Philips Semiconductors
liminary specification
Dual top-performance bitstream
++ Top-grade audio performance
= very low harmonic distortion
+ high signal-to-noise ratio
+ wide dynamic range of
approximately 108 dB (not
+ High crosstalk immunity
« Bitstream concept
+ high over-sampiing rate up to
+ pulse-density modulation
= inherently monotonic
+ no zero-crossing distortion
The TDA1547 is a dedicated one-bit
digital-to-analog converter to
facilitate a high fidelity sound
eproduction of digital audio. The
‘TDA1847 is extremely suitable for
Use in high quality audio systems
such as Compact Disc and DAT
players, or in digital amplifiers and
digital signal processing systems.
The TDA1547 is used in
‘combination with the SAA7350
bitstream circuit, which includes the
third-order noise shaper. The
excellent performance of the
SAA7950 and TDA1547 bitstream
conversion system is obtained by
separating the noise shaping circuit
and the one-bit conversion circuit
‘over two IC's, thereby reducing the
crosstalk between the digital and
analog parts. The TDA1547 one-bit
‘converter is processed in BIMOS. in
the digital logic and drivers bipolar
transistors are used to optimize
speed and to reduce digital noise
generation. In the analog part the
bipolar transistors are used to obtain
high performance of the operational
amplifiers. Special layout
precautions have been taken to
achieve a high crosstalk immunity.
‘The layout of the TDA1547 has fully
separated left and right channels
September 1991
TDAI547 32 ‘SDIL plastic SOT232A
no Vsue
Yoon Ysso
ouKR ouKe
Yooor Yooot
Yesor Yesou
Vrot Meat
~pacr ~pACL
+0AcR +oact
+ourr +ourt
-oure -ourt
Vss0 Yooa
Fig.t diagram.
and supply voltage lines between
the digital and analog sections.
1408 @™ 7110826 0081529 532Philips Semiconductors
preliminary specification
Dual top-performance bitstream
DGND 1 OV digital supply
Vooo 2 5 V digital supply for both channels
INR 3 Serial one-bit data input for the right channel
ne. 4 pin not connected; should preferably be connected to digital ground
CiKR 5 lock input for the right channel
Vooo 6 5 V digital supply for the right channel; this voltage determines the internal
logic HIGH level in the right channel
Veco n 7 3.5 V digital supply for the right channel; this voltage determines the intemal
logic LOW level in the right channel
Vai 8 4 V reference voltage for the right channel switched capacitor DAC
"AGND DAC R 8 ‘OV reference voltage for the right channel switched capacitor DAG; this pin
should be connected to analog ground
=DACR 10 ‘output from the right negative switched capacitor DAG; feedback connection
for the right negative operational amplifier
+DACR 4 ‘output from the right positive switched capacitor DAC; feedback connection
for the right positive operational amplifier
‘AGND R 12 ‘OV reference voltage for both right channel operational amplifiers
ne 8 pin not connected: should preferably be connected to analog ground
RG 14 + output of the switched capacitor operational ampifier
-OUTR 15 output of the switched capacitor operational amplifier
Vesa 16 BV analog supply
Vou 7 5V analog supply
OUTL 18 = output of the switched capacitor operational amplifier
OUTL 19 “ouput of the switched capacitor operational amplifier
ne 20 pin not connected; should preferably be connected to analog ground
AGNDL, A OV reference voltage for both left channel operational ampitiers
4DACL 2 ‘output from the left positive switched capacitor DAC; feedback connection for
the left positive operational amplifier
~DACL ‘output from the left negative switched capacitor DAG; feedback connection
for the left negative operational amplifier
‘AGND DAC L 24 (OV reference voltage for the left channel switched capacitor DAG; this pin
should be connected to analog ground
Vert 3 —4 V reference voltage for the left channel switched capacitor DAC.
Vsso e 26 8.5 V digital supply for the left channel; this voltage determines the internal
logic LOW level in the left channel
Vooo i 27 '5V digital supply for the left channel, this voltage determines the intemal
logic HIGH level in the feft channel
September 1991
‘ MB 7110826 0081530 254 aPhilips Semiconductors preliminary specification
. it m
Dual top-performance bitstrea: TDA1547
CLK L 28 clock input for the left channel
ne. 29 pin not connected; should preferably be connected to digital ground
INL 30 serial one-bit data input for the left channel
Vsso a =5 V digital supply for both channels
Vous 32 5 V substrate voltage
‘Supply voltages
Vooo t. positive digital supply voltage 45 5.0 55 v
for one channel;
pins 27 and 6
Vooo digital supply voltage for both 45 5.0 55 v
channels; pin 2
Vantin negative digital supply 4.0 35 3.0 Vv
voltage for one channel;
pins 26 and 7
Veso negative digital supply 55 —5.0 45 Vv
voltage for both channels; pi
Von positive analog supply 45 6.0 6 Vv
voltage; pin 17
Vesa negative analog supply 6.0 5.0 45 Vv
voltage ; pin 16
‘Supply current
ooo ua positive digital supply current - 04 ~ mA)
for one channel;
pins 27 and 6
ooo. digital supply current for both > 29.0 7 mA
channels; pin 2
lave negative digital supply > 0.4 > mA
‘current for one channel;
pins 26 and 7
Isso negative supply current for 28.0 . mm!
