physically impaired students, 20 square feet per student station should be allocated.

DETERMINING THE SIZE AND LAYOUT 8. Mark safety zones in the shop. The ma-
OF THE LABORATORY chines and equipment should be located in a
manner that will require a person to cross a
State and local program needs and objectives yellow line to get to a machine. A person
should be used to determine the size of the labo- should be able to enter and exit the labo-
ratory and the machines to be placed in the fa- ratory at any door without crossing a
cility. Planning should also allow for future ad- yellow line. There should be aisles between
ditions of machines and equipment. separate safety zones for foot traffic and
movement of materials. Refer to IMS
The following are suggested steps for planning Catalog #4624, Safety Color Coding for the
the equipment layout in the shop. Shop for information regarding safety zones
1. Determine specific laboratory areas (this in- and color coding.
cludes wood, metal fabrication, small en-
gines, electricity, plumbing, construction In determining the safe floor space requirements
and assembly). or safety zones needed for machines and equip-
ment, a designer should consider
2. Choose equipment based on safety, conven-
ience, flow pattern for materials, and access • Use of the machine,
to assembly areas. • The dimensions of materials that will be
3. Determine free area (safety zone) needed for handled,
each piece of equipment. • The flow of material through the machine,
4. Determine which machines to be located and
along the walls (these include radial arm • The safety space needed for the operator.
saw, cut-off saw, drill presses, grinders, and
5. Locate machines along walls and provide
Facilities planned for use in one instructional
safety zones.
system can be easily incorporated into other
6. Locate machines in open areas, and use systems. Facility requirements for various sys-
power islands to provide the most efficient tems can complement each other. For example,
use of available floor space. a school may plan to include course offerings in
7. Provide assembly areas for project layout the horticulture system in its curriculum. A
and construction and for placement of wood- horticulture program does not require a mecha-
and metal-working tables as needed (assem- nized agriculture laboratory as part of the pre-
bly areas inside shop should be 750 to 1500 requisite facilities. However, horticulture does
square feet). require some knowledge of skills that include
electricity, plumbing, and small engine mainte-
nance and repair. Access to a mechanized agri- The table saw is used to rip lumber up to 16 feet
culture laboratory will be useful in the horticul- long, and to cut 4’x 8’ sheets of plywood. Free
ture program. The facilities planning process areas of 16 feet before and behind the saw, 8
should take into account complementary skills feet to the left of the blade, and 4 feet to the
found in the various systems. A mechanized right of the blade indicate that a safety zone of
agriculture laboratory should be adaptable and 420 square feet is necessary (12’x 35’ = 420
accessible to a range of courses in other systems square feet).
of the agricultural science curriculum.
The radial-arm saw is used primarily to crosscut
METHOD OF DETERMINING SAFE lumber up to 16 feet long and may be used to rip
FLOOR SPACE FOR MACHINES AND lumber. Free areas of 16 feet on the right side of
EQUIPMENT the blade, 10 feet on the left side of the blade,
and 4 feet in front of the saw for the operator
In addition to student space, each piece of
indicates that a safety zone of 182 square feet is
equipment also has a safe floor space designated
necessary (7’x 26’ = 182 square feet).
area based on the dimensions of the equipment
and it’s typical use.

Table 5: Recommended Safe Floor Space Needs for Selected Equipment

Free Space Dimensions Free Space Area
Equipment in feet in square feet
Abrasive/cold cut-off saw 7’x 32’ 224
Air compressor 5’x 5’ 25
Arc welder 5’x 7’ 35
Band saw, metal cutting 10’x 34’ 340
Band saw, vertical 8’x 12’ 96
Computer station 3’x 5’ 15
Drill press 13’x 22’ 286
Grinder, pedestal or bench 8’x 9’ 72
Metalworking table 11’x 16’ 176
Monitor/VCR/videodisc player 3’x 4’ 12
Oxyacetylene rig & cutting table 8’x 24’ 192
Pipe bender 15’x 25’ 370
Radial arm saw 7’x 6’ 182
Sander, combination 10’x 12’ 120
Table saw 12’x 35’ 420
Woodworking table 12’x 13’ 156

This list may be modified or adapted, based When planning floor layout for large power
on various pieces of equipment. For exam- tools, allow for dead floor space behind
ple, a district will need to plan for safe floor tools (i.e., drill press, radial arm saw, and
space needs when purchasing an iron- grinders). To optimize safe floor space, it
worker, bender, or other large piece of is often wise to position these types of
equipment. equipment against walls or columns.

SAFETY PRECAUTIONS FOR THE Safety concerns must be considered to fully plan
AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE for a facility that does not jeopardize the safety
LABORATORY of students, teachers, or visitors. The safety of
The Texas Department of Health, Austin, TX, students in the laboratory is not just a matter of
has developed safety standards for most occu- supervision. The facility must provide the fea-
pations. Questions pertaining to laboratory tures necessary to provide a safe learning envi-
safety should be directed to this department (the ronment and allow for action to be taken when
TDH web site is listed at the end of this sec- problems arise. Specific safety issues will re-
tion). Agricultural science facilities should be ceive more detailed discussion later in this sec-
designed and managed with safety as a principal tion.
consideration. Several recommendations for
improving safety in agricultural science facility The student/teacher ratio is a major concern that
are discussed in this section. affects facility size. It is important to remember
that larger class enrollments require more space
SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS in the laboratory. However, larger classes tend
to reduce the opportunity for the instructor to
Texas Education Code, Title 19, Chapter 247.
provide safe and effective instruction and super-
The Code of Ethics and Standard Practices for
vision to all students. The inability to properly
Texas Educators. Among other things, this leg-
supervise students threatens the safe and effec-
islation requires teachers to
tive learning environment by increasing the pos-
• Comply with all written local board policies, sibility of student injury. Programs with spe-
state regulations, and applicable state and cial-needs students and substandard facilities
federal laws; and, should work to further decrease student ratios.
• Make all reasonable efforts to protect stu- Mechanized agriculture professionals in indus-
dents from conditions that are detrimental to try, secondary education, and higher education
learning, physical health, mental health, or agree that the preferred student/teacher ratio
safety. does not exceed 15:1. Realizing, however, the
conflicts that can occur in scheduling, some
schools will opt for a higher ratio. The maxi-
mum student/teacher ratio recommended by the
group is 25:1. This number is contingent on
adequate space, available equipment, special This legislation states that teachers may
needs of students enrolled, and the course of in- remove a student from the classroom or
struction. Schools can face serious liability is- laboratory setting and send that student
sues when exceeding this recommendation. to the principal’s office for disruptive be-
havior in order to maintain effective dis-
The mechanized agriculture curriculum is de- cipline and a safe learning environment.
signed to provide instruction to the students re-
garding safe practices in the laboratory and with Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
equipment and supplies. The laboratory should PPE describes numerous devices, which may be
contain equipment and supplies that will allow worn as a last resort to protect against hazards.
students to learn safely. There should be emer- These products include gloves, hardhats, hearing
gency response lighting and alarms in the class- protection, respirators, clothing, shoes, and
room and laboratory areas. The facility should eye/face protection. Each task within the learn-
be equipped with manually operated pull-type ing environment should be analyzed to deter-
activators that will generate an immediate emer- mine the possible hazards. In each instance, the
gency warning. These devices may be used for hazard should be eliminated. PPE should be
any panic situations (i.e., fire, police, and vio- used only as a last resort and only if it can pro-
lence). These signal devices should contain vide adequate protection. Every laboratory
both lights and audible warnings. Evacuation should maintain an array of personal protective
route signs should be posted in each interior equipment (PPE) for each student.
room with routes marked and clearly visible
when the emergency lighting is active. “Panic Texas Education Code, Title 19, Chapter 38,
hardware” should be on all personnel doors. Section 38.005 states each teacher and student
These activators should be clearly marked and must wear industrial-quality eye protective de-
have unrestricted access. All exterior doors vices (safety glasses or goggles) in appropriate
should be mounted to swing to the outside. This situations as determined by school district pol-
allows for ease of evacuation in case of emer- icy. Local districts must adopt rules defining
gency. when eye protection should be worn and the
type required for specific conditions.
Beyond these considerations, safety factors that
must be a part of every laboratory include Texas Administrative Code, Title 25, Part I,
• Easily accessible first aid kit, Chapter 295, SUBCHAPTER F. Standards for
Face and Eye Protection in Public Schools. The
• Safety signs & posters prominently dis- provisions of this chapter “apply to all teachers
played, and students in Texas public schools that par-
• Easily accessible eye wash area, emergency ticipate in certain vocational, industrial arts, and
shower, and suitable floor drain, chemical-physical courses or laboratories where
• Easily accessible fire extinguishers/ suppres- potentially hazardous operations exist.”
sant systems, Legislation stipulates:
• Easily accessible shunt-type emergency dis- • Local school boards and administrators fur-
connect and, nish eye protection suitable for the type of
• Smoke, heat, and carbon monoxide detec- activity;
tors, installed and operational. • Eye protection be worn when there is a rea-
sonable probability of bodily injury;
Texas Education Code, Title 19, Chapter 37.
Discipline: Law and Order • Eye protection be kept clean and in good
repair; and,

• Teachers and students who wear corrective Design considerations should locate equipment
lenses must be provided goggles that can be based on potential noise levels. Good planning
worn over corrective spectacles without will place “noisy and/or dirty” laboratory areas
disturbing the adjustment of the spectacles. away from the classroom(s). For example, sta-
tionary abrasive saws and air compressors
Special eye and face protection should be pro- should be located away from the classroom.
vided when machines or operations present po- The noise associated with such equipment can
tential eye or face injury, such as flying material, detract from classroom instruction. Planning
splashed chemicals, and hot products. Eye and should also include the placement of welding
face protective equipment should meet the re- areas. Chipping and grinding activities and as-
quirements of the American National Standards sociated noise levels can also detract students in
Institute (ANSI) Practice for Occupational and adjoining classrooms.
Educational Eye and Face Protection, Z87.1.
One source for this document is Global Engi- Flammable and Combustible Liquids
neering Documents. The GED web site is listed Mechanized agriculture laboratories use a vari-
at the end of this section. Safety glasses and ety of chemicals that include oil, solvents, paint,
goggles must be stored in germicidal cabinets or pesticides, and fuels. Many of these materials
disinfected regularly. are flammable and require the use of a fireproof
storage facility. Where possible, this facility
Students may be expected to provide their own
should be separate from any source of fire or
protective, natural-fiber clothing such as over-
flame. It should also be ventilated, or in a well-
alls, coveralls, and denim jeans and shirts.
ventilated area.
Schools may choose to provide shop coats and
aprons. Only approved containers and portable tanks
should be used for storage and handling of
flammable and combustible liquids. Flammable
When considering safety issues, comfort should liquids should be transported and dispensed us-
also figure into the facilities planning process. ing a metal container with a self-closing lid, or
Students in uncomfortable learning situations “safety can”. Flammable liquids should always
tend to get careless, which can lead to injury. be kept in closed containers when not actually in
Improving the ergonomic aspects of the labora- use.
tory area can effectively reduce stress and de-
crease the opportunity for injury. A maximum of 25 gallons of flammable or
In providing a safe, comfortable learning labo- combustible liquids should be stored in a room
ratory environment for students, some consid- that does not meet National Fire Protection As-
erations include: sociation (NFPA) specifications for an approved
storage cabinet. No more than 60 gallons of
• Restrooms and locker/dressing areas;
flammable or 120 gallons of combustible liquids
• Community wash areas; should be stored in any one NFPA approved
• OSHA compliant guarding on all equipment; storage cabinet. No more than three NFPA ap-
• Noise/sound reduction control; proved storage cabinets may be located in a sin-
gle storage area.
• Commercial/industrial quality tools and
equipment, and
• Commercial/industrial quality building and
building paraphernalia.

Inside storage rooms should be constructed to 2. All containers must be clearly and accurately
meet the required fire-resistive rating for their labeled with regards to the contents and haz-
use. Where an automatic extinguishing system ard.
is provided, it should be designed and installed 3. An education and training program must be
in an approved manner. Materials that react established along a written program.
with water and create a fire hazard should not be 4. Employers must post written notices in-
stored in the same room with flammable or forming the employee of their rights under
combustible liquids. Electrical wiring and the Hazard Communications Act.
equipment located in inside storage rooms
should be NFPA-approved for Class 1, Hazard- In addition to “plain language” labeling, the
ous Locations. Every inside storage room NFPA has established the following labeling
should be provided with either a gravity or a system for communicating hazards.
mechanical exhausting system. In every inside
room, one clear aisle at least three feet wide
should be maintained.

Conspicuous and legible signs prohibiting

smoking should be posted in service and refu-
eling areas.

Further safety information regarding flammable

and combustible materials may be found in
OSHA regulations, subpart §1926.155. The
web site for the Occupational Safety and Health
Administration is found at the end of this sec-

Hazard Communication (HAZCOM)

This paragraph references the Texas Adminis-
trative Code, Title 25, Part I, Chapter 502, Haz-
ard Communication Act. Copyright © 1996, National Fire Protection Asso-
ciation, Quincy, MA 02269. This warning is in-
The requirements of HAZCOM are designed to tended to be interpreted and applied only by the
inform both school personnel and students about properly trained individuals to identify fire, health,
the hazards associated with chemicals and other and reactivity hazards of chemicals. The user is re-
products that may be hazardous if misused. ferred to certain limited number of chemicals with
This law is directed toward school personnel, recommended classifications in NFPA 49 and NFPA
yet item one (1) below is also required for stu- 325 that would be used as a guideline only.
dents. It is recommended that the first three (3) Whether the chemicals are classified by NFPA or
sections be extended to students. not, anyone using the 704 system to classify chemi-
cals does so at their own risk.
The four (4) main sections are:
Gases, Vapors, Fumes, Dusts, and Mists
1. Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) must Exposure to toxic gases, vapors, fumes, dusts,
be current and readily available within the and mists at a concentration above those speci-
facility, for each hazardous product to which fied in the “Threshold Limit Values of Airborne
the individual may be exposed. Contaminants” of the American Council of

