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A Research Paper Submitted

To the Faculty and Staff
Of St. Pius X Seminary

In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements

For the Senior High School Curriculum
General Academic Strand

Sem. Andrei Matthew F. Flaga

April 2021


To Almighty God

To St. Pius X

To our batch patron saints Sts. Agricola and Vitalis

To my families, especially mama and papa

To my beloved classmates, the “SANGUINES”

And to the St. Pius X Seminary community


The researcher would like to express his deepest gratitude to the personas
who helped him unconditionally during the phase of his research. THANK YOU SO

The following are worth mentioning:

Very Rev. Fr. Berman D. Ibanez, STh-L M.A, Rector of St. Pius X
Seminary, for allowing the researcher to administer the questionnaire to the respondents.

Rev. Fr. Mlex O. Gevero M.A., Psych., Principal of St. Pius X Seminary, for
the suggestions and reminding the researcher to improve the study.

Mrs. Mary Mae M. Santos, who has been the researcher’s Adviser,
statistician, expert and for patiently checking and editing the manuscript. Her
administration, motivated the researcher to finish the study.

Priest formators of St. Pius X Seminary, for all the prayers offered to finish the
research work.

Family and Friends of the researcher, thank you so much for all the prayers you
offered, your love, care, and support to finish the research work.

The “Sanguines” for journeying in the whole process of the researcher’s study
to its completion.

To Almighty God a million praise and thanks for showering your blessings, wisdom,
and guidance throughout the research work.

Table of Contents


Chapter 1
1. Background and Rationale of the Study 1
2. Statement of the Problem 3
3. Hypotheses of the Study 3
4. Theoretical Framework 3
5. Conceptual Framework 5
6. Scope and limitations of the study 6
7. Significance of the Study 6
8. Definition of Terms 8

Chapter II
Review of Related Literature
1. Foreign Literature 9
2. Local Literature 15

Chapter III
1. Research Design 19
2. Research Participants and Sampling Procedure 20
3. Research Instrument 22
4. Data Gathering Procedures 24
5. Data Analyses and Interpretation Procedure 25

Chapter IV
Presentation, Analyses and Interpretation of Data
1. Level of Interest in Mathematics of the 26
Seminarians of St. Pius X Seminary, SY 2020-2021

2. Level of Interest in Mathematics of the

Seminarians of St. Pius X Seminary, SY 2020-2021 30
according to Grade Level

3. Academic Performance in Mathematics of the 32

Seminarians in St. Pius X Seminary

4. Relationship Between the Level of Interest and

Academic Performance in Mathematics of the 33
seminarians in St. Pius X Seminary

Chapter V
Summary, Conclusion and Recommendations
1. Summary 35
2. Conclusion 36
3. Recommendations 36

Literature and other References

Curriculum Vitae



The primary purpose of this study was to examine the possible association between

the level of interest and academic performance in Mathematics of seminarians both in junior and

senior high school of St. Pius X Seminary for the school year 2020-2021.

The respondents of the study were 110 randomly selected junior and senior high school

seminarians. The study used the descriptive-correlational research design. Data were gathered

through the researcher-made survey questionnaire patterned after the Mathematics Interest

Inventory ( MII) developed by Stevens and Olivarez. Statistical tools used to analyze and

interpret the data were frequency count, percentage, mean and Pearson-r.

The result of the study revealed that the seminarians were highly interested in


Results further revealed that the mathematics performance of the seminarians in St. Pius

X Seminary in the Final Rating for the school year 2019-2020 got a mean of 87.48 which has a

verbal interpretation of “very satisfactory”.

No significant relationship exists between the level of interest and the academic

performance in Mathematics of the seminarians for school year 2019-2020.



1. Distribution of the respondents per grade level 21

2. Rating Scale 24

3. Level of Interest in Mathematics of the Seminarians 26

of St. Pius X Seminary, SY 2020-2021
4. Level of Interest in Mathematics of the Seminarians of 30
St. Pius X Seminary, SY 2020-2021 according to Grade Level

5. Academic Performance in Mathematics of the Seminarians 32

of St. Pius X Seminary
SY 2020-2021 according to Grade Level

6. Relationship between the Extent of the Efficacy SPXS 33

Socio-Cultural Activities and
the Academic Performance of Seminarians

1. Schematic Diagram Showing the conceptual 5

framework of the study showing

the relationship of the variables.

Chapter 1


This chapter presents the background and rationale of the study, statement of the

problem, hypotheses, theoretical and conceptual frameworks, scope and delimitations of the

study, significance of the study and definition of terms.

Background and Rationale of the Study

The processing of numerical information is a dominant feature of everyday life.

Whether it is in the context of financial transactions, such as shopping for groceries or in gauging

how many people are in a room, such situations are constantly using numerical information to

guide behaviour and make decisions. While there has been much more attention placed on

literacy and its importance for life success, there is clear evidence to suggest that basic numerical

and mathematical skills play a critical role in determining an individual’s life success.

Furthermore, there is an abundant evidence that low numeracy skills are associated with

substantial costs to society at large. In view of this, a better understanding of how the ability to

process numerical information develops could lead to improvements in how these skills are

taught and used by individuals to improve their lives across the globe. As an extension of this,

improving numerical skills among individuals will have benefits for society at large as it will

lead to a stronger working force and thus measurable economic improvements.1

Mathematics is the science that deals with the logic of shape, quantity and arrangement. Math

is all around us, in everything we do. It is the building block for everything in our daily lives,

Daniel Ansari, The Foundations of Numerical and Mathematical Abilities: A literature review (London,2012) 4

including mobile devices, architecture (ancient and modern), art, money, engineering, and even


Problem solving skills is an effort to find solution for difficult situation. One needs

advance thinking skills in problem solving. Thinking skills help a person to choose the ideal

strategy to solve the problem that is being faced.

Success in mathematics endeavours and using it effectively in life necessitate a sound

understanding of mathematics concepts, a positive attitude toward learning mathematics, and the

belief that an understanding of mathematics is attainable.

The researcher finds interest to study deeper the level of interest and the academic

performance in Mathematics of the minor seminarians for the school year 2020-2021. Over the

past years in his junior high school days, the researcher observed that seminarians are

experiencing difficulties in analysing mathematical problems. Mathematics teachers often

wonder why most of the students got low scores in their exams, despite of their passion and

active participation in the class during discussion. Students have low grade in their Mathematics

subject even math teachers used different strategies in teaching.

With these thoughts, the researcher was determined to investigate the mathematics academic

performance of the seminarians of St. Pius X Seminary as influenced by their level of interest in

the subject.