both channels; pin 31
Toon positive analog supply > BOO mA
current; pin 17,
Tosa negative analog supply E 51.0 > mA
curtent; pin 16
Pr total power dissipation E ‘800 E mW
Vous) | output voltage (RMS value) [fax.=8.46MHz; [0.85 10 is «((V
notes 1 and 2
September 1991 408 mH 7110826 0081531 190Philips Semiconductors
preliminary specification
Dual top-performance bitstream
‘Supply current
(THD + NYS [THD + Noise; 0.8 kHz; : =104 96 B
notes 2 and 3 : 0.0009 [oone |%
(THD + NYS [THD + Noise; 0.8 120 Hz to 20 = =i04 - eB
kHz; notes 2 and 4 0.0008 |= %
(THD + NYS t= TkHz; = 88 |-84 8
notes 2 and 3
(THD + NYS | THD + Noise; -60 48 f= 1 kHz; - 48 44 8
notes 2 and 3
SIN signal-fo-noise ratio, pattern 010 109 my . ae
notes 2 and 5
‘SIN signal-to-noise ratio; pattern 0101..; - 113 0B
"A*-weighting notes 2 and §
eux ‘maximum clock frequency E : 10 MHz
a channel separation tS 1 kHz [107 115: - B
Ts ‘operating ambient 20 : 70 a
Notes to the quick reference data
4+. Output level tracks linearly with both the clock frequency and the reference voltage (Vie. OF Visa
ith extemal components as shown in Fig 5.
2. Device measi
sured in differential mode
3. Measured with a one-bit data signal generated by the SAA7350 from an 8 f, (352.8 kHz), 20-bit, 1 kHz digital
sinewave. Measured over a 20 Hz to 20 KHz bandwidth.
4, Measured with a one-bit data signal generated by the SAA7350 from an 8 f, (352.8 kHz), 20-bit, 20 Hz to 20 kHz
digital sinewave, Measured over a 20 Hz to 20 kHz bandwidth.
5. The specified signal-to-noise ratio includes noise introduced by the application components as shown in Fig.5.
FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION = Switched capacitor network, this
Both channels are completely
separated to reach the desired high
crosstalk suppression level
Each channel consists of the
following functional parts:
= One-bit input,
incoming data to the system
+ Switch driver
which latches the
forms the actual DAC function, it
supplies charge packets to the
low-pass filer, under control of
the incoming one-bit code.
= Two high performance
‘operational ampiiiers, that
perform the charge packet to
voltage conversion and deliver a
‘output signal. The first
pole of the low-pass filter is built
around them.
circu, which
generates the non-overlapping Bin sa
clock: and dat
{rom junction to ambient
ta-signals that
control the DAC switched
capacitor networks
September 1991
Mm 7110826
0081532 Oc?preliminary specification
Dual top-performance bitstream
Philips Semiconductors
‘wesBerp 401g Z614
135 ony nino ui, 000,
(as-) siaertens ome (aod ‘OvC saebou tav~) (ase) Qu
dro | wovaonoy | vase,
andine enwebou ow OVO enissod tao) se-
ot | st ve eb | i | oF 6| a] Z| a
“TSNNWHO- =] QuOMLaN ‘SuaAI nani
how J | *] wostovsvo Fey Botta s83N0
a t——{ HHOMISN:
sano J = sung ane
i wauaavo | WOLMS ie 3NO
al af wl of J eel ve] se] oe] az] we, el «lf se]
vdeo emtes| —3u wd no ase wounds
ovoensset | rovaanoy | Sassy
(499 doomed (no) aro wr aso ou
00, aonoy— owameou Shy 1090,
M@™ 7110826 0081533 Th3
September 1991Philips Semiconductors preliminary specification
Dual top-performance bitstream
In accordance with the Absolute Maximum System (IEC 134)
