The Kings Speech
The Kings Speech
The Kings Speech
The Kings Speech 从温布利运动场 为您直播 The air to the throne His
帝国博览会闭幕式的盛况 Royal Highness the Prince
国王的演讲 taking you to Wembley Wales made his first
在年 国王乔治五世统治着 Stadium for the Closing broadcast
世界上超过/的人口 Ceremony of the Empire 今天 他的年轻弟弟 约克公
() King George V reigns over Exhibition. 爵殿下
a quarter of the world's 约克公爵殿下 And today his younger
people. where His Royal Highness brother his Royal Highness
他要求他的二儿子 约克公 the Duke of York the Duke of York
爵 将代表他的父亲致辞 也将要进行首次演讲 把声
He asks his second son the will read a message from the 音传给大英帝国和全世界
Duke of York his father will give his inaugural
在伦敦温布利的英帝国博览 也即国王乔治五世陛下 broadcast to the Nation and
会闭幕式上发表讲话 his Majesty King George the the World.
to give the closing speech at fifth. 我奉…
the Empire Exhibition in 此次共有个英属领地参加了 I have received
Wembley London. 盛会 陛下的…
《国王的演讲》 British Colonies and from his Majesty
The King's Speech Dominions have taken part 国…国…
两分钟后会给您直播 殿下 这是迄今为止世界上最大规 the…the…the
You're live in two minutes. 模的展会 国王
Your Royal Highness making this the largest ...the King
公爵 Exhibition staged anywhere 皮卡迪利大街号 年 伦敦
Sir in the world. Piccadilly London
谢谢 殿下 次灯闪之后 持续灯亮 请把烟气深吸进肺 殿下
Thank you 表示直播开始 Inhale deep into your lungs
相信麦克风自然会引导您讲 Your Majesty flashes and your Royal Highness.
话流畅 steady red means you're live. 这能放松您的喉部
Let the microphone do the 利用最新发明的无线电技术 Relaxes your larynx does it
work sir. Using the new invention of not?
您肯定会有出色的表现 您 radio 吸烟能缓解紧张情绪 给您
慢慢来 英属领地的人们第一次亲耳 信心
I am sure you will be 听到 Cigarette smoking calms the
splendid. Just take your time. The Opening Ceremony was nerves and gives you
时间到了 the first time his Majesty the confidence.
Time to go. King 有请殿下张开手掌
下午好 国王陛下的开幕致辞 If Your Highness will be so
Good afternoon. addressed his subjects on the kind as to open your hand...
这里是英国广播公司帝国服 wireless. 已经杀菌了
务的国家频道 博览会第一阶段的闭幕式上 Sterilized.
(BBC 前身) At the close of the first - ,,,,,,
This is the BBC National Season -
Programme and Empire 威尔士王子殿下曾经首次发 现在 我要冒昧的请您…
Now...if I may take the Tick tock tick tock. But I'm afraid you're late.
liberty? 伯蒂 你不能老是压不住火 恐怕确实来晚了
把它们放到嘴里 气 Yes I'm afraid I am.
...insert them into your You can't keep doing this 约翰逊先生没来
mouth. Bertie. Where's Mr Johnson?
打扰一下 医生 这样做的目 我知道 你要保证 我过来没告诉他
的是什么 I know. Promise me He doesn't know I'm here.
Excuse me Doctor. What is 保证别再找医生了 这么开始治疗 前景不光明
the purpose of this? Promise me no more. 啊
德摩斯梯尼使用这样的方法 哈雷大街 That's not a very promising
治疗好了结巴 Harley Street start.
(古希腊的雄辩家) L· 罗格 语言矫正 没错 我丈夫做过的治疗都
It's the classic approach that Dr. Chapman L Logue Speech 没效果 他已经放弃了
cured Demosthenes. Defects No. My husband has seen
可那是在古希腊 之后还有 澳大利亚欢迎您 悉尼大桥 everyone to no avail. He's
过案例吗 留念 年月 given up hope.
That was in Ancient Greece. Australia is calling;Sydney 他还没找我呢
Has it worked since? bridge celebrations mar He hasn't seen me.
下面 请您大量阅读词句 你好 有人在吗 您这么信心十足
Now if you would be so kind Hello. Is anyone there? You're awfully sure of
as to read. A wealth of words. 我正上厕所 yourself.
努力克服弹珠的阻力 殿下 I'm just in the loo. 只要他想治好
Fight against those marbles 约翰逊夫人你好 过来了啊 I'm sure of anyone who wants
Your Royal Highness. Hello Mrs Johnson there you to be cured.
清楚吐字 are. 他当然愿意
Enunciate! 抱歉我这儿没接待员 我喜 Of course he wants to be
您还要再集中精力 欢凡事从简 cured.
A little more concentration Sorry I don't have 公开讲话是我丈夫的职责之
your Royal Highness. receptionist.I like to keep 一
害我差点吞掉一个 things simple My husband is required to
I nearly swallowed the bloody "人能安贫就是富" speak publicly.
things! “Poor and content is rich 那他应该换个工作
麻烦了 医生 and rich enough” Perhaps he should change
Thank you so much Doctor 嗯 jobs.
您的方法很有…意思 For? 换不了啊
it's been most interesting. 出自莎士比亚 您好 He can't.
殿下 Shakespeare. How are you? 契约缠身的苦差事?
Your Royal Highness 您好 Indentured servitude?
吞弹球 How do you do 差不多吧
Insert marbles! 啊 就您一个人 Something of that nature.Yes
他怎么不自己试试 Ahh traveling alone 带你老公来我这儿转转吧
He can insert his own bloody 这么说可能有点别扭… Well we need to have your
marbles....! Now this is slightly awkward hubby pop by...
静一静 静一静 不过您迟到了 星期二我有空
Tuesday would be good... I thought the appointment 不爱听
跟我说说详细情况 彻底了 was for “Johnson”? I warned her...they were not
解一下病情 - 恕我不敬,尊敬的… - 叫 my favorite words.
He can give me his personal 殿下就好 我能治好您的丈夫
details and I'll make a frank - Forgive me your Royal...? - I can cure your husband.
appraisal. Highness. 不过,为了治疗有效
然后再做决定 殿下 But for my method to work
And then we can take it from Your Royal Highness. 我需要在治疗室这里工作,
there 这是一战时候用的化名 得到真正的信任和平等对待
对不起 大夫 Johnson was used during the I need trust and total equality
Doctor forgive me. Great War here in the safety of my
我丈夫不是普通的“老公” 海军不想让敌人知道公爵身 consultation room.
也不随便“转转” 在国外 不能有例外
I do not have a “hubby”. when the Navy didn't want No exceptions.
We don't ‘pop'. the enemy to know ‘he' was 如果非要那样的话…
我们也不会谈论个人隐私情 aboard. Well then in that case...
况 看来我也算敌人喽? 你能什么时候开始?
And nor do we never talk Am I considered the enemy? When can you start?
about our private lives. 要是你还这么不近人情的话 (广告:保维尔的营养让你
需要你去拜访我们才行 … 抵抗流感)
You must come to us. You will be if you remain un- BOVRIL NOURISHES YOU
那抱歉了 夫人 我的地盘 我 obliging. TO RESIST 'FLU
来做主 你对此保密十分重要 车的声音还是有点不对
Sorry Mrs J my game my turf You'll appreciate the need for Still sounds a bit rough.
my rules. absolutely discretion 是你让我开得太慢了,爸爸!
你必须说服你丈夫过来 当然 You make me drive too
You'll have to talk over with Of course. slowly Dad!
your husband 您是怎么找到我的?…殿下? 去伦敦桥接你妈了?
然后和我电话预约一下 How did you find me? Your Did you pick mum up from
And then you can speak to me Royal Highness Bridge?
on the telephone 语言矫正学会主席的推荐 是啊,我这一天就没下过车
麻烦你了 The President of the Society Yes I've hardly been out of
Thank you very much for for Speech Therapists the car all day.
dropping by. 艾琳·麦康德?她这家伙… 下午我有稀客来访
祝下午愉快 Eileen McCleod? She's a I had a special visitor this
Good afternoon sport. afternoon.
要是我丈夫是约克公爵呢? 她警告我说,你的澳洲方法 我能离开座位了吗
And what if my husband were 是… May I be please leave the
the Duke of York? She warned me your table?
约克公爵? antipodean methods were 有多特别?
The Duke of York? “旁门左道,很有争议” How special is special?
是的 约克公爵 “unorthodox and 你得一直坐这里傻呆着,听
Yes the Duke of York. controversial”. 大人唠叨完
我记得是“约翰逊”预约的 我警告她说,这两个词我可 You must stay bored stupid
listening to your parents' highly regarded group and you can't do that if you're
inane conversation. 从帕特尼过来的 a penguin
呵呵,多谢啦 From Putney. 因为他的翅膀就像鲱鱼一样
Thanks dad! 就这样,明天继续第章 -飞 because you have wings like
- 打声招呼 行旅程 herrings.
- 妈妈我吃完了 That's all girls.Tomorrow 鲱鱼没翅膀啊
- And mum. - And mum! Chapter The Flight Herrings don't have wings.
- 我也吃完了 - 我真想知道他们飞哪儿去 是他的翅膀形状像鲱鱼
- 去找珍妮? 了 Penguins have wings which
- Me too - You're meeting - 等不及啊 like the shape of herrings.
Jean? - I long to know they fly to - I 更糟的是,女巫把他流放到
不是她,另一个 can't wait 了南极
No someone else 飞走了! And what make matters
小医生?你不该帮你兄弟刷 Oh to fly away! worse she sent him to the
碗去? 多好啊 South Pole
Doctor? Doctor? Don't you Weren't they lucky! 要是不能飞的话,回来可是
help you brother with the 爸爸也给讲个故事! 老远的路
washing up Now Papa tell a story! which is an awfully long walk
不麻烦了 我还是装企鹅陪你们玩吧? back if you can't fly.
I'm fine Could I be a penguin instead? 不过当他跳进水里
莱诺,到底是谁啊? 我要听企鹅的故事 When he reached the water
Who is it Lionel? Now I want to a penguin 潜进去,发现在水里能游的
要是不好说,就别提呗 story. 飞快
Why bring it up if you can't 来个短的 He dived in through the depth
talk about it? Very quickly so fast
就是一个想要帮助他老公的 从前有两个公主 午饭的时间就游到了南安普
女人罢了 Once there were two 顿
Myrtle just a woman looking princesses that he was in Southampton
to help her husband. 伊丽莎白和玛格丽特公主 Waters by lunchtime.
另外,我接到了试镜的通知 Princesses Elisabeth and 先到惠桥那里,又在克拉彭
喽 Princesses Margret 改了方向
And I had a ‘call'. For an 她们爸爸是个企鹅 From there he took the . to
audition Their papa was a penguin Weybridge changed at
- 我最喜欢的角色 因为一个邪恶的女巫诅咒了 Clapham Junction
- 就没你不喜欢的 他 还向野鸭打听了回白金汉宫
- One of my favourates.- This was because he been 的路线
Aren't they all. turned into by a wicked witch and asked a passing Mallard
- 估计会很有意思 这对他来说可不算方便 the way to Buckingham
- 你肯定会有精彩表演的 This was inconvenient for Palace.