Government Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH), Illumination
should be avoided. Construction areas, ramps, runways, corridors,
offices, laboratories, and storage areas should be
Administrative or engineering controls must be
lighted adequately (Table 6).
implemented whenever feasible to comply with
Threshold Limit Values (TLV). Table 6: Recommended levels of illumination
Foot-candles Area or Operation
When engineering and administrative controls
30 Storage and restroom
are not feasible to achieve full compliance, pro-
70–100 Classroom and office
tective equipment or other protective measures
50–75 General laboratory
should be used to keep the exposure of persons
100 Bench work
to air contaminants within the limits prescribed.
Any equipment and technical measures used for Facility planners may refer to either ANSI/IES
this purpose must first be approved for each standard #RP7-91 (industrial lighting) or
particular use by a competent industrial hygien- ANSI/IES standard #RP3-88 (educational fa-
ist or other technically qualified person. cilities lighting) for further information. These
standards may be purchased from Global Engi-
Fire Protection
neering Documents.
Information regarding fire protection may be
found in OSHA standards, subpart §1926.155. Medical Services and First Aid
NFPA regulations also apply. The school should ensure the availability of
medical personnel for advice and consultation
Portable fire extinguishers suitable to the condi-
on matters of occupational health.
tions and hazards involved should be provided
and maintained in an effective operating condi- First aid supplies should be readily available and
tion. (1999 Standard Fire Prevention Code, appropriate for the most likely injuries. The ba-
608.3.4, Standard Fire Prevention Code sic inventory of first aid supplies, as recom-
2904.2.7) mended by ANSI Standard Z308.1 Minimum
Requirements for Workplace First Aid Kits,
Portable fire extinguishers should be given
consist of
maintenance service at least once a year with a
durable tag securely attached to show the main- • Absorbent compress - 1
tenance or recharge date. • Adhesive bandage - 16
In storage areas, clearance between sprinkler • Adhesive tape - 1” & 2”
system detectors and the top of storage areas • Antiseptic swab - 10
varies with the type of storage. For combustible • Burn treatment - 6
materials stored over 15 feet but not more than
• Gloves, pair - 2
21 feet high in solid piles, or over 12 feet but
not more than 21 feet high in piles that contain • Sterile pads - 4
horizontal channels, the minimum clearance • Triangular bandage - 1
should be 36 inches. The minimum clearance
for smaller piles or for noncombustible materi- Additional contents may include:
als should be 18 inches between the sprinkler • Antiseptic towelettes - 4
system and the top of the stored materials.
• Bandage compresses 2 - 4
• Bandage compresses 3 - 2
• Bandage compresses 4 - 1
• Cold pack - 2 erators should use appropriate personal protec-
• Eye covering - 1 tive equipment (PPE).
• Eye wash - 2 Abrasive Grinding
• Eye wash & covering - 2
All abrasive wheel bench and pedestal grinders
• Roller bandage, 4” - 1 should be provided with safety guards that cover
• Roller bandage, 2” - 2 the spindle ends, nut and flange. The safety
guards should be strong enough to withstand the
To insure that appropriate quantities adequate effects of a bursting wheel.
items are selected a physician should be con-
sulted. An adjustable work rest plate of rigid construc-
tion should be used on pedestal and bench
A safety eye wash and deluge shower should be grinders and with fixed base, offhand grinding
part of the first aid/safety area. The eye protec- machines. The work rest plate should be kept
tion germicidal cabinet can also be located here, adjusted to a maximum clearance of 1/8 inch
as well as other types of personal protective between rest and wheel.
All abrasive wheels should be closely inspected
The laboratory should maintain a Right to Know before and during mounting to ensure they are
center. This is a Hazard Communications area free from defects. Performing a “ring test” after
that should include a file of material safety data installation will ensure that they are free from
sheets (MSDS) for all chemicals in the class- defects. See “ring test” under 29 Code of Fed-
room, laboratory, or office. This safety center eral Regulations (CFR) 1910.215.
should have a supply of container labels that
meet NFPA guidelines. Where toxic fumes may Cylinders and Compressed Gases Used in the
occur, facility planners should follow OSHA, Mechanized Agricultural laboratory
TNRCC, and EPA regulations for the manage- The mechanized agriculture laboratory com-
ment of these fumes. monly used a variety of compressed gasses dur-
ing the course of instruction. Gasses most likely
Use of Compressed Air
to be present in a laboratory facility are:
The air compressor and associated piping for the • Oxygen;
facility should be sized to provide maximum
anticipated compressed-air demand. • Acetylene;
• Propane (LPG);
Each outlet for compressed air service should be • Argon;
provided with pressure regulators and a conden-
• Carbon dioxide
sation removal device. Condensation removal
can be accomplished by placing cutoff valves • Nitrogen; and,
above and below each compressed air outlet. • Branded fuel gasses.
Outlets designed for use with pneumatic tools
(i.e., air drills, air grinders) should be equipped Most of these gasses are flammable, and all are
with automatic oilers. under high pressure. Requirements for the safe
storage of these gasses can be found in the latest
Compressed air used for cleaning should not editions of the “Standard Fire Prevention Code”
exceed 30-lb. psi at point of use. Applications and “National Fire Protection Association” pub-
for use of compressed air should be equipped lications. Another useful reference is the latest
with effective chip guarding measures, and op- edition of the Standard Building Code. The
American Welding Society offers a publication
entitled “Safety in Welding, Cutting, and Allied Wrenches should not be used when the jaws are
Processes” that should be referenced in planning sprung to the point that slippage occurs. Impact
a mechanized agriculture laboratory. Contact tools should be kept free of mushroomed heads.
information for these organizations is found at The wooden handles of tools should be kept free
the end of this section. of splinters or cracks and should be kept tight on
the tool.
Compressed gas cylinders should be kept
away from excessive heat, should not be Liquefied Petroleum Gas
stored where they might be damaged or Each system should have containers, valves,
knocked over by passing or falling objects, connectors, manifold valve assemblies, and
and should be stored at least 20 feet away regulators of an approved type. All cylinders
from highly combustible materials. Cylin- should meet DOT specifications. Every con-
ders should be properly secured with a non- tainer and vaporizer should be provided with
flammable device (e.g., chain) when in use one or more approved safety relief valves or de-
and secured with a nonflammable device vices. Portable heaters should be equipped with
when in storage. an approved automatic shut-off device to stop
the flow of gas in the event of flame failure.
Cylinders designed to accept a valve protection
Storage locations should have at least one 20-
cap should have the cap properly attached ex-
pound A:B:C rated fire extinguisher within 10
cept when the cylinder is in use or is connected
feet of the fuel gas storage area.
for use. Some cylinders use a shielded valve
area for protection. When installed outside, containers should be
upright upon firm foundations or otherwise
Acetylene cylinders should only be stored and
firmly secured. Operational requirements
used in a vertical valve-end-up position. These
sometimes make portable use of containers nec-
cylinders contain a liquid, which can escape into
essary. If location outside of buildings or
the regulator and hose if the valve is opened
structures is impractical, then use of containers
while the tank is lying flat or at an angle.
and equipment inside of buildings or structures
Oxygen cylinders in storage should be separated should be permitted. This should be in accor-
from fuel-gas cylinders or combustible materials dance with the “Safety and Health Standards.”
(especially oil or grease) by a minimum distance Storage of LP gas within buildings is prohib-
of 20 feet or by a noncombustible barrier at least ited.
five feet high having a fire-resistance rating of at
least ½ hour. WELDING
General Considerations
Drill Press
The school should thoroughly instruct students
The V-belt drive of all machines and equipment, in the safe uses of fuel gas in welding and cut-
including the usual front and rear pulleys, ting operations. It is recommended that used
should be guarded to protect the operator from drums, fuel tanks, or other contaminated con-
contact. tainers not be cut or welded. Closed containers
that have held combustible or toxic materials
Hand Tools should not be welded or cut until they have been
Schools should not issue or permit the use of properly cleaned and marked as safe.
unsafe hand tools. Electric power tools should
either be approved double insulated or be prop- Schools should instruct students in the safe
erly grounded with a GCFI device. means of arc welding and cutting operations.
Proper precautions (i.e., isolating welding and
cutting operations, removing fire hazards from Facilities designed with four or more oxy-fuel
the vicinity, and providing a fire watch) for fire welding/cutting stations should consider a mani-
prevention should be taken in areas where fold system. Manifold systems are safer and
welding or other “hot work” is being done. Re- more economical in this type of situation.
fer to OSHA Standard 1926.353, Ventilation Fewer cylinders are leased for these systems and
and Protection in Welding , Cutting, and Heat- cylinders are secured in one location. For spe-
ing. cific regulations regarding manifold systems,
refer to ANSI/NFPA 51. This document may be
No welding, cutting, or heating should be done secured from Global Engineering Documents
where the application of flammable paints or the (Web site located at the end of this section).
presence of other flammable compounds or
heavy dust concentrations creates a fire hazard. General welding, cutting, and heating operations
(not involving conditions and materials de-
Electric Arc Welding Considerations scribed in Safety and Health Standards) may
Noncombustible or flameproof shields should normally be done without mechanical ventila-
shield all arc welding and cutting operations. tion or respiratory protective equipment. Where
This will protect all persons from direct ultra- an unsafe accumulation of contaminants exists,
violet rays from the arc welder. Electrode hold- suitable mechanical ventilation or respiratory
ers left unattended should have the electrodes protective equipment shall be provided. Unsafe
removed. The electrode holder should be placed conditions result from unusual physical or at-
or protected to prevent the opportunity of elec- mospheric conditions. Air movement of at least
trical contact with a person or conductive object. 1,000 CFM at the point of operation is recom-
All arc welder cables should be completely in-
sulated and free from repair or splices. Defec- For further information regarding ventilation in
tive cables should be replaced. The cable welding applications, refer to ANSI/AWS Stan-
should also be insulated at the point of attach- dard F3.1-89, Guide for Welding Fume Control.
ment to the welding machine. This document is available from Global Engi-
neering Documents.
Fuel Gas Welding
Students often perform various types of weld-
The fuel gas hose and oxygen hose should be ing, cutting, or heating activities in the labora-
easily distinguishable from each other. The tory. They should be protected by suitable eye
contrast may be made by different colors or by protective equipment. The Safety and Health
surface characteristics readily distinguishable by Standards provide the requirements for this type
sense of touch. Fuel gas hoses should be col- of protection.
ored red for acetylene or propane. The oxygen
hose should be colored green. Acetylene hoses Oxy-fuel heating and cutting equipment must be
have “Type R” printed on the hose and propane supplied with flashback protection, as per the
fuel gas hoses should read “Type T”. Acetylene following requirement:
hose fittings have left hand threads and grooves
“An approved, listed flame arrester check valve shall
on the shoulders of the fittings. Oxygen hose be installed in every fuel gas hose not more than 6
fittings have right-hand threads and the fittings inches (152 mm) downstream from the point of con-
have smooth shoulders. Oxygen and fuel gas nection to a cylinder or other fuel supply, preferably
hoses should not be interchangeable. at the regulator. Any such flame arrester shall be
approved for the specific fuel gas used.” (1999
Standard Fire Protection Code 2903.3.8)

HAND TOOLS base plate or shoe. The upper guard should
cover the saw to the depth of the teeth, except
Schools should not issue or permit the use of
for the minimum arc required to permit the base
unsafe hand tools.
to be tilted for bevel cuts. The lower guard
Wrenches should not be used when the jaws are should cover the saw to the depth of the teeth,
sprung to the point that slippage occurs. Impact except for the minimum arc required to allow
tools should be kept free of mushroomed heads. proper retraction and contact with the work.
The wooden handles of tools should be kept free When the tool is withdrawn from the work, the
of splinters or cracks and should be kept tight in lower guard should automatically and instantly
the tool. return to the covering position.

Electric power tools should either be approved Woodworking Machinery

double insulated or be properly grounded with a All woodworking machinery such as table saws,
ground fault circuit interrupter (GFCI) device. swing saws, radial saws, band saws, jointers,
tenoning machines, boring and mortising ma-
WOODWORKING EQUIPMENT chinery, shapers, planers, lathes, sanders, veneer
Saw, Radial cutters, and miscellaneous woodworking ma-
chinery should be effectively guarded to protect
Radial saws should be constructed so that the
the operator and other persons from hazards in-
upper hood completely encloses the upper por-
herent to their operation.
tion of the blade down to a point that will in-
clude the end of the saw arbor. The upper hood A power control device should be provided on
should be constructed in such a manner and of each machine to make it possible for the opera-
such materials that it will protect the operator tor to cut off the power from each machine,
from flying debris (i.e., splinters and broken saw without leaving his or her position, and the point
teeth) and will deflect sawdust away from the of operation.
“Start-Stop” controls and operation control
The sides of the lower exposed portion of the should be easily accessible to the operator,
blade should be guarded. This should cover the making it unnecessary to reach over the cutter to
full diameter of the blade. A device that will operate the equipment. This does not apply to
automatically adjust itself to the full thickness of constant pressure controls used only for setup
the stock and remain in contact with stock being purposes.
cut will give the maximum protection possible
for the operations being performed. Each operating treadle should be protected
against unexpected or accidental tripping. Non-
Radial saws used for ripping should have non- skid surfaces around power equipment should
kickback fingers or dogs. Stock should always be provided for the operator. All materials
be fed into the saw against blade rotation. Ra- stored in tiers should be secured to prevent
dial saws should be installed so that the cutting sliding, falling, or collapse.
head will return to the starting position when
released by the operator. All guarding should be Aisles and passageways should be kept clear and
manufacturer approved and should remain in in good repair. Aisles for foot traffic should be
place during operation. at least 36 inches wide. Weeds and grass in out-
side storage area should be kept under control.
Saw, Portable Circular Storage of material should not obstruct exits or
All portable, power-driven circular saws should protrude into normal traffic areas. Materials
be equipped with guards above and below the
should be stored with due regard to their fire Commission (TNRCC) regarding exhaust emis-
characteristics. sions. The Environmental Protection Agency
also has regulations regarding the installation of
RAILINGS/TOE-BOARDS paint rooms. The regulations that affect the
Guarding/handrails are recommended anytime construction and operation of this type of facility
there are two adjacent levels that differ by more are subject to public review and revision peri-
than 10 inches, especially at elevated wall odically, causing printed materials to become
openings and elevated storage areas [29 CFR outdated quickly.
1926.501 (b)(15)].
All spray finishing should be conducted in spray
A standard railing consists of a top rail, an in- booths or spray rooms. Spray booths should be
termediate rail, and posts and should have a substantially constructed of steel not thinner
vertical height of 42 inches from the upper sur- than No. 18 U.S. gauge, securely and rigidly
face of the top rail to the floor, platform, or supported, or of concrete or masonry, except
similar surface. that aluminum or other substantial noncombus-
tible material may be used for intermittent or
Railings should be of such construction that the low volume spraying. Spray booths should be
complete structure would be capable of with- designed to sweep air currents toward the ex-
standing a load of at least 200 pounds in any di- haust outlet.
rection on any point on the top rail.
There should be no open flame or spark-
Railings protecting floor openings, platforms, producing equipment in any spraying areas or
scaffolds, and similar areas should be equipped within 20 feet thereof, unless separated by a
with toe-boards when possible for a person to full-closure partition.
pass beneath the open side or if there is equip-
ment or moving machinery from which falling Electrical wiring, motors, and equipment not
material could cause a hazard. subject to deposits of combustible residues but
located in a spraying area should be explosion-
A standard toe-board should be at least four proof type, UL-approved for Class I, group D
inches in height and may be of any substantial locations or Class I, Division I, Hazardous loca-
material, either solid or open, with openings not tions. Electrical wiring, motors, and other
to exceed one inch in greatest dimension. equipment outside of but within 20 feet of any
spraying area and not separated therefrom by
A useful reference is ANSI Standard A 1264.1 partitions should not produce sparks under nor-
“Safety Requirements for Workplace Floor and mal operating conditions and should otherwise
Wall Openings, Stairs, and Railing Systems,” conform to the provisions for Class I, Division
available from Global Engineering Documents 2, Hazardous Locations. Refer to NEC Article
(Web site at the end of this section). 500 or NFPA Publication 497M for electric
motor applications.
The laboratory may include an approved paint All spraying areas should be provided with me-
facility/booth/room. While a paint room is not chanical ventilation adequate to remove flam-
discouraged, this document includes recommen- mable vapors, mists, or powders to a safe loca-
dations but does not include specifications. tion and to confine and control combustible
Planners should contact the appropriate state residues so that life is not endangered.
and federal regulatory agencies for specific
Electric motors driving exhaust fans should not
guidelines. In Texas, planners should contact
be placed inside flammable materials spray
the Texas Natural Resource Conservation
booths or ducts. Belts or pulleys within the erly made. Repairs should meet or exceed the
booth or duct should be thoroughly enclosed. insulating and conductivity specifications at the
time of manufacture. Worn or frayed cords
The quality of flammable or combustible liquid should not be used.
kept in the vicinity of spraying operations
should be the minimum required for operations The lighting array in the laboratory should pro-
and should ordinarily not exceed a supply for duce a higher level of light than in a standard
one day. Conspicuous “NO SMOKING” signs classroom. Exposed bulbs on temporary lights
should be posted at all flammable materials should be guarded to prevent accidental contact,
spraying areas and storage rooms. except where bulbs are deeply recessed in the
reflector. Power cords should not be used to
Flammable material spraying areas must suspend temporary lights unless designed for
meet all applicable state and federal re- this purpose.
The laboratory should also be equipped with an
ELECTRICAL emergency energy control, a shunt-type emer-
The electrical concerns of an agricultural sci- gency disconnect switch often called a “panic
ence laboratory must first address all local button”. This emergency tool and machinery
building codes. All electrical works should be shutdown switch is designed to immediately
in compliance with the current National Electri- disconnect electrical power to predetermined
cal Code (NEC). sites. This master disconnect should cut off the
power to all tool and machinery circuits and all
The next concern is the location of electrical utility circuits. This will give the teacher easy
panels, which should be accessible and in an access to quickly shut down the equipment
area that is not easily blocked. GFCIs at the cir- when there is a need to stop power tool opera-
cuit breaker should be used as required by the tion. Other lower-order “panic buttons” may be
National Electrical Code. In general, GFCIs strategically located throughout the laboratory.
should be used on any circuit which supplies Each emergency shutoff should be clearly la-
current to areas where water or moisture may beled. Labeling identifies which motors, appli-
occur or where an extension cord may supply a ances, service feeders, or branch circuits the
similar environment (i.e., water fountains, rest- emergency shutoff affects.
rooms, wash bays, greenhouses, outdoor out-
During project construction, alteration, or re-
The nonconductive metal parts of plug- pairs, form and scrap lumber with protruding
connected or portable equipment should be nails and all other debris should be kept cleared
grounded. Fixed equipment should be from work areas, passageways, and stairs in and
grounded, and portable tools and appliances around buildings or other structures.
should be protected by an approved system of
double insulation or its equivalent. Combustible scrap and debris should be re-
moved at frequent intervals. Metal containers
Extension cords used with portable electric tools with metal self-closing lids should be used for
and appliances should be the three-wire type and temporary storage of flammable waste materials
double-insulated. This type of extension is usu- (i.e., soiled rags with flammable residue).
ally round, not the flat, 3-conductor type. Flexi-
ble cord should be used only in continuous Containers should be provided for collection
lengths without splices, except suitable molded and separation of all refuse. Appropriate covers
or vulcanized splices may be used where prop- should be provided on containers used for
flammable or hazardous substances. Some haz- SAFETY COLOR CODE FOR
ardous chemicals may be found in the laboratory LABORATORY MACHINERY AND
as waste substances. Waste storage facilities EQUIPMENT
should be separate from storage facilities for Color speaks a universal language when prop-
new or unused materials. Storage facilities for erly used as a visual aid to safety. Standard col-
hazardous waste materials should comply with ors for specific purposes help identify safety
applicable regulating agencies. equipment and accident hazards. Color, how-
ever, is not intended as a substitute for proper
Waste should be disposed of at frequent inter-
guarding, for elimination of hazardous condi-
vals. Frequent disposal of hazardous material
tions, or for safe practices.
wastes should be conducted according to state
and federal regulations. Too many color identifications constantly in the
field of vision of a worker are both confusing
Drip pans should be provided to eliminate oil
and fatiguing. Each location should, therefore,
be carefully studied in order to keep the number
Safety charts should be permanently displayed of markings at a minimum, thereby providing
as a constant reminder to all concerned. even greater emphasis for the marking used. Re-
fer to Table 7 below for Safety Color Applica-
tions. This chart is based on the AAVIM publi-
cation “Safety Color Coding for the Shop”(IMS

Table 7: Safety Color Applications

Color Purpose Examples of Use
Safety Red Danger and emergency Signs – white letters on red back-
Fire alarms – exit signs
Fire emergency equipment
Emergency stop bars
Stop controls Panic buttons
Machinery on/off switches
Safety Orange Warning – machine parts which may Guards on machinery
cut, crush, shock, or injure. Used to Locate hazardous parts of machine
emphasize such hazards when en- Inside covers of shields and switch
closure doors are open or when gears, boxes
belt or other guards around moving Locate electrical boxes that contain
equipment are open or removed, ex- start-stop buttons and switch levers
posing unguarded hazards
Safety Yellow Caution – critical parts of machines Adjusting wheels, levers, and knobs
which the operator uses and controls
that should be checked before turning
on power

Table 7: Safety Color Applications - Continued
Color Purpose Examples of Use
Safety Red with Flammable liquids Safety cans or other containers of
Safety Yellow band flammable liquids or combustible
around container materials
middle at least ¼ its
height with contents
identified thereon
Safety Yellow or Flammable waste materials Safety cans for flammable combusti-
Yellow band around ble materials
container middle at Waste container for flammable mate-
least ¼ its height rials
with contents iden-
tified thereon
Safety Yellow with Caution Storage cabinets of flammable materi-
conspicuous, high- als labeled “Flammable – Keep Fire
visibility lettering – Away”
Fire Away”
Safety Yellow with Caution for striking against, stum- Obstacles such as low beams and ex-
Black Stripes or bling, falling, tripping over tensions that protrude
Safety Yellow Outline work areas Work areas around stationary ma-
Stripes chines
Traffic lanes
Safety Blue Information about and caution against Signs on machines, “Out-of-Order”
machines or equipment that are out of
order or under repair
Safety Green Safety and location of first aid and Location of medical equipment, first
safety equipment aid kits, eye wash fountains, deluge
Safety Black and Radiation hazard Radiation from X-ray radiation types,
Safety Yellow such as alpha, beta, gamma, neutron,
stripes proton, deuteron, and meson
Safety Black and Traffic control areas or markings for Barricades directional arrows, work
Safety White or a information purposes areas
combination of al-
ternating black and
white stripes
Safety Gray or Vista To reduce eye strain – both are Body of machines, tables, work
Green pleasing colors benches, floors
Ivory To improve visibility Vertical edges of machines, tables and

Table 7: Safety Color Applications - Continued
Color Purpose Examples of Use
Aluminum with Or- Waste container for flammable mate- Waste containers
ange Band ¼ the rials
height of container
identifying contents
Aluminum with Waste container for nonflammable Waste containers
Black Band ¼ the materials
height of container
identifying contents
Yellow Band with Pipe identification Natural gas and steam
red lettering (Check this one out)
Blue Band with Pipe identification Compressed air
white lettering
Black Band with Pipe identification Vent lines
white lettering
Gray Band with Pipe identification Water
white lettering
Green Band with Pipe identification Oxygen
black lettering
Red Band with Pipe identification Acetylene
black lettering

UTILITIES • The compressor is difficult to service,

Planning should provide for standard utilities to maintain, or replace when in these types of
the agricultural science facility. These include locations.
water, gas, sewer, electricity, and communica-
Specific needs of machinery and equipment will
The planning and design of the mechanized ag-
play a part in designing some utility aspects of
riculture laboratory should place the facility ad-
the facility. When deciding on the placement of
jacent to the agriscience office and classroom.
air compressors, consider starting/operating
The agriscience facility should be a part of the
noise, drainage requirements, and access to an
total school structure. It should not be separate
adequate supply of fresh air. In many older fa-
from the school. It should have the type of ac-
cilities, air compressors were placed above the
cessibility that will allow for delivery/shipping
classroom or office. This is not an optimum lo-
of materials and supplies, animals, and equip-
cation for several reasons:
• Accumulated moisture must drain onto the
Space Needs
roof of the classroom or office.
• Starting/operating noise detracts from the The layout should be designed in accordance
classroom learning environment. with a modern concept of agricultural science.
The replacement of labor with machinery,
• Intake air supply is sometimes inadequate. equipment, and technology has caused a rapid
increase in the use, as well as the size of, agri-

cultural machinery and equipment and a corre- proved by an engineer, stamped with the engi-
sponding increase in the demand for people with neer’s seal, and the facility must be erected un-
technical mechanical skills. der the supervision of a licensed engineer.