Statement of the Problem

LiveScience, Elaine J. Hom, August 6, 2013, https://www.livescience.com/38936-mathematics.html

The primary purpose of this study is to examine the possible association between the level

of interest and academic performance in Mathematics of seminarians both in junior and senior

high school of St. Pius X Seminary.

Specifically, this study will answer the following questions.

1. What is the level of interest in Mathematics of the seminarians of St. Pius X Seminary?

2. What is mathematics academic performance of minor seminarians in terms of average

grade in Mathematics in the final rating, School Year 2020-2021?

3. Is there a significant relationship between level of interest and academic performance in

Mathematics of the respondents of the study?

Statement of the Hypothesis

Based on the stated problems of this study, the following hypothesis was tested:

1. There is no significant relationship between level of interest and academic performance

in Mathematics of the seminarians of St. Pius X Seminary.

Theoretical Framework

While many studies and concepts have put effort in intervening an approach to promote

and develop students’ interest in mathematics learning, the researcher anchored this study on

Interest-Driven Creator (IDC) theory in learning mathematics a theory developed by a group of

Asian researchers namely Chan, T, et al. Interest-Driven Creator theory suggests that students

can be nurtured as creators after they have engaged in interest-driven learning activities.3.There

are three anchored concepts in IDC theory, namely interest, creation and habit, whereas each of

Chan, et al. (2018) Interest-driven creator Theory; Towards a Theory of Learning Design for Asia in the 21st
Century; Journal of computers in Education, 5(4), 435-461

them will go through to a continuum learning activity that consequently forms a loop.4 In such a

way, students could learn more effectively and can apply learned concepts in Mathematics

(Creator) in the IDC perspective in three stages. Nurturing interest in Mathematics is the first

stage that is to stimulate curiosity and maintain enthusiasm to tackle the challenges to scaffold

knowledge in Math. When students are fully engaged in learning, they have acquired the skills

and knowledge to answers mathematics questions on their own (create). As it goes through

guiding students to form fundamental habit in arithmetic learning processes.

The process would have its very important first step that is the interest. Interest in

Mathematics will pave the way into a meaningful mathematics learning. Interest is very crucial,

because when students learn with interest, learning becomes enjoyable and effective. 5

It is believed that interest has a vital role in students’ learning performance.6 However,

interest may not be a direct predictor of mathematics performance7and may not significantly

relate to Asian students mathematics performance after factoring out the result from PISA 20128

The researcher believed that the IDC theory can be best used as a theoretical basis for this

study because the elements as interest and academic performance specified by the theory is

present in the study being conducted.

This study was also anchored on Henry Tenedero‘s concept on learning

Mathematics. Tenedero is the Founding President of the Education for All Development Center.

According to him, it is presumed that a student who feels optimistic about Mathematics will
Gilbert, M. C. (2016) Relating Aspect of Motivation to Facets of Mathematical Competence Varying in Cognitive
Demand. The Journal of Educational Research, 109(6), 647-657
Yu, R., Sing, K. (2016). Teacher Support, Instructional Practices, Student motivation, and Mathematics
Achievement in High School. The Journal of Educational Research, 1-14
Thien, L, M., Ong, M. Y., (2015), Malaysia and Singaporean Students’ Affective Characteristics and Mathematics
Performance: Evidence from 2012, SpringPLus, 4, 563-577

achieve at a higher academic performance in the subject as compared to a student who has

negative attitude towards Mathematics. It is also likely that a higher achiever will enjoy

Mathematics more than the students who performed poorly in Mathematics.9

Conceptual Framework

This study focus on the students’ level of interest in Mathematics as the independent

variable and Mathematics Academic performance as the dependent variable.

The schematic diagram in figure 1 presents the conceptual framework of the study

showing the relationship of the variables.

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Performance in
Level of Interest in
Mathematics of
Seminarians S.Y

Figure 1. Schematic Diagram showing the relationship of independent variable and the
dependent variable.
Scope and Limitations of the Study

The present study included 110 randomly selected seminarians from the junior and senior

high school during the first semester of the school year 2020-2021.

The study focused on the level of interest and academic performance in Mathematics of

the seminarian respondents.

Tenedero, H., The Effect of Teaching and Learning Styles on Students’ Academic Achievement in General
Chemistry: The Journal of Educational Research, 115(7)

The study used descriptive-correlational research design and the primary research

instrument used was a researcher-made questionnaire.

This study was conducted last October to December. 2020 for the School Year 2020-2021.

Significance of the Study

This study aims to provide substantial information on the level of interest in Mathematics

and the academic performance among JHS seminarians of SPXS. The result of this study may be

beneficial to the students, math teachers, parents and future researchers.

Students. The result of this study will be of great help to the students as they will be able

to determine their level of interest in mathematics. This study will further give students

information on their mathematics performance affected by level of interest. With the information

they can get from this study, they will know what activities to engage in to increase their level of

interest, how to strengthen their interest so as to minimize the numerical problem which could

affect their performance in mathematics. With the information they can get from this study, this

will encourage them to increase their level of interest by engaging that could enhance

mathematics performance.

Math Teachers. Through this study, math teachers will be able to assess the strategies

and activities they employ in teaching, and whether these can help develop the level of interest of

students and determine the link of these interest to students’ mathematics performance. The

study will help them decide if they need to undergo further trainings and seminar-workshops to

improve their teaching competence which is very vital in effecting knowledge transfer and

acquisition among students. Result of this study will also provide insights whether teachers need

to modify their teacher strategies or provide activities to students to increase their level of

interest in mathematics. It will make them aware of the different problems students encountered

in learning mathematics and make some possible solutions, they could also use the findings as

basis in making their teaching and lessons more interesting and enthusiastic.

Parents. Parents will gain insights from the results of the study that their efforts,

guidance and support are needed to help their children perform better in school and may

coordinate with the math teachers to increase the level of interest of their student in this subject.

With the information about the mathematics performance of their students as affected by their

level of interest, this will motivate them to enrol their students in enrichment activities and

advanced courses during vacation that would greatly enhance their mathematics performance.

Future Researchers. This study can give other researchers baseline data on the

connection of the students’ level of interest in this subject. The result of the study will serve as

basis or guide in pursuing a study related to possible interventions which could help address the

problems experienced by the students. This will give them more ideas and insights on thinking

about new researches that will help not only the respondents but also the whole community. This

will also develop their creative and critical thinking in brainstorming a new research topic related

to this study. They may benefit from the method employed and findings that can be used as basis

for further researches.

Definition of Terms

Level of Interest. It refers to the attitude characterized by a need to give selective attention to

something that is significant to a person such as an activity, goal or research area. In this study,

the same meaning is used.10

Nugent, Pam M.S., “INTEREST”, in PsychologyDictionary.org, May 11, 2013,
http://psychologydictinary.org/interest/. Accessed February 6, 2018

Mathematics Performance. The accomplishment of a given task measured against present

known standards of accuracy, completeness, cost, and speed.11 In this study, “mathematics

performance” referred to the average grade in the Final Rating for school year 2019-2020

obtained by the respondents from their mathematics subject.

