Details For Conventional Wood Frame Construction
Details For Conventional Wood Frame Construction
Details For Conventional Wood Frame Construction
American Wood Council
Forest &
Copyright © 2001
American Forest & Paper Association
Chapter/Title Page Chapter/Title Page
Introduction ............................................. 3 Firestopping ............................................ 8
General Scope ......................................... 3 Draftstopping .......................................... 8
Grade Marking ........................................ 3 Exterior Wall Framing ........................... 8
Lumber Seasoning ................................. 4 Interior Partition Framing .................... 9
TYPES OF FRAME CONSTRUCTION Framing Around Chimneys and
Platform Frame ....................................... 4 Fireplaces .......................................... 9
Plank and Beam Construction ............ 5 Exterior Siding and Coverings ........ 11
Table Page
I. Nominal and Minimum-Dressed Sizes of
Boards, Dimension and Timbers.............. 15
II. Wood Shingle and Shake Weather
Exposures ................................................. 16
Figure Page Figure Page
1. Platform Frame Construction ...................... 17 35. Second Floor Overhang of Exterior Wall,
2. Balloon Frame Construction ....................... 18 Joists at Right Angles to Supporting
3. Methods of Loading Nails ............................ 18 Walls ............................................................... 33
4. Sizes of Common Wire Nails ....................... 19 36. Second Floor Overhang of Exterior Wall,
Joists Parallel to Supporting Walls ............. 33
5. Masonry Foundation Wall and Footing ...... 20
37. Firestopping Around Pipes .......................... 34
6a. Permanent Wood Foundation - Crawl
space .............................................................. 20 38. Firestopping of Dropped Ceilings ............... 34
6b. Permanent Wood Foundation - 39a. Firestoppingof Masonry Walls - Floor ........ 35
Basement ....................................................... 21 39b.Firestopping of Masonry Walls - Ceiling .... 35
7a. Sump for Poorly Drained Soils .................... 22 40. Draftstopping of Trussed Floors ................. 36
7b. Sump for Medium to Well Drained Soils .... 22 41. Multiple Studs at Corners ............................ 36
8. Pier Foundation and Anchorage ................. 23 42. Wall Framing at Intersecting Partitions ...... 36
9. Clearance Between Earth and Floor 43. Exterior Wall Openings, Header Details
Framing .......................................................... 23 with Cripple Studs ........................................ 37
10. Support for Basement Post ......................... 23 44. Exterior Wall Openings, Header Details
11. Floor Framing at Exterior Wall .................... 24 with Joist Hangers ........................................ 37
12. Girder Framing in Exterior Wall ................... 24 45. Framing of Bay Window ............................... 38
13. Termite Shields .............................................. 24 46. Wall Framing at Gable Ends ........................ 38
14. Anchorage of Sill to Foundation Wall ......... 25 47a. Wall and Floor Framing at Fireplace ........... 39
15. Nailing Built-up Beams and Girders ........... 25 47b. Hearth Centering Detail ................................ 39
16. Joist End Bearing ......................................... 25 48a. Clearance of Fireplace Trim ......................... 40
17. Joist Supported on Ledger .......................... 26 48b. Section Through Mantle ............................... 40
18. Joist Supported by Metal Framing 49. Building Paper and Siding Application ...... 41
Anchors .......................................................... 26 50. Application of Wood Shingles ..................... 41
19. Joists Resting on Girder .............................. 26 51. Roof Framing Ceiling Joists Parallel to
20. Joists Resting on Steel Beam ..................... 26 Rafters ............................................................ 42
21. Diagonal Bridging of Floor Joists ............... 27 52. Roof Framing, Ceiling Joists
Perpendicular to Rafters .............................. 42
22. Solid Bridging of Floor Joists ..................... 27
53. Roof Framing Gable Overhang .................... 43
23. Framing of Tail Joists on Ledger Strip ....... 28
54. Flat Roof Framing ......................................... 43
24. Framing of Tail Joists by Framing
Anchors .......................................................... 28 55. Valley Rafter Roof Framing .......................... 44
25. Framing of Header to Trimmer by Joist 56. Hip Rafter Roof Framing .............................. 44
Hangers .......................................................... 28 57. Roof Framing at Eave ................................... 44
26. Notching and Boring of Joists .................... 28 58. Shed Dormer Roof Framing ......................... 45
27. Framing Over Bearing Partition, 59. Gable Dormer Framing ................................. 46
Platform Construction .................................. 29 60. Roof Framing Around Chimney .................. 46
28. Framing Over Bearing Partition, Balloon 61. Roof Ventilation Requirements ................... 47
Construction .................................................. 29 62. Ventilating Eave Overhangs ........................ 47
29. Framing Under Non-Bearing Partition ........ 30 63. Wood Siding Patterns and Nailing .............. 48
30. Attachment of Non-Bearing Partition to 64. Corner Treatments for Wood Siding ........... 48
Ceiling Framing ............................................. 30 65. Application of Masonry Veneer to Wood
31. Interior Stairway Framing ............................ 31 Framing .......................................................... 49
32. Stairway With a Landing .............................. 32 66. Wood Strip Flooring ..................................... 49
33. Framing Supporting Bathtub ....................... 32 67. Wood Deck ..................................................... 50
34. Second Floor Framing, Exterior Wall ......... 33 68. Ceiling-Floor Partition Separation .............. 51
time of manufacture, producing mill number and the grad- Final moisture content of lumber in the building varies
ing rules writing agency. with the geographic region and with location in the struc-
The bending strength, Fb, and the stiffness or modulus ture. Floor joists over a crawl space may reach seasonal
of elasticity, E, may be determined from the grade mark for moisture contents in excess of 14 percent. Roof trusses and
lumber used as joists, rafters, and decking. These values rafters, on the other hand, may dry below 6 percent. Squeak-
enable determination of allowable spans for the lumber. ing floors and loose nails in wallboard or siding can be
Grading rules for various softwood and certain hard- reduced by allowing framing to season to a moisture con-
wood species are written by regional rules writing tent which is as close as possible to moisture levels it will
agencies, which operate within the system, established by reach in service and by utilizing modern framing techniques
the American Lumber Standards Committee (ALSC) un- and products, including glued-nailed floor systems, grooved
der the authority of the U.S. Department of Commerce. or ring-shanked nails, and drywall screws.