- Could be a lot of fun – I'm him because he loved 游过了泰晤士河,从出水口
sure you'll be splendid 因为他想要抱着小公主们 跳了出来
在业余表演圈子里,他们名 to hold his princesses in his He swam up the Thames and
望很高 arms out through the plughole
In the amateur scene they're a 可企鹅抱不了 把正做饭的妈妈和惠特克夫
人吓了一跳 About our coming to dinner? 都埋进了海洋深处。
giving the cook mama and 不。我是问对她的感情 (理查此番演说表达了嫉妒
Mrs Whittaker quite a shock. No. About her! 篡位的野心)
女孩们听到吵闹声 一个结婚的女人?不太可能 In the deep bosom of the
When the girls heard all the A married woman? He can't ocean buried.
commotion be. 现在我们额前已经戴上了胜
就跑到了厨房,她们给他… 她倒有可能。对了,我找到 利的花环…
They run to the kitchen where 个有意思的人选 Now are our brows bound
they gave him She can. By the way I think I with victorious wreaths;
擦干净,喂吃的,还吻了他 found someone rather 谢谢
a good scrub a mackerel and a interesting. Thank you.
kiss. 在哈雷大街,一个大夫 试演的不错,您是…
你们知道吻他的时候,他变 On Harley Street. A doctor. Lovely diction Mr...
成什么了? 这绝对不行。我不再和你讨 罗格,莱诺·罗格
And as they kissed him guess 论这事儿了 Logue. Lionel Logue.
what he turned into? Out of the question. I'm not 好吧,罗格先生
一个英俊的王子! having this conversation Well Mr Logue
A handsome prince! again. 我没感受到想当皇帝到心里
一个短尾巴的信天翁 肯定没戏 扭曲的灵魂呐喊
A short-tailed Albatross. The matter's settled. I'm not hearing the cries of a
不过翅膀大到可以把女儿们 他的治疗方法很特别… deformed creature yearning to
好好的抱住 His approach seems rather be King.
With wings big enough that different.... 也没感受到理查三世的领袖
he could wrap them both 开始? 风范
around his two girls together Now? Nor did I realize Richard the
好了,去睡觉吧 开始! Third was King of the
Now girls time for bed. Come Now! Colonies.
on “现在我们严冬般的宿怨 台词我都会背
把小马牵到马厩里 …” I do know all the lines.
Take the horses to the stable (莎士比亚戏剧《理查三 我以前演过的
一分钟后弄好啊 世》第一场) I've played the role before.
You have exactly a minute “Now is the winter of our - 在悉尼?
晚安 discontent - 佩斯市(澳大利亚城市)
Good night 给这颗约克的红日照耀成为 - Sydney? - Perth.
喂草清理后就去睡觉 夏景 - 喜欢戏剧的小镇,是吧?
feed them brush them and to (莎士比亚戏剧《理查三 - 大家都很热情
bed. 世》第一场) - Major theater town is it? -
辛普森太太也在吗? Made glorious summer by Enthusiastic.
Will Mrs Simpson be there? this sun of York.” -哦
我哥哥坚持让她来 那笼罩我们王室的愁云… - 我很受好评的
My brother's insisting. (理查此番演说表达了嫉妒 - Ah. - I was well reviewed.
他是认真的? 篡位的野心) 那…个…莱诺
Is he serious? “And all the clouds that Yes...well...Lionel
是说请我们吃饭? lour'd upon our house 我想对于我们剧团来说,您
的… 这样行么,莱诺? Cuppa tea?
I think our dramatic society is Was that alright...Lionel? 不了,谢谢
looking for 非常好,威利! No thank you.
…年龄大了点 Marvellous Willy 我来一杯吧
someone slightly younger 你可以在这儿等你妈妈 I think I'll have one.
也缺点儿王者风范 You can stay here and wait 罗格医生,你不该开始治疗
and a little more regal. for your mum. 了吗?
要把最外面的先关上 约翰逊夫人。先生,请进 Aren't you going to start
You have to shut that one Mrs Johnson. Mr.Johnson do treating me Dr Logue?
first. come in. 你真正愿意配合了,我才开
关了第一扇门才行 想要吃糖吗? 始
Close that one first that Would you like a sweetie Only if you're interested in
你怎么找到这个…医师的? 威利这小伙不错 being treated.
Where did you find He's a good lad Willy. 叫我莱诺就好
this...physician? 刚开始过来时 Please call me Lionel.
来源保密,线人在谢德集市 He could hardly make a 我还是称呼你医生吧
的法国造型小店旁边 sound you know I… I prefer Doctor.
Classifieds next to “French 他都发不出声来 我喜欢莱诺这名儿。怎么称
model Shepherd's Market”. when he first came to me. 呼您?
这人强力推荐他 我儿子们做的,还不错吧? I prefer Lionel. What'll I call
He comes highly My boys made those. Good you?
recommended. aren't they. 尊贵的殿下,然后说公爵
收费不少,用来帮助穷人 请随便坐 Your Royal Highness then Sir
Charges substantial fees in Please make yourself after that.
order to help the poor. comfortable. 太正式了点,还是叫名字吧
哎呀,难不成是个共党分子? 我听说不能坐的太近 A bit formal for here. I prefer
Oh dear perhaps he's a I was told not not to sit too names
Bolshevik?! close. 阿尔伯特·福德里克·亚瑟·乔
他没接待员,说是凡事从简 还有说话的时候,要让王子 治王子?
He has no receptionist. He 先选择话题 Prince Albert Frederick
likes to keep things simple. when speaking with a prince Arthur George?
约翰逊一家来了 one waits for the prince to 叫伯蒂好么?
The Johnsons. choose the topic. How about Bertie?
你能进去了,约翰逊先生 等着我…才…才开始 我家人才能这么说
You can go in now “Mr. Waiting for me to… Only my family uses that.
Johnson”. commence a conversation 那正好了,在这儿,我们最
莱诺说,您可以在这里等着 那可要等上很久 好是平等关系
夫人 one can wait a rather long Perfect. In here it's better if
Lionel says...wait here if you wait. we're equals.
wish Mrs Johnson. 那么就讲些笑话? 和你一样的话,我就不会来
天气这…这么好,也可以… Do you know any jokes? 了
Or it being a p-pleasant day 把握节奏…我可不擅长 If we were equal.. I wouldn't
…出…出去散步 Timing isn't my strong suit. be here.
p-perhaps take a stroll. 来杯茶? 我陪陪家人就行,没人管我
结巴的事儿 One of my many faults. 那咱们谈话结束
I'd be.. at home with my wife 什么时候开始结巴的? Then we shan't speak!
and no-one would give a When did the defect start? 大夫,咨询也要收钱的吧?
damn. 我从小就这样! Are you charging for this
请别这样 I've always been this way! Doctor?
Please don't do that. 我很怀疑 一大笔呢
怎么? I doubt that. A fortune.
I'm sorry? 别…别和我争!是我结巴! 茶待会喝
这样吸烟就是自己找死 Don't.. tell me! It's my I'll just save that brew
I believe sucking smoke into stammer! 那你自言自语的时候,结巴
your lungs will kill you. 我研究这领域,我保证… 吗?
我的医生说烟能放松喉部 It's my field. I assure you So when you talk to yourself
My physicians say it relaxes 没有小孩生下来就是结巴的 do you stammer?
the throat. no infant starts to speak with 当然不会!
一群笨蛋 a stammer. Of course not!
They're idiots. 什么时候开始的? 这说明你的缺陷不是不可改
他们可是受过爵位的医生 When did it start? 变的
They've all been knighted. 四五岁吧 That proves your impediment
那就是官方的笨蛋了 Four or five. isn't a permanent part of you.
Makes it official then. 这很典型 你觉得病因是什么?
我的城堡,我来做主 That's typical. What do you think was the
My 'castle' my rules. 其他人也这么说 cause?
麻烦了 So I've been told. 我怎么知道!我…我也不关
Thank you 我印象里就没有不结巴的时 心!
你最早的回忆是什么? 候 I don't know! I… don't care!
What was your earliest I can't remember not doing it. 我结巴,没人能治得好
memory? 这我相信。想事儿的时候会 I stammer. And no one can fix
什么乱七八糟的 结巴吗? it.
What an earth do you mean? I can believe that. Do you 我打赌,你在这儿就能流畅
你最先记起的事儿 hesitate when you think? 的阅读
Your first recollection. 别开玩笑了 I'll bet you you can read
我不是来… Don't be ridiculous. flawlessly right here right
I'm not… 自言自语的时候呢? now.
…来讨论个人隐私的 How about when you talk to 如果我赌赢了,我要继续问
here to discuss personal yourself? 你些问题
matters. 每个人都有嘟囔的时候,伯 And if I win the bet I get to
那您干什么来了? 蒂 ask you more questions.
Why're you here then? Everyone natters occasionally 要是我赢?
因为我非常的结巴! Bertie. And if I win?
Because I bloody well 别这么叫我! 你可以不回答么
stammer! Stop calling me that! You don't have to answer
脾气很烈嘛 我不会叫你其他名字了 them.
You have a bit of a temper. I'm not going to call you 一般…都是赌钱的
我的缺点之一 anything else. One usually… wagers money.
赌注一先令,赌个意思?你 Silvertone. Alright then I'll get to ask you
的钱呢 戴上试试? the questions.
A bob each to keep it sweet? Pop these on? 不麻烦了,这个疗法…不太
Let's see your shilling. 有赌注哦,回家就能发大财 适合我
我…我…随身不带钱 了! Thank you Doctor I don't…
I don't… carry money. There's a bob in this mate. feel this is for me.
我就觉得你会这么说 You can go home rich! 占用你的时间了,再见
I had a funny feeling you - 你在放音乐 Thank you for your time. Bye
mightn't. - 没错 公爵?
我帮你下注,下回还给我就 - You're playing music. - I Sir?
好 know. 录音是免费的
I'll stake you. And you can 那我怎么听到我说什么? The recording is free.
pay me back next time. How can I hear what I'm 您留作纪念吧
如果还有下回的话 saying?! Please keep it as a souvenir?
If there is a next time. 相信殿下的聪明头脑会控制 没戏
我也没确定要继续治疗你 自己嘴巴的 No
I haven't agreed to take you Surely a Prince's brain knows 那算了
on yet what its mouth is doing? Ah well.
请站起来,读读这段,从这 看起来你好像不太了解王子 这倔脾气!
里 殿下啊 bugger
So please stand and take a You're not well acquainted (年圣诞广播,国王乔治五
look at that from there with Royal Princes are you? 世)
这我读不了 生存还是毁灭…这是一个值 King George V.Christmas
I can't read this. 得考虑的问题 Broadcast
你试都不试,先输我一先令 to be or not to be.. that is the 眼前的任务…
了 question (桑德林姆宫,诺福克市)
Then you owe me a shilling 我没救了,没救了! For the present(Sandringham
for not trying. Hopeless. Hopeless! House Norfolk)
“生…生…存还是毁灭” 您念得相当好啊 由我们共同承担
(莎士比亚《哈姆雷特》) You were sublime. the work to which we are all
“To.. or not to be 我会当着王子的面撒谎吗? equally bound
“这是……” 见鬼 就为了赢便士? 努力寻求边疆的…
That… is..” damn Would I lie to a prince of the is to arrive at a reasoned
我还没完呢 realm to win twelve-pence? tranquility...
I haven't finished yet. 我可是猜不到一个澳大利亚 …充分安定,在萧条的形势
下面我要录下你的声音 人要点英国小钱干嘛 下重获国家繁荣
I'm going to record your voice I've no idea what an ...within our borders to regain
回头用这台机器重放给你听 Australian might do for that prosperity in this time of
And then play it back to you sort of money. depression without self-
on the same machine. - 我放给你听 seeking
这可是来自美国的先进发明 - 不用了 不再自私自利,努力帮助那
银嗓牌留声机 - let me play it back to you - 些过去几年受苦的人们
This is brilliant. It's the latest No. and to carry with us those
thing from America a 那也行,我再问你些问题 whom the burden of past
years has disheartened or 你念不了的话,这邪恶的机 And taken up a Mrs Simpson
overborne. 器就会毁了你 a woman with two husbands
我祝你们每一个人,圣诞快 This devilish device will living!
