Spatz - 2017 - Embodied Research A Methodology
Spatz - 2017 - Embodied Research A Methodology
Spatz - 2017 - Embodied Research A Methodology
abstract, the repeatable and the unique. It can be figured as a kind of art, or
even a dance, and in the examples considered here that is more than a metaphor.
There is craft in research, and artistry. To be a researcher is to trace a new and
narrow path. To find something new, one must be willing to encounter the un-
known. But the unknown of research is not the unknown of everyday life. If I
do not know your name, and I ask you for it, that is hardly research, even
though I learn something I did not know before. If I am not sure when Freder-
ick Douglass was born and I look up the date using a Google search, that can
only be called research in a very limited sense. There are, in other words, differ-
ent levels of research. When a student in primary school writes a research paper,
the process involves at least a bit of the intensity and thoroughness mentioned
above. But when a graduate student writes a doctoral dissertation or thesis, it
has to involve research in a stronger sense. Making a contribution to the
knowledge of an individual is no longer enough. Research in a strong sense con-
tributes new knowledge to a larger community, an international network, a dis-
cipline or field of knowledge.
We have all heard of scientific research and the scientific method. If you are
reading this article, you are probably aware of other research methods such as
those used in the humanities and social sciences. Actually we are witnessing to-
day an explosion of research methods and methodologies (theories of method).
One of the reasons for this is that the university system, a hugely important in-
stitution for the support of research, is changing. Attendance in higher education
has expanded massively over the past century. Universities are both more ex-
pensive and more diverse than ever before. The question of what the university
needs to be in the twenty-first century is the topic of hundreds of books and ar-
ticles. What is a university? Whom does it serve? What kinds of knowledge
should it teach and what kinds of research should it support? To answer these
questions, a host of new ideas about research have been proposed. By the 1980s,
qualitative research was becoming accepted as a legitimate alternative to quanti-
tative research. More recently there have been many attempts to define and
champion methodologies with names like “action research”, “artistic research”,
“practice research” and “performance research”. Each of these has its own
Ben Spatz is Senior Lecturer in Drama, Theatre and Performance at the University of
Huddersfield; Arts & Humanities Research Council Leadership Fellow (2016-2018);
author of What a Body Can Do: Technique as Knowledge, Practice as Research (Routledge
2015); convener of the Embodied Research Working Group within the International
Federation for Theatre Research; and editor of the Journal of Embodied Research, a peer-
reviewed video journal launching in 2017 from Open Library of Humanities. Ben’s cur-
rent research extends an interdisciplinary methodology for embodied laboratory re-
search into postcolonial jewish studies and has recently been presented at University of
Kent, University of Cardiff, Maynooth University, and University of the Arts Helsinki.
Ben Spatz Embodied Research: A Methodology
Ben Spatz Embodied Research: A Methodology
Ben Spatz Embodied Research: A Methodology
object of fascination and study? How about medical science? It is true that med-
icine studies the body. But if we think about the research methods of medicine,
they are quite similar to those of the biologist described above. The object of
study may now be a human being, but the medical researcher is in a similar posi-
tion as the biologist with respect to the object of study, especially when technol-
ogies—whether a small stethoscope or a large MRI scanner—are used as tools
to make the patient’s body available to the doctor. Some doctors almost never
touch their patients. They act as if their doctor-bodies are unrelated to the tech-
nology-centered provision of medical care. But there are other kinds of doctors
and caregivers who work with patients through touch, and here another world
opens. In the exchange of touch between the giver and recipient of care, we en-
counter an area of research that is “embodied” in a different way. A physical
therapist or osteopath works with bodies not through technology but through
direct embodied contact, through an embodied practice of healing. The same
could perhaps be said of a psychotherapist, whose research is based on a par-
ticular kind of contact with a client. In conventional psychotherapy this contact
is verbal, but the physical presence of the therapist is nevertheless essential. In
other kinds of psychotherapy that contact may be embodied in other ways:
danced, performed, vocalized, or even through touch. This is embodied research.
The question asked by embodied research is: What can bodies do? Asking that
question doesn’t mean that technology has to be excluded altogether, but it does
mean that the primary objects of investigation are the possibilities and potentials
of bodies, individually or together. Of course, a living body can never be isolated
from its environment, so there can never be research that is 100% embodied. But
in many forms of research, as noted above, the body is treated as if it is trans-
parent or secondary, a necessary condition of research but not an area of inves-
tigation in its own right. In today’s world, a huge amount of time and energy
goes into exploring and expanding the potential uses and operations of the mate-
rials that we use to build new technologies. Technological research asks: What
can metal do? What can plastic do? What can electricity do? What can lasers do? What can
networked computers do? What can hardened steel do? What can ultralight fabric do? What
can fiber optics do? Other branches of research, which we might call discursive,
ask questions about the potentials of writing and printing systems: What can writ-
ten narratives do? What can poetry do? What can mathematical figures and symbols do?
What can musical notation do? Some of these questions are very old, but embodied
research is older than all of them. Embodied research asks questions like: What
can voices do? What can fingers do? What can bodily rhythms do? What can sensitive lis-
tening do? What can unison movement do? What can storytelling and role-playing do?