This system provides for on-going inspection of lumber
produced to the applicable rules and for monitoring of the Protection of Materials
inspection agencies by the Board of Review of the ALSC. Lumber, panel products and millwork (windows, doors
Engineering values and tables of allowable spans for and trim) should be protected from the weather when de-
framing lumber are available from the American Forest livered at the building site. Preparation of a construction
& Paper Association (Appendix, Items 3 and 4), and the schedule will assure that lumber and millwork are deliv-
regional rules writing agencies. ered as needed. Follow these simple rules:
(1) Support framing lumber, plywood and panel prod-
ucts at least six inches above ground and protect
them below and above with a waterproof cover such
Wood loses moisture from the time it is cut and manu-
as plastic film. Finish lumber and flooring, particu-
factured into lumber until it reaches equilibrium in service.
larly, are to be protected from ground or concrete
Best performance of wood frame buildings is obtained when
slab moisture and kept under cover – preferably in-
the moisture content of framing lumber at the time the build-
doors – until installation.
ing is enclosed with sheathing and interior finish, is as close
as possible to the condition it will reach in service. (2) Store door and window assemblies, siding and ex-
Grading rules which conform with American Soft- terior trim inside. Where this is not practical, these
wood Lumber Standard, PS 20, provide for framing lumber materials are to be elevated from the ground and
surfaced to standard sizes at the unseasoned condition (S- protected above and below with a weatherproof
Grn), at 19 percent maximum moisture content (S-Dry) cover.
and at 15 percent maximum moisture content (KD) or
(MC-15). Standard sizes apply to S-Dry (19% max), with Millwork items are often pre-treated with a water-
slightly larger sizes provided for S-Grn so that both prod- repellent preservative as received. Whether treated
ucts reach approximately the same size after seasoning in or not, such materials are to be stored under cover.
service. MC-15 lumber is produced to the same standard Untreated exterior millwork should receive a wa-
size as S-Dry. In some cases engineering stress values as- ter-repellent preservative treatment before
signed to lumber produced to different seasoning installation.
conditions are adjusted to reflect the effects of seasoning. (3) Store interior doors, trim, flooring and cabinetwork
Lumber should be protected from weather at the job in the building. Where wet plaster is used it must be
site. Buildings should be roofed and enclosed with sheath- permitted to dry before interior woodwork, cabinetry
ing without delay to maintain the original dryness of the and flooring are installed.
lumber or to help unseasoned lumber reach equilibrium
during construction.
is common practice to assemble wall framing on the floor exterior sidings. Details for this method of framing are pro-
and tilt the entire unit into place. vided in Plank and Beam Framing for Residential Buildings
- Wood Construction Data No. 4, published by the Ameri-
BALLOON FRAME can Forest & Paper Association (Appendix, Item 5).
In the plank and beam framing method, beams of ad- Concrete Foundations
equate size to support floor and roof loads are spaced up Concrete footings are frequently unreinforced. Where
to eight feet apart. Floors and roofs are covered with 2- unstable soil conditions exist, however, reinforced con-
inch planks. These serve as subflooring and roof sheathing, crete is used. This requires engineering analysis of the
and, where tongue-and-grooved planking is used, provide footing. The foundation wall may be of poured concrete
an attractive finished floor and ceiling. or masonry blocks. Masonry block basement walls typi-
Ends of floor and roof beams are supported on posts cally have a ½-inch coat of Portland cement mortar applied
which provide the wall framing. Supplementary framing to the exterior. When set, the mortar parging is covered
between posts permits attachment of wall sheathing and with two coats of asphalt to resist penetration of the wall
by ground water, Figure 5. Masonry block walls are tures for Permanence-Wood Construction Data No. 6
capped at the top with 4 inches of solid masonry or con- (Appendix, Item 8). The following practices are basic:
crete. Drain tiles are installed around the entire footing All roots and scraps of lumber are removed from the
perimeter of concrete foundations. These lead to a storm immediate vicinity of the house before backfilling.