乐 change everything if you 我明确警告过他,宫廷不接
To all to each I wish a Happy won't. 受离过婚的人
Christmas. 以前的国王只需要稳坐在马 I told him straight no
上帝保佑你们 背上,表现得体就好 divorced person can ever be
God bless you. In the past all a King had to received at court.
直播结束 do was look respectable in 他说她让他由衷的开心
And off air uniform and not fall off his He said she made him
知道窍门了就简单了 horse. sublimely happy.
Easy when you know how. 现在,我们必须去主动迎合 我觉得这是因为他们睡过觉
陛下? 大众的需要 了吧
Sir? Now we must invade people's I imagined that was because
你也试试 homes and ingratiate she was sleeping with him.
Have a go yourself. ourselves with them. “我向你保证”他说
恭喜您,陛下 王室家族的角色改变 “I give you my word” this
Congratulations Sir. This family has been reduced is what he said
伍德先生,了不起的年轻人 to those lowest “我保证,我们没有不道德
Ah Mr Wood. Splendid 我们成为了最卑微的存在… 的行为发生”
fellow. 成了演员 “I give you my word we've
小伙子告诉我制胜的窍门: beast of all creatures...we've never had immoral relations
Chap taught me everything I become...actors! ”
know 我想我们不是一个家族,更 看着他父亲的眼睛,瞪着眼
让麦克风自然引导自己 像个公司 …
let the microphone do the we're not a family we're a Stared square into his father's
work. firm. eyes...
陛下 没错,任何时候都可能有人 说瞎话!
Sir. 失业 and lied.
谢谢 Yet any moment some of us 我过世以后,这小子肯定会
Thank you. may be out of work. 毁了自己,毁了家庭
坐正了,挺起腰 你这活宝哥哥,未来的国王 When I'm dead that boy will
Sit up straight back Your darling brother... and ruin himself this family
瞪大眼睛盯着这讲稿 future king 一年之内毁了这个国家
face boldly up to the bloody 唯一想娶的女人就是别人的 and this nation within twelve
thing and stare its quare in the 老婆! months.
eye The only wife he appears 谁来收拾烂摊子?
就像正派的英国人一样 interested in is invariably the Who'll pick up the pieces?
as you would any decent wife of another! 是希特勒,威胁着半个欧洲
Englishman. 他已经和弗内斯女士分手了 Herr Hitler intimidating half
给它点颜色看看 He's broken off with Lady of Europe
Show who's in command. Furness. 还是斯大林,威胁另一半的?
爸爸,我…我…读不了这个 又勾搭上辛普森夫人,她两 Marshall Stalin the other
Papa I don't…think I read this 个丈夫还都活得好好的! half?
谁来控制局面?马靴军队? Surely a Prince's brain knows Got the shilling you owe me?
Who'll stand between us the what its mouth is doing? 没有
jackboots 看起来你好像不太了解王子 No I haven't
无产阶级深渊?还是你? 殿下啊 别想赖账
and the proletarian abyss? You're not well acquainted Didn't think so.
You? with Royal Princes are you? 而且,你…是用花招骗了我
你的大哥这么逃避责任 “生存还是毁灭,这是一个 Besides you…tricked me!
With your older brother 值得考虑的问题” 身体训练和花招窍门都很重
shirking his duties “To be or not to be - that is 要
你以后可不止演讲这点困难 the question - Physical exercises and tricks
you're going to have to do a “默然忍受命运… are important
lot more of this. “...whether tis nobler in the 不过你这样要求,我只能治
努力再试试 mind to suffer 疗病的皮毛
Have a go yourself. 暴虐的毒箭 But what you're asking will
依靠…最…最 The slings and arrows of only deal with the surface of
Through..the… one of the m- outrageous fortune the problem.
说出来! 或是挺身反抗人世的无涯的 这样够吗?不够
Get it out boy! 苦难 Is that that's sufficient? Ah
…先…进…的 Or to take arms against a sea no.
...m-marvels of m- of troubles 就我观察来看,我丈夫身体
“当代” ……慢慢来 通过斗争把它们扫清 确实有说话的障碍
Modern - just take your time And by opposing end them.. As far as I see it my husband
脑子想好词语 死了,睡着了,什么都完了 has mechanical difficulties
form your words carefully To die to sleep no more with his speech.
…科学,我能…能… 要是在这一种睡眠之中 先治疗这部分好了
Science I am enabled this C And by a sleep to say we end Maybe just deal with that.
放松!快点说! 我们心头的创痛,其他无数 我愿意努力配合治疗,罗格
Relax! Just try it! 血肉之躯… 医生
…在圣诞节,向我的… The heartache and the I..I'm willing to work hard
...this Christmas Day to speak thousand natural shocks Doctor Logue...
to all my p- 所不能避免的打击,都可以 叫我莱诺
给我说! 从此消失…” Lionel.
Do it! That flesh is heir to? ‘tis a 你愿意尽力治疗吗?
这江湖骗子 consummation…” Are you… willing to do your
Lying bastard. 我没救了,没救了! part?
- 你在放音乐 Hopeless! Hopeless! 当然。你要治疗身体?
- 没错 只谈正事儿,不…不谈隐私 Alright. You want mechanics?
- You're playing music. - I 之类的废话 我们需要放松你下巴的肌肉
know. Strictly business. No.. 加强舌头的锻炼
那我怎么听到我说什么? personal nonsense. We need to relax your jaw
How can I hear what I'm 我不是上次说的很清楚了吗? muscles and strengthen your
saying?! I thought I'd made that very tongue.
相信殿下的聪明头脑会控制 clear in our interview. 通过绕口令之类的练习,比
自己嘴巴的 欠我的钱带来了吗? 如
By repeating tongue twisters That will be the full extent of Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmoth
for example. your services. er.
“我筛选蓟草 我下周来找你? 逐渐缩短哼声的时间
“I am a thistle-sifter. Shall I see you next week? Short the humming each time
我有个筛好蓟草的筛子 我要每天都见你 工厂…在这个地区…
I have a sieve of sifted thistles I shall see you every day. (“工厂”用到了“母亲”
还有个没筛好蓟草的筛子 感觉到下巴的松弛了吧 的辅音)
And a sieve of unsifted Feel the loosening of the jaw Manufacturing…the
thistles. 好,小跳一下,小跳 district…
因为我要筛蓟草” Good. Little bounces bounces - 再次深吸气,说“杰克和
Because I am a thistle 肩膀,肩膀 吉尔”
sifter.” Shoulders. shoulders - “杰克和吉尔”(儿童歌
好的 现在放松 谣)
Fine. Now loose - Another deep breath and
你的肚子软囊囊的 深呼吸,扩张胸部 “jack and Jill” - “Jack and
You do have a flabby tummy Take a nice deep breath Jill”
我们要花时间锻炼你的胸膈 expand the chest - 一起上山
膜 把手放到肋骨上 - 一起上山
We'll need to spend some Put your hands on your ribs - Went up the hill - went up
time strength in your 深吸气,好 the hill
diaphragm. Deeper good 摇摆身体…很好
简单的锻炼 有什么感觉? Just sway… perfect
Simple mechanics. How do you feel? “我们这样要求可能过分
我们就需要这个 肺里充满热空气 …”
That is all we ask. Full of hot air. We are not permit to ask…to
得先给我一先令的钱 公众演讲不就是这感觉吗 放松肩膀
And that's about a shilling's Isn't that what public Loosen the shoulder
worth. speaking is all about? 叮咚铃响,小猫掉进井里了
别惦记着你走运赌赢的钱了! “我和妻子很高兴能来到这 (儿童歌谣)
Forget about the blessed 家重要的…” Ding dong bell Pussy's in the
shilling! My wife and I are glad to visit well
可能…在有些场合 this important… 谁扔的?小约翰·格林
Perhaps upon occasion 深呼吸,提气。殿下 Who put her in? Little Johnny
需要你的亲自协助 Take a good deep breathe and Green
You might be request to up come your Royal Highness 记性不好了,伯蒂?继续
assistance… 慢慢吐气,收回来。殿下 Have a short memory Bertie?
如果有…演讲活动的话 And slowly exhale and down Come on
in coping with…some minor come your Royal Highness - cow(奶牛)
event. - 感觉还行,伯蒂? - cow(奶牛)
你同意这样的安排吗 - 还行 - cow - cow
Will that be agreeable? - are you alright Bertie? - yes - king(国王)
没问题 其实这挺好玩的 - king(国王)
Of course. this is actually quite good fun. - king - king
你的职责仅限于此了 ……母亲 只要能大声对着窗外喊出元
音, So was I. Elizabeth has Custos Regni in the form of
就肯定能开口演讲 pneumonia. Councilors of State.
Anyone who can shout 我很难过。不过她会好的 我完全听不懂你在说什么
vowels in an open window I'm sorry. She'll recover. I cannot follow you. I'm
can learn to deliver a speech. 父亲不会 confused and I don't
- …秒 Father won't. understand
- 深呼吸 我来开车 - 听不明白
-… I'll drive. - 是议会的决议,陛下
- Deep breath. And it is.. 老家伙肯定是有意这么做的 - … what you're taking about
- 这样… Old bugger's doing this on - It's the order of the Council
- 让词语脱口而出 purpose. for the State Sir.
- it is ... - let the words flow 寻死? - 谁帮帮我?
我的嘴怎么不行 Dying? - 我们能代您行使权利
mine doesn't bloody work 他这么做,是有意搅乱我和 - would you do that? - So we
加油,再试一次,伯蒂 华莉丝的事 may act on your behalf.
come on one more time Bertie Departing prematurely to 表达的不清楚,我还是没懂
你能行的 complicate matters with 什么意思
you can do it Wallis. not clearly I'm afraid...I'm
一个筛好蓟草的筛子 看在老天的份上,大卫 still confused...
a sieve of sifted thistles Oh for heaven's sake David. - 您同意就好
- father(父亲) 他一直有病,你怎么这么想 - 谢谢
- father(父亲) You know how long he's been But Approved. Thank you.
- father - father ill. - 我来帮您,陛下
- 耐心等待词中的元音 华莉丝解释给我的,她这方 - 好的
- father(父亲) 面脑筋很好使 - Let me help you sir - alright
- Wait for “aa” in patient - Wallis explained. She's - 谢谢陛下
father terribly clever about these - 谢谢
桑德林姆宫,年 things. - thank you sir - thank you
Sandringham Estate …根据国印证明的文件 觉得好点了吗,陛下?
- 你好,伯蒂 ... whereas by letters patent Feeling a little better Sir?
- 你好,大卫 under the Great Seal 没有任何好转,我感觉很糟
- Hello Bertie. - Hello David 年月日,在威斯敏斯特议会 No. I'm not feeling any better.
- 现在常出来玩? 大厦 I feel dreadful.
- 没这习惯 bearing date of Westminster 你去滑冰玩了?
- I see you've been coming the eleventh June Been ice-skating?
out - Not at all 国王乔治五世确实任命过… 没有,乔治
等了很久?我的天,这么冷 his Majesty King George V No George.
Been waiting long? For Christ did constitute 他肯定没事儿
bloody freezing 说需要有个监护人的角色 Yes he's alright. Of course.
你去哪儿了? order and declare that there 我知道,亲爱的,这样长谈
Where've you been? should be a guardian …
到处忙 - 这是怎么回事? I know darling a talk even a
Been busy. - 以议会的形式 lovely long talk
我也是,伊丽莎白得了肺炎 - what's going on here? - 也绝比不上和你相拥而眠
is a poor substitute for David if your father were here 王
holding tight and making tardiness would not be I hope I will make good as he
drowsy. tolerated. has made good.