What can precise skeletal alignment do? What can intensive daily training do? What can
aerobic exercise do? What can relaxation and meditation do? Technology may be in-
volved in the measurement of embodied research, the writing down of relevant
Ben Spatz Embodied Research: A Methodology
ideas, and the dissemination of results. But the research itself, the processes and
practices of repetition and discovery, are embodied.
The boundaries of embodied research are fuzzy, like the boundaries of any
research field. In defining the field, it is usually better to emphasize focus rather
than exclusion: Embodied research puts the focus on the body rather than on
technologies. It does not exclude technology, but its spotlight is on embodied
rather than technological possibilities. There are fuzzy boundaries between hu-
man bodies and other animal bodies, as well as between human embodiment and
the natural ecology that sustains it. Is it “embodied research” if a human works
closely with dogs or horses or monkeys to discover mutual possibilities across
species? Does cooking with organically grown vegetables, or healing with natu-
ral herbs, count as embodied research, since after all it does not involve any ad-
vanced “technology”? These important questions go beyond the scope of this
methodology and must be left for another time. Here I am not concerned with
the boundaries of embodied research, especially where it borders on interspecies
and ecological practice. The more important and more difficult move, for those
of us now living in technologically saturated environments, is to recognize em-
bodied research as a valid field of inquiry alongside the many existing disciplines
of technological research. Such a sea change cannot happen all at once. It re-
quires a great diversity of people and projects, all coming at embodied research
from different angles. Each project of embodied research must develop its own
approach to suit its area of inquiry. Because of the diversity of embodied re-
search, I cannot offer a concrete list of methods for you to follow. Instead, what
you will find here is a broad discussion of embodied research methods—a meth-
Try this: Choose a type of embodied practice that you might want to investigate
and write a detailed description of it. This could be any kind of practice in which
the movement, vibration, sensation, or activity of your or another person’s body
is central. Some examples are sports and martial arts, training for physical fit-
ness, singing and dancing, giving or receiving massage, engaging in heated de-
bate or conversation, telling or acting out stories, enjoying sensual or sexual
touch, reciting poetry, and meditating. (It could even be a practice in which
technology is centrally important, but you will focus on the aspects of it that are
embodied. For example, what is involved in the embodied practice of driving a
car or riding a bicycle, apart from the differences between the vehicles and the
geographical distances they cover?) This practice might be undertaken in a gym
or studio, on a small or large stage, in a classroom, in a temple or other religious
setting, on a street or public square, or in your own home. All you need for now
Ben Spatz Embodied Research: A Methodology
is a starting point: a description of the kind of embodied practice that you want
to explore. Try to describe it in as much detail as possible.
When we want describe the various kinds of things that we can do as human
beings with human bodies, it can be useful to distinguish between practice and
technique. For our purposes here, practice will refer to actual concrete examples
drawn from human life and activity. A practice is always located in a specific
time and place and enacted by particular individuals or groups. Think about the
many embodied practices that have made up your day so far. What did you do
first when you woke up? What and how have you eaten? How have you used
your voice today? Have you walked somewhere or traveled by other means?
Have you interacted with other people? Are you standing or sitting right now as
you read this? Each of these specific actions from your day counts as a moment
of practice. Your whole day is also an example of practice. For a historian, your
whole life so far might be counted as an example of practice, or the lives of eve-
ryone who currently inhabits your country or town. Practice is a fundamental
concept of embodied research, but it is not repeatable. Each moment of practice
is unique. To begin framing a research project, we therefore need to distinguish
practice from technique. In this context, technique refers to the knowledge that
links one practice to another. The most important feature of technique is that it
is repeatable. Thinking about technique allows us to compare different moments
of practice with each other. Do you do the same thing every day when you wake
up? Do you always eat or speak or sing in the same way? Do you always travel
or read in the same physical position? Does everyone in your town or country
eat or speak or travel in the same way? All of these different “ways” of doing
things are what I am calling technique.
Now, take a look at your description of a type of embodied practice that you
may want to explore. Perhaps some of what you have written refers to specific
times, places, or people. You may have referred to yourself, or to someone you
know, or to a well-known practitioner such as a musician, performer or athlete.
You may have referred to a particular location such as a gym you attend, a city
that you like to visit, or a location that interests you. Or you may have referred
to a specific time, such as yesterday or next year. These are all important details
pertaining to a specific embodied practice, but they are not repeatable or trans-
ferable. You cannot switch bodies with someone else, or exchange two locations
with each other, or rearrange time. These details describe embodied practices,
but they do not describe types or kinds of practice. In other words, they do not
describe the repeatable patterns of embodied technique. Now go through your
description and see if you can find all the words that refer to embodied tech-
nique. These are things that can be moved across time, space and bodies while
still retaining their basic structure. Some simple examples mentioned above are
ways of eating, speaking, singing, traveling, and reading. To eat with a knife and
fork, to speak English or Spanish or Chinese, to sing with a strong nasal reso-
Ben Spatz Embodied Research: A Methodology
Notice that it is only the specific cultural context of twenty-first century New
York City that allows this set of items to be placed alongside one another as if
they were all of a similar size. If one were to make a similar list today in Beijing,
the number of items associated with Chinese martial and healing arts would
probably be much greater. Taijiquan might not be listed as a single item but as
several different areas associated with different families or schools. On the other
hand, the distinction between jazz and tap dance, or between fitness training and
aerobics, might not be significant. If one were to make a similar list in Johan-
nesburg, the category of “African Dance” would be absurd. Likewise, if one
tried to catalogue the main types of embodied technique being practiced in New
York City at the beginning of the twentieth or nineteenth centuries, that list
would be radically different from the one above. Defining your area of inquiry
therefore depends on the context in which your research will take place.