drain or sump with pump to a positive drain. Loose backfill is carefully tamped to reduce settle-
ment around the foundation perimeter. Grading at the
Wood Foundations foundation and over the building site is sloped to provide
Permanent wood foundations are engineered systems drainage away from the structure.
consisting of wood framing and plywood sheathing that
have been pressure treated with heavy concentrations of Unexcavated Spaces
preservative to assure freedom from decay and insect at- Exposed ground in crawl spaces and under porches or
tack. The system is used with both basement and crawl decks is covered with 6-mil polyethylene film. Minimum
space foundations, Figures 6a and 6b. clearance between the ground and the bottom edge of beams
Permanent wood foundations are particularly suitable or girders is at least twelve inches. Clearance between the
for cold weather construction where the entire foundation bottom of wood joists or a structural plank floor and the
system can be prefabricated. The footing and basement ground is a minimum of 18 inches, Figure 9. Where it is
area consists of a layer of gravel or crushed stone of 4- not possible to maintain these clearances, approved1 pres-
inch minimum thickness. Treated wood footing plates of sure treated or naturally durable wood species are used.
adequate thickness and width are placed on the stone base
at the wall perimeter. These support foundation stud walls Columns and Posts
of treated lumber framing and plywood sheathing which Posts or columns in basements and cellars, or exposed
have been designed to support vertical and lateral loads. to the weather, are supported by concrete piers or pedestals
Exterior plywood joints are caulked and basement foun- projecting at least 1 inch above concrete floors or decks
dation walls are covered with 6-mil polyethylene film to and 6 inches above exposed earth. Wood posts and col-
direct ground water to the gravel base. Basement floors umns are separated from concrete piers by an impervious
are concrete slab or wood flooring laid on treated wood moisture barrier, except when approved pressure treated or
joists on sleepers. A 6-mil polyethylene film is placed over naturally durable wood species are used, Figures 9 and 10.
the gravel base beneath the slab or wood floor. Wood posts or columns which are closer than 8 inches
Drain tiles are not required with permanent wood foun- to exposed ground in crawl spaces or supporting porches
dations. Ground water at the wall perimeter drains through or decks are of approved pressure treated or naturally du-
the gravel footing and the gravel slab base to a sump which rable wood species.
leads to a daylight outlet or is pumped to a storm drain,
Figure 7. Such basements have a superior record for main- Exterior walls
taining dry interior conditions. Additional information on Wood framing and sheathing used in exterior walls
Permanent Wood Foundations is available from AF&PA and are installed at least 8 inches above exposed earth (in-
the Southern Pine Council (Appendix, Items 6 and 7). cluding finished grade), unless approved pressure treated
or naturally durable wood species are used, Figures 11
Other Foundations and 12.
Other foundation types include free standing piers,
piers with curtain walls, or piers supporting grade beams. Beams and Girders in Masonry Walls
Piers and their footings must be of adequate size to carry Openings or cavities in masonry walls to support the
the weight of the house, contents and occupants. Pier spac- ends of beams, girders, or floor joists are of sufficient size to
ing will depend upon arrangement of floor framing and provide a minimum of ½-inch clearance at the top, sides and
location of bearing walls and partitions. Spacing in the ends of such members, unless pressure preservative treated
range of 8 to 12 feet is common practice, Figure 8. or naturally durable wood species are used, Figure 12.
are embedded in concrete in direct contact with earth or approximately 6-foot intervals. Bolts are embedded at least
exposed to the weather, shall be treated with approved 6 inches in poured concrete walls and at least 15 inches in
pressure preservative treatments. masonry block walls, Figure 14. Metal anchor straps,
embedded in foundation walls at sufficient intervals to
Siding permit adequate nail fastening to sills, may also be used.
A minimum clearance of 6 inches is maintained be-
tween the finished grade and the bottom edge of all types Sills on Piers
of siding used with wood frame buildings. Such clear- Sills supported by free-standing piers must be of ad-
ance permits ready inspection for termite activity and equate size to carry all imposed loads between piers. They
improved performance of exterior paint and stain finishes. may be of solid wood or of built-up construction such as
described for beams and girders. Sills are anchored to piers
Crawl Space Ventilation with ½-inch bolts embedded at least 6 inches in poured
Crawl spaces are vented by openings in foundation concrete and at least 15 inches in masonry block, Figure 8.
walls. The number and size of such vent openings are de-
termined to provide a minimum total vent area equal to Beams and Girders
1/150 of the crawl space ground area. For example, a 1500 Beams and girders are of solid timber or built-up con-
sq. ft. ground area would require a total of 10 sq. ft. of struction in which multiple pieces of nominal 2-inch thick
vented opening, or 10 vents, each 1 square foot in net lumber are nailed together with the wide faces vertical.
opening size. Corrosion resistant mesh with ¼-inch maxi- Such pieces are nailed with two rows of 20d nails-one
mum openings is recommended. row near the top edge and the other near the bottom edge.