A laboratory is a necessity if students are to be Since the type of construction affects insurance
trained in technical mechanical skills, and the rates, school authorities should check with their
increased size of agricultural machinery neces- insurance agent or the State Department of In-
sitates more laboratory space than was formerly surance, Fire Marshal’s Office, Austin, TX, be-
needed. A minimum laboratory facility for fore accepting the blueprints and specifications.
mechanized agriculture should contain 2,400 The web site for the State Department of Insur-
square feet, with approximately 1,000 feet of ance is
free floor space for project assembly, demon-
strations, etc. Walls, Ceilings, Roofs
Access to the laboratory is critical. The labora-
Some factors to consider in planning and deter- tory should have at least one overhead door,
mining laboratory space requirements are safety, 14’0”x 14’0” minimum with 16’0”x 16’0” pre-
flow of materials and personnel, equipment to ferred, and a minimum 14’0” working height.
be included, need for an area to assemble proj- The factors of door height and width impact the
ects, and number of students enrolled. A list of utilization of the laboratory and also serve to
recommended laboratory equipment and the determine present and future needs.
space needs for each piece of equipment is given
on pages 38-42 of this document. In order that the overhead service door may be
at least 14’0” feet high, the laboratory walls and
One feature that will enhance laboratory free ceiling must be at least 18 feet high. If a
space is the use of portable welding booths. 16’x16’ door is utilized, the eave height must be
Permanent booths reduce the amount of usable from 20 to 22 feet to accommodate an overhead
space in a laboratory when nonwelding related crane or hoist. The hoist or crane should be near
activities are taking place. Permanent booths the overhead door.
also limit floor arrangement options. The
Mechanized Agriculture program at Sam Hous- The laboratory should contain acoustic materials
ton State University can provide plans for port- to suppress loud noises or maintain acceptable
able welding booths. sound levels. An acoustical ceiling is desirable.
If the roof structure is exposed, the roof decking
Shape should be acoustical foam board. If a lift is used
The laboratory should not be less than 40 feet over the open work area of the laboratory, the
wide. Buildings 40 feet or wider usually pro- roof should be designed to carry a 6,000-lb.
vide more efficient use of floor and wall space. hoist load.
If there is a possibility of expansion in the fu-
ture, the ends of the building should not be Supporting columns for the roof are undesirable.
blocked by another building or property line. Metal buildings should have the inside area of
the roof insulated to prevent moisture conden-
Type of Construction sation in the laboratory area. The insulation
used should be fire resistant. Walls should be
The agricultural science installation should con-
form to the existing architecture of the overall flameproof. Asbestos or other toxic materials
school plan and be of similar design and con- may not be used.
struction. All applicable building codes and
Utility and structural components should be in-
State health Department requirements should be
stalled above light height. This allows for
met. Blueprints and specifications must be ap-
greater freedom of movement in the laboratory maximizing tool storage space when working on
area, and greater ease in moving materials. small engines or tractors. A well-maintained
tool and equipment storage area facilitates
Windows maintenance of tools and equipment.
All windowsills should be at least 72 inches
An effective laboratory instructional program
from the floor to prevent student distraction
requires many tools that must be conveniently
from outside the laboratory and to provide am-
and safely stored when not in use. Space is also
ple wall space for equipment arrangement.
needed for the storage of supplies and materials
Windows located at this height will provide
used in the agricultural science laboratory.
adequate natural lighting and ventilation.
Without storage space, the laboratory quickly
The windowsill should slope downward at a 30o becomes untidy in appearance, inefficient in op-
to 45o angle to help prevent dust and debris from eration, and possibly dangerous to the learners.
accumulating and to prevent students from
The tool storage room should contain a mini-
leaving tools on the sill.
mum of 200 square feet of floor space. It may
If windows are not needed for light and ventila- be necessary to provide cabinets, either wall or
tion, they should not be included in the facility bench mounted, in the laboratory area. Portable
design. This will limit unwanted access and cabinets may also be used to supplement wall
also addresses additional security concerns such cabinets and to conveniently move special tools
as vandalism or breaking and entering. from the tool storage room. A minimum of 100
sq. ft. should be provided for storing lumber and
In place of windows, it is recommended to in- metal in the laboratory. Ground-level storage is
stall translucent Lucite™ panels in either 3-foot most desirable, but this may be provided by
or 4-foot lengths at the tops of the sidewalls. overhead or balcony-type storage is acceptable.
These panels will effectively increase interior
lighting levels. Welding-gas cylinders stored inside a building,
except those in actual use or attached ready for
Internal Storage Facilities use, shall be limited to a total capacity of 3,000
cu. ft. Compressed gas storage exceeding this
Storage requirements vary within each depart-
amount shall be in a separate room provided for
ment. Still, there are considerations that should
by 1999 Standard Fire Prevention Code 2903.5,
be consistent throughout any facility. In the
or cylinders shall be kept outside or in a separate
classroom, shelving, cabinets, and magazine
building. Buildings, rooms or compartments
racks provide storage areas for student supplies,
designed for cylinder storage must be well
textbooks, references, and periodicals. These
lighted and be without open flame heating or
areas must be functional in size and easily ac-
lighting devices. (1999 Standard Fire Prevention
Code 2903.1)
Tool storage is a major concern in any labora-
Overhead or balcony-type storage may be con-
tory area. Locating the storage area/tool room
structed over the tool room, office, restrooms,
centrally provides the accessibility needed for
and project storage area. This will utilize space
daily lab activities. A wire mesh front wall pro-
that may not be used otherwise and makes an
vides an open front and maximum visibility.
ideal storage area for materials and items such
All tools, including special application tools, as demonstration boards, which are used only
should have a designated storage space. The occasionally. If this type of storage is used, it
instructor should develop and maintain a tool should be accessible from the laboratory; stairs
checkout procedure. Rollouts are convenient for with hand railings should be provided.

Overhead storage areas and storage higher than Power control for the laboratory should be cen-
six feet above the ground requires fall protec- tralized on a master control that can be locked.
tion. A movable step unit or platform provides This allows the instructor to have full control
controlled access to these areas and minimizes over the use of power tools at all times. It is de-
loss of space. All overhead storage areas should sirable that this control be equipped with a pilot
be enclosed with approved toe-boards and rail- light. Individual auxiliary switches capable of
ings. being locked should be provided on all major
power tools. “Emergency disconnect” or “panic
Special considerations should be made for the buttons” should be strategically located
safe storage of paints, fuels, and solvents. throughout the laboratory, including one by the
Specifications for an approved fire-resistant office. The master disconnect should disconnect
cabinet may be found in OSHA regulations, the power to all tool and machinery circuits and
subchapter §1926.152. all convenience circuits. This will allow the in-
structor immediate access to quickly shut down
In storage areas, clearance between sprinkler power to all equipment when there imminent
system detectors and top of storage areas varies need to stop power tool operation. If properly
with the type of storage. For combustible mate- installed, this type of master disconnect will al-
rials stored over 15 feet but not more than 21 low the lighting and emergency circuits to re-
feet high in solid piles, or over 12 feet but not main operational. Other lower-order “panic
more than 21 feet high in piles that contain hori- buttons” may be strategically located throughout
zontal channels, the minimum clearance should the laboratory. This type of safety feature is ex-
be 36 inches. The minimum clearance for pensive, and two “panic buttons” may prove
smaller piles or for noncombustible materials satisfactory in most situations. Each discon-
should be 18 inches between the sprinkler sys- necting means for motors, appliances, and each
tem and the top of the stored materials. service feeder or branch circuit at the point
where it originates should be legibly marked to
Electrical Power Requirements
indicate its purpose unless located and arranged
The service entrance should be adequate for pre- so the purpose is evident.
sent and future needs. The layout of the labo-
ratory and proposed equipment will determine Control lever switches painted with high-
the number and size of circuits and outlets. visibility colors will improve laboratory safety.
The standard colors are black for “on” or
If the laboratory is to be served with single- “starting” and red for “off” or “stopping”.
phase and three-phase power, the three-phase
voltage supplied should be 240 volts. Single- Power Outlets
phase power should be available at 120/240 Grounded duplex outlets with GFCI protection
volts or 240/440 volts. Single-phase services of at the circuit breaker, rated at 120 volts/20
120/240 volts is not recommended for the agri- amps, should be provided every 10 feet along
cultural science laboratory. If 120/208-voltage the walls, approximately 42 inches above the
service is supplied, equipment rated at 208 volts floor. It is desirable that power for portable
must be used for satisfactory operation. tools be available at all workbenches and open
work areas. Reel-type drop outlets are recom-
Single-phase motors of ½-horsepower or larger
mended on open work areas. No more than four
should be operated on 240 volts. Where three-
grounded duplex outlets should be placed on
phase service is readily available, three-phase
one circuit. More than 4 outlets per circuit may
equipment is recommended because of the
cause circuit breakers to trip when using exten-
lower initial investment.
sion cords and power tools.

Circuits of 240 volts and 50/60 amps will be cilities lighting for further information. These
necessary for shielded metal arc welders standards may be purchased from Global Engi-
(SMAW). These outlets should be 4 – 5 feet neering Documents.
apart depending upon the type of welding
booths used. A spacing of five feet is recom- Doors
mended for screen-type booths, whereas spacing At least three entrances must be provided to the
of four feet is recommended for bench-type laboratory. One entrance should be a large
welding booths. Five to ten arc welders are rec- service door at least 14’0”x 14’0”. This door
ommended. should be located at least 10 feet from the corner
of the building. In an area where large equip-
One 240-volt/50-amp and one 120-volt/20-amp ment will be brought into the laboratory, a
grounded type power outlet should be provided 16’0’x 16’0” service door is needed. Next to
near the service door and apron to allow for the the service door should be a personnel entrance
use of power tools and an electric welder out- door. The third entrance may be from the class-
side. The receptacles for these outlets should be room. If the office joins the laboratory, there
weatherproof. should be an entrance from the office to the
Ease of maintenance should be considered when Heating and Cooling
planning the lighting system. Pilot light The heating and cooling of the agricultural sci-
switches should be located at each entrance. ence classroom and laboratory should be indi-
Table 8 contains recommendations for light in- vidually controlled.
tensity based on location.
Table 8:Recommendations for light intensity
Illumination Artificial ventilation is needed in the laboratory
Location Level to remove welding fumes, exhaust gases, wood
Storage & restrooms 30 ft-candles dust, and other vapors. An overhead exhaust
Classroom & office 70100 ft-candles system should be provided for the welding area.
Laboratory 5075 ft candles See ventilation recommendations on page XX.
Bench areas 100 ft candles Refer to Safety in Welding, Cutting, and Allied
Processes, ANSI Z49.1:1999, available from the
Interior lighting fixtures should be mounted at
American Welding Society or the American
the 7 to 10 foot levels. To provide the levels of
National Standards Institute, whose web site is
light intensity recommended in the table, lamp
found at the end of this section.
spacing should be equal to mounting height.
If general mechanical ventilation is provided, a
Strategically placed incandescent lighting can be
minimum exhaust rate of 1,000 CFM per welder
useful for security and safety applications. Sup-
should be provided. When individual exhaust
plemental rapid-start fixtures may be placed on
systems are used, the general ventilation re-
fluorescent lighting for efficiency. Heavy-duty
quirement of the laboratory can be reduced.
fixtures with mercury vapor or metal halide
lamps are recommended for use in the labora- An individual ventilation system should provide
tory. at least 1,000 CFM per arc welding booth and
200 CFM per oxy-fuel welding station. To pre-
Facility planners may refer to either ANSI/IES
vent the exhaust fumes from moving past the
standard #RP7-91 – industrial lighting or
welder’s face, it is recommended the inlets for
ANSI/IES standard #RP3-88 – educational fa-

the exhaust gases be placed at the work level Visibility
and not above the operator’s head. Portable Visibility in the entire facility should be maxi-
ventilation units are available from various ven- mized to decrease student opportunities to loiter
dors. Table 9 should provide helpful informa- and to assist the instructor in keeping students
tion when planning local exhaust systems. on task. Safe visibility should apply to the tool
storage areas, wash areas, dressing/locker areas,
Engine Exhaust Ventilation
classroom, office, personnel access, and other
When dealing with engine exhaust ventilation storage areas.
situations, local forced ventilation systems, in-
volving flexible hoses that can be attached to Washing Facilities
engine exhausts, are required for tractor mainte- An industrial-type wash basin or sink equipped
nance stations. Table 10 will be helpful in plan- with both hot and cold water should be provided
ning the engine exhaust system in the laboratory area, adjacent to the lockers
and restrooms.
Table 9: Exhaust System Planning
Distance from Minimum air Duct diame- Water Fountain
arc or torch flow ter
(CFM)* (inches)** A drinking fountain should be provided. It may
4” – 6” 150 3 be placed near the wash basin, and the same
6” – 8” 275 3½ cold water line and drain used for the wash ba-
8” – 10” 425 4½ sin may be used. The water fountain must be
10” – 12” 600 5½ accessible to handicapped individuals.
* Increase by 20% for hoods without flanges
** To nearest ½ inch based on velocity of 4000 Drains
fpm in duct A floor drain is necessary in the restroom. If a
For further information regarding ventilation in paint spray room is provided, it should have a
welding applications, refer to ANSI/AWS Standard drain as well. It is also advantageous to have a
F3.1-89, Guide for Welding Fume Control. This
drain in the laboratory assembly area.
document is also available from Global Engineering

Interior Finish
Table 10: Engine Exhaust System Parameters
Minimum The ceilings and upper portion of the walls
CFM per ex- diameter of should be painted a light color for improved
Type haust pipe flexible duct light reflection. The lower portions of the walls
(inches) should be painted a color that will not readily
Up to 200 hp 100 3 show dirt. The exposed structural steel or “red
Over 200 hp 200 4 iron” of all pre-engineered steel buildings
Diesel 400 4½ should be painted white.

