Eujam 21 09 20
Eujam 21 09 20
Eujam 21 09 20
European Jazz Master (EUJAM)
Then you can create and submit an application for
admission. Once you have successfully completed the online
Application period application, print out the application for admission, sign it
and send it by mail to the UdK Berlin together with the
15 October – 15 November for the winter semester following documents.
The date of receipt of the complete application documents is
• Detailed CV in tabular form
decisive, not the postmark. If the last day of the application
period is a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday, the • Certificate of university graduation
application documents can still be submitted on the
following working day. • Foreign university degrees must be recognised by
uni-assist before the application at UdK Berlin.
However, the application for admission is only activated for The uni-assist certificate
the course of study until the last day of the deadline. ("Vorprüfungsdokumentation/VPD") has to be submitted
together with the complete application documents to
It is recommended that you apply as early as possible within
the application period, so that you can clarify any questions
Detailed information can be found here:
that may arise in good time with our StudyGuide: the-study-process/applications-general-information/uni-
Duration of study and degree
• Applicants from the People’s Republic of China, Vietnam
Standard period of study: 4 semesters and Mongolia have to contact the Academic Evaluation
Degree: Master of Music (M.Mus.) Center (APS) at the German embassy for the recognition
of their certificates and the visa procedure. Please do not
Structure of the study programme turn to uni-asssist! Detailed information and the forms
The programme comprises 120 ECTS. can be found on the respective APS homepage
• Letter of motivation.
The 1st and 4th semester are studied at the Jazz Institute
Berlin (JIB), the 2nd and 3rd semester are completed at one of • A digital documentation, CD (work samples 10-15 min.)
the European partner universities in Amsterdam, of an independently implemented artistic project,
Copenhagen, Paris or Trondheim. accompanying texts have to be submitted in English.
The program prepares for an international career. The study • Proof of previous academic study periods and obtained
programme consists of 6 modules: degrees (if available).
1 Artistic project (30 LP)
• Bank statement (for transfers from abroad, proof of
2 Performance Studies (30 LP) payment) documenting payment of €30 application fee.
This fee can’t be refunded even if applicants withdraw
3 Master project/ Master thesis (30 LP)
from the application process.
4 Minor subjects (e.g. Composition, Arrangement, Music
Detailed information can be found here:
technology...) (5 LP)
5 Music Business (6 LP)
6 Art & Culture Studies (6 LP)
When applying for more than one programme applicants
have to fill in one separate application form for each
Entrance requirements programme and send each form with the complete
• Completion of a Bachelor degree of at least 6 semesters documents separately.
or a comparable degree
Address for applications
• Exceptional artistic talent
Application documents can only be submitted by mail.
Application and submission of application Applications by fax or e-mail are not possible.
All required documents must be received by the UdK Berlin
Please register first in the online portal within the in due time.
application period:
Please find detailed information regarding the shipping on
the following website:
Admission process
For the study programmes of the Jazz-Institute it is still not
clear when and how the entrance examinations can take
All applicants will receive information on time by e-mail.
Places of Study
Einsteinufer 43, (Ein), Berlin-Charlottenburg