A 6-mil plastic film ground cover in the crawl space Nails in each row are spaced 32 inches apart. End joints
reduces the required amount of ventilation to 10 percent of the nailed lumber should occur over the supporting
of the preceding recommendation. With ground cover column or pier. End joints in adjacent pieces should be at
protection, vents may have operable louvers. Vent open- least 16 inches apart, Figure 15. Glued-laminated mem-
ings should be placed to provide cross ventilation and bers are also used. Beams and girders that are not
occur within 3 feet of corners. continuous are tied together across supports. Bearing of
at least 4 inches is required at supports.
Termite Control
After removal of all scrap wood from the building Selection and Placing of Joists
perimeter, treatment of the soil around the foundation with Span Tables for Joists and Rafters (Appendix, Item 4)
an approved termiticide is the most effective protection published by the American Forest & Paper Association,
against subterranean termites. Properly installed termite provides maximum allowable spans for the different spe-
shields also provide protection where the interiors of foun- cies and grades of lumber depending upon floor and roof
dation walls are not easily inspected, Figure 13. design loads and spacing of the members.
Joist end-bearing should not be less than 1½ inches
Additional Requirements on wood or metal and 3 inches on masonry. Joists are usu-
In geographical areas where experience has demon- ally attached to sills by two toe-nails, or by metal framing
strated a need for more protective measures, the anchors, Figures 8, 11 and 16. Joists should be placed so
requirements of the preceding paragraphs may be modi- the top edge provides an even plane for the sub-floor and
fied to the extent required by local conditions. finished floor. It is preferable to frame joists into the sides
of girders to reduce the cumulative effect of seasoning
FLOOR FRAMING shrinkage, Figures 17, 18, 19 and 20.
across studs. In three-story buildings studs in the bottom rating of five or greater. Six-inch wide strips of sheathing
story are at least nominal 3x4 or 2x6 inches and may not paper are applied around all wall openings and behind all
exceed 16-inch spacing. exterior trim, Figures 49 and 50. Sheathing paper is ap-
Studs are arranged in multiples at corners and parti- plied from the bottom of the wall, lapping horizontal joints
tion intersections to provide for rigid attachment of 4 inches and vertical joints 6 inches.
sheathing, siding and interior wall finish materials. Nail-
ing strips or metal clips may be used to back up interior INTERIOR PARTITION FRAMING
finish at corners, Figures 41 and 42.
There are two types of interior partitions: bearing par-
Exterior Wall Openings titions which support floors, ceilings or roofs; and
A header of adequate size is required at window and non-bearing partitions which carry only the weight of the
door openings to carry vertical loads across the opening. materials in the partition, including attachments in the fin-
Headers may be supported by doubled studs or, where the ished building.
span does not exceed 3 feet, framing anchors may be used
with single supporting studs, Figures 43 and 44. Where Bearing Partitions
the opening width exceeds 6 feet, triple studs are used Studs in bearing partitions should be at least nominal
with each end of the header bearing on two studs. 2x4 inches, with the wide surface of the stud at right angles
to top and bottom plates or headers. Plates are lapped or
Gable End Walls tied into exterior walls at intersection points.
Studs at gable ends bear on the top plate and are Single top plates are permitted where joists or rafters
notched and nailed to the end rafter, Figure 46. are supported directly over bearing wall studs. Studs sup-
porting floors are spaced a maximum of 16 inches on
Wall Sheathing center. Studs supporting ceilings may be spaced 24 inches
The high resistance of wood frame construction to on center. Headers in bearing walls are used to carry loads
hurricane, earthquake and other forces of nature is pro- over openings, as required for exterior walls.
vided when wood sheathing is adequately nailed to the
outside edges of exterior wall studs, plates and headers. Non-Bearing Partitions
Wall sheathing includes plywood, particleboard and other Studs in non-bearing partitions are nominal 2x3 or
structural panels such as wafer-board, oriented-strand 2x4 inches and may be installed with the wide face per-
board, structural insulation board and one-inch board lum- pendicular or parallel to the wall surface. Single top plates
ber. Such sheathing is applied in strict accordance with are used. Stud spacing is 16-or 24-inches on center as re-
manufacturer’s nailing requirements to provide a rigid, quired by the wall covering.
yet resilient, wood frame system. Some structural panels
function as both sheathing and siding. FRAMING AROUND CHIMNEYS AND
Where the building exterior is to be stuccoed, where FIREPLACES
plastic foam sheathing is used, or where bevel or other
lap siding is applied directly to the studs, exterior walls Framing
must be braced at the corners with 1x4 lumber which has Wood framing must be adequately separated from fire-
been “let-in” to the outside surfaces of studs, plates and place and chimney masonry, Figures 47a and 47b. All
headers at an angle of 45 degrees, Figures 1 and 2. Metal headers, beams, joists and studs must be kept at least two
strap braces adequately nailed may be used. Plywood or inches from the outside face of chimney and fireplace
other structural panels applied vertically at each corner masonry. Prefabricated metal fireplace and chimney as-
also serve as adequate corner bracing where non-struc- semblies are to be installed in accordance with the
tural sheathing is otherwise used. manufacturer’s recommendations and must be approved
by the code authority.