Seminarian. It refers to a student in a seminary especially in a Roman Catholic Church.12 In this

study it refers to the junior high school and senior high school seminarians of SPXS.

SPXS. It stands for Saint Pius X Seminary. It is the only one Minor seminary in the Archdiocese

of Capiz. It was established in the year 1957, founded by Bishop Antonio Frondosa D.D

Students. It refers to the respondents of the study.



This chapter presents the review of the related literature relevant to the study. It consists

of foreign and local related literatures and studies whose implications are related to this

particular study.

Foreign Literature

Since the beginning of recorded history, mathematic discovery has been at the lead of

every civilized society, and in use in even the most primitive of cultures. The needs of math
“Mathematics Performance”, S.V. 2020 http:/www.businessdictionary.com/definition/performance.html
“Seminarian”, S.V., Merriam-Webster Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Incorporated

arose based on the wants of society. The more complex a society, the more complex the

mathematical needs. Primitive tribes needed little more than the ability to count, but also relied

on math to calculate the position of the sun and the physics of hunting.13

Mathematics is the science that deals with the logic of shape, quantity and arrangement.

Math is all around us, in everything an individual do. It is the building block for everything in its

daily lives, including mobile devices, architecture (ancient and modern), art, money, engineering,

and even sports.

Mathematics is a fundamental part of human thought and logic, and integral to attempts

at understanding the world and ourselves. Mathematics provides an effective way of building

mental discipline and encourages logical reasoning and mental rigor. In addition, mathematical

knowledge plays a crucial role in understanding the contents of other school subjects such as

science, social studies, and even music and art.14

Mathematics interest is a complex behavioural aspect of mathematics. It has so many

characteristics and it can be attributed to as many situations as we discuss in mathematics

education. It can use it to study at various educational levels, say primary to post graduate; we

can use it to associate with various school subjects; we can use it to relate sex, residence, type of

school, teaching and learning situations, and physical facilities and so on.

Illiyash revealed that in India the quality improvement of mathematics education is the

greater need of today the quality of education can be measured through achievement

.Mathematics interest is a complex behavioural aspect of mathematics. It has so many

Elaine J. Hom , What is Mathematics? - Live Science Contributor, August 16, 2013

Secretariat, International Mathematical Union Secretariat Hausvogteiplatz 10117 Berlin, Germany

characteristics and it can be attributed to as many situations as in mathematics education. The

key strategy of mathematics teaching should focus on keeping the students interest on

mathematics .If the students are interested in learning mathematics that should be helpful

to their academic achievement and also teacher tasks becomes easier.15

According to Akinoso the importance of interest in mathematics cannot be

overestimated. We are living in a very important time in human history, where people are

witnessing more and more advertisements and persuasive communications than ever before.

Mathematics Interest is a key interest of psychologists, advertisers, and more to understand

what makes people change their beliefs or opinions Mathematics is very important subject

where interest of the students is essential in order to achieve an outstanding performance. One

could not graduate if he failed in this subject.16

Despite its great importance, it is the only subject that is most dreaded to learners

among all subjects offered in schools17. Students therefore tend to respond to it with less self-

confidence, negative fee learning task. This suggests that mathematics interest test for senior

secondary level has to do with mastering the prerequisite skills in junior secondary school (JSS)

level mathematics that can enable the JSS three students cope with further learning of

mathematics at the next higher level of mathematics teaching in senior secondary school one .

And mathematics interest test can be developed and used as an indicator of success in any

mathematics. Many factors have been identified in literature as reasons associated with students’

lack of interest in learning mathematics. These include Students’ factor, teachers’ factor,
Illivash,M. Interest in Mathematics and Academic Achievement of High School Students in Chennai District,
2017, pg. 21
Akinoso, S.,O,Correlates of some factors affecting students’ achievement in secondary school mathematics in
Osun State: In International journal of education, science, mathematics and environmental studies, University of
Abuja, 2011, pg.83-95
Idigo, E,C, Effective method of Retaining Students Interest in Mathematics in Secondary Schools in Enugu East
local Government area of Enugu State, 2010, pg. 21

mathematics anxiety, class size, government factor, infrastructural problem, instructional

strategy, among others course.18

Many students have fears and loathsome experiences about mathematics. Such negative

experiences are caused by mathematics anxiety which knows no boundaries irrespective of age

or gender. Mathematics anxiety is the feeling of tension, helplessness, mental disorganization

and dread one when required to manipulate numbers and shapes and the solving of mathematics

problems. One of the most notable consequences of mathematics anxiety is poor mathematics

achievement and competence. Students who are infested with mathematics anxiety will lack

interest to learn mathematics, and consequently may tend to achieve poverty in the subject.

Educational resources in the form of infrastructural resource materials are essential ingredients in

any teaching/ learning situation.

Furthermore, it was reported that few effective studies undertaken in developing

countries, those educational resources are very important input in achievement. The use of

teaching resources particularly in mathematics will shift the psychological phobia, anxiety and

abstraction associated with mathematics to real life situation and practically oriented. Many

studies have considered each of these factors either singly or in combination of two, but this

study examines the seven identified factors (teacher, student, mathematics anxiety, class size,

government, instructional strategy and infrastructural problem) as correlates of students’ interest

to mathematics learning in senior secondary school mathematics programme. It is therefore

necessary to correlate some of the factors affecting students’ interest to mathematics learning so

as to know the extent of their relationships.19

Goolsby, L., School Interest. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 2013
Usman, K.O and Nwoye M.N “Mathematical Sciences Education” A Journal of National Mathematical Centre,
1,1, (2010): 115-122

High school students tend to develop their own identity in school and act accordingly on

what is expected from them. This situation is relevant to the school responsibilities and tasks that

students may encounter in school. If students develop their self-concept towards the subject, they

will identify their perceived limitations and strengths of the subject. Hence, they perform tasks

according to their perceived capabilities. The stereotype that Math is for males are commonly

observed in school. In this connection, teachers need to establish strategies that are eliminating

gender gaps in terms of the self-concept and performance of the students in Math.20

Interest plays an important role in the academic performance of student in all subject not

losing sight on the subject of consideration, it is believed that one’s interest towards a subject to

a great deal determine the success of the person in the subject. Taking interest as a predisposition

towards behaviour, it is reasonable to assume that the more likely the interest of person to a

particular subject, the more likely he is to succeed in that task and can attain the good academic


Interest plays an important role in the study of any subject which includes brain storming

courses like mathematics, physics, chemistry, etc. Contributing to this, emphasized that without

interest, efficient learning of mathematics would be hardly conceivable and there would be no

progress without effort. These two statements involving interest and effort are by no means

opposed to each other.