Ve negative substrate voltage; pin 32 [note 4 -70 - Vv
Voor | positive digital supply voltage: - 55 Vv
pins 27 and 6
Veoo Positive digital supply voltage; - 55 Vv
pin 2
Vesoun | Negative digital supply voltage; 40 - v
pins 26 and 7
Vaso negative digital supply voltage; -55 - Vv
pin 31
Von positive analog supply voltage; - 60 v
pin 17
Vaca ‘negative analog supply voltage; 60 - Vv
pin 16
Vooo i n- | Supply voltage difference between - 80 Vv
Vesoun | pins 27, 6 and pins 26, 7
Pex total power dissipation T= 70°C |- 1300) mW
Vout ht input reference voltage; pins 25 60 v
Vex. a | input voltage clock: pins 28 and 5 05 Vooot0.5 Vv
Viv input voltage channel, pin 30 05 Voop+0.5 Vv
Vin input voltage channel; pin 3 05 Voon#0-5 v
Tas ‘operating ambient temperature 20) 70 °C
Tag storage temperature =40 150 *0,
Ti ‘maximum erystal temperature : 150 °C
Ves electrostatic handling note 2 zi 2000 Vv
Notes to the limiting values
1. The substrate voltage must be lower than or equal to the lowest supply voltage.
2, Equivalent to discharging a 100 pF capacitor through a 1.5 k® series resistor.
September 1991 Vu M@™@ 7110826 0081534 STT mmPhilips Semiconductors preliminary specification
Dual top-performance bitstream
Vooo: Vooo u n+ Voon = #5 Vi Vssor Vesa = 8 Vs Veso . n= —3.5 Vi Vet n=—4 Vi Toe = 25°C: fox = 8.46 MHZ; unless
otherwise specified
‘SYMBOL PARAMETER conomions | win | Typ | MAX | UNIT
Vax negative substrate voltage; rote 1 —70_|- 45 ‘Vv
pin 32
Voor positive digital supply voltage for one 4s [50 (55 |v
channel; pins 27 and 6
Vooo digital supply voltage for both 45 (50 (55 |V
channels; pin 2
Vesou k negative digital supply voltage for one 40 [35 [-30 |v
channel; pins 26 and 7
Veso negative digital supply voltage for 35 [50 [45 |v
both channels; pin 31
Vooa positive analog supply voltage; pin 17 45 [50 [60 |v
Vesa regative analog supply voltage; pin 16 60 [30 [45 [Vv
Voooua- | Supply voltage difference between - a0 Vv
Vssou pins 27, 6 and
pins 26, 7
Veco. n= Veo | Supply voltage difference between 3 / - Vv
pins 26, 7 and pin 31
Too0. positive digital supply current for one ~ ot |- mA
channel pins 27 and 6
Too ‘digital supply current for both 290 [46 [mA
channels; pin 2
lesou n Tregative digital supply current for one or [> ma
channel; pins 26 and 7
Tse negative supply current for both —a5[-28.0 |- mA
channels; pin 31
Hlooe positive analog supply current; pin 17 B10 [63 [mA
Tosa negative analog supply current; pin 16 63.0 _[-510_|- mA
Peso power supply rejection ratio Vou a notes [50 |- : fr)