Building or Sheathing Paper
Walls are protected from wind and water infiltration Trim
by covering the wall sheathing with a layer of Type 15 Wood mantles and similar trim are separated from fire-
asphalt saturated felt paper or with other suitable water place openings by at least six inches, Figures 48a and 48b.
repellent paper or plastic films. Such coverings must per- Where combustible material is within 12 inches of the
mit passage of any moisture vapor which enters the wall fireplace opening, the projection shall not exceed ½ inch
system from the interior and have a vapor permeability for each 1-inch distance from such opening.
ROOF AND CEILING FRAMING stallation of roof and ceiling framing. Roof trusses are
generally spaced 24 inches on center.
Roof construction must be of adequate strength to Where roof trusses are used, gable ends are usually
withstand anticipated snow and wind loads. Framing mem- framed in the conventional manner using a common rafter
bers must be securely fastened to each other, to sheathing to which gable end studs are nailed. Eave overhangs are
and to exterior walls to enable the roof system to serve as framed by extending the top chords of the trusses beyond
a structural unit, Figures 51 through 59. the wall.
Where hip and valley construction is required, modi-
Ceiling Joist and Rafter Framing fied trusses or conventional framing are used to meet the
Maximum allowable spans for ceiling joists and rafters condition.
for various lumber grades and species are provided in Span
Tables for Joists and Rafters, (Appendix, Item 4). Ceiling-Floor-Partition Separation
Ceiling joists must be securely nailed to exterior wall In some localities truss uplift may be a problem. This
plates, to the ends of rafters and where the joists join over problem is characterized by the separation of the floor or
interior partitions. This provides a structural tie across the ceiling from an interior partition.
building to withstand outward forces exerted by the rafters, A widely used technique to minimize truss uplift sepa-
Figure 51. Ceiling joists at right angles to rafters are to be ration is to allow the gypsum board ceiling to “float” or
avoided, Figure 52. rest on the partition and remain unattached to the truss on
The ridge member is of 1- or 2-inch thick lumber and either side of the partition. In cases where trusses are per-
is 2 inches deeper than the depth of the rafters to permit pendicular to partitions, the gypsum board ceiling remains
full bearing at the angled rafter ends. Rafters are placed unattached at least 18 inches from the ceiling/ wall inter-
directly opposite each other across the ridge and are section, Figure 68. Additional solutions to this separation
notched at the lower end to fit the exterior wall top plate, are found in two reports referenced in Appendix, Items
Figures 53 and 57. Rafters are secured to the wall plate 12 and 13.
by toe-nailing or use of special metal plate fastenings.
Flat Roofs
Collar Beams (collar ties) Flat roofs should be avoided if possible because they
Collar beams of nominal 1x6 or 2x4 lumber are in- are difficult to ventilate and insulate adequately and present
stalled in the upper one-third of the attic space to every weather proofing problems. Where flat roofs are used,
third pair of rafters to secure the ridge framing. rafters or roof joists serve as ceiling joists for the space
below, Figure 54. Maximum allowable spans for ceiling
Valley and Hip Rafter Framing joists and rafters are contained in Span Tables for Joists
Valley rafters at the intersection of two roof areas are and Rafters, (Appendix, Item 4). Flat roof joists are se-
doubled in thickness and two inches deeper than adjoin- curely nailed to exterior wall plates and to each other where
ing rafters, Figure 55. they join over interior partitions.
Hip rafters are of single thickness but are two inches
deeper than common rafters to permit full bearing of jack Roof Sheathing
rafters, Figure 56. Wood structural panels or 1-inch board lumber pro-
Where ridges occur at different elevations, provision vides a solid base for roof coverings. Structural panels
must be made for vertical support of the interior end of are manufactured in various thicknesses and are usually
the lower ridge board. 4’x8' in surface dimension. Recommended spans, spac-
ing between panel edges and thickness are stamped on
Roof Trusses the panel face. Structural panels are installed with the long
Roof framing may be fabricated as light trusses and dimension perpendicular to rafters and with the panel con-
installed as complete units. Such framing is designed ac- tinuous over two or more spans.
cording to accepted engineering practice. The truss
members are joined together by fasteners such as nails, Spaced Sheathing
nails and glue, bolts, metal plates or other framing de- Where wood shingles or shakes are to be applied as
vices. the finished roof, solid sheathing is used or nominal 1x4
Use of roof trusses eliminates the need for interior lumber is nailed perpendicular to rafters and trusses with
bearing partitions and frequently results in more rapid in- each board spaced a distance from the next board equal to
the weather exposure of the shingles or shakes. (5½ inches
is common exposure for shingles. Shakes may be exposed ates gaps along each stud, which make this type of vapor
7 to 13 inches depending on their length.) Because shakes protection of little value. Proper vapor protection requires
are not smooth surfaced, an 18-inch wide underlay of as- a 4-mil (.004") minimum thickness of polyethylene film
phalt felt is used between each course. Where wind driven stapled to wall studs immediately beneath the dry wall or
snow is encountered, solid sheathing and Type 15 asphalt other interior finish. The film is carefully fitted around
felt are used under wood shakes. window and door openings and behind electric outlets.