近期见面肯定不容易 不可能容忍任何这些无礼举 你刚才究竟是怎么了?
Nor making our own 止 What on earth was that?
drowsies either None of this..unpleasantness 可怜的华莉丝。我是解脱不
尤其是和你一起 would be tolerated 了了
as we've had to do far too 殿下,我很欣赏您和国王有 Poor Wallis. Now I'm
often lately. 所不同的… trapped!
- 大卫,吃晚饭了 You know Sir I appreciate 在过去的年的风风雨雨中
- 我在和华莉丝通话 that you are different from And in these last crowded
- David the dinner - I'm on your father troubled glorious years
with Wallis …性格和眼光 国王乔治教给了我们最重要
是伯蒂 Both in outlook and 的…
It's Bertie. temperament. If there's one thing that King
不是要紧事儿。…我也不想 我希望您明白,每当国王质 George has taught
啊 询您的举止时 是他的领袖风范,以及对臣
No it's not important. No. I I want you to know that 民兄长般的温暖
don't want to whenever the King t is the art of the leader with
回头给我电话?好了,再见 questioned your conduct also a brother to his followers
No telephone me later? Right 我总是说好话,把您的最佳 他活着的时候,是整个帝国
bye 一面展现出来 的指路明灯
华莉丝非常想念我 I tried in your interest to As long as he lives he was the
Wallis misses me terribly. present it in a most favorable guiding star of a great nation
妈妈说你吃晚饭迟到了 light. 爸爸?
Mama says you're late for 我相信您会把我的利益放在 (广播:当国王过世,街上
dinner. 心上 的小朋友们失声痛哭)
她忘了老爸的表总是拨快半 I can always trust you to have Dad? (When he died the little
个小时! my best interests at heart. children cried in the street)
She forgets Papa's bloody 恐怕我们的守夜时间不会长 换换脑筋?
clocks were always half an 了… (广播:当国王过世,街上
hour fast! I'm fear our vigil will not be 的小朋友们失声痛哭)
国王身体如何?希望他疼痛 of long duration. Time for a Shake dad?
缓解 请继续用餐,谢谢… - 你愿意?
How is the king? I hope he is Please continue thank you - 来吧
not in pain. 请把我们的兄弟乔治托付给 - You sure? - Go on
没事儿了,陛下现在安静很 仁慈的上帝 你们得绞尽脑汁了
多了 just commend our brother Put your thinking caps on.
No no His Majesty is quieter George to the mercy of God 我猜他要演苏格兰戏剧
now. 我们的造物主,赎罪者 Bet its the Scottish Play.
谢谢 our Maker and Redeemer. 我猜是《奥赛罗》,每次都
Thank you 国王万岁 是
大卫,要是你父亲在 Long live the King. No I bet it's Othello. It's
这样不守时是绝不允许的 但愿我能成为父亲那样好国 always Othello.
“您害怕吗?不要怕” “The clouds me thought I'll put on some hot milk.
(莎士比亚戏剧《暴风 would open 罗格,给我来点烈酒
雨》) “无数珍宝向我倾倒下来” Logue I'd kill for something
“Art thou afeard? Be not And show riches Ready to stronger.
afeard” drop upon me; that...” 我没见到我父亲的最后一面
- 你演的是 凯列班 “醒来后,哭着想要再做一 I wasn't there for my father's
- 老天爷,你这是碰巧猜中 遍同样的梦” death.
- Caliban! - Oh! For heaven's ...when I waked I cried to 我心里一直很过意不去
sake.. that was a lucky guess! dream again.” Still makes me sad.
别理书呆子了,爸爸你继续 这么想真可怜 我能理解
Don't listen to egghead. Go It's such a sad thought. I can imagine so.
on Dad. 我下个病人来早了,抱歉你 - 你父亲是做什么的?
“这岛上充满了各种声音” 们得先走了 - 酿酒师
(凯列班是该剧的头号反 My next patient must be a bit - What did you father do? -
派) early. You better go lads I'm He was brewer.
“the isle is full of noises sorry. -噢
“悦耳的乐曲,使人听了愉 克利福德,你稍等一下 - 至少我有免费啤酒
快,不会伤人” Won't be a moment Clifford. - Oh. - At least there was free
(《暴风雨》第三幕第三 伯蒂,他们通知我你不过来 beer.
场) 了 为纪念你父亲,干一杯
Sounds and sweet airs that Bertie they told me not to Here's to the memory of your
give delight and hurt not. expect you. father.
“有时成千的叮咚乐器…” 对你父亲的过世,我很遗憾 在他…过世后,有人告诉我
Sometimes a thousand Sorry about your father. I was informed after the fact
twanging instruments 我不想冒昧打扰的… 我父亲的…遗言是:
“在我耳边鸣响;有时醒来 I don't wish to intrude.. my father's …last words were
听到歌声” 不不,没关系,请进 “伯蒂比…他所有兄弟加起
Will hum about mine ears; No..Not at all please come in 来…还要勇敢”
and sometimes voices 我一直在练习,每天一小时 “Bertie has more.. guts than
“又让我沉沉睡去” I've been practising. One hour the rest of his brothers.. put
That if then I had waked after a day. together.”
long sleep Will make me 雷打不动 可惜他没能当面告诉我
sleep again” In spite of everything. He couldn't say that to my
那好,搅局的小子,下面什 这是怎么回事? face.
么台词? What's going on there? 我哥哥
Alright clever clogs what 抱歉,我和孩子们闹着玩着 My brother.
comes next? I was sorry mucking around 他怎么了
- “然后在梦中,我在云端 with my kids. What about him?
…” 今天还想练习一下? - 你可以唱着说
- 是“在云端,我” Do you feel like working - 什么?
- “..and then in dreaming Me today? - Try singing it. - I'm sorry?
thought the clouds” - the 柯蒂斯双翼飞机 你会唱什么曲子?
clouds me thought A Curtis bi-plane. What songs do you know?
“在云端…我见云层打开” 我准备点热牛奶 - 歌谣?
- 《斯旺尼河》 啦啦啦” - your boy wouldn't mind? -
- Songs? - “Swanee River” “My brother D he said to me No not at all
- 我喜欢这曲子 doodah doo-dah...” 我和大卫很亲近
- 正好是我的最爱 - 连续发声让你保持连贯 David and I were very close.
- I love that song. - Happens - 不行 像两头年轻的雄鹿…你懂的
to be my favorite. - Continuous sound will give Young bucks... You know.
- 把和声哼给我听 you flow. - No 追求过同一个女孩?
- 不,肯定不唱 现在大卫成了国王,你不觉 Did you chase the same girls?
- Sing me the chorus. - No. 得不舒服吗? 大卫牵线搭桥很在行
Certainly not. Does it feel strange now that David was always very
我一直…想要做模型 David's on the throne? helpful in arranging
I always.. wanted to build 实话实说,我是松了一口气 introductions.
models. Tell you the truth It was a 我们享受过…巴黎“波莱
父亲…不会允许的。他…集 relief... 特”馆的顶级服务
邮 得知…国王不是…是我 We shared… the expert
Father… wouldn't allow it. Knowing.. I wouldn't be ministrations of “Paulette”
He.. collected stamps. ..King. in Paris.
我们也得集邮 不过如果他没有后代,那你 当然不是同时来了
We had to collect stamps. 就是接班人 Not at the same time of
要是唱歌的话,你就可以把 But unless he produces an course.
它做完 heir you're next in line. 大卫取笑过你吗?
You can finish that off. If you 然后你女儿伊丽莎白会接替 Did David ever tease you?
sing. 你 当然,别人总是这样
- “我哥哥大卫,啦啦啦” And your daughter Elizabeth Oh yes they all did.
- 我不会坐在这儿傻唱的 would then succeed you. “伯伯伯…伯蒂”
- “My brother David doo- “这个话题可不对头,医生, “Buh-buh-buh-Bertie”.
dah” - I'm not going to sit 医生” 父亲也推波助澜
here wobbling “You're barking up the Father encouraged it.
和我别见外 wrong tree now Doctor “快点说啊,小子”
You can with me. Doctor.” “Get it out boy!”
是啊…因为你很怪 叫我“莱诺”,你没结巴啊 以为这样就能让我不结巴
Because… you're peculiar. “Lionel ” You didn't Said it would make me stop.
我就把这当成赞美喽 stammer. 他说,“我就很怕我爸”
I take that as a compliment. 当然不会,我在唱歌! Said...”I was afraid of my
你得守规矩 Of course I didn't stammer I father
Rules are rules was singing! “我孩子怕我是理所当然”
我才不会…哼唱《斯旺尼 好吧,作为小小的奖励 and my children are damn
河》! Well as a little reward well going to be afraid of
I'm not…crooning “Swanee 你可以在这些支架上涂些胶 me”.
River!” 水 你是天生习惯右手吗?
那换成《康城赛马歌》 you get to put some glue on Are you naturally right
Try “Camptown Races” these struts. handed?
then. - 你儿子不介意吧? 我以前是左撇子…老罚我,
“我哥大卫,他对我说,啦 - 不会,放心吧 就改成右手了
Left. I was… punished. Now to notice. and how little he knows of
I use the right. 你也能想象的到 mine.
这在结巴患者中挺常见的 As you can imagine - 谢谢
Yes that's very common with 给我胃留下了病根,现在还 - 朋友就是弥补这一点的
stammerers. 没好 - Thank you - What're friends
还有什么矫正之类的? it caused some stomach for.
Anything other corrections? problems. Still. 以前我不懂
膝盖外翻 你兄弟乔尼呢? I wouldn't know.
Knock knees. What about your brother 巴尔默罗城堡,苏格兰
金属…夹板套着…昼夜都得 Johnnie? Balmoral Castle Scotland
带 和他亲近吗? “我筛出来七根硬杆蓟草”
Metal… splints were Were you close to him? (顺口溜)
made...worn…day and night 乔尼,人很不错 “I sifted seven thick-stalked
那肯定不好受 Johnnie Sweet boy. thistles
That must have been painful. 有癫痫…他…有点“怪” 用我又厚又硬的筛子
非常难受。总算现在是直腿 Epilepsy...and...he was through strong thick sieves.
了 'different'. 我筛出来七…
Bloody agony. Straight legs 岁死后,家里人就不再提他 I sifted seven...”
now. He died at hidden from view. - 亲爱的,你不歇歇吗?
家里人谁和你最亲近 大人说这不是光彩事儿 - 我必须坚持练习才行
Who were you closest to in I've been told it's not - isn't that enough darling?
your family? catching. No? - I have to keep doing
奶妈。不过不是最早的那个 - 再加点酒 this
Nannies. Not my first nanny.. - 多谢 这都怪你
她喜欢大卫,讨厌我 - Do you want a top-up? - This is your fault.
she loved David...hated me. Please. - 我筛出来七根
每天我该见父母的时候… 其实,莱诺… - 哦不
When I.. was presented to my You know Lionel - I sifted seven - Oh no
parents for the daily viewing - 你是第一个英国平民… 一百年的云杉就这么砍了,
她…她都掐我,我就哭 - 澳大利亚人 怕挡她视线
she'd...She pinch me so I'd cry - you're the first ordinary One hundred year old spruces
然后我…就马上带回来让她 Englishman... - Australian. removed to improve the view!