Cvencek, Kapur, & Meltzoff, remarked that interest is very important in determining the

success or failure of whatever venture on embarks on. Students perform better when they have

interest in what is to be learned. On the other hand, lack of interest in mathematics will affects
Ajogbeje, J. O.,Self-concept as predictor of Mathematics Achievement Among Secondary School Students in
Ado-Ekiti, Nigeria, Canadian Center of Science Education, 2010, pg. 15-22.
Awan Clair et al, A study of relationship between achievement motivation, self-concept, and achievement in
English and Mathematics at secondary level ,” Journal of International Education (2011): 72-79

the student academic performance adversely. This is because nobody learns affectively what hi is

not interested in, even if the student is been forced, it will still be futile.22

Scholars agree that students’ academic achievement is a ‘net result’ of their cognitive and

non-cognitive attributes as well as the sociocultural context in which the learning process takes


Academic performance is the measurement of student achievement across various

academic subjects. Teachers and education officials typically measure achievement using

classroom performance, graduation rates and results from standardized tests.

Some researchers considered Mathematics as the queen of all sciences because scientific,

technological and social breakthroughs are given emphasis by the language of numbers. Thus,

this subject should not be taken for granted because it has a big role for the advancement of our

society. In learning this subject area, there are many reasons how the academic performance of

the students is affected, to name a few, teaching processes, strategies, environmental factors,

students’ interest and assessments are some of the factors affecting children in learning

effectively the context of mathematics. They should be emphasized to lessen the decreasing

literacy rate in mathematical skills of the students. Despite of the innovative teaching strategies

evolved today, performance of the students in Mathematics remains low and alarming.24

Cvencek, D., Kapur, Meltzoff, A. N. Math achievement, stereotypes, and math self-concepts, (Singapore, 2015),
pg. 5-10: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.learninstruc.2015.04.002
Cheng Wang et al, Student-life: Assessing Mental Health, Academic Performance and behavioral trends of college
students using smartphones. In: Proceedings of the 2014 ACM international joint conference on pervasive and
ubiquitous computing, (New York, 2014), pg. 3-14
Cordova, C. C., & Tan, D. A. “Mathematics Proficiency, Attitude and Performance of Grade 9 Students in Private
High Schools in Bukidnon, Philippines,” Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities VV, 2 (2018):

Through a variety of methods, a large number of studies have investigated the factors that

determine academic performance. It is a broad range of individual characteristics concerning

personal history, behavior, and perception. Similarly, the Student Life study used smartphones to

collect data on student activity, social behavior, personality, and interest. Both research groups

observed correlations between performance and all feature categories, building a case that factors

influencing academic performance are not limited to a single aspect of an individual’s life.25

Local Literature

The result of the Third International Mathematics and Science Study ranked

Philippines (TIMSS) as 39th out of 41 participating international countries. This showed that

Filipino students could not go beyond simple recall. They could not fully comprehend the

questions thus leading to a wrong answer. Mathematics performance as measured by the

National Achievement Test (NAT) result is below the 50% required by DepEd. Findings was

correlated to the interest of the students to Mathematics

In the study of Cabahug entitled “The Academic Performance in Basic Mathematics of

UPV Cebu College Freshmen From School Years 2006-2007 to 2009-2010: A Basis For

Admission to Degree Programs” there were 941 students in four school years excluding

transferees and those who withdrew from math were the subjects of the study. 26

Sekara Vei, Measuring large-scale social networks with high resolution (New York, 2014), 35.
Cabahug L, Learning and Instruction, (2007), pg. 45

For students who were required to take Math 11, their only significant factor is the

interest of students towards the subject. The results of their study also showed that for students

enrolled in degree programs requiring Math 17 in addition to UPCAT Mathematical ability and

interest towards Mathematics, the type of school is also a significant factor. 27

A study conducted in Lanao del Norte aimed to determine the factors associated with the

pupils' ability to solve problems in mathematics by associating pupils' mathematics achievement.

Results show that majority of the pupils had average performance in problem solving skills along

fractions, decimals, and percentage. Likewise, they had a fair attitude level towards mathematics

and perceived that mathematics is useful for problems in everyday life. Furthermore, significant

relationship existed between pupils' performance in problem solving skills test and type of school

as well as pupils' average grade in Mathematics. Finally, no significant relationship existed

between pupil’s performance in problem solving skills test and the following pupil-related

factors, namely: family income, size of family, and attitudes toward mathematics.28

In addition, the study of Kamoru, & Ramon found out that there were no significant

differences between the public and private schools in the City Division of Candon, Ilocos Sur in

terms of Mathematics II achievement, interest toward Mathematics, Mathematics beliefs,

confidence in using computers, and their perceptions on the characteristics of their teachers. 29

There was a significant relationship between the level of interest in Mathematics and

performance in College Algebra as attested by the correlation coefficient. However, as to the

level of attitude towards and the performance in College Algebra the correlation described as not
Cordova, C. C., and Tan, D. A., “Mathematics Proficiency, Attitude and Performance of Grade 9 Students in
Private High Schools in Bukidnon, Philippines,” Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities 5, 2, (2018): 150-164
Kamoru, U., & Ramon, O. G., “Influence of self-concept, study habit, and gender on attitude and
achievement of secondary school students in mathematics,” Journal for Leadership and Instruction, 16, 1 (2017):
49-52, http://bit.ly/2XD0cb0

significant. However, he found out that school personal factors such as sex, age, birth order,size

of family, occupation of mother, family monthly income and type of High School graduated

were not correlated to the performance of students in College algebra. High school Mathematics

grade and occupation of father were inversely correlated.

According to the findings of Gabriel’s study in his Master thesis entitled “Determinants

of Mathematics Performance of the Fourth Year High School Students of Sta. Lucia District,

Ilocos Sur” The interest of the students toward Mathematics was “slightly favorable” with little

overall Mathematics beliefs and excellent impressions to their Mathematics teachers.

