Method of Testing To Determine Flow Resistance of HVAC Ducts and Fittings

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ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 120-2017

(Supersedes ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 120-2008)

Method of Testing
to Determine
Flow Resistance of
HVAC Ducts and Fittings
Approved by ASHRAE on January 31, 2017, and by the American National Standards Institute on February 1, 2017.

ASHRAE Standards are scheduled to be updated on a five-year cycle; the date following the Standard number is the year of
ASHRAE approval. The latest edition of an ASHRAE Standard may be purchased on the ASHRAE website (
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© 2017 ASHRAE ISSN 1041-2336

ASHRAE Standing Standard Project Committee 120
Cognizant TC: 5.2, Duct Design
SPLS Liaison: Peter Simmonds
Kevin J. Gebke*, Chair Gary L. Miller*, Secretary Alex M. Kouvolo*
Herman F. Behls*, Vice-Chair Patrick J. Brooks* Stephen R. Wiggins*
Stephen A. Idem*

* Denotes members of voting status when the document was approved for publication


Rita M. Harrold, Chair Michael W. Gallagher Cyrus H. Nasseri
Steven J. Emmerich, Vice-Chair Walter T. Grondzik David Robin
James D. Aswegan Vinod P. Gupta Peter Simmonds
Niels Bidstrup Susanna S. Hanson Dennis A. Stanke
Donald M. Brundage Roger L. Hedrick Wayne H. Stoppelmoor, Jr.
Drury B. Crawley Rick M. Heiden Jack H. Zarour
John F. Dunlap, Srinivas Katipamula William F. Walter, BOD ExO
James W. Earley, Jr. Cesar L. Lim Patricia Graef, CO
Keith I. Emerson Arsen K. Melikov
Julie M. Ferguson R. Lee Millies, Jr.

Stephanie C. Reiniche, Senior Manager of Standards

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ASHRAE uses its best efforts to promulgate Standards and Guidelines for the benefit of the public in light of available information and accepted
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ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 120-2017,
Method of Testing to Determine Flow Resistance of HVAC Ducts and Fittings
Foreword .....................................................................................................................................................................2
1 Purpose.............................................................................................................................................................2
2 Scope ................................................................................................................................................................2
3 Definitions, Symbols, and Subscripts................................................................................................................2
4 Compliance Requirements................................................................................................................................3
5 Applicability .......................................................................................................................................................3
6 Instrumentation .................................................................................................................................................3
7 Flow Measuring Systems and Test Setups.......................................................................................................6
8 Observations and Conduct of Test....................................................................................................................8
9 Calculations.......................................................................................................................................................9
10 Test Results and Report..................................................................................................................................13
11 References ......................................................................................................................................................13
Informative Annex A—Time-Weighted Average....................................................................................................33
Informative Annex B—Leakage Measurement......................................................................................................35
Informative Annex C—Flexible Duct Test Setup Guide ........................................................................................41
Informative Annex D—Example Test Systems .....................................................................................................45


Approved addenda, errata, or interpretations for this standard can be downloaded free of charge from the ASHRAE
website at