照顾 …我能亲口交谈的人 她以为她算老几
and be…handed back to her ...I've ever really spoken to. Who do you think she is?
immediately 以前我坐车路过大街 不过…我们必须对辛普森太
然后她就不… when I'm driven through the 太表现的友好些
then she wouldn't… streets and see Nonetheless...we must try to
- 唱出来吧 看到百姓们盯着我看 be pleasant towards Mrs
- 她就不让我吃饭,离我远 you know the Common Man Simpson.
远的 staring at me 你知道她叫我“苏格兰的胖
- sing it - then she wouldn't 我忽然想到… 厨师”吗
feed me far far away.” I'm struck by how little I You know she calls me “The
我父母三年以后才发现 know of his life Fat Scottish Cook”?
Took my parents three years 我们其实都彼此了解甚少 你才不胖
You're not fat. Don't tell me I behaved badly business these days!
我是有点丰满了 Mr Churchill. 俄国沙皇没请?
I'm getting plump. 正好相反,殿下 Where is the Tsar of Russia?
你也不做饭啊 On the contrary your Royal 威廉表亲也没来?
You seldom cook. Highness. Where is Cousin Wilhelm?
- 我筛出来七 礼节规定要由宴会主人接待 别没事找事
- 闭嘴啦 王室成员 You're being dreary.
- I sifted seven. - Shut up!! Etiquette decrees royalty 国王的本职就是先辞掉个家
我筛出来… should be greeted by the 仆
I sifted… official host 再送华莉丝更多珍珠?
- ,,,酒会开始 应该是国王本人迎接你,而 Is Kinging laying off eighty
- 约克公爵和公爵夫人殿下 不是平民百姓 staff and buying yet more
到来 in this case the King. Not a pearls for Wallis
- and booze - Their Royal commoner. 现在欧洲可是有群众游行,
Highnesses the Duke and - 谢谢 唱着“红旗飘扬”
Duchess of York. - 她怎么迷住他的? while there are people
真高兴见到你们俩 - Thank you. - what is her marching across Europe
How lovely to see you both. hold on him? singing “The Red Flag”?
欢迎来到我们的乡村小屋 想不明白啊 别担心了,希特勒肯定会摆
Welcome to our little country I've no idea. 平他们
shack. 不过显然她有些…技巧 Stop your worrying. Herr
我是应国王的邀请而来 Apparently she has Hitler will sort that lot out.
I came at the invitation of the certain...skills 那谁来摆平希特勒?
King. 在上海的圈子练就了一身功 Who'll sort out Herr Hitler?
陛下 夫 那瓶年的酒呢?
Your Majesty which she learnt in an Where's the bloody '?
- 好的 establishment in Shanghai. 你居然让她住母亲的房间?
- 抱歉我们迟到了 - 大卫 And you've put that woman
- All right - Sorry we're late - 马上就弄好,宝贝 into our mother's suite?
见到您很高兴,辛普森太太 - David - just be a sec darling 妈妈现在又没睡觉
Very nice to see you Mrs 失陪 Mother's not still in the bed is
Simpson Excuse me. she?
很高兴 大卫,我一直想要见你 这一点都不好笑
Very nice David I've been trying to see That's not funny.
你好,大卫 you... 找到了,华莉丝喜欢好酒
Hello David. 我日理万机啊 Here it is Wally likes the very
我看你…改造了…花园 I've been terribly busy. best.
Making… some changes to - 忙什么 我不管你今晚和谁潇洒
the garden I see. - 做国王 I don't care what woman you
是啊,还没完工 - Doing what? - Kinging. carry on with at night
I am. I am not quite finished 是么 只要你早上能履行职责!
yet. Really? as long as you show up for
我这算举止无礼吗,丘吉尔 现在国王…可没那么好当 duty in the morning!
先生? Kinging.. is a precarious 华莉丝不是我只想潇洒一下
的对象 our wretched constitution. reply!
Wallis is not just some 听起来你就没读过 为什么你对大卫结巴,对我
woman I am carrying on with. Sounds like you haven't. 说就没事?
我们想要结婚 原来你是这意思?推我下台? Why do you stammer more
We intend to marry Is that what this is all about? with David than you do with
什么? Bashing up? me?
Excuse me? 背地里搞什么辩论训练 那是因为我给你钱了!
她正在办离婚 Hence the elocution lessons? Because you're bloody well
She's filing a petition for 传的满城风雨了 paid to listen!
divorce. That's the scoop around town. 伯蒂,我可不是卖艺的歌女
我的天哪 我只是…是想… Bertie I'm not a geisha girl.
Good God. I'm trying to…to... 你就不能装傻一下吗!
你送她套房子和名头不就行 想要更多人听你的话吗 Stop trying to be so bloody
了? Yearning for a larger audience clever!
Can't you just give her a nice are we 究竟大卫哪一点让你说不出
house and a title? 伯伯伯…伯蒂? 话来?
我不想让她当我的情妇 B-b-b-bertie? What is it about David that
I'm not having her as my 别…别… stops you speaking?
mistress. D-don't… 你怎么老是对这烂事儿纠缠
教会是不会承认离婚的 什么?没听懂啊 不休?
The Church does not What's that? I'm sorry. What is it about you that
recognise divorce 弟弟想要推翻哥哥的王位 bloody well make you want to
你还…代表着教会 Young brother trying to push go on about it the whole
and you are the… head of the older brother off throne... bloody time?
Church. 相当有中…中世纪风格啊 说粗话很流利,这时候你不
- 我没有特权吗? Po..Po..sitively medieval. 结巴
- 很多优待条件 - 华莉丝 Vulgar but fluent. You don't
- Haven't I any rights? - Many - 你刚才去哪儿了? stammer when you swear.
privileges... - Wallis - where have you 滚开!
这不一样。你的百姓可以为 been all this time? Bugger off!
了爱情结婚 有人找我聊天 骂人只能到这种程度?
Not the same thing. Your I've been talking to. Is that the best you can do?
beloved Common Man may 算了 你这讨厌的家伙,野蛮的混
marry for love Never mind. 蛋
我就不行? - 你这国王还真是神秘莫测 Well bloody bugger to you
Why not me? - 努力保持风格 you beastly bastard.
如果想当百姓 - It's very complicated little 小学生都比你骂得狠
If you were the Common Man king you're - I tried to be A public school prig can do
你做国王的依据又在哪里? 努力了半天都白费了 better than that.
on what basis could you All that work down the drain. 妈的,妈的,妈的,妈的!
possibly claim to be King?! 我对…哥哥…当面说不出… Shit. Shit shit shit!
听起来你对可悲的宪法研究 一个字来! 嘴里吐脏字很轻松吧?
很透啊 My own I couldn't Defecation flows trippingly
Sounds like you've studied say.. a single word to him in from the tongue?
因为我很生气! 我哥哥…迷上了一个结了两 Is it that serious? Your place
Because I'm angry! 次婚的女人 may be on the throne.
噢,你知道 F 开头的词? My brother.. is infatuated 我无意顶替我哥哥
Ah. Know the f-word? with a woman who's been I am not an alternative to my
F..Fornication(通奸)? married twice brother.
Fornication? 她正在办理离婚 - 你会比他更称职
别装了 She's asking for a divorce - 说话别太过分
Oh Bertie. 我哥铁了心要娶她 - You can outshine David... -
(Fuck)操,操,操,操! And he is determined to Don't take liberties!
Fuck. Fuck fucking fuck! marry her. 你这算谋反
混蛋,混蛋,混蛋! 来自巴尔的摩的华莉丝 ·辛 That's bordering on treason.
Bugger bugger bugger! 普森夫人 我只是说你能做个好国王,
操操操,贱货 (美国城市名) 没问题的
Fuck Fuck ass Mrs Wallis Simpson of I'm just saying you could be
- 操蛋,操蛋 Baltimore. King. You could do it!
- 看到了吧,一点不结巴 听着就不对劲。来自美国的 这是谋反!
- Balls Balls Fuckity - Yes! 英国王后? That is treason!
You see! Not a hesitation! That's not right. Queen Wallis 我只想让你明白,你没必要
小鸡鸡,妈的,操,大波波 of Baltimore? 被恐惧束缚手脚
Willy Shit and Fuck and tits 成何体统 I'm trying to get you to realize
爸爸?你们在干啥? Unthinkable. you need not be governed by
Dad? What's going on? - 他能这么做吗? fear.
抱歉了,你继续安心写作业 - 绝对不行 我受够了!
Sorry. Just finish your - Can he do it? - Absolutely I've had enough of this!
homework. not. 你在怕什么?
你的这种形象,人们可不常 不过,他是收不住了,马上 What're you afraid of?
见到啊 事情就会一团糟 你恶毒的蛊惑!
Well that's a side of you we But he's going to anyway. All Your poisonous words!
don't get to see all that often. hell's broken loose. 那你还来找我?
有规矩的…至少公开场合不 他们就不能私下继续吗? Why'd you come to me?
行 Can't they carry on privately? 你可不是什么中产阶级的银
No. No we're not supposed to 要是他们愿意就好了 行家,练练嘴皮子
really not publicly. If only they would. You're not middle-class
出去透透气吧 这不是留给你位子了? banker who want elocution
Let's get some air. Where does that leave you? lessons…
罗格,我觉得这么出去不太 我知道我的位置! - 好在宴会上显摆一下
好 I know my place! - 别插手我的公事!
No Logue I don't think that's a 我…会尽一切所能,帮我哥 - so you can chit-chat at posh
good idea. 哥保住王位 tea parties? - Don't attempt to
怎么了?在担心什么事吗? I'll… do anything within my instruct me on my duties!
What's the matter? Why are power to keep my brother on 我的父亲是…国王
you so upset? the throne. I'm the son of a… King...
罗格,你想都想不到 这不是很现实的情况吗?你 我的哥哥是…国王
Logue you have no idea. 很可能当上国王 the brother of a King...
而你是个让人失望的酿酒师 现在还有个已婚的卖汽车的 duty?
的儿子 sharing them with a married - 怎么了,爱人?
You're the disappointing son used car salesman - 有个病人很让我操心
of a brewer! 她是脚踩两条船 - What's the matter love? - I'm
乡下过来的新手,乱给我指 a certain Mr Guy Trundle. just having trouble with a
挥 另外,传言希特勒的大使… patient
A jumped-up jackeroo from In addition it is also rumored - 这可不像你,怎么回事
the outback! that Hitler's ambassador - 他很害怕
你是无名小卒。治疗结束! 里宾特洛甫,每天给她送支 - it isn't like you. Why - He's
You're nobody. These 康乃馨 scared.
sessions are over! Count von Ribbentrop sends 不相信自己的力量
您这边请 her carnations every day...... Frightened of his own
Through here sir. 如果国王陛下继续无视内阁 shadow.
花园入口,首相办公室,唐 的忠告 所以才找你治疗啊
宁街号 Should His Majesty continue Isn't that why they come to
Garden Entrance.Prime to ignore the advice of His you?
Minister's Office. Dawning Government 这人可以真正成就一番事业
Street 要么他自己退位,要么政府 可他把功夫都花到和我作对
不单单因为她是美国人 集体辞职 上了
It's not just because she's an He must abdicate. Otherwise This fellow could really be
American. His Government has no somebody great. He's fighting
虽然这点就足够了,还因为 choice but to resign. me.
她就要离婚两次了 首相,在这个时候把国家变 可能他只想过平常人的生活
That the least of it it's because 成一团散沙? Perhaps he doesn't want to be
she is soon to be a twice Prime Minister you'd leave great.
divorced American the country without a… 是你把想法强加给他
国王是英格兰教会的领袖 government? Perhaps that's what you want.
and the King as the head of 究竟国王是自己随心所欲… 我说的确实有点过分了…
Church of England… Does the King do what he I might have overstepped the
不能娶一个离过婚的女人 wants mark.
can not marry a divorced 还是承担民众赋予的职责? 那就道歉,真诚的道歉
woman. or does he do what his people Apologize. Deep of good.
