This Study Resource Was: Searched Articles
This Study Resource Was: Searched Articles
This Study Resource Was: Searched Articles
evidence based paper of minimum five (5) pages, APA formatted encompass the followings:
● A summary history and analysis of Time Warner business expansion since 2000
● What have been the business markets for Time Warner?
● Who is the competition for Time Warner and what policies Time Warner have used to
challenge it?
● What are the significant regulatory areas that impact the operations and strategic
decisions of Time Warner?
The technological change and challenges that Time Warner has been facing.
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Searched Articles
Summary History of Time Warner Cable
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Time warner Business Expansion
Business market of Times Warner
Competition for Timewarner and challenging policies
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Operation and Strategic decision of Time warner
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Regulatory area of Time warner
Technological challages for Time warner
Technological change facting time warner
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The researched first article is detailed about the merger aspect of both large companies
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AOL and Time Warner. The article aims to provide insights about the business strategies of both
companies, respective markets, and also financial structures. The in-detailed comparative
analysis of both companies and, the financial impact of the merger announcement could be
acquainted from this article. In the initial time, the news reveals high but later on AOL shares are
The second article is about the AOL merger of time warner and in detail about the joint
effort of bringing cable television, high-speed internet, and magazine and entertainment aspect in
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one pipe. The second article studied aims to provide the various study findings and case detail to
the merger aspect, broadband access, competition to a wireless system, customer relationship,
and comparative marketing aspect with Terra and Vivendi. Terra and Vivendi are two top internet
group network and media group which have the largest market impact and goes for the merger
process with other firms to impact a larger area of the market (Thompson, 2003).
The third article review is details about acquisition between AT&T and Time Warner,
deals highlight between them, synergies, and regulatory concern. Furthermore, the acquisition
effect in the market of Time warner is clearly depicted. This article aims to provide insight into
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the acquisition process and deals highlights along with various issues raised between them.
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Comparing the capital expenditure aspect, Time Warner needed less investment comparing with
AT&T business (Kumar, 2019).
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The fourth article is about the competition aspect of AOL and Time Warner merge, aims
advocated. Furthermore, this article details the public interest, policy-related to broadband, and
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critical analysis of merger outcome. This case study could be acknowledged as the crucial test
site for the future of the economic aspects of networking (Aufderheide, 2002).
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The fifth article is about the merger and acquisition in the European context, the
implication of this activity impacting competition as well as industrial and media policy majorly
focusing on TV broadcasting and the distribution. The overall challenge for the marketing
prospect, economies of scale, developed synergies, and difficulties for the policymakers are
presented and analyzed critically through the example of various companies. According to Evens
1966 contributed to robust strategic partnerships such as of AOL and Time Warner.
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The final article researched is about the merger aspect of AOL Time Warner,
technological impact, and changes of the merger assets towards the market power. This article
aims to provide insights about AOL’s instant messaging service, network effect, technological
used dialup connection and later on with negotiation with AT&T cable system prevails, which
The all the above articles researched are to the detailed case study of Time Warner Cable
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for the upcoming PA2 assignment. The first article is used to describe the introduction part of
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Time Warner's business, merger perspectives, and business strategies. The concepts from the
second and the fourth article use to describe the business transformation, competition, and
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relationship with other networking and media companies, public interest in the merger. The
arguments from the third article use to relate to technological change, the acquisition process
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with AT&T, synergies, and regulatory aspects with the company. From the fifth article,
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arguments and examples of other companies as well as of AOL and Time Warner are used to
describe the regulatory environment, and difficulties faced in competition. The concepts and
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insights from the last article provide ideas on presenting technological advancement for AOL-
Aufderheide, P. (2002). Competition and Commons: The Public Interest In and After the AOL-
Time Warner Merger. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 46(4), 515–531.
Evens, T., & Donders, K. (2016). Mergers and acquisitions in TV broadcasting and distribution:
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Challenges for competition, industrial and media policy. Telematics and Informatics, 33(2),
Faulhaber, G. (2002). Network effects and merger analysis: Instant messaging and the AOL-
Time Warner case. In G. Faulhaber (Ed.), Telecommunications Policy (Vol. 26, Issues 5–6,
Malone, D., & Turner, J. (2010). The merger of AOL and Time Warner: A case study. Journal of
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the International Academy for Case Studies, 16(7), 103–110.
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Martin, R. L. (2010, November 2). How I Knew AOL Time Warner Was Doomed (No, Really!).
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Harvard Business Review.
Thompson, D. N. (2003). AOL Time Warner, Terra Lycos, Vivendi, and the transformation of
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RTP to Elina
Dear Elina,
Going through your discussion points, you have clearly and in brief summarization of the
researched articles and also clearly linked with how you will mention the article's discussion and
findings on upcoming PA2. You have mentioned various aspects of the merger of AOL and Time
Warner, their history, technological aspect, price and outputs linked with TV regulations, and
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many more. I want to add up a few more on the articles you researched regarding the business
aspect. Researching given case, AOL took the media Company named Time Warne with the
worth of $163 billion; which is the highest purchase till now. The merger shows a booming
market at that time but downturned due to the crash of the US economy. Even it is reported that
the company goes for loss after 2002. The business status of Time Warner during the merging
moment was with the majority in cable system along with 18% coverage of US cable households
(Faulhaber, 2002). It has owned varied cable networks for example CNN, HBO, Sports, etc.
Furthermore, it is expanded vertically in the sector of entertainment, the network of TVs, content
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production as well as the distributor of the cable system. Through this, Time warner assumed to
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be reached customers of AOL and provide proprietary access to them regarding the valuable
content, get revenue, acts as differentiation in products served in the competitive market (Martin,
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Faulhaber, G. (2002). Network effects and merger analysis: Instant messaging and the AOL-
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Time Warner case. In G. Faulhaber (Ed.), Telecommunications Policy (Vol. 26, Issues 5–6,
Martin, R. L. (2010, November 2). How I Knew AOL Time Warner Was Doomed (No, Really!).
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