Crawl spaces and basement concrete slabs are also
Ventilation of Attic Spaces sources of moisture vapor, which reduce the effectiveness
Ventilation of all attic spaces is required to eliminate of insulation and create expansion problems with hard-
moisture condensation on roof framing in cold weather wood flooring. A 6-mil (.006") polyethylene film placed
and to permit heat to escape in warm weather, Figure 61. over the ground in crawl spaces and over the gravel be-
For gable roofs, a screened, louvered opening is used fore the basement slab is poured is the most effective
which provides a net open area of 1/150 of the area of the method of controlling moisture vapor from the ground.
ceiling below. Where a ¾-inch wide screened slot is also Some plastic foam sheathings and foil-faced sheath-
provided in the eave soffits, or where a vapor retarder ing may act as vapor retarders on the outside of exterior
having one perm or less permeability is installed on the walls. Where such sheathing panels are used, it is essen-
warm side of the ceiling, the total ventilating area may be tial that a vapor retardant polyethylene film be placed on
reduced to 1/300 of the ceiling area. the inside wall surface, beneath the interior wall finish.
With hip roof construction, a ¾-inch wide screened
slot in the eave soffits, and ventilator at the ridge to pro- EXTERIOR SIDING AND COVERINGS
vide 1/450 inlet and 1/900 outlet fractions of the ceiling
area below, assures adequate ventilation. Many types of wood, hardboard, shingle, structural
For flat roofs, blocking, bridging and insulation are panel, metal and masonry veneer sidings are used over
arranged to prevent obstruction of air flow. Such roofs wood framing. Such materials are separated from the fi-
are ventilated at eave soffits to provide net open area equal nal, finished grade by a minimum of 6 inches, Figure 49.
to 1/250 of the area of the ceiling below. A vapor retarder
of one perm or less permeability is applied under the ceil- Wood Siding
ing finish below flat roofs. A variety of wood and hardboard siding patterns are
available. Bevel, shiplap and drop types are generally used
INSULATION AND VAPOR RETARDERS horizontally. Board-and-batten, board-on-board and
tongued and grooved boards are applied vertically,
Insulation Figure 63. Surfaces are smooth, rough sawn or overlaid
Adequate insulation in stud spaces of exterior walls, with paper or plastic film. They may be natural or factory
between floor and ceiling joists or rafters and on the in- pre-primed or pre-finished.
side of masonry foundations between grade line and first Siding and exterior trim are applied over a layer of
floor, make wood frame construction efficient to heat and Type 15 asphalt felt or other water repellent sheathing
cool. It also increases occupant comfort and absorbs out- cover with corrosion-resistant nails. Hot dipped galvanized
side noises. Roll or batt-type insulation is installed full steel, stainless steel or aluminum nails may be used. Nail
thickness in exterior walls or between rafters. Roll or loose length varies with the thickness of siding and sheathing.
fill insulation is used in attics between ceiling joists. Rigid For smooth shank siding nails, required length is deter-
foam plastic is bonded to the inside of foundation walls mined by adding to the combined siding and sheathing
with construction adhesive. thickness an additional 1½ inches for penetration into solid
Vapor Retarders Where foam sheathing or insulation board sheathing
Vapor retardant film prevents moisture vapor from are used, “solid wood” means 1½-inch nail penetration
moving through the insulated wall and condensing on the into the stud. However, where plywood, waferboard or
back side of sheathing and siding. Such condensation oriented strand board sheathing are used, the thickness of
greatly reduces the effectiveness of insulation and causes these panels becomes a part of the 1½-inch solid wood
failures of exterior paints and finishes. nail penetration.
Wall insulation batts usually have vapor retardant pa- Ring-shank or spiral-shank siding nails have additional
per covers facing the room interior. However, the most holding power. A reduction of 1/8 to 1/4 inch in required
common method of installing wall insulation batts cre- nail penetration into solid wood is permitted for these fas-
teners. Additional requirements apply to use of rigid tervals equal to the weather exposure of the shingles or
foam plastic sheathing, and are published by AF&PA shakes, Figure 50.
(Appendix, Item 9).
Bevel siding and square edged boards applied hori- Masonry Veneer
zontally are nailed with a single nail at each stud. The Masonry veneer applied to wood frame construction
minimum lap is 1 inch, with the nail driven approximately is supported on the masonry foundation wall. Where per-
1½ inches above the lap, Figure 63(a). manent wood foundations are used, masonry veneer is
Drop and shiplap type sidings, which lay flush against supported on the preservative treated wood footing plate
the sheathing paper, are nailed at each stud with a single or on a preservative treated wood knee wall attached to
nail approximately 1½ inches above the drip edge. Where the wood foundation with corrosion resistant metal ties.
siding width is 8 inches or more or where sheathing is Ties are spaced horizontally 24 inches on center, with each
omitted, two nails are used, Figure 63(b). tie supporting no more than two square feet of wall area.