© 2017 ASHRAE
1791 Tullie Circle NE · Atlanta, GA 30329 · · All rights reserved.
ASHRAE is a registered trademark of the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc.
ANSI is a registered trademark of the American National Standards Institute.
(This foreword is not part of the standard. It is merely often not known, it is estimated by the mean. The difference
informative and does not contain requirements necessary between the mean and the observed value is often called its
for conformance to the standard. It has not been pro- “deviation.” All errors can be classified as one of two types:
cessed according to the ANSI requirements for a standard bias error or random error.
and may contain material that has not been subject to flow area, fitting inlet: the measured total inside area deter-
public review or a consensus process. Unresolved objec- mined at the plane(s) of the inlet connection(s). The area shall
tors on informative material are not offered the right to be based on physical measurements for rigid fittings and
appeal at ASHRAE or ANSI.) physical measurements minus twice the lining thickness for
lined fittings.
flow area, fitting outlet: the total inside area determined at
First published in 1999, ASHRAE Standard 120 establishes
the plane(s) of the outlet connection(s). The area shall be
uniform methods of laboratory testing of HVAC ducts and fit-
based on physical measurements for rigid fittings and physi-
tings to determine their resistance to airflow. The fitting
cal measurements minus twice the lining thickness for lined
losses, which are reported as local loss coefficients, are used
to update and refine the ASHRAE Duct Fitting Database. To
date, at least eight research projects have used the test meth- flow area, flexible duct: the area calculated using the nominal
ods of Standard 120 to improve this database. The significant inside dimensions supplied by the duct manufacturer.
change to this edition of the standard is that the length flow area, lined duct: the area calculated by subtracting the
upstream of the test duct or fitting was increased from 10 to cross-sectional area of the liner from the flow area of the rigid
15 hydraulic diameters. duct envelope. The duct flow area shall be calculated from
measured inside dimensions of the rigid duct envelope. For
1. PURPOSE fully lined ducts, the nominal area is that calculated by reduc-
This standard establishes uniform methods of laboratory test- ing the cross-sectional dimensions of the rigid duct by twice
ing of HVAC ducts and fittings to determine their resistance the nominal liner thickness. The envelope dimensions shall be
to airflow. measured at a minimum of three representative sections of the
test duct.
2. SCOPE flow area, rigid duct: the area calculated by using the average
2.1 This standard may be used to determine the change in inside duct dimensions determined by measurement of a min-
total pressure resulting from airflow in HVAC ducts and fit- imum of three representative sections of the duct envelope.
tings. precision: the closeness of agreement among repeated mea-
2.2 The test results can be used to determine duct flow losses surements of the same characteristic by the same method
in pressure loss per unit length. Fitting losses are reported as under the same conditions.
local loss coefficients. pressure loss: the decrease in total pressure due to friction
2.3 This standard does not cover interpretation of test data. and turbulence. It is a measure of the mechanical energy lost
by the flow per unit volume of the fluid.
3. DEFINITIONS, SYMBOLS, AND SUBSCRIPTS random error (precision error): a statistical error that is
3.1 Definitions caused by chance and is not recurring.
accuracy: the degree of conformity of an indicated value to static pressure: pressure that exists only by virtue of the
an accepted standard value or true value. The degree of inac- degree of compression. If expressed as gage pressure, it may
curacy is known as “total measurement error” and is the sum be negative or positive.
of bias error and precision error. test: a complete series of test points defining the flow behav-
bias error (systematic error): the difference between the true ior over a selected range of velocities.
or actual value to be measured and the indicated value from test air density: the density of the air entering the test duct or
the measuring system that persists and is usually due to the fitting.
particular instrument or technique of measurement. These
test flow rate: the volumetric flow rate entering the test duct
errors can be corrected through calibration.
or fitting at the test air density.
confidence level: the probability that a stated interval will
test pressure determination: a complete set of measurements
include the true value. In analyzing experimental data, a level
required to determine the total pressure loss at a test point.
of 95% is usually used.
test pressure loss: the differential in total pressure between
duct, flexible: any duct constructed of flexible materials, such
the inlet and the outlet sections of a test duct or across a test
as polymeric films, metal foils, and impregnated fabrics.
fitting. For test fittings, the fitting is assumed to have zero
duct, rigid: any duct constructed of rigid materials, such as length. For multiflow fittings, the total pressure loss shall be
metal and fiberglass duct board. determined for each stream separately.
error: the difference between the true value of the quantity test system: the prescribed flow rate measurement system and
measured and an observed value. Because the true value is prescribed test setup for the duct or fitting test.