What kind of language did you use to describe the area of technique that in-
terests you? Did you refer to specific body parts, such as the feet or spine, or to
aspects of physical embodiment, like the breath or the voice? Did you refer to
large general concepts such as rhythm, movement, or storytelling? Did you men-
Ben Spatz Embodied Research: A Methodology
tion the names of particular teachers or practitioners with whom you have
worked or by whom you have been influenced? Did you employ any “technical”
terms—words or phrases that would only make sense to people who are familiar
with the same kinds of embodied practice as you? All of these are valid ways of
framing an area of embodied technique for the purpose of research. Since there
is no established formal method for such framing, you will have to combine these
different strategies in a way that suits your project and the community of
knowledge (such as an academic field or discipline) within which you are work-
ing. Different languages exist to describe the various types of technique that
structure embodied practices of dance, song, acting, storytelling, martial arts,
sport and fitness, religion and ritual, family life, somatic bodywork, expressive
arts therapy, teaching, and much more. In many cases these areas of technique
overlap, for example when singing is religious or when family bonds are created
by playing a sport together, or when pedagogical technique is applied to the
teaching of dance. In general, creating a frame for your research project will in-
volve a process of narrowing down from larger and more inclusive areas to
smaller and more narrowly focused ones.
There are some basic areas of embodied technique that can be studied across
history and around the world. These are core areas of human practice like
movement, rhythm, touch, song, speech, storytelling, combat, sexuality, gesture
and facial expression. Each of these can be broken down into smaller elements
of analysis and many technical systems exist for doing so. The researcher can
then refer to specific parts of the body using anatomical language (muscles,
bones, body systems); to musical structure using the tools of western musical
analysis (rhythm, harmony, keys or modes, types of song); to qualities of move-
ment using a system of movement analysis (such as the effort categories of Ru-
dolf Laban). It is important to recognize that there is no permanent or universal
set of elementary categories of embodied practice. Any such list is culturally sit-
uated and grounded in a specific history of practice. The examples just given all
rely upon the English language and therefore assume a particular cultural and
linguistic history. One cannot speak of “movement” without invoking the partic-
ular connotations of that word in English. To draw distinctions between song
and speech, or between music and dance, is already to situate oneself within a
particular cultural context. This is inescapable and need not be considered a
problem, as long as we don’t start to imagine that we are describing permanent,
universal categories of embodiment. In fact, a word that is originally conceived
as a universal category may later come to refer to something much more nar-
row—as with terms like “ballet” and “bel canto”, which can be translated simply
as “dance” and “beautiful song”, but which now in English refer to much more
specific genres of performance. The relationship between a word and the prac-
tice it names depends greatly upon the cultural context in which it is used.
Ben Spatz Embodied Research: A Methodology
Vast areas of practice like movement and rhythm are probably too large to
serve as frames for specific research projects. Categories like ballet or aikido are
more specific, but further detail will almost definitely be needed to support a
concrete project of embodied research. Let us now consider some of the ways in
which language, however imperfectly, can be used to further specify an area of
embodied technique for investigation. These include specifications based on ex-
actly those aspects of practice that I previously said do not count as technique
because they are not repeatable or transmissible: specific places, times and peo-
ple. However, in the present context we are no longer talking about places,
times and people in and of themselves. Rather, we are looking at cases in which
the names of particular locations, eras and individuals actually changes their
meaning so that they no longer refer to those specific contexts of practice. In-
stead they become technical terms that refer to areas of technique. This happens
precisely when it becomes possible for the technique to travel beyond the place,
time or body after which it is named. Beijing Opera, Bulgarian folk song, Bali-
nese dance, and West Coast hip-hop are named after specific cities, countries, or
geographical regions, but as embodied technique they can now be done in other
places as well. Likewise, when one stages ancient Greek dramas, sings medieval
European chants, or talks in the “style” of 1920s Chicago, one is creating a tech-
nical bridge between historical and current practice. In some cases it is not clear
whether a term has become technical, or to exactly which technique it refers,
and this may be the site of cultural or political struggle over which practices
count as legitimate.