Corner treatment is governed by the house design. Ties are fastened through sheathing directly to founda-
Corner boards, mitered corners, metal corner covers or tion studs, Figure 65.
alternately lapped corners are used, Figure 64. In masonry veneer applications to permanent wood
Board siding, both square edge and tongue and foundations, a 1-inch space is left between sheathing and
grooved, is applied vertically, Figures 63(c) and 63(d). masonry. Base flashing extends from the outside face of
Where wood, plywood or structural panel sheathing of the masonry wall over the foundation and up the sheath-
½-inch minimum thickness is used, nails are spaced 16 ing a minimum distance of 12 inches. Weep holes are
inches vertically. For other types of sheathing, horizontal provided by leaving open vertical joints at 4-foot inter-
nominal 1x4-inch furring strips are applied at 24-inch in- vals in the bottom course of masonry veneer.
tervals as a nail base for vertical siding application. Where
stud spacing exceeds 16 inches, inter-stud blocking with FLOORING
2-inch lumber between studs is required.
Flooring consists of the subfloor, underlayment and fin-
Protection of Siding ish floor. Depending upon the type of finish floor or subfloor
Ends of wood siding at corners, butt joints and at joints used, underlayment may not be required. Where 25/32-inch
with window and door trim are protected by an applica- tongue and grooved wood strip flooring is used, it may be
tion of clear water repellent preservative. Dipping at the laid directly over the subfloor, Figure 66. Where lesser
time of siding application or subsequent brush or spray thicknesses of wood strip flooring are used, the thickness
treatment before caulking and painting are effective. and grade of subflooring must be adequate to support end
Where wood siding is to be left to weather unfinished, a joints at full design load, unless they occur over joists.
liberal coat of clear water repellent preservative is applied Underlayment is normally applied over the sub-floor
to the entire exterior siding surface. where resilient tile, sheet vinyl or carpet is used as the
finish floor surface.
Wood Shingles and Shakes
Shingles and shakes used as exterior wall covering Sub-flooring
are applied with the weather exposures in Table II. The sub-floor usually consists of plywood, particle-
Shingles and shakes are nailed with corrosion resis- board or other wood structural panels, or board lumber.
tant nails of sufficient length to penetrate wood sheathing. Lumber sub-flooring is typically laid diagonally to per-
Two nails are used for widths up to 8 inches. For wider mit wood strip finish flooring to be laid either parallel
shingles and shakes, three nails are used. with or at right angles to, the floor joists. End-joints in
With single course applications nails are driven one sub-flooring are cut to occur over joists.
inch above the butt line of the succeeding course. In double Wood structural panels are typically installed with the
coursing the under course is attached to wood sheathing long dimension at right angles to the joists and with the
with three nails or staples. The outer course is applied panel continuous over two or more spans. Spacing be-
with small-headed nails driven approximately 1 inch above tween panels should be approximately 1/8 inch.
the butts and ¾ inch from the edges.
Where other than wood, plywood, waferboard or ori- Underlayment
ented-strand board sheathing is used, a nail base of Underlayment panels are applied over sub-flooring
1x3-inch wood furring strips is applied horizontally at in- to provide a smooth surface for application of carpeting
and other resilient floor coverings. Plywood underlayment
requirements are covered by U.S. Product Standard PS 1- minimum design live load, considering the concentration
95, which is published by APA-The Engineered Wood of people frequently supported by decks. The applicable
Association (Appendix, Item 10). Hardboard code will govern this requirement.
underlayment requirements are set forth in ANSI/AHA The initial header joist for the deck is attached to a
A135.4 (Appendix, Item 11) published by the American band or header joist of the house with through bolts or lag
Hardboard Association. Application of finish floor cover- screws, Figure 67. The level of the deck framing, includ-
ings is generally by specialists who follow the ing the 1½-inch decking thickness is determined so that
manufacturer’s installation instructions for the carpet, re- the deck surface is at least one inch below that of the inte-
silient tile or vinyl products. rior floor surface. If deck height is significantly different
from that of the band or header joists of the house, the
Wood Flooring deck header must be securely fastened to the wall studs.
Hardwood and softwood strip flooring of ¾-inch or Joists are attached to the header by proper toe-nailing,
25/32-inch thickness provides adequate strength and stiff- preferably, by metal hangers to prevent splitting. Corro-
ness for direct application over sub-flooring at right angles sion resistant hangers and hot-dipped galvanized or
to joists. Where parquet (squares) are used or where strip stainless steel nails are required.
flooring is laid parallel to joists, the grade and thickness Post lengths are determined after deck framing has
of sub-flooring panels must be adequate to provide sup- been supported on temporary 2x4 posts. For posts, pres-
port between joists. An additional thickness of subflooring sure preservative treated for ground contact, footing holes
may be required over the rough subfloor in such applica- are dug at required points. Concrete or gravel bases of 4-
tions. inch minimum thickness below the frost line are placed
Wood strip flooring is normally applied over build- over compacted soil in the holes. From the concrete or
ing paper and is sanded and finished after installation. An gravel base required length of post to the deck level can
expansion joint of at least one-half inch must be provided be determined.
at the edge of flooring strips adjacent to parallel parti- Footings for naturally durable wood posts extend 6
tions and exterior walls. This joint is covered by the inches above grade. Pre-cast concrete piers or concrete
baseplate and toe molding. block piers with imbedded ½-inch re-enforcing bar pins
or treated wood nailers are used to secure posts against
WOOD DECKS lateral movement, Figure 67.
