Graduation Speech Criteria
Graduation Speech Criteria
Graduation Speech Criteria
Class of 2011
Length: Approximately 2 to 3 minutes
Writing: Prepare white 5 X 8 note cards to utilize as you deliver your speech to the committee. Also,
give a manuscript copy of your speech just prior to delivery.
To Do:
• On your manuscript, provide a title of your speech
• Prepare an engaging introduction with a thesis that is stated in the last sentence of the
• Prepare a body with clear transitions and restatement of the thesis
• Prepare a conclusion that offers appropriate closure
To Consider:
• Colorful and specific word choice
• Artistic, ear-catching, clever use of language
• Flow and rhythm
• Melodious word and idea combinations
• Appropriate questions, anecdotes, humor
Delivery: Using your white 5 X 8 note cards, deliver to the committee the speech you plan to deliver
graduation night 2010.
To Consider:
• Enunciation – word attack and word endings stated clearly
• Pace – the rate of delivery
• Projection – volume and strong voice
• Enthusiasm – energy, dynamism
• Eye Contact – know your material
• Pauses for effect
• Poise – posture, in-charge demeanor
Speeches will be given starting at 3:30 on Thursday, April 28 in room 205. Please come prepared! If
you have any questions, see Mrs. Edel in room 209 or Mr. Glover in room 507.
If you are selected to be a graduation speaker, you will continue to meet with the committee to evaluate
your previously-submitted manuscript. You will also receive numerous recommendations for improving
your message. Please plan to also stay after graduation practices to rehearse your speech delivery with
speech coaches.
Timeline The committee will use the following timeline to assess your interest and
your speaking talents.
Receive information regarding graduation speech tryouts Wed. April 14- Tues, April 26, 2011
Let the committee know of your serious intent Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Be informed by the committee of your delivery date and time Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Deliver your speech to the evaluation committee Thursday, April 28, 2011
3. To submit the final draft of your speech by Wednesday, May 18, 2011
5. To stay after graduation practices to rehearse your speech delivery with speech coaches.
Quick Checklist