2 ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 120-2017

total pressure: the sum of the static pressure and the velocity case less than annually. Calibration records shall be main-
pressure. It is a measure of the mechanical energy per unit tained. Instrument accuracy and precision shall be as follows:
volume of the air. Air at rest has a total pressure equal to its
a. Pressure shall be measured with accuracy equal to or better
static pressure.
than 1.0 Pa and a precision equal to or better than 0.5 Pa.
uncertainty: a measure of the potential error in a measure- b. Temperature measurements shall be made using devices
ment or experimental result that reflects the lack of confi- with an accuracy equal to or better than 1°C and with a
dence in the result to a specified level. precision equal to or better than 0.5°C.
uncertainty range (confidence level): the band for the error c. Airflow shall be measured with accuracy equal to or better
in an estimate at a certain confidence level. than 2% of measured flow. Nozzles and orifices meeting
the requirement of this standard are considered reference
velocity pressure: the kinetic energy of the air motion
flow measuring devices and therefore do not need calibra-
expressed in pressure units. It is always positive.
3.2 Symbols and Subscripts. Table 1 displays symbols and d. Barometric pressure shall be measured with accuracy
subscripts used throughout this standard, along with their equal to or better than 25 Pa.
units and description.
6.2 Pressure
4. COMPLIANCE REQUIREMENTS 6.2.1 Pressure indicating instruments shall comply with
ASHRAE Standard 41.3 1.
4.1 A duct or fitting test complies with this standard if the
requirements of Section 6, “Instrumentation,” and Section 7, 6.2.2 Calibration. Each pressure instrument shall be cali-
“Flow Measuring Systems and Test Setups,” have been met. brated to traceable standards per Section 6.1.
4.2 A person or persons determining compliance shall state 6.2.3 Time Averaging. Because the flow and pressures in
in writing that the test procedures and general test require- fan-driven duct systems are never strictly steady, the pressure
ments of Section 8, “Observations and Conduct of Test,” have indicated on any instrument may fluctuate with time. The
been met. readings shall be averaged in a suitable manner to obtain an
accurate value. Averaging can sometimes be accomplished
4.3 A person or persons determining compliance shall state mentally, particularly if the fluctuations are small and regular.
in writing that the calculation requirements of Section 9, Multipoint or continuous record averaging is permissible
“Calculations,” and Section 10, “Test Results and Report,” when accomplished with instruments and analyzers designed
have been met. for this purpose. Examples of acceptable methods are given in
Informative Annex A.
6.2.4 Corrections. All pressure measuring instruments
5.1 Type of Ducts. This standard specifies test conditions for shall be corrected for temperature.
rigid and flexible ducts of rectangular, round, flat oval, or
6.3 Static Pressure Wall Taps. The static pressure at a point
other shapes constructed to contain airflow. Elastic materials
in a smooth wall duct shall be sensed with a wall pressure tap
that change size greater than 5% of any linear dimension with
of the proportions shown in Figure 1. Disk-type wall taps
flow conditions are not covered by this standard.
made in accordance with Figure 2, or static taps on a pitot-
5.2 Type of Fittings. This standard specifies test conditions static tube conforming to Figure 3, shall be used for lined
for fittings designed for use with the ducts described in Sec- rectangular and fibrous glass ducts. Wall tap disks shall be
tion 5.1. installed parallel and flush with the inside surface of the duct
5.3 Sizes. This standard covers test conditions for ducts with liner. Pressure measuring taps shall be situated at least two
an internal hydraulic diameter 50 mm or larger. hydraulic diameters downstream of each duct joint.
6.3.1 Calibration. Pressure taps having the proportions
5.4 Test Air Velocities. This standard specifies test condi-
shown in Figures 1 and 2 are considered reference taps and
tions for velocities in the range from 6 m/s to 36 m/s.
need not be calibrated, provided they are maintained in the
5.5 Measured Pressure Differential. The minimum pres- specified condition. An initial check shall be made of the con-
sure loss for a fitting shall be 75 Pa. sistency of the pressure tap installation. An individual reading
on the pressure sensed by each pressure tap shall be made at
6. INSTRUMENTATION the maximum velocity expected in the planned tests. If the
6.1 Accuracy and Precision. Measurements from the instru- difference between each tap reading and the average of all
ments shall be traceable to primary or secondary standards taps when manifold together is less than 2%, then the installa-
calibrated by the National Institute of Standards and Technol- tion is acceptable. The local air velocity shall be perpendicu-
ogy (NIST) or to the Bureau International des Poids et lar to the centerline of the static tap sensing hole.
Mesures (BIPM) if a National Metrology Institute (NMI) 6.3.2 Piezometer Rings. Piezometer rings are required for
other than NIST is used. In either case, the indicated correc- upstream and downstream nozzle and orifice taps and for
tions shall be applied to meet the accuracy and precision upstream and downstream duct measurement planes. Four
stated in this standard. Instruments shall be calibrated on a identical taps shall be manifold into a piezometer ring as illus-
regular basis that is appropriate for each instrument but in no trated in Figure 4 for round ducts. For rectangular ducts, locate

ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 120-2017 3

TABLE 1 Symbols and Subscripts

Symbol Description Units Symbol Description Units

An Nozzle throat area m2 t Dry-bulb temperature °C

Ao Orifice area m t Wet-bulb temperature °C

A Cross-sectional area m2 V Velocity m/s

C Loss coefficient Dimensionless W Orifice plate thickness mm

Cb Branch loss coefficient Dimensionless Yn Nozzle expansion factor Dimensionless

Cn Nozzle discharge coefficient Dimensionless Yo Orifice expansion factor Dimensionless

Co Orifice discharge coefficient Dimensionless  Ratio of absolute nozzle or orifice Dimensionless

exit pressure to absolute approach

Cs Main loss coefficient Dimensionless  Ratio of nozzle or orifice exit Dimensionless

diameter to approach diameter

cp Specific heat at constant pressure J/(kg·K)  Ratio of specific heats (cp/cv) Dimensionless

cv Specific heat at constant volume J/(kg·K) € Absolute roughness mm

Dh Hydraulic diameter m μ Dynamic viscosity of air Pa·s

D Diameter m  Air density kg/m3

d Nozzle throat diameter m  Ratio of orifice static pressure Dimensionless

differential to absolute approach

do Orifice diameter m Additional Subscripts

dt Hole diameter of wall pressure tap mm b Branch section

e Orifice thickness mm c Common section

k Uniform equivalent roughness m calc Calculated

Lx–x’ Length of duct between planes m meas Measured

m· Mass flow rate kg/s d Nozzle throat

p Absolute pressure of air Pa o Ambient

pb Corrected barometric pressure kPa s Straight (main) section

pe Saturated vapor pressure at t kPa x Plane 1, 2, ... , n, as applicable

pp Partial vapor pressure kPa

ps Static pressure Pa

pt Total pressure Pa

pv Velocity pressure Pa

pt,x–x’ Total pressure differential between Pa


ps,x–x’ Static pressure differential between Pa


ps,5–6 Nozzle or orifice static pressure Pa


 pf Duct pressure loss per unit length Pa/m

Q Volume flow rate L/s

4 ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 120-2017

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