Language is constantly shifting, as the “proper” names of places and indi-
viduals become detached from their specific geographical and historical origins
and begin to circulate as technical terms that refer to areas of repeatable tech-
nique. The transformation of a proper name into a technical term is a double-
edged sword: It allows the referenced technique to travel great distances, but it
also detaches that technique from its point of origin. This issue can be particu-
larly thorny when an area of embodied technique becomes associated with the
name of an individual who was important to its development. There are two
main ways in which this happens: officially and unofficially. The official ones are
at least superficially easier to deal with. In these cases there is an existing institu-
tion, either established or approved by the named practitioner, that determines
the boundaries of the named embodied technique. This is the case with Bikram
Yoga, which can be defined through reference to the organization Bikram, Inc.,
which is run by Bikram Choudhury, after whom the technique is named. Any
teacher who claims to teach Bikram Yoga has a legal obligation to train and reg-
ister as a franchise of that organization. This does not solve the larger question
of how to fairly attribute traditions of embodied knowledge, since the technique
Choudhury himself invented is just a small part of what Bikram Yoga studios
teach. But it does mean that, if one wanted to conduct a project of embodied re-
Ben Spatz Embodied Research: A Methodology
search in modern postural yoga, the existing practice of Bikram Yoga could
serve as a useful reference point. One can establish one’s qualification to teach
Bikram Yoga through a clear-cut process and could proceed on that basis to
conduct research in that area of embodied technique.
Another example of an institutional lineage is aikido, a Japanese martial and
spiritual art developed by Morihei Ueshiba in the 1920s and 1930s. There is an
official aikido organization in Japan called the Aikikai Foundation, which is
currently run by the founder’s grandson. However there also are numerous oth-
er independent aikido organizations operating in Japan and around the world,
many of them founded by students of Ueshiba. A project of embodied research
beginning from aikido would therefore need to specify which lineages of practice
define the area in which investigation will take place. If aikido were called
“Ueshiba style” then its official legacy might have more prominence, since the
founder’s grandson carries the family name. But the name “aikido”, which can
be translated as “way of unifying the spirit”, suggests a more open-ended tradi-
tion. It may be that Ueshiba aimed intentionally to disassociate the technique he
developed from his personal identity, just as the Russian Vsevolod Meyerhold
did not call his training method “Meyerhold technique” but rather “Biomechan-
ics”. However, the wishes of founding individuals are not always followed in this
respect. The embodied technique of “contrology” is now much better known by
the name of its founder, Joseph Pilates, than by the term he coined for it. And
while some named areas of technique require certification to practice, anyone
can legally claim to teach Pilates in the United States. There are many layers to
unpack when it comes to the naming of embodied technique, including the wish-
es of key individuals, the existence of official organizations, contested lineages,
and the legal status of the name as trademark.
Yet however important the ethics and politics of naming may be, what we
are really interested in is the details of the practice itself, the detailed and layered
embodied technique that structures it. Even where official lineages and institu-
tions do exist, they are almost invariably outnumbered by unofficial lines of
practice and mixed up with numerous “invented traditions” that may have little
to do with the practices that originally went by that name. Most practitioners do
not leave behind an intact system of inheritance or certification, leaving the
question of how to use their names up to subsequent generations. And of course,
the more historically distant a founding practitioner is from the present, the less
likely you are to find an unbroken line of transmission and the more likely even
unbroken lines are to have changed substantially. It is possible, using historical
research methods, to attempt to reconstruct the embodied technique of the past.
(This is the idea between the “original practices” movement in music and thea-
tre.) But the historical evidence is so threadbare that it invariably requires sup-
plementation from modern technique, which must be made explicit. One can
attempt, for example, to explore the acting technique of Shakespeare’s day, as
Ben Spatz Embodied Research: A Methodology
long as one acknowledges the extent to which twenty-first acting technique will
necessarily inform the research. To avoid doing this is as dishonest as failing to
cite a textual source.
In specifying the focus of an embodied research project, you should use all
the tools and strategies available. Words that are normally associated with geo-
graphical locations, historical eras, and individuals may in this context be used
as technical terms—so that Bikram, Meyerhold, and Pilates refer not to people
but to areas of technique. A crucial bridge between these kinds of naming strat-
egies and your intended research project will be those individuals and organiza-
tions that have directly shaped your own practice. Their names may not be
widely known or employed as technical terms, but they are equally essential
when it comes to placing your research within a larger context. Whether your
encounters with these living or recently deceased practitioners were brief or sus-
tained, direct or mediated, they function as a crucial bridge between the generic
and technical terms discussed above and the details of your own practice. Clear-
ly, the absorption of knowledge that takes place during a ten-year apprentice-
ship is on a very different scale to that of a 500-hour teacher training, which
again is more substantial than a five-day workshop. Such quantitative infor-
mation must be included in framing your research. Yet these numbers do not
necessarily indicate the extent of a given encounter’s impact upon your own
practice. After a long apprenticeship in one area, a brief meeting with a different
approach could radically transform your practice. The goal in framing your pro-
ject is to provide a clear account of your sources and the nature of your contact
with them, framing and explicating your own embodied knowledge and the area
you want to research.