Lockers Surface Apron

A locker room or locker/dressing area of at least A paved apron near the service entrance to the
175 square feet should be provided. The locker laboratory will provide an additional instruc-
facilities should be located in an area adjacent to tional area for demonstrating various skills
the laboratory. The projected number of stu- dealing with livestock, machinery, and equip-
dents enrolled in the largest class will determine ment. The areas will be more serviceable if it is
the number of lockers. Two-tiered or three- covered with a roof. It is desirable to provide a
tiered lockers are desirable. steam cleaning or pressure washing area on the

apron. The apron should be equipped with a dirt Locks and Keys
and grease trap. The grease trap must meet all The number of keys required for the facility
TNRCC, EPA, and local requirements. should be kept to a minimum to insure security
and student safety. The tool room and labora-
Outside Storage
tory should be separately keyed for the protec-
Outside storage areas are important to the labo- tion of the teacher who is responsible for in-
ratory. Access to an outside storage area makes ventory and maintenance of tools and equip-
it possible to move materials, machinery, and ment. It is not advisable for the laboratory to be
equipment not used on a regular basis out of the used except under the supervision of the appro-
instructional area. It should be noted that inside priate teacher.
floor space is designed for instructional use, not
for the storage of portable equipment. Water and Compressed Air Outlets
A minimum of three water outlets should be
A fenced or protected covered concrete apron
provided: one at the wash basin or water foun-
should be provided for outside storage of mate-
tain, one inside the laboratory near the service
rials. The storage area should be enclosed with
entrance door, and one in the spray room, if ap-
a chain link or other type of security fence. To
plicable. Water may be delivered through pull-
enhance the appearance of the outside storage
down hose reels.
area, the fence should be opaque (i.e., plastic
strips in fence, brick). Compressed air for the laboratory requires a
system designed for uses ranging from tool op-
The area should be complete with GFCI electri-
eration to spray painting. The compressor for
cal service, compressed air, water, and drainage.
the system should be located in a secured over-
This can also provide an increased teaching area
head or external area, where the noise will not
just outside the service entrance and adjacent to
interfere with instruction. A manifold system
the laboratory.
will deliver the compressed air to drop outlets
The outside storage area can also be used to located around the perimeter of the laboratory.
store surplus or used materials. These types of Outlets should be located at 30-foot intervals. If
materials should not be stored in the laboratory. there is an agricultural power and machinery
They detract from the safety, housekeeping, and course offered through a school-based labora-
the overall image of the laboratory. There tory curriculum, a compressed air outlet should
should be storage racks and bins for both wood be located at each work station.
and metal.
Each outlet should have a shut-off valve above
New and recycled wood and metal should be and below each connector. The lower shut-off
stored separately from materials that lack sal- valve will allow the systems to be drained at
vage value. A school’s refuse bins or dumpsters each outlet drop. The use of 45° couplers at
should not be located specifically behind the each outlet is another safety recommendation.
agricultural science building. School refuse bins An industrial quality overhead hose reel will
should be located at a designated site in a com- provide safe access to compressed air near the
mon service area. center of the laboratory. Hose reels for com-
pressed air are also a recommended option near
Workbenches and/or Work tables the service entrance doors. Each hose reel
should be equipped with a regulator. When de-
Metal working and woodworking tables are rec-
signing the manifold system, facility planners
ommended. Tables will free wall space for lo-
should refer to AWS or NFPA standards.
cation of equipment and may be moved to pro-
vide free area for assembly of large projects.
MECHANIZED AGRICULTURE sition cost of at least $5,000, a useful life of one
LABORATORY EQUIPMENT year or more, and is placed on the district in-
ventory is generally regarded as capital outlay.
To teach the skills needed by students seeking
These items can be purchased partially or com-
careers in the broad industry of agriculture, suf-
pletely with federal (Carl Perkins) funds for ca-
ficient tools and equipment must be available to
reer and technology education, but generally re-
the teacher. The student must actually use the
quire prior approval.
tool in order to learn and develop a skill. Fre-
quently, a teacher is expected to teach a skill Items costing less than $5,000, or having a use-
with only enough equipment for demonstration. ful life of less than one year, or not generally
Skills that involve both manipulative and mental placed on district inventory, can be regarded as
skills cannot be taught by demonstration alone. standard equipment. Items such as drill bits,
If this were possible, the instructor could simply saw blades, abrasive discs, and inexpensive
demonstrate the use of a personal computer to a power and hand tools are generally regarded as
class of students and they would acquire the consumables. These items generally have short
necessary skills in computer applications. life expectancies or are subject to loss due to
size or other factors.
A decision must be made as to the number of
each kind of tool or piece of equipment to pur- Equipment purchased with state career and
chase. If each student has a hacksaw, it is much technology funds must be used in accordance
easier to teach its use, and the skill could be with the guidelines established in SAS309 –
taught to the entire class at one time. To reduce Guide for Funding (TEA document). Equip-
the ratio of hacksaws to the number of students ment purchased completely or partially with
would have the same implications as reducing federal funds must be recorded, inventoried, and
the number of personal computers to the number properly maintained. Out-of-date or damaged
of students. When all students do not have the equipment may be disposed of according to
use of a tool at one time, the teacher must use a guidelines listed in the SAS309 (TEA docu-
rotation system. This requires more time, is less ment).
effective, and reduces the number of skills that
can be taught. Tool storage and inventory procedures are im-
portant considerations when completing the fa-
It is essential that commercial or industrial rated cility plan. Expensive tools and equipment will
high quality standard equipment be purchased. not be available for instruction if they are not
The essential knowledge and skills for the properly stored and secured, or if inventory pro-
mechanized agriculture system include instruc- cedures are not implemented to prevent loss.
tion in the subject matter areas such as basic Hinges on tool room and storage room doors
hand and power tools, metal fabrication, struc- should be mounted on the inside to prevent re-
tures, electrical power, mechanical power, soil moval by unauthorized individuals.
and water management, and electronics. Four The method of tool display selected should lend
points justify the purchase of quality tools: itself to ease of inventory monitoring. Contact-
• Greater life expectancy, paper silhouettes on plywood walls are an eco-
• Improved quality of workmanship, nomical method of tool display. Tools should
• Lower frequency of repair, and be placed in a manner that allows easy access to
frequently used tools. Tools used less often
• Ease of service. should be stored out of the way of main traffic.
It is recommended that precision measuring
For budgeting and funding purposes, equipment
tools be stored in a lighted, locking case. The
can be divided in to two categories based on
lighted case will help prevent moisture build-up
cost. Controllable equipment that has an acqui-
on these expensive tools and extend the useful dents. This is the recommended number of
life of this equipment. tools that a school should purchase for each
course in the mechanized agriculture system.
A checkout system should be developed to track
tool use. This procedure should monitor what
tools are in use, who checked out the tools, and
the time the tool was removed from the storage Following this section are photographs that rep-
area. The tool storage area should have limited resent selected mechanized agricultural labora-
access. tory concerns that are part of the agricultural
science and technology department. Each illus-
TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT tration contains a caption that further explains
The following hand tool and equipment list (Ta- the photograph.
ble 11) specifies the recommended quantities of
each tool needed to teach a class of twenty stu-

Table 11: Mechanized Agriculture Equipment List by Course

Equipment List Course
Power Mech
7&8 Applied Intro Lab Lab
Item Description 121 102 221 421 422
Air compressor 5 hp, stationary 1 1 1 1
Portable 1 1
Anvil 100 lb., hardy & cutter 2 2
Arc welding machines With accessories, AC/DC 10 5 5
Portable 1 1
GMA, with accessories 1 1
GTA, with accessories 1 1
Axes 2 2
Awls 4" scratch 8 8
Battery Charger, heavy-duty 1 1
Lifter 1 1 1
Terminal brush
Tool set 1 1 1
Bearing packer 1 1
Benches Woodworking or shop 5
Metalworking 4
Bender Sheet metal
Tubing, hydraulic 1
Bevels Sliding T, 8"10" 5 5
Booster cables HD, set 1 1 1
Brushes Desk or bench dusting 5
Parts cleaning 5 5 5
Rotary steel wire 2
Paint 2
Steel 10 10 10

Table 11: Mechanized Agriculture Equipment List by Course - Continued
Item Description 121 102 221 421 422
Bit set Twist drill 1 1 1 1
Spade or electrician's 1
Countersink 4
Bushing drivers Set 1 1
Cabinet Flammable materials 1 1 1 1
Cabinet - safety goggle U-V sanitized 1 1 1 1
CAD equipment Hardware and software 5 5
Calipers Set, inside and outside 1 1 1
Chain tape 100 foot 1
Chalk line
Chisels Cape 2 2 1 1
1/2" cold 5 10
Wood, set 1 1 1
Clamps Wood - 10" 8 8 4
Bar or pipe 4 4 4
"C" 6 6 6
Concrete mixer Portable 1 1
Conduit bender 1/2" and 3/4" 2 2
Connectors Crimp-type, set 2 2
Containers Cutting oil 1
Drip pan 10 2
Oil 6
Solvent 1
Gasoline 1
Safety 1 2 1
Cutters Bolt 1 1
Glass 6 6
Pipe 1 2
Tubing, with flaring set 1 1 2
PVC 4 1 4
Deglazer Cylinder 1
Dressers Any type 2 2 2
Drill motor 1/2" 1 1 1
3/8" 1 1 1
1/4" 3 1 1
Drill press Heavy duty 2 1 1
Dynamometer 1
Edgers Concrete 4 4

Table 11: Mechanized Agriculture Equipment List by Course - Continued
Item Description 121 102 221 421 422
Electric test devices Ohm-meter 1 1 2
Armature growler 1 1
Dwell meter 1
Test lamp 1 2
Timing light 1 2 1
Coil & condenser 1 1 1
Digital multimeter 4
Engraving tool Electric 1
Extension cords 50', with grounded cap 2 2
25', with grounded cap 2 2
Face shields Clear visor 5 5
Files Assorted, with handles 20 10 20
Fire extinguishers Dry chemical - 20 lb. 4 4 4 4 4
First aid kit Industrial quality 1 1 1 1
Floats Concrete 6 6 4
Flywheel holder Small engine
Funnels Assorted 3 3 3
Gauge Marking 1
Screw pitch or thread 1 1 1
Compression, with adapters 1 1
Sheet metal 1 1
Drill 1 1 1 1
Vacuum, set 1 1
Gloves Welding - pair 20 20 20
Grinder Bench, 1/2 hp 2 2 2
Bench, 2 hp 1 1
Portable electric 2 1 1
Groovers Concrete 2 2 2
Gun Caulking 1 1
Paint spray 1 1
Soldering - 350 watts 1 1 2 1
Stapler 1 1 1
Grease, cartridge-type 1 1 1
Hammer Brick 1
Dead-blow 1 1
Wooden mallets 2 2
Nail, curved claw, 13 oz 10
Nail, semi-rip, 16 oz 7
Plastic-tipped 1 1
Sledge, 68 lb. 2 2
Tack, magnetized 1
Ball pein 3 3

Table 11: Mechanized Agriculture Equipment List by Course - Continued
Item Description 121 102 221 421 422
Hatchet Roofer's 1 1 1
Broad 1 1
Hoe Mortar 1 1 2
Hoist Portable, 2,000# minimum 1 2 1
A-frame 1
Ceiling 1
"Come-along" 1 1
Hone Cylinder 1 1
Hoses Water, 50' 2 2
Air, 50' 1 2
Hydraulics tester Universal kit
Hydrometer Battery 1 1 1
Radiator 1 1
Injector tester Diesel 1 1
Iron worker Fabrication tool 1 1
Jack stands Assorted pairs 2 6 4
Jacks Hydraulic, 8 ton 2 2 2
Floor, portable hydraulic 1 1
Jointer 6" or 8" 1
Knives Linoleum, pruning, putty 3 2
Lab tables Science-type 2
Ladder Step, 8' 1 2 2
Extension - 24' 1 2
Level sets Surveyors or laser 1 2
Levels Carpenter's aluminum 2 2
Masons wood, 48" 2 2
Magnetic pick-up Flex-head 2 2
Media/AV equipment Video player & monitor 1
Nonreflective screen 1 1
35 mm slide projector 1
35 mm/digital camera 1
Video camera 1
Pentium III computer 1
Color printer 1
T-1 line/Internet access 1
Nail set Assorted 4 4
Nibbler Metal cutting 1
Nut drivers Set 4 4
Oil stones Combination 3
Oxyacetylene rigs WITH accessories 3 3 3
Pick Railroad, 6 lb. 3 3
Parts washer 40 gallon recirculating 1 1

Table 11: Mechanized Agriculture Equipment List by Course - Continued
Item Description 121 102 221 421 422
Pipe bender Hydraulic 1
Plasma arc torch 1 1
Pliers Combination, slip-joint 14 10
Diagonal, 6" 2 2
End nipper 1
Blacksmith's tongs 2 2
Hose clamp 2 2
Ignition 1 1
Lineman's 8" 2 8
Locking-type 10
Lock-ring 5 5
Long-nose 4 8
Needle-nose 8 8
Water pump 2 2
Piston ring compressors 10 10
Piston ring expanders 10 10
Post hole diggers 1 1

Press Hydraulic, 20 ton 1 1

Pressure washer 1 1
Propane torch 1 1 1
Pry bar Rolling head, 17" 1 1 1
1/2" X 16" 2 2 2
Precision tools
Dividers 1 1 1 1
Hole gauge 1 1
Inside micrometer 1 1 1
Micrometers, set 1 2 2
Telescoping gauge 1 2 2
Vernier caliper 1 2 2
Pullers Gear 1
Fuse 2 2 2
Punches Assorted set 1 2 2
Radiator tester Pressure cap 1 1
Rasp Wood 10 1 10
Reamer Pipe de-burring, with flutes 1 1 2
Valve guide bushing
Respirators Disposable cartridge type 2 2 2
Riveter "Pop-rivet gun" 1 1 1
Router Portable 2 2 2

Table 11: Mechanized Agriculture Equipment List by Course - Continued
Item Description 121 102 221 421 422
Rulers Blacksmith steel - 36" 2 2 3 3
Metal - 12" 6 6 3 3
Wooden 6 6 10
Push-pull tape 5 5 10 10
100' steel tape 2 2 2 2
Safety goggles 1 per student 20
Sander Belt 1
Saws Assorted hand 6
Abrasive cut-off 2
Back, 14 pt 2 4
Compass, 12" 4
Coping 4
Keyhole 1 1
Draw-cut, metal 1
Metal bandsaw 1 1
Vertical band, wood 1
Contractor's portable 2 2
Hacksaw 4 4 4
Hand crosscut, 810 pt 10
Hand rip 2
Radial arm 1
Saws - Continued Sabre 1 2
"SawzAll" type 1
Table, tilting arbor 1
Screen Aggregate 1
Screwdrivers Assorted sets 6 6 6 10 10
Screw extractor Set 1 1 1
Shear Metal, fabricator 1
Shop vacuum Wet/dry, HD 1 1 1
Shovels Assorted 6 6
Small engine Blade balancer 1
Small engine 1/25 hp 5 10
Snips Set - RH, LH, aviation 1 1 4
Spark plug tap Set 2 2
Square Carpenter 5 5 5
Combination 5 5 5
Miter 5 5 5
Try - 6" 5 5 5
Stencil set 1", 2", 3", 4" 1 1 1
Tachometer Hand held 1 1
Tap & die set NC & NF 1 1 2

Table 11: Mechanized Agriculture Equipment List by Course - Continued
Item Description 121 102 221 421 422
Template Pipe cutting 1
Thread repair kit 1/2" maximum 1 1
Threader Pipe, 1/2", 3/4", 1"
Tool cabinets Wall mount 2 2 4 4
Tow chain 2 2
Trowels Brick, 5" X 10" 4 4 4
Concrete finishing 4 4
Plastering, 5" X 12" 4 4 4
Valve face grinder 1
Valve lapping tool 1 1
Valve seat narrower 1 1
Valve spring compressors
Vises Assorted 10 10 10 10
Weld tester Guided-bend 1
Wheelbarrow Contractor's 2 1
Wrenches Adjustable, set 1 1 1
Combination, 12 pt 1 5 3
Combination, 1/8" 2" 1 1
Set of pipe 1 5 5
Socket, 1/2" drive, 6 pt 1 5 2
Socket, 1/2" drive, 12 pt 1 5 2
Deep socket, 3/8 " 12 pt 1 2 2
Socket, 1/4" drive, 6 pt 1 5 2
Wrenches - Continued Tappet, set 1 2
Torque 2 2
Allen, set 5 5 2
Ignition, set 1 1 2
Oil filter 2 2
Basin 1 2
Impact 1 1
Wrecking bar 24" gooseneck 2 2
30" gooseneck 2 2

Table 12: Electrical Components, with GFCI
Item Description 121 102 221 421 422
Switch box 5 5 5
Breaker box 100 amp 1
Junction box Light 3
Outlet box 240 v 1
120 v 2
Welder/range 1
Duplex 120 v 2
Receptacles Lamp 1
Receptacles Keyless 1
Relay 120 v/2 pole 1
240 v/2 pole 1
Switch Reversing 1
Magnetic starter 1
Single-pole 2
3-way 2
4-way 2
Motor Capacitor, 1/2 hp 1
Split phase 1
Universal 1
3-phase 1

Table 13: Welding Accessories

Item 121 102 221 421 422
Helmets 10
Cape sleeves 10
Cutting goggles 10
Leather gloves, pair 10
Slag hammers 10
Spark lighters 3
Welding helmets 10

Additional References and Web Sites
Agricultural Wiring Handbook. 12th ed. Columbia, MO: National Food and Energy Council. nd.
Guide for Planning Educational Facilities Phoenix, AZ: Council of Educational Facility Planners, Inter-
national, 1991.
Guide for School Facility Appraisal. Phoenix, AZ: CEFPI, 1995
Texas Safety Standards, Kindergarten through Grade 12. 2nd ed. Austin, TX: Charles A. Dana Center,

Shell, Lon, Ph.D., “Writing Educational Specifications.” San Marcos, TX: Southwest Texas State Uni-
versity, Agriculture Department. nd.

Useful Web Sites

American Council of Government Industrial Hygienists
American National Standards Institute
American Society of Heating, Refrigerating,
and Air-Conditioning Engineers
American Welding Society
Council on Educational Facility Planning
Environmental Protection Agency
Global Engineering Documents
National Fire Protection Association
Occupational Safety & Health Administration
Standard Fire Prevention Association
Texas Department of Health
Texas Department of Licensing & Regulation
Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission
Underwriter’s Laboratories, Inc.

Mechanized Agriculture Advisory Committee

Dr. Billy Harrell, Sam Houston State University, Huntsville, TX
Dr. Joe Muller, Sam Houston State University, Huntsville, TX
Dr. Lon Shell, Southwest Texas University, San Marcos, TX
Dwayne Walters, Safety Consultant, College Station, TX
Michael Tondre, Sandra Day O’Connor High School, Northside ISD, San Antonio, TX
Don Henson, Goldthwaite High School, Goldthwaite, TX
Kirk Edney, Instructional Materials Service, College Station, TX

Figure 20. Basic mechanized agriculture floor plan.
Mechanized Agriculture Photographs

9006H1: A ventilation system with tentacles that allow for station

venting or random ventilation of welding areas.

9006H2: Oxygen and acetylene cylinders should be stored upright, se-

cured, and separated by a walled petition outside of the mechanized agri-
culture laboratory facility.

9006H3: A portable stairway will allow access to overhead storage ar-

eas without creating a permanent barrier.

9006H4: Tool rooms should provide for easy inspection, with no blind
corners or hard-to-see areas.

9006H5: Electricity, water, and compressed air service should be con-

veniently located near overhead doors.

Agricultural Biotechnology
Recommended Class Size: 25 students
Preferred: 15 students

The biotechnology curriculum offers each stu- A minimum of two deep stainless steel sinks
dent the opportunity to explore a variety of oc- should be provided, each in a separate area of
cupational areas through practical, hands-on the lab. A fume hood and counter is a labora-
laboratory activities. These activities require a tory option that is strongly recommended. A
higher degree of safety than does the ordinary central gas, air, or vacuum is necessary for the
classroom setting. It is the safety concern sur- laboratory. All floor areas should be tile con-
rounding class activities that makes the class- struction.
size recommendation necessary.
CLASSROOM/LABORATORY A storage area should be available for equip-
FACILITIES ment and supplies. A room adjacent to the labo-
The minimum total square footage in the class- ratory/classroom will provide easy access. Ad-
room/laboratory should be a minimum of 1,500 ditional glass cabinetry above the bench space
square feet. This student work area does not above the peripheral benches is also recom-
include the storage room or a separate “clean mended.
room.” The “clean room” should be no less
than a 15’ x 15’ room. The classroom should CHECKLIST FOR AGRICULTURAL
consist of built-in work benches or tables. The BIOTECHNOLOGY
counter tops should be of an inert material The agricultural science and technology facili-
common to science laboratories. Classroom ties in every school should receive an annual
configuration should include four student sta- evaluation to ensure a safe learning environment
tions clusters in the center of the room. Each for the instructor and the students, as well as
station cluster should accommodate four stu- others visiting the facility. Use the attached a
dents. copy of an Agricultural Science and Technology
Safety Checklist or one designed by the school
WORK AREA district. The building principal, the Career and
The minimum peripheral bench space use Technology Director, or a designated represen-
should be 40 linear feet for equipment. The tative other than the instructor should complete
recommendation is that the bench type and the checklist. This, along with notification in
quality should be Sergent-Welsh, equal or bet- writing, should allow for appropriate action to
ter. The counter top for the bench space should be taken to correct any problem. By including
be the same as that used for the student stations. this checklist in a planning guide, a school dis-
trict may eliminate potential problems or con-
cerns early. See Table 14 of the Agricultural
Biotechnology Safety Checklist.

