Basics of Joint Biomechanics

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Basics of Joint

Dr. Mrs. Umiya I. Pathan
Assistant Professor
D.Y.Patil College of Physiotherapy,
( 15th December 2020)
 Basic principles of joint design.
 Classification of joints.
 Osteokinematics n arthokinematics.
 Concave convex rule.
 Stress-strain Curve.
 206 bones
 Vary in size from pea sized to long
 Shapes of bone vary from round to flat

and contours of the ends of bone vary

from convex to concave
 Task of designing
 Joint desigh- vary from simple to

 Simple human joints - stability is
primary function,
 Complex human joints- mobility is

primary function
 Most joints have dual function
 Human stability joints-ends of the

bones may be contoured either to fit

into each other or lie flat against each
 Bracing of joint- use of joint capsule ,

ligaments & tendons

 Joints designed for mobility – Synovial
 The ends of bony componunts –

hyaline cartilage covered& enclosed in

a synovial sheath( joint capsule)
 The capsule, ligaments & tendons

located around mobility joints not only

help to provide stability but also guide
limit & permit motion
 Wedges of cartilage- minisci, discs,
plates & labrum- used to increase
stability, to provide shock absorption
and to facilitate motion

 Lubricating fliud- help to reduce

friction between the articulating
Classification of Joints

1. Synarthrosis ( non- synovial)

2. Synchondrosis ( primary
cartilaginous joint)
3. Diarthrosis ( synovial)
1. Synarthrosis (non- synovial)
 Material used to connect is
interosseus connective tissue ( fibrous
or Cartilaginous)
 Divided into two

i. Fibrous
ii. Cartilaginous
i. Fibrous joints
 Directly unites bone to bone
 Types : Sutures, Gomphosis,
a. Suture joint
 Bony components are united by collagenous
sutural ligament or membrane
 The ends – the edges interlock or overlap one

 Found in skull
 Fusion of bones in this occure latter in life &

forms bony union called syndesmosis

b. Gomphosis
 In this surfaces of bony components are
adapted to each other like a peg in a hole
 Component parts are connected by fibrous

 Eg.

joint between tooth & either mandible or

c. Syndesmosis
 Two bony componunts are joined by
an interosseous ligaments, a fibrous
cord or aponeurotic membrane
 Small amount of motion
 Shaft of tibia is joined to shaft of

fibula by interosseous membrane

ii. Cartilaginous joint
 Cartilagenous material is used to unite
 Creates cartilage-bone interface
 Materials uesed- fibrocartilage or hyaline

 Types - Symphysis

a. Symphysis joint( secondary
cartilaginous joint)
 Covered with thin lamina of hyaline
 Directely joined by fibrocartilage in

forms of disc or pads

 Eg. Intervetibral joints,joint between

manubrium and sternal body,

symphysis pubis
b. Synchondrosis
 Connecting material between two bone –
Hyaline cartilage
 Cartilage forms bond between two ossifing

 Function- to permit bone growth

providing stability & allowing

small mobility
 Some found in skull and some in sites of

bone growth
 When bone growth complete, some of these
joints ossify &convert to bony unions

 Eg. 1st intercostal joint- adjuscent surface of

1st rib & sternum are connected directely by
articular cartilage.
2. Diarthroses
 Ends of bony
components are free
to move
 Bony components are

indirectly connected to
one another by a joint
 All synovial joints are constructed in a
similar fashion and having following
 a joint capsule composed of two
 A joint cavity that is enclosed by the

joint capsule
 Synovial tissue lines the inner surface

of the capsule
 Synovial fluids forms a film over the

joint surface
 Hyalinecartilage covers the surface of
the enclosed contiguous bones

 Synovialjoints are associated with

accessory structures like
fibrocartilaginous disks, plates, or
minisci,labrums, fat pads & ligaments
& tendons
 Articular disks & menisci occur
between articular surfaces where
congruity is low
 Articular disks- extends all across a

 Divides into two separate cavities

eg. Articular disk at the end of distal

radioulnar joint
 Menisci provide lubrication & increase
congruity. Ligaments and tendons
keeps joint surface together and assist
in guiding motion
 Excessive separation of joint surface is

limited by passive tension in ligaments,

the fibrous joint capsule & tendons
 Active tension also limits the separation

of joint surface
Thank you

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