These are just some of the ways in which an area of embodied practice can
be specified for the purposes of research: large generic categories like movement
or rhythm, dance or martial arts; regional and cultural traditions or schools;
smaller named traditions like aikido or break-dancing; narrow technical terms,
such as the names of particular exercises or isolated techniques; the names of
key founding individuals, which have now been transformed into technical
terms; and references to the teachers and peers whose practices have directly
influenced yours. The important thing to remember is that all of this descriptive
language provides an essential context for what you intend to do. In many aca-
demic fields, the context of a research project is established through what is
called a “literature review”, a survey of relevant writing that defines the context
out of which the project will unfold. Embodied research projects should contain
a literature review of this kind, but they also need to develop a strategy for
“practice review” that cites non-textual sources. A practice review is not a cata-
logue of everything you have practiced. Instead it is a kind of map, a charting of
those areas of practice that most significantly intersect with and inspire your
research. In addition to the kinds of technical references discussed here, this will
Ben Spatz Embodied Research: A Methodology
almost certainly include practitioners of your own generation who are doing
work that is similar but not identical to your own. In this way you can establish
a contemporary, dynamic context for your research, as well as looking backward
to the sources of your knowledge. Undertaking a thorough review of relevant
practice will also help you to establish the proper scope for your project. Just as
a ten-page essay requires a much narrower focus than a book, a week-long em-
bodied research assignment will explore a much smaller territory than a project
involving three years of full-time practice. No one can research and write an en-
tire book in one week. (Some books take twenty years to write!) Depending on
your circumstances, you may be able to choose the size and duration of your
project based on what you want to investigate. More likely, you will have to
make the scope of your inquiry fit the resources available. Choosing the right
scope is therefore one of the most important steps in developing a research pro-
ject in any field.
Before going on to consider the nuts and bolts of embodied research, it is
worth mentioning another way of thinking about how academic research might
be framed in academic settings. This consists in drawing upon critical theories
from fields like philosophy, cultural studies, performance studies, and cognitive
studies in order to provide further grounding for research that takes place
through embodied practice. This kind of contextualization can be extremely val-
uable because it offers a much wider perspective than can be found within any
particular lineage of practice. For this reason, if you want to investigate perfor-
mance technique, you should also read works of performance studies. If you
want to expand martial arts practice, you should engage with cultural studies,
sport studies, and the emerging field of martial arts studies. If you are interested
in the relationship between specialized embodied practice and everyday life, you
may want to undertake readings in cognitive studies or phenomenology. Such
interdisciplinary approaches have been given a great deal of priority in earlier
models of practice-based academic research. Yet these scholarly fields are im-
portantly distinct from those of embodied technique and, as valuable as they
may be, they cannot replace the kinds of framing strategies outlined above. A
critical or philosophical analysis may be a useful supplement to your project, but
it cannot replace a detailed account of the technical structure of your practice.
References to performance studies or cultural studies cannot substitute for a
comprehensive practice review. In framing embodied research, critical and phil-
osophical references are optional, while technical references are essential. This is
because embodied practice derives its structure and meaning primarily from lin-
eages of technique.
Ben Spatz Embodied Research: A Methodology
Ben Spatz Embodied Research: A Methodology
Ben Spatz Embodied Research: A Methodology
Ben Spatz Embodied Research: A Methodology
fits just a few people to a large hall that can accommodate hundreds. Although
most university spaces are roughly rectangular and build according to straight
lines and right angles, other interior spaces may be circular (yurt) or conical (ti-
pi) or have other architectural features. Spaces designed for imaginative prac-
tice, such as theatre, tend to have plain walls and no windows, to support the
free flow of associations. Other spaces may have windows that look out onto
urban or rural landscapes. Spaces designed for visually-oriented practices, such
as theatrical dance forms, may have large mirrors installed so that practitioners
can watch their own reflections. The properties of the floor—whether it is made
of wood or concrete or dirt, or covered in carpeting—can have a substantial im-
pact upon embodied practice. The material from which a space is built also af-
fects its acoustics, the way sound is carried. This is obviously important for prac-
tices involving song and speech, but it can also have an impact on even the most
silent practices because different spaces produce different qualities of silence.
The aesthetics and history of a space, even if they do not directly affect practice
in material ways, can nonetheless be important factors in the research process.
To carry out research in a majestic church, a clean classroom, or an abandoned
hospital is to bring one’s embodied practice into contact with the atmospheric
qualities of that particular space.
Empty spaces are important laboratories for embodied research, but such
research can take place in just about any kind of space. While the focus of em-
bodied research is on the possibilities of embodiment, these possibilities may be
profoundly informed and enabled by particular spaces. Financial restrictions
may well prevent one from developing a research project that can only take
place in an Olympic stadium. (Although the Olympics themselves are of course
research projects of precisely this kind, requiring extraordinary funding to con-
struct the spaces that support their investigations at the limits of human athlet-
ics.) In many cases the most feasible academic research projects may be those
that can be accomplished within existing university spaces such as classrooms,
rehearsal rooms, performance venues, gyms, or health centers. In urban envi-
ronments, fitness and martial arts studios, as well as theatre and dance rehearsal
spaces, may be available for hourly rental, each offering particular advantages
and limitations. Community centers typically have large open spaces that can be
used for embodied practice when other activities are not scheduled. Rural arts
and cultural centers may offer a very different range of indoor and outdoor en-
closures. All spaces, whether natural or constructed, offer distinct possibilities
for embodied practice. What kinds of practice can be developed on a beach, in a
forest, on a busy street, or in the desert? The construction of space would not be
the primary focus of an embodied research project, but it could well be an essen-
tial condition for the practice. Alternatively, testing one’s practice across a range
of different spaces could be a useful way of clarifying its structure and meaning.