Awan study examined the achievement and its relationship with achievement motivation

and self-concept. The results revealed that achievement motivation and self-concept are mostly

identified with scholastic accomplishment. Huge sex contrasts were found, which were

supportive of young ladies. It was recommended that instructors must utilize inspirational

techniques to include understudies in scholarly exercises for improving their evaluations.30

Capuno, et.al, in their topic Emotional Intelligence Quotient (EIQ) and Academic

Performance (AP) in Mathematics of De La Salle University – Dasmariñas Students said that

knowledge of students is an essential resource of effective teaching. Although knowing what the

students think is a challenging endeavor, best result can be taken from it. It is evident that

students in school face many difficulties especially in their mathematics subject. Each student

has different needs and styles to suit their learning process.31

Awan, R. U. N., “A study of relationship between achievement motivation, self-concept, and achievement in
English and Mathematics at secondary level,” Journal of International Education Studies, 5, 2, (2011):pg. 45-5
Capuno, R., et al, “Attitudes, StudyHabits, and Academic Performance of Junior High School Students in
Mathematics. International Electronic,” Journal of Mathematics Education 14, 3 (2019): 547-561,

It is presumed that a student who feels optimistic about Mathematics will achieve at a

higher academic performance in the subject as compared to a student who has negative attitude

towards Mathematics. It is also likely that a higher achiever will enjoy Mathematics more than

the students who performed poorly in Mathematics. This is one reason why most researchers

and educators put emphasis on motivating students in learning Mathematics. Mathematics

educators face a new set of challenges and choices, as the changing society becomes information

based and demand Mathematical literacy. Mathematics is a very interesting subject although to

some it is a difficult one.

The studies above are relevant to the present study because they deal with the predictors

of Mathematics Academic Performance of the secondary students while the present study deals

with the Interest of the Junior High School Students and their academic performance in




This chapter discusses the research design, research participants and sampling procedure,

research instrument used, data gathering procedures and data analyses and interpretation


Research Design

The research design used in this study was the descriptive-correlational research design.

The descriptive research was used to obtain information concerning the current status of the

phenomena and describe what exists with respect to variables or condition under study. This

type of research quantifies and generalizes results from a wide population. It also measures the

incidence of the different views and opinions of the sample respondents.

The researcher also used the correlational method to determine the relationships among

independent variable and dependent variable. The quantitative approach was utilized to

determine the level of interest in Mathematics of the seminarians of SPXS. This method was

deemed appropriate for the present study because it sought to describe the level interest in

mathematics of the respondents of the study. Data were gathered through adopted and revised

questionnaire from the “The Mathematics Interest Inventory (MII)” developed by Stevens and

Olivarez (2005) was used to measure seminarians’ interest towards Mathematics.

The Academic Performance in Mathematics was obtained from the seminarian

respondents’ average grade in Mathematics in the Final Rating, school year 2019-2020.

The statistical tools used were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and

Pearson r.

Research Participants and Sampling Method

The research participants of the study were the minor seminarians in both Junior

High School (Grade 7-10) and Senior High School of St. Pius X Seminary for the Formation

Year 2020-2021. The study aimed to determine the level of interest and academic performance in

Mathematics of the seminarians of SPXS. The Cochran’s formula was used in determining the

sample size at 0.05 margin of error.


Where in:

Z = desired confidence level

P = estimated proportion of attribute


E = desired level of precision


no = sample size

N = population size

The Proportional Allocation formula was used to determine the sample size of

respondents for each grade level for both parents and seminarian since the researcher presumed

that the proportion of the respondents is 1:1.

Formula: n (Nı)

ni = ___________


ni = sample size of each school

Ni = population of each school

N = total population

n = appropriate sample size

Table 1. Distribution of Respondents by Grade Level

Grade Level Population Sample Size


Grade 7 50 15
Grade 8 56 20
Grade 9 82 30
Grade 10 46 16
Grade 11 34 12
Grade 12 40 15
Total Population 154 110

Research Instrument Used

The primary research instrument that was used in collecting the data needed for the study

was the adopted and revised questionnaire from the “The Mathematics Interest Inventory

(MII)” developed by Stevens and Olivarez was used to measure seminarians’ interest towards

Mathematics .

The Academic Performance in Mathematics was obtained from the seminarian

respondents’ average grade in Mathematics in the Final Rating, school year 2019-2020.

After the researcher was given a clearance by his adviser, the questionnaire was

submitted to the St. Pius X Seminary Research Committee. The questionnaire designed for the

study was subjected to a validation process for face and content validity since revisions on the

original Mathematics Interest Inventory was made. Validity refers to the appropriateness,

meaningfulness, and usefulness of the data collected from the instruments. Face validity, also

called logical validity, is a simple form of validity where you apply a superficial and subjective

assessment of whether or not your study or test measures what it is supposed to measure 32.

Content validation, which plays a primary role in the development of any new instrument,

provides evidence about the validity of an instrument by assessing the degree to which the

instrument measures the targeted construct.33

The validation process enables the instrument to be used to make meaningful and

appropriate inferences and/or decisions from the instrument scores given the assessment


The validators scrutinized each item of the questionnaire to find out if the indicators of

the major variable as perception on the four pillars of seminary formation were met and if the

statements were valid or not. In the validation process of this study, copies of the questionnaire

were given to the members of the Research Committee ( Research Teacher, Senior High School

Coordinator and Principal ).These experts went through the research questions and the

questionnaire carefully to ascertain the appropriateness and adequacy of the instrument. Useful

and significant observations and suggestions by the experts were modified, and the corrections

were made. Their comments and suggestions were incorporated in the final copy of the


Having validated the questionnaire and with the approval of the research adviser , a pilot

testing was carried out on the instrument using 15 minor seminarians of St. Pius X Seminary

through Google Forms in which the actual research will be carried out. This was done in order to

Helen E. Caintic, Ph. D. and Juanita M. Cruz, Ph,. D. Scientific Research:Manual (Quezon City, Philippines: C &
E Publishing , Inc.,2008) , 26

Haynes, S. N., Richard, D. C. S., & Kubany, E. S. (1995). Content validity in psychological assessment: A
functional approach to concepts and methods. Psychological Assessment, 7, 238–247
Helen E. Caintic, Ph. D. and Juanita M. Cruz, Ph,. D. Scientific Research:Manual (Quezon City, Philippines: C &
E Publishing , Inc.,2008) , 26

see how the subject will react to the questionnaire and whether the items are clear enough and

easily understood.

To check the reliability of the research instrument, CRONBACH’S ALPHA was used.

This is the most appropriate method to check the reliability for survey and inventory tests.

Cronbach’s alpha measures the internal consistency of the questionnaire or how a set of items in

a group is closely related. It is not a statistical test but a measure of coefficient of reliability or

consistency. A questionnaire having an alpha between 0.70 and 1.00 is considered to be valid

and reliable instrument. 35

The computed Cronbach’s alpha (α ) of the research instrument was 0.87 and is

considered valid and reliable .