√ √
Communication System 6-8 9-12
• Intercom system available
• Telephone accessible and nearby
• General fire-alarm system functioning for entire building
• Fire-drill instructions posted in each room
• Emergency lights available in rooms without exterior windows

Personal Protection
Emergency Showers 9-12
• Shower (ADA compliant) present in biotech laboratory rooms
• Shower unobstructed
• Valve handle functional
• Floor drain present

Eye/Face Wash Stations 6-8 9-12

• Available in all laboratory rooms (5% ADA compliant)
• Stations marked with a sign
• Provides simultaneous tepid (60o-90oF) water treatment to both eyes
• Stations flushed for five minutes each week

Protective Clothing 9-12

• Laboratory aprons or coats available for each student
• Gloves (acid resistant and heat resistant) if available

Safety Goggles 6-8 9-12

• Approved ANSI safety goggles available for each student and teacher
• Materials available for disinfecting goggles after each use
• Face shields available when appropriate

Personal Protection – Continued √ √
First Aid 6-8 9-12
• Kits available in each laboratory
• Kits clearly marked and visible
• Kits checked on a regular basis and supplies replenished
• Located near sink

Chemical Storage

Combination BC Fire Extinguisher (flammable liquids & electrical) 9-12

• Extinguisher located in room where chemicals are stored
• Fire extinguisher properly charged; checked quarterly; safety seal intact
• Located near exit, clearly visible, and marked with sign

Class D Fire Extinguisher (flammable solids) 9-12

• Extinguisher properly charged
• Extinguisher in rooms using metals (sodium, potassium)

Fire Blankets 9-12

• Standard fireproof blanket in each chemical storage room
• Blankets located at eye level, clearly visible, and marked with a sign

Fire or Emergency Exits 9-12

• Two emergency exits; visible signs marking exits
• Emergency exits unobstructed and unlocked to traffic moving out of the room

Other Fire Protection 9-12

• Exit signs clearly visible
• Emergency lights available in rooms without exterior windows
• General fire-alarm system functioning for building
• Fire-drill procedures posted in storage rooms
• 4- to 9-liter container of dry sand or absorbent clay (cat litter)
• Utility carts available to transport chemicals

Chemical Storage – Continued √

Ventilation 9-12
• Six air changes per hour

Preparation and Equipment Storage √ √

General Storage Requirements 6-8 9-12
• Combination BC extinguisher in preparation rooms
• Work surface of nonporous chemical-resistant materials
• Large sink with hot water available
• Emergency shower accessible
• Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) available
• Room well lighted and clutter free
• Space to store chemicals
• Chemical-waste container and broken-glass container available
• Two emergency exits with locks on doors
• Smoke detectors present
• Refrigerator marked “For Chemical Storage Only – No Food Allowed”
• Adequate storage space (15 square feet per student)
• Ventilation (six air exchanges per hour)

Laboratory Facilities

Laboratory Work Stations 6-8 9-12

• Number of students does not exceed number of work stations
• Work surfaces nonporous and chemical resistant
• At least one work station that is ADA compliant

Master Utility Controls

• Natural gas shut-off valve present, labeled with room identification
• Electrical shut-off valve present, labeled with room identification
• Water shut-off valve present, labeled with room identification


Laboratory Facilities - Continued √ √

Fume Hood 6-8 9-12

• Located in rooms where hazardous chemicals are used (ADA compliant)
• Not used for storage
• Correct air movement provided at hood face
• Vented to outside above roof level away from vents
• Located away from doors and windows

Spill Control Kits 6-8 9-12

• Chemical spill kits available
• 4- to 9-liter container of dry sand or absorbent clay (cat litter)

Sinks 6-8 9-12

• One available for every 4 students (15” x 15” minimum size)
• One equipped with hot water
• 5% of sinks ADA compliant

Ventilation 6-8 9-12

• Forced floor to ceiling
• Six air changes per hour
• Emergency exhaust fan available

General Safety Requirements 6-8 9-12

• 45 square feet of space per student
• Safety rules posted and visible
• Space available for chemical storage
• Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) readily accessible
• Broken-glass container present
• Two emergency exits in laboratory rooms larger than 1000 square feet
• Safety and exit signs posted and visible
• Room not cluttered; movement in work area unobstructed


Laboratory Facilities - Continued √ √

Fire Protection 6-8 9-12

• Type ABC (dry chemical) fire extinguisher located by exit
• Class D (flammable solids) available in rooms using metals
• Extinguishers properly charged, checked quarterly, and marked with a sign
• Fireproof blanket available, located at eye level, and marked with a sign

Electrical Safety √ √

Electrical System 6-8 9-12

• Electrical outlets equipped with ground fault circuit interrupters (GFCI)
• Sufficient electrical outlets to eliminate extension cords
• Electrical outlets located away from water source (faucets, sinks)
• Electrical system equipped with accessible circuit breaker box
• Circuit breakers identified by area or item controlled

EQUIPMENT, SUPPLIES, AND Table 17 (Assorted Household Items) provides
MATERIALS additional materials a listing of common items
that should be readily available in the biotech
Included with this section is a listing of equip-
laboratory. Table 18 (Chemicals) provides a list
ment, supplies, and materials that will be needed
of chemical supplies that will be needed to con-
to adequately conduct this course (Table 15). A
duct biotechnology laboratory exercises.
review of the equipment and supplies by the ar-
chitect should provide sufficient information to
make determinations regarding space and de-
sign. Following this section are photographs that rep-
resent selected biotechnology laboratory con-
An approximate cost for each item is also pro- cerns that are part of the agricultural science and
vided in these sections. These estimates should technology department. Each illustration con-
give some idea of the value of the equipment tains a caption that further explains the photo-
and supplies needed for this course (Table 16). graph.
Because quality varies, these values should help
identify the quality of items when bids are re-

Table 15: Major Equipment List

Item Preferred
Tabletop autoclave 1
Microcentrifuge 2
Tabletop clinical centrifuge 1
Spectrophotometer 1
Bench-top laminar flow hood 1
Incubator 1
Microwave 1
Hot plate stirrers 6
Water bath 1
Refrigerator 1
Freezer (upright/chest type) 1
Orbital shaker 1
Balance 1
Power supply for gel electrophoresis 3
Micropipettes: 20 ml 6
Micropipettes: 200 ml 6
pH meter 1
Vortexers 6

Student microscopes 6

Table 16: Biotechnology Supply List (Based on 12 Students in Class)
Item Item
*UV Goggles Petri dishes
*Assorted size beakers (100 ml x 15 ml - disposable)
50 ml, 500 ml, 1,000 ml Disposable cuvettes
Assorted size Erelemeyer flasks (for spectrophotometer)
5 ml, 500 ml, 1,000 ml Stir bars (assorted sizes)
*Culture Tubes: 15 ml Weighing paper
*Tube racks Assorted sizes of glass bottles with lids
*Microtubes: 1.5 ml disposable Spray bottle (6)
Assorted size funnels Latex gloves
*Assorted size cylinders Assorted batteries
10 ml, 100 ml, 500 ml Support stands and rings
Scalpels Aprons or lab coats for students
Forceps and instructor (Optional)
o o
Thermometers - C & F
Glass stir rods
Micropippet tip (disposable)
*Essential Items

Table 17: Assorted Household Items (on hand at all times)

Aluminum foil
Antibacterial hand soap
Assorted plastic containers
Boric acid
Dish soap
Distilled water
Food coloring
Plastic wrap
Salt (noniodized)
Table sugar (sucrose)

Table 18: Chemicals

DNA (purified)
E. coli bacteria
Ethyl alcohol - denatured, 95%
Isoproponal acetone - 70%
LB broth
Methelene blue stain
Restriction enzymes
TBE buffer (prepackaged)

Reference Materials:
• “DNA Science” Carolina
• Videos
• Additional Reference Materials

Biotechnology Advisory Committee

Jinny Johnson - [email protected], Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics, Texas A&M Univer-
sity, College Station, TX
Mike Horn - [email protected], ProdiGene, College Station, TX
Bob Yates - [email protected], AST Teacher, Elgin High School, Elgin, TX

Figure 21. Diagram of basic biotechnology floor plan.

Biotechnology Photographs

9006I1: Emergency eyewash and shower provide the students and in-
structor with a fast method of removing harmful materials from the eyes
or body.

9006I2: A hood vent provides an area to keep noxious fumes away from
the student while conducting certain laboratory assignments.

9006I3: A monitor linked to a microscope allows the teacher to share

viewing with the class

9006I4: Workstations should be equipped with durable surface materi-

als such as in chemistry laboratories.

9006I5: The biotechnology laboratory should be designed to provide

access to a variety of research equipment and still allow for student ac-

Recommended Class Size: 25 students
Preferred: 15 students


The horticulture system is a multifaceted cur- Quonset or even span. The frame should be
riculum that encompasses plant production, galvanized steel or aluminum. Wood is not rec-
landscaping, and floral design. To adequately ommended. The recommended covering mate-
prepare students for careers in the horticulture rial is corrugated polycarbonate. These smooth
industry, a laboratory should include equipment surface, clear panels are durable and do not lose
and supplies to address their total needs. In ad- the ability to transmit light with age.
dition to a regular classroom setting, the horti-
cultural system should provide a greenhouse and If possible, a shade house of the same dimen-
a laboratory facility. sions (35’x 48’) should adjoin the greenhouse
structure (Figure 14). It can share a common
Classroom specifications discussed earlier out- wall with the greenhouse. The structural frame
lined those needs. Where the classroom can should be either galvanized steel or aluminum.
double for a working laboratory, student access If it adjoins the greenhouse, it will have the
to a separate work facility is recommended. A same orientation (north to south). If it is sepa-
well-planned laboratory can meet the needs for rate from the greenhouse, it should still have the
plant production, floral design, and landscaping same north to south orientation. It should pro-
activities. The greenhouse should be separate vide 50 percent minimal shade. A woven poly-
from the classroom or the lab areas. A produc- propylene shade fabric is an effective cover
tion lab can be incorporated into the greenhouse material.
but cannot fully serve the floral design or land-
scaping needs of the class. This document will Horticultural employment opportunities serve
provide the detailed information to develop a persons with handicaps very well. The design
greenhouse and a lab for the horticultural sys- of this facility should meet the requirements of
tem. the American with Disabilities Act. This in-
cludes a four-foot entrance door and five-foot
GREENHOUSE STRUCTURE walkways. There should be two doors in the
facility for accessibility and as a fire safety pre-
The recommended size structure for a green- caution. A door should not be located on the
house ranges from 1,600 to 1,800 square feet. A same wall as the cooling pads.
structure with a 35-foot width and a 48-foot
length would yield a 1,680 square foot facility. The greenhouse should have a concrete floor
It is also recommended that the width of the that slopes slightly toward drains. There should
structure not exceed 35 feet. Width is the most be one drain for each 20 feet of length of the
important factor in designing a greenhouse. greenhouse. The concrete flooring provides for
Length can always be adjusted. Where possible, weed and insect control within the greenhouse
the structure should face from north to south. as well as for the mobility needs of handicapped
This will prevent shading by greenhouse struc- students in wheelchairs.
tural members. Greenhouse style can be either

Figure 22: Sample Floor Plan of Greenhouse with Attached Shade House

INTRODUCTION along the entire greenhouse wall to prevent dry

air spaces within the greenhouse structure.
A two-foot wide, two-foot deep area of washed
Summertime may also require the use of shade
gravel should encircle the outside perimeter of
cloth over the structure.
the greenhouse. This will provide an area for
drainage off the greenhouse slab and a barrier to Gas-fired, force-draft unit heaters with stainless
prevent pests from entering the greenhouse. En- steel burners and heat exchangers are the rec-
close the entire facility with a 6-foot chain link ommended source of greenhouse heating in the
fence. Leave enough space around the green- winter. Solar heat will provide considerable
house to provide for easy maintenance. warmth during the daylight hours but extremely
cold weather and nights will require supple-
mental heat.
The pad and fan is the preferred cooling system
for greenhouses. Where possible, the cooling The use of a perforated convection tube attached
exhaust fans should be located on the north wall to a fan-jet system will distribute the heat evenly
and the cooling pads should be on the side of the throughout the greenhouse. It will also aid in
prevailing winds, usually the south side. The maintaining proper greenhouse humidity levels.
cooling pad system must be a continuous section

An aluminum ventilation fan will outlast either WATER REQUIREMENTS
galvanized or stainless steel. Water quality should be a concern when plan-
ning a greenhouse facility. Either municipal
The use of a thermostat will provide the control
water or groundwater can serve the needs of the
for both the heating and cooling systems in the
greenhouse. Regardless which source serves the
greenhouse. Locate the thermostat sensor about
greenhouse, five water quality concerns could
one-third the distance from the fan end of the
seriously jeopardize the success of the program.
greenhouse. Place it near the center of width of
Table 20 identifies each of the categories and
the greenhouse, approximately 12 inches above
identifies the tolerances for each. They are:
the height of the crop. Automatic climate con-
trols should be a part of all temperature regu-
• Conductivity
lating devices and humidistat controls for the
• Salts
cooling pads and ventilation systems.
• Sodium Content
• PH
Most climate-control equipment for greenhouses
operates most efficiently on 240-volt service. Municipal water is often the preferred source of
Each bench should have at least one 120-volt water even though there are water quality factors
ground fault circuit interrupter (GFCI) outlet. that require consideration. Either groundwater
Each receptacle should be housed in a weather or surface water may be the source for the mu-
proofed receptacle box. All wiring should be in nicipal water in a given area. Even though
electrical conduit and wired to local electrical treated before available for public use, munici-
codes. Locate each receptacle along the wall pal water may carry contaminants and pollutants
and above the growing level of the plants. that could harm plants. Groundwater as a
source of municipal water is generally the safest.
Although contaminants and pollutants can get
into groundwater, deep wells generally provide
quality water.

Table 20: Categories of Irrigation Water Quality as Determined by Chemical Properties.
Quality Conductivity Salts Sodium Content Boron x
Category millimho/cm ppm Percent as Na SAR ppm
Excellent <0.25 175 <20% 3 <0.33 5.5 to 6.5
Good 0.25 to .075 175 to 525 20-40 % 3 to 5 0.33 to 0.67
Permissible .075 to 2 525 to 1,400 40-60% 5 to 10 0.67 to 1
Doubtful 2 to 3 1,400 to 2,100 60-80% 10 to 15 1 to 1.25 >8.4
Unsuitable >3 >2,100 >80% >15 >1.25
Taken from: L.V. Wilcox. The quality of water for irrigation use. USDA Technical Bulleting 962; and D. Reed. 1992. A
water quality primer. Grower Talks. November 1992: pp. 47+.
SAR, sodium absorption ration is a ratio calculated from the content of sodium, calcium, and magnesium in the water.
Optimum pH is hard to define because the alkalinity (bicarbonate/carbonate content) of the water must be considered. Gen-
erally, a slightly acid pH is considered desirable.
A 1½- to 2-inch main water line with a mini- WORK AND STORAGE AREAS
mum of 40-psi water pressure should supply the The greenhouse growing area should never dou-
greenhouse. This is the minimum pressure to ble as classroom space. Even the work (prepa-
operate automatic watering systems and misting ration) room and storage space should be sepa-
systems. The waterline can be reduced to a ¾- rate from the greenhouse growing area. Store
inch line wherever necessary. With water con- supplies and equipment in a building that is
ditions less than permissible, a filter will in- separate from the greenhouse. This facility must
crease the quality. The type of filter will depend be large enough to store wheelbarrows, lawn-
on the nature of the water quality problem. A mowers, tillers, edgers, cord trimmers, plus pro-
filter will also help prolong the life of misting duction supplies. The storage area can be part
nozzles and other equipment where the water of the main shop/laboratory facility if the green-
supply has a high mineral content. house is located within a reasonable distance
from the main agriscience facilities.
Approximately 6070 percent of the total green- The location of the greenhouse may not be adja-
house area should be usable growing space. cent to the main agriscience facility. Under
Peninsular bench arrangement allows for the these conditions, a laboratory separate from the
greatest growing efficiency. If these benches are greenhouse is necessary. This building will
fixed, or at least not easily movable, valuable serve as a work area and contain restroom fa-
space is lost. Rolling benches allow for the cilities, a sink with hot and cold water, work
maximum efficiency of growing space. Galva- tables, tool equipment storage, and supply stor-
nized steel tubing and expanded metal are the age areas. Worktables should provide 15 square
most durable materials for these benches. feet of surface area per student. The tables
Locking casters prevent the table from moving should be mounted on lockable casters. It is
once it is in place. The expanded metal tops on important that the preparation room be separate
the benches allow for proper drainage and air from the greenhouse.
circulation around the plants.
Bench length depends on the width of the Although a chain link fence should enclose the
greenhouse. A 35-foot wide greenhouse with a greenhouse, space or land accessible to the hor-
five-foot walkway, and a 2-foot allowance for ticulture program. This land would provide an
walls would equal 28 feet. Divide that by two area for fruit and vegetable production as well as
and the result is two 14-foot-long benches to fit nursery stock plant production. Nursery stock
across the width. This will vary with the width plants will provide the horticulture classes with
of the greenhouse. Bench width should not be the foundation stock from which students can
more than 6-feet wide. Its height should not ex- take cuttings. These plants may be part of the
ceed 30 inches. school landscape or grown in a designated pro-
duction area.
Once a rolling bench is filled with plants, it can
be rolled to end of the greenhouse. Each addi-
tional full bench can be rolled within 6 inches of
the previous bench. This provides for maximum The horticulture department requires a variety of
production space. Regarding the American with equipment, tools, and supplies for production,
Disabilities Act, it should be noted that front floral design, and landscaping activities (Tables
benches must be wheelchair accessible. Space 2126). The following is a listing of these items
between all the benches does not have to main- and the recommended number needed to serve
tain the same accessibility for handicapped stu- the program needs.
Following this section are photographs that rep-
resent selected horticultural facility concerns
that are part of the agricultural science and tech-
nology department. Each illustration contains a
caption that further explains the photograph.