Ben Spatz Embodied Research: A Methodology
Ben Spatz Embodied Research: A Methodology
projects are often those that combine elements from different genres within a
new and innovative practice structure. Such combinations are limited only by
matters of technical compatibility, not by the boundaries of genre or style, and
must be discovered and developed through embodied research. More than the
body itself as a physical object, the practice structure is the focus of embodied
The enactment of a practice structure brings together people, space, and
time. Although a practice structure is concretely enacted by specific individuals
in a particular location and historical moment, the structure is by definition re-
peatable and transmissible, which means it is not limited to any one event. A
given practice structure will require a certain number of participants (solo, duo,
trio, or a larger group), a certain kind of space (a dance studio, a grassy field, a
stadium, etc.), and a certain duration (five minutes, three days, one year, etc.),
although these parameters may be precisely specified or left relatively open. In
addition to these essential elements, a practice structure may require specific
objects that support the practice, such as boxing gloves, yoga mats, or special
dancing shoes. In embodied research, such “props” exist to serve the embodied
practice. It is difficult to say more about practice structures because their tre-
mendous variety is the basis for the diversity of embodied practice. Once one
begins to specify in greater detail how a practice structure is developed, one be-
gins to invoke a particular genre or category of practice. Differences between
dance and theatre, performance and game, or ritual and therapy, are based upon
different ways of building and specifying practice structures. Beyond the layers
of shared technique that define these general categories, more subtle differences
appear, which may come to define distinct schools or styles of practice. Debates
over the role of theme and variation in dance choreography or musical composi-
tion, over which version of football rules to play by, or over which songs to in-
clude in a religious service, all revolve around the creation and transformation of
practice structures.
Ben Spatz Embodied Research: A Methodology
about a live performance or a piece of software? Yet one thing is clear: A schol-
arly field or discipline needs an archive. A field of knowledge without an archive
is an oral tradition rather than a scholarly field. Such traditions can be of great
value, but they lack a particular feature that comes with the cultivation of an
archive: the ability to compare what people are thinking and doing here and now
with material traces of what has been done elsewhere and in other places. The
relationship between an archive and a living community of knowledge is the ba-
sis for an academic field. Academic archives of embodied practice already exist
in theatre, dance, and performance studies, anthropology and cultural studies,
music and ethnomusicology, religious studies, and other disciplines. However,
they are often segregated according to disciplinary boundaries, so that a theatre
or dance scholar may not be aware of closely related materials in anthropology,
or a sociologist of the body may not be aware of related materials in religious
studies. Increasingly, the digitization of archives makes their boundaries more
porous, and interdisciplinary embodied research may draw upon all of these
A scholarly project of embodied research should make a contribution to an
archive. The form this contribution takes will depend upon the nature of your
project, but the essence of scholarly research is the obligation to leave a trace or
record of your investigative practice for others with whom you may not have
personal contact. Someone living thousands of miles away might be interested in
what you are doing, even if you never have the chance to meet in person. And
although it may be difficult to imagine, someone living hundreds of years after
your passing might have something important to gain from the traces of your
practice. As opera director Peter Sellars likes to point out, the Roman poet Boe-
thius wrote The Consolation of Philosophy while in prison and was brutally execut-
ed before that writing was published. Fifteen centuries later, his is “the only
book written in the fifth century that is available in paperback” (2002: 144). The
point is that we have no idea how the traces of our work may affect the people of
the future. It is a basic obligation of scholarly research to leave behind carefully
constructed documents that make knowledge and practice available to others
across potentially vast distances of time and space. Today there are more ways
of producing such documents than ever before and the sheer size of the archive
is growing exponentially. The internet contains exponentially more writing than
all books ever printed, not to mention still images, sound recordings, and other
forms of document. This opens up exciting new possibilities, but it also poses
considerable problems for the researcher when it comes to searching and cata-
loguing such a flood of content. At the same time, some of the basic challenges
involved in the passage from practice to document have scarcely changed since
the earliest documentarians inscribed their paintings and symbols on cave walls
and scraps of papyrus. We will now consider two major approaches to docu-
menting embodied research: writing and multimedia.
Ben Spatz Embodied Research: A Methodology
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there a form of written notation that can be used to represent or trace important
aspects of the embodied technique being explored?
Because of its incredible range of expression, and its central place in aca-
demic research, it is worth dwelling for a moment upon textual notation and
considering some of the ways in which written language can be used to describe
and analyze embodied technique. Two of the main approaches to this task are
the technical manual and the practitioner narrative. A technical manual attempts
to give a comprehensive, birds-eye view of an area of technique by breaking it
down into a set of distinct elements that can be combined in different ways. It
may offer a list of exercises, movements, or ritualized actions, each of which can
be broken down into a number of steps and details. Alongside these, a technical
manual may offer a set of practice structures for exploration or for use in partic-
ular situations. An example of a technical manual is B. K. S. Iyengar’s Light on
Yoga (1966), which is mostly composed of detailed technical descriptions of dy-
namic physical postures and also includes a set of “courses” or multi-week prac-
tice structures for various levels of ability. A technical manual can be extremely
useful for an experienced practitioner but may not provide much of a foothold
for the novice. It can also make an area of knowledge appear dry or cold, sever-
ing technical knowledge from the struggles and joys of practice. For these rea-
sons, some researchers prefer to document their work in the form of a practi-
tioner narrative. An example of a fictionalized practitioner narrative told from
the perspective of a student is Konstantin Stanislavsky’s An Actor’s Work (2008).