Design Railings
Deck shape and size should be consistent with the Railing designs follow the style of the house. Rail-
general lines of the house and should be positioned to func- ings must be securely anchored to the deck, preferably
tion as part of the total structure. Orientation for sun including an extension of the posts. Openings in the rail-
exposure and shade is particularly important in location ing are limited to six inches, or as the code requires.
of the deck.
Engineering Both pressure treated and naturally durable wood are
Cantilevered and other special deck types should be resistant to decay and insects. However, a good water-
properly engineered. Forty pounds per square foot is a repellent stain or paint finish will protect against checking
The thicknesses apply to all widths and all widths apply to all thicknesses. Sizes are given in inches and millimeters. Metric units are based on dressed size - see
Appendix B, PS 20-99 for rounding rule.
2 1-1/2 38 1-9/16 40
3 2-1/2 64 2-9/16 65
4 3-1/2 89 3-9/16 90
5 4-1/2 114 4-5/8 117
3/4 5/8 16 11/16 17 6 5-1/2 140 5-5/8 143
1 3/4 19 25/32 20 7 6-1/2 165 6-5/8 168
Boards 1-1/4 1 25 1-1/32 26 8 7-1/4 184 7-1/2 190
1-1/2 1-1/4 32 1-9/32 33 9 8-1/4 210 8-1/2 216
10 9-1/4 235 9-1/2 241
11 10-1/4 260 10-1/2 267
12 11-1/4 286 11-1/2 292
14 13-1/4 337 13-1/2 343
16 15-1/4 387 15-1/2 394
2 1-1/2 38 1-9/16 40
2-1/2 2 51 2-1/16 52
3 2-1/2 64 2-9/16 65
2 1-1/2 38 1-9/16 40 3-1/2 3 76 3-1/16 78
2-1/2 2 51 2-1/16 52 4 3-1/2 89 3-9/16 90
3 2-1/2 64 2-9/16 65 4-1/2 4 102 4-1/16 103
Dimension 3-1/2 3 76 3-1/16 78 5 4-1/2 114 4-5/8 117
4 3-1/2 89 3-9/16 90 6 5-1/2 140 5-5/8 143
4-1/2 4 102 4-1/16 103 8 7-1/4 184 7-1/2 190
10 9-1/4 235 9-1/2 241
12 11-1/4 286 11-1/2 292
14 13-1/4 337 13-1/2 343
16 15-1/4 387 15-1/2 394
Timbers 5& ½ off 13 off 5& ½ off 13 off
thicker wider
Based on Voluntary Product Standard DOC PS 20-99, American Softwood Lumber Standard. U.S. Department of Commerce. September 1999.
See sections 2.7 and 2.11, PS 20-99 for the definitions of dry and green lumber.
Note: Print to scale to ensure accurate measurements. Do NOT check “Fit to Page.”
b) d)
1. Wood Frame Construction Manual for One- and Two-Family Dwellings, American Forest & Paper
Association, 1111 19th Street, N.W., Suite 800, Washington, D.C. 20036.
2. American Softwood Lumber Standard, PS 20-99; U.S. Dept. of Commerce, National Institute of
Standards and Technology, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402.
3. National Design Specificationâ for Wood Construction, American Forest & Paper Association, 1111 19th
Street, N.W., Suite 800, Washington, D.C. 20036.
4. Span Tables for Joists and Rafters, American Forest & Paper Association, 1111 19th Street, N.W., Suite
800, Washington, D.C. 20036.
5. Plank and Beam Framing for Residential Buildings- Wood Construction Data No. 4, American Forest &
Paper Association, 1111 19th Street, N.W., Suite 800, Washington, D.C. 20036.
6. Permanent Wood Foundation System-Basic Requirements, Technical Report No. 7, American Forest &
Paper Association, 1111 19th Street, N.W., Suite 800, Washington, D.C. 20036.
7. Permanent Wood Foundation Design and Construction Guide, Southern Forest Products Association,
P. O. Box 641700, Kenner, LA 70064.
8. Design of Wood Structures for Permanence-Wood Construction Data No. 6, American Forest & Paper
Association, 1111 19th Street, N.W., Suite 800, Washington, D.C. 20036.
9. Recommendations for Installing and Finishing Wood and Hardboard Siding Over Rigid Foam
Sheathing, American Forest & Paper Association, 1111 19th Street, N.W., Suite 800, Washington, D.C.
10. U.S. Product Standard PS1-95 Construction and Industrial Plywood, APA-The Engineered Wood
Association, P.O. Box 11700, Tacoma, Washington, 98411.
11. Basic Hardboard ANSI/AHA Standard A135.4, American Hardboard Association, 1210 W. Northwest
Hwy, Palatine, IL 60067.
12. Research Report 82-2:Ceiling-Floor Partition Separation in Light Frame Construction, Truss Plate
Institute, 583 D’Onofrio Dr., Madison, WI 53719.
13. Partition Separation Prevention and Solutions, Wood Truss Council of America, 6300 Enterprise Lane,
Madison, WI 53719