(Recommended for training a maximum of 20 students per class.)
Table 21: Greenhouse Equipment

COOLING Woven polypropylene shade fabric (maximum 50 percent shade)*

(sufficient to cover the greenhouse)
Fan-jet ventilation with perforated convection tube 1
Exhaust fans with automatic shutters 2
Pipe distribution system and return for cooling pad system 1
(including pad frames, pump, cooling pads, motorized
shutters and relays)
sump tank for water circulating in cooling pad system 1
(Size based on length of cooling pads)
1 1
Pump, suction, complete /3 – /2 hp centrifugal or submergible 1
Automatic climate controller 1
HEATING Gas-fired heaters, forced-draft heaters with stainless steel 2
Burners and heat exchangers and automatic controls
(Size determined by local conditions)
Maximum-minimum thermometer 3
FERTILIZATION 1:100 fertilizer injector 1
1:16 brass siphon fertilizer mixer 1
PROPAGATION Mist system (including nozzles, automatic controls, and 1
programmable electric timers.)
Propagation mat, 22” x 60” electric 2
WATERING Commercial heavy-grade water hose, ¾” x 50’ 3
Water breaker heads and wands 2
Plastic watering can 2
Drip tubes (quantity determined by number of plants on system) *

Table 22: Workroom Equipment
BROOM Commercial grade push type 2
BRUSH Utility, hand-held counter brush 5
CABINETS Tool and chemicals (lockable) 2
CARTS 2 shelf, 30”x60” with flat, expanded metal shelves 2
1 shelf, 30”x60” with flat, expanded metal shelves 2
CONTAINERS 5-gallon, nonbreakable for gasoline 1
2½-gallon mixed gas 1
o o
COOLER Walk-in, 8’x8’x7’, temperature range 34 70 F 1
(to include rolling racks)
EXTENSION CORD Heavy duty (14 gauge), 50 foot 2
GLASSES/GOGGLES Safety, one per student plus extra for visitors 21*
GRINDER Bench type, ½ hp electric motor with two 7-inch wheels 1
KITS First Aid 1
LADDERS 4-foot step 1
8-foot step 1
MAGNIFIER Pocket, 1020X 3
MASKS Gas mask, full-view face 1
MEASURING DEVICES Spoons, /8 teaspoon to 1 tablespoon set 1
Cups, ¼ cup to 1 gallon set 1
Graduated cylinders for liquids 1
(8-ounce capacity with /8-ounce increments)
METERS Light, to determine lumination levels 2
MICROSCOPE Dissection, 1
NURSERY BINS Mobile, for storing growing media components 4
SCALES Tabletop, ½ ounce increments, 5 pound maximum 1
Utility, 40 pound, ¼-pound increments 1
SOIL MIXER ½ yard capacity with 1½ hp electric motor 1
SPRAYERS 1-quart hand held 3
Hose end, adjustable 1
2-gallon capacity, pump sprayer 2
SPREADERS Broadcast, single axle, adjustments on handle 1
TREE DOLLY Heavy duty 1
VISE Mechanic’s, solid base with 3½” jaws 1

Table 22: Workroom Equipment - Continued
WHEELBARROW Commercial grade, 5 cubic foot capacity, pneumatic tire 3
WORK TABLES Movable, with castors, 15 square feet/student *

Table 23: Hand Tools and Equipment


CHISELS Cold set, ¼”, ½”, ¾”, center punch 1

Wood set, ¼”, ½”, ¾” 1
EDGER Gasoline powered, 8-inch blade 1
FILES Flat, 10-inch and 12-inch 2
Half-round, 10 inch and 12 inch 2
Mill, 10 inch 2
Rattail, 10 inch 1
FORKS Seed 1
Spading (clay) 2
GLUE PAN Low temperature glue-melting unit 2
GRINDER Portable, electric, 4-inch right angle 1
HAMMERS Ball peen, 8 ounce 2
Curve claw, 16 ounce 5
Sledge, 3 pound and 6 pound 2
HOES Garden 10
Mattock 2
KNIVES Horticultural multipurpose (2¼” blade with 4” handle) 10
LAWN MOWER Rotary type, mulching, 22 inch, 6 hp 1
Reel type, 18 inch 1
LEVEL Carpenter’s 24 or 36 inch 1
LINE TRIMMER Straight Shaft, 2-cycle engine, 17-inch cut 1
PLIERS Slip joint, 6 inch 2
Diagonal, 6 inch 2
Lineman’s, 8 inch 1
Adjustable locking grip 1
Fencing 1

Table 23: Hand Tools and Equipment - Continued

POST HOLE DIGGER Heavy duty, high carbon steel blades, 6½-inch spread 2
RAKES Lawn 2
Bow 2
RASPS Wood, 10 inch half round 2
RULERS 100-foot tape 1
25-foot tape 1
Measuring wheel 1
SAWS Bow, 24 inch 2
Pruning, heavy duty 2
Hacksaw, 12 inch 2
Pole pruning/saw 2
SCISSORS Utility, 8 inch 2
SCREWDRIVERS Assorted lengths of Phillips and flat head 12
SHARPENING STONES Oil, combination 6
SHEARS Pruning, hand 10
Pruning, hedge 2
Pruning, lopping 4
SHOVELS D-grip, round point 2
Round point 3
Square point 3
Sharp shooter 3
Scoop, grain 1
SQUARES Carpenter’s framing 1
Combination 2
TILLER Rotary, 18-inch width, 12-inch tines 1
TREE CALIPER Aluminum alloy, 9½ inch 1
TROWELS Commercial grade, assorted 6
WRECKING BAR Landscape chopper/scrapper (rock bar) 1
Gooseneck 1
WRENCHES Open-end adjustable set, 6-inch, 9-inch, & 10-inch 1
Standard, combination open-end/boxed end set,
/4 ” – 7 /8 ” 2
Metric, combination open-end/boxed end set,
6mm15mm 2

Table 23: Hand Tools and Equipment - Continued

WRENCHES – Continued Pipe wrenches 3

3 3 7
Socket set, /8” drive, /8” – /8” sockets 1
Allen wrenches, short arm set 1
Allen wrenches, long arm set 1

Table 24: Floral Tools and Equipment


FLORIST KNIVES Floral fixed straight blade, 7 inch 20

SHEARS Florist clippers, 8 inch 5
Ribbon scissors, 8 inch 20
Hand pruning 5
STAPLER Hand held 10
CUTTER Heavy gauge 1
WIRE CUTTERS 6 inch 20

Table 25: Floral Supplies



DESIGN BOWLS Standard/utility bowls, box 1
FLORAL ADHESIVE For fresh flowers, bottles 2
FLORAL FOAM For fresh flowers, box 1
For preserved & silk flowers, box 1
FLORAL TAPE Moss-colored, 12 rolls per box 2
RIBBON #1.5 assorted colors, bolts 5
#3 assorted colors, bolts 10
#9 assorted colors, bolts 10
Table 25: Floral Supplies - Continued
RIBBON - Continued #16 assorted colors, bolts 2
#100 assorted colors, bolts 2
SPRAYS Paint, regular assorted colors, cans 6
Paint, translucent, cans 3
Paint, glitter (gold, silver, opaque), cans 3
“Crowning Glory,” concentrated bottle 1
Surface sealer, can 1
Leaf shining agent, can 1
WATER BOTTLES with Spray nozzles 3
WATER TUBES Bag (100/bag) 1
WAXED TISSUE PAPER Bag (400 sheets/bag) 1
WIRE #28 gauge (box) 1
#26 gauge (box) 1
#22 gauge (box) 1
#20 gauge (box) 1
#16 gauge (box) 1

Table 26: Drafting Equipment (1 set per student)

SCALE Architect 1
Engineer’s 1
o o o o
TRIANGLES 30 60 , 45 90 2
T-SQUARE 24-inch 1

Horticulture Advisory Committee

Keith Zamzow, Staff Specialist, IMS, TAMU
Joe Skinner, Naaman Forest, Garland
Chris Morgan, Marcus, Flower Mound
Glen Conrad, TruGreen Landcare, Bryan
Marsha Goodwin, Skyline, Dallas

Horticulture Photographs

9006J1: Greenhouse with corrugated polycarbonate sheeting over a gal-

vanized frame.

9006J2: Cooling pads with automatic louvers regulate inside tempera-

ture of the greenhouse.

9006J3: Galvanized tables are recommended in the greenhouse. Cast-

ers on the legs would allow for more tables and maximize space.

9006J4: Storage shed allows for storage of equipment and supplies out-
side of the greenhouse.

9006J5: A cooler provides space for storing cut flowers and arrange-
ments for floral design classes.

Natural Resources: Aquaculture
Recommended Class Size: 25 students

Aquaculture is an emerging part of the Agricul- space should be allowed for students to move
tural Science and Technology curriculum freely and easily around each system. It is also
throughout the nation. It can be taught as an necessary to provide storage space and a work
agriscience semester course or offered as a year- area involving chemicals, supplies, feeds, and
long agricultural industry course. equipment.

Students benefit from this set of curricula by WATER SUPPLY

receiving instruction not only in the care and Whether indoors or outdoors, the laboratory
production of aquatic species but in testing wa- should be equipped with the necessary pumping
ter quality. This training provides the individual equipment to move the water as efficiently as
with the skills necessary to enter the aquaculture possible.
industry as a semiskilled technician. The train-
ing also provides the student with marketable The heart of the aquaculture program is the wa-
skills in water-quality testing and maintenance. ter. Water quality is important to production
These skills are beneficial to industries and mu- and the environment. The facility should have
nicipalities where maintaining water quality is a access to a water source capable of producing
primary concern. quality water for aquaculture. When ground-
water is not available, then a surface water
CLASSROOM AND LABORATORY source would be acceptable. In the absence of
The classroom for an aquaculture class should both surface and ground water, municipal water
be consistent with that of other agricscience could be used. However, water in an aquacul-
courses, with a separate but adjoining labora- ture system must be chlorine free.
tory. If possible the area should be climate con-
trolled. An area lacking the ability to control Chlorine-free water is available from either
ambient temperatures will encounter considera- groundwater or surface water. It may be possible
bly more production problems. An outdoor to obtain surface water by access to supplies,
pond may be part of the local aquaculture pro- such as ponds, lakes, bays, or rivers. Water
gram. Production requires planning to culture from this source will contain plant and animal
species that can tolerate climatic variances. organisms. These organisms can be harmful to
the aquacrop. A filter screen attached to the in-
An indoor laboratory facility should be a mini- let pipe will collect these organisms.
mum of 30’0”x 50’0”. This will allow for a va-
riety of recirculating systems and raceways. A Groundwater is only available from water wells.
500-gallon production tank with a settling Regardless of whether the source is surface or
chamber and bio-filter recirculating system can groundwater, it may necessary to obtain a permit
fit into a 3’0”x10’0” space. This does not allow from the Texas Natural Resource Conservation
for room to move around the system. Adequate Commission (TNRCC) or other local governing

Municipal water is still another source for in- the limiting resources are suitable water, land,
door systems. This source has two disadvan- and/or facilities.
tages. First, municipal water contains chlorine.
Most chlorinated water can be chemically Aquaria
treated to remove the chlorine. All chlorinated Aquaria can be used as an independent system
water can be filtered with a carbon filter. The or part of the total program. An aquarium can
second disadvantage is the cost of municipal function independently or as a part of an array.
water. This source is expensive for use in a As an independent unit, water quality parame-
pond facility. ters are specific to the unit. A student or group
of students may be assigned the responsibility of
Water considerations should include planning maintaining water quality and the overall pro-
for a water reserve. This water should be im- duction of the unit. As part of an array, the en-
mediately available and capable of replacing no tire system can share a common bio-filter. This
less than 25 percent of the total volume of water will allow for students to conduct research re-
in all laboratory units. A partial change out is garding such variables as production gain or
essential when nitrogen problems affect water feed quality. Either an aquaria array or individ-
quality. The water reserve also provides a ual tanks can serve as an entry-level program for
source of water for replacing water lost to students with an interest in aquaculture.
evaporation and leakage.
Recirculating Systems
Planning for the water source must also include
plans for discharge of used water. Disposing of Recirculating systems vary in size and type.
wastewater in recirculating systems or ponds is The common element in each is that water
a concern that is part of the planning phase. In leaves the production chamber moves through a
most educational situations, the volume of dis- bio-filter and returns to the production chamber.
charge is usually not sufficient to require a per- There is zero discharge unless nitrogen prob-
mit. Floors with a gentle slope and simple floor lems call for a partial water exchange. Water is
drains will handle most systems. Pond drainage also lost due to evaporation and leakage.
should include a drainage ditch or drain pipe
that diverts water into a settling basin, such as a Design of a recirculating system will include a
developed wetland area or a cultured aquatic production chamber, a settling chamber, and the
plant system, before allowing it to discharge.. bio-filter. PVC pipes carry the water from one
An aquatic plant area will work to reduce settle- section to the next. Water can be moved using
able solids and nitrogen wastes created by the pumps or an airlift.
fish. In either situation, contact with the
In an airlift system, a regenerative air pump de-
TNRCC will ensure that the school facility is in
livers a high volume of air at low pressure. An
compliance with existing regulations.
air compressor that produces low volume at high
AQUACULTURE PRODUCTION pressure does not meet the needs of any aquac-
SYSTEMS ulture system. The air pump should be mounted
There are a variety of production systems that away from the classroom and laboratory in a
can be useful in incorporating the Texas Essen- sound box, mechanical room, or outside. This
tial Knowledge and Skills into the aquaculture will effectively reduce the noise level created by
curricula. Each can be used as an independent the pump.
system or as a part of a multifacetted production
Setup of the system puts the water in each
program. A school can plan a production pro-
chamber at the same level. Air injected in the
gram designed to meet the needs of the students
inlet pipes bubble water into the chamber. The
and budget of the school district. In most cases,

same pump supplies air used to aerate the bio- vided. This also works well for fish species re-
filter and production chamber. quiring softwater.

LABORATORY CONSTRUCTION The laboratory facility should be equipped with

CONCERNS rollup or double access doors. There should be
windows between the laboratory and the class-
The laboratory floor should be below grade
room or office. External windows make envi-
relative to the floors in adjoining rooms. If this
ronmental control more difficult. If windows
is not possible, the room should have a 4’0”
are incorporated into the facility, they should be
concrete water curb on all four walls. This is to
mounted high on the wall.
contain any water that might spill. The labora-
tory floor should be equipped with double-
screened drains with floors sloped toward the
drains at a 1” to 10’0” slope. The laboratory A pond system would add a dynamic dimension
walls should be waterproofed with a marine- to any agriscience program implementing
grade sealer or with textured fiberglass wall aquaculture into the curriculum. Either a single-
panels. The laboratory facility should be cli- pond or multiple-pond system would provide
mate controlled with central heating and air students with near-industry production experi-
conditioning. The system should be independ- ence. Soil testing should identify a clay content
ent from other classrooms or facilities. that would allow the pond to hold water. Soil
should also be tested for residue from chemicals
The lighting should be double the recommended that may have been dumped or spilled on the
amount for regular classroom facilities. Two soil. Oil, herbicide residue, pesticide residue, or
duplex outlets spaced every eight feet along the other toxic substances will render a site unus-
wall and every four feet at the lab counter/tables. able.
Each pair of duplex outlets should carry its own
20-amp circuit. Every outlet must be a ground The recommended pond size in an educational
fault circuit interrupter (GFCI). New concrete setting should range between 1/3 acre (75’0”
floors should be broomed or brushed before wide and 200’0” long) to ½ acre (110’0” wide
curing to prevent a slick finish. Existing floors and 200’0” long). The pond should have a 3:1
should be resurfaced with a nonskid coating. or 4:1 slope on all banks. The levee surround-
The nonskid surface should be continually ing the pond should be at least 12’0” wide and
maintained. level to allow for vehicular traffic. The bottom
of the pond should have a 6” slope per 100 feet.
The aquaculture laboratory should be equipped The deep end of the pond should be no less than
with store room or storage cabinet. Storage fa- six feet from the top of the levee. This will al-
cilities provide a place for aquatic chemicals, low for a one-foot freeboard and a maximum
spare parts, and feeds. A refrigerator or chest- pond depth of five feet. The deep end of the
type freezer should be provided to maintain pond should be equipped with a drainage sys-
quality of feeds containing products with a high tem, either a Kansas Kettle type system or a
fishmeal content. turn-down pipe.

The laboratory should be equipped with a large, The pond design should allow for a drainage
deep-well stainless-steel sink and counter. For- ditch to carry the water to a settling pond. The
mica type material can be used for the counter settling pond can provide the opportunity for
although stainless steel is the preferred surface. additional aquaculture studies. The settling
For programs incorporating marine or saltwater pond should have access to a discharge area
systems, a reverse osmosis unit should be pro- such as a drainage ditch, bayou, gully, creek,
stream, or river.