In a narrative account, technical detail is folded into a story about a particular
moment of practice. This can have the advantage of making technique more ac-
cessible, but it can also be more difficult for the reader to distinguish between
technique and practice when they are bound together in a single narrative.
If you are working within an established academic institution or discipline,
you may well face specific requirements or expectations in terms of the style of
writing, as well as the overall word count of what you produce. A practitioner
narrative may be more or less closely related to what anthropologists call eth-
nography. When a narrative account focuses in detail on the first-person per-
spective and describes not just what happens but also how it feels and how the
technique is experientially received, it may cross into a territory known in phi-
losophy as phenomenology. When the description of technique refuses to limit
itself to an established vocabulary of technical terms and instead uses poetic lan-
guage to evoke more subtle or esoteric aspects of embodied practice, it may be-
come a kind of “performative writing.” And when embodied technique is care-
fully located in its historical and cultural context and examined in terms of its
ethical and political implications, this suggests more of what we can call critical
analysis. All of these strategies and more are available to you in the production
of writing that stems from embodied research. You might choose one of them
and see where it takes you; or you might try to combine the qualities of a tech-
Ben Spatz Embodied Research: A Methodology
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motion capture using sensors placed upon the practitioner’s body; or even brain
scans that monitor brain activity during the practice of a particular kind of tech-
nique. The latter of these are not widely available and inexpensive, but may
eventually become so. Where documentary technology is an important part of
the project, additional people may be needed and the researchers should consid-
er how to integrate them into the relevant practice structures. Standard docu-
mentary technique tends to approximate the “practitioner narrative” strategy, in
order to interest a wider audience. Thus, documentary movies about dancers,
sports teams, or theatres will often follow the story of a particular individual or
company as they make their way in practice, letting technical detail appear in-
termittently through the lens of that narrative. In contrast, a document aimed at
a scholarly audience might take inspiration from any of the other textual strate-
gies mentioned above in determining the types of technology used, the way these
are integrated into embodied practice structures, and the editing of transmissible
research documents. How might one produce scholarly documents that bring
technical specification, ethnography, phenomenology, poetic evocation, and crit-
ical analysis to new levels through the use of multimedia technologies? This is a
question that embodied researchers should continually be asking.
No transmissible document will fully capture your knowledge of technique,
let alone your experience of practice. Think of what you have discovered
through embodied practice and make an educated guess about who might be
interested in those discoveries, either now or in the future. Imagine not only in-
dividuals but also communities that might be influenced by what you have done.
Considering the impact of your work does not require you to see yourself as a
visionary or genius. Perhaps the most important aspect of your work is your
ability to share and document an area of knowledge that preexists you by hun-
dreds of years. Research need not be wildly innovative to be important; it can
also be a form of service to a line or lineage of practice. In leaving traces of your
practice, you honor those who came before you and have made your research
Perhaps the most important section is this final one, in which we consider how
the results of embodied research can be assessed. After all, the important thing is
not the format of your research outputs: writing, video, an internet website, or
something else entirely. Far more important is the content of the embodied re-
search and the new discoveries and pathways that you make available to small
and large communities of knowledge and practice. The assessment criteria dis-
cussed here should be considered at every stage of your research, from designing
and framing the project to editing its documentary traces. In the early phases,
thinking about these criteria may help you find the appropriate scope for your
Ben Spatz Embodied Research: A Methodology
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highly valued as a hallmark of academic research. Today, some of the most sub-
stantial debates over the future of academia have to do with the relative im-
portance of the comprehensive criterion.
The constructivist criterion asks whether the area of embodied technique that
the project explores could be of help in the development of a better world. The
constructivist position assumes that all research is based on a set of implied so-
cial, cultural, and political values. Because there is no such thing as a purely ob-
jective perspective from which to carry out an investigation, the choice of what
and how to research is always laden with values and choices. This criterion em-
phasizes the broader significance of these choices. It suggests that we should not
choose an area of technique to research simply because it interests us personally
or even because it has been highlighted by others as deserving exploration. Ra-
ther, we should make a conscious effort to bring balance to the landscape of ac-
ademic knowledge by directing our efforts to areas of technique that will best
serve future generations. Examples of such areas might include those that can be
used to resist and undermine socially oppressive hierarchies, such as the embod-
ied technique of gender and sexual diversity or anti-racist technique that could
help to develop more ecologically sustainable societies. The risk here is that, if
the research identifies itself too closely with an existing social or political move-
ment, it may be criticized as not maintaining sufficient academic distance. Too
much emphasis on the constructivist criterion can lead to a failure to maintain
rigor according to the other criteria, as is seen when a political goal—no matter
how noble—leads researchers to distort their findings. The constructivist crite-
rion has always been controversial because of its direct connections to society,
culture, and politics. On the other hand, it is difficult to deny that one of the
most important functions of research is to provide knowledge in the service of
constructing a more just or sustainable society.