殿下,这么说可能有点过火 expect him to do? 很抱歉,罗格先生,公爵现
… 唐宁街上的人们看着首相换 在很忙
And sir I apologize for the 了一届又一届 I'm very sorry Mr Logue the
nature of this but... As crowds on Donning Street Duke is busy
不过根据苏格兰场的调查 watch Ministers come and go 我能等他,或者我回头再来
according to Scotland Yard 还是绕不开一个老难题 I'm happy to wait. Or I could
辛普森太太爱的不止国王一 There raised an age-old come back later.
个 problem. 我告诉过您,公爵非常忙
the King has not always 国王能否避免私生活影响自 As I said the Duke is terribly
possess exclusive rights to 己的职责? busy.
Mrs.Simpson's favours and Can the King separate his 麻烦了
affections personal life from his public Thank you
多谢 我…我… all.
Thank you I…I… 我总算能说出我自己的心声
议会不会支持这桩婚姻 您当然不会,德国人才这么 了
Parliament will not support 热衷权力 (我于年月日签字证明)
the marriage. Certainly not Albert Sir. Too At long last I am able to say a
不过反对声音也有其他的考 Germanic. few words of my own.
虑 那么想想你哥哥?在你父亲 我其实一直不想隐瞒什么
But there were other reasons 死后? (爱德华签署于观景台城
for concern. What about George? After 堡)
国王这么不懂法规 your father? I have never wanted to
He was careless with state 新国王乔治六世 withhold anything
papers. George the sixth. 直到现在,按照法规,我才
这么没有决断和献身精神 他可是完美继承了父亲的品 能说出想法
He lacked commitment and 性啊,不是么 But until now it has not been
resolve. It has rather a nice continuity constitutionally possible for
会有人担心,当和德国开战 to it don't you think. me to speak.
的时候 大卫!总算找到你了,你看 几个小时以前,我主动解除
他能否顶住压力 起来精神很不好 了国王的职责
There were those that worried David! Thank God. You look A few hours ago I discharged
where he would stand when exhausted! my last duty as King and
war with Germany. 打起精神来啊 Emperor.
会开战吗? How are you bearing up? 现在由我的弟弟,约克公爵
We're not coming to that? 伯蒂,我已经决定了,我离 继位
确实如此。虽然鲍德温首相 开 Now that I have been
可能不承认 Bertie. The decision's been succeeded by my brother the
Indeed we are Sir. Prime made. I'm… I'm going Duke of York
Minister Baldwin may deny 我不接受,你这么做太不负 我在这里,首先表达对他的
this 责任了 忠诚
不过希特勒的野心昭然若揭 I cannot accept that. You are my first words must be to
but Hitler's intent is crystal in no condition to make that declare my allegiance to him.
clear. decision. 全心全意地效忠于他
和德国开战势在必然 我很抱歉,没有其他的方案 This I do with all my heart.
War with Germany will come 了 你们也知道我不能参加新王
我们需要一个强有力的国王 I'm afraid there's no other 加冕的原因
代表我们的心声 way. You all know the reasons
and we will need a King we 我一定要娶她 which have impelled me to
can all stand behind united. I must marry her. renounce the throne.
我担心…我哥哥现在的精神 我决心已定。我…很抱歉 不过,请你们相信
状态不怎么样 My mind's made up. I'm... But you must believe me
I brother is of sound sorry. when I tell you
mind at this time 这可不是好消息 如果没有我心爱的女人支持
就没想过由你来承担吗? That's a terrible thing to hear. That I have found it
Have you thought what you 对谁来说都不是。尤其对我 impossible to carry the heavy
will call yourself? nobody wants that. I least of burden of responsibility
我无法承担国王的重任 - 谢谢 I'm not a King.
and to discharge my duties as - Mama here's the Wilson 我只是个前海军军官,我就
King as I would wish to do saddle - thank you 这水平
也更不会有勇气卸任王位 别担心,一会就喂你吃饭 I'm a naval officer. That's all I
without the help and support Don't worry we'll get you know
of the woman I love... food in a minute 我不是当国王的料,我配不
同样,因为我对我弟弟十分 妈妈,新家里会有地方放小 上
了解 马吗? I'm not a King not a king.
And I want you to know this Mama will we have space for - 我很抱歉,我很抱歉
decision has been made less our horses in our new home? - 别这样,亲爱的
difficult to me 当然,宝贝们,整个宫殿有 - I'm sorry. I'm sorry. - No.
使我卸任时,能够宽慰一些 的是房间 Dear.
by the sure knowledge that Of course we will darling 我亲爱的
my brother we'll have a palace of rooms. Dear dear man...
他对国家公事十分熟悉 屈膝礼 我很抱歉
with his long training in the Curtsey. I'm sorry.
public affairs of this country... 陛下 其实我两次拒绝你的求婚
加上他的优秀品质 Your Majesty. You know I refused your first
...and with his fine qualities... 讲话如何? two marriage proposals
不会让国家接下来出现动荡 How was it? 不是因为我不爱你
...will be able to take my 我试着…熟悉一下公务文件 Not because I didn't love you
place forthwith without I'm trying to… familiarise 而是因为我受不了王室的生
interruption myself with what a state 活
或者阻碍大英帝国的发展 paper looks like. but because I couldn't bear the
or injury to the life and 鲍德温的急件我一个字都看 idea of a royal life
progress of the empire. 不懂 四处出访,还有公众责任
登基会议,年月日,圣詹姆 A despatch from Mr Baldwin Could bear the idea of a life
斯宫 which I don't understand a of tours and public duties
Accession Council.St James's word of. 我不可能再安心过自己的小 Dec 这是哥哥的财务情况… 日子
我今天与你们相见…在… David's finances. a life that no longer was
I meet you today.. in.. 这是圣诞讲话 really to be my own.
…在这样的情况下…下… The Christmas broadcast – 不过后来我想,他结巴的这
in circumstances which are .. 我觉得还会搞砸 么可爱
你们肯定会喜欢的 I think that might be a Then I thought...he stammers
I'm sure you'll love it. mistake. so beautifully...
谢谢,玛格丽特,装好马鞍 别担心了 大家会放过他的
Thank you darling saddles Don't worry about that they'll leave us alone.
Margret 还有加冕礼。我觉得到时候 (支持国王。上帝保佑他)
好的 会更出丑 STAND BY THE
Yes mom. Plans for the Coronation. I KING.GOD SAVE THE
很听话嘛 think that's an even bigger KING
Good boy. mistake. 等待国王的道歉
- 妈妈,这是威尔逊马鞍 我不是当国王的料 Waiting for a king to
apologize 回到起点 你不需要心里装着父亲的影
可要耐心等上很久 Every stammer always fears 子
one can wait rather a long they will fall back to square You don't have to carry him
wait. one. around in your pocket.
恐怕我们迟到了一会 我绝不会让这种情况出现 或者你哥哥
I'm afraid we're slightly late. I don't let that happen. Or your brother.
这是我家了,我妻子去了伦 如果我没能履行职责…大卫 五岁时能够吓到你的事情已
敦桥 还能回来接任 经过去了
This is home. Myrtle's at If I fail in my duty... David You don't need to be afraid of
bridge. could come back. things you were afraid of
我也让孩子们出去了 我看了布告了 when you were five.
I've made sure the boys are I've seen the placards 你现在已经完全自己做主了
out. “上帝保佑我们…国王” 伯蒂
很温馨嘛,非常温馨 “God Save Our… King!” You're very much your own
It's lovely. Absolutely lovely. 他们指的不是我 man Bertie.
- 我能坐下吗 They don't mean me. 明白
- 当然 历史上君主的继任,都是在 Right
- May I sit down? - Yes of 前人过世的情况下 以后硬币上就是你的肖像了
course Every other monarch in 老兄
需要茶水吗,夫人? history succeeded someone Your face is next mate.
Would you like some tea who was dead 莱诺?亲爱的?
Ma'am? 或者将不久于人世 Lionel? Dear?
我自己来吧 Or about to be. 我妻子!
Yes. I'll help myself. 我的前任现在不仅活着,还 Myrtle!
你们忙吧,难道还要我把你 活得好好的 - 她回来了? - 是的
俩绑到一起不成? My predecessor is not only - Is this your wife? - Yes.
Off you go now. Or must I alive but very much so. 伯蒂,你过来
knock your heads together? 真是一团糟!我连圣诞讲话 Bertie come here
这是你赢的赌注 都做不了 - 罗格,你没事儿吧
Here's your shilling Bloody mess! I can't even - 没事儿
我…我明白你之前的意思了 give them a Christmas - Are you alright Logue? -
罗格 Speech. Yes.
I.. understand what you were - 像你爸爸那样? 不该出去见面吗?
trying to say Logue. - 是啊 Shall we go through?
是我表达方式不对,很抱歉 - Like your Dad used to do? - 相信我,这么做才行
I went about it the wrong Precisely. Trust me it's important.
way. I'm sorry. 他已经不在了 怎么回事?
我还是回来了 He's not here anymore. What is it?
So here I am. 他还在,就在我给你的硬币 你……您……
希望这个国家准备好听我两 上面 Your... your...
分钟的静音广播了 Yes he is. He's on that shilling 第一次叫陛下就好
Is the nation ready for two I gave you. It's “Your Majesty” the
minutes of radio silence? 放手…其实很容易 first time.
每个病人都害怕努力半天又 Easy enough to give away. 然后可以称呼“女士”,发
音别发错了 我相信你们已经见过面了 Pandora's Box.
After that “Ma'am” as in I believe you two have met! 恐怕我也得批准新闻摄影机
ham not Ma'lm as in palm. 不过还没见过…国王乔治六 的拍摄
我没和她说起过你们,先坐 世吧? I'm afraid I've also had to
下歇歇 I don't believe you permit the newsreel cameras.
I haven't told her about us. Sit know....King George VI? 回头我会亲自剪辑的
down relax. 见到您很高兴 The product of which I shall
我听说,你丈夫叫我丈夫 It's very nice to meet you. personally edit.
“伯蒂” 陛下能一起吃晚饭吗? 肯定毫不犹豫
I'm told your husband calls Will their Majesties be Without momentary
my husband Bertie staying to dinner? hesitation.
我丈夫叫你丈夫“莱诺” 我们很想,这么盛情邀请, 这位是哈雷街的罗格医生
and my husband calls your 不过… This is Dr. Logue from
husband Lionel. We would love to such a treat Harley Street.
希望你不会叫我“莉丝” but alas... 他是我的语言矫正医生
(王后名字的昵称) 我们之前有其他安排了,真 He's… my speech therapist.
I trust you won't call me Liz. 是可惜 大人
陛下,您可以称呼我为罗格 a previous engagement. What Your Grace
夫人 a pity. 要是我知道陛下需要协助
Your Majesty you may call 大主教 Had I known Your Majesty
me Mrs Logue Ma'am. Archbishop. was seeking assistance
见到你很高兴,罗格夫人 欢迎您,陛下 我肯定会亲自推荐人选
Very nice to meet you Mrs Welcome your Majesty. I would've made my own
Logue 这里改造的十分壮观 recommendation.
- 罗格,咱们不能整天猫在 What a glorious 罗格医生需要参加加冕礼
这里 transformation Sir. Dr. Logue will be attending
- 必须这样 希望我们继续工作不会妨碍 the Coronation.