The pond could be equipped with a pier or both chemical and metered water quality testing
walkway that extends a minimum of 10 feet into equipment. An oxygen meter is the most critical
the water. Preferably, the pier would be located for pond water quality. Table 27 provides a list
at the deep end of the pond. This will allow for of equipment and supplies that are useful when
access to a proper site to conduct water quality operating a pond facility. It includes a sales
tests. A pier may interfere with seining or har- counter that will allow the students to market
vesting activities conducted in the pond. The their produce.
instructor and students should have access to

Table 27: Pond Equipment and Supplies


AERATOR Paddlewheel, infuser, air jet, or similar type 2

ELECTRICAL Power source at the pond to provide electricity to the aerator 1
SALES COUNTER* Fresh retail counter with scale and printer 10 ft.
CUFFS Boning, 6” wide 17
FIRST AID KIT WITH cold packs to treat snake bite 1
METER Oxygen meter and replacement parts 1
SEINE 120 feet x 5 feet 1
WADDERS Chest type 6

RECIRCULATING SYSTEMS with bio-material. The final major component is

a ½ hp regenerative air blower. This air-supply
A basic recirculating system has four major
system is designed to provide low air pressure at
components. First is the production or culture
a high volume. A variety of plumbing supplies
tank. Although many types of materials can
will be needed to join the components into a
work for this tank, a round fiberglass tank is the
functional unit. This will provide a 750 to 800-
most efficient and versatile. A tank with a six-
gallon total capacity system.
foot diameter and 34-inch depth will hold ap-
proximately 575 gallons of water. It is recom- A production system may be set up in a variety
mended that the tank have a viewing window. It of ways using more than one type of bio-filter.
should also be equipped with two 2-inch cou-
plings: one in the center on the bottom and one Photographs at the end of this will show addi-
high on the side. tional systems to consider when planning an
aquaculture program. Each has its advantages
The second part of this system is a settling and disadvantages. Other systems that can be a
chamber. A 140-gallon round fiberglass (42- part of the aquaculture programs are also identi-
inch diameter x 2 feet deep) should be equipped fied.
with three 2-inch couplings: one at bottom cen-
ter, one high on the side, and the other high on Table 28 provides a list of most of the materials
the opposite side. The third component is the that will be needed in the laboratory. Again, the
vertical screen biological filter (24”x 36”x 26”)
production system can vary in type, size, and AQUAPONICS
number. Aquaponics uses aquaculture wastewater with
hydroponic production. This approach brings a
new dimension to aquaculture. Space is usually
An aquaculture program does not have to limit the limiting factor of the size and scope of an
itself to production of animal species. Aquatic aquaponics laboratory. Aquaponics can add a
plants are a viable commodity in the aquaculture new dimension to an existing horticulture pro-
industry. Production can incorporate aquapon- gram or be part of the aquaculture curriculum.
ics (discussed later in this section) or operate
separately from other production systems. Nitrogen-rich water from the production cham-
ber is directed to a settling chamber. From there
A pond production facility should range from 12 it will pass over the root system of the plants.
to 24 inches in depth. It can be an earthen pond The plants cannot remove all of nitrogen wastes
or a structure using a pond liner and beam sup- from the water. Thus circulation of the water
ports. Available space would limit the size of through a bio-filter is necessary before returning
the production pond. it to the production chamber.

Production facilities could also be setup in a Production facilities can include grow lights
greenhouse for environmental control or inside a over production trays made from PVC pipe or
building under grow lights. rain-gutter material. Facilities can also consist
of a greenhouse that houses both the recirculat-
ing system and plant production site.

Table 28: Recirculating Equipment and Supplies


PRODUCTION Complete with production chamber, settling chamber, *

SYSTEM bio-filter and media, plumbing, valves, air supply system
*Quantity sufficient to meet the needs of the program.
DRAIN HOSE 2” reinforced drain hose with quick connect couplings 1
HEATER Bayonet style immersion heater (3 watts per gallon of water 2
in the system (i.e., 2,400 watts for a 800 gallons of water)
NET Food fish 1
BIO-FILTER MEDIA Type can range from commercial products to custom *
fabricated. *Quantity sufficient to supply the production needs
NET Fingerling 2
NET Sampling
OUTLETS GFCI (ground fault circuit interrupters) 4
TEST KIT Nine-parameter water quality test kit 1
TEST KIT Individual dissolved oxygen kit 4
TEST KIT Individual nitrate nitrogen kit 4

Table 28: Recirculating Equipment and Supplies - Continued

TEST KIT Individual nitrite nitrogen kit 4

TEST KIT Individual chloride/salinity kit 4
TEST KIT Individual pH kit 4
TEST KIT Individual carbon dioxide kit 4
TEST KIT Individual alkalinity kit 4
TEST KIT Individual hardness kit 4
THERMOMETER Fahrenheit and Celsius scale with aluminum case 3
THERMOMETER Fahrenheit and Celsius scale with plastic case 3
and fittings
REFERENCES Assorted texts, periodicals, CDs, videos, and slide sets *
*As determined by the needs of the program.


The safe and effective instruction of aquaculture Another facet of the aquaculture program is
requires a variety of accessory supplies and ma- mariculture. Implementation of the marine sci-
terials. Table 31 provides a list of the most ence aspect is not limited to coastal areas. The
common items used in an aquaculture labora- same type of equipment used for freshwater
tory. Depending on the system selected and size systems can also be incorporated into maricul-
of the program, additional supplies and materi- ture production. Although certain species (i.e.,
als may be necessary. Local policy and program red drum and hybrid stripped bass) can grow in
direction will dictate the need. A variety of fresh water, they need saltwater to reproduce.
aquaculture supply catalogs provide both de- Other species (i.e., shrimp) need saltwater to
scription and uses of supplies and materials. grow. Sea salt mixes can be added to fresh wa-
ter to produce the desired level needed for the
FACILITY GROWTH species in cultivation. Table 29 is a list of items
Facility development should allow for the that are unique to mariculture production.
aquaculture program to expand. Another recir-
There are a number of items that is necessary to
culating system of equal or larger size should be
maintain both fresh and saltwater systems.
implemented, necessitating additional equip-
Following is a list of the more common items
ment to maintain and monitor all of the systems.
that are used daily or recommended to be kept
Table 30 contains a list of items that should be
on hand. The listing of materials and supplies
considered as the program grows.
(Table 29) are needed to adequately and safely
train students and prepare them for occupations
within the aquaculture industry.

Table 29: Saltwater Production
KIT Marine sampling kit 1
METER Refractometer 2
SKIMMER Protein skimmer (per system) 1
TEST KITS Individual sodium chloride kit 4

CURRICULUM MATERIALS AND Aquaculture Center (SRAC) has the largest se-
REFERENCES lection of publications. SRAC Administrative
Office is located at the Delta Research and Ex-
There are a variety of resources that provide in-
tension, Stoneville, Mississippi. Mississippi
structional materials for the aquaculture pro-
State University serves as the host institution.
gram. Instructional Materials Service, 2588
In addition, most states support a state aquacul-
TAMUS, College Station, Texas 77843-2588
ture association. This can be a valuable re-
has student materials, curriculum guides, test
source for locating resource personnel, potential
bank, keys, videos, and miscellaneous other ref-
jobs for graduates, and specialists that can help
when problems arise.
Five regional aquaculture centers produce bul-
The Internet is an emerging educational resource
letins on various aquaculture topics. The five
tool for all instructional areas. The concern with
centers are the North Central, North Eastern,
this resource is the line between valid informa-
Southern, Western, and the Tropical and Sub-
tion and opinion. The researcher should always
tropical. Of the five, the Southern Regional
question the credibility of the source.

Table 30: Expansion Accessories

ALARM Telephone alarm/monitoring 8 system 1
CHILLERS For use with cold water species (i.e., trout) 1
FEEDERS Automatic scatter feeder - per pond 1
FEEDERS Vibrator feeder for fry production 2
FEEDERS Automatic belt feeder for recirculating systems - per system 1
GENERATOR Gasoline or diesel auto start electric generator 1
or oxygen backup system
KIT Dissecting kit complete with trays 6
METER DO meter 1
METER Salinity, conductivity, temperature meter 1
METER pH/mV/ C meter 1
MICROSCOPES Basic 3 power laboratory microscope 4

Table 30: Expansion Accessories - Continued
SCALES Triple beam 3
SCALES Hanging scale, 25-pound capacity 3
SCALES Floor type, 50250-pound capacity 3
STERILIZER Ultra-violet sterilizing unit 11

Table 31: Supplies and Materials

AIR STONES Assorted sizes from .1 to 1.0 CFM 30
BASKET Polyethylene with heavy duty handles 3
BROOMS Fiber, 12” pushbroom, heavy duty 3
BROOMS Whiskbroom, heavy duty 4
BRUSHES Clean-up brushes, 8” with nylon filling 4
BRUSHES Test tube, bottle, and scrub brushes, assorted 10
FEED Meet the requirements of species in production
FILTER Sand filter system 1
KNIFE Air knife for skinning 6
NET Plankton net 1
NET Cast net, 6’ radius, 1
SECCHI DISK To test turbidity in ponds, with line and weight 1
SQUEEGEE Heavy duty 2
TAGGING Tag gun and tags 1
TOWELS Cloth or paper

RECIRCULATING SYSTEM DIAGRAMS generator to operate both systems. Each system

has its own settling chamber and biofilter.
Included in this section is a diagram of a recir-
culating system. The first shows a single tank
production system complete with settling cham- POND SYSTEM DIAGRAMS
ber, biofilter, piping, and air supply.
There are three diagrams presented in this sec-
The second diagram illustrates the same type of tion. The first is a single-pond system. The
recirculating system except with two production second is a multiple-pond system that uses a
chambers. It is capable of using the same air crawfish production area as the first settling
chamber before water is released into a wetland
area. The wetland area is also used for the pro-
duction of aquatic plants.

The final pond system is located on the coast.

The saltwater resource allows the school the op-
portunity to work with marine production. A
freshwater well also provides the opportunity to
work with freshwater species.

Following this section are photographs that rep-
resent selected aquaculture facility concerns that
are part of the agricultural science and technol-
ogy department. Each illustration contains a
caption that further explains the photograph.

Aquaculture Advisory Committee

Reece Blincoe, Career and Technology Director, San Marcos ISD, San Marcos, TX
Brian Brawner, R&B Aquatic Distribution, Inc., Boerne, TX
Janet Hayes, Career and Technology Director, Deer Park ISD, Deer Park, TX
Tim Wyatt, Vines High School, Plano, TX

Figure 23. Diagram of ponds at Deer Park High School, Deer Park, Texas.

Figure 25. Aquaculture system of the Palacios I. S. D. Agriscience Department.

Figure 24. Aquaculture recirculating system laboratory floor plan.
Figure 26. Typical recirculating system design for high school aquaculture programs.

Aquaculture Photographs

9006K1: Ponds provide a dimension to the aquaculture curriculum that

closely parallels industry.

9006K2: Recirculating systems provide an economical, yet realistic ap-

proach to aquaculture education.

9006K3: Recirculating systems can be equipped with chillers (seen

here) or heaters to allow for culture of certain species.

9006K4: Aquatic plant production can occur in lined ponds and take up
relatively little space.

9006K5: Aquaria systems allow still another dimension of production

within the aquaculture curriculum.


Natural Resources: Forestry

Recommended Class Size: 10 students

Forestry is one of the established curriculums in Unless the school is located adjacent to a stand
Agricultural Science and Technology. An agris- of timber and industry, transportation should be
cience course, forestry is TEA approved for ½- available for use by the instructor. If the in-
credit. As such, the classroom standards for this structor does not have the necessary certification
course of study are the same for those of the to transport students, a certified driver should be
systems. However, to be truly effective with provided on the days field trips are scheduled.
this curriculum, the class should have easy ac- The vehicle should equipped to carry the tools
cess to a forest and preferably a logging and/or and equipment the class will need on various
milling operation. trips. It can be a school bus, van, or any type of
safe, reliable means of transporting students to
LABORATORY FACILITY and from their destination.
In addition to classroom, office, restrooms, stor-
age, and library facilities, there should be a SAFETY
school-based laboratory available for this Safety is always an issue with every phase of
course. The need for a laboratory can easily be education. Student and teachers should have
incorporated into a mechanized agriculture fa- approved safety measures to work with tools
cility designed to meet the needs of an addi- and equipment. Much of the laboratory work
tional agribusiness course. will involve the outdoors exposing everyone
involved to everything from insect stings and
TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT bites to attack from animals, such as snakes. A
A list of tools and equipment (Tables 32 and 33) first aid kit should be available and equipped to
follow this discussion. The recommended handle such emergencies. In addition, the in-
quantity is based on the recommended enroll- structor should have access to a cell phone.
ment of 10 students. Additional tools and This will allow for prompt notice and calls for
equipment will be needed as more students en- assistance, should the need arise.
roll in the course.

Table 32: Power Equipment

SAW Gas-powered chain, minimum size 4.0 2

for direct drive or for gear driven)

Table 33: Hand Tools and Equipment


AX Double bit 3
BORERS Increment, 8” 2
COMPASSES Cruising, professional quality 3
GPS/GIS instrumentation 2
COOLER Water, 10 gallon 1
FILES Flat, assorted 4
GOGGLES Safety 1 per person
GUN Tree marking 1
HANDLES File tang 1 per file
HATS Hard, safety 1 per person
FIRST AID KIT Industrial quality 1
LEVEL Laser 1
Topographic abney 1
MACHETTE with leather sheath 2
PADS Tally, for timber cruising 5
STICKS Scale 10
SQUARES Timber cruising prism, 10 factor 5
TAPES Engineer’s, 100 ft 1
Diameter 5
Logger 1
WEDGES Metal 2

Food Technology - Meats Processing
Recommended Class Size: 15 students
Preferred: 12 students

INTRODUCTION each class above the recommended two classes,

there should be an
The meats processing curriculum provides both
technical and hands on instruction to students
with career goals in the food technology indus-
try. Knowledge and skills gained through this additional 600 square feet of floor space for the
area of study will prepare students for immedi- processing area.
ate employment.
Working with animal carcasses, sharp knives, SPECIFICATIONS
and possibly around live animals presents haz- The Division of Veterinary Public Health, Texas
ards not common to the typical classroom set- State Department of Health, must review and
ting. As a result, class size is an extremely im- approve plans and specifications for the pro-
portant consideration when planning to imple- posed school-directed meats processing labora-
ment this curriculum. The key factor for class tory. This process should be completed before
size recommendation is safety concerns. releasing bid information. Either the school
district office or the architect should contact the
CLASSROOM REQUIREMENTS Division of Veterinary Public Health, Texas
The facility standards in this subject area are the State Department of Health, 1100 West 49th
same as those suggested for the food and fiber Street, Austin, Texas 78756. Written final ap-
system. Common facility standards include proval should be secured before the plans and
classroom space, classroom equipment, study specifications are let out for bid.
and library area, storage space, and office space.
INDUSTRY FACILITIES Wall construction consisting of a steel stud
These recommendations for a school-directed frame is recommended. Wall covering should
laboratory meats processing program represent be glassboard (FRP).
requirements for two classes with a maximum
of 15 students in each. As mentioned, exceed- WIRING
ing this capacity seriously jeopardizes the safety The walls should be equipped with ground fault
of the students and instructor. These recom- circuit interrupter (GFCI) duplex outlets. They
mendations also address those needs other than should be spaced no greater than 10 feet apart
classroom and space requirements. around the walls of the laboratory. Each should
be 120-volt service on a 20-amp circuit. Outlets
A meats processing laboratory should have a should also be available for power equipment
floor space of 1,200-square feet. An additional requiring 240-volt power. Placement of these
800-square foot facility, adjoining the process- outlets will depend on layout pattern of the
ing area is required for a slaughter laboratory. A equipment.
school system may choose to make more than
two classes available during the class day. For

GAS cultural industry. The quantity recommenda-
tions are based on a class size of 15
There should be a minimum of one (1) natural
gas (or equivalent) outlet provided in the work
students and a maximum of two classes. As
TOOL AND EQUIPMENT PURCHASES more classes are added, additional tools and
equipment should be made available. Any item
The purchase of any tools and equipment for the
marked with an “*” refers to optional equipment
meats processing facility should conform with
that is recommended when funds become avail-
design and construction requirements to meet all
local, state, and federal guidelines for safety.
The tools and equipment should also be consis-
tent with industry standards.
Following this section are photographs that rep-
Tables 34 through 37 include a listing of all resent selected food processing – meats labora-
tools and equipment that should be considered tory concerns that are part of the agricultural
for a meat-processing laboratory. The tools and science and technology department. Each illus-
equipment presented are needed to adequately tration contains a caption that further explains
and safely train students and prepare them for the photograph.
occupations within the meats processing agri-

Table 34: Fabrication Room

APRONS Boning, white neoprene coated, 14” x 18” 15
BASKETS Freezer, 5” x 17” x 28” 56
BOOT DIP MAT Disinfectant boot dip mat
CLIPPING SYSTEM One bag clipping system
COUNTER* Fresh retail counter with scale and printer
CUFFS Boning, 6” wide 17
CURE PUMP Complete with all accessories
CUTTERS Paper, hold 9” diameter rolls and 2
widths of 15”, 18”, & 24”
DOLLY Double lug, 15¾” x 28¼” x 33” 2
DOLLY Four lug, 15¾” x 28¼” x 33” 4
DOLLY Single tote 2
DISPENSER Tape, adjustable to measure desired length 6
DUST REMOVERS For removal of bone 6
FIRST AID KIT Designed to attend to major injuries 1
FROCK For freezer use 2
GLOVES Metal mesh, thumb and two fingers - pair 16
HOOKS Boning hooks 5
HOIST ½-ton capacity for loading dock 1

Table 34: Fabrication Room - Continued

HOSE Commercial grade rubber 50’ water hose, high pressure 3

designed to withstand high temperatures, with nozzles
HOSE Mixing hot and cold water station 3
KNIVES 2-knife set, complete with plastic handles 16
6” flexible blade for boning
8” blade for breaking
4-knife set, with plastic handles, 1
breaking knives: 8”, 10”, 12”, and 14” blades
for laboratory use
Steak, with plastic handle and 12” blade 3
8” blade for breaking
LAVATORY Stainless steel base sink with backsplash,
foot/knee operation 1
LOCKERS Clothes lockers, male and female facilities 40
(20 lockers each)
LUGS Curing bin, 500-pound capacity 3
Tote, 13” x 12½ x 30” inside measurement 20
MOLD Hamburger patty press, hand operated 2
PACKAGING Vacuum packaging system
PLATTERS Aluminum, ¾” x 12½ x 30” 36
Utility, stainless steel, 24-quart capacity 2
PLATTER DOLLY 12 platter 3
RACKS Dunnage racks, aluminum,
27” x 60” x 70” or 12” x 20” x 36”/48”/60”
SAUSAGE STUFFER Manual or Electric, 1
SAUSAGE LINKER* Fresh sausage
SAWS Meat, stainless steel frame with plastic handle, 4
/8” x 25”, 12 tooth
SCABBARDS Plastic or aluminum with removable froth, 4½” x 13”; 16
chain belts with two swivel hooks
SCALES Beam type, heavy duty, 550-pound capacity upper 1
beam, and 50-pound capacity lower beam
Electronic with retail labeling operations 1
Electronic with digital portion control 1
Table 34: Fabrication Room - Continued