The positivist criterion asks whether the research undertaken has produced a
clear outcome in the form of new transmissible technique. The assumption be-
hind this criterion is that fields of research are coherent enough, and communi-
cation between researchers transparent enough, to allow for a definitive assess-
ment of when something new has been discovered. A positivist emphasis will
focus less on the framing of a project, or even the actual methods used, than on
the concrete transmissible outcomes that arise from it: written documents, data
sets, measurements, audiovisual recordings, and the like. Do these contribute
substantially new knowledge to an existing field? Positivism has been an ex-
tremely powerful force in the sciences, where it has allowed for the gradual ac-
crual of extraordinarily complex bodies of knowledge in fields ranging from
mathematics and physics to biology, physiology, and medicine. Positivism has
historically played a much smaller role in the arts and humanities, but the devel-
opment of multimedia technologies that can digitally capture the details of em-
bodied practice suggests that this may be changing. The risk in emphasizing the
Ben Spatz Embodied Research: A Methodology
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“pure” research being dismissed as esoteric and unnecessary. Yet the mark of a
robust research culture is its support for a diversity of projects emphasizing each
of these criteria in various combinations.
Thus far I have avoided providing examples of these four assessment crite-
ria, because the field of embodied research is vast and I do not want to reduce
these epistemological considerations to any one area. But an illustration may
help to clarify how emphasizing one or another of the criteria can substantially
transform the design of a research project. I am currently researching the tech-
nique of “song-action”, that is the act of singing as a complex psychophysical
practice that engages the whole person and may be extended to interpersonal,
communal, and social interactions. Performing arts are often considered to be
inherently utilitarian and in this case the most relevant area of practice is
Broadway-style musical theatre. If I wanted to emphasize the utilitarian aspect
of my research, I could explore the integration of Method Acting—the popular
approach to psychological realism developed by Lee Strasberg after seeing per-
formances directed by Konstantin Stanislavsky—with popular song. The goal of
my project might be a new method of integrated actor training for musical thea-
tre performers and students, which could be documented through a narrative-
style book and a documentary video. In my actual research, I am more interest-
ed in emphasizing the comprehensive criterion, which has less often been ap-
plied to embodied research in performing arts. As a result, I try to be much more
precise in specifying the area of technique that I explore. Rather than just
“Method Acting,” I refer to a specific lineage of psychophysical action that can
be traced from Stanislavsky through Polish innovator Jerzy Grotowski and Ital-
ian director and teacher Anne Zenour to my own teacher Massimiliano Balduz-
zi. I try to be equally precise when specifying which songs I am exploring and
where I learned them.
A constructionist goal underpins my research, but at present remains implic-
it. Like many other practitioners of specialized embodied technique, I was
drawn initially to a particular area of practice because of a deep personal need.
However, I also believe that devoting time and energy to the embodied tech-
nique of song-action could be part of building a better world. I suspect that the
“turn to embodiment” we are seeing across the humanities and social sciences is
linked to the urgent need to develop more ecologically sustainable societies. I
worry that the emphasis on athletic prowess and a narrow idea of health as
physical fitness are complicit with the overall privatization of the public sphere,
the knowledge commons, and social welfare. Although I can’t yet quite put my
finger on how, I feel that song, movement, psychophysical action, and somatics
could be part of a future social movement for justice and sustainability. I also
believe that the university, including its positivist legacy, is vitally important to
such struggles. Despite the many valid critiques of positivism as an overarching
academic ideology, a smaller role for positivism—as one among several assess-
Ben Spatz Embodied Research: A Methodology
Ben Spatz Embodied Research: A Methodology
Brown, Steven D., John Cromby, David J. Harper, Katherine Johnson, and Paula
Reavey (2011) “Researching ‘Experience’: Embodiment, methodology, process,”
Theory & Psychology 21.4: 493-515.
Chadwick, Rachelle (2017) “Embodied methodologies: challenges, reflections and strat-
egies.” Qualitative Research 17.1: 54-74.
Francombe-Webb, Jessica, Emma Rich, and Laura de Pian (2014) “I Move Like You…
But Different: Biopolitics and Embodied Methodologies,” Cultural Studies — Critical
Methodologies 14.5: 471-482.
Iyengar, B. K. S. (1966) Light on Yoga. New York: Schocken Books.
Lamont, Michèle (2009) How Professors Think: Inside the Curious World of Academic
Judgment. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
Sellars, Peter (2002) “The Question of Culture.” In: Theatre in Crisis?: Performance
Manifestos for a New Century. Manchester and New York: Manchester University
Press, 127-44.
Spatz, Ben (2015) What a Body Can Do: Technique as Knowledge, Practice as Research. New
York and London: Routledge.
Stanislavsky, Konstantin (2008) An Actor’s Work: A Student’s Diary. Translated by Jean
Benedetti. New York: Routledge. (Originally published 1936.)
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