The responses were recorded and interpreted according to the table below:

Table 2. Rating Scale

Score/Score Verbal Interpretation Meaning of Verbal Interpretation

5 Very Highly Interested Interest is exhibited and manifested at all
4.21 – 5.00 (Very Strongly Agree) times.
4 Highly Interested Interest is exhibited and manifested most of
3.41 – 4. 20 (Strongly Agree) the time.
3 Moderately Interested Interest is manifested and exhibited on
2.61 – 3. 40 (Agree) certain occasions from time to time.
2 Less Interested Interest is manifested and exhibited rarely.
1.81 – 2.60 (Disagree)
1 Least Interested Interest is never been manifested and
1.00 – 1.80 (Strongly Disagree) exhibited.

Data Gathering Procedures

The study was conducted during the first semester of the formation year 2020-2021. The

needed data for this survey-descriptive research was gathered using the revised Mathematics
Helen E. Caintic, Ph. D. and Juanita M. Cruz, Ph,. D. Scientific Research:Manual (Quezon City, Philippines: C &
E Publishing , Inc.,2008) , 28

Interest Inventory (MII) originally developed by Stevens and Olivarez (2005). After the

questionnaire was deemed valid by panel of experts and reliable, a letter of approval was sought

from the Office of the Principal to allow to conduct of the study. After the approval, the

researcher conducted the survey through the Google Forms due to the limitations of face to face

classes and social gatherings in time of the Covid – 19 pandemic. When the research instrument

has been answered, these were retrieved by the researcher and tallied, tabulated, analyzed and

interpreted using the Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) software.

The gathered data were scored and given the corresponding verbal interpretation. For

descriptive data, frequency, percentage, and mean were used and for inferential statistics.

Pearson-r used to determine the relationship between the variables of the study.

Data Analyses and Interpretation Procedure

The data gathered from the study were analyzed and interpreted using the Statistical

Package for Social Science (SPSS) software. The following were the statistical tools used in the

analysis of the data gathered:

Frequency and percentage were used to determine distribution of respondents

according to Grade Level.

The mean and standard deviation were used to determine the level of interest and

academic performance in Mathematics of the respondents of the study.


Pearson-r was used to measure the significant relationships between the variables of the

study. The level of significance was set at alpha 0,05.



This chapter covers the presentation, analysis, and interpretation of data. It includes the

level of interest ad academic performance in Mathematics of the seminarians of St. Pius X

Seminary and the relationship between the level of interest and the academic performance in


Level of Interest in Mathematics of the Seminarians of St. Pius X Seminary, SY 2020-2021

Data reveal that the level of interest of the seminarian respondents in Mathematics had a

grand mean of 3.57 with a verbal interpretation of “ highly interested” which indicated that

interest in Mathematics was exhibited by the seminarian respondents most of the time as

presented in Table 3.

Table 3 shows the different statements that manifest the attitude and feelings of the 110

respondents that would determine their interest towards Mathematics and its mean and verbal


Table 3. Level of Interest in Mathematics of the Seminarians of St. Pius X Seminary, SY


Statements Mean Verbal Interpretation

1. I like to answer questions in Mathematics class. 3.81 Highly Interested
2. I believe learning Math is important for my future. 3.82 Highly Interested
3. I am interested in Mathematics. 3.44 Highly Interested
4. Knowing a lot about Mathematics is helpful. 4.00 Highly Interested
5. I feel happy when it comes to working on 3.60 Highly Interested

6. I want to know all about Mathematics problems. 3.99 Highly Interested
7. I am excited when a new Math topic is announced. 3.10 Moderately Interested
8. I work hard in my math classes. 3.21 Moderately Interested
9. I want to learn more about Mathematics. 3.76 Highly Interested
10. I believe I can get better and better at Math each 4.21 Very Highly Interested

11. Everyone can learn mathematics easily if they 3.30 Moderately Interested

want to.
12. I can solve word problems. 3.16 Moderately Interested
13. Getting the right answer is more important than 3.60 Highly Interested

understanding why the answer works.

14. I complete all my Math assignments outside of 3.43 Highly Interested

15. I can usually do math problems that take a long 3.06 Moderately Interested

time to complete.
16. I like doing mathematics activities . 3.33 Moderately Interested
17. I almost never come to class with unfinished 3.60 Highly Interested

18. I think I will do/have done well in mathematics 3.30 Moderately Interested

this semester.
19. Math can be a lot of fun. 3.81 Highly Interested
20. Discussing different solutions is a good way of 3.87 Highly Interested

learning math.
21. Achievement and effort in math class are likely 3.85 Highly Interested

to lead to job success later on.

22. I ask questions when I am unsure of a problem. 3.37 Moderately Interested
23. I’m certain I can figure out how to solve difficult 3.50 Highly Interested

math problems.

24. Time spent learning why a solution works is time 3.73 Highly Interested

well spent.
25. Doing well in math class will help me get a good 3.50 Highly Interested

job when I am done.

26. I give math assignments my best effort. 3.58 Highly Interested
27. I can use what I learn in math class in other 3.52 Highly Interested

28. Even if the concepts in math class are hard, I can 3.69 Highly Interested

learn them.
29. It’s important for me to do really well in math. 3.37 Moderately Interested
30. I work on Mathematics in my sparetime . 3.53 Highly Interested
Grand Mean 3.57 Highly Interested

The statements above to elicit the level of interest of the seminarians in St. Pius X

Seminary had means that ranges from 3.06 to 4.21. The highest mean of 4.21 verbally interpreted

as “very highly interested “ was on the statement “ I believe I can get better and better at Math

each day”. This implies that the respondents were optimistic that they can learn and understand

the subject better as they continually learn and study Mathematics across time.

However, the lowest mean of 3.06, verbally interpreted as “moderately interested” was

on the statement “I can usually do math problems that take a long time to complete”. The result

revealed that seminarians are never patient and shows no or little interest on complicated

problems requiring multi-step problems. They tend to give up easily if they can’t solve the

problem right away.

The level of interest in Mathematics was measured through 30 statements exhibiting

attitude and perceptions about the subject. Attitude refers to a learned tendency of a person to

respond positively or negatively towards an object, situation, a concept, or a person. It is also


regarded as a belief held by individuals that reflects their opinions and feelings and can be

sometimes manifested in behavior. Attitudes, behavior, and feelings are interrelated in such a

way that people’s attitudes determine their interest towards objects, situations, and people.

The result of the study supports the concept which states that the importance of interest

in mathematics cannot be overestimated. Mathematics is a very important subject where

interest of the students is essential in order to achieve an outstanding performance. One could not

graduate if he failed in this subject.

Level of Interest in Mathematics of the Seminarians of St. Pius X Seminary, SY 2020-2021

according to Grade Level

The level of interest of the seminarians of St. Pius X Seminary as shown in Table 3 had a

grand mean of 3.57 verbally interpreted as “highly interested ”. The level of interest in

Mathematics among the six grade levels had means that ranges from 3.24 to 3.68. The highest

mean of 3.68 verbally interpreted as “ highly interested “ was on Grade 9 and the lowest mean

of 3.23 verbally interpreted as “ moderately interested “ was with the Grade 11 .