SCALES - Continued Platform with 1,000-pound capacity 1

2-pound capacity 4
SHARPENER Sharpening stone, multi-oilstone, set 2
SHARPENER Electric for knives 1
SINK Double sink/drain board combination, stainless steel, 1
each sink unit 24” x 24”
each with a 24” x 36” drain board
STAMPS Complete hand set, single line, for meat cuts 1
STEELS 12” blade 16
STERILIZING BOX Sterilizing box for knives, 6” x 12” x 12”, electric, 120V 1
TABLES Cover, Durasan plastic, ¾” x 30” x 6’0” 5
TABLES Trimming and boning table, stainless steel frame, 6
30” x 34” x 72”, equipped with Durasan tops (above)
TABLES Utility and wrapping table, stainless steel top, 3
TREES Meat type, stainless steel, in-line hooks, 2
12 hooks with 8” between hooks, 48” long
TROLLEYS Overhead rail, beef short, standard for hindquarter 15
Galvanized wheel with stainless steel hook, ½” x 6¼”
TROLLEYS Overhead rail, beef long, standard for forequarter 15
Galvanized wheel with stainless steel hook, ½” x 24”
TROLLEYS Overhead rail, long hog, standard 15
Galvanized wheel with galvanized hook
TRUCKS Freezer, tray supports, intervals for baskets 6
WATER COOLER* Drinking fountain 1

Table 35: Power Tools and Equipment

FLAKER/CHOPPER* Frozen meat flaker/chopper
MIXER/GRINDER Power operated, stainless steel, complete 1
SLICER Power operated 1
SLICER* Power operated, bacon slicer with stacker & shingle
TENDERIZER Power operated with safety switch, rigid stripper 1
transparent hopper with stainless steel case
PATTY MACHINE* Power operated 1
BANDSAW Meat quality, sliding table, 3 hp 1
SMOKER Complete with accessories 1
SMOKE HOUSE* Computer operated

Table 36: Suggested List of Meat Processing Supplies


Aprons Plastic or cloth

Brooms Fiber, 12” push broom, heavy duty
Brooms Whiskbroom, heavy duty
Brushes Clean-up brushes, 8” with nylon filling
Brushes Scrub brush for cleaning equipment
Clipboards Plastic
Earplugs Disposable
Hairnets Disposable
Oil Packers white oil, five gallons
Squeegees Floor and table
Tags Tag gun and tags
Teaching Materials Bulletins, student materials, videos, slides, CD ROM,
Towels Cloth or paper

Table 37: Slaughter Room Facilities and Equipment
CHUTE Stun chute 1
CRADLE Skinning cradle 2
HOIST One-ton capacity 1
KNIFE* Air knife for skinning 1

Table 37: Slaughter Room Facilities and Equipment - Continued

LIFTS* Hydraulic lifts 1
RAIL Landing rail system 1
SAW Splitting saw 1
SCALES Rail scales 1
SCALES Livestock scales 1
SINK Deep, double sink 1
STERILIZER 180 F water capability 1
TABLE Offal table 1
TROLLEYS Drop-rail system 1
TRUCK Viscera table 1
VAT* Scalding vat and dehair machine 1
WASH AREA Complete with head rack 2
APRONS Neoprene 16

Meat Science Advisory Committee

John Mack, James Madison High School, San Antonio, TX
Marty Spradlin, Daingerfield High School, Dangerfield, TX
Joe Liles, Holland High School, Holland, TX
Dr. Randy Harp, Texas A&M University-Commerce, Commerce, TX
Dr. Davey Griffin, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX
Dr. Steve Stoops, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX

Figure 27. Floor plan of Conroe High School Food Technology-Meats Laboratory, Conroe, Texas.

Food Technology – Meats Laboratory Photographs

9006M1: A classroom setting inside the meat laboratory (left) should

have direct rail access to the locker area.

9006M2: Students, instructors, and visitors should have easy access to

protective clothing for use in the meats laboratory and harvest area.

9006M3: Meat slicers should be equipped with the proper safety devices
and be maintained in good working order.

9006M4: Shrink wrap machines provide the students the opportunity to

package the meat according to industry standards.

9006M5: A commercial meat grinder (left) and a commercial scale

(right) should be a part of the meat laboratory equipment.


Work-based learning (WBL) is inclusive of part unwilling to pay for providing training to an ap-
of the education system that extends out of the prentice.
school atmosphere into an actual work situation. The last option involves the student ‘shadowing’
The relationship between the student, the an individual during normal work hours. Shad-
school, and the employer can exist in any of owing can last several days but not normally
several options. While attending school, an em- more than two weeks at a site. The student will
ployer may hire the student to work a minimum arrive at a predetermined time and can either
of 15 hours for 3 hours credit or 10 hours for 2 observe or assist the cooperating individual.
hours credit. With this option, the student re- This activity can either be for wages or volun-
ceives a salary and has a regular work schedule. tary on the part of the student.
Refer to the Student Attendance Accounting
Handbook available from the Texas Education All three of these WBL programs require a
Agency for detailed information. school-based meeting area or classroom. Stu-
dents receive instruction in a controlled envi-
The next WBL option is internship. An intern ronment, designed to reinforce the training they
usually works in a field that is directly related to receive on the job. Much of this work is done as
a profession the student is pursuing. The length independent study with a teacher or facilitator to
of time can fluctuate with the professional guide and assist the student. Some of the in-
training received. Where this position is often struction is offered to the entire group at one
salaried, a student can waive the salary to re- time. In either type of learning situation, a stan-
ceive training when an employer is unable or dard classroom is sufficient to meet the educa-
tional needs for these programs.



A project/research laboratory serves as an edu- A facility with a broad scope will serve a di-
cational learning center for extended activities. verse population of the students in the agris-
Students gain personal skills in responsibility, cience program. Such a facility may be de-
teamwork, record keeping, and technical skills signed to serve students having a single
involving plant, animal, and soil sciences while
participating in supervised laboratory experi-
ences. species of plant or animal project, students with
diverse plant or animal interests, or those stu-
A project/research laboratory is one that requires dents with the desire to conduct specific re-
detailed planning to successfully meet the needs search activities.
of all students and the agriscience program.
Planning should include establishing an area for There are three basic types of field laboratories
students to meet the guidelines of the Super- and numerous combinations that can serve the
vised Agricultural Experience (SAE). This is agriscience program. Listed in terms of pur-
important where zoning restrictions or building pose, they are as follows:
codes prohibit activities adjacent to a student’s
home. Through a SAE program, agriscience • Project Center
students can gain skills they will use their entire
• Exhibition Facility
lives. As a requirement for satisfactory comple-
tion of most agricultural science courses, a stu- • Learning/Research Laboratory
dent must meet certain requirements. A plant or
Project Center
animal project cared for by the student may
meet partial needs of this requirement. The fa- A project center is a facility that makes space
cility can also allow room for research activities available to students who, for whatever reason,
that can benefit all students by supplementing are unable to keep a project at or near their
the classroom experience. Students can also use home. The use of the facility can designate the
this facility to conduct research for agriscience time of year it is open. For example, depending
projects outside the classroom. on the species for targeted exhibition events, the
use may be limited. If students raise projects
District educators must know the attitude of year round, the facility will be used regularly.
their clientele to promote the type of facility that Options for such a facility include crops or ani-
would be accepted and supported. The purpose mals for exhibition, breeding animals, and crops
of this section is to identify the types of facilities and animals for sale to the market or for home
and key issues that should be addressed in the use. Project facilities for animals will include
planning, promoting, and implementation of a but are not limited to species specific pens for
project/research laboratory for the agricultural cattle, sheep, swine, goats, and poultry or plots
science and technology program. or acreage for gardens or crops.

Exhibition Facility nances affecting residential and business areas,
accessibility and proximity to the school, secu-
An exhibition facility provides the agriscience
rity, and safety are major site considerations.
program with space for students to gain show-
manship skills while handling, training, and ex- Ideally, the site should be a comfortable walk
ercising their animal projects. This facility pro- from the classroom. The location should be an
vides a location for student learning and compe- area that does not affect nearby residences, or
tition within the local agriscience department. It businesses. The site should support an all-
also allows the department to host invitational weather road and parking facility.
exhibitions involving neighboring agriscience
departments. SECURITY
This type of facility can be designed to include a Security is an issue for a learning/ research labo-
work area. Such an area would provide students ratory. Numerous students will have access to
and faculty a place to gather, groom, and prepare this area. Security fencing with locking en-
animals for exhibition. It would also provide a try/exit gate(s) is strongly recommended. Pass-
site to weigh animals or restrain animals re- card security gates allow access only to people
quiring veterinary care or routine treatment. Fa- with a card. The gate should have a by-pass
cilities should be designed to meet the manage- system allowing it to remain open whenever
ment needs of all species of livestock. high activity is expected.

A confining fence should surround this type of All pens and storage areas should be equipped
facility and prevent animals from roaming. with locks and locking procedures incorporated
There should be a covered arena, preferably en- to maximize their effectiveness. An office
closed for all-weather usage. building should be equipped with a telephone
with long-distance block or students should
Learning/Research Laboratory have access to a pay phone.
The learning/research laboratory allows space, Students have very demanding schedules and it
facilities, and equipment for a variety of activi- is not always possible for them to care for their
ties both during and outside of the classroom. project during daylight hours. Outside lighting
Students involved in an independent study pro- with a solar switch will provide a safer working
gram may use the facility to conduct a wide va- environment. In addition, such lighting will add
riety of research activities. Such activities can another dimension to the security of the facility
be incorporated directly into the classroom and the students.
learning environment or as indirect laboratory
activities. These activities could include learn- SUPERVISION
ing or research work involving plants, soils, the
environment, structures, equipment, or animals. Once the facility is operational, the school dis-
trict should designate a supervisor for the site.
Combination Facilities The supervisor should have immediate and
complete control over activities within the area.
The facility can be any combination of the labo- Regardless of whether the site is a project cen-
ratories. A needs assessment conducted by the ter, exhibit area, outdoor laboratory, or combi-
school district should be used to determine the nation unit, the supervisor should coordinate its
type of facility. activities. An agricultural science instructor
would be the logical choice for this responsibil-
ity. However, the school district may choose an
Location is a major concern when considering individual to serve as a full-time care-
an outdoor laboratory facility. Zoning ordi- taker/supervisor.
In addition to overseeing security, this individ- filter these waters will work to reduce the effects
ual would also control and schedule activities of nutrient-rich water.
conducted on the site. If a full time supervi-
sor/caretaker is available, the related issues of The second drainage issue refers to the work
liability are diminished. If an agriscience area. Animals are washed and groomed during
teacher is the supervisor, full-time site manage- their production. Providing a wash rack with
ment is not always possible. School security proper drainage will provide a safe work area
personnel can provide an extra measure of at- and keep wet spots from forming around the
tention by including the site in the patrol area. pens.


Waste will be a problem primarily when the site Plumbing should first meet the building codes
is used as an animal project area. Problems of the area where the facility is located. In ad-
arise from containment and disposal or removal dition, as an outdoor facility, there should be
of the solid wastes. Wastes addressed in this ample use of shut-off valves, back-flow “pre-
section refer primarily to fecal matter and ani- venters,” and freeze protection devices.
mal bedding materials. Not only will these ma-
terials have to be properly managed, they will Properly constructed washing facilities aid in
generate an odor that surrounding businesses or drainage of water. These areas should be
residents may find objectionable. equipped with traps, or “catch basins” for ani-
mal washing facilities. The trap is designed to
If a lagoon system is incorporated into the over- contain soil particles that are too heavy to stay in
all waste-management plan, issues of liability suspension. Easy cleaning of the traps is also a
arise. Water- and/or waste-retention ponds sig- factor in their use.
nificantly raise the issue of liability. This type
of structure should be isolated with a security ELECTRICITY
fence or other means to prevent access by indi- Electrical needs must be available for both 120-
viduals. volt and 240-volt service. The number and lo-
cation of outlets should accommodate easy ac-
Other wastes will also be generated by the facil- cess at each pen. In addition, the office area and
ity including feed bags and empty containers. the work area should also contain adequate out-
These materials can easily be removed using the lets. Ground fault circuit interrupters (GFCI)
existing school campus waste management pro- should be installed on every circuit. A GFCI
gram (i.e., providing a large container to collect breaker may also be needed anywhere water or
wastes and providing access to the same collec- dampness may come in contact with the work
tion agency that manages school wastes). area. A breaker box should be easily accessible
and all circuits clearly marked.
A project/research facility has two drainage is- Electrical considerations should include the use
sues. First is the issue of heavy rainfall and of fans, misting systems, normal lighting, flood
runoff. The site should be constructed to allow lighting, and appliance use. Heavy load circuits
excess water to move away from the animal should be available for equipment such as hot-
pens, roads, and parking. Waste containment air blowers for use in drying animal hair coat.
areas should be managed to minimize the vol-
ume of water that leaches through the material.
Nutrient-rich runoff should not be allowed to
drain into waterways. Providing a greenbelt to

AMERICAN WITH DISABILITIES ACT evaluate it. This room should be a complete
CONSIDERATIONS climate-controlled classroom and contain stor-
age for equipment and supplies.
Regardless of the type of outdoor laboratory the
school district selects, consideration should be Where a classroom/laboratory room is not
made for individuals with disabilities. Even needed, a facility should be provided for stu-
though the task of raising animals or crops is in dents to meet, work on activities, or do outside
itself limiting, facility design can be made to assignments. Separate restroom facilities should
accommodate the students and teachers. be adjacent to either type of building. In addi-
tion to these buildings, a storage facility for
Where possible, concrete walkways should be
feed, hay, equipment, and supplies should be
installed. Handicapped parking and restroom
available for the students. If possible, large
accommodations are a necessary factor in all
lockers or storage rooms should be available for
facilities planning. Additional considerations
each student. This will prevent problems with
include lower light switches and receptacles.
students using other students’ materials without
Feeding pens and tack rooms should be easily
permission. Only the student and teacher should
have access to these areas.
Other ADA considerations and factors are im-
During livestock or plant production, students
portant to the total facilities planning. Enlisting
and teachers will use syringes, scalpels, vac-
the assistance of an ADA representative or
cines, pesticides, insecticides, and various
working with an architect with this experience
chemicals. To accommodate disposal of empty
could possibly prevent expensive renovations at
or used materials, biohazard contain-
a later date.
ers/receptacles should be easily accessible to all
FLEXIBILITY IN DESIGN individuals using the facility.

It is virtually impossible to foresee the growth The design of the facility should also be such
and future demands that will be placed on the that it allows for the safe use of baits, traps,
outdoor laboratory. For this reason, the facility chemicals, and other devices used to control
design should contain a degree of flexibility. flies, rats, birds, and other nuisances and pests in
This can range from allowing for additions to and around the facilities.
the facility to the ability to convert pen use from
one species to another (i.e., converting steer Animals in confined areas need exercise or
pens to lamb pens). “turn-out” areas. The need varies with each
species and the area should be adjacent to each
This would require changing of panels, gates, species section.
and square footage of pens. By implementing
this type of flexibility, the facility becomes “pli- The outdoor lab will need access and interior
able” in that it can change with the changing gates. Drive through barns should have gates at
interest of the students. each end of the alley and “swing-outs” to facili-
tate loading and unloading of animals.
CONSIDERATIONS The texture of concrete areas is a concern for
animals. The finish of concrete flooring in wash
Where an outdoor laboratory serves as an exten-
areas and along walkways should have a coarse,
sion of the classroom, a building should be
broom finish to provide sound footing for ani-
available for the students. This on-site class-
mals. Pens that will have a sand or bedding on
room/laboratory room would allow the students
the concrete can have a smoother finish.
to gather data and immediately analyze or

Useful recommended equipment items that can Parents and students must agree to project cen-
be budgeted accordingly include but are not ter/laboratory rules and policies, which include
limited to the following: a riding mower and “eviction” procedures. These rules should be
other lawn maintenance equipment; a manure discussed and agreements signed at a mandatory
spreader or similar waste disposal equipment; a student/parent meeting. Signed copies should
high-pressure washer; and livestock sprayer be kept on file by the students/parents and the
equipment. agricultural teachers.

NONCONSTRUCTION The school district should prearrange facility

CONCERNS/SUGGESTIONS maintenance responsibilities and resolve such
issues as:
The students will be investing time and money
into their projects. It is essential to be honest • Who is responsible for grounds mainte-
about the level of teacher expertise/knowledge nance?
concerning project care and feeding. Where • Who is responsible for plumbing and elec-
necessary, an outside consultant should be con- trical repairs?
• Who is responsible for road maintenance?
Preplanning a facility should involve site visits
to existing facilities. An interview with the ag- ILLUSTRATIONS
riscience teachers as well as other school district Following this section are photographs that rep-
personnel will provide insights not obtained in resent selected project/research laboratory con-
any publication. cerns that are part of the agricultural science and
technology department. Each illustration con-
While still in the planning stage, all city, county, tains a caption that further explains the photo-
or state rules, regulations, laws, and codes graph.
should be carefully considered.

The facility should exist as a cost-recovery, or

near cost-recovery facility. As a result, a realis-
tic fee structure must be established to cover
items that include but are not limited to depos-
its, sand and bedding, cleanup, waste removal,
electricity, and water.

Project/Research Laboratory Advisory Committee

Craig Edwards, Curriculum Specialists, IMS, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX
Kevin Lynch, AST Splendora High School, Splendora, TX
Mickey Ohlendorf, Career & Technology Director, Pearland ISD, Pearland, TX
Pat Real, AST Judson High School, Judson, TX
Janelle Watson, Career & Technology Director, Klein ISD, Klein, TX

Figure 28. Deer Park High School Project/Research
Laboratory, Deer Park I. S. D., Deer Park, Texas.

Project/Research Laboratory

9006O1: A project/research laboratory area can provide a facility for

classes to meet, supplies to be stored, or grooming and care activities of
animals to take place.

9006O2: Where a facility is used to stable livestock, a exhibit arena

provides an area for students to exercise their animals or compete with
other students in simulated exercises.

9006O3: Pen construction should be low maintenance and yet durable

enough to withstand long term use.

9006O4: A wash facility can be opened for larger animals only or en-
closed and covered allowing access to all livestock.

9006O5: Covered facilities with open sides allow for air to circulate. It
may be necessary to provide for additional ventilation and cooling
through the use of fans and mist systems.


The task of planning any facility is a complex This reference should provide the foundation for
process. The diversity of the Agricultural Sci- planners to come together collectively to review
ence and Technology curriculum adds additional the needs for the new department or additions to
dimensions to this process. No longer is agri- a department. Hopefully, it will provide insight
cultural education in high schools a matter of a into program planning to assist in providing the
classroom and a shop. The school district will type of facility that will foster a safe, effective
make available systems of the AST curriculum learning environment.
guided by the student enrollment, teacher certi-
fication, and community support. Administra-
tion, counseling staff, and teachers working to-
gether will make decisions that directly affect
the students. The facilities should provide the
setting for the systems of instruction available
within the school district.

Instructional Materials Service • 2588 TAMUS • College Station , TX 77843-2588

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