- Logue we can't stay here all 您 我当然可以和主持牧师说一
day. - Yes we can. I hope you'll forgive us if we 下
- 罗格… continue our preparations. Well of course I shall speak to
- 我得等个恰当时机才行 请允许我讲一下仪式过程 the Dean
- Logue.. - Look I need to Now allow me to guide you 不过可能会很难办
wait for the opportune through the ceremony. but it will be extremely
moment. 我们从西入口开始,然后到 difficult.
- 你这是怕老婆 中间广场 我希望…医生坐在…国王的
- 说的很对! We begin of course at the 包厢中
- You're being a coward! - West Door then into the nave. I should like… the Doctor to
You're damn right. 大主教,听说你的所有宣言 be seated in the… King's
快出去,一家之主 都会被广播 Box.
Get out there man! I see all your pronouncements 可您的家人才能坐在那里,
你好啊,亲爱的老婆,你回 are to be broadcast 陛下
来早了 Archbishop. But members of your Family
Oh! Hello Myrtle darling! 是啊,无线电是把双刃剑 will be seated there Sir.
You're early. Ah yes wireless is indeed a 所以他正合适
That why it's suitable. "Doctor" Logue. 因为惊吓…
现在,如果大人不介意的话 叫我莱诺 When the Great War came our
我们需要场地做一下排练 Call me Lionel soldiers were pouring back
And now if you don't mind 是啊,你是一直… from the front
your grace we need the True you never… …回到后方了,就不再开口
premises. 不叫自己医生,是我自己这 说话
这位先生,这里可是威斯敏 么称呼的 shell-shocked and unable to
斯特教堂! called yourself 'Doctor'.I did speak
My dear fellow this is that for you. 有人说,“莱诺,你不是对
Westminster Abbey! 没有训练,没有文凭,没有 语言挺在行么”
教会一定要为陛下做好准备 …执照 and somebody said "Lionel
The Church must prepare his no training no diploma no.. you're very good at all this
Majesty. qualifications. speech stuff.
我的准备同样重要 穷有一身的胆量 “你能想法帮帮他们吗”
My preparations are equally Just a great deal of nerve. Do you think you could
important. 你这是来秘密审问我喽? possibly help these poor
需要无人打扰,希望您不要 the star chamber inquisition is buggers”.
介意 it? 我尝试了肌肉治疗、练习、
With complete privacy. If you 你还希望能信任你,公平对 放松
don't mind. 待你 I did muscle therapy exercise
这也是我的意思,大人 You asked for trust and.. total relaxation
Those are my wishes Your equality. 不过我知道想根治还得更深
Grace. 伯蒂,我听了你在温布利的 入
那今晚我把教堂给您处置 讲话 but I knew I had to go deeper.
I will place the Abbey at Your Bertie I heard you at 这些小伙子们因为恐惧哭出
Majesty's disposal...this Wembley 声来
evening. 我在场 Those poor young blokes had
陛下 I was there. cried out in fear
Your Majesty. 我儿子劳里说“你不能想法 却没有人去用心听他们说话
看,他又来了。咱们走 帮帮这个可怜人”? and no-one was listening to
Look he again. Come on. My son Laurie said “Do you them.
真不敢相信我走在乔叟、亨 think you could help that poor 我的工作,是给他们说话的
德尔、狄更斯的墓上 man?” 自信
(这些诗人葬在教堂的诗人 就凭一个失业演员? My job was to give them faith
角落里) What as a failed actor!? in their voice
I can't believe I'm walking on 我确实不是医生,我也曾经 让他们知道,总有位朋友愿
Chaucer and Handel and 参加表演 意倾听
Dickens. It's true I'm not a doctor and and let them know that a
准备好了?开始吧 yes I acted a bit friend was listening.
Everything alright? Let's get 我以前在酒吧朗诵,在学校 这不是和你的治疗很像吗,
cracking. 教书 伯蒂
我来这儿不是彩排的,罗格 I recited in pubs and taught That must ring a few bells
“医生” elocution in schools. with you Bertie.
I'm not here to rehearse 战争来临时,大量前线士兵 你这样太拔高自己了
You give a very noble account 毁了我家庭的幸福 - 我不在乎
of yourself. You destroyed the happiness - you are trivialising
你去问问,都是事实 of my family... everything - I don't care.
Make inquiries. It's all true. 这都是精心诱捕一个知名病 我不在乎有多少王室成员的
我都问过了! 人的圈套 屁股坐过这里
Inquiries have been made! all for the sake of ensnaring a I don't care how many Royal
你是不知道有多少人巴不得 star patient arses have sat in this chair-
帮我打听清楚 你不可能治好! 你听我说!你听我说!
You have no idea who I have you couldn't possibly hope to Listen to me... ! Listen to
breathing down my neck. assist! me... ! Listen to me... !
我为你做了担保,你却连证 我会像疯国王乔治三世那样 - 听你的?为什么
书…都没有 … - Listen to you?! By what
I vouched for you and you It'll be like mad …King right?
have no…credentials. George the Third 我有权,你必须服从,我是
可我治疗成功了很多人!我 留下个结巴国王乔治的名号 国王!
没有证书给你看 there'll be…Mad King My divine right if you must!
But lots of success! I can't George the Stammerer I'm your King!!!
show you a certificate 在这样的关键时刻辜负人民 你才不是,亲自跟我说…
那时也没有系统的训练机构 的期望 Noooo you're not! Told me so
there was no training then. who let his people down so yourself.
我只是按着经验行事 badly in their hour of need! …你不想当。我干嘛要听你
All I know I know by 你这成何体统?起来! 的?
experience 这不是你坐的!起来 Said you didn't want it. Why
是这场战争,给了我经验 What're you doing? Get up! should I waste my time
and that war was some You can't sit there! Get up listening to you?
experience. 有什么?不过是把椅子 因为我有发表意见的权利!
我的牌子上写的是“L 罗格 Why not? It's a chair. Because I have a right to be
语言矫正” 这不是…这是…圣爱德华的 heard!
May plaque says ‘L.Logue 椅子 我的声音有份量!
Speech Defects'. No it's not that is… Saint I HAVE A VOICE!!!
我没有自称医生 Edward's Chair- 是的,你有
No Dr. no letters after my 人们还往上刻名字呢! Yes you do.
name. People have carved their 伯蒂,你有毅力
关我进监狱好了 name into it! You have such perseverance
Lock me in the Tower. 这椅子上坐过所有的国王和 Bertie
如果我有机会的话! 王后 你是我认识的最勇敢的人
I would if I could! That chair is the seat on you're the bravest man I
什么罪名? which every King and Queen know.
On what charge? 不过是块石头上的椅子 你会成为一个相当好的国王
诈骗!战争迫在眉睫 It's held in place by a large you'll make a bloody good
Fraud! With war looming rock! king.
你让这国家的国王不能说话 这是命运之石 这究竟是怎么回事,陛下?
you've saddle this nation with That is the Stone of Scone What on earth's going on Sir?
a voiceless King. - 你怎么藐视一切 大主教,没事的
It's quite all right Archbishop. 当你和王后进入西门 lands and customs?”
罗格先生,我已经找到了一 Now when you and Elizabeth “我庄严起誓,我愿意”
个治疗师替换你 enter through West door "I solemnly promise so do
Mr Logue you should know 人们会唱赞歌迎接你们: so."
that I have found a “对我说,我就欢喜” 大声点!后面听不到
replacement English you'll be greeted with the LOUDER! I can't hear you up
specialist hymn “I Was Glad When the back.
简历无可挑剔。这里也不再 They Said Unto Me.” “我庄严起誓,我愿意!”
需要你的服务了 不过你们欢喜不了 “I SOLEMNLY PROMISE
with impeccable credentials. You won't actually be that TO DO SO!”
Hence your services will no glad 非常好!“您愿意在所有决
longer be required. 他们会唱上很久很久 定中…”
怎么回事? because they sing it for a Very good! "Will you to your
I'm sorry? great long time. power cause Law and Justice
国王可以询问或者被告知结 然后你的朋友,主教大人会 “都考虑到法律、公平和仁
果 登上楼梯 慈吗?”
Your Majesty's function is to Then your friend the in Mercy to be executed in all
consult and be advised. Archbishop will ponce up the your judgments?"
您没询问过我,那我告诉您 stairs towards you “我愿意”,“我愿意!”
结果 对你说“陛下,您愿意宣誓 "I will." “I WILL!”
You didn't consult but you've 吗?” 然后会有人们共同努力之类
just been advised. and say "Sir is Your Majesty 的话…等等
那我告诉你:这件事上,我 willing to take The Oath?" Then a long bit about
必须自己做主 “我愿意” upholding the faith goes on
Now I advise you in this “I am willing”. rubbish rubbish
personal matter I will make 你当然愿意!我在后排听听 最后,你需要说…
my own decision. 效果如何 To which you finally say...
我关心的是,王冠加冕在明 Course you are! I'll see what “刚才我所承诺过的”
君的头上 it sounds like from the cheap “These things which I have
My concern is for the head seats here before promised
upon which I must place the 得让你的老奶妈也听得到 “我会为之鞠躬尽瘁,请上
crown. so even your old nanny can 帝保佑我”
我欣赏您的坦诚,大主教 hear. I will perform and keep. So
I appreciate that Archbishop “您愿意统治大不列颠的领 help me God.”
可这是我的头 土…” 需要说的就这么多,简短四
but it's my head! “Will you govern your 句话
那卑职告退 peoples of Great Britain That's all you have to say.
Your humble servant. Ireland Four short responses
谢谢,伯蒂 还包含爱尔兰,加拿大,澳 亲吻法典,签上誓言
Thank you Bertie. 大利亚,新西兰, kiss the book and sign the
我们排练一下? 并尊重他们的土地和习俗 oath.
Shall we rehearse? 吗?” 大功告成:你就是国王了
来吧,坐在你位置上 Canada Australia and New There you are you're King.
Come on up on your perch Zealand according to their 很简单
Easy. Baldwin. This morning the British
你差点把王冠戴反了,大主 张伯伦会接替我的首相职务 Ambassador in Berlin handed
教 Neville Chamberlain will take the German Government
You nearly crowned him my place as Prime Minister. 如果我们不在点之前收到答
backwards Archbishop! 是原则问题,我之前的判断 复
有人把王冠正面的线拆掉了 失误 a final note stating that unless
陛下 It's a matter of principal. I we heard from them by
Someone had removed the was mistaken. o'clock
thread marking the front of 我仍然难以相信… 如果德国不立即从波兰撤军
the Crown Sir. I have found it impossible to 的话
可别这样了,大主教 believe that that they were prepared at
Try not lose the thread 世界上会有希特勒这样没有 once to withdraw their troops
Archbishop. 道德感的人 from Poland
大主教,你戴偏了王冠 there is any man in the World 英国将对德国宣战
Archbishop your missing so lacking in moral feeling as a state of war would exist
Papa. Hitler between us.
非常好,非常好,大主教 整个世界可能会卷进第二次 我们现在没有接到德国的通
Very good very good. 战争的漩涡 知
Archbishop. but the world might be hurled I have to tell you now that no
我希望陛下对于结果很满意 for a second time into the such undertaking has been
Well I hope Your Majesties abyss of destructive War. received
are thrilled with the result. 丘吉尔是对的,希特勒一直 这意味着英国对德国正式宣
你可以把机器关掉了 有这个野心 战
You can switch that machine Churchill was right all along. and that consequently this
off now. This was always Hitler's country is at war with
不,等等,继续放吧 intention. Germany.
No wait keeping going. 我只是觉得,在这样的危机 总算好了,这是您的演讲,
主教请坐 关头辞职 点钟直播
Do have a seat Archbishop. I am only sorry to leave you At last. Sir here's your speech.
(希特勒) in this great time of crisis. You are on air at six.
