Lesson Plan Introduction Unit
Lesson Plan Introduction Unit
Lesson Plan Introduction Unit
The concept of community health and community health
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nursing is concerned not with patients as individuals only
question g board
but with patients, their families and the community as a
whole, encompassing several aspects of life such as the
environment, occupation, sex, religion and society. To
impact such a concept, a health team is essential in which a
nurse occupies an important place.
1. to define
communi 10mi DEFINITION:
ty health n
Community health nursing is concerned with the people who
are sick as well the healthy, young and old, male and female. define
asking transpara y health
“Community health nursing is a synthesis of nursing question respondin ncy nursing
practice and public health practice applied to promoting and g
preserving the health of populations. The practice is general
and comprehensive.”
2. To 20min
describe Philosophy is an attitude towards life and reality Discussio participa LCD describe the
the that evolves from each nurse’s belief and code of conduct, n tion philosophy
philosoph of
motivates the nurse to act, guides her thinking about what she is
y of community
communit to do and influence her decisions. health
y health nursing
Nursing contributes to the health services a vital and
significant way, in the health care delivery system. It recognizes
national health goals and is committed to participate in the
implementation of national health
S.No Objectives Time Content Teaching Activity A.V Evaluation
Activity Aids
S.No Objectives Time Content Teachin Learning A.V Evaluation
g Activity Aids
By the end of the class, the group will be able to gain knowledge regarding the concepts and principles of community health
By the end of the class the group will be able to:
define community health nursing
explain the philosophy of community health nursing
state the objectives of community health nursing
list out the goals of community health nursing
enlist the principles of community health nursing
NAME OF THE TEACHER : Mrs. K.K. Shiny John
Till now we have discussed about the community health nursing, its objectives, aims, scope, principles, concept, functions and
qualities of community health nurse in community health nursing.
I conclude my topic by stating that community health nursing’s main aspect is to provide care in all aspects and irrespective of age
group and irrespective of any diseases.
1.Ghulani. K.K (2005). Community health nursing , principles and practice. (1st ed). Delhi : kumar publishing house.
2.Kasturi sundar Rao. (2009). Community health nursing (4th ed) . Chennai: B.I. publications pvt ltd. P.no 314-323.
3.Park.k. (2002). Preventive and social medicine . (17th ed). Jabalpur: M/S Banarasidos Bhanot . p.no
4.Basavanthappa BT. (2008). Community health nursing . (2nd ed). New delhi: Jaypee Brothers and Medical publishers (p) ltd.
5.Clement I. (2012). Manual of community health nursing . (1st ed) . New Delhi : jaypee brothers and medical publishers (p) ltd.