Table 4. Level of Interest in Mathematics of the Seminarians of St. Pius X Seminary, SY

2020-2021 according to Grade Level
Level of Interest Mean Verbal Interpretation
Grade 7 3.55 Highly Interested

Grade 8 3.62 Highly Interested


Grade 9 3.68 Highly Interested

Grade 10 3.63 Highly Interested

Grade 11 3.24 Moderately Interested

Grade 12 3.48 Highly Interested

Grand Mean 3.57 Highly Interested

The study revealed that the seminarians showed a high interest with the subject

Mathematics as they are highly interested with the different activities and challenges that the

subject Mathematics requisite.

Broadly speaking, respondents in the sample indicated positive interest in

Mathematics. The results indicate that generally, seminarians had a positive attitude towards

Mathematics. Thus, the result could be the basis for designing learning activities and challenges

for effective learning of mathematics.

Interest in mathematics is the extent to which the students enjoy doing and

learning mathematics 36According to Syyeda, “Students” enjoyment while learning can influence

their behaviour or cognitive aspect of attitude” 37. As to PISA 2012 results published by OECD

(2013), students may learn mathematics because they find it enjoyable and interesting.38

They further posit that interest and enjoyment affect both the degree and continuity

of engagement in learning and the depth of understanding. This means that the more students

Kupari, P., & Nissinen, K.,Background factors behind mathematics achievement in Finnish education context:
Explanatory models based on TIMSS 1999 and TIMSS 2011 data. IEA CONFERENCE 2013, Proceedings.
Syyeda, F., Understanding Attitudes Towards Mathematics (ATM) : An Exploratory Case Study with Secondary
School Children in England, (Cambridge,2016) 32-62
OECD. (2013). StudentS’ drive and MotivatioN. Results: Ready to Learn-Students’ Engagement, Drive and
Self-Beliefs. Volume III. OECD. Retrieved from https://www.oecd.org/pisa/keyfindings/pisa-2012-

enjoy doing mathematics the more they are likely to engage in problem-solving thus enhancing

their learning and performance. Since enjoyment, students’ learning and performance are related,

it is worth evaluating the students’ status of mathematics enjoyment in order to keep track of

students’ learning and performance.

Academic Performance in Mathematics of the Seminarians in St. Pius X Seminary

As a whole, the average grade in Mathematics of the Seminarians in St. Pius X Seminary

in their final grade for the school year 2019-2020 is 87.48 interpreted as “very satisfactory” in

reference with the DepEd Order No. 8, s. 2015. This is shown in table 4.

Table 5. Academic Performance in Mathematics of the Seminarians of St. Pius X

Seminary, SY 2020-2021 according to Grade Level
GPA in Mathematics Mean Verbal Interpretation
Grade 7 82.00 Satisfactory

Grade 8 88.65 Very Satisfactory

Grade 9 87.82 Very Satisfactory

Grade 10 88.86 Very Satisfactory

Grade 11 88.74 Very Satisfactory


Grade 12 88.36 Very Satisfactory

Grand Mean 87.48 Very Satisfactory

Legend : 90-100 Outstanding Reference: DepEd Order No.:8, S. 2015

85-89 Very Satisfactory
80-84 Satisfactory
75-79 Fair Satisfactory
Below 75 Did not meet expectations

Results revealed that the Average Grade in Mathematics of Seminarians in St. Pius X

Seminary for the formation year 2019-2020 got a mean of 87.48 which was interpreted as “very


Relationship Between the Level of Interest and Academic Performance `in Mathematics
of the seminarians in St. Pius X Seminary

The data revealed that there is no significant relationship between the level of interest and

the academic performance in Mathematics of the respondents of the study because the Pearson-r

value of 0.171 had a p-value of 0.078 which was higher than 0.05 alpha. The said result is shown

in Table 6.

Table 6. Relationship between the Extent of the Efficacy SPXS Socio-Cultural Activities and the
Academic Performance of Seminarians
Variables N Pearson-r Degree of Sig. Probability
value relationship

Level 110 0.171 Negligible 0.078 Not

of Interest 110 relationship Significant


The sig (2-Tailed) value is 0.078 is greater than 0.05. Therefore we can conclude that

there is no significant correlation between the two variables. That means, increases or decreases

in one variable do not significantly relate to increases or decreases in the second variable.

The result implies that the level of interest is not directly associated with the Academic

Performance in Mathematics of the seminarians. The null hypothesis is not rejected.

The result of the study is in disagreement with OECD39and Van der Bergh 40 who posit that
students’ attitudes and consequently their interest shapes their achievement in mathematics. It
was emphasized that enjoyment and interest of mathematics significantly predicted the students’
performance. This means that students learn better, when they enjoyed the lessons. Therefore, it
is up to teachers to employ strategies that will make mathematics lessons more enjoyable.

OECD. (2013). StudentS’ drive and MotivatioN. Results: Ready to Learn-Students’ Engagement, Drive andSelf-
Beliefs. Volume III. OECD. Retrieved from https://www.oecd.org/pisa/keyfindings/pisa-2012-results-volume-
Van der Bergh, E. (2013). The influence of academic self–confidence on mathematics achievement.
Doctoraldissertation, North-West University



This chapter presents the summary of the findings based on the gathered data, the

conclusions to the findings and the suggested recommendations.


The purpose of the study was to determine the level of interest and the academic

performance in Mathematics of the seminarians of St. Pius X Seminary, School Year 2020-2021

and the relationship between the variables.

The respondents of the study were the one hundred ten 110 randomly selected junior and

senior high school seminarians.


The independent variable of this study was the level of interest in mathematics and the

academic performance in terms of their Average Grade in the Final Rating of the school

year 2020-2021 was the dependent variable.

The instrument for the survey was a researcher-made questionnaire, patterned after the

Mathematics Interest Inventory developed by Stevens and Olivarez in 2005 was used to

gather the necessary data.

The study utilized statistical tools such as frequency count and percentage, mean and

standard deviation, and Pearson –r correlation.

The result of the study, in line with the data, displayed that the level of interest in

Mathematics of the respondents of the study was viewed clearly as “highly interested”.

Results further revealed that the mathematics performance of the seminarians in St. Pius X

Seminary in the Final Rating for the School Year 2020-2021 got a mean of 87.48 which was

interpreted as “very satisfactory”.

There is no significant relationship between the level of interest and their academic

performance in Mathematics in terms of the Average Grade in the Final Rating for School Year



The following conclusions are drawn in view of the results displayed above:

1. The study found out that seminarians exhibited a positive attitude and interest towards


2. Seminarians are performing well and good in Mathematics but a little bit far from


3. The seminarians’ level of interest in mathematics is not significantly related in their

Mathematics performance.