Pssne power supply rejection ratio Vooo: note 6 50 = 3B
Poses power supply rejection ratio Vesorninotes [60 [- 5 3B
Presna power supply rejection ratio Vso: note 6 50 | - B
Pesrs power supply rejection ratio Vooui note 6 Co 5 3B
Pssre power supply rejection ratio, Vscai note 6 0 |e : eB
Pe total power dissipation 5 300 |= mW
Clock - Input
Vi input voltage LOW - 3 os fv
Vou input voltage HIGH 45 |. 5 Vv
he [input current LOW 7 =o 10 [nA
September 1991 42 ME 7110826 0081535 636 mmPhilips Semiconductors
preliminary specification
Dual top-performance bitstream
SYMBOL PARAMETER conomions | min | Typ | MAX | UNIT
Clock - Input
Ie input current HIGH BV =0_‘[- 0 [wa
c lock input capacitance : 5 pF
foxx Glock input frequency - - 10 [MHz
Channel leftright inputs
Ve input voltage LOW = - os |v
Vos input voltage HIGH = 45 | Vv
he input current LOW a0 [- 10 [WA
a input current HIGH =o | 10 _‘[wA
C ‘channel input capacitance; - 5 - PF
pins 3, 30
Vo reference input voltage; note 2 - 440.4 |- Vv
pins 8, 25
Audio outputs
Veursmoy ‘output voltage (RMS value); pins [notes 2 and S 08s [10 [its Vv
44, 19; pins 15, 18
(THD + NYS | THD+ Noise; 0d T= 1 KHz; : =101_[-96—‘([a8
otes 3 and 4 = (0.0008 [0.0016 |%
(THD + NYS | THD + Noise; 008 20 Hz - 20 KHz; : 01 8
notes 3 and 5 5 0.0008 | %
(THD + NYS [THD + Noise; -2008 t= 1 kHz; - a
notes 3 and 4
(THD + NYS [THD + Noise; -60 03 t= 1 KHz, ~ 48 [aaa
notes 3 and 4
SIN ‘signalto-noise ratio pattem 0101; oo [ats 8
notes 3 and 7
‘SIN ‘signalto-noise ratio; pattern 0101; - 13 | 8
notes 3 and 7
@ ‘channel separation t= 1 kHz Ota (1S am = eB
t Tise time clock input C= 20 pF = 5 10 [ns
4 fall time clock input C,= 20 pF : 5 10 [ns
tee lock input LOW time 4 [- 5 ns
Tox lock input HIGH time 6 5 ns
& ‘channel input rise time C= 20 pF zi 10 (15 [ns
‘ ‘channel input fall ime C= 20 pF - oO [15 (ns
to. ‘channel input hold time 2 = ns
tey ‘channel input set-up time 0 : As
September 1991 1413,
M@™ =71108eb 0081536
772 =Philips Semiconductors preliminary specification
Dual top-performance bitstream
Notes to the characteristics
1. The substrate voltage must be lower than or to equal than the lowest supply voltage.
2. Output level tracks linearly with both the clock frequency and the reference voltage (Via. OF Vow a):
3. Device measured in differential mode with extemal components as shown in Fig 5.
4, Measured with a one-bit data signal generated by the SAA7350 from an 8 f, (352.8 kHz), 20-bit, 1 kHz digital
sinewave, Measured over a 20 Hz to 20 kHz bandwidth.
5. Measured with a one-bit data signal generated by the SAA7350 from an 8 f, (352.8 kHz), 20-bit, 20 Hz to 20 kHz
digital sinewave. Measured over a 20 Hz to 20 kHz bandwidth.
6. Power supply rejection ratio measured With frag = 1 KHZ ANd Voy, = 100 MV.
7. The specified signal-to-noise ratio includes noise introduced by the application components as shown in Fig.5.
oar wut ara arab
Fig.3. Timing waveform.
September 1991 ae mB 7210826 0081537 bO9 aPhilips Semiconductors preliminary specification
Dual top-performance bitstream
syst lock syst cok
rico me ieee
' > Lona
LTE saavaso oatse7
hese 20, +
to da. ign sb20 Wiz fpebarwne
nati cCHfp L- Renal
8 x upsampling digital (24 x upsamping by. +1-bit hagh-pertormance:
Bor Atop» 1108 Zeoorer nod OAC cancer 2d onder nag
Sorer nose shapng. Dossier fos 34H
‘ot ond qvantanton Bineri response
Fig.4 CD-range bitstream reconstruction system ( 192 1, over-sampling).
‘September 1991 ad MH 7110826 0081538 SuS MmPhilips Semiconductors
Dual top-performance bitstream
preliminary specification
89 neg Sy — $0
Evy fi
sowerrcen \ SE
se | ae oe
~ on xsvs?
eral S| | Er
=a pets |
cr a a Da
| eat eel
e|' 2 i
1 a0 3 —$——] | es
Lon 2, ligne ts
seo ||| ene
ey | fife | ete
cede | YL] | aL — ce
even 2 | a
: . ;
<1 eo ES | 5 eo
< Gaered ome) | eee] =
me t). | TERRELL
t 10. | a CoS
| ak | 5
| \
uous | |
on |
[a ev ne
Fig.5 Application diagram.
(C= Wonk ep apa
September 1991
416 gg 7
420826 0081539 48) apreliminary specification
Philips Semiconductors
Dual top-performance bitstream
“HY $6 = 4) uoneondde *} 261 40) eMW-IS0q 9613
vsz0on see utve-op
wok oxee
anon ova
M@™ 7110826 0081540 173
September 1991Philips Semiconductors
preliminary specification
Dual top-performance bitstream
80 W TT oot
7 t
cmo.09/8 | 0/8
on | Hi
HI | |
| 1
“wf } Ic con
PN Ti ‘sa
~ 120 ___] i i 0.0001
‘ora woe 7 1968 vent
Fig.7 (THD + NYS as a function of signal frequency.
Note ; Graph constructed from
average measuremonts values of @
‘small amount of engineering
samples. No guarantee for typical
values is implied,
-10 7 wenn
aa a re er) Note : Graph constructed from
_ average measurement values of a
smail amount of engineering
Fig.8 (THD + NYS as a function of test signal level. ‘samples. No guarantee for typical
values is implied.
September 1991
1418 MM 7110826 0081541 03T aPhilips Semiconductors
Preliminary specification
Dual top-performance bitstream
7 |
— | L4sel
M™ |
ML | Hr
ov Ui L |
ra RL
125 +
40 Hz 100 Hz The AORHZ 100 kHz
frost signal
Fig.9 Inter-channel crosstalk as a function of signal frequency.
Note : Graph constructed from
average measurements values of a
small amount of engineering
samples. No guarantee for typical
values is implied.
September 1991
M™ 7110826 0081542 Teh