(Hitler) 我深感遗憾,我担心 演讲大概需要分钟
爸爸,他在说什么? I am very much afraid Sir I've timed it to just under nine
Papa what's he saying? 对您的最大考验,即将到来 minutes.
听不懂,不过听起来他说得 That your greatest test is yet 稿子已经经过了审核
很流利 to come. The wording is fully
I don't know but he seems to 我是在唐宁街号的内阁会议 approved.
be saying it rather well. 发来报道 首相也会在广播节目中和您
陛下,我今天请求见您是要 (年月日) 一起出席
辞掉首相职务 I am speaking to you from the The Prime Minister will be
Sir I have asked to see you cabinet room of Downing joining you for the broadcast
today in order to tender my Street.(rd Sep ) 讲话会对整个大英帝国广播
resignation as Prime Minister. 今天早上,在柏林的英国大 which will go out live across
鲍德温先生,我很遗憾 使 to the Nation
I am so sorry to hear that Mr 向德国政府发出最后通牒 我们的武装部队也能收到
the Empire and to our Armed ahead andw-... ” top. "In this grave hour..."
Forces. 把犹豫变成语气停顿,心里 “在这样的严峻时刻,操操
马上请罗格过来 默念 操”
Get Logue here immediately. Turn the hesitations into “In this grave hour fuck fuck
吸引火力用的气球 pauses and say to yourself fuck
there are the barrage balloons. “上帝保佑国王” 可能是历史上最紧要的…
是啊,很快就升起来了 “God save the King”. perhaps the most fateful in
Yes they got them up there 我一直这么说,看起来没人 our
quickly. 听啊 …关头,混蛋,妈的
我们要不停车躲一下? I say that continually but history bugger shit shit
Should we pull over and find apparently no one's listening. 我为每个家庭的人…
shelter? 长时间的停顿很不错,在这 I send to every household of
不,继续往前开,别担心 样的场合更显得庄重 my p-p-
No go straight there. We'll be Long pauses are good they 我唱歌的时候都发不好 P 这
alright. add solemnity to great 个音
- 您好 occasions. The ‘P' is always difficult
- 我是莱诺·罗格,哈丁少校 那我就是历史上最庄重的国 even when I'm singing
找我 王了 那就利用 a 的发音跳过去
- Yes sir? - Lionel Logue Then I'm the solemnest king Bounce onto it 'a-peoples'
Major Harding is expecting who ever lived. 不论是国内还是海外…
me 如果我是…国王,那我有什 “a-peoples both at home and
这是我儿子劳里 么权力? overseas ...”
This is my son Laurie If I am a..King...where is my 很不错
- 谢谢,劳里 power? Beautiful.
- 祝你好运,爸爸 我能组建政府吗? “这消息,啦啦啦啦”
- Thank you Laurie -Good Can I form a Government “... this message doo-dah
luck dad 提高税收,或者发动战争? doodah....
- 国王的演讲,还有分钟的 Can I levy a tax or declare a 我和你们一样怀着深情…啦
时间 war? 啦
- 谢谢 不行!可我还是要出面坐头 spoken with the same depth
- The King's speech we have 把交椅 of feeling...doodah
about minutes to the No! Yet I am the seat of all 带给我全部的子民们,操,
broadcast - Thank you authority. 妈的,混蛋
非常感谢,谢谢 为什么?因为整个国家相信 for each one of you as if I
Thank you very much. Thank … able to fuck shit bugger
you Why? Because the Nation 跨过家家的门槛,带来我的
“黑暗的日子即将来临…” believes when I speak …
"There may be dark days 我的声音代表着他们。可我 cross your threshold and
ahead and..." 说不出来! speak to you m-my - ...”
再来 I speak for them. Yet I cannot 脑子现在想:“我有发言
Try again. speak! 权”
“黑暗的日子即将来临,战 我们从头再来一遍,“在这 In your head now “I have a
…” 样的严峻时刻” right to be bloody well
“There may be dark days Let's take it all again from the heard!”
发什么言,发什么言 interruptions from those Good luck Your Majesty.
Bloody well heard bloody damned sirens Sir. 伍德先生
well heard 或者这些可怜的小狗 Mr Wood.
除了我自己谁在听 Or the wretched dogs. - 你重新布置了这里,罗格
bloody well heard myself! - 恭喜,新任海军大臣 - 让环境舒服些
现在是华尔兹舞,动起来, - 陛下 - You've redecorated Logue. -
连续运动 - Congratulations. First Lord I made it cozy.
Now Waltz. Move! Get of the Admiralty. - Your 来点新鲜空气
continuous movement. Majesty. Some fresh air.
“这是我们大部分人第二次 还得走上一段路 好了,亲爱的
…” The long walk. There you are darling.
“For the second time in the 祝您好运。我也担心过发音 我筛选蓟草 我有个筛好蓟
lives of most of us we are at 问题 草的筛子
wa - ...” Good luck Sir. I too dread (绕口令)
暂停…“我们…”再暂停 this...apparatus. I am thistle sifter I have a
Pause. “we are...” Take a 我也结巴 sieve of sifted thistles
pause. Had a speech impediment 我有个没筛好蓟草的筛子
这我做不成 myself you know. and a sieve on unsifted
I can't do this. - 这我可真不知道 thistles..
伯蒂,你能行的,看看最后 - 家族秘密了,说话结巴 我筛选蓟草 我有个筛好蓟
一个自然段 - I didn't. - Family secret. 草的筛子
Bertie you can do it. Have a Tongue-tied. I am thistle sifter I have a
look at the last paragraph. 做手术的话风险太大 sieve of sifted thistles
伯蒂,时间到了 An operation was considered 伯蒂,宝贝,确定麦克风没's time. too dangerous. 开吧
- 大主教 最后终于把这种嗓音变成我 Bertie darling make sure it's
- 陛下 的个人特色 not switched on!
- Archbishop - Your Majesty I eventually made an asset of 记住,红灯闪烁下之后,我
载入历史的时刻,陛下 it. 会让人灭掉灯
A great moment sir. - 谢谢,丘吉尔先生 Remember the red light will
- 首相 - 陛下 blink four times and then I've
- 陛下 - Thank you Mr Churchill. - asked them to turn it off
- Prime Minister. - Your Sir. 免得有个鬼眼似的东西老盯
Majesty 亲爱的 着你
很高兴能这么快再次见面 Darling because we don't want that
Nice to see you again so soon. 还需要多久? evil eye staring at you all the
你能来…很好。相信你们今 How long Logue? way through.
天都很忙 还要分钟 还有分钟
Good.. of you to be here I'm Just under three minutes Sir. One minute sir.
sure you've had rather a busy (,,试音,,) 肯定会有出色的表现
day. ( check ) I am sure you will be
希望我们不会受到空袭警报 伍德先生 splendid.
的影响 Mr Wood. 还有秒
Let's hope we have no more 祝您好运,陛下 second sir
罗格,不管演讲结果怎样 求同存异,化敌为友 firm and united in this time of
Logue however this turns out of the differences between trial.
我都不知道该怎么回报你的 ourselves and those who are 任务将会困难重重,前路可
帮助 now our enemies. 能乌云密布
I don't know how to thank 然而徒劳无功。我们被迫卷 The task will be hard. There
you for what you've done. 入了一场战争 may be dark days ahead
奖个爵位? But it has been in vain. We 战场将不再局限于前线阵地。
Knighthood? have been forced into a and war can no longer be
秒 conflict. confined to the battlefield.
Twenty seconds. 我们所面临的,是一个邪恶 只有掌握真知才能正确行事
排除杂念,只想着说给我听 信念的挑战 But we can only do the right
Forget everything else and For we are called to meet the as we see the right
just say it to me. challenge of a principle which 在此我们虔诚的向上帝承诺
说给我这个朋友听 如果敌方取胜,世界的文明 and reverently commit our
Say it to me as a friend. 秩序将毁于一旦 cause to God.
在这样严峻的时刻,可能是 if it were to prevail would be 如果我们大家坚定信念
国家存亡的紧要关头 fatal to any civilized order in If one and all we keep
In this grave hour perhaps the the world. resolutely faithful to it
most fateful in our history 这样的信念,剥去伪装的外 上帝会保佑,我们必将获胜
我向领土上的所有子民 衣 then with God's help we shall
I send to every household of Such a principle stripped of prevail.
my peoples all disguise 说的非常棒,伯蒂
不论是国内或是海外 只是赤裸裸的权力追求 That was very good Bertie.
both at home and overseas is surely the mere primitive 不过发 w 这音还是会结巴
传达这份消息 doctrine that might is right. You still stammered on the
this message 为了捍卫凝聚起我们的所有 “w”.
我和你们一样,百感交集 For the sake of all that we 不能太流利了,免得怀疑是
spoken with the same depth ourselves hold dear 替身
of feeling for each one of you 我们无法想象去逃避这样的 Had to throw in a few so they
只希望我能挨家挨户亲自向 挑战 knew it was me.
你们诉说 it is unthinkable that we 祝贺您,陛下,专业的播音
as if I were able to cross your should refuse to meet the 员水准
threshold and speak to you challenge. Congratulations your Majesty.
myself. 为了如此崇高目标,我呼吁 A true broadcaster.
我们大部分人,都是第二次 国内的民众 谢谢,伍德先生
经历战争的洗礼 It is to this high purpose that I Thank you Mr Wood.
For the second time in the now call my people at home 恭喜陛下
lives of most of us we are at 海外的子民们,万众一心 Congratulations your Majesty.
war. and my peoples across the 恭喜陛下
不止一次,我们尝试过寻求 seas who will make our cause Congratulations your Majesty.
和平之道 their own. 谢谢
Over and over again we have 我希望你们能冷静坚定,在 Thank you.
tried to find a peaceful way 时间的历练中团结向前 - 准备?
out I ask them to stand calm and -好
- Ready? - Good 你觉得呢,玛格丽特?
非常好 And how about you Margret?
Perfect 你很了不起,爸爸
你的第一次战时演讲,祝贺 You were just splendid Papa.
你 是很惊人
Your first war time speech. Of course I was.
Congratulation. 你们都准备好了?
以后的演讲少不了 You're all ready?
Expect I shall have to do a 过来吧,孩子们
great deal more. Come on girls.
谢谢,罗格 乔治六世在年
Thank you Logue. King George VI made Lionel
做得好,我的老兄 Logue
Well done. My friend. 授予莱诺 维多利亚三等勋
谢谢您,陛下 章
Thank you... Your Majesty. a Commander of the Royal
我就知道你没问题 Victorian Order in .
I knew you'd be good. 这份国王的感恩之情也开创
谢谢你… 了先例
Thank you... This high honour from a
莱诺 grateful King made Lionel
...Lionel. (first time call part of
Lionel) 这是唯一一枚为王室服务的
去阳台? 特别骑士勋章
Onwards? the only order of chivalry that
恭喜陛下 specifically rewards acts of
Congratulations Sir personal service to the
我自叹不如 Monarch.
Couldn't have said it better 国王在战争中的每次演讲,
myself Sir 都有莱诺陪在身边
陛下,您让我哑口无言 Lionel was with the King for
Your Majesty I'm speechless. every wartime speech.
祝贺您,陛下 这些广播,使乔治六世成为
Congratulations Sir 了英国抵抗精神的代言人
先生们 Through his broadcasts
Gentlemen. George VI became a symbol
爸爸表现如何,伊丽莎白? of national resistance.
So how was Papa Elizabeth? 莱诺和伯蒂在余生中一直维
开头停了会,不过后面好的 持着亲密的友谊
多 Lionel and Bertie remained
Halting at first but you got friends for the rest of their
much better Papa. lives.
Bless you.