Based on the findings and the conclusions of the study, the following recommendations

are given:

1. SPXS should encourage mathematics teachers to attend seminars and workshops

developing effective learning packages and give seminarians daily activity in Math so

that would stimulate and nurture the seminarians interest in the subject.

2. SPXS should include the learner’s diversities or barriers to learning Mathematics to

enhance understanding and mastery of the lesson.

3. An Action Research that will be conducted by Mathematics Teachers to identify barriers

to learning Math and apply corrective measures that will reduce the learning difficulties

and provide intervention and remedial support whenever necessary .

4. Future researcher studies: These may be conducted to High School degree level using

other variables and correlations.

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Helen E. Caintic. Ph. D. and Juanita M. Cruz, Ph,. D. “Scientific Research:Manual” Quezon
City, Philippines: C & E Publishing , Inc, 2008.

Kupari, P. & Nissinen, K. “Background factors behind mathematics achievement in Finnish

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Syyeda, F. “Understanding Attitudes Towards Mathematics (ATM) : An Exploratory Case Study

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Van der Bergh, E. “The influence of academic self–confidence on mathematics achievement.

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B. Journal

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LiveScience, Elaine J. Hom, https://www.livescience.com/38936-mathematics.html, Accessed

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Nugent, Pam M.S., “INTEREST”, in PsychologyDictionary.org,

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D. Others

Seminarian”, S.V., Merriam-Webster Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Incorporated



Archdiocese of Capiz
Lawaan, Roxas City Tele/Fax No. (36) 6210-453

Philippines 5800 email: [email protected]


This is to certify that we have validated the instrument/ survey questionnaire of

SEM. ANDREI MATTHEW F. FLAGA a Senior High School student of St. Pius X
Seminary with the thesis title “THE LEVEL OF INTEREST AND PERFORMANCE IN

This certification is issued to SEM. ANDREI MATTHEW F. FLAGA for whatever

purpose it may serve his best.

Given this 24th of March, 2021 at St. Pius X Seminary, Lawaan, Roxas City.


SPXS Research Committee


Archdiocese of Capiz
Lawaan, Roxas City Tele/Fax No. (36) 6210-453

Philippines 5800 email: [email protected]


This is to certify that we have validated the instrument/ survey questionnaire of

SEM. ANDREI MATTHEW F. FLAGA a Senior High School student of St. Pius X
Seminary with the thesis title “THE LEVEL OF INTEREST AND PERFORMANCE IN

This certification is issued to SEM. ANDREI MATTHEW F. FLAGA for whatever

purpose it may serve his best.

Given this 24th of March, 2021 at St. Pius X Seminary, Lawaan, Roxas City.


SPXS Research Committee


Archdiocese of Capiz
Lawaan, Roxas City Tele/Fax No. (36) 6210-453

Philippines 5800 email: [email protected]


This is to certify that we have validated the instrument/ survey questionnaire of

SEM. ANDREI MATTHEW F. FLAGA a Senior High School student of St. Pius X
Seminary with the thesis title “THE LEVEL OF INTEREST AND PERFORMANCE IN

This certification is issued to SEM. ANDREI MATTHEW F. FLAGA for whatever

purpose it may serve his best.

Given this 24th of March, 2021 at St. Pius X Seminary, Lawaan, Roxas City.


SPXS Research Committee


Archdiocese of Capiz
Lawaan, Roxas City Tele/Fax No. (36) 6210-453

Philippines 5800 email: [email protected]


This is to certify that I have validated the instrument/ survey questionnaire of

SEM. ANDREI MATTHEW F. FLAGA a Senior High School student of St. Pius X
Seminary with the thesis title “THE LEVEL OF INTEREST IN MATEMATHICS AND

This certification is issued to SEM. ANDREI MATTHEW F. FLAGA for whatever

purpose it may serve his best.

Given this 5th of April, 2020 at St. Pius X Seminary, Lawaan, Roxas City.


English Critic


Archdiocese of Capiz
Lawaan, Roxas City Tele/Fax No. (36) 6210-453

Philippines 5800 email: [email protected]


This is to certify that I have validated the instrument/ survey questionnaire of

SEM. ANDREI MATTHEW F. FLAGA a Senior High School student of St. Pius X
Seminary with the thesis title “THE LEVEL OF INTEREST AND PERFORMANCE IN

This certification is issued to SEM. ANDREI MATTHEW F. FLAGA for whatever

purpose it may serve his best.

Given this 5th of April, 2020 at St. Pius X Seminary, Lawaan, Roxas City.




Archdiocese of Capiz
Lawaan, Roxas City Tele/Fax No. (36) 6210-453

Philippines 5800 email: [email protected]

Dear Respondents:

I am Sem. Andrei Matthew F. Flaga, a Grade 12 student from the Parish of St. Martin
of tours, Dumalag, Capiz. Presently, I am conducting a study entitled “The level of Interest and
Performance in Matemathics of Seminarians of SPXS”. This is a pre-requisite for my
graduation in the Senior High School of St. Pius X Seminary, Lawaan, Roxas City.

In this regard, I would like to ask a favor from you to help me in this study by
responding to my questionnaire. Rest assured that all the data gathered will be kept in the
highest level of confidentiality.

Your positive response in this request will be a valuable contribution for the success of my
study. Thank you very much for your cooperation and God Bless.

Respectfully Yours,

Sem. Andrei Matthew F. Flaga



Archdiocese of Capiz
Lawaan, Roxas City Tele/Fax No. (36) 6210-453

Philippines 5800 email: [email protected]


This final thesis paper entitle “THE LEVEL OF INTEREST AND PERFORMANCE IN

IN MATHEMATICS OF SEMINARIANS OF SPXS ”. Prepared and submitted this 24th of

March year 2021 by Sem. Andrei Matthew F. Flaga in partial fulfilment of the requirements

for the Senior High School Curriculum – General Academic Strand – is an accepted and

endorsed for evaluation.


Research Teacher

Curriculum Vitae Recent 2x2

Picture here

A. Personal Details

Name: Andrei Matthew F. Flaga

Home Address: Brgy. San Roque, Dumalag, Capiz

Parish: St. Martin or Tours Parish

Date of Birth: May 30, 2002

Place of Birth: Emmanuel Hospital, Roxas City

B. Educational Attainment

Elementary Education: Dumalag Central School

Place: Pob. Dumalag, Capiz

Awards: Boy Scout, Athlete of the year

Secondary Education: St. Pius X Seminary

Place: Lawaan, Roxas City, 5800